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In-Depth Interview Protocol

Instructions: This In-depth interview protocol will help in gathering information pertaining to the expectations of users of Bharat Matrimony Mobile Application who are likely to participate/respond in your In-depth interview. These interviews will provide information about the customers expectations before downloading and using the application, customers satisfaction after using the application, and at last, the processes they would like to be done in a different manner by modifying or adding features/functions to the Bharat Matrimony mobile application. Objective:

What are the features mostly used by the users of the Bharat Matrimony mobile application? What are the features/functions expected by the Bharat Matrimony mobile application users? Why a large number of registered members on the website are not downloading/using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application?

Respondents: Self-registered members using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application on iPhone. Self-registered members using the Bharat Matrimony application on iPad. Self-registered members using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application on Mobiles running on Android platform. Self-registered members using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application on BlackBerry mobiles. Self-registered members using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application on Nokia mobiles. Self-registered members having a smartphone/iPad, but not using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application. Self-registered members using Bharat Matrimony WAP site.

Greetings and Introduction (2 minutes) Good Morning. Thanks for coming/responding; we appreciate you for taking the time to talk with us. My name is...... (Introduce observer and role of observer) I want to inform about the project and what our goal is. The Bharat Matrimony is holding individual interviews in Chennai/through phone because we want to hear directly from Customers about your experiences of using Bharat Matrimony mobile application. We are interested in three aspects including, expectations before downloading/using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application, expectations after using the Bharat Matrimony mobile application, and what features you would like us to add to the Bharat Matrimony mobile application.

Confidentiality (1minute) Interviewers will confirm to their true respondents, that all information they disclose will be kept confidential. We will not attach your name to any comments you make and will change identifying details if we use your information in any report.

Questions I am going to ask you questions now about your general experiences with mobile applications, and specific experiences with the Bharat Matrimony mobile application. 1. Do you own a smartphone/iPad? Probes What mobile phone model you use? Is it a touchscreen device? 2. Do you download applications for your mobile/iPad? Probes What kind of applications, you download? Eg: games, social networking etc. Do you prefer downloading free or paid applications? Do you often upgrade from a free application to a paid application?

3. How often, you use a mobile application? Probes Can you please elaborate, when you will use a mobile application (even if there is a website available for the same). Will you use the mobile application, when you have access to laptop/desktop with internet?

4. What advantages, do you think, that a mobile application has compared to the website?

5. Tell us, your reactions, when the control features of the application is complex. (Tough to scroll, too much navigation to get information etc.). Probes What do you feel, while using such applications? How hard is it for you to use such applications? Will you continue to use that application, if a good alternative application is available?

6. What do you think, if an application is available free in the market with all the features?

7. What are the constraints you would consider before downloading an application? Probes Do you consider the ratings given by various reviews? Do you consider suggestions given by your friends/family? Would you download a new application, without considering any suggestions?

8. What are the other Matrimonial search mobile applications you are aware of? Probes What features you would like to see in a matrimonial mobile application?

9. Have you downloaded the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? Probes Do you access the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application often? On an average how long do you use the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application, once you have logged in?

10. How you came to know about the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? Probes Did you get the link from the Bharat Matrimony website? Did you find the application from the dedicated online stores for your mobile?

11. How would you describe the following features in terms of Quality, Usefulness? Search option, photo viewing option, message viewing option, profile viewing option, interests viewing option. Probes Could you elaborate a bit on those features? Please tell me which all features, you use regularly. How do you feel about the Push Notifications that you receive?

Application Design: What do you think about the overall look and feel of the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? What features are easy to locate the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application compared to the website?

Ease of Use: What are the features/functions that you find most easy/convenient to use in the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? Which features are not convenient to use? Give some suggestions how we can improve it. What sort of application design would you prefer to make navigation easy for you?

Expectation: What are the other features; you are aware of in the website, which is not available in the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? What are the features; you want us to add to the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? What are the differences you feel, while seeing a profile in the Bharat Matrimony website and the Mobile application? In terms of which factors do you think, the process is easy for you? Probes What do you feel about the speed of the application? What do you think about the upload speed of the photos? Is the application free from errors/crashes? And does it run swiftly? Are you getting the adequate information you want, through the mobile application?

Security features: What do you think about the security features offered by the website? Probes Do you think, your password is safe while logging in and no one else can access it? Are you sure that no one can have access to your account through your mobile? Please suggest us some features to be added, for improving the security aspects.

Desired features: Are you using any other matrimony mobile application? How do you find the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application compared to other matrimony applications? What services or qualities do you think Bharat Matrimony application should add/improve in order to better meet your needs in future?

Key Customer Insights: Would you like to share with us any problems faced in our mobile application? Suggest us how we can improve on it. Is there anything else, you like to tell me about the Bharat Matrimony mobile Application? Finally, I encourage your creativity, please come up with any idea.

Express Appreciation: Assure that their ideas and feedback will count towards change. Communicate that the results would be made available to them. End the interview by expressing our gratitude.

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