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Price: 75p (IR 1.05 EURO) Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The pride of Northern Ireland

Since 1737

Game of Thrones filming returns to Province PAGE 3

Pressure is off, says McIlroy

Play celebrates Ulster Olympic legend PAGE 14

Dont let your money flutter away ! Sell your poultry in
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
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PaGeS 9-14

all the latest equestrian news

Ulster golfing superstar Rory McIlroy cut a relaxed figure yesterday at a Press conference ahead of tomorrows start of the British Open at Royal Lytham, as he admitted the weight of expectation and huge media interest may have affected his performance 12 months ago See Sport
PICTURE: Peter Byrne/PA

ShoW TiMe: agriculture Minister weekends castlewellan Show. Michelle oneill pictured with Stephen cherry (Templepatrick) Reports, results and more pictures and his Spanish Zamorano donkey in Saturdays Farming life. at last

PaGeS 15-17

news, reports and pictures from yFc

By RichaRd halleRon

Spotlight falls on farm safety issues

The minister said: The Meanwhile, the UKs largest weekends accidents are a terrible rural insurer has highlighted reminder to us all of the dangers of growing concern regarding its working on the farm and I the would number of serious farm accidents like to pass on my sympathies to taking place in Northern Ireland. the families and friends of those This is borne out by affected. claims figures which show that the Farming is one of the most serious accidents on number of hazardous work sectors. In NFU Mutual May members farms increased this year I helped launch the of from new five in 2007, through Farm Safety Partnership, which in 2009, 18 in 2010 12 in 2008, 15 and 21 in 2011. aims to reduce the unacceptable These claims have totalled number of deaths from farming. 28.6m for the four years from 2007 Bringing together my department, to 2011. sure a serious farm accident avoided. Farms are very busy is at this time of year so we would urge all our members to be vigilant. Agriculture Minister Michelle ONeill said she was saddened to learn of the weekends two farm fatalities. On Saturday a young boy died on a farm in Donegal, whilst Sunday a man died on a farm on in Lisburn. the Health and Safety Executive (NI) and the Ulster Farmers Union, the partnership has developed plan which contains a number a of actions to help raise the awareness of the dangers related to farming and improve the overall safety record across the farming industry. I hope that through initiatives such as this, we can reduce the number of lives being lost in this sector. The Mutuals chairman Richard Percy told Farming Life that, given the close links which the company has with the farming community, all staff are fully aware of the devastation a death or serious injury can have. He added:As a mutual insurer with strong links to our farming members in Northern Ireland, were very concerned about continuing high numbers of the farm accidents. Northern Ireland is a tightknit farming community and the impact of these tragic accidents has a profound effect on the families of the victims, and across the neighbourhood. Were determined to do everything we can to help farmers work safely and are using the experience we have developed to highlight the main causes of farm accidents and promote safe continued

PicTuRe: MaTT Mackey/PReSSeye



ULSTER Farmers Union president Harry Sinclair has urged all farm family members to double their efforts to make refarm safety a priority. His comments follow fatal farm accidents in Co Antrim and Co Donegal in recent days. Mr Sinclair added: I wish extend our deepest sympathy to to the families who have lost loved ones in farm accidents. This year six lives have been lost on local farms; these are terrible tragedies and the consequences are devastating. The UFU, Department of Agriculture and the Health and Safety Executive are working in partnership to raise awareness about the issue and I would urge all farm family members to discuss farm safety and consider what extra steps could be taken to make

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on page three

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PSNI may probe Michaela death


Council defends promotion of beach

See page 7

DETECTIVES from the PSNI and the Garda will be formally invited to investigate the murder of Michaela McAreavey, the Mauritian prime minister confirmed last night. As the fall-out from the botched

investigation and unsuccessful trial continued yesterday, the McAreavey and Harte families rejected an apology from a Sunday newspaper in Mauritius which published images of Michaelas lifeless body. The countrys prime minister, Dr Navin Ramgoolam, said a judicial inquiry would be set up to re-examine the case after

Avinash Treebhoowoon, 32, and Sandip Moneea, 43, were acquitted last Thursday. When asked whether he would invite a joint delegation of detectives from both sides of the Irish border, Mr Ramgoolan said: The sooner they come the better. I am writing to them today. He added: We are just heartbroken, the whole Mauritian

nation is shocked and outraged. We are determined not to leave any stone unturned. Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, who will meet with the islands UK Ambassador in London tomorrow, said he welcomed the commitment from the countrys leader. Turn to page 11

Landmark city block not closing

See page 10

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