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The present continuous (gerundi)

Describing things happening now. What are you doing? I'm reading a book. Use: You can use the present continuous for actions happening at the moment of speaking. Are you watching TV? Yes, I am. They arent watching a film. An incomplete action still (encara) in progress, usually temporary. They are building a new school. A planned action that will take place in the near future. Isnt Anna taking you to the cinema tonight? To criticise or complain (queixar-se) about habitual behaviour (conducta). (with: always, forever sempre) He is always borrowing (demanar prestat) money from his friends.

Sutilitza el present continuous en les descripcions. Some verbs not normally used in the present continuous, for example: like, want, have (possess), need. I need to talk to you now. Affirmative SUBJECTE + TO BE (am/is/are) + INFINITIVE + -ing + complements

I am writing a letter. You are reading a novel. Sheila is studying English. Hans is listening to music. It is raining. We are going out for a walk. You are waiting for the bus. They are having a coffee.

Jo estic escrivint una carta. Tu ests llegint una novella. La Sheila est estudiant angls En Hans est escoltant msica Est plovent. Nosaltres estem fent una passejada. Vosaltres esteu esperant el bus. Ells estant prenent caf.


TO BE (am/is/are) + SUBJECTE + INFINITIVE + -ing + complements

Am I writing a letter? Are you reading a novel? Is Sheila studying English? Is Hans listening to music? Is it raining? Are we going out for a walk? Are you waiting for the bus? Are they having a coffee?

Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,

I am. I am. shes. hes its. you are. we are. they are.

No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No,

Im not. Im not. she isnt. he isnt. it isnt. you arent we arent they arent.

Negative SUBJECTE+ TO BE (am/is/are) + NOT + INFINITIVE + -ing + complements

I am not You are not. Sheila is not Hans is not. It is not. We are not. You are not. They are not.

Im not writing a letter. You arent reading a novel. Sheila isnt studying English. Hans isnt listening to music. It isnt raining. We arent going out for a walk. You arent waiting for the bus. They arent having a coffee.

* *

Verbs ending in e loose this e when add ing to their infinitive: Write- writing Come- coming Live- living Some verbs double the final consonant when we add ing to their infinitives: Stop- stopping Run- running Sit- sitting Get- getting (obtenir)

The pattern has be CONSONANT + STRESSED VOWEL + CONSONANT so: Wait- waiting (consonant + stressed vowel + vowel + consonant) Meet- meeting (consonant + stressed vowel + vowel + consonant)

Adverbs typical of present continuous:

Now Today Tomorrow This week This month This year This Monday, Tuesday, At this moment At present Still Currently Just Just now Right now

Ara Avui Dem Aquesta setmana Aquest mes Aquest any Aquest dilluns, dimarts, ... En aquest moment Encara En lactualitat En aquest moment Justament ara Ara

Tamb amb: Listen! (Escolta!), look! (mira!),

* *

El verb Wear (portar roba) sempre va amb Present continuous. If a verb is followed (seguit) by preposition (listen to, talk about), the

preposition goes at the end of the question. What are you talking about? NOT About what are you talking?

The present simple or continuous

We use the Present Simple

for regular actions or events I watch TV most evenings. facts The sun rises in the east facts know about the future The plane leaves at 5.00 in the morning. thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking I don't understand.

We use the Present Continuous

at the time of speaking ('now') I'm watching a movie on TV. things which are true at the moment but not always I'm looking for a new job. present plans for the future I'm taking my husband to New York for his birthday.

Look at these sentences:

I usually don't drink coffee but I'm having one this morning because there is nothing else.

I often drive to work but I'm taking the train this morning because my car is in for repair. I'm thinking about dying my hair blonde but I don't think my wife will be very happy about it. My parents live in New York but I'm just visiting.

Notice how in all these examples we use the present continuous to talk about events which are temporary/limited in time and the present simple to talk about events which are habits/permanent.

Be careful with do.

What do you do? (= Whats your job? Im a teacher. What are you doing? (= now, at the moment) Im waiting for a friend.

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