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Agenda and Facilitation note User engagement focus groups Welcome Thank you Confidentiality Keep you informed

d Feeds into way of capturing peoples experiences Thank you for time and pay for travel
Accessibility of meetings and reimbursement of expenses; Meetings inclusive as the norm; Minimal use of jargon; A one page Working Agreement, signed by all Working Group members, setting out core principles e.g.: o the importance of working together; o the significance of service user involvement; o basic ground rules e.g. mutual respect good listening prompt reimbursement agreement to regular attendance confidentiality equal opportunities complaints processes (From Centre for Mental Health Studies Service User Involvement in ReCommissioning: missioning.pdf)

Background to this work What this work is not about Personal gripes How to feedback individually From:
Explain strategy dont agree that something will be considered if it is clear that it cannot happen 2) Challenge people prefer the truth much more than being patronised 3) Build a relationship of equals a. Standing Conference is intended to provide an opportunity for people to say everything they want b. In particular areas there is a high expectation on people to visit and spend time with multiple groups c. Consider what terminology is acceptable? Who represents who? What do we need to

be talking about? d. Think about how much to involve carers and remember that not all people have carers e. Debate is strong when carers and service users are together as equals and provide representation from all sides. Try not to exclude and allow for the fact that some people are uncomfortable in large meetings f. Always allow service user and carer representatives to truly ask their own questions NOT those designed by the commissioning team

Why get involved? personal motivations Happy to be involved on set issues? (E.g. user-centred user involvement) Or rather a free-form approach? (E.g. management-centred user involvement) Payment What would stop you getting involved? What are peoples experiences of health / social care managers in such a process? Practical ways of getting involved Finding out how your input has made a difference feedback mechanisms Where find out about how to get involved? Making processes accessible What will happen next Thank you and close

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