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For each following speech acts, indicate (i) the type of speech act, (ii) its sincerity condition (expressed psychological state), and (iii) the direction of fit. a) I will turn my paper in on Friday. i. commissive ii. intention b) May I have an extension on the due date for my paper? i. directive ii. wish, desire c) I assign this paper a grade of A. i. verdictive-declarative ii. belief

d) The teacher is supposed to return our papers today. i. representative ii. belief e) Ruth's essay is the best in the class. i. verdictive ii. belief I will give you until Monday to turn in your papers. i. commissive-directive ii. intention and desire/wish


g) You passed the course. i. declarative ii. empty or null h) I regret that you failed the exam. i. expressive ii. regret

i) Your paper was handed in too late to be considered. i. representative-declarative ii. belief j) Your papers are due on Friday. i. directive ii. wish/desire

k) Congratulations on passing the course. i. expressive ii. congratulations l) Your papers will be marked down for each day that they are late. i. commissive ii. intention m) If you don't start on your papers early, you won't have enough time. i. representative ii. belief

2. For the following indirect speech acts, (i) name the type of the implicit speech act, (ii) write out the implicit speech act, and (iii) say what appropriateness condition on the implicit speech act the explicit speech act gives expression to. (note : Speaker = S, Hearer = H) a) You'll be happy to know that the work will be finished tomorrow. i. Commissive ii. I promise that the work will be finished tomorrow. iii. S assumes that future action is useful to H and that H desires this action (preparatory condition). b) The meeting is adjourned. i. Declarative ii. I declare that meeting adjourned. iii. The meeting is adjourned (propositional content condition). c) Any suggestions you have are welcome. i. Expressive ii. I welcome any suggestions you have. iii. S welcomes suggestions of H (propositional content and sincerity condition

d) That's the best idea I've heard so far. i. Verdictive ii. I judge that to be the best idea S've heard so far. iii. The idea is the best that S has heard (propositional content). e) Can't you sit still for a minute? i. Directive ii. I order you to sit still. iii. H is able to perform action requested.


I'd be honored if you came to my party next week. i. Directive ii. I invite you to my party next week. iii. S wants H to perform action requested.

g) You're welcome to come to my party next week. i. Commissive and directive ii. I promise to welcome you to my party next week. iii. Sp intends to perform action (of welcoming H to party). h) Did you know that Allison is going to Europe this summer? i. Representative ii. I state that Bill is going to be late for his interview. iii. Sp has evidence/reasons for believing the truth of the proposition (preparatory condition). i) It's obvious that Bill is going to be late for his interview. i. Directive ii. I order you to sit still. iii. H is able to perform action requested. Let the unknown in this problem be "x". i. Declarative ii. I declare the unknown in this problem to be "x". iii. The unknown in this problem is "x" (propositional content).


k) Can you tell me how much that costs? i. Directive ii. I request that you tell me how much that costs. iii. Sp believes that the H is able to give information requested (preparatory condition). 3. Name the conversational implicature in each of the following. a) It was very foggy and a car accident occurred. The accident happened because it was very foggy. b) He has been unhappy since his dog died last year. He is unhappy because his dog died. c) She finished her degree and got married. She got married after finished her degree.

d) Speaker A: It's cold in here. Speaker B: I'll turn the heat up. Speaker B makes the implicature that because A feel cold, he or she wants more heat. e) Speaker A: Where's Harry? Speaker B: Jani's taking a holiday in Bermuda now. Speaker A makes the implicature that Harry is with Jani on her holiday in Bermuda. Speaker A: What's the weather prediction? Speaker B: Bring your coat. Speaker A makes implicature that the weather prediction is will cold weather.


g) Speaker A: Are your parents coming to visit? Speaker B: My mother is. Speaker A is to make the implicature that B's father is not coming. h) Speaker A: Do you like Rosie? Speaker B: Well, she has a nice husband. Speaker A is to make the implicature that B does not like Rosie.


By: I Dewa Gede Ngurah Mastika Putra (02.3889.11)


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