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THE NEW AGE I have been reading quite a lot recently that TPTB "invented" - "new age" as a distraction

for the weak minded while they implement the NWO -- a common theme these days.

The "New Age" actually merely refers to the earth entering a new galactic and/or solar environment. 'Ages' -- as they are called, (where half the term "New Age" came from) are actually the ~2100 year cycles of the astrological ages that make up a processional cycle (the rotation of the earth's wobble). There is a "New Age" every 2100 years. People used to be very tuned to these grand scale timings, although it's hard to tell because we have an erroneous history with incorrect dates everywhere.

We had the "Age of Leo" -- at a time in which the Sphinx was erected in symbol of (with a full lion's head mind you - look at current pictures -- it is obvious some egotistical king carved his face from the much older original), The age of Taurus, or the age of the Bull, we still have remnants of that age in some ancient carvings, scriptures and mythology, The Age of Pisces (which we are currently in until Dec 21st this year - according to our calendar) which was represented by Jesus -- Christians still use fish stickers and symbols everywhere -- not because he was a "fisher of men" but because he was the "king" of the Age of Pisces; Christianity dumped astrology long ago and now calls it "Evil" hence the conversion of the symbol's meaning to "Fisher of Men". Supposedly there is a "king" appointed at the start of every new age - and Jesus was marked as the king of the age of Pisces -- Maybe Prince William is to be the "King of Aquarius"? ... hehe ;-) (believe it or not, I've read a lot of conspiracy on this topic - not that I really believe it).

The "New Age" just means the shift from Pisces to Aquarius, or the age of Aquarius specifically, or even more accurately, any age near the point of ending ushers in a "New Age". That's it!

None of this other rubbish that we read about. TPTB obviously didn't go back in time and invent these grand cycles to distract us from their NWO --- that is laughable. So what does this all mean? Why is shifting into Aquarius any big deal? It is clearly just a 'marker' for something. Thousands of ancient texts,

despite the TPTB commands to destroy every piece of literature and language in the Americas and elsewhere across the world, have survived and provide some insights into this marker in time. And I'm talking even some extremely ancient texts - some of the oldest known to man.

However, either intentionally, or just as matter of route, we get a whole variety of interpretations into what exactly these ancient texts mean or are referring to. From this we get Jesus coming from the clouds to rapture the "good" people, it's where we get aliens coming from space to rescue us, we get a prophecy of total destruction, we get prophecy of the earth being transformed to peace, and all sorts of predictions for this "end time".

I think there is a little bit of truth in all of it, but no one seems to have a very accurate picture of what any of this really means. But what seems to be clear is the association of the timing of the beginning of this cycle, to an event that is referred to as the "second coming"(as Christians call it), or the "Rising of the Phoenix"(As some tribes called it) or the "apotheosis of man" (as I think David Wilcox calls it) -- it has many names and is spoken of all around the globe in the natives ancient lore. People of the past went to extreme measures to try to alert us to this marker in time.

THE ORIGINS There's two other considerations that get a little more far out. The first one is that humanity is consciously a single being with a fragmented mind. Some worship this being as 'God' but it is not The Creator. Buddhism address the Self in this way but stops there and does not address the "Creator" which is why it appears Buddhists don't have a god.

This grand "Being" that we are directly derived from, is a Creator, but not THE Creator. It has been bestowed with the gifts of The Creator. It was tasked to come into this dense plane as a bit of an experiment, to bring the Creator's Creations (thus consciousness) to this plane. During the very initial part of the process of moving toward this plane, the forces of separation (aka Satan) individuated this grand Being into two aspects, often termed the Masculine and the Feminine versions or aspects of that same being - the Two Eternal Lovers is another way I have heard it described. As was part of the plan, the Feminine aspect (which was its own being altogether by this time) would stay back in a density where it could continue to refresh in Source, and promised to awaken

Her counterpart and be re-married to connect all the physical creation (the "matter" in the field of separation) to the Creator.

While the masculine aspect of this Being was moving lower and lower through densities, the forces of separation began to rip violently at it's very being (maybe like a big bang? wink, wink ;-), splitting it into four dragons of different 'colour', a dragon of fire, a dragon of earth, a dragon of water, and a dragon of air -- which make up our initial four classical elements, and the symbols for all the physical contents and laws of our current plane.

The contents of the physical plane began to group and form atoms, then those grouped to form molecules of all kinds. Even while in the midst of the strongest of forces of separation, this Being began to create to sustain vibrations and hold them within the force of separation to hold them rigid, creating our current set of elements from these vibrations, and defining the natural laws of these elements, and the "space" around them.

Enter: Life. Let's not forget that this Being was bestowed with the gifts of creation, and slowly, eventually, life; a vibration of a complex and unique quality arrived. Perhaps another being or force encouraging the physical molecules through its conscious vibrations, to manipulate them into animation, into DNA itself, the Star Wars equivalent would be "The Force" itself.

Let's fast forward a few hundred million years until this Life on earth has advanced to some advanced primates. Why primates? Why not reptiles? Dinosaurs? Fish? Because the deciding factor is this: "The potential for capacity to convey the Creator's Love"-- humans, gorillas, and chimpanzees, and other great apes, lesser apes and some monkeys can show the capacity for love. Reptiles cannot, birds, maybe somewhat. But advanced primates have that potential. Reptiles do not. (Well, they might later - the end part of this experiment is to bring The Creator's love to every corner and crevasse, every soul and consciousness in this realm.)

So, the next part of the plan for the "experiment" ... mix the Divine Spark into these advanced primates, and allow them to continue to evolve. On Avalon, it is fairly well accepted that humanity is a bit of a mix, but the initial mixing was the adding of the Divine Spark, lots of stuff has happened since then, and the

result is the potential for a far grander effect. I won't get into that.

THE FALL So who was doing this mixing? And how do you mix a "Divine Spark" into a physical thing? What is a "Divine Spark" anyway? This is where the story of the "Fall of Man" comes in. There are also two stories that start from this point; the first, from the point of view of what is actually physically happening on Earth and the other from what is happening in the ethereal realms.

The separation of its consciousness eventually became the fragmented minds of humans (or rather the minds of the naturally evolved primates on a planet called Earth -. ....

So when "The Second Coming of Christ" (or if you are a Jew "The first Coming of Christ")) happens -- that is referring to the fragmented being made whole again. There is no Christ "Coming" -- it is us once again becoming Him consciously -- by awakening His consciousness in the fragments of his mind -this was the whole goal from the very start.

Right now we are occupying what might be called "Satan's" plane of existence, or a plane (or density if you will), that is heavily influenced by the sources of separation. (Lucifer is Christ under the influence of Satan - if that makes sense). Here is where we get Jesus' teaching as though we are already in "hell" -- his words have been misinterpreted - he meant what he said. The state of "Hell" is a result of a fragmented consciousness -- which turns just means a consciousness that cannot refresh itself in Source. It begins to have an amnesia about its origins and must create its own reality -- aha! finally getting back on topic. Right now, due to OUR minds not being able to refresh in Source, we have amnesia about our origins -- the Universe is very holographic -- and this story is the same for every one of us. It is all reminder. Even the aspect of an animal's pregnancy and birth - the development in the womb sharing the warmth and sustenance from its creator, to being thrust out into a cold world of separation - is a symbol to remind us of the nature of reality via


It must create its (our) own reality to escape Hell. This is all the task for us has been - to learn how to create our own reality well enough. This is why we were tasked with this -- because we focusing mechanisms that can create it's experiences -- NOT experience it's creations -- we already had enough of that distraction (it was just a distraction that started out innocently enough, things went south during the Atlantean age), time to get back to creating our experiences. Which is where conscious manifestation ties in completely. It is not something that is cool or neat or a good tool to have -- it is our entire mission!

Once we realize that we CAN create our experiences, we will cease to be so fearful - as we will start to understand what we are, and once that starts to happen, our consciousness will be able to piece itself back together and become whole again in the collective human consciousness - this will be the coming of the Christ. And once that happens, all the "human" issues we have now will be gone - every single one. The human condition will be no more and the individual ego will be used as a tool and not a guide - as was intended, by both the collective consciousness and the individual one.

So all human condition issues are somewhat moot ... if we can get back to that state and have this "second coming" event.

That said, waking people up - to this truth is what is important -- but due to the current paradigm and demonization of anything that may support these concepts -- an almost impossible task. So let's look bigger -- the real issue is fear of the separation. If we hold create the connection in ourselves consciously and remove the fear and automatic thoughts from our consciousness - the same effect is achieved -- without having to teach some strange 'mythological' history.

So I do have a bit of an impersonal view on the whole thing, where I am less concerned of the individual, as I am for the whole general process. There's a rule that says "you can't change people" - and it is true - you cannot. All you can do is love them, and live your life the way you want to live it and hope they see what you are doing and finally either say "I want that" and try themselves,

or ask "How can I have that?" in which you know they are in a position of desire to change themselves and you can offer additional support.

Let me get back to the "buffer" ... and how that relates to perhaps an upcoming event, and how the above ties in to it...

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