174 186 Bhavini Tender Analysis

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Project is related to construction of NDTEF (Non-Destructive Testing & Evaluation Facility) Building at BHAVINI.

Objective is construction of NDTEF Building at BHAVINI in 9 months with cost estimation of 400 lakh. For same tenders have been invited and it has been mentioned that The tenderers should have satisfactorily executed at least three similar works each costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost or two similar works each costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost or One similar work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost as mentioned above.

Managerial Approach
No material is envisaged to be supplied by BHAVINI to the Contractor for carrying out the work. The Contractor should arrange himself all the materials required as per the specifications and drawings for the successful completion of the work.

Technical Approach
Mode of measurement when not specified in the tender shall be in accordance with the relevant Indian Standard Specifications (BIS) and where not spelt out in BIS, Engineer-in-charges decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor.

Evaluation Methods
The rate(s) and /or amount(s) must be quoted in decimal coinage both in words and figures. The Officer inviting tenders shall have the right to rejecting all or any of the tenders, and will not be bound to accept the lowest tender. BHAVINI reserves to themselves write of accepting the whole part of the tender and tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at his quoted rates. BHAVINI reserves the right to reject any or all tenderers or to allot a part of the works to different agencies without assigning any reason thereof. BHAVINI do not bind to accept the lowest or any tender or to give any reasons of their decisions. The tenderers should have satisfactorily executed at least three similar works* each costing not less than 40% of the estimated cost or two similar works* each costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost or One similar work* costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost as mentioned above. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to last date of receipt of application for tenders.

Contractual Aspects
EMD/SECURITY/BID GUARANTEE DEPOSIT AND REFUND THEREOF Tenderer is advised to note that if he withdraws his tender within the validity period or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to Engineer-in-Charge shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% (fifty percent) of the earnest/bid- guaranteed money absolutely. Earnest Money deposit furnished by contractor along with the offer will be adjusted towards the Security Deposit. PAYMENTS ASPECT IN THE CONTRACT Payment of the Contractors on account bill shall be made by the BHAVINI LTD., within 10 days from the date of submission of the bill subject to the acceptance of the same by the Engineer-in-Charge. Where it is likely to take more time for acceptance of the bill, an advance payment of 75% of the bill amount shall be released to the Contractor within 3 working days and balance payment shall be released within 21 days of submission of bill. Rates quoted for all items in this tender shall include cost of all materials including cement. Department will not supply any materials other than materials stipulated in Part VII of the tender and as such the rates quoted must be all inclusive. The tenderers should employ qualified engineers and supervisors and deploy the necessary plants and equipments at site as per the requirement to meet the desired progress of work. SUB-CONTRACTING The Contractor shall not award sub-contract for any work without a written consent from the Engineer. Intent of subcontracting and names of such subcontractors together with the amount of work to be given to each subcontractor must be declared with the offer.


The contractor shall immediately on award of work take out at his own cost a Contractors All Risk Insurance Policy with an insurer acceptable to BHAVINI for an appropriate amount, which shall include interalia the value of all material issued to him free of charge by the project under terms of the contract wherein BHAVINI shall be named as the Co-assured. The taking out

of such policy shall not in anyway limit or diminish the responsibility of the Contractor for any loss or damage. The contractor shall quote accordingly. Nuisance The Contractor shall not at any time do, cause or permit any nuisance on Site or do anything which shall cause unnecessary disturbance or inconvenience to owners, tenants or occupants of other properties near the Site and to the general public.

The tenderers should employ qualified engineers and supervisors and deploy the necessary plants and equipments at site as per the requirement to meet the desired progress of work.

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