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balos, Pedro de (Spaniard), 1457

Acosta, Jos de ( Jesuit), 34, 78, 100, 1047
Acuto, Affinati Giacomo D (Dominican),
Albornoz, Cristbal de, 93, 100
see also Taki Onqoy
Altamirano, Diego ( Jesuit), 114
alumbrada/o see Illuminism
church of San Pedro Apostol, 29
Andalapao, 114
angel(s), 2, 2930, 489, 525, 76, 81, 85
armed and armoured protector
(armado), 412, 478, 52
authority of / revelations by, 867
banner of, 49
battle with demons, 312, 37, 41,
478, 118
binding of, 30, 44, 52, 54
see also hermeticism
cherubs, 54
choirs / orchestra of, 15, 111, 113
of darkness (Satan), 22
devotion to, 42, 55
dialogue with, 30, 42
extension of self, 48
fallen / outcast, 10, 18, 24, 32, 84,
978, 145, 155, 157
guardian, 478, 54, 856
guise of, 52
hostility to / conflict with humans,
22, 43
of knowledge (devil), 157
of light (Lucifer), 4, 86, 133

messenger, 157
moral guide, 60
Queen of see Mary
seraphim, 55
serves chocolate to St Rose of Lima, 27
shows the City of God to St John, 26
Supay, 92, 97
see also celestial; hierarchy; demon(s)
and devil(s); Satan
ngeles, Mara de los (slave), 745
see also demon(s) and devil(s): mother
apostasy, 6, 20, 80, 116, 12930, 146, 153
see also idolatry
apus, 91, 155
Ausankati, 109
see also Qoyllur Riti
Guainacava, 144
Huamanilla, 122
see also Chupamarcu
Aquinas, Thomas (St - Dominican), 212,
32, 36, 50, 54
Aranzeaga, Juan de ( Jesuit), 131, 133
acquaintances / family of Mara Pizarro,
volcanic eruption, 67
armada, 12
Arriaga, Pablo Jos de ( Jesuit), 34, 94, 97,
124, 1289
Augustine of Hippo (St), 1314, 16, 19,
213, 356, 50
Augustinian, 74, 92
thought, 13, 19, 213, 27, 33, 356

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Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

see also Augustine

writings by, 1516, 21
see also nominalism; voluntarism
Avila, Teresa of (St Carmelite), 3, 15, 17
ayllu, 8
burden / equilibrium of, 97, 1245,
1278, 160
conflict, 113, 1245, 1278
see also families
origins of see malqui, 105
Ramos, (alias Indio) Francisco, 161
Ruiz, Francisco, 713
Barbossa, Mara (mother of Isabel
Gonzlez, mulatta), 74
Barranca, la, 94, 128
Barzana, Alonso de ( Jesuit), 100
beatification, 89
of Luisa Benites see Benites, Luisa
of indigenous people, 134
of Mara Pizarro, 57
penitential, 102
of sacred images, 143
of slaves and scholars, 1412
see also blasphemy; violence
Benites, ( Juana) Luisa (Franciscan), 69,
756, 7881, 83, 8590
binding and invocation
of divine entities and spirits, 1012,
17, 41, 44, 52, 54, 61, 95, 101,
103, 108, 115, 1234, 1278, 132,
1345, 1434, 148, 1505, 157
and magical torture of men, 1503
Bitti, Bernardo ( Jesuit), 114
blasphemy, 34, 78, 89, 1445
to escape beating, 1412
see also beating; slaves
Blzquez, Juan (Creole, husband of Ana
Pizarro), 41, 5960
Blessed Sacrament, 434, 489, 132
see also Eucharist; Incarnation; Mass
body, 24, 9, 12, 1516, 278, 32, 37, 57,
59, 62, 65, 67, 71, 74, 76, 81, 83, 101,
109, 111, 123, 124, 142, 1501, 161
of Christ, 9, 17, 43, 49

see Eucharist; Incarnation

Christian body, 34, 9, 12, 1516, 19,
32, 126, 1379, 157, 160 see also
mystical body, 25, 44, 49
bruja/o, 967, 128, 159
see also hechicera; runapmicuc; witchcraft
Cabredo, Rodrigo de ( Jesuit), 1078, 118
caciques, curacas, indigenous nobles, 8, 118,
124, 12930, 138
sons of, 11013, 12930
Cajamarca, 134, 146
Cajatambo, 94, 113, 128, 131
Calancha, Antonio de la (Augustinian),
21, 24, 335
Callao (port of ), 2, 152, 158
Campos, Felipe de (Augustinian), 745, 80
Canseco, Joseph (priest poisoned by indigenous parishioners), 130
Carranza de Miranda, Bartolom
(Dominican), 38
Caruachin, Hernando, 122
Casas, Bartolom de las (Dominican), 24,
31, 34, 38
Castro, Mara de (sister of Luisa Ramos),
Castro Barreto y Navarrete, Mara de
(freed slave and snowseller), 152, 154
Cathars, 213, 27
see also Manichaeism
bodies, 104
militia, 24
powers, 83
thrones, 24
see also hierarchy, 10, 15, 32, 137
Jesuit college of, 11213
see also Jesuits
school for the sons of caciques, 129
Cermeo, Catalina (mother of Mara
Pizarro), 412, 53, 559, 61, 63, 65
Chachapoyas, 96
Charimango (indigenous hechicero
preacher against Christianity), 35

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Chicama, Valley of, 72, 74

Christ ( Jesus), 201, 28, 30, 33, 52, 58, 81,
92, 99, 110112, 137
aid / consolation of, 11, 108, 116, 125
Anti- 14, 24
army / soldier of, 15, 18, 44
authority and power of, 51, 112, 116
belief in, 43, 77
body of, 9, 17, 25, 434, 49
see also body
bride of, 27, 701, 81
brother of, 212
see also Lucifer; Satan
-child, 10910, 116
Christology, 91, 107
Church of, 14, 115
commandments of, 113
dialogue with / invocation of / pleading with / prayer to, 61, 89, 945,
1034, 112, 11516, 124, 1345,
dreams / visions of, 49, 112, 11516
equality with, 21
images / representations of, 49, 70, 93,
105, 109, 143, 145, 1478
see also icons, images, imagery
law of, 94
love for, 14951
light / merits / truth of, 11, 33, 117
mother of see Mary
name of, 20, 61, 945, 1034, 115,
124, 1345, 144
Qoyllur Riti, 10910
rejection of, 61, 935, 103, 1467
sacrificial suffering / death (passion)
and resurrection of, 89, 1920, 22,
44, 54, 701, 823, 90, 92, 10910
source of Gods grace in history, 1617
throne of, 111
vanquished, 154
victory over death, sin and devil, harrowing of hell, rejection of Satan,
89, 18, 36, 434, 83, 92, 143
see also Corpus Christi; Eucharist;
Christian, Juan (indigenous curandero), 74


Chupamarcu, 122
see also apu: Huamanilla; Huancavelica
authority / liturgy / power / tradition
/ teaching of, 19, 25, 30, 36, 48, 50,
87, 95, 989, 112, 132, 142, 161
buildings, 29, 41, 46, 49, 90, 11415,
147, 158
of Christ / God, 6, 14, 25, 87, 115, 159
decoration / images / icons / paintings,
5, 29, 49, 114, 132
see also Andahuaylillas
foundation of, 18
institutional, 54, 78, 128, 137
militant / triumphant, 5, 15, 24, 312
mission, 16
as mystical body / source of grace,
1617, 25, 36
as place of exorcism / place of safety or
sanctuary, 46, 114
protestant, 78
pre-Tridentine / post-Tridentine, 67,
9, 15, 77, 913, 122
Ciruelo, Pedro, 43, 45, 513, 55
see also discernment
civitas / civilization / urbs, 3, 1314, 16,
19, 23, 33, 72, 77, 107, 138
Christian community / body / soul,
34, 16, 31, 36, 67, 89
of the damned, earthly, of Hell, 1314,
29, 36, 81, 1002, 1578
fortress / walled / besieged, 35,
1415, 256, 31, 36, 65, 678, 72,
746, 85, 91, 120, 139, 142, 158,
foundation of, 2, 1820, 33, 91
of God, 34, 1314, 1819, 21, 256,
31, 334, 36, 65, 155, 162
Cobo, Bernab ( Jesuit), 18
Concha, Fernando de la ( Jesuit), 130
between angels and men, 22
civil, 29, 67

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communal / factional / interreligious,

earthquake, 67, 1012
9, 11, 14, 71, 77, 79, 93, 97, 105,
foundation of, 1819
12631, 159
home of Diego, Inca Titu Cusi
familial, 5760, 65, 12930
Yupanqui, 91
see also ayllus; families
painting, 114
generational, 1256, 129, 159
see also Bitti, Bernardo
societal, 1523
people of, 107, 1156, 142
spiritual, 24, 10, 22, 61, 83, 100, 137
region of, 126
see also violence
siege of, 99
consolation, 11, 58, 70, 86, 89, 101, 108,
spread of heresy (indigenous, Jewish,
Islamic), 21, 93, 956
Contreras, Isabel de, 62
see also Andahuaylillas; huacas; idolaconversion, 7, 9, 19, 36, 45, 49, 58, 84, 92,
try; Inca
101, 119, 126, 132
death, 21, 27, 36, 65, 84, 889, 967, 99,
see also death: deathbed battles and
104, 109, 113, 11617, 123, 129,
134, 145, 158
Crdoba, Juan de ( Jesuit Rector of Jesuit
of Christ, 89
College Cuzco), 1012
deathbed battles and conversions, 20,
Crdoba, Mara de (daughter of ex-Viceroy
41, 47, 11719, 140
Guadalczar), 151, 153
see also suicide
Crdova Salinas, Diego de (Franciscan),
deities see gods
278, 31
demon(s) and devil(s), 12, 4, 13, 15, 27,
Coricancha, 108
402, 558, 73
conversion to Convent of Santo
Africanization of, 956, 102, 141,
Domingo, 1819
Corpus Christi, 89, 17
aid of, 11, 106, 120, 132, 134, 140, 143,
see also Eucharist; liturgy, processions,
1456, 1489, 158
animal / anthropomorphic / snake /
Cruz, Francisco de la (Dominican), 301,
serpent, 15, 734, 103, 128, 134,
3742, 44, 534
141, 151, 153
Cruz, Hernando de la ( Jesuit), 114
Barrabas, 148, 1514
Cruz (alias Concepcin), Joseph de la
Bercebu / Beelzebub, 153
(slave), 1478
blackmail and tricking of or by, 21,
Cruz, Juana de la (indigenous), 75
356, 55, 63, 106, 112, 122, 140,
curandera/o, 74, 159
1424, 148, 1535
see also bruja/o; Christian, Juan;
Diablo Cojuelo, 1501, 1534
hechicera; Magdalena, Mara;
dragon, 52, 151, 208 note, 58
fallen angel, 10, 18, 245, 32, 36, 98,
Apu Ausankati, 109
of the in-between, 137, 13940, 148,
catechesis, 1067
1535, 162
celebration of Corpus Christi, 89
indigenous forms / Supay (upay
convents / colleges / churches / schools,
/Zupay) / huacas, 73, 91, 97, 106,
19, 70, 1012, 114, 125, 129
112, 1226, 128, 132, 144
Coricancha / Temple of Sun / Santo
mother of, 745, 80
Domingo, 1819

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outcast and external, 59, 678, 85,

1312, 139, 143, 1467
power of, 1920, 22, 289, 36, 51, 64,
83, 85, 103, 142, 1467, 161
prosecutors, executioners and torturers,
11920, 140, 160
Queen of Hell, 154
Sodoquiel, 756, 83
victory of, 3, 28, 43, 57, 78, 80, 83, 90
victory over, 2, 89, 11, 18, 24, 289,
36, 434, 104, 133, 143
see also huaca; idolatry; Satan
demoniac, 37, 40, 424, 48, 53, 67, 6970,
75, 8790, 161
demonic pact, 30, 37, 64, 74, 79, 97, 128
134, 139, 142, 145, 1478, 153,
see also runapmicuc
demonic possession, 34, 32, 37, 4051,
53, 578, 63, 6773, 7580, 824,
87, 8990, 1601
see also demonic pact; demonic
pregnancy; discernment; exorcism;
enchantment; malefice; Satan
demonic pregnancy, 42, 60, 623, 153
with angels and saints, 30, 42, 52, 578,
60, 11012
with Christ / God, 83, 10710,
failure of, 106
with skull, 113
with other supernatural / preternatural beings, 33, 35, 578, 60,
74, 11213, 11618, 1224, 132,
146, 158
between worldviews, 105
Dionysius (St) also Pseudo-Dionysius,
1516, 32, 137, 161
apparition of, 42, 478
disaster, 67, 130
consequences, 69, 159
courting of, 59
earthquake, 29, 1013, 130
flood, 102, 130
natural, 100


portents / prophecies / preaching of

(including meteorological phenomena), 4, 27, 29, 38, 82, 89
spiritual, 2, 21, 734, 100
volcano, 67, 102
see also divine wrath; disease; epidemic;
discernment (of spirits), 4, 30, 504, 867,
see also Ciruelo, Pedro; Gerson, Jean
disease, 35, 11617
see divine wrath; epidemic; plague
divine wrath, 4, 27, 29, 35, 71, 802, 84,
94, 989, 101, 103, 106, 115, 118,
127, 130, 143, 160
see also disaster; huacas
controversy with Franciscans /
scepticism of claims of possession
(Trujillo), 4, 71, 72, 75, 80,
convents of, 19, 37, 102
see also Coricancha
emblem of, 48
exorcists / on trial by Inquisition, 378,
40, 42, 44, 535, 60, 65, 142
social critics, 378
writings of, 87, 92
dualism (with respect to monism), 212,
see also Cathars; gods; Manichaeism
Durn, Nicols ( Jesuit), 125

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earthquake see disaster

see also Cuzco
enchantment, 62, 74, 80, 132, 1502
Enrquez de Iturrizaga, Juan (Spaniard,
Vicar, Ecclesiastical Judge, Witch),
epidemic, 45, 73, 100
see also disease; plague
Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1718, 107
Espinosa de los Monteros, Pedro (Creole),
Espritu Santo, Ana del (Franciscan prioress and visionary), 28
Esquivel y Navia, Diego de, 102


Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

Eucharist, 89, 435, 49, 54, 110, 11415

Eucharistic Lamb, 17, 49, 54
see also Incarnation; Mass
evil, 17, 21, 23, 25, 35, 75, 78, 80, 114, 118
causation / existence / permitted by
God / problem of, 278, 36, 84,
978, 100
forces of, 23, 15, 37, 40, 59, 72, 76,
834, 107, 117, 121, 139, 153
see also demon(s) and devil(s)
of indigenous religion, 34, 106
privation of being, 84, 99
protection from, 20, 48
spirits, 523, 67
see also Satan
exorcism, 4, 1920, 30, 378, 419, 515,
58, 623, 65, 745, 801, 867, 90,
122, 132, 161
Farral, la (indigenous hechicera), 734
families, 41, 46, 51, 102, 110, 130, 142
defence / microcosm of Christian Body
/ protection / support / united,
557, 59, 65, 71, 118, 129, 130
feuding / threats to / under siege, 4,
501, 55, 5760, 63, 65, 1289,
Holy / demonic / familialization (of
demons), 112, 1535
flood see disaster
see also Potos
Franciscans, 139
diabolical pact, 148
exorcists, spiritual advisors and defenders of Poor Clares (Trujillo) /
harbingers of doom, 4, 53, 689, 75,
804, 101, 160
Poor Clares see nuns
tertiary, 80
visionary, 31
writings of, 16, 27, 53

God, 335, 91, 93, 143

aid / help / protection of, 19, 47, 88,
127, 140, 145, 148, 157
alienation from / cursing of / denial /
enemy / opposition to / rejection of
/ treason of, 15, 212, 25, 52, 578,
78, 834, 89, 117, 119, 126, 1403,
1456, 148
see also apostasy
army / city / church / community /
kingdom / people / spirits / society
of, 36, 13, 15, 1819, 21, 236, 30,
34, 367, 52, 54, 65, 778, 856,
155, 1579, 161
see also city
being / existence / permanence / presence / reality of, 2, 5, 10, 1517,
28, 99
causation / intervention / judgement /
punishment / rule / tribunal / will
of, 4, 13, 19, 212, 289, 36, 50,
54, 69, 76, 7984, 867, 89, 100,
11920, 143, 161
centrality of, 15
commandments / laws / order / structure of, 267, 578, 65, 78, 104,
112, 137, 147
creation / geometry of, 13, 16, 23, 28,
55, 76, 78, 81
creature / instrument / message /
messenger / minister / servant /
work of, 4, 19, 28, 55, 6970, 812,
86, 89 11213, 11820, 123, 125,
dwelling place of, 15
see also heaven; soul
embrace / grace / honour / knowledge
/ light / mind / revelation / sight
/ wisdom of, 1517, 19, 202, 25,
278, 346, 49, 80, 84, 90, 130
favour / fear / glory / love / majesty /
omnipotence / mercy / offence to /
patience / pity / power / wrath of,
11, 19, 279, 35, 54, 58, 69, 804,
89, 91, 94, 989, 101, 119, 130,
141, 149, 1601

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Gasco, Alonso de (Dominican), 378, 42,

535, 60, 63
Gerson, Jean, 5052


the gambler, 80, 834, 90

indigenous appearance / presentation,
21, 34, 91, 989, 101, 103, 106,
112, 116, 121
see also apus; gods; huacas
invocation of / prayer to / relationship
with / voice / word / worship of,
1920, 24, 267, 345, 57, 70, 78,
87, 106, 111, 144
see also prayer
mediator between God and humankind, 20
mother of see Mary
perfection of, 15
plan of, 29, 33, 6970, 77, 84, 119
re-conquest for, 18, 121
return to / reconciliation with / union
with / yearning for, 9, 16, 18, 20, 27,
34, 52, 57, 778, 83, 85, 89, 91, 98,
119, 160
sacrifice to, 22
son of see Cathars; Christ; Lucifer
test by, 4
usurpation of territory / worship, 2, 6,
18, 25, 35
victory of, 24, 289, 83
see also Christ ( Jesus); demon(s) and
devil(s); divine wrath; Ignoto Deo;
Incarnation; Satan; Trinity
gods, 2, 91, 93, 1045, 121, 134, 140
alliance of, 93
anger of, 100, 103, 127, 130
communication with / help from / relations with, 1011, 97, 1045, 108,
115, 117, 121, 1245, 128, 1589
dualism of, 978
false, 91, 93, 147
Illapa (god of thunder and lightening,
99, 131
see also Santiago
intermediaries for, 93
jealousy of, 115
Pachacamac, 22, 346
Phoebus, 1478
Punchao Inca, 108


sacrifice to / worship of, 1011, 22,

346, 93, 95, 978, 100, 1056,
108, 113, 11516, 1223, 1278,
1301, 1335, 148
of the Sun, 91, 108, 128, 133, 1478
Supay (upay / Zupay), 10, 345, 92,
transformation of, 105
Viracocha, 34
see also apus; huacas; idol; Satan
Gonzlez, Isabel (mulatta), 745
Guacaulla (mountain of and shrine), 133
Guadalczar, Marquis of (Viceroy,
16229), 151
Guaman Poma de Ayala, Felipe, 989, 108
Guamanga see Huamanga
Guancabelica see Huancavelica
Guancor, 100
heaven, 1, 16, 18, 101, 143, 150, 152, 157
army / champions / militia / fortifications / host / kingdom of, 24, 29,
32, 34, 47, 89, 119
ascension into / journey / road to, 29,
92, 11011, 117
cast out of / fire / judgement / punishment from / 81, 83, 100
creator of, 34
rejection of, 117
representations / visions of, 29, 11011
see also God; hierarchy; soul
hechicera, hechicero/a, 947, 112, 1234,
1289, 132
see also bruja/o; witchcraft
hell, 58, 78, 92, 98, 113, 11719, 123, 148,
154, 1578, 160
city / gates / kingdom / mouth of, 3,
29, 114, 154, 157
harrowing of, 92
images / representations / paintings of,
29, 82, 114, 119
plundered by St Francis Xavier, 1
Queen of, 154
torments / pains of, 79, 82, 114, 115,
transformation into ucupacha, 98, 124

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Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

heresy, 9, 212, 24, 33, 38, 40, 70, 84, 86,

90, 117, 129
triumph over, 8
see also apostasy; blasphemy; Cathars;
Manichaeism; idolatry
hermeticism, 16, 30, 44
Hermes Trismegistus, 1516
see also Cruz, Francisco de la
Hernandez Riso, Pedro, 145
Christian, 16
diabolical / of devils, 154
disintegration / disobedience / reversal
of / tensions, 53, 74, 78, 86, 89, 139
ecclesiastical, 32, 48, 89
gendered, 87
heavenly / divine / spiritual, 15, 111,
1423, 149
invisible, 17
multiple hierarchies, 1378
ritual, 53, 86
secular / societal / worldly, 9, 57, 74
see also celestial
of la Caridad (Lima), 152
of Santa Ana (Lima), 147
Ancocagua, 122
angry / jealous / neglected / opposed to
Christianity / resurgent / violent, 7,
10, 61, 925, 100, 103, 106, 1214,
1267, 1301, 133
Apu Huamanilla see apus
destruction / demonization / extirpation / rejection / transformation
of, 911, 21, 334, 91, 106, 113,
12133, 15960
invocation of / sacrifice to / worship
of, 1011, 9195, 100, 1056, 108,
11516, 1223, 12931
Mochana, 1267
patronage / relations with community,
1011, 61, 108, 121, 1245, 129,
see also reciprocity; violence
power of, 1011, 1056, 127, 1323

see also demon(s) and devil(s): indigenous forms; idolatry; Satan

Huamanga, 28, 31, 159
Santa Brbara, 159
Huancavelica, 154
Chupamarcu, 122
devil of, 154
eruption of, 67
see also Arequipa; disasters; volcano
icons, images, imagery, 17, 29, 47, 88, 93,
Andean, 124, 153
of Christ, 1478
Christ of Burgos, 70
Christ of Guaman, 70
Christ-child, 109
Church Triumphant / Saints, 112
Crucified Christ / crucifix, 93, 101,
105, 10910, 114, 116, 123, 143,
cursing / ridicule / rejection of, 93, 106,
143, 145
of demons / torments of hell, 114, 119
Dominican, 48
graphic / literary / metaphorical /
symbolic, 5, 7, 9, 11, 1416, 29, 31,
42, 46, 49, 60, 824, 88, 90, 989,
106, 108, 110, 112, 11517, 1435,
157, 15960
Holy Family, 111
Immaculate Conception, 55, 70
Jesuit, 48
Our Lady of Guanchaco, 70
Our Lady of the Rosary of Grace, 70
roads to heaven and hell, 29
see also Andahuaylillas
spiritual / visionary, 32, 47, 49, 51,
10912, 11516, 120
use of, 48, 106
Virgin Mary, 106
Virgin of Copacabana, 139
idolatry, 1, 67, 9, 19, 245, 335, 73,
78, 80, 94, 967, 100, 104, 1067,
112, 113, 1226, 1289, 1314, 141,

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anti-extirpation campaigns / extirpation, 67, 9, 19, 245, 73, 94, 967,

104, 113, 122, 126, 128, 131, 133
idol, 9, 104, 106, 108, 112, 122, 129,
1313, 141, 1478,
see also demon(s) and devil(s): indigenous forms; huacas; malqui; Satan:
indigenous deity, naturalization,
demonization and redemption
Ignoto deo, 345
see also gods: Pachacamac
Illuminism (also alumbrada/o), 401, 56,
78, 86
Inca 38, 153, 155
fortress see Sacsa Guaman
Manco Inca, 99
Pachacuti Tupa Yupanqui, 108
Punchao Inca, Sun God, 108, 1289
routed by Virgin Mary, 99
rulers, 1
Temple of the Sun see Coricancha
tyrants and usurpers, 1, 25
Titu Cusi Yupanqui (Diego), 912
Tupac Amaru, 38
vassals, 234
neo-Inca state, Vilcabamba, 38, 91
see also reciprocity
Incarnation, 16, 18, 201, 81
see also Eucharist; Mass
Inquisition, 301, 3842, 50, 60, 83, 90,
95, 1417, 149, 1512, 1535, 159
auto de fe, 31, 37, 41, 65, 734, 105
denunciations / letters / testimony to,
37, 39, 42, 578, 60, 624, 689,
715, 7980, 83, 867, 134, 142,
145, 147
fear of, 31, 38, 79
Inquisitors, 30, 401, 50, 58, 60, 625,
72, 745, 7980, 86, 134, 1427,
149, 152, 154
Inquisitorial Commissioner, 68, 71, 80
see also Lpez de Saabedra, Juan
intervention of, 689, 79, 90
jail / prison of, 40, 63, 145, 147
as political instrument, 389, 95
scepticism of, 63, 86, 151


torture and punishment likened to,

118, 129
Islam, 956, 147
Moors, 8, 14, 24, 99
morisca/o, 63
see also Mohammed
Jaramillo, Cristbal (Franciscan), 87
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
cartas anuas / letters of, 7, 9, 21, 936,
1003, 106, 108, 11018, 123,
12630, 1323, 13940
colleges / churches / schools, 39,
11214, 125, 142
confessors / healers, 3, 20, 45, 101,
108, 11719, 1223, 125, 12833
demonization of / exorcists / on trial,
38, 42, 45, 47, 51, 53, 625, 122,
imagery / influence / performance /
sermons, 7, 11, 48, 97, 101, 1034,
107, 11215, 1267, 12930, 132,
missionaries / extirpators, 1, 57, 912,
1820, 245, 34, 91, 948, 100,
102, 1047, 11215, 117, 12133,
13940, 1578, 162
noviciate, 41, 45
patronage / protection of, 41, 46, 51,
political controversy / reputation of /
social criticism, 379, 62
soul-pirates, 12
writings of, 3, 18, 34, 78, 97, 104
see also consolation
Jesus see Christ
Jobian theology, 28, 70, 84, 90, 160
Judaism, 956
Law of Moses, 95
Jul, 132

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Kramer and Sprenger see Malleus

Lambayeque, 73, 75
Lauramarca, 109


Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

autos / processions / religious acculturation / rites, 2, 31, 37, 95
citizens / society of, 37, 456, 51, 56,
11819, 146
clergy of / Council of / letters to, 51,
53, 923, 98, 108, 11314
foundation of, 18, 20
Inquisition of see Inquisition
merchants of, 55
outlying towns / regions / villages, 94,
110, 12830, 158
plague in, 1001
port of see Callao
predicted destruction of, 29
saint (Rose) of, 278
schools / University of San Marcos, 5,
see also Cercado
visionaries of, 4, 56
liturgy, processions, rites, 24, 6, 89, 11,
1314, 17, 20, 30, 42, 46, 48, 70,
74, 767, 93, 95, 1014, 111, 118,
1279, 1325, 149, 161
see also Mass; prayer
Loaysa, Jernimo de (Archbishop of Lima,
154075), 41, 51
Loaysa, Pedro de, 29
Lpez, Luis ( Jesuit), 389, 412, 513,
Lpez de Saabedra, Juan (Inquisitorial
Commissioner for Trujillo), 678, 71,
745, 801
Loudun, 6971, 73
Loyola, Ignatius of (St - Jesuit), 14, 18, 31,
85, 121, 125
Lucifer see Satan
concubine of (see Martnez, Mara) 154
see also angel
Luiken, Caspar and Jan, 26

malefice, 723, 756, 7980, 967, 154,

1578, 161
see also bruja/o; enchantment;
hechicera; runapmicuc; witchcraft
Malleus Maleficarum, 50, 73
malqui, 910, 93, 1045, 113
man-eater see runapmicuc
Manichaeism, 23, 27
Manuel, Gaspar ( Jesuit), 102
Mariano (indigenous herder) see Qoyllur
Martha (St)
prayers of / invocations of, 14851,
Martn, Bartolom (indigenous noble
boy), 11013
Martnez, Mara (concubine of Lucifer),
150, 154
Martnez de Baeza, Diego (possible lover
of Mara Pizarro), 412, 5961, 65
Mary, 11517
images / representations / visions of see
icons, images, imagery
Immaculate Conception, 55, 70
Mother of God, 18, 58, 11112, 119,
Our Lady of Guanchaco / of the Rosary
of Grace, 70
Queen of the Angels, 119, 149
Virgin, 99, 106, 11112, 117, 141,
Virgin of Copacabana, 139
Mass, 8, 10, 20, 435, 102, 1067, 115,
see also liturgy
Melndez, Juan (Dominican), 278
Menghi, Giralomo (Franciscan), 88
Mestiza, Mara (accomplice of Mara
Pizarro), 63
Miranda, Gonzalo Jacinto de (curate and
extirpator of Lambayeque), 73
Mohammed, 1478
see also Islam
monism see dualism
Moreno, Melchor, 144

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Magdalena, Mara (indigenous curandera),

Maldonada, Francisca (Spaniard alias
Francisca de Maldonado), 14951


Morisca, Mara (accomplice of Mara

Pizarro), 63
mysticism, 5, 13, 23, 25, 278, 301, 40,
44, 49, 56, 67, 69, 857, 89, 149, 160
see also body; city; Satan: tormenter
and torturer; soul: illumination of


Pizarro, Juan ( Jhoan, brother of Mara), 41

Pizarro, Mara
attempted suicide / despair / resentment and rejection of family, 41,
569, 65
death of / sick, 40, 634
fluent in religious and symbolic disNavarra y Rocafull, Melchor de (Duke of la
course / manipulator / unrepentant,
Palata, Viceroy, 16809), 2, 130
4, 37, 459, 535, 645
Negra, Catalina (slave), 141
infanticide / lover / pregnant / solicNegro, Mattheo (slave), 141
ited, 39, 412, 5964
Negro, Vicente (slave), 141
possessed / on trial / under exorcism,
Neo-Platonism, 16, 30, 44, 50
30, 3755, 5765
see also angels; hermeticism
sceptical debates, 501
nominalism, 267
symbolising besieged Christian Body /
Nez, Ana (Franciscan), 69, 8590
Eucharistic figure, 4, 37, 434, 54,
nuns, 4
57, 161
brides of Christ see Christ
visionary, 37, 42, 479, 524, 58
of Cuzco, 70
Pizarro, Martn (brother of Mara and
of Guamanga, 31
Jesuit novice), 41, 46
of Lima, 41, 59
plague, 27, 734, 1001, 160
salvific vessels, 701, 82, 89
see also disease; epidemic
of Trujillo, 6773, 756, 7882,
Poor Clares see nuns
8490, 139, 157, 160
Portillo, Jernimo Luis ( Jesuit), 41, 45, 63
see also demonic possession
possession see demonic possession
Ockham, William (Franciscan), 27
citizens / residents / society, 149, 151,
Ocros, 113
Ore, Jernimo de (Franciscan), 16
of, 154
Ore, Jernimo de ( Jesuit), 130
strife, 67
Oropesa, 1023
outlying towns / regions / villages
Ortega, Gernimo de (Franciscan), 148
(Pitantora), 11415
silver, 138
Pachacamac see gods
pachacuti, 88, 98, 100, 102
binding community / as part of spirsee also Inca
itual economy, 711, 778, 8990
Pez, Esteban ( Jesuit), 132
causing vulnerability / inability to pray,
Palomino, Pedro (Creole schoolboy and
28, 701, 115
blasphemer), 142
for communication / mercy / patronage
Pastraa, Francisco (slave), 1578
/ success (also in warfare), 23, 81,
picaro, 1, 145
889, 119
pirates, 13
for the dead / souls, 119
Protestant corsairs, 67
Pater Noster, 149
see also soul (-pirates)
as spiritual defence / weapon / 4,
Pitantora see Potos
1820, 28, 42, 48, 71
Pizarro, Ana (sister of Mara), 41, 59, 63
Pizarro, Francisco (conquistador), 1819
of the stars, 1502

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Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

of St Martha, 14951
see also liturgy, processions, rites; Mass
predestination, 13, 36, 69, 767, 834,
889, 118, 157
processions see liturgy
Pseudo-Dionysius see Dionysius (St)
Quito, 37, 42, 114, 1457
Quillabamba, 102
Qoyllur Riti, 10910
see also Christ
Ramos, Francisco (indigenous see barbers)
Ramos, Luisa (slave), 152
reciprocity, 10, 15, 97, 108, 1167, 124,
134, 147
Reconquista (re-conquest), 2, 14, 18, 20,
of Christ / God / Gods law / grace /
heaven / sacraments / Saints, 25, 27,
48, 52, 578, 78, 89, 117, 146, 153
of Christianity / Christian tradition, 5,
934, 131
of false/pagan gods / huacas / idols /
Satan, 1011, 19, 436, 52, 83, 86,
91, 93, 106, 1267, 1323, 145,
by/of family / community / society, 4,
41, 48, 568, 65, 1245, 132, 145,
of universals
see Ockham, William
Ribera, Antonio de (Dominican), 142
Risco, Francisco del (Franciscan), 69,
756, 8090
rites see liturgy
Rosa, Diego de la (diviner), 144
Rose of Lima (St Dominican beata),
279, 70
Ruiz, Francisco (Franciscan), 27
Ruiz, Francisco (see barbers)
runapmicuc, 97, 1279, 159
see also bruja/o; enchantment;
hechicera; malefice; conflict

Saavedra, Cristbal de (priest disgraced by

indigenous parishioners), 130
sacraments, 46, 48, 778, 159
baptism, 18, 20, 74, 88, 91, 96, 116,
Blessed / communion, 434, 489, 64,
71, 119, 125, 1323
see also Eucharist
confession / penance, 67, 9, 45, 47,
60, 63, 64, 856, 90, 1012, 108,
11619, 1223, 12833, 13940,
1467, 153, 160
last rites, 20, 64, 101, 118, 160
rejection of, 48, 78, 89, 131
Sacsa Guaman (Inca fortress), 99
saints, 5, 1011, 19, 29, 33, 56, 61, 91, 99,
1045, 11012, 118, 1401, 144,
1478, 161
apparitions / visions of, 37, 479, 545,
58, 99, 11012
Clare, 71
cursing / rejection of, 1413, 145
false, 89
Joseph, 111
Paul, 18, 34
see also Aquinas, Thomas; Augustine of
Hippo; Avila, Teresa of; Dionysius
(Pseudo-); Loyola, Ignatius of;
Mary; Martha; Rose of Lima;
San Pedro de Quilcai, 11012
Snchez, Fabiana (mestiza), 1345, 137
feast of, 110
as Illapa
see also gods, 131
Matamoros / Mataindios, 99
Santo Domingo de Guasta, 133
Santo Toms, Domingo de (Dominican),
Saona, Jernimo de (Augustinian), 1516
ally / friend / patron, 12, 132, 1401,
1439, 155, 158
deceiver / liar / trickster, 212, 25, 35,
52, 86, 95, 99, 106, 122, 126, 142

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destroyer of humanity and community,

22, 59, 78, 83, 1247, 160
Don Juan figure / lover / invoked in
love magic, 59, 604, 74, 13940,
148, 1501, 153, 161
enemy / military (and siege) commander, 34, 89, 15, 19, 245,
289, 313, 40, 434, 57, 59, 65,
127, 1313, 139, 143, 161
fortress of, 11, 120, 133, 157, 162
gambling with God, 834, 90
as a god, 35, 147
indigenous deity / naturalization /
demonization and redemption,
20, 22, 345, 94, 98, 106, 1213,
1245, 1278, 132, 140, 144, 147,
153, 158, 162
instrument of God, 4, 28, 824, 119,
Lucifer, 24, 15, 1822, 25, 27, 334,
70, 80, 83, 856, 98, 115, 126, 133,
137, 139, 1418, 1535, 15760,
Lusbel also Luzbel, 144, 148
ruler and tyrant, 1, 3, 19, 234, 91, 154
spirit of the wilderness, 11, 1201, 125,
132, 139
torturer / tormenter (especially of
mystics), 5, 278, 434, 67, 70,
859, 160
usurper / mimicker, 12, 6, 18, 22, 25,
35, 98, 115
see also demon(s) and devil(s); idolatry
slave, slavery
people, 4, 72, 747, 80, 89, 956,
1389, 1412, 1479, 150, 152,
1578, 161
souls, 1, 19, 25, 1456
Seca, Francisco Antonio de (Regidor),
Seville, 149
merchants of, 956
silversmith (Risco, Nicols del), 72
Solano, Francisco ( Jesuit)
prediction of destruction of Lima, 29


Solano, Luis (mulatto executed for

preaching Islam), 96
soul, 3, 15, 85
battle / game for, 9, 16, 18, 20, 28,
312, 37, 65, 83, 90, 11718, 140
besieged, 15, 312, 65
danger to and perdition of, 1, 6, 20, 29,
32, 34, 52, 6970, 835, 94, 119,
126, 145
enslaved / enchanted / imprisoned, 1,
25, 27, 128
illumination / understanding of God /
unification with God, 16, 78, 857,
108, 116
see also mysticism
journey of / through, 15, 18, 67, 85,
111, 117, 160
-pirates, 1, 3
protection / healing / salvation of /
prayer / intercession for, 18, 20, 29,
32, 36, 70, 845, 912, 101, 113,
11819, 1223, 126, 140, 144
selling of, 1423, 1478
stubbornness of, 104
torment of, 43, 57, 85, 144, 148
spiritual economy, 4, 701, 8990
suicide, 59, 124
Sun god see gods
Supay (upay / Zupay) see gods
see also angel; demon(s) and devil(s):
indigenous forms; Satan: indigenous deity
swordsmith (Bonita, Joseph), 72

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Taki Onqoy, 924, 100

Tauca and Llapo see Charimango
Third Council of Lima (1583), 923, 98
Toledo, Francisco de (Viceroy, 156981),
1, 9, 24, 31, 379, 96
Toro, Pedro de (Dominican), 401, 48, 53,
57, 5963
Tridentine see church
Trinity, 15
diabolical / unholy, 9, 151
image of, 29
invocation of, 144


Diabolism in Colonial Peru, 15601750

relationship to community / Christian

body, 15
rejection / cursing of, 145
see also Christ; God
citizens / community / residents /
society of, 70, 723, 767, 813,
89, 106, 116, 146
devils of, 154
see also demonic possession; nuns
divine anger towards / sins of population, 812, 139
under siege, 67, 723, 756, 139
see also nuns
ucupacha, 98, 124
see also hell
Ulloa, Ana Mara de (mulatta), 1513
Ulloa, rsula de (daughter of Ana Mara),
Urumarca, 102

Valente, Sebastin ( Jesuit), 113, 131, 133

Vzquez, Antonio ( Jesuit), 118
Vega, Garcilaso de la, 34
Vega, Juana de la (Spaniard), 151
Vega, Lope de, 127
see Guadalczar, Marquis of; Navarra
y Rocafull, Melchor (Duke of La
Palata); Toledo, Francisco de
Vilcabamba, 38, 91
violence, 10, 48, 99100, 116, 124,
14953, 155
see also beating; conflict
Viracocha see gods
volcano, 67, 102
of Barrabas (the demon), 151
see disaster; Huaynaputina; Urumarca
voluntarism, 27, 69
see also Jobian theology; nominalism

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