Future Prediction

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SA01EE - 02 18/08/2011

Future Prediction Development of Humanity

Todays Scenario
Today we live in 21st century, a highly industrialised & computerised world, where we want our day to day things done on our finger tips. We are - excavating down to the earths core, already reached on moon & planning to go to sun, for only one thing that is to fulfil human greed of getting more wealth. As Gandhiji rightly stated that Earth has enough resources for every bodys need, but not for every bodys greed. Today we burn fossil fuel in the form of petroleum, coal & natural gas for production of energy, which generates sulphuric, carbonic & nitric acids, these fuel also contain radioactive substances like thorium & uranium etc., which are released in atmosphere during the combustion. From 1852 to 1947 human deforested about 50% of land under forest under the name of development. We are developing ourselves but on what cost? In coming years, sea level is expected to rise up; this will submerge the habitable land on the earth. Glaciers, which are the prominent source of the fresh water, have increased the speed of melting down & are expected to be vanished on 2035, caused due to global warming. Due to deforestation & pollution we have lost uncountable species of flora & fauna, similarly due to globalisation we are losing precious & indigenous cultures from different parts of the world. We are doing the same things, which are done by colonial rule all over the world, i.e. loot, colonial rules looted wealth & knowledge of native people, and we are looting resources from our planet. We have a very narrow definition of development develop own selves. Making rules & regulations for environment protection is one side, but implementing it in practice & make common person to follow it, is todays need. If one has to trace the path to our future, then it may from Human greed for comfort going to human greed of existence, in other words development of human thinking process.

20 yrs. from now

The conditions mentioned in todays scenario will get still worst, & world may face conditions which will be as worst as cold war, because of depleting of natural resources, climate change & most primary things for human beings i.e., oxygen & fresh water. People will start adapting western culture & lifestyle more quickly, knowingly - unknowingly to match up with the globalisation. Due to which native cultures & native knowledge will be endangered. Little development will obviously happen, because of some true people & NGOs working in various sectors & fields like politics, slum, and renewable energy development, food industry, animal rights, economics, and education, waste management, medical & health care. But these people will face political resistance, if same political conditions & same constitution present after 20 years.
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Introduction to Environment & Ecology

SA01EE - 02 18/08/2011

Each & every citizen in the world will start realising the impacts of climate change & will at least start thinking about his / her actions & behaviours in personal as well as social situations. Due to depleting the natural resources, local campaigns will start happening regularly. Tree plantation will turn out to be fad & status symbol in the society, but due to lack of information & guidance lot of exotic species may get introduce to the area, which will harm the ecosystem of the place deeply. Instead helping against global warming & climate change, it will create new problems in biodiversity of the place. Developed countries start earning more & more benefits through worldwide societies like WHO, world bank, IMF. Under the name of globalisation these countries will start misbalancing the available natural resources. The world will be going to the edge of drastic change in terms of life style & attitude of people

50 yrs. from now

There will be more dangerous situations at this time, every country would have been upgrading the ammunition & military strength for being sustain & due to not believing & doubting others actions & development. This time will be peak point in the climate change & global warming. Glaciers in Himalayas may have been vanished till this time; the cities situated near sea have to improve their infrastructure for raised sea level. Possibility of submerging the habitable land in coastal area is there during this time. The world will face fuel & energy crisis, due to vanished fossil fuel. Renewable energy & nonconventional fuel will get importance. Due to this crisis prices of day to day needed things will rise up beyond imagination. Increased population & limited land will be the major issue of civilised world. The more developed technology & more comfortable lifestyle of people will demand more energy & more waste will be generated. New technological inventions will definitely improve the lifestyle of people, but will cost more to nature & at the end to the existence of human being. Small towns & villages will become more dependent on the metropolitan cities for development of infrastructure, provision of employment, because of mass production & technological advancement in large cities. Drawbacks of using manmade chemicals in farm lands will start seeing prominently, in the degraded fertility of soil & impact on human health. This will be the turning point of agro industry to the organic farming. Due to adverse effects of manmade medicines & fast foods, man will start rethinking about medicines available in nature & native food.

100 yrs. from now

Till this time humans will have realised the importance of nature & natural things in day to day life. Local biodiversity will start flourishing slowly, improving native ecosystem of the place.

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Introduction to Environment & Ecology

SA01EE - 02 18/08/2011

The humans will become sensitive towards environment protection & waste minimisation. Slowly environmental conditions will start improving, because of use of renewable & non-conventional energy resources. There may be cruel competitions happening for development of renewable energy generation, which may lead to another cold war conditions. Technologically developed countries will try to take fullest advantage of their developed technology & may imbalance the world economy. But slowly value of money will go down & value of humanity will rise. The burden on metro cities or regional centres will rise much more, due to migration & availability of employment, which will lead to the concept of decentralisation, where industrial production will happen in villages & due to which infrastructure & employment will be developed in small towns & villages.

200 yrs. from now

A truly urbanised world can be seen during this time frame. Well-developed nature friendly technologies will be used in day to day life of human, giving back non polluted, clean & healthy environment. A well-structured Education system will produce quality professional in diverse fields. This education system will have control over politics & government, resulting intellectual & deserved people to rule the world. Till the date man have achieved to settle & travel on other planets in safe & environment friendly way, giving rise to new well planned world, new challenges & new opportunities. A very strong concept of a world as a whole & unity in diversity will develop. But this concept will not kill the native cultures, traditions & languages.

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Introduction to Environment & Ecology

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