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One for Another

A Short Story

She looks at him with clear uncertainty, her skinny legs dangling over the rail of the balcony, her shoe hanging by the toe above the bustling, endless highway. The cars look almost like blinking Christmas lights; they move so fast. I could drop, she says quietly. I would crush every bone in my body once I hit the pavement and maybe the cars would run me over and not even notice and that would be fine, wouldnt it? He says nothing. I dont see why it has to go this way, to be honest. She can see the clouds of her sighs smoking out from her lips and the numbness of each snowy finger is becoming harder to ignore. Here, on the fifty-fourth floor, death is almost guaranteed. She eases herself off a little, closes her eyes and plucks up each finger one by one by You really mustnt tease me this way. You know, if youre not going to change your mind the least you could do is let me know. Tell me how long I have. Let me plan my last days accordingly. I wish I knew, he replies. Although, its much more satisfying to watch you squirm. But if you let yourself fall youll only be writhing in your own agony. You might as well come down. Fine. She swings off the ledge onto solid ground and stands erect before his shadowy figure. His face is covered by billowy locks of white hair, and his black robe seems to create an abysmal darkness where it touches the ground. I dont want to die this way, you know. I-I always imagined it would be different. And then I woke up to find this. She unravels her scarf from around her neck to show him the half-moon bruise that has sprouted there. Youve been marked, he says quietly. It wont be long now. What? What does that mean? Tell me! Youre running out of time, Eva. Her eyes swell with tears at the announcement of what shes feared all along. Cant you please just reconsider, she beseeches, hands trembling and cheeks flushed. Id do anything. Look at who youre talking to, he laughs. You cant cheat Death, and you certainly cant make promises to me you wont be able to keep. Im not I assume that when we meet again itll be to finish this business. Goodbye, Eva. Wait! She tries to reach out to him but suddenly hes gone and 2 The bullet was coming fast. Get down! The man was there with his hands up and the bullet was coming down and quick and there was so much yelling and then the first went down with the blood bursting out her back like confetti and the children were crying. Shut up! he shouted, waving the gun around. Everything was rapid and dizzy and the smell of the blood made her nauseous and she stuffed all her fingers into her mouth to keep down the whimpers. These were things that were supposed to happen to strangers only and she wished they would stop and go and the children were crying. Whos next! he kept yelling. Whos next! You? Is it gonna be you? Let me know! No more! she screamed, unable to stop herself. Then slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized what shed let out and then: Who was that? Who said that?

I think it was this one! A man was held up by the arm and the other man smiled wide. Good, he grinned. And got ready to shoot. She peeked from behind the counter, saw him getting ready to shoot and screamed. The children were crying and she screamed and she threw something at him and the bullet went flying but hit the glass and the would-be victim was dropped. There were sirens. Out! And then they were running and in the corner there was a shadow but she couldnt be sure (she was crying so much) and she looked up again and there was nothing and everything was dizzying and she was crying too. There was the sound of feet crunching on glass as they pushed over the dead and quivering bodies to the exit and the man who she had saved gave her a look that wasnt of gratitude. 3 Im sorry. Eva, its not your fault. His mustache was gray and made of straws. He looked helpless and remorseful in his gray suit, frowning. She kept wringing her hands, moving them from her facewiping tearsto her lap, waving them in the air, trying to keep them still but it was hard to keep still or think straight. But I put them in danger, she said. Trying to break through to him how dire the situation had been. I dont know how this happened. Im sorry. Sorry doesnt help. Stop apologizing. I cant help it, Im sorrno. I did it again. I dont mean to. I just feel so stupid! All the crying and the terror and we couldnt move. You should have seen it. (All the blood.) Take a break, Eva. Youre not fit for the classroom right now. I can see that. Just tell them Im okay. Theyll worry. Who will? Eva gave the Principal a blink of disbelief. The children, obviously, she deadpanned. Surely they would always be haunted, she would always need to fear Those eyes. It was cold outside this twilight evening, as she kept trying to convince herself to be okay. Her hands dug deep into the cavities of her coat and her boots clicked like a tongue. The people all looked alike, maybe he had different hair or she wore different clothing but the eyes (dont blink, dont move) were always the same. In the following days, following nights, they seemed omniscient. People would look at hera moment of optical interlock maybe as a stranger held open a door or a cashier rang up some groceriesand in their irises seemed to manifest an identical intensity. Beady, with charcoal scleras, and they seemed to be on fire withhate. (please dont scream youll startle the children, shut up shut up) She turned the corner now, passed an old man strumming a guitar for change, bumped shoulders with a teen couple and whispered, Bless you, to an old woman sneezing. All the world, in its agony and glory, comingled. That anger and sympathy seemed to follow her everywhere, lurking close and desperately, threatening to grab her Get off! she screamed. (one bullet, too fast, get down, stop crying just want to be safe) Hands pushing down on her hips, she was being lunged backward (the lights were bright), a horn screeching. A speeding vehicle lurched to a violent halt, dodging a collision by only the slightest step back. She blinked. The road was full of cars and she could see that she was just at the edge now, the hands slipping away as the danger diminished, and had she been daydreaming? Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Watch where the hell youre going! a driver snarled.

Im sorry, she panted, and hurried away. Roads were too dangerous. She turned around hoping to face a stranger and mutter a Thank you, but there was no one around. Except perhaps for a shadow in the corner of her eye but she couldnt be sure and it didnt matter anyhow. 4 The water gargling into the bath, with the steam making circles and kissing the mirror, and a towel wrapped around her ankles, bare. Fingernails clawing at the nape of her neck (so desperately dead skin caked up under the nails), her arms aching and everything sore. Just needto relax A foot slid in. The faucet, she turned it off and eased in the other foot and lowered her body with her head below the surface and seaweed hair fanning out among the foam. Its still itching (if you keep scratching youll irritate itbut it hurtsand she rakes dead skin). Along her arms little bumps raised up and it felt like ants were crawling alongit kind of tickled. She kept slapping at her shoulders or brushing her legs and expecting to find a thing feeding on her blood (So much blood bursting out of her nose, a red beard, the children were crying.) She screamed, the water was suddenly hot, hotter, boiling. She jumped up and slipped again, her head under, the heat stinging the scratch (it sizzled in contact) and her hands were pruney and she was crying. The water was falling out of the faucet: Why isnt it turning off!? And suddenly it stopped and the drain opened and it was very cold all of a sudden and there was the shadow again and kind of blurry and in a blink there was nothing but her nakedness and the skin red and all the pain (the children crying) and she grabbed her towel fast, wrapping it around. Sat down in the empty tub for a while, waiting for her breathing to slow before climbing out, one leg at a time. 5 Suddenly hes gone and the only thing she can think to do is find the old woman with the crooked teeth who seemed to know: Youve been marked, dear. Standing on a line and a pair of worn fingers, palms like paper, grasping her wrist. A woman smiled at her, a mouth full of yellow with gaps and decay. Excuse me? Whatd you do? Which sin? I-I dont know what youre talking about. She pulled away and tried to ignore her. Youve been scratching, havent you? Your neck? Wait, stop. Howd you know that? Eyes narrowed with suspicion but for the first time the eyes werent hateful or accusing or angry and she needed to know Ill tell you when youre ready. Youll find me. The door is unlocked. Ah. So I was right. Whats happening to me? Eva cant stop crying now, cant help anything. Theres this thing on my neck. You have to help me. Ill make you a deal, the old woman declares, and a flash of light flickers across her eyes. Anything. Ill make you a God. Ill make you immortal that you can forever walk the earth, evading the touch of the Reaper and never having to face the agony of Purgatory. This world will be yours to harvest, yours forever. How? The smile on her face stretches miles wide, cobwebs on the teeth and cracks in the yellow. Just give me your soul. Be my pet, yes? My pretty little pet. Say you accept. My soul? Youre going to kill me?

Of course not! A soul is not a necessity for living, surely you know, dont you? But youll belong to me and youll be able to avoid that torturous fate of limbo in the Afterlife. And I know how much you dread that. I dont understand whats happening. Youve been marked, my dear, thats what happening. And youre running out of time to dawdle. Now, do you wish to be immortal or shall I put this campaign to rest? The tears are faster, hotter now. Fine! she screams. Do it! I dont care. The old womans eyes turn blood red. Good choice, Precious. Now, there are a few particulars to tend to. The drinking of the blood, to secure the contract. I have to drink your blood? We drink each others. She pulls out a wine glass, beckons Eva offer her palm. Itll only hurt a bit, she says, the blade glinting in the light. Presses it into the center, a droplet of red bursting out as eager as a newborn, pouring slowly in-Stop this! A gasp of shock. Its him, Eva whimpers, eyes wide. The old woman smiles. Oh. Death, come to the party, have you? Wait your turn if you want a favor next. Have you no sense? Do you realize what youre about to do? The woman hisses at him, her tongue forked. Im stealing one of your own, thats what. No, you fool, Death snaps. You dont realize how severe the repercussions would be. How much of the balance you would upset. Ha! What has she done? Interrupted the quota. The old woman drops her knife. No. What does that mean? Why are you stopping?! Keep going! Please! Oh, my poor pet. Why didnt you tell me? Running frantic fingers through long balls of hair: Tell you what? What was I supposed to have told you? You poor thing. I cant save you darling. No one can. Not now. What? Why? Why are you listening to him? Give me the knife! Ill do it myself! I cant let you. You wouldnt know how to, anyway. Youd only dirty my carpet. The quota is sacred, and even I Eva, your time is nearly No! The blood on her palm drying and the tear lines drying and his hair is like light and he just keeps staring at her, keeps on 6 Turning. The hands of the clocks on the wall kept turning, spinning around and around about the face with sickening speed. Even the digital clocks had gone cuckoo, with rapid numbers flashing and changing as if time no longer existed, was no longer bound by logic or easily tracked with machines. Eva just slumped on the floor, watching and crying with her legs pulled in and her knees hugged under her chin. Whats happening to me? The hands seemed to be moving faster, and in the background the grandfather clock kept chiming, its loud gongs pounding in her ears, solemn as a heartbeat. The heartbeat of the hour, precisely. It seemed malevolent, this siege of order, where time stood neither still nor manipulated forwards or backwards, but absent altogether Make it stop! she shrieked, as the hands began to spin even faster counterclockwise. Make it stop! How long this had been going on, she couldnt tell, but she was tired of it all. Everything. The eyes, the strangers who seemed to know too much, phantom incidents unexplainable yet undeniably real, and this more than anything, she thought as she rubbed her neck, made her want to surrender to whatever was

haunting hera ghost? the shadows?so desperately. Just leave me alone, she whispered through her fingers. Please, just let me It makes you want to die, doesnt it? Eva turned around in shock at the sound of the voice, while around her the room seemed to darken, the only light seeming to emanate from a cloaked figure that was unmistakably glowing. She couldnt see his eyes, just white hair floating around the face. Another hallucination. Who are you? I thought it was due time for us to meet. Youve stolen something from me. I havent got anything, she whimpered. Whatever you lost, I didnt take it, I swear. Dont you remember, Eva? In the museum. The museum? You stole that mans soul. I think it was this one! That poor man in the suit had been held up by the arm after the thieves had heard her comment. Hed looked pale and nauseous, little beads of sweat collecting on his forehead. She remembered chastising herself for speaking at all, it was a stupid mistake and she couldnt bear it as the thief pressed his gun against the mans neck, smiling wide.Good, he grinned. And got ready to shoot. Shed peeked from behind the counter, saw him getting ready to pull the trigger and had screamed. The children were crying and shed screamed. What else was there to do, shed been desperate, scrambling for a weapon or anything to buy some timebut the children, the crying, the blood (so much)--and she remembered throwing something at the gunman, knocking his arm away from the mans face (hed been so surprised) and the bullet went flying but hit the glass and the would-be victim was dropped. And then the sirens What are you talking about? she said, trembling. I saved him. They were going to kill him! He was going to die! He was marked. It was his time. What, and I was supposed to just sit there? He shook his head and let out a soft chuckle. Humans, he sighed. Eva, he tried again, his voice foreboding and unforgiving, what you did is considered a heinous crime. That mans time was up, and you interrupted the quota. You let his soul go free. You stole it from me. She stares at him, says nothing. Shes so confused. The whole scene flashes before her eyes again, and she tries to remember clearly, tries to imagine what would have happened if shed never said anything, what would have happened if the thieves had blown his brains out right before the authorities showed up, if he had just been another body laid out among the glass, stepped over like all the rest on the way to the exit. For the first time in her life, shed been a hero and this This was her reward? Who are you? she asked fearfully, her eyes wide. Death, Eva. And Ive come to collect my debt. 7 He keeps staring at her, grinning intensely. She takes a step back though theres nowhere left to go. He snaps a finger and the old woman (whatever she was, demon perhaps) vanishes into thin air, leaving only himself among her, his body cold and bright. Eva stares at his face, shadowed by the hood of his black robe, and his eyes obscured by the white hair, long and luminous. She is only able to make out his mouth, which utters a low, ominous laugh that makes her shiver. Dont touch me, she warns, though she has no leverage to be making threats. Silly girl, Death says. Did you think itd be that easy? I dont want to die! she pleads. I was desperate! I have a wonderful lifeIm a teacher, I just got my degree, Im happy. Why do you want to take that from me? He shakes his head. When are you humans going to learn that death doesnt strike when you deserve it? It doesnt work that way. It never has.

Please, she begs, sobbing. I didnt mean to. Please. He says nothing. I teach second grade, she says now, rambling. I took the kids on a school trip because we were doing the art unit! The place is being robbed and theres blood all over the floor. And a man is about to die, dammit. For shits sake, nobody with a soul would just sit there! And youre telling me that now I have to die, because I interfered. Well, it isnt fair! she screams. It isnt fair! She knocks over a lamp. She kicks the wall. And that woman was going to make me immortal because she understood That demon was hardly your ally. She would have helped me, Eva snarls through clenched teeth. Thats really all I needed. If you want to live forever, says Death slowly, I, too, have the power to grant immortality. Evas mouth opens in surprise. Youd do that? Death leans in close. For a price, he murmurs. I want you to go back in time, to that moment in the museum. But this time, you keep your mouth shut. Eva gulps. If it means getting to put this all behind her, maybe its for the best. Well? says Death expectantly. Eva nods vigorously. Yes, she answers. Ill do it. 8 The tour guide points to a landscape painting and begins to speak to the second grade class about its conception and the technique of the artist. Eva suddenly finds herself standing behind her students, disoriented and dizzy. But the world is at peace (for now) and everything is as it wasbefore the screaming and the dying and the rush. Though soothed by this moment of antebellum, Eva looks over her shoulder to see Death, invisible to everyone else, leaning against the wall and watching her keenly. Disconcerting as it may be, his gaze is just a warning that its best not to screw this up. Not again. A security alarm goes off, interrupting the guide from his rambling about the symbolism of color. Eva bites her lip with worry. Can she do this? A slew of security guards enter from the adjacent room, their walkie-talkies blaring. Code blue on the first floor, one shouts. One by one they all pull out their weapons and run towards the source of the trouble. Whats going on? one of the boys wants to know, and at the back of the line, little Chester starts crying. Im scared, another child confides. Its okay, Eva says, trying to be brave. She starts to huddle everyone in a corner behind one of the displays. Everything is going to be fine. But this is untrue, for gunshots are already being blasted in the other room. Eva tries to remain calm. She spots him as she looks up. He wears a gray suit, is balding, has a barrel for a stomach. He seems nervous, uncertain of his surroundings and utterly helpless. Eva finds herself wondering about him: Why is he here, why is his time now? Does he know whats about to happen? The strange man averts his eyes, is about to walk away when the gunman enter, masked and in black suits. Eva suspects theyre two of a larger group, sent to keep the bystanders docile and confused. Nobody is going anywhere! one shouts. And no phones! The children are crying. Theyre terrified and Eva is strangely calmly, trying to placate them, whispering assurances, patting heads Shut up! One of the men is now hovering over the sobbing second-graders, waving his gun around like a lunatic, menacingly holding the barrel close to their reddened, flustered faces. Of course, they panic and only cry louder. I said shut up! Keep crying and Ill put a bullet in your eyes, you want blood for tears! A young woman behind him stands up. Leave them alone! she cries. The second gunman whirls around. I said dont move. Boom.

It happens fast: blood bursting out of back, her insides unfolding out of her like a flower in bloom, her eyes wide in shock, and everything red. Down, down she went, slowly and then she lay against the floor, her own blood wrapping around her, pooling under her, everyone backing against the walls in pity and horror. The children are crying. The villians seem quite satisfied with themselves. Whos next! they keep yelling. Their arms rotate around the room and land on a prospective victim, like a violent game of Spin the Bottle. Whos next! You? Is it gonna be you? Let me know! No more! Eva screams, unable to stop herself. She lets out a gasp. The room goes quiet. Who was that? Who said that? I think it was this one! The pot-bellied balding man in the gray suit is held up by the arm and the other murderer smiles wide. Good, he grins. And gets ready to shoot. Eva locks eyes with him and mouths an apology. But it has to be this way. Once hes dead, Death will leave her alone and grant her immortality Eva rubs the mark on her neck and frowns. Hadnt those been the termsa strangers soul for immortality? Stop. It was something shed only sought to get Death off her case. The children are crying. But if the bald man died, what need would she have to live forever? Dont. Theres blood everywhere, all over the floor, all over the wall. Would it be immortality that left her forever young and unable to settle? Stop it. Or would she each year age and wilt and remain unable to end her suffering? The masked killer is staring at the poor man sinisterly, the gun pointed at his head. Hes about the pull the trigger The children are cying. Dont screw this up! Was such a miserable fate truly worth anothers soul? If he died, she wouldnt take Deaths offer. If he didnt die, thered be no offer to refuse. Eva bites her lip. The man in the gray suit lifts his arms slowly, and the gunman shoots. No! Eva lunges at him and grabs his leg, surprising him. The bullet misses and hits the window. There are sirens heard outside. He doesnt have time to react. Eva breaks down into tears as the room melts away and she is once more in the old womans dimly lit basement, pounding her fists against the cold, concrete floor. Death is standing over her, his face inches from hers and furious. She can see his eyes now. The irises are blood red. 9 I never should have wasted my time. He walks across the room, to an old wooden door. He rests his hand on it and mutters and incantation. Suddenly the door bursts into blue flames, and the room is filled with a painfully bright light. Eva winces and covers her eyes. Come along, Eva. Its time to accept your fate. She stands slowly. For a while she does not move. Death does not urge her any further, just stands by the entrance waiting patiently. Reluctantly, still shielding her face from the light, she edges towards him. Shes right in front of the door. A sudden vacuum of wind threatens to suck her in. Death leans in and in her ear he whispers, I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay in Hell. And then Eva does something that surprises them both: wrought with fury and desperation, she grabs Death and shoves him in. Where the strength comes from she does not know, and he is also lighter than expected. He has no time to save himself; the force of the wind is too strong. And just like that, the portal slowly closes up, and she is finally alone. Eva is beaming with satisfaction. Its over.

One Week Later The mark still hasnt gone away. In fact, it seems to have grown more defined with the passage of time. Eva stands in her bathroom, wrapped in a towel, reading the instructions on the box of hair-dye. Shes noticed a few gray hairs showing lately, doesnt want anyone mistaking her for older than twenty-four. Cool, so I just leave this in for a little bit and rinse As soon as she says the word, the faucet turns on, seemingly on its own accord. Eva tries to turn it off but nothing happens as the room fills with suffocating steam. Panicking, she runs to the door, but its locked. From the outside. What the hell is going on? Eva turns around slowly and catches a glimpse of her reflection in the fogging mirror. She lets out a cry of horror, the bottle of dye slipping out of her hands. Her entire head of hair is white. Nice, huh? Shes startled by a womans voice, and looks over to see a robed finger sitting in the bathtub, circling her finger in the water yet remaining entirely dry. Youll get used to it. It suits you. Who are you? What did you do to me? The woman laughs. Ive really outdone myself this time. Making you a reaper. A what? Evas voice drops down to a panicked hush. What do you people want from me? You must have thought you were clever, with that stunt you pulled, the woman continues, still circling ripples in the bath. As she speaks feels her skin tightening against her bones, and a there is a volt of sharp pain in her eyes. Eva falls to her knees in agony. I cant fathom what made you think youd get away with it, the woman continues, ignoring her. But we generally dont take lightly to humans throwing our kind in Hell. However, perhaps this will teach you a lesson. Since you seem so repulsed to death, how would like to spend the rest of eternity delivering it? Who are you? Eva croaks, her voice hoare. Whats happening to me? The woman turns around to face her, a lifeless grin plastered on her face. She pushes aside her hair to reveal a horrific sight. She has no eyes. They call me Fate, she says. And consider this your coronation, Eva. From this day forward, you will be known as the Angel of Death.

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