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Young Persons Crash Pad Shelter April 2012 Report

Caledonian Methodist Church

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Introduction: The youth shelter idea grew out of this immediate need for youth who are transitioning from children to adults (17 to 23 years old). Pilion found that there was no such precedent set before in London. This was the first youth shelter model. Never before in London had any organisation created provision for 16 to 23yr olds. Pilion, and Cally Methodists worked in partnership to create a homely, safe environment for young people in crisis. Referrals were open to all services that specialise in working with Transitional Youth (17 to 23yr olds). We received 17 new referrals during the month and moved on 19 young people. The young people sited the follow issues for their homelessness: Bereavement, death of a parent, leaving care, family breakdown, relationship breakdowns, violence, rough sleeping and escaping from gangs. Referrals during April 2012 came from New Horizon, The Metropolitan Police, Princes Trust, Centrepoint, Pilions ECO Service, as well as self-referrals calling the project. Ethnicity: White British Oriental Black Other Mixed Heritage 8 1 0 2 Irish White Other E10 North African 1 4 1 1 Caribbean Asian African 2 2 8

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Onward Referrals To: Islington HPU Clearing House Crisis Team Mental health Lambeth HPU Peter Bedford Housing Simba Housing One Housing NSNO The Passage Carr Gomm YMCAs in 4 Boroughs Kensington & Chelsea HPU Camden Housing Options Islington Supported Housing Private Landlord Stonewall Housing Albert Kennedy Trust Substance Misuse: Primary Alcohol Heroin Cocaine Cannabis Khat 5 1 6 17 3 % 17% 3% 20% 57% 10% 1 5 4 1 4 1 0 3 0 4 14 1 3 6 7 1 1

Age Range:

Under 16 16 - 18 19 - 21 22 - 24 Gender: Male Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Gay Lesbian Bisexual Not stated 22 8

0 4 21 5 13% 70% 17%

73% 27%

25 3 1 0 1

83% 10% 3% 3%

Boroughs: Locations Islington Camden Westminster Haringey Hackney Enfield Newham Lambeth Brent Coventry Surrey Newcastle Milton Keynes Liverpool Wales Eire Not known 8 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 % 27% 7% 10% 3% 3% 3% 10% 7% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 7% 3% 7%

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Employment, Training , Education: (new service and support being offered to the young people). Leap Waltham Forest College Kensington and Chelsea College Newham College Dance Unlimited JD Sports Painting and Decorating Restaurants 3 2 1 1 4 1 1 2 Budgens Westminster & City College Icelands Arsenal Learning Zone London School of Fashion 1 1 1 2 1

CASE STUDIES: Lorraine: 18 year old, assaulted by step mother and ran away. Lorraine was referred to New Horizon by North Middlesex Hospital as she had been in hospital for over 1 month after a serious assault by her stepmother. She was assessed and accessed the Crash Pad straight after being discharged from hospital. She was frightened, quiet and withdrawn when she arrived to the shelter. Over weeks the two charities worked hard to find support for Lorraine. She stayed with us for 3 weeks and during this time, she attended counselling and found the other young people and volunteers to be a real comfort and support. She was always running around helping people with cooking, cleaning and tidying up. She dreams of becoming a nurse and she applied and was accepted for nursing training. She has now moved onto to a supported hostel that is helping her develop her skills and independence and in June she starts her BTEC in Health Care so she can accessing nursing next year. She drops in form time to time to see staff and have a chat.

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Reggie: 19 year old evicted from his home because of his sexuality. Reggie found himself homeless and on the streets of Surrey. He packed his bag and came to London to explore his sexuality. He quickly found that not everyone is kind and generous and after a few incidents found himself back on the streets with no benefits, no money, no belongings. One night while asleep on a bus he was assaulted by a group of youths and ended up in A&E. While at the hospital being treated for his injuries the hospital also ran a few routine health checks as Reggie was underweight and annemic. He attended a youth service which told him about the Crash Pad and he accepted to be referred. He came and quickly fitted in well with everyone and felt safe. A few days later the hospital ran and asked him to return. He found that he was now HIV+ and would need to come back and discuss his treatment options. Reggie was devasted by the news and came back to the Crash Pad and was low in mood and withdrawn. The staff and young people were concerned about his situation and his change in mood. Over the next 2 days he sat and spoke to people and came out as being Gay and the about his HIV status. The Young people rallied around him and spoke to him and offered him their support and friendship. Things seemed OK for a while and suddenly one day he got up and announced that he was leaving London and going to France. Staff spoke to him about his decission and to wait a while till everything got sorted but Reggie would not listen he just wanted to leave. 4 days later with some money he saved and an address of a friend, he said his farewells to the other young people and left for Paris. He has been in touch with Jackie and Mandy a couple of times and he seems happier and more content away from London.

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Outcomes: Out of the 30 young people who accessed the shelter during April, all had been found support, housing, family connections and more. 6 were referred and housed in the YMCA 2 young person was reconnected with her family and returned home. 2 clients were accepted to Broadways Clearing House and were given nominations to supported housing. 4 young people started apprenticeships. 7 were accepted to college 4 accessed drug and/or alcohol services for their substance misuse 7 young people accessed a private landlord scheme. 2 clients accessed Educational courses (ESOL) 3 young people accessed Councelling and/or Mental Health Services 1 young female was supported to access Highgate Mental Health Unit I young person left London and went overseas.

11 young people are still in the shelter at the end of April. The need for Transitional Youth (17 to 23yrs olds) continues to receive at least 3 referrals a day for young people, for every successful move on we have 4 people waiting for the bed. We wish to thank the Amy Winehouse Foundation for all its support and to all the staff who helped us with making the short film; DJ Lousie +1 for her DJ worshops she runs with us; Sam Hatfield and his Boxing Club; Piebury Corner and Piebury Football League for all their support and donations; Waitrose for choosing the Crash Pad as Charity of the Month; Suzzane Martin for publicity support; Space Pandas 2011 and Ad Hoc for their on-going support and all the Members of The Caledonian Methodist Church who continue to support and help us with running the shelter and again for extending our stay until we get our new building. We continue to campign and ask for support from across the whole Community, Voluntary Sector and Business world to consider London youth and their needs.

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