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COLUMBA CATHOLIC CHURCH July 22, 2012 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Pastors Corner ~
COME AND REST A WHILE WITH THE LORD As we continue with the gospel of Mark, the disciples reported to Jesus all they had done and taught when they came back from their mission. The Lord Jesus, knowing that after such a challenging and tiring mission, the disciples need to rest from their labor, offered them to get away in a deserted place. Get away, Retreat, spiritual enrichment, rest or break everyone needs a place and time to be away from the normal routine of life and be energized by the higher spiritual power. This can be a time to reflect and see where we are going on our journey in life. Its a time to check ourselves, to know if we are on the right track or if we are on the wrong and have to correct our faults before its too late. It was once said that an un-reflected life is a wasted life. After a days work, we need time to rest, reflect and pray. After a weeks work, we need time to relax and refresh and worship. Even God rested on the seventh day after creating the world (Genesis 2:1-3). St. Dominic lives by the principle of Ora et Labora = Work and Pray. Work is the fruit of prayer and prayer guides work to find its ultimate meaning and value. Getting away or going on retreat is not only medically and psychologically healthy. It is good for the head, for the heart, for the body and soul. It is also enhances communication and relationship. Life has many gigantic tasks and concerns that can be overwhelming in the face of our inabilities and insecurities. But life belongs to God and its not all our private business. The Creator of life is always available for our need. Resting with the Lord is not a waste of time but a valuable moment to give the Lord time to speak and for ourselves a time to listen. Entrusting everything to Him while doing our best keeps ourselves at peace and allows God to make all things work for the good of all who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Seniors Club
No meetings during the summer. See you in the Fall!

Mass Intentions for the Week

MONDAY, JULY 23 6:30 am Communion Service 8:15 amME Jean Eskridge TUESDAY, JULY 24 6:30 amME Maria Madalena Thanh 8:15 am Communion Service WEDNESDAY, JULY 25 6:30 amAA Donors Intention 8:15 am Communion Service THURSDAY, JULY 26 6:30 amAA Int. of the Mario B. Icban family 8:15 am Communion Service FRIDAY, JULY 27 6:30 am Communion Service 8:15 amME Candy Lane SATURDAY, JULY 28 8:15 amME Charles Lavoie 5:30 pmME Barry Farwell SUNDAY, JULY 29 7:30 amRK Int. of Aurora Loreno 9:30 amME Marilou Calas 11:00 amME Oscar & Eleanor Ramirez 5:30 pmEC People of the Parish AA-Fr. Abraham Ahn, EC-Fr. Edward Corcoran, ME-Fr. Mario Elias, RK-Fr. Rex Kintanar

A WoW of a Bake Sale

Thank you so much to all parishioners who participated in last Sundays Culture of Life Ministry Bake Sale. The Grand Total earned was $433.00! The money will be used for several projects, including a Culture of Life banner and a donation to Culture of Life Family Services. With grateful hearts, The Culture of Life Ministry


JULY 22, 2012

Youth Group Bake Sale

The St. Columba Youth Group will hold a bake sale in the Hall after the 7:30 and 9:30 Masses next Sunday, July 29th. All women are invited to the Annual Womens Retreat at El Carmelo Retreat House in Redlands, CA. The theme for this year is: Introduction to St. Teresa of Avila. For more information or to register, call Jeanette Allen at 858-279-1509.

Keep Those Cans & Bottles Coming!

School Recycling Program Return for June: $160.57

Buy Scrip after Mass

New cards have been added! You can now purchase Vons, Walmart, Target, Starbucks, Subway, and Einstein Bros.. Scrip cards are available for purchase after the Suday morning Masses. This is an easy fundraiser for our school. Please stop by and pick up a card or two before you go shopping! More cards available at

Online Giving
Donate through our parish web site at: Or you may access the site through our blog at:

Daily Mass Schedule Change

Beginning September: 7:00 am Daily Mass (MondayFriday only) . No more communion services.

Prayer Meeting
Thursday, July 26th, 7:00 p.m.
Fr. Mario will give a talk at our Prayer Meeting in the Ministry Center this week, entitled How Do I Know Gods Will for Me? All are invited.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Interested in becoming Catholic, or know someone who is? Do you wish to return to the Faith? Inquire nowwe can answer your questions. Call Deacon Bill at 619-818-0972 or Mike Conroy at 858-278-1507.

Please pray for the following who are ill, their families and those who care for them, especially:
Jordy Adamski, Trisha Alcantara, Meldina Almandrez, Ted Altman, Joe Bachmeier, Cliff Behrens, Sunny & Legaya Bernabe, Marivie Choi, Patricia Chuilli, Betty Conners, Marlena Daniels, Gary Davila, Rita Doman, Marciano Elias, Bruce Elizondo, Joanne England, Donya Espiritu, Marlen Forbes, Mary Golden, Dicken Hall, Gaye Harkay, Edward Jardell, Sr., Emma Kim, Andy Le, Macario Madrigal, Sue McGee, John McManus, Robert Medina, Vic Miranda, Debbie Oliver, Vilma & Veronica Ortega, Candida Perez, Maria Lourdes Pestao, Isaias Refina, Virginia Reyes, Jane Riner, Gloria Satterwhite, Evelyn Sefkow, Myrna Singca, James Sperbeck, Mary Taylor, Carmen Zuiga Villaseor, Michelle Wadlow, Christy Walton, Robert Whitworth, and Ron Zeunges

Around the Diocese

~ Marriage Encounter Weekend ~
How do you rate your marriage? Excellent? Good? Average? So-so? If you chose any of the above, you are a candidate for the Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend to be held this Fall. It is a beautiful weekend experience designed for couples of all ages and backgrounds. Devote one weekend to your relationship and take it to a better level. Call Mike and Anita at 619445-0564 for more info or to register. Or find out more online at

Readings for the Week

Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: Mi 6:1-4,6-8/Ps 50:5-6,8-9,16-17,21,23/Mt 12:38-42 Mi 7:14-15,18-20/Ps 85:2-8/Mt 12:46-50 2 Cor 4:7-15/Ps 126:1-6/Mt 20:20-28 Jer 2:1-3,7-8,12-13/Ps 36:6-11/Mt 13:10-17 Jer 3:14-17/(Ps) Jer 31:10-13/Mt 13:18-23 Jer 7:1-11/Ps 84:3-6,8,11/Mt 13:24-30 2 Kgs 4:42-44/Ps 145:10-11,15-18/Eph 4:1-6/Jn 6:1-15

~ Natural Family Planning ~

Four classes on the Sympto-thermal method begin on Thursday, July 26th. NFP is safe, effective (99.6%) and inexpensive ($50/couple). To register, contact Dave & Cheryl Ross at 619-303-5053 or e-mail them at:

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