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The hot topic everybody seems to be currently talking about is the Maori Councils claim to the Waitangi Tribunal

over fresh water rights in New Zealand. While the Young Nationals Southern Region has no official stance on the matter, it should be clear that we back Prime Minister John Keys approach of speaking honestly and being up front about whats on the table. Its true that the decision of the Waitangi Tribunal isnt binding, but its also true that any decision of any court does not bind the Government, given our constitutional principle of parliamentary sovereignty. Making such a statement should not be seen as inflaming race relations. It is certainly unlikely we will see a repeat of the foreshore and seabed fiasco, where Labour defiantly and immediately legislated away any property rights Maori may or may not have had. Instead, what were likely to continue to see is more good faith bargaining between the Crown and iwi in order to continue the successful progression and settlement of Treaty grievances which weve seen under National. It is a constructive partnership with Maori, like we see in the current confidence and supply agreement with the Maori Party, and not a paternalistic attitude towards Maori as we saw under Labour, which will produce a brighter future for all New Zealanders. As for us, its been a busy couple of weeks for the Southern Region as the core of our Members got stuck back in at University. This meant a good presence by the Southern team during Re-Orientation Week, and we were happy to welcome National List MP Cam Calder along to increase our profile on campus in Dunedin. Weve also continued our winning ways in our first pub quiz evening after the break, and in preparation for this weekends National Party Annual Conference in Auckland weve come up with a few stats demonstrating the superb work the Southern team has accomplish in the year to date.

Continuing the Good Work

The Executive have opted to hold an Annual General Meeting in September, both to bring our AGMs in line with the requirements of the Standing Orders, and to officially bring to a close the 6 8 month transition period put in place as part of rebuilding the organisation. This is an excellent opportunity for people to consider putting their hands up for Executive positions and to continue leading the excellent progress made so far by the current Southern team. The Southern Region is the smallest Region both in the number of electorates (five) and number of MPs (four). Combine this with the sheer size of the Region, as well as the distance to the main hubs of Party activity in Wellington and Auckland, and it makes building membership and raising our profile very difficult. So, for the smallest and most underresourced Region, we certainly punch above our weight. Out of all the Young Nats Regions, we have the most Members per electorate and the most Members per MP. We have the most Facebook page likes per electorate and per MP, and the second-most overall. On a relative basis, we do at least twice as well in terms of online engagement than any other Region. If you take into consideration the multitude of qualitative activity (engagement with the community and local charities, communication with our Members, contribution to internal

policy etc.) I think we are the best Young Nats Region within the Party and a shining example of how young people can make a positive impact for the Party at a local and national level.

Re-Orientation Week
Last week the students at Otago University arrived back for semester two and this meant another opportunity for the Southern team to promote the Party and the Young Nats at the Universitys Clubs Day on Wednesday, and Market Day on Thursday.

Manurewa-based List MP Cam Calder was happy to be back in his old stomping ground of Otago, and even took some time to rekindle his former membership in the Otago University Tramping Club. The team had a very successful afternoon, easily exhausting their supplies of pamhplets, pens, key rings and blue jellybean-topped cup cakes.

Thursday saw the team back out amongst the Market Day crowd, and an overcast day ensured that there was plenty of demand for the over 400 sausages handed out to supportive students that afternoon. A big thank you goes out to Dunedin Norths Rachel Bird and Dunedin Souths Robyn Broughton for their excellent organisation and execution of the very successful afternoon.

Young Nats and National Party Annual Conferences

Both of the main conferences for 2012 are being held in Auckland this coming weekend. Although registration has now closed were very happy to be able to have a full contingent of delegates representing the Southern Region at both the Young Nationals and National Party Annual Conferences. This is a great effort considering the costs associated with southerners attending conferences at the top of the North Island.

Members will tonight be asked to indicate their preference towards the various remits being put forward at the main conference and were all looking forward to what should be a very successful weekend.

That Winning Feeling

The Pub Quiz team was back in action at The Bog on Monday night, and we were able to shine again with an impressive second placing, falling one point short of the eventual winners, Cake or Death. This means that the tally for the end-of-year function stands at $140 in Bog vouchers, which we should be able to spread across a plate or two of wedges.

Virtual Tipping
The Super Rugby playoff contenders have been found with the Stormers, Chiefs, Reds, Crusaders, Bulls and Sharks emerging at the top of the table. The competitions tipping shark John Brinsley-Pirie has been on a crusade to bully his way to the top and remain the chief contender for victory, so we certainly hope he doesnt forget to make his picks this weekend or hes likely to turn a shade of red and storm out of the competition..

Steveman continues to hold on to his slim lead in the NRL and so we might consider some wildcard picks (as opposed to our usual back-the-winner) for the final round.

As always, if youre not currently a Member of the Young Nats I do urge you to head over to and make the best $5 investment youll make for a long time. Alternatively, throw a cheeky $5 on Tiger Woods, the Sharks, the Crusaders by 12 & under and the Warriors by 12 & under for a smooth $840 return. Then head back over to the website and make your second best investment in a long time.. Cheers, James Meager Chair Young Nationals Southern Region
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