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Mid-Year Written Exam

Adults Three
Total: 85 Marks

1- Reading

Im sure its haunted, but I dont believe in ghosts!

Mary and Ellen have spent the night in a very old youth hostel with no
electricity on their way to Rome. The weather was stormy.
Its about six oclock in the morning.
Mary: Wake up Ellen!
Ellen: Hmmm What is it?
Mary: Goodness Ellen, what a strange
place. Im sure its haunted but I dont
believe in ghosts!
Ellen: Oh, come on! What on earth
makes you say this place in haunted?
Mary: Well, I woke up in the middle of
the night. It was raining a lot and the
wind was blowing. And suddenly I heard someone scream and then I heard
someone groaning and groaning continuously. It was awful.
Ellen: You were probably having a nightmare.
Mary: I certainly was not! Anyway, let me continue! Then I smelt something
burning. I was absolutely terrified, believe me.
Ellen: And then, what happened?
Mary: That wasnt the worst of all Ellie. I felt something touch my facesomething soft and then something wet and cold. Then I heard something
rattling like a chain. I woke you because I havent been able to sleep since
then, I still fell scared! Im terribly sorry. Oh, goodness, listen! I can hear
that rattling noise again.
Ellen: Youre right! I can hear it, too. What on earth is it?
Some minutes later
Puss, puss, puss!
Ellen: Its the warden, shes rattling her keys.
Cat: Miaou miaou
Mary: What is that? Oh, its a kitten, under my bed!
Excuse me Miss, its my little kitten. She had a fight with
another cat in the middle of the night, did you hear them fighting? She even
knocked over the oil lamp and burnt the carpet and I couldnt find her
anywhere. Im so glad she didnt disturb you! Come on pussy, naughty

2-Answer the following questions about the text:

1) What does Mary think about the hostel?
2) When Mary describes the noises she heard, what is Ellens reaction?
3) Has Mary been able to sleep since she was woken up?
4) What was the rattling noise?
5) What really happened?
6) Did the warden know Mary was scared? How do toy know?

12 Marks.

A) Fill in with the correct particle from the box:
forward to

out of



1) Mary looked _______ the hostels number in the

telephone directory.
2) Mary was looking __________ her first day in Rome.
3) The night before a couple of friends came __________ for a cup
of tea.
4) Ellen came __________ a big amount of money when her aunt
5) The bus broke ___________ in the middle of the road, so they
decided to stay in a hostel.
6) Mary and Ellen ran __________ bread for breakfast, so they
needed to buy some.

6 Marks.

B) Choose the correct item.

1) We visited a(n) _____________ temple that was built thousands
of years ago.
a) traditional
b) modern
c) ancient
2) Mary is a very ___________ person; she never lies.
a) caring
b) sincere
c) generous
3) The door _________ open and I saw a woman standing in the
a) creaked
b) cracked
c) whispered
4) She was filled with ___________ when she saw that woman.
a) hope
b) relief
c) fear
5) The girl began to ___________ when she heard the bad news.
a) laugh
b) weep
c) defeat

6) After the long walk, Mary and Ellen were _________ to see the
a) painful
b) exhausted
c) relieved

6 Marks.

C) Underline the correct word.

1) Ellen, could you take/bring me a cup of tea, please?
2) Rome is famous for/popular with the Coliseum.
3) Mary and Ellen waited for/expected Susan for an hour, and then
they left.
4) Susan is a(n) alone/lonely woman who lived by herself in a small
5) Mary kept starting/ glancing over her shoulder to see whether the
warden was behind her.
6) One of the many benefits/goods of travel is that one learns about
other cultures.

6 Marks.

4- Grammar
B) Fill in with the correct verb tenses.
1) The flight to Rome 1) _________ (leave) at 8:00 PM.
2) The train from Paris 2) ________ (arrive) at 7:15 am.
3) Last night we 3)_________ (walk) by the road when the rain
4)__________ (start).
4) The warden 5)_________ (go) to the supermarket. Shell be here
5) Marys brother 6)_________ (never) visit Rome.
6) Ellen 7) ________ (enjoy) her visit to Rome although she
8)_______ (already/go) there once before.
7) Mrs.Taylor, the art course director, 9) __________ (take) the
students on a tour for Romes museums.
8) You 10)_________ (find) a hotel room if you dont book early.

20 Marks

A) Choose the correct item.

1) Where is __________ Amazon Rainforest located?
a) an
b) the
c) 2) The hostel ________ Mary and Ellen spent the night is in the city
a) when
b) that
c) where
3) Have you _________ been to Italy?
a) ever
b) never
c) yet
4) Mary ________ Ellen a very interesting story today.
a) said
b) told
c) asked
5) Mary and Ellen have been traveling ________ September.
a) for
b) since
c) until
6) Mary is looking for a job _________ a nurse.
a) as
b) like
c) such
7) Did Ellen _________ to eat vegetables when she was a child?
a) used to
b) use to
c) using to
8) It was __________ a horrible and stormy night that they stayed at
the hostel.
a) so
b) such

8 Marks.

C) Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1) Warden: I can show you the road on the
2) Where are you going on holiday this year?
Tom asked them.
3) Ellen: Mary if you dont get a good nights sleep, youll be
exhausted tomorrow
4) Mary: Did the warden go to bed late last night?

8 Marks.

D) Fill in the gaps with: neednt, mustnt, must.

1) You __________ have a passport if you want to travel abroad.
2) You __________ take photos in the museum.
3) You __________ go to the bank, I
can give you some money.
4) When on a plane, you __________
turn off your mobile phone.
5) You __________ buy that book, I
can lend you mine.

5 Marks.

Imagine you visited a place in your
country which you really liked. Describe it
using the paragraph plan below:
Paragraph 1: Where the place is and why you went there.
Paragraph 2: Further details about the place / weather conditions.
Paragraph 3: What you saw and what you did there.
Paragraph 4: How you felt about the place and whether you would
recommend it or not.

14 Marks.




Keys AD3
Questions about the text:
1) That its a strange place.
2) She thought that Mary was having a nightmare.
3) No, he hasnt.
4) The wardens keys.
5) Her cat had fought with another cat.
6) No, she didnt. Because the warden told them that she
was so glad her kitten hadnt disturbed them!
A) Choose
1) ancient
4) fear

2) sincere
3) creaked
5) weep
6) relieved

b) Fill in
1) up
4) into

2) forward to 3) round
5) down
6) out of

C) Underline
1) bring
2) famous for 3) waited for
4) lonely
5) glancing
6) benefits
A) Choose
1) b
2) c
5) b
6) a

3) a
7) b

4) b

B) Fill
1) leaves
2) is arriving
3) were walking / started
4) has gone
5) has never visited
6) has been enjoying / had already
7) in going to take
8) wont find
C) Rewrite

1) The warden said that she could show them the road on the
2) Tom asked them where they were going on holiday that year.
3) Ellen told Mary that if she didnt get a good nights sleep, she
would be exhausted the next day
4) Nary wondered / asked if the warden had gone to bed late
the night before
D) Fill
1) must
2) mustnt
3) neednt
4) must
5) neednt

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