EPM Ticket Process - Upload

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Ticket Created Requestor/COE Team Member Day 1

EPM Ticket Process

COE Reviews EPM Ticket Queue Determines/Chooses Category Assign to COE member and set status to assigned Day 1

Assigned COE member Reviews Ticket: Sets Review Date/Time Attaches .doc .xls to ticket (if applicable) Asks preliminary qualifying questions: Has the work been done? Can the work be done? Should this be re-assigned to other team member?

COE Member Works Ticket

Legend 1. Submit (green) 2. Review & Assign (Blue) 3. Work (Purple) 4. Hold/Pending (Yellow) 5. Close (Red)

Call Requestor if clarification is needed (repeat as needed) Leave voicemail Follow-up with email notice Review/update ticket priority H/M/L Makes notes in ticket to explain resolution (as needed)

IF Delays: Then mark ticket On Hold or Pended To User Wait 24 hrs for response Then, put status to On Hold or Pending Add ticket to Pending tracking log Contact/notify user of closure within 24 hrs., if no response

Did COE member get the answer they need? Depending upon answer, COE may: Close Ticket Close Ticket and send a polite email to let requestor know that we have not heard from them within 24 hours and will close the ticket. CTRL + CLICK TO open email notice template Escalate Pend back to user for more information, followed by phone call and/or email

Resolved? YES NO

Issue resolved Cant resolve Mark Escalated and reassign to 2nd tier

Team member add resolution notes, date/time completed, and marks status as Completed Requestor notified by email that ticket is resolved




User has submitted an EPM ticket request to COE to resolve issue


Ticket has been assigned to a COE member to address ticket request


COE isnt appropriate department to resolve issue or cannot resolve ticket (e.g. if it is an enhancement request, EPM Enhancement Request must be submitted)

In Process

Team member is actively working to resolve ticket request


Ticket Request has been completed by COE


Request not urgent or business critical; however, COE will research resolutions to address request


First Line of Support unable to resolve ticket request. So assignee escalated to Level II Support.

On Hold

In order to complete the requestors ticket, COE assignee needs additional information or clarification from the requestor and has not yet received it. The requestor may not have the answer yet or may be unavailable (e.g. out of the office)





Issues that are quick and easy, do not require coding, are more clerical and administrative in nature

First Tier

Data Discrepancy

If data in a report or schedule shows differently between files that should be in sync

Second Tier

EPM System Issue

The issue is related to EPM system issues that are not otherwise captured in the other categories listed here.

First Tier

Missing Data

Most often refers to Reporting

Second Tier

Workspace Issue

User reports issue with workspace, not related to permission

First Tier

Permission Issue

User receives permission error or cant access EPM, Schedule or Workspace

First Tier

Baseline Request

Baseline Request

COE managing Baselines

Earned Value

Any issue related to EV Reporting

COE managing EV

EPM Permission

User needs EPM permission access

COE managing EPM permissions

COE committed the following to our users based on their assignment of priority.
High - Turnaround 3 - 5 hours Normal - Turnaround 24 hours Low - Turnaround 3-5 business days

High Priority 1-x days

Normal Priority 1-x days

Low Priority 1-3 days

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