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EDITORIAL: The civil engineering industry is suffering from lack of true talent today.

In spite of a construction boom and a flurry of infrastructure projects few engineers are opting for this field as a career and we have lost and continue to lose more and more potentially good engineers to disciplines like Management, Software & Administration as also the civil services. Recently there was also a furore over increasing number of Engineers being selected for IAS etc. It can be perceived amongst fresh graduates that Civil Engineering remains the last choice as a career option and it is often the last resort for students who opt for it after exhausting all options. Even after this there is a steady flow of immigrants to other specializations such as Management, Software and such other sectors which are open also to Science and Commerce graduates. It is definitely a failure of the Engineering community as a whole and indeed a matter of shame if we fail to attract fresh blood to the profession. The quality over the years has already suffered and this in turn will suffer resulting in a poor image and it shall become well neigh impossible to break this vicious circle. As a result of the above we can already see a dearth of Quality Professional Engineers with pride for the profession and having stellar leadership qualities whom others can look up to as role models. There are of course many senior Engineers who can be termed as from the old batch of who are already pushing seventies and not getting any younger, and we can definitely see a huge gap and vacuum in their absence. The concept of Professional Engineer may be new to India however history abounds with the remarkable works executed by Professional Engineers such as Eugene Freyssinet, Sri Vishweswaria, J. C. Gammon, Prof. T. Y. Lynn from different eras not to mention many other such renowned stalwarts. These Engineers were instrumental in introducing new technology pushing the barriers of current state of practice and overall setting an example and inspiration for future Engineers. An Engineer with sound theoretical knowledge and rich experience of practical application, proficiency over written and oral communication in the languages that may be predominant in the area and above all an imaginative, independent and courageous mind can be termed a Professional Engineer. While the Council of Engineers Bill languishes in parliament let us introspect in the industry as to what can we do to enhance and restore the position of the ENGINEER in the society as a LEADER and PROFESSIONAL rather than a MANAGER and SERVICE provider.

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