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Human Resource Department in any organisation is considered to be and extremely important department of any organisation. Therefore, it becomes very important to hire the right people in HR Department as they are like a backbone of any organization. An HR Manager should have both technical skills and behavioural skills to perform the job, as even if a person is strong enough in technical knowledge, but doesnt have right attitude and behavioural skills, he/she might not get too far in his HR career.

Following are the Behavioural skills required by an HR manager:

Clarity of Thoughts: HR manager should be able to take a firm decision when faced with confusing and ambiguous situations. Efficiency In Time Management: HR manager is expected to be efficient in time management. Compare Situations and Performances: Should be able to compare two people or situations, so that no wrong decision is taken or injustice done to one. Knowledge about the Business and Industry: They should be aware of the actual business, and the strengths and weaknesses of the company they are working with. Vision and Goal: An HR manager should be clear with the goals that is what they want to do for the organization and how. Self Discipline: Before guiding others, one should implement it on itself. Before disciplining others HR managers should be self-disciplined as well. As there job is to set standards and ethics for others, they should set standards and ethics for themself first so to motivate others and be an example before they guide them. Trust Worthy Most fundamental quality to succeed in any profession is been trust worthy, specially for an HR

manager. As employees tend to share a lot of things such as profession, personal life etc with HR professionals, and if HR managers keep sharing this information with ohers, no one would ever trust them. And thus they would fail to carry out their job tasks.

Technical skills required by an HR manager:

1) They should have knowledge of Principles and procedures for personnel recruitment, selection, training, compensation and benefits, labor relations and negotiation, and personnel information systems. 2) They should know arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications 3) They should also know principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects. 4) They should be able to assess human behaviour and performance; individual differences in ability, personality, and interests; learning and motivation and psychological research methods. 5) Should be proficient in human resources program development to attract, reward and retain employees. 6) Business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.

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