Lateral Earth Pressure - Curved Surface

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Lateral Earth Pressure- Curved Failure Surface

t l I n C h a p t e r 1 2 ,w c c o n s i d c r c cC o u k r m b s c a r t h p r e s s u r e h c o r y ,i n w h i c h t h e r e t a i n -l'hc in potential I'ailurcsurfaces thc backfill were to ing wall was consiclered bc rough. in consideredto be plancs. In reality, mclstfailure surf'accs soil arc curved.Therc are i o w s c v c r a li n s t a n c c s h e r e t h c a s s u m p t i o n f p l a n e f a i l u r c s u r f a c e sn s o i l m a y p r o v i d e unsale results. Exarrrplcsof these cascselrc the estimation of passivcpressureand etrrth pressureand proccduresby which passive braced cuts.This chaptcr clcscribes using curved failurc surfaces latcral earth prcssurc rln bracod cuts can bc cstir.nated in thc soil.


Retaining Walls with Friction

of develop bctwccn the I'ace the In reality, rctaining walls are rough. and shear I'orccs To unclerstarrd elTectof'wall friction on thc failure surface, thc wall and thc backlill. backfill as shown a let us consicler rough rctaining wall AB with a horizontal grzrnular i n F i g u r c1 3 . 1 . I n t h e a c t i v cc a s c ( F i g u r c l 3 . l a ) , w h e n t h c w t t l l A B m o v c s t o a p o s i t i o n , 4 ' 8 , thc soil massin thc activezonc will bc stretchcdoutward. This will causea downward a m o t i o n o f t h e s o i l r c l a t i v et o t h c w a l l . T h i s m o t i o n c i l u s e s d o w n w a r ds h e a ro n t h e in (Figure and it is callcd a positive wull l' tlrc ttctivecasc.If 5 is wall the wall anclthe backfill, then thc rcsultant activeforce the anglc of friction bctween P,,will bc inclined at zrnangle 6 to thc normal drawn to the berckface of the retaining wall. Advanced studies show that the failure surface in the backfill can be repThe portion BC is curved, and the porresente by BCD, as shown in Figure 13.1a. d surface is a straight line. Rankine's active state exists in the tion CD of the lailure zone ACD. a Under certain conditions,if the wall shown in Figure 13.1 is forced downward backfill, the direction of the active force P,, will change as with reference to the shown in Figure 13.1c.This is a situation of negativewall friction (-5) in the active case.Figure 13.1calso showsthe nature of the failure surfacein the backfill. state is shown in Figures 13.1dand e. The effect of wall friction for the passive is pushed to a position A'B (Figure 13.1d),the soil in the passive When the wall,4B


13.1 Retaining Walls with Friction


,^, \.T -:


Hl* l ffi

l s it l

( a ) A c t i v cc . r s e + 3 ) (

H Soil fiiction = angle Q'



( c ) A e t i r c e i r s c1 - $ 1 '

.,\o' 1

'T tr I ffirl

H l ; l

( d ) P a s s i v e a s c( + 6 ) c

i $ ffil l

. 1 4\ r


H Soil fiiction a n g l e= Q '


(f) Passive case(-6) Figure 13.1 Effect of wall friction on failure surface


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface The result is an upward motion relative to the wall. The upzone will be compressed. ward motion of the soil will causean upward shearon the retainingwall (Figure 13.1e). This is referred to as positive wall .friction in the passive case.The resultant passive force, P,,,will be inclined at an angle 5 to the normal drawn to the back face of the wall. The failure surfacein the soil has a curved lower portion BC and a straight upstate existsin the zone ACD. per portion CD. Rankineispassive If the wall shown in Figure 13.ld is forced upward relative to the backlill by a force, then the direction of the passivcforce P,,will changeas shown in Figure 13.lf. This is negativewall .f'rictbn in the passivecase(-5). Figure 13.1falso showsthe nature of the failure surfacein the backfill under such a condition. in For practical considerations, the caseof loose granular backfill, the angleof '. wall fricticln 5 is taken to be equal to the angle of friction of soil, <f For densegranular backfills,6 is smaller than ry''erndis in thc range of r['12 < 6 < (213)$'. good rcsultswhile calThe assumptionof plane failure surfaccgivesreasonzrbly culating active earth pressure.Howcvcr, the assumptionthat thc failure surfaceis a resistance walls,parof thc passive planc in Coulombk theory grosslyoverestimates t i c u l a r l yf o r 5 > < b ' 1 2 .


Properties of a Logarithmic Spiral

p o s T h c c a s eo f p a s s i v e r c s s u r c h o w ni n F i g u r c l 3 . l d ( c a s e f + 6 ) i s t h e m o s t c o m m o n repreonc encounteredin dcsign and construction.Also, thc curved lailurc surl'ace t i s e n t e db y B C i n F i g u r e 1 3 . 1 d s m o s t c o m m o n l y a s s u m e d o b e t h c a r c o f a l o g a r i t h m i c s p i r a l .I n a s i m i l a r m a n n e r .t h e f a i l u r c s u r f a c ei n s o i l i n t h c c a s co f b r a c e dc u t s ( S e c t i o n s1 3 . 6t o 1 3 . 1 0 ) s a l s o a s s u m e d o b c t h c a r c o f a l o g a r i t h m i cs p i r a l .H e n c e , i t conccrning the properties o1'a logarithmic spiral are describedin some useful idezrs thissection. T h e e q u a t i o n o f t h e l o g a r i t h m i cs p i r a l g e n e r a l l yu s e d i n s o l v i n gp r o b l e m si n soil mechanicsis of the form

r :



where r r,, : d' : 0 :

radius of the spiral starting radius at 0 : 0 angle of friction of soil r,, angle between r anTd

The basic parametersof a logarithmic spiral are shown in Figure 13.2,in which O is the center of the spiral. The area of the sector OAB is given by


f' 1 | -, r Q d a ) '0


13.2 Properties of a Logarithmic Spiral



:t'fffi,tf^'**","r.. ora r.garirhnric spiral

S u b s t i t u t i n g h e v a l u c so f r l r o m E q . ( 1 3 . ) i n t o E q . ( 1 3 . 2 ) w c g e r t I ,

A :

1 Ar : r2,e2l a' cl7

4 tan $'

( 1,r.3)

The location of thc centroid can bc defined by the distancesm zrnd (Figure 13.2), n measured from O,4 and OIl, respcctively, and can be given by the following equations(Hijab, 1956):

4 m = *r 3'" (9 tan2 6'

tan S'
tan $'

t (;)'

g ( 3 tan o' s1n

lft t -

cos0) + 1 (13.4)


\r" (;)'-

n = :r

3' ' (9 ranz + 1) d'

( 13.s)

Another important property of the logarithmic spiral defined by Eq. (13.1) is that any radial line makes an angle@'with the normal to the curve drawn at the point

Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface where the radial line and the spiral intersect.This basicproperty is particularly useful in solving problems related to lateral earth pressure.



Procedure for Determination of PassiveEarth Pressure, Po (Cohesionless Backfill)

Figure 13.lcl shows the curved failurc surfacc in the granular backfill of a retaining as wall of hcight H. The shear strength of the granular backfill is expressed
T| : o' ltln tb'


The curved lower portirn BC of thc failure wedgc is an arc of a logarithmic spiral defincd by Eq. ( 13.I ). Thc center of the log spiral lies on the linc cA (not necessari l y w i t h i n t h e l i m i t s o l p o i n t s C a n d A ) . T h e u p p e r p o r t i o n C D i s a s t r a i g h tl i n e t h a t 'fhc soil rn the zone ACD with thc horizontal. makes an angle of (4-5- (i 12)dcgrees isin Rankine'spassivcstote. Figure 13.3shows the prclcedurefor evaluatingthe passiveresistanceby trial wedges(Tcrzaghi and Pcck, 1967).The retaining wall is first drawn to scaleas shown . i n F i g u r e 1 3 . 3 aT h e l i n e C l , A i s d r a w n i n s u c ha w a y t h a t i t m a k c s a n a n g l eo f ( 4 5 (>'12)degrces with the surfaceol'the backlill. IlctDt is a trial wcdge in which BC1is : O1 thc arc of a logarithmiclpiral. According to thc cquation ,"1 r,,ettti""t', is the center r o f t h e s p i r a. l( l ' , l o t c : O r E :r , , a n d O 1 C 1 - , a n d L B O C T : 0 r , r e f e r t o F i g u r e 1 3 ' 2 . ) F N o w l e t u s c o n s i d e rt h c s t a b i l i t yo f t h c s o i l m a s sA B C , C i ! ( F i g u r e 1 3 . 3 b ) . o r equilibrium. the following forcesper unit length of the wall are to bc considered: l . W e i g h to f t h e s o i l i n z o n e A B C T C ' 1 : W r : ( y ) ( A r e a o f A B C t C i ) ( 1 ) . passive statc; hence,the 2. Thc vertical facc, C1C!. is in the zone of Rankine'.s is force actins on this fercc

' , , , , ,-

r'rnt(-.. )r('1,):

'', )


v m o a y w h e r e ( l t : C ( : t . P , 1 , la c t sh o r i z c l n t a l l y t a d i s t a n c e f d 1 1 3 e a s u r e d e r t i cally upward from C1. 3. F1 is the resultant of the shear and normal forces that act along the surfaceof sliding, BCt. At any point on the curve, accordingto the property of the loga' rithmic spiral, a radial line makes an anglc tf with the normal. Becausethe re' with the normzrlto the spiral at its point of apsultant, F,, makes an anglc f plication. its line of application will coincide with a radial line and will pass through the point O'. force per unit length of the wall. lt acts at a distanceof H13 4. P1 is the passive measuredvertically from the bottom of the wall. The direction of the force P1 is inclined at an angle 5 with the normal drawn to the back face of the wall. Now taking the moments of W1, Patrt,F, , and P' about the point Ot, for equilibrium. we have

+ w,lL*t,i+ Pd(l)url r,[0] : P,[/"r,1]


13.3 Procedure for Determination of PassiveEarth Pressure,P" (CohesionlessBackfill)


Figure 13.3 Passiveearth pressure against retaining wall with curved failure surface

Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface



* Pu,tt,l


where l*0. lr. and /",,; are moment arms for the forces W r, P dtrl, and P,, respectively. The preceding procedure for finding the trial passiveforce per unit length of the wall is repeatedfor scveraltrial wcdgessuch as those shown in Figure 13.3c.Let P , , P r , P 3 , . . . , P , ,b . t h e f o r c e st h a t c o r r c s p o n dt o t r i a l w e d g e s1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , n , r e s p e c tively. The forces are plotted to some scalc as shown in the upper part of the flgure. A s m o o t h c u r v e i s p l o t t e d t h r o u g h t h e p o i n t s 1 , 2 , 3 . . . . , n . T h e l o w e s tp o i n t o f t h e smooth curve delines the actual passive forcc, P,,.pcr unit length of the wall.


Coefficient of PassiveEarth Pressure (Kp)

Thc passiveforce per unit length of a rough retaining wall with a cohesionless horiz o n t a l b a c k f i l lc a n b e c a l c u l a t e d s a


( I .r. t0)

whcrc Kr, : passivepressurecoel'licient. F o r t h c d c l i n i t i o n o l ' H , , s e e F i g u r e 1 3 . 4 . h e v a r i a t i o n o f K , , d c t c r m i n e db y T C a q u o t a n d K e r i s c l ( l 9 4 t t ) i s a l s os h o w n i n F i g u r e 1 3 . 4 . I t i s i m p o r t a n t t o n o t c t h a t t h c K , , v a l u e ss h o w ni n F i g u r e 1 3 . 4a r e t o r 6 l < f ': 1 . l f 6 l ( b ' I l . t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o c c d u r cm u s t b e u s e c t o d e t e r m i n eK , , : l l . A s s u m e6 a n d d ' . 2. Calculate6/rf'. 6lrf' (step 2), determine the reduction factor, R, from 3. Using thc ratio o1' T a b l c1 3 . 1 . 4. Determine K,, from Figurc 13.4for 6lO' - 1. 5. Calculate K,,, the rcquircd 6l$' as for

K,,: (R)[Kr1u,4,,-,;l


Shields and Tolunay (1973) improved the trial wedge solution described in Section 13.3by using Ihe method o.fslic'es considerthe stability of the trial soil wedge to such as ABCTC't in Figure 13.3a. The details of the analysisare beyond the scopeof this text. However. the valuesof K, (passive earth pressurecoefficient)obtained by this method are given in Table 13.2,and they seem to be as good as any other set of valuesavailablecurrently. Note that the valuesof K,, shown in Table 13.1are for retaining walls with a vertical back (that is, g : 0 in Figure 13.3)supporting a granular backlill with a horizontal ground surface.The passivepressure for such a casecan be given as I P , ,- " , , y H 2 , K

l5 t4 l3 l2
l l

l0 9 8
. F

{ _

a o .a )

o r '

E .2
o o I

| 0 2 0 3 0 Soillricrion anglc. (deg) 0'

Logarithmic s p ir x l

a',,= Kr'{Ht

Figure 13.4 Caquot and Kcrisel'.s solution lor K/,

Table 13.7 Caquot and Keriscl'.s Reduction Factor, R. lirr Passive PrcssurcClalculation


t0 l-5 20 25 30 3.5 40

o.7 0.97u 0.961 0.939 0.9t2 0.u7rl 0.836 0.7u3 0.718

0.6 0.962 0.934 0.901 0.t360 0.t31 I 0.752 0.682 0.6(x)




0.2 0.89[i 0.830 0.752 0.666 0.574 0.475 0.375 0.276


0.0 0.n64 0.'7'75 0.678 0.571 0.467 0.362 0.262 0.174

0.c146 0.907 0.u62 0.u08 0.'746 0.674 0.-592 0.-500

0.929 0.881 0.821 0.7-s9 0.686 0.603 0.5t2 0.414

0.9t2 0.854 0.781 0.71I 0.62'/ 0.536 0.439 0.339

0.88I 0.1303 0.'716 0.620 0.520 0.417 0.316 0.221

Table 13.2 Shieldsand Tolunay'.s Values ol K,, Bascd on the Method of Shces 6 (deg) 4'(deg) 0

10 2.26 2.7'7 3.43 4.29 5.44 7.06 2.43 3.03 3.80 4.84 6.26 8.30 2.55 3.23 4.13 5.34 7.05 9.55 2.70 3.39 4.40 -5.80 7.80 10.80 3.63 4.64 6.21 8.51 12.04




20 25 30 35 40 45

2.04 2.46 3.0t) 3.69 4.69 5.83

-5.03 6..59 9.18 13.26

7.25 9.83 t1.46

11.03 15.60



Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface

E x a m p l e1 3 . 1
Considera 3-m-high(11)retainingwall with a,verticalback (0 = 0") and a horiand S' : 30'. Estimate zontal granularbacklill. Given:y : 15.7kNlm',6 : 15o, force, Pr, by using the passive a. Coulomb's theory (Caquotand Kerisel solution) b. curvedfailure surface assumption c. Shields and Tolunav's solutions Solution a. From Eq. (12.89), pr: lKrtHz Thus, From Table 12.1 ,for Q' : 30"and 6 = 15', the valueof Ko is 4.977. : kN/m P : (i )9.e77)(1s.7X3)2 351.6 b. FromEq. (13.10)" r', : lKnyHl : lxryut g (because : 0", H : Hr)

From Figure J,3.4, d : 0', 6lO' : 1, and rf ' - 30o, valueof K, is for the factor,R, is 6.4.From Table13.1, 616': 15/30: 0.5,the reduction for per Eq. (13.11), Thus, 0.746. : K,,: (0.746)(6.4) 4.77 So : PP: ,(4.77)(15.7x3)'? 337kN/m3

= Pn


From TatrleI3.2.for 6 ' : 30' and 6 : 15",the valueof Kn is 4.13. Hence,

D -

- 292 ( ; ) ( 4.13X1s.7X3) , kN/m


PassiveForce on Walls with Earthquake Forces

The passiveforce on retaining walls with earthquake forces was discussedin Section 12.15.ln that analysis, the backfill was consideredto be a granular soil, and the failure surfacein the backfill was assumedto be a olane. It was shown in Sections13.3

13.5 PassiveForce on Walls with Earthquake Forces




t _ t 1
J - l l - ) l

Granular backtill 'l a

I Hl

Figure 73.5 Logarithmic spiral failurc surl'acclirr determinaliorrol p,,,,

a n c l 1 3 . 4t h a t l o r s t a t i cc o n d i t i o n sa n d w h c n D > ( t ' 1 2 ,t h e p a s s i v eo r c e c a l c u l a t e d y f b a s s u r r r i n g p l a n e f a i l u r c s u r f a c c i n t h e b a c k f i l l b e c o n t e su n s a f e .F o r t h a t r c a s o n . a M o r r i s o n a n d E , b e l i n g 1 9 9 - 5a s s u m e ctlh a t t h e I ' a i l u r cs u r l a c cw a s a n a r c o f a l o g a ( ) r i t h n l i c s p i r a l a s d e l i n c c lh y E q . ( l 3 . l ) . a n d t h e y c a l c u l a t c d h c m a g n i t u < 1o l ' p a s s i v c t c f o r c e b y i n c l u d i n gc a r t h q u a k cf o r c c s ( F i u u r c 1 3 . - 5 ) . F i e u r c 1 3 . - 5 h c b a c k f a c c e f ' In t, t h e r e t a i n i n gw a l l i s v a r t i c u a n d t h c b a c k f i l li s l u t r i ? . o r t t uA I s o . l L 1 1 : h c i g h to f ' r c t a i n i n g a l l w W : wcightol'1'ailurc cclgc w l',,,,- l'assivc lirrcc pcr unit lcrrgthol'thc warll d - a n g l co l ' w a l l l ' r i c t i o n horiz<lntalcomponcntol'carthquakcaccclcration . .orouity;--'--': k"-,*.";,.,du,"ru k'' v c r t i c a lc o r n p r t n c no l ' c a r t h q u a k ea c c e l c r e r t" o n t i -o....r"r.,t,.ru*n...g.*itr*tt.=--

Bascd on Morriscln and Ehclinc'.s analysis.thc passivef<lrcecan be grvenas P,,"-



Figure 13.6showsvariation of Kj, with /r,,and ry''for thc Mononobe-okabe solution lEq. (12.92)l and for the logarithmic spiral type of fiiilure surfaceanalysis, with 6 : 2(b'13, - 0, r, - 0". and a - 0". As we can see from the figule, for ergiven value of k,, k,,,the magnitude of Kj, is alwayslarger when thc failure surfaceis assumedto be a plane (Mononobe-okabc solution). This is true for all values of ry',.Figure 13.1 showsthe variation of Kj, with k7,and 6 for the Mononobe-okabe solution and the l o g a r i t h m i c s p i rs o l u t i o n , w i t h k , , : 0 , d ' : 3 0 ' , d - 0 ' , a : 0 o , a n d 6 : 0 , 6 , al 12.2613. , and@'.


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface

Mononobe-Okabe l-og spiral

0' = 20'

0 ' =2 s "

0 ' =3 0 : Figure 13.6 Variation Kf, with k,,and@'(6 of



0.30 kt,


k,. - 0. 0 : 0', and d : 0') (bascd on Morrison and Ebcling. 1995)

Mortonobc-Okabc l-og spiral



Figure 13.7 Variation Kj, with ki, and6 (k,,: 0, of ,r' : 30",0 - 0',a : 0') (based on Morrisonand Ebcling,199-5)

BRACED CUTS 13.6 Braced Cuts-General

open Frequently during the constructionof foundations or utilities (such as sewers), trenches with vertical soil slopes are excavated.Although most of these trenches are temporary, the sides of the cuts must be supported by proper bracing systems. commonly adopted in construction Figure 13.8showsone of severalbracing systems practice.The bracing consistsof sheet piles, wales,and struts.

13.6 Braced Cuts-General





Figure 13.8 Braced cut: (a) crossscction: (b) plan (section trt X-X)

Proper designof theseelementsrcquires a knowledgc of thc lateral earth pressure exerted on the braced wnlls.Thc magnitudeol the latcral carth pressureat various depths of the cut is very much influencedby the deforntation condition of thc sheeting.To understandthe nature ol the clelormationclf the bracedwalls,one needs to follow the sequenceof construction.Construction o1'thc unit beginswith driving t h e s h c c t i n g sT h e t o p r o w o l ' t h c w a l es a n d s t r u t s( m a r k c d , , 1i n F i g u r c 1 3 . 8 a )s c m . i 'l'his placed immcdiately alter a small cut is made. ernplacemcntmust bc done in.rmediately so that the soil massoutside thc cut has no tirne to dcforrl and cerusc the s h e e t i n g so y i e l d . A s t h e s e q u e n c e f d r i v i n g t h c s h e e t i n g sc x c a v a t i n g h c s o i l , a n d t o . t placing rows of walcs and struts (seeB and C in Figure 13.t.i) continucs,thc sheetings move inward at greater depths. This action is causedby greater carth prcssureexerted by the soil outside the cut. The deformation ol the bracedwalls is shown by the broken lines in Figure 13.['ia. Essentially, thc problem models a condition where the wzrllsare rotating about the level of the top row of struts. A photograph of braced cuts made for subwayconstructionin Chicagois shown in Figure 13.9a. Figures 13.9b and 13.9care photographsof two braced cuts - one in Seoul, South Korea, and thc other in Taiwan. 'fhe deformation of a braced wall differs from the deformation condition of a retaining wall in that, in a braced wall, the rotation is about the top. For this rcason, neither Coulomb's nor Rankine's theory will give the actual earth pressurcdistribution. This fact is illustrated in Figure 13.10on page 433, in which AB is a frictionless wall with a granular soil backfill. When the wall deforms to position AB'. failure surface BC develops.Becausethe upper portion of the soil massin the zone,4BC does not undergo sufficientdeformation, it does not passinto Rankine'sactivestate.The sliding surface BC intersects the ground surface almost at 90". The corresponding earth pressurewill be somewhatparabolic,llke acb shown in Figure 13.10b. With this type of pressuredistribution, the point of application of the resultant active thrust P,,,will be at a height of n,,H measured from the bclttom of the wall. with rz,,> ] lfor triangular pressuredistribution n,, : !). Theoretical evaluation and lield measurements have shown lhat n,, could be as high as 0.5-5.


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface


. " ' *


{{ I


i ot f.'


lgrJi\ F,,i



Figure 13.9 Bracedcuts:(a) Chicagosubway (courtesy Ralph B. Peck); construction of (b) in Seoul,SouthKorea (courtesy E. C. Shin,Universityof Inchon,SouthKorea);(c) in of Taiwan(courtesy RichardTsai,C&M Hi-TechEngineering of Co., Ltd., Taipei,Taiwan)

13.6 BracedCuts-General


*h" f,; fr ' l r l t



Figure 13.9 (continued)



a distributionagainst wall with rotation aboutthe top Figure 13.10 Earthpressure


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface




0.6 Figure 13.11 Laboratory observationoI thc distribution of horizontal component of latcral earth pressureon retaining wall rotating about thc top.


Figure 13.I t shows the laboratory observationsof Sherif and Fang (1984) related to the distribution of the horizontal component of the lateral earth pressureon a model retaining wall with a dry granular backfill rotating about the top. This ligure clearly demonstrates the nonhydrostaticdistribution of the lateral earth pressurefor this type of wall movement.


Determination of Active Thrust on Bracing Systems of Open Cuts in Granular Soil

The activc thrust on the bracing systemof open cuts can be theoretically estimated by using trial wedgesand Tcrzaghi'sgeneral wcdge theory (1941).The basic procedurc for determination of the activethrust arc describedin this section. Figure 13.12a showsa bracedwall A B of hcight H that deforms by rotating about its top. Thc wall is assumedto bc rough, with the angle of wall friction equal to 5. The point of application of the active thrust (that is, n,,H)is assumedto be known. The curve of sliding is assumedto be an arc of a logarithmic spiral. As we discussed in the precedingsection,the curve of sliding intersectsthe horizontal ground surface at 90". To proceed with the trial wedgc solution, let us selecta point b,. From b,, a line bpl that makes an angle r/,'with the ground surfaceis drawn. (Note that 4i' : eft'ective angle of friction of the soil.) The arc of the logarithmic spiral, b,B, which definesthe curve of slidingfor this trial, can now be drawn, with the center of the spiral (point O1) locatedon the line b1bi.Note that the equation for the logarithmic spir a l i s g i v e n b y r , : r , , e 0 ' t ' r nab 'd , i n t h i s c a s eO h , - r , , a n dO , B : r , . A l s o , i t i s i n 'n , teresting to see that the horizontal line that representsthe ground surface is the normal to the curve of sliding at the point b,, and that O pl is a radial line. The angle between them is equal to @',which agreeswith the property of the spiral. To look at the equilibrium of the failure wedge, let us consider the following lbrces per unit length of the braced wall: l. W, : the weight of the wedge ABbt : (Area of ,48b1) x (7) x (1). 2. P1 : the active thrust acting at a point nnf/ measured vertically upward from the bottom of the cut and inclined at an ansle 6 with the horizontal.

13.7 Determination of Active Thrust on Bracing Systems of Open Cuts in Granular Soil

I I+

\ J

L- 90"


' ' , ' l I


Figure 13.12 Dctermination of activeforce on h n r c i n g y s t e m I o p e nc u t i n s o soil cohesionless

Fr : the resultant of the shear and normal forces that act along the trial failure surface.The line of action of the force F will passthrough the point Ot. Now, taking the moments of these forces about O1, we have l V , [ / , u . t ]+ f , ( 0 ) - P r [ / / , ( r ) ] : t )

' Ip(.r)


are where /1y,1., /"1,., the moment arms for the forces W' and Pt, respectively. and


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface This procedure of linding the active thrust can now be repeated for several wedges such as ABbz, ABbt,. . ., ABb,, (Figure 13.Izb). Note that the centersof The acrespectively. the logarithmic spiral arcs will lie on lines b2bi, bjb\, . . ., b,b',,, tive thrusts Pr, Pz, P1,. . ., P,,derived from the trial wedgesare plotted to some scale in the upper porlion of Figure 13.12b.The maximum point of the smooth curve drawn through these points will yield the desiredmaximum active thrust, P,,,on the braced wall. Kim and Preber (1969) detcrmined the valuesof P,,l0.5yHrtor braced excava', tions for various valuesof <f 5, and n,,.These valuesarc given in Table 13.3.ln general, the averagemagnitudc of P,, is about 107" greatcr when the wall rotation is activeearth presabout the top as compared with the value obtained by Coulomb'.s sure theclry.

', Table 13.3 P,,l0.5yH'Against <f 6, and n,,(t'' - 0) lbr Braced Cuts'r' P"/0.5yH2

P"/0.5yH nu = 0.6 (deg) ( d e g l n, = 0.3


6 (deg)

n, = 0.3

na = 0.4

n" = 0.5


n, = O.4 n, = 0.5

na = 0.6

(, 5 t0
0 ,5 l0 l-5 0 l0 l5 20

0.653 0.623 0.6I0 0.542 0.-5Iu 0.-s05 0.499 0.499 0.430 0.4I9 0.43 1 0.41 3 r 0.37 0.3-s6 0.341 0.342 0.341 0.341 0.304 0.293 0.286 0.282 0.281 0.284 0.289

0.734 0.7(x) 0.68-5 0.602 0.57-5 0.559 0.554 0.495 0.473 0.460 0.454 0.454 0.'105 0.389 0.378 0.373 0.372 0.37.5 0.330 0.318 0.310 0.306 0.30.5 0.307 0.313

0.71)9 0.783 0.619 0.646 0.629 0.623 0.-5-51 0.-s26 0.5I 0.504 0.504 0.441 0.42u 0.416 0.4I0 0.409 0.413 0.361 0.347 0.339 0.334 0.332 0.335 0.341

0.983 0.933 0.9I6 0.778 0.739 0.7I9 0.74 t 0.622 0.-593 0.575 0.56t3 0.569 0.,199 (\.171 0.164 0.457 0.4-56 0.461 0.400 0.384 0.374 0.368 0.367 0.370 0.377


0 -5 l0


20 25 30 3-5 40 o 5 l0 l5 20

0.247 0.239 0.234 0.231 0.231 0.232 0.236 0.213 0.l9u 0.t92 0.I89 8 0.1 7 0.Iu7 0.It3tt 0.192 0.lL)1 0.205 0.1 6 5 0.1 2 5 0.150 0.148 0.l,t9 0.1-50 0.1-53 0.l -s8 0.1 4 6 0.r73

0.267 0.258 ('t.252 (i.249 0.24u 0.2-50 0.254 0.262 0.213 0.206 0.202 0.2(x) 0.2(x) 0.202 0.20-s 0.21I 0.220 0.167 0.1 3 6 0.160

0.290 0.280 0.273 0.210 (\.269 0.271 0.276 0.284 0.230 0.223 0.2t9 0.216 0.216 0.21u 0.222 0.228 0.237 0.r80 0.175 0.172 0.17r 0.17r 0.173 0.t76 0.181 0.188 0.198

0.318 0.3ltt 0.3(X) (\.21)6 0.295 0.297 0.302 0.312 0.252 0.244 0.238 0.236 0.235 (\.237 0.241 0.248 0.2-59 0.196 0.190 0.187 0.185 0.185 0.187 0.t90 0.196 0.204 0.213



0 5 l0 1-5 20 25 U 5 l0 l5 20 z) 30

30 3-5 40 45


5 It) 1.5 20 25 30 35 40

se 0.1
0.1 9 5

6 0.1 4 0.168 0.1 5 7 0.1 4 8

*After Kim and Preber(1969)

13.8 Determination of Active Thrust on Bracing Systems for Cuts in Cohesive Soil
Table 13.4 Values of P"l0.5yH2 for Cuts in 2 6'-@'Soil with the Assumption cn : c'(tan 6/tan @')x

n' = 0'3
5 (degl

s'lyH = 0.1 0.254 0.214 0.1 7 8 0.169 0.191 0.1 0 6 0.140 0.t22 0 . 13 l 0.l3rJ 0 . 16 l 0.099 0.08-5 o.074 0.065 0.093 0.078 0.066 0.0-56 0.047 0.036 0.029


f,u = 0.4 and c'lyH = O.1

na = 0.5 and s'lyH = 0.1

$' : 15" 0 -5 10

,h' : 20"
t, 5 t0
l )

0.285 0.240 0.210 0.r91 0.21 0 0.179 0.1 6 5 0.t27 0.124 0.1-50 0.12r3 0 . 10 l 0.09.s 0.083 0.0'71 0.I03 0.0u6 0.073 0.060 0.0-5 t 0.042 0.033

0.322 0.270 0.238 0.21u 0.236 0.200 0.1 3 7 0.1-54 0.140 0.16'7 0.r41 0.122 0.1 6 0 0.093 0.01t3 0.113 0.094 0.0ti0 0.067 0.056 0.047 0.038

20 <h': 25" (, -5 l0 l5 20 25 rf' :30" 0 5 l0 l-5 20 25 30

x A f t c r K i m a n d P r c b e r( 1 9 6 9 )


Determination of Active Thrust on Bracing Systems for Cuts in Cohesive Soil

Using the principles of the general wedge theory, we can also determine the active thrust on bracing systems cuts made in c'-@'soil. Table 13.4givesthe variation of for Puin a nondimensionalform for various valuesof @',5, no, and c'lyH. For the d : 0 condition, c : c,,.For this condition, it can be shown (Das and Seeley.1975)that


- n,)Q'677 KN')YHZ 41


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface where

A / -

l c , \ \rH )

( 13.1s)

K : '(;)
where cu : adhesionalong the face of sheet piles. The valuesof K are

\ c"/

U 0.5 1.0

2;762 3.056 3.143


Pressure Variation for Design of Sheetings, Struts, and Wales

The active thrust againstsheeting in a braced cut, calculated by using the general wedge theory, does not explain the variation of the earth pressurewith depth that is necessaryfor design work. An important difference betwecn bracingsin open cuts and retaining walls is that retaining walls fail as single units, whereasbracingsin an failure where one or more struts fail at one time. open cut undergo progressive Empirical lateral pressurediagramsagainstsheetingsfor the designof bracing systemshavc been given by Peck (1969).These pressurediagramsf<trcuts in sand, soft to medium clay, and stiff clay arc given in Figure 13.13.Strut loads may be determined by assumingthat the vertical membersare hinged at each strut level except


-?H) ",,=YH(

t 6 , , = o . 2 Y Ho o . 4 Y H


t I




I o.5H


I I +
Sand (a) Soft to medium clay (b)


v T

StifTclay StifTclay (c)

pressure for Figure 13.13 Peck's diagrams designof bracingsystems

13.9 Pressure Variation for Design of Sheetings, Struts, and Wales



Figure 13.14 Delermination strutloadsfrom cmpirical of lateralpressure diagrams t h e t o p m o s t a n d b o t t o m m o s to n e s ( F i g u r e 1 3 . 1 4 ) E x a m p l e 1 3 . 2i l l u s t r a t e s h e p r o . t ccdure for the calculationof strut loads.


Example 13.2
A 7-m-deep bracedcut in sandis shownin Figure 13.15. the plan,the strutsare In placedat s : 2 m centerto center.Using Peck's empiricalpressure diagram,calculatethe desisn strut loads.





T= l6 kN/mr

0'- 30"^


f T:

B o t t o m0 1 ' c u t


Figure 13.15 Bracedcut in sand

Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface

frompressure envelope ofstrutloads Figure13.16Calculation Solution diagram, For Refer to Figure 13.13a. the lateralearth pressure / d,\ ./ 30\ n2+ o " : 0 . 6 5 y H t a n 2 (5 - : ) : ( 0 . 6 s X 1 6 ) ( 7 ) t a 4 s ( + ) : z + . z t k N / m 2 z / z , /
\ \

is Assumethat the sheeting hingedat strut level B. Now refer to the diagramin at.4, Br, Bz, and C. Takingthe moment We Figure13.16 needto find reactions ,B,.we have about

2 A : (2 4.27X:Xi) ; A = 54.61kN/m
Hence, Bt : (24.27)(3) - 54.61 : 18.2kN/m Again, taking the moment about ,B2,we have

2s : (24.27X4X;)
C : 97.08kN/m So : 82: Q4.27)(4) e7.08 0 The strut loadsare asfollows: At level A: ;

= (aXs) = (s4.61)(2) 109.22 kN

(cXt) : (97.08X2)* 194.16 kN


At level B: (81 + B2)(s)= (18.2+ 0X2) = 36.4kN At level C:

13.10 Dynamic Earth PressureDistribution Behind a Walt Rotating aboutthe Top



Dynamic Earth Pressure Distribution Behind a Wall Rotating about the Top
Lateral earth pressureon bracedcutsis essentially problem in which the wall rotates a about the top. On the basisof laboratory model test results,Sherif and Fang (1984) reported the dynamic earth pressurcdistribution bt:hind a rigid retaining wall (H : 1 m ) w i t h d c n s es a n d a s b a c k f i l l m a t e r i a l a n d r o t a t i o n a b o u t i t s t o p . F i g u r e 1 3 . 1 7 showsa plot of oj, ccts versusdepth for various valuesof k7,(for k,, : 0). The mag6 nitudc of activc thrust, P,,,,.can obtained from the equation be

P,,,, Ocos or

r tt

(oi cosD)r/z


( r r j ,c o s 6 ) r 1 z

( r3 . 1 7 )

Frrr a given valuc of k,,, the magnitucleo1'P,,,, 15 Lo 20"h higher than that obtainccl is b y u s i n g E q . ( 1 2 . 7 2 )( i . c . ,t h e c a s eo f w a l l r o t a t i o n a b o u t t h e b o t t o m ) .
o',,cos6 (kN/nrl)

'I \ \^\\ \ \ \-

MrrJcl test lesults

\ \ - - r


k t , - t )2 6

\ \

in dense and s ( S h e r i fa n d F a n g ,l t ) l l 4 ) kn - 0.1 y- 15.99 N/mr k ( / ,- o . 5 l





;tr i


o ffx)


( \

f ' '

'{, "'1!?p0,

//) -t"aa -\\

l t l

.. \ ta^ 'ta-

&,,- \:(aA

, tt2).'! 4, ' -.':-t)rl







trlt, - o


- o.16

\ \:.ft'"=Q4

\l , i , 0 . 5 2 \\ \\


lb/inr Figure 13.17 Dynamic lateral earth presure distribution behind a rigid model retaining wall rotating about the too


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface with the model test resultsjust described,Sherif and Fang (1984) suggested that the location of the point of application of Pu" with the wall rotating about the top may be assumedto be 0.55H measured from the bottom of the wall.


This chapter covers two major topics: (a) estimation of passivepressure using curved failure surfacein soil; and (b) lateral earth pressureon braced cuts using the general weclgetheory and pressureenvelopesfor designof struts,wales,and sheet piles. Passivepressurecalculationsusing curved failure surface is cssentialfor the planc failure surfaceassumptionprovidesresultson the casein which 5 > 4r'12,since unsafeside for desicn. In the .ur" oi braced cuts. although thc general wedge theory provides the force per unit length of the cut, it docs not provide the nature of distribution of earth for pressurewith depth. For that reason,pressureenvelopesare necessary practical design.

tard", with 0 13.1 Draw a logarithmic spiral accordingto thc equation r - r,,e0 varying lrom 0o to 180".Use y'r'- 40' and r,, : 30 mm. 13.2 Rcfer to Figure l3.lll. If H - 6 m, the density of soil (p) : 1tt50kg/m', and determine thc passivcforce, P,,,per thc anglc oi wall friction (S) - 17.-5', solution. unit length of thc wall. Use Caquot and Kerisel'.s l 1 3 . 3 R e p e a t F r o b l e m 3 . 2 w i t ht h e f o l l o w i n g d a t af:1 : 1 0 f t , y : I l 0 l b / f t r , 6 : 1 4 " . 13.4 A retaining wall has a vertical back face with a horizontal granular backfill. Given that h c i g h t o f r e t a i n i n gw a l l : l 5 f t u n i t w e i g h to f s o i l - 1 0 0 1 b / f t 3 ' soil friction angle,rf : 39" 6 : 2 1 36 ' , t ' - 0 force per foot length of the wall using Table 13.2. calculatethe passive




0= 10" i

Sand = U n i t w e i g h t= y ( o r d e n s i t y P ) t'=0 0' = 3-5' 6 (wall friction)

Figure 13.18



13.5 Refer to Figure 13.5.Given thal H: 5 m, y :1.6 kN/m3, Q' :30",6 : 15., k,, : 0, and k7,: 0.3, a. Calculate Pn"for the retaining wall using the Mononobe-Okabe solution (Section 12.15); b. Calculate Prn for the retaining wall using the logarithmic spiral solution ( S e c t i o n1 3 . 5 ) . 13.6 Using the theory described in the section on general wedge theory, determine the active thrust, Pu, for the braced wall shown in Figure 13.19. 13.7 The elevation and plan of a bracing system for an open cut in sand are : shown in Figure 13.20. Assumirg 7,nna 105lb/fC and @' : 38", determine the strut loads.

I I t I



y - l r r . { ) krN r n
' ,.,_tl


6'= 10"

Figure 13.19

i I
22 ft


-ffii ;- -. . ",r:!t,l, - -.

I d-r-



v a

I -5tr



r a) Sectior.



Struts8 fi center t0 ccnter

Figure 13.20


Chapter 13 Lateral Earth Pressure-Curved Failure Surface

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