Ocean Beach Sand Back Passing Program 120717 JLO

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National Park Service and City and County of San Francisco

(San Francisco Public Utilities Commission / Department of Public Works)

Ocean Beach Sand Backpass Project

Relocating Sand from N Ocean Beach to Erosion Hotspot S Ocean Beach A collaborative project between the National Park Service and the City and County of San Francisco

July 17, 2012

Ocean Beach Sand Backpass Project

Project Location Project Description Existing Conditions Project Goals Design Concept Approvals Schedule Contact Information

Project Objectives
Remove sand from in front of the O'Shaughnessy Seawall in order to reduce future sand maintenance efforts; Maintain public access on promenade and stairwells that have been blocked by sand aggredation; Enhance beach access in the erosion hotspot area; Provide for bluff protection in high risk areas that threaten CCSF infrastructure; Reduce the need to implement more engineered bluff protection measures in the short-term.

Existing Conditions

O'Shaughnessy Seawall Area

South of Sloat Area

Existing Conditions

Scope of Work
Survey beach and define volume of sand available and prepare final design Determine placement locations and configuration of relocated sand placement in erosion hotspot area (End-dump plan) Excavate and transport approximately 100,000 + cu yds of sand from in front of O'Shaughnessy seawall Create a sacrificial sand berm at the area south of Sloat for bluff protection for CCSF infrastructure Monitor sand movement both nearshore and longshore to inform future beach nourishment efforts

Seawall Profile
Department of Public Works
Its over 13 feet from top of seawall to first bleacher step

Diagram of Excavation design

Dune Design

Dune Design
Sand Berm Placement


1996 EQR Rubble Fill

Sand Berm Placement 2010 Rock Revetment

Reviews and Approvals

1. NEPA / CEQA 2. Regulatory Approvals

USFWS (Snowy Plover) California Coastal Commission (CD) USACE (404/401 ; Section 10) MTA-SF (traffic plans)

Consultation / Coordination

California Coastal Commission Regional Sediment Management Group NPS Project Review Golden Gate Audubon


Conduct Public Outreach July Regulatory Agency Review / Concurrence July 13, 2012 Complete Environmental Compliance CEQA / NEPA Award Contract - July 20, 2012 Notice to Proceed - Late July / Early August Project Completed Early September 2012

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