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Dental risn materials or acrylic resin material has multiple uses not just for making denture they can be used to :make special tray or custom tray to make a base plate on which we attach the wax and set the teeth and they also can be used for repair for relying denture

Process of macking denture involve tacking impression ,pouring the impression to make a module doing a wax up then de- waxing removing the wax then replacing it with acrylic risen material and do the procedure of processing or flasking to cure the material and allow it to set and then u finsh be polishing your prosthetises and give it to you patient

Why acrlic risen material

now the material of choice for this sort of restoration which is complete or partial denture acrylic risen material . among good properties that its cheep , its easy to use and process its provide reasonable aesthetic

but its

disadvantages it is not strong enough especially the impact strength that mean if it drops on the floor it can be easily fractured . it used to be translucent so if your patient swallow part of it , it wont be visible in the x-rays but newer material have component that are radio obique so u can actually see it on radiograph if part of the denture breack off and the patient swallow it , its important for us to see it on a radiograph we want to see if it in the stomach or in the lung if in the stomach -------- good news :P if in lung -------- bad news

another disadvantage it is susceptible to distortion it might distort . and if it distort it wont fit probably it got low thermal conductivity why is this bad if a patient drinks hot drink too hot . and the material slowly transfer s the heat he might actually burn a tissue without actually feeling quickly enough that he drinking something is very hot so he dose not relaise that hes drinking very hot liquid and its already in his mouth and there is a chance to burning his tissue underneath the denture . patient commonly burn there tissue because the material does not quickly give the sensation of heat because it hve low thermal conductivity

as I said it can be use to make denture , acrlic teeth , denture teeth also can be made from acrylic material base plate or special trays some if can be use for relying denture to make the fit properly ,, some time if the denture making trauma to the tissue we can use what we call a tissue conditioners again making of acrylic material powder liquid mixed together its placed on a inner surface of the denture and it will act like a cushion its soft so the patient could continue wearing the denture and it will not heart because something is cushioning his tissue and its more comfortable . this is an example of heat cure material powder and liquid component it also can be called cure which mean I can set be time no need for heating some of the material as was mentioned in the LAB light cured materials some of them are pour and cure risen which mean that they are highly flowable you mix them and u actually pour them to the mould or the flask . in genral the reaction is polymerization reaction , so we got monomer cross linked to polemer so the monmer is called methyl acrylate and the polymer is polymethyel acrylate , this a commonly used material . There is for example poly ethyl acrylate which is slightly different .

as a definition a polymer is made of large long chain molecules formed by chemically joining smaller molecule together . what decide weather the end product is flexible or rigid it depend on the bond the cross linking it they were strong and highly charged then the end result is a rigid material if the bond between the component slightly weaker than this the the end result material will be slightly flexible briefly what do we mean by addition polymrayzation reaction it got four stages the first one call the activation . Followed by intiation . Two occure togother two ways to activating these materials either by heat hence we have heat cure material or by certain chemical materials in the chemical cure material when does the reaction starts ? - once you mix the powder with the liquid now the activator is present in the liquid so the initiator will be present in the powder

the chemical activator mostly is called tertiary amine the most commonly used initiator is benzoate peroxide {you have to memorize them }

this is in chemical cure material

In heat cure material the intial is benzyl peroxide but the activation occure by heat when we place the material on hot water What will happen when these come on contact benzyl peroxide start to break up and release very active component we call them free radical Free radical are very active the start breaking bond and making a new bond and cross linking between different monomers Once all monomers are tighte up or no more free radicals reaction stops terminates So again we have initiation, activation ,propagation thats mean that the reaction is continuing by macking new bond breaking old bonds and once theres no monomers or no more free radicals the reactions stop and the setting is final which is termination

this what we meant be addition polymrayzation reaction and usually it is not accompanied by byproduct formation ,,,,,remember addition selicon so this basically what happens in addition selicons materials same steps . same principle now in condensation polymerization usually there is more than one type of monomers and usually assiociated with byproducts whether it hydrogen , alcohol or water . so its different so addition polymrezation are more stable dimenshinaly because theres no byproduct formation general speaking

heat cured resin

compestion of the material as we mention before powder polymethyel acrylate and liquid methyl methacrylate monomers the powder is made off small particles or granules , these granules are actullay polymerized methacrylate so it is a monomer that had been polymerized and then dryed up and then ground up into a small particle , it has intiator it has pigment for different shade and different color it has material to make it radio obaque we calle it opacifiers , it got plactifiers tomake it easy to manibulate and synthetic fiber these synthetic fibers look like small just to make it look more natural so these are the major component of the powder liquid as mentioned is methyel methacrylate material and it has a cross linking agent to add strength and stability to the materials and usually ethylene glycol dimethacrylate is the most common used cross linking agent in this material so we said there is heat cure , cold cure , light cure ..ect ,, some time we dont need to place the material in hot water we can use another source of heat .. the microweave but u need to be carful or in these cases the dont use metal flask because if you place metal in the micro weave what will happen? it will exploed , so they use plastic flask , so this is a different source of heating pic on slide # 14 represent the flasking steps

once you mix the powder and liquid you will get different stages through out the setting process we have the intial stage sandy stage material has sandy texture very flowable it will not be easly mainbulated i

second stage the sticky stage u cant actullay mold it as u like and then we have the dough stage its cohesive not sticky u can manipulated ,shape it as u like rubbery stage the doctor didnt say any thing about this stage

then we place it in the flask then we close it up the Dr pointed that when we close the 2 part of the flask we must have excess coming out indicating that theres an enough material so your denture will not be deficient in certain area so we close up the 2 part of the flask then remove excess open it again any ensure that the excess are removed the closed up placed in hot water

why we have the acrylic reisn this way composed of powder and liquid with polymerized methacrylategranules ? ,it has a purpose now in general when we have material that contain a monomer and is going to polymerized when the reaction goes on some shrinkage might occur we call this polymerization shrinkage we dont want a lot of shrinkage . if it happened lot of shrinkage your denture will be deficient small if part of your mix is already polymerized the the polymerization shrink will be less thats why the powder contain pre polymerized poly methyl methacrylate the particle is already polymerized and done and you mix that with the liquied so because we are decressing the amount of monomer you are decressin shrinkage because part of the material is already polymerized so this composition will decrease polymerization shrinkage and also will decrease the exothermic reaction the heat that come out from the reaction .

the steps of processing its called flasking when you place your model which has wax and the teeth in the flask when u get red of the wax it called de waxing then u need to place you acrylic material then u pack it close it up remove excess we call it packing and the the processing is when you heat curing its very important when we clos up the flask to do this under pressure because if there isnt enough pressure to close up the flask completely metal to metal contact the material maught separate the 2 part of the falsk from each other during processing and your denture is going to be to high in the patient mouth .

the process of flasking is need to be very accurate the length of time you need you need to place your flask for curing there are different ways curing the material one of them is facing it to 74 degrees for 8 hours or longer so some time we palace it in hot water path of 74 degrees and leave it overnight next day it will be done there is another way of doing it place it on 74 degrees for 2 hour then boiling it for 1 hour this is a short cycle after the curing are doin there is the coloing process cooling need to be slowly you dont place it in the fridge for it to cool quickly because if u do that u will distort it distortion of the shape of the denture after it cool slowly we can take it from the flask polish it and give it to the patient

mma monomer methyel methacrylate material of the liquied

it is volatile so it should be kept in a sealed container it is flammable so shod kept in a safe place a way of fire and heat and it should be kept a dark container because some light may be actually activate it and produce free radical and it will sart 2 polymerize they shouldnt be any contact between the material and the powder until we want to mix it and work on your denture its an irritant material so we have to wear gloves when we work on it

COLD CURE MATERIAL Its similar but it has an activator which is tertiary amine It also has what we call an inhibitor hydroquinone now this inhibitor the reson of that is to make the material last longer on your shelf when you store it What does the inhibitor do ? It capture the free radical so the reaction does not start by its on thats one thing the other thing that when you actually mix the powder and liquid your working time will be longer so u have enough time to manipulate the material and place it in the flask So its prolonged the shelf life and its prolonged the working time because it capture the free radical prevent reaction from occurring very quickly So cold cure material are mixed in the same way powder and liquid

((((( 19:45 )))))) maher kamel :P

This part is done by mohammad Elwir

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