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There is no statement in Islam that promotes religious violence; instead there are numerous statements in both the Holy

Quran and The Authentic Hadith (Sayings on behalf of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) That Promotes JIHAD (Holy War) which by all means was not intended to replace the Islamic code of conduct of which the prophet spent lecturing about it for almost 22 years in order to build up a descent and peaceful Islamic society. JIHAD (Holy War) as described by Islam could be initiated in various ways, however the military aspect of it is a necessity in response to a situation that meets certain criteria similar to the situations that the prophet encountered during his life span and currently in many cases such situations criteria is being miss interpreted by various Muslims leaders which is making their supporters to cross the line (due to miss-interpretation) and misbehave in life to their fellow humans. JIHAD as a Financial Aid, Peaceful Activities such as Lecturing, Preaching and Writing books/Articles that support the cause of Islam should be a continues process that should never seize to exist till the end of time as part of our efforts (as Muslims) to spread the word of Allah (SWT). JIHAD as a Military action should be guided by wise men in consultation with other members and limited in timeframe (as short as possible) and initiated solely in response to an aggression (defending oppression and not initiating aggression) and once that oppression disappears then the military JIHAD should seize to exist. The Biggest problem Islam is facing now that Military jihadist are trying to replace the code of conduct in Islam with the code of jihad claiming that military jihad should be a definite war till the end until Islam wins it all!!! And practically for them this means even if Christianity and Judaism and other religions of the world are contained under the umbrella of Islam then the next step will be for these Muslims jihadist to refine themselves by fighting against each other in order to unite under a single leadership in an action that is going to lead to a deadly bloodshed that Allah (SWT) never wanted it to be this way but unfortunately the ignorance of such Jihadist (Leaders) is sending everything into a state of disorder. The real focus now should be revolving around re-building the Islamic society as Allah (SWT) wanted it to be as a decent and peaceful society. If Muslims all over the world will use the Quran Script and the Authentic Hadith as a guide for their own behavior in life they would have definitely purified the image of Islam and contributed to the expansion and to the dominion of it in a more rapid way more than adopting military jihad in its current rascal form as a solution to spread the message of Islam!!! We even (As Muslims) developed the habit of recalling the SAHABA May Allah (SWT) bless their names (Sahaba Means Close Followers of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) By Then) and speak about them constantly often more than the way or the number of times we remember Allah (SWT). We should focus on mentioning and recalling Allahs name in every minute and every second more and more and the lesser should be recalling the Sahaba names (i.e. we should not allow ourselves to mention or love mentioning anyone name more than Allahs name) but unfortunately many Muslims sects in nowadays are slipping towards loving and hailing for the SAHAB in ways more or less could turn in the future (maybe thousands of years ahead) into a practice which is similar to Christianity whereby Jesus Christ (May Allah bless his name) became worshiped by Christians, however even though this seems impossible in Islam but could lead or we can say is already leading to complications among Muslims societies as such attitude is encouraging sectarian violence. Maybe we should take a look at Disney channel and watch some of the ongoing kids programs like Good luck Charlie, Hanna Montana, Shake it up and Jessie, a series of programs that we allow our children to watch (as Muslims) and also on the other hand we try to populate their brains with the stories of Islamic history about battles that was fought by the sword and stories that led to dividing the Muslims as sects (mainly SHIITE and SUNNIES) and promote sectarian hate into their brains!!!. We need to look at the facebook fans and similar chat and social activities programs and see how this industry is taking most of our children time in replacement to SALAT (Prayer)

One of the biggest JIHAD that Muslims could do at this age of time is to create the Islamic version of popular western entertainment programs in order to win the hearts of our children and guide them properly from childhood to be peaceful and Allahs Loving Childrens (In Addition to SALAT). I Also think that one of the biggest JIHAD that Muslims could do at this age of time is to create the Islamic version of the Facebook and similar social web applications under a wise Islamic management control which connects Muslims and those who wish to convert to Islam all over the world in a chain of a peaceful community that promotes the teachings of Islam.

We should not initiate using Script from the Quran or the Authentic Hadith for actions to act upon in situations that does not meet the criteria required for it as the results of such actions is devastating for our beloved religion, the religion of Islam. WE ARE NOT CRUSADERS OUT ON A RELIGIOUS EXPEDITION We should always use the peaceful Islamic code of conduct as a way of life

She/he who ever doubt that Islam is a religion that calls for religious violence should read the entire script of the Quran and compare the percentages between references to JIHAD and clauses referencing PEACE and MERCI (You will encounter hundreds of SURAS/AYATS (verses) that brighten the peaceful and merciful side of ISLAM May Allah (SWT) Bless Our Religion and Makes it HIGH till the END OF TIME

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