Unbury Your Head From The Sand

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Unbury your head from the Sand

July 6th, 2012

Sir Isaac Newton once said:

I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only a boy playing at the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a pretty shell than ordinary whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.
It was one of the scientists from the society of Nazi Germany, Doctor Wernhr von Braun who once remarked that Our sun is one of a 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies populating the Universe. In this it would be the height of presumption to think that we are the only living thing in that enormous immensity. In other words, as recent discoveries reveal, our sun is actually one of over 350/400 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, and that there are over 70 Sextillion (7 raised to the 22nd power) stars in the Universe a value very difficult to comprehend. And you really believe we are that special to claim the Universe as ours get a grip. Some of us dreamers speculate about the possibility of zipping amongst the stars marveling at the Universes wonders, and there are others here on this Blue Marble who explore our home world peeling back time discovering objects and text revealing some pretty impressive wonders on our planet. In other words embedded in our history are events and things that some of us ignore mainly because it is history and who among us pays too much attention to history, hell to some of us a 15 second sound bite is as much history as we understand look at how the population in the United State

swallows the fact the its sitting President has dragged them into the present unemployment mess it is in today go figure. When you peer back into history you must wonder how it has become so easy to dismiss (which the flick of a page) the literature found in the texts of the Bible, Torah, Quran along with the Mahabharata and the thousands and thousands of clay tablets of Mesopotamia as just some old persons active imagination yet linked to some of these words or signs of antiquity or some pretty impressive objects. One that comes to mind is the stone constructions of ancient Egypt, such as The Great Pyramid one of the remaining Seven Wonders of the Ancient World you have to admit this remaining wonder is pretty impressive, as a matter of fact damn impressive. Examining this structure, there are plenty of sites on the Internet that have reduced its measurements to numbers that, if you happened to find them, truly boggle the mind. Leaving you with the impression that somewhere back in time there existed a society that knew than just a bit more than we give them credit as having just a bit!

A greater majority of you have access to the Internet which if you are of the mindset can access information about this huge stone monument to man, some maintain that is the tomb of the 4th Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops if your Greek), myself I have never accepted that as a satisfactory explanation just the way I am. thousands of years before. This new technology we enjoy today permits us to cruise the world wide web allowing some of us to compare various ancient lands that have their own antiquities, and in doing so we find that our ancient history entails more than what we find locked up in the ancient land of the Pharaohs - much more. We are discovering that what we believed is being thrown about as so much historical garbage, and that we now see that our world is full of complicated little understood alterations to our landscape with most of our findings being hard to date. It should be on no surprise to you, as you cruise the net, that in stumbling across some of this information, you learn that our globe is stuffed with unexplained stuff, one of the biggest mysteries is our Universes beginning which is conveniently defined as having being the result of the Big Bang whereas according to some a tiny bit of nothing came into being and one day some billions of years ago burst into life, all well and good until a child reads the scientific explanation and wonders how did that suspicious package get there in the first place, good question! Today as you cruise youll have noticed that our scholars have at their fingertips the ability to explore various star systems in their search for inhabitable hunks of rock which they calculate or similar to ours, an almost frantic quest that will establish a scenario that thinkers in our past have calculated that there are many civilizations spread across our own Milky Way Galaxy and at least one that has had millions of years to migrate across our galaxy. Although popular opinion is if there are such civilizations, where are they? And why havent they contacted the Supreme civilization wandering about on planet Earth we have a strange seated ego when it comes to this question, in other words where do we get off believing were so superior. I am of the opinion that it was already constructed before the good Pharaoh walked across the land of Egypt

But thats okay some of us base our argument that if these invisible civilizations did occupy some of these rocky planets that they more than likely would be sharing the same time frame as ours, forgetting that the estimated age of the Universe is a little over 3 times longer than the estimated age of our solar system that is in round numbers 9.25 billion years somewhat of a difference, when you consider that something resembling mankind has been stumbling around our planet for just 1 million plus years, or about 00.0073% of the Universes age in other words just a blip on a massive time scale. When you sit and think about were just in the beginning of this age, what I mean is that were just morphing from crawling as compared to a youngster sure we understand what this and that is but were still trying to wrap our hands around how and why! Looking past the fact that we are the new kid on the block there are some that speculate with good common sense, such as Kuiper and Morris back in 1977 who published a paper in the journal Science that suggested that, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence should begin by assuming that the galaxy has been colonized a broad assumption to be sure but it did make the journal Science and not MAD magazine.

This panoramic view of the entire near-infrared sky reveals the distribution of galaxies beyond the Milky Way. The galaxies are color coded by redshift.

Pretty large wouldnt you agree if not, that is okay not many people realize that it is a big as it is its called lack of knowledge or even curiosity.

Being the new guy the rest of this vast expanse has had a few years on our existence whereas a certain Doctor Charles H. Lineweaver (Australian National University) comments that most of the life forms in the Universe have had two billion years longer to evolve more than we have. Two billion years that a stretch wouldnt you agree considering the present belief that anything resembling our life form has been around for only 1 million years or so on Earth. Science along with our technology today is leading our society toward a future of Earthlings someday colonizing parts of our heavens have you ever thought of the possibility that sometime in our distant past that our planet was part of a mass colonization plan of some other off-world civilization maybe not, but not to worry others have tiptoed around the idea. It might be that colonization is a poor choice for activities in our planets past, more than likely it could be defined as a function we could label biological manipulation or the implanted (surgically or otherwise) of a biological blueprint on some promising animals wandering around in some deep forest or wide open savannah who knows? Minds more active than mine spin off into some deep void where they wonder about our stages of advancement one Desmond John Morris (British zoologist and ethologist, as well as a popular anthropologist) conjectures once we attained a certain technological level they left us to our own devices, me, in my suppose mode believe they didnt go far, as were really a big part of them! There are 193 species of monkeys and apes, 192 of them are covered with hair. thinking species, so I hear tell. In translated Sumerian stories we find their version of creation, to achieve the feat Enki suggested that from a being that already exists (Ape Women), that she used to create the Lulu Amelu (mixed worker) by binding upon the less evolved beings the mold of the gods. Then the goddess Sud purified the essence of a young male Anunnaki and mixed it into the egg of the Ape Women. The fertilized egg was then implanted in the womb of a female Anunnaki, for the required period of pregnancy. When the mixed creature was born, Sud lifted him up and shouted I have created! My hands have made it! Keep in the front of you that are scholars today base the spread The exception is a naked ape self-named Homo sapien. Which by the way is a

of our civilization out of southern Africa, a place that in ancient times is believed (according to Sumerian notes) a prime location for the extraction of gold, and that the off-world miners needed more workers. Through out our ancient history, noted in such books as mentioned above we read numerous times of a barren female being able to conceive, one being Samsons mother who relates of being visited from an Angel of Jehovah, Sarah the wife of Abraham, and even one other virgin the mother of Jesus Christ to count three of many, in many various religious texts. Samsons mom told us (Judges 12:2-14) that A man of God has come to see me, and his appearance was like the appearance of an Angel of God, very terrifying! It appears that in our distant past we find some pretty sophisticated gene splicing, and maybe some equally sophisticated cloning, at least that is what our myths or telling us that is if in reality they are indeed myths. Before you chuckle and cast aside these myths of antiquity keep in mind that there is more than a possibility that there are maybe more than a few civilizations out there that are over 2 billion years older than ours conservatively speaking. History, as taught in recent years, points at the human sacrifices in Middle America whereas some teachers are hanging their hat on the ignorance of the violent savage race of indigenous inhabitants, whereas we seen to have pushed aside the human altars all noted in the Middle Eastern religions. Remember it is noted that in the ancient City of Ur (Abrahams jumping off location) we find where they sacrificed humans to their Gods, in their vain attempts to appease the wrath of the Gods this didnt stop when Abraham (the supposed father of Judaism, Islam and Christianity) stumbled into the Land of Canaan where it is noted he made a strong attempt to sacrifice his son Isaac, noted as the last human sacrifice in the Holy Land. Never forget that before it was determined (in religious history, and legends across the world) that before the commonly reference Deluge that human sacrifice was almost a daily occurrence by mankind to appease the Gods, some references say it was demanded by the heavenly deities. Scholars today note that in Middle America that the practice was carried out until fairly recent times in hopes that the Gods would return why anyone would want the deities that demanded

human sacrifice to come back is confusing to me might have been a method to cull the rank and file but then again that is history confusing. I move from the stone altars to the massive stone structures we find scattered across our planet, structures so huge that are made of equally large single stones that present day engineers stumble around in their attempts in moving them in the structures construction.. One simple fact is that some of these stones reach such a size and weight that we havent been able to wrap our minds around how ancient primitive man moved them from here to there. Consider the work that modern man did to move the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse in North Carolina during the summer of 1999, the 205 foot tall brick structure weighting in at 6,250 tons was moved some 2,870 feet. To accomplish this tricky move, a gravel compacted road bed was laid, then large steel plates were placed next steel rails were laid steel dollies were used with hydraulic rams used to lift the tower up and then it was lowered onto the steel dollies and moved along the railway using some additional hydraulic rams. The steel plates along with the steel rails were leapfrogged along the compacted gravel road bed keep in mind that at all times during the move there was a total steel plate and rails weight over 400 tons. All this to move 6,250 tons a little over mile. Back in antiquity (somewhere it is estimated at 7000 plus years ago) single carved stones weighting over 1,100 tons were moved in Lebanon after being quarried some two miles distant from the construction site. Granted there were some pretty large Cedar trees in Lebanon in ancient times, but sliding a 1,100 ton rock over a semi-hard cedar log(s) for a distance of two miles is in anybodys mind a pretty good stretch. And then we have the grand master stone structure of them all, The Great Pyramid, a stone structure that conventional belief relates was constructed by thousands of labors over a period of twenty-years or more, over 4,500 years ago. A structure that just happens to have been placed at the physical center of all the landmass on Earth, a structure that just happens to contain within it

measurements the magical number of Pi, the length of our physical year, and the other magical number the Golden Ratio, a lot of just happens wouldnt you agree. Once again trees are employed moving 600 ton granite stones from the quarries, down the Nile and pushed up the sloping banks to be put in place so precisely that a knife blade would not slip between the joints, and then mortar made so tough it still exists today. It surprised me that one Doctor Ralph Greenberg, a mathematics professor at the University of Washington Seattle, who today argues that the fact that the base of the Great Pyramid is square incorporating right angle corners accurate to 1/20th of a degree, and that the side faces are all perfect equilateral triangles aligned within a degree or two to true north, south, east and west with the length of each side equal to 365.24 Hebrew cubits (one year), and that the result of the angle of the sloping sides that for every ten feet you ascend the stone monument your altitude is raised nine feet, and that by multiplying the true altitude of the stone pyramid by ten to the power of nine, the result will be one Astronomical Unit (avg distance to the sun) of 92,955,807 miles our esteemed professor Greenberg tells his captive audience and the scientific community that all of this is fallacious [Containing or based on a fallacy], in other words just plain nuts. Unfortunately consistent with other discoveries the powers-to-be in the West blatantly smother over the facts, mostly under the Brookings Report mantra that it could cause a potential cultural shock and social disorientation if the actual facts came to light, whereas if the facts were prematurely and suddenly made public without adequate preparation and conditioning the resultant response would turn civilization sideways. In other words you and I are kept in the dark to protect us from making our own conclusions thereby not realizing that the power-to-be are not as important as they think they are strange description or analogy but it fits. The above analogy might be a bit harsh, as over the years, in particular since the broadcast of Orson Wells War of the Worlds, the American public has demonstrated its ability to run about screaming that the sky is falling this attitude prompting various leaders to more than suggest that if certain things were found lets say on the Moon or Mars that the social impact would be unpredictable.

Some point to the fact that number one, that prominent scientists and other scholars along with engineers would be crushed or even devastated, and then we would see the absolute rebellion of the religious fundamentalists dragging onto the street causing a disintegration of our society, in all of this we find ourselves leaning toward withholding such information from the general public totally stating that certain artifacts have never been discovered. Relating to The Great Pyramid and other stone structures x-crossing out planet, the public face despite all analogies depicting their construction, we are basically in the dark about why, how and when they were actually built. Stone as you know is impossible to date, whereas what dating we do have of stone is based on various other minerals or human remains buried or found alongside the stone(s). The question of the Stone constructs found across our planet and who had the technology or expertise to build them is a mind-bending one, albeit some of our esteemed scholars and scientist along with archeological buddies believe they have solved this ancient mystery, in reality were as far away from an actual solution as we ever have been. Over the past decades another debate has surfaced that only adds to the mystery on July 25th, 1976 at 1525 GMT Viking 1 zipping across the planet Mars snapped a photograph producing an image that has had more written about it than the assassination of JFK. On this date in our history of space exploration, some 36 years ago, the image revealed the infamous picture of the Face on Mars on Viking 1 frame 35A72, now move forward in time to July 25th, 2001, when NASA and its subcontractors released a THEMIS (infrared) image of the same region as the Face which is the Cydonia area, another image that has raised the hairs of some. This image revealed an underground city. Naturally when the information surfaced on the Internet NASA and its partners such as JPL screamed fake, running about in a programmed manner debunking the release, using a typical process we find today pushing the release to a group of conspiracy nuts attempting to discredit the high and mighty NASA. It worked, yet these conspiracy nuts so-to-speak did not go quietly back into the woodwork they move forward and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that there truly is a Face on Mars, a city, and pyramids

who would have thought. They also proved that there was just more than one location connected (via tunnel systems) to each other across the planet. Since 1976 NASA has discovered on Mars evidence of microbial life in two Viking-era expeditions, Pathfinder discovered that the water-table of the atmosphere is conducive to liquid water on the planets surface, Sprint detected evidence of a muddy-brine surface in the bottom of a shallow crater, Mars Express detected large amounts of organically produced methane in the atmosphere, and Opportunity found a fossil resembling a form of life on Earth. Yet I would bet solid gold that you will not find this information in any text book, whether it be in middle school, high school or even college where in each case the people in charge have repeatedly played the Brookings Report mantra that the public is not ready to accept this type of information running about screaming, killing their children, yelling at the tops of their lungs that the sky is falling! Along with the fact that the Martians are coming! That were a strange lot is no secret. In the circle of the powers-to-be who are supposedly working under the umbrella of a government wide-open program created during the Ike era there are more secrets than can be found in any Mafia, all under the umbrella of National Defense and protecting the public from themselves. Im not sure if you remember one particular TV program of the comedy series Frasier that Senator John Glenn happened to be on, when at one time he looked straight at the camera (with Frasier and Roz out of the room) and said, Back in those glory days, I was very uncomfortable when they asked us to say things we didnt want to say and deny other things. Some people asked, you know, were you alone out there? We never gave the real answer, and yet we see things out thee, strange things, but we know what w saw out there. And we couldnt really say anything. The Bosses were really afraid of this, they were afraid of the War of the Worlds type stuff, and about panic in the streets. So we had to keep quiet. And now we only see these things in our nightmares, or maybe in the movies, and some of them are pretty close to being true. Im not, as most of you that know me, a conspiracy nut, never have been and more than likely never will be, as for members of our society holding back evidence or information that might or might not cause select members of our

civilization to run about screaming the end-is-near, I hold no opinion never have, never will. What I can say is that I like to view both sides of the equation, as it is that we all know there must be a like sum on both sides of the equal sign, I guess this is primarily the reason I like math so much if things dont add up then I might look closer or I just might discard the entire mess and walk on Im funny that way. I do firmly believe that our society today is not the only civilization in the Universe, simply because its just too big along with being at least 10 billion years older than our Blue Marbles home in our Solar System. I also believe that based on our myths and legends that our present society is not the first one on this planet simply because as time moves forward our limited grasp on technology is revealing evidence that supports that belief. Like some of you I believe that dismissing these myths and legends without a careful examination of their content is sort of like whistling as we pass by the graveyard, in this it was not my intent to write this as an educational tool, well maybe a little, but in reality its intent was to demonstrate that our slow climb to any type of success in surviving this journey through the cosmos will be based on our societies ability to expand their knowledge base and to not just go with the flow, stumbling along while a few dictate our thoughts and beliefs. In my scattered opinion the concept of civilization means a bit more than just the advance of technology and the accumulation of wealth, two indicators that we seem to base our society on today. Being fortunate enough in my life to have experienced the advance in my particular field I sometimes marvel at its level of change, from a simple form of breaking of a high-voltage to a technology where millions of 0s and 1s stream across fibers of glass and the ether to far-off locations across our planet. In all of that we now find at the finger tips of those who chose to access various locations information that has far surpassed the library of Alexandria in Egypt, combined the information far outstrips all the information located in all the libraries of the world including the Vatican albeit some of that stuff in Rome is supposed to contain deep dark secrets of our societies past or even future religions or whatever. Not contained in this massive database is any magic formula that lays out how were supposed to get along, seems that our higher-power gave that part

to us and labeled it free will, you know that magical phrase that each and everyone of us exercises on a hourly, or daily basis. Granted there are a few laws passed down from antiquity that are meant to guide us as we march through time, sort of like a drivers manual issued by some government agency you have to learn before you get behind the wheel of a free-wheeling mechanical beast that has the capability to take your life or some other person. Naturally having ingrained in our mind free will we sometimes step outside of those few laws from out past and speed along without a care in the world, heaven help those standing along the side of the road as we zip along weaving from one edge of the road to the other, sometimes drifting a bit too far to either one-side or the other in our rush to succeed in this goal or that one. It would be unfair to state we have pushed those laws of old to the side of the road, weve just bent them a bit to fit the occasion, whatever it may be. In doing so they seem to have lost them impact on our daily lives, whereas when you look about it is more than evident this position has dramatically affected our society in more ways than one. I, myself has done my share on bending, and in some cases continue to do so, free will you know was planted many years before I popped into existence screaming and complaining about leaving my comfortable and protected first nine-months on this planet. Yet, in our march forward were beginning to witness a return to certain standards, although some of you will disagree, this is maybe a good thing, we are seeing the term accountability pop up here and there along with phrases such as short term memory a condition that many of us today suffer and boast about from this page to another. Our electronic social media has bloomed during the last few years, whereas instant communications has become the norm with some of us grasping the media like a life preserver on a sinking ship wondering how we have existed so long without it. In the USA during this election year it has become a billboard to post our feeling about this candidate or that one, protest against this or that or post snaps of the rising or setting sun accompanied by cute photos or this animal or that one curled up with a baby sleeping. Some of us ohhh and awe over the posts and push like (as on Facebook) or call up a huge mailing list and blind copy them to individuals here and there. Nuts is

a kind description of our actions, but at the end of day the front porch with the bench swing has been replaced by a keyboard and our long-winded discussions with out family or neighbors a sorely missed concept of our ability to communicate. Not that this is expressly a bad thing, where in my case living here across the Atlantic the media allows me to communicate in an instant with people who I know, versus the letters posted in my local post office and sitting around for days or weeks for a return written on another piece of paper processed from a tree. Depending on what portion of the media you subscribe to will usually determine you direction of belief, just as when you were a young branch off your family tree where the dinner time discussions usually set your mind to what you believed in and for us oldsters still tickles our way of thinking now to bust through that grain for us over a certain age is like drilling through a solid two-inch thick plate of steel with a soda-fountain straw, while others having been exposed to change might find that theyre able to shift their way of thinking, although it still is a complicated exercise that some win and some loose. Example, take the subject of Climate Change, where there are two schools of thought, one that maintains it is man and his contribution to our atmosphere that is tipping the scales, and one that believes that it is a natural cycle of our planet and its place in the Solar System. Both have pros and cons when it comes to any discussion, this again is natural (free will remember) each of us has our opinion, albeit as we argue this or that the weather is changing, the poles are warming up, and world wide the effects maybe swung to either side, we seem to be paying less to adjusting than to who or what is causing the change. Climate Change is becoming a major part of our life, yet like other issues over the years we are spending an inordinate amount of time either blaming mankind or pointing to the ever present fact that within our Universe that change is the only constant. In my opinion, our habit of hanging onto our recent past and not looking towards our changing future is doing more harm than good, but than again this is just my belief. Granted there are aspects of our past that need to be revisited from time-to-time, not that we can change the picture but that we can learn from the records we do havefor instance it

is certain that we cannot change the period containing the Industrial Revolution and send a time-traveler back to preach about the evils of coal, just as we cannot send anyone back to Pennsylvania to stall the discovery of that miracle fluid we now label black gold a substance that has most of us by the short hairs dependant of a constant supply as we stumble (at times) through our daily existence. At times I am reminded of the words of many prominent people in our society when they sensed that their charges were walking in the Shadow of Death, where they said Fear is the mind-killer Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear; I will permit it to pass over me and through me. In other words we only have to fear one thing, and that is Fear itself a tough ideal or concept to wrap your mind around Fear! Yet down through the ages there have been many who conquered their fears and gone on to achieve their goals, albeit not at a snap of the fingers but through determination and constant improvement of their skills and day-to-day practice of them. Do we face fear today, most certainly and in ways we consciously do not recognize, but subconsciously our mind at times finds it difficult to realize our world has changed, in ways we do not or refuse to accept, mostly due to the influence we have been exposed to over our life. It is safe to state that we fear most of all people that are different than we are, including their color of skin or their religion, they are in truth our under-the-bed boogie man who will rip our dreams to shreds and cause us harm in our waking hours this fear is not just limited to any society or group but seems to run rampant across our globe. Because of this mindset, which has been around pretty near since mankind walked upright and developed a memory, it will be more than possible it will be around for a long time, free will runs willy-nilly through the minds of many, especially in those that control the wealth of the planet and its inhabitants get it straight it is a fact of your life. Our ancient cultures gave us two sets of groups, those who studied and preached the skill of mathematics and the other which no matter how you color each group has the express function of politics, this does not mean in a strict sense a societies governmental office, it includes religions, currency functions and most of all trade that black gold mentioned previously a major factor in

our planets politics. In simpler terms politics spins the world and mathematics supposedly tells us how, why and where. One function walks hand-in-hand with the other, neither is worth a damn without the other in this mathematics is the borders of our existence, and politics is the function that is constantly pushing against those borders, in theory they are supposed to balance in reality they never do thereby our world is out-of-balance most of the time, and chaos seems to rule supreme. In the heated political climate found today in the Untied States we see too things, one being the opposition to the sitting President preaching the government absolute control of a failing economy, blaming the long-set regulations put in place dictating the safety and pollution requirement as a serious detriment against a economic recovery, while on the other side we now witness a campaign force that is telling us that the Presidents maybe opponent shifted too many to count jobs outside of its borders while he sat as the CEO of Bain Capital. When you take a serious glance at the back-and-forth rhetoric the first thing you notice is that eliminating the regulations and safety along with moving jobs overseas really are not a part of the governing of the general population of the United States, which if not for the underlying fear of having a black President who was raised in his younger years in a Islamic society, would be enough to sink anyones bid for the highest office in the land but that fear of something different continues to walk amongst a portion of the American society allowing what is perceived as a even-steven match. I close this narrative with a few words, take them or leave them it is all up to you; A country is supported by four things, the degree of its knowledge, its justice to its population, all of its religious beliefs, and last but certainly not the least the valor of the brave yet all become of no value if chaos runs amuck in any of the four and/or its rulers do not or refused to accept their responsibility of the art of ruling. Have a good day. James l Bradley - kanook

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