Banat Masr

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Banat Masr is a movement that was borne post elections after we saw the divisions created within the

people of Egypt caused by differing political view points and the struggle for power between the army, the liberals, leftists and the different factions of Islamists. Banat Masr saw beyond these divisions and racism. We see very clearly that beneath the superficial hate there is much love, much unity and still a common goal. We sought to utilize the anger and negativity and transform this power to positive action by choosing to work on issues that no two Egyptians disagree on namely the mistreatment of women. No man women Muslim Christian liberal Islamist leftist disagrees on the need for women to be safe walking the street. Islamists may have a viewpoint on how women dress but they also shun sexual harassment to any women. Therefore fighting Sexual Harassment in our society is the first of our mobadarat. There will always be two main goals to our movements.. to unite through working on a common goal and to protect the rights of women in Egypt. Banat Masr is a movement against racism and bigotry. So Much that we dont discount iksa2 people who have negative viewpoints of others. Rather we try to understand their viewpoint and directly and indirectly attempt to make them aware of the similarities in beliefs and goals rather than the differences. The admins of our page consist of men and women pro-morsi and anti-morsi that have decided to look beyond our outward differences and focus on our inner similarities and work together on working on issues of agreement to better our society. For these reasons we focus on societal issues and do not allow political speech nor do we allow the disgracing of any religion. We also believe in the synergetic effect of all movements that work on similar issues and the importance of all the small movements in building the new Egypt. Therefore we welcome the chance to cooperate with other movements. Despite what Egypt is going through of turmoil and instability, we believe Egypt will be rebuilt beautiful and strong with the time and energy of loyal Egyptians willing to work and sacrifice for this goal.

Our first campaign:

Fight against Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment has become more widespread than it ever was in Egypt and definitely more visible with the new social networks. We see post-revolution Egypt like a hot metal which can be more easily molded than past years. People are waiting for change .. people want to participate in creating this change. When we look at sexual harassment we see a societal disease caused by deformed cultural principals created by years of improper education, media and law. We see both the victim and the perpetrator (the harasser) as victims of this society. Yes, even the harasser is a victim. And even though we seek for the law on sexual harassment to be implemented we also seek to educate those harassers (of which the majority are teenagers and young adults). Our campaign against sexual harassment will involve many different fa3aliyat: Our first on the street fa3ilia (described later) Role models for bystanders

to educate bystanders by being positive role models on how to act in case they see a situation like this in their daily life Educate and helping the victim Helping the victim physically get out of the situation. Giving her moral support. Convincing her to go to the police to file a report. Escorting her to the police station and staying with her till her report has been filed. Cooperating with the police Banat masr will make contact with police stations and police men to plan how we will cooperate together during eid and so our presence does not come as an unwanted surprise to them Educating the harasser We view the harasser as both a criminal and a victim of a society that has caused this phenomenon. Therefore there will be very strict rules on how we deal with the harasser. They will not be treated with any kind of disrespect. Force will only be used strictly in cased requiring the physical protection of the victim. Furthermore trained people will talk to the harasser. In an extension to this campaign, we will try to find a legal way in which the perpetrator can be given a choice between a report to be filed against him OR attending rehabilitation sessions conducted by psychologists and psychiatrists. If the perpetrator agrees to attend rehab sessions then the victim can make ma7dar sol7. The problem we are facing with this is how to be certain that the perpetrator will keep his part of the bargain ( your suggestions are welcome)

Implement the sexual harassment law and/or Create new law for sexual harassment There are already sexual harassment laws in place but are like many other laws not implemented and the harasser is usually given a slap on the wrist by the police if caught. This is probably due to two reasons 1. The large no of harassers (a lot of work for the police) 2. They are usually young boys and the police men pity them and let them go 3. It has become more acceptable within society. Therefore we hope that mobadaret banat masr could be the beginning of a new harassment law which is more in line with the situation in Egypt. The law we are thinking of looks something like this: on the first incident give the perpetrator a chance to reform by going to a rehabilitation center and do community work and on the second occasion a sentence depending on the age of the perpetrator and severity or type of sexual harassment. By doing real community service he will be paying for part of the price of his rehabilitation by working on community projects. (of course this law needs much study legally, socially and financially which we will seek to do over the next few months)

Education and strong laws thats how any social disease is fixed.

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