Graduates of TCD 1766 To 1869

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THE present work was undertaken in imitation of the similar

Catalogues of Graduates published at Oxford and Cambridge,
and will supply, it is hoped, a want long felt in this University.
No one is more conscious than the compiler of the existence in
its pages of many errors and imperfections. The first attempt
at such a publication, consisting so entirely of names, dates, and
numbers, cannot in the nature of things" be free from mistakes.
The public, it is hoped, will pardon them, and kindly aid the
Editor in the attempt to render the book less unworthy of its
purpose, by sending to the University printers corrections of
such errors and omissions as may be observed.
The object has been to record only the University Degrees,
omitting all preferments and honors, ecclesiastical, civil, and
military, obtained outside of the University, and all internal
distinctions except those'Of Scholar, Fellow, and Provost of Trinity College, or Chll.ncellor and.Yice-Chancellor of the University.
The sources from which the following lists have been compiled l1re the following:-

I. THE REGISTER OF THE COLLEGE. The e~rliest volume of this

very foundation of the College, and seems to
have been kept originally by the Provosts. It contains entries
in the handwriting of Provosts Travers, Alvey, Temple, and
Bedell. This curious and valuable volume is known as the
"Particular Book" from the following endorsement on its parchment cover:-

u coeval with the



a partttuler book

of all rrtrfptrs of lItrnt

JSrnrboIrncrs ~ ClCommons
fot Sbcbollns togtfttbn fBi.
tbr grnnall ~ssur !broNf
to tbr SbtdlJadr or oibn
ofllm tbat sfJal fie appofntdr
to lrlsbout'se tbe same in
prrticular. JSrg(nn{ng

Snn O ?

"nf S1595

_rim. 'anuarti
On a blank leaf, the third in the book, is the abridged title:-

fJt booh of Decomptrs )

( of dnitl! QCol1rlrg bp'
'i9ubIfn in It'rlanlre
Hence it appears that this book was originally intended for
the College accounts, but gradually it became used as a register of
elections, memorandums, acts done by the Provost and Fellows,
&c.; amongst other things it contains Bishop Bedell's diary of
the College during his olm Provostship.
The subsequent volumes of the Register, carried down to the
present day, are more in accordance with the name, containing
a Registry of the Acts and resolutions of the Board, elections,
regulations for the studies of the University; Graces fpr Degrees, &c.
II. THE PROCTORS' BOOKS. The Junior Proctor's Books contain the autograph signatures of those admitted to the B. A.
Degree; the Senior Proctor's Book, the signatures of those admitted to the higher Degrees. Both series of Books are imperfect. They do not seem to have been regularly kept in their
present form ~ntil the Spring Commencements of 1743' And it
will be observed that the B. A. Degree is sometimes not recorded.


This may have been occasioned by the carelessness of young

students, not aware of the importance of inscribing their names,
and if so, it was probably caused also by some carelessness in the
Junior Proctors, whose duty it was to see that the Candidates
had correctly written their names, before they were presented
for Degrees. But it seems to have frequently happened that
when the B. A. Degree is not recorded, the entrance is left unrecorded also. This was probably because the Candidate had
taken his first Degree at Oxford or Cambridge, and no record of
his admission ad eundem to Dublin was kept, the ad eundem Degree being only an acceptance of the English Degree, and
accompanied by no special ceremony in this University.
III. THE SENIOR LECTURERS' BOOKS. These contain, in the
handwriting of the Senior Lect~er of the year, the names and
Christian names of all students admitted to enter the College,
with the names and professions of their fathers, the place of
their own births, age at entrance, the school at which they were
educated, and their College Tutors.
The oldest Senior Lecturer's book now extant begins J 2th
January, 163~, and continues to 28th November, 1644: there
is then a chasm to 20th January, 1652, wheu the entries arc
resumed. The earliest admission recorded in this book is that
of William, eldest son of the Earl of Strafford, being then (12th
Jan. I63~) I I! years old. His College Tutor was Dr. Harding,
then Vice-Provost.
At a later period the Senior Lecturers kept another series of
books, containing an account of the attendance of students at
the Quarterly, or Term Examinations, and their answering.


names of students who have occupied Chambers in the College,
with the rent paid, and duration of their residence. These
A curioUII custom exists, designed
to mark the relative merit of the students who are admitted on tbe same
day. The best answerer is said to be
admitted at noon; the IICCOnd best,

one minute after noon; the third,

two minutes after noon, and 80 on.
This eustom has been noticed, Note.,
and Quriel, 4th S. II., No. 48, p. SIO,
and seems to have puzzled the Querist.



books have not been made use of in the following pages, as they
gave no information as to Degrees.
V. THE BUTIERY BOOKS; two series of these books are kept.
They contain the names of all members of the College, and are
written out at certain short intervals. The Senior Book contains the names of the Fellows, Doctors, Masters, and the higher
classes of Undergraduates in standing and rank; the Junior
Book contains the Junior Undergraduates and students of inferior
rank. In these books are recorded the punishments imposed on
such students as have incurred the censure of the Deans for any
neglect of duty or misconduct. They commence from about
1673. The following Junior Books are unfortunately missing:
from 31st December, 1687, -. 18th September, 1691; from
March, 1717, to January, 1718; from 1714 to Ji16; from
1718 to 1734. The loss of these books renders it impossible to
determine what students were sizars, during the period to which
they relate.
The troublous times in the reign of Charles I., the irregularities of the Commonwealth, and the great poverty of th e
College at that period, to say nothing of its internal dissensions,
and want of government, lead us naturally to expect considerable
'In 1641 Provost Washington deserted the College in disgust, and returned to Oxford. The great Irish
rebellion stopped all the College rents,
and they were forced to sell lOme of
their plate in December, 164~. They
made applications for relief several
times to the GoverDment,one ofwhich,
a petition to the Lord Lieutenant
and Council, in the beginning of 164,
commences as follows: - .. Humbly
sheweth, that if the likely ruin of
the College (the mother of the Univtll"8ity in this Kingdom), whereof
t1l1Jr hath been so late repre!!eJItation
to your honours, had only concerned

tbe private interest ofyour Petitioners,

the resentment of it by your honours
(whereofwe have then had experience)
had stopped our being further troublesome, but all 8upply for the relief of
the College being tbis day expired,
&c." In &Dswer to this petition a 8um
of 4 a week was granted to the College until furtber orders i and the
College was without a etatutable Provost from the dight of W Mhington
until the appointment of Anthony
Martin, Bishop of Meath (i. e. from
1640 to 164t). The Univel"llity at Ii
congregation (Jllnuary 13, .64i) petitioned by the Vice-Chancellor and



defects and losses in its earlier records. It is only wonderful

that such deficiencies and mutilations are not greater than we
find them.
After the Restoration, for something more than twenty years,
the discipline of the College gradually recovered itself under the
government of Provosts regularly appointed by the Crown.
They were orthodox men, attached to the doctrine and discipline
of the Church, educated in Dublin, or in one of the English U niversities, and well acquainted with all that was necessary for a
real academic education. The Puritanical party in the College
was then gradually discountenanced, and the dissensions between
the Provost and the Fellows, or ~tween the Fellows themselves,
which had been the pest of the College since its foundation, were
at an end. The Revolutionary, or Puritanical faction, no longer had
heads of the University, to the Lord
Lieutenant and Council, for a maintenance for the College, which was
answered on the 3rd September by a
grant of 10 for the 11Ie of the
It should be remembered that in
these troublous times Ireland was harassed by no less than five or six
armies. In the North Monro commanded for the Covenanten. In the
South, O'Brien, Lord Inchiquin, for
the Parliament. Two Roman Catholic
armies harassed the Midland Counties.
Owen Roe O'Neill, commanding chiefly
the native Irish in the North West;
the Euglish Roman Catholics of the
Pale joined the otben of their party,
under General Preston: and the Marquis of Ormond, chiefly in the neighbourheod of Dublin, did his best to
support the Royal Cause. 1n addition
to these, a kind of rival Parliament,
presided over by the Papal Nuncio,

was kept up in Kilkenny, and the

rebfol clan8, in the vicinity of Dublin,
made perpetual incursions, even to
the very city gates.
In July, 1650, Bishop Anthony
Martin died in extreme poverty, in
the College, and, as it was said, of the
plague. For eleven yean after his
death there was no legitimate Provost,
and anarchy prevailed in the College:
notwithstanding that the Puritan and
Presbyterian Samuel Winter was nominated by Oliver Cromwell in 1652,
but he never took the Provost's oath;
and occupied himself chielly in preaching, visiting in the College estates,
and baptizing children, having no fitness for the administrative dutie8 of his
office. Nevertheless he was a wellmeaning, good man. It was not IOrpriaing that when Provost Seele succeeded him, in 1661, the College was
deacribed as a place" wonderfully disjointed and out oforder for many yean."



influence, and the Fellows could no longer bring their complaints,

in a private way, before their party in the Government. All
things were now done openly, in accordance with the Statutes,
and the Provost and Senior Fellows, the legitimate Governors of
the College, were consulted about all matters of importance.
But in the reign of James II. things began to change. The
power of arbitrarily nominating to Fellowships and other offices
by mandamus was claimed;& the College plate was carried oft';
the keys of the muniment room were demanded, and ultimately
obtained; the Chapel was desecrated, and the Library b seized.
In February, 168~ the Provost and Fellows fled to England,
leaving only four C in the College, viz. Dr. Richard Acton, ViceProvost; George Thewles ;4 John Hall; Jeremiah Allen ; finally,
on the 6th September, 1689, the College was absolutely seized
upon by the Government, the students violently displaced, and
the buildings converted into prisons for citizens of Dublin who
had incurred the King's displeasure, and into quarters for the
King's soldiers.
It will easily be understood that the records of the College
It is only fair to lI&ythat the power
of nominating and restoring Fellows
by mandamus was exercised without
question by King Charles I. on several
occasions; but those 80 nominated
were men of education, and generally
fit for the office, whereas the nominees
of King James II. were men of bad
character, illiterate (with perhat>a one
exception), and who refused to take
the oath prescribed by the Statutes.
See Liat of Fellows in the University
b It need scarcely be observed that
this was the old Library, which stood
in the apace between the west end of
the present Library, and the Hall. So
al80 the Chapel here mentioned was

the old Chapel, which occupied the

aite where Primate Lord John George
Beresford'. belfry now stands.
e Four WIUI the number prescribed
in the Statutes, as the minimum capable of performing legal acts. It
will be seen that the attacks of
James II. on Dublin University began
a year earlier than the similar attempts
on Oxford and Cambridge. See notes
in University Calendar, on Ii.t of Fe1Iowa, during the period; and Archdeacon Rowan'a "Brief Memorials of
the Case and Conduct of Trinity College, Dublin, A. D. 1686-90."
4 Thewlea died the same day on
which King William landed at Carrickfergus, June '4, 1690.



would not be handled with much tenderness by the guardians

into whose hands they had now fallen. Their greatest security
waa their apparent worthlessness, and they doubtless at this
time received much damage and injury.
But even. down to our own times the records of the College
were exposed to a danger from which they are not even now
altogether secure. It waa the custom that the books of each
annual office were retained in the hands of the person holding that
office during the year of his incumbency. At the end of that
time the outgoing Senior Lecturer, Registrar, and Proctors,
sent the books in their custody to the chambers of their respective successors: there waa no permanent place where they
could be regularly deposited and arranged in their proper order.
The binding often became damaged, and remained for a considerable time unrepaired. The older books also, not being in constant use, often continued in the possession of the officer whose
tenure of office had expired. These evils have now been in a great
measure remedied, but it is evident that from this cause alone,
the books must have received much loss, injury, and mutilation.
These details are given to explain the cause of the many
defects and omissions, which must necessarily be detected in the
following pages; and it is hoped that those who may notice any
such imperfections will be the less delicate in making them
known to the Printer.
Another great source of difficulty to the compiler of such a
work aa the present arises from the different forms of the
same name, aa written by the bearer of the name himself, at difSenior Proctors at all formal meetings
of the Senate, was missing, and BUppoeed to have been lost, for a considerable time; and a volume of the
Senior Lecturers Entrance Boob wu
mielaid for many years, but was recently recovered by Mr. Miller, when
Dr. Charles Graves, now Bishop of
Limerick, was Senior Lecturer.

At the auction of Archbishop

Magee's library in Dublin, after his
death,in J831, three boob were found
belonging to the Bursar's office. They
must have been in his Grace's poseeesion for 30 yean. In more recent
&imes the old parchment volume of
the UDivenity Statutes, which is
U81lal1y carried in procession by the


ferent periods of his life. For example a young man, on taking

his B. A. Degree, writes himself, Donovan; on taking the degree of M. A., he subscribes himself O'Donovan; so also
Mac Donnell, Mac Donnel, MCDonnell; Connor, O'Connor;
Gwynn, Gwynne, Wynne; Driscoll, O'Drisco11; Erwin, Irwin,
Irwine, Irvine; are frequently interchanged; and there are many
other similar examples.
It may suffice to mention one other circumstance which has
caused the omission of several names in the lists. When the
Chancellorship of the U niversiiy W&8 vacant at the ordinary
time for holding commeneements, no Degrees could be conferred.
In this case the Candidates for Degrees could only be recorded
in the Proctors' books as entitled to their Degrees, but could not
be received as Graduates in the University. They were allowed
to present themselves at any future Commencements, and then
to take their several Degrees, free of additional expense; but if
they neglected to do this, their names of course would not appear
amongst the Graduates of the University.a
In some of the speeches in Parliament during the last session,
or in some articles in the newspapers, it was asserted that Dublin
was no real University, because it consisted of but one College.
The writer or speaker of this remark, whoever he was, was influenced, no doubt, by the case of Oxford and Cambridge. with
which he was familiar; he not unnaturally imagined that a plurality of Colleges was essential to an University. But a more
complete ignorance of the nature and history of Universities
could scarcely have been displayed.
The earliest Universities (afterwards so called), founded at
Bologna and Paris in the 12th century,b had no colleges. They
The cireumatance here alluded to
ooeurred at the commencement! V:
J77I, AI. 1,88 (afterwards held NOT!.
1,88), V. It02, V. 1804, AI. 1826.
b " Lea deUlt plus anciennes Universi~, que je connoisse, sont celles

de Paris et de Bologne." Fleury,

Hilt. Heel., XL-XIII. Siecla, Sect. I.,
and Dissert. III. on Eccl. Hist.
Dr.Dollin~, in ~ ~ure on
.. Universities past and present" says
that the oldest University was "the



had been preceded by ScholfB (schools), or Stvdia, in which

particular branches of learning were taught by independent and
insulated teachers. This was inconvenient to those students
who desired to obtain instruction in more than one of the then
u~ual faculties, or subjects of scholastic teaching. Hence two or
more schools or lItudia sprang up in the same city, until at last
there appeared doctors or teachers, and masters in all the four
faculties, or 8tudia, viz. Theology, Law orthe Decretum: Medicine, and Arts. The School then became a Studium generate, or
UnitJe1'Bitas 8tudiorum,b from which came in after times the name

Thus Bologna (Bononia), founded in I 129, was famous at first

for the School of Civil Law, established and presided over by the
celebrated Wernerius,. who revived the study of the Justinian
Code, and attracted to his lectures an immense body of students of

MediCal School at Salerno, which en

joyed some consideration as
the eleventh century." .Appleton'.
Trarulation, (Oxford, Rivington8,
1867), p. I. So Pagi (Crit. in Baron.
A. D. 1087, u. xiii.) says: "Ea Schola
(Salernitana) jam anno 984 celebria erat." But it was then a School
only, not as yet an University.
The Decretum of Gratian was a
digested collection of Papal letters
and decisions, many of them forged,
which W88 the text book 1llIed in the
Schools, and was the foundation of
the Canon Law j the Graduates in
which were first called Doctor in Decretill, or Decretorum Doctor. Gratian
w.. a Benedictine monk of Bologna,
and compiled the Decretum in 1151.
"The Fonr Faculties were in theory
deemed uecessary to con8titute an
University. Hence Qneen Ehzabeth
was careful to enact that Dublin
shoultl have th(' power of giving Dc-

grees U in omnibus artibus et facuItatibus." Some Universities, however,

although known under that name,
have had but two or three Sludio.
Even Paris "never had, throughoui
the whole of the middle ages, any
facuJty of Law, which deserved the
name." " None of the high 8chools
of France rose above the subordinate
dignity and character of special
schools, such lUI Orleans, Bourges,
Cabors (Cadurcum), and Angers,/or
LavJ; Montpelier/or Medicine:' Dollinger (ubi aup.), p. 3; but the high
schools of France were never in any
proper sense Universities.
e The name is also writteB W sr
nerius, Gnarnerius, Irneriu8: he 11'118
called Lucerna JurU mtd Glollalor,
from the light thrown upon the Civil
Law by his method of adding Glosses. He died circ. I 190. See Oudin.,
De Srriptor. Eccles., tom. ii. c. 8n.




all nations. Some two or three centuries later Bologna became

noted as a Medical School, and is said to have been the first in
which the dissection of the human body was practised.- There
does not seem to have ever been any College in connexion with
the University at Bologna.b
Paris became an University at the close of the twelft.h
century; at least it then began to be called by that name,
although it had certainly for some years before that time been
virtually an University, by a voluntary association of its members,
without any Royal or Papal charter of Foundation. Pope Innocent IlL, who reigned from 1198 to 1216, gives the title of
University to the School of Paris in one of his Decretals, and
Rigord, in his Annals of Philip Augustus, King of France, gives
it the same title. c
The manners of those ancient times were rude and simple.d
The students lived in such lodgings as they could find in the
city, taking their meals in taverns and baking houses. Such
a A singular peculiarity of Bologna W8II the admieeion offemale profeuora. In the 14th century Novella
Andree wu Profeuor of Canon and
Civil Law, u deputy to her father,
and frequently lectured from his
chair. Laura BuBi taught MathematiCB and Natural PhilOsophy, and
wu a Doctor of !.aWl. Madonna
Manzolina wu Profeuor of Surgery
and Anatomy. And almost in our own
times, Matilda Tambroni wu Professor of Greek. The Medical School of
Bologna still JD&intains a good reputation i the Law School hu greatly
b In Genoa there are but three
faculties, Law, Medicine, and the
Arts. Degrees in each faculty are
conferred by a separate senate. There
is no College.

UnirJerrita. ScAolarum, or, Btudiorum.-Rigord wu a monk of St.

Deni. in Paris, about IUS. Hie AnnaIs are in Du Chesne's collection.
Philip Augustus reigned 118o-1U3.
d As an instance of the ancient
simplicity of manners, it may be mentioned, that the doole, wheretheMutera or Doctora of the University 01
Paris lectured, seem to have opened
upon the street, and the students were
not permitted to have the luxury of
banks or seata, but were forced to sit
upon the ground, wheretrull8e8 ofetraw
were spread for their use. Hence
the .treet where these early lC~an~'
were held wu named ViCUI StramiRu,
or Rtul d" Fouarre.-Halmagrand,
Hi.t. de r Unit'er,ite, p. 67. (Paris,



places were not then so dangerous to morals as similar establishments would now be; but it soon became necessary to take them
under surveillance of the University, and to grant licenses to the
lodging-house keepers. The same growing evils led, in Paris
especially, to the establishment of Colleges.- The bishops first,
and afterwards the religious orders, perceived the advantage of
this innovation, both as diminishing the expenses of the theological or monastic students, and as bringing them under a more
efficient discipline. The episcopal colleges for theological students seem to have been first established in the palaces of
the bishops, and afterwards in buildings specially erected for
them in the neighbourhood of the palaces. b
It is not necessary to give here
any account of the laws made at different times to preserve discipline at
Paris, and other Universities. After
\he faculty of Arts at Paris had been
divided into four nations by a Bull
of Pope Gregory IX. (1231), many
seriOWl quarrels arose, from national
prejUdices. King Philip AugustWl
enacted that the Masters and students should be under the responsibility of the citizens of Paris, who
should swear to observe the privileges
of the University; see the oath (A. D.
125J), D'.Acherii Spicil. tom. iii.
Cfolw edit.), p. 630. Every offender
against these privileges was to be given
up to the king'. judges, and uo membel' of the University whatsoever
W&8 to be judged by any lay tribunal. It need scarcely be said
how inoperative these enactments
were in the maintenance of discipline
and morals. In fact, the heads ofthe
University in its earlier times were
more anxiously engaged in the defence
oftbeir own privileges, than in the

protection of the religion and morality

of the students. "La morale," say.
Halmagrand, It n'occopait guere des
maitres, preoccupes de leurs disputes
scolastiques. Lea etudians, mepriaaient lea preoeptes de la charite
et de l'humilite chretiennea pour
s'abandonner au torrent de leurs
passions,II &c.-Hiltoire de r Unicef'rite, p. 85, c p. 70. The earliest
Statutes of the University were made
in 1215, to check the disorders of the
students, by Robert de Courceon,
Legate ofHonorius III.
h In the ancient statutes of the
University of Paris, compiled in 1371,
the Bishop's Hall is spoken of as used
for theological Disputations. " Item
nota, quod Bachalarii in Theologia
tenentur respondere de qUfe8tione in
locis publicis aliis Bachulariis, quin.
quies ad minus, antequam licenci.
entor, scilicet in Aula Episcopi Parisiensis, quando sit ibi aliquis novus
Magister in Theologia. II-D' .A cherii
Spicil., tom. iii., p. 735. (Regul~
pro Theologis, n. xviii.)



In Paris, the College, as it was afterwards called, of Robert de

Sorbona, ultimately obtained great celebrity, but was at first quite
distinct from the University. Its founder did not call it a College, but "the Congregation of poor Masters studying at Paris
in the Faculty of Theology." He had been Provisor, or administrator of the funds of the secular theological students, and in
, 1270 bequeathed all his property to their use, which bequeBt,
however, did not come into operation until 1452 or 1453; so
long was it before the foundation of a College in connexion with
the University was fully developed. In fact, it has been fully
developed only at Oxford and Cambridge, a circumstance in a
great measure accidental, arising from the powerful influence ofthe
Mendicant and Benedictine Orders, in the schools of the Univerttities, and the suppression of the monasteries in England at
the time of the Reformation.
But this is not the place to attempt anything like a history
of Universities. Enough has been said to show that the ancient
Universities existed for centuries without Colleges, and that
some of them have never had Colleges even to the present day. It
is not, however, denied that the English Universities owe much
of their excellent tone and efficiency, as seats of learning, to
their Colleges; but it is clearly an ignorant and unworthy
prejudice to find fault with the University of Dublin, as if it
were no University, because it has but one College. b On the
"Congregatio pauperum Magistrorum Parisiis studentium in Theologica Facultate." Robert de Sox-bonne, 80 called from the place of
his birth, was of humble origin. His
Testament, written four years before
his death, is pu\)lished by D'Achery,
Spicil. u&i mp. , p. 670. In !lSI, he
became canon of Cambrai; in 1251,
canon of Paris ; his will is dated Michaelmasday, 1170; he died 15th Aug.,
12 74.
b Sir John Perrot, Lord Deputy
in 1584, proposed to suppress St. Pa-

trick's Cathedral, and with its revenues " to begin the foundation of two
Universities, and endow a couple of
Collegea in them with 1000 per annum
a piece." Here the plan was to have
only one College in each University:
but the scheme failed; and the suppressed Monastery of All Hallows, or
All Saints, was afterwards employed
for the same purpose, or at least its
dilapidated building, for its lands and
endowments had long before passed
into other hands. See Introd. to U1lit',
Cakn-lar for 1833, Registr, Prioratus





The Charter then proceeds to enact that the College shall be

a body corporate consisting ofa Provost, Fellows, and Scholars,
with perpet'qal succession, and with power to hold and acquire
goods, chattels, lands, hereditaments, &c., for their sustentation
and support. They are granted permission to hold, purchase,
and possess property of whatsoever kind, notwithstanding the
Statutes of Mortmain, to sue and be sued, &c., under the corporate name of" the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of the College
of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near
Dublin." They are to have a Common Seal, and in the case of
vacancies in their body from death, resignation, deprivation, or
any other cause, they are to have power to elect fit persons into
the vacant places, so as to continue and perpetuate the corporation.
But that with which we are here mainly concerned is the
relation defined in the Charter between the College and the
University. The University, as we have seen, is a body, to
which the College has given birth, and of which the College
was in some sort constituted the head. To the Provost and Fellows Elizabeth gave the absolute power of making, from time to
time, laws, statutes, and ordinances for the pious and faithful
government of the College; and also to select from the laws and
statutes of either of the English Universities such as they shall
II&DIe widl ~bat body of Colleges,
afterwards to be founded, which are

ther" in its literal and common signification. The College brings forth,
educates, nourishes, as a mother does
her children, the future graduates of
the University. She is their Alma
Mater; and although in England this
phrase is generally applied to the
University, and not to a College, yet
it evidently means the same as the
Elizabethan Mater Uniter,itatU.
This power, so far as the Provostship is concerned, has been repealed,
and the appointment of the Provost
reserved to the Crown.

to constitute a future Univenity. It

is We Trinity College is dle only
College in dle Univenity; but this
does not make her the same with the
University, nor does it explain, in
either of the interpretations proposed
by Dr. Miller, in what intelligible llenlle
abe is the .. Mother ofthe Univenity."
I am persuaded that the true signification of this phrase is the plaiu
alld obvious one that I have given.
lVe have only to take the word .. Mo-



deem fit and proper for their own University in Dublin. The two
cases are clearly distinguished. In the compilation of the College
Statutes the Provost and Fellows were left wholly frel} to follow
their own judgment; but in the case of the University Statutes,
they were to be guided by the constitutions and rules already in
force at Cambridge or Oxford. b
The clause relating to the U niveraity Statutes iI this :-" Et ut quascunque leges bene constitutas alt.erutranostraAcademiaCantabrigien8i, allt Oxonienai, modo aibi
apw at. accommodas judicaverint,
intra lie atabiliant." They were also at
liberty, from time to time for eTer, to
alter the statutee, made by them for
the College-" ut leges, statuta, et ordinRtionc8, pro 8UO Collegio pie et
fideliter guoornando, de tempore ill
tempUl, in perpetuum faciant, constituant et. confirment." No power of
change was given them in regard to
the University Statutes, and it was
beld that there was in tbat C&88 no
poBBibility of altering what was once
enacted. This was, no doubt, one
reason why Sir William Temple was
empowered on going to England to
apply for a new Charter, authorizing
the Academical Senate to enact laws
for the Univ8nity. and to change
from time to time what had turned
out to be inconvenient. See Mil",.',
POItleript, pp. 2,3.
~ See what Dr. Miller has urged
against tbil view (Poat,cript, p. 13).
He redUCBI biB argument to four
heads :_" I. Admitting that the College has the power to make statutes for
the Univenity, tA", WBTe not juti-

flal iJllUbjectill8 tlle ezweile of tAeir


cAartered prir:ilege, [of conferring degrees] to tlle controuling vgatiw ofanotAer body." But the Charter
of Elizabeth does not give to the the power of conferring Degrees, but only the power of prescribing the Acts and scholastic exerciles for obtaining Degrees. The
College never did confer the Degree,
but only prescnted the candidate to
the Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor,
who conferred the Degree by Royal
authority. They were perfectly justified in imposing any lawful condition,
as a criterion of his fitness for a Degree, before presenting the candidate,
and the condition of being approved
by the Univenity 888ms a very reaIIOnable one. .. 2. The claU88 in the
Charter ofEllzabeth [quoted in last
note] cannot be maintained to relate
to the University i it iI merely a directi01l auziliary to tlleformation of tM
Statute. of tlle fWIII College or UntfJerlitg." But thil iI Burely begging
the whole question. "3. The Fellows
did not consider the University Statutes IL8 authorized by the Charter,
since they solicited for thil purpoae,
first a Charter and afterwarda &
Patent." In the original the word is
Patent,._Bedell'. DiG,." Marcia 16,



The clause granting to the Provost and Fellows this power

of making statutes for the University is followed immediately by
a clause prohibiting all persons in any other places (other than
the University) to profess or teach the liberal Arts within the


They desired a Patent forthe

University to dispel the doubts factiously raiaed concerning the UniverBity S&atutes, and seut a transcript of
thoee then in use i they had a copy made
of the College Statutes also, that they
might let the King'. advisers see all
that had been done about the Statutes
under the Charter, and the Patents
copied were probably the Patelp of
Elizabeth and James I. (See Miller,
.Ezamiaation, te., p. ~o). Bedell, in
a leUer from London to the Fellows
(Apr. I, .6~S), DOW among the College papers, -1-" mindful of the
business you committed to me, I have
made a draught of the University
Statutes." These were therefore not
the University Statutes" drawn" the
year before. .. 4. The Charter of
Charles _ms to have withdrawn the
power con veyed by the clause supposed
to relate to University Statutes, ineZ.diRK it willa tlae otlano under tile
trOTtU .\aac potellate11l." But the

Charter of Charles quotes both

dauleS, and then adds :_H Nos
bane potestatem, 8tatata et ordinationes condendi et constitnendi
pnefatis Pnepoaito et sociis . . . .
prius oonceesam' . . . . nobismet
ipria . . modo reversarl , . . .
?oluqpJJl." Here the words of the Brst
elau.e, relating to the College Sta
tutes, are recited, and nothing is said
or the IIeCOnd clause. It il evident,

therefore, thd the wordJ MIte pole.tatem were intended to refer to the
first clause, and that the power really
withdrawn by the Charter of Charles, is the power of making statutes for
the College: the power of selecting
statutesfrom tbeuaageaorthe Universities of Cambridge or Oxford, reo
mains as Elizabeth had len it.
No better evidence of thia can
be desired than the pasaage from
Carte's life of Ormonde, citt->d in
Dr, Miller's Postscript (p 14). We
are there told that in 1660 .. Bp,
Jeremy Taylor WIUI employed in
framing statutes for the University,
tllerebyJlrmlringteAat tile great AreAwhop Laud Aati left imperfect, .\aring only digested and e.tablilllled a
body of Itatutu fUT tlae Colll'gr."
But how could Taylor jinisla Laud's
work unless there had been a power
originally granted to make statutes
for the University, a.s well as for the
College i and ifthe Charter of Char lei,
in 1637, had repealed this power, lUI
Dr. Miller thinks, both in reference
to the College and the University, by
what authority did Taylor employ
himself, in 1660, in framing Btatutes
for the University? Is it not clear
that Taylor must have believed that
the power of making statutes, 8S
granted in Elizabeth's Charter, 8till
remained, notwithstanding the Char
ter of Charlee, and t hat the Coll.'ge



limits of the Queen's Kingdom of Ireland, without her special

Licence.The next clause of the Charter defines the privileges of students, as members of the University, in reference to the right of
obtaining Degrees in all Arts and Faculties.. The words are
important: "Cum gradu9 quosdam in Artibus et Facultatibus
constitui litcris fuisse adjumento compertum sit, ordinamus per
prresentes, ut studiosi in hoc Collegio sanctre et individure Trinitatis Elizabethre Reginre juxta Dublin, libertatem et facultatem
habeant, Gradus tam ,Baccalaureattls, Magisterii, et Doctorattls,
juxta tempus idoneum, in omnibus Artibus et Facultatibus obtinendi."
Here it is to be observed, I. That the Queen, considering
the grent benefit to letters of Academic degrecs, grants, immediately from Herself, without the mention of any subordinate
authority, the privilege of obtaining degrees, to the students of
the College, and to the students of the College only, including
the Fellows, as appears from the next clause, which limits the

Statutes, sanctioned by Laud, left

the duty prescribed to the College
u1!ftnished, so long as the University
Statutes were incomplete. It must
be borne in mind that the Statutes
signed and corrected by Laud, as
Chancellor of the University, are
the Statutes of Charles. Carte says
that Laud'. work was incomplete, although he bad sanctioned the College
Statutes: but why incomplete? Evidently because the Unif1er.ity Statutes
had not been similarly sanctioned,
although equally enjoined by the
Charter. And accordingly Bishop
Jeremy Taylor, on succeeding to the
Office of Vice-Chancellor, set himself
to complet.e the work. which Laud had
left unfinished. It is an important
fact that Laud, by the King's desire,
signed every page of the Statutes of

Charles I., proving that the King did

not desire to impose upon the College
even his own Royal Statutes, without
the sanction of the Chancellor of the
"Et prlllsertim ne artes liberales
quispiam ullis aliis in locis publice
profiteatur, aut edoceat, intra regni
nostri Hibernilll limites, sine licentia
nostri speciali." The object of this
clause seems to have been to secure
what, as we have seen, was deemed
essential to an University-that there
should be no public Professors of the
liberal art" in more than one place,
or except where the Unive1'8ity had
jurisdiction j and that such instruction
.hould be given only with sPecial
licence from the Crown, and therefore Dot in opposition to the University, or by disloyal persons.



duration of Fellowships to seven full years after taking the Degree of Master.
2. From this it follows that the students constitute a special
lIociety, although not in the strictly legal sense a corporation;
and that all st~dents of the College, although not members of
the College Corporation (unless they be Fellows or Scholars of
the College), are.members of the University, whether the U niversity be a corporation or not: for it is by no means essential
to an University that it should be a corporate body, in the modem legal sense. It is in any case a Society i and the privilege
of taking all Degrees, in all Arts and Faculties, which Elizabeth's
Charter grants to all students of Trinity College, binds them together, as belonging to that Society, and makes them ipBO facto
on their matriculation members of the University.3. Again, it is to be observed that the students of the College, who alone are concerned in the privilege granted, are empowered to take all the old Degrees of Bachelor, Master, and
Doctor, in all .the old Studies, Arts, and Faculties, subject only
This is the true ancient notion of
an University. The University of
Paris never had a Charter, Regal or
Papal, although it has been recognised by both Sovereigns and Popes,
and bas been granted many privil.ges
under the name of an University.
.. Ni les Dipl6mes des rois, ni lea
Balletdea Papes, n'onterige formellement les ecolea de Paris en corps de
l-rIniversite. Cette compagnie cst
formee d'elle meme par l'Association
de sea membres," &c._lIalmagrand,
OrigifU! de r Unit'ernle, p.66, Oxford
and Cambridge were not incorporated
by an Act of Parliament, until 13
Eliz, c. 29, twenty one years only before the foundation of the University
of Doblin. Their corporate title is
.. The Chancellor, Masten, and Scho-

lars of the University ofCambridge [or

On-ord]," which no doubt was taken
from their old designations, showing
that their matriculated students, or
Scholars, were members of the corporation of the University, and there
is therefore no difficulty in supposing
all students to be members of the University of Dublin, although it is not a
corporation. The Charter 21 Vict. has
indeed incorporated, most uselessly,
the Senate of the University, but not
the University itself, The style and
title of this new Corporation is, "The
Chancellor, Doctors, and Masters of
the University of Dublin." No mention is made of the Scholars or Studion; and therefore not all members,
but only the governing members of
the University, are incorporated. It il



to the restriction that the Degrees of Bachelor, Master, and

Doctor be taken juzta tempus idoneum, i. e., according to the
rules of time or standing, fixed by the usages of other Universities, and particularly Cambridge, which had been especially
followed in the times and rules for taking Degrees.
Then follows in the ordinary printed copies of Elizabeth's
Charter a clause (which ought to have been in a parenthesis),
defining the duration of Fellowships.b With this we have no
concern at present; but the words that immediately follow are
connected with the clause quoted p. xx, ending with the words,
"in omnibus artibus et facultatibus obtinendi." The real meaning of the passage has been generally misunderstood. c It enacts
that the students spoken of as entitled to take Degrees, or
who have taken Degrees, are to have the power of electing
and creating the necessary University officers, with the exception of the Chancellor, the first Chancellor having been nominated in the Charter, and the Provost and Fellows empowered
to elect on all subsequent vacancies. d
probable that the word .. Schoiarll"
in the Corporate title of Trin. CoiL
Dublin was meant to have the same
signification that it has in the Corporate title of Cambridge and Oxford.
They were, however, from the earliest
time distinguished as "Scholares
sumptibus Collegii sustentandi," and
were regarded as po88e88ing many
corporate privileges which were de.
nied to ordinary Stvdiori. The Scholars who are members of the College
Corporation are called Diacipuli or
Discipuli Scholares in the Statutes of
Charles I., because the Junior Fellows,
as members of the corporation, were
considered as Sclwlare. also.
See Regula In Ccnuuetudi7UII
Univerritatil, c. iV.-IIApud Cantabri.
giense. . . . . qui eadem Itatuta ha-

bent, idemque tempus nobiscum observant in gradibus capessendis."Mac Don7UI1J', edit., p. 166.
b Subsequently repealed by ihe
Charter of Charlcs 1. (Mac DonJlelr,
edit., p. 14.)
It seems to have been misunderstood even ill the Charter of Charles
I. (Mac Don7UIlf. edit., p. 14); for it
is there passed over without notil-c,
8S if it had been consistent with the
new enactments of the Caroline St'ltutes.
d The whole passage is as follows:.. Et ut intra .e [Stut/ion] pro bujusmodi gradibus assequcndis, !labeant libertatem, omnia acta et sebo
lastica cxercitia adimplendi, quemadmodum Prlllposito et m~ori pa"li
Sociorum visum fuerit; DC tit omnes



It may seem strange, and to modem ideas it is strange, that

the nomination and election of officers of such importance as
the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors should have been committed
to the general body of the University, consisting of all Graduates, and even of matriculated Undergraduates. But this is
quite consistent with the ancient notion of an University, and
is an evident proof that all matriculated students, as well as the
Graduates, were regarded as members of the University, in the
sense that has been explained. b
prr.,,7I/J, pro Aujlllmodi rflbtu f1U!liru
prOfllONndiI, eligere, creare, aomiJUlTe, et OTdiJaare po,lint, sive sit Pro-

Cancellariua, Procurator, aut Proeuratores, (nam Cancellarii dignitatem

.. Guilielmo Cecillio Domino BaronideBurghley delegatamapprobamus), et ut pototbac idoneam huja.modi personam, cum defuerit, pro
hlljus Collegii Cancellario Prmpositu8
et major pars Sociorum eligant, ordinamUII." The words given in Italics (if read by themselves) sbow the
coDltroction of the passage, which is
obscure, not in itself, but because it is
complicated by parentheses. The
Swdiosi are evidently thOle to whom
the election of Vice-Chancellor and
Proctors, &Cc., i. committed.
In the University of Paris the
Rector, who wu aupreme goftl'llor
and chief preeident of all the faculties, wu chosen by the lowest of them
all, the faculty of Arts, which induded undergraduates. This at least
wu the cue from the year 1249, when
ihe faculty of Arts had been divided
into foar provinces or nations.-HalJIl88I"&IId, Orig. tU r Unif!erlite, p. 67.
In the begiuning of the year
diS, lOOn af\er the new Charter

(21 Viet.) had incorporated the University Senate, a cue waa laid before
the eminent lawyer, F. A. Fit.zgerald,
now second Baron of the Exchequer.
It is a great gratification to me to
find that in his opinion on this cue
so high an authority hu taken
nearly the same view that I have
been quite independently led to
adopt. I shall venture to quote a
portion of this valuable opinion,
which waa privately printed, at the
time. Baron Fitzgerald l&y8 :.. The English Universities were lay
corporations, having a distinct corporate existence from the several eleemosynary corporation. in them, called
Colleges. But the members of these
University Corporations were not
merely the proper members of the
several College Corporations, but included the Chancellor, the Profeslors,
and every Graduate, and every matriculated Undergraduate student in
each and every one of these Colleges.
J Kydd. 328, and Statute J 3 Eliz. c.
19. Every Itudent in any College became on matriculation, though not a
member of the College Corporation,
a member of the University Corporation,jult &I the freeman of a corporate



It is true that, by the Statutes of Charles I., this power of

electing the Vice-Chancellor and. Proctors has been taken from
toWD, who may constitute no part of

the governing body ofthe corporation,

is yet a member of the corporation.
"To be, then, a member of the University Corporation, it was eBSential
that a student should belong to some
College in the University, but not that
he should be a member 01 the College
Corporation; and upon matriculation,
though he did not become a member
of the College Corporation, be did
become a member of and free of the
University Corporation.
"Ofcourse if there had happened to
be but one College in the University,
no student who had not been admitted into that College could be amember of the University, but on matriculation he would have been a member of the University, though, by the
constitution of the College, he might
not be a member of it, qua Corporation.
" Now what the Charter of Elizabeth does aRer constituting the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars acorporation, "matrem Universitatis," is to
give to all the Studion in the College
(including to be sure the members of
the corporation, in their individual
capacities, but comprehending also
every stndent to be admitted to the
College) the privilege of obtaining
Degrees, and fortbatpurpoae, of performing all such acts and exercises
as the Provost and major part of tbe
Fellow. of the College should think
fit, and 01 electing, creating, and ap-

pointing all proper officers for that

purpoae, with the exception of a
Chancellor, whose first appointment
is made by the Charter itself, and
whose subsequent appointment is to
belong to the Provost and major part
of the Fellows.
"Nothing appears to he more clear
(nothwithstanding the singular mode
ofpunctulltion adopted in the printed
form of the Statutes, which, I may
observe, ii not followed, and indeed
could not well be in the recital of the
same Charter by Charles I.) than
that the only University privileges
mentioned were given, not to the Corporation of the College, or to those
particular students who alone are
members of the Corporation, but to
each and every student admitted to
the College as well.
"The consequence of this. ofcouTst',
would be, that, by the mere creation
of any other College in the UnivCl'sity, each and every Studio81U adlUitted to it, whether belonging to that
new College Corporation or not,
would become entitled to the University privileges.
" This is what I apprehend is meant
by J.fater Univerritati6; every alumnus of the College, and not merely
the proper members of that corporation, became, by being such alumnue,
entitled to University privileges, and
a member of the University. The
College was Jlater Umverlitatil because by the first foundation her




the University, and given to the Provo&t and Senior Fellows of

the College, who are no\v to have the sole power of the government of the College, to elect all Fellows, Officers, Scholars, and
servants of the College, and to define and conclude the conferring of Degrees. But Baron Fitzgerald gives it as his opinion
that there is nothing in the Charter or Statutes of Charles I., nor
in any other Charter, to deprive the Students and Graduates of
the privilege granted them by Elizabeth, and that they are now
children, and her children only, constituted the University.
.. But though 80 far the analogy of
the Ellgliah Universities Wall carried
ou," tbe enjoyment of those privileges Wall not secured to the students
by making them, in conjunction with
the Cbance,llor and Professors, a corporation (most probably,l.hould say,
b!calllle the constitution of other
Colleges in the University Will contemplated), but it Wall secured to
Lhem by appointing a Chancellor to
exercise tbe Royal fllUction or CODferring Degrees, and providing for
future appointments to tbat office by
the Provost and Fellows of the College, and by giving to tAil SttJdiori
tlumulre6 the power of electing
Proctors and all other necessary officcra for the purpose.
.. This is altere:! by tbe Charter of
Charle8 I., which giVl!8, with the consent. of the College Corporation, to
the ProVOllt and SeniQi Fellows the
right oC appointing the Chancellor,
Proctors, and other nt!Ce!IIIU'J officers;
but there is nothing that I can find,
either in the Charter or Statutes of
Charles, or any other Statutes or
Charter, to take away furtber the

University privilegP.II gi"en by the

Charter of Elizabeth to the wbole
body of students j and in my judgment, eacb and every Gradua~, aud
each and every student admitted to
Trinity College, and matriculated,
Wall, antecedently to the Letter Patent
of the Queen [meaning the Letter
Patent of:lIst Vict.],and isa member
of the University in the only senso
in which the-University had or hall
an existence.
.. It is, I apprehend, in this sense that
the Letter Patent of James I. recites
that Trinity College is and is accounted an University, and has the
privileges of an University, and that
the Charter oC Charle8 describes it
as a.College with the privileges ofan
University j not that the privileges
belong to it qua corporation, but becall1le the privileges do belong to its
alumni, and to its alumni only."
See the Stat. Car. L, cap. iv._
.. Volumu8, igitur, ut Pnepositu8 et
horum Seniorum pars major (nempe
quatuor) Collegii regimen, electioncs
omnes Sociorum, Officiariorum, Discipulorum, et Ministrorum Collegii,
graduumque collationes, definiant et



as much and as fully members of the University as they were

before the Letters Patent of 21 Vict.
The words of the Statutes of Charles I. (cap. 4) just quoted., Graduumque collationes definiant et concludant," recognize the
power of the College to make regulations for conferring Degrees
as fully as the words of Elizabeth, that the Provost and Fellows
shall prescribe all Acts and scholastic exercises, as well as ceremonial, for conferring Degrees, and it was admitted by all that
they had that power from Elizabeth. Accordingly, from the
earliest time, the Provost and Fellows made Statutes for the Uni
versity. The Statutes for the College seem to have been com
pleted and put in force about 1607 ill the Statutes for the University, in or about 1615' Of these last there is in existence the
copy signed by the Fellows, in Provost Temple's handwriting. It
wants, unfortunately, aleafwhich contained the first four chapters. ~
The date when these Statutes were subscribed by the Fellows
is acertnined by the following considerations :-John Pikeman
has put his name to them. He was sworn a Fellow 21st October,
1615 j these Statutes are therefore later than that date. Again,
Robt. Jones, B. Taylor, and Thos. Peyton were Senior Fellows
(as we know from their signatures to other papers), on 26th
June, 161 R, but they have not signed these Statutes, which were
therefore prior to 16 t 8. We have thus two limiting dates of
21St October, 1615, and 26th June, 1618, between which the
In the College aeoounts for the
Quarter beginning September, I~,
there is the following entry:-" To
the Beadle for copying out the College
Statutes, o. 10.0." In the following
Quarter, 9th March, 160,1\,-, we have
the first mention made of censures
upon students for offending against
the Statutes.
b Chapa. 5-11, inclUlive, are in
Temple's hand, also probably chap.
17, except tho concluding paragraph,
which is in Bishop Bedell'. band.

ChApa. 6-11 iuclusive. are subscribed

by Temple and the FellOWI, viz., John
Egerton, Edw. Warren, Jo. Piddocke.
or (as he b&a also signed him80lt)
Pinnocke, Robt. UuhllJ', and John
Pikeman. Hence it appears that
Dr. Miller is jn error when he says
.. that the University Sbttutes do not
appear t() have received any formal
ratification even from the Prov08t
and FellOWB." Ezam. p. 20. Temple
has in no instance signed himBOlf p,.olIO,t, although his name is always first.




University Statu tes must have been formally adopted by the College: probably soon after the 27th May, 1617,onwhichday Provost
Temple returned from England, having been absent just a year.
Again, on Jan. 8, 1613, it was enacted, in'presence of the
Vice-Chancellor (Dr. Dun) and the Fellows, that there should
be but one public Commencements of the University, viz., on the
first Monday after the end of Trinity Term (i. e. after 8 July). This
enactment occurs chap. x. of these Statutes, with this alteration,
that two days, viz., the Monday and Tuesday after the 8th of
July. are specified as days for the more solemn Commencements; and the Vice-Ohancellor is empowered to change the
days for any others, if the prevalence of pestilence or any other
cause should render it impossible to hold the Commencements
at the usual time.In the II th Chapter of Temple's Statutesb there is an allusion
to the great Commencements held in St. Patrick's Cathedral,
Aug. 17 and 18, 1614, at which the Lord Lieutenant and Officers
of State were present, and at which James Ussher, afterwards
the celebrated Archbishop, took his Degree of D. D.
These Commencements, with the ceremonies then observed at
conferring the Degrees, are proposed, in the Chapter referred to,
.. Siatuim1l8 igitur at ordinamua, recent form of the Univereity Staut magna illa at publica Academilll tutes, in the SeniOl' Proctor's book,
comi\ia adperficiendam Graduatorum appoints but one day of annual
iuaugurationem inchoentur et cele- Commencements (cap. II), viz. the
Tuesday next following the 8th of
breDtur die Lunm at Martis, qui fini
tum in urbe DubIiniensi tenniaum July. Theee Statutes are generally
Trinita&il prim1l8 oonaequatur. Quo believed to have been drawn up by
tempore si Pestis, aut alia gravior Bishop Bedell, and corrected by Bishop
Jel'llmy Taylor, for which 1'Il&8On we
C&WI& obniterit, quo min1l8 OOD8l1eti
rilus at celebritates peragi poeaint, call them Taylor's: but they are
placet ut dies ahera pro eo vice,ju- founded upon Provost Temple's Stadice Vice-Canoellario, ooll8tituatur." tutes, and in many places retain a
-Tntpie'. Statuiu, cap. x. Theee verbal coincidence.
b This chapter is headed .. De Exenactments relate to the one solemn
Commencements held annually, but ercitiia qUill in AcademiIB solennibus
do not forbid less formal meetings colnitiia pl'l8l!tandIB INnt; ei quo die
for conferring Degrees. The mol'll et ordine."



as the model to be observed on all other similar occatlions; from

which we are perhaps to infer that these ceremonies had never
before been so exactly observed.- From this, however,
it is certain that the Statutes extant in Temple's handwriting
were drawn up a.fter the year 1614, although the substance of
them had probably been in use before that date. For many
years there was no fixed day for 'the annual Commencements b
or Comitia j the first on record was on Shrove Tuesday, 160~ j
ami we do not find any mention of another until August or September, 1608. Doubtless, however, there were others held in
the interval, and occasional Degrees were conferred on other
days, not regular Commencements, before 1600; but they are not
recorded evcn in the College accounts. C Shrove Tucsduy, on which
The words are "Cum in publica
et solenni graduatonlm inauguratione
qUill Aug. 17 et 18, 1614. in me
Sancti Patricii celebrata est, et ea
ellercitia pl'lllSti1a sint, qUill tantlll
eolemnitati maxime eonvenire videbantur, et eo etilLDl online quo decnit:
placet at ad prllldietlll inaugurationis
legem, quod ad substantialia pertinet,
consequentium inauguration urn celebratio instituatur." A contemporary
account of the ceremonies observed at
these Commencements, which should
be dated 1614 (i.e., 161t, not 16(2),
haa been published by Dr. Elrington'
in his Life of Archbishop Ussher, from
the Chronicle of Lord Chichester's
go\'ernment oflreland. (See the Deriderata Curiosa Hibern., p. 136.)
USllher', Works, Vol. 1., Append. 11.,
p. xvii.
b " Docuit multorum annorum usus
minus commode interdum huic Academilll in gradibus conferendis successisse, eo quod publiclll et solenni gra11UlltOl'UII1 inaugnrationinnllum aclhuc

certum tempus pr&!seribcretur."_

Templtl. Btat., cap. ll. It was therefore about 16,6 or 1617 that the Commencements began to he held on a
fixed day annually. From that time
to about the end of Temple's Provostship we find them very regularly celebrated on the M ollday or Tuesday
following the 8th of July.
The accounts of these first Commencementa were kept by Dr. Challoner, probably because he waa then
B1l1'8ILr, or Proctor; he is then for
the fint time styled .. Mr. Doctor
Challoner, ,. and therefore probably
took his degree of D. D. on this occasion. His account of the expenses
incurred by the College is as follows:"l'a Mr. Ware, for the College dinner, IS. 6. 8. For six gowns for
six Masten, 17' 10.0., and for three
gowns for Sophisten, 3' 6. 0."
Hence it appears that the custom of
a College dinner at Commencements
was aaoltl as 1600. The dinner is enjoined ill Taylor's Statutes, ellp.xi.



the 6rst Commencements in 160i were held, has continued to the

pTesent times to be one of the days of amiual Commencements.
In the Statutes of Temple we find the original of some enactments which still continue a part of the constitution of the
University Senate. 1 allude particularly to the institution of
the Caput, and to the necessity of a private grace from the College, preparatory to the public grace from the University.
These rules are of the greatest importance, as a security
against the possibility of unfit persons being admitted to Degrees. The Proctors having examined the matter for themselves, are required to lay before the private meeting of the
Provost and Senior Fellows a. list of the Candidates who have
duly performed all the prescribed acts and exercises for their
several Degrees, and whom they believe to be in other respects
qualified. If the moral character, the loyalty, or the religious
opinions of the Candidate be objected to, the accusation can be
enquired into before the Degree is brought before the Senate;
witnesses, if necessary, may be examined before the Provost and
Senior Fellows; the Deans, the Tutors, the PJ;fctors, and Professors may be summoned to give their testimony, and the enquiry is conducted without unnecessary publicity. The character of the Candidate, for any ordinary offence, is in no way
compromised, even though the result be unfavourable to him.
The University consisted in Temple's time, as it does now,
of the Chancellor, or Vice-Chancellor, with the congregation of
Doctors Bnd Masters, who constitute the Senate; and the Caput
8enatw Academici. Besides these, there is the general Assemblyb
of the University, to which Undergraduates, and Bachelors of
Arts, who have no seat or vote in the Senate, are admissible.
.. Gratiam privatam dicimua eam
approbationem, quam a Collegio in
quo degit candidatua ante consequitul', quam ad petendam in AcademiA
gra~iam, accedat." - Temple', Stat.,
eap. 15. .. Nemini publica SenaLU8
Academici gratia conoedatul', nilli
rrinta gratiA Prtl!poaiti et majoria

parti. Sociorum Seniorum, antea commendato."- Taywr', Statute" cap.iv.

b Thi8 general Assembly, including
Undergraduates, is recognized when
the University goes in procession, as
to the funeral of80me eminent member, or to present an address to the
Crown or to the Lord Lieutenant.



The Caput formerly consisted of two individuals only-the

Vice-Chancellor and the Provost ofTrinity College-but now of
three members, the Senior Milster Non-Regent having been
added to the original two, when the number of Maaters increaaed. Each member of the Caput has a veto upon every
grace for a Degree, to prohibit its being proposed to the rest of
the Senate j or if proposed, to render it null and void.
This, it has been said, is a very extreme power, giving each
member of the (',aput separately an irresponsible veto upon every
proposed grace for a Degree. Recent legislation, however,
has increaaed this power, and given a veto to each member
of the Caput, not only upon graces for Degrees, but also upon
every law, bye-law, or grace whatsoever, proposed to them by
the Provost and Senior Fellows; and no grace for any purpose
whatsoever can be proposed to the Senate which has not first
been adopted by the Provost and Senior Fellows.-See the
Letters Patent, 2 I Vict.
It should be remembered that a body like the University,
not bound by oaM:t, or even by any promise to obey the ViceChancellor, required some very strong measure to hold them to
their duty. What could be more effectual than a power given
to every individual member of the Caput of stopping all Degrees and nullifying the proceedings-especiallyas the members of
"Cum Aeademise apud nos conventu8 pancia adhuc regentibna at
non regentibus conatet, minime conaentaneum e8II(\ duximua in CapitU
numerum plure8 asciaacere quam
duos, ne auffragiorum negantium
multitudo rebua gerendiB obstet. Ca
put igitur de Pro-Cancellario et Collegii Trinitatia Prsepoaito constitutum
eat. Capitu autem autboritu in
quavis Academica congregatione bujuamodi emtat: Ii qua petitio ad
gradum vel quid aliud conaequendum
oiTeratur, eato in poteatate et arbitrio

aeparatim tum Pro-Cancellarii, tum

Pnepoeiti impedire quo minus reliquo
8enatui proponatar; et Hi quando
propoaita fuerit, voce negante eandem
perimere."- Temple'. Stat., cap. 17.
Compare \his with cap. 2 of the more
recent Statutes that we have called
Taylor's. Temple distinguiahea by
the term "Full Degree," those De
grees which have been publicly conferred in the Senate, in contrast with
those which have received only the
Private Grace of the Provoat and




the Caput were not obliged to state any reasons for their veto,
which might have compromised the good name of the Univenity?
These enactments have been censured as contradicting the
Royal Charters and Statutes. The Domua CtmgregatiortU, or the
members composing such an &88embly, Dr. Miller says, have
not been defined; the Senior Muter Non-Regent "is invested
with very high authority, although it is not determined in any
either of these Statutes oE the Univenity, or of the Royal
Charte1'8 and Statutes of the College, what is meant by the
distinction between the Regent and Non-Regent Mastel'll... Thul
"an arbitrary power of prohibiting Degrees is entrusted to three
distinct persons, one of whom is not even mentioned by the Royal
Charien and Statutes." But in all these cases the terms, complained of as left undefined. are well known, and understood as
in 1188 at all Univenities. The House of Congregation is the
great congregation of the University, consisting of all graduates
above the Degree of A. B., and the Vice-Chancellor, as president,
is given the power of compelling their attendance by pecuniary
fines. So also the Regent-Masten were thos~ whose duty it
was regeN Sclwla., according to the ancient method of teaching
by scholastic disputation: the Non-Regents were those who, by
their standing, were discharged from that duty. Moreover, the
Charter of Elizabeth speaks of the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor,
and Proctors, without defining the duties or functions of those
omcen, 888uming that they were sufficiently well known. But
the "grand incongruity," we are told, between the University
Statntes and those given by the Crown, is that a Degree, to
which the Provost and Senior Fellowsb had consented, might
In Archbishop De Bicbor'. Statutes for the UniYenity of Dublin in
13zo, the wordl Regent-Muter frequently occur, in lOCh a manner as
to abow that no definition or explanawu neceIIIU'1. See Harris'. Ware.
.,:j1flitJ. p. 243; De Bw-go. Bib. Dom.
p. 190, viii.; Muon, But. nf 8t. Pa.
triel', CbtWral, Append. No. VII.,

pp. ix., x., from Alan'. Regist.

b The distinction between Senior
and Junior }<'ellOWl WII first made in
Temple'. time, about 1610; and an
elaborate argument in defence of
it, in Temple's handwriting, exists
among the College papers. In Bedell'. College Statutes this di.tinction is continued, and in the Sta-



afterwards be stopped without any cause assigned; and this in

two different ways, either by the interposition of anyone of the
three members of the Caput, or by the votes of the. majority of
the Academic Senate; whereas the Charter and authentic Sta
tutes, interpreting these Charters, refer the conclusive determination of such matters to the Board. ".
In addition to the considerations already adduced to show
the futility of this "grand incongruity," it should be remarked
that the Provost and Senior Fellows reserved to themselves the first veto upon Degrees, seeing that no Degree can be
proposed to the Caput or to the Senate, which has not first been
passed by them; and so long as they retain this power, it is unjust to censure them for transferring their privilege "of conferring Degrees II to another body. They have done nothing of the
sort: the right of conferring Degrees is not given to the Senatus
Academicus, even if it ever belonged to the Board: if the Provost and Senior Fellows withdraw from the meeting or withhold
their consent, there is no power in their absence of conferring
Degrees in the Senate, or transacting any other business. In no
case can the Senate do more than express their dissent, which has
no effect except a majority of that body concur in it. And even
then the supplication for the Degree must be made three times,
and three times refused (the third time to be deferred to a subsequent meeting). The vote of the Caput is a different thing, as
the veto of an individual member can hinder the Degree being
tutes of Charles I. it hu been finally
confirmed. The Junior Fellows were
at first termed Socii Probationarii;
and were included by Provost Bedell
in the statutable rank of the Scholars
of Elizabeth's Charter, evidently to
prevent the claim which the Junior
Fellows then made, owing to their
being called Fellows, of taking a part
in the g~vernment of the College,
making Statutes. &c. In Bedell's
College Statutes (cap. vi.) we have

these worda :-" Inter hos l!eptem

(quos 8OIos proprio nomine Sociorum
in Charta fundationis accipiendoa decerniRlus) cooptentur," &0., and in
cap. v., headed-" De Scholaribus ei ve
Discipulia," we have" Reliquum Collegii Corpus scholaribus constat; quo
nomine. tum Discipuli. tum Socii
.Tuniorea comprehenduntur." Theae
Statutes were sanctioned about 1628
Miller, EzamiPl., p. 26.



proposed to the rest of the Senate for that time. But it will be obvious how !Strongly these regulations tend to repress all sudden
actions from heat or prejudice, and at the same time to draw
out the feeling of the University, if any lIuch exists, against the
admission oIany objectionable Graduate into their society. Who
will say that the Charter or Royal Statutes prohibit the Provost
and Senior Fellows from fortifying themselves by this additional
security, of obtaining the consent of the Senate, rather than run
the risk of proposing an improper person for a Degree?
We may notice here eome of
Dr. Miller's minor objecllions again8t
the lJniversity Statutes :-1. He finds
fault with the 41h chapter ofthese Statutes becal18e it limits the admiuion of
atudents in the C8l!e of ad ermdnn Degrees to thoee who bad previously graduatedat Cambridge, "thatUnivet'llity
having the same Statutes and the same
time for conferring Degrees,"whereas
the Charter of Elizabeth directs that
the two U Diversities ofEngland 8hould
be indifferently adopted, 80 far as
mightbe 8uitable for the circulD8tanoos
of Dnblin (p. :l). But the Charter
of Elizabeth says that the Provost
and Fellows of Dublin may select
ruJea from either of the English
lJniversitie.s, ez alterutra Ar.ademia,
Ctmlabrigie7Ui awl Ozonien8i. They
were not bound by this enactment to
choose Statutes from both the English Universities; and in the case of
ad eadem degrees they naturally
preferred tilt u.eages of Cambridge,
the University with which they were
familiar, their foundet'll and earlier
Provosts having been all from Cambridge. z. The Vice-Chancellor i.
given a control over the House
of Congregation which is denied

to the Provost. But this a ridiculous objection. The Vice-Chancellor, in the absence of the Chancellor, is the head of the University,
the chairman of its meetings, and
therefore the natural person to have
control over its members, and to enforce good order (p. l6). 3. The
statement of Dr. Miller that the "exclusive power of conferring Degree.
has been vested in the Board n is a
mistake. No BUch power is vested
in the Board, who only have the
power of prescribing the acts and
exercises required for the several
Degrees, and of presenting to the
Senate those who have performed
the exercises required. 4- Another
objection is a quibble on the electioll
of the Senior Master Non-Regent.
who is proposed to the Senate by the
Vice-Chancellor and the Provost.
Dr. Miller thinks that this language
gives the Senate no right of rejecting
the person 80 proposed. But common
sense would say that he is proposed
that it may be seen whether the Senate approves of the nomination or
not. If not, the process can be repeated. His being" the Senior NonRegent Master resident in the Col-



The University Stlltutes of Sir William Temple are principally devoted to what not even Dr. Miller can deny was the
chartered duty of the Provost and Senior Fellows, viz. to fix the
proper time to be spent in study, the tempus idoneum for the several Degrees; and also to prescribe the acts and exercises.
Thus, cap. vi., it is enacted that the student shall be of four
years' standingfrom his matriculation, and not less than that standlege" wonld seem to designate him
sufficiently without any election. He
,is presumed to be well known to all
present; and it is evident that no
election is intended, only an assent
on the part of the Senate, or at least
the absence of any objection. 5.
Again it seems that the title page of
the varioUl editions of the University
Statutes has been altered, from which
Dr. Miller infers "a proof of the uncertainty of 0 pinion in regard to their
nature and authority."-The MS.
copy, which we have called Taylor's,
gives them simply the title of Statuta
UnilH)rntatil; and the 6'\"8t printed
edition, .. Nunc primum edita," Duhlin. 173 8, and some later reprints,
have Statuta ,eu Regu14 Uni"erntalil pro ,okraraiori gradwum collatione; in other edition. the title is
Coruuetudine, IIIU Rep" UnifJerntati.; but there iB no doubt expressed in any of the changes of title,
as to the authority of these Statutes,
rules, or customs of the University:
these words all virtually mean the
Bame, and the objection is without
force. I suspect the whole matter i.
no more than this; the Charter of
Charles 1. commanded that the powe;
of making Statutes should thenceforth
be reserved to the Crown, and that

the College should in future be governed by the new Statutes, and no

other. "Mandantes pnedictis PrmpoBito, &c. hisce Statutis nostris, et non
allis, per omne mvum obedire, &c."
Hence it was deemed neoessary to
erase the word from the title of the
University Statutes, lest it should
seem that tbe College continued to
cJ~im the power of making Statutes
notwithstanding the repeal of that
power by Charles I. This caution,
however, was unnecessary, because
the power of which they were deprived was the power of making Statutes for the College, not
the power of making Statutes for
the University. It iB curious that
the title of the Old Statutes of the
University of Paris is "Regal., seu
Consuetudines, aut Statuta observata
ab antiquo tempore;" D'Acherii Bpicil., iii. 735.6. The worda were then
(1371) evidently synonymous. Dr.
Miller seems to think that the addition
of the worda pro Bolenniori graduam
coliatione made in qle editions,
"plainly implies that these statutes
were not considered as possessed of
the operative character of Statutes
but merely as compc>lling an academic
pageant, fitted to maintain the pomp
of an University." But if we open



University, to bring up and nourish in all sound learning as a

mother gives nourishment to her children, those who were hereafter to beeome graduates and members of the University. Dr. Miller, inhiB .. Examination
of the Charters and Statntes of Trin.
CoIL" Dabl. 1804, has suggested two
other significations of the phrase Mater UJriwrmatil .. The precise meaniDg of tbeae words (he says) is not
fully &!ICIeI"tained. They may either
be nnderstood w mean, that this
College was designed to be the governing body ofthe University then
formed, and coueqnently to be paramount to all other Colleges or Halls,
which might afterwarda be erected
within the same University; ormerely
to signify, that in the establishment
of this College, that of a new University W88 begun, this being the mother
or original College of the Institution.
But either meaning must require that
the College, in its actual circumstances, should be considered as the
same with the University. No other
CoIl. having been erected on the
same foundation, we must necessarily
consider that College, which, according to the former meaning. was designed to be, in all cases that might
occur, the paramount Corporation,
as, in its separate existence, invested
with supreme authority to regulate
all its own concerns; or, according
to the latter, we must regard the original College, 88 constituting the
wbole University, until some other
College should have been erected on
the same foundation, and a necessity
abould have occurred for introducing
a new federal constitution, which

might comprehend both under the

authority of the Convocation of the
whole Uiliversity. "-pp.
But this is surely a molt confu8ed
and unsatisfactory explanation of the
phrase. If Dr. Miller', fim interpretation be adopted, namely. that
the College was to be the governing
or. paramount College of all future
Colleges, then it ought to have been
called, not mater Univerntatu, but
mater CoUegiorum poatea erigntdonun; or, if the meaning be tbat
Queen Elizabeth's College W88 to be
mother or original College of an institution intended to consist of many
Colleges, then Trinity College has
never been in this senee (or only
for a few years) the mot1aer of
an University. It is evident that
on both explanations Dr. Miller tacitly assumes the existence of more
than one College 88 essential to an
University, although he elsewhere
refutes unanswerably that great mistake. See his plmphlet, pp. 10-1 I.
He further says, that .. in either
meaning" .. the College, in its actual
circumstances," i.
as being the
only College in the University,
.. ahould be considered 88 the same
with the University." But is it not
& molt Itrange mode of expressing
this, w say that the College is the
mother of the University? Is a mother identical with her children? Is
the mother College, in the sense of
being first founded, neceMarily the









contrary, Dublin, with the Scotch Universities,. as well as those

of Germany, and of the continent of Europe generally, except such
as have suffered from the experiments of modern revolutionary
Mgislation, has much more nearly preserved the ancient constitution of a studium gqnerak, than the Universities ofEngland,b
notwithstanding the superiority of these last in many respects.
In the case of Dublin it was necessary that the College should
be founded before the University, because in Ireland there were
at that time no Doctors or Masters to conduct the schools, except the few who had come to Ireland from the English Universities, ; there were no students except such as could be supported
by Bur8aries, or eleemosynary foundations; therefore, Queen
Elizabeth, in her Charter of foundation, declares it to be her
will, "Ut eo melius ad bonas Artes percipiendas, colendamque
virtutem et religionem adjuventur [studiosi], quod de cretero sit,
et erit, UNUM COLLEGIUM MATER UNIVERSITATIS, . . . . pro Educatione, Institutione, et lnstructione Juvenum et Studentium in
Artibus et Facultatibus, perpetuis futuris temporibus duraturum." In other words, the College was to be the parent of the
Omnium Sanetarum juzta Dublin.
Ed. by Rev. Rich. Butler, (Irish ArcIueol. Society). 1845.
See what Dollinger has said on
the English Universities, p. 25. On
the Scotch Universities, ibid., p. 27.
Of Ireland he makes no mention whatIOOver.
b The modem Irish University,
called" the Queen's University," i.ll.
the University of our present gracious
Queen Victoria, violates altogether
a rule rigidly observed in all ancient
Universities, and deemed e88Cntial,
viz., that the Colleges or schools of
the same University should be all in
the same town or city... Depuis plus
de huit cens ans," says the learned
Pioles, avocat au Parlement, .. qui'l y

a des ecoles publiques et generales

dans Ie royaume, il n 'etoit encore venu
danB l'esprit de personne de croire
qU'une Universite put ~tre divisee de
telle sorte qu'elle rut en partie dans
une ville, et en partie dans une autre.
Au contraire, et lea illustres fondateurs, a qui les U niversitesdoivent leur
naissance, et les augustes protecteurs,
a qui elles doivent leur conservation,
princes, rois, prelats, souverains pontifes, tous ont ~te persuades qu' il etoit
essentiel a oos Universites, que chaqu'une d'e1les rut toute entiere dans
un seul et unique endroit."-Traite
de r Ezpectati/J1l de, gradue" des
droit, et priviUgll' del Univeraith,
etc. Tom. i. p. 257. Paris,1757.



iog, before he can be a candidate for the degree of A.B.a The

exercises are to be a public disputation" de qUll!stionibus PhilO'sophieis," viz. two respondencies and two opponencies (one privately in the College, as the Provost and Senior Fellows shaH
appoint, and one publicly in the Schools); also one Declamation. Then each Candidate is to appear in the Hall for three
days (from 8 to 10, and 2 to 4 each day), to be examined, by
Examiners appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctors,
in Greek, Hebrew, and the liberal Arts (Latin seems taken for
granted). If the Candidates perform their exercises satisfactorily, and have received the consent of the Provost and
Senior Fellows, together with that of the Senate and of the ViceChancellor, they are admitted to the degree of B. A., b otherwise
they are rejected for a year, or if hopelessly ignorant, removed
from the College altogether. The Books prescribed for the
Examination are, in Greek, the New Testament, to be rendered
into Latin; and in Hebrew, the Grammar, with the first two.
Psalms, also to be translated into Latin (rap. vii.).

the book we see little or nothing of

pomp OT pageant; the statutes it
enacts are all of them meant as a security that the prescribed acts and
exercises have been performed, and
that no unfit persons are promoted
to Degrees. It is ridiculous to soppote that a modern addition, made in
the title page, can alter the character
and intention of a book, although no
alteration has been made in the book
.. Si quis e studentibu8 a matricu1,ationis tempore quadriennium
compleverit, licebit eiBaccalaureatum
in artibus suscipere, ac non ante expletum id tempus." This seems to
apply to those who had completed
the four years before these Statutes
were drawn up, and who were not
considered liable to the exercises pre-

scribed: for the next clause, in which

the exereisell are described, begins
with t~ese words :-" Sed qui futuri
sunt Baccalaurei, &c."
b "Ac quotquot judicio Examinlltorum digni comperiuntur qui gradu et
titulo Baccalaurei ornentur, ii, intercedente consensu Prropositi et Sociorum scniorum Collegii in quo Candidati degunt, deinde majoris partis
Senatus Academici prrosentis, cum
suffragio Pro-Cancellarii, &c." In
this passage there is an allusion (not
the only one in Temple's Statutes) to
other Colleges in the University.
The Candidates are to have the assent
of the Provost and Senior Fellows
(not of Trinity College. but) of the
College in which they live. This is
fatal to Dr. Miller's theory of a "paramount" College.


For the Degree of Master in Arts, the Candidate is to deliver

from the pulpit in the Hall, six public Lectures.- The Vice-Chancellor and Proctor are to prescribe the portions ofthe~e sciences on
which he is to prelect. The Candidate is also to respond once, a
Master of Arts being his opponent. When he has obtained the full
degree of M. A., he is to give a caution that within a year, from
taking the Degree, he will publicly treat some question of Philosophy, and once dispute, a Bachelor, if possible of the third
year, being respondent. He is also in his own class (in grege
6UO), to respond twice. to oppose twice, to declaim once, and to
deliver one sermon or Common-place. In Hebrew and Greek he
is to have knowledge sufficient to prelect on each lang1lage, once.
In Hebrew, on certain chapters of Ecclesiastes, prescribed by the
Vice-Chancellor; in Greek, on such portions of the firl'lt book of
t.he Odyssey as shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and
the Proctor. The standing for the degree of A. M. is to be three
years after taking the degree of A. B. It is also defined in this
statute that a Master of Arts is ,to be a Regent for five years,
according to the custom of Cambridge, as it is expressly said. b
A Bachelor in Theology was to deliver three prelections on




The six Lectures are as follows:

'Yiz. I. in Logic, 2. in Arithmetic, 3.
in Geometry, 4. in Astronomy, s. in
Natural Philosophy, 6. "in Politics."
b This may possibly shew the ad'Yocates of Dr. Miller's views that the
'Word Non-Regent Master 'Was lef\
.nexplained in our Statutes because
it was well known both here and in
Cambridge. The words of the old
Itatute are as follows :-" Nullis
Bacchalaureis ante perfectus gradu9
Magiswii concedatur, quam triennium a suscepto in artibus Baechalau
reatu compleverint. Consecuti vero
perfectum Magisterii Gradum, Tolumus, ut secundum Cantabrigiensis
Academire consuctudinem, pro ma-

gistris regentibus censeantur et regentiss suss munus obeant per quinquennium, frequentantes scil. Academicos conventus quoties a Provicecancellario indicantur, idque induti
habitu Academico, sub pama trium
solidorum." Cap. viii. The Domus
Regentium, or Regent House, although not mentioned or defined,
because it was so well known, is not
even yet altogetht'.r forgotten in the
College. The term "Board" also,
now commonly used to signify the
Provost and Senior Fellows in their
Ipgislative capacity, is not defined,
nor so milch as mentioned in th~



each of three selected passages of the New and Old Testament:

two responsions and two opponencies in Theology, and two sermons, one ad c/en.,m in Latin, and one ad populum (cap. ix.).
For the Doctorate in Theology, in addition to the foregoing
exercises, the Candidate is to deliver three prrelections on the
errors of the Roman Catholic religion; he is to act as Moderator twice, in a disputation on Theological questions, a Bachelor
in Divinity being disputaut, or if such cannot be had, those students whom he may be able to engage.
A Bachelor in Theology to be M. A. of seven years' standing;
a Doctor in Theology to be five years a Bachelor in that Faculty.
The Candidate fOl; the Degree of Doctor in Laws, cap. xii.,
must be Master in Arts of seven years' standing. and have spent
that time in the Study of Law; he must read six prrelections in
Law "in echola Jure-consultorum;" he must respond three
times, and oppose three times, "si eopia detur eorum quibus in
disputationis arenam descendat. ".
The Doctor in Medicine must be of the same standing as a
Doctor in Law; that is, he must be seven years a diligent student in Medicine, af\er having taken the degree of Master in
Arts. He must read six Lectures in the Medical School. He
must be present at the dissection of three" Anatomies," or human
subjecttl. He must complete the cnre of four different diseases:
and must make himself well acquainted with the simple and
compound medicines of the Pharmacopreia, by constantly frequenting the Laboratories. He must respond thrice, and oppose
twice in his Faculty: and if a difficulty should occur from any
cause, the Caput is to decide, as in the case of Doctors in Laws
(cap. 13).
This summary of the standing and exercises required for the
several Degrees, will show, that from the earliest times, the es This is in allusion to the 8mall
La" then in
&be Uniyenity: for the Statutes say,
.. Graduum yero in Juris et MedicinlB
Studioeos collatio est adbuc apud nos
panlo rarior," It is a~ded that if
Dumber of Students in

there i~ no opportunity of bolding a

disputation, "propter defectum aut
paucitatem eorum, qui legibus dant
ope1'8ID," tbe Caput sball detennine
wbat is to be done.



sentia! forms were observed, taken from the usages of Cambridge,

in conferring Degrees. The ceremonies, properly so called,
prescribed by these Statutes, are but few. There was, however,
a public and solemn Meeting of the University held annually on
the Monday and Tuesday next following the last day of Trinity
Term, at which ceremonies were appointed after the model of the
Great Commencements held at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Aug. 17
and 18, 161f, when James Ussher took his D. D. Degree. On
these occasions the Commencements occupied four hours each
day, from 8 to 10, A. M., and from 2 to 4, P. M. On the forenoon
of the first day (cap. xi.), the ceremonies began by a sermon
ad clerum. Then the Proctor delivered an address explaining
the reasons of the present assembly, the usefulness of Letters,
and an exhortation to cultivate them, and to maintain the dignity of the University. A philosophical disputation, conducted
by Masters in Arts, followed the Proctor's address, and the meeting
was dismissed. On the afternoon of the same day, the Proctor
opened the proceedings by a speech; a philosophical disputation
of Bachelors followed, and the acts of the day were concluded by
a speech from some Bachelor of Arts distinguished for his eloquence. A performance of Music followed. On the morning of
the second day, the Vice-Chancellor, if he should think fit, delivered an address; or this was delivered by the Doctor Cathedrce,
or Moderator of the Theological disputations, if the Vice-Chancellor should not do it himself. The Doctor Cathedrro first offered
prayer; then addressed the meeting; then turning to his" sons,"
the Candidates for degrees in Theology, he commended them to
those present, and proceeded to create them Doctors. 1fthere were
no Candidate Doctors, he addressed his senior" son"a andrequired
him to give proof of his progress in Theology by a disputation
on some Theological question. The Moderator then proceeds
to the "determination", which was followed by Music, "Determinationem excipiat Musica ad reficiendum auditorum mentes."
That is, as I suppose, the Senior
Candidate for the degree of Bachelor in Theology. The Profesl!Ors, in

presenting' Candidates in their several

faculties, still call them .. hoscc meos



The Candidates are then presented, each" father" edlOrting

his" sons," in a somewhat long speech from the pulpit, and before presenting them "unoquoque patre ante inchoatam prmsentationem e suggesto filios suos 10ngiusculB. oratione cohortante."
The Bedell then recites the names of those who have taken
Degrees at the present Commencements, ar.cording to the order
of seniority. The Proctor in a set speech declares, "by the
authority committed to him," that the Candidates are now perfect Graduates, and dismisses the assembly.
There seems to have been no special business assigned in
these statutes to the University Senate, except listening to these
speeches and exercises, and giving their votes for or against the
Candidates for Degrees, and it seems to have been a very rare
occurrence then, as it is now, to have a Degree stopped, either by
the veto of any member of the Caput, or by a majority of the Senate.
This is, no doubt, a healthy sign. It proves that the Candidates proposed for Degrees, who must have all received the private
grace of the Provost and Senior Fellows, have in general been
approved also by the Senate, and that there has been practically
no collision between the two bodies. It is a great mistake to suppose that the powers as to Degrees, committed to the Senate,
were intended" as a check" upon the Provost and Senior Fellows; the Senate itself, as well as the powers entrusted to it, have
been the creation of the Provost and Fellows under the Charter
of Queen Elizabeth; and it is strange that they should have intended the Senate as a check upon themselves.
The late Dublin University Commissioners (1853) in their Report
(p. 9), have said :-" The power of
the University Senate, ifintended 88
cbeck on thOle of the ProvOlt and
Senior ~'el10WB, should not have
been left entirely under their control, but should have fJeen defined by
Royal Statute." [But the powers of
the SeDate have been left. entirely to
the control of the Provost and Senior

Fellows, and that by the (''harter of

the foundation; and have not been defined by Royal Statute: therefore the
Senate W88 not intended 88 a check
upon the BoarcL] The Commissioners go on to say:-" The power of
negativing Degrees is 10 rarely exercised, that the authority of the Senate
in this respect might be dispensed
with, and the absolute power of conferring Degrees left with the Provost



There is extant a paper, II not dated, containing an account of

the Commencements held for the purpose of receiving the Marquis, afterwards Duke of Ormonde, reappointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and of restoring him to his former office of
Chancellor of the University. He was created Duke of Ormonde
in the Peerage of Ireland, 30th March, 1661, and Lord Lieutenant, November of the same ycar.b He arrived in Dublin
27th July, 1662, and it was probably before the end of that year
that the University received him in state, as described in the
following document. It is remarkable as retaining the same
ceremonial in ~onferring Degrees, which was enacted by Temple's


and Senior Fellows." In other words,

the choice of Candidates made by
the Board is 80 very rarely reveraed,
that the power of reversing it might
88 well be abolished, and an absolute
power 1tIt\ with the Provost and Senior Fellows. It seems to have been
forgotten that the thing here objected
to, a rare eJtercise of the extreme
power granted to the Senate,' is the
best proof that the machinery of the
University works well, and needs no
such extreme measure as the Commissioners recommend, for they add :
"As the Senate itself would then
have no real duties, it is our opinion
that it might tldvantageously be abolished." But has the Senate no real
duties, except the duty of negativing
Degrees P Is it not their duty to reward the promising and deserving
student P Is it not their duty to censure the irregular and immoral by
suspension or deprivation ofhia De.
gree? Is it not their duty to hear
well written poems or 681&Ys read be
fore them P Is it not their duty, if
occasion arise, to address the Vice-

roy, from respect to his person or his

office, and thereby to give the weight
of the University to the support of
loyalty and public order P Is it not
their duty,in case Her Majesty should
visit this part of her Kingdom, to attend upon Her with every possible
mark of respect? Is it not their
duty, on any remarkable public event,
to offer Prizes to the students for the
best scholastic exercise on the subject proposed?
It should be said, that wheu the
College remonstrated against the
abolition of the Senate and of all
University rules or ancient customs,
the Commissioners, with the courtesy
which characterized their whole dealings with the College, made no opposition, and permitted the original
power of making rules for the University to be confirmed by Royul
Statute (20 & 21 Vict.).
"It is preserved in the MS. room
of the Library, F. I. 21.
b See University Calendar, List
of ClurfIC~1l01'6, and notes.



Statutes, and which had probably been in use since the foundation
of the University. The power of the Senate is recognized by
collecting their Pltrc8tB. The Domul Regentium is also mentioned,
which recognizes the authority of the Regent Masters. The
office of Bedell seems to have had more dignity than at present,
and he is directed to speak words of which "ad .C7"Utinium" ia
now the only relic in existence. It is also to be observed, that if
the date we have assigned to the paper be correct, these Commencements were held 1.7 years after the Statutes of Charles I.
And yet the Provost and Senior Fellows do not appear to have
supposed that by retaining the old University Statutes they were
in any way acting inconsistently with their new constitution, or
rendering themselves liable to the serious accusations which Dr.
Miller brings against them, of violating their Charter, transferring
the powers given them by that Charter to another body, and
enacting a code of statutes, rules, or consuetudines, in vain imitation of Cambridge, without any authority from the Crown.
The Paper- is as follows : "J. All the Doctors and Masters of the University are to
meet here [i. e. in the College], hence to go formally in hood.
There are difficulties, chie1ly chronoJogical, in the Paper, which for
IOIDe yean led me to doubt iu

6th Jan., 1681. The difficulty i8 that

Meath are not spoken of &8 the same;
the mention of a Pro-VW:e-Chancellor is probably & mistake. Another
difficulty is that no Earl of 08lOry
appean in our books, &8 havingtaken
& Degree at Dublin, until 168 J. The
Paper, however, i8 evidently in a coeval hand, and the difficulties alluded
to may be acconnted for by erron,
arising probably from careleesness.
This careles8De118 is evident from its
being withont date 01 day or year.
The Lord Lieutenant, too, ia not
named, nor i8 the Degree to which
Lord 0880ry'Y&8 admitted mentioned.

authenticity. i allude principally to

the mention 01 the Bishop of Meath
and the Earl of 0aI0ry. H Henry
Jones W . . 6e Biahop oIMeath alladed to, he had been bnt just translated to that aee (1661, .. Ware tellB
aa). and Jeremy Taylor coald not
haft IUCCe8ded &8 Vice- Chancellor in
1660 (10 dated in the Uni.enity CaIeudar), for he 11''' not colUleC'J'ated
1l1l~l:a7thJanuary, 1661-. Bat he may
haft been made Vice-Chancellor iml8ediately afterwards. Henry Jones
W been Bishop oCClogher, and died



and caps to the Castle, thence to attend his Lordship; soe as the
Bedel may go first, after him all the candidates bare, the J union
first, then the Sword and my Lord's personal attendance, after
them my Lord himself, then the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Provost, after them the Lords of the Council, then the Doctors in
their Scarlet, then the two Proctors, the Senior carrying his
Book; a after them the Bachelors of Divinity, and Masters according to their Seniority.
"2. As my Lord comes in the Hall, Mr. Boyleb is to receive
him with a short speech, by way of salutation, which done his
Lordshipp is to pass thro' the Hall to the, there to
take his seate; then to give oath to the Pro-Vice-ChancellorC
and after to the Proctors: the Vice-Chancellor, after his oath, is
to sitt in a chaire placed below my Lord's towards the right-hand,
the Provost towards the left-both with a table and cushion before them; the Proctors, after their oath, are to take their seates
on the two aides of another table, so as their faces must bee
towards the Chancellor; this table to stand in the midle of the
house, the Register at the farther end of the table. The Candidates are to bee uncovered.
This mention ofthe Senior Proctor's Book shows that the University
Statutes, which it contains, were not
considered as abrogated by the new
Statutes of Charles I.
They are
commonly called Taylor's Statutes,
but were probably drawn up on the
buis of Temple'l, by Provost Bedell,
and corrected perhapa by Jeremy
b This muat have been Roger
Boyle, admitted a Fellow by Royal
Letter in 1646, Dean of Cork, 1662,
D. D., At. 1664, Bishop of Down
and Connor, 1667, Clogher, 1672,
died Nov. 26, 1687. Therefore these
Commencements must have been held
between 1646 and 1662, or 1663.-See

Univerrity Call7ldar (List of Fellows

at the year 1646).
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor and
the Vice-Chancellor f1'8 spoken of as
both present, although the latter
only is sworn. The Chancellor was,
of course, present, as it was to celebrate his re-instation in the office that
the Commencements were held. It is
very unusual that a Pro- Vice-Chancellor should be present, or, indeed,
that auch an officer should exist, when
both Chancellor amd Vice-Chancellor
were present. The paper was, pro.
bably, drawn up atthe Herald's Office
in the Caatle i and (t was reasonable
that Iniatakeslhould be made as to the
names and dates ofUniversity officers,



" 3. The Earle of Ossory's supplicat is to be made by my

Lord of Meath in such forme as his Lordship shall conceive fit,
and then to be, after the Placet8 are gathered, presented by my
Lord of Meath, and after lead him [Bie] to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor
who admits him; and then the Bedel leads him to an empty
chair which stands beside the Proctors. Then the Bedel by
direction shall speak thus, Pone f714num in manu Magistri, which
done, the Bedel shall say, ,.upondebi8 qumBtioni in au,.e MagUtri
wJendo; this hee must do, have his capp sett on by the Proctor,
and after he shall be led by the Bedel to his first seate.
u 4. Then Mr. Bishoppb reads all the supplicates for Doctors
of Divinity, and by the Vice-Chancellour's direction, the Bedel is
to cry, Ad 8Cf"11tinium primo: after a pause, by a second direc
hOn, hee cries Ad Bcf'Utinium Becundo: then the Proctors gather
PlauU on both sides the house, and meetinge at the end consult,
and the Seniour Proctor answers Placet or Noo placet, as they find
it; if Placet, the Bedel goes down and brings upp the candidates,
and leading them round about the Regent-house, salutes all the
The Earl ofOaory, here meniioaed, must have been Thomaa. Earl
of <>-ory, eldest IOn of James, first
Duke of Ormonde, and father of
JameB, IIeCOnd Duke; who was Chan.
cellor oltbe UniVersity in 1688. The
Bilhop of Meath who presented the
EArl of Oaory for his Degree, 11'81
probably Henry Jones, who wu
Bilhop ofthat lee from 1661 to hi.
dea&b, in 1631, and Vice-Chancellor
ofUJe University from 1651. It ill
KraDge daat the ollly Earl
men&ioned in our Boob 81 having
uken 8IIy Degree here, ill James, 1Ieeoad Duke of Ormonde, who wu admitt.ed A. 11. ad eund. from Cambridge.1680, and took the degrees of
LL.B., 8IIdLL.D.,in 1611. Seeiafra,
p. 83, line 22. Butthill 11'81 lOme yean


after the present Commencement..

b The Mr. Billhop, here mentioned,
wu probably James Bilhop, who wu
elected Fellow in 1637, the fint
election under the new Statuteas. Be
BeemI to have left College, probably
on living, but in 1644 11'81 admitted
Senior Fellow by MandamUl of the
Lord Deputy. It does. not appeir
that he wu a Senior Fellow in 1662.
But he may have been prelent .,
theBe Commencements, where be
BeemI to have acted 81 Prof"eslOr of
Divinity. We do not find, however,
that he ever roee to the degree of
D.D. in thiI Univemty. (Viti. infra,
p. 46, line 9-) But all thingI in thOle
revolutionary times were 10 out of
joint, that we can draw no certain
conelDlion from irregularities.



University, and brings them down againe. Then hee cries Ad

.cn4inium tertio: then the Proctors gather Placets againe, and
rcturne Placet. And after a pauser demands Plac,t ut intrmt.
After Placm gathered, the Bedel leads the precentor a downe,
and both bringe upp the Candidatea, the father presents them.
All the Masters, after they are presented, are to doe as the Earl
of Ossory, before as the Doctors of Divinity."
The following speech, which is preserved amongst the papers
of the College, was probably delivered on this occasion. It is
headed:.. Lord Lieutenant's Speech, when the wVument of Chanoellor of the
University was preaented him.
" Gentlemen,
.. After so learned a BpeeCh, I must return you plain thanks
in English. The honour you have done me, I value above any I ever reeeived, next that I now hold from his MtJesty, and shall be ready in aclmowledgement thereof to aerve you in all things the beat I may. I .hall not make
protestatiOIl8. This hook shall be my judge that I ,hall not fail herein, altho'
it .hould coat me the price it did that worthy perIOn mentioned."b

At a later period the Masters of Arts seem to have acquired,

or usurped, a power, .not recognized in the University Statutes,
of addressing the Senate, and making motions, or proposing J"esolutions. This was a serious innovation, and led to disastrous
conseqnences. A remarkable instance is on record. A Master of
Arts, one Edward Forbes, at the Summer Commencements (J :zth
of July, 1708), the same day on which he was himself admitted
to the degree of M. A., took occasion to give utterance to some
very disloyal sentiments respecting the title of Queen Anne to
the throne. He is reported to ~lave said that she had no better
right to sit on the throne of Great Britain than her predecessor,
The term Pf'Meator doee not
occur before as the title of an officer
of the Univeraity,butwehave mentiou
of mUllic in connexion with Theolo
gical Degrees, "ad reticiendu auditorum mentee," in Temple'. Uni.

veraity Statutes, cap. xi.

b The "worthy peraon," here al.
ludedto, ifnot Strafford,was probably
Laud, the Duke of Ormonde's immediate predeeeseor in the office of



using the offensive phrase that the title of both sovereigns rested
on the same foundation, "eodem nititur fundamento." We have
no means of knowing what pretence Forbes had for addressing
the assembly at all, or why he was allowed to do so. He seems
to have spoken in Latin, as the University Statutes required;
and his words gave the greatest offence. They were regarded
as an open defiance to the loyalty of the nation. Forbes was
expelled from the College by the Provost and Senior Fellows,
and suspended from every Degree, tltUcepto Hl auacipiendo;
and then afterwards at a meeting of the Vice-Chancellor, Doctors
and Masters, 2nd August, J 708, deprived and degraded by the
University. A strong declaration of loyalty was then drawn up
and circulated.- This document is, of course, in Latin, and is
worth preserving here :.. Cum quidam mali feriati hommee, et alii plurimi {quibUi veriw non
sa&ie perspecta sit) inclytam hujUl.Regni Academiam crimiuentur, quasi eedi80lI0II qUOBdam et in serenissimam nostnup RegiDam Annam, ejueque regimen
male animatoe gremio IlUO a1at et foveat. Nos Vice-CancellariUl, Doctorea, et
Magiatri Academie pnedictle, in domo CongregationiB IOlenniter congregati,
at gravem bane calumniam repellamue, et ab eadem tam nOl ipaoa, quam
A vindication of the UniYenrity,
in Latin and English, printed in parallel eolum.ns, wu published in a
broad sheet with the following title:II Declarat.ion of the University of
DUBlin. Made and lubscribed upon
the IIElCOnd day of August, 1708, by
the Vice-Chancellor, Dociors aud
JIuters of the 1IUIIe, congregated in
their Regent HoUle. At the time
when one Mr. F., a Muter of Arts
of the said University (being for
acandaloUi wordB, reiecting on the
memory or King WlLLlAll, expelled
the College, and by the ProvOlt and
Senior Fellows IUlpended from all
Degree., taken, or to be taken),

wu in pursuance or the eaid Susptln8ion, Deprived and Degraded."

A copy of thie printed broadside
(probably unique) ie in the Library of the College. Vol. I., No. 81,
of a collection of similar documents,
eutitled .. lrish Pamphlets," said to
have been made by Lord Momington,
father or t.he Great Duke ofWellington. The original, with the autograph
signat1l1'eB of the Vioe-Chancellor
(St. George Ashe, Bishop ofClogher) ,
the ProVOlt (Peter Browne), the
Archbishop ofDublin (William King),
and 93 other members of the Senate,
is still extantou a long parchment roll,
preserved among the College papers.



almam noatram Matrem vindicemus, unanimiter declaramus, notumque univenDs facimus pei prllllllll1tes,

"I. Quod agnoscimus gratoqae animo recolimUI hujus tam Academie

quam Regni et EccIeailll IIlutem et proeperum quo nunc fruuntur Btatum,
necnon ab ingrueute Papismo com tyrannide securitatem, Divino favente
N umine, nuperlll rerum Bub toereni8aimo nostro et pill! memorilll Rege, Guilielmo
Tertio matationi omnino deberi.
"a. Quod Deo Opt. Max. gratiu referimUB ob continuatam nobis auctamque hanc nostram felicitatem lub imperio Sereniuimm nOBtrII! Regimll Anne,
quo ut ipll per multos annos potiatur exoptamus et precamur.
"3. Quod future hujus, tam Academilll quam Eccleaill! et Regni securitatis, apes nOltra a carone horum regnorum Buooeasione lege etabilita et ad
Reformatlll Religionia profeaaoree limitata sub Divino favore omnino dependent.
"Et si quiB hujas A.cademUe alumnue (quod absit) huic nOBtne Declarationi se quom modo, sive verbo sive acrlptis oppoauerit, eum nos pro seditiOBO
publica! pacie turbatore, Eocleeilllque reformatll! oppuguatore habituri 8I1mUS;
in eomqne juxta laudabiles nostru leges et IltatUta animadvertemu8.
" FactAque a nobis hac publici et 80lenili declaratione, sper&mus neminem
fore adeo iniquum et a charitate deBtitutum ut palam declaret aut clanculum
insinuet Academiam nOBtram vel minimum favere illis quos aut Famam
nuperi nostri Regie Guilielmi ledere, aut erga sereniaeimam nOBtram Reginam
Annam, minul fideles esse aut lucceseioni ad coronam StatutiB Regni limitate averllri deprehenderit.
"In cujus rei testimonium nomina noetra subecripeimus : - "

It will be seen that Forbes was first expelled from the College
by the Provost and Senior Fellows, and suspended from his Degrees; afterwards deprived and degraded by the University.
It was necessary that he should be first expelled by the College,by which expulsion he ceased to be a student, and lost the righ'
to a Degree which the Charter of Elizabeth gave him. The
University was therefore free to deal with him as ifhe had never
been a member of the College.
On the a9th January, 1611, one
Florence Nally, a Muter of Arts, wu
expelled Cor immorality. Here again
the expulsion wu by the unanimous
consent of the Fellows then present,

with the approbation of Dr. Cballoner,

who wu then Vice-Chancellor, and
Vice-Muter, or Vice-ProvOli, the
Provost (Temple) being absent.



The ,indication of the University, which we have just

quoted, was drawn up and subscribed within the month after the
commission of the offence, but notwithstanding that and the severe punishment of the offender, the matter was not dead. Two
years afterwards the University presented an address to the
Queen on the subject.
We have no evidence to tell whether Forbes did, or did not
take part in the agitation that followed. But there is no doubt
that an active party grew up in the University, with a great
sympathy for Forbes i and made continual efforts to obtain the
reversal of his sentence. We learn from Dr. Edward Synge,
then Chancellor of St. Patrick's Cathedral (afterwards Bishop of
Baphoe, and Archbishop ofTuam), that these efforts continued
to be made for several years. His WOMS are these:"I remember particularly the constant efforts made in the
University of Dublin (by ptrB0'f&8 tDithout tUxw8, against the
judgement of the Provost and Fellows, who did all they could
to oppose them, and God be thanked, prevail'd), at every Commencement for several years, to procure a repeal of the sentence
against Forbes, and a rasure of those wicked words eotkm nititur
jrmdamento, which placed the title of the late Queen on the same
foot with that of her glorious predecessor, out of the publick
Register of the University."b
There is on record another example of these disturbances in
'" 'l'hia Addrea will be found on a
printed Broadside in the same yolume
or curious Papers (coUected by Lord
MonUngton), which we have already

referred to (Irish Pampb1etl, Vol.

I., No. 42). The title of tbiI rare
piece is .. follow. :-"To the Queen'.
MOlt Excellent Majesty The humble
AddreII of the Vice-Chance1lOJ" of
the UDiYenit1 of Dublin, ProYOIt
aDd FelJo1n of Trinity College, DubliD, toge&her with the Doctors aDd

Masters of the said University, in

Congregation 81111embled, April 19.
1.7 11
b Bee p. 75 of his pamphlet, entitled :_CI Vindication of a Sermon
preached before the HOU88 of Common. of Jreland, on Saturday, :l3rd
October, 17:15, in which the question
concerning toleration is further considered, in answer to the Rev. Mr.

RadclifFe'. Letter. By Edward Synge,

A. ll. Dublin, 17:16. [The date



the Senate, which took place on Shrove Tuesday, 1714, when

there was a difference between the College and the University,
seems to show that this '\Vas a reprint,
for in 1726 Synge W81 Arohbishop of
Tuam.] The sermon, here alluded
to, W81 preached in I7 II, on the
anniTer8&I'Y of the great Irish rebellion
of 1641, at St. Andrew's Church,
Dublin: the text W81 Luke, xiv.,
23 :-" Compel them to come in."
The sermon is entitled :-" The Case
of Toleration considered." It advocated Charter Schoola, ., to provide
for the conversion of Papists," but
if that W8I found to be impracticable,
it recommended "a toleration of those
Papists who di.scl.aimed those notions
of their Church which are subversive
of civil government." For this sermon
Mr. Synge was thanked by the House
of Commons, but incurred the disapproval of Mr. Stephen Radcliffe,

Vicar of N &&8, who answered the

sermon, and WILS replied to by Synge,
in the pamphlet here quoted. This
Edward Synge is not to be confounded
with the Edward Synge (his son),
who W81 Fellow of Trinity College,
Bishop successively of Clonfert,
Cloyne, Ferns, and Elphin i nor with
another (who was his father), Bishop
of Limerick, afterwards Cork, and
died und Dec., 1678. This family
W81 of Bridgenorth i their ancestor
was named Millington j he was a
singing man of the choir there, and
took the name of Singe, or Synge,
from his profession. The following
table will show the relationship of
the Synges, who were bishops in

Killington, alias Synge, of Bridgenorth.

Thomas Synge.

Geo~e, (Alderman and Ba.illil' of Bridgenorth), ob. 1601.

Ric~ (Alderman and Bailift', ibid.), ob. 1631.

Geo~. Bishop of Cloyne, cons. 1638;

died at Bridgenorth, 1653.


Dean of Kildare; ob. 30th

Nov. 1708.

Edw~rd. Bishop of Limerick.

Cork, Cloyne, and Ro.,' 1663 ;
ob. :nnd Dec. 1678.

Edward. Bishop of Raphoe,

17 14; Archbishop of Tuam,
1716; died 23rd July. 1741.

Nicholas, Archdeacon of Dublin,

1743; Bishop of Killaloe,

Edward, Fell. Trin. Coil.,

DubI., 17.0; Bishop of
Clonfert, 1730; Cloyne,
1731 ; Feme, 1733;
Elpbin.1740i died 19th
JaD. 176:1.


and when the former left the meeting, refusing to return at

the requisition of" the Vice-Chancellor.- It is clear that. the
party that sympathized with Forbes were the movers in this
business; but it is strange that the Vice-Chancellor should have
taken their side, which can only be attributed to weakne88
on his Grace's part, the consequence, probably, of old age."
The following notice of this Commencement occurs in Boyer's
.. Political State of Great Britain"-;.. A. Commencement being held on the 9th Febr. in Trinity College, Dublin, several of ~he Studentll had prepared to take their Degrees, but were
disappointed. For eneral of the Graduatea and Non-Resident Masten of
Ana having made a motion to the V1Ce ChancelloT, the ABp. ofTuam, tha~
the eenklnce of Forbes' Degradatio might be read before any public businea
should be gone upon, the ABp. 11'&11 for having the same read as they propoeed. But it being believed that the reading of it was in order to have an
act obtained. to repeal the said sentence, the Vice Provost and the Senior
FeIJoWB of the College opposed ita being read: and by withdrawing themII8htw pnmmted the ueembly from proceeding further in that affair. Whereupon the Commencement 11'&11 adjourned to the nth instant-"

Dr. Miller cites the account! given by the College itself of this
oceurrence, as evidence that" incongruities existed in the goveTDMasten sent to them the follQwing
meaaage :-' ProcuratoJ'el, Registrarius, et Bedellua citantur et reqlliruntur comparere in domo Regentium
lub pama juris et contemptua. To
which message the Vice-Provost and
the Senior Fellows sent the following
answer:-' Procuratorea,RegistrariuB,
et Bedellua pOIItquam Vice-Pnepositum et Soci08 SenioJ'el certiOJ'el facerint de nuntio per roverendol viros
Doctores Hamilton et Goumey ad
eoa miseo, cum oroni humilitate BeDtentiam 8uam offerunt, quod sine conBensu Vice-Pnepositi et Sociorum
Seniorum nihil in hac re tuto agere
poeae uistimant. Et insuper Vice-

See Dr. Miller's Exam. of the

Charter, &c., p. 6.
b John Vesey 11'&11 37 yean Arch.
bishop ofToam, and had been before
that 6 yean Bishop of Limerick. He
died 28th March, '7,6, aged 79.
VoL vii., for 17140 p. 116.
Thia account, given in the Register (ill loc.), is as folloW8:""'l February 9. This day the
Vice-Provost'. negative 11'&11 not allowed in the Regent-honae, whereIlpoD the Vice-Provost withdrew from
theote into the Provost', honae, and
".. foDowed by the rest of the Senior
FeIJoWB,Junior Proctor, and Beadle i
and then the Vice-Chancellor and


ment of the University," and that there was "a general uncertainty
in regard to the respective rights of the Vice-Chancellor and the
Vice-Provost." But where is the eviden('.e of the least uncertainty? "The Vice-Provost's negative was not allowed in the
Regent-house," whereupon he at once withdrew, "and was
followed by the rest of the Senior Fellows, the Junior Proctor,
and Beadle." They acted promptly, and maintained their
ground without any symptom of doubt or hesitation. It was
perfectly certain that the Vice-Provost, in the Provost's absence, had a veto by the University Statutes, and the result
proved that the Vice-Provost was right in the opinion which he
and his colleagues unequivocally asserted, "quod sine consensu
Vice-Prrepositi et Sociorum Seniorum nihil in hac re tuto agere
posse existimant." They promised to return at once to the Regent-house, if the Vice-Chancellor would proceed to confer
the Degrees, or to transact any other business to which the
Vice-Provost could consent. Here there is assuredly no doubt
or uncertainty. And yet Dr. Miller says, "we see the ViceProvost and Senior Fellows alleging confusedly the Charters,
Laws, and Customs of the University, without venturing to particularize the grounds of their resistance." Can anything be
more unfair than this statement? Confusedly! Where is the
confusion? They respectfully inform the Vice-Chancellor that
without the consent of the Board, nothing can be safely (i. e.
legally) done in this matter. Neither do they exhibit any rePnepomtus et Socii Seniores notum
faciunt quod ipsi cum officiariis suis
prllldictis sine ulteriore mora in domo
Regentium se sistent si tibi visum fuerit, reverendiBBime Vice-Cancellario,
procedere ad colIationemgraduum aut
ad alias res peragendas quibus VicePrlllp08itus consenserit: aliter humillime petunt ut cos excusatos habere
digneris, nolentes aliquid agere contra
Chartas fundatorias, Leges et Con-

suetudines Academilll.' Upon the

receiving this message, the ViceChancellor adjourned the Commencement to February the eleventh."_
Miller, p. 6.
The Senior Proctor is not mentioned, because he was one of the
Senior Fellows. The Provost was
absent, and therefore the Vice-Provost took his place with the same
powers and rights.



luctance to state the grounds of their resistance. They tell the

Vice-Chancellor that they cannot willingly do anything in violation of the FoundatioD. Charters, or of the "Leges et C on~
suetudines" of the University. By these they meant the University Statutes, which were called on their title-page Legu SeY
Regulm et C07'I8Ududi"u, and to which the Vice-Provost owed his
right to a veto.- But it will be observed that they call the
Proctors and Bedell their officers, not the officers of the ViceChancellor, because the election of those officers was, by the
Statutes of Charles, committed to the Provost and Senior Fellows. The Vice-Chancellor adjourned the Commencements,
and conferred no Degrees.' He was compelled to submit to the
Vice-Provost's view of the law, and his adjouming the Com.
mencement was equivalent to an admission that he was wrong.
The disturbances, however in the Senate, kept up for so
many years, were most probably one cause of the agitation
against the University Statutes, which then possibly began. It
will be observed that in the foregoing narrative "the publick
Registry of the University" is alluded to, and the" Sentence of
Forbes's Degradation" proposed to be read.
Hence it appears that the public Register d and other Books
and records of the proceedings of the University were then in
Dr. Mil1er eeems to have overlooked this when he called this reference to the Laws aDd Custome
of the University co1ffrued. It WIuI
limply a reference to the University
S&a&ate8 by quoting their tide-page.
, If tbe word COfIfruUm is to be
applied to any part oftbia transaction,
it IeeIDI to belong mOlt properly to
tbe Vice-Chancellor', citation, calling
upon the Vice-Provost to return to
the Regent-hoUle, n/J ptnUl jurU et
cmtUraptw, without Baying what this
WIUI, and when hie threat was
di,regarded. and the conditions upon


which the Board were willing to return made known to him, he dissolved the Comitia without anyaltempt at punishing them. The only
punishment WIuI that inflicted on
the students, who were sent away
without their Degrees, although they
had committed no fault.
e The Vice-Provost on this remarkable oocuion WIUI Richard Baldwin, who afterwards became Provost
in 1717.-See Uni". Coltmdar.
d In the College accounts for Sept.
1609. we have thie item :-For a book
of Register of Matriculation into t.he



existence. No such books are now extant, nor are they

known to have existed within the memory of any person now
living. The late Vice-Provost, Dr. Barrett, was of opinion that
they were destroyed, or made away with, by Provost Richard
Baldwin, in order to put a final stop to the agitation about
Forbes, and the constant motions made in the Senate to have
the Books of the University produced.
Baldwin was indeed an arbitrary man, and a determined
Whig (in the old, not in the present modern sense of the word);
political feeling at the time ran very high, owing to the rebellion
in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender in 171 S. It was quite in
accordance with the character of the man, that finding a troublesome party in the University, actiug with the enemies of the
constitution, he should endeavour by every means to crush them.
We hear no more of Edward Forbes.- After his expulsion
he seems to have taken no part in the attempts made to procure
the reversal of his sentence. The House of Commons and the
Government lost no time in showing their strong feelings against
him, and alarmed by such opposition he probably found it necessary to quit the country.
One good came out of the evil. The House of Commons,
to mark their approbation of the conduct of the College, and the
steady adherence of its members to "the late happy revolution,"
voted an address to the Queen, asking for a grant of money to
assist in erecting a public Library in the College, according to
tlie beautiful plan of Sir William Chambers. We find the following minute in the Commons' Journa18, b scarcely a year after the
expulsion of Forbes : University, and of Incorporation into
the College ofsuch as are sent thence
to the school, 'lod." Again, under
the date of March 18, .689. we have
this order :-" Decretum ellt a Pneposito et Sociis Senioribull ut hll!c
censura publicis CoUegii foribus affigatur, et in registrum tam Academilll
quam Collegii referatur." Hence it

appears that there were then separate

Registers, for the College and for the
In the old Senior Lecturer's Book,
his entrance is not recorded. He
probably came originally from a
Scotch University.
b Quoted also in V'niversity Calendar for .869 (Benefactors, p. 3'7).



"Mercurii I die Janii, (709, a motion being made that this Honae would
become suitors to her Majesty to extend her royal bounty to the Pro'fOlt,
Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College, near Dublin, to enable them to
erect a Library in said College : .. Re801ved, 'I'hst this House-taking into coDsideration the proceedings
oftile University of Trinity College, near Dublin, in censuring Edward Forbes
by degradMion and expulsion for speaking dishonourably of. and upersing
the memory of his late Majesty King William the Third; and also the steady
adherence of the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of said College to the late
happy Revolation, her present Majesty's Government, and the succession to
the Throne &8 by law established, for the encouragement of good literature
and II011lld Revolution principles-do address his Excellenoy the Lord Lieutenant that he will lay before her Majesty the humble desire of this HOUBe,
that five thousand pounds be bestowed by her Majesty on the Provost, Fel10....., and Scholars of Trinity College, near Dublin, for erecting a publio
J.4Drary in said College."

It is curious that this resolution was near causing a misunderstanding between the Lords and the Commons. &
Dr. Miller, although he speaks of the Senior Master NonRegent as "a mere fiction," gives us a curious instance of the exercise of his veto, and of its influence upon the Vice-Chancellor.
It was at the Summer Commencements of 1793. An Act of Parliament had just been passed, enacting that from and after the
first day of June, in that year, it shall not be necessary for any
person, upon taking any Degree, to make or subscribe any declaration, or to take any oath, save the oaths of allegiance and
of abjuration ; and on the 1st of March following, the King issued
Letters Patent repealing anything in the Statutes of the College.
or of the University, which stood in the way of Roman Catholics being admitted as students, or taking Degrees. The ViceChancellor!> seems to have overlooked these provisions, and pro See Rapiu's Hist. of England,
edit. Tindall, vol iv., p. :U5.
, It is a question whether the ViceChancellor W88 not right; for the
Act of Parliament had only relieved
Roman Catholics, "in 0&IIe his Majesty
eball be pleued 80 to alter the Sta-

tutes of the College and of tho University, as to enable them to enter

and take Degrees." But this was
not done until March I, 1794. The
University, therefore, was not bouud
to omit the old oath, until the King
had altered the Statutell.



ceeded to have the oaths administered as usual,. but was inter

rupted by the veto of the Senior Master Non-Regent. Dr. Miller's
narrative is as follows : " It may be useful to remark, that the Senior NOD-Regent, though an officer unknown to the Charters and authentic Statutes, and a mere fiction,
created in the yain attempt to reconcile institutioDl eaaentially inooogruous,
has not been a mere inactiYe pageant, filling up the ceremonial of a public
Commencement, without asaertingthe prerogative with which he was invested
by these supposed Statutes.
" In the Commencement, held in the month of July in the year I79~, this
officer came into direct collision with the Vioe-Chancellor, the late Earl of
Clare, who, BOme coDBideration. gave way, and consented that the Commencement should prooeed in the manner required by the Senior Non-Regent.
The question, about which this struggle occllJ'rBd, was whether persons, professing the Roman Catholic religion, should be permitted to graduate in the
University. Before this time many individuals, known to be of the Roman
Catholic persuasion, had been permitted to pass through the preparatory
couree of education, but one of the oaths, required of candidates for degrees,
and a declaration to be at the same time lubscribed, had presented insuperable obstacles to their graduation.
"In the Session of the year 1793, an Act of Parliament was paued for
the relief of persons professing the Roman Catholic religiOD, and by the 13th
section it was enacted that the impediments which had hindered them from
being educated in the University, BO far as they had been created by Statute
law, should cease on the first day ofJune in the same year. The oath and
declaration had both been prescribed by an Act of Parliament, paued in the
year 1692, but it appears from the supposed Statutes of the University that
the oath had been adopted at the Commencement in the month of February
in the preceding year, in consequenoe of a resolution of the Academic Senate.
The oath was therefore considered &8 partly supported by a Statute of the
University, the declaration- as resting wholly on the authority of an Act of
" Accordingly at the Commencement, held in the month of July in the
year 1793, when the oaths had been administered, and the Senior Proctor
was beginning to recite the declaration, the Senior Non-Regent declared that
if the Vice Chancellor should persist in requiring that this declaration, which
appeared to have been abrogated by an Act of Parliament, should then be
- By .. The Declaration" Dr. Miller
means the Declaration against Transubstantiation, &c., adopted by the Univer-

Degrees, Feb. 8, 1691, U"it? Beat., p.

157 (1791). Compo 3 Will. & Mary,
cap. 2,, extended to Jrt'land Z I &

sity and enjoined upon all Candidatea Cor

n Goo. III.,


48, sect. 3.



made and subscri.bed, he would exercise the authority of his station, by

suspending tbe Commencement, an act which he was able to perform by
merely refusing his consent to each degree. The Act of Parliament was expresB and unequivocal, and the Vice-Chancellor could not refuse to acknowledge the authority of the Senior Non-Regent, because itwas clearly established
by the same supposed Statutes under which he was tben bolding the Commencement-" The opposition of the Senior Non-Regent W1UI therefore 811Ceesf'ul; the declaration was then withdrawn, and at the ensuing Commencement the oath of abjuration was adopted, agreeably to the Act of Parliament,
in the place of one of those which hau. been previously administered."

Dr. Miller does not tell us who the Senior Master NonRegent on this occasion was. But it is very well known in
the University that this strong-minded Master, who believed
himself to be "a fiction," and yet compelled the Vice-Chancellor
to succumb to his threatened veto, was no other than Dr. Miller
It will be unnecessary to give any account here of the present
state of the laws of the University upon the subjects we have
been discussing; almost all the questions, formerly at issue, are
now set at rest by the Charters of Queen Victoria. The Senate,!>
although not the University, are now a corporation. The Provost
and Senior Fellows, with the consent of the Senate, can now
alter, repeal, add to, and enact University Statutes. There is
" It may be added that the Letten Patent (34 Goo. m.), distinctly
admit the validity of the Statutes
that Dr. Miller delights to call "mppoled Sta~tes." The King's words
Ire :-'<QuEdam in Statutis Collegii, at ill Statutis Academilll DnbliDiensia ita immntare pl'll!8titis
prins omm"bns exercitiis per leges et
coosuetndines Academilll reqnisitis,
aliqno statuto dicti Collegii,aut Statuto, Begula, aut Consuetudine quacumque dict&e Academilll, ill contrarinm
DOD obstante." Here the II mppo.ed ..
Uniftl"lity Staintes are recognized
along wi&h &he College Statutes as of

coequal authority. The UniversityStatutes are citedbytheirordinarytitle:" Statuta, Regnllll seu CoD811etudines;"
80 there can be no donbt what Statutes are meant. They are therefore
either sanctioned by the Crown, or
they are not. If they are, why does
Dr. Miller call them IItIppoI~d Statutes P If they are only mppoled
Statutes, why was it necessary to call
in the Royal anthorityto repeal them?
b That is the Vice-Chancellor,
Doctors, and Masters. The Provost
and Senior Fellows, being all Doctors
or Masters, are of course included.



no longer any such question as that milled by Dr. Miller in reference to the validity of those S'atutes, or in regard to the
distinct existence of the College and the University.
A very clear and concise history of the different Charters and Statutes, in chronologie.,.!. order, will be found in the
Introduction to the University Calendar of 1869, including the
Letters Patent of Queen Victoria, January 3 I, 1855 (18 Vict.),
amending the Statutes of Charles I., those of July 24, 1857,
(21 Viet.), incorporating the Senate; the Letter of December,
18S8 (22 Vict.), for foundation of Studentships, and other det&us; the Decree of 11th December, 1858, containing Amendments of the University Statutes, made by the Provost and Senior
Fellows, with consent of the Senate, in pursuance of Letters Patent, 2 I Viet.: with supplemental enactments, Dec. 10, J 859,
and July 18, J 860. These later Charters and Decrees, from
1855 to 1860, exhibit the present state of the University Statutes, with the manner and conditions upon which Degrees are
conferred.Anusions have been made in the foregoing pagesb to the
existence, for a short time, of Colleges or Halls, in the University, and some have supposed that the phrase" Mater Universitatis," in the Charter of Elizabeth, indicated the establishment
of Halls or Colleges as necessary to complete the idea of an
University.c This, I trust, has been shown not to be the true
signification of the phrase in question.
There is, however, a difficulty as to the mention in the Statutes of Temple of these new foundations, inasmuch as they were
not in existenoe (with the exoeption of the unfinished Bridewell,
All other particulars, Terms
and Eurci8e8, Standing required,
and Fees payable for Degrees, will
be found in tbe University Calendar.
b See p. lUtltV, note b.
The following words of the Statutes of Charles L (cap. :as), aeem to
apeak of tbe words Mater Uniwrli-


81 not incolllistent with & Hingle

College. "Quod ad P1'18poeituram
Collegii attinet; Cum Collegium hoc

sit Mater Universitatis et unicum

istiua regni." This is given as the
reason why the Crown reaerves in
future tbe.uomination of the Provoat

to it8elf.



or Trinity Hall), until after Temple's death, in Jan. 161J. This

difficulty is easily explained. The portion of these Statutes,
which are in Temple's hand, ends with chap. II ; chapters 11,
13, 14, IS, and 16, are in another hand, and chap. 17, in a third
hand, with the exception of the last paragraph, which is in
Bedell's hand, and is intended to give the Vice-Provost, in the
absence of the Provost, the same veto in the Caput which the
Provost would have had, were he present.
It is in these additional Statutes, not written in Temple's
hand, and evidently added after his death, that the allusion to
additio!lal Colleges in the University occurs, and I shall now
give a brief account of the origin of those Colleges, or rather
Halls, and the causes of their extinction, after a brief existence.
It was in January 160t, that a petitionb was presented to the
Mayor and Corporation of Dublin, asking for a piece of ground
on Hoggin Green, e sufficient for building thereon a Bridewell;
the petitioners thus state their object :-" Divers well disposed
persons considering the multitude of sundry sorts of poor, many
of them able bodied, and most resorting out of the country, who
to the great disgrace of this worthy city, and now the endangera

of Dublia, voL iii., p ). A Monutery for Canoneaea of the Order oC

Bt. Augustine wu erected here, in
1146, by Dermaid Mac Murrougb, i.e.
MacM1lJ'ehadha (or IOnoCMurchadh)
O'Cavanagh, KingoCLeiDlter, which,
De Burgo says, occupied the site
wherethe widows' alms houle stood in
1,62, in Hoggea Hill, or Hog Hill,
now St. Andrew's.treet (Hibnft. Domiraic. p. 735). Thi. abbey wu dedicated to the B. V. Mary, under the
name oC St. Mary de Hogge&, and
the religious oCt-his boUle are called
in lOme medieval Latin documents
"Monialee S. Man., juxta Hogu,"
or .. Hoggu" (Butler, lUgiIt. Prio-

This statute illligned by "Guiliel.

Bedell, Pra!poaitus," [awomProVOIt,

Aug. IS, .627,] " Joh. }'oyd," Joh.
JoimlOll, Edw. Parry, ThOl. Temple,
Natha. Linch, Joseph (Travers].
b The petitioners were Dr. Challoner, Sir John King, Mr. J amea Ware
(father of Sir JalDCl, the historian),
SirJamea Carroll (aft.erwardaMayor,
1612, Cor his father).
A considerable Yil1age, called
Hoggil, or LA Hogg~" occupied the
ground now bown u It College
Gn:en" Ita exact boundary i. not
ueertained, but it eeema to have extended beyond Sl Andrew", Church
into Exchequer-street (Gil~ Hilt.



ing of divers by contagion, do abound among us, do willingly

resolve to bestow the building of a place for a Bridewell or
House of Labour and Correction, for the redressing of this enormity."
From this statement of the object of the Petitioners, it will
be seen, that this project was not at first directly connected in
any way with the University, or with an educational College.
The City received the proposal favourably, and on 17th Jan.
160f agreed (William Gough, Ma!lor,) to grant an estate in fee
simple under their seal, to six persons (three to be named by
the Mayor in the behalfofthe City, and three by ttte Petitioners),
,.al.. Omai_ 88., p. 21, No. xiii.).
which gives a clue to the true meaning
of the name, for we can only regard
the popular appellation oC" Hoggen
Green," given to what is now College
Green, as a corruption. Arehdall i.
of opinion (M01I4It. Hwn'1t., p. 172),
that t.he name Hogg~, i. from the
Iri.h word Og, a virbrin, and 80 was
later than the foundation ofthe abbey;
but there are many objection. to this
etymology. There can be little doubt
thut Mr. Gilbert (we. cit.) has given
the true origin of the word, when he
derives it from Hoga (German 1aocA,
Eng\. MgA), a hill, a mound, a grave,
or sepulchre, and this i. confirmed
by the word being commonly uacd in
the plural. These mounds, or barrow., were evidently pagan (Gilbert,
Zoe cit., pp. I, 2), and the great2leragmolt, or mound of meeting of the
Norsemen, was' in the neighbourhood. 8t. Andrew'. Church was
called S. Andreas de Thengmote
(Butler. IUgiltr. Omni_ SaflClorum,
pp. 26, 118). Comp. Haliday, OR
til. namt of Dubli1l, (Trans. of R. I.

Acad., vol. uii.). See an account

of the position of lIoggin Green, in
reference to the Priory of All Saiuts,
in the "Charter of the Citty to the
Colledge (34 Eliz.)." -Butler, &Bi,tr., p. 940 No. vii. In the BQoTt
of Obit, of Clar. CAurcla, p. 16, we
have the obit of .. Domina Matylda,
abbettissa de Hoggys," and p. 54, of
"Domina AHoia Bron, moniltlis de
Hoggy. " The last local vestige tbat
survived of the ancient Hog~e, was
Hog Hill, now 81. Andrew'sstreet.
It continued to be known as Hog's
Hill to about 1772, (Gilbert, Hilt.
of Dublin, vol. iii., pp. 3 18, 19),
and was the residence oftlre celebrated John Philpott Currao, "during the
early gloomy days of his professional
career" (Gilbert, ibid.).
The beginning of the reign of
James I. was remarkable for the
prevalence of famines and pestilence
in VariOU8 di8tricts throughout the
country. - See Ce7ll'" of Ireland,
(Table of C08mical Phenomena, p.
106, by Sir W. R. Wilde).



of so much land of" the Hogging Green" as shall be thought

.convenient by the Mayor and three City Trustees, "that the
same be converted to a place of punishment of offenders, and
putting idle persons on work, to be named by the name of a
Bridewell, and that the same orders, constitutions, and laws
shall be established by order of the assembly, and executed in
the same place, a~ the charge and maintenance of the city, as
are ordained, constituted, and used in Brigewell in London."
And that the same House should continue and not be converted to any other use, ~was agreed by a clause of proviso
.. that if by any default of tlie Corporation, the House (after the
Petitioners have finished the building), shall be converted to any
other use than for a Bridewell, or place of punishment, as aforesaid, then the FeofFees, their heirs and assigns, shall stand seised
of the said House, &c., for the use of the Petitioners, their heirs
and assigns, until such time as the same shall be re-established as
a Bridewell, in form aforesaid, and no longer. " Vacancies
among the FeofFees, if more than two, were to be filled up by
the survivors, who were to convey the property, with the same
trusts and provisos, to six sufficient persons-three to be nominated by the Mayor for the time being, and three by the Petitioners, or their heirs. This was finally agreed to, and the Corporation seal affixed, 27th Jan. 16o!.
Difficulties, however, seem to have arisen with George
Breddam, the person employed to build the Bridewell, who
appears to have carried on the work so far as to have rendered the house habitable, and to have lived in it himself. Then
it turned out that money was not forthcoming, and the death of
Dr. Challoner, 27th April, 1613, brought matters to a point.
Breddam appealed to the Privy Council, who appointed two
Commissioners, Samuel Molineux, and Jacob Newman, who reported (8th February, 1611), that Breddam should be allowed
.40 English, the whole of his claim, on the condition that he
delivers the HOUle complete, tiled, "furnished as now it is, with
wainscot, doors, &c., which will be some additional expense to



In October, 1616, the Mayor and Sir James Ware, being

now appointed Commissioners to value the House, reported
that Breddam was willing to take 30 in lieu of all claims i but
neither the Corporation, nor the representatives of the original
Petitioners, were disposed to pay this sum j whereupon. on
December II, 1616, the Lord Deputy offered the Bridewell to
the Provost, Fellows, and Scholars of Trinity College for
30' This offer being accepted, the Corpor~tion conveyed the
house, and the parc~l of ground appertaining, to the Pro
vost and Fellows, with permission to convert it into a ColJege Hall, or free school. It is ptobable that soon after this
the name of Trinity Hall began to be given to it. The Mayor
and Sir James Ware reported that they had found the House
.. much decayed at this present," and as George Breddam still
continued to dwell in it, without any covenant as to the duration
of his tenancy, or, as far as appears, under any rent, it was some
time before it came into actual possession of the College.
The remaining history of Trinity Hall is thus given in the
College records :-" Before the late warrs" [this was probably
written about 1662] " the said College employed the said Hall to
the entertainment of certain Students i in process of the war,
the said Hall was by poor people occupied, and in a manner
ruinated, the said College being not in a condition to look after
it, or wholly neglecting it i whereupon the City had thoughts of
reassuming it, because it was not employed to the use intended.
The pretended Provost and Fellows of the said College, having
notice hereof, consulted how to frustrate the design of the City.
Upon this Col. Markham, and Dr. John Kerdiffe move the
said pretended Provost and Fellows for a lease of Trinity Hall,
and the ground thereunto beJonging, promising to secure their
title against the City, and to repair the said Hall. This motion
was opposed by Dr. John Stearne. and was quashed by his
John Kerdiffe was elected a Fellow in 1631, and went out on the
living of Detertcreat, 1637. He waH

restored Senior Fellow by Mandamus,

1644-See List of Fellows, Univer-

,ity Cakndar.



alleging and proving that to make a lease of the premises

would be more directly contrary to the intent of the conveyance
of the premises upon the said College than any former, either
inability or neglect, and consequently give greater colour and
advantage to the City to prosecute their design."
In ,his strait the College were more ready to listen to a proposal, made atfirsuo the pretended Provost and Fellows, by Dr.John
Stearne, to the effec~ that he should be President of Trinity
Hall, for his natural life, on the following conditions :-" that
he should have certain lodgings there; that he should 'keep out
the City,' and repair the Hall without charge to Trinity College,"
which the College was not at that time able to defray, and to
convert the remainder of the building after retaining lodgings
for himself, to the purposes of Medical Students.
The Puritan Provost and Fellows had agreed to this proposal,
and it was faithfully carried out by Dr. Stearne, who expended
in repairing the HaUl more than 100 of his own money.
On the Restoration, the legal Provost and Fellows renewed
this convenant with Dr. Stearne, adding only these conditions,
thai he should endeavour to procure incorporation for a College
of Physicians, and that Trinity College should for ever have the
nomination of the President of the said College of Physicians.a
It appears that in or about 1680 Trinity Hall was restored to
Trinity College. Articles were agreed to, whereby each College was bound to the other in 300, for the performance of
the said articles. In 16R7, a difference began between Trinity
See al1llllmary of this deed,dated
Feb. 18, 16~, in the valuable memoir
oCDr.Steame, byTe W. Belcher, lI.D.,
p.21, Dublin, 1865. The Charter
for the College of Physicians is dated
8th Aug., 166-r. Before this Patent
tbe Society. not yet a Corporation,
11'&1 eaUed the .. President and CODfratemity of Physician "-BelcMr',
RegWter 0ltlte K. t Q. Coli. uIPAy. ,
Introd., p. 7. Dr. Belcher has found

in the MS., called D'Olin', boolc, in

the poase8Iion of the College of Physician., the foUowing entry, among
the accounts 1680-1683 :-"De Col.
legio Trinitatis juxta Dublin, pro resignatione Aube Trinitatis 070. 00,.
ood." This proves that about that
time (1680) Trinity HaIl 11'&1 given
up; and that the surrender realized
for the College of Physicians the sum
of 7 0



College and the College of Physicians, arising from the election

of Dr. Crosbie, who was chosen by the Physicians to be President of their College, but rejected by Trinity College, as disqualified, being a Roman Catholic.
The College of Physicians, upon this, made a proposal
to Trinity College, to cancel by mutual consent the articles
agreed to between the two Colleges in 1680. To this Trinity
College consented, provided the Physicians would deliver up all
papers and documents in their possession, relating to Trinity
Hall, and sign a release from all grants and deeds, made by Trinity College, concerning Trinity Hall. Trinity College also proposed to give a lease of 40 years to the College of Physicians,
on such terms as might be agreed upon. The Hall seems to have
been again given up to Trinity College, in 1692, when the
second Charter of the College of Physicians was obtained.The site of Trinity Hall continues to be the property of
Trinity College, who seem to have once more converted it into
a Grammar School, probably to keep up their original agreement
with the City. We find entries in the Books of Trinity College
_ to this eft'ect. b The old College of Physicians, or the original
Bridewell, seems to have consisted of a good-sized qua~angle.c It occupied the western end of what is now St.
Belcher, Regi,ter, p. 18. The
New Charter it dated 15th Dee. 1691.
b "Jaly 9, 1694, Sir Smith chosen
Master of the School of Trinity Hall."
"Nov. 20, 1694, Leaee ordered of
Trinity Hall for 41 ye&l'8 to Matth.
SteaTl'l4, p. :as, n. Again, "Jan. 24,
1710, two Leues ordered to Dr. John
Barton of Trinity Hall, perfected for
4D years."-Dr. Belcher, Memoir of
Sir PatriC'k Dua, p. 37, it in error
when he says, that some of the papers,
copied by Dr. Barret.t, were 10lit in
the provolltship of Dr. Baldwin i tbe

Books and Registers of the University, as distinguished from those 'of

tbe College, were Jost in Baldwin',
time (ob. 1758): the papers, copied
by Dr. Barrett (ob. 1821), are all
safe, and in the custody of the
College. Mr. Gilbert says :-"1'rinity Hall appears to have boon demolished early in the last century."
-Hillt. 01 Dubl., p. 17.
See S~ed', Map of Dublin, 1610
(in the right hand corner of his Map
of I.ein8~r). There are several facsimile reprints of tbill map, mOllt of
them inaccurately executed.



Andrew's burying ground, extending into Exchequer-street, the

site being now held under the College, by Mr. Austin, Dressingcase maker. The present Trinity-street- is said to have taken
its name from Trinity Hall.
We must now go back a few years, to the period of the
death of Sir William Temple, and the election to the Provostship of his successor, Dr. Robert Ussher, in I6U. It was
about that time that the College was enabled to add to the
number of Halls in the University.
The Capuchin Friars b (a very rigid sect of the Franciscans)
did not exist as a religious order, with full Papal sanction, until
the first half of the seventeenth century, and consequently
had no religious houses here until after the Reformation. They
arrived in Ireland in 1623, and established themselves in Dublin, where they set up some convents, about 1629, under the
presidency of Father Edmund Ling, an Irishman, and a zealous
advoCJIte of the order. In 1644, a general chapter of the Mendican& or~ers was held at Rome, in which it was resolved to
erect five Universities in Ireland, one for each of the five provinces, in the following towns:- Dublin, Limerick, CasheI,
Athenry, and Coleraine. c
The Capuchins were received by the Irish with every demonstration of popular favour, and entered the city in an impmden~ procession, in which they seem to have ostentatiously
displayed the novel habits of their order, and their peculiar religious ceremonies. The Archbishop, Dr. Lancclot Bulkeney,
Or TriDity-lane. The hill on
which St. Andrew'. Church now
Rands, was formerly calJed .. Trinity
Mount."-Gilbert'. Hut. of Dublin,
ToL iii., p. 17.
b De Burgo, HWerfl. Dumi"ic., cap.
ix., xv., p. '95, and p. 749. Mr. Gilbert (But. nfDllblin, iii., 327), quotes
p..age from ". Dublin writer in
,6~" ginng an account of the cos-

tumes of the Capnchina and Franciscans. The Dnblin writer was Paul
Harris, Priest. See his tract called
.. FratreilObrii estote," 1634, p. 29.
The five provinces being Leinster,
Thomond [or South Munster], Ormond [orElIIltMunster], Connaught,
and Ulster.-De Burgo, ubi mpra,
p.5 11



and the Mayor of Dublin, with a file ofmusqueteers, given them

by order of the Lord Justices, entered the house of the
Capuchins in Cook-street, but the congregation rose against
them, and they narrowly escaped with their lives.' This was
about Christmas (according to some on St. Stephen's day), 1629,
and an account of the riot was at once transmitted by the Lords
Justices to the Privy Council in England, who sent an order, dated
the 31 st of January following, that all such disaffected Houses
should be demolished or converted to some public uses, for the
King's service. c
In pursuance of this order several convents and" Masshouses," as they were then irreverently called, were seized by
the Government. On the 19th of February, 16ia, the College
petitioned the Lords Justices4 for one of the suppressed "Mass
"A fraternity or Carmelites"
[read Capuchins] CI appeared in the
habit of their order, and publicly celebrated their religious ritea in one of
the most frequented parts of Dublin.
The archbidhop of the diocese, and
the chief magistrate of the city, whOlM!
indignation W&8 roused at this defiance
of law and government, led a party
of the army to their place of worship,
and attempted to disperae the &8eembly. The fri&rlll and their congregation repelled the attack by force,
and obliged the &8I&ilanta to consult
their safety by a precipitate flight.
The incident W&8 repreeented in England in the mOlt ofl'ensi...e manner,
and seemed to reproach that mistaken lenity. which had encouraged
the recusant. to this outrage. It W&8
deemed neither safe nor politic to
connive at such insolence j by an order of the English Council fifteen religious houses were eeized to the
king', use, and the Popish college,

erected in Dublin, was &8Iigned to

the University, who for the prescnt
converted it into a Protestant eeminary. "-LIlland, Hilt. ofIrelarad, vol.
iii. (ho, Dublin, 1114), p.7. The
" Popish College," spoken of by Leland, W&8 probably the Jesuit College
in Back-Jane. Gilbert (Hut. ofDulJlin, vol. iii., p. :199,) speaks of this
event &8 having occurred in the church
ofthe l'Nmci&CGAI, Cook-street. But
the Capuchins were a branch of.the
b See Dr. Moran, .4.rclt6i1la0p' of
DulJlira, I., pp. 316, 31'.
Rob. Ware, Faze' t Fire6randt,
part ii., pp. 72-;7. Elrington'. Life
of Uaher, p. lOS, where we should
read .. Capuchins" for Carmelites,
and .. Cook-street" for Cork-t/treet.
The Lords Justices at this time
were Sir Adam LonuI, Viscount
Ely. Lord Chancellor j and Sir Rich.
Boyle, Earl of Cork, Lord High



Houses." But it was thought fit to give them no less than threetwo in Bridge-street, and one in Back-lane. The two in Bridgestreet were. one of them a Capuchin convent, and the other an
ordinary secular chapel; the third, in Back-lane, was a College
olthe Jesuits.
The" Mass House" in Back-lane, according to Mr. Gilbert,
" a fair collegiate building," was called Kildare Hall, because
the ground on which it stood had been leased to Wentworth,
Earl of Kildareb by the Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, to
whom it belonged.
On the 14th of September, 1630, we find from the Register
of Trinity College that "two Bachelors were appointed Masters
in Bridge-street, their place to be annually elective." Again,
" 18th April, 1634. another was appointed Lecturer of all the
Scholars undergraduates in Bridge-street, to receive a quarterly
Tuition; and also the same quarterly rent for their chambers
there, as were paid for chambers in College, viz., o. 3. 4. from
a F. Commoner, and o. 1.8. from a Pensioner." In July 1630,
we have the following note: "The Provost and Fellows have
lent .20 Ster. .for the furnishing or the new College. It is
further agreed that the two last classes shall remain there for
two years (except Fellow Commoners); the Rector is to be their
Tutor, and elective annually." This probably relates to the
house in Bridge-street, C which seems to have been called" New
chapel, for a similar reason, W&I
called" Kildare Chapel."-Gilbert,
Bilt. of Dublin, p. :14:1.
Dr. Barrett h&l said," Whether
this relatea to the M... House 10 bestowed, or to Trinity Hall, I am not
certain." The Mass House in Backlane .. W&l subsequently converted
into a Government hospital, for which
purpose it W&I used till the conclusion
of the reign or Charles II.-Gilbert,

Gilbert, Hilt. of Dublin, vol. i.,

p. }:lI. He adds :-" The University

located about eighteen scholars in
t.bia coovent [in Bridge-street] which
wu styled St. StepMra'. Hall; prayen being read there twice a day, and
it COIltioaed to be known u the ill Bridge-,trut, down to the
year 1647." See E1rington'. Life of
UuIwr, p. 106, n.
At an annual rent or n. The



Mr. Gilbert, quoting" a traveller in 1635,"& gives the following account of the Jesuit establishment in Back.lane, which had
now been granted to the University:" I saw tbe Church, whicb wu erected by the Jesuits, and made use ofb,.
them two years. There wu a College also belonging unto them; both these
erected in the Back.lane. The pnlpit in this Church was richly adorned with
pictures, and so was the high altar, which was advanced with steps and railed
out like cathedrals; upon either side thereof were there erected places for
confession: no futened seats were in the middle, or body thereof, nor was
there any chancel; but that it might be more capaciolU, there was a gallery
erected on both sides, and at the lower end of this Church, which was built in
my Lord Faulkland's time, and wbereof they were disinvcsted, when my
Lord Chancellor (Loftus) and my Lord of Corke excuted by commission the
Deputy's place. This College is now joined and annexed to the College of
Dublin, called Trinity College, and in this Church there is a lecture e-rery

Yr. Gilbert adds :-" An annuity of forty pounds was paid

for a. few years by the Earl of Cork, to maintain these lectures;"
and a writer in 1643, arraigning the Earl of Strafford's government of Ireland, states that :.. When the late Lord Chancellor Loftns, and the Earl of Cork were
Lords-Justices, tbcy endeavoured to suppress the Masse-houses in Dublin,
and to convert them to pious uses, one of which was in the street called Backlane they disposed of to tbe University of Dublin, who placed a Rector and
8cholan in it, and maintained a wP.ekly lecture there, to which lecture the

Hut. olDubUr&, i., p.:l43. Dr. Belcher

..ys (Memuir 01 Dr. Stearne, p. 16,
note) :-" This bouse wu afterwards
military hospital, and Tailor', Hall
now atands on its site.-Census of
Ireland for 18 S I; Report and Status
of Disease, p. 91."
See Travels of Sir W. Brereton
(Chetham Society), pp. '4', 142.
b In Fuller's Church Hid. of Britain (34 Eli;,;. Book ix., ceut. 16), we

have the following account of these

Halls :-" The whole species of the
University of Dublin was for many
years presened in the iadil1iduuIfI of
this one College. But, since, this
instrument hath made better music,
when what wu but a monochord before hath got two other smaller strings
unto it-the addition of New College
and Kildare Hall. "- T"KB'" Edit.
Lond. /837, \'01. iii., .p. 12/.



Lonls Jaaticel and State of Ireland did U8Ually resort, to the great countenancing of the Protestant religion there. But after the Earl of StrafFord came to
die government, the lecture was put down, the scholars displaced, and the
h01llle became a Masse-house &8 it had formerly been."

It is very doubtful whether the gift of these houses was of

any benefit to the College. It appears by a receipt, dated 20th
April, 1637,b that the College" paid 10 a year to Edw. Jans,c
for one-half of the house in Bridge-street in the hands of the
College; the rest of the rent was to be paid by one White, to
whom it had been formerly let."
But the troublous times were noW' at hand; public opinion
was disorganized, rents, over the whole country, were withheld,
and the College was reduced to the greatest extremity, for want
of funds. In every part of Ireland, dissaffection and dissatisfaction with the government of the country prevailed. An order
of Parliament, 8th June, 1641, prohibited all elections to Fellowships and Scholarships until further notice: and the sal!le
year the great Irish Rebellion broke out.
It was not possible, therefore, for the College to support the
additional expenses, created by these new Halls or Schools,
and they were soon allowed to get into disrepair. The Charter
and Statutes of Charles I. make no mention of additional Halls or
Colleges in the University; nor is it easy to say how long they
continued. But we have seen that the College paid a rent,d (or
at least one of them, up to April, J637, which was therefore
in the possession of the College until then. This is confirmed by the curious fact that it was made the 18th article
of the Impeachment of the Earl of Strafford, "That, for the
better effecting of his traiterolls Designs and wicked Purposes,
he did endeavour to draw dependency upon himself of the Pa A Declaration of the Commons,
concerning the lUse and Progress of
the Gl'JUld Rebellion in Ireland.
Lond., 1643, p. 6.
Entered in the Regi$ter.
ThUwuprobablythe same"Ed-

ward Jones" who was Mayor of

Dublin in 16z7.-Ware,Antlf.Dubl.,
1705, p. 170
d This seems to have been head
rent, or ground rent.



pists in both kin6doms of England and Ireland, and to that end,

and during the time of his Government in Ireland, he restored
divers Fryerics and Masse-Houses (which had been formerly
suppressed by the precedent Deputies of that Kingdom; two of
which Houses are in the City of Dublin, and had been assigned
to the use of the University there) to the pretended Owners
thereof, who have since imployed the same to the EX6l'cise of the
Popish religion."
To this the Earl answered :-" When the Earl of Cork was
one of the Lords Justices, he seized some Houses in Dublin, pretending they belonged to Jesuits and Fryers. without Legal Proceedings, which, upon suits prosecuted at Council-Board, were,
according to Justice, restored to the Owncrs; but how since imploy ed, the Earl of Strafford knoweth not,"b but endellvoured
the utmost he could to maintain that seizure."
This short and necessarily imperfect account of the Halls, or
Colleges, OIice received into the body of the University, will
sufficiently explain the allusions which occur in Temple'S Statutes, to the existence of more than one College, c
The Tryal 0/ Thoma, Earl 0/
Strafford, by John Ruahworth. Lon-

don, 1680, p. 69'

b Ibid., p. 27.
For example, in cap. 14, which i.
headed De iii qui cOfltra Lege. Acadt!mia Gradum .Academicum petunt,
et qui lic petentibUl .uffragalltur,
we have the following words: "Ac
porro Hi qui. sic petenti 8uffragatus
deprehendatur, rive prillatim in aliqvo
Collegio, sive publice in Senatu Academico, nisi ex inscientia deliquerit,
volumus et statuimu8, ut ferendi luffragii potestate in quam causa Academica per integrum biennium ipso
facto privetur." Again, cap. IS, "The
private grace is defined to be the
approval of hil being proposed to the
Senate, which the Candidate receives

from the College in which he lives,

a Collegia inquodegit (quoted above,
p. xxix., note a), The same chapter adds:-II Banc approbationem ita
necessanam censemus ut qui earn ad
Pro-Cancellarium et reliquum Academilll Caput non attulerit, idque
subacriptam manu vel Pnesidis CoIlegii, vel DeCllllorum, &c." Another
allusion to other Colleges occurs in
chap. vi. (quoted above, p. xxxv.,
note b), which creates 11 difficulty,
because this chapter is in Temple's
handwriting. But a close inspection
will show that the words Colkgii i"
q"o CandidatE degunt are an interpolation, not in Templc's hand, but
in that of the same 5cribe who wrote
cap. ".



It remains now only to return my thanks to Mr. Charles Miller

ofTrinity College, who undertook the very great labour of transcribing all the names of the Graduates, inserting their Degrees
and dates in the proper places, arranging them in alphabetical
order, and seeing that they were printed in an uniform manner.
It is not easy to overrate even the mechanical labour and tedium
of such a work. I have also to return my warmest and most
grateful thanks to my excellent friend, the Rev. William
Reeves, 1). D., of Armagh, who read all the proof sheets, Rnd
corrected innumerable errors. It is to him a real pleasure to give
his valuable aid to every literary work. He 8pares neither his
time, nor labour, to assist such of his friends as may be engaged
in any research, to which he can contribute the assistance of his
great learning.
SmiIW FellwJ ofTrillity Co114gl, 1I111l R-,iwProf"lOr
of H,brew in til' U..i~", of DuIlife.


FelJrtUlr!l 1869.


B. A._Bachelor in Arts.
M. A.-Master in ArtL
Lic. Eng.-Licentiate in Engineering.
LL. B._Bachelor in Laws.
M. B._Bachelor in Medicine.
MUB. B.-Bachelor in Music.
B. D., or S. T. B.-Bachelor in Divinity, or in Sacred Theology.
M. Eng.-Master in Engineering.
LL. D.-Doctor in Laws.
M. D._Doctor in Medicine.
Mua. D.-Doctor in Music.
D. D., or S. T. D._Doctor in Divinity, or Doctor in Sacred Theology.
Sch.-Scholar of Trinity College.
Vern. (Comitia Verll3).--Spring Commencements.
.tB,t. ~ Comitia ~tti~a).-Summer Commencements.
Hiem. (Comitia Hiemalia).- Winter Commencements.

Dr. RuVES bas lIuggested that an explanation of the Term "Commencements" might be useful to some readers :-To take the highest Degree in each
Faculty is described in the Old Statutes as Commencing in that Faculty, i. e.
commencing as a Teacher or Doctor. Thus the supplication of a Candidate for
)I. A. is, that the completion of certain exercises II sufficiant ei ad INCIPIBNDUM in Artibus j" and 110 for D. D:, that 20 years spent in the Study oCTheology "lIufficiant ei ad INCIPIBNDUJI in 8. Theologia."-Bee the Supplicationumformule (Univ. Stat., cap. II). But for the lower Degrees, A. B., B. D.,
:M. B., &c., the phrase used is, AD RESPONDENDUM QUAalTJONI in ArtibuBj in
S. Theologiaj in Medicina j &c. Hence the Term CoJOlENCBlIIENTS, because
the Candidates were said to commence, when they took their highest Degree in
each Faculty. [The singular form COllllllENCElIIBNT is less correct. The
Latin word is Comitia.]
"Incipn-e, Doctoris gradum adipisci," apud
Boulteum tom. v. Hi,t. Utti". Pam., p. 9". "Incipieu, Doctorali infula
donatus." Ap. Bouilzum, I. c., p. 9 1 3.-See Du Cange, OW". Med. et i'!/im.
LatinitatU ed. Carpentier in voce.




Between Summer OommencementJl,

595, and 1866.

), B.A., Vwn. 1707.-H. A., .AIlt. 17 10
Abbott (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1819. - H. A., and M. B.,
..l&t. I 823-}[. D., .AIlt. 1833.
Abbott (Bradley). B. A., Vwn. 18,2.-}[. A., .AIlt. 186+Abbott (Charles), B. A., Vern. 182+.
S Abbott (Charles Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18SI.-Y. B., .2&t. 18p.lLA., At. 18,8.
Abbott (Colpoys), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Abbott (Edward), B. A., .AIlt. 1833.-11. A., V".,.. 18+5.
Abbott (Frederick Tydd), B. A., V.rn. 18S+.-Y. A., ..3t. 1860.
Abbott (James), B. A . .Hinn. 1863.
10 Abbott (John), B. A., At. 1802.
Abbott (John), B. A., At. 1837.
A.bbott (Joeeph), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Abbott (Joseph), B. A., Ninn. 18,9.
A.bbott (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
I S Abbott (Thomas), B.A., At. 1817.-L1.B., and LL.D., .AIlt. 182,.


Abbott(ThomasKingamill), Sch., 18+8. -B.A., Vern. 1851.Fellow, 185+.-M.. A., VeNt. 18SS.
Abeltahauser (Ignatius George), B. A., VIf'ft. 18.p.-1I. A., .2Elt.
18+5.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vma. 18+9.
Abnett (Henry), B.A., VBTft. 17'3.
Abraham (George Whitley, B. A., Vma. ,8S2.-M. A., LL. B., and
LL. D., Vma. 1858.
5 Abraham (John), B.A., Vn-n. '768.
Abraham (Jonathan), Sch., 17+2.-B. A., Vern. 1744-.-M. A., .2&t.
Acheson (Sir Arthur), B. A., .8t. 1707.
Aoheson (Arthur), B. A., Vma. 1744-.
Acheson (Arthur), B. A., .It. 1835.
10 Aoheson (James), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Acheson (John), B. A., Vm 1850.
Acheson (Johnston Hamilton), B. A., V",.n. 1860.
Acheson (Robert), B. A., .LEd. 1828.
Achmuty (James), B. A., Vn-n. 1700.
IS Achmuty (John), B. A., Vern. 17+2.-11. A., .2&t. 17+5.
Ackland (Charles Tabor), B. A., Vma. 18S9.-M. A., Vern. 1862.
Acteson (John), B. A., VeNt. 168+-M. A., &t. 1687.
Acton (Richard), Sch., 1667.-M. A., ..IEet. 167z.-Fellow, 1672.
-B. D., .2&t. 1680.-D. D., NOfJ. I', 1686.
Aoton (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1688.
20 Acton (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1812.
Aoton (William), B. A., .2&t. 1808.-11. A., Not). 18p.
Adair (Forster), B. A., Vmt. 17++.
Adair (George W.), B. A., Vn-n. 1839.
Adair (Henry), B. A., Vma. 179+'
25 Adair (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1836.
Adair (John), B. A., Vma. 1833.-11. A., Vern.18S9.
Adair (John George), B. A., .2&t. 18+3.
Adair (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1854.-11. A., Vffl'I. 1858.
Adair (Thomas Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1798.
30 Adair (William), Sch., 1780.-B.A., Vn-n. 1782.-M.A., Vn-n. 1786.
Adams (Allen Noble), B.A., Vma. 1787.
Adams (Anthony), B.A., At. 1807.-11. A., Jun. 182+.
Adams (Benjamin William), B. A., Vern. 18so. - M. A" rm'l.
18n.-B.D., Hiem. 1863.-D.D., Vern. 1865.


Adams (Charles), B.A., .2&t. 16zr.-M. A., .,t. 1624.

Adams (Charles lames), B. A., JT".". 1853.
Adams (Christopher), B. A., .lEst. 1796.
Adams (Edward Goold), B. A., hAt. 1828.
5 Adams (Francia), B.A., JTern.174- 2
Adams (George M.), B. A., JTtNl. 1815.
Adams (Henry), B. A., .At. I 834.
Adams (Humphrey), Sch., 1713.-B. A., JTwn.1715.
Adams (lames), B. A., .At. 1832.
Adams (lames William), B. A., .2&t. 1861.
Adams (John), B. A., JT".,.. 1822.-11:. A., V".,.. 1841.
Adams (lohn), B. A., At. 18n.-M.A., At. 184-.
Adams (lohn), B. A., .2&t. 184-0.
Adams (lohn Couch), LL.D. (lwnori' cawd), .at. 1865.
15 Adams (John Harvey), B. A., JTma. 18.p.
Adams (lohn Smyth), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Adams (Neaaon), B. A., Him. IS63.
Adams (Ranulph or Randall), B. A., .At. 162 3.-A.lf. and Fellow,
Adame (Richard), B. A., JT".,.. 1780.
20 Adams (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1823.
Adams (Robert), B. A., V6NI. IS14.-lf. A., NOfJ. 1832.-X. B.
and H. D., .2&t. IS4-2; H. Chir., Hi,m. IS61.
Adams (Samuel), B.A., JT".". IS07.
Adams (Samuel), B. A., .&t. 1808.
Adams (Samuel), B. A., not recorded, lL A., LEat. 1829.
Adams (Samuel), B. A., Hiem. 186r.
Adams (Tobias), Sch., 1762.-B. A., V".,.. 176+


Adams (Wallia), B. A., .At. 1836.

Adams (William), Sch., 1833.- B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Adams (William Y8BBeY), B.A., JTern. I 84+.-Y. A., JT".,.. 18+7.
JO Adams (William O'Brien), B. A., V".", I 826.-M. B., V".'" 1828.It. A., .2&t. 1858.
Adamson (Arthur Smith), B.A., V".,.. 18IS.-lf. A., .2&t. 1823.
Adamson (Christopher), Soh., I 76S.-B. A., Vwn. 1767.-lt:. A.,
A?lt. I 772.-LL. B. and LL. D., JT,m. 1778.
Adamson (Christopher), 13. A., Vern. 18+7.
Adamson (Travers), B. A., JT".,.. 1817.
J5 Adamlon (Travers), Sch.. I 84-6.-B. A., V,m. 18.+9.


Adamson (William), B. A., .2&1. 1831.

Adamson (William Agar), B. A., Ymt. 18zz.
Adderley (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. I 735.-LL. D., LEtst. 1755.
Addison (JolmEdmund Wentworth), Scb., 18n.-B.A., Vena. 1859.
5 Addison (Rt. Hon. Joaeph), LL. D. (Aononi ctlUl4), At. 1709.
Adlercron (William), B. A., V".,.. 1763.
Adrien (John), B.A., Vern. 1818.
Agar (James), B. A., Yena. 1733.-LL. D., V".,.. 17+8.
Agar (Richard), B. A. Vent. 1836.
10 Agar (Welbore Ellis), B. A., Ven. 1798.
Agar (William), B. A At. 1830.
Agar (William), B. A., .2&t. 18+3.
AgaI8i.z (Louis), LL.D. (AonoriICIIUld). Augtllt 14. 1835.
Agnew (Edward Jones), B. A., Not). 1788.
15 Aher (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 183+.
Ahern (William), B. A., y".,.. 1838.
AIDe (William).-8ee Akie.
Ahmnty (Samuel), B. A., Yern. I 742.-H. A., Vena. 1766.
Aioken (James), B.A., At. 1816.-M.A., Not). 1832.
20 Aicken (William), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Aiken (Elijah), B. A., Vern. 185"
Ainsworth (George), B. A., V".,.. 1852.
Ainsworth (Thomas), B. A., Vena. 18so.-H. A., LBlt. 185+.
Airey (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
52 Aitkins (John), Sch., I 748.-B. A., Vw,.. 1750.
Akie or Ahie (William), B. A., y".,.. 17%%.
A.lanaon (Denis), B. A., Vw,.. 1726.
Albani (Francia), B. A., Vmt. I 82S.-H. A., Not). 1832.
Alcock (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 1688.-H. A., V".,.. 1692.
30 Alcock (Alexander), B.A., V".,..1731.-H.A.,.2&t.1734.-B.D.,
y".,.. 1738.
Alcock (Alexander), B. A., Vent. 1767.-H.A., Vent. 1770.
Alcock (Alexander), B.A., V".,.. 1810.-H.A., V".,.. 1817'
Alcock (Alfred Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1842.
Alcock (Benjamin). B. A., y".,.. 168+.
3S Alcock (Benjamin), Scb., 1819.-B. A., V".,.. 1821.-H. B., At.
Alcock (Edwud Jones), B. A., V".,.. 18n.
Alcock (Edward Vigore), B.A., V".,.. I 829.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.


Alcock (George), Soh.. I 7 J+-B. A., ~. 1716.-M:. A., .2&t.1719.

Alcock (George), Sch.,1781.-B.A., Y""'.1783.-M. A., Ymt.1787.
Alcock (George), B.A., y",.. I 83+-lL A., ~. IS37.
Alcock (George Augustus), B. A., Ymt. 1851.
5 Alcock (Henry), B. A., Ylri. 1720.
Alcock (Henry), B. A., Yent. 1737.
Alcock (Henry), B. A., &t. ISU.
Alcock (Henry 10nes), B. A., y".,.. IS6+.
Alcock (lames), B. A., Ylm. JS2S.-M:. A., Nov. IS32.
10 Alcock (lames). B. A., Yent. IS+5.
Alcock (leremiah), B. A., y",.. 168+.
Alcock (lohn), LL. D. (lumoril C4Iflld), A'&L 1709.
Alcock (lohn), B. A., Ymt. I 727.-lf.. A., y".". 1730.
Alcock (lohn), Sch., I 75%.-B. A., y".,.. 175+.-1I. A., .2&t. 1759.
15 Alcock (lohn), LL.D. (Aono"'" C4Iflld), Ymt. 1795.
Alcock (lohn), Sch., IS25.-B. A., Yem. IS27.-M. A.,.2&t. IS+6.
Alcock (lohn Oongreve), B. A., y",.. IS25.-1I. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Alcock (lonathan), Sch., 1806.-B. A.,
Alcock (Lewis), Sch., 1667, B. A., .2&1. 1671.-M. A., .2&t. 167+.
20 Alcock (Mason), B.A., YIm. I 772.-lf.. A.,..lEIl. I77S.
Alcock (Nathaniel), Sch., IS27.-B. A., Ymt. IS29.-M. B., NOfJ.
Alcock (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1771.
Alcock (William Perry), lt A., .2&t. 18+S.
Aloorn (lohn), Sch., IS+2.-B. A., y",.. IS46.-M:. A., .l&t.
JS49.-B. D. and D. D., rem. 1862.
25 Alday (Edward), B. A., Vmt. 1842.
Alder (Charles F.), B. A., .2&t. 181 5.-1I. A., ~. ISIS.
Alder (Finlay), B. A., YIm. 17 So.
Alder (Samuel), B. A., .2&t. ISI6.-1I. A., Ymt. IS26.
Alder (St. 10hn), B. A., Ylm. IS07.-M. A., .2&t. ISIS.
30 Aldom (lohn Wesley), B. A., Yem. IS49.-1I. A., y",.. IS5z.
Aldridge (Edward Henry), B. A., y".". I 859.-M. A., r".". IS6+.
Aldwell(Baail),Sch., 17p.-B.A., Yem.1752.-1I.A.,&t.175S.
Aldwell (Basil), B. A., Yem. I 840.-1I. A., At. IS59.
Aldwell (John), B.A., Yem.17S5.
3S Aldwell (Samuel), B. A., Yent. 1787.
Aldwell (Theobald Butler), B. A., .2Ed. ISZS.-M:. A., y".,.. ISH
Aldworth (Boyle), B. A., Ylm. 1736.



Aldworth (Henry) (B. A. not recorded), LL. D., ...-Ett. 1695.

Aldworth (John), R A., Vern. IS21.
Aldworth (John), B. A., VWfI. IS55.
Aldworth (Robert) B. A., .2&t. IS4-9.
5 Aldworth (Robert St. Leger), B. A., Vwn. IS56.
Aldworth (St. Leger), B. A., Ve1'1l. I77S,
Aldworth (William St. Leger), B. A., Vern. IS51.-M.A., St. 1857.
Alexander (Adam Murray), B.A., Vern. 1830.-M.A., ~8t. 18H.
Alexander (Charle8), B.A.,.2&t. IS17; M.A., ...t&t. 18a.
10 Alexander (Frederick Wm. N888Ilu), B. A., .At&t. IS55.
Alexander (George), B. A., Vern. 182;.
Alexander (George), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Alexander (George Nathaniel), RA., .At&t. IS61.
Alexander (Henry), Sch., q81.-B. A., Vern. 1783.
15 Alexander (Henry), B. A., ~1'11. 182;.-M. A., .2&t. 18z8.
Alexander (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1847.
Alexander (Jame8), B. A., ...-Ett. 1818.-Y. A., ~8t. 182 I.-LL. B.
and LL. D., &1. IS29.
Alexander (John), R A., ~rn. 1796.
Alexander (John), B. A., Vern. 1819.
20 Alexander (John), B. A., VWfI. 1820.
Alexander (John), R A., LEIl. 1821.
Alexander (John), R A., &t. 18:z:z.-M. A., &t. 183.... -LL. B.
and LL. D., &t. 1856.
Alexander (John), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Alexander (Robert), Soh., 1759.-B. A., Vern. 1760.-L1. D.,
VWfI. 1771..
1.5 Alexander (Robert), B. A., ~8t. IS20.
Alexander (Robert D.), B. A., AtBl. 1823.
Alexander (Samuel), R A' I V".,.. 1830.-M. A., .2&1. 183+.
Alexander (Wm. John), B.A., At,t. IS17.
Alexander (William Robert), B. A., Vern. IS66.
30 Alker (George), B. A., LEat. 18so.-1f. A., LElt. 1856.
Alker (Henry Lowther), RA., VH"n.1831.
Alloroft (Walter), B.A. Vern. IS53.
Allen (Anthony), R A., ~1'11. 1866.
Allen (Caleb), B. A., Vern. 16S3.
3S Allen (Charle8), R A., Vlrn. 1823.-M. B. and M. A., Vern. IS28.
Allen (Charle8), B. A., At. 18+3.


Allen (Christopber Edmnnd), Sch., I 786.-B. A., Nov. 1788.LL. B., LEd. 1793.
Allen (Christopher Edmund), (B.A. not recorded; entered r 797. ).LL. B. and LL. D., y".,.. 1807.
Allen (Edward), B.A., Yern. 179z. .
Allen (Edward A.), B. A., Vern. 1837.
5 Allen (FranciiJ), B. A., .2&t. 1837.
Allen (George), B. A., Vern. 1733.-Y. A., .2&t. 1736.
Allen (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1796.
Allen (Henry), Sch., I R06.-B. A., Vern. 1808.
Allen (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
10 Allen (Henry Ellis), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Allen (Hugh), Sch., I 83+.-B. A., y".,.. 1835.-M.A., B.D.,and
D.D., Yern.1861.
Allen (James Hastings), B. A., .2&t. 187.3.-M. A. NOfJ. 1832.
Allen (Jeremiah), Sch., 1683.-)(. A., ..IE81. 1687.-Fellow, 1687.
Allen (John), B. A., V".,.. 1~2 (lp6ciali ,,.atid.)
15 Allen (John), B.A., Vn-n. 17n.-M.A., .2&t. 1716.
Allen (John), B. A., Vern. 178+.
Allen (John), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
Allen (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Allen (Hon./oshua), LL.D., .2&t. 1718.
7.0 Allen (Mareus), B. A., Ymt. 1839 .
.Allen (Richard), B. A., ..lEst. 1832.
Allen (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 18H.
Allen (Robert), B. A., Vn-n. 1729.
Allen (Robert), B. A., .&1. 1832.
25 Allen (Robert), Sch., I 859.-B. A., H"18m. 1867..
Allen (RobertJohn), B. A., .2&t. 1865.
Allen (Samuel), B. A., Yn-n. 1821.
Allen (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 18zz.
Allen (Thomas), B. A., Vn-n. 1817.
30 Allen (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 18z3.-}[. B., .2&t. J828.-1I. A.
Nov. 1837..
AlleD (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1833.
Allen (Udney), B. A., Yern. 18+5.
Allen (WiIliam), B. A., Yern. 1707.
Allen (William), B. A., Yern. 1730.-LL. B., .2&t. I 743.-LL. D.,

AI. '74-+.







Allen (William), '8. A., y".,.. IS3S.

Allen (William), B. A., V.".,.. IS39 .
.Allenet (Haturin), B. A., y.".,.. I7zS.-lI. A., .2&t. 173I.-Fellow, 1731
.Alley (Charles), B. A., V.".,.. 1704 ('P6ciali gratid.)
.Alley (Frederick Augustus), B. A., rern. IS29.
Alley (George), B. A., y.".,.. 1790.
Alley (Henry), Sch., 1710.-B.A., Vern. 1712.
Alley (Henry), B. A., y.".,.. IS36.
Alley (Henry Baldwin), Sch., 1739.-B. A., Vern. 174-I.
Alley (Jerome), B. A., Vern. 17SI.-LL.B., Vlrn. 17S4.
Alley (Jerome), B. A., Vern. 1806.
Alley (Jonathan), B. A., V.,.". IS3S.
AUey (Peter), B. A., .2&t. 1695.-M.A., Ae. I~S.
Alley (Peter), B. A. and lI. A., .2&t. 1793.
Alley (Peter), B. A., At. IS H.
Alley (William), B. A., rim. IS37.
Alleyn (John), B. A., At. 1 790.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
Allin (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. ISzs.-H. A., &t. IS2S.
Allin (Thomaa), B. A., Vim. 1859.
Allingham (Edward), B. A., Hima. IS6z.
Allingham (Thomaa), Scb., ISS7.-B. A., Hum. IS60.-LL. B.,
Allison (John James), B. A., .At8t. IS36.-H. A., HUm. 186,.
Allison (John William), B. A., Hiem. ,863.
Allman (George James), B. A., YW1I. tS39.-H. B., .2E8t. 18+3.1I. D., Vim. 18+7.
Allman (George Johnston), B. A., V.".,.. 1844.-LL. B., V".,..
ISSZ.-LL D., Vir". 1853.
Allman (William), Bch., I 795.-B. A., Vern. 1796.-M. A., Vir".
1801.-1I. B. and 1I. D., L&t. IS04.
Allman (William), B. A., Vern. IS39.-M. B., 2&t. I 840.-1I. D.,
.iElt. 1843.
AUott (Richard), B. D. (ad eund. from Camb.), ./Est. 1776.D. D., V.".,.. 1783.
Alloway (Robert H.), B. A., At. 18z4.-1I. A. NOfJ. 1832.
AUpre88 (Charles Teatle), B. A., Vern. 18z7.
Allpre88 (John Hewson), B. A., y.".,.. ISz3.-1I. A., Vern. J 8z6.
Alma (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18zz.


Alston (George V.), B. A., At. IS36.

Alvey (Henry), from St. lohn's College, Cambridge, Provost, 1601.
Ambroee (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 16S9.-M. A., At. 1691.
Amery (lonathan), B. A., Yma. 1707.
S Amiraut (loseph), Sch., 1663.-B. A., Yern. 166....
Amory (Thomaa), B. A., Ylm. 16SI.
Amproux (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1720.
Anctellor Anketell (Oliver), B. A., Yern. 1700.-H. A. andLL. B.,
At. 1703.
Anderson (Aleunder), B. A., Ywn. 1793.
10 Anderson (Drummond), B. A., Yern. IS35.-H. A., Vern. 183S.
Anderson (Edward), B.A., YIm.1796.
Anderson (George Basil), B. A., Ywn. IS6+.
Anderson (lames), B. A., Vim. 17.-H. A. N0f7. IS32.
Anderson (lames), B. A., At. ISIS.
I S Anderson (lames), B. A., Ylm. IS33.-M. A., At. IS36.
Ande1'lOn (lames Arthur), B. A., HUm. IS6...
Anderson (lohn), B. A.; Ylm. 1732.-M.B., YINJ. I 73S.-[H. D.,
nre. 17+1 ; not recorded.-Fell. Coll. Phys., Ian., 17+2 J.
Anderson (Joshua), B. A., Vern. 179S'
Ande1'lOn (Michael), B. A.,. y".,.. IS29.
20 Anderson (Michael), B. A., Vim. IS47.
Anderson (Michael lames), H. A., Vern. 185+.
Andenon (Paris), Bch., 1730.-B. A., Vim. 1732.-lf. A., &1.
Andenon (Richard), B. A., Vern. IS31.
Anderson (Richard Yelverton), B.A., Vern. IS26.
25 Anderson (Robert), B. A., Ylm. IS45.
Anderson (Robert), B. A., Hi"". IS62.
Anderaon (Robert Oliver Nelson), B. A.,
Anderson (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. IS57.
Anderson (Samuel Lee), B. A., Vern. IS59.-M. A., Hi"". IS62.
30 Andenon (Thomas T.), B. A., AI. IS50'
Anderson (William), Soh., IS+7.-B.A., Vllrn. IS...9.-H.A.,Yer".
Andenon (William), B. A., Vim. ISS5.-H. A., .&1. IS66.
Anderton (Hugh), Sch., 1671.-B. A., Vern. 167+.-M. A . .&1.
Andre" (Charles), B. A., Vim. IS30.-H. A., ~,t. IS5S,
H Andre" (Charles), B. A., V".,.. IS49.-1l. A., .&t. ISS6.




Andrew (James), B. A., 1'nt. 1838.

Andrew (John F.), B. A., LEat. 18S6.
Andrews (
), B. A., L&t. 16z9.
Andrews (
), LL. B. and LL. D., Vent. 1704.
S Andrews (Francis), B. A., Vmt. 1737.-lf.A., L&t. I 74o.-Fellow,
1 74o.-LL. B., Vmt.IH3.-LL.D., Vern. I HS.-Provost, 1758.
Andrews (George), B. A., JEll. 1829.
Andrews (George), B. A., Vent. 1837.
Andrews (Hanover), B. A., Vwn. I 747.-M. A., V".n. 17#.
Andrews (Henry), B. A., .LE&t. 18oz.-M. A. No/). 183z.
10 Andrews (James Thomas), B. A., HUm. 186S.
Andrewl (John), B. A., V"n. I 727.-lf. A., 2&1. 1731.
Andrcws(John), SCh.,17SZ.-B.A., Vem.17S3-M.A., Vem.17S7.
Andrewa (lfaunsell Hawtrey), B. A., Vem. 1826.
Andrewa (Robert), B. A., JEll. 1820.
IS Andrewl (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 18z3.-LL. B. and LL. D., JElt.
Andrewl (William), Sch., IH2.-B. A., Ve,.,.. 174+.-Fellow,
17+7-M.A., JElt.I747-B.D., L&tI7S8.-D.D.,...&t. 17S9.
Andrews (William), B. A., L&t. 1823.-11:. A. N0f7. 1832.
Andrewa (William), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.
Andrews (William Drennan), B. A., VIN. 18s+.-LL. B., and
LL. D., Vwn. 1860.
zo Angell (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Angley (John Godfrey), B. A., Vwn. I 841.-M. A., Vwn. 1846.
Anketell (John), B. A., At. 1773.
Anketell (Oliver)-Sce Anctill.
Anketell (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1848.
:z S Annesley (Francia), B. A., Vwn. 168z.-LL. B. and LL. D. (honor;,
CllfUd), JEll. 17 2 S.
Annesley (Franoia), B. A., At. 1833.
Annealey (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
AnneBley (Hon. Hugh), B. A., V,nt. 18 p.
ADDealey (James), B. A., L&t. 1818.
30 AnneBley (James B.), B. A., Vwn. 1846.
Annealey (John), B. A., Vwn. 17S7.
ADDealey (Maurice), B. A., Vern. 1730.
Annealey (Richard), Soh., 172S.-B. A., Vtrn. 17z6.-Y. A., &t.
17 z9
Annesley (Thomaa John), B. A., ..,,t. 18+8.



Annesley (Hon. William), B.A., Vem. q67.-LL.B., V".,.. 1770.

Annealey (William), B. A., Vwn. qS7.
Annealey (William), B. A., LEII. ISo+.-M. A., N". IS32.
Anster(John), Soh., ISI+.-B. A., .2&t. ISI6.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
V".,.. IS25.
S Antrobos (John), B. A., Vent. 1709.-11. A., Vwn. 171Z.-B. D.
and D. D., Vma. 1737.
Antrobus (George), B. A., Vwn. 17H.-M. A., .2&t. I7+S.
Antiaell (Christopher), B. .A., V~rn. qS 5.-LL. B., Nov. 1788.
Apelford (Thomas), LL. B., .2&t. 16SI.
Apjobn (1ames), Soh., ISI5.-B. A., Vem. 18q.-)(. B., LEat.
IS2I.-1I:. D., Vern. IS37.
10 Apjohn (Michael Lloyd), B. A., Vmt. IS31.
Appelbie, or Appelbe(William), B. A., At. lS36.-M. A., LEat.
I 839.-LL. B., and LL. D., LEat. ISH.
Arabin (John Ladeveze), B. A., LEat. lSI S.
Arbuckle (James), B. A., Vem. 17f)6.
Arbuthnot (Alexander), B.A., Vem. 1792.-1I.A., Vwn. 1801.
15 Arbuthnot (Frederick), Soh., J7So.-B.A., Vem. 17S2.
Arbuthnot (1ohn), Soh., ISIS.-B.A., Vem.1821.
Arbuthnot (Nicholas), B. A., Vem. 17+2.
Arbuthnot (Robert Keith), B.A., Vem. IS61.-M.A., LEat. IS6....
Archbold (Charles), B. A., LEat. IS06.-M. A., V".,.. I S I 9.
20 Archdall (Charles), B. A., LEat. 179+.-11. A., LEal. J7+7 .
.Archda1l ( Charles), B. A., Hi"". IS64.
Archdall (Edward), B. A., LEat. q16.
Archdall (Hamilton), B. A., Vwn. 17H.
Archdall (Henry), B.A., .2&t. I 79+-M. A., LEal. 181S.
25 .Archdall (Henry), B. A., LEat. IS+I.-M. A., .2&t. IS58.
Arcbda1l (1ohn), B. D., 26th Jan., 1661.
Archda1l (1ohn), Scb., I668.-B. A., V".,.. 1671.-M. .A., .2&t. 167S.
Archdall (lohn C.), B.A., ..LEat. I 82S.-1I. A. Nov. 1832 .
.Archda1l (Kervin), B. A., Vmt. 1705.
30 Arehdall (Mervyn), B. A., V".,.. 177+.
Archdall (Mervyn), B. A., .2&t. IS56.
Archdall (Richard), Scb., I 77o.-B. A., Vwn. 1772.
Archdall(William), B.A., Vma. 1793.-M.A. Not,. 1831.
Archdall (William Frederick), B. A., Vma. 1861.
3S Alehdall (William Rowley), }[. A., Nov. 1832.



Archer (Arthur Ellis), B. A., At. 18+7.

Archer (Arthur Wm.), B. A., Vern. I 837.-M. A., V".,.. ISH.
Archer (Charles Palmer), B. A. Vern. 1 83 I.
Archer (Clement), B. A., Vwn. I 748.-Y. B., ~,.,.. 1757.-M. D.,
Vim. 1761.
S Archer (Edward), B. A.. , Y,,.,.. 18z7.-Y. A. NOfJ. 183z.
Archer (Edward John), B. A., Hinn. 1865.
Archer (Forster), B. A.,
Archer (Foster), B. A., Vwn. 1781.
Archer (Henry Benjamin), B. A., Ywn. 18n.
10 Archer (Henry), B. A., At. 18z8.
Archer (Holt Waring), B.A., Vwn. 18Sf.-M.A., Vwn. 1858.
Archer (James Charles), B. A., .Ai:lt. 1761.
Archer (lohn), M. A., .Ai:lt. 1660.
Archer (John), B. A., Ywn. 1853.
15 Archer (lohn H.), Bch., I 850.-B. A.,
Archer (Lueu), B. A., .Ai:lt. 1830.
Archer (Richard). B. A., Vern. 18u.
Archer (Richard Henry V.), B. A., Vern. 18S8.
Archer (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
zo Archer (Stephen), R. A., Vern. 18+5.
Archer (T~oma8), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Archer (Thomas A.), B. A., V".,.. 1848.
Archer (Thomas Meredith) B. A., y".,.. 18z8.-Y. A" Ver". 1851.
Archer (West), B. A., At. 1816.
z5Archer (William), B.A., .Ai:lt. 1804.-M. A. Nov. 1831.
Archer (William), B. A. Vern. 1827.
Archer (William Henry), B. A" Vern. 1816.-Y. A., At. 1829.
Archer (William Tankerville), B. A" Vem. 1850.
AM (Albert John), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
30 Ardagh (Arthur), Sch., 1795.-B. A" V".,.. 1797.
Ardagh (lohn), B. A., At. 1833.
Ardagh (Richard MaunseIl), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
Ardagh (Samuel B.), B. A., Vwn. 1827.-M. A. No,. 1831.
Ardagh (William J.), B. A., .2&t. 18zL-Y. A. NOf). 1831.
35 Ardern (Ralph), M. A., .Ai:lt. 1686.
Ardill (John William), B. A., .Ai:lt. 18n.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
Yern. 1813.
Ardill (Richard), B. A., .lEIt. 18zz.-. A., Vern. 1828.





Arkwright (George), D. A., Vwn. q4+.

Armar (Margetson), B. A., Vern. qzo.
Armar (William), Sch., 167S.-B. A., Vwn. I 676.-M. A., hAt.

Armit (John Lees), B. A., .2&t. 18q.
5 Armitage (JoeephAkroyd), B. A., Vern. 18p.-M. A., V".,.. 1859.
Armstead (Francis), B. A., Vern. q68.
Armstead (John) Seh., 1683.-B. A., VerA. 168S.-M. A., VeNt.

Armstrong (Alfred), B. A., V".". 18zS.-H. A., Vern. 18z9.
Armstrong (Andrew), Sch., 1807.-B. A., &t. IS08.-H. A.,
&t. 1819.
10 Armstrong (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 18zS.-M. A., No". 183z.
Armstrong (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1770.
Armstrong (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. ISz9.
Armstrong (Archibald), Sch., 17H.-B. A., Vern. 1756.
Armstrong (Carteret Andrew), B. A., Vwn. ISI7.
15 Armstrong (Charles), B. A., Vem. 18n.-H. A. NOfJ. 183z.
Armstrong (Christopher), B. A., HiMn. IS6+.-M. B., Vwn. IS66.
Armstrong (Edmund), B. A., &t. 18z7.-M. A. and M. B., &t.

Armstrong (Edmund Ireland), B. A., Vern. 1866.
Armstrong (Edward), B. A., Vtrn. IS30'
10 Armstrong (Edward), B. A., Vern. ISSI.
Armstrong (Edward George), B. A., LElt. 1816.
Armstrong (Elliott Graham), B. A., HiMII. 1861.
Armstrong (Francis), B. A., .2&t. IS31.
Armstrong (George), B. A., &t. 178+.
15 Armstrong (George), B. A., Vwn. ISI+.
Armstrong (George), B. A., Vern. 1813.-Y. A. NOfJ. IS31.
Armstrong (George), B. A., Vwn. IS3+.
Armstrong (George), B. A., Vern. 18+6.
Armstrong (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18%!.
30 Armstrong (Henry Bruce), B. A., Vern. ISS8.
Armstrong (James), B. A., V~rn. 17z7.
Armstrong (James), Sch., q6z.-B. A., Vern. 1763.
Armstrong (James), Sch., I 777.-B. A., Vtrn. -1779
Armstrong (James), Ent~red JSoo.-B. A. not recorded.-M. A.,

AYl. ,8'3'









Armstrong (lames), B.A., V".,.. 1815.

Armstrong (lames), B. A., Vwn. 1830.-Y. A., Vern. 1833.
Armstrong (lames), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
Armstrong (lames), B. A., HUm. 186~.
Armstrong (lames Welby), B. A" .,t. 18H.
Armstrong (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I 727.-M:. A., .2&t. '730.
Armatrong (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1753.
Armstrong (lohn), B. A., p;,,.,.. 1813.
Armatrong (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 182S.
Armstrong (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1832 .
.Armstrong (lohn), 1. A., NM). 1832 .
.Armstrong (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 183+ .
.Armstrong (lohn), 1. A., At. 18H.
Armatrong (lohnEohlin), B.A., Vwn. 1831.-M.A., .2&t. 18.p.LL.B. and LL. D., V".,.. 185o.-B. D. and D. D., V".,.. 18H.
Armstrong (lohn Hopkins), B. A., V".,.. 18~0.-1. A., &e. IRS6.
Armatrong (lohn 8ymp80n), B. A., At. 1796.
Armstrong (loseph), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Armstrong (loseph), B. A., .2&t. 183~.
Armatrong (1ulius), B. A., Vwn. 1821.
Armstrong (Martin), B. A., .2&1. 1778 .
.Armstrong (Nicholas), Sch., 1823.-B. A., V".,.. 1825.
Armstrong (Oliver), B. A., V".,.. 1825.
Armstrong (Owen), B. ,..., V".,.. 1831.
Armstrong (Richard), It A., Vwn. 1826.
.Armstrong (Richard), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1839.-1. A., Vern. 1865.
Armatrong (Robert), 8ch., 1727.-B. A., V".,.. 1729.-1[, A.,
At. 1732.
Armatrong (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1780.
Armstrong (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Armatrong (Robert). B. A., V".,.. 1796.
Armatrong (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 18p.
Armstrong (Robert Lovett), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
Armstrong (St. lohn C.), B. A., Vma. 18+7.
Armstrong (Skeffington), B. A., .2&t. 18+5.
Armstrong (Thomas), B. A., LEd. 1831.-1. A., Ve,.,.. 1835.
Armstrong (William), Sch., 1771.-B. A., Vern. 1773.-Y. A.,
Vwn. 1778.
Armstrong (William), B. A., Vern. 1786.



Armstrong (William), Sch., 1813.-D. A., ~1I1. 1815.

Armstrong (William), B. A., Vern. 1817.
Armstrong (William), B. A., y".,.. 1829.
Armstrong (William), B.A., y".,.. 1858.
) Armstrong (William Andrew), B. A., Vern. 18Z1.-M. A., Nov.
183 2
Armatrong (William B.), B. A.., VIn,. 185%.
Armstrong (William B.), B. A., Ywn. 185%.
Armstrong (William Jones), Entered ISoo.-(D. A. not recorded).
-M.A., Yent. 1812.
ArmBtrong (William 10nes), B. A., Vern. 1817. - M. A., rffn.
10 Arnold (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1726.
Arnold (Edward), B. A., Yern. 18%7.-M. A., AIlt. 1841.
Arnold (Francia), B. A., y".,.. 1848.
Arnold (Frederick Henry), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.-M. A., 2EBt. 1864.
Arnold (Robert), B.A., Yern. 1834.
I S Arnold, or Arnoldi (Samuel), (D. A. not recorded).-M. B., Fem.
1712.-lLD., Ywn. 1719.
Arnold (William), B. A., Yern . 8%7,
Arthur (Augustus), B. A., AIlt. 1 84o.-M. A., 2EBt. 1843.
Arthur (Edward), B. .A., 2EBt. I 839.-M . .A., .2.&t. 1842.
Arthur (Henry), B. A., 2EBt. I 84%.-M. A., .2.&t. 18H.
20 .Arthur (James Vaughl&ll), B. A., Vern. 184-7.
A.rthur (John), B. A., Y".,.. 1735.

Arthur (John), B. A., y".,.. 1800. - M. B., 2EBt. 1804' - M. D.,

2&1. 181),
Arthur (Robert). M. B., At. 17+4.-M. D., LElt. 17+6.
Arthur (William Lihon), B. A., Ywn: 1858.
%5 Arthure (Benedict), B .A., Vern. 17+4. - M. A., .,d<."t. 1777-

LL. B., and LL. D., Vtlrn. '795'


Arthure (Benedict). B. A., Y".,.. 18]8.

Arthure (Benedict), D. A., V".". 18+0.-11. A., LElt. 1855.
Arthnn (Hugh), B. A.,.&t. 1678.
Ash (Thomas), M. A., Jan. %6, 1661.
Ash (Thomas), B. A., Vern. I 676.-M. A., 2EBt. 1692.
Ashburner (George), B. A., V"tlrn. 18]5.
Ashe (Cbarles), Scb., 1687.-D.A., P,rn. 1689-LL. B., Ytrn.17oo.
Ashe (Dillon), Sch., 168S.-D.A., Vern. 1688 .



Ashe (Dillon), H. A. '(ad eund. Oxon.), Dec. 1690. - B. D., At.

1 698_D. D., Vir". '703.
Ashe (Dillon), B. A., .JE,t. ., I 8.
Aabe (Dillon), B. A., V".,.. 17H.-H. A., At. 1736.
Ashe (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 181+.
5 Aabe (Edward lohn), H. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), .AugfUt 1+. 18H
Ashe (George), B. A., At. 18n.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Ashe (George), B. A., V".,.. 1815'
Ashe (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1783.
Ashe (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 181 ....
'0 Ashe (Henry), B. A., At. 861.
Ashe (Isaac), Sob., .,69.-B. A. Af. 177 J.
Ashe (Isaac), B. A., .&t. 181S.
Ashe (Isaac), B. A., Hiem. 1860.-H. '8., .&t. I 862.-H. Chir.,
.&t. 1861.
Ashe (James), B. A., .1&" 1827.
IS Ashe (lohn), Sch., 17S6.-B. A., Vir". 1758.
Ashe (lohn), B. A., Ve,.,.. 179.... -l[. A., Nov. 1831.
Alhe (John), B. A., Hum. 1863'
Ashe (lonathan), B. A., Vma. '787.-B. D., and D. D . At. 180S.
Ashe (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 1777.
20 Ashe (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1817.
Ashe (Robert), B. A., At. 1778.
Ashe (St. George), Scb., 16U.-B. A., V".,.. I 676.-Fellow, 1679.
-H. A., 1679. -B. D., Vlrn . 687' - D. D., .&t. 1692.Provost, 1692.-Vice-Chancellor of the University,. 172.
Ashe (St. George), B. A.., Vern. 1737.
Ashe (Thomas), Sch., 1717.-B. A., Ve,.,. . ., I 8.
25 Ashe (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1723.
Ashe (Thomas), Scb., 17S2.-B. A., Vern. 175+
Ashe (Thomas), B. A., Ver" . .,85.
Aabe (Thomas), B. A., .l&t. 18+9.
Ashe (Thomas Spottiswood). B. A" Fern . 857.
30 Asbe (Weldon), B. A., and H. A., rel'''. 18p.
Asbe (William), B. A., V,rn . 817.
Asbe (William), B. A., .,iE,t. 18; I.
Ashe (William), B. A., At. 18zS'
Ashe (William), B. A., Fern. 1837.
H Ashe (William B.), B. A., Fern. 183-4-.








Ashe (William Hamilton), B. A., Vern. ISH.

Ashe (William Sandes), B. A., VINJ. ISI+
Ashenhurst (William). B.A., Vern. IS33.-H. A., y".,.. IS36.
Ashley (lohn), B. A., ..IE&t. 1823.- LL. B. and LL. D., ..IE&t. IS32.
Ashley (William), Sch., I 722.-B. A., Vem. 1723,
Ashley (William), B. A., .2&t. 1726.
Ashmore (Robert), B. A., V".,.. IS2S.
Ashton (Gough), B. A., V",.. I 861.-lL B., ..IE&t. 1861.
Ashton (William), B.A., V",.. I8S7.-M. B., ..IE&t. 1857.
Ashwin (Foster), B. A., V".,.. ISS2.
Ashwin (Hamilton), B. A., VeNt. ISSS.
Ashworth (Thomas), B. A., At. 1796.
Asken (Christopher), B. A., Vir,.. I S2S.-H. A. and M. B., V".,..
183 1
Askew, (Anthony), Sch., 1738.
Askin (lohn), B. A., V".,.. IS37.
Askin (William Booker), B. A., Vtf". IS47.-H.A., V".,.. 1863.
Askins (William James), B. A., Hima. IS6S.
Astle (William Henry), Sch., IS27.-B. A., V".,.. 1829.-M.A.
and H.B . ..IE&t. IS32.
Aston (David), B. A., Vern. ISI8.-H. A. and H. B., Ai:lt. IS2+.
Aston (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1726.-H.B. andM. D., V".,.. 1737.
Aston (lohn), LL. D., At. 1662.
Aston (lohn Asbury), B. A., Vem. IS48.-1I. A., V".,.. IS5I.
Atherton (
), H. A., ..IE&t. 1629.
Atherton (Richard), Fellow, 1661.-Entered, 1655.
Atkin (Walter Robert), B. A., VIrPl. IS+9.-H. A., 1';rn. 1852.
AtkiDa (George), B. A., H'1MIt. 1864Atkina (lames Newell), B. A., ''t. IS48.
Atkins (lohn), B. A., Vem. IS35.
Atkins (lohn B.), B. A., &t. 1831.
Atkins (John Thomas), B. A., V.,.II. 1723.-M. A., V".,.. 1726.
Atkins (Philip G.), B. A., y".,.. I82S.
Atkins (Robert Thomas), B.A.,.2&t. ISIS.-M. A.,
Atkins (Stephen HutiDgs), B. A., V",.. IS37.-H.A., At. 1842.
AWns (Thomas B.), B.,,!.., Yern. IS2S.
Atkins (Walter), Sch., r693.-B.A., VWft. I 69S.-M.A:, Ai:l1. 16 99.
Atkins (Walter), B. A., V".,.. 1727.-M. A., ~,t. 173 2
AtkiDs (Walter), B. A., Vern. 18+9.
Atkins (Walter Baker), B. A., VIrR. IS+o.-M. A., jEd. IS45.





Atkins (William), B. A., Vern. 1734Atkins (William), B.A., &t. 1778.

Atkins (William), B. A., Vl1rn. 18n.-M. A., Vwn. 1836.-Fellow, I 843.-B. D. and D. D., ~,t. 1850'
Atkinson (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1772.
5 Atkinson (Charles), B.A., .2&t., 1814.-LL. B. and LL. D., Vwn.
Atkinson (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1847.
Atkinson (Edward), B. A" VI1rtJ. 1821.
Atkinson (Edward), B. A" ,,t. 184T.
Atkinson (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1851.
10 Atkinson (Edward Carleton), B. A" Vern. 1829.
Atkinson (George), B.A., Vwn. 1829.-M.A" Nov. 1832.
Atkinson (George), B. A., VI1rtJ, 18n.-M. B., VBrn. 1839.
Atkinson (George), B. A. and Y. B., Hiem. I 863.-M. Chir., Him.
Atkinson (Guy), Sch., 1733.-B. A., Vwn. I 735.-M. A., ,,t.
1739.-D. D., ,,t. 175 6.
15 Atkinson (Guy), B. A., A!:Bt. 1823.
Atkinson (Hans), B. A., Vern. 18z6.-M. A., Not,. 1831.
Atkinson (Henry DreBBer), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
Atkinson (lames), B. A., Ywn. 1850'
Atkinson (lames Netterrille), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
20 Atkinson (John), B. A., ,,t. I 838.-M.A., ..,t. 18+1.
Atkinson (John Dixon), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Atkinson (Matthew), B. A., Vwn. IR23.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Atkinson (Pascal), B. A., ,,t. 1845.
Atkinson (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
25 Atkinson (Richard J.), B. A., Vern. 1852.
Atkinson (Robert), Sch., 1862.-B. A" Hiem. 1863.
Atkinson (Robert Charles), Sch., 181).-B. A., Vern. 1817.
Atkinson (Robert Gordon), B. A., Vern. 1829.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Atkinson (Thomas), B. A., ..:Ed. 1802.
30 Atkinson (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 18:u.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
Atkinson (Thomas), B. A., Perno 1828.-Y. A" NOI). 1832.
Atkinson (William). B. A' I Vwn. 18+3.
Atkinson (William), B. A., ~,t. 1852.
Atthill (John), B. A., Vwn. 1835.
35 Atthill (Lombe). B. A., Vern. I 849.-M. B., ..tEst. 18+9.-lL D.,
A?8t. 1865.



Atthill (Richard), B. A., Vern. J83z.

Atthill (Robert), B. A., Vern. J831.
Atthill (William), B. A., Vern. 1830.-M.A., Vern. 1856.
Atwell (William), Scb., ISz9.-B. A., Vern. J832.-M. A., .At.,
1839.-B. D., Vwn. 18Sl.-D. D., .2EBt. J860.
S Atwool (Henry Courtenay), B. A., Ninn. J862.
Auchinleck (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1772.
Auchinleck (Alexander), B. A., Vern. J8+1.
Auchinleck (Anktell), B. A., Vern. 1773.
Auchinleck (Claudius Heiiry) , B. A., V".,.. 1817.-1L A., V".,..
182 3.
10 Auchinleck (Hugh), Soh., 180S.-B. A., V".,.. 18D7.
Aucbinleck (James), B. A., V".,.. 179+.
Auchinleck (James), B. A., V".,.. 1807.
Auchinleck (James A.), B. A., YBm. 1851.
Auchinleck (John), B. A., V".,.. 1817 .
Auchinleck (John), B. A., .At. J823.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Auchinleck (John Stewart), B. A., y".,.. 1805.
Aucbinleck (Iohn Stewart), B. A. and M. B., V".,.. 1853.
Aucbmuty (John), B. A., V".,.. J7+2.
Aucbmuty (Samuel), B. A., .2EBt. 1761.
20 Auchmuty (Samuel), B. A., VITI'a. 1791.
Audouin (George), B. A., .2EBt. 1818.-M. A., Vern. 1827.
Auld (John), B. A., .At. 1680.
Aungier (Thomas), B. A., .2EBt. 16zo.-1I. A., &t. 16z3.
Austin (.Gilbert), Sch.,I77z.-B.A., V,rn.1 77+.-M. A., .At. J780.
z5 Austin (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 1780.
Austin (Joshua), Sch., J683.
Austin (Robert), B.A., ..It. I 79z.-LL. B. and LL. D., V".,.. 1803.
Austin (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 17#.-1I. A., At. J7+7.-B. D.
and D. D., At. 1770.
Austin (William), B. A., V".,.. 1733.
30 Austin (William), B. A., V".,.. 1736.
Austin (William B.), B. A., Vma. 1813.
Austin (William G.), B. A., ..It. 1827.
AYard (Theodore John), B. A., 2&t. IS40.
Avera! (John), B. A., V".,.. 173+.-~. A., At. 1737.
3S Averell (Adam), B. A., Vma. 1777.
Averell (John), B. A., At. 178z.
Aycboume (Frederick), B.A., V".". 1816.



Aycbowm (Thomas), Sch., 18ta4--B. A., Vern. 1806.

Aylmer (Arthur Percy), B.A., Vern. 18z3.-lL A., Vma. 18z6.
Aylmer (Fenton), B. A., N0f7. 1788.
Aylmer (John), B. A., 4:lt. 1803.
5 Aylmer (Richard), B. A., ~t. 1808.
Aylmer (William Josiah), B.A., ~t. 18z7.-11.A., Nov. 183z.
Aylward (Peter Charle8), B. A., Vma. 1837.
Ayme8 (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1705.
Ayres (Edward B.), Sch., I 792.-B. A., V".,.. 179410 Ayton (Jame8), Soh., 168$.-B.A., V".,.. 1687.
Ayton (Robert), B. A., ~t. 1688.
Ayton (Timothy), B. A., V".,., 17u.-H. A., AlIt. 172+





BUUT (Guy), }. D., .April 17, 169+ (,p~ciali gratid.)

Babbage (Charles), M. A. (at\ eund. Camb.), .A.ugUllt, 1835.
Babe (George), B. A., Vern. 17zS.-LL. B., Vern. 17z8.-1I. A.,
~t. 173Z.
Babington (Charles Cardale), M. A. (ad eund. Camb.), At. 1836.
Babington (David), B. A., Attlt. 1831.
Babington (Hume), B. A' I V,Irn. 18z7.-M.A., V.".,.. 1861.
Babington (Pelham), B. A., Vern. 1819.
Babington (Richard), B. A., Vern. J786.-M. A., ~t. 1807.
Babington (Richard), B. A., VINI. 18$9.
Babington (Thomas), 11. A., ~t. 176$.
Babington (Thomas Henderson), B.A., Vma. 1833.-11. B., AIII.
I 83+.-M. D., Vern. 1861.
Babington (William), B. A., V".,.. 1737.
Babington (William), B.A., V".,.. 183[.-11. B., ~t. 183 ....
Babington (William Charles), B. A., ..l.&t. 1816.
Babingtou (William Dalton), B. A., VINI. 18S9.-M. A., Hum.
Babington (William St. Leger), B. A., V".,.. 1836.-LL. B. V.,.,..
1838.-LL.D., Vern. 18 4z .
Bace (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1832.
Bace (William), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Bachelo~ (Edward), Sch., I 799.-M. A., At. 18o....-For B. A.,
see Batchelor.
Bacon (Anthony), B. A., rern. 1739.



Bacon (Benjamin), B. A., Vml. 1722. - Fellow, '724. - M. A.,

Alfl. 17ZS.-B.D., V".,.. 1732.-D. D., 1"".,',1740.
Bacon (Edward), Sch., I 764--B. A., Vern. 1766.
Badcock (John), B. A., and LL. B., .&t. 1836.-LL.D., AI. 18+2.
Badham (Arthur), B. A., 1"".,..1833'
S Badham (James), B. A., ..&t. 17+0.
Badham (Jeremy), Sch., 1667.-B. A., V".,.. 1669.-11. A., .&t.
Badbam (Leslie), B. A., Vms. 1837.-1I. A., Vent. 18+0.
Badham (William), B. A., VIN'. 18.p.
Bagg (John), Sch., 1702.-B. A., Vern. 1703.
10 Bagge (James), B. A., At. 1820.
Baggs (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1755.
Baggs (Henry), B. A., Vms. 18H.
Bagg. (James), B. A., At. 1787.
Bagg. (John), B. A., Vmt.179O.
15 Baggs (Richard), Sch., 17S6.-B. A., At. 1758.
Baggs (Stephen), B. A., "&1. 174-9.-11. A., A.'t. '7p.
Bagnall (Irving), B. A., V".,..18SI.
Bagnall (John), B. A., At. 1813.
Bagnall (John), B. A., Vms. 18.
20 Bagnall (RobertA.), B.A., At. 1838.-v. B., At. 18+2.
Bagnell (Henry), B. A., ..l&t. 18H.
Bagnell (John), B.A., V".,.. 18+8.
Baggot (George), B. A., V".,.. '797.
Baggot (William), Sch., 17SI.-B. A., Vn'ft. 1753.
25 Baggott (Walter), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Bagot (Andrew Edmund Bigoe), B. A., Hi8m. 1863.
&got (Bernard W.), B.A., 1"".,..1839.
Bagot (Charles), B. A., YWfI. 1787.
&got (Charles), B. A., Ymt. 18+3'
30 &got (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 18H .-v. B., VWfI. 1857.
&got (Charles Auguatua), B. A., V".,.. 18+0.-v. A., V".,.. 1863.
Bagot (Charles Edward), B.A., 11'".,.. 1836.-11. A., Ahl. 1857.
Bagot (Daniel), B. A., Vms. 1827. -V. Jt., NM'. 1832. - B. D.,
Y".,., 1838.-D.D., Hum. 186+.
Bagot (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 184.-11. A., VIN'. 18+J.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. 1850'
H Bagot (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18p.
Bagot (George), B. A., Ymt. 18++-M. A., Vern. 18+8 .



Bagot (George), B. A., 1"".,.. ISH.

Bagot (John), B. A., 1"".,.. 179S.
Bagot (John Tuthill), B. A., Vma. IS40'
Bagot (Richard W.), B.A., Ylm. ISS!.
5 Bagot (Thomas C.), B. A., &t. ISI7.
Bagwell (Richard), B. A., AlIt. 1797.
Baher (Francis), B. A., Yma. 1807.
Bailee (Terrell), B. A., Ywn. 173+
Bailey (George), B.A., ..iE8t. ISSI.-Y. A., V".,.. 18S9.
10 Bailey (William), B. A., V".,.. 18%9. -LL. B., and LL. D., AM.
BailtlY (William Richey), B. A., YlnJ. 1847.-M. A., At. IS,O.B.D., and D. D., 1"".,.. 186S.
Bailie (Annesley), B. A., 1"wn. 179%.
Bailie (James), B. A., At. 181S.
Bailie (James), B. A., 1"".,.. ISH.-M. A., At. IS48.
15 Bailie (John), B. A., At. 17%3.
Bailie (John), B. A., Vwn. I8zC}o-M. A., No~. 1831.
Bailie (Robert), B. A., V/Jrn.1831.
Bailie (Robert Ellis), B. A., .Jilt. 1866.
Bailie (Theodore), B. A., Vern. 1776.
20 Baillie (John), B. A' I 1"".,.. 1838.
Baillie (Richard ..Emiliua), B. A., Y".n. 18SS.
Baillie (Robert), B. A., 1"".,.. 18+7.
Baillie (William). Seh., 1814.-B. A., Vern. 1816.-Y. A., rem.
1819.-LL. B., and LL.D., At. 1827.
Baillie (William), B. A., 1"".,.. 1847.
%5 Baily (Annealey), B. A., Yme. 1726.
Baily (Benjamin Neale), B. A., Y,rn. 17.42.
Baily (Charles), B. A., 1"".,.. 18n.
Baily, or Bayly (Fleming), :8. A., 1"".,.. 1736.
Baily (Francis), LLD. (AoNoriI COUld), Augwt, 18H.
30 Baily (John), Bch., 1686.-B. A., Y/JNI. 1686.
Baily (lohn), B. A., AUt. 17%3.
Baily (John), B.A.,-At. 174 1.
Baily (John), B. A., At. 17S9.

Baily (Samuel), B. A., Yern. I7S~.

3S Bain (John), B. A., YIm. 1851.
Baines (Joseph), B. A., Ywn. 1SS8.
Baker (Colpoys Cole), B. A' I 1".".". 18S6.



Baker (Francie), B. A., Vlrn. IS4z.

Baker (Francie), M. A., NM). IS32.
Baker (George), B. A., Vms. 1706.
Baker (George), Sch., I 753.-B. A., Vms. 1755.
5 Baker (George), B. A., 1629-M. A., 16n.-Fellow, I 634.-B. D.
and D. D., January 26, 1661.
Baker (George Cole), B. A., h:Bt. 1819.-M. A., NOf). 183Z.
Baker (George GuataV118), B. A., .&t. 1783.
Baker (Henry), B. A.., .&t. ISn.-H. A.., .Jilt. IS36.
Baker (Hugh Lefroy), B. A., ../&t. IS30.-M. A., Ylrn. IS47.
10 Baker (Hugh Ryves), B. A., Vms. ISu.-M. A., .&t. 18z8.
Baker (Hugh Ryves), B. A., Yms. 1855.-M. A., .Jilt. 1858.
Baker (HughSydneyW.), B.A., VINI. 18S6.-M. A., Hi",.. 18Sg.
Baker (John), B. A., Vlrn. 170z.
Baker (Matthew), Sch., 18z+
IS Baker (Nicholas), B.A., 2&t. ISZS.
Baker (Robert), Sch., 1792.
Baker (Robert), B. A., 2&t. 1829.
Baker (Thomas), B.A., Yma. 1807.-M.A., Vms.ISIO.
Baker (Thomas), B. A., '&t. IS36.
20 Baker (William), B.A., V".,.. 1751.
Baker (William), B. A., Vlrll. 1753.
Baker (William), Sch., I 779.-B. A., Ylm. 178I.-M. A., At.
Baker (Will~), B.A., V".,.. 17S8.
Baker (William), B. A., Vn-n. 1794 .
2) Bake~ (William), B.A., VINI. 1824.-H. A., V".,.. 1827.
Baker (William), B. A., Ywn. I 853.-M. A., Vim. 1856.
Baldrick (George), Sch., 17z6.-B. A., V".,.. 1726.
Baldrick (John), B. A., Vn-n. 17#.
Baldwin (Arthur), B. A., Yms. ISI9.
30 Baldwin (Cusack), B. A., Vms. 1709.-H. A., Yms. 1713.
Baldwin (Henry), B. A. and LL. B., Vms. 1791.
Baldwin (Henry), B. A., .&t. 18z.....-lL A., N()f'. 1832.
Baldwin (John), B. A., VIm. 1775.
Baldwin (John), Sch., Soc.-B. A.,
3S Baldwin (John), B. A., Vlrn. IS39.
Baldwin (John), l. A., .4.uglllt, IS3S (ad ennd. Camb.)
Baldwin (llartin), B. A., Vwn. 1671.
Baldwin (Nathaniel), B. A., Vwn.1S47.





Baldwin (Richard), Sch., 1686.-B. A.., Vim. 1689.-lf. A., At.

1692.-Fellow, 1693.-B. D. and D. D., &1. 1706.-Prov08t,
17 1 7,
Baldwin (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1691.
Baldwin (Richard), Sch., 170I.-B. A., Vim. I702.-ll.A., &to
Baldwin (Richard), B. A., Vtf'". 1756.
5 Baldwin (Richard), B. A., .2EBt. 1791.
Baldwin (Stephen), Soh., I 760.-B. A., V".,.. 1761.
Baldwin (Thomaa), Sch., 1 735.-B. A., V".,.. 1736.
Baldwin (William), B. A., &1. 1818.
Baldwin (William B,), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.
10 Baldwin (William Henry), B. A., Hi"". I 86o.-H. A., Hi"". 1863.
Baldwin (Winthrop), Sch., 174+.-B. A., V".,.. 17+6.-LL. B.,
At., 17+9.
Balfel (
), Soh., 1709.
Balfour (Arthur Lowry), B. A., At. 1829.
Balfour (Harrison), Soh., 1768.-B. A., V".,.. 1769.
15 Balfour (Willoughby), B. A., &1. 1823.
Balfour (William), LL. D., V".,.. 1718 ('P'citJli gatia.)
Ball (Abraham), B. A., At., 1779.
Ball (Alexander), Soh., 177 I.-B. A., Fm. 1772.-LL. B., At.
Ball (Alfred Wm.), B. A., Hum. 186+.
20 Ball (Benjamin), Soh., 166+.
Ball (Benjamin), B. A., At. 1831.
Ball (Benjamin Manly), Soh 1861.-B.A., V".,., 1863.
Ball (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 17o+.-H. A., &t. 1707.
Ball (Charles), B. A., At. 1780.
25 Ball (Francia), B. A" V".,.. 1818.
Ball (Francia), B. A., At. 18+0.
Ball (Frederick), B. A.., V".,., 183).
Ball (James Benjamin), B. A . AiL 182 ....
Ball (John), B. A., V".,.. 170+30 Ball (John), B. A., VtrIt. 1720.
Ball (John), Scb., 1,62.
Ball (John), B. A., Vwn. 176+.-)(. A.., V".,.. 1768.
Ball (John), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
Ball (John), Soh., 1807.-B. A., V".,.. 1809.
3S Ball (lohn), B. A., Vtrn. 18+0.-)(' A., .AUt. 18+7.



Ball (lohn), B. A.., ym.. 18+1.

Ball (lohn Gage), B.A., 2&t. I 825.-H. A., NOI}. 1832.
Ball (lohn Thomas), Sch 1833.-B. A.., Ylm. 1836.-LL. B.,
Ywn. 18+I,....-LL. D., Ywn. 18++.
Ball (loseph }[,), B. A., .2&t. 1837.
S Ball (Nicholas), B. A., .A!:tJt. 18n.
Ball (Nicholas), B. A., ..lEaL 18+5'
Ball (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1792.-M.. A., 2&1. 1803.-LL. B.,
Ball (Robert), LL. D. (Aonoril eaUld), y".,.. 1850'
Ball (Robert lames), B. A., y".,.. 18:&3.
10 Ball (Roben S.), Sch., 1860.-B. A., HUm. I 861.-}[, A., Hi"".
186+Ball (Rutledge), B. A.., ...E8t. 1853.
Ball (Stearn), B. A. y".,.. 17+3.-M. A.., .lEtt. 17+6.
Ball (Stearn), B. A., y".,.. 177:&.
Ball (Thomas), Soh., 1738.-B.A.., YerFi. I 740.-Y. A., BIt. 17+3.
15 Ball (Thomas), B. A.., LElt. 1831.
Ball (Thomas Preston), B.A., ...E8t. 1850.-H. A., .2&t. 18)7.
Ball (Thomas Hanley), B. A.., ...E8t. 18+3.
Ball (Wardlaw), Sch., 1 775.-B. A.., y".,.. 1777.
Ball (William), Sch., 1767.-B. A., y".,.. 1769.
20 Ball (William), Sch., 1792.-B. A.., y".,.. 179+.
Ball (William), B. A.., y".,.. 1809.-1I. A., y".,.. 1833.
Ball (William), LL. D. (AonoriutlUld). V".,.. 1806.
Ball (William lames), B. A.., V".,.. 185+.
Ballard (lohn Hamilton), B. A.., y".,.. 1858.-Y. A., LElt. 1865.
25 Bambrick, or Bainbridge (Richard), B. A.., Yem. 1700.-1I. A.,
At. 1703.
Bambrick (Thomas), Sch 1 737.-B. A.., V".,.. 1739.
Bambridge (John), B. A.., y".,.. 17+6.-1I. A., BIt. 175+
Bamford (George), B.A., V".,.. 18+1.
Bamford (Henry Law), B. A.., y".,.. 1828. .
30 :Bane (Pierce), B. A., y".,.. 1679.-1I. A., LElt. 1682.
Ban1I.e1d (
), B. A.., V".,.. 1638.
BaDb (John Thomas), B. A., Ywn. I 837.-1I. B., LEd. 1837.ll. D., Vir". 18+3.
BaDb (Langrishe), B. A.., Ywn. 182+.
Bauks (Perceval Weldon), B. A., Ver". 18z+.-:M:. A., Vern. 183+.



Banks (Richard), B. A.., V".,.. 16S9.-M. A.., V".,.. 1692.

Banks (Timothy), B. A.., v,,.,.. 16S6.
Banks (William Thomas), B. A.., V".,.. IS60.
Bannerman (Edward), Bch., ISSI.-B. A.., V".,.. ISn.-M. A..,
S Bannerman (lames M'Cloud), B. A.., v,,.,.. ISSS.-M. A.., .2&t.
Banning (Charles Henry), B. A.., V".,.. ISSS.-M. A., At.
IS6 ..
Bannister (John), B. A., V".,.. IS44--M. A.., V".,.. ISS3.-LL. B.
and LL. D., At. I S66.
Barbeck, (George), B. A., V".,.. 171S.
Barber (Constantine), Bch., 1731.-B.A.,
10 Barber (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. IS39.
Barber (George), B. A.., At. IS34.
Barber (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I SIZ.
Barber (lohn Robert), B. A.., V".,.. ISIS.
Barber (Luke), B. A.., V".,.. 1777.
IS Barbon (Hugh), Bch., 1697.-B. A., V",,,. 169S,
Barbor(Philip), Sch., 1667.-B. A., V".,.. 1669.-Fellow, 1671.M. A.., .2&t. 1673.
Barbor, or Barber (William), B. A.., At. IS04'
Barckley (Mor), M. A., At. 1613.-B. D., At. 16u.
Barclay (Andrew), Bch., 1703.-B. A.., V".,.. 174.
20 Barclay (Digby), B. A.., V".,., 16S7'
Barclay (Henry), Bch., 16g9.-B. A., V".,.. 1701.-M. A., At.
Barclay, or Berkeley (lohn), Bch., 1716.-B. A.., V".,.. 1717.
Barclay (lohn), B. A.., At. IS31.
Barclay (Joseph), B. A.., V".,.. ISI4.-H. A. NOf). IS31.
25 Barclay (loseph), B. A.., V".,.. ISS+-M. A., V".,.. IS$7.-LL. B.
and LL. D., .2&t. IS6S.
Barclay (Robert), B. A., V".,.. IS46.
Bardin (Charles), Sch., ISlo.-B. A., .2&t. ISI7.-M. A.., Vma.
ISIS.-D. D., .2&1. IS2S.
Bardin (Charles), B. A.., V".,.. IS+7.
Bardsley (James Waring), B. A.., Hiem. IS60.-M. A., At. IS6S.
30 Bardsley (John Waring), B. A.., V".,.. ISS9.-M. A.., At. IS6S.
Bardsley (Samuel), B. A., VINl. ISn.-M. A.., V".,.. ISSS,




Barham (Henry), B. A., ..l&t. 1626.

Barker (Alexander), B. A., ..l&t. 1780.-11. A., At. 1783.
Barker (Francis), B. A., .l&t. 1793.--ll. B., and 11. D., V",..
Barker (Francia Oliver), B.A., V",.. 18+1.-11. B., V",.. 18#.11. D., V",.. 1861.
S Barker (George), LL.B., .l&t. 1757.
Barker (Heriry), B. A., Vmt. 18+2.
Barker (Henry Oliver), B. A., V".,.. IS53.-1l.A., ..l&t. 1858.
Barker (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1761.
Barker (lohn), Bch., 178S.-B. A., V""" 1790.
10 Barker (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1792.
Barker (lohn), B. A., Vmt. IS4I.-1l. B., y",., r8+6.-1l. D.,
V".,.. 1863.
Barker (lohn Edward), B. A., HUm. IS60.-ll. B., FUM. IS62.
::Barker (lohn Ross), B. A., y",.. IS6+.
Barker (loaeph), B. A., ..l&t. IS50.
15 Barker (Nathaniel), B. A., .At&t. 1707.
Barker (Peter), B.A., ..l&t. 1730.
Barker (William), B. A., Vmt. IS32.-11. B., ..l&t. IS35.-1l. D.,
Barker (William Oliver), B. A., V".,.. IS.oJD.-M. B., .At&t. 18+1.11. D., y".,.. IS#.
Barklie (lohn Knox), B. A., Vmt. IR6r.
20 Barlow (Charles Henry), B. A., ..l&t. IS5S.--ll.A., HUm. IS62.
Barlow (Humphrey), Sch., 1667.-B. A., y",.. I~.
Barlow (lacob), B. A., V".,.. 173+.
Barlow (lames), B. A., V".,.. ISp.-M. A., .Ailt. IS52.
Barlow (lames), B. A., VIffl. IS53.
25 Barlo, (James William), B. A., V".,.. IS47.-Fellow, IS50.lLA., Vem. 1856.
Barlow (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1770.-11. A., ..l&t. 1773.
Barlow (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I 799.-M. B., ..l&t. 180+.
Barlow (lohn), B. A., V".,.. IS41.
Barlow (John). B. A., .l&t. 1849.
30 Barlow (loaeph), B. A., AM. IS35.
Barlow (Peter), B. A., Vim. ISI9_1l. A., Nw. IS32.
Barlow (Robert B.), B. A., y".,.. 1851.
Barlow (Robert loaeph), B.A., y".,.. IS16._1I. A' I VR'fI. IS30.



Barlow (Thomu), B. A., V,.,.,.. 1712.

Barlow (Thomu Disney), B. A., VlWn. 184-9.
Barlow (William), B. A., V,.,.,.. 18u.-Y. A., V,.,.,.. 181$.
Barlow (William), B. A., V,.,.,.. 18SS.
5 Barlowe (James), B.A., .2&1.1815.
Barnard (Thomu), M. A. (ad eundem), .2&t. 1750.-B.D. not recorded.-D. D., .2&t. 1'J61.
Barnard (Francis), B. A., V,.,.,.. 1683.
Barnardo (George C. F.), B. A., HUm. 1861.
Barnes (Edgar), B. A., V,.,.,.. 184-7.
10 Barnes (Frederick Eldon), Soh., I 85+.-B. A., Vern. I 857.-Y' A.,
V,.,.,.. 186o.
Barnes (George), B. A., Vem. 1821.
Barnes (Hugh), B. A., .2&t. l7u.-Y. A., .2&t. 1725,
Barnes (James), B. A., Vmt. 1707.-Y. B., Vem. 1711..
Barnes (Jeremiah), B. A" VI1f"1I. f820.-Y. A., Vem. 1839.
15 Barnes (Jocelyn), B.A., .2&t. 1678.-Y.A., .2&t. 1681.
Barnes (John), B. A., VI1f"n. 1830.
Barnes (Joseph), B. A., Vmt. I 783.-M. A., NOfJ. 18p.
Barnes (Joseph), B. A., Vllrn. 1831.
Barnes (Thomu), B. A., Vma. 1783.
20 Barnes (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1818.
Barnes (Thomas Wilson), Sch., 18+5.-B. A., VIINJ. I 847.-Y. A.,
.2&1. 1851.
Barnes (William Arthur) B. A., Vern. 1861.
Barnier (James), B. A., 2&t. 1845.
Barnsdale (John Gordon), B. A., VIIrn. 18+7.-Y. A., ~,t. ISp.
25 Barras (Adolphus Frederick), B. A., VlWn. 182+.
Barru (William), B. A., Vllrn. 1821.
Barree, or Barre.-See Barry (Isaac).
Barrett (
), B.A., Vwn.1735.
Barrett (Daniel), B. A., Vern. I 72+.-Y. A., ~8t. 1727.
30 Barrett (Eaton Stannard), B. A., 2&t. 180S.
Barrett (George), Sch., I762.-B. A., Vwn. I 764.-LL. B., ~8t.
176 7.
Barrett (George), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Barrett (Gilbert Carter), B . .A., .j&t. I8H.
Barrett (Isaac), B. A.,
35 Barrett (James), B. A., Vern. 18z8.




Barrett (John), Sch., I 735.-B. A., Vmt. 1737.

Barrett (John), Sch., I 773.-B. A., Vlrn. l77s.-Fellow, 1778.M. A., LElt. I 778.-B. D., Vmt. 1786.-D. D., LElt. 1790.
Barrett (John), B. A., Vim. 178X.
Barrett (John), B. A., Vim. 1791.
5 Barrett (John Samuel), B.A., &t. I 836.-M. A., &t. 1839.
Barrett (Iohn Samuel), B. A., Vmt. 1866.
Barrett (Knox), :B. A., Vmt. 1830..
Barrett (Leland), B. A., Vmt. 1851.
Barrett (Philip), Sch., I 728.-B. A., Vms. 1730.
10 :Barrett (Richard), B.A., LElt. 1831.
Barrett (Samuel), B.A., &1. 1820.
Barrett (William), B. A., VeNt. I 834.-Y.B., &1.184-%'
:Barrington (Arthur), B. A., Vir,.. 1834.
Barrington (Benjamin), B. A., Vmt. 1730.-Y. A . .2E,t. 1733.LL.B. and LL.D., &1.1747.
IS Barrington (Edward Ebenezer), B. A., Vir,.. 18+7.-M. A., Vmt.
Barrington (John), B. A., Vern. 1679.-M. A., &t. 1682.
:Barrington (Josiah), LL. D. (honori. catU4), Vim. 1798.
Barrington (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Barrington (Nicholas John), B. A., Vmt. 1863.
20 Barrington (Randle), B. A., Vmt. 1732.-M. A., &t. 1735.
Barrington (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 18z7.-M. A., NQV. 183%'
Barrington (William), B. A., Vern. 1757.
:Barrington (William Boxwell), B.A., V".,.. 18zS.-Y.A., LL.B.,
and LL. D., &1.1834.
Barrington (William Leadbeater), B. A., Vern. 1847.-M. A.,
V".,.. 1850.
25 :Barron (Eugene), Scb., 18n.-B. A., LElt. 181 S.
:Barron (Gerald Edward), B. A., Dinn. 186z.-M. B., &t. 1863.
Barrowclough (John Appleby), B. A., Di'fIJ. 1863.
:Barry (Carleton), B. A., V".,.. 1742.-1. A., 2&t. 1745.
Barry (Charles), Sch., 1781.-B. A., Vmt. I 783.-LL. B. and
LL. D., .2E6t. 185.
30 :Barry (Charles Robert), B. A., Vern. 18+5.-Y. A., Diem. 186z.
:Barry (David), Sch., 170I.-:B. A, Vern. 1703.-M. A., V".,..
17 13.
Barry (David), B. A., .2E,t. 18+5.



Barry (David), B. A., Vms. 18so.-LL. B. andLL. D., .AIlJt. 1861.

Batry' (Edward), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Vms. 1717.-M.B., Vms.
174-0.-M. D., At. 1740.
Barry (Edward), B. A., V_. 1781.
Barry (Edward), B. A., Vms. 1836.
5 Barry (Edward), B. A., ...Ell. 18H.
Barry (Edward Irvine), B. A., VM'n. 1779.
Barry (Edward Milner), B. A., &t. 18+8.
Barry (Garrett), B. A., Vms. 1809.
Barry (George Bartley), B. A., At. 18+0.
10 Barry (Henry), B. A., VM'n. 1739.
Barry (Henry), B. A.., Vms.. 1819.-M.A., J""ms. 18+0.
Barry, or Barree, or Barr~ (Isaac), Sch., 17#-B. A., Vms.
Barry (James), B. A., At. 16u.-M. A., At. 161+.
Barry (James), B. A., V"m. 1831.
IS Barry (James Milner), B. A., At. 1833.
Barry (Jasper J.), B. A., Vms.. 1850'
Barry (John), B. A., V",.,.. 17+7.-M. A., .2&1. 17so.-B. D. not
recorded.-D. D., Vem. 1777 (apt1Ciali gratid..)
Barry (Joseph), B. A., V",.,.. I 788.-LL. B., Vmt. 1791.
Barry (Nathaniel), :B. A., VM'n. 17+4-.-l[. B., Vms. I 74-8.-M. D.,
Oct. 1751.
10 Barry (Paul), B. A., V_. 1675'
Barry (Philip), B. A., Ailt. 1795.
Barry (Redmond), B.A., &t. J787.-LL. B., &t. 1791.
Barry (Redmond), B.A., VM'f'l. 1837.
Barry (Richard), Sch., 1683.-B. A., VM'f'l., 1685.-M. A., At.
15 Barry (Richard), Bch., 1758.-B. A., VM'n. 1760.
Barry (Richard), l[. A., &t. 1672 (entrance not recorded).
Barry (Richard N.), B. A., V"m. 1836.
Barry (Robert), B. A., Vms. 17S3.
Barry (Robert), B. A., &t. 1807.
30 Barry (Thomas), Sch., 1733.-B. A., Vma. I 73+.-M. A., At.
Barry (Thomas), B.A., Vem. 1770.
Barry (Walter), B.A., VM'tI. 1781.
Barry (William), B. D., Jan. 26, 1661 (entrance not recorded).



Barry (William), Sch., 169S.-B. A., y.".,.. 1697.-H. A., At.

Barry (William), 8ch., 174S.-B. A., V".,.. 1747.
Barry (William), B. A., At. 1777.
Barry (William), B.A., V".,.. 1825.
S Barry (Zacharias), B. A., V".,.. 1849.
Barter (lohn T.), B. A., Vwn. 18so.
Bartlett (James) B. A., Ylm. I 856.-H. A., V".,.. 1859'
Barton (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 1819.
Barton (Charles), B. A., Vim. 1847.
10 Barton (Edward), Bch., I 786.-B. A., V".,.. I 788.-H. A., y".,..
Barton (Edward George), B. A.., Ail. 188.-)(. A., NfIfI. 1832.
Barton (Folliott), B.A., Nt.. 1861.
Barton (Frederick George), B. A., V".,.. 1850'
Barton (George), B. A.., Vma. 1835.
I S Barton (George), B. A., V".,.. 1846.
Barton (George Elliott), B.A., Vern. 1848.
Barton (George Thomas Houston), B. A., Vwn. 18S6.-H. A. and
B. D., Fum. IS6S.
Barton (Gustavus), B. A., Yms. IS40.-H.A., y..,.. 1843.
Barton (Hugh), B. A., Vern. ISz7.
20 Barton (lames), Bch., 17Z3.-B. A., V".,.. I 72S.-H. A., At.17z8.
Barton (James), B.A., Vern. IS45.
Barton (lohn), Bch., 1672.-B. A., y".,.. 1674.-Fellow, 1677.ll. A., At. I 677.-B. D., y".,.. 1686.-D. D., At. 169z.LL. D., NfIfI. 1694.
Barton (lohn), 8ch., 1769.-B.A., Vern. 1771.
Barton (Jobn), B. A., V".,.. 1772.
2S Barton (lohn Booth), B. A., At. IS07.
Barton (lohnXeUock), B. A.and)(. B., Vern. I 854.-H. D., BUm.
Barton (Xing), B. A., Vern . S61.
Barton (Nathaniel), Sch., I 729.-B. A., Vwn. 1731.
Barton (Richard), 8ch., 17z+-B. A., V".,.. I 726.-H. A., Yern.
173 1
30 Barton (Richard), B.A., YIm. 1810.
Barton (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 18z9.
Barton (Richard). B. A., 1818.-X. A., 18z9.



Barton (Richard Bolton), B. A., Vern. 184+.

Barton (Robert), B. A., V6NJ. 1858.
Barton (Samuel Wm.), B. A., V6NJ. I 825.-Y' A., Nov. 1832.
Barton (Saunders), B. A., &t. 1831.-Y.A., LEst. 1839.
5 Barton (Thomas), B. A., V6NJ. 170I.-Y. A., LEst. 1704.
Barton (Thomas), B. A., Vem. l7u.-lf. A., &t. 173+.-B. D.,
V6NJ. 1738.
Barton (Thomas), B.D. andD. D., At. 1765 (entrance not recorded).
Barton (Thomas Henry), B. A., Vern. 1838.-Y. A., &t. 18+7.
Barton (Thomas Houston), B. A., Vern. 1829.
10 Barton (William), B. A., V6NJ. 1780.
Barton (William), B. A., LEat. 1817.
Bashford (John), B. A., .2&t. 1823.
Baskervile (John) B. A., May %, 1618.-lf. A., MtJY9, 16%1.
Bastable (
) B. A., Vern. 1709 (entrance not recorded).
15 Bastable (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 18+5.
Bastable (Henry), B.A., Vern. 1815.
Basta~le (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Bastable (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Bastable (Robert Langford), B. A., Diem. 1862.
20 Batchelor (Cornelius), B. A., LEd. 1860.
Batchelor (Edward), Bch., I 799.-B. A., V6NJ. 1800.-(For Y. A.,
see Bachelor.)
Bateman (Benjamin), B. A., LE,t. 1695.
Bateman (Charles William), Sch., 1857.-B. A., Dinn. 1860.LL. B., Vern. 1861.
Bateman (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1780.
%5 Bateman (John), B. A., Vern. 1788.
Bateman (Rowland), B. A., LEst. 1804.
Bates (Abraham), B. A., Vern. 1688.-Y. A., LENt. 1693.
Bates (Ebenezer), B. A., Vern. 18+6.-M. A., LEBt. 1849.
Bates(Thomas),Sch., I 686.-B. A., Vern.1687.-Y. A., Vern. 1691.
30 Bateson (John), B. A., Vern. 1843.
Bathoe (Ralph), B. A., Vern. 171Z.
Bathurst (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Batson (
), B. A., .2&1. 1619. -If. A., LEst. 1622 (entrance
not recorded).
Batson (Thomas), B. A., -lEst. 1621.-lf. A., LEst. 1624'
35 Batt (Narcissus), Sch., 1719-B. A., VIJrn. 1720.



Batt, (Narcissus George), Bch., IS+3.-B. A., Vim. IS+S.-ll. A.,

V".,.. 18+8.
Batt, (Robert), B. A., AI. ISI6.
Batt, (Thomas), B. A., At. 18z7.
Batt, (William), B. A., V".,.. 17p.-ll. .A.. At. 17H.
S Batt, (William), B. A., VerJI. 1789'
Battale (Isaac), B.A., V".,.. 17zS.-ll.A., At. 1731.
Battee (Charles), B. A., At. 170Z ('pemali grfltid).
Battersby (Charles), B. A., Vim. IS3+.-ll. A., y".,.. IS37.
Battersby (Charles John). B. A., Vim. IS+3.
10 Battersby (Francis), B. A., Vim. IS3+.-M. B., V".,.. IS36.
Battersby (George), B. A., V".,.. 18z+.-LL. B. and LL. D., P"Im.
Battersby (Henry). B. A., Vern. 18z9.-M. A., Not1. J83Z~
Battersby (John), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Battersby (John Radcliff), B. A., Hum. 1862.
I S Battersby (Leslie), B. A., Vim. I 789.-K. A., Vern. 180S.-LL.B.
and LL. D., Vim. 1819.
Battersby (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1819.
Battersby (Robert), B. A., Vim. 18z7.-ll. A., At. 1831.
Battersby (Thomas George), B.A., V".,.. 18SS.-LL.B. and LL.D.,
Battersby (Thomaslohn), B. A., V".,.. 18z4.-K. A., NotI.:IS32.
zo Battersby (William), B. A., Vim. 1787.
Battersby (William), B. A., V".,.. 18ZI.-H. A., Notl. 183z.
Battersby (William Ale:under), Sch., 18+z.-B. A., Vim. 18H.
Battier (William), B. A., At. 1816.
Batt1ey (Charles). B. A., At. 183z.
Battley (Thomas C.), B. A., Vern. 179+
Batty (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Batty (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1710.
Batty (lohn), B. A., Vern. 17z6.-H. A., &t. 1729.
Batty (lohn), B. A., .Ai:lt. 1778.
30 Battr (Philip), B.A., At. 1807
Batty (William), B. A., V".,.. 18u.
Baxter (lrlark), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Buter (1Iartin), B. A., .Ai:lt. 1678.
BuW- (lfiohael), B. A., V".,.. I 779.-ll. A., At. 1781.
3$ Bater (Patrick C.).:B. A., YIN. 18S9.-M. B., &t. 1859.






JJazter (ThODlU), B. A., V".,.. 7 1+.

Baxter (Wheeler), B. A., V".,.. 1734.
Baxter (William), B. A., V".,.. 1717.
Buter (William), B. A., ~NI. 1837.
S Baxter (William George), B. A., .AlIt. 18+8.
Bayle, or Bayre (Daniel), see Bayre.
Baylee (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1732.
Baylee (John Tyrrell), B. A., y".,.. 1837.
Baylee (1 oeeph), B. A., V"... 18 3+.-H. A., AI. I 8+8.-B. D.
and D. D., y.".,.. 18SZ.
10 Baylee (Joseph Tyrrell), B. A., y.,.,.. 18,6.-V. A., V".,.. 1860.
Baylee, or Bayly (Tyrrell), B. A., Vir .. I 731.-1(. A., At. 1735.
Baylee (William), B. A., Atlt. 18+3 ..
Bayley (Charles), B. A.., AlIt. 183+.
Bayley (Deane), B. A., V".,.. 179S'
Bayley (Edward), D. D. (ADM,.", eQUId), SlfIt. 9, 1768.
Bayley (BmlD1lellames), B.A., V".,.. 183:1.-H. A., V".,.. 1831.
Bayley (lohn), Sch., 166S.-H. A., At. 1~9 ('p'eilli "."tid).
Bayly (Annesley), H. A., y".,.. 1732.
Bayly (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 1827.
20 Bayly (David Allen). B. A., Atlt. 18S+Bayly (Edmund), B. A., Vm. I 730.-V. A., At. 173....
Bayly (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 176+-M:. A., y".,.. 1767.
Bayly (Edward). B. A., 41t. 181 I.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
Bayly (Edward). B. A., VIN'. 18so.
2S Bayly (Edward Crosbie), B. A., V".,.. 1866.
Bayly (Henry), B. A.., Vent. 1778.
Bayly (Henry), B .A.., Vim. 1779.
Bayly (Henry), B. A., y".,.. J7S2.-M. A., .2&t. 17SS.
Bayly (Henry Lambert). B. A., y".,.. 1797.
30 Bayly (Henry Robert), B. A., V".,., 18.J+.-lf. A., Ait. 11142.
Bayly (John), B .A.., y".,.. 1768.-M:. A., Ve,.,.. 1772.
Bayly (John), Sch., 178 I.-B. A., y".,.. 1782.
Bayly (John Wm.), B. A., V".,.. 1811.-K.A., NOfJ. 1832.
Bayly (Paget Lambert), B. A., V".,.. 1798.
3S Bayly (peter), B. A., 41t. 177S.
Bayly (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 173+.-l(. A., Y"". J 737.
Bayly (Richard Wm.), B. A., ~t. 1837.
Bayly (Thomas), V. A., ad eundem, and D. D., J ... z6, 1661_



Bayly (Thomas), B. A., V".". 1699.-11. A.., At. 1701.

Baynes (Edward), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Yarn. 1,17.-. A., AI.
Bayre, or Bayle (Daniel), Sch., l?O:I:.-B. A., y".. 170+.-1I.A.,
At. 1707.
Beach (Wm. Hemy), B. A., K .... 1863.
5 Beale (Henry M.), B. A., At. 18+7.
BeamiBh (Adam Newman), B. A., y"... 1837.
BeamiBh (Francis), :8. A., V".,.. I1l30.
"Beam;ab (Francis), B. A., 17"... 1835.
Beam jab (Francis), B. A., AI. 1859.
10 Beamish (Henry), B. A., At. 1816.
Beamish (Hemy Baldwin), B. A. r YIm. 1833.
Beamish (lohn), Bch., 1711.-B. A., y"... I 72o.-11. A., At.
172 3.
:peamish (lohn), B. A., V".". 1771.
BeuWb (101m), B. A., ,....... 1838.
15 Beamish (North Ludlow Axel), B. A., Hi"". 186,.
Beamj.h (Peter TeuIon), &. A., YII'''. 18+6.
Beamish (Richard), B. A., Hiem. 1863.-11. B. and K. Chir.,
AIM. 1866.

Beamiah (Samuel), B. A., V6Ni. 177+.

Beamish (Samuel), B. A., L&t. 1827.
20 Beamjab (Sampson), B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Beamjah (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18r7.
Bear (Richard), B. A.,
Bear (Richard), Sch., 1731.-B.A., V".,.. I 732.-lL A., ..... '73$,
Bear (Richard). B. A., .4iIl. 1711+25 Bear (Richard), B. A. .Al8I. 18u.
Beaaley (Keary F.). B. A., Ylm. r829.-11. A., NfI'I. 1832.
Beasley (lohn), B.A., At. 18u.-M. A., 2Elt. 1816.
Beaaley (Thomas lohn), B. A.., Pim. 18ll.-M.l., v"... 18)'.
Beattie (Henry),.D. A.., V".,.. 18+7.-1l.A., At. 1851.
30 :a.Uie (lohn). B. A., '&t. 1852.
Beatty (Edward), B. A., Vim. 1782.
Beatty (Edward). B. A. At. 180+
Beatty (Edward), B. A.., 17,"" 1807.
Beatty (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 177J.-ll. A., &1. 1773.-B. D.,
At. 1780.




Beatty (Edward Frederick), B. A., V".,. .. 1866.

Beatty (Frederick), B. A., &t. ISI3.
Beatty (Jame8), B. A., Vma. 1795.
Beatty (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1792.
S Beatty (lohn), B. A., V".,.. ISI6.-H. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Beatty (.Tohn), B.A., V".,.. IS2S.-H. A., Nop. IS32.
Beatty (John), B. A., V".,.. IS+9.
Beatty (Philip), B. A., &t. IS3+.
Beatty (Robert), B. A., Vmt. 179S.-"H. A., V""". 1799.
10 Beatty (Robert), B. A., Vmt. IS27.-1. A., Nop. IS32.
lIeatty (Robert), B. A., Vwn. ISS6.
Beatty (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 17S5.
Beatty (Thomas), B. A., AIlI. IS05.-1. A., NOP. 1832.
Beatty (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. ISIS.
IS Beatty (Thomas Berkeley), B. A., Vma. ISso.-H. B., and 1. D.,
At. IS61.
Beatty (Thomas Edward), 1. D. (Mnon', oat41d), Ht. IS6,.
:Beatty (William), B. A., &t. IS 33.
:Beatty (Wm. Crofton), B. A., Vmt. 1822.-1. A. and H.B., V,rn.
I 826.-H. D., &t. 18+1.
Beaty (Edward), Sch., 1767.-B. A., Vma. J7li9.
so Beaty (John), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Vmt. 17+9.
Beauchamp (Bartholomew), B. A.,
lJeaucbamp (Henry Coulson), B. A., V".,., 18u.-Y. B., V".,..
Beauchamp (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1720.
Beamort (Daniel Augoetoa), Sch., 17S7.-B. A., V".,.. 1759.1. A., Vem. 1 76+.-LL. D. (AononI O4IUd), V".,.. 1789.
2S Beamort (William), B.A., Vmt. 1793 .
Beaut'ort (William Augustus), B. A., Vmt. I 834.-ll. A., V".,..
Beaufort (William Lewi8), B. A' I V".n. 1800.
:Beauman (John Chri8topher), B. A., .lE8t. 178S.
:Beauman (John Wm.), B. A., &t. ISI9.-H. A., .2&1. 1822.
30 Beauman (Matthew), B. A., AIlt. IS2S.
:Beaumont (George Price), B. A., V".". ISSI.-l. A., .lE8t. ISS6.
Beaumont (Henry), B. A., VII.,.. 18SI.-1. A., AIlt. 185+.-B.D.
and D. D. I V".,.. IS66.
Beaumont (Humfrey), B. A., .lE8t. i681.




Beckett (William H.). B. A., Yms. 18+5.

Beckwith (Christopher), Fellow, 1637.-1I. A., .2&t. 1638.
:Heddy (.Joseph Fawcett), B. A., .2&t. 1831.-M.A., At. 183+.
:Heddy (William), B. A., At. 1822.
S Bedell. (William), B. D. of Emanuel College, Camb., Provost,

Bedford (Frederick Wm.), B.A., y".,.. 18so.-LL. B., AI. 18U'
LL. D.. Vim. 18S8.
Beech (William), Bch., 1718.-B. A., VI,.,.. 17%0.-M. A., .&t.

Beecher (Edmund), B. A., y".,.. 17p.
Beecher (.John T.), B. A., Yin,. 18+9.
10 Beecher (Lionel), B. A., At. 1711.
Beecher (Lionel), B. A., V".,.. ISU.
Beecher (}fichael), B. A., y".,.. 169S.
Beecher (
) [entrance not recorded].-B. A., AI. 1616.
Beechey (Prince Wm. Thomaa), B.A., Hum. IS6%.
IS Beere (Francia John), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.
Beere (Gerald), B.A., V".,.. ISI7.-M.A., NfHJ. 183%.
Deere (Richard), B. A., V".". IS33.-1I. A., V".,.. IS36.
Deere (Thomaa), B. A., ../&t. 161+.-M:. A., AI. 16%o.-Fellow
(.If_leu), 16%1.
Been (lames Annesley), B. A., y".,.. 1818.-M. A., NfHJ. 1831.
20 Beere (John Banks), B.A., V".,..IS6S.
Begley (Wm. Chapman), :B. A., V".,.. 181+.-1I. A., and 1I. B.,
At. IS+o.-lI. D., Vms. ISp.
Behan (James), B. A., y".,.. IS%S.
Behan (Thomaa Lawrence), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Belcher(ThomaaWaugh),B.A., V".,.. 18S1.-1I.A., Y".,..18S+.11.. B., AI. ISs+.-M. D., Hi.... IS61.
2S Belcher (William), B. A., V".,.. 18S7.
Be~ (Alan), B. A., V".,.. 181+.-lI. A., NOfI. 1831.
Bell (Allen), B. A., At. IS+6.
Bell (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1819.
Bell (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. IS+I.
30 Bell (Arthur), B. A., .2&t. 18+9.
Bell (Charles), B. A., V".,.. IS%3.-1I. A., NfHJ. 1831.
Bell (Charles Dent), B. A., V".,.. 18+%.-1I. A., y".,.. 18p.
Bell (Charles Lucaa), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.



Bell (Cyrill Wm. Bowdler), B. A., V"... 186.f..-llu&. a, At.

Bell (Daniel), B.A., V".,.. r8IS.-H. A., N".. 18,52.
Bell (Edward), B. A. y".,.. 1827.
Bell (Edward H.), B. A., V",.. 18..,s.-1l. A., YIM. IIS7'
S Bell (Frederick), B. A., Vem. 1839.
Bell (Frederick Jackeon), B. A., Yem. 18...,.
Bell (George), B. A., V".,.. 1786.-LL.B., V"... 1.790.
Bell (George Frederick), B. A., V"... 1823.
Bell (Henry Gonne), B. A., &to 1789.
10 Bell (James), B . .A.., Vern. 1831.
Bell (James), B. A., .2&t. 18+7.
Bell (James Adamson), Bch., 184+.-B. A., At. 18+7.-lL A.,
AI. 18S3.
Bell (JOIIeph Samuel), B. A., Yw.. 18S4--1I.A.,
Bell (Richard), B. A., At. 1816.
I S :Bell (Robert), B. A.,
1787.-LL. B., .2&1. 1790.
Bell (Robert), Seh., I 792.-B. A., Vma. I 79+.-ll. A., B. D. and
D. D., Vw.. Iho.
Bell (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1818.
Bell (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1814--11. A., Nop. 1831.
Bell (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS30.-1I. A., Nop. 1832.
10 Bell (Robert), B. A., HUm. IS6+.
Bell (Robert Thomas), n. A., At. 1813.
Bell (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Bell (Thomas), Sch., 180+.-B. A., y".,.. 1806.
Bell (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1808.
IS Bell (Thomas), B. A., VIN lSI+.-ll. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Bell (Thomas), B. A., 411. IS28.
Bell (Thomas), B. A., y.,.,.. 18+2,-ll. A., At. 1862.
Bell (Thomas), B, A., y"... IS66.
Bell (Thomas Edward), B. A., y".,.. ISIO.
30 Bell (Thomas Wm.), Non FoundatiOll Bch., ISS8.-:8. A., Hum.
ISS9.-ll.A., ..lEd. IS63'
Bell (Wm. Lees), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-1I. A., At. 1861.
Bellett (George), B. A., Vern. 1810.-Y. A., Nov, 1831.
Bellett (John George), B. A., y".,.. ISI9Bellett (Thomas), B. A., Vw.. 182+.
35 Bellew (Robert), B. A., Vir,.. 178S.





Belling (lohn), B. A., V..... 1865,

Bellingham (Sir Alan Edwanl, Bart.), B. A., At. 1811.-1(. A.,
NfW. IS32
Bellingham (Richard), B. A., V.".. I~.
Bellingham (Thomas), B. A., V",.. 166+-ll.4.., AI. 1691.
S Bellingham (WilHam), B. A., V".,.. 17fd.
Belton (Richard Carmichael), Sob., laSI.-B. A.., r.".. 1155.)[. A., HUm. IS62.
Belton (Thomas), B. A., Verw. IS23.
Benest (John Wm.), :B. A., V",.. 18+".
Benet (
), B. A., .1&1. 1626 (entrance not reoordecl).
10 Benison (Wm. B.), B.A., .1&,. IS47.-ll.A., r ..... I.S3.
Benmohel (Nathan LaaruB), B. A., Ven.. IS56.-K.A., r",..18+6.
Bellll (John Watkins), B. A.., y".,.. 1839.
Benn (William), B. A., J'iNl. aSI,J.-LL. B., V.... ISs6.-K. A.
and B. D., .l&t. IS34Benner (William), B. A., V",.. ISI8.
I S Bennett (Edward), B. A., Alt. 18..f.3.
Bennett (Edward), B. A., V..... ISSI.
Bennett (Edward Hallaran), B. A.,
ISS9.-1I. B., and
ll. Chir., .l&t. 18S9.-}[. D., Hi,.. 186+.
Bemaett (George), B. A., V",.. 1706 (",1CitM grtltit1.)
Bennett (George), B. A., .1&1. 1797.
20 Bennett (George), B A., .2&L 18n.-M.A., y",.. J838.
Bennett(George), B. A., Vim. IS47.
!ennett (George), B. A., Ylm. 18..f.9.
Bennett (lames), B. A., V",.. 1817.
lIennett (lames), B. A., Vim. IbJ.-ll. A., Holt. 1831.
2$ Bennett (James), B. A., At. Ib7.-)[. A.., .&t. 1833.
Bennett (lohn), 8ch., 1703.-B. A., Ylm. 170).
Bennett (lohn), B. A., V"... 1744--)[, A., .l&t. 174-S,
Bennett (1000), B. A., V6NI. 1774.
Bemaett (lohn), B. A.., Alt. 1797.
30 BeDnett (loaeph), B. A., V"., 1739.
Bermett (loeeph), Sch., 1 749.-B. A., y.".. 17So.
Belmett (Joseph), B.A., V",.. 1781.
Beanett (Patrick), B. A., y".,.. 1731.
BameU (Peter). B. A., Vwn. 18<4-6.
lS Bennett (Richard), B. A.., .l&t. 179 1




or THE


Bennett (Richard), B. A., HUm. 186S.

Delmett (Richard Brieooe), B. A., V",.. 1861.
Bennett (Richard Parka), B. A., V",.. I 838.-Y. A., Vma. 1841.
Bennett (Theopbllas), B. A., V",.. 18+5.-Y. A., V",.. 1849S Bennett (Thomu), B. A., Vms. 18lS.
Bennett (William), D. D., Vma. 1790 (ad eund. from Camb.)
Bennett (William), B. A., Vim. 18zz.
Bennett (William), B. A., V".,.. I 84-6.-Y. A., ..lEft. 184-9.
Bennett (William lohn), B. A., V",.. 1839.
10 Benning (Conway), B. A., V".,.. I 760.-LL. B., and LL D., V""n.
Bennie (George), 8ch., 1687.-B. A., V".,.. 1688.-)(. B. and
M.A., .tEll. 16g1.-)(. D., V",.. 1699.
BenIGn (Arthur), 8ch., 1735.-B. A., V".,., 1736.-)(. A., At.
I 739.-B. D., V".,.. 17H.
BeDIOn (Charles), B. A., y",.. 1791.
BeIUIon (Charlea), Bch., 18 I 8.-B. A., V".,.. 18Ig.-Y. A. and
)(. B., At. 18zz.-Y. D., ..lEft. 184-0.
15 Beneon (Charlea), B. A., V".,.. 1859.-M. A., V",,". I 862.-LL. B.
and LL. D. V".,.. 186S.
Denaon (Charles Yaunae1l), B. A., HUm. 1862.
DeDBOn (Edward), 8ch., 1700.-B. A., V",.. 1701.-11. A., V,,.,.,.
BenBOn (Francia), B. A., V".,.. 1789.-X. A., At. 1792.
BenBOn (George SimplGn), B. A., Vwn. 1810.
20 Benson (Hill), Sch., 1722.-B. A., Y'ma. 1724-.
BeJlIOn (Hill), B. A.., At. 1771.-11. A., ..lEft. 1777BeDIOn (lohn), B.A., V",.. 1710.
Benaon (lohn), B. A., Vwn. 1831.-M.A., .&t. 184-0.
Beneon (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I 74-o.-M. A.~ At. 1743.
:IS BenIGn (lohn Hawtrey), B. A., Hint. I 864-.-Y. B., HUm. 1865.
Benson (Paul), Sch., 1733.-B. A., V".,.. 1735.
BenBOn (Paul), Sch., 174-3.-B. A., V".,., 17+5.-)(. A., .AlIt.
Denaon (Peter), Sch., 17H.-B. A., V".,.. 1737.
Benson (Peter), B. A., V".,., 1757.
30 BenBOn (Philip), B. A., V".,.. I 72+.-Y. A., .AlIt. 1727,
BenBOn (Thomu), 8ch., I 738.-B.A., y".,.. 174-0.-B.D. and D. D.,
AI. 176$.



Benson (Thomas), Soh., r670.-B. A., Vwn. 1673.-M. A., &t.

16 76 .
Benson (Trevor), B. A., Vwn. 1733.
Benson (William), B.A., Vern. 178+
Benson (William), M. A., LE8t. 1787 (ad eund. Oxon.)
; Bentley (John), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Bentley (Thomas Rothwell), B. A., Vern. 183).-M. A., Vwn.
18 38.
Bentley (William), B. A., Vwn. 18H.
Benton (John), LL. B., .&t. 178%.-LL. D., Vwn. 1787.
Beresford (Charles), B. A., .&t. 183%'
J Beresford (Charles Cobbe), B. A., .&t. 1790.-M. A., .&t. 187.
Beresford (Rt. Hon. Lord George), B. A., Vern. 17;4.
Beresford (George), LL. B. and LL. D., Vwn. 1797.
Beresford (George), B. A., VW1I. 18%4Beresford (George Robert), B. A., .&t. 18)%.
r 5 Beresford (George de 1a Poor), B. A., .&t. J786.-M. A., Vern.
Beresford (George de la Poor), B. A., .&t. 18%5.
Beresford (John), B.A., Vwn. 1758.
Beresford (John Claudius), B. A., .&t. q87.-M. A., Not). 183%.
Beresford (John J.), B. A., .&t. 1818.-M. A., .&to 18%1.
%0 Beresford (Marcus G.), M. A., NOrJ. 183% (ad eund. Cantab.)
Beresford (Mark), B. A., .&t. 1784-.
Beresford, (Sackville), B. A., Vwn. I741.-M. A., .&t. 174-+.
Beresford (Hon. William), B. A., Vwn. I 763.-M. A., Vwn.
I 766.-D. D., .&t. 1780.
Beresford (Williain), Entered, 1799.-lLA., Vwn. 1809.
%; Beresford (William), B. A., Vwn. 18%0.
Beresford (Wm. lIontgomery), B. A., V".,.. I 84o.-M. A., Vwn.
18 59.
Berkeley (David), B. A., Vwn. 173).
Berkeley (George), Soh., I7o%.-B. A., fwn. 1704-.-Fe1low,
1707.-lL A., 2EIt. 1707.-B. D. and D. D., Vwn. 172%.
Berkeley (George), Sob., 1754-.-B. A., Vwn. 1756.-M. A., .&t.
30 Berkeley (George), B.A., Vern. 182S.-LL.B. and LL.D., Nm:.
18 32 .

Berkeley (George), B. A., Vwn. 184%'




Berkeley (John), B. A., Itw,.. 1717.

Berkeley (John), B. A., V".,., 173+.
Berkeley (John), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Berkeley (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1800.
S Berkeley (Joshua), M. A., ..lEst. 1809.
Berkeley, or Barclay (Maurice), Sch., 1706.-B. A., Vern. 1708.If. A., '/&t. 1711.
Berkeley (Robert), Seh., 1719.-B. A., V".,., 17ZI.-M. A., ..lEst.
17 2 +
Berkeley (Robert James), B. A., Vern. 18z6.-Y. A., Not,. 183z.
Berkeley (Rowland), B. A., V1lr71. 1723.
10 Berkeley (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 17z5.
Berkeley (William), Sch., 1 76S.-B. A., Vmt. 1766.-H. A., VIt'n.

1770 .





Berkley, or Barkley (Henry), Entered, 16S9.-LL. B., At. 166+.

Bermingham (Edward), B. A., jEyt. 1809.
Bermingham (George), B. A., VtJr7a. 1811.
Bermingham (Joseph Aldrick) , B. A., Vern. 18zo.-M. A., At.
18 3 1.
Bermingham (Thomas), B. A., VI'"'. 1766.
Bernage (
), Entrance not recorded.-B. A., jE~t. 1705.
Bemard (
), Entrance not recorded.-Y. A., Jan. 26, 1661.
Bernard (Andrew), D. A., 1""1. 179+.
Bernard (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1728.
Bernard (Francis), B. A., VIJrn. 17z9.
Bernard (Henry), B. A., V",I. 17S7.-LL. B. and LL. D., Vern.
Bernard (John), B. A., jEst. 1806.
Bernard (Joshua), B. A., Vern. 1827.-M. A., NOI). 1832.
Bernard (Michael Charles), D. A., Vern. 1832.-Y. A., Aid. 183).
Bernard (Nicholas Riohard), B. A., Vern. 182+.
Bernard (Richard Welseley), B. A., ..lEst. 18#.
Bernard (Robert), B. A., jEd. 1829.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Bernard (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1838.-Y. B., ./&t. 18s:z.-M. D.,
Vern. 1865.
Bernard (Stephen), B. A., ~ern. 1721.
Bernard (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 17+8.
Bernard (William), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Berne <Charles) Sch., 1 776.-B. A. , Iml. 1777-









BetTy (Edward). B. A., Vern. 1838.

Berry (George), B. A., Vern. 1681.
Berry (Godfrey Wills), B. A., Vwn. 18p.-ll. A., VInI. 18,6.
Berry (James), B. A., Vern. 18%7'
Berry (lames Middleton), B. A., Vern. 18%8.
Berry, or Bury (John), B.A., Vern. 17%8.
Berry (Philip), B. A., Bt. 1823.-M. A., N(jf). 1832.
Berry, or Bury (Richard), B. A., Bt. 1728.
Berry (Sterling), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Berry (Thomas), B. A., Bt. 18u.-LL. B. and LL. D., F"nI.
18 33.
Berry (Thomas B.), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Berry (William), B. A. ('p,ciali gratid), Vern. 1687.
Berry (William), B.A., V",.,.. 18,8.
Berry (William), LL.D. (.p"cialigratid), Vern.1718.
Berry (Wm. Winslow), B. A., Vern. I 84).-lL A., .&t. 18+8.
Bertill (John H.), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Bertles (Philip), B. A., V"nI. 1746.
Berwick (Edward), Sch., I 773.-B. A., V".,.. 177+.
Berwick (Edward), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vern. 1809.-11. A., ,2.t.
Berwick (Edward), B. A., V"rn. 1827.
Berwick (Walter), B.A., Vern. J8u.-ll.A., Nw. 1832.
Berwick (William), B. A., V".,.. 178,.
Bemard (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 179,.
Besnard (Julius Cmaar), B. A., Bt. I830.-Y. A., Nw. 1832.
Bemard (Nicholas Richard), B.A., Vern. 182+-M. A., Nov. 183%.
Bessonet (Francia) LL. D., (honor;, caUld), Bt. 178,.
Be880net (James), B. A., Vern. 1801.
Best (Richard), B. A., Bt. 1611.
Best (Wm.llawdealey), B. A., Vern. 1831.-LL. B., V".,.. 1832.ll. A., Vern. 1834.
Bcetall (Richard F.), B. A., V"nI. 18,0.
Betham (lIolyneaux C. J.), B. A., &1. 1 834.-M. A., Bt. 1838.
Betteaworth (Richard), LL. D. (1.onori, C4U1d) Bt., 17%5.
Betson (lohn), Sch., Ino.-B. A., Bt. 1732.
Bette (Henry tames), B. A., HiMn. 1861.
Betty (Christopher), Sch., 1738.~B. A., Vern: 17+o.-1. A., .tE,t.


Betty (James), :B.A., V"n. 1815.

Betty (Robert), Sch., 17+2.-B.A., Vern. 17#.-M.A., At. 1747.
Betty, or Beatty (William), Sch., l77o.-B. A., Vwn. 1772.LL. B. and LL. D., At. 1784Betty (William), :B. A., VIf'fl. 1814--ll. A., VIf'fl. 1813.
S Bevan (Henry), B. A., fern. 1798.
Bevan (James), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Bevan (Philip), B. A., VeM I 830.-ll. A., NOfJ. 1832.-M. B.,
1""". 1833.-ll. D., .&t. 18H.
Bevan (Richard), B.A., vem. 1779.
Bevan (Richard), B. A., Vms.. 181+-M. A., Nov. 1832.
10 Bevan (Robert Thomas), B. A., Vem. I 855.-M. A., Vem. 1862.
Bevan (William), B. A., VIf'fl. 1813.
Bevan (William), B. A., V,rn. 1814.-11. A., Nor:. 1832.
Bevan (William), ll. B., .&t. 18+5.
Bewley (Edmund Thomas), Sch., 1857.-B. A., At. 1860.-ll.A.,
Vern. 1863.

15 Bewsher (Francis Wm.), B. A., V"n. 1832.-ll.A., Vern. 18J5.

Bewsher (William), B. A., At. 1819.
Bibby (James), B.A., Vern. 1850'
Bibby (Thomas), Sch., 181+-B. A., Vern. 1816.
Bible (John), Sch., 1757.-B.A., VIN'.1759.
20 Bickerdike (Robert), B. A., Vern. I 84J.-M. A., At. 1850.
Bickerstaff' (Marcus John), B. A., VIf'fl. 1857.
Bickerstaff' (Roger), B. A., Vwn. 1835.
Bickmore (Charles), Sch., 1838.-B. A., VIf'fl. J8fo.-M. A.,
Vern. 18+3.

Bickmore (Frederick Askew), B. A., VIf'fl. 18#.--":M. A., Vim.

18 57.
25 Biddulph (Francie Edw.), B. A., V,Tn. 1855.
Bigger (J. J. Eastwood), B.A., At. 1862.
Bigger (Samuel Lennox), B. A., Vern. I 830.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.AI. B., At. 183-+.
Biggs (George Washington), B. A., Vern. 18f9.-M. A., Hilm..
Biggs (James), B. A., At. 1797.
30 Biggs (Richard), B.A., VIf'fl. 18+7.
Biggs (Richard Williams), B. A" V"n. 1837.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
&t. 18 47



Biggs (Thomas), B. A., .2EBt. 18+5.-LL. B. and LL. D., AJAl. 1860.
Bignel (William), Sch., qJl.-B.A., V".,., 1713.-H. A., &t.

Billing (Archibald), B. A., Vena. 181 1.-1I. B., .2EBt. 1814.-M. A.

and 11. D., ~.t. 1818.
Billing (Richard), B. A., Vn-tI. 1836.
5 Billing (Robert), B.A., Vn-tI. I 83S.-1I. A., At. 18S6.
Billing (Theobald), B. A., Vn-tI. 1818.
Billington (Thomas), Sch., 1676.-B. A.., Vn-tI. 1680.
Bilton (Henry), 1I. A. (.p.eia" 9"ati4), ..4priZI7, 1694.
Bindon (Henry), B. A., &t. 1716.
10 Bindon (Samuel); B. A., .2EBt. 183S.
Bindon (Thomas),B.A., Vn-tI.1707.-Fellow, 1709.-M.A., Vn-tI.
1710.-LL. B. and LL. D., .2EBt. 1718.
Bindon (Wm. Francis), B. A., Vn-tI. 1840.-}[. A., V".,.. 1860.
Bingley (Edmund), B. A., Vn-tI. 1714.
Bingham (Denis Charles), B.A.,.2E&t. 18n.-M.A., At. 181S.
IS Bingham (Henry), B.A.., Vwn.I738.
Bingham (Henry), LL. D. (Iaonori' caNl4), v,,.,.. 1762.
Bingham (Henry), B. A., .IEIt. 1824.
Bingham (John), LL. D. (MnO,," caNld), Vwn. 174+.
Binney (Richard), B. A.., At. 184+.-lL A., .,t. 1848.
10 Binns (Benjamin James), B. A., Vwn. 1842.-M.A., .d. 18S8.
Binns (
), (Entrance and B. A. not recorded.)-lI. A.., Hay
2, 1616.-Fellow, 161,.
Birch (Charles), B. A., V".,., 1783.
Birch (George), B. A., Vwn. 1795'
Birch (George), B. A., V".,.. 1824.
15 Birch (Henry), B. A. (.plciali gratid), AJAl. 1692.
Birch (Henry), B. A.., Vwn. 1827.
Birch (James), B. A., At. 1806.
Birch (John George), B. A., Hi#m. 1860.-11. A., Hi",.. 1864.
Birch (Wm. D.). B. A., Hi,m. 1862.
30 Bird (John), B. A., Vwn. 18S6.-1I. A., .It. 1863.
Bird (William), B. A.., 160).-M. A.., 1609.-Fellow, 1610.
Bird (William), B. A., Vwn. 1708.
Bird (William), B. A., V".,.. 1727,
Binningbam (Peter), B. A., At. 1779.
35 Birmingham (Richard), B. A.,
179S.-M. A., Vwn. 1809.




Bime (Andrew), B. A.., y".,.. 1792.

Birney (Thomas), B. A" JE.t. 1802.
Birney (William), B. A., ~rn. 1752.
Biron (Edwin), B. A., Vern. 18z6.-Y. A., .Est. 1830.
5 Biron (Henry W.), B. A., Y".n. 1822.
Bishop (William), B. A., JEd. 1703.
Bishop (William), Bch.1703.-B. A., &t., q03.
Bishopp (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1822.-Y.A. and Y. B., .&t.
Bishopp (James), B. A. and Fellow, 1637.
10 Bishopp (Richard), B. A., Vent. 1687.
Bissett (William), B. A., LEat. 1820.
Billchford, or Blaehford (John), Sch., 170S.-B.A., V".,.,. 1707.M.A., LEat. 1710.-B. D. and D. D., Vern. 17+5.
Blachford (John), B. A., Yent. 1753.
Blachford (William), B. A., Vern. I 7So.-Y. A., .,t. 1753.
15 Blackford (William), B. A., .8t. 179z.
Black (Alexander), Sch., 1718.-B. A., Vern. 1720.
Black (Campbell), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Black (Charles Ingham), Bch., 18+2.-B. A., Yl!rn. 18+5.
Black (George), Seh., 170I.-B. A., Vent. 1702.-M. A., Vern.
20 Black (George), B. A., .~t. 1823.
Black (Gibson), B. A., Vern. 18zz.
Black (James). B. A., Vern. I R09.
Black (James). B. A., Vern. 1839.
Black (James Kirkpatrick), B. A., &t. 185+.
25 Black (John), B. A., Yllrn. 18p.
Black (John James), B. A., Vern. I 856.-LL. B. and LL. D., Hiem .
186 5.
Black (Joseph), B. A., Yent. 1807.
Black (Joseph L.), B.A., Vent. 181+.
Black (Thomas Ferguson), B. A., Vern. I 84S.-M. A., Vern. 1860.
30 Black (William), B. A., Vern. I 833.-LL. B. and LL. D., Vl!rn.
18 57.
Black (Wm. Faussett), B. A., AUt. 1839.-M. A., y".,.. 18+6.B. D. and D. D., AUt. 1866.
Black (Wm. Fleming), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Blackall (John), B. A., Vern. 1783.



Blackall (John James), B. A., V".,.. I 833.-M. B. and H. A., LEal.

Blackall (Nicholas G.), B. A., Diem. 1864'
Blackburne (Anthony), Sch., I 768.-B. A., Vern. 1770.
Blackburne (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1824.
5 Blackburne (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1845.
Blackburne (Francis), Sch., 1801.-B. A' I Vmt. 1803.-LL. B. and
LL. D., Vern. 18p.-Vice-Chancellor of the University, 1852.
Blackburne (Frederick), B. A., .2EBt. 1848.
Blackburne (George), B. A., V".,.. 1711.
Blackburne (Wm. Hartley), B. A., .2EBt. 1842.
10 Blacker (Beaver Henry), B.A., V".,.. I 843.-H. A., V".,.. 1846.
Blacker (George), B. A., V".,.. 1785.
Blacker (George D.), Sch., 1809.-B. A., V".,., 1811.-H.A., p;,.,..
18 58
Blacker (Henry), B.A., V".,.. 173S.-Y.A., .2EBt. 1738.
Blacker (James Stewart), B.A., .2EBt. 1818._H. A., V",.,.. 1831.
15 Blacker (John Robert) B. A., .2EBt. 1857.
Blacker (Latham), B. A., V".,.. 1734.
Blacker (Legard), B. A., .,t. 167+.
Blacker (Huwell), Sch., I 790.-B. A., Vern. 1791..
Blacker (Robert), B.A., V".,.. 18+9.
20 Blacker (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1726.
Blacker (Samuel), Sch., 1790.-B. A., V".,., 1792.-M. A., Vern.
I 796.-LL. B. and LL. D., ..lEd. 1823.
Blacker (Stewart), B.A., V".,.. 176+Blacker (Stewart), J). A., V".n. I 830.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Blacker (St. John), LL. D. (honors', OQu.d), ..lEst. 1780.
25 Blacker (William), B. A., .2&t. I 799.-M. A., V".,.. 1803.
Blackett (Edward), B. A., ..lEst. 1853.
Blackett (Wm. Russell), B. A., Vern. 18S9.-Y. A., Vern. 1862.
Blackball (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1727.-H. A., Ai:ft. 1730.
Blackball (John), Sch., J722.-B. A., V".,.. 1724'
30 Blackball (Roger), Sch., 1696.-B. A., ..lEst. 1698.-H. A., ../E,t.
Blackball (Roger), B. A., y".,.. 1751.
Blackball (Roger), Sch., 1767.-B. A.., V".,.. 1769.
Blackball (Roderiok), LL. B., ..lEse. 1772.
Blackball, or Blackall (Robert), Sch., 1708.-B. A., Per,.. 1710.



Blackball (Thomas), M. D., Sept. 9, 1768.

Blackham (John), B.A., V~. IS,p.
Blackley (John), B. A., LEat. ISIS.
Blackley (Wm. Lewery), B. A., VtINI. 1851.-M. A., VtINI. 185+.
S Blackly (Travers), B. A., VeNt. 18%2.
Blackman (John), B. D., Ja". %6, 1661 (ad eund.)
Blackwood (Hamilton), B.A., V".,.. 1755.
Blackwood (Hans), B.A., V".,.. ISIS.
Blackwood (James), B. A., At. 1800.
10 Blackwood (James), B. A., LEd. IS+9.
Blackwood (James Stephenson), B. A., V,Nt. 18++.-LL. B. and
LL.D., V,",.18+5.-M.A.,B.D.andD.D., VeNt.18S?
Blackwood (John), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Blackwood (Townley), B. A., Ver". 1836.
Blackwood (William), B. A., ..lEal. 18%3.-H.A., NOf). 183%.
I S Blackwood (William), B. A., LEd. 183+
Bladen (Thomas), B. A., ..lEat. 1638.
Blain (John), B. A., Hum. 1861.
Blair (Alexander), B. A., ..lEat. IS60.
Blair (James), B. A., VtINI.17%7.
20 Blair (James), Entrance not reoorded.-B. A., prior to 1701.
Blair (Robert), B. A., VeNt. I 8n.-M. B., ..lEat. 181S.
Blair (Robert Hugh), B. A., Hilm. IS61.-=-M. A., Him. 186+
Blair (Thomas), B.A., Vwn. 174+-H.A., ..lEat. 17+7.
Blair (William), B. A., V".". IS33.
2S Blake (Andrew), B.A., LEst. 18%0.
Blake (Anthony Richard), LL. D. (laonoril CIIUlt:2), .AlIt. 18:&+.
Blake (Charles Joseph), B. A., ..lEat. 1860.
Blake (Denia John), B. A., LEat. 17S9.
Blake (Dominick Edward), B. A., .AlIt. I 792.-M. A., VtINI. 1806.
30 Blake (Dominick Edward), B. A., Vern. 18:Z9.
Dlake (Edward), B.A., LEd. 1795.
Blake (Henry), B. A., V".n. ISI:Z.
Blake (Henry), B. A., V".n. 1830.
Blake (Isidore), B.A., V".". IS31.-H. B., .AlIt. 18+5'
30 Blake (James), B. A., LE,t. IS06.
Blake (James), B. A., VtINI. 1839.
Blake (James H.), B. A., Ver".18:z3.
Blake (John), B. A., V".,.. 1818.









Blake (John), B. A., ..Est. 1835.

Blake (John Andrew), B. A., .JElt. 1787.
Blake (Joseph F.), B. A., Vwn. I 861.-M. B., Hum. 1863.
Blake (Martin), B. A. At. 1817.
Blake (Patrick), B.A., Vwn.1835.
Blake (Patrick), (B. A. not recorded).-M. A., Not'. 1831.
Blake (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Blake (Robert French), B. A., ..l&t. 1861.
Blake (Valentine), B. A., ./Eat. 1819.
Blake (Walter). B.A., ..Es~., 1817.
Blake (William), B. A., Vern. 1706.
Blake (Wm. Hume), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Blakely, or Bleckley (Thomas Mac Dougall), B. A., Vern. 18+7.M. B., .JElt. 1851.-M. D., Vern. 1865'
Blakely (WIll. Ponsonby), B . .A.., ..l&t. 1818.
Blakeney (John Edward), B. .A.., ..l&t. 18+8.-M. A., Vern. 18SS.
Blakeney (Richard Paul), B. A., VmJ. 18+1.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
..Est. 1851.
Blakeney (Robert). B. A., Vem. 1794.-M. A., NOf). 1832.
Blakeney (Robert), B. A., Vem. 1836.
Blakeney (Thomas), B. A., VmJ. 1791.
Blakeney (Thomas), B. A., LEyt. 1817.
'Blakeney (William), B. A., Vern. 1752.
Blakeney (John), B. A., Vern. 167 I.
Blakinston (Matthew), B. A., ..l&t. 1836.-M. A., At. 1839.
Blakiston-HouBton (Charles Wm.), B. A., Vlrn. 1857'
Bland (Francis), B.A., Vem. 1714.-M. A., ..l&t. 1717,
Bland (James), B. A., Vwn. 1750.
Bland (James), B. A., Vern. 17 50.
Bland (James), LL. B., Vern. 175%.
Bland (James Francis), B. A., Vern. 1811.
Bland (John), Sch., 1686.-B. A., ..l&t. 1688.
Bland (1ohn), B. A., LEft. 18+9'
Bland (Joseph), B. A., Vlrn. 1843.
Bland (Loftus). M. A., Noc. 1831 (ad eund. Cantab.).
BllUld (Nathaniel), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Bland (Nathaniel), B.A., V".,.. 1831.
Bland (Nathaniel), LL. B., V".,.. 1724.-LL D., At. 1727.
Bland (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 1741.



Bland (Robert Wintringham), B. A., V(l'n. 1816.-~r. A., Vi.,.".

181 9.
Bland (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1741.
Bland (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1821.
Blaney (Ambrose), Sch., 1683.-B. A., Vern. 1686.
S Blaney (Ambrose), B. A., .6t. 1690.
Blaney (Benjamin), B. A. (speciali .qratia), Vern. 1779.
Blaquiere (Rt. Hon. John), LL. D. (honor;' cau8d), Vern. 1773.
Blashford (John)--See Blachford.
Bleakley (DaTid Ro1>ert), B. A., Vern. I 846.-Y. A., Vern. 1850'
10 Bleakley (John), B. A., Vern. 182+-M. A., NOI). 1832.
Bleakley (John Thompson), B. A., Vern. 1864'
Bleasdell (John), B. A., Vern. I 853.
Bleasdell (William), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Blease (John), B. A., .d. 1623.
15 Bleazby (Charlcs), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Bleazby (William), B. A., rern. 1829.-M. A., A:.~t. 1859.
Bleazby (William), B.A., Diem. 1861.
Bleckley (John Mollan), B. A., Vern. 1845.
Bleckley (Thomas), B. A., Vt'rn. 1847.
20 Bleckley (Thomas Mac Dougall), If. D., Vern. 1865.-8ee Blakely.
Blennerhassett (Arthur), Sch., 1683.-8. A., .8t. 1685.-Fellow,
I 688.-M. A., .~t. 1688.-B. D., Vern. 1695'
Blennerhassett (Arthur), LL. D. (honor;8 C4U8U), Vern. 1.1]4.
Blennerhassett (Arthur), B.A., JEHt. 1820.
Blennerhassett (Benjamin), Sch., 17%1.-B. A., rem. 1723,
2S Blennerhassctt (Conway), B. A., Vern. 1767.
Blennerhassett (Goddard), B. A., .8t. 1821.
Blennerhassett (Harman), B. A., Vern. 1790.-LL. B., JE~t. 1790.
Blennerhassett (John), Sch., 1685.-B. A., Ve,n. 1687.
Blennerhassett (John), B. A., Vern. 1757.
30 Blennerhassett (John), B. A., Vern. 1773.
Blennerhauett (John), B. A., LE&t. 1 790.-M. A., Vl'rn. 1792.
Blennerhassett (ll. Townsend), B. A., Vern. 1821.
Blennerhassett (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1840'
Blennerhassett (Rowland), B. A., Verll. 1834.
35 Blennerhusett (Rowland A.), B. A., ./Etit. 1819.
Blennerhassett (ThomlUl), 8oh., 172J.-B.A., rern. 1723.-M. A.,
&t. 1726.



Blennerhassett (William), B. A., Vern. 1821.-M. A., LE,t. 1847.

Blellllington (Murrough, Viscount). See Boyle (Murrough).
Bleat (Samuel), B. A., VM"n. 1847.
Bligh, or Blygh (Robert), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A' I Atst.
170S.-M. A., LEd. 1]28.
S Blisa (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Blizard (Conway), B. A., Vern. 18n
Blondell, Blundell, or BluDden (Dixie), Sch., B. A., Vwn. 1746.M, A., .i!&t. 1749. - B. D., and D. D. (,p6ciaii graM), .Ai:Bt.
.Blood (Frederick), B. A., &t. 1782.
Blood (Neptune), B. A., &t. J81Z.
10 Blood (Thomas), Soh., J815.-B.A., VM"n. 18q.
Blood (William Bindon), B. A., Vtrn. 1839.
BIOlJ88 (Sir Francis Lynch, Bart.), M. A., Vwn. 1823.
Bloue (Henry Lynch), B.A., &t. J835.-M. A., ..lEIt. J860.
BlOll8et (John), Soh., 1751.-B. A., Oct. 17p.-B.D., and D. D.,
15 'Bloxham (Mark), Soh., 1813.-B. A.., Vwn. 1815.-Y. A., V~rn.
Blount (Anthony), B. A., V~rn. 1747.
Bluett (Augustus Frederiok George), B. A., Vwn. 1819.
Bluett (George R.), B. A., Vwn.18+1.
Bluett (William Rowley), B. A., JTtrn. 1845.
20 Blumfteld (Joseph), B. A., VM"n. 1731.
Blundell, or Blondell (Dixie). See Blondell.
Blundell (Dixie), B. A., ..lEIt. 1821.
Blundell (Ralph), B. A., Vwn. q84'
Blundell (Robert), B.A.,.L&t. 18z7.-M. A., &t. 1833.
25 Blundell (William), B. A., V,,,n. 1785.
Blundell (William), D. D. (lumori. carud), Ve,,,,.1813'
Blunden (Dixie). See Blondell.
Blunden (John), B. A., VM"n. 1792.
Blunden (John Miles), B. A., &t. 1837.
30 Blunden (John Overington), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
Blunden (William), B. A., .i!&t. 1837.
Blunden (William), Soh., 1860.-B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Blunt (Joseph), B. A., BIt. 1781.
Blygb, or Bligh (Robert). See Bligh.





Blyke (lohn), n. A., V".,.., 168,.-M. A., At. 16115.

Blyke (John), B. A., At. 1707.
Blythe (Jolin), B. A.., V".,.. 1712..
Boake (Barcroft), B. A.., At. IS36.
5 (loeeph Anthony), B. A., VII".. 18+6.
Boanquet, Bouquet, or Bouguett (Peter), Sch., 170+.-8. A.,
1706.-11. A.., At. 1709.
Bockhorst (Joh~), B. A.., Vllf'fl. 168+Bodington (Alfred), B. A., VIINI. 111)+.
Bodkin (John)'-:B. A.., 2&t. 1638.
10 Bodkin (lohn), B. A., 2&t. 1797.
Bodkin (Martin), B. A.., 2&1 S 30.
Bogie (Brackenbury D.), B. A.., .l&t. IS2S.
Boileau (luper), B. A., V",.. 1816.
Boileau (lohn Peter Hamilton), B. A., Diem. IS63. - Y. B.,




IS Boileau (John TheophUul). B. A., VeNt. 18+1.

Boireou, or Bouherean (John), Sch:, 174-. - B. A., Vern. 1705.H. A.., 2&1. 1708.-D. D., Vern. 1709.
Boland (Edward), B. A., VIIrn. 1738.
Boland (John), B. A., VIIrn. 1780.
Boland (John), B. A. AIlt. IS08.
20 Boland (Miohael), B.A., Vern. 1811.
Boland (William Henry), B. A.., .l&t. 1849.
Boles (William), B. A., V".,.. 1811.
Bolger (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Bolger (Thomas), B. A., .&I. 1807.
25 Bolger (William), B. A.., At. IS23.
Bolgier (.
), (Entrance notrecorded).-B. A., &t. 1638.
Bollinbl'OOk, Bolinbl'OOk, or Bullingbrook (William), B. A., VIINI.
173S.-LLB., At. 1738.-1f. A., .LEst. 17+0.
Bolilter (lohn Abraham), B. A., Vern. 18z6.-M. A., &t. 1836.
Bolster (Robert Orofton), B. A., Film. IS65.
30 Bolston (Stephen), B. A., VIIrn. 1738.
Bolton (Abraham Irwin), B. A., Vtrll. IS60.-M. B., ..Eat. IS61.
Bolton (Charles), B. A.., At. 183+.
Bolton (Chichester), B. A., .2&t. 182S.-H. A., Not). 1831.
Bolton (Cornelius), B. A., VIINJ. 1773.
35 Bolton (Edward), Soh., 1719.-B A., VIINJ. 1721.



Bolton (Edward Richards), B. A., HiMn. 1864.

Bolton (Henry), B. A" Vms. 1777.
Bolton (Henry), B.A., At. 16'15'
Bolton (Henry), B.A., At. 1810.-M.A., Vms. 1814'
5 Bolton (Henry Denny), B. A., &t. 1775.
Bolton (Hngb), B.A., Vms. 1704.
Bolton (John), Sch., 1673.-B. A., Vern. 1676.-M:. A. 2&t.
I 679.-D. D., Vern. 169'1.
Bolton (John), B. A., Vern. 168 ....
Bolton (John), D. A., Vern. 1709.
10 Bolton (John), Scb., 1727.-B. A., Vern. 1728.
Bolton (John), D. A., Vern. 1788.
Bolton (John), B.A., ,ern. 1826.
Bolton (Loftua), B. A .2&1. 1797.
Bolton (Lyndon Henry), B.A., Vem. 1825.-Y. A., At. 1865.
15 Bolton (Nicholas), Sch., 1663.-B. A., Vem. 1666.
Bolton (Peter), B. A., Vern. 18'13 -M. A., Nov. 183'1.
Bolton (Ricbard), B. A., Vem. 1714.-M.A., .LEst. 1717.
Bolton (Richard), B.A., Vem. 1739.
Bolton (Richard Knott), B. A., Vern. 18S3.-lL A., rem. 1860.
20 Bolton (Richard Ruxton), B.A., Vem.186 ..
Bolton (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1734.
Bolton (Robert Dawson), B. A., At. 1800.
Bolton (Theopbilus), Sch., 1695.-B. A., Vem. 16g8.-Y. A.,
.2&t. I 70 I.-B. D. and D. D., .&t. 1716.
Bolton (Thomas), Sch., 170I.-B.A., Vern.170z.
2; Bolton (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 17u.-M. B. and M. D., At.
Bolton (Thomas), B. A., At. 17'16.
Bolton (William), B. A., At. 1701.
Bolton (William), B. A., Vern. 1745.

Bolton (William), B. A., At. 18+2.

30 Bolton (William), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Bolton-Massy (John), B. A., AiAt. 180,.-lf. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Bolton-Massy (John), B. A., Vem. 1838.-ll. A., Vern. 1841.
Bomeno (Peter), B. A., Vem. 173'1.
Bomford (George), B. A., .LEst. t8u.
H Bomford (George), B.A., ./Est. 1832.
R.)mrord (John), B. A., Vern. 1748.-1[, A., .LE,t. 175'1.


Bomford (Thomas), B. .A., Vern. 17 2 S.

Bomford (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1789.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Bond (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Bond (Henry), B. A" .2&t. 1812.
5 Bond (Isaac), B. A., VWII. 1857.-M. A.,
Bond (James), B. A., V,m. 1 789.-LL. B., .st. 1791.
Bond (James), B. A., .8t. 1810.
Bond (James), B. A., .2&t. 1832.
Bond (James), B. A., Vern. 18SS.-lf. A., .2&t. 1859.
10 Bond (James Hodson), B. A., Vern. 1829.-M. A. and M. B., Vern.
18 32.
Bond (John), Sch., I 85+.-B. A., T"em. 18SS.-1I.A., Vern.ISs8.
Bond (Richard W.), B. A., &t. 1818.
Bond (Wensley), Sch., 1761.-8. A., Vern. 1763.-H. A., At.
Bond (William), B.A., Vern. 1821.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
15 Bond (Wyndham), B.A., Vern. 1836.
Bonham (Francis), Sch., 1751.-B. A., Vern. 175+.
Bonham (George), B. A., T"ern. 1796.
Bonham (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1727.
Bonner (
), (Entrance not reeorded).-B. A" .2&1. 1688.
20 Bonning (Robert), B. A" .JE~t. 1613.-11. A., .May 2, 1616.
Bonnis (
), (Entrance not rccorded).-M.A., LEst. 1691.
Bonsfield (Benjamin), (entered I 680).-B. A., prior to 1687.
Booker (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1797.
Booker (John), B. A., Vern. 1778.
15 Booker (John), B. A., Vern. 1820.-H.-A.., Nov. 1832.
Booker (John), B. A., ;E,l. 1859.
Booker (Moor), B..A., 1"ern. 1706.-11. A., ./18t. 1709.
Bookey (John Whelan), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. B., &t. 1838.
Bookey (Pilsworth), flch., 1865.-B. A., Vern. 18b6.
30 Bookey (Thomas Trulock), B. A., T"ern. 1803.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Bookey (William Trulock), B. A., &t. 1803.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Boole (George), LL. D. (honori, eIlUld). Vern. 1852.
Boomer (Cornelius), B. A., .8t. 1853.
Boomer (Michael), B. A., Vern. 183S.-LL. B. and LL. D., .2&t.
18 59.
35 Boote (Michael), B. A., Vern. 1798.-11. A., Nov. 1832.
Booth (Arthur John), B. A., Diem. 1861.-11. A., Diem. 1864.










Booth (Burton), B. A., Vern. 18.~9.

Booth (Edward J.), B. A., LEst. IS29.-Y. A., ]t{J~. IS32.
Booth (James), Sch., IS29.-B. A., It. IS32.-LL.B. and LL. D.,
.iElt. IS+2.
Booth (James), B. A., Vern. IS37.-1I.A., LEst. IS+O.
Booth (Joseph F.), B. A., Vtrn. ISso.
Booth (Richard Bell),.E. A., ..!Elf. ISI9.-lL A., ]tor. IS32.
Booth (Richard), B. A., V".,.. ISS9.
Booth (Sir Robert Gore), Bart.-lL A., .iElt. 183+ (ad eund.
Booth (Thomas), B. A., Verfl. 1819.
Booth (Themaa), B. A., Vwn. I 839.-LL. B., ,,,.,.. 18+2.-LL D.,
Vern. IS+7.
Bootle (Stephen), Sch., 1733.-B. A., Vma. 1734.
:Bor (Arthur), B. A., lern. ISH.
Bor (Christian), B. A., lern. 16S+.
Bor (Frederick), B. A, Vtnt. IS4+
Bor (James Henry), B.A., ..l.&t. IS+7.-lL A., LEst. ISSO.
Bosquet (Abraham), Sch., I 726.-B. A., I".,.. I 72S.-1L A., LE!t.
173 1
Bosquet (David), Soh., 17I+.-B. A., Vef'fI. 17IS.-Y. A., Vern.
17 2 3.
Bosquet (Francis), Sch., 172S.-B. A., lern. 1730.
Boston (John), Sch., ISoS.-B.A., lern.ISlo.
Boston (Richard), B. A., Vern. ISIO.
Boston (Richard), B.A., Vern.IS+7.
Boston (Warham Durdin), B. A., VtrnI. IS57.
B:HIwell (Dudley), B. A. and Fellow, 162S.-1I. A., 1630'
Boswell (John), B. A., Vef'fI. 17H.-1I. A., .iElt. 17+6.
Boswell (John), B. A., V".n. IS 1+
Boswell (John Whitley), B. A., Vern. 17SS.
Boswell (William), B. A., Vma. IS30.-1I. B., Itrn. IS3S'1[. A., Nov. IS32.
Botett (Fib::Maorice), Sch., 17S7.-B.A., Vern.17S9.
Bonchier (James), B. A., At. 1792.
&ochier (James), B.A., Vwn. IS34.
Bouchier (John), B. A., .2&t. IS]%.
Bouchier (Joleph Gabbett), B.A., Vern. IS+8.



Boughton (Robert Thomas Shutz), B. A., T,.rn. 1839.

Bouguet (Peter),-See Boanquct.
Bouherean (John).-See Boireou.
Boulger (Richard), B. A., LEst. 1791.
5 Boulter (Hugh), D. D., .J'Est. 1730 (ad eund.)
Bouquett (Peter).-Sce Boanquct.
Bourchier (John), :H. A., ..lEst. 1813.
Bourchier, or Bourghier (Henry), B.A., 1605.-Fellow, 1606.M. A., 1610.
Bourchier (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 18.p.
10 Bourgh, or Burgh (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. 1723.
Bourke (Hon. Geo. Theobald), B. A., Vern. 1796.-M. A., .2&1.
18I1.-LL. B. and LL. D., LEst. 1827.
Bourke (Isidore), B. A., Vern. J 864.-M. B., .2&t. 1864'
Bourke (John), B. A., Vern. 1751.
Bourke (John), LL. D. (honoris calud), ..lEst. 1769.
J 5 Bourke (John), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Bourke (John), B. A., Vern. 1824Bourke (John), B. A., Vern. J836.-M. A., ./lM. 1847.
Bourke (John W.), B. A., .J' 1829.-M. A., .l..Yu/). 1832.
Bourke (Joseph), B. A., ..lEst. 1791.-M.A., Vern. 1795.
20 Bourke (Joseph Deane), (A. B. not recorded).-./E~t. 1758.-D.D.,
Bourke (Joseph John), B.A., Vern. 1842.
Bourke (Peter), B. A., ..lEst, 18)2.
Bourke (Richard), B. A., .JEst. 1621.-M. A., ..lEst. 1624'
Bourke (Richard) B. A., ..lEst. 1833.
25 Bourke (Richard Southwell), B. A., .&..'&t. 18+4.-(M. A., LEyt.
1851, and LL. D., per diploma, ./Est. 1851, as Lord Naas).
Bourke (Theobald), B. A., ./Est. 1720.
Bourke (Thomas Henry), B. A., LEyt. 185+.
Bourke, or Burke (Ulysse~), B. A., Vern. 1682.-M. A., .2&t.
168 5.
30 Bourke (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1824.
Bourke (Walter Y.), B. A., Vern. 18S9.-M. A., Vern. 1863.
Bourke, or Burke (William), Sch., l!!oo.-B. A., ..lEst. 1802.
Bourke (William), B. A., 'Vern. 18)2.
Bourne (Andrew), B. A., T"l'rII. 1822.





Bourne (Edward), B. A., 1"'em. IS33.

Bourne (Humphrey Minchin), B. A., 1"'em. IS+6.
Boume (Patrick), LL. B., Vem. 1746.
Boume (Peter), B. A., .iE8t. I SoS.
Bo'll'lle(Richard), B.A., Vem. 1772.-H.A., Ylm. 1777.
Boume (Richard), B. A., Yem. 183l.-H. A., YIN. 1S3+.
Bourne (Richard J.), B. A., .iE8f. IS+3.
Boume (Sandford), B. A., Vem. 1817.
Bourne (Walter), B. A., Vem. IS+8.
Bourne (William), B. A., Yin.. ISoo.-H. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Bourne (William), B.A., Vem. ISu.-H. A., NOD. IS3z.
Bournes (Thomas), B. A., Yem. 1797.
Bowden (John), B. A., Ymt. 17S1e-l. A' I .&1. 17SS. - B. D.,
and D. D., .2&t. 1769Bowden (Richard Cox), Sch., IS03.-B. A' I Yem. 1806.
Bowen (Charles), B. A., ..lE.,. J786.
Bowen (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 18z7.
Bowen (Christopher), B. A., VINI. ISZ40-M. A., NOD. IS3z.
Bowen (Holbert), B. A., Vem. 1723.-Y. A., ..lEst. 1726.
Bowen (John), B. A., YINI. i,18.
Bowen (lohn), B. A., Ve,.,.. IS47.-LLB., and LL. D., .2Ed. 18S?
Bowen (John), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
Bowen (Lewis), B. A., YINI.J79S.
Bowen (Nicholas Cole), B. A.,
Bowen (Robert Cole), B. A' I Ver". IS31.
Bowen (Robert Cole), B. A., 1"'em. 18Sl.-Y' A., Vma. 1856.
Bowen (Thomas), Sch., 16S+.-1I. A., Bt. 1688
Bowen (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1767.
Bowen (William John), B. A., Yem. 17+2.
Bower (George), B.A., Vern. 1779.
Bowerman (John), B. A., prior to 1685.
Bowerman (William), Sch., 1718.-B.A., YINI.I,19.
Bowen (Thomas Smallwood) B. A., 1"'".,1. 18+7. - H. A., 1"'".,..
Bowes (Thomas), Soh., 1735.- B. A., Vem. 1737. -H. A., ..lE".




Bowes (John), B. A., Vem. 170....
35 Bowlan (William), B.A., Vm 18S....-M. A. t .AfBt. 18S7
Bowler (Ferdinand), B. A., .&t. 1705.


Bowles (George), B. A., LEIt. I 836.-M. A., Yern. 1839.

Bowles (Henry Matthew lohn), B. A., Yern. 1846. - M. A., At.
Bowles (lohn Adolphus), B. A., Yern. 18n.-Y. A., Vern. 1836.
-LL.B., and LLD., Ywn.1840'
Bowles (lohn Wright), B. A., Yern. 18H.-lf. A., y".,." 1849.
5 Bowles (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 170S.
Bowlker (Charles), B. A., Vern. 186%.
Bowman (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. I 848.-Y. A., At. 1861.
Box (Charles Richard), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Boxwell (lohn), B. A., At. 1859.
10 Boxwell (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18n.-Y. B., .2&t. 185+
Boxwell (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Boyce (George Roe), B. A., V6NI. 1849.-l. A., y".,." 18p.
Boyce (lames), B. A., H'6m. 1863.
Boyce (James Wilson), B. A., Vern. IS40.
15 Boyce (N athanial), II. A., Oct. 17 5 I.-See Boyse.
Boyce (William George), B. A., Vern. J858.-Y. A., Hiem. 1862.
Boyd (Abraham), B.A., V6NI. 1783.-LL. B., At. 1786.
Boyd (Adam), B. A., Yern. 1830.
Boyd (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
20 Boyd (Archibald), B. A., At. 1825.-lL A., No". 1832.
Boyd (Charles), B. A., VIN ISog.-M.A., N0f7. 1832.
Boyd (Charles), B. A.
Boyd (Henry), B. A., YI1'1t. 1776.
Boyd (Horner), B. A., Vm. 1852.
25 Boyd (Jamelij, B. A., Vem. 1740.
Boyd (lames Henry), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. A., V".,.. 1841.
Boyd (John), B. A., Vern. 1788.
Boyd (John), B. A., V".",. 18+6.
Boyd (John Robert), B. A., LE.,. 1827.-M:. A., N0f7. 1832.
30 Boyd (Percy), B. A., Vern. 1840.
Boyd (Ralph), B. A., Vem. '784.-Y.A., N0f7. 1832.
Boyd (Walter), B. A., Vern. J855.-LL. B., and LL. D., At. 1864.
Boyd (William), B. A., Vem. J716.
Boyd (William), Sch., J767.-B. A., Vern. J769.
35 Boyd (William), B. A., Vern. J784.
Boyd (William), B. A, V".,.. J79+.
Boyd (William), B. A., LEd. J813.
Boyd (William), B. A., VI1'1t. J7+7.':"-Y. A., &1. 1750.








Boyd (William), B.A.,

IS29.-11.A., FtrL ISlS.-LL. B.,
and LL.D.,
Boyd (W'illiam Carr), B. A., Y..... ISp.
Boyde (Oharlea), B. A., r".,.. 1773.
Boyde (lamea), Fell., IS93.-11. A., 1601.
Bayde (Robert), 8ch., I 760.-B. A., Y..... 1762.
Boyea (Edward Leeaon), B. A., )(. B., and )(. Chir., Nil". IS 59.
Boyes (lobn I'Jederick), B. A., IT.... IS61.-11. B., and ll. Chir.,
IT.... 1862.
Boyea (William), B. A., .&& IS25.
Boyle (
), (entraDce not recorded).-B. A., about 16+0.
Boyle (Aleunder) B. A., .IA. IS+7.
Boyle (Bellingham), B. A., r ..... 1708.
BoyJe (Charles), B. A., YmI. 1732.
Boyle (Charles) B. A., .IA. IS33.
Boyle (David), B. A., Y..... IS+O.-)(. A., AIlt. ISS9.
Boyle (Edward), B. A., YmI. IS22.-)(. A., YIIr'II. ISz6.
Boyle (Henry), LL. D., (~tftICi), V",.. 1735.
Boyle (Hugh), B. A., y",.. IS46.
Boyle (lames), B. A., y",.. 1Sd.
Boyle (lamea Parkinlon), 8ch., IS2S.-B. A., Fn"II. 1817.-1[. A.,
.IA. IS 33
Boyle (lobn), B. A., y..,.. 1729.
Boyle (lobn), B. A., y",.. 1797.
Boyle (lIuwell), B. A., At. 1756.
Boyle (1licbael), (entraDce not recorded).-D. D.,
26, 1661.
Boyle ()(arrough), Vi8count Bte.iDgton, LL D., A:.t. 1682.
Boyle (Bicbard), B. A., y",.. 1 72.
Boyle (Richard), B.A., y",.. 1708.-)(. A., .A:.t. 1711.
Boyle (Richard), B. A., y..,.. '7+S.
Boyle (Boger), D.D., AIl'. 166+.
Boyle (Robert Tomma). B. A., r..,.. IS22.-)(. A., 1"()f1. IS32.
Boyle(Roberti,B.A., r .... IS3+.-LL.B.,andLL.D.,.A?Af.ISH.
Boyle (William), B. A., &to I77S.
Boyle (William). B.A., &to ISIS.
Boyae (Nathaniel), Scb., 1746.-B. A., F..,.. I7+S.-11. A.. Od.,
.7 SI. See Boyce.
Boyle (Richard), B. A.., 4:.1. 17+S.
Boy. (Thomu), B. A. ..t. 1817.







Boyton (Charles), :B. A., Vwn. 1819.-Fell., 18:u.-lf. A., Vern.

B. D., and D. D., Vwn. 1838.
Boyton (John), Sch., I 780.-B. A., Vwn. 178%.-Y. D., At. 1785'
Boyton (William), Sch., 180+.-B. A., Vwn. 1805.
Boyton (William Montgomery), Y. B., .2&t. 1811.
5 Brabant (Richard), B. A., .2EIt. 1615.-M. A. and FelL, 1628.
Brabazon (Anthony), B. A., VI,.". 17++.
Brabazon (Anthony), B. A., Vwn. 1795.
Brabazon (Burton), B. A., Vmt. 183+.-Y. A., V".". 18+2.
Brabazon (George), Sch., 1797.-B. A., Vir,.. 1799.
10 Brabazon (James), B. A., Vern. 1708.
Brabazon (James), B. A., Vmt. 171+.-M. A., At. 1717.
Brabazon (James), B. A., Vern. 18%+.
Brabazon (John Vignoles), B. A., VIN. 1836.
Brabazon (Ludlow), B.A., Vwn. 1731.-Y. A., At. 173+.
IS Brabazon (Philip), B.A., Vwn. 1827.
Brabuon (Philip), B. A., Vwn. 1832.
Brabazon (Wallup), B. A., .At,t. 1790.
Brabazon (William). B. A.,
Brabazon (William), B. A., At. IHz3.
20 Bracken (George H.), B. A., .2EIt. 1801.
Bracken (Isaac), B. A., .At,t. 17f+.
Bracken (James), B. A.,
Bracken (John King), Y. B., 2Elt. 1807.
Braddell (Alexander), B. A.,
25 Braddell (George), B. A., Vwn. 1776.
Braddell (George), B. A., Vern. 1828.
Braddell (Henry), B. A., Vim. 1781.
Braddell (Henry), B. A., V".". 182+.
Braddell (Henry), B. A., Ylm. 1835.
30 Braddell (William), B. A., L&t. 1838.
Braddish (William), B. A., Vwn. 1732.
Broddle (George), B. A., Vwn. 1795.
Braddle (Henry), B. A., V,,.,.. 1805.
Brlldcstrcet (Simon). See Bradstrect.
3S Bradford (Alexander), Sch., 1709.-B. A., Vern. 171 I.-H. A
.ifilt. 171+.-B. D., and D. D., .It. 1731.
Bradford (Alexander), B. A., Fern. I 796.-M. A., rem. 1811.
Bradford (John),Sch., 1730.-B.A., V"... 1732.-Y.A.,.2EIt. 1735.





Bradford (Hoses), B. A., VW1I. 178).

Bradford (William), Sch., 1853.-B. A., ..l&t. 1857.-Y. A., Vern.
Bradford (William Jocelyn), B. A., and M. B., ..l&t. 1852.
Bradin (James), Sch., 170+'-B. A., VmJ. 1705.
5 Bradin (Robert), Sch., 1703-B. A., VmJ. 1705.
Bradish (Wheaton), Sch., 1788.-B. A., Vwn. 1789.
Bradley (George), B. A., VmJ. 18+6.
Bradley (James), B.A., VmJ. I 830.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
Bradreth (Henry), H. A., ..A.ugmt, 1835 (ad eund. Oxon).
10 Bradshaw (Benjamin Webb), (Entrance and B. A. not recorded).
M. A., ..l&t. 182+.
Bradshaw (Francis Sandas), B. A., Vwn. 1830.-H. A., Vmt.
1838.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vim. 18+1.
Bradshaw (George), B. A., VmJ. 18....6.-H. A., ..l&t. 185.LL. B., and LLD., At. 186I.-B.D. and D. D.~ ..Ell. 1866.
Bradshaw (John), Sch., 1660.-B. A., At&t. 1660.
Bradshaw (John), B. A., Vim. 1719.-M. A., .2&t. 1722.
15 Bradshaw (John), B. A., JEd. 1777.-M. A., .lEst. 1799.
Bradabaw (John), B.A., .tEd. 1818.-M.A., .8t. 1821.
Bradshaw (John), B. A., Vim. 1831.-M. A., Vern. I 834-.-M. B.,
At. 1835.
Bradshaw (John Boyle), B. A., Hinn. 1863.
Bradshaw (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1725.-Y. A., A-.t. 1728.
20 Bradshaw (Joseph), B. A., At., 1726.
Bradshaw (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 18+6.
Bradshaw (M'Nevin), B. A., Vim. (8)1.-Y. A., Vern. 1864'
Bradabaw (Paris), B. A., Vim. 1819.
Bradshaw (Robert). B. A., ~t. 18+9.
25 Bradshaw (Robert S.), B.A., Vwn. 1815.
Bradabaw (William), B.A., Vwn. I 829.-M. A., N~I). 1832.
Bradshawe (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1687.
Bradstreet (Samuel), B.A., V".". 1795.
Bradstreet or Bradestreet (Simon), Soh., 17IO.-B. A., Vllrn.
17 12
30 Bradwell (
), Senior, B. A . ..l&t. 1626.
Bradwell (
), Junior, B. A., .A?8t. 1626.
Bradwell (Samuel), B.A., .2&t. 1631.
Brady (Andrew), B. A., .It. 180+.








Brady (Champion), B.A., At. 1761.

Brady (Edward), B. A., At. 1808.
Brady (Edward Talbot), B. A., ..l&t. 1830.
Brady (Francis), B.A., Ywn.18H.
Brady (Francis Tempest), B. A., Ywn. I 828.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Brady (Gerard), B. A., ..l&t. 1625.
Brady (Henry Westby), B. A., At. 1814.
Brady (James), B. A., At. 183S.-M. B., At. 18+0.
Brady (James Charles), B. A., Ywn. I 820.-LL. B., Ywn. 1812.
Brady (John), B. A., At. 1787.
Brady (John Cochrane), B. A., Him. 1862.
Brady (John Westropp), B. A., Vwn. 1858.
Brady (Joseph), B. A. , (,plDiali grtItid) Vwn. 1687.
Brady (Maziere), Sch., 1814.-B. A. , Vwn. 1816.
Brady (Nicholas), B. A., At. 1685.-M. A., At. 1686.-B. D.,
and It. D., Noo. IS, 1699.
Brady (Oliver), B. A., V",.. 1719.-H. A., At. 172Z.-B. D.,
and D. D., At. 17 So.
Brady (Patrick), Sch., I 794.-B. A., V.".,.. 1796.
Brady (Patrick), Bch., 1803.-B. A., At. 1806.
Brady (Richard), Sch., 17+1.-B. A., Ywn. 1743.
Brady (Richard), Soh., I 76S.-B. A., At. 1767.
Brady (Richard), B. A., At. 1801.-M. A., At. 18zz.
Brady (Thomas), B. A., At. 1811.
Brady (Thomas J.), B. A., Vwn. I 82+--H. B.,..l&t. 1828.-M. A.,
NOf). 18 32
Brady (Thomas John Bellingham), Non-Foundation Sch., 18S9.B.A., Hilm. 1861.-H. A., LE.t. 186S.
Brady (William Haziere), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.-M. A., Vtm.
18S3.-B. D., Vwn. 18S8.-D. D., Vwn. 1863.
Bra1ield (Samuel Butler), B. A., Vwn. 1772.
Brailsford (Hodgson), B. A., ..lEd. I 836.-M. A., B. D., and D. D.,
Vwn. 18S+Bramhall (
), M. D., Jan. 26, 1661 (ad eund.)
Brandon (James), B. A., At. 178S.
Brandon (John), B. A., At. 1832.
Brandon (Right Hon. and Rev. William, Lord).-Sce CroBbie,
Brandon (William). B. A., V,rn. 1831.



Brandon (William), B. A., HUm. 186z.

Bl'88dall (Thomas), B. A., May +, 1655.
Brasher (Samuel Benton), B. A., V6NI. 18+0.
Brassington (George), B. A., Vern. 1829.
5 Bl'888ington (George), B. A., Vim. 1831.
B1'888ington (William H.), B. A., At. 18+9.
Brazier (Kilner), LL. D., (ABnori, CQUld), .2EBt. 1709.
Bray (Edward), B. A., Hinn. 1860.
Bray (Robert), LL. B., Vem. I 693.-LL. D., V".,.. 17'9.
10 Bray (Thomas), B.A., Vim. 1851.-1[. B., BIt. 1851.
Breakey (Lealie), Seb., 18+8.-B. A., V".,.. 1851.-1[. A., Vllm.,
Breathour (William), B. A., Vmt. 183+.
Bredin (Andrew), B. A., VW1J, 1830.-M. A., N0f7. 183Z.
Bredin (Edwin), B. A., HiIIm. 1859.
15 Bredin (lames), B. A., Vwn. 175.-1[. A., Vwn. 179.
Bredin (lames), B. A., V".,.. 18u.-M. A., N0f7. 1832.
Bredin (lohn), B.A., ..1.&t. 1818.-M. A., ..1.&t. 18%1.
Bredin (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1705.
Bredin (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1793.
zo Bredin (William), B. A., Vwn. 1733.
Bredin (William), B. A., ..1.&t. 1836.
Breen (Patrick), B. A., ..1.&t. 1837.
Brebon (George), B. A., Vern. 186+.
Bremingham (Walter), B. A., At. 16z3.
z S Branan (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. I 861.
Brenan (Arthur), Seh., 1675.-B. A., V".,.. 1671.-M. A., ..1.&t.
Branan (Edmund), B.A., Vern. 1850'
Branan (James Eustace), B. A., Vwn. 1859.-1I. A., HUm. 186+.
Branan (John), B. A., Vem. 18Q9.-M. A., N0f7. 183z.
30 Brenan (Iohn Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18z8.-1I. A., Vwn. 1831.11. B., ..1.&t. 183+.
Branan (Robert Hardy), B. A., Vwn. 1859.-M. A., Vwn. 1864.
Branan (Samuel Arthur), B. A., Vwn. 1860.
Brenn, Brinn, or Brynn (Henry), Seh., 1700.-B.A., Vwn. 1701.lrI. A., .2Eri. 170+.
Brereton (Andrew), Seh., J660.-B. A., ..1.&t. 1660.
35 Brereton (Andrew), Sch., 1663.-B. A., VIINI. 1666.



Brereton (David), B. A., ./&t. 1819.-M. A., Not). 18.p.

Brereton (Edward), B.A., Vms. 1774.
Breretc?n (Francis), Sch., I 688.-B. A., VtrfI. 16g1.
Brereton (George), B. A., Vern. 1686.
5 Brereton (George), B. A., V~m. 1805.-LL. B., ./&t. 1810.
Brereton (Henry), B. A., 1619.
Brereton (Henry), B. A., At. J 828.
Brereton (John), Fellow 1593.-M. A., 1601.
Brereton (John), B. A., May 4, 1655.
10 Brereton (John), B. A., .2EIt. 181).
Brereton (John), B. A., Vern. 18+3.
Brereton (Richard), B. A.., .2EIt. 16Z1.-M. A., ./&t. 1619.
Brereton (Robert), B. A., Vern. Q17.-1LA., .tEd. 1730.
Brereton (Robert K.), B. A., H;(Jm. J 861.
15 Brereton (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1730'
Brereton (William), B. A. (IPtlciali gratid), Vern. 1686.-M. A.,
V",.. 16g1.
Brereton (William), B. A., .2EIt. 1819.
Brereton (William Westropp), B. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., Vtlm.
18 56.





Brett (Edward Edmund), B. A., VtJrII. 182S.-M. A., NOli. 1832.

Brett (Gasper), B. A., VtrfI. 16g2.
Brett (John), B. A., VtrfI. 1722.-B. D., and D. D., VtrfI. 17++.
Brett (Thomas), Sch., I 860.-B. A., 1'fflt. 1863.
Brett (William), B.A., ..Bt. 1716.
Brett (Wills Hill), B. A., ..Bt. 1817.-M. A., Vern. 1821.
Breviter, or Breviture(Thomas), Sch., 1709.-B. A., Vern. 1711.M. A., .AI.t. 1714.
Breviter (Thoma8), B. A., Vern. 17+9.-M.A., Vtrn.175+Brew (Charle8), B. A., Vern. 1826.
Brew (Richard), B.A., ..Bt. 1813.
Brew (Thomas Orm8by), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Brewer (John), B. A., Vern. 1738.
Brew8ter (Abraham), B. A., Vern. 1817.-M. A., '/&t. 1847.
Brewster (Edward Jones), B. A., Vern. 183S.-M. A. .LEst. 1842.
Brewster (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Brew8ter (William), B. A., Vern. I 839.-M. A., Vern. 18.p.
Brice, or Bryce (Edward), Sch., 1703.-B.A., Vern. 1704.
Brice, or Bryce (John),- Sch., I 697.-B. A., Vern. 1701.-11. A.,
..E.t. 1701..



Brice (Wm. Henry), B. A., Vwn. IS53.

Brickell (David), B. A., At. 17SI.
Brickell (Robert), B. A., V6rn. ISH'
Bride (Edward), B.A., Vwn. 1827.-M. A., Vern. 18p.
5 Bride (Patrick), B. A., At. IS2I.-M. A., M. B., and M. D.,
At. IS25.
Bride (Robert), B. A., At. 1793.
Bride (Robert), B. A., V".,., 1827.
Bridge (Frederick), Sch., IS06.-B. A., Vwn. IS08.
Bridge (John), B. A., V".,., 1830.-M. A., V".,.. IS33.
10 Bridge (Rodolph), B. A., Vwn. 1824.
Bridge (Vizier), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Bridges (William), B. A., V"... 1708.
Brien (Christopher), B. A., Vwn. I 689.-M. A., 4ft. 1692.
Brien (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1815.
I 5 Brien (Edward H.), B. A., Vwn. 18)1.
Brien (John D.), B. A., At. 1835.
Brien (John Leonard), B. A., Vwn. 18z4.-M. A., Not). 1832.
Brien (John Thomas), B.A., At. IS+6.
Brierly (Thomas), B. A., 2&t. ISH,
20 Briggs (Frederick William), B. A., Vwn. IS37.
Brigstoeke (Martin W.), B. A., Vern. IS49.-M. A., At. 1853.
Brimingham (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., .2&t. 1626.
Brindley (Frederick), B. A., Hiem. IS62.-M. .A., Vern. IS66.
Brinkley (John), B. A., Vwn. ISI2.-M. A., At. ISIS.
25 Brinkley (John), M. A.,.2&t. 1792 (ad eund. Cantab.), D. D., &t.
Brinkley (Matthew), B.A., Vwn. ISI6.-M.A., N0f7. 1832.
Brinn (Henry).-See Brenn and Brynn.
Brisbane (Sir Thomas), LL.D., (lumori, CQUld), .4."I"'t, IS35.
Brisbane (Robert), Sch., 1679.-B. A., V".,.. 1681.-M. A., At.
30 Briscoe (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1821.
Briscoe (Francia), B. A., .2&t. 1830.-H. 1., At. IS33.
Briscoe (James), B. A., Vwn. 1843.
Briscoe (John Wm.), B. A., V".,., IS+6.-1I. A., V".,.. 1850'
Brison (John), Sch., 1805.-B.A., V,r,.. 1807.
3S Bristow (Charles). B. A., Vwn. 1798.
Bristow (John), B. A., At. ISH.








Bristow (loseph), Sch., I 761.-:B. A., Vma. 1763.

Bristow (Skeffington), B. A., Vwn. 172+-M. A., .LEst. 1727.LL.:B., Vma. 173+
BriBtow (William), LL. D., (AonoNs eaUld), Vma. 17+6.
Bristow (William), Sch., 175+.-:B. A., Vma. 1756.
Brittain (George), :B. A., Vern. 1809.
Brittan (A.lfred), B. A., Vma. 18+2.
Brittan (Frederick), :B. A., Vem. 18+2.-M. B., .Ailt. 18+2.M. D., .Ailt. 18+5.
Britton (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Brocaa (lohn), Sch., 1759.-B. A., Vma. 1761.-M. A., .Ailt.
17 6+.
Brocas (TboophiluB), Sch., 172+.-:B. A., Vma. 1726.-M. A.,
.Ailt. 1729.-B. D., and D. D., AlIt. 17+7.
Brock (Patrick D.), B. A., .LEst. 1837.
Brockbank (John), :B. A., Vma. 1863.-M. A., LE,t. 1866.
Brockey (John), :B. A., AlIt. 1625.
Broder (John), :B. A., LEft. 1638.
Broderick (William), LL. D., (",ciali gro,tid) Vern. 1709.
Brodigan (Francis), :B. A., V".,.. 183+.
Brodley, or Brodly (John), :B. A., May +, 1616.-FeUow, 1618.
Brodley, or Brodly(Thomas), :B.A., May 4, 1616.-Fellow, 1618.
Brodwell (Joseph), :B. A., AlIt. 162+.
Brodwell (Thomas), :B. A., LEd. 162+.
Brogan (Matthew), :B. A., V".,.. 1709.
BromJield (Richard), :B. A., AlIt. 1613.
Brook or Brooks (Thomas), M. :B., Vern. I753.-M. D., ..iEIt.
Brook (William), Sch., 1687.-B. A., V".". 1689.-M. A., .2&t.
16 9+.
Brooke (Arthur), B. A:, Vwn. 17+6.
Brooke (Arthur St. Clair), :B. A., Hum. 1865'
Brooke (Basil), B. A., Vma. 1727.
Brooke (Butler), :B. A., ..iEIt. 1817.
Brooke (Digby),:B. A., Vir". 1719.-M. A., .Ailt. 1722.
Brooke (Edward Perry), B. A., LElt. 1833.-M. A., Hiem. 1862.
Brooke (Francis), B. A., .Ailt. 1755.
Brooke (Gustavus), B. A.,
Brooke, Ilr Brookes (Henry), Sch., 170I.-B. A., rem. 1702.M.. A., ../EIt. 1705.









Brooke (Henry), LL. D. ('1',c;ali gratid), Vern. 1718.

Brooke (Henry), B. A., ..lEBt. 1787.
Brooke (Henry Eo), B. A., .2&1. 1850'
Brooke (Hugh), Sch., ISI3.-B. A., V".,.. ISIS.
Brooke (James Mark Saurin), B. A., Hilm. IS6z.-M.A., Vern.
Brooke (John), Sch., 1813.-B.A., V".,.. 181 S.
Brooke (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 17So.
Brooke (Richard), B. A., V".,.. ISz3.-H. A., Nf)f). 183z.
Brooke (Richard Sinclair), B. A., .2&t. 18%7.-11. A., Vern.
ISS8.-B. D. and D. D., Fum. IS60.
Brooke (Stopford Augustus), B. A., Vwn. ISS6.-ll. A., Y,rn.
Brooke (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1731.
Brooke (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Brooke (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18+6.-H. A., ...&t. IS49.
Brooke (William), Sch., 17+0.-B. A., Vwn. 17+z.-M.. A., ..lEBt.
Ii4+Brooke (William), B. A., ..lEBt. 1791.
Brooke (William), Sch., ISu.-B. A., Vwn. ISI+.
BrookE! (William), H. D., (laononi eQUId), .2&1. 18z+
Brooke (Wm. Armitage), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Brooke (Wm. Graham), B. A., Vwn. 1857.
Brooks (Henry F.), B. A., Vim. ISSO.
Brooks (Thomas). See Brook (Thomas).
Broome (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1737.-H. A., ..lEBt. 17+4.
Broome (Samuel), Sch., 1709'-B. A., V".,.. 1711.-ll. A., &t.
17 14.
:trophy (Henry), B. A., Vwn. I 83S.-H. A., V".,.. IS41.
Brophy (Henry Robert), B. A., Vma. 1838.-H. A., Vir,.. 18+1.
Brough (....Elian), B.A., .2&1. 183z.
Brough (Charles Crosbie), B. A., V".,.. 1816.
Brough (Constantine), B. A., Vwn. 17SS.
Brough (Grainger Huir), B. A., V".,.. 18z+-LL. B. and LL. D.,
Nf)f). 183z .
Brough (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1 764.-H. A., ..lEBt. 176+.-LL. B.,
V".,.. I 77S.-LL. D.,' V".,.. 1779.
Brougham and Vault (Right Hon. Henry), Baron, LL. D. (ho"ol'i.
eQUId), At. IS61.



Brougham (Henry), B. A., y"... 1821.

Brougham (Henry), 13cb., 1846.-B. A., V",.. 18+8 ..
Brougham (lohn), B. A., y",.. 1852.
Brougham (Bev.lohn Richard), B. A., YWft. 18p. -11. A., At.
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., Y",..1691.
5 Browerlon (
Brown (lohn), B. A., Yem. 1706.
Brown (John), B.A., YWfL 17Io.-LL.B., Ymt.17+8.
Brown (lohn Michael), B. A., VWft. 18S3.
Brown (loshua), LL.D. (AonorilCawd), LElt. 1777.
10 Brown (Kenrick), B. A., At. 17+0.
Brown (Marmaduke), B. A., V",.. 17S+-M. A., VWft. 1770.
Brown or Browne (Peter), B.A., Ymt. 1686.-lrf. A., V"... 1691.Fellow, 1~2.-B. D., At. 1~9.-ProV08t, 1699.-D. D.,
.A.ugud 19, 1699.
Brown (St.lohn), B. A., Yena. 1733.-M:. A., At. I 736.-LL. B.,
and LL.D., YWft. 17++
Brown (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 17S1.-lrf. A., VWft. 175+.
15 Brown (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1761.-1[. A., At. 176S.
Brown (Ulyll8e8), B. A., Vmt. 17+5.-1[. A., YWft. 17H.
Brown (Walter), Bch., 1681.-B. A., Vem. 1683--M. A., LElt.
Brown (Warham), B. A., V".,.. 17S5.
Brown (William), B.A., Vem.I779.
20 Browne (Alexander), B. A., Vma. 1827.-M:. A., Nf!". 1832.
Browne (Andrew), B. A., LElt. 1738.-11. A., At. '7+1.
Browne (Arthur), B.A., Yma. I 736.-M. A., JErt. 1729,
Browne (Arthur), 8cb., 1 77+.-B. A., Vma. I 776.-Fellow,
1 777.-lL A., Adt. 1779.-LL. B., VWft. 178o.-LL. D., rma.
17 8+.
Browne (Arthur), B. A., YWft. 1793.
25 Browne (Arthur), B. A., At. 1830.
Browne (Barry Charlcs), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Browne (Benjamin), Sch., 166+.-B. A., Vern. 1667.
Browne (Chadworth), B. A., Vma. 1793.-M. A., y"... 189.
Browne (Christopher), B. A., VWft. 1777.
30 Browne (Cuff), B. A., LElt. 1789.
Browne (Denis), B. A., ../Ert. 1818.-lrf. A.,
Browne (Dodwell Francis), B. A., Hiem. 1863.










Browne (Dominick A.), :B.A., Vern. 183+-M. A., V".,.. 1862.

Browne (Edward), B. A., V".". 17+8.-Y. A., V".,.. J752.
Browne (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1 778.-LL. B., V".". 1781.LL. D., Perno 179+.
Browne (Frederick), B. A., ./.Elt. 1802.
Browne tGeorge), Soh., I 667.-B. A., Vma. 1671.-Fell., 1673.Y. A., ..l&t. I 67+-B. D., Vern. 1682.-D. D., ..l&t. 1692.Provost, 1695.
Browne (George), Sch., 1752.-B.A., Vim. 17H.
Browne (Hon. George), B. A., Vern. 1793.
Browne ( George), B. A., ..l&t. J 796.
Browne (George), B. A., Vern. 1822.
Browne (George), B. A., Vern. I 824.-Y. A., Nov. J832.
Browne (George Peter), B. A., ..l&t. 1815.
Browne (George W.), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Browne (Hawtrey W.), B. A., Vern. 1821.
Browne (Henry), B. A., LElt. 1785.
Browne (Hon. Henry), B. A., ..l&t. 182I.-M. A., .2&t. 1828.
Browne (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1841.
Browne (Henry George Cavendish), B. A., ..l&t. J8p.
Browne (James), B. A., Vern. I 723.-Y. A., .2&t. 1726.
Browne (James), B.A., Vern. 175+
Browne (James), B. A., Vern. 1836.-Y. B., At. 1838.
Browne (James), B. A., Vern. J8so.
Browne (James Thomas), B. A., Vern. I 82+-Y. A., Nw. 1832.
Browne (John), B. A., Vim. 1708.-Y. A., At. 1710.
Browne (John), B. A., Vern. J 7++
Browne (John), B. A., ..l&t. 1769.
Browne (Hon. John), B. A., ..l&t. 1813.
Browne (John), Bch., 1819. -B. A., Vern. 1822.-Yo A., Vern.
I 826.-LL. B., and LL.D., Vern. J83+.
Browne (John), B. A., ,,t. 1820.-Y. A., Vern. 1831.
Browne (John), B. A., LElt. 18+2.
Browne (John Denis), B. A., .2&t. 1830'
Browne (John G.), B. A., Vma. 1822.
Browne (John Garde), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Browne (John Henry), B.A., Vma. J8S+
Browne (John J.), B.A., V".,.. J831.
Browne (John James), Sch., J8S8.-B. A., Hiem J8S9-11. A.,
At. 1866.



Browne (John Wills), B. A., .2&t. ISH.-M. A., .2&t. ISH.

Browne (Joseph S.), B. A., Vwn. IS46.
Browne (Joshua), Sch., 1749.-B. A., Vem. 17H.-M. A., .1&1.
Browne (La Touche), B. A., jEll. ISI9.
S Browne (Martin), B. A., Vem. IS35.
Browne (Matthew), Sch., 1757.- B. A., Vma. 17S9.-ll.A., jEd.
176 '1..
:Browne (Matthew Casean), B. A., VI71 ISn.-M. A., Hum.
:Browne (Michael), B. A., Vem. IS63.
Browne (Neal O'Donell), B. A., VIN. ISI4.-l[. A., Ve,.,.. ISJ9.
10 :Browne (Nicholas), Sch., 1680.-B. A.,
16S'1..-M. A., 2&t.
Browne (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 17 zo.-H. A., &t. 17'1.9.
Browne (Oliver), B. A., LEd. 1791.
Browne (Peter), Sch., 17S6.-B. A., Vma. 178S.-ll. A., 4,e.
179 1
Browne (Peter), B. A., VEm. ISz5.-M. A., NOfJ. 183'1..
15 Browne (Peter), B. A., Vma. IS3 ....-H. A., Vim. IS43'
Browne (Richard), Sch., 16S5.-B. A., Vem. 16S6.-1I. A., .LEst.
Browne (Robert), Sch., 1 774.-:B. A., V".". 1776.
Browne (Robert), B. A., .LEst. ISI+
Browne (Robert), B. A., .lEd. ISz9.
10 Browne (Robert), B. A' I
Browne (Robert), B. A., Vma. JS4S.-M. A., &t. JS5z.
Browne (Robert), B.A., Vwn. IS5S,
Browne (Robert Clayton), M. A., (ad eund. Oxon), NOP. 183'1..
Browne (Robert Wilson), B. A., Vern. IS60.
zS Browne (Rowland), B. A., Vern. 1701.
Browne (St. John), B. A., jEst. ISOS.
Browne (Samuel), B. A., Vern. I S49.-LL. B., and LL. D., JEd.
Browne (Simon), B. A., Vim. 171S.
Browne (Stephen), B. A., Vwn. IS30.-LL. B. and LL. D., &t.
30 Browne (Stephen Swetenham), B. A' I Hum, 1864.





Browne (Thomas), B. .A., V".,.. 1786.

Browne (Thomas), B. .A., V".,.. 1788.
Browne (Thomas), B. .A., Vern. 18IOo-M. A., Vn-,.. 1833.
Browne (Thomas), B . .A., &t. 1832.
5 Browne (Thomas), B. .A., V".,.. 1848.
Browne (Thomas Brierly), B . .A., Vern. I 84Oo-M .A.,.2&t. 1858.
Browne (Valentine), B. .A., 1614.
Browne (Vesey Agmondisham), B.A., ,t. 18++.-M.B., .2&t.
Browne (William), B. .A., V".,.. '7H.-M. A., Vtrn. 1757.
10 Browne (William). B .A., Vmt. 1821.
Browne (William), B. A., Vwn. 1831.
Browne (William), B. .A., Vms. 1845.
'. Browne (William H.), B. .A., Vern. 1822.
Brownesworth (Jonathan), B. A., Vms. 1673'
15 Browning (Edward), B. .A., VM'tI. '71 I.
Browning (Geoft'ry) B. .A., LEIl. 1806.
Browning (James), Sch., 1685.-B. .A., 1688.
Brownlow (Arthur), B. .A., V".,.. 166+
Brownlow (Arthur), B: .A., &t. 1782.
20 Brownlow (Francis), M .A., V".,.. 1809.
Brownlow (James), B. .A., Alt. 1793.
Brownlow (James), B. A., &t. 1832.
Brownlow (John), B.A., &t. 1829.
Brownlow (Joseph), B. .A., V".,.. 17+3.
25 Brownlow (Standish), B.A., V".,.. 1705.
Brownlow (William), B . .A" V".,.. 1702.
Brownrigg (David), B. .A., .IEIl. 1831.
Brownrigg (Francis), B. .A., &t. 1840'
Brownrigg (George Oliver), B.A., &t. 18H.
30 Brownrigg (Henry), B.A., V".,.. '7+8.
Brownrigg (Henry), B. .A., V".,.. 1795.
Brownrigg (Henry), B. A., &t. 1819.-M. A., NOtJ. 1832.
Brownrigg (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Brownrigg (Henry John), B. A" ./EIt. 1812.
3S Brownrigg (Henry Latham), B .A., Vtrn. 1854Brownrigg (John), B .A., V".,.. 1750.
Brownrigg (John), B. A., V".,., I 779.-LL. B., and LL. D., ..lEat.
17 87.



Brownrigg (John Annesley), B. A., Vene. ISSI.

Brownrigg (Robert), B. A., .2&t. IS+S.
Brownrigg (Theobald), B. A., V"... I 772.-M:. A., Vma. 1776.
Brownrigg (Thoma5), B.A., Vem. 1777.-lf..A., Vem. J7So.
5 Brownrigg (Thomas Richard), B. A., .2&t. IS+s.-M. A., ..l&t.
Brownrigg (William Bookey), B. A., HUrn. IS59.
Bruce (
), B. A., V".,.. 17+2.
Bruce (Charles Saul), B. A., V"... IS61.
Bruce (Edward), B.A., V"... IS33.
10 Bruce (George), B. A., .2&t. IS03.
Bruce (George), B. A., At. ISI8.
Bruce (Sir Henry Harvey Aston), Bart., B. A., Vem. 1785.ll. A., Vwn. 1809'
Bruce (James Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Bruce (James Andrew), B. A., ..l&t. IS+4.-M. A., ..l&t. 1856.
15 Bruce (Jonathan), Sch., 1702.-B. A., Ywn. 1703.
Bruce (Jonathan), B. A., Vena. 1707.
Bruce (Jonathan), B. A., Vn-n. 1777.-M.A., Vena. 17SI.
Bruce (Lewis), B. A.,
1729.-lf.. A., .A4t. 1732.-B. D.,
and D. D., ..l&t. 17+7.
Bruce (Lloyd Stewart), B. A., Vwn. 18p.-Y. A., .2&t. 185+.
20 Bruce (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1857.
Bruce (Saul), B. A., V".,.. I 736.-lf.. A., .2&t. 1739.
Bruce (Stewart), B.A., .2&1. 18.u.-M. A., Vwn. 1839.
Bruce (William), B. A' I ~,.,.. 1776.
Bruce (William), B. A., At. IS09.
25 Bruce (William Robert), B. A., Vn-R. 18SS.
Bruen (Samuel), B. A., At. 1623.
Brumby (Nicholas), B. A., VeNt. 1780.
Brunell (Joshua), Sch., 1727-B. A., Vena. 1728.-11. A., At.
173 1
Brunker (Brabazon), B. A., .2&t. 18+3.-lf.. A., Vern. IS63.
30 Brunker (James Edward), B. A., Vn-n. 1863.
Brunker (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS46.-Y. A., Vem. 1850.
Brunskill (John), B. A., V".,.. IS29.
Brunskill (William North Richardson), B. A., Hum. 18S9.-M. A.,
.2&t. 186+.
Brunton (Anthony), B. A., Vwn. ,,25.-M. A., .st. 1729.




BruBbe (William H.), B.A., Vim. 1838.

Bryan (Christopher), Sch., 1688.-B. A., Vms. 1689.
Bryan (Daniel), B. A., V",.. 1788.
Bryan (Edward), B.A., V".,.. 1831.
5 Bryan (Henry J.), B. A., V".,.. 182+
Bryan (Isaac). B. A., Vma. 1770.
Bryan (Isaac William), B. A., Vwn. 1856.-lI. A., V",.. 1859'
Bryan (Jacob), B. A., Vwn. 1733.-M. A., .IEd. 1736.
Bryan (James), B. A., wn. 1818.-M. A., Vwn. 1832.
10 Bryan (Loftus Anthony), B. A., Vwn. 18S7.-lI. A., Vwn. 1860.
Bryan (Richard Butler), B. A., Vwn. 1801.-11. A., V",.. 1815.
Bryan (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1800.
Bryan (Robert Britten), B. A., .LEat. 1840.
Bryan (Samuel), Sch., I 769.-B. A., P6rn. 1770.
J 5 Bryan (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1816.
Bryan (William), B. A., V",.. I 773.-M. A., .LEat. 1809.
Bryan (William), B.A., Vwn. 181+-lI.A., NOf]. 1832.
Bryan (William Izon), B. A., Hiem. 1862.-LL. B., .LEat. 1864.](. A., V",.. 1866.
BryllD8 (Francis), B. A., Vwn. 1821.
20 Bryanston (Roberl), B. A., Vwn. 1786.
Bryanton (Roberl), B.A., Vwn.1751.
Bryanton (Roberl Crowe), LL. B., Ailt: 1789.
Bryants (Roberl), B. A., Vwn. I 733.-11. A., .LEat. 1736.
Bryce (Archibald Hamilton), B. A. Vwn. 18SZ.-LL B., and
LL. D., Fum. 1863.
z5 Bryce (John), B. A., Vent. 1697.-M.A., .LEat. 1700.
Brynane, (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18zo.
Brynn, Brenn, or Brinn (Henry), Bch., 1700.-B. A., Vwn. 170 1.M. A., AIIt. 1704.
Bryeon (William), B.A., 18n.
Buchanan (George), B. A., .LEat. 172430 Buchanan (George), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
Buchanan (John), B. A., .l&t. 1821.-M. A., .LEat. 1827.
Bnchanan (John), B. A., Vim. 18z+
Buchanan (Matthew), B. A., prior to 685-M. A., .LEat. 1688.
Buchanan (Richard Wright), B. A., Vwn. 1852.-)[. A., ..lEd.
35 Buehln. (Thomas), B. A., V/Wfl. 1786.



Buchanan (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. I 824.-1{. A., Nflf'. 1832.

Buchanan (William), B. A., .2&t. 1772.
Buchanan (William F.), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
Buck (Andrew), 8ch., 17+5.-B. A., V".,.. 17+6.-Y. A., d.
17+9.-B. D., and D. D., .2&1. 1781.
5 Buck (John), B. A., Vwn. I 775.-Fellow, 1781.-M. A., Vern.
1782.-B.D., V".,.. 1786.-D. D., At. 1790.
Buck (Jonathan), B. A., V".,.. 1773.-LL. B., Vem. 1776.
Buckby (Robert Greville), B. A., V".,.. 185+.
Buckley, or Bulkley (Edward), 8ch., 1703.-B. A., Vern. '705.
Buckley (John), B. A., V".,.. 1793.
10 Buckley (Richard), B. A., V".,., 1825'
Buckley (Robert William), B. A., Vtrn. 1860.
Buckley (William), B.A., May 2, 1618.-M.A., May 9, 1621.
Buckley (William Lewi8), B.A., Vwn.18S+
Buckly (Thoma8), B. A., Vwn. I 702.-Y. A., .2&t. 1705.
15 Bucknall (John), B. A., .2&t. 1835.
Bncknall (Samuel Lindsay), B. A., .2&1. 1853.
Buckner (William), B. A., Vwn. 172+-M. A., Vern. 1728.
Buckridge (Thomas), B.A., Vwn. 1683.
Buckworth (Thomas Everard), B. A., .2&t. 1842.
20 Budds (John Booth),
A., Diem. 1865.
Budds (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1830.
Budds (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1840.
Budds (Wm. Carr), B.A., Vem.1725'
Budge (Henry), B. A., Dinn. 1862.
25 Bulfell (Robert), Sch., 1709.-B. A., Vern. 1710.
BuIkeley (John), B. A., Vwn. 1776.
Bulkeley (Lancelot), A. M. (Oxon.)-D. D., h:Bt. 1621.
Bulkly (Sir Richard), B.A., Vem. I 680.-Fellow, 1681.-" A.,
LE". 1681.

Bulkly (Thomas), M.A., JMI. 16, 1661.

30 Bulkly (William), D. D., Jan. 26, 1661.
Bull (Christopher), B.A., Vwn.1818.
Bull (George Tippett), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Bull (Jame8 Vivian), B. A., V".,., 18+1.
Bull (Joshua Edward), B. A., Vem. 1836.
35 Bull (Richard), B. A., &t. 1778.
Bullen (Edward), B. A., .AS.t. 1825.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.









Bullen (John), B. A., VWfI. 1850.

Bullen (Richard), B. A., V"n. 1728.
Bullen (Robert), B. A., VWfI. 1756.
Bullen (Robert), B. A., VWfI. 1790.
Bullen (Thomas), Bch., 1722.-B. A., Vern. 1724.-M. A., .&1.
17 2 7.
Bullick (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1821.-M.A., VWfI. 1827.
Bullick (Charles A.), B.A., Vma. 185).-M. A., 1859.
Bullinbrook (Edward), B. A., V".,.. I 733.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
AAt. 17#Bullinbrook (John), B. A., V",.,.. 1689'
Bultee1 (Dominick), Sch., 1687.-B. A., Vim. 1689.
Bulwer (Archibald Redford), B. A., LEtt. 18+3.-M. A., .2&t.
Bulwer (Walter R.), B. A., .At.t. 18+7.
Bunbury (
), (Entrance and A. B. not recorded).-M. A.,
Atst. 1629.
Bunbury (Benjamin), B. A., AAt. 1820.
Bnnbury (Benjamin), B.A., VWfI.1834Bnnbury (George), B. A., VfflI. 1772.
Bnnbury (John), B. A., VWfI. 1715,
Bnnbury (Joseph), B. A., Vma. 1724.
Bunbury (Joseph), B. A., V",.,.. 17+8.
Bnnbury (Henry), B. A., VWfI. 1733.-M. A., ..l&t. 1736.
Bnnbury (Henry), B. A., NOfJ. IJ, 1788.
Bnnbury (Henry), B.A., Vern. 18+0.
Bnnbury (Ralph), Beh., 1677.-B.A., Vent. 1680.-M. A., A!:Bt.
Bunbury (Robert Shirley). B. A., LEtt. I 833.-H. A., A!:Bt. 18.
1pobury (Thomas), Sch., 1688.-B. A., V",.,.. 1691.-M. A' I A!.at.
Bunbury (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1767.
Bunbury (Thomas), B. A., ..l&t. 18S2.-M. A., Vern. 1863.
Bunbury (Thomas), H. A., Jan. 26, 1661.
Bunbury (Thomas), B. A., LElt. 1831.
Banbury (Walter), LL. D. (l.onoril Mmct), LEd. 1709.
Bunbury (William), B.A., AAe. 1840.
Bunbury (William Isaac), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).
11. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Bunting (Anthony), B. A., Vern. I 8+ I.-H. A., Vim. 18+6.



Bunting (Anthony), B.A., Vwn.1853.

Bunworth (ChBl'les), B. A., J7wn. 1727.-11. A., At. 1730.
Bunworth (Peter), Sch., 1717.-B. A., Vwn. 1719.-M. A., Vwn.
17 2 +.
Bunworlh (Richud), B.A., VWft. 17So.
5 Burches (David). See Burgesse.
Burchess (Jonas), B. A., Vwn. 17+9.-11. A., At. 1752.
Burche88 (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1738.
Burdett (Arthur), B. A., At. 1789.-11. A., AIlt. 1792.
Burdett (Arthur), B. A., At. 1836.
10 Burdett (George), B. A., V,,.,.. 1838.
Burdett (John), Sch., 1676.-B. A., Vwn. 1678.-M. A., .AUt.
Burdett (John), B. A., Vwn. 1796.
Burdett (John Head). B. A., .2Ed. 1830.
Burdon (Charles), Sch., 17+3.-B. A., V".,.. 17+5.-11. A., Ver".
17p-lLB., At. 1756.
IS Burdy (Samuel), Soh., 1780.-B. A., .2&t. 1781.
Burgen (Francis), B. A., Hag 2, 1618.-11. A., Hag 26, 1621.
Burgen (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1621.
BUrge88 (David), B. A., Vwn. 170S.-lL A., At. 1708.-B. D.,
and D. D., .tBIt. 1736.
Burge88 (Henry 1Iartyn), B. A., Hi",.. 1860.
20 Burge88 (John Hart), B. A., V".,.. 1850.-11. A., .2&t. 18SS.
Burgess (John Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1786.
Burge88 (John Hewitt), B. A., Vwn. 1826.
Burgess (Richard B.), B.A., V".,.. 1851.
Burgess (Robert EVaJls). B. A., VWft. 1828.-11. A., Ywn. 1832.
25 Burgess (William), 11. A., AIlt. 183+
Burgeaae, or Burchea (David), Soh.. 1671.-B. A., Vir". 167S.11. A., .2&t. 1678.
Burgh (Charles), B.A., At. 1816.
Burgh (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1838.
Burgh (John), B. A., V".,., 173:&.
30 Burgh (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1729.-11. A., At. 1732.
Burgh (Richard), B. A., V".". 17+8.
Burgh (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1772.
Burgh (Richard), B.A., Vwn.1780.
Burgh (Rickard), B. A" Vwn. 168+.-11. A" Tel'''. 1687.







Burgh (Robert Hussey), B. A., Vmt. IS27.-1I. A., ..lEat. IS29.

Burgh (Thomas), Sch., I 67+.-B. A., Vwn. 1675.
Burgh (Thomas), B.A., Vmt.171+
Burgh (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1726.
Burgh (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1772.
Burgh (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1773.
Burgh (Thomas John), B. A., .2&t. IS07.-M. A., .2&t. ISI6.
Bargh (Ulytllles), Sch., 1660.-B. A., 1660.
Burgh (Ulyll8e8), B. A., Vmt. 1732.
Burgh (Walter), B. A., .2&1. ISIO.-M. A., ..lJiat. ISI9.
Burgh (Walter), LL. B. (Aonon'I eIlUld) .2&1. 1777.
Burgh (William), B. .A., .2&1. 16S+-l. A., .2&t. 16S7.
Burgh (William), B. A., Vem. 170J.-1I. A., .2&t. J706.-LL. B.,
.2&1. 170S'
Burgh (William), B. A., Vern. 1726.
Burgh (William), B.'A., Vern. '763,
Burgh, afterwards De Burgh (William), B. A., .2&t. IS2 I .-Y. A.,
Vern. IS+7.-B. D., JEd. ISp.-D. D., JEd. IS57.
Burgh (William), LL. D. (Aonori8CaUld), Vma. 1712.
Burgoine (Thomas), Sch., 1733.-B.A., Vem.I735'
Burgoyne (Claudius), B.A., .2&t. 1827.
Burgoyne (Thomas Neville), (B. A., not recorded).-lI.A., V".,..
Burk (John), LL.D., Sept. 22,173.
Burke (Arthur), B. A., Perno IS+6.
Burke (Charles), B. A., .2&1. IS2S.
Burke (Edmund), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., Vwn. I7+S,
Burke (Edmund), Sch., 18p.-B.A., Vmt.ISSS.
Burke (Edwatd), B.A., Ywn. 1813.
Burke (Edward F.), B.A., Ywn. 18so.
Burke (Francis), B. A., At. 1802.-1I. A., .&t. ISI3.-LL. B.,


lSI 1 . -

LL D., Vmt. 1833.

Burke (Francis), B.A., Hiem. ,S61.

30 Burke (Henry), B.A., Vent. 181+.
Burke (lames), B . .A., V".,.. 1839.
Burke (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1727.
Burke (lohn), B. A., At. 1730.
Burke (John), B. A., V".,.. 1734.
3S Burke (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1780.




Burke (lohn), Sch., 1803.-:8. A., Vim. 180S.-lf. A., Ait. 1821.
Burke (lohn), B. A., Vim. IS06.
Burke (lohn), B. A., Vmt. 1831.
Burke'(lohn A.), B. A., Ait. 183:&.
S Burke (Sir 10hn Bernard), Knt., LL D. (Aottor., C/ltUd), AJlt. IS62.
Burke (lohn Lardner), B. A., Vmt. IS31.-ll. A., At. IS33.LL B. and LL. D., At. 1839.
Burke (loseph), B.A.r Vim. IS33.
Burke (loseph Wm.), B. A., V",.. ISH.
Burke (lfichael), B.A., V",.. IS37.-lLA., V".,..IS43.
10 Burke (Michael), B. A., V".". IS49.
Barke (MIchael George), B. A., 'Ymt. ISH'
Burke (lfichaellohn), B. A., Vim. 1833.
Burke (Nicholae A.), B. A. and LL. B., At. 1791.
Burke (Oliver loseph), B.A.~. ISH.
I S Burke (Raymond), B. A., V".,., .671.
Burke (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 1824.
Burke (Robert), B. A., (Oxon.)-lf. A., Notl. 1832.
Burke (Robert 1.), B. A., Vern. 1819.-H. B., V,Nt. 1834.
Burke (Stephen), H. B., At. 18.1.
20 Burke (Thomas), B.A., V".,. . .,83.
Burke (Thomas), B.A., y".,., 1787.
Burke (Thomas Gi8bome), B. A., Vmt. ISI3.
Burke (William), B. A., Vmt. 1703.-lf. A., At. 1711.
Burke (William), B. A., Vem. 1,80.
25 Burke (William), B.A.. .2&t. 1803.-lf.B., At. 1813.
Burke (William), B. A., y".,.. 1824.
Burke (William), B. A., V".,.. 1839'
Burke (William 10aeph), B. A., y",. . 847.
Burke (William Robert), B. A., Ymt 86
30 Burkett (Francis Haaaard), B. A., V".,.. 184S.-H. A.., V".,..ISS9.
Burkitt (George), B. A., y".,.. IS34.
Burkitt (lames), Sch., ISSl.-B. A., Yem. 18S6.-H. A., y".,..
18 59.
Burkitt (lohn Robert Francis), B.A., &t. IS24.-)[. A., Yern.
IS29.-M. B., At. J82C).
Burkitt (Robert James), B. A., V".,.. 1823.-K. B., At. 1828.H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
35 Burland (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. J857.-Y. B., r~rn. ISS8.



Burland (William), B. A., Vern. 18p.-M. A., V.".,.. 1857.

Burleigh (Arlhur Goo.), B. A" .&t. 1866.
Burleigh (George), Sch., 17zo.-B.A., V.".,.. 17%%.
Burleigh (Henry), B.A., V.".,.. 17u.-M.A., At. 17zS.
S Burleigh (Henry), B. A., Vme. 1790.
Burleigh (Wm. Dobbs), B. A., V.".,.. 1786.
Burn (Caulfield), Sch., 17p.-B.A., V.".,., 1753.
Burn (Patrick), B. A., V.".,.. 1735.
Burn (Richard), B. A., Vme. 170+
10 Bumage (Moses), Sch., 1703.-B. A., VtNI. 175.
Burne (lames), B.A., V.".,..18z8.
Burne (John), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Burne (William), B. A., V".,.. 1800.
Burne (William Wood), B.A., Vern. 183z.-M.A., Vtrn.1837.
IS Burnell (lohn), B.A., VtNI.18so.
Burnell (William), B.A., Vern. IS31.
Burnet (George), B.A., Vme. ISH.
Bnrnet (lackson), Sch., I 739.-B. A., VtNI. 17+z.-M. A., ..l&t.
Burnet (lames), B.A., V".,.. 1709.
10 Burnet (lames), B.A., VITfI. ISZ+
Burnet (John), Sch., ISI9.-B. A., V".,.. 18u.-LL. B., ..l&t.
18z7_LL. D., At. 18+7.
Burnet (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 17+.
Burnet (Richard), Sch., 18z7.-B.A., Vma. 1830'
Burnet (Richard Alfred), B. A., Vern. I 86z.-M. A., Hiem. 1865.
15 Burnet (Robert), B.A., Vma.IS57.
Burnet (William), Sch., 18H.-B. A., Vtrft. 18S6.-M. A., Vern.
Burnet (Wm. Richard), B. A., Vma. 18sz.-Y. A., Vma. 1861.
Burnside (Matthew), B. A., Vma. 1791.
Burnside (Matthew James), B.A., Vern. 1859.
39 Bumside (Wm. Smyth), B. A., V".,.. 18lz.-Y. A., and B. D.,
AlIt. 1861.
Burnside (Wm. Snow), Sch., 18S9.-B.A., Ver". 1861.-Y. A.,
Burr (Adam John), B. A' I Vern. J839.-lI. A., Ve1-n~ 18+z.
Burridge (Ezekiel), Sch., 1683.-B. A., Vir/I. 168+-M. A., ,t.
J687.-LL. B. and LL.D., &t. 170z.



Burris (Charles Wm.), B. A., Hi",.. 186+.

Burroughs (Arthur Thomas), B. A., Vma. 182+-1. A., ]{0fJ.
1832 ..
Burroughs (Arthur Travers), B. A., Vma. 18+9.
Burroughs (Edmund), B. A., At. 18zS.
5 Burroughs (Henry Colclough), B. A., Vma. 185z.-)[. A., Vma.
Burroughs (Lewis), B.A., Vma. I 736.-1I. A., At. 1739.-B.D.,
V".,.. J76S.-D. D., At. 176S.
Burroughs (Robert), B. A., Vms. 186+
Burroughs (Wm. Edward), B. A., At. 1817.-Jr[. A., &e. 18zo.
Burroughs (Wm. Gore), B. A., V~r". 183+.
10 Burrowes, or Burrows, (Abraham), B. A., V".,.. 1701.-M. A., ,h;'t.

Burrowes (Alexander), B. A., V".". 1793.

Burrowes (BriDaley), Sch., 1i73'-B. A., V".,.. 1775.
Burrowes (Edward Denis), B. A., Ver". 1853.-LL. B., .&t.
18S6.-LLD., At. 1859.
Burrowes (lWiott), B. A.., V".,.. 1819.-1I. A., At. 181+
I S Burrowes, or Burrows, (Francis), B. A., Vir". 1702.-1I. A., At.
Burrowes (Francia), B. A., V".,.. 178+
Burrowes (George), B.A., At. 18u.-M.A., NOfJ. 11J32.
Burrowes (Henry), B. A., Vma. 18S7.-Jr[. A., Vn:n. 1861.
Burrowes (lames), B.A., V".,.. 1792.
20 Burrowes (.Tohn), B. A., At. 177I.-LL. B., and LL. D., At.
17 87.
"Burrowes (1ohn), B. A., V".,.. 18z7'
Burrowes (loseph), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Burrowes (Kildare), B. A.,
Burrowes (Peter), Soh., 177S.-B. A., Vlrn. 1777.
2S Burrowes (Peter). B. A., Vma. 1838.
Burrowes (Robert), B. A., Vma. 17+3.-1I. A., At. 1746.
Burrowes (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1772.-1I. A., LEat. 1775.
Burrowes (Robert), Bch., 1775.-B. A., Vern. 1777.-Fellow,
I 782.-1. A., Vwn. 1783.-B. D., At. I 790.-D. D., At.
Burrowes (Robert), B. A., V",.. 1790.
30 Burrowes (Robert), B.A., Fern. 1812.




Burrowes (Robert), B. A., AI. 1830.

Burrowes (Samuel), B. A., At. 1806.
Burrowes (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1737.
Burrowes (Thomas), B. A., VM'f&. I7+Z.
5 Burrowes (Thomas Robert), B.A., Vern. 1839.
Burrowes (Waldron), B.A., Vern. 18H.
Burrowes (Wolfenden K.), B. A., Vern. 1816.-1I. A., NOfJ. 1833.
Burrows (Abraham). See Burrowes.
Burrows (John), B. A., Vern. 1861.
10 Buntead (Parker), :B. A., Vern. I 747.-1I. ~., At. 1750.
Bunted, or Busted (JephBon), B.A., At. 17o.-1I. A., At. 1701.
Bunton (Beresford), Sch., 1,60.-B. A., Vern. 1762.
Bunton (Beresford), B. A., At. 1799.
Bunton (George), B. A., ~T'fI, 1691.
IS Bunton (Hugh), B. A., Vmt. 1691.-11. A., At. 1693.
Burtchael (Somerset Brafield), B. A., V"",. 1857.
Burton (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1852.
Burton (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18+4.
Burton (:Edward), B. A., Vern. I 772.-LL. B., Vern. 1776.
zo Burton (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1834.
Burton (George Francis), B.A., y".,.. 1816.-H. A. Vlrn. 18z4.
Burton (James Edmund), B. A., Vir . 1799.
Burton (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1716.-1I. A., At. 1719.
Burton (lohn), B. A., V".,., 1778.
25 Burton (John), B. A., andLL.B., At. 1827.-1I.A., Vern. 18z9.
Burton (Nathaniel), B. A., At. 1814.-LL. B., and LL. D., ~rn.
Burton (Richard), B. A., V".,., 1816.
Burton (Robert), B. A., At. 1797.
Burton (Robert), B. A., At. 1834.
30 Burton (Robert William), B. A., Vern. 18z8.-M. A., Not}. 183z.
Burton (Thomas), B. A., At. 1630.
Burton (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 17+7.-M. A., Vern. I75Z.
Burton (Walter), B.A., Vwn. 1701.
Burton (William), B. A., Hay I, 165+.
3S Burtmi (William). B. A., Vwn. 1759.
Bury (Anthony), Sch., 17JZ.-B. A., Vern. 171+.
Bury (Anthony), 'B. A., Vern. 1718.
Bury (Anthony), B. A., V,m. 173S.-}(. A., At. 1738.






Bury (Anthony), B. A., .AUt. 1738.

Bury (Charles William), B. A., .AUt. 1785.
Bury (Edward John), B. A., Vwn. 18n.-H. A., Vern. 1863.
Bury (John), B. A., Vir,.. 17+5.-H. A., Vern. 17+8.
Bury (John), B. A., Vir". 1850.
Busby (John), B. A., .AUt. 18+7.-M:. A., Vern. 1856.
Busby (Samuel Edward), B. A., HiMn,. 186+.
Busby (William Beaumont), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), .AUt. 1807.
Bush (Amiaa), B. A., .AUt. I 726.-H. A., .AUt. 1729.
Bush (William), B. A., Vim. 1715.
Bush (Woraop), B. A., Vim. 1715.
Bushe (Arthur), (Entrance not recorded).-LL. D., Vim. 1701.
Bushe (Arthur), B. A., .AUt. 1820.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Bushe (Charles), B. A., .AUt. 1820.
Bushe (Charles Kendal), Sch., 1785.-B. A., Vim. 1787.-H. A.,
.AUt. I 791.-LL. B., and LL.D., .AUt. 1796.
Bushe (Gervase H.), B.A., Vern. 18S3.-H. A., Vern. 1856.
Bushe (Gervase Parker), B. A., Vern. 1803.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
y,Nt. 1809.
Bushe (Henry Angus), B. A., .AUt. 179+.
Bushe (John), B. A., Ver,.. 1727.
Bushe (John), B.A., .AUt. 1814.
Bushe (John), B. A., .AUt. 18+9.
Bushe (John H.), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Bushe (John Phillips), B. A., .AUt. 18+9.-M:. A.,
Bushe (Richard Henry), B. A., Vtnt. 1839.
Bushe (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1701.-M:. A., .2&f. 170+.
Bushe (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 17+7.
Bushe (Thomas), B. A., .AUt. 1790.
Bushe (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1820.
Bushe (Thomas Francis), B. A., &t. 18540.
Bushe (William), Sch., 1797.-B. A., Vent. I 799.-}[. A., Vern.
Bushell (Richard), B. A., Vern. 17+2.
Bussell (Barton Thomas), B. A., &t. 1865.
Bussell (Henry William Gustavus), B. A., Vern. 18s+.-lf. A.,




Vern. 1859.
BUSBell (Sidney Parkinson), B. A., Hittn. 1863.
3S Busteed (John), B. A., Ver,.. 1798.
Busteed (John E.), B. A., .2&t. 1828.



Butcher (Richard G. H.), M. D. (llonori, caUld). Vern. 1863.

Butcher (Samuel), Sch., I 832.-B. .A., Vern. 183+-Fell., 1837.l {. .A., Vern. 1839.-B. D., ..lEat. 1848.-D. D., Vern. 1849.
Butcher (Samuellohn), B. .A., Vern. 1859.-M. .A., ..lEat. 186....
Butler (Abel), B. A., Vern. 1731.
5 Butler (Austin), B. A., ..lEal. 1821.
Butler (Brinsley), LL. D. ('pecitlli grtltia), Vern. 1718.
Butler (Hon. Brinsley), B. A., ..lEal. 17+8.-M. A., Vtrn. 175.LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1754Butler (Edmuud), B. A., V".,.. 1860.
Butler (Edward), B. A., ..lEal. 1782.
10 Butler (Edward), 1J. A., Vtrn. 182....
Butler (Edward), B.A., ..lEal. 1827.
Butler (Edward), B. A., V",.. 1841.
Butler (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18",2.-11. A., AUt. J 846.
Butler (Edward lones). B. A., Vern. 1859.
IS Butler (Francis), B. A., Vim. 18H.-LL. B., V,rn. 1858.1I. A., ..lEal 8S8.
Butler (Frederick Augustus), B. A., Hinn. 1865.
Butler (Gerald), B. A., Vern. 18p.
Butler (Hans), B.A., &t. 1831.
Butler (Henry), B. A., V",.. 18p.
20 Butler (Henry William Paget), B. .A., .AWt. 1851.
Butler (Humphrey), LL. D. (Aonori, CtlUla), Vern. 1730.
Butler (lames, Earl of 0880ry), l{. A., (ad eund. Cantab.), 1680.LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1681.
Butler (lames), B. A., .&1. 1786.-LL B., Vlrn. 1790.
Butler (James), B. .A., Vtrn. 1800.
25 Butler (Hon. James), B. A., .&e. 1813.-M. A.,.&e 1817.
Butler (James), B. .A., ..lEat. 1814.
Butler (lames), B. A., .&t. 1840'
Butler (James), B. A., ..lEal. 1840.
Balter (lames Edward), B. A., Hinn. 186 ..
30 Butler (James Henry Edward), B. A., AUt. 1860.
Butler (lohn), B. A., May 4, 1655'
Butler (lohn), Sch., 1682.-B. A., prior to 1687.
Butler (lohn), B. A., .&e. 1688.
Butler (John), B. A., Vir". 1762.
H Butler (John), B. A., .&1. 1820.-}f. A., Nov. 1832.



Butler (John), B. A., V".,.. IS:&+

Butler (lohn Judkin), B. A., V".,., IS3:&.-M. A., V".". IR3S.
Butler (Joseph), B. A., ~,.,.. 172S.-1I. A., .2&t. 1728.
Butler (Pierce), B. A., .lEBt. I S02.
S Blltler (Pierce), B. A., .lEBt. IS So.
Butler (Pierce Edward), B. A., Vern. ISn.
Butler (Pierce O'Brien), B. A., At&t. IS36.
Butler (Pierce Somerset), B. A., V".,.. IS24'
Butler (Richard), Sch., 1727.-.8-. A., V".,.. 172S.
10 Butler (Hon. Richard), B. A., V".". 1774'
Butler (Richard), B. A., V".,.. I77S.-B. D., and D. D., &1.
Butler (Richard), B. A., VITtI. ISOS.
Butler (Richard), B. A., AAt. IS4o.-M. A.j 2&1. 1S46.
Butler (Robert K.), B. A., y".,.. IS3S,
I S Butler (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. I 77o.-LL. B., V,",. 1776.
Butler (Somerset V. C.), Viscount Ikerrin, B. A., BIt. 1799.
Butler (Theobald), B. A.,
Butler (Theobald), B. A., &1. ISI2.
Butler (Theobald), B. A., A:lt. IS+S.-lI. A., V,",. IS6S.
20 Butler (Hon. Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1706.-H. A., At&t. 1708.LLB., and LL.D., V".,.. 1712.
Butler (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 17 H .
Butler (Thomas), B.A., V".,.. 17S6.
Butler (Thomas), B. A., V,,.,.. IS+7.
Butler (Thomas), LL. D. (Aonorti CIJu8d), V".,.. 1730.
2S Butler (Walter), B. A., .lEBt. IS37.
Butler (Walter B.), B. A., V".". IS41.
Butler (William), B. A., V".". ISoS.-ll. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Butler (William), B. A., V".". IS36.
Butler (William), B. A., Vwn. IS42.
30 Butler (William Archer), Sch., IS32.-B. A., At. IS3S.-ll. A.,
V".,.. IS 4'
Butler (William Dawson), B. A., V".,.. ISS7.
Butler (William Henry), B.A., Vma. ISS7.-lI.A., 17'".,..1860.
Butson (Christopher), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.).-H. A., and B. D.,
V".,.. 17S7.-D. D., &t. 17S9.
Blltt (Isaac), Sch., IS32.-B. A., Atlt. IS3S.-LL. B., Vern.
IS36.-1I. A., and LL. D., 1"ml. IS40.




Butt (Martin Charles). B. A., Yena. 18SS.

Butt (Robert), Sch., 1788.-B. A., y".,.. 1791.
Butter, or Butler, or Rutter (John), B. A., Vwn. 1710.-M. A.,

At. 1713.
Butter:fl.eld (lohn), B. A., rtf'1l. 1833.-M. A.., y".,.. 1837.
5 Buxton (Thomas), B. A., ./E,t. 1807.
Byrn (Richard Archdall), B. A., y".,.. ISSJ.-M. A., y".,." IS60.
Byrne (Caulfteld), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., .lEd. 175S,
Byrne (JlIJIles), Sch., I 837.-B. A., At. IS,p.-Fellow, IS"S,M. A., y".,.. 1852.
Byrne (James E.), B. A., y".,.. J 83S.
10 Byrne (John), Sch., 17z3.-B. A., YW1I. '72",
Byrne (John), B. A., At. ISlo.-M. B., 1"8f'1I. ISJ ...-M. D.,
AtIt. IS1+
Byrne (John Alexander), B. A., At. 18..,.-M. A., Y8f'1I. IS65.
Byrne (John Augustus), B. A., V"... ISH.-M. B., At. IS"S,
Byrne (Lawrence), B. A., y".,.. ISI7.
IS Byrne (Randall), B. A., At. I Soo.
Byrne (Thomas), B. A., Yem. ISZS.-.M. B., At. IS31.
Byrne (Thomas E.), B. A., y".,.. ISZ",

or Keddy (Joseph), B. A., VBNf, 1716.-M. A" At. 1719.
Cadge (Robert), B. A., y".,.. IS28.-M. A., Not). 1832.
20 Caffrey (Fitz-Herbert), B. A., y".,.. 18+1.
Caffry (Charle8 Atkinson), B. A., y".,.. 1801.-.M. A., Nov. IS32.
Cahill (David), B. A., Hilma. 1865'
Cahill (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.
Cahill (John), B. A., y".,.. 1708.
ZS Cahill (Magrath), B. A., y".,.. 18++.
Cahill (Michael), B. A., y".,., 1673.
Cahill (Michael), B. A., At. 170S.-}LA., AAt. 1739.
Cahill (Michael), Sch., 1 769.-B. A., At. 1771.
Cahill (Michael), B. A., y".,.. 1835.-11. A., y".,. . 83S,
30 Cahill (William Joseph), B. A., and LL. B., At. IS6+.
Caigre (Florence), (Entrance not recorded).-ll. A., Jan. 26,


Cain, or Cane. (John), Sch., I7H.-B. A., V".,.. 17+7-M. A.,



Cain (John), Sch., 17+8.-B. A., .2&t. 174-9.

Caine (William), Sch., 184-8.-B. A., Vern. 18so.-M. A., .2&t.
18 53.
Cairnes (John Elliott), B. A., Ver7I. 1848.-M. A., .&t. 185+.
Cairns (Hugh ll'Calmont), B. A., .2&t. I 838.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
V.".,.. I 862.-Chancellor of University, 1868.
S Calcot (Richard), B. A., V".,.. I 789.-LL. B., V".,. 1792.
Calcott (William Berkeley), Sch., 184-3.-B. A., Vern. 18.ll. A., Vern. 1866.
Caldbeck (Joseph), B. A., At. 1838.
Caldbeck (William), B. A., At. 1837.-M. A., Vern. 184-3.
Caldwell (Adam), B. A., Vern. 1818.
10 Caldwell (Christopher), B. A., Vent. 1703.-1I. A' I At. 1706.
Caldwell (John), B. A., V".,.. 1783.
Caldwell (John), B. A., V".,.. 1814-.-M. A., Vern. 182+
Caldwell (John), B. A., Vent. 1832.
Caldwell (John), B. A., Vent. 1844-.
IS Caldwell (Robert). Sch., 1788.-B.A., .2&t. 1790.
Caldwell (Samuel), Sch., I7p.-B. A., Vent. 1753.-1L A., Vent.
Caldwell (William), Sch., I~S.-B. A., V".,.. 1696.-M. A. At.
Callage (ADdrew), B. A., At. 178S.
Callaghan (Daniel), Sch., 18zS.-B. A., Vern. 1827.-M. B., At.
18 36 .
20 Callaghan (Denis), Sch., I 733.-B. A., Vern. 1734-.
Callaghan (Malachy), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Callaghan (Michael). B. A., V".,.. 182+
Callaghan (Richard), B. A., LEd. 1816.-M. A., No". 183z.
Callagban (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1729,
25 Callaghan (Thomas), B. A., VlWn. 1734-.
Callaghan (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Callaghan (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18p.
Callaghan (Timothy), B. A., VlWn. 1834-.
Callanan (...n.), B. A' I .2&1. 1614-.
30 Callanan (James Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1806.-M. A., Vern. 1824.
Callanan (Patrick Jamea) , Bch., 18z8.-B. A., Vern. 1831.-M.A.,
.LEft. I 833.-LL B., and LL. D., .2&t. 184-1.
Callinan (James), Bch., 1790.-B. A., Vml. 1791.



Callwell (Henry), B. A., Alt. 18+2.

Callwell (loseph), B. A., Vwn. I 829.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Callwell-(Nathaniel), B. A., Alt. I 823.-}[. A., N()f). 1832.
Calvert (Augustus), B. A., Vern. 176S.-}[. A., Vern. 1768.LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn. 1773.
5 Calvert (William), Sch., 1676.-B. A., VM"Jt. 1677.-}[.A., ~t.
Camac (Burges), B. A., Alt. 17.
Cambie (Charles), B. A., ~t. 1819.
Camble (lohn), Sch., 17+1.-B. A., VM"Jt. 17+3.
Cambridge (His Royal Highness Adolphus Frederick, Duke of),
LL. D. (Amwri. ellllld), ~t. 1806.
10 Cameron (Charles), B. A., Hiem. 1862.-M. B., and H. Chir.,
Vwn. I 863.-1I. A., and 1I. D., Hiem. 186S.
Cameron (Donald), B. A., Vir". 1839.-}[. A., V".,.. 184-2.LLB., and LL.D., V".,.. 1860.
Cameron (Hector), B. A., Vim. 1851,
Cameron (William), Sch., 17oS.-B. A., Vtrn.1710.-lLA.,At.
17 1+.
Cameron (William), B. A., V".,.. 17+3.
IS Cameron (William W.), B. A., Vim. 184-3.
Campion (Henry), B. A., At. I77S.
Campion (lIeliamus Spread), B. A., V".,.. IS31.
Campion (Robert), B. A., ..lEat. IS22.
Campion (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. IS29.
20 Campion (Thomas Spread), B. A., Vmt. 1783.-1I. A., VIf"fI.
I 79S.-B. D., andD.D., V".,..ISIO.
Campion (William), B.A., V".,.. IS3+
Campbell (Adderley Willcocks), B. A., ~t. IS2S.-1. A., NOf7.
Campbell (Alexander), B. A., Alt. IS39.
Campbell (Alexander B.), Scb., ISI9-B. A., VIf"fI. IS20_-Y. A.,
V".,.. 182S.
2S Campbell (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. I 827.-1I. A., No". 1832.
Campbell (Arthur 1.), B. A., Vwn. IS36.
Campbell (Burrowes), B. A., V".,.. 1790.-LL B., and LL D.,
V".,.. 1806.
Campbell (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1799.-LL. B., ./&t. 1802.LL. D., N()f). IS32.



Campbell (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1829.

Campbell (Charles Bagot), B. A., B'-8m. 1863.
Campbell (Charles Dancer), afterwards B. A., Hi8m. 18S9.-M. A.,
V".,.. 1865. See Campbell (Dillon Charles).
Campbell (Charles E.), Sch., 18+8.-B. A., Vw"- 185+.
5 Campbell (Dillon Charles). See Campbell (Charles Dancer).
Campbell (Drelincourt), Sch., '76S.-B . .A., '767'
Campbell (Edward), B. A., Vwn: 1787.-M . .A., Vwn. 1811.
Campbell (Edward George), B. A., Vwn. 1834.-M. A., V".,..
Campbell (Frederick), B. A., 1820.
10 Campbell (George), B.A., Vern. I 833.-M. A., V".,.. 1856.
Campbell (George Edmonds). B. A., 1861.
Campbell (George Joseph), B. A., V".,., 18+0.-M. A., ./Elf. 18+6.
Campbell (Henry), B. .A., Vern. 1781.
Campbell (James), Sch., '797.-B. A., V".,.. '799.-LL B., and
LL.D., Vern. 1818.
IS Campbell (James), B. A., Vtrn. 18j4.-M. A., VIIrn. 1837.
Campbell (John), Sch., 168 I.-B. A., VM'n. 1684Campbell (John), B . .A., Vern. I 73S.-LL. B., and LL. D., Oct.
Campbell (John), Sch., 17p.-B. A., V".,.. '753,
Campbell (John), B.A., .lEIt. 177+.
%0 Campbell (John), B.A., 1783.
Campbell (John), B. .A., V".,.. 1792.
Campbell \John), B. A., and M. B., &t. 1859.
Campbell (John Hamilton), B. A., 18%3.
Campbell (Joseph), B. A., VIIrn. 1780.
25 Campbell (Matthew). B .A., Vtrn. 178 I.
Campbell (Matthew), B. A., Vwn. 185+.
Campbell (MoBes), B. A., ,2E,t. 17%%'
Campbell (Richard), B. A., J'1Irn. 186+.
Campbell (Robert), B. .A' I Vwn. 1783.
30 Campbell (Samuel), B. A., Vw". 179+'
Campbell (Theophilus). B . .A., 1838.-M. A., .lEIt. 18+9'
Campbell (ThomlUl), Soh., 1754--B. .A., V".,.. 1756.-M. A"
Vwn. 1761.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1771..
Campbell (William), B.A., Vtrn. I7OI.-M. A., Vm. 170+.



Campbell (William), Sch., q63.-B. A., &t. 176+.

Campbell (William), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Campbell (William W.), Sch., I 85o.-B. A., Vma. 185+
Campion (John), B. A" ~.e. 1621.
5 Candler (Henry), B. A., &t. '7 22 .
Candler (Henry), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., Vma. 17+8.-LL. B., and
LL.D., VM"n. 1767.
Candler (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1751.
Candler (William), B. A., ~,t. 1723.-L1. B., Vern. 1731.LL.D., Vern. 1732.
Cane (George), Sch., 1711.-B. A., Vern. 1712.-1. A., .JE'f.
17 1 5.
10 Cane (John).
See Cain.
Cane (1ohn), B. A., VM"n. I 736.-M. A., &t. J 739.
Cane (Richard), B. A., ~at. 17+4.
Cane (Richard), B. A., &t. 1799.
Cane (Richard), B. A., VIINI. 18+2.-M. A., Vern. 1845.
I S Cane (Robert), B. A., &t. 1790.
Cane (Robert Emmett), B. A., Vern. 185+.-1. B., &t. 185+.
1. A., Vml. 1866.
Cangley (David), B. A., VIINI. 1840.
Cannell (Claudius), B.A., Vern. 18SS.
Canning (George), B. A., about 1689.
~o Canning (Stratford), B. A., Vern. J 722.
Canning (George), B. A., V.".n. 175+.
Cannon (George), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Cannon (Michael), B. A. Vem. 1835.
Cannon (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1837.
2S Cantwell (Stephen), B. A., At. 1822.
Carbery (Christopher Henry), B. A" ..l&t. q82.
Carbery (Matthew), B. A" Vem. qss.
Card (Francis), B. A., Vern. 179 t.
Card (Ralph), B. A., VIINI. 17SI.-1. A., Vern. '755.
30 Card (Robert 18DJes), B. A" Vern. 1839.-1. A., V~rn. 18+2.
Carde~ (John Battier), B. A., Vl1rn. 18H.
Carden (Minchin), B. A" &t. 17+4-1. A" &t. 1747.
Carden (Richard), Sch., 17p.-B. A., ..lEIt. 175+
Carden (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1821.
35 Carden (Willi8DJ), B. A., ~,t. 1789.









Cardiff (Nicholas), D. A., (special. gratia). Vern. 1687.

Carew (lohn Russell), B. A., Vern. 175+.
Carew (Nicholas Giles), B. A., H;,m. 1863.
Carew (PonBOnby), D. A., Vwn. 1775.
Carew (Richard Hugh), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
Carew (Roben J.), B. A., ..lEd. 1831.
Carew (Robert Shapland), D. A., Vem. 1773.
Carew (Thomas), B. A., ..lEat. 1796.
Carew (Thomas), B. A., ..lEat. 1817.
Carew (Walter), B. A., ..LfiAt. 18n.
Carey, or Cary (Anthony, or Arthur, or Anthony G.), B. A., AM.
ISoS.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Carey (Edward) B. A., At. 1776.
Carey (Edward), B. A., At. IS21.
Carey (Edward), Sch., ISp.-B. A., Vern.1853.
Carey (George), D. A., Vern. IS+6.
Carey (George Thomal), B. A., Vern. IS+5.
Carey (Henry), D. A., Vern. 1766.
Carey (John), D. A., Vern. 1703.
Carey (John), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Carey (John P.), B. A., Vms. IS29.
Carey (Langer), Sch., 1763.-B. A., Vent. 1765.
Carey (Langer), B. A., LEd. I 821.-M. A., and M. D., ..lEst. IS2+.
Carey (Langer), B. A., Vern. 1852.-M. B., ..lEBt. 185S,
Carey (Lucius), B. A., LEst. ,625,
Carey (Richard), B. A., ..lEst. ISI7.
Cllrey (Richard), B. A., Vm. IS,3+.
Carey (Hobert), B. A., V".". ,SIS.
Carey (William John), B. A., Vertl. IS55.
Cargill (Thomas), B. A., At. 185S.
Carleton (Andrew Edward), B. A., ..lEst. 1858.
Carleton (Arthur), B. A. ('p'ctaU gratid), Vern. 16S7.
Carleton (Edward), D. A., ..lEst. 1791.
Carleton (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18,3,3.-M. A., V".,.. 1836.
Carleton (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 185,3.
Carleton (James), B. A., Vern. IS37.
Carleton (John), B. A., ..lEst. '701.
Carleton (John), B. A., &t. 1772.-M. A., rfNI. 1796.
Carleton (John), B. A., /i'm. 1826.



Carleton (John Barry), B. A., .A!:Bt. 1789.

Carleton (John William), B. A., Vern. I 83+.-M. A., Vern. 1856.
Carleton (Launcelot), B. A., Vtff'fI. 1708.
Carleton (Peter), B. A., Vern. I 779.-'M. A., Vtff'fI. 1783.
5 Carleton, or Charlton (Richard), B. A., Vern. 17z6.
Carleton (Richard), B.A., Vern. 1817.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
Carleton (Robert), B. A., Vtff'fI. 170+'-'M. A., .iEat. 1707.
Carleton (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Carleton (William), B. A., Vern. 1850'
10 Carleton (William), B. A., Vtff'fI. I 858.-M. n., Vern. 1860.
Carleton (William Henry), B. A., Vtff'fI. lSp.-'M. A., Vern. 18,6.
Carlile (Hugh), B. A., Vtff'fI. 1817.-'M. B., ./E,t. 18 n.-'M. A.,
and M. D., Vwn. IS49.
Carmalt (William), B. A., Vir,.. 16S9.
Carmichael (John), B. A:. Vern. 1739.-M. A., .A!:Bt. I7+Z.
IS Carmichael (Frederick Falkiner), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Carmichael (Hugh Richard). B. A., Vwn. 1811.-)1. A., Nrw.
Carmichael (John), Sch., 17z8.-B.A., Vern. Ip9.
Carmichael (Robert), Sch., IS+7.-B. A., Vern. IS49.-'M. A.,
V".". IS5z.-Fellow, 18p.
Carmichael (Thomas), B. A., Vern.IS31.
20 Carmichael (Thomas). B. A., V".". 1832.
Carnac, or Carnock (John), B. A., V".". 1740.
Carnegie (James Isaac), B. A., Vern. IS+I.
Carolan (Neil), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., Vtrn.
Carpendale ('Maxwell), B. A., .A!:Bt. ISI7.-M:. A., NOD. 183z.
25 Carpendale (Thomas), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), .A!:Bt. I7S6.
Carpendale (Thomas), Y. A. (ad ennd. Cantab.), NOrJ. 183z.
Carpenter (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Carpenter (Henry), Sch . 1Su.-B. A., Vern. ISz5.
Carpenter (Robert). Sch., IS20.-B. A., Vern. ISz4.
30 Carpenter (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1727.
Carpenter (Thomas), B.A., Vern. IS37.
Carpenter (William), Sch., ISz3.-B. A., V".". ISzS.-1I. A.,
B. D., and D. D., ./Ed. IS40'
Carr (Agmondiaham Colclough), B. A., and Y. A., Vern. 18+1.
Carr (Arthur), B. A., Vern. I74S.



Carr (Charles), B. A.; Vern. 169S.-M. A., Vern. 1698.-B. D.,

D. D., .l&t. 1716.
Carr (Charles Cassell), B. A., Hi~l1I. 1863.
Carr (Charles Henry), B. A., Vern. 18so.-M. A., .l&t. 1861.
Carr (Daniel), B.A., Vern. 1741.
S Carr (Edward), LL. B., Vern. 169S.
Carr (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1770.
Carr (Edward), 8. A.., Vwn., 1831.-M.A., At. 184-0.
Carr (Edward), B. A., 2Ed. 1831.-LL. B., and LL.D., .l.&t.18)2.
Carr (Edward), B. A., V".". 1853.
10 Carr (Elliott Elmes), B. A., 'Vern. 1839. -l. A., rein. 184-2.
Carr (Francis), B. A., V~rn. 18S8.
Carr (George), Sch., 1681.-B. A., 'ern. 1682.
Carr (George), B. A., Vern. IH2.-Y. A., ..I&t. 17H.
Carr (George), B. A., .l&t. 1785.
15 Carr (George), B. A., rem. 1797.
Carr (George), B. A.., Vern. 1798.
Carr (Henry), Sch., 184-0.-B. A., Fern. 18H.-M. A., . 11M.

Carr (James A.), B. A., Vm,. 18S8.
Carr (Thomas), B. A., LEBt. 1 690.-M. A., At. 1692.
:20 Carr (Thomas), B. A., Vern. I 727'-M.. A., At. 1730.
Carr (Thomas), D. D. (honorl. eQUid), Vern. 1761.
Carr (Thomas), B. A., Fern. 180S.-M. A.,
Carr (Whitmore), B. A., Vern. I 84S.-M. A., Vern. 184-8.
Carr (William), B. A., .8t. 1762.
25 Carr (William), n. A., (ad eund. Cantab.) 1i1m. I 66 I.-Fellow,
I 692.-M. A., .&t. I 692.-M. B., 2E~t. 169;'
Carr (William P.), B. A., Vern. 184-1.
Carre (Frederick), B. A.., Hiem. 1865.
Carre (George Edward), B.A., Vern. 18S8.-1LB., ./E"iJt. 18S8.
Carre (Henry), B. A, rem. 182S.-Y.A., Nuv. 1832.
30 Carre (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18n.
Carre (John), B. A., May I, 1654-.
Carre (Nathaniel William), B:A., .&t. 1863.
Carre (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Carroll (Charles), B. A., Vern.18S9.
3S Carroll (Charles Rundll), B. A., Vern. 18zS.-lf. A., .E.I. 184-3.
Carroll (Coote), H. A' I Vnn. I 829.-M. A., Kot,. IR3Z.









Carroll (Denis William), Sch., 18.p.-B. A., Vern. 18++.-LL. B.,

Vern. 1858.
Carroll (Edward), B. A., JEst. 184-9.
Carroll (Edward A.), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Carroll (Ephraim), B. A., Vern. 1776.
Carroll (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Carroll (George), B. A., Vern. 1767.
Carroll (Henry George), Sch., 184-0. -B. A...; VM"1I. 184-2.-M. A.,
.st. 1845.
Carroll (Howard), B. A., V".,.. 184-6.
Carroll (James), B. A., Vern. 18H.-H. B., ..!&t. IS4-9.
Carroll (John), B. A., Vern. 17z9.
Carroll (John), Sch., ISo+.-B. A., V".,.. IS07.
Carroll (John), B. A., .lE~t. ISOS.
Carroll (John), B. A., Vern. ISI3.
Carroll (John), M. A., Nov. IS32.
Carroll (John), B.A . .2Est. IS4-6.-H. A., Vern. IS59.
Carroll tTheopbilU8), B. A., At. IS2S.-H. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Carroll (William), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-M. A.,
Vern. 1793.
Carroll (William), B.A., Vern. IS59.
Carroll (William George), Sch., IS+l.-B. A., .lEst. lS45.-M. A.,
LEu. 18+7.
Canhore (Joseph James), B.A., .lEst. 1823.
Carson (
), B. A., Vern. I 7+z.
Carson (Alexander), B. A., K&em. I 862.-H. A., Vim. 1866.
Canon (AugustU8), B. A., Vir". IS39.
Carson (David), B. A., .lEst. IS+O.
Carson (Ferdinando), B. A., .lEst. IS24-.
Carson (James), Sch., I 776.-B. A., Vern. 1778.
Carson (James), B. A., Vern. IS29.-M. B., Vern. IS32.
Canon (James), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Carson (James), B. A., ~rn. ISSS.-H. A., .lE.t. IS66.
C8l'I!On (Joseph), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Vern. 1718.
Canon (Joseph), Sch., IS33.-B. A., V".n. IS35.-Fell., IS37.H. A., V".,.. IS39.-B. D., Vim. IS+S.-D. D., Vern.IS50.
Carson (Joseph John Henry), Sch., 18S6.-B. A., V".". ISSS,
Carson (Richard B.). B. A., Vern. 18S6.-Y. B., Vern. IS57.
Carson (Robert). B. A., Vern. 18H.



Carson (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 1785.

Carson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1826.-LL. B., and LL. D., Nor.
1831 .
Carson (Thomas William), Sch., I 854--B. A., VM"n. I 857.-Y' A"
..l&t. 1860.
Carson (William), B. A., LEst. 1703.
5 Carson (William), B. A., LEst. 18+7.
Carte (Alexander), B. A., Vent. 1830.-M. A., Vern. 18H.-M. B.,
VM"n. 18+0.-M. D., Hiem. 1860.
Carte (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Carte (John Elliott), B. A., Vern. 1836.-M. B., VlNs. 1838.M. A., Hi"". 1859.
Carte (William), B. A., V~m. 1820.
10 Carter (Bryan), Sch., I 786.-B. A., Vern. 1788.
Carter (Conway Richard Dobbs), B. A., L&t. 1866.
Carter (Henry), B. A., VM"n. 1825.-M. A., Nor:. 183Z.-B. D.,
and D. D., ..l&t. 18+z.
Carter (Renry Bryan), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Carter (Renry Collis), B. A., .iERt. 1802.
15 Carter (John), B.A., Vern. 17z6.
Carter (John), B. A., ..l&t. 1737.
Carter (John), B. A., ...lEIt. 17+0.
Carter (John), B. A., Vern. 17+1.
Carter (John), D. A., Vern. 174z.
zo Carter (John), B. A., Vem. 176+.
Carter (Leslie Montgomery), B. A" LE8t. 1857.
Carter (Oliver), Sch., 173 I.-B. A., Vem. 17H.
Carter (Oliver), Senior, B. A., Vern. 1734.
Carter (Oliver), Junior, B. A., Vern. 173+.
zS Carter (Richard), B. A., Ven. 18z7.
Carter (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1776.
Carter (Sampson), B. A., VM"n. 1799.
Carter (Thomas), LL. D. (!wnw eIlUld), ..l&t. 1709.
Carter (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1710.
30 Carter (Thomas), B. A., VM"n. 1772.
Carter (William), B. A., VM"n. 18+7.
Carteret (John, Lord Baron), LL. D. (lwnori. eIlUld), ..lEd. 1725.
Carthy (Charles), Sch., 17z6.-B. A., Vern. 1727.-M. A., 17"..,..



Carthy (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1758.

Cartland (George), Sch., 1756.-B. A., Vern. 175S.-M. A., ..lE8t.
17 6 7.
Cartwright (Caleb), B. A., Vern. 1720.-M. A., ..lE8t. I 723.-Fell.,
1724.-B. D., At. '730.-D. D., ..lE8t. 1735.
Cartwright (Conway), B. A., Vern. 1859.
5 Carvery (John), B. A. (lzonori. cat.l8d), At. 1703.
Cary (Anthony G.). See Carey.
Cary (Bowen), B. A., Vern. ISn.-Y. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Cary (George), B. A., Vern. 1753.
Cary (George), B. A., Af:rt. 175+
10 Cary (George), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Cary (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1737.-Y. A., Vern. 17+0.
Cary (Henry Thomas), B. A., Vms. ISSS.-M. B., Aid. 1856.
Cary (Langer), B. A., Vms. ,SIO.
Cary (Lucius), B. A., Vem. 17S5.
15 Cray (Oliver), Scb., '722.-B. A., Vern. J72+.-M. A., V,rn.

Cary (Oliver), B. A., At. 17SI.-M. A., VIn'. 1810.
Cary (Peter), Sch., I 755.-B. A., V".,.. '756.
Cary (Richard), Sch., 1768.-B. A., V".,.. 1770.
Cary (Riohard), B. A., Vwn. IS35.
zo Cary (Tristram), B. A., ..lE8t. 1806.
Cary (William), B. A., V".,.. 1753.
Case (Francis), B.A.,.Vern. 1857.
Casement (Edmund), B. A., Vtrn.IS37.
Casement (John), B. A., Vern. 18+9'-Y' B., ../E". 18+9.-M. A.,
..lEIt. 186S.
25 Casement (Julius), B. A., Vma. 1817.
Casement (Julius), B. A., Vern. 1851.-Y. A., At. 1865.
Casement (Roger), B. A., Vern. 18+z.
Casement (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1827.-H. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Casey (Edmund Henry), B. A., ..lE8t. 18z+.-X. A., Nov. 1832.
30 Casey (John), B.A., Vern.183S,
Caaey (John), N. F. Sch., 1861.-B. A., Hiem. 1862.
C88ey (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1800.-H. B., At. 1808.-}[' D.,
Vern. 1812.
Casey (Timothy), Sch., 1787.-B. A., Vern. 1789'
Casey (William), B: A., At. 1806.-M. A., NOfJ.1832.




Cash (George Augustus), B. A Ailt. IS04.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.

Caah (John), B. .A.., At. IS3S.

Caehel (
), (Entrance not recorded), Sch., 1706.-B.A., Yern.

Cuhel (Francie), B. A., Ywn. 1719,
5 Cashe1l (Frederick), B. A., y".,.. I S.p.
Caahin (Robert). Sch. 1688.-B. A., Ywn. 1692.-M. .A.., At.
Cashin (Robert), B.A Vern. 1745.-M.A., Vern. 1751.
Cashman (George Gray), B. A., y",.,.. 1842.-M. A., .2E8t. IS+9'
Cassan (J08eph), B. A., Ytrn. 176510 Cassan (Stephen). B. A., LEd. I 798.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3%.
Cauedy (Edward), B.A., YIN!. 1711.
C888en (NicholRB), B. A., YIN!. '70S.
C888erly (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. IS39.
Ca88idan (Edmund), Sch., 17IO.-B. A., Ywn. '711.
15 Cassidy (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 183S.
Caseidy (John Valentine), B. A., Ailt. 1860.-M. A., &to 1865.
Cueidy (Mark), Sch., 175o.-B.A., Ywn. 1752.
C888idy (Mark), B. A., Ywn. 1801.-M. A., .&8t. 1820.
Ca88idy (Robert), B. A., Vwn. IS3S.-LL. B., and LL. D., At.
zo Cassidy (William), B. A., V",.,.. 1836.
Castle (Francis), B. A., .LEd. 18z4.
C88tles (Blacker), B. A., Vern. IS49.
Caet1ea (George), Sch., 178).-B. A., 1'"wn. 1787.
Cater (William Thornhill), B. A., Vwn. IS45.
z5 Cathcart (Carlton), B.A., ..l&t. IS31.
Cathcart (George Lambert). Sch., IS6z.-B. A., Hi"". IS63.
Cathcart (James), Sch., 17JZ.-B. A., Vwn. 171+.-M. A., &t.
17 1 7.

Cathcart (N8888U), B. A., Ywn. IS4S.-H. A., .2E&t. 186).

Cather (John), B. A., Ywn. IS36.-H. A., Ywn. 18)2.
30 Cather (Robert George). B. A., Vmt. IS4z.-M. A., Ailt. 18+5.LL. B., and LL. D., .2E&t. 1860.
Cather (Thomae). B. A., Vern. 1830.
Catbrew (Graves), B. A., Ywn. 1840.
Catbrew (Robert), B. A., .2E&t. 18)0.



Catton (Thomas Elkington), B. A., VIWft. 1856.

Caulfei1d (Hon. Francis), B. A., VIWft. 1754Caulfeild (Hon. Henry), B. A., At. 1799.
Caulteild (Hon. Iames), B. A., At. 170z.-M. A., Vwn. 170+
5 Caulfeild (Right Hon. Iames, Earl of Charlemont), LL. D. (Aonorir
"ud), At. 1755.
Caulfeild (William Francis, Lord).-B. A., At. 1794.
Caul1leld (Abraham), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
Caulfield (Adam), B. A., At. 1716.-M. A., At. 1725,
Caulfield (Charles), B.A., VIWft. 1708.-M. A., At. 1710.
10 Caulfield (Charles), Soh., 1757.-B. A. V".,.. I 759.-M. A., At.

Caul1leld (Charles), B. .A., V".,.. 1826.-H. A., B. D., and D. D.,
V".,.. 1858.
Caulfield (Hana), B. A., V".,.. 18oc.-H. A., 4rt. 1816.
Caul1le1d (Hans), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
Caulfield (Iames), B. A., V".,.. 1759.
15 Caul1le1d (Richard), B. A., and LL. B., &t. 1866.
Caulfield (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1722.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vmt.
Caul1leld (St. George), B.A., Vwn. 1783.
Caulfield (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1711.
Caul1leld (Thomas), B . .A., At. 1821.
zo Caul1leld (Toby), B. A., At. 1694Caulfield (Wilberforce), B.A., At. 183z.
Caulfield (William), B. A., ./E,t. 1716.-M.A., V".,..17zo.
Caulfield (William), LL D. (Aonori. ",""d), V".,.. 1766.
Caulfield (William), B..A., At. I 83+-ll. A., V".,.. 1839.
z 5 Cavan (Earl of ). See Lambart.
Cavanagh (Aleunder), B. A., V".,.. 1810.-ll. B., .2&t. 1813.
Cave (Samuel), 8ch., 17H.-B. A., V".,.. 1746.-ll. A., .2&t.

1749Cavendish (Frederick), B.A., At. 18z7.

Cavendish (Frederick), B.A., V".,.. 1828.
30 Cavendish (William), B. A., V".,.. 1756.
Cawthorn (William), Sch., 17z3.-B. A., V".,.. 17J4.
Cayley (Arthur), LL. D. (Aonon', ellud), At. 1865.
Cecil (Thomas), 8ch., 1714.-B. A., V".,.. 17J6.
Cella, or Cellil (Iohn), B. A., At. 1730.







Chadwick (George Alexander), B. A., HUm. 186%.

Chadwick (Samuel), B. A.., y".,.. 18%+
Chaigneau (Arthur Dunne), B. A.., Vw,.. 18%9.-M. A., NOfJ.
18 32
Chaigneau (David), LL. D. ('1"cioli ,,.stid), .lEd. 1719.
Chaigneau (David), B. A., V".,.. 17%8.
Chaigneall (John), B. A., V".,.. 1824.
Chaigneau (John Clements), B. A., Vem. 1769.-M. A.., .lEd.
177 2
Chaigneau (Peter), B. A., V".,.. 1745.-1. A., LElt. 1749.LL. B., and LL. D., 8'P t. 9, 1768.
Chaigneau (Peter), B. A., .lEIt. 1796.
Chaine (John), B. A., .A!:Bt. I 822.-M. A., NOfI. 1832.
Challiner (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Challoner(James), B.A., Vms. 1767.
Chalmer (Edmund Boteler), B. A., V".,.. I 84o.-1L A., LElt. 1856.
Chalmer (Edward B.), B. A., Vwn. 1851.
Challoner (Anyon), B. A., V".,.. 17%5.-lf. A., LElt. 1728.
Challoner (Lawrence). H. A., V".,.. I 726.-lf. A., LElt. 17%9.
Challoner (Lucas), Fellow, prior to 1593.
Challoner (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1730.-1. A., LEd. 1733.
Chaloner (John), Sch., I 676.-B. A., V".,.. 1679.-1. A., LElt.

Chamberlain (Frederick Townsend), B. A., Vem. 18 56.-M. A.,

Fem. 1859.
Chamberlain (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 173+
Chamberlain, or Chamberlaine (Philip), Sch., 16g5.-B. A., V",..
Chamberlain (Tankerville William), B. A., V".,.. I 834.-M. A.,
Vern. 1839.
Chamberlain (William). B. A., V".,.. 1783.
Chamberlain (William Tankerville), B. A., V".,.. 177+.
Chamberlane, or Chamberline (Walter), Sch., 1725.-B. A., V".,..
1727.-M. A., Vern. 173"
Chambers (
), (Entrance not recorded,) B. A., Iml. 1638.
Chambers (Alexander Todd), B. A.,
Chambers (Charles), Sch., 18Z1.-B. A., .A!:Bt. 18zz.
Chambers (Corry), B. A., V,rn. 1824.
Chambers (Henry), B. A., tern. 1830.





Chambers (1ohn), :B. A., Vern. 1777.

Chambers (1ohn), B. A., Vern. 18u.
Chambers (John C.), :B. A., Vern. 18z9.
Chambers (1ohn Westropp), Sch., 18S6.-B. A.., Hum. 1858.
5 Chambers (Richard), B. A., V".". 18z+.
Chambers (Richard), B. A., Vern. I 846.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vent.
Chambers (Roger), B.A., Vern. 1789.
Chambers (Roger), B. A., .2&t. 1833.
Chambers (Thomas), (Entrance 16S7.-B. A" not recorded).M. A.., V".,.. 168z.
10 Chambers (William), B. A' I Vern. 1819'
Chambers (William), B. A., V".,.. I 838.-M. A., Vern. 184z.
Chambre (Callcot Chaworth), B. A' I Vern. 1730.
Chamley (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Chamley (Francis), B. A., Vern. 180S.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
IS Chamley (John), B. A., Vern. 184z.
Chamley (Jonathan Rogers), B. A., Vern. 1833.-H. A., V".n.
184 0
Chamley (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Champaigne (Arthur). Sch., I 734.-B. A.., V".n. 1736.-H. A.,
At. 1739.
Champaigne (Arthur), Bcb., 1766.-B. A., y".,.. 1768.-H. A.,
At. 1771,
zo Chamney (George), B.A., Yern. l77o.-H. A.., Y".,..1773.
Chamney (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 18..,.-1.A., LEn. 186S.
Champion (Warren), :B. A., .2&1. 1801.-M. B., Yern. 1813.
Chancellor (James), B. A., V".,.. 18sz.-1. A., Vern. 18SS.
Chandlee, or Chandley (1oseph), B. A., Vern. 1779.
25 Chandler (Edward), Bch., 1683.-B. A., Vern. I 686.-H. A., .2&1.
Chaplin (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1660.-Sch., 1660.
Chapman (Benjamin), LL.D. (Aonori, ctItUc1), ..&t. 177z.
Chapman (Benjamin), B.A., ..&t. 1830.
Chapman (Dawson Francia), B. A., Vern. 18S6.-11. A., .2&e.
30 Chapman (John), B. A., Vern. I 839.-1. A.,.2&t. 18H.
Chapman (John Blair), Bch., 1813.-B. A., Vwn. 1816.-Fell.,
18n.-X. A., Vlrn. 18z4-



Chapman (John George), B. A., Vem. IS ... 7.

Chapman (Joseph), B.A., Vir,.. \S16.-lL A., Vern.ISz5.
Chapman (Joseph), B. A., &t. IS3S,
Chapman (Montague), B. A., &t. ISz8.
S Chapman (William), B. A., Ywn. 1732.
Chapman (William), B. A., &t. 1831.
Chapman (William), B. A., Vwn. 18S6.-M. A., &t. IS6z.
Chapman (William James), B. A., Vwn. ISSS.-M. A., &t.
Chappell, or Ohapell, (William), B. D., (Cantab.) Fell., 1610.ProvOBt, 163+.
10 Charlemont (Right Hon. Earl of). See Caulfei1d.
Charleton (Arthur), Seh., 1702.-B. A., Vern. 170+-)(. A., .At.
Charleton (Francis), Sch., qu.-B. A., Vern. 171+.-11.. A.,
&t.17 17
Charlton (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 16S7.
Charlton (James), B. A., V",.. IS33.
15 Charlton (Richard), B: A., V.,.,.. 1726.
Charnley (Samuel), B. A., &1. 1782.
Charnly (Henry), B. A., V.,.,.. 1752.
Charters (James B.), B. A., VI1Nl. IS52.
Charters (William), B. A., Vwn. 174-5.
zo Chartres (Archibald Smith), B. A., &t. IS ...6.-M. A., terll.
18 51,
Chartres (James), B. A., Vmt. IS37'
Chartres (John Smith), B. A., and M.A., AIlt. 1857.
Chartres (John Walter), B. A., V".,.. IS2S.-M. A., Nor. 1832.LL. B., and LL. D., &t. 1845.
Chartres (Mark), Soh., 17S+.-B. A., Vern. qSS.
25 Chartres (Richard), B.A., &t. 179S,
Chartres (William), B. A., &t. IS56.
Chater (Andrew Fuller), B. A., Verlt. IS42.-M. A., &t. 111+5.
Chater (Daniel), B. A., Vern. IS++.
Chatterton (Hedges Eyre), Sch., IS39.-B. A., Vern. 18,p.LL. B., and LL. D., .8t. 1849.
30 Chatterton (Jllmes), LL. D., (/Ionori. eQUId), .JsL .,SI.
Chatterton (Sir James Charlcs, Bart.), LL. D. (honori. caUld), Ai.
18 57.





Chatterton (Sir William, Bart.), B. A., Vern. 1807.

Chattoe (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 183).-M. A., ~t. 1841.
Chaytor (William), B. A., y".,.. IS3S,
Chaytor (William Alexander), B. A., Vern. IS39.
Cheetham (William), B.A., V".,.. IS+S.-M.A., Vim. IS56.
Cheevers (Christopher), B. A., Ve-rn. ISn.
Cheevers (Connolly), B. A., V,r,.. 1810.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Chemys (Chnrles), Sch., 171S.-B. A., Vwn. 1720.-M. B., Vern.
1 72+.-M. A., ..lEd. 1727.
Chenery (Charles Dallenger), B. A., Vir,.. 18n.- M. A., V~n.
18 56.
Chenevix (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1763.-M. A., J'"ml. 176S.
Chester (John), B. A" y".,.. I 791.-LL. B., .2&t. IS23.
Chester (Richard), B. A., .2&1. 1832.
Chester (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1837.
Chester (William Bennett), B.A., At. 18+6.-M. A., Vern.IS56
Chetwode, or Chetwood (John), Sch., 167o.-B. A., Vtrtl. 167+M. A., At. 1677.
Chetwood (John), Sch., 1760.-B. A., Vwn. 176z.-M. A., .lE1l.
17SI .
Chetwynd (William), B. A., .2&t. 1775.
Chevalier (Monsieur Michel), LL. D. (Aonori. c/lwd), per Diploma,
.J.ugtUt 17, 1861.
Chevers (Edwards), Boh., 1698. - B. A., V".,.. 1699. - 11. A' I
V".,.. 1703.
Chevers (Hyacinth), B.A., Hi"". 1865.
Cheyne (George Macaulay), B.A., .2&t. 1830.
Cheyne (lohn), 11. D. (Aonori. eQwd), .2&t. 1824.
Cheyne (John), B. A.,
Cbichll8u,r (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 1 739.-M. A., V".,.. 17+9.
Chichester (Hon. Edward), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vir". 1702.
Chichester (Edward), Bch., 1793. - B. A., V""'~ 1795. - M. A.,
AlIt. 1817.
Chichester (Lord Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18n.-B. D., and D. D.,
AAI. 1852.
Chichester (George V.), B. A., Ywn. 18+1.
Chichester (Robert), 8. A., .lE,t. 1837.
Chichester (William), Sch., 1706.-B. A., .".;,.,.. 1708












Chichester (William), B. A., Vern. 176+. - Y. A., .2&t. J 768. LL. B., and LL D., Vern. 1791.
Chich,'ster (William), 8ch., 1833.-B. A., Vlrn. 1836.
Chickley (John), B. A., Vim. 1823.
Child8 (Edmun~), B. A., Vm. 18+5.-M. A., Biem. 1864'
Childs (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 18S8.
Chilo"" (James Hamilton), B. A., .2&t. 17S3.
Chinery (George), B. A., Vlrn. 1701.-M. A., Vim. 1705.
Chinnery (George), Bch., I 738.-B. A., Vim. 174o.-M. A. ./1M.
17+3.-LL. B., and LL. D., Oct. 1751.
Chiunery (James), 8ch . 1702.-B. A., Vern. 1704.
Chinnery (Richard st. Leger), B.A., .2&t. 181S.
Chinnery (St. John), B. A., .2&t. 1816.
Chittenden (Charles Grant), B. A., Vern. 18St.
Chorlton (Samuel). B. A., Hi~m. I 860.-Y. A., .2E1t. 1865.
Christian (Charlcs), B. A., Vwn. 166S.-Sch 166S
Christian (John), Sch., 1707. -B. A., Vim. 1708.- M. A., LElt.
17 1 1.
Christian (John), Fellow, 1667.-(Entered 16S8. Dcgrees not recorded).
Christian (John), Sch., I74S' - B. A., Vim. 17+7.- LL. B., and
LL. D., LElt. 1758.
Christian (Minard), B. A.., Vern. 1691.
Christian (Patrick), Sch., 1667. - Fellow, 167a. - Y. A., .2EIt.
16 72
Christian (Richard), B. A., rem. 1837.
Christian (Thomas), R. A., Vern. 1718.
Christian (Vall'ntine Duke), B. A., Vern. 183+. - :M. A., LElt.
18 51.
Christie (Andrew), B. A., Vim. 18ao.-M. A., Nov. IB3a.
Christie (David), B. A., .2&t. 1777.
Christie (Jamcs), B.A., Vim. 1818.
Christie (John), B. A., Vim. 1760.-M. A., At. 1763.
Christmas (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1706.
Christmas (Thomas), B. A., LElt. 17+I.
Christmas (William), B. A. (ad cund. Oxon.), I 692.-LL. B., Vern.
169s.-Fellow, I 697.-Y. A., .2&t. 1698.
Christmas (William), Y. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Augu&t a8, 1697.



Chudleigh (John), :B. A., Vern. 1696.

Church (Edward), :B. A., Vern. 1820.
Church (James), B.A., Vern. 1819'
Church (John), B. A., Vern. 1792.
5 Church (ThomllS), B. A., Ym. 1792.
Churchill (Alexander Ferrier), B. A' I Fum. 1860.-M. B., .&t.

Churchill (Charles Fleetwood), B. A., Hi6m. 1862.-1. B., At.

Churchill (Fleetwood), 1. D. (honor'" caUld), Vern. 1851.
Churchill (George Fleetwood), B. A., Diem. 1863.-M. B., At.

10 Chute (Arthur), Bch., 1719--B. A., Ymt. 1721.-M. A., At.
17 2 +
Chute (Arthur), B. A., Vm. 1795.
Chute (Arthur H.), B. A., Vmt. 1829.
Chute (Falkiner), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Chute (Francis A.), B. A., Vern. 1821.-1. A., Vern. 1826.
15 Chute (George), B. A., Vmt. 1831.-M. A., Hiem. 1863.
Chnte (James Pierce), B. A., V6m. 1817.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Chute (lohn), Bch., 1862.-B.A., Vern. 186+.
Chute (John L.), D. A., V6,.,., 1823.
Chute (Richard), B. A., Vmt. I 834--M. A., Vmt. 18+2.
20 Chute (William), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Cillcock (James), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Clampit (George), B. A., At. 17+0.-M. A., At. 17+3.
Clanchy (John Daniel), B. A., V".,.. I 836.-M. A., Vmt. 1839'
Clancy (Charles), B. A., VBm. 18+3.
2S Clancy (James), B. A., Vmt. 1796.
Clancy (William), B. A., Vmt. 1863.
Clancy (William Henry), :B. A., Vmt. 18+2.
Clare (Arthur), B.A., Vmt.18+9.
Clare (Lewis), B.A., Vmt. 1838.
30 Clare (Mervyn Archdall), B.A., Vern. 1859.
Clarendon (Frederick), B. A., Vmt. 1839.
Clarendon (George), B. A., Vmt. 1837'
Clarendon (Samuel), B. A., Vmt. 1837.-1. B., At. 1839.
Clark (Frederick James), B. A., Vern. I 863.-M. A., At. 1866.
3S Clark (John), B. A., Vmt. 1,10



Clarke (Alexander), Sch., 17p.-B. A., v,rn. 175+--H. A., VINJ.

Clarke (Andrew Brooke), B. A., ..l&t. 1840.
Clarke (Andrew Staples), B. A., VeNt. 1814.-M. A., N(JII. 183%.
Clarke (Arthur), B. A., Vmt. 1737.
S Clarke (Benjami.n.lames), B. A., VINJ. I 837.-H ..... , V".,..18SS.
Clarke (Benjamin Phillpot), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Clarke (Benjamin Btrettell), B. A., Vern. 18+6.-lL A., Vern.
18S6.-D. D., and D. D., .IEst. 186S.
Clarke (Cecillervis), B.A., Yerta. 18SI.-Y. A., Hint. 1860.
Clarke (Charles), B.A., V".,.. 18z+--M. A., N()f). 183 .
10 Clarke (Christopher), B. A., .JEd. I 834.-M. D., LElt. 18H.
Clarke (Colin), B. A., YINJ. 18+1.
Clarke (Edward), B. A., VINJ. I 73Z.-M. A., LElt. 173S.
Clarke (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 18%8.
Clarke (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 183J.-LL. B., and LL. D., Ywn.
18 37.
IS Clarke (Edward George), B . .A., JIiem. 1861.-H. B., &t. 1864.
Clarke (Edward Y.), Soh., 1810.-B. A., Vern. 18IS.-H. A.,
Nov. 183z.
Clarke (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1829.-}L .A., Vera. 1831.-H. B.,
.lEBt. 18 32
Clarke (Frederiok James), B. A., Yma. 18+1.
Clarke (George), B. A., .LEd. 1801.
20 Clarke (George), D. A., Vern. 1813.
Clarke (George), B. A' I .2&t. 18SS.
Clarke (George Augustus), B. A., .lEd. 1866.
Clarke (Henry), B. A., YINJ. 17zo.-M. A., .2&t. I 723.-Fellow,
1724.-B. D., ..lEIt. 1730.-D. D., .lEst. 1735.
Clarke (Henry), B. A., ..lEIt. 182S.-M:. A., .lEat. 1835.
25 Clarke (Henry William), B. A., B.j6m. 186+
Clarke (James), B.A.,..l&t. 1716.-H.A., .,.E.t. 1723.
Clarke (James), B. A., Vern. 1794Clarke (James), B. A., .2&t. 1808.-Y. A., and M. B., ..lEIt. 1812.
Clarke (James), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Clarke (James), :B. A., .lEst. 18S6.-l. A., Y""'. 1861.
Clarke (James), B. A., &t. 18S8.
Clarke (Johu), B.A., 176m. 1777.
Clarke (John), B. A., V".,.. 1791.









Clarke (John), B. A.., y".,.. 180S.

Clarke (John), B. A.., V".,.. 18%8.
Clarke (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1837.
Clarke (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Clarke (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+9.
Clarke (John Henry), B. A.., V.".,.. 1836.-H. B., and 1L A.., At.
Clarke (John Read), B. A., Vern. 18+0.-H. A., AIlt. 18H.
Clarke (Jonathan), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Clarke (Jonathan David), B. A., Vir ... 182+
Clarke (Joseph Williams), B. A., Yern. 18so.-H. A.., and B. D.,
HiMII. 1861.-D.D., Hiem. 186....
Clarke (Joshna), B. A., VIT1I. 183S.
Clarke (Luke), B. A.., Y,nI. 1730.-H. A.., AIlt. 1739.
Clarke (Hark), Soh., J8z9.-B. A.., AIlt. 1831.
Clarke (Harahall), B.A.., y.".,.. '779.
Clarke (Kanhall Neville), B.A.., AIlt. 18+8.-H. A., Vern. 18S6.
Clarke (Hordaunt William Shipley), B. A.., V".,.. 18S6.-H. A..,
AIlt. 1866.
Clarke (Moses), B. A., V.".,.. 1863.
Clarke (Percy), B. A.., At. 18+9.
Clarke (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1737.-H. A., .1&1. 17+0.LL B., and LL. D., AIlt. 174+.
Clarke (Richard), B. A.., .JiAt. 1800.
Clarke (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Clarke (Richard), H. A.., NOfJ. 1832.
Clarke (Richard), B. A., V"... d161.
Clarke (Bobert), B. A.., V".,.. 1739.-M. A.., AIlt. IH2.-D. D.,
(.,.cWi gratid), V".,.. 177S.
Clarke (Robert F.), B. A.., VIN'. 18so.
Clarke (Robert John), B. A., V"... 18+6.
Clarke (S.
), (Entranoonottecorded).-B. A., At. 1617.lL A" &t. 1620.
Clarke (Samuel), B. A.., V".,.. 17+.
Clarke (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
Clarke (Samuel John), B. A.., HUm. 186S.
Clarke (Thomas), B. A" At. 181+
Clarke (Thomas Brooke), B. A.., &t. I 779.-M:. A., VIrll. 1787.

Clarke ('l.'bomu 1Iemy llatthew), B. A.. IT..... 86S.-)[. B..
.lAt 866.
Clarke (Walter:, B. A... y.".. .727.
Clarke (Walter), 6. A.., AAt. 1806.
Clarke (William~, B. A.,
S Clarke (William), B. A.., Y"... 1849.
Clarke (William Hislop~, B. A., Y... 828.-1(. A., V.". . 830.
CIarke {William 10hn Bird). B. A.., Y.".. .860.
Clarke (Wray~, B.A., rene. 1837.
C1ayCorth (Henry), B. A.., ,.". 857.
10 Clayton (Robert), B. A., Vene 71 ....-Fellow. 17.4--ll. A.., V."..
1717.-LL. B., ..lIt.!. 1718.-LL D., .&t. I 722.-D. D.,
AlIt. 1730.
0Iarke (William Beulchamp). B. A.., &t. 1839.-1(. A Y.". .
Cleary (Rich:J.rd Patrick), B. A.., JRft. I 82S.-JI. A.., N .... 832.
Cleaver (ElI.!Ieby). D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), (qIi4li "..tid), y.,...
Cleaver (George), Sch. 1730.-B.A., Yme. 1731.
I S Cleaver (William). D. D. (~tMli "..,i4.). Vent. 1783.
Cleaver (William), lLA..., (adeund. Oxon.), N ... 1832.
Clegg (Charles), Sch., I 783.-B. A.. .AI.t. .7+8.
Cleghom (George), lL D., Sept. 9, 1768.
Cleghom (James), B. A.. .AI4. 178....-)(. B AlIt. I 787.-H. D.,


..l&t. 1793.
Cleghom (Thomas), B. A' I Ylm. 1789'
Cleghom (Thomas), Dipl. for H. B., 23 FIIJ. 1795.
Cleghom (William), B. A., Vim. 1777.
Cleland (Andrew), B. A., Vma. 1830.
Cleland (lohn Thompson), B. A., VIN. 18S....-H. A., AlIt. 18S7.
25 Cleland (Samnel), B. A.., &t. 1830.
Clem.enger (Geo~), B. A.., Vim. 18+8.
Clemenger (Robert Parsons), B. A., V.".. I 84+-M. A., At.

Clemenger (William), B. A., Vim. 1837.
Clemenger (William G. W.), B. A., Vim. and lL B., At. 18+3.
30 Clemens (Theophilus), LL.D., (IIJHc;aligratid), V".,., 1718.
Clement (Francis), B. A., Vim. 1763.



Clement (George Olarges), B. A., V/Wn. ISZ+.

Clement (William), M. B., Ailt. 17+7.-M. D., ..lEd. '7+8.
Clement (William), B. A., &t. 1791.
Clements (Alexander), B. A., V/Wn. ISp.-X. A.,' V.,.,.. IS3S.
5 Clements (Edward), B. A., V".". 17H.
Clements (Edward), B. A., Vtwn. ISIS.
Clements (Henry), Sch., 1699.-B. A., V6rn. '701.
Clements (Isaac), B. A., V".,.. ISZS.
Clements (Theophilus), B. A" Vtwn. 1708.-H. A' I .AIlt. 1711.
10 Clements (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1770.
Clements (William), Soh., qz+.-B. A., V",.. 17z6.-M. A.,
Atrt. 173J.-Fellow, 1733.
Clements (William), Beh.., 17S3.-B. A., Ailt. 17H.-H. A., V.,.,..
1761 .
Clementson, or Clemenson (William), B. A., V",.. IS4+-H. A.,
Vtwn. 18+7.
Clenachao (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 1681.-11. A., At. 168+.
Clendinning (Alexander), Beh.., 17+o.-B. A., V.,.,.. '7+z.
Clendinning (George), B. A., Vm. 1830.-M. A., &t. 1833.11. B., At. IS3S.
Clendinning (John), B. A., .AIlt. 1790.
Clendinning (John), B. A., ..lBIt. ISI8.-H. A., V".". ISz7.
C1endinning (Samuel), B. .A., At. '79+.
zo Clerke (Aubrey St.John), N. F., Beh.., IS6z.-B. A., Hu.. IS6S.
Clerke (Edward), B .A., At. 163S,
Clerke (John), Sch., 1708.-B. A., Vtwn. 1710.'
Clerke (John), Beh., tS31.-B. A., V".,.. IS33.
Clerke (Robert). B. A., Vwn. 1737.
z 5 Clerke (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. I S3 I.
Clerke (William John Bird), B. A., Vern. IS60.
Clerke (William St. John), B. A., V6rn. 184S.-M. A., At. 1851.
Clewen (Patrick), Sch.., 176S.-B. A., V".,.. 1767.
Clewloe (lames), B. A., &t. 166+.
30 Clewloe, or Clewlow (James), B. A., V6,.,.. 1707.-11. A., .AIle.
17 10
Clewlow (James Hamilton), B. A., V".,.. 1766.
Clibborn (John), B. A., At. 178+.
Clibbom (John), B. A., V.,.,.. 1839.
Clibbom (JOtIbua), B. A' I Vma. '788.




Clibbome (Cuthbert 10hn), B. A., At. 182+.

Cliffe (Anthony), B. A., V,,.,.. 1733.
Cliffe (Allen R.), B. A.,.V,rn. 1831.-V. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Cliffe (Edward), B.:A., At. 1736.
S Cliffe (John), B. A., Vir,.. I 760.-V. A., Ald. 177+.
Cliffe (John), B.A., V".,.. 1811.
Cliffe (Richard), B.A., Vim. 1823.
Clifford (Caleb H.), B. A., .2&t. 1837.
Clifford (John Cowen), B. A., V".,.. 18+9.
10 Clifford (Riohard Samuel), B. A., V,,.,.. IS23.-Y. A., N0f7.
Clifton (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1717.
Clinton (Patrick), B. A.,' Vmt. 1819.-V. B., .&t. IS22.
Clopton (William) B. A., V".,.. I 637.-Fellow, 1637.-M. A.,
about 163S.
Close (Arthllr). B. A., V".,.. 1849'
IS Cloae (Edward), Sch., ISo+.-B. A., At. 1806.
Close (John Edgeworth). B. A., Ailt. ISSI.
Close (John Forbee), B. A., Vmt. ISzo.-M. A., NOI). IS32.
Olose (Maxwell Henry), B. A., Vmt. IS+6.
Close (Robert), B. A., 1"mt. 1836.
20 Close (Robert), B. A., At. 18+5.
Close (Samuel), Sch., 170z.-B. A., Vim. 1704.-M. A., At.
Close (Samuel), B. A., Vlrn. I 769.-V. A., Vern. 1779.
Close (Samuel Holt), B. A., v".,.. 18+8.
Clossey (Bartholomew), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
ZS Clossey (Samuel), B. A., Vir", I 74-+-V. B., V,,.,.. 17SI.M.D., V".,..1755.
Cluff (James H.), Sch., ISS8.-B. A., Hi,m. 1860.
Cluff (John), B. A., Vmt. 1827.
Cluff (Samuel Omalley), B. A.,
IS6 ..
Clutterbook, or Clutterbuck (Thomas), B. A., Vir,.. 171+.
30 Clutterbuck (Hon.
), LL. D., (AononI CIJtlld), .&t. 17zS.
Clutterbuck (Lorenzo), B. A., V".,.. ISSS.-V. A., Vir,.. ISS8.
Clynton (
), (Entrancenotreeorded).-B. A., 1617.-M. A.,
May z, 161S.
C-oakley (Thomas), Sch., I 673.-B. A., 'ern. 1676.-M. A., .&.1.




Coales (Robert), B. A., Hinn. IS60.-lrl. A., HUm. IS65 .-LL. B.

and LL. D., At. IS66.
Coane (Conolly), B. A., At. IS12.
Coane (John), B. A., .lEJt. IS13'
Coast (William Stacey), B. A., AIlt. IS36.
S Coates (Arthur), B. A., At. 18+6.-M. A. At. ISS9.
Coates (Charles), B. A., .lE8t. 17S+,
Coates (Charles), B. A., V".,.. IS33.-1rLA., At. IS37.
Coates (Edward), B. A., Vern. 17S1.
Coates (George), B.A., VIm. 1753.-LL. B., Vern. 1790.
10 Coates (Isaac), B. A., .2&t. 17S+-LL. B., .2&t. 17S9.
Coates (John), B.A., Vma. 17S5.
Coates (Matthew), B. A., Vern. 1817.
Coates (Samuel), B. A., At. IS01.
Cob (Charles), B. D. and D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vma. 1736.
I S Cob (William), D. D., At. 1666.
Cobb (Richard Challoner), LL. D., (lummI cCltUd), At. 1757.
Cobb (Thomas), LL. D (1IlnwriuCltud), At. 175+.
Cobbe (Thomas). B. A., Vern. 1753.
Cobbe (William), B. A., VIm, 18+S.
20 Cobden (Edward) B. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), and D. D., At. 1747.
Cochran (Andrew), B. A., At. 1776.
Cochran (Andrew), Sch., 1803'-B' A., Vern. ISOS.
Cochran (Andrew William), B.A., Fum. IS65'
Cochran (Henry), B.A., Vma. 1827.
25 Cochran (John), B.A., Vma. 1828.
Cochran (William H.), B. A. Vern. IS28.
Coc1uane (Barton) B. A., .lEse. ISH.
Cochrane (David Crawford). B. A., Vma. IS57.-lrl. A., At.
Cochrane (lames Henry), Bch., ISp.-B. A., Vma. 18SS.-H. A.,

At. 1862.
30 Cochrane (John), B. A., At. 1834.
Cochrane (lohn), B. A., Vern. 185+.
Cochrane (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Cochrane (Richard Barter), B. A., AIlt. 18S+Cochrane (Samuel George), B. A., Vern. 1853.
3S Cochrane (William), Sch., I 779.-B. A., Vern. I7So.



Cockburn (William), B. A., V".,.. 1743.-LL. B., y".,.. 17+7.LL. D., ..lEd. 1759.
Cock (ThODlB8), B. A., V~ 16lo.-Fellow, 1610.
Cocke (Robert), B. A., V".,.. I 637.-Fell. 1637.-H. A., V".,..
16 38
Cocken (John), B. A., V".,.. r7c8.
5 Cockerton (James), B. A., ..tEtt. 18%9'
Cockett (William), B. A., V".,.. 18.....-H. A., V".,.. 1847.
Cocking (Ralph), B. A., ..rEd. 17%+
Cockeedge (John), B.A., V".,.. 1737.-H. A., ,,t. 1740.
Codd (Arthur), B. A., Yma. 1836.
10 Codd (Francis Power), B. A., HUm. 1860.
Coddington (Dixie), B. A., V".,.. 1747.
Coddington (Dixie), B. A., It. 178+
Coddington (Latham), (B. A., not recorded).-H. A., V".,.. 1810.
Coddington (John), B.A., It. 1819.
15 Coddingto'l (John), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
Coddington (William), B. A., V".,.. 1719.-lL A., At. 17%%'
Coddington (William), B. A., V".,.. 1785.
Coddington (William), B. A., ..l&t. 18%9.
Code (Creagh) B. A., .,t. 1815.
%0 Code (John Handen), B. A., ...t. 18%9.-H. A., NtW. 183%.
Codrington (Richard Gibson), B. A., V".,.. 1857.
Coen (John), B. A., Vim. 1840.
Coffey (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
Coffey (John Taylor), B. A., V".,.. 18+5.
%5 OofFey (Richard), B. A., Hi"". 186S
Coffey (Thomas), B. A" Vena. 1793. H. B., At. 1797.
Coft'y (Lealie), Boh., 1788.-B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Cogan (William Henry Ford), B. A., V".,.. I 843.-H. A., ..11M.
Coghill (James), LL.D., (,pICNligrtJtitJ), VIm.17IS.
30 Coghill (lIarmaduke), B. A., prior to 1687.-Doctor (faculty not
mentioned), V".,.. 17 1+
Coghill (Harmaduke), B. A., V,,.,.. and LL. B., AI. 1691.LL. D., ..l&t. 1695'
Coghill (James), LL. B., V".,.. I 69S.-LL. D., &pt. 24, 1717.
Ooghill (James), Doctor (faculty not mentioned), about 1736.



Coghill (lohn), (Entrance and B. A:, notrecorded).-LL. B., Vma.

1673.-LL. D., V".,.. 1675.
Coghlan (Augustus), B. A., At. IS41.
Coghlan (Charles), Soo., I 792.-B. A., At. 179+
Coghlan (Charles Lambert), B. D., and D. D., V".,.. IS09.
5 Coghlan (Charles Torton), B. A., V".II. ISu.-M. A., NOf). 1832.
Coghlan (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1730.-M. A., At. 1733.
Coghlan (~enry), B. A., Vem. IH8.-M.A., Oct. 1751.
Coghlan (John), B. A., At. 1S04.
Coghlan (John Annatrong), B. A., .2&1. IS35.-M. A., At. IS62.
10 Coghlan (John Cole), B. A., .&t. ISSS.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
.LEd. IS62.
Coghlan, or Coughlan (Lucius), B. A., Vma. 1773.-B.D., and
D. D., Vent. 1797.
Coghlan (Nicholas), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Coghlan (Thomas lloyd), B. A., V".,.. 1823.-M. A., NOf). IS32.
Colahan (lohn), B. A., At. 1840'
15 Colborne (Hon. Edmund), B. A., V".,.. 1856.
Colburn (William), B.A., .LEd. ISI9.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Colclough (Dudley), B. A., Vem. 17S9.
Colclough (Thomas), B.A., .2&t. 1756.-M. A., At. 1763.
Cole (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1737.
20 Cole (Henry William), B.A., Vern. I 836.-M. B., At. 1840.
Cole (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1841.
CoJe (lohn Harding), B. A., Vmt. ISSS,
Cole (lohn Willoughby), B. A., At. 1789.
Cole (Robert Michael), B. A., V".,.. 1866.
25 Cole (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1792.
Cole (Thomas Saville), B. A., ,&,t. IS63.
Cole (Right Hon. Willliam, EarlofEnniakillen), LL.D., (lwnori,
catud), .2&t. 1865.
Cole (William M.), B. A. At. 1 79+-M. A., At. IS04.
Cole (William Graham), 8ch., ISIS.-B. A., V".,.. IS2I.
30 Coleman (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 17S9.-M. A., Vern. 1814.
Coleman (lohn Charlea), B.A., V".,.. 1836.
Coleman (William), B. A., V".,.. 1708.
Coles (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Coletin (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 174),
35 Colgan (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1722.



Colhoon, or Cahoon (Alexander), B. A., V~r,.. 16S....

Colhoun (John), B. A., LElt. IS I 7.-LL. B., and LL. D., LEIt.
Colhoun (Samuel), B. A., At. IS20.-H. A., Nov. IS32.
Colhoun (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 182S.-H. A., Nov. IS32.
S Colles (Abraham), B. A., LElt. 1836.
Colles(George), B.A., Vwn. 182S.-H,A.,Nov. IS32.
Colles (Goddard Richards Purefoy), B. A., HUm. IS60.-LL. B.,
Colles (Graves Chamney), B.A., Vwn. JS#.-H. A., Asd. 186S.
Colles (Richard), B. A., Vwn. IS",O.
10 Colles (William), B. A., At. IS29.
Colles (William), B. A.,. Vern. IS 3 I.-H. B., Vwn. J 8... I.-H. D.,
Bt. 186S.
Colles (William Haurice), B.A., Vwn. J8",1.-H. A., Vwn.18H.
Colley (Arthur), B.A., Vim. J7S6.
Colley (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. J836.
I S Colley (Henry F.), B. A., Vern. ISS I.
Colley, or Cooley (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 16So.-H. A., Ai,t.
Collier (Charles), B. A., Vwn. ISso.-H. A., At. 18S6.
Collier, or Collyer (Isaac), B. A., Vwn. J671.--&h., 1672.-H. A.,
At. 167S.
Collier (Samuel), B. A., V".". 16So.-H. A., jE,L 1683.
20 Collier (Thomas), B. A. V".,.. 17' ....
Collier (Thomas), Sch., J723.-B.A., Vwn. IPS.
Collier (William Francis), B. A., V".,.. 18S3.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Hi~m. IS60.
Collingwood (Pierce), B. A., Vwn. J702.
Collins (Barnabas Shaw), B. A., V".,.. IS51.
2S Collins (Barry), Sch., 1806.-B. A., Vwn. 180S.
Collius (Edward), B. A., Vii,.,.. IS27.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Collins (Henry), B. A' I Vwn. IS23.-H. A., Nov. 1831.
Collins (Henry John), B. A., V".,.. 18",0.
Collins (James), B. A., Vms. J82S.-H. A., Nov. IS32.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. IS",2.
30 Collins (James), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Collins (John), Sch., I7 16.-8. A., V,m. J 71S.
Collins (John), B. A., Oct., I7p.
Collins (John), Sch., ISol.-B. A., V".,.. J803.-H.B., ,jE,t. 1806.



Collins (lohn), B.A., Vim. 1819.

Collins (John), B. A., .tEd. 1828.-ll. A., Nor. 1832.
Collins (lohn), B. A., Vun. 18+0.
Collins (lohn Hurley), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.
5 Collins (lohn Stephen), B. A.: At. 18n.
Collins (loaeph William), B. A., Kann. 1859.
Collins (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. 18++
Collins (Michael), Sch., I 830.-B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Collins (Moses), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., V".,.. '748.
10 Collins (Richard), B.A., V".,.. 18z3.-ll.A., Vern. 18H.
Collins (Robert), M. D. (lwtwr ., eQUId), At. 1839.
Collins (Robert Beeves), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
Collins (Stephen), B. A At. 1819.
Collins (Thomas), B. A. V".,.. 1805.
15 Collins (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Collins (Thomas Richard Sedford), Sch., 1862.-B. A., HUm.
I 862.-M. A., .At. 1866.
Collins (William), B. A., VWn. 1814'
Collins (William), B.A., Vim. 1823.
Colles (Abraham), B. A . V".,.. I 79S.-ll. A., Nor. 1832.
20 Collia (Christopher), B. A., V".,.. 1667.
Collia (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1729,
Collia (Henry), B. A., At. 183 J.
Collia (lohn), Bch., 178S.-B.A., Vim. 1786.
Collia (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1787.-LL B., V".,.. 1791.
2S Collia (lohn FitzGerald), B.A., V".,.. 1777.
Collia (Maurice). Sch., I 767.-B. A., Vim. I 769.-ll. A., At.
Collia (llaurice), B. A., V".,.. 1813.-ll. A., NOf). 1832.
Collia (Maurice Atkin), Sch., 1832.-B. A., V".,.. 18H.-M. A.,
B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1863.
Collia (Maurice Henry), B.A., Vwn. 18+7.-1I.B., Vern. 18+9.
30 Collia (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1813.
Collia (Samuel), B.A., V".,.. 1781.-1I.A., Vern. 1801.
Collis (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1716.-ll. A., At. 1719,
Collis (Thomas), B. A., At. J 7 16.
Collis (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1808.
35 Collis (Thomas William Sandes), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Collis (William), B. A., V".,.. 1702.-Y. A.,




Collis (William), B. A., Vim. 17+3.-M. A., .IEd. 17+6.

Collis (William), B. A., Vim. 1763.
Collis (William), B. A., V"... 1779.
Collie (William), B. A., V"... IS31.
5 Collis (William Maurice), B. A., Vena. IS+%.
Collis (Zachariah Cooke), B. A., V".,.. 1775-ll.A., V"... IS07.
Collison (John), Sch., 1829.-B. A.," V".,.. 183~.-M. A., .Af:8t.
Colli880n (Matthew A.), B.A., V"... 18SI.-M.A., VmI. IS41.
Collisson (Thomas), B. A., V".,., 18+7.
10 Collum (Archibald), B. A., V"... lS36.-ll. A., y"... IS+I.
Collum (Archibald), B.A., Vim. ISSS.-M. A., V".,.,. ISSS,
Collumbine, or Colombine, or Columbine, (Charles), B. A., Vern.
I 73S.-1I. A" V".,.,. 1739.-LL. B., and LL. D., V"... 176S.
Collyer (Henry de Caetro), B. A., V~rn. IS65.
Colquhoun (Alell:ander), B. A., At. 1793.
I 5 Colquhoun (David), B. A., Vmt. I S66.
Colquhoun (Thomas), B.A., Vmt.IR51.
Colquhoun (Thomae), B. A., HUm. 1863.
Colquhoun (William), Sch., 1863.-B. A., Hi",.. IS65.
ColthUl"8t (Augustus), B. A., 17".,.. IS35.
20 Colthurst (Charles), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded), Y. A.,
Vem. IS14..
Colthurst (Charles), B. A., VmI. ISI5'
<?olthurst (Henry), B. A., .A!At. IS 30.
Colthurst (James), :B. A., At. IS+I.
Colthnrst (John), B. A., .2EIt. 1812.
zs Columbine (Paul), B. D., and D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), At. 1775.
Colvin (John Burleigh), B. A' I Vmt. IS+7.
Colvill (Robert), B. A' I At. J 81%'
Colvin (William), B. A., Vmt. IS3+Colvin (William Chaignean),:B. A' I y"... 18oS.-M. A., N(J!}. IS32.
30 Comerford (Patrick), :B. A., Vim. 1S24.
Comerford (Thomae), :B. A., AUt. 16zo.-1I. A., At. 1623.
Compton (John), B. A., V"... IS35.
Compton (Thomae Armetriding), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), nnd
M.:B., Hiem. IS65.-M. D., &t. IS66.
Comyu (John Sarsfield), B. A., Vm. 1861.
35 Comyns (John), B. A., &t. 182S.



Conan (John), B. A., At. 181+

Conan (lfichaeLE.), B. A' I Vern. 18z6.
Concannon (George), B. A., At. 1845.
Concannon (Henry), B. A., V""" I 833.-LL. B., and LL. D., AS~t.
186 5.
5 Condon (Patrick), B. A., Vwn. 1775.
Conduit (Francis), Sch., 1703.-B. A., Vern. 174.
Conduit (Robert), B. A., Vern. 17oz.-M. A., At. 1705.
Coneys (John), B. A., Vern. 1782.-L1. B., Vern. 1786.
Coneys (Thomas de Vere) , Sch., 18zz.-B. A" Vem. 1824.M. A., Vern. 1841.
10 Congreve (1ohn), B. A., Vern. 1676.-M. A., 2&t. 1679.
Congreve (John), B. A., Vern. 1753.
Congreve (John), B. A., Vern. 18+3.-M. A., Vern. 1846.
Congreve (William), Sch., 1673.-(Entrance and B. A. not recorded).-M. A., Vern. 1696.
Coningham (Alexander), B. A., Vern. '735,
15 Coningham (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 1836.-M. A., Vern. 1839.
Coningham (James), Sch., I 778.-B. A., Vern. 1780.
Coningham, or Cunningham, or Conyngham (John), Sch., 1791.B. A., Vern. 1793.
Coningsby (Thomas), :B. A., Vern. I 695.-Fellow, 1696.-M. A.,
Vern. 1697.-:B. D., and D.D., Vern. 1709.
Conmee (Francis Patrick), Sch., 1788.-B. A., Vern. 1790.
20 Connel (
), (Entrance not recorded). -LL. B., ..lE&t. 1688.
Connell (Anthony), Sch., I 784.-B. A.., Vern. 1786.-M. A., Vern.
179 2
Connell (Matthew Michael), B. A., Vern. 18+%.
Connell (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1822.
Connell (Robert), Sch., 17+5.-:B. A.., Vern. 17+6.-LL. B., At.
25 Connell.(William), Sch., 1692.-:B. A., Vern. 1695.
Connell (William), Sch., 1706.-B. A., Vern. '798.-M. A., A?t.
17 1 1.
Connell (William), :B. A., Vern. 1787.
Connelly (William), LL. D. (lp8ciali flraM), Vern. 1718.
Conner (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1846.
30 Conner (Denis), B. A., Vern. 1698.
Conner (Yoontifort Longfield), B. A., ~,t. 1846.



Conner (Richard Mountifort), B. A.., Vma. 1846.-Fellow, 1851.M. A., Vwn. 18p.
'Conner (William Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1842.
Connor (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 18u.
Connor (A.mbl'Ol8), Sch., I 749.-B. A., Vwn. 17So.
S Connor (Arthur), B. A., .lEI,. 1782.
Connor (Charles), Sch., 168S.-B. A., .lEIt. 1686.-M. A., V".".
Connor (Cornelius), B. A., .lEIt. 1747.
Connor (Edward), B. A., .lEIt. 1832.
Connor (Francia), B.A., Vma. 184-5.
10 Connor, or O'Connor (George), B. A., Vim. 1799 (as O'Connor).ll. A., At. 1802.
Connor (George Henry), B. A.., Vem. 18+s.-M. A.., .2&t. 1851.
Connor (Henry), B. A., Vim. 17+4-M A .,.2&t. 1747.
Connor (Henry), B. A., VWtI. 1766.-M. A.., Vim. 1780.
Connor (Henry), B. A., VWfL 1823.
15 Connor (Henry), B. A., Vem. I 838.-LL. B., .2&1. 1841.
Connor (James), B. A., .2&t. 1723.
Connor (James), B. A., Vim. 1840.
Connor (John). See O'Connor.
Connor (John), Sch., 17S9.-B. A., Vwn. 1761.-M. A., V".".
1764.-LL. B., .2&t. 1771.
20 Connor (John Richardson), B. A., .2&t. 1833. -M. A., V".,.. 1838.
Connor (Maurice), B. A., VWfL 170S'
Connor (Maurice), Sch., 1721.-B. A.., Vma. 1723.
Connor (Maurice), Sch., 1767.-B. A., Vma. 1769Connor (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1805.
2S Connor (Richard George), B. A., Vem. 1828.-M. A., Nov. 183.1.
Connor (Roderick), B. A., .lEIt. 180+-M. A., NOf). 1832.
Connor (Sandford), Sch., I 847.-B. A., It. 18so.
Connor (Shewbridge), B. A., VWfL 1823.-M. A., NOf). 1832.ll. B., Vem. 1861.
Connor (Skeffington), B. A., Vma. 18z8.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Vim. 1845.
go Connor (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1702.
Connor (Thomas), B. A., .lEIt. 170z.
Connor (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1711.-M. A.., LEd. 1714.
Connor (Watkin), B. A., V~rn. 1716.



Connor (William), B.A., Vma. 17,2.

Connor (W"illiam), Soh., I 780.-B. A., Vma. 1782.
Connor (William), B. A., Y",.. 1823.
Connor (William), B.A., y".,.. I 82+-M. B., .II. 1827.-M.A.,
JEll. 1827.
S Connor (Willis), B. A., At. 1819.
Conolly (Arthur), Sch., 1733.-B.A., Vern. 173+-H.A., At.

Conolly (Arthur), 8ch., I 762.-B. A., Vern. 1764.
Conolly (Arthur), B.A., LEst. 1796.
Conolly (Clement), B. A., Vern. I 79S.
10 Conolly (Daniel), B.A., Vern. I 834.-H. A., At. 1837.-LL. B.,

and LL. D., Vma. 18#.






Conolly (George), B. A., At. 1813.

Conolly (James Campbell), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Conolly (lohn), Bch., 168+-B. A., Vwn. 1686.
Conolly (John), B. A., Vwn. 1773.
Conolly (lohn), B. A., Vern. 179,.
Conolly (lohn), B. A., V"... 1827.
Conolly (Laurence), B.A., LEst. 187.
Conolly (Luke), B. A., Vern. 1806.
Conolly (Matthew Joseph), B.A., Vim. 18n.-H. A., NH.1832.
Conolly (Owen), Sch., 1818.-B.A., 'Pwn. 1819.
Conolly (Patrick), Sch., I 749.-B. A., Vwn. 17)1.
Conolly (Pierce James), B. A., Vern. 1849.-H.A., Vern. 18,3.
Conolly (Richard), B.A., Vim. 18n.-lLA., Vim. 1842.
Conolly (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1839.
Conolly (Bobert lames Charles), B. A., Hitwn. 1862.
Conolly (William), B. A., V",.. 1811.
Conrey (Morrice), B. A., At. 1621.-M.A., LEd. 1624.
Conron (Downes), B. A., Vim. I 727.-H. A., At. 173,.
Conroy (Denis), B. A., At. 179,.
Conroy (John), Sch., I 82+-B. A., V"... 1826.
Conroy (John B.), B.A., LEst. 1828.
Conroy (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1816.-M. B. Vern. 1819.
CoDroy (Philip James John), B. A., Vwn. 1786.
Conroy (Thomas), B. A., 4At. 1809.
Conry (Charies), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Conry (Kaurice), B. A., VII,.,.. 1797 .



Constable (Henry), B.A., Vwn. 1838.-1. A., &t. 1842.

Constable (John Nicholson), B. A., Vern. 18so.
Constantine (Robert), B. A., Vert 1691.-11. A.,..!&t. '700.
Oontarine (Thomas), Sch., 170S.-B. A., V,rn. 1706.
5 Conway (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Conway (John), B.A.,
Conway (Robert), B. A., Y".,.. 1629.-Fell., 163 I.-I. A., &1.
Conway (Robert), Sch., 1 766.-B. A., Vms. 1768.
Conway (William. Augustine), B. A., y".,.. 18#. -M. A., At.
10 Conyers (Charles), B. A., At. 18#.
Conyers (Edward Fitz-Gerald), B. A., .2811. 1811. - 1. A., Vern.
Cook (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1~9.
Cooke (Ambrose), B. A., Yms. 18S0.-1I.A., Vms. 186,.
Cooke (Beatus)r B.A., V".,.. 17,8.
IS Cooke (Digby), B. A., Vms", 1799.
Cooke (Digby Sadlier), B.A., Vms.lSp.
Cooke (Edward), (Entrance and B. A. not reeorded).-LL D., Jan.
26, 1661.
Cooke (Edward), Bch., ISlo.-B. A., Vma. 1811.
Cooke (Elijah H.), B. A., Him. 1861.
20 Cooke (FlaveISmith), B. A., V".,.. 18S3.
Cooke (George), Soh., 1716.-B.A., Vern. '718.-M.A., At.
17 21
Cooke (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1793.
Cooke (Henry W.), B. A., At. 18SI.
Cooke (Howard), B. A., At. 1813. - 1. A., and 1. B., Vms.
182 7.
25 Cooke (James Richard), B. A., .lEIt. 1819.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Cooke (James Theodore), B. A., Vern. 186+
Cooke (John), B.A., Ywn. 176+.
Cooke (John), B.A., Vern. 1782.
Cooke (John), B. A., Vma. 1817.-l. A., Noo. 1832.
30 Cooke (John), B. A., V8f"II. 18+1.
Cooke (John), Sch., 18SI.-B.A., y".,.. 1854.
Cooke (John Digby), B.A., At. 18+7.-M.A.,
Cooke (John Isaac), B.A., L&t. 1861.






Cooke (loseph), Sch., I7S6.-B. A., VWfI. 17S8.-lI". A., ..t.

1761 .

S Cooke
10 Cooke





. 35

(losiah), B. A., V".,.. 17z3.-H.A., .lEIt. 1727.

(Ludovicke), B. A., Nfl, 19, 16S4(Peter), B. A., Vem. 1791.
(Richard Plunkett), B. A., .IEI1. 184-8.
(Robert), B. A., .lEI1. IS33.

(Robert), B. A., Vme. IS+7.

(Robert), B. A., V".,.. IS4-9.
(Samuel), B. A., Vem. IS66.
(Theodore), B. A., .lEI1. 1860.-ll. A., HiM. I 86S.-}[.
Eng., .2&L IS66.
Cooke (TheophilUB Charles), B. A., V".,.. 184-0.
Cooke (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1703.-ll. A., .lEIt. 1706.
Cooke (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 174-2.
Cooke (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 17S2.
Cooke (Thomas Rodie), B. A., .lEIt. 18+2.-M. A., JEst. IS45.
Cooke (Wheeler), B. A., LElt. 1823.-ll. A., NOf1. 1832 ..
Cooke (William), B. A., V".,.. 1789.
Cooke (William), B. A., V".,.. IS30.
Cooke (William), B. A., Vim. 18 S1.
Cooke (William Antiaell), B. A., Vem. IS++.
Cookman (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 18+9.
Cookman (William), B. A., Vwn. 18so.
Cooksey, or Cookley, (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1730.
Cooksey (James), B. A., V".,.. 1772.
Cooksey (lohn), Sch., 1766.-B. A., V".,.. 176S.
Cookson (James), B. A., Vem. 18+1.-}[. A., .lEIt. IS6+.
Cooley (Philip), B.A., Vtm. I 72S.-M. A., At. 1731.
Cooley (Thomas). Bee Colley.
Cooley (William), B. A., .lEI1. 1793.
Cooley (William), B. A., V".,.. 1816.
Coombes (Edwin), B. A., Fum. IS62.-ll. A., Hinn. IS6S.
Coombes (Robert), B. A., VWfI. 1791.
Coombs (Charles), B. A., V".,.. ISSS.-M.A., .lEIt. IS6 ..
Cooper (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1770.
Cooper (AuBtin), B. A., V,m. IS24--M.A., NOf1. IS32.
Cooper (Austin), B. A., V".,.. IS26.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Cooper (Charles), B. A. Vwn. 1826.









Cooper (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1839.

Cooper (David), B.A., ~t. ISn.-M. A., AAt. IS+3.
Cooper (Edward George), B. A., Hiem. 1865'
Cooper (Edward J.), LL.D. (Aonori, otlU8d), Vwn. 1863.
Cooper (Edward Synge), B. A., AAt. 17S3.
Cooper (Edwin), B. A., Vim. IS53.
Oooper (Francis), B. A., Hiem. IS59.
Cooper (Henry GUBtaVUS), B. A., Hi",.. 1863.
Cooper (James), Soh., 16SS.-B. A., Vern. 1691.-M. A., &t..
Cooper, or Cowper (John), B. A., Vim. I7+Z.
Cooper (John), B. A., AAt. ISI+.
Cooper (John), B. A., Vwn. ISZS.
Oooper (Jonathan Sisson), B. A., Aid. 18+1.
Cooper (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 17zS.-M. A., .2&t. 1734.
Cooper (Joseph), Sch., 18ZI.-B. A., V.".,.. ISz3.
Cooper (Joshua), B. A., Vim. 175z.
Cooper (JoBhua Edward). B. A., ~t. 17Sz.
Cooper (Leonard Leader), B.A., VtNI. ISS+'
Cooper (Nathaniel), Soh., 1736.-B. A., V",.,.. 1737.
Cooper (Richard), B. A., Vma. 168S.
Cooper (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1767.
Cooper (Richard), B. A., ..iEIt. 17S+.
Cooper (Richard), B. A., V".,. lS53.-M.A., Him. IS63.
Cooper (Robert), B.A., At. 18z+-M. A., NOtJ. IS3z.
Cooper (Robert), B. A., Ver". IS+Z.
Oooper (Robert Thomas), B. A., Hum. IS6+.-ll. Chir., and ll. B.,
~t. IS6S.
Oooper (Thomas), Sch., 1693.-B. A., Vern. I 696.-M. A., ..iEIt.
16 99.
Oooper, or Cowper (ThomaB, Junior), B. A., Ver". 1733.
Oooper, or Cowper (Thomas, Senior), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Oooper (Thomas). Sch., 736.-B. A., Vwn. 17+6.
Oooper (Thomas), B.A., Vma.I73S,
Oooper (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Oooper (William Augustus), B. A., AAt. IS63.
Coote (CharleB), B.A., Vma. 171+-M. A., V.".,.. 1737.
Coote (Charles), B. A' I Vwn. I 76z.-B. D., and D. D., ..Eat. l77z.
Coote (CharleB Henry), B. A" Aiat. 1776.



Coote (Charles P.), B. A., V".,.. 1803.-M. A., At. 1820.

Coote (Chidley), B. A., V".,.. 1698.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,..
Coote (Chudleigh), B. A., V".,.. 173+
Coote (Hon. Eyre Telson), B. A., Y".,.. 181+.
S Coote (Haxwell Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18S+.
Oope (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. 1683.-lL A., ..lEft. 1686.
Oope (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. 173+.-M. A., V,rn. 1737.
Oope (Barclay), M. B., and M. D., V"",. 1718.
Oope (Barclay), B. A., V".,." 17+ I.
10 Oope (Bartholomew), B. A., V".,.. 1708.-M. A., At. 1711.
Oope (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1775.
Oope (David), B. A., V".,.. 1 737.-H. A., LEd. 17+0.
Oope (George), Sch., 1717.-B. A., Vtirn. 1719.-H. A., ..lEI1.
17 u .
Oope (Henry), B. A., Vim. 1736.~H. A., ..lEIt. 1739.
IS Oope (Jonathan), B. A., V".". 17+7.-H. A., ..lEIt. 17So.
Oope (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1699.
Oope (Robert). M. A. (Nmon', c/JUld), .2&t. 1707.
Cope (Robert), B. A. V".,.. 1736.
Oope (Thomas), Sch., 1760.-B. A., V".,.. 1762.
20 Oope (Walter), B. A., Vim. 1732.
Cope (William), B. A., .2&1. 1703.
Cope (William Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1831.
Copeland (William), B. A.., V".,.. 18+7.
Copinger (Christopher), B. A., V".,.. 1826.-H. A., Not? 183Z.
2$ Copinger (John), B. A., .2&t. 1800.
Copinger (Maurice), B. A., Vim. 17+8.
Coppinger (Joseph William), B. A., V#1'1'. 1827.-M. A., Not?
183 2
Coppinger (Robert), B. A., At. 17+2.
Coppinger (Stephen), B. A., At. 181 S.
30 Coppinger (Stephen William), B. A., V".,.. 18S8.
Coppinger (Valentine), B. A., HUm. 1861.
CorbaUie (Edward), B. A., ..lEIt. 18S8.
Corballis (lohn Richard), B.A., .2&t. 1816.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Not? 1832.
CorballU (Richard 1.), B. A., AI. 18S3.-H. A., ..lEIt. 18S6.
JS Corban (Francia), B. A., V".,.. 1819.-H. A., Nop. 183z.



Corbet (Edward L'Estrange), B. A., .&t. 1839.

Corbet (Francis), Sch., 17o....-B. A., Vma. 17o;.-H. A., At.
1708.-B. D., and D. D., Vma. 1735.
Corbet (Francis), B. A., '&t. 1790. '
Corbet (William), Sch., I 796.-B. A., Vma. 1797.
5 Corbett (David), B. A., V".ft. 1821.
Corbett (Edward St. John), B. A., Vma. 1866.
Corbett (Henry St. John), B. A., Vma. 185+.
Corbett (John), B.A., Vma. I 829.-lL A., NO'/). 1832.
Corbett (John), B. A., Hinn. 1861.-H. A., Hi. . 1865.
10 Corbett (John Lewis), B. A., Muter in Surgery, and lL B., Hinn.
Corbett (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1762.
Corbett (Thomas), Sch., 1790.-B. A., Vem. 1791.
Corbett (William), B. A., .&t. 1815.-M. B., and 1[. A., Nov.
18 32
Corbett (William), B. A., .&t. 183+.
IS Corcoran (Charles John), B. A., '&t. 1851.
Corcoran (James), B. A., Vlrft. 1787.
Corcoran (Michael Edward), B. A., Vma. 18+0.
Cordner (Edward J.), B. A" Vmt. 1816.
Corken (John), B. A., Vern. 18io.
20 Corken (William John), B. A., Vmt. 184+'
Corker (Chambr~), B.A., Vmt. 1765.-M. A., Vma. 1769'
Corker (Chambr~), B. A., Vim. 1822.
Corker (Edward), B. A.,
Corker (John), B. A., VWft. 176...,
25 Corker (Robert), B.A., Vmt. 1727.
Cormack (Charles), Sch., 1660.-B. A., &1. 1660.-Fell., 1662.
Cormack (Denis), B. A., V".,.. 182+-M. A., NO'/). 1832.
Cormick (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1701.
Cormick (William), B. A., V".,.. 1705.
30 Cormick (William Thomas), B. A' I V".,.. 185+
Comellie (Bartholomew), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Comellie (John), B. A., rem. 1826.
Comer (Henry), Sch., 17J1.-B. A., V".,.. 1713,
Cornish (Edward), Sch., I7oo.-B. A., V8f"1t. 1701.
35 Comock (Zachariah), B. A., &t. 1790.
Comwall (Alexander), Sch., 1725 .-B. A., Vem. '7:z6.-M. A.,
&t.17 2 9









Comwall (Charles), Sch., 1716.-B. A., V.,.,.. 1717.

Comwall (Gabriel), B. A., V.,.,.. 1735.
Comwall (Richard), B. A., .tEIt. 18+2.
Comwall (Robert), B. A., VWfI. IS5I.-M. A., VWfI. lSSS.
Comwall (William), B. A., .tEIt. IS33.
Comwall (William Augustus), B. A., VWfI. IS++.-M. A., Ywn.
Comwall (William Stewart), B. A., 2Elt. IS62.
Comyn (Middleton), B. A., 2Elt. I 739.-LL. B., 2Elt. 17+3.LL D., 2Elt. 175).
Corr (Maurice), B. A., VWfI. 1822.-M. B., 2Elt. IS27.-1I. A.,
NOfI. IS32.
Corrigan (Dominick John), M. D. (Aonoril ctlWd), 2Elt. IS+9.
Corrigan (James), B. A., VWfI. IS57.
Corrigan (James), B. A., and LL. B., VWfI. IS61.-LL. D. &t.
Corrigan (John Joseph), B. A., Perno IS50.
Corrigan (Joseph), B.A., Vwn. ISU.
Corrigan (William Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 18S6.-M. A., Vern.
ISS9--LLB., and LL.D., HimJ. 1861.
Corry (Edmund Smith), B. A., AIlt. 1SI I.
Corry (Edmund Smyth), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Corry (Henry), B. A., Vwn. IS30.
Corry (Isaac), B. A., Vwn. 1773.
Corry (Isaac M.), B.A., Vern. IS25.
Corry (James), B.A., 2Elt. 1793.
Corry (John), B. A., Vwn. IpS.
Corry (Lesly), B. A., Vwn. 1732.
Corry, or Curry (Moore), B. A., V".". 1735.
Corsellis (George Merrick), B. A., .tEll. IS33.-lL A., 2Elt. IS36.
Corvan (Andrew), B. A., 2Elt. IS37.
Corvan (John), 8ch., 1792.-B.A., Vern. 1795.
Corvan (John), B. A., .tEIt. 1 82+.-lL A., NOfJ. IS3z.-B. D., and
D. D., Vern. 186$.
Corvan (John), B. A., ~It. IS63.
Corvan (William Welah), B. A., Vwn. 18+3.
Cory (Henry Cory), 1I. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), ./&t. 1866.
Coeby (Amold), B. A., ~,t. 1 78%.-M. A., Vm. 1812.
Coeby (John), B. A., V".n. IS.n.



Cosby (Sydney), B. A., .lEd. 18z9Cosby (Wellesley), B. A., .l&t. 1836.

Cosby (William), B. A., V".,.. 17 3 I.-H. A., AUt. 173+.
Cosby (William), B. A., AUt. 18z9.
S Coegrave (Frederick), B. A., Vmt. 18S6.
Cosgrave (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 18zl.-H. A., Ntw. 183z,
Cosgrave (Thomas), B. A., Y,,.,.. 1805.-lL A., NOfI. 183z.
Cosgrave (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18sz.
Oosgrave (William), B. A., VIN'. 1839.
10 Cosgrave (William Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1840.
Couart (Heory), B. A., Vmt. I 778.-H. A., V".,.. I 78 I.-B. D.,
Vern. 1788.
Coaalett (Charles), Soh., 17S6.-B. A., Vmt. 1758.
CoBBlett (Charles G.), B. A., AUt. 1795.
Ooatello (John Edward), B. A., Vmt. 18SS.-H. A., Vmt. 18S7.
IS Ooatello, or Cosley (Hareus), Soh., 18zS.-B. A., Vmt. 18z7.11. A., AIle. 18%9' Coatello (Nicholas), B. A., Vmt. 18sz.
Costello (Thomas), Bch., 1810.-B. A., V".,.. 18n.
Costelloe (John), B. A., VmI. 1810.
Costelloe (:Philip), B. A., Vir,.. 1835.-M. A., V".,.. 1838.
zo Cotham (George Toulson), B. A., VINI.18+8.
Ootter (Charles :P.), B. A., AUt. 18+s.-H. A., .l&t. 1860.
Ootter (Edmund), B.A., VINI. 1866.
Ootter (George Edmund). B. A" AIlt. 1819.-H. A., Vwn. 1837.
Cotter (James), B. A" V".,.. 173+.
25 Cotter (James Lawrence), B. A., Vem. 1809.-LL.B., and LL. D.,
V".,.. 18zo.
Ootter (James L.), B. A.. V".,.. 18+s.-H. B., .l&t. 18+7.
Ootter (Sir J'ames, Bart.), B. A., ./Est. 18+9.
Cotter (John Rogerson), B. A., .l&t. 18n.-H. A., Ntw. 183z.
Cotter (John William), B. A., VINI. 18+6.
30 Cotter (Joseph Rogerson), B. A., Vir,.. 181+.
Cotter (J'oseph Rogerson), B. A., AUt. 18H.
Cotter (Nelson Kearney), B. A., .l&t. 18z8.
Cotter (Richard Henry), B. A., .l&t. 185+.
Cotter (Samuel Kyle), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
3S Cotter (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1861.
Ootter (William), Sch., I 79 I.-B. A" VINI. 1793-Fell., '799H. A., VmI. 1800.



Cotter (William), B. A., At. ISSS.-M. A., Vwn. IS6%.

Cotterell (Right Rev. William), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), At.
Cottingham (Charles). B. A., Vern. 1716.-M. A., .A!:lt. 17 1 9.
Cottingham (George), B. A., .A!:lt. 16:Z4.-Fell, 16z7.
5 Cottingham (Henry), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Cottingham (Henry), B. A., Vw". 169z.-M. A., .A!:lt. I~S.
Cottingham (Henry), B. A., Vwn. ISI4.-M. A., Vwn. 18z7.
Cottingham (James), B. A., Vlrtl. 1699.-M. A., .A!:lt. 170z.
Cottingham (James), Sch., 17H.-B. A., Vwn. q45.-D.D.
(lplCial. grIJtid), Vern. 1776.
10 Cottle (James), LL. B., and LL.D. (ad eund. Can tab.), .A!:lt. IS+,.
Cotton (Charles Philip), B. A., Vw".IS54.
Cotton (George), B. A., Vml. 179z.
Cotton (Henry), LL.D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Nov. ISp.
Cotton (Samuel George), B. A., VeN!. IS47.
15 Cotton (William), B. A., VIINi. IS51.
Cottrell (Edward), B. A., Vern. QZ9.-M. A., .A!:lt. 1732.
Coughlan (Lucius). See Coghlan.
Coulson (Hill), B. A., Vern. 1800.
Coulter (George), B.A., Vw". IS19
20 Coulter (John Robert Read), B. A., H.em. I S6z. - M. B., .A!:lt.
Coulter (Samuel), B. A., Vern. IS%5. - M. B., and M. A., ViINI.
Coulter (Thomas), B. A., .A!:lt. ISq.-M.A., and )LB., .A!:lt.
1820.-M. D., .A!:lt. 1837.
Couper (Walter), B. A.., .A!:lt. 167J.
Courtenay (Anthony Lefroy), B. A., ViINI. J 827. - M. A., No'll.
18p.-B. D., and D. D., At. 1853'
25 Courtenay (Charles S.), B. A., Vw". JS%7.-M. A., Nov. 18p.
Courtenay (Christopher George), B. A., V61'n. JS46.
Courtenay (David Carlile), B.A., Vern. 1823.-M. A., Not). 183%.
Conrtenay{George), B. A., .A!:lt. 181+.-M.A., NOfJ. IS3%.
Courtenay (George Frederick), B. A., .A!:lt. 1860.
30 Courtenay (Henry), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.).-M. A., Not). 1832.
Courtenay (John), B. A., .A!:lt. ISI+.
Courtenay (John Brownlee), Sch., 1850. - B. A" Vern. 1853.M. A., .A!:lt. r857.



Courtenay (Thomas Reginald), Sch., 18so.-B. A., Vern. 1861.

Courtney (Andrew), B. A.., Vllm. ,817,
Courtney (David Rutledge), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vern. 1809'
Courtney (John C.), B. A.., Vern. 18zo.
5 Cmrtney (John Kerr), B. A., Vern. 18z3.
Cousins (John Fitz-Harri.s), B. A., Vern. 18S8.
Cousins (Joseph), n. A., ./.Est. 1853'
Cousins (~idney Leslie), B. A., ./.Ed. 1854.
Cowan (Andrew), n. A., ./.Est. 1837.
10 Cowan (John), B.A., ./.Elt. 1824'
Cowan (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1829.~M. A., Vern. 1657.
Cowan (Thomas Conolly), B. A., rt'1n. '798.
Cowan (William), B. A., rem. '738.
Cowdroy (John Rathbone), B. A., Hie/ll. 1859. - M. A., IfI'eli/.
'5 Cowell (George Young), B. A., 'Fun. 1860.
Cowen (Edward), B. A . Vllrn. 1846.
Cowen (Henry), B. A., Vllrll. 1789.
Cowen (John), n. A., Vt'l"'. 1850.
Cowen (Riehard), B. A., ./.Eat. ,830'
zo Cowen (Thomas), B. A., ./.Est. 184z.
Cowley (Joshua), (Entrance and B. A. not recorded). - }'ellow,
1654-M. A., .May 9, 1654'
Cowlt'y (Richard), n. A., Vern. '71 l.-M. A., ./.Est. '71 +.
Cowley, or Cooley (Philip), Seh., '7z7.-B. A., Vern. 1728.
Cowley (William David), B. A., Vern. 18SI.-M. A., rent. ,854.
25 Cowper (Joseph), Seh., 1726.-B. A., Vern. 1728.
Cowper (Nathaniel), B. A., Vml ,683.
Cowper (Thomas, Junior), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Cowper (Thomas, Rcnior), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Cowpland (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1834.-~I. A., .&.8t. 1839.
30 Cox (Benjamin), B. A., ./Est. 1793.
Cox (Edward), n. A., ./E,t. 18+8.
Cox (Jumcs), B. A., r",/I. 1677"-~r. A., .&.st. 1680.-B. D., and
D. D., ./Est. 1700.
Cox (Jmncs), R. A., Vall. 1780.
C0X (James), B. A., ..-Est. ,836,-)L A., T~'rn. 18-16.
35 Cox (James), B. A., 1i'rll. 18 37.



Cox (James), :B. A., V",.. 1856.

Cox (Jasper), B. A., Vim. 1 677.-lL A.., At. 1680.
Cox (John), B. A., V"... 1706.
Cox (John), B. A., V".,.. 179+
5 Oox (Lindsay), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Cox (Marmaduke), B. A., Vwn. 17%7.-M. A., At. 1730.
Oox (Michael), B.A., Vim. 1710.-M.A., V".,.. 171%.
Oox (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 17S7.-M. A., At. 1760.
Cox (Miohael), B. A., Vim. 1849.
10 Oox (Richard), B. A., .lEd. 179%.-M. A.., At. 1821.
Oox (Robert Henry), B. A., At. 1848.
Cox (Sampson), B. A., Vem. 1686.
Cox (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1686.
Oox (Samuel O'Neill), B. A., 1844. &t.
15 Oox (Thomas), Soh., 16lf2.-B. A., V".,.. 1685.-:&1. A.., Ailt.
1688.-B. D., Vwn. 1697.
Cox (William), B.A., VIm.1779.
Cox (William), B. A., &t. 180%.
Oox (William), B. A.., V".,.. 1828.
Cox (William), M. A., VWfI. 18p.
zo Coxwell (Richard Rogers), B. A., Ailt. 18z7.
Coyne (Henry), B. A., 1610.-M. A., 1613.
Ooyne (Patrick), B. A., 161%.-M. A., Ailt. 1614Cradock (Francis), B. A., Vem. 1815.
Cradock (Frederick), B. A., At. 1846 .
. z5 Cradook (John), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), Vwn. 1759.
Cradock (paul), B. A., VWfI. 168+
Cradock (Peter), B. A., VWfI. 1683.
Cradock (Thomas), B. A., VWfI. 18%6.
Oradock (Thomas), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab), (~. gratia), Ailt.
30 Cradock (Thomas), B. A., VWfI. 1835.
Cradock (Thomas Russell), B.A., Vim. I 79%.-1I. A., Vma.1816.
Cradock (William), B. A., &pt. 9, 1768.
Crafta (John), B. A' I VWfI. 1699.
Craig (Andrew), B.A., Aile. I 849.-LL B., Vem. I 86+-LL. D.,
HUm. 1865.
3S Craig (George), B. A., Vma. I 820.-M. A" N()f). 183%.
Craig (Graham), B. A.' I VWfI. 18S7.-H. A., Vir,.. 1863.




Craig (lames), Soh., 18u.-B. A., Vwn. 1813.

Craig (lohn), B. A., Vma. 1827.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Craig (lohn Duncan), B.A., LEd. 18p.-M.A., Vma.18S7.
Craig (Robert), Sch., 1797.-B. A., Vwn. 1799.-M. A., At.
S Craig (Robert), B. A' I Vma. 18H
Craig (Stuart B.), Sch., 18+7.-B. A' I AIlt. 18+9.
Craig (Thomas Henry), Soh., 18+o.-B. A., AIlt. 1845.
Craig (William), B. A., Vern. 18+3.-ll. A' I Vma. 18+9.
Craig (William Henry), B. A. Vma. 1863.
10 Craig (William James), B. A' I Rim. 186S.
Craige (William), B. A., Vwn. 17~.
Cramake (Hector), B. A., V".,.. 1739.
Cramer (lacob), B. A., N()f). 11, 1788.
Cramer (John), LL.D. (MnoriB 13(1111111), Vma. 1762.
IS Cramer (lohn), B.A., Vma. 1785.
Cramer (lohn Theophil1l8), B. A., Vwn.18+1.
Cramer (lohn Thomas), B. A., AIlt. 1803.-ll. A., N()f). 1831.
Cramer (Harmaduke), B.A., Vwn. 1761.-ll. A., AIlt. 176S.LL. B., and LL.D., Vma. 1789.
Cramer (Marmaduke), B. A., Vma. 1839.
10 Cramer (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1803.
Cramer (Tobias), B. A., Vwn. 1688.
Crampton (Cecil), Sch., 1803.-B. A., Vwn. 180S.-ll. A., At.
Crampton (Cecil), B. A., Vwn. 18H.-M. B., Vern. 1839.
Crampton (Cecil Burleigh), Sch., 17sz.-B.A., Vma. 175+.
zS Crampton (George Ribton), B. A., ..2&t. 18JS.-M. A., AIlt. 18S8.
Crampton (lohn), B. A., Vwn. I7z+.-ll. A.., AIlt. 17z7.
Crampton (lohn), B.A., V".,.. 1789.-1. A., N()f). 1832.
Crampton (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I 790.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Crampton (losiah), B. A' I At. I 79S.-M. A., ..2&t. 1807.
30 Crampton (losiah), B. A., &t. I 829.-ll. A., Nop. 1832.
Crampton (Josiah F. T.), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
Crampton (Philip), B. A., Vwn. I 836.-1I. B., Vwn. 18+3.
Crampton (Philip Cecil), Sch., 1800.-B. A., Vwn. 180z.-Fell,
1807.-M.A., ..2&t. 1807.-LL. B., 4ft. 1809.-LL. D. AIlt.
Cramaie (Francia C.), Soh., ISS I.-B. A., Vwn. 18H.



Cranbrook (James), B. .A., Vms. IS6+

Orane (Edward), (Entrance not recorded)-D.D., V".,.. 176z.
Crane (George), B.A., At. 17SS.-H.A., NOfJ. II. 17SS,
Cranfield (Richard), B. A., V".,.. ISz7.-M. B., At. 1831.
5 Cranfield (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 179z.
Cranston (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1775.






Cranston (John), 8ch., 1~6.-B. A., V".,.. 1 699.-M. A., V".,..

17 0 %.
Cranston (John), B. A., V".,.. 1740.
Cranston (John), B.A., At. ISU.
Craven (Charles), B. A., At. 179z.
Craven (John), B. A., V".,.. '7S+.
Craven (Thomas), 8ch.. 1676.-B. A., V".,.. 1678.-1L A., &t.
Craven (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1715'
Craven (Stanley), B. A., At. 17Z3.
Craven (William Wray), B.A., At. ISI+
Crawford (Alexander), Sch., I 763.-B. A., V".,.. 176+.
Crawford (Andrew), B.A., V".,.. IS31.
Crawford (Arohibald), B. A., V".,.. I S+%.-lL A., V..,.. IS56.
Crawford (Arthur), B. A., V".,., ISz5.
Crawford (Arthur Sharman), B. A., Vwn. IS31.-H. A., Vern..
1113 6.
Crawford (Charles), B. A., Vmt. I 777.-lL A., V".,., I SOC).
Crawford (Charles Sharman), B. A., VIN,. IS35.-H. A., Vern.
Crawford (Forbes), B. A., Vmt. ISIO.-Y. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Crawford (Francis), 8ch., IS3z.-B. A., Vern. IS3+
Crawford (George), B. A., V".,.. 1797.-H. A., Vma. ISZZ.LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. ISZS.
Crawford (George), B. A., V".,.. ISz7.-Y.A., Vern. IS36.
Crawford (George Arthur), B. A., and lL A., &1. IS57.
Crawford (George John), B. A., V..,.. IS33.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
At. 18+6.
Crawford (Hugh), B. A., Vern. ISo29.
Crawford (James), B. A., V".,.. IS03.-H. A' I Nov. IS3z.
Crawford (James), B. A., V".,.. ISoS.-H .A., NOI). 183%'
Crawford (James), B. A' I Vwn. IS33.
Crawford (James William), B . .A" Vern. ISI7.



Orawlord (Jason), B. A., Vim. 1732.

Crawford (Jason), B. A., .&t. 1790,
Crawford (John), B. A., Vmt. 1,14Crawlord (lohn), B. A., Vmt. 1760.
5 Crawford (lohn), B. A., VwtI. 1784.
Crawford (lohn), B. A., .&t. 1789.
Crawford (John), B. A., Vim. 1856.
Crawford (John), B. A., V".,.. 1856.
Crawford (John), Sch., 1712.-B.A., V"... 1714.
10 Crawford (John Duncan), B. A., V".,.., Y. B., .Ale. 1846.
Crawford (lohn Sharman), B.A., 1'".,.. 1831.-1l.A., VeNt. 18n.
Crawford (Matthew), B. A., At. 1824Crawford (Oliver), B.A., V".,.. 1785.
Crawford (Prince), B. A., Vir,.. 1815.-1L A. NOf). 1832.
15 Crawford (Raidale), B. A.., Vwn. 1732.
Crawford (Robert), B. A., &t. 1824.
Crawford (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18$2.
Crawford (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Crawford (Thomas), Sch., I 769.-B. A., At. '770.
20 Crawford (Thomas), B. A., VeNt. '772.
Crawford (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1810.
Crawford (Thomas), B. A., At. 182S.
Crawford (William), Sch., 1716.-B. A., V".,.. l'IS.-lI. A.,
LEd. 1721.
Crawford (William), B. A., .&t. ISu.-H. A., NOf1. 1832.
25 Crawford (William), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Crawford (William), B. A., .LEst. 18n.
Crawford (William). B. A., Vim. 18+6.
Crawford (William Frederick), B. A., V".,., .860.
Creagh (Charles), B. A., At. I 799.-ll. A., At. 1802.
30 Creagh (John), B. A., ..lEIt. 1791.
Creagh (lohn), B. A., L.&t. 1794.
Creagh (John Bagwell), (entered F. C., 1813.-B. A. not recorded).-lI. A., V".,.. 1829.
Creagh (Laurence), B. A., At. ISI8.
Creagh (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1783.
35 Creaghe (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1826.
Creaghe (Stephen), B. A., L.&t. 1831.
Creathorne (George Lenolt), B. A., 81. r807.








Cree (George), B.A., Vms. ISSI.-1LA. &t. 1865.

Creed (Arthur), Bch., 1692.-B. A.., &1. 169+.
Creed (Edward Rusaell), B. A., V.... IS2+.-M. .A.., AI. 1827.
Creed (lohn), B.A., y",.. ISI7.-M. A., NOI). IS32.
Creed (Richard), B. A.,.At. lSS9.-M. A., Hiem. IS6+.
Creed (William R.), B.A., V".,..IS29.
Creek (Edward Basnette), B.A., V",.. IS38.-M.A., LElt. ISH.
Creek (William), B.A., V".,.. IS60.-1L A., HUm. IS62.
Creeny (Horatio Nelson), B. A., Vma. 18+9.-M. A., Vern. IS65.
Creery (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Creery (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. IS+9.
Creery (lohn), B.A.., LElt. 16SI.
Creery (Lealie), B. A., At. IS04.-M.A., Yern. 1818.
Creery (Leslie), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Creery (Thomas Ferguson), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.
Creery (William), Bch., J7Io.-B. A., V",.. 1711.
Creery (William), B. A., Vma. 1778.
Creighton (David), LL.D. (/aotaori. CUI""), AIlI. 1709.
Creighton (Edward B.), B. A., Yern. IS38.
Creighton (George Wright), B. A., V".,.. ISI5. -11. A., NOI).
18 32
Creighton (lames), B. A., Vena. 176+.
Creighton (John Croker), B.A., Y".,..1831.
Creighton (Robert O'Neill), B. A., V".,.. IS+o.-M. B., .Alt.
Creighton (William), B. A., V".,.. 1709.-M. A., Vena. 1711.
Cremen (David), B. A., VIN,., and II. B., &1. 1851.
Cresswell (John), B.A., 1629.
Criggan (Claudius), Sch., 17S9.-B. A., Vms. 1761.
Criggan (Claudius), B. A., Vms. 1791.
Crips (Rollert), B. A., &t. 1807.
Crips (Thomas), B. A., Vms. 172+.
Critchley (James), B. A., At. 1825.
Critchley (John Martyn), B. A., &t. 18S8.
Critchley (Richard), B. A., At. 1821.
Critchley (Thomas), B. A., At. I 85+.-M. A.., At. 1857.
Croaker, (John), Sch., I 73o.-B. A.,
1731.-M. A., .iE;t.
Croan (Gethin), B. A., Yent. 1751.




Croa.n (John or William). B. A., Y".,., 1707.-11.. A., AI. 1710.

Cro88daile (George Jamea), B.A., Hu.. 1863.
Croaadaile, or Croaadail (Henry), B. A., V"... 1732.
Cro88daile (Launcelot), B. A., At. 1800.
S Croaadaile (William), B.A., y".... 18+9
Croaadal, or Croisdaile (John), B. A., y"... 173+.
Croudal, or Croisdaile, (Pearson), B. A., y"". 173+-M. B., and
11.. D., Yent. 17So.
Croft (Ralph Williama Calvert), B. A., y"... 18SS.
Crofton (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., J629.
10 Crofton (Arthur Burgh), B. A., .lEIt. 18 J 8.-11.. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Crofton (Augustus), B. A., .lEIt. 1818.-11.. A., y".,.. 1821.
Crofton (Charles), B. A., .lEI1. 18z+.
Orofton (Charles Stanhope), B. A., y".,.. 183z.-l[. A., y".,..
Crofton (Denis), B. A., At. 18+1.
15 Crofton (Duke), B. A., y".,.. 1833.
Crofton (Edward), B. A., Ymt. 18S6.
Crofton (FranclaB.), B. A., HUm. 186z.
Crofton (Henry), Bch., 17S6.-B. A., y".,.. 17S8.-ll. A., y".,..
Crofton (Henry), B.A., y"... 180S.
zo Crofton (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1836.
Crofton (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18+S.
Orofton (Henry), B. A., Ymt. 18sz.
Crofton (Henry), B. A., JEle. 1785.-11.. A., Not). 1788.
Crofton (Henry B1iee), B. A., y".,.. 18SS.
2S Crofton (Henry William), B. A., .It. 1816.-M. A., y".". 18u.
Crofton (Hugh), B. A., At. 178S.
Crofton (Hugh), LL. D. (A0ft0rt8 ca",c1), V".,.. 1789.
Crofton (lames), B. A., Ymt. 18zS.-1I.. A., Not). 183z.
Crofton (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 182+
30 Crofton (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 183S.
Orofton (Lawrence Harman), B. A., y".,.. 18zS.
Crofton (llorgan), B. A., y".,.. 1786.
Crofton (1I.organ), B. A., Ymt. 181+.
Crofton (Horgan), B. A., y".,.. 18+2.
3S Crofton (Morgan William). B. A., y".,.. 18+8.
Crofton (Parson_), B. A., Ade. 18z7.



Crofton (Perkins), B. A., Vem. I 725.-H. A., At. 1728.

Crofton (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 17~6.
Crofton (William), B.A., All. 1814.
Crofton (William), B. A., Vem. 1 835.-M:. B., aDd H. D., Vem.
5 Crofts (
), D. D., (ad eund.), Jflft. 26, 1661.
Crofts (Christopher), Bch., 1716.-B.A., Vwn.1717.
Crofts (Edmund), B. A., Ywn. ,680.-lL A., .IEIt 683.
Crofts (Freeman), B. A., Vwn.1769.
Crofts (Freeman), B. A., .IEIt. 1806.
10 Crofts (Freeman), B. A., At. 1839.
Crofts (George), B. A., Alt. 1806.
Crofts (Henry), B. A., .IEIt. 1678.
Crofts (William), B. A., .2&t. 181+
Croghan (Davis), B.A., Yern. 1788.
15 Croghan (Davis George), B. A., At. 1861.
Croke (James), B. A., Y61'n. 1818.
CrokeT (Arthur St. John), B.A., Vem. 18+7.
Croker (Charles Phillips), B. A., Vern. 18'9.-H. B., Ywn.
I 822.-H. D., Vem. 18+0.
Croker (Edward), 8ch., 1674.-B. A., Vern. 1675.
20 Croker (Edward), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), and M. A., Vern. 1824.
Croker (James Guthrie), B. A., V,,.,.. 18+6.
Croker (John), LL. D. (Aonori' Cfltud), Vern. 1726.
Croker (John). See Crookw.
Croker (John), B. A., .IEII. 1808.
Croker (John), B.A., Yem.1821.
25 Croker (John), H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Croker (John WilBon), B. A., h:Bt. 18oo.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
..2&t. 1809'
Croker (lfichael George), B. A., h:Bt. 1 834.-H. A., Yern . 839.
Croker (Richard), B. A., V",.. 1779.
Croker (Richard), B. A., h:BI. 1806.
30 Croker (Richard), B. A., Y61'n. 1837.
Croker (Robert), B.A., Vem. 1817.-M.A.,NOfJ. 1832.
Croker (Thomas), B. A., h:Bt. 1822.-H. A., NOll. 183z.
Croker (Walter Sidney Wilberforce), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
Crolly (George), Bch., 1798.-B. A., Vwn. J8oo.-M. A.,







Croly (Richard), B. A., At. 1 82+-Y. A., Vim. J 8+0.

Cromie (Henry), B. A., Vim. I 86o.-H. A., &1. 1863.
Cromie (John), B. A., V.,.... 1759.
Cromie (1ohn), B. A., V.,.... 1778.
Cromie (John), B. A., At. 1806.-H. A., NfXJ. 1832.
Cromie (William), B. A., At. 1821.
Crommelin (John),:B. A., V".,.. 1711.-K.A., At. 171+
Crommelin (Samuel) :B. A., ..t. 1838.
Crommelin (William), :B. A., At. 1838.
Crompton (Albert), B. A., V"..,.. 1819.-H. A., V,,.,., 18%3.
Crompton (Charles John), B. A., .Alft. 18 I 8.-}{. A., 2B$t. 1821.
Crone (James Noroott), B. A., VIrII. 1813.
Crone (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1815 -H. A.,.AlI1. 1818.
Cronin (John), B. .4.., &It. 1814.
Cronin (Laurence), Soh., 1786.-B. A., NfXJ. II, 1788.-M. B.,
At. 1791.
Cronin (Thomas), B. A., Vms. 181 S.-H. A., NfXJ. 1832.
Cronin (William), Soh., 1828.-B. A., Vim. 1829.
Cronyn (Benjamin), B .4.., AAt. 18n.-H. A., AI. 1825.B. D., and D. D., .Al,t. 18H.
Cronyn (Edmund), B. A., Vim. I 828.-}{. A" VIrII. 183+
Crook (Banks), (B. A., not recorded).-H. .A. .AlIt. 168 J.
Crooke (George D.), Sch., 18n.-B. A., VWft. 18:&4Crooke (llilward), B. A., Vma. 1850.
Crooke (Robert), B. A., Vim. 18+0.
Crooke (Robert), B. A., Vim. 18SJ.-LL. B., Vir,.. 1856.-

LL. D., y,,.,.. 1859.

25 Crooke (Robert Stevenson), B. A., '

dNa. 1816.
Crooke (Warren Gilmore), B.A., Vertt. 18+3.
Crooke (William), B. A., At. 18+0.
Crookshank (Arthur), B.A.,.2&I. 1815.
Crookshank (Charles), B.A., V".,.. 1797.-M. A., V.m. 1808.
30 Crookshank (Charles), B.A., V"... 1860.-H. A., At. 1863.
Crookshank (George), B. A., At. 1789'
Orookshank (George), B. A" At. 1817.
Orookshank (Gerrard A.), B. A., VWfl. 18p.-I[. A., Vern. 1860.
Orookshank (Thomas), B. A., V,rn. 183+.
35 Crosbie (Sir Edward William, Bart.), B. A., Vern. 177+.
Crosbie (Hon. John), B. A., ..IEI1. I 77t.-H. A., (hotUJru eQu.d),

Ver,.. 1772.



Crosbie (Hon. Maurice), It A., YfflJ. '7S+.-M:. A., Ymt. 17S8.B. D., V".,.. 176+.-D. D., .lEIt. 1769.
Crosbie (Pierce), B. A., V".,.. 1857.
Crosbie (Right Hon. William), Lord Brandou, B. A., y".,.. '796.B.D., and D. D., .2&t. 1816.
CroBby (Patrick), B. A., Vmt. 168+
s Cr0B8 (
), LL. D. (lwMrU c/JUBd), Ja. 11, 171+
CroBB (John Adam), Sch., 1860.-B. A., H_ 1862.
CroBS (John Henry), B. A., Hi",.. I 860.-M. A.., HUm. 1863.
Cross (Thomas Henry), B. A., V".,.. IS5+'
Crosse (Marlborough), B. A., At. 11158.
10 Crowe (CharleB), B.A., Vwn. 183o.-}{.A.,Ntn'. 1832.
CroBSle (Charles), Sch., 1861.-B. A., HUm. 1862.
CrOBthWait (Leland), B. A., .2&t. IS52.
Crosthwait (Leland), B. A., V".,.. 1856.
Crosthwait (Thomas Philip Sherrard), B. A., y".,.. 1858.
I S Crosthwaite (Benjamin), B. A., VW'lt. t83 1.-11. A., AfIt. 1838.
Crosthwaite (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1829.-11. A., NOP. 1832.
Crosthwaite (Davenport), It A., Vwn. 18+6.
Crosthwaite (John), B. A.., .lEIt. IS06.-M. A., At. 1809-It D., Verfl. 1821.
Crosthwaite (John Clarke), B. A., y",.. 1823.-11. A., Vwn.
so Crosthwaite (William), B . .A., Vwn. I 83o.-M. A., Ntn'. 1832.
Crotty (Cornelius), B. A.., y".". 1836.-M. A., ..&t. 1838.
Crotty (Cornelius), It A., At. 1857.
Croughton (Robert), B. A., Vmt. 172 J.
Crow (Charles), B. A.., V".,.. 1676.-M. A., Vern. 1679.-D. D.,

Vm,. 1693.
25 Crow (Dawson), Sch., I 73+.-B.A., Vwn. 1736.-M. A., ./Eat.
Crow (John), B. A., V".,.. 1727.-M. A., At. 1730.
Crow (William), 11. A.., Oct. 18, I 698.-LL. D., V".,.. 1706 (ad
eund. Cantab.).
Crowe (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1832.
Crowe (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 178+.
30 Crowe (Michael), Boh., I 77o.-B. A., Vwn. J772.-MA., Vern.
Crowe (Robert), B. A' I y".,.. J847.-M. A., .2&t. 185%'



Crowe (Wainwright), B. A., VINI. IS.p.

Crowe (William), B.A., y".,.. 1714---lLA., At. 171S.
Crowe (William), B. A., V".. I7+S.-H. A., Atrt. 1753.
Crowe (William), B. A., Y".,.. IS35.
S Crozier (Baptist), B. A., V".,.. IS3 J.
Crozier (Francia), B.A., K .... IS60.
Crozier (George), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-Y. A., y".,.. 1840.
Crozier (George Darley), B. A., V".,.. 1848.
Crozier (Graham Philip), B. A., Pi.... ISz3.
10 Crozier (Henry Darley), B. A., V"... 18S8.
Crozier (lames Alexander), B. A., VIN. 18+3.-}[. A., V".,..






Crozier (lohn), B. A., V"... 1786.

Crozier (Richard), B. A., V"... IS33.-H. B., ..It. 1835.
Crozier (Thomas), B.A., Y"... IS49.
Crozier (William), B. A., y".,.. IS39-ll. A., V"... 1841.
Cruikshank (lames), B. A., V".,.. IS39.
Cruise (Francia Richard), B. A., V".,.. ISS7.-M. B., At.
ISSS.-H. D., It. 1861.
Cruise (Patrick H.), B. A., At. 1811.
Crnise (William), B. A., Vern. 1843.
or Crummy, (George), B. A., V".,., 1701.
Crump (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., V"... 1718.
Crump (George), Sch., 1716.-B. A., V"... 171,.
Crump (Joseph), B. A., ('1'ICitIl. grtltid), V"... 1688.
Crump (Richard), Sch., 1672.-B. A., V"... 167s.-Fell., 1678.lL A., At. 1678.
Crump (Richard), B. A., At. 1716.-H. A., At. 1719.
Crump (Richard), B.A., y"... 17#.
Crump (Westenra), B. A., Vern. 1709.
Crumpe (Nathaniel), B. A., y"... 1787.
Cubit (James), Sch., I 66+.-B. A., V".,.. 1666.
Cudmore (Christopher), Sch., 1816.-B.A., &to 1820.
Cnft' (lohn), B. A., At. 16zo.-M. A.,. At. 16z3.
Cuft'e (Caulfield), Sch., 1707.-B. A., V".,.. 170S.
Cnft'e (Daniel), Sch., 1'4Z.-B. A., V".,.. 17#.-M. A., V"...


Cuft'e (Denis), B. A., V"... 1706.
3S Cuft'e (Francie), LL. D. (BpfCialt gratid), At. 1694'



Cuffe (Franois), B. A., V8NI. I 73S.-M. A., ../Est. 1786.

Cuffe (Gerald), B.A., Vern. 1687.
L'uffe (Gregory St. Lawrence), B. A., Vwn. 18S8.
Cuffe (Hon. Hamilton), B. A., V".,.. 1 763.-M. A., V8NI. 1766.
5 Cuffe (James), M. A., Htsg 19, 16S+
Cuffe (James), B. A., At. 1802.
Cuffe (John), B. A., V8NI. I 675.-M. A., V8NI. 1678.
Cuffe (John), B. A., VtlNI. '701.
Cuffe (John), B.A., ~8t. 1813.
10 Cuffe (John), LL. D. (Aonori8 catud), At. 1718.
Cuffe (Maurice), B. A., prior to I 685.-M. A., Vwn. ]688.
Cuffe (Maurice), B. A., Vwn. 1701.
Cuffe (Maurice), LL. D. (1MmoNS eawd), At. 1718.
Cuffe (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1735.
15 Ou1fe (Thomas Tenison), B.A., At. 1817.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
Cuffe (Wheeler), B. A., .2E&t. 1790.
Cuffe (William), B. A., Vern. 17lo.-M. A., ..lEst. 1715.
Cull (William), B. A., V".,.. 1698.
Cullen (CarneeroBB), B.A., V8NI.1774.
20 Cullen(Charles), B.A., Vwn. 1631.-Fell., 1631.-M.A., about
1635.-D. D., S8pt. 26, 166-4-.
Cullen (Edmund), Sch., 1770:-B. A., V8NI. I 772.-M.. B., and
M.. D., At. 1793.
Cullen (Patrick), B.A., Vern. 1770.
Culligan (Charles), Sch., I829.-B. A., V.".". 1831.
Cullinan (Maxwell Cormac), Sch., I 86z.-B. A., Hiem. 186'4.
25 Cullinan (Patrick), Sch., 18z6.-B. A., Vern. 18z8.-M. B., Vern.
Cullinan (Roger), Sch., I 82-4-.-B. A., V8NI. 18z6.
Cumberbatch (Lawrence), B. A., V".". 18-4-6.
Cumberland (Richard), LL.D. (Aonori8Cawd),.2E&t. I77!.
Cwning (Thomas), M. D. (Aonori, cawd), At. 18H.
30 Cuming (William), Soh., 1807.-B. A., V8NI. 1809.
Cummin (Fowler), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vwn. 1760.
Cummin (Ralph), B. A. ..lEat. 1731.
Cum.min (Robert), B. A., V8NI. 1732.-M. A., ../Est. 1735.
Cummin (William), B. A., V".,.. 1742.
35 Cummin (William), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
Cumming (Hugh Smyth), B. A., V".,.. 1819.



Cummjng (lohn), B. A., Vwa. 1819.

Cumming (patrick), B. A., Vwa. 18I1.-M. A., Vwa.1819.
Cumming (Robert Gordon), B. A., Hi",.. 186S.-M. A., V"".
Cumming (William P.), M. B., 2Elt. 1837.
S Cummins (
), M.D. (ad eund.), At. 169s.
Cummins (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1852.
Cummins (James), B.A., 2Elt. 1833.
Cummins (John), B.A., Vim. I 78+.-LL. B., V".,.. 1788.
Oummins (loseph King), B. A., Hi#m. 1863"
10 Cummins (Marahall), B.A., V".,.. 18z9.-M.A., V".,.. 183z.
Cummins (Ralph), Sch., 1789.-B.A., &to 1790Cummins (William), B. A., Vwn. 18Z3.-M. B., At. 1827.
Oummins (William H.), B. A., V".,.. 1848.
Cunningham (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 1733.-M.A., .2E&t. 1736.
15 Cunningham (Henry), B. A., Vms. 171+-M. A., Atlt. 1719.
Cunningham (Henry), Sch., 17z8.-B. A., Vim. 1729.-B. D.,
and D. D., Atlt. 1762.
Cunningham (Henry Francia), B. A., VH'ft. 18SS.-M. A., Vem.
Cunningham (Hugh). See Coningham.
Cunningham (James), B. A., VH'ft. 1701.-M. A., A:8t. 1711.
20 Cunningham (John), Sch., I 73o.-B. A., Vwn. I 73 I.-H. A.,
Atlt. 1736.
Cunningham (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Cunningham (William), B.A., V".,., 1718.-M.A., A:8t. 17%%'
Cunningham (William), Sch., 18oo.-B. A., Vwn. 1801.
Cuppage (Adam), B.A., Vwn. 1831.
25 Cuppage (Adam), B. A., Vim. 1850.
Cuppage (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 17+9.
Cuppage (Edward), B. A., 2Elt. 1829.
Cuppage (George), Seh., 17 I o.-B. A., Vern. I 7 u.
Cuppage (George), B. A., Vmt. 1718.
30 Ouppage (Robert Jackson), B. A., Vim. 1853.
Cuppage (Thomas H.), B. A., At. 18p.
Ouppaidge (James E.), B. A., V"n. 18+1.
Ouppaidge (John), B.A., Vwn. 1680.-M. A., Atlt. 1683.
Cuppaidge (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1718.
H Cuppaidge (William), B. A., V".". I 842.-M. B., At. 18#.



Cupples (Edward), B. A., Vma. IS06.-LL. B., Vern. 1809.

Cupples (Thomas), B. A., Vlrn. 1816.
Curran (Charles Ribton), B. A., Vim. 1863.
Curran (Frederick Adrien), B. A., Vim. 1859. - M. B., Vern.
5 Curran (John), Sch., 1 770'-B. A., ./Ed. 1771.
Curran (John Adye), B.A., Vern. 1823.
Curran (John Adye), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Curran (John Oliver), M. B., ./Est. IS.H.
Currie (James), B. A., Vern. I 821.-1L A., ./E~t. 18.p ..
10 Curry (Alexander), B. A., Vtrtl. 182%.
Curry (David Richardson), .B. A., Vet'll. 1809.
Curry (George), B. A., Vern. ISz5.
Curry (John), Sch., I 780.-B. A., Vtrn. 1782.
Curry (John), .B. A., A!:&t. 18z I.
15 Curry (Joseph), B. A., Vern. I 855.-1L A., .2&t. 186....
Curry (Nathaniel), B. A., Vern. 183z.
Curry (Robert), B. A., Vern. 171l.-Y. A., ./E&t. 1717,
Curry (William), Sch., 180z.-B. A., Vern. 1803.
Curtis (Arthur Hill), B. A., Vern. 1850. - Y. A., ./Ed. IS53'LL. B., and LL. D., Hiem. 1862.
20 Curtis (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 182+.
Curtis (Edmund), B. A., .2&t. 179+.
Curtis (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Curtia (James), B.A., Vern. 1830.
Curtis (John), B. A., Vern. 1832.
25 Curtis (Joseph Timothy Jackson), B. A., .LEst. 18u.-M. A., .2&t.
182 5.
Curtis (Richard), B.A., '&t. 1775 .
Curtis (Robert), LL. D. (lwnori. eaUld), .&t. 1709.
Curtis (Robert), B. A., Vlrn. 171+.-M. A., ..I&t. 1717.
Curtis (Robert), B.A., Vern. 175 o. -M. A., Vern. 1753.
30 Curtis (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1706.
Curtis (Thomas), B. A., ./E&t. 1795.
Curtis (Thomas), B. A., Ver1l. 1816.-M. A. Vmt. 18z+.
Curtis (William), B. A., Vern. 1701.
Curtis (William), Sch., 1713. - B. A., Vern. 1715. - M. A' I .2&t.
17 18.
3S Curtis (William), B. A., ./Est. 178....



Curtis (William), B. A., LEd. 1814.

Cusack (Finlay William), B. A., Vir/I. 1837.-M. A., ~.e. 18+0.
Cusack (Henry), B. A., &t. 1617.
Cusack (Henry Thomas), B. A., LEd. 18+2.-M. A., Yma. 1846.
5 Cusack (lames William), Sch., 1807.-B. A., V".,. 1809.-M. B. t
&t. 18u.-ll. D., Yma. 18+0.-}I.Chir., .l&t. 1859.
Cusack (James William), B. A., and M. B., &t. 18+7. - M. D.,
.tEst. 18 So.

Cllsack (John), B. A., Vern. 168%.-lI. A., &1. 1685.

Cusack (John), D. A., .l&t. 1783.
Cusack (Ralph Smith), D. A., Ymt. 18H.-M. A., Vern. 18+9.
10 Cusack (Samuel). B. A., Vern. 18:u.-ll.B., .tEst. 18zS.
Cusack (Thomas), Bch., 178z.-D. A., Vern. 1783.
Cusack (William), B. A., Y ma. 1816.
Cusacke (John), ll. D., Jan. z6, 1661.
CUlaekSmitA (William Robert). See S",t'tA (William Rolurt
15 Cushin (Robert), ll. A., .l&t. 1695.
Custis (Edmund). B. A., Ylm. 1831.-M.1.., NOI}. 183z.
Custis (Edward), D. A., Ywn. 1831.
Custis (James Nicholson), B. A., Vern. 1860. For M. A., see

(Henry), Boh., 16SS.-B. A., Yma. 17S7.-Fellow, 176o.
-ll. A., &t. I 760.-D. D., &t. I 767.-D. D., y".,.. 1772.
20 Dagg (Percival), B. A., &1. 1719.
Daine (Josias), B. A., YIN,. 1736.
Daley (lames), B. A., Vern. 1792.
Dall (James K.), B.A., Y".,..1850.
Dallas (Richard A.), D. A" LEat. 18+4.
2S Dalton (Christopher), B. A., Yern. 1681.
Dalton (Edward), B. A., .&t. 180z.
Dalton (GoorgeWiUiam), B.A., Yern. I 847.-M. A., Yern. 1859.
Dalton (Henry), B. A., &1. 18z7.-M. A., Vern. 18+5.
Dalton (John), B. A., Vern. 1829.
go Dalton (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Dalton (Maurice), Sch., 17+6 -B. A" VeIn. 17+8.
Dalton (Michael), Boh., 17+6.-B. A., Vern. 17+8.




Dalton (Philip), B. A., Aile. 1799.

Dalton (Thomas), B. A.., V".,.. 1765.
Dalton (William), B. A., V".,.. 1823.-11. A., Vena. 1831.
Dalway (A.leunder), B. A., V".,., 1692.
5 Dalway (Marriott), B. A., V".,.. I 820.-M. A., V".,.. 18z3.
Daly (Andrew), Soh., 1838.-B.A., VM'ft. 18+1.-ll. B., ,)lEst.
Daly (Cornelius), B. A.., V".,.. 1798.-M. A., At. 1801.
Daly (David), B. A., VM'ft. 18+7.
Daly (Denis), B. A.., .AId. 1790.
10 Daly (Denis), B. A., Aile. 1821.-For}(. A.., see Daly (Denis
Daly. (Denis Bowes), B. A., y".,.. 1769.-ll. A., At. 1771.
Daly (Denis lohn), ll.A.., VM'ft. 18B.-For B.A., see Daly
Daly (Edward), B. A.., At. I 820.-ll. A., NOf1. 2+, 1831.
Daly (Eugene, or Owen), Sch., IS39.-B. A..,
At. 18+6.-11. D., Vern. IS57.
15 Daly (Henry), a.A.., Hi,m. 1861.
Daly (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1808.
Daly (James), B. A., V".,.. 1847.-M. B., Aile. 18-4,8.
Daly (leremiah), B. A." V".,.. 1808.
Daly (Jerome), B. A., At. 181S.
20 Daly (lohn), B. A., .,..".,., 1721.
Daly (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1810.
Daly (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1843.
Daly (lohn Bowes), B. A.., .at. 1866.
Daly (lohn K.) B. A., VM'ft. 1811.
25 Daly (Joaeph), B. A., At. 1798.
Daly (Joeeph), B. A.., V".,.. ISz5.-ll. A., Vern. 1831'.
Daly (M:alachi), B. A., .2&t. ISo+
Daly (M:ichael), Soh., 1786.-B. A.., V".,.. 1788.
Daly (Michael), B. A.., V".,.. 1839.
30 Daly (Owen), M:. B., .2&t. 18+6.-M:. D., Vern. 1857,
Daly (Ralph), B. A., V".,.. 1769.
Daly (Richard), B. A., V".,.. I 82+.-ll. A., NOf1. 27, 183a.
Daly (Robert), B. A., At. J803. - M. A., Nov. 1832. - B. D.,
and D. D., At. J 843.
Daly (St. George), B. A., Vern. J778 .




or THE


Daly (William), B. A.., Vms. 1819--1[, A., Xor. 18p.

Daly (William), B. A., Vms. 1848.
Daly (William Herbert), B. A., Hint. 186+.
Damat (Samuel), B. A., 1613.-Fellow, 1617.
S Damer (101m), LL. D. (Aottori, CRld), At. 1764.
Dames (Arthur), B.A., AL 18z8.
Dames (Francis), B. A., 1810.
Dames (Francia), B. A., V.,.. 18SS.-H. A.., V",.. 18S8.
Dames (Jolm), B. A.., Vms. 17+S'
10 Dames (HaUD8el.l), B. A., At. 1811.
Dames (Robert Staples Longworth), 8ch., 1861.-B.A., Hi,...
Dames (William), B. A.., At. 1771.
Dancer, or DllD8er (Amyrald), B. A., Vmt. 1832.
Dancer (Hugh Wray), B. A.., Vms. 18+1.
I S Dane (Hartin), B. A.., Vms; 1721.
Dane (Paul), B. A., V",.,. 18,1.
Dane (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1833.-H. B., AiAt. 183+. -M. D.,
Hi",.. 18S9.
Dane (Thomas), Bch., 1711.-B. A., "P'".,..1713.
Danford (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.
20 Daniel (Charles John), B. A., V",.,. 18n.-lf. A.., Vms. 1836.
Daniel (Henry), Bch., 1719.-B.A., Vms. 172o.-H.A., At.
17 2 3.
Daniel (Henry), B. A., Vms. 1829--)(. A., NOf? 19, 1832.
Daniel (III&aC S.), B. A., At. 1817.
Daniel (101m), Bch., 1712. - B. A., Vms. 1713. - M. A., At.
17 16.
2S Daniel (lohn), B.A., Vma. 175+
Daniel (Jolm), B. A.., Vent. 179+
Daniel (Hichael), B. A., Vwn. 1772.
Daniel (Richard), B. A., Vms. 1701.-H. A., Vwn. 1704.
Daniel (Richard), Sch., 1741.-B.A., Vwn. 17+3.-M. A., At.
I 7.f.6.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 17S2.
30 Daniel (Richard Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18S6.-H. B., .lEd. 18S6.
Daniel (Robert), B. A., Aill. 1791.
Daniel (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 18S7. - L1. B., and LL. D. Vwn.
Daniel (Thomas), }[. A., ,t. 171+




Daniel (Thomas). B. A., .2&t. 1759.

Daniel (William), Fell., I 593.-ll. A., 1595.
Daniell (Henry), B. A., ~8t. 18z4.
Daniell (Robert), B.A., .2&t. 1818.
S Dann (John Walter). B. A., IIiem. 1865.
Danser (Amirauld), B.A., Vern. I 73 I.-See Dancer.
Danson (Thomas), B. A., V6rn. I 69z.-M. A., .2&t. 1695.
Darassus (Charles), B. A., Vir". 1718.-M. A., At. qu.
Darby (Anthony), B. A., Vim. J775.-M. A., rem. 1778.
JO Darby (John), B. A., .&t. 1819.
Darby (John Lionel), B. A., Vma. 18H.-M. A., At. 1865.
Darby (Jonathan), B. A.,~. 18+z.
Darby (Jonathan Lovett), B. A., .2&t. 18zo.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Darby (Verney Lovett), B. A., Vern. 177+
15 Darby (William), B. A., Vern. 1740.
Darby (William), B. A., V,rn. J77z.-D. D., At. 1766.
D' Arcy (Dominick), B. A., rlr". 184z.
D'Arcy (George James Norman), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
D'Arcy (James), B. A.,
zo D'Arcy (James Ignatius), B. A., Hi",.. 186+.
D'Arcy (John), B. A., Ver". 1789.
Darcy (John), B. A., V,r". 1793.
D'Arcy (John), B. A., Vim. 1817.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
D'A.rcy (John), B. A., rim. 18+z.
25 D'Arcy (Joshua), (Entrance, an4 B. A., not recorded}.-M. A.,
At. 1820.
D'Arcy (Matthew), B. A., At. 18+0.
D'Arcy (Matthew Peter), B. A., V,rn. 18+4.-M. A., rwn. 1847.
D' Arcy (Richard), B. A. BIt. J846.
D'Arcy (William James), B. A., BIt. 1828.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
30 Darley (Benjamin Guinness), B. A., rim. J828.-M. B., BIt.
Darley (Charles F.), B. A., Vern. 1823.-M. A., ..It. 1853.
Darley (Christopher L.), B. A., At. 18+7.
Darley (Frederick Matthew), B. A. ~. 1851.
Darley (George), B. A., V".,., J820.
3S Darley (George), B. A., .lE8t. t830.
Darley (Henry). B. A., Vim. 18 I 8.
Darley (Henry), B. A., Vir". 18u.-M. B., and M. A., .2&t. 1825 .




Darley (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1827.

Darley (Henry B.), B. A.,
Darley (Henry F.), B . .A., y".,.. 1830.
Darley (Hugh), B. A., y".,.. 1773.
S Darley (lohn), Soh., 1818.-B. A., Yern. 1821.-Fellow, 1823.M. A., V".,.. 1827'
Darley (lohn Richard), Sch., 1819.-B. A., V".,.. 1820.-Y. A.,
LEat. 1827,
Darley (John Henry), B. A., y".,., 18S8.
Darley (John Khelat), B. A., Hi",.. 1863.
Darley (loseph Farran), B. A., Vmt. 1 84S.-H. A., A'It. 18S7.
10 Darley (William), B. A., y".,.. 1836.
Darley (William Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 18z8.-LL. B., and
LL.D., At. 1838.
Darley (William Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1822.
Darley (William Shaw), Sch., 18S9.-B. A., Hi",.. 186o.
Darling (Charles George), B. A., V".,.. 1830.
IS Darling (Henry), B . .A., Yma. 1827,
Darling (lames), B. A., V".,., 18+9.
Darling (Ralph), B. A., Vern. 171.
Darlington (William), B. A . y".,.. 18+9.
Darragh (James), B. A., V".,.. 1822.
20 Dartnell (Richard W.), B. A., y".,.. 18+7.
Darwent (lames Kajor), B. A V".,.. 18S7.-H. A., Ver,.. 1860.
Daubeny (Charles Giles Bridle), M:. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Nov. 20,
I 83S.-LL. D. (ltoftori, CQ",ct), &pt. 2. 1857.
Daunt (Aohillea or Thomas), B. A., V".,., 1723,
Daunt (Achilles), B. A., V".,.. 173+-H. A., At. 1737.
25 Daunt (Achilles), B. A., At. 1822.
Daunt (Achilles), Soh., 18S2.-B. A., y".,.. 18s+.-H. A., LEat.
Daunt (.Arthur), B. A., V".,.. I 821 .
Daunt (Edward), B.A., V".,.. 18H.-K. A . At. 18S2.
Daunt (George A.), B .A., At. 1812.
30 Daunt (Robert). B. A., At. 1861.-M. A., ~8t. 1865.
Daunt (Thomas T.), B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Daunt (William), B. A., V".,.. 182+
Daunt (William), B. A., Hi,m. 1863.
Davenport (Edmund S.), B. A., ./E~t. 18H.




Davenport (Ralph), Sch., 17 II.-B. A., Vwn. l7u.-M. A., ..iE&t.

Davenport (Simon), :0. A., Vwn. 1145.
Davenport (Thomas), :0. A., Vwn. 1825.
Davenport (William), Soh., 173+.-:8. A., Vma. 1735.-1L A.,

Vwn.I74 2
5 Davenport (William), 8ch., 1791.-:8. A., Vem. 1792.-Fel1ow,
1795.-1[. A., .2&1.. 1796.-D. D. Vern. 1808.
Davidson (Bennett Clear), B. A., Hinn. I 860.-M. A., HUm.






Davidson (Francis), B. A., .2&1.. 1786.
Davidson (George), B. A. Hinn. 186z.
Davidson (John Henry), :8. A., Vem. 1860.
Davies (Alexander), :8. A., ..iE&t. 1829.
Davies (David Bernard), :8. A., Hiem. 186z,
Davies (Farthing), B. A., Vem. 1147.
Daviee (George), B. A., ..iE&t. I 84o.-M. B., ..iE&t. 18H.
Davies (Hercules), B. A., ..l&t. 1713.
Davies, or Davis (John), B. A., Vem. 1716.
Davies (John), B. A., Vwn. 1835.-M. A., Vern. 1838.
Davies (John David), B. A., Vem. 1855.-M. A., Vern. 1859.
Daviee (John Fletcher), Soh., 1858.-B. A., Fum. 1859.
Davies (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 1715.-M. A., ..iE&t. 1718.
Davies (Richard), :8. A., Vem. I 8z6.-M. A., ..iE&t. 1828.
Daviee (Richard Longfield), B. A., Vwn. 185o.-M. A., ..iE&t.
Daviee (Robert :8.), :8. A., V,,",. 1834.
Daviee (Robert Henry), :B. A. V~NI. 18+4.
Daviee (Roland Roberl), :8. A., V'NI. 1827.
Davies (Rowland), B. A., V,,",. 1774.
Davies (Samuel), :8. A., Vwn. '797.
Davies (Simon), :8. A., V".,.. 1782.
Davies (Simon),:B. A., ..iE&t. J805.
Davies (Thomas), :B. A., Vwn. '746.-M. ,4.., ..l&t. 1149.
Davies (Thomas), :B. A., Vem. 171+.
Davies (William), B.A., ..iE&t. 1699.-M. A., ..iE&t. 170+.
Davie (Arthur), B. A., Vem. 1831.-M. A., Vern. 1846.
Davie (Boyle), Sch., 1701.-B. A., Vem. 1703.
Davis (Boyle),:B. A., Vem 7+5.-M.A., ..iE&t. 1148.



Davia (Christopher), B. A.., V".,..

629.-Fellow, 1634.-M:. A.,


Davia (Dean), B. A.., V".,.. I 669.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. 1706.
Davia (Edward), B. A.., V".,.. 1682.-8ch., 1682.
Davis (Eris), B. A.., V".,.. 181 5-M:. A.., V".,.. 1819.
5 Davia (Francis Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1838.
Davia (Henry), B. A., At. 1690.
Davia (Henry), B.A., At. I 695.-M:. A., .JEd. 1698.
Davia (Henry), Scho, 174S.-B. A.., V".,.. 1747.-M. A., y".,..
175 0

Davia (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1823.-lL A., NOfJ. 1832.

)0 Davia (James), B.A.., V".,.. 1735.-M:. A., JEd. 1737.
Davia (Jamea), B. A.., Vim. 1734.
Davia (Jamea). B.A., V".,.. 1824.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Davia (lames N.), B. A., Hilflt. 186J.-l{. A., ..lEd. 1865'
Davia (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1665.
I S Davia (Sir lohn, Knight), LL. D., At. 1676.
Davia (John), B. A., V".,.. 1709.-M. A.., At&t. '712.
Davia (John), B. A., At. 1716.
Davia (John), B.A., V".,.. 1730.
Davis (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1781.-M:. A., VW1I. 1789.
20 Davia (John), B. A., &t. 1824.
Davia (lohn), B. A.., V".,.. 1826.
Davia (John), B. A., V.".,.. 1833.
Davia (lohn), Sch., 1832.-B. A., V.".,.. 1836.
Davia (lohn), B. A., V.".,.. 1843.
25 Davia (lohn Redmond), B. A., &to 1820':
Davia (Joseph), B. A., V".,., 1750.
Davia (loshua), Sch., 1728.-B. A., V".,.. 1730.
Davia, or Davies (MoBes), Scho, 17SS.-B. A., Yel''', 1757.
Davis (Peter), B. A., V".,.. 1689.-M:. A., &t. 1692.
30 navia (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 1701.-M. A., At&t. 174.
Davis (Richard), B. A., Vim. I 768.-M:. A., V".,.. 1774.
Davis (Roland), B. A., V".,., 1746.-M. A., &t. 17p.
Davis (Rowland), M:. A., V".,.. 1672.
Davia (Rowland), B. A., V".,.. 1731.-M. A., At. 1734.
35 Davia (Samuel Wesley), Sch., 184J.-B. A., Vern. 1846.
Davia, or Daviea (Simon), B. A., Y""'. 175 3.-M. A., &t. 1754Davia (Thomas), B. A., rem. '730.



Davia (Thomas), B. A., Vma. I 796.-lf. A., Vern. 1809.

Davia (Thomas Osborne), B.A., Vern. 1836.
Davis (William), :B.A., Vma. 1713.-M. A. .JEat. 1716.
Davia (William Hone), B. A" Vma. 1853.
S Davia (William Sampson), B. A., Vma. 1853. - M. A . .JE,t.
Davison (Kilner). B.A., Vma. 1794.
Dal'oren (Andrew Davenport). B. A., Ver". 1803.
Davoren (Lucius), Sch., 1817.-B. A., V8rn. 1819.
Davoren (Luke), If. B., Vern. 18z3.
10 Davoren (Michael), Sch., 177I.-B. A., fern. I 773.-lf. A., ~E,f..
177 6.
Dllvoren (William), B. A., Vma. 1808.
Davy (Edmund William), B. A., Vern. 1848.-lf. :B., .lE~t. 18+9'
Davy (Henry), B. A., .lEat. 186J.-M. R., VtJrn. 1864.-M. Chir.,
.lEa~. 1866.
Davy (Hnmphrey), B. A., Vern. 1861.
IS Dawes (George), B.A., V8r". 1856.
Dawes (John Samuel), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Dawson (Abraham), B. A., Vern. 18so.-H. A., Vern. 1856.
Dawson (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Dawson (Arthur), B.A., V81'n. 1715.
zo Dawson (Arthur), B. A., .2&t. 1737.
Dawson (Arthur Altham),:B. A., .lEat. 1855.- M. A., Terti. 1865.
Dawson (Charles), B. A., .lEat. 1805.
Dawson (Charles), B. A., fern. J 809.
Dawson (Charles), B. A" Vern. 181S.
zS Dawson (Edward), B. A., .lENt. 17Z3.-M. A., .2&1. 1727.
Dawson (Emerson), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1850.
Dawson (Francia), B.A., Vma. 181S.
Dawson (George Boulter), B. A., Vern. 18z I.
Dawson (George Francis), B.A., &1. 18z9.
30 Dawson (Hamond), B. A., V8NJ. 18z6.
Dawson (Henry), B. A., V8NJ. 1800.-Y. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Dawson (Henry), (Entrance, and B. A., not recordcd).-M. A.,
1"8,.,.. 1819.
Dawson (Hugh), B.-A., Vern. I]IS.-Y. A., .8t. 1721.- R. D.,
and D. D., Vern. 1747.
Dawson (Jeremy), B. A' I Vern. I 678.-lf. A., JEtt. 168z .









Dawson (John), B. A., V".,.. ,6S3'

Dawson (John), B. A., V".,.. 17' I.
Dawson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1713.
Dawson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1734.
Dawson (John), B. A., V".n~ 1740.
Dawson (John), B. A., &t. ISI4.
Dawson (John), B. A., &t. 18%4,
Dawson (John), B.A., .LE1t. 183z.
Dawson (Edward Joseph Grant), Sch., IS55.-B. A., Verll. IS58.
Dawson (Ralph), B. A., Vern. 17So.
Dawson (Richard), B. A., .6t. 1780.
Dawson (Richard), B. A., .2,t. 1787.
Dawson (Richard), B.A., V".,.. IS51.
Dawson (Richard H1lnry), B. A., ..lEat. 1841.
Dawson (Roderick), B. A. e,peciali gratid), V".". 1698.
Dawson (Thomas), Sch., 17IS.-B. A., Vern. 17%0.-1.1.. B, '//M.
I7z3-LL. D., V".". 1751.
Dawson (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1735.
Dawson (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Dawson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS38.
Dawson (Thomas), B. A., &t. IS50.-Y' A' I Fern. 1860.
Dawson (Thomas Vesey), B. A., Vern. 1795.
Dawson (Vesey), B. A., &t. 1790.
Dawson.(Walter), B. A., V".,.. 17zo.
Dawson (William), B.A., V".,.. 171J.-H.A.,&t. 1714.
Dawson (William), B . .A.' I Vern. 1733.
Dawson (William), Sch., 1763.-B. A., Fern. 1765. - 1\1. A.,
Vet'tt. 1769.
Dawson (Hon. William), B. A., LEst. 17H.-H. A., Vern. 1775.
Dawson (William), B. A., V".,.. 18%4,
Dawson (William), B. A., Vern. IS49.-M. A" Vem. 18p.
Dawson (William Augustus), B. A., Vern. 18+9.
Day (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 17+0.-H. A., &t. 1743.
Day (Edward), Sch., 175S.-B. A., ..lEst. I 760.-H. A., AS,t.
176+.-LL. B., and LL. D., S'pt. 9, 176S.
Day (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1775.
Day (Edward), B. A., ./E,t. 1797.-M. A.~ LEst. 1801.
Day (Edward), B. A' I Vt'rn. 1801.
Day (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18%4.-M. A., Ast. 1865.









Day (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1848.

Day (Edward), B. A., At. 1848.
Day (Henry 1.), B. A., Vem.1831.
Day (James), B. A., and H. A., At-l1809.
Day (John),B.A., VIInI1734-H . A.,.2&I. 1737
Day (John), Sch., 17SS.-B. A., Vlro. 17S7.
Day (John), B. A., Vma. 1790.
Day (John), B. A., V".,.. I 79%.-lL A., .2&t. 1809.
Day (John Godfrey), B.A., Vma. 18n.-H.A., Vma.186s.
Day (Haurice), B. A., HUm. 1865.
Day (laurice Fitzgerald), B. A., Vma. 1838.-H. A., V".,..
Day (Robert), Sch., 1764.-B.A., Vma.1766.
Day (Thomas), B. A., Vir,.. 18%9.
Day (William), Sch., 1768.-B. A., Vma. Ino.-H. A., At.
1773.-Fell., 177+-B. D., At. 1780.-D. D., V".,.. 1788.
Day (William Godfrey), B. A., VIf"fI. 1833.
Day (William Tottenham), B. A., V".,.. 1834.-H. A., V".,..
18 37.
Deacon (George), B. A., V".,.. 17%1.
Deacon (George), B.A., HUm. 18S9.
Deacon (Isaac Henry), B. A., Vma. 18S8.
Deacon (John), Sch., 1706.-B. A., 'Pwn. 1708.
Deacon (Samuel), B. A.; V"... 186S.
Deacon (William), B. A., Vwn. 1730.
Dealy (William Justin), B. A., V".,.. 18S3.
Dealtry (George), B. A., Vwn. 1817.
Dealtry (Skinner Robert Baylis), H. A. (ad eund. Camb.), Vern.
I 783.-LL. D. (Aonortl CIIUld), At. 1783.
Dean (Edward), B. A., V"... 1736.
Dean (Gilbert), B.A., At. 1703.
Dean (John), B. A. VIf"fI. 1708.
Dean (John Berkeley), B. A., At. 1796.
Dean (Robert Sneyd), B. A., At. 1853.
Dean (Stephen), B. A., Vwn. 1708.
Deane (Amias), B. A., Vwn. 17+1.
Deane (Daniel), B.A., Vm. 1664.
Deane (James), B. A., At. 1849.
Deane (John Connolan), B.A., Vena. 1839.



Deane (John St. George), B. A., Vena. 18z4.

Deane (Joseph), B. A., ..lEat. 1797.
Deane (Joseph William), B. A., 2&t. 1836.-1. A., Vena. 18.p.
Deane (llartin), B. A. t y".,.. '727..
5 Deane (Richard), B. D., Jan. z6, ,66,.
Deane (Robert), B. A.., ..lEat. 1795.
Deane (Robert Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1842.
Deane (Thomas), B. A., ..lEat. 18+9Deane (Thomas O'1eara), B. A., y".,.. 1839.
10 Deane (Thomas Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1847.
Deane (William), Sch., 1672.-B. A., V".,.. 16n-M. A., .&t.





Deane (William), B. A., ..lEat. 1757.

Deane (William). B. A. 2&t. 18z4.
Deane (William), LL. D. (Aonor., ctlUld), y".,.. 1779.
Deane (William Godfrey), B. A., LEat. 1800.
Dear (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1837.-1. A., y".,.. 1842.
Dearden (Henry Woodhouse), B. A.. y".,.. 1851.-1. A., ~,t.
18 56
Dearden (John Ferrand). B. A., HUm. 1863.
Deas (Joseph), Sch 183S.-B. A., y".,.. 1837.
Dease (llatthew).B . .A., Vena. 1838.
Dease (Richard), B. A.. V".,.. 1794.
Dease (William), B. A., V".,.. 1827..
Deaaey (Richard), B. .A., V".,.. 1833.-1. A.., At. 18+7.LL B., and LL D., V".,.. 1860.
De Burgh (Henry), B. A., At. 1838.-1. A., V".,.. 1856.LL. B., and LL. D., HUm. 186z.
De Burgh (Hubert), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
De Burgh (1aunce T.), B. A., Vena. 18p.-ll. A., V".,.. 1858.
De Burgh (William), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
De Burgh (William). (See Burgh).-B.D . .1It. 18SI.-D. D.,
2&t. 18 57
De Butts (Caleb), B. A., V".,.. 1705.
De Butts (Elias), B. A., Vma. 1703.-M:. A., ..lEat. 1706.
Debutts (Elias), B. A., V WfI. I 7+8.
Debutts (Frederick), B. A., Vwn. 18z5.-M:. A., Yma. 18z8.
Debutt8 (George), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Debutts (George), B. A., 18z7.-ll. A., NOll. 183z.



Debutts (George), Sch., 1862.-B.A., Hi,sm. 186+.

DebuttB (Laurence), B. A., Vwn. 1705.-LL. B., .2&t. 1718.LL. D., Vwn. 1'126.
Debutts (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1780.
De Courcy (Hon. Gerald), B. A., .2&t. 1777.
5 DeCourcy (Michael), D.D. (ad eund. Oxon.), NO'D. 1832.
De Courcy (Hon. Thomas), B. A., .2&1. 1795.
Dee (James), B. A., VIrfI. 1734.
Dee (Thomas), Sch., 1823.-B. A., V",.. 1825.
Deey (William), B. A., .at. 18 I I .
10 Deey (William), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Deering (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1718.
Deering (John), B. A., .2&t. 1795.-M. A., NO'D. 183z.
Deering (John Armstrong), B.A., .2&1.1831.
Deering (Lucius Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
15 Deering{William Watkins), B. A., VIrfI. 1836.-M. A., Vwn.
18 39.
Debor (Richard), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Deighton (Charles Edward), B.A., Vern. 1848.
De 1& Cherois (Daniel), B.A., .2&t. 1845.-M. A., HUm. 1865.
De 1a Cherois (Nicholas), B. A., .2&1. 18H.
20 De 1a Cherois (Nicholas Crommelin), B. A., .2&1. 1804.
Delacour (James), B. A., Vern. 1732.-M. A., .AtBI. 1735.
De 1a Cour (James), B. A., Vern. 1820.
De 1a Cour (Robert), B. A., .AtBt. 1787.
De Is Cour (Robert), B.A., Vwn. 18lI.
25 Delahont6 (William), Sch., I 775.-B. A., Vern. 1776.
Delamaine (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1739.
Delamcre (John), B. A., At. 1836.
Delamere (Lewis), Sch., 18zo.-B. A., Vern. 1825.-M. A., Vern.
I 829.-LL. B., and LL. D., .2&1. 1836.
Delamere (Lewis Roland), Sch., 18SS.-B. A., Bi,m. 1859.
30 Delamere (Walter), Scb., 1826.-B. A., .2&t. I 828.-M. B., Vern.
De 1a Moliere, or Melliere, (Cyrus), Scb., 1704--B. A., Vern.
17 06 .
De Landre (Bartholomew George), B. A., Vern. 1859.-M. B., A?8t.
18 59.



DeIaney(Benwd William), B.A., V,",. 1825.-11. A.,Nol'.1831.LL. B., and LL D., V.... 18H.
Delany (Denis), B. A., V.... 1727.

Delany (Edmond, or Edwanl). Sch., 1759.-B. A., V,",. 1761.ll. A., V,",. 1795.
Delany (Edmund), B. A., VlnI. 1 825.-11. A., N~. 1832.
S Delany (Edwanl), B. A., .2&1. 1809.
Delany (Patrick), Sch., 1704.-B. A., V.... 1706.-Fell., 1709.ll.A., .2&t. 1709.-8. D., and D. D., Vern. 1722.
Delany (Solomon), Scb., 1682.-B. A., Vern. 1683.-11. A., 1687.
Delany (Solomon), B. A., .2&t. 1686.
Delany (Solomon), B. A., V.... 17 1 5-11. A., .At. 1718.
10 Delany (William Charles), B.A., h:8t. I 848.-11. A., .,t. 1853.
Delap (Alexander), B.A., V.... 1853.
Delap (John), B. A., .At. 1825.
Delap (Robert), Sch., I 772.-B. A., V".,.. 177+
Delap (Robert), B. A., .2&1. 1824'
15 Delap (Samuel), B. A.; .&t. 1797'
Delaune (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 1664.
De Lisle (Hirzell Carey), B. A., Vwn. 1859.-M. A., Vern. 1865.
Delmege (John), B. A., V".,.. 1819.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Delmege (John Evans), B. A., .2&t. 18S2.-11. A., V".,.. 1856.
20 Delmege (A. W. Stafford), B.A., Pwtt.1862.
De Meulin (Iohn), B. A., Vwtt. 1810.
De lloleyne (William B.), B. A., V".,.. 18#.-M. A., &t.
De Montmorency (Hon. Hervey), B.A., V".,.. r826.-LL. B., and
LL. D.,.2&I, 1836, as Viscount llountmorres.
De Montmorency (Hon. William Brown), B. A., Vwn. 1855.
25 Dempsey (Edward Howard), B. A. V".,.. 1782.-M. A' I NOfJ.
18 32
Denham (Augustus F.), B. A., V".,.. 1857.
Denham (Edward), M. D. (ad eund.), .2&t. 1664.
Deniston (Robert Thomas), B. A., Diem. 1859.
Dennehy (Lawrence), B. A., Vwn. 183+
30 Denning (James), B. A' I Vml. 18,p.
Dennis (Charles), B. A., Vern. I 770.-M. A., .2&t. 1773.
Dennis (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18+5.
Dennis (George Morlt'y), B. A., Vwn. 1821.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.



Dennis (James), LL. D. ("OfIori, eaUld), ..lE8t. 1765.

Dennis (James), B. A" VBNJ. IS31.
Dennis (John), Sch., 1693.-8. A., rern. 1~6.-Fellow, 1697.Y. A., ..lE8t. 1698.-B. D., Vern. 1709.-D. D., .iE8t. 1711.
Dennis (John), Sch., 1729.-B. A., VBNJ. 173L-Y. A., ..lE8t. 1734'
5 Dennis (Iohn Andrews), B. A., Vim. 1831.-M. A., .l&t. 186,..
Dennis (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 1783.-LL. B., .l&t. 17S6.
Dennis (Meade Caulfield), B. A., Vern. 183+.-M. A., VIJ1'n. 1839.
Dennis (Meade Paul), B. A., ..lE8t. ISII.-Y. A., N0f7. 1832.
Dennis (Morley Stratford Tynte), B. A., rem: 183+.-11. A., Vern.
184 1
10 Dennis (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS45.
Dennis (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS03.
Dennis (William), Sch., 1703.-B. A., Vern, 1705.-Y. A., VIJ1'n.
Dennis (William), B. A., Vwn. 1739.-M. A., .2&t. 17+2.-B. D.,
and D.D., .iE8t. 1762.
Dennis (William), B. A., Ylm. 17+7.-LL. B., Yern. 1750.
IS Dennis (William), LL. B., and LL. D., VIJ1'n. 1768.
Dennis (William), B. A., Vern. 1716.
Denniston, or Dennisson (John), Sch., I 73S.-B. A., Vern. 1737.M. A., AAt. 1740.
Denny (Alexander), B. A., Ylm. ISzo.-H. A., .iE8t. 1857.
Denny (Arthur), H. A., Jan. 1661.
zo Denny (Barry), B. A., ..lE8t. IS02.-M. A., Ytrn. 1811.
Denny (Barry), B. A., LEst. 18f2.
Denny (Edmund), B. A., Yern. 1859.
Denny (Edward), LL. D. (A01Ioris eQUId), LEst. 1711,
Denny (Edward), B. A., Diem. 1859.
25 Denny (Edward Maynard), B. A., LEst. l8'lf'-Y. A" Nov. 1832.
Denny (George Anthony), B. A., Yern. 1864'
Denny '(James), Sch., 17f6.-B. A., Vma. 17+S.
Denny (Haynard), B.A., .iE8t. 1711.
Denny (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18n
30 Denny (Robert Henry), B. A.,LEat. 1860.
Denny (William), Sch., 1684.-(B. A., not recorded).-Y. A.,
Vma. 168 9
Denny (William H.), B. A., LEat. IS49.-Y. A., Vern. 1858.
Denroach (William), B. A., Yma. 1710.



Denroche (Edward), B. A., Vern. 182S.-Y. A., A:.t. 1828.

Dent (Henry), Sch.,1718.-B.A., Vern.1719--:M. A., .2EIt. 17u
Dent (Thomaa),8ch., 1673.-B. A., Vern. I 674.-:M. A.,.2EIt. 1677.
Derby (William), 8ch., 1738.-B. A., VIlI'rL 17+0.-Y. A., ./&t.
S Derenzie (Thomaa), B.A., V".,., ISOI.-:M. B., LE.t. 180+.
DeBenzy (Annea1ey), B. A., V".,..ISp.
De Benzy (George), B. A., y".,.. 18Jo.
Derenzy (George B.), B. A., V".,., 184+
Derenzy (John), B. A., V".,., IS+6.
10 De Renzy (Loftus 8canderbeg), B.A., V".,., 18H.
Derham (William), 8ch., 1726.-B. A., y".,.. 1727.
Derinzy (James), B.A., .2EIt. 1832.
Derry (George), B. A. (~lf grlltid), V".,., 1702.-lL A., V,",.
De Bally (Charles), 8ch., 1706.-B. A., V".,., 178.
15 Desca (Anthony), LL D. (Aoteoril eIIud), ./&t. 1778.
Desmeniers (Henry), B. A., v".,.. 17o+-lL A., ./&t. 1707.
Desmond (Lawrence Edward), B. A., V".,.. IS+I.-:M. A., and
M. B., .At. 863.
Desmyneres (:Marcus), B. A., V".,., 1683.
Despard (Francia), B. A., V".,.. 1776.
20 Despard (Francia), B. A., y".,.. I 79+-:M. A., NOfJ. ISat.
Despard (George), B. A., Vmt. 18S3.-M. A., V".,.. 1863.
Despard (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1713.
Despard (Henry), B. A., y".,., 18H.
Despard (James William), B. A., V,I'ft. 1821.-11. A., NOfJ. 1832.
25 Oespard (Richard), B. A., At. 178o.
Despard (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. I 821.-M. A., Nor. 1832.
Despard (William Francia), B. A., V".,.. 1821.
D'Esterre (Henry Vassal), B. A., HUm. 186+.
D'Esterre (Robert Ker), B. A., V".,.. 1808.-M. A., Not. 1832.
30 Desveux (Henry), B. A., ..l&L IS07.
Desvories (Augustus), 8ch., 17+1.-B. A., V".,.. 17+2.-M. A.,
V".,.. 17+6.
Deveniah (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1721.
Deveniah (William G.), B. A., V".,.. 186 ..
Devenish}[eares (Joseph Leycester), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.-M. A.,
V,rn. 1863. (See Meares.)








Develyn (James Christopher). (See Devlin.)

De Vare (Aubrey), B. A., y".,.. 1837.
De Vere (Stephen), B. A., Ywn. 1833.
Deverell (Frederick), B. A., Yftrn. 1843.
Deverell (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 1841Devereux (Francis Harvey), B. A., Yttrn. 18+0.-M. A., Vern.
Devereux (Hyacinth), B. A., Ywn. 182+
Devereux (John), B. A., Ywn. 178S.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.
Devereux (lohn), B. A., LEat. 18H.
Devereux (lohn Daly), B. A., Yma. 18S6.
Devereux (Nicholas), B. A., ...Eat. 18Z1.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.B. D., and D. D., LEat. 1853.
Devereux (Nicholas lessop), B. A., Vwn. IS63.
Devereux (Robert), B. A., Yma. 1780.-LL. B., Ywn. 1792.
Devitt (Henry), B.A., Yma. 18S+-lLA., Yem.18sS.
DeYlin(lamesChristopher),B.A., Yem.1S46.-M.A., Yern.18p.
(See Develyn.)
Devlin (lohn William), B. A., Yem. 18+3.
Dewhurst (William), B. A., Yem. ISS9.-M. A., ..l.&t. 1863.
Dick (Hugh), B. A., LEae. 1799.
Dick (Quintin), B. A., LEae. 1797.
Dickenson (Charles J.)B. A., Yem. ISH.
Dickenson (Daniel), B. A., Ywn. 1736.-M. A., LEat. 1739.
Dickenson (Daniel), B. A' I Vern. lSI S.-H. A., LEat. ISZZ.
Dickenson (lames), B. A., Ywn. 1849'
Dickenson (lohn), B. A' I Ywn. IS49.
Dickenson (Joseph), B. A., Yem. IS37.-M. B., AUt. IS,37.l[. A' I and M. D., ..l.&t. 18+3.
Dickenson (Joseph Eldon), B. A., HUm. 1861Dickie (loseph), B. A' I Vwn. 1829.
Dickinson (Charles), Scb., ISI3.-B. A., Yem. lSIS.-M. A.,
LEal. 1820.-B. D., and D. D., Ywn. IS34.
Dickinson (Hercules Henry), Sch., IS4S.-B. A., Vern. 18so.M.A., Ylm. ISS6.-B.D., and D. D., ..l.&e. IS66.
Dickinson (lohn), B. A., Hi,m. IS62.
Dickinson (Richard), B.A., Vern. 1734.-lf. A., .JE,f. IU7.



Dickson (Alexander), B. A., Vm. 1839.

Dickson (Benjamin), Sch., 1839.-B. A., V".,.. 18+3.-Fellow,
1848.-M.A., V".,.. 18Sl.-B. D., and D. D., .It. 1862.
Dickson (Daniel). B. A., V".,. . 85.
Dickson (Daniel E. Lucas), N. F. Sch., 1859.-B. A., &t. 1861.
S Dickson (David), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
Dickson (Drought), B. A., y".,.. 183+.
Diokson (F;usebius Drought), M.:8., AI.t. 1837.
Dickson (Hugh), Sch I 788.-B. A., V".,.. 1789'
Dickson (James), Sch., 1719.-B. A., V".,.. 17%1.
10 Dickson (James Lowry), M. A., V".,.. 1816.
Dickson (John), B. A., Vern. l77z.-M. A., Vwn. 177S.
Dickson (lohn), Sch., 1785.-B. A., Fmf. 1787'
Dickson (lohn), B. A., Vent. 1796.
Dickson (lohn), B. A., &t. 1803.
IS Dickson (John), B. A., .2&t. 1832.
Dickson (John), B. A., ~t. 1839.
Dickson (Joseph). B. A., VeNt. 1826.
Dickson (Joseph), :8. A., .2&L. 183S.-M. Bo, .L&t. 1841.
DickllOn (Richard), Soh., 179S.-B. A., rern. 1797.-M. A., Vern.
20 Dickson (Robert), M. B., V".,.. 1832.
Dickson (Robert George), B. A" Ailt. 1840.
Dickson(RobertSmyth),B.A" V".,.. I 83o.-M. A., Nop.1832.
Dickson (Bobert William), B. A., .2&1. 1816.
Dickson (Samuel), B. A., Vma. 18z 7.
IS Dickson (Stephen), B. A., .L&t. 1781.-M. B., and M. D., ..3/.
1793.-M. A., Vwn. 1800.
Dickson (Stephen), B. A., V".,.. 1800.
Dickson (Stephen), B. A., At. 1800.
Dickson (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1788.-LL. B., '792.LL. D., Noo. 1832.
Dickson (Thomas), B. A., Fern. 1792.
30 Dickson (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 18zS.
Dickson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18z9.
Dickson (Thomas), B. A., Vena. 1840.
Dickson (Thomas), B. A., Tern. 18+9.
Dickson (William). B. A' I Vern. 1841.
3S Dickson (William), B. A' I Ilitlll. 1 864.-LL. n., /7:',1. 1805_









Digby (Benjamin), :B. A., Vwn. 1722.

Digby (Benjamin), B. A., V_. 1811.
Digby (E88ex), D. D., Jan. 1661.
Digby (Essex D.), B. A., ..l&t. 18.&5.
Digby (George),:B. A., J'6rn. 1691.
Digby (George), B. A., Vern. I 830.-Y. A., &t. ,833,
Digby ,Jeremiah), B. A., Vern. 1747.
Digby (John), B. A., Vern. 1710.
Digby (John), B. A., Vern. 1751.
Digby (John), B.A., Vwn.1781.
Digby (John), B. A., Vml . .,89.
Digby (John), B. A., ..l&t. 18zo.
Digby (Richard E.), :B. A., V~rn. 181 I.
Digby (Robert), B. A., V_. 1805.
Digby (Robert), B. A., ./E8t. 18z8.
Digby (Simon), B. A., Vern. I 760.-M. A., ..l&t. 1763.
Digby (Symon), B.A., Vern. 1664.
Digby (Symon), B.A., Vern. 1703.
Digby (ThoJJl88), :B. A., Vern. 1718.
Digby (ThOJJl88 George), :B. A., Vwn. 1794.
Digby (William), B.A., Vern. 1716.-M. A., ./EJ.t. 1719.
Digby (William), B. A., ..l&t. 1716.
Digby (William), B.A., Vern. I7p.-M. A., ./Est. '754.
Digby (William), :B. A., VM'1t.1797.
Digby (William), :B.A., ./E8t. 1804.-M. A., Vern. 182e.
Digby (William), :B. A., Vern. 1837.
Digby (William Arthur), B. A., J-: jn. 1839.
Dilks (Michael O'Brien), LL. D. (honoril eQUid). Vern. 1735.
Dill (John), B. A., LEst. 1845.-M. B., ./Est. 1849.
Dillon (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1728.
Dillon (Charles), B. A., .JEst. 1790.
Dillon (Edmund), B. A., VM'1t. 1778.
Dillon (Edward), :B. A., Vern. 18z6.-M. A . Nov. 1832.
Dillon (Edward Maxwell), :B.A., and M. A., ./Est. 1855.
Dillon (Garrett), :B. A., Vern. 1814'
Dillon (Henry Augustus), B. A., Vem. 183z.-M. A., Vern.
18 35.
Dillon (.J ohn), B. A., Vern. I 81 I.
Dillon (John), B. A., ./Est. 1817.



Dillon (lohn), B. .A., Vern. 18,p.

Dillon (John Christopher), B. A., Vern. I 825.-M. A., Not). 1832.
Dillon (lohn le1fcott), B. A., VI1Na. 1861.
Dillon (Ralph), B. A., Vern. I798.-M. A., .At&t. 1809.
5 Dillon (Richard), B. A., Vlml. 1780.
Dillon (Robert), LL. D. (laonoris cllwd), Vml. 173+.
Dillon (Roger), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Dillon (Theobald A.), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Dillon (Thomas), B. A. Vern., 1777.
10 Dillon (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Dinsdale (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18>.
Disney (Alexander), B. A., .At&t. 18%3.
Disney (Brabazon), Sch., 17z9.-B.A., Vern. 1731.-11. A., LE,t.
173+-Fellow, 1736.-B. D., .At&t. 17+5.-D. D., LE,t. 17+6.
Disney (Brabazon), B. A., Vmt. 1786.-M. A., ,,t. 1815.
15 Disney (Brabazon William), Sch., 1817.-B. A., V~rn. 1821.11. A., and B. D., ,A3,t. 18+z.
Disney (Brabazon Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Disney (Edward Ogle), B. A., Vma. 18z6.-lL A., Nov. 1832.
Disney (Harry), B. A., .At&t. 18z3.-M. A" .At&t. 18+0.
Disney (Henry Purdon), B. A.., .tEd. 1828.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
zo Disney (James), B. A., VI,.,.. 18z8.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
Disney (lames William King), sch., I 835.-B. A., Vern. 1837.
Disney (John), B. A" Vma. 18z8.
Disney (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1790.
Disney (Robert), B. A., .At&t. 18z3.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
z 5 Disney (Robert), B. A., Vma. 18z7.
Disney (Theobald), B. A., Vern. I7+z.-M. A., .At&t. I 74J.-D. D.
(li.onorU ca1Ua), Sept. 9, 1768.
Disney (Thomas), B. A., .JEIt. 1819.-11. A., Nov. 183z.
Disney (William), B. A., Vern. I 783.-LL. B., VI11'fI. 1787.
Disney (William H.), B. A., At. 1853.
30 Diston (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., 1638.
Dix (Edward Spencer), B. A., Vern. I 830.-M. A., Vern. 1857.
nix (James), B.A., VI11'fI. 1835.
nix (William), B. A., Vern. 1839.-M.A., .At&t. 1853.
Dixie (Woolstan), B.A., Vma. 1686.
35 Dixon (
). (Entrance not recorded). B. A., Vern. 173 5.
Dixon (Christopher), B. A. (8peciali gratid), Vern. 169z.-M. A.,
.JEIt. 1695.



Dixon (Henry Archer), B. A., Hiem. 1859.-M. A., .JEst. J86....

Dixon (1ames), B.A., V",.. 17%1.
Dixon (1ames), B. A., y",., 1732.
Dixon (1ames), B. A., y",.. 18...9.
5 Dixon (James Lowry), B. A., y",.. 1805.
Dixon (10hn), B. A., y",.. 1750.
Dixon (10hn), LL. B., .2&t. 1790.
Dixon (Robert Vickers), B. A.., VIr". 1833.-Fellow, 1838.-11. A.,
Vena. 1839.-B. D., and D.D., Hu.. 1862.
Dixon (Philip), Sch., 1731.-B.A., V",.. 1732.
10 Dixon (Philip), B. A., v,m. 1780.
Dixon (Stephen), Sch., I75I.-B. A., y",.. 1753.
Dixon (Thomas Carpenter), B. A., V",.. I 828.-11. A., RH.
I 832.-LL B., and LL. D., .2&t. 1850'
Dixon (Thomas James), Sch., 178.... -D. A., y",.. 17115'
Dixon (William), B. A., V".,.. 1826.
15 Dixon (William Andrew), B. A., y",.. 1813.
Dobbin (Abraham Joseph Lockett), B. A.., Hinn. 1859.
Dobbin (Alexander 10hn), B. A., Hi"". 1861.-M.. A., HUm.
Dobbin (Frederick), B. A., V",.. 1850'
Dobbin (Hannibal William), B. A., V",.. 1773.-11. A., JE8t.
20 Dobbin (Henry Brooke), B. A., and LL. B., Hinn. 1862.
Dobbin (1oseph Warrein), B. A., y".,.. 18+9.-M. A.., V",.. 18SZ.
Dobbin (Leoaard), B. A., At. 18+6.
Dobbin (Orlando Thomas), B. A., At. 18n-LL. B., At.
18+1.-LL. D., 18++-11. A., and B. D., .JEst. 1857.
Dobbin (Pierce), B. A., y".,.. 1727.-LL B., y",.. 1732.
25 Dobbin (Thomas), Sch., 1837.-B. A., V",., 1839.-LL. B., y",..
Dobbin (William), Sob., 175o.-B. A., y",.. 17SZ.-11. A., V",..
I 757.-Fellow, 1759. - B. D., At. 176z.-D. D., .2EBt.
177z .
Dobbin (William), Sch., I 790.-B. A., y",.. 1792.
Dobbin (William Peter Hume), Sch., 1841.-B. A., V",.. 1843.M. A., y",.. 18SZ.
Dobbins (1ames), B. A., y",.. J741.-M. A.., JEll. 17+7.
30 Dobbins (Lindsey), B. A., y",.. 1736.



Dobbins (William), B. A., rwn. 1720.

Dobbs (Archibald R), B. A., At. 1820.
Dobbs (Arthur), B. A., Ywn. 1791.
Dobbs (Arthur), B. A., Yma. 1828.
S Dobbs (Conway Edward), B. A., &t. 1793.
Dobbs (Conway Edward), B. A., Vern. 1839.-H. A' I .y".,.. 18+'1.
Dobbs (Francia), B.A., Vertl. 182S.-ll. A., NOf'. 1832.
Dobbs (John), B. A., Vertl. 1772.
Dobbs (John), B. A., y".,.. 1790--)(. A., AM. 1793.
10 Dobbs (Joseph), B. A., prior to I726.-ll. A., .2E1t. 1727.
Dobbs (Richard), B. A., Vertl. 1723.-Fellow, 17z4.-!L A.,
Vern. 1726.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1750.
Dobbs (Richard), B. A., Yertl. I 76J.-M. A., .At. 176...
Dobbs (Richard), B. A., Vertl. I 790.-LL. B., .AI1t. 1793.
Dobbs (Richard 8.), B. A., At. 1795.
15 Dobbs (Robert Conway), B.A., Vertl. I 793.-M. A., y".,.. 1798.
Dobbyn (Robert), B. A.,
Dobbyn (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Dobbyn (William. Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1821.
Dobree (George), B. A., Yertl . 853.
20 Dobree (Henry Li99igol), B. A.., LE.t. 186o.
Dobree (Osmond), B. A.., V".n. 1853.
Dobson (George), B. A., Ywn. 1709.
Dobeon (George), B. A., Vern. 1712.
Dobson (Nathaniel), Sch., 174o.-B. A., Vwn. 17+2 .
25 Dobson (Thomas), Sch., 1672.-B. A., Vern. 1673.-1. A., At.
Dobson (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 1683.
Dockeray(John), B. A., Yertl. 1856.
Dockrell (John), B. A., and M. A., Vern. 1866.
Dodd (Oharlea), Soh., 1716.-B. A., Vern. 17J8.-M. A., At.
17 21
30 Dodd (Henry). B: A., Vern. 1832.
Dodd (Isaac), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Dodd (Jamee Philip), B. A., Vertl. 1839.-M. A., Vern. 18+2.LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn. 18+6.
Dodd (Jamee Supple), B. A., LElt. 1840'
Dodd (Oliver), Sch., 17+8.-B. A., V".n. 1750.
H Dodd (Roger), Sch., 17f&.-B. A., Vern. 175+.




Dodd (William Moore), B. A., .&t. 1781.

Dodgson (Charles), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), .LEd. 1763.
Dodwell (
), (Entrance not recorded). B. A. 1630'
Dodwell (Henry), (entered 165). B. A. not recorded.)-Fell. 166z.
S Dogharty (John), M. A., .2&t. 168+.
Dogberty (Bernard), LL B., VM'n. 176z.
Dogherty (Bryan), Scb., 1750.-B. A . Vern. 1753.
Dogherty (Henry), B. A . VM"n. 1777.
Dogherty (James), B. A., Vwn. 17z9.-M. A., .2&t. 173z.
10 Dogherty (James), Sch., I 797.-B. A., .2&1. 1801. For LL. B., see
Dogherty (John), B. A. Vwn. 1730.
Dogherty (John), B. A., Vwn. 1731.
Dogherty (Richard), B. A., VM"no 1729.
Dogherty(William), B. A., Vwn. 1816.-Y. A., N(J1). 1832.
15 Dogrell (James), B. A., Vern. q03.-LL. B., and LL. D., .LEat.
17 1Z
. Doherty (Arthur P.), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Doherty (Charles G.), B.A., .2&t. 18p.
Doherty (George Canning), B. A' I VM"n. 18S+.-Y. A., VM"n.
18 58
Doherty (James). B. A., Vwn. 1731.
20 Doherty (James). LL. B., .2E8t. 18zz.-For B. A., see Dogherty
(having changed his name).
Doherty (John), B.A., .2E8t. 1806.-LL. D., VM"n. 181+.
Dolan (John Alexander), Scb., 1843.-B. A., .LEat. 1845.-M. A' I
.2E8t. 18+8.
Dolan (Robert Y.), B. A., Vwn. 18+5.
Dolan (Terence Y.), B. A., Vern. 1859.-M. A., H~m. 1861.
25 D'Olier (Edmund), B. A., Vern. 18+2.
D'Olier (Isaac), B. A., Vern. 1793.-Y. A., Vern., LL. B., and
LL. D., .2&t. 1807.
D'Olier (Isaac Arthur), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.-Y. B., LE,t. 18+8.
D'Olier (John R.), B. A., .2E8t. 1838.
D'Olier (Richard Henry), B. A., Vern. 1817.-Y. A., Vwn. 1821.
30 Dolland (James), B. A., Vern. 1828.-M. A., .2&t. 18+0.
Dollard (Richard), B. A' I Vern. 1710.
Dolling (William Bougbey), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), N(J1). 183z.
Dolpbin (Oliver P.), B. A., Vern. 18z8.



Dombrain (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1839.

Domvill (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., 1630'
Domvill (William), M. A. (1wtwri. CIIUld), .2&t. 1707.
Donagh (Philip), Sch.. 1720.-B. A., V".,.. 17:z:z.-M. A., JE,t.
I 7:Z5.
5 Donahoo (Thomas), B. A., 1798.
Donalan (James), B. A., V".,.. 1750.
Donaldson (Oliver), B. A., V".,.. 1780.
Donaldson (Randolph), B. A., .LEst. 1726.
Donaldson (William), B. A., VM"n. 1737.
10 Donelan (Matthew), B. A., .2&t. 1816.
Donellan (John), B. A., VM"n. 172+.
Donlevy (James), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Donlevy (James Edward), M. B., .2&t. 1837.
Donlevy (La Touche David), B. A., Vern. 1829.
J 5 Donnelan (Nehemiah), B. .A., Vn-n. 1696.
Donne1an (Nehemiah), B. A., Vern. 1718.
Donne1an (William), Sch., 1696.-B. A., Vern. I 696.-M. A., .tt.
Donnelan (William), B. A., .2&t. 1733.
Donnell, or Daniel (Riohard), (M. A., of Glasgow).-B. A., ...~t.
169 8.
20 Donnellan (Christopher), B. A., Vern. Ip3.-M. A., .2&t. 1726.Fell., 17:Z8.-D. D., Vn-n. 17+0.
Donnellan (Edmond), B. A., 1608. -M. A., and Fell., 161 I.
Donnellan (James), B. A., 16u.-M. A., and Fell., 1613.
Donnellan (John), B. A., Vern. 1734.
Donnellan (John), B. A., LEd. 1800
25 Donnellan (Nehemiah), B. A., Vern. 17+3.
Donnellan (Tege), B. A., .2&t. 1617.-M. A., .2&t. 16:z0.
Donnellan (William). B. A., .2&t. 1617.-M. A" .2&t. 1620.
Donnelly (Patrick), Soh., J818.-B. A., At. 18~3.
Donnelly (William), B. A.. V".,.. 1825.-M. A., NOfJ. 1831.LL B., and LL D., V".,.. 18+6.
30 Donnelly (William), Sch., 1825.-B. A., VM"n. 1827.
Donovan (Alexander), Soh., 1796.-B. A., Vern. 1798.
Donovan (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1809.
Donovan (Charles), B. A., Vmt.1836.
Donovan (David Samuel), B.A., Vern. 1859.



Donovan (Denis), B. A., YINI.,)[. B., LEal. 1850'

Donovan (Edward), Soh., 1775.-B. A., V".,.. 1776.
Donovan (George), B. A., y".,.. 1809.
Donovan (Henry A.), N. F. Bch., 18'7.-B. A., y".,.. 1857.1[. A., LEal. 1860.
5 Donovan (Hugh), Bch., 1791.-B. A., LEat. 1794.
Donovan (James), B .A.., y".,.. 1823.-M. B., y".,.. 1827.
Donovan (10hn), Soh., 1787.-B. A., y".,.. 1789.-LL. B., rem.
179 2.
Donovan (John), B. A., y".,.. 1820.
Donovan (Morgan), B. A., Yem. J791.
10 Donovan (I[organ William), Soh., 1816.-B. A., Yem. J817.
Donovan (Riohard), B. A.., y".,.. 1844Donovan (Riohard H.), B. A., .d. 1862.
Donovan (Robert), B. A., Yem. 1808.-M.A., NOfi. J832.
Donovan (Solomon), B. A.., y".,.. 18zz.-l. A., NOfi. 1832.
15 Donovan (William 10hn), B. A., y".,., J855.-LL. B., Vwn.
1859.-For LL. D., see O'Donnavan.
Dooley (Thomaa), B.A.., Yem. 1798.
Dooner (John Robinson), B. A., Ywn. 1788.-LL.B., Vern. 1791.
Dopping (Anthony), B. A., Yin,. 1695.-)[. A., Yem. 1697.
Dopping (Anthony), B. A., and Boh., I 660.-Fell., and M. A.,
J662.-B. D., Yem. 1669.-D. D., ...t. 1672.
20 Dopping (Anthony), B. A., y".,.. 18)3.
Dopping (Edward), B. A., Yem. 1861.
Dopping (Francis H.), B.A., Hiem. 1861.
Dopping (Henry), B. A., Yem. 1827.
Dopping (John), B. A., .&t. 1821.
25 Dopping (John), B. A., YIN. 1851.-M. A., Hitlll. 1862.
Dopping (Ralph). B. A., .It. 1783.
Dopping (Ralph A.), B. A., y".,.. 18...,.
Dopping (Samuel), B. A., Yem. 1691.-LL. D., At. 1707.
Dopping (Samuel), B. A., ht. 1781.
30 Dopping (Samuel), B. A., Yem. 18+9 .
Doran (Charles), B. A. (",citlli gratid), At. 1692.
Doran (10hn), B. A., y".,.. 170+
Doran (lohn William). B. A., Vern. 182+.-LL. B., and LI,. n.,
.&t. 1831.
Dorman (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. 18+7.



Dory (lohn), Sch., 17So.-B. A., LEyt. I7S2.

Doudney (David .Alfred), B. A., KWill. IS6J.-M. A.; Hi4m. IS6...
Dougall (Michael), B. A., VWII. 1703.
Dougatt (Robert), Bch., 170+-B. A., VWII. 1705.-M. A., At.
S Dougherty (Edward George), B. A., Vent. IS+9.-M. A., Vern.
Doughty (Michael), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Douglas (Arthur), B. A., Vmt. IS3S.
Douglas (David G.), B. A., VWII. IS47.-LL. B., and LL. D., LEd.
Douglas (lames), B. A., &t. 18n.
10 Douglas (Oliver), Sch., 1705.-B. A., Vir ... 1706.-M. A., y".,..
Douglas (Robert), B. A., Hiena. IS61.
Douglas (Shalto 1.), B. A., YWII. 1839.
Douglas (Thomas), B. A., Ylrn. 18+8.
Douglas (William), B. A., V".,.. 1722.
15 Douglaae (Adam), B. A., Vim. 1790.
Douglaaa (Archibald), B. A., Vwn. 179S.-M. A., Vern. 1809.
Douthat (Robert), Sch., I 792.-B. A., Ywn. 1793.
Dowdal (Launcelot), B. D., and D.D., Aidt. 1808.
DOwda! (Willism), B. A., Vim. 17 I 5.
20 Dowdall (lohn), B.A., Vma. 17++
Dowdall (lohn), B. A., Vma. 1833.
Dowdall (Launcelot), Soh., 1791.-B. A., Vir ... I 793.-M. A., ..ILl.
Dowdall (Launcelot), B. A., Vma. I 826.-M:. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Dowdall (Lawrence), B. A., VWII. 1711.-1L A., &t. 1714.
25 Dowden (Edward), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Dowden (lohn), B. A., Hinn. 1861.
Dowding (Bucknor), B. A., Vwn. 1775.
Dowding (Crowther), Soh., I 730.-B. A., Vwn. 1731.-Y. A., rern.
Dowe (John), Soh., 1683.-B. A., Vern. I 684.-M . .0\., &1. 1687.
30 Dowe (Philip), B. A., Ver ... 1850.
Dowell (Edmund), B. A., At. 1825'
Dowell (Lucas), Sch., 17+2.-B. A., '&1.17+2.
Dowling (Barre Berroford), B. A., ,ern. 1849.



Dowling (Denis), Sch., 17SI.-B. A., Vwn. 17S+,

Dowling (Edward), B. A., Vern. ISI+.-M. A., Vwn., IRI7.
Dowling (Edward), :8. A., ..tEst. IS+6.-Y. A., .l&t. ISso.
Dowling (Edward Joseph),:8. A., Vwn. ISU.-Y. A., Nov. IS32.
5 Dowling (Frederick J. L.), B. A., .l&t. IS+6.
Dowling (John Baptist), 11. A., V4!I'n. IS30.-Y. B., .l&t., ll. D.,
Nov. 183z.
Dowling (John H.), B. A., V4!I'n. IS+].
Dowling (Michael), B. A., Vma. 1797.
Dowling (Michael), B. A., Vet'fJ. ISOI.
10 Dowly (Thomas), B.A., V4!I'n. J735.
Downam (Samuel), B. A., May z, J6JS.-M. A., j[aY9, 1621.
Downes (Abraham), Sch., J739.-B. A., Vwn. 17+J.
Downes (Andrew), B. A., Vwn. 1759.
Downes (Audrew), ll. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .l&t. 1763.
15 Downes (Dive), B. A., Vwn. 1671.-Fell., 167S.-M:. A., ..lEst
1675.-:8. D., Vwn. 16S6.-D. D., Vwn. 169z.
Downes (Dive), B. A., 1'wn. 1710.
Downes (Dive), B. A., Vwn. 17p.-ll. A., .l&t. 175+.
Downes (Dives), B. A., Vern. 177I.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.
Downes (George), Sch., ISn.-B. A., Vern. ISI4.-Y. A" Vern.
20 Downes (Philip), B. A., Vern. qz6.-Y. A., .l&t. 1729.
Downes (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 17zS.-8. D., and D. D., .A$.,t.
Downes (William), Sch., J73I.-B. A., Vern. 17H.-Y. A., A'J,t.
J73 6 .
Downes (William), :8. A., Vern. J773.
Downes (Right Hon. William), Public Grace of the House for
LL. D. (lionorU C4wd), .l&t. JS06.
z5 Downing (Alexander Clotworthy), Sch.,17S6. -B. A.,A:st. 175S,M.A., LEst. J761.
Downing (Arthur), B. A., Vem. IR3J.
Downing (Charles), B. A., Vern. JS+6.
Downing (Edmund), B.A., At. JS3].-LL. 8., and LL.D., . JM.
Downing (Henry), B. A., ...Est. 17 16.
30 Downing (Richard),Sch., 1687.-B.A., 11'1'11. 1691.-Y. A.,&t.



Downing (SamIl8l), B. A., y.,.,.. 1791.-ll. A., No". z9, IS3z.

Downing (Samuel), B. A., Pe".. IS3+-)[. A., Y.,.,.. IS+7.LL B., and LL. D., AlIt. ISS6.-}[. Eng., Hi6 IS6z.
DowniDg (Samuel), B. A., HiUII. 186S'
DoWDing (William). B.A., At. 1733.

s DoWDS (Abraham Newbould), B. A.,

VtmI. 1771.

DoWie (lohn), B . .A., Y.... 168+

DoWlle (Richard), B. .A., At. 18...,.
DoWIe (Richard), 8ch., .S...S.-B. A., Vwn Sso.
Doriey (William). B. .A., V.... ISSI .
0 Doyle (Bernard), B. A., y.,.,. . 68z.-1I. A. (tpMcl'gt'4It'd), At.
Doyle (Charles), B. A.. .AIlt. 79S.
Doyle (Denis 1.), B. A.., Yma. 1830.
Doyle (Henry). B. A., .AIlt 771.
Doyle (James 8.). B. A.. Yma. .Sp.
IS Doyle (lohn), Sch. 7.....-B.A. y".,.. 174-3.-1I. A. Y".,..17+7.
Doyle (lohn), B. A., y.,.,. . 776.-11. A., y".,.. 17Sz.
Doyle (lohn Welbow), B. A., At. 803.
Doyle> (Michael), B.A., y.,.,.. 18zo.-1I. B., .&t. ISz....-M. D.,
At. 8S3.
Doyle (Nicholas), B. A., Ymt. '770.
10 Doyle (Owen), 8ch., 1707.-B. A y".,.. 1708.
Doyle (Patrick), B. A., y".,. . S07.
Doyle (Usher Glanville), B. A., .2&t. ISO+.
Doyle (William), Sch., 17z4.-B. A., y".,.. 17z6.-M. A., and
LL. B., .&t. 7z9.
Doyle (William), LL. D. (!wMril call1d), &t. 17S3.
IS Doyle (William), B. A., y".,.. 181
Doyle (William), B. A., Ywn. 18+6.
Dome (Bury), B. A., Yern. 1,67'
Doyne (Charles), B. A.., y".,., 73+-lf. A., ..t. 1737 .
. Dome (Charles William), B.A., .2&t. 1809.-M. A., /{O(l Sj1.
30 Dome (John), 1[. A. (ad eund. Oxon), N0f7. 1831.
Dome (Philip). B. A., Yem. 17 p.
Dome (Philip), B. A., Yern 1776.
Doyne (philip Walter), B. A., .2&t. 8+0.
Doyne (Richard V.), B. A., Vern. 18so.
3S Doyne (Whitfield), B. A., Vern. 170+.



Dracot (Jerome), Sch., 1708.-B.A., Vir". 1709.

DrafFen (Frederick), Sch., 1763.-B. A., Vir". 176S.-H. A.,
Vir,., 179+.
DrafFen (Frederick), B. A., AI. 1845.
DrafFen (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. 1723.

S Drake (Alexander), B. A., V,.,.,.. 1846.


Drake (lohn Francis), B. A., Vim. 18lS.-H. A., V"."., M. B.,

AI. 1842.
Drake (Rolleaton), B. A., Vim. 1751.
Drake (William), B. A., V".,.. IS43.
Drapes (lohn Lampier), B. A., V".,.. 18zg.-H. A., A[.:18+2.
Drapes (Robert), B. A., ..lEst. I 771.-H. A., V,,.,,. 1810.
Drapes (Vemon RU88ell), Soh., 18lS.-B. A., Vim. 1836.
Dreaper (John). B. A., .2&t. 18+0.
Dreaper (lohn Jeatin), B. A., V".,.. 18Sg.
Drelincourt (Peter), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-H. A.,

Vim. 1681.-LL. D . V".,.. 1691.

IS Drennan (John Swanwick), B. A., V".,.. IS31.-M.

B.; &1.
838.-lL D., V".,.. 18H.
Drennan (William), B.A., .2EII. 18z+.
Drevar (lohn), B. A., V".". ISZZ.
Drevar (William), B. A., Vern. 18Z2.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
Drew (Browning), B. A., At. J8JS.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
20 Drew (Francis), B. A" ..lEst. 1783.
Drew (Francis), B. A., V,.,.,.. ISI3.
Drew (John), B. A., V,.,.,.. 1745.
Drew (Pierce), B.A., V".,.. 1820.
Drew (Thomas), B. A., V".". 18z6.-LL. B., ..lEst. 18+I.-M. A.,
B.D., and D. D . V".". 1842.
IS Drieedale (Hugh), M. A., ..4fIt. 1 679.-B. A" not recorded.)
Drieedale (John), B. A... V".,.. 1686.
Dring (Robert), B.A., V".,.. l77o.-M.A., V".". 17H.
Dring (Simon), B. A., V".,.. I73S.
DriDg (Simon), B. A., V,rn. 177+
30 Driacol (DeJriB), Sch., and B. A" 1660.
Driacol (Thomas), B. A., Ver,.. J70S.-M. A., ..4fIt. 1708.
Driscoll (Charles), B. A., Ver,.. 18z5.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Driacoll (Comelius), B. A. (,peciali grfltid), Vir". 1699'
Driscoll (John), B. A., At. 1816 .



Drieoo1l (Timothy), Sch.,

I 783.-B. A . y".,.. 178S.-LL. B.,

V"... 1188.
Drogheda (Henry Francis Seymour Moore, Jrlarquis of), B. A., V".,..
18405.-H. A. (~11014), V"... 18+5.
Drought (Adolphus), B. A., V"... 1817.-Jrl. A., NMJ. 1831.
Drought (Anthony), B. A., At. I 8:z:z.
S Drought (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 181+.-Jrl. A., At. 1838.
Drought (Edward), B. A., V..... 1813.-Jrl. A., and JrI. B., V"...
Drought (George
F.), B.A., At. 18S8.
Drought (Henry), B. A., At. 1819.
Drought (lames), Sch., 1 760.-B. A., V"... 1761.-Fell., 176,.-
H. A., V".,.. 1 76S.-B. D., Vim. I 77).-D. D., At. 1777.
10 Drought (James), B. A., P'ms. 18:11.
Drought (James W.), B.A.. Yml. 18++.
Drought (John), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Drought (Michael Head), B. A., At. 18IS.-M. A., NMJ. 1831.
Drought (Robert), B. A., Vms. 1779.
IS Drought (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 119).-LL. B., AIlt. 1801 .
Drought (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1791.
Drought (Thomas Acton), B. A., V"... 183+-M.A., V".,.. IS37.
Drought (William), B. A., V"... 179+.
Drought (William). B. A., V,m. 181 S.
10 Druitt (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. I796.-M. A., .It. 1809.
Druitt (loseph), B. A., V"... 183+
Drummond (James), B. A., 2&t. ISS6.
Drummond (Robert Blackley), B. A., 2&t. 18H.
Drury (Edmund), Sch., I 691.-B. A., V"... 169S.-M. A., .dUt.
1698.-D. D., Vma. 111 I.
IS Drury (lohn), Sch., 173).-B. A., V".,.. 1736.-M. A., 2&1')739
Drury (John), B. A., V"... 18+3.
Drury (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1777.
Drury (William), Sch., 18:19.-B.A., Yma.1831.
Dryden (Swiftlohn), Sch., 1751.-8. A., Vma. 17SS.-M. B., .d.
J 761.
30 Du Bourdieu (A.rmand), B. A., Vw,.. 1854.
Dubourdieu (George), Sch., 1816.-B.A., AIlt. 1818.
Dubourdieu (lohn), B.A., V,r,.. 177)'
Dubourdieu (Saumarez), B. A., Vern. 1738.




Ducaa (Dascasiua), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-B. D., and

D. D., Vern. 1722.
Duck (John Hare), Sch., 18+1.-B. A., At. IS+4.-Y. A., Vern.
Duok (William Hare), B. A., &t. IS+9.-M. A., &t. IS51.
Duckett (Augustus William), B. A., Vern. IS+9.
5 Duckett (Joseph Fade), B.A., &t. ISq.-M.A., NarJ. 18p.
Duckett (Thomas), B. A., VIlNJ,. IS+O.
Duckett (William), B.A., &t. ISI6.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
Duddell (Richard), Soh., and "B. A., 1660.
Dudgeon (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 18+9.-M. A., Vern. 1853.
10 Dudgeon (Henry James), B. A.,
Vern. 18+).-M. A., Vern.
Dudgeon (Michael F.), B. A., Vwn. 1831.-MlA., A?~t. 1862.
Dudgeon (Walter Vandeleur George), B. A., Vwn. 18SZ.-M. A.,
LEal. 18SS.
Dudgeon (William Richard), B.A., Vwn. 18+2.
Dudley (Sheldon), B. A., At. 1864.
15 Dudley (Sheldon Francis), B. A., Hi6m. 1864.
Dudley (Thomas), B.A., Yem. 1859.
Dafay (Nicholas), B. A., Yma. 1719.
Du1F (Lucaa), B. A., Ylm. 18nDu1Fe (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1721.
20 Du1Fey (George Frederick), B. A., Hillm. 1863.-M.B., and M. Chir.,
At. 186+
Do.fIln (William), B. A., Yem. 1824.
Duffin (William E. L'Estrange), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
Du1Fy (John), B. A., 2&1. 1823.
Dafton (John), B. A., Ywn. IS27.-M.A., Vern. 1830.
25 Dugan (James), B. A., At. 18S3.-M. A., Vern. 1859.
Dugdale (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Duggan (Augustine), B. A., Vern. IS47.-M. A., &t. 1866.
Duggan (Augustus), B.A., Vim. 1791.
Duggan (John), B. A., Vma. 18]7.-M. A., 'ern.; M. B., &t.
30 Duggan (John James), B. A., Hillm. 1859.
Duggan (lfotherwell), B. A., .AIlt. IS+9.
Duggan (William), B. A., &t. 1842.








Duigenan (Patrick), Soh., 1756.-B. A., LEst. I 757.-Fellow,

I 761.-M. A., .2&t. 1761.-LL. B.,.2&t. I763.-LL.D., Yms.
176 5'
Duke (Alexander), B. A., Ywn. 17+1.
Duke (Alexander), Sch., I 760.-B. A., Yern. 176J.-M. A., ...Ell.
17 6+.
Duke (lemmet), B. A., Ywn. 18u.-M. A., N()f7. 1832.
Duke (Robert), B.A., Vwn.1820.
Duke (Robert Alexander), B. A., V".". 1860.
Duke (William), B. A., Ywn. 1781.
Duke (William), B. A., .2&t. 1847.
Duke (William Alexander), B. A., .2&t. 1865.
Dumeny (lohn), M.A., .2&t. 1728.
Dumond (David), B. A., Vern. 1707.
Dumvile (William), B. A., Vern. 1703.
Dun (Charles), Fellow, 1593.-M. A., 1601.-Vice-Chancellor,
Dunbar (
), (Entrance Dot recorded).-B. A., 1626.
Dunbar (George), B. A., Vms. 1818.
Dunbar (Halahan), B.A., Ywn. 18++.
Dunbar (Handcock), Sch., I 723.-B. A., Ywn. 1725.
Dunbar (Jeremiah), B.A., VIN. 1717,
Dunbar (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1775.
Dunbar (John), B. A., JElt. 18u.
Dunbar (John), B.A., Vern. 18+9.-H. A., .2&t. 1865'
Dunbar (Samuel), B. A., Vllrn. I 735.-H. A., LEtt. 1738.
Duncan (Archibald A.), B. A., Vern. 18S1.-Y. B., LE,t. 185+.
Duncan (Henry), B. A., Vern. J729.-M. A., 2Elt. 1732.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. 17p.
Duncan (Jacob), B. A., Vern. 1731.
Duncan (James), B. A., Ywn. 1763.
Duncan (James Foulis), B. A., Vern. 18ll.-Y. A., Vern. 1836.Y. B., .2&t. 18n.-M. D., .8t. 1847.
Duncan (lohn), Y. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. 1752.
Duncan (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Dunoan (Nugent), B. A., Vllrn. 183+-M. B., At&t. J836.-M. A.,
Vern. 1837.
Duncan (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1709.-Y. A., LEst. 1712.
Duncan (Robert), Sch., 1814.-B. A., Vern. 1816.






Dundas (Henry), B. A., At. 1771.

Dundas (Henry), B. A., YIf'ft. 1836.
Dundas (lohn), Sch., 17Z1.-B.A., YITtI. 1723.-1[. A., At.
Dundas (William lohn), B. A., YWfJ. 184+ -1[. A., B. D., and
D. D., Hilflt. 1862.
Dundon (lohn), Sch., 1761.-B. A., Vim. 1762.
Dungan (Bartholomew), Sch., I 793.-B. A., VWfJ. 1795.
Dungannon (Viscount). See Trevor.
Dunkellin (Lord), LL.D. (Aotaori.t CIJUla), .&t. 1710.
Dunkin (David), Sch., 1772.-B. A., YWfJ. 177+.
Dunkin (Henry), B. A., Yem. 17++.-M. A., .&t. 17+7.
Dunkin (James), B. A., Yent. 1737.
Dunkin (James), Sch., 1757 - B. A.; Vern. 1759.- M. A., ,f.
Dunkin (William), B.A., Yem. 1729.-M. A., .&t. 1732.-B. D.,
YIf'ft.; D. D., At. 17++.
Dunkinson (William), B. A., YWfJ. 1738.
Dunleavy (Dudley), B. A., VWfJ. 17+7.
Dunlevie (George), B. A., .&t. 182+
Dunlevie (lohn), B.A., VWfJ. r817.-1[.A., Not). 1832.
Dun1evie, or Dunleavy (Stephen), B. A., y".". 1777. -M.. A.,
Dunlevie (Thomas Burke), B. A., y".,.. '780.
Dunn (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. 1801.
Dunn (Charles), Sch., 1815.-B.A., Y".,..1817.-1[.A.,&t.
I 820.-B. D., &t. 1850.
Dunn (James), B. A., .&t. 179+.-1[. A., &t. 180S'
Dunn (lames), B. A., Ylm. 18S5.-LL. B., Vern. 1858.
Dunn (lohn), Sch., 1718.- B. A., Vern. 1719. - LL. B., Vern.

17 2 5.
25 Dunn (Richard), B. A., VWfJ. 1805.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Dunn (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1823.-)[. A., Nov. 1832.
Dunn(William),Bch., 1779.-B.A., YWfJ. 1781.-Y.A., y".".
Dunne (Edmund Neal), B. A., VWfJ. 186+.
Dunne (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1819.
30 Dunne (Edward Yeadowes), B. A., .&t. 1825. --Y. A., Not).
18 32



Dwme (Fraacia), B. A., ~ 1823.

Danne (James), B. A., y"... ISn.-I. A., V... 1863.
Dwme (lames Richard), B. A., y"... 1829.-1(. A., Nor. 1832.
Thume (lames Robert), B. A., ...&t. 18+3.
S Dunne (John), B.A., AI. 1813.
Dunne (John), Xu. B., At. 1866.
DllDIle (Robert Hedgee), B.A., AI. 1827.-)(. A., Nor. 1832.
Dwme (Wat.kine), B. A., V..... 1807.--ll. B., y".,.. 1825.
DoDllett (ThollUl8), B.A., Y.... 18+9.
10 DUDICOmbe (Clement), B. A., K .... 1865.
Dmaacombe (George), B. A., y".,.. 1733.
Donecombe (George), B. A., LEtt. 178+.
DUDICOmbe (Yieholu), B. A., AI.t. 17'
Dunacombe (Yieholu), B. A.,
15 Dunaeatb (James), Sch., I 82o.-B. A., y".,.. 18zz.
DonaterJield (Edward), B. A., &t. 1625.
DoD8terfield (SeptimaB), B. A., VI1'1I. 1676.
Donvil (Gilbert), B. A., Y.... 1708.


Duqoerry (Henry), Sch.



~t. I

771.-LL. B., &t.

177+Duquery (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 1788.

Durand (Levi), B. A., y".,.. 1737.
Dutton (Edward), Sch., 171+.-B. A., ~,. 1716.
Duval (loshaa), B. A., y".". 18+9.
Durdin (Alexander), B. A., VtNI. 1797.
25 Durdin (Alexan4er Warbam), B. A., YI1'1I. 1831. -H. A., ..IE".
Durdin (Alexander William), B. A., y".,.. 18+2. - LL. B., aud
LL. D., ~I. 1865.
Durdin (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1831.
Durdin (John), B. A.~ V".,.. 1796.
Durdin (Robert Garde), B. A., y".,.. 1838.-H. A., 1'".,.. 1856.
30 Durdin (Thomas), B. A., YI1'1I. 1831.
Durdin (Thomas G.), B. A., At. 1827.
Durdin (William Warham), B. A., y".,.. 1801.
Durham (ArtburWilliam Wynne), B. A., Diem. 186+.
Durham (Edward P.), B. A., ..lEIt. 18+0'
3S Durham(Franeis),8ch., I 73o.-B. A., Vern. 1731.
Durham (Jobo), B. A., Vern. 1768.
Durham (Thomas), B. A., Vern. I 77 I.



Durham (William), B. A., Vmt. 17%7'

Dwyer (Alexander), Sch., 18IS.-B. .A., Vl1rn. 18IB.-M. A.,
V".,.. 18%+.
Dwyer (Anthony), Sch., 1762.-B. A., Vwn. 176+.
Dwyer (Edward), B. A.. V".,.. IS+5.
5 Dwyer (Francis Doyne), B. A., Vmt. IS%S.-M. A., V".,..IS31.M. B., AIle. IS31.
Dwyer (George), B. A., Vim. IS07.-M. A., Vmt. .SIO.
Dwyer (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1837.
Dwyer (Henry Law), B.A., VIlmo 18zS.-M.A., Vmt. IS30.M. B., AIle. I 83+.-M. D., AIle. 1861.
Dwyer (John), B.A., Vmt.1796.
10 Dwyer (John), B. A., Vma. 18n.
Dwyer (John), B. A., Vim. 18%5'
Dwyer (Joseph H.), B. A., V".,.. 18+%.
Dwyer (Mark Anthony), B.A., Vwn. 18J"
Dwyer (Michael), Sch., I 77%.-B. A., Vwn. 177+.
IS Dwyer (Philip), B.A., Vern. 18+4.
Dwyer (Thomas), Sch., 1686.-B. A., Vwn. 1689'
Dwyer (William), Sch., 1777.-B. A., Vern. 1780.
Dyas (Edward), Sch., I 773.-B. A., Vern. 1775.
Dyas (George), B. A., Vma. 1817.-ll. A., No". I 832.-ll. B.,
Vma. 1833.
20 Dynham (William Ho), B. A., Vim. 1859'
Dysart (William), B. A., V".,.. 18%7.-M. A., NOfJ. 29, 183%.
Dyson (William Henry), B. A., HIMIt. 1863.

EADES (Christopher), B. A., Vwn. 18%7.-M. A., Nov. IS3%.
Eades (Richard), B. A., Vern. 183%.-ll. B., AIlt. 1836.
'5 Eades (William Christopher), Sch., 18SS.-B. A., V"... 18S8.
Eagar (Alexander), Sch., 1799.-B. A., V".,.. 1801.-H. B., &1.
Eagar (Edward), B. A., Vim. IS3"
Eagar (Francis Spring), B. A., Vena. 179"
Eagar (JoBeph B.), B. A., Vwn. ,8+5.
30 Eagar (Robert), B. A., 4:#t. 1844Eagar (Thomas), (Entered, 1688).-M. A., .2Lt. ,695'



Eagar (Thomaa), B. A., At 1829.

Eagar (Thomas), B. A.' I V".,.. I 836.-ll. A., At. 18+0.
Eagar (ThoDWI Spring), B. A., .LE.t. 18+7.
Eager (Thomu), B. A. ("1'tcioli grGtid), ttnl. 1~2.
; Eagle (George Edward), B. A., V".,." 1818.-)(. A., Nos. 1832.
Eames (Benjamin), B. A., .t. 1825'-)(' A., Nos. 1832.
Eame! (Henry), B. A., Krm. 186+.
Eames (John Gough). B. A., LEft. 1866Eames (William), Sch., 1 799.-B. A" At. 1801.
10 Eames (William Le8lie), B. A., LEft. 1851.
Eardley (Robert). B. A.., ..Ed. 1856.
Earle (Francis), B.A., V".,..; ll. B.,
East (Charles) (Entrance not recorded).-D. D., V,",. '736.
Eastwood (James). B. A., Vern. 177 ....
15 Eastwood (William), B. A . V",. f776.-1I. A . 17".,..1780.
Eaton (Archibald), Sch . 1700.-B. A., .It. 170I.-H. A.., At.


'7 10.


Eaton (Henry), B. A
18 38.-LL. B.. V,..,. 18+7.
Eaton (Matthew). Sch 1798.-B. A., Ym. 1800.-1I. A., At.
Eaton (Matthew), B. A., V'"'. 1859.
20 Eaton (Richard), B. A' I V".,.. 1794Baton (Richard), B. A., V'"'. 18+8.
Eaton (Richard Storks), B. A., .It. 1830'
Ebbs (John), B. A., .iE8t. 1853.
Ebbs (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1823.-1I. A. N()t. 1832.
25 Eccles (Charles), B.A L&t. 17+0.
Bccles (Charle8), B. A., At. 1799.
Eccles (Daniel), B. A., y".,., 171+.
Eccles (Hugh), B. A VI,.,., 1803.
Eccles (John), B. A. y".,.. 1808.
30 Eccles (JohD). B. A.,
Eccles (Robert). B. A' I V".,.. 17++'
Eccles (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 18+8.
Eccles (Samuel), B. A . V".,.. 1818.-B. D., and D. D., r,,,..


Eccles (William), B. A., V".,.. 18++
35 Eccleston (BrablloZon), B. A., y".,.. 1753.
Eccleston (Jamee), Bch., 1835.- B. A' I VWfI.18n.






Ecclin (Robert), M. A., Oct. 2%, 1666.

Echlin (Charles), B. A.., Vms. 1817.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Echlin (Charles Henry), B. A., ..lEat. 1860.
Echlin (Henry), B. A., about 17oo.-H. A" ..lEat. 1703.
Echlin (Henry), B. A., VtJrn. 1701.-M. A., Vms. 170+
Echlin (Henry), Sch., 1711.-B. A., VIf"fI. 1713,
Echlin (James). Bc!.., 1682.- B. A., VIN. 168+.
Echlin (John), B. A., Vern. 168+.
Echlin (John), B. A., ..lEat. 1700.
Echlin (John), B. A., ..lEat. 1703.
Echlin (John), B. A., VtJrn. 173+.
Echlin (John), B. A., VIN'. 1774Echlin (John Robert), B. A., Vms. 1833.-H. A., V".". 1851.
Echlin (Robert), B. A., V".". l,oS.-M. A., &t. 1708.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vms. 1727,
Boles (John), B. A.., VIf"fI. 1683.
Eclea (John), B. A., AIlt. 1686.
Eden (Right Hon. William), LL D. (Aonorit ca",d), VIN'. 1781.
Edgar (Eyre), Sch., 1 78+.-B. A., AIlt. 1786.
Edgar (John), B. A., ..lEat. 179+.-lI. A., Nov. 1832.
Edgar (John), B.A., Vms. 1837.
Edge (John), B. A., VIf"fI. 18+3.
Edge (John), B. A., and LL. B., H~m. 1861.
Edge (John Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1861.-M. A., Vms. 1866.
Edgeworth (Antonio Eroles), Sch., 1 860.-B. A., Fum. 1860.
Edgeworth (EBBex), B. A., V".,.. 17o.-M. A., AIlt. 1703.
Edgeworth (EBBex), B. A., AIlt. 1838.
Edgeworth (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Edgeworth (Francia Ysidro), Sch., I 863.-B. A., Hum. 1865.
Edgeworth (Henry), B. A., ..lEat. 1838.
Edgeworth (James B.), B. A.., Vms. 18+7'
Edgeworth (Richard Lestock), B. A., Diem. 186+-M. B., Vms.




Edgeworth (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1731.

Edgeworth (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1735. -M. A., Vern. 1739.
Edkins (Charles), B. A., At. 17S7.
Edkins (James), B. A., VtJrn. 17z7.-M.A., AIlt. 1730.
Edmonda (George), B. A., At. 1823.
Edmonds (James), B. A., Vtrn. 1836.




Edm1lllCla (Ed....), B. A.., V"... 1840.-1(. A., .&1. 18.U.

Edm1lDcIaaD {Gecqe). B. A.., J"""... 18z8.
Edm1lDcbon (lohn). B. A., J""trII. ISZ....
Ed1rU'da (Anthony), B. A., ,,,... ISlo.-lI. A., NOfl. 1832.
S Edwards (Anthony A.), B.A., .&t. IS.......
Ed1rU'da (Arthur), (Eotered, I).-LL B., A",. I, 170z.
Edwards (Arthur William), B. A . F",.. IS+2.-V. A., r"...
Edwards (Charles), Sch., IS32.-B. A., y",.. IS3S.
Edwards (Edward), B. A., y"... 1829.
10 Ed1rU'da (Edward A.), B. A.., AI. 1829Edwards (Eugene Perrott), ll. A., .&t. 17 S). (For B. A., lee
Owen Perry Edwards.)
Ed1rU'da (GrifIlt.h William), B. A., y"... IS+3.-H. A., Alt.
Edwards (Henry), B. A., y",.. 1826.-11. A., No.. 1832.
Edwards (Henry Deane), B. A., .tE.t. IS39.
IS Ed1rU'da (Henry St. George), B. A., J""n'fI. IS46.-1[. A., IT....
Edwards (James F.), B. A., y"... IS+S.
Edwards (lohn), (Entered, 1713. B. A., not recorded).-LLB.,

y"... 172:1
Edwards (lohn), H. D., AI. 793.
Edwards (John), B. A., y",.. IS23.
20 Edwards (lohn K.), B. A., y"... IS4
Edwards (1Ioses), B. A., V"... 1705.
Edwards (Owen Perry), B. A., V"... 17p. (For J(. A., lee Eugene Perrott Edwards.)
Edwards (Robert W.), B. A., At. ISS!.
Edwards (Thom.. Parker), B. A., y"... IS6o.-1I. A., Y"...IS63.
25 Edwards (William Jlacldin). B. A., y",.. IS43.-](. A., V",..
Edwardson (Richard), B. A., V",.. 1706.
Egan (Alfred William), B. A., Hi",.. IS60.
Egan (Carbery), B. A., Vms. 17....... -11.A., LE.t. 1747.
Egan (Carbery), B. A., ..l&t. 1773.
30 Egan (Charles), B. A., YeNt. ISsr.
Egan (Frederick W.), B. A., Yerll. ISS9.
Egan (George W.), B. A., Vim, IS56.



Egan (Henry William), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.-M. A., V'm. 18S'.

Egan (lames), B. A., V".,.. 18Z1.-M. B., V",.. 1826.
Egan (John), B. A., 17t17l. I 773.-LL. B., 17ma. 1776.
Egan (John), Seh., '790.-B. A., V".,.. 1792.-11..4.., At. 1796.
5 Egan (lohn), LL D. (Aonori. " ...Ii), V".,.. 1790.
Egan (John), Sch., 179,.-B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Egan (lohn 1.), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Egan (Michael), B. A., V".,.., 18u.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Egan (Patrick), B. A., V".,.. 1803.
10 Egan (William), B. A., 17wn. 183+.
Egerton (lohn), B. A., 1605.-M. A., 1609.-Fellow, 1610.
Eglintoun (Right Hon. Archibald William, Earl of). See Montgomerie.
Ekins (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1681.
Ekins (Geoffrey), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), V".,.. 1781.
IS Elera (Paul), B. A., Vma. 17%2.
E1gee (lohn), Sch., 177+-B. A., 17wn.I776.-LL.B., A:1t. '791.
Elgee (Richard Waddy), B. A., V".,.. 1808.-M. A., V".,.. 181+
Elgee (Samnel), B. A., Vma. 18H.
Eliot (Ambrose), B. A., VWII. 1696.
20 Ella (Samuel), B. A., At. 162,.
EUaby (George Watts), B. A., YIN. 185"
Ellard (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Ellard (lames), Sch., 179+-B. A., y".,.. 1795.
Ellard (lohn Armstrong), B. A., V".,.. 17'
2; El1el'by (Joseph Turner), B. A., V".,.. 18H'
EI.lerahaw (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 168+.-11. A" At. 1687.
Elliot (Alfred G.), B.A., V".,.. 18,8.
Elliot (Bartholomew), B. A. ,V".,.. 17 IS.
Elliot (Robert), 8ch., 1677.-B. A., VINI. 1680.-ll. A., At.
1683.-B. D. and D. D., At. 1696.
30 Elliot (Robert Argyle), Sch., 17+2.-8. A., V".,.. 17+4.
Elliott (Charles), B.A., p".,.. I 823.-M. A.,N0f7. 1832.
Elliott (David), Sch., 1660.-B. A., Jail. 26, 1661.
Elliott (Geo. Frederick), B. A., and M. B., V,m. I 85).-M. D.,
At. 1866.
Elliott (lames), B. A., V".,.. J8I,.-M. A., NutJ. 1832.
35 Elliott (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1817.
Elliott (James), B. A., V".,.. 18n




Elliott (John), B.A., .2&t. 1707.-M. A., ASst. '710.

Elliott (John), B. A., Jl",NI. ISn.-Y. A., V~r". ISz6.
Elliott (John), B. A., Vm. IS3S.
Elliott (Richard), B. A. Vms. 17zo.
5 Elliott (Robert), B. A., V".,.. ISZ0.
Elliott (William), B. A., .LB.t. ISOO.
Elliott (William), B. A., V,m. ISZ3.-1[ A., Nov. ISp.
Elliott (William), B.A., .LB.t. ISz7.
Ellis (A.lfred Edwin), B. A., Vern. ISS6.-M. A., Hiem. IS59.
10 Ellis(Arthur),Sch., I 660.-B. A., Vlrn. 1660.-M. A., Vern. 1666.
Ellis (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. I 793.-:-M. A., Not). IS3z.
Ellis (Brabazon), B. A., V".,.. IS2S.
Ellis (Conyngham), B. A., Vir". IS3S.-M. A., ~dt. IS+1.
Ellis (Edmund), B. A., V".,.. 1715.-M. A., Vern. 1719.
15 Ellis (Edward), Sch., 1713.-B.A., v".,.. 1715.
Ellis (Edward), B. A., V,m. IS+].
Ellis (Edward), B. A., .LB.t. IS50.-Y. A., .JElt. IS53.
Ellis (Francia), B. A., V".,.. IS+O.
Ellis (Frederick), B. A., ..:EIt. 1853.
20 Ellis (George), B.A., Vern. IS31.-lL B., ..lEst. IS3+.
Ellis (Henry), B. A., Vern. ISZZ.
Ellis (Hercules), B.A., Vir,.. IS28.-M.A., NOf). IS3z.
Ellis (James), Soh., 1792.-B. A., Vlrn. 1793.
Ellis (John), H. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .LB.I. 1717,
25 Ellis (John), H. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), V".,.. 1719.
Ellis (John), Soh., ISSS.-B. A.., and M. B., ASst. IS5S,
Ellis (Octavius James), B. A., Hi8m. IS6z.-M. A., Vern. 1866.
Ellis (Richard), B.A. (ad eund. Cantab.), and M. A., Not). ,83z.
Ellis (Robert), B. A.,
30 Ellis (Robert Francis), B.A., V".,.. IS+5.-M. A" V,,.,.. 1865'
Ellis (Robert Hawkes), B. A., Diem. IS65.
Ellis (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 17+9.
Ellis (Thomas), M. B., V".,.. 1757.-11. D., ..lEst. 1761.
Ellis (Thomas), B. A., .LB.t. IS53.
35 Ellis (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 185+.
Ellis (Thomas Robert), B. A., .LB.t. 183S.
Ellis (Walter R), B. A., V".,.. IS+9.
Ellis (William), (Entrance, and B. A., notrecorded).-LL. D., Vtrn.
Ellis(William),Sch.,I7I1.-B.A., Vwnl7n.-M.A.,.&t. 1715,




Ellia (William), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), VIN,. 1732.

Ellis (William Henry), Sch., 1793.-B. A., Vern. 179S.-LL B.,
and LL. D., VB,.,.. IS06.
Ellison (lohn), Sch., 1762.-B. A., V".,.. I 76+.-Fell., 1766.1I. A., Ait. 1767.-B. D., V".,.. 1776.-D. D., V".,.. 1779.
Ellison (lohn), Sch., 179S.-B. A., V".,.. ISoo.
5 Ellison (Thomas), Bch., 17IS.-B. A., Vm. 1720.-H. A., &t.

Ellison (Thomas), LL. D. (lwno"':' ,,/lwei), 2Elt. 1796.
Ellison (Thomas), Sch., 1797.-B. A., V".,.. 1799.
Ellison (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. IS01.-H. A., 2Elt. rS13.
Ellison (William), It A.., V".,.. IS+7.
10 Ellison (William Robert), B. A. Vwn. ISzS.-H. A., NfW. IS31.
Elmes (lohn Blair), Sch., rSS7.-B. A., At. IS6z.-H. Chir.,
and H. B., Hima. I S6z.
Elmes (lohn James), Sch., ISS3.-B. A., V".,.. ISS6.
Elmes (lonathan), M .. D.,.4It. IS+z.-B. A., Vern. IS+3.
Elmes (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. IS33.
IS Elms (John), B. A., V".,.. 1830'
Elrington (Charles Richard), B.A., V",., ISoS.-Fellow, ISIO.H. A., V".,.. lSI I.-B. D., 2Elt., 1816.-D. D., V".,.. IS20.
Elrington (Charles R.), B. A., V"... 18so.-H. A., 2Elt. IS6s.
Elrington (David Henry), B. A., 2Elt. ISS3.-H. A., Vern. ISsS,
Elrington (Gerald), B. A., V".,.. 16S9.
zo Elrington (Henry Preston), B. A., V".,.. 1808.-1I. A., Vern.
ISI3.-B.D., and D. D., V".,.. 18+6.
Elrington (lames), B. A., V".,.. 17S7.
Elrington (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1757.
Elrington (John Henry). B. A., V".,.. 1793.
Elrington (Joseph Favier). B. A., 2Elt. IS+6.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
V",,\. ISS7.
zS Elrington (Robert B. Fenwick), B. A., V".,.. IS+6.-1I. A., 2Elt.
Elrington (Thomas), Sch . I 77S.-B. A., V".,.. 17So.-Fellow, 1781.
-H. A., V"... 1785.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 179s.-Provost,
Elrington (Thomas), B. A. 2Elt. 1790.
El.Ie (John Edward), B. A . V".,., ISS3.-H. A., 2Elt. IS56.
EllIIDel8 (Alexander Stewart), B. A., Vern. ISz6.-H. A., Nor.



Elamore (Sloane), 8ch., 172+.-B. A., y",.. 17z6.-ll. A., At.

17 2 9,
Elton (John), B. A., y".,.. 17+2.-1[. A., V".,.. 17+9.
Elton (William), B. A., V".,.. 1860.-lL A., .AI1t. 1865.
Elwell (Henry Budd), B. A., Hima. 1863.
5 Elwood (Edward), B.A., V.,.,.. 1829.
Elwood (Edward Lindley), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Elwood (Harloe), B. A., V",.. 18+2.
Elwood (James) B. A., &t. 1801.
Elwood (John), B. A., V".,., 1692.-11. A., &t. I 69s.-Fell.,
I.-LL B., and LL. D., V",.. 1708.
10 Elwood (Jouae), Soh., 170+-B. A., V",.. 1706.
Elwood (Joseph), 8ch., 17SI.-B. A., V".,.. 17S3.-LL. B., &t.
Elwood (Samuel), 8ch., 167+-B. A., V".,.. 167S.-11. A., At.
67 8.
Elwood (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1703.-11. A., V".,.. 1706.
Elwood (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1753.
15 Elwood (William), Sch., 1713.-B. A., V".,.. 17IS.-lL A., &t.
17 18.
Elyot (Adam), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., .&t.
Emanuel (Barrow), B. A., HHm. 186+.
Emeraon (Edward Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1861.
Emeraon (Horace), B. A., At. 1818.
20 Emeraon (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Emeraon (John MeadOWB), B. A., .AI,t. 1831.
Emeraon (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Emmett (Christopher Temple), Bch., I 778.-B. A., .J&t. 1780.
Emmett (Thomas Addis), Sch., 1,81.-8. A., .&t. 1783.-LLB.,
NOfJ. II, 1788.
25 Empson (William), B. A., y",.. 18+6.
Enerr (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1726.
Enery (William), B. A., V".,.. 1726.-M. A., .IEIt. 1729.-B. D.,
and D. D., .IEIt. 1753'
England (James), B. A., Vn"tI. 18+2.-M. A., V".,.. 18+7.
England (John), B. A., Ytrt,. 18+9.-11. A., Yw". 1853.
30 Engledow (William Henry), B. A., H"tfm. 186z.
English (Edmund), B. A" .AI1t. 1766.



English (lohn), B. A., .lEd. 18+6.

English (Richard), B. A., At. 17Z3.-M. A., .l&t. 17+4English (Thomas), Sch., I 76+-B. A., Vern. q66.
English (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
5 English (William), B.A., Vern. IS37.-M.A., '"ft.IS40'
English (William Trevor), B.A., Vern. 17S+.-LL. B., Vern.;
LL. D., At. 1799.
Ennery (William H.), B. A., At. lSI z.
Ennis.(Francis), B. A., Vern. 1776.
Ennis (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1819.
10 Ennis (Michael), Sch., q+7.-B. A., Vern. 17+9.-M. A., .l&t.
175 2
EnnisJrj1len (Right Hon. William, Earl of). See Cole.
Enraght (John), Sch., 173 I.-B. A., Vern. I733.-M. A., ..l&t.
Enraght (Matthew), B. A., Vwn. 18z6.-M. A., Noo. IS32.
Enraght (Richard William), B.A., V".,.. 1860.
IS Enright (Cornelius), B.A., Vern. 183+.-M. B., At. ISn
Ensell (Charles H.), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Ensor (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Ensor (Charles), B. A., Hum. 186+.
Ensor (George), B. A., At. 1790.
~o Ensor (George), B. A., At. 1830.
Epwell (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1702.
Erck (Alexander), B. A., Vern. ISIS.-M. B., Vem. ISZI.
Erck (lohn Caillard), B. A., Vem. 181+-M. A., ~at. ISZO.LL. B., At. lSz+.-LL D., At. IS31.
Erck (lohn Caillard), B. A., V".,.. 1851.-M. A., Vwn. 1859.
25 Erck (Wentworth), B. A., VWft. 185o.-LL .B., and LL. D., Vern.
18 59.
ErMgton (James Michael), B. A., At. IS63.
Erskine (Henry), B. A., VmI. 18z7.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Enkine (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 185+.-M. A., At. IS57.
Erskine (Josiah), B. A., Vwn. 1789.
30 Erwin (Robert), B. A., At. 1739.
Erwin (Theophilus), Sch. o I 699.-B. A., V"n. 1700.
Escott (William Sweet), B. A., Hiem.1864Eamonde (John), B. A. o Vern. IS+S.
Espin (Joseph), B. A., Vl'f'n. 1692.-Sch., 1692.-M. A., .l&t.



E8pinasse (Isaac), Sch., I 773.-B. A., Vma. 1774.

Espinasse (James), B. A., V".,.. 1780.
Eapinasse (Richard), Seh., 1 77 I.-B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Eapinasse (William), B. A., Vmt. 1833.
S .Espinasse (William), B. A., V".,., 18S8.
EU8tace (Alexander), B. A., Vma. 1 736.-ll. A., V".,.. 1762.
EUBtaoe (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 17K7.
EU8tace (John), Soh., 1727.-B. A., Vmt. I 728.-ll. A., .A?lt. 1131.
Eustace (John), ll. D., V".,., 1838. (No record of EntTance, or
prior degrees.)
10 EU8tace (John), B. A., .A?lt. 18+9.-ll. B., ~t. 18SI.-ll. D.,
JEll. 186+
Eustace (Maurice), Fellow, 1617.-M. A., May 2, 1618.
EU8tace ~Row), B.A.,'&t. 16%1.
Eustace (William), B. A., V".,.. 1736.
Evans (David), B. A., V".,.. 1708.-ll. A., .A?lt. 1713.
IS El'an8 (Edward), B. A., Vtma.1783.
EVIU18(Edward), B.A., V".,., 183+.-ll.A., V".,.. 1837.
Evan8 (Edward), B.A., Vern. 1849.
Evaua (Edward John), B. A., VIN. 18IS.-ll. A., .&t. 1827.
Evan8 (Edward Kentish), B. A., .A?lt. 1855'
20 EvlU18 (Enoch), B. A., .A?lt. 1866.
EvlU18 (Eyre), B. A., Vma. 1751,
EvlU18 (Francis), B. A., .A?lt. 1790.
El'II.n8 (Francis Hugh), B. A., V".n. 1848.
Evaus (Francis O'Grady), B. A., V~rn. 1843,
2S Evans (George), ll. A., .A?lt. 1662.
Evaus (George), Sch., 1 735.-B. A., V".,., 1736.
Evan8 (George), B.A., Vtma.1737.
Evans (George), B. A., .A?lt. 1792.-ll. A., NOfJ. 18p.
Evan8 (George), B. A., .A?lt. 1793.-ll. A., NOf1. 1832.
30 Evaus (George), B. A., .At,t., 1817.
Evan8 (George Henry), B. A., Vern. 1828.-ll. A., Nov. 18p.
EVIU18 (Henry), B.A., Vmt.18S7.
Evaus (John), B. A., Vtma. 17o+-ll. A., &t. 1707.
Evaus (John), Sch., '755.-B. A., Vma. '760.
35 EVIU18 (John), B. A., VIr,. . .,61.
Evan8 (John), B. A., &1. 1841.
Evans (John), B. A., 1m. 184+.








Evans (J~hn), M. A., VIWft. 1853.

Evans (John), M.A., Hilm. 1863.
Evans (John Freke}, B. A., -'Elt. IS51.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
VIWft. 1863.
Evans (John Henry), B. A., Vem.IS53.
Evans (Joshua William), B. A., and M. B., Hi6m. IS6+
E\"ans (Peter), B. A., VIWft. 1707.
Evans (Richard D.), B. A., -'Elt. 18z9.
Evans (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1779.
Evans (Robert Mallnsell), B. A., VIWft. IS31.-M. A., Vern. 1863.
Evans (Samuel), B. A., ~,t. 1861.-M. A., &t. IS65.
Evans (Thomas), B: A., Vern. 1838.
Evans (Tyrrell), B. A., V.".,.. 1833.
Evans (William), B. A., Vmt. 17+:1.
Evans (William Hill), B. A., VIWft.; 1. B., .2&t. IS 5o.-M. D.,
Vmt. 1860.
Evans (William P.), B. A., Vwn. IS31.
Evans (William Studdert), B. A., Vwn. IS41.
Evanson (Abraham), B. A., LE,t. 1837.
Evanson (Alleyne), B.A., VIWft. ISIL
Evanson (George), B. A., Vms. 18u.
Evanson (Henry Baldwin), B. A., Vmt. 1816.-M. B., Vwn. 1819.
Evanson (Robert M'Donnell), B. A., V,,.,.. 1846.-M. A., Vern.
Evanson (William Alleyne), Soh., 1803.-B. A., LEst. IS04.M. A., .2&t. 183S.
Evatt (Charles), B. A., VIWft. ISn.-M.A., Vm,. ISIS.
Evatt (Evelyn John), B. A., -'Ell. IS37.-M. B., Vmt. 1840.
Evatt (Henry), B.A., -'Elt. 1749.
Evatt (Robert), B. A., -'Elt. 1828.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Evelyn (Frederick Graham), Soh., I 849.-B. A., Vern. ISp.LL. B., Vern. 1856.
Evelyn (William), M. A., Vms. 1739.
Everard (George), B. A., JEst. 1810.
Everard (James), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Everard (Nicholas), B. A., .Mag 4, 1655.
Everard (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1801.-M. A., NOI). 1833.
Eves (EdmnndL.), B.A., Him. 1863.-l{. A., .2&t. 1865.
Evory (Benjamin), Soh., 17oo.-B. A., Vern. 171.






Ewing (George), M. A., Vern. 17+6.

Ewing (George), Sch., 1]85.-B. A., V"..,.. 1787.
Ewing (James), Sch., I 798.-B. A., Vma. 1800.
Ewing (John), Sch., 17~.-B. A., Vma. 1770.
Ewing (John), LL. B., 11. 1790.
Ewing (John), Sch., I 793.-B. A., .LEtt. 1795.'
Ewing (Robert), B. A., VWfI. 18n.
Ewing (William), B. A., P'Wft. 1735.
Ewing (William), Sch., 1808.-B. A., VWfI. 1810.
Exham (Thomas), B. A., VWft. 183%'
Exham (William), B. A., VWfI. 18+1.
EX8baw (John), B. A., .d. 1817.-M. A., A:&t. 1839.
Eynon (Thomas), B. A., Vun. 1704.
Eyre (Gyles), B. A., .iElt. I709.-M. A., .Ji,t. 171%.
Eyre (Gyles), B. A., LEat. ISI7 '
Eyre (John), Sch.,.173+.-B. A., VIN 1736.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
AUt. 1750.
Eyre (John), LL. D. (AonoN. CIJlUd), VWft. 175+.
Eyre (John), B. A., VWfI. 1834'
Eyre (Richard), B. A., VWfI. 1791.-LL. B., and LL. D., Fun.
Eyre (Richard), B. A., .iElt. IS%I.
Eyre (Vincent), B. A., VWft. 1850'
Eyres (Edward), LL. D. (lwMri' c/JlUd) .&t. 1710.

FAGAN (George), B. A., T'ern. 18+8.
Fugan (John), Sch., 1676.-B. A., Vern. 1677.
%5 Fagan (John Charles), B. A., Vern. 1861.
Fagan (Stephen), B. A., VWfI. IS%o.-M. A., and M. B., LEal.
18%4.-M. D., 2Eat. IS5%.
Fabie (James), Sch., 1819.-B. A., Vern. 18u.-LL. B., and
LL. D., LEat. 1835.

Fairly (Robert), B. A., .LEIt. 1809.

Fairtlough (Edward), Sch., 1 775.-B. -, Vern. 1777.
30 Fairtlough (Edward), B. A., J'Wft. 18%6.-M. A., Not). IS3%.
Fairtlough (Joseph), B. A., Vern. I 77o.-LL. B., Vern. 1774.
f'airtlough(Thomas), Scb., 1774--B.A., Vn-n. 1775.



Fairtlough (William), B. A., At. 18n.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.

Falkiner (Arthur), B. A., ..IEat. 1800.
Falkiner (Daniel), B.A., VfflI. 1755.
Falkiner (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 18p.
5 Falkiner (Frederick John), B. A., ..IEat. 1789.
Falkiner (Frederick John), B . .A., Vern. 1841.-1. B., At. 1845.
Fallriner (John Boursiquot), B. A. Hi"". 186+
Falkiner (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Fallriner (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1772.
10 Falkiner (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Falkiner (Richard Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1841.
Falkiner(Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1775.
Falkiner (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Falkiner (William), B. A., Vern. 1848.
15 Falkiner (William F. D.), B. A., and M. A., Vern. 1857.
Falkiner (William N.). B. A., At. 1847.
Falkner (Alfred), B. A., Vma. 1861.
Falkner (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Falkner (Richard), B. A., VfflI. 1824.
20 Falkner (Richard Butler), B. A., At. 1848.
Falkner (Robert H.), B. A., Vern. IS51.
Falkner (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Falkner (William Newstead), B. A., Vern. 1814.-M. A., At&t.
18 33.
Fallon (John), N.F., Sch., 1857.-B.A., Vern. 1859.
25 Fallon (John M'Cleiland), B. A., Vma. 1835.-M. A., At. 18p.
Fallon (Malachy), B. A., At. ISzI.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Falloon (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1778.
Falloon (Mark), Sch., 1807.-B. A. Vern. 1808.
Falloon (William), Sch., I 83+.-B. A. , Vern. IS37.-M. A" FmI.
30 Falls (Alexander Sidney), B.A., VfflI. ISso.
Falls (Henry), B. A., VfflI. IS30.
Falls (John), B. A' I V".,.. 18z6.-M. A., At. 1840.
Falls (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1864.
Falls (Robert), B. A., BIt. 1837.
35 Falls (William), B. A., Vern. 1786.
Fannen, or Ffannyn, or Fanning (Geoffl'ey, or William), Sch., 172.
-B.A., Vern. 1704.




Fannin (John), B.A., V".,.. IS24.-M. A., Nor. 1832.

Famaing (Andley), B. A., Vwn. 1779.
Famaing (Edward), B.A., V".,.. 1733.
Fanning (Henry), B.A., V".,.. 17H.-M. A., .iElt. 173S.
5 Fanning (Henry), B. A., Vmao 1768.
FaDDing (William), Sch., 1805.-B. A., Vwn. 1807.
Farange (David), B. A., .&e. IS31.
Farange (Thomas), B. A., "&t. IS2+Faresh (Peter), B. A., and H. A. V".,.. 1712.
10 }'aris (Alexander), B. A., .AUt. ISI6.-H. A., NOfJ. 18p.
Faris (Francis), B. A., V".,.. I 820.-H. A., N0f7. 1832.
Faris (John), B. A., Vent. 1774.
Faria (Joeeph), B. A., Vma. 1792.
Faria (William), Boh., 1729.-B. A., VITI 1730.
15 Farley (John), B. A., V".,.. 168+Farmer (Henry Birch), B. A. V".,.. 18H.-M. A., At. 18+3.
Farmer (Richard), B. A., .AUe. l7+o.-M. A., Vent. 174-+.
Farmer (William), B. A., V.".,.. 1847.
Farquhar (Adam Gordon), B. A., Diem. 1860.
20 Farquhar (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1806.
Farran (Charles), B.A., Vent. 181J.-M.B.,.lEit. 1819.-M.A.,
N0f7. 1832.

Farran (Charles Frederick), B. A., Vma. I 862.

Farran (Charles James), B.A., Vent. 1825.
Farran (Curtis), Sch., 1747.-B. A., V".,.. 1749.
25 Farran (George Haughton), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.-M. A., HUm.
Farrar (John Martindale), :B.A., V".,.. I 849.-M. A., Vir,.. 1853.
Farrell (Arthur), B. A., Vent. 1836.
Farrell (Edward) Bob., 1 782.-B. A., Vern. I 784.-M. A., NOfJ.,
17 88.
Farrell (Edward), B.A., V".n. 1853.
30 Farrell (Gerald), B. A., LEse. 1778. For LL. B., and LL. D., 8('C
Farrell (Henry), B.A.., Vent. I 820.-H. B., .iElt. 1823.
Farrell (James), Sch., 1781.-B.A., V".,.. 1783.
Farrell (James), B. A., Ver,.. 1823.-M. A., Nor. 1832.
Farrell (James Thomas), B. A., Vir,.. 184-+.
35 Farrell (John), B. A., Vern. I 733.-lL B., rem. 1737.



Farrell (Maurice), B. A., Vma. 1828.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.

Farrell (Nicholson), B. A., Vma. 17+2.
Farrell (Richard), B. A., .&t. 1802.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Farrell (Samnel), B. A., LEat. 1791.
5 Farrell (Stephen Anster), B.A., Vma. 1831.-}[.A., Vern. 1839.
Farrelly (John), B.A., Vma. 18+7.
Faucett (Peter), B. A.., Vma. 18+0.
Faulkiner (Thomas), B. A.., Vma. J 771.
Faulkner (Arthur), B. A., LEat. 18+1.
10 Faulkner (Henry), B. A.., Vma. 1797.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Faussett (Andrew Robert), Sch., 18+1.-B. A., Vwn. 18+3.M. A., Vern. 18+6.
Faussett (Robert), Sch., 17ol.-B. A., Vma. 1702.
Faussett (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1835.
Faussett (Simon James), B. A., St. 18++.
15 Faussett (William), B. A., Vma.1798.
Faussett (William), B. A., Vma. 1833.-M. A., V,rn. 1837.-

M. B., LEat. 1845.

Fauvel (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1855.
Faviere (Joseph), B. A.,
Fawcett (Benjamin), B. A., Vma. 1850.
20 Fawcett (Edward), B. A., .&t. 18+9.
Fawcett (George), B. A., .2&t. 1838.-H. A., &t. J8+2.-M. B.,


At. 18+5.
Fawcett (Henry), B. A., HUm. 1862.
Fawcett (John), B. A.., Vern. 18+1.
Fawcett (John), B. A., .l&t. I 856.-}[. A., Hiem. 1860.
25 Fawcett (John), B. A., HUm. 1863.
Fawcett (Samuel), B. A., .2&t. 1812.
Fawcett (Thomas) B. A., Fma. 1832.
Fawcett (William Lynn), Sch.. 1788.-B. A., Vern. 1790.
Fawdon (Henry), B. A., Vma. 18+2.
30 Fay (Thomas M'Cabe), B. A., Hilm. 1862.
Fea (Arthur), B. A., Vma. 18z+.
Fea (John Worthington), Sch., 1787.-B. A., N(HJ. I I , 1788.-

H. A., Vma. 1 8 JoS.-LL. B., and LL. D., .2&t. 1823.

Fearon (Robert J.), B. A., Vern. 18z6.
Feasant, or Pheal!ant (Gaspar, or Jasper), B. D., Jan. 26, J66J.
35 Feasant (Thomas). See Pheasant.




:FeinagIe (Chuies Gregory), B. A.,

.839:Fell CHans Thomas), B. A.. ,,,.,.. I 74+-LL. B., rml. 174-8. LL D., A:it. 1755.
:Fell (lohn), B.A., At6t.1701.-)(.A., Y"""'.7 12
Fell (Thomas), Sch., 1716.-B. A., ,,,... 1718.
S Fellowa (Thomas), B. A.., K.-. . 86
Felton (William), B. A., V".,.,. 1858.
Feltus (Benjamin B.), B. A.., and)(. A., Vtnt. 184-6
Fender (David), B.A.,
170+-ll. A., At. 1709
Fender (George), B. A., ren. 726.
10 Fender (Gerrard), B. A., 'en. I.-ll. A., A:lt. 1699
Fennell (John), B. A., Vt'I'II. 184-.
Fennell (John George), B. A., Vt'I'II. 1836.
Fennell (Robert), B. A., ,"'" 1836.
Fenner (Laurence H.), Sch., 18oo.-B. A., A:lt. 1802.
15 Fenner (Samuel), B. A.., '"".1731.
Fenner (Thomas), 8ch., I 777.-B. A., A:lt. 1780.
Fenton (Abraham Boyd), B. A.,
Fenton (Char.lell), B. A., Hinll. 1860.
Fenton (Galbraith), B. A., 't'I'II. 1786.
20 Fenton (George Livingston), B. A., .IEIt. 1836.
Fenton (George Metcalf), B. A.., Ven.. I 84-9--M. A., VeT'1J. 18 51.
Fenton (James), B. A., Ven. 184-8.
Fenton (Samuel Greame), B. A., &l. 184-9.-)[' A., &1. 18p.
Fenton (Thomas), B. A., Vtnt. 18so.-X. A., ..tEll. 1859.
25 Fenton (Trevor A.), B. A., ..IE.t. 183a.
Fenwick (Charles). B.A., Vma. 18p.
Fenwick (Maurice G.) B. A., V".,.. .810.-lL A., Nov. 1832.
Fenwick (Nicholas Cuthbert), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), and M. A.,
VtJN&. 1833.
Fenwick (William G. N.), B. A., Vmt. 1850.
30 Ferguson (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 1816.-M. A., ;Est. 1819.
Ferguson (Chaworth Joseph), B. A., .L,t.18H.
Ferguson (Frederick), B. A., .JEst. 185 ....
Ferguson (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Ferguson (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 179J.-M. A. ]{0fJ. 18p.
35 Ferguson (James Chambers), B. A., Vun. 1829.-M. A., Nor:.
1831.-M. B., V"n. 1835.
Ft'rgll8On (John Creery), B. A.,
1823.-M. B., Veni.1827'
M. A., Vern. 1833.











Ferguson (John Ribton), B. A. Vern. I 837.-M. B., Vern. 18H.M. A' I At. 1860.
Fergason (Johnston), B. A., Vern. 185z.
Ferguson (101hua), B.A. VINJ. 1773.
Ferguson (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 18z6.-M. A., Nov. 183z.LL. D. (Aononi eQUId), At. 1865.
Ferguson (Thomas), Sch., 17+3.-B.A., Vwn. 1744--M.A.,&t.
17+7.-D. D. (lwMris cau8d),. Vwn. 1769.
Ferguson (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1805.
Ferguson (William), B. A., VM'n. 1833.
Ferguson (William Dwyer), B. A., V".,.. 1837.-LL. B., and
LL. D., Vern. 1857.
Ferguson (William Knox), B. A., ~,.,.. 1823.-1. A., ..2Est. 1831.
Femesly (Philip), B. A" Vim. 1691.-M. A., .2&t. 1693.
Ferrall (Charles W.), B. A., Vim. 18+3.-1. A., ...~t. 1856.
Ferrar (Edward), B. A., At. 1850.
Farrar (John), B. A., Vwn. 1830.
Ferrar (Thomas), B. A., Vim. ~8z6.-H. B., LEst. 1829.
Farrar (William Hugh), Sch., 1855.-B. A., Vim. I 857.-Fell.,
18S9.-M. A., HiMn. 1859.
Ferreter (peter), B. A., Vwn. I 7+ I.-H. A., Vern. 1746.
Ferrier (Alexander), B. A., Vern. I 83S.-M. A" LEst. 18+6.
Ferrier (Alexander John), B. A., VM'n. 18n.-lI. A., Vern. 18+0.
Ferris (Charles Francis), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Ferris (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1821.
Ferris (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 1802.
Fetherston (Constantine), B. A., Vwn. 1735.
Fetherston (Francis), Soh., 17H..-B. A., Vern. 1755.
Fetherston (Francis), B. A., Vern. 18+3.
Fetherston (Godfrey), B. A., Vwn. 1853.
Fethel'8ton(James), B. A., Vim. 1739.
Fetherston (John), Sch., 1705.-B. A., Vern. 1706.-M. A., Vern.
17 2 5.
Fetherston (John), Sch., 1729.-:8. A., ~rn. 1730.-H. A., ...Eat.
Fetherston (John), B. A., 1815.
Fetherston (Samuel), B. A., &t. 1666.
Fetherston (Thomas), Sch., 1703.-B.A., Vern. 170S.-M. A.,&t.
17 11









Fetherston (Thomas). B. A., VWft. lSu.-lL A., NOfJ. IS31.

Fetherston (Thomas). B. A., VWft. 184-7.
Fetherstone (Cuthbert), B.A., At. IS02.-M. A., V"... IS25
Fetherstone (Edward). B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Fetherston H. (Francis), B. A., Vma. 185+.
Fetherston H. (Thomas Orme), B. A., .lEat. IS 30.
Fetherston H. (William), B. A., VeNI. IS29.
Fetherston H. (William), Sch., 18+7.-B. A., VWft. 18+9.
Fetherstonhaugh (William), B. A., Iraem. 1865.-M. B., Allli.
Ffennell (Robert Archer Butler), B. A., Hi6m. 1862.
Ffennell (William Joahua). B. A., Hiem. 1859.
Ffoliott, or Foliott, (John), B. A., Vwn. 1709.
Ffolliott (Henry), B.A., Vern.ISs+.-M. A., Vml. 1863.
Ffolliott (James Robert, or Joseph Robert), B. A . Vern. 185'M. A., 1"6rn. 1863.
Ffolliott (William), B. A., ./Est. 1852.
Ffuller or Fuller, (William), LL. D. (ad eund. Oxon.,) Jan. 26,
Fiddes (John Montgomery), B. A.. VWft. 1857.-LL. B., &1.
Field (James), B. A Vern. 1831.
Field (Thomas), B. A., VWft. 17+1.
Field (William), B. A., .2&t. 1822.
Field (William Jones). M. B., .lEat. 1831.
Figgis (John Benjamin), B. A., 8t. 1860.-M. A., Vtrn. 1864.
Figsbee (Thomas), Sch., 1759.-B. A., AlIt. 1760.
Figsby (Thomas), B. A . Vwn. 1722.
Filgate (Alexander), B. A., &t. 1793.
FUgate (Charles), B. A., .lEat. 1823.
Filgate (Henry). B. A., Vern. 1832.
Filgate (Richard), B. A., Vml. 18+8.
Filgate (S. FitzHerbert), B. A. VWft. 1836.
Filgate (Thomas), B. A., Alst. 179+.
Filgate (Thomas William), B. A., r~rn. 111+0.
Filgate (Townley), B. A., Vern. 1774.
FUgate (Townley), B. A., &t. 1804.-M. A., V~rll. ISIZ.
Filgate (Townley). B. A., .lEat. I 848.-M. A., 1/'rn, IRSI.
Filgatc (William), B. A., Vrrn. 1821.



Final (William), Sch., q28.-B. A., VWft. Q29.-H. A., ..lEIt.

173 2
Finall (Peter), B. A. (lplciGlitp'atid), .&t. 171Finch (William James), B. A., ..lEIt. 18+s.-H. A., Vern. 18+8.
Finegan (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1735.
5 Finegan (Patrick Joseph), H.B., ..lEIt. 18+7.
Finglas (George), Sch., 167+.-B. A., VWft. 1677--H. A., ..lEIt.
Finglass (John), Sch., 1696.-B. A., about 1699'
Finglass (Nicholas), Sch., 1695.-B. A., Vern. 1697.-V. A., LEd.
Finglass (Walter), B. A., VIM. I 699.-H. A., ..lEIt. 1702.
)0 Finglass (William), B. A., Vern. 170+-H. A., ..lEIt. 1707.
Finiston (Joseph), B. A., Vern. qOI.-H. A.,.2&I. 171+.
Finlay (Andrew), B. A., ..lEIt. q83.
Finlay (David), B. A., VWft. 18+9.-M. A., Vern. 1856.
Finlay (Edward), Sch., 1 756.-B. A., Vim. 1758.
I 5 Finlay (~dward), B. A., .2&t. 18++.
Finlay (George), B. A., VWft. 1852.-V. A., Vern. 1856.
Finlay (James Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1826.
Finlay (John), Sch., 1803.-B. A., Vern. 1805.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
LEft. 1830.
Finlay (John), B. A., VIN. 18+0.
20 Finlay (John Edward), B. A., and LL. B., Hiem. 1864.
Finlay (John William), B. A., .2&t. I 829.-H. A., Not:. 1832.
Finlay (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1835.
Finlayson (George), B. A., Vim. 18n-H. A., ..lEIt. 1865'
Finlayson (Henry), B. A., Vim. 1836.-H. A., V".,.. 1856.
25 Finlayson (John), B. A., Vim. I831.-H. A., .LEII. 1837.
Finley (James), B. A., V".,.. q03.-V. A., Vern. 1706.
Finley (Thomas), Sch., qo8.-B. A., V".,.. I709.-H. A., ..lEIt.
17 1 3,
Finn (Eugene), Sch., 1830.-B. A., Vern. 1831. -V. B., .2&t.
18 35.
Finn (Thomas), Sch., 1688.-B. A., .2&t. 1691.-V. A., Vem.
30 Finn (Thomas), Sch., 18I3-B.A.,A:'st. I8I6.-M. A., ..iE8t. 1819.
-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1824.
Finn (William), B. A., .2&t. 1805.




Finnelly (William), B. A., Vern. lSI S.-M. A., At. IS39.

Finnemore (Samuel A.), B. A., At. IS45.
Finnerty (Eugene H.), Bch., ISI7.-B. A" Vern. IS20.-lI. B.,
V".,.. IS23.-M. D., At. IS4+.
Finnerty (John), B. A., Vern. IS3S,
Finnerty (William), B. A., AlIt. IS3+.
Finney (Henry Maturin), B. A., VIN ISSZ.
Finney (John), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Fmney (Thomas), 'B. A.,
Finney (William James), B. A., Vwn. 1814Finny (John Magee), B. A., Irum. 1860.-M. B., ~tt. IS6+.
Finny (William Magee), B. A., Hum. IS60.
Firth (John Leaming Anthony), B. A., Vern. IS53.
Firth (Baywood), B. A., Hum. IS61.-M. A., At. IS6S.
Fish (John), B. A., V".,.. 1736.-M. A., At. 173S.
Fish (John), B. A., At. ISSS.-H. A., V".,.. IS59.
Fish (Joseph), B.A., V".,.. 1713.
Fish (Robert), B. A., Vern. 17+2.
Fish (William), Sch., 176S.-B.A., Vim. 1769.
Fishbourne (Edward Alexander). B. A., Vern. IS63.
Fishbourne (John William Yorke), B. A., H ... IS63.-M. B.,
Hum. IS6....-M. Chir., Vern. IS6S.
Fishbourne (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18u.-M. A., Nw. 1832.
Fishbourne (William), B. A., Vern. ISu.-M.A., At. IS3+.
Fisher (Bernard William), B.A., Vern.IS6+.
Fisher (Fleetwood), Sch., 16SS.-B. A., VINI. I~I.-H. A., At.
Fisher (John), B. A., At. 1716.
Fisher (John), B. A., At. 1792.
Fisher (John W.), B. A., Vern. IS57.
Fisher (Richard), Sch., 170J.-B. A., V,,.,.. 17oz.-M. A., Vern.






30 Fisher (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1776.
Fisher (Riohard), B. A., LE.t. ISH.
Fisher (Robert), Sch., 1720.-B. A., Vern. qu.-M. A" At.
Fisher (Robert), B. A" V".,. 18z9.-H. A., Nor. IS32.
Fisher (Samuel), B. A., Vem. 1831.




Fisher (William), B. A., V".,.. 1836.

Fisher (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.-H. A., At. 18n.
Fisher (William. Shute), B. A., y".,.. I 856.-H. B., LEft. 1857.
Fitton (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 1771.
Fitton (William), B. A., V".,.. 18J1.-K. B., and H. D., At.
Fitton (William Henry), Bch., I 798.-B. A., Vena. 1799.
Fitz Gerald (Augustine), B. A., At. 1785.
FitzGerald (Augustine), B. A., V".,.. IS,..~H. A., V".,.. IB57.
Fitz Gerald (Charles), B. A., LEft. 1819.-'-M:. A., NOfJ. IB32.
FitzGerald (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1823.
Fitz Gerald (Charles Edward), B. A., Fum. IB6+.
Fitz Gerald (David), B. A., V".,.. 179+.
Fitz Gerald (David), B. A., V".,.. 18+5.
FitzGerald (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 182+.
Fitz Gerald (Edward Loftus), B. A., Y".,.. 1B3S.-H. A., LEft.
FitzGerald (Edward William). B. A., V".,.. IS27.-)(. A., NOfJ.
18 32
FitzGerald (Francis Alexander), B. A.,
1B27.-H. A., NOfJ.
18 32
Fitz Gerald (Francis Lewis), B. A., L&t. IB,..
Fitz Gerald (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 18+B.-H. A., V".,.. IB 58.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald), Soh., 1761.-B. A., V".,.. 1763.-Fell., 1765.
-M.A., At. I 766.-B. D., At. 1775.-D. D., At. 1778.
FitzGerald (Gerald), B.A., V".,.. 1795.-H. A., LEft. 1799.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald), Soh., ISo+.-B. A., .2&t. 1B06.-lrL B., LEft.
181 9.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald), B. A.., V".,.. 1826.-H. B., Vma. IB32.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald), B. A., At. IB33.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald), Soh., IB3+.-B. A., V".,.. IS36.
Fitz Gerald (Gerald Stephen), B. A., LEft. IB+8.-1. A., AlII.
FitzGerald (Gilbert), B. A., At. 1793.
FitzGerald (Henry). B. A., LEft. 1806.-H.A., V".,.. IBll.
Fitz Gerald (Henry), B. A., LEft. ISlo.-M:. A., Vim. 181+.LL. B., and LL. D., .y".,.. IBIS.
Fitz Gerald (Hugh), B. A., V".,.. lSI+Fitz Gerald (lames), Sob., 173+.-B. A., Vem. 1736.








FitzGerald (James), Sch., I 762.-B. A., y".,.. 176+

FitzGerald (James), B. A., y".,.. 1798.
FitzGerald (James), B. A., V ..... 1825.
Fitz Gerald (James), B. A., y".,.. 1843.
5 FitzGerald (James Charles), B. A., y".,.. 1827.
FitzGerald (Jame8 Gerald), B.A., y".,.. 1846.
FitzGerald (James Grady), B. A., Y..... 1787.
Fitz Gerald (John), (Entered, 1660.) Fellow, 1666.-B. D., V6,.,..
FitzGerald (John), B. A., Yma. 1784.
ro Fitz Gerald (John), Sch., 1797.-B. A., Ymt. 1799.
Fitz Gerald (John), B. A., At. 1808.-K. A., A.t. 18%1.
Fitz Gerald (John), Sch., I 825.-B. A., Vma. 1827.
FitzGerald (John), B. A., Yma. r831.-M. A., Yma.1836.
FitzGerald (John), B. A., Ymt. 1842.
IS FitzGerald (John), B.A., At. 1843.
FitzGerald (John Francis, Knight of Glynn), )(. A. (ad ennd.
Cantab.), Boo. 1832.
Fitl Gerald (John Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1817.-M. A., y".,.. 1821.
Fitz Gerald (Joseph), B. A., At. 1838.
FitzGerald (Joseph Capel), B.A., Y..... 1810.
20 FitzGerald (Kaurice), B. A., Ymt. 1784'
Fitz Gerald (Michael), Sch., 1777.-B. A., Vmt. 1779.-K. A.,
V".. 1783.
Fitz Gerald (Kichael), B. A., y".,.. 1828.
FitzGerald (Norton), B. A., y".,.. 1720.
FitzGerald (Patrick), B.A.., Yma. 1796.
25 FitzGerald (Percy Hetherington), B.A.,. y".,.. 18SS.-M. A., He;",.
FitzGerald (Philip), Sch., 1778.-B. A., Vma. 1784Fitz Gerald (Preston), B. A., YIf"1t. I 798.-LL B., Vwn. 1806.
FitzGerald (Ralph), B. A., At. 1845'
FitzGerald (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 1768.
30 FitzGerald (Richard), B. A., At. 1796.
Fitz Gerald (Richard), B. A., Vmao 182 3.-K. A., NOt:. 1832.
FitzGerald (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1842.
Fitz Gerald (Robert), B. A., Vm&. 1736.
FitzGerald (Robert), LL. D. (Aonon', C/J"'4). Yma. 174+.
35 Fitz Gerald (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1771.








Fitz Gerald (Samuel), Sch., J8IS.-B. A., Vern. 1819.

Fitz Gerald (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 18+5.
FitzGerald (Shortal), Bch., I 723.-B. A.,. Vmt. 172+.
FitzGerald (Thomas), Sch., 1772.-B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Fitz Gerald (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1820.
Fitz Gerald (Thomas), B. A., At. I 820.-Y. A., V".,.. 1835.
Fitz Gerald (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1821.
Fitz Gerald (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1829.
FitzGerald, or Gerald (William), B. A., At. 16u.-Fell., 162+.
-M. A., 1626.
Fit.z Gerald (William), B. A., Vmt. 176+.
FitzGerald (William), B. A., Vw", 1782.
FitzGerald(William), Sch., 1833.-B. A., Vern. 183S.-M.A.,
Vwn. 18+8.-B.D., and D. D., V"n.1853.
FitzGerald (William), B.A., Vwn. 1851.
Fitz Gerald (William), B. A., Hi,m. 186+.
Fitz Gibbon (Gerald), B. A., V".,.. 1825.-M. A., NQfJ. 1832.
FitzGibbon (Gerald), Sch., 18S8.-B. A., HUm. 18S9.
Fitz Gibbon (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.-lL A., At. 186S.
Fitz Gibbon (Henry), B. A., Hinn. 186+
Fitz Gibbon (John), B. A., Vern. 1762.
FitzGibbon (John), LL. D.
eQUId), JE,t. 176S.
Fitz Gibbon (John), B . .A., Vmt. 1767.
Fitz Gibbon (John), LL. D ...(lwnoril eQUId), V".,.. 1779.
Fitz Gibbon (John), B. A., V".,.. 181S.-Y. A., JEll. 1818.
Fitz Gibbon (Richard), B. A., At. 1821.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn. 18+1.
Fitz Gibbon (Thomas), B. A. At. 1800.-M. A., NQfJ. 1832.
Fits Gibbon (Victor), B. A., Hinn. 1862.
FitzHenry (Jeremiah), B. A., V".,.. 1786.
Fitz Herbert (Right Hon. Alleyne), LL. D. (lwnori, eQUId), V".,..
Fitz Herbert (Andrew), B. .A., V".,.. 1731.
Fitz Maurice (Right Hon. Francis, Earl of Kerry), B. A., V".,..
1758.-M. A., V".,.. 1759.
Fitzlrlallrice (George), B. A., .lEat. 18++.
FitzMallrice, or Fitz Morris (Kerry), B. .A., Vwn. 1698.
Fitz Maurice (William), B. A., At. 182S.
Fitz Patrick (Denis), B. A., LElt. 18S8.









FitzPatrick (Edmund), B. A' I At. 1806.

Fitzpatrick (Felix), B. A., y"... 1823.-H. A., Roo. 18p.
Fitzpatrick (Frederick), B. A., y...,.. 18n.-H. A., Roo. 1832.
Fitz Patrick (Jamea), B. A., y...,.. 1839.
Fitz Patrick (John), B. A., YIt'fI. 1707.
Fitzpatrick (John), Sch., '7IOo-B. A., V".". 17II.-LL.B., At.
17 1+.
Fitz Patrick (John), B. A., V".,.. 1842.
Fitzpatriok (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 177'l..
Fitz Patrick (Hatthew), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
FitzPatrick (Patrick), B. A., V..... 1836.
FitzPatrick (Thomas), B. A., V"... ~18$3.-M. B., At. 1856.ll. D., V".,. . 8'l.6.
Fitzpatrick (Thomas), H. A., V".,.. 1864.
FitzPatrick (Thomas Henry), B. A., &t. 1848.
Fitz Patriok (William), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
Fitz8imon (Christopher), B. A., LE,t. 1816.
Fitz Simon (Christopher O'Oonnell), B. A., .LEn. 18p.
FitzSimon (Robert), B. A., &t. 18H.
FitzSimon (Thomas O'Connell), B. A., &t. 1853.
Fitz Simons, orFitz Simmons, or Fitz Symons (Daniel), Sch., 1701.
-B. A., V".,.. 1703.
Fitz Simons (Edward John), B. A., At. 1807.
Fitz Simons (Henry), B. A., H"~m.. 1860.
Fitzsimons (John), B. A., 1638.
Fitzsimon or Fitzsimmons (John), Sch., 16-B .A.., V",.". 1697.
Fitzsimons or Fitzsimmons (Patrick), Sch., I 663.-FelL, 1671.
Fitz Simons (Vere), Sch., I 68+.-B. A., V".,.. 1686.
Fitz Simons (William), B. A., V~rn. 1819.
Fitz Symons (Daniel), Sch., I 667.-M. A., At. 167+
Flack(Nixon),8ch., 1739.-B.A., Vern. I 741.-M. A., .&&t. 1744.
Flanagan (John), B.A., Vir". 181$.-M.A., At. 1818.
Flanagan (John), Sch., 1837.-B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Flanagan (John), B. A., V"... 18+0.
Flanagan (Stephen Woulfe), B. A., V".,.. 1838.-M. A., &t.
Flavell (John Webb), Sch., 18H-B.A., V".,.. 183+.
Flavelle (Josiah Francis), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Nov. 1832.
Fleetwood (Charles), B. A., 'efn. 177'l..



Fleetwood (Keatinge), Sch., 1749. -:B. A., Vern. 1750.

Fleming (Alexander), Sch., 1833.-B. A., At. 1836.
Fleming (Becher Lionel), B. A .. Vwn. 184+
Fleming (Christopher), B.A., LEd. I 821.-Y. A., NIIf7. 183z.H.D., V".,.. 1838.
5 Fleming (Harloo), B. A., At. 1821.
Fleming (Harloe Robert), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Fleming (Henry Acton), B. A., Hilm. 186+.
Fleming (Horace T.), Sch., 18+6.-B. A., VW1I. 18+8.-H. A.,

VW1I. 1856.
Fleming (John), B. A., Vwn. IS3S.
10 Fleming (John), B. A.,../&t. 1836.-H. A., Vwn. IS4-0.
Fleming (John), B. A., At. ISS I.
Fleming (John R.), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Fleming (Josiah), Sch., 1758.-B. A., V".n, I 760.-H. A., At.
17 63.
Fleming (LionelJohn), B. A., Vern. 1811.-M. A., NIIf7. 183z.
15 Fleming (Maxwell), B. A., Vern. ISz3.-M. A., At. 18z7.-

lLB.,.2&t. ISz8.-M. D., V".,.. 1865.

Fleming (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1721.
Fleming (Thomas), B. A., Vms. 1751.
Fleming (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1775.
Fleming (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1858.
20 Fleming (Valentine), B.A., At. 183z.
Fleming (William), B. A., VW1I. 18z6.
Flemming (James), H. A., Jan. 25. 1665'
Flemyng (Richard B.), B.A., Vwn. ISz6.-M. A., NIIf7. 183z.
Flemyng (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.-H. A., Vms. IS51.
25 Flemyng (William Henry), B. A., .2&t. lill.-H. A., Vms.

18 37.
Fletcher (Bedell), Sch., 11+7.-B. A. Vwn. 11+9.-H. A., Vms.
175 8
Fletcher (Benjamin), B. A., V".n. 11+6.
Fletcher (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 172+
Fletcher (Edward), B. A., Vms. i7+3.-M. A., Vwn. 17+7.
30 Fletcher (George), Sch., 1707.-B. A., Vms. 1708.-H. A., Ailt.

Fletcher (George), Sch., 1738.-B. A., V".n. 174-0.-M. B., Vern.

17+9-H. D., A'lt. 1751.



Fletcher (lamel Saul), B. A., V".,.. ISS6.

Fletcher (John), B. A., Vem. 1675'
Fletcher (John), B. A., V".,.. 1710.
Fletcher (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 17H.-H. A., At. 17+6.
5 Fletcher (John), B. A., VIN.. 18+6.
Fletcher (John Joseph), B. A., Vml. 1S14.-H. A., B. D., and
D.D., V".,.. ISaS.
Fletcher (lohn 10seph Knox), Sch., 18+9.-B. A., V".,.. ISSI.H. A., V".,.. IS64.
Fletcher (Hatthew), B. A., V".,.. 1844.
Fletcher (Overstreet), B. A., Vern. 1850.
10 Fletcher (Richard), B. A., V,rn. 17al.
Fletcher (Richard), B. A., V".,.. IS59.
Fletcher (Stephen), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Fletcher (Stephen), B. A., Vir". ISp.
Fletcher (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. IS56.
15 Fletcher (Thomas William), B. A., .LEIt. IS+9.-H. A., AAt.
Fletcher (Thomas Woodcock), B. A., .2&1. 18+0.-H. A., .2&t.
Fletcher (William), B. A., V,m, 1721.
Fletcher (William), Sch., I 769.-B. A., Vir,.. 177o.-H. B.,
V,m. 177+-LL. B., and LL. D., .2&t. I7S5.
}'letcher (William), B. A., B4t. 181+.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,..
ao Fleury (Charles Harlay), B.A., Vir,.. 18z+.-M. A., Nov. IS3:&.B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1851.
Fleury (Charlel William), B. A., V".,.. 1860.
Fleury (George), Sch., 1761.-B. A., V".,.. 1763.-11. A., AI".
Fleury (George Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 181+
Fleury (Henry), B. A., Vlrn. 1810.-H. A., Nov. IS3%'
as Fleury (John), B. A., .lEd. 18+5.
Fleury (Richard), B. A., Vir". 180S.-H. A., V".,.. 18n.
Fleury (Robert Anthony), B.A., Vern. ISIS.-M.A., Nor;. 183:&.
Flinter (Thomas), Sch., 1758.-B. A., Vma. 1760.
Flood (Charles), M. A., ~,t. 184a.
30 Flood (Christopher Francis), B. A., Vtr". IS+7.-H. B., .It.



Flood (Francia Warden), B. A., Vern. 1760.

Flood (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
Flood (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 1857.
Flood (George), B. A., VIN&. 1726.-M. A., YIr,.. 1734.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. 1753.
5 Flood (Henry), B. ~., Vern. 1726.
Flood (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1787'
Flood (Henry), B. A., Yern. 1792.
Flood (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1820.-M. A., Ylrn. 1823.
Flood (Jamea), B. A., AIlt. 1838.
10 Flood (John), B. A., YIN&. 1759.
Flood (lohn), B. A., 4Bft. 1765.
Flood (John), B. A., AI,t. 1830'
Flood (Oliver), B. A., Yern. 1767.
Flood (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1676.
IS Flood (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 18zo.-M. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Flood (Stephen), B. A., y".,.. 1860.-M. B., AIlt. 1862.
Flood (Valentine), B. A., y".,.. I 820.-M. B., and Y. A., Yern
1823.-M. D., AIlt. 1830'
Flood (Warden), LL. D. (Aonoria cllUld), AIlt. 1776.
Flood (Warden), B. A., y".,.. 171+.
20 Flood (Warden), B. A., AIlt. 178+
Flood (William), B. A., Yem. 1839.
Flower (Hon. William), B. A., .2&t. 1851.
Flower (William), B. A., Vlrn. 18S7.-M:. A.., AIlt. 1860.
Floyd (Edward Rosborough), B. A.., Yern. 1859.
25 Floyd (lames), B. A., Yem. 1863.-LL. B., HUm. 1865.
Floyd, or Lloyd (lohn), B. A., .2&1. 16Ig.-M. A., AIlt. 1622.
Fellow, 162+.
Floyd, or Lloyd (Owen), Sch., 1680.-Fell., 1685. See Lloyd.
Floyd (Roger), B. A., At. 1625.
Floyd (Thomas), (Entrauce not recorded).-M. A.., Ylm. 1672.
30 Floyd (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18+4.-M. A., AIlt. 18$3.
Floyd (William), B. A., AIlI. 1622.-M. A., AIle. 1625.- Fell.,
1627.-D. D., y".,.. 16g1.
Flynn (Edward), B. A., Yem. 1830.
Flynn (Dwel), Sch., 1830.-B. A., y".,.. 1831.-M. A., AIlt.
18 35.
Flynn (Edward Hamilton), B. A., V".,.. 1857.-M. A., Him .



Flynn (Frederick Francis), B.A., Vtm.18S8.-11.B., Vtrn. 1860.

Flynn (Hugh John), B. A., V",., ISSI.-M. A., Vern. 1857.
Flynn (John Harris), B. A., .AI8t. 18+7.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
HUm. 18S9.
Flynn (Thomas), Sch., ISu.-B. A., Al,t. 181+-. A., V".".
S Flynne (James), B.A., V".,.. IS30.-H. B., N(Jf1. 183z.
Flynn (Thomas Pattison), B. A., V",.. IS6o.
Foarth (James), B. A., V".,., 1~6.
Fogarty (Joaeph). B. A., Vim. 18+7.
Fogarty (Philip), B. .4.., V".,., 1818.-11. A., NO'D. 183z.
10 Fogarty (Philip,James), B. A., .AI8t. IS4-0.
Folds (John), B. A., Vim. I 74-3.-LL. D., .A$,t. 17S6.
Folds (Richard), Sch., '7H.-B. A., Vim. 174-7.-LL. n., .AI8t.
Foley (Daniel), Sch., ISI3.-B. A., .&t. ISIS.
Foley (Daniel), B..4.., Vmt. 1843.-M. .4.., Vmt. ISsz.-B. D.,
Vim. 18S4-.-D. D., V",., ISS8.
IS Foley (George), B. A., Vms. 184-7.
Foley (John), B. A., LEst. 1677.-M. B., Vim. 16So.
Foley (John), Sch., 1777.-B . .4.., Vim. 1779 ..
Foley (John), Sch., 18J3.-B. A., .lE,t. ISIS.
Foley (Patrick), B. A., Vms. J 8+8.
20 Foley (Peter), B. A.,
Foley (Robert), B. .4.., LEst. 1819.
Foley (Robert Peter), B. A., Vim. 18)1.
Foley (Roger), B. A., Vmt. 1708.-M. A., Vim. 17J1.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vim. 1736.
Foley (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 167s.-Fell., J677.-M. .4.., .t.
1678.-D. D., V",.. 1~1.
25 Foley (Solomon), Sch., 1681.-B. A., Vim. 16S+-JrI. A., &t.
168 7.
Foley (William), B . .4.., Vwn. 18z9.-M.A., LEst. 1834-.
Follet (Isaac, or Josiah), B. A., V1m. I 740.
Follit (Josiah), B. A., .AI8t. 1701.
Folliot (Francis), B. A., ./K,t. 1688.
30 Folliot (John), B. A., Vern. 17z6.-M. A., Vim. 1730.
Folliot (John), B.A., Vwn. 1787.-LL. B., .A$,t. 1791.
Folliot (Lewis), B. A., Vim. 1713.










Foot (Arthur Wynne), B. A., and M. A., Hiem. 186z.-M. D., Hum.
Foot (Ceeillohn), B. A., Ylm. 1859Foot (Charles Henry), Sch., 1853.-B.A., Yms. 1855.
Foot (Frederick), B. A., Vmt. I 830.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Foot (Frederick James), B. A., Vma. I 85z.-M. A., Vim. 1860.
Foot (Frederick William), B. A., LEst. 1856.
Foot (Geoffrey), B. A., .2E&t. 1821.
Foot (George), B.A., LEst. 1856.
Foot (lames), B. A., Vim. 1816.-M. A., ..lE,t. 1833.
Foot (John), B. A., Hi,m. 1860.
Foot (Lundy), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Foot (Lundy), B. A., Vern. 1813.-M. A., Vim. 1824.
Foot (Lundy), B. A., Vwn. 1815.
Foot (Richard Gorges), B.A., Vsrn. I 847.-M. A., .2E&t. 1859Foot (Simon), B.A., Vim. 1816.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
Foot (Simon), B. A., VlJrn. 18z9.-M. A., Nov. 183%'
Foot (Simon C.), B. A., Vim. 1830.
Foot (Theopbilus), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Foot (Wade), B. A., Vim. 1730.
Foot (William R), B. A' I Vmt. 185+.
Foott (George), B. A., Vwn. 1793.
Foott (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1841.
Forbes (Armitage), B. A., Vsrn. 18+3.
Forbes (Arthur), Sch., 1692.-B. A., Vsrn. 1695.
Forbes (Arthur), Seh., Q25.-B. A., Vern. 1827.-M. A., ~t.
Forbes (Arthur Kennedy), B. A., Vim. 1837.
Forbes (Edward), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., .AI.t. 1705.M. A" At. J 708.
Forbes (Edward), B. A.,' Vma. 1838.
Forbes (James), B. A' I Vern. Q09.-M. A., Vwn. '113.
Forbes (John), B. A., Vms. J721.-M. A., Ve,.,.. J 726.
Forbes (John), B. A., Verso '142.
Forbes (John), Sch., 1753.-B. A., Vern. '155, -M.A., At. 1759.
Forbes (John), B. A., Vern. '169.
Forbes (William), (Entered,I6g6).-1I. A., V".,.. J704.
Forbess (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1699.
Foord (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1699.




FooM, or FOMe, (Roger), Sch 1675.-8. A., y".. I 676.-11. A .

LElt. 1679.-B. D., and D. D., LElt. I~.
Ford (Arthur), B. A., V"... 17%3.-H. A., LElt. 17%6.
Ford (Charles), H. A. (MItorN DClUld), .lEIt. 177.
ford (Edward), Sch., 172.... -B. A., y"... 17%6.-Fell., 173.. H. A., &t. 17%9.
5 Ford (Edward P.), B. A., LElI. 18u.
Ford (Francia), B. A., AlIt. 1738.
Ford (Jamea), B. A., LElt. 1832.
Ford (John), B. A., y"... 1748.
Ford (Hatthew), B. A., LElt. 1693.
10 Ford (Hatthew), lrI. A. (Atmtwti DIIU1d), At. 177.
Ford (Matthew), B. A., y".,.. 1719'
Ford (Rawlinson), B. A., V".,.. 1710.-H. A., LElt. 1713.
FOM (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1730.
Ford or Foord, (Roger). See Foord, or FOM (Roger).
15 Ford (Roger), Sch., 1778.-B. A., V".,.. 1779.-H. A., AlIt.
Ford (&gera), Sch., 1719.-B. A., y".,.. 1721.-11. A., At.
17%4--B. D., and D. D., y".,., 1740.
Ford (Archdeacon), D. D., At. I~.
Forde (Arthur), B. A., AlII. 1789.
Forde (Arthur Brownlow), B. A., y"... 1789.
%0 Forde (Brownlow), n. A., At. 1764.
Forde (Edward), B. A., V"... 1851.
Forde (Francis), B. A., .AIrl. 1847.
Forde (Henry), B. A., y"... 1834.-lrI. B., V"... 1839.
Forde (Henry), B. A., Hi",.. 186S.
25 Forde (Jamea), B. A., y".,.. 1761.
Forde (James), B. A., V".,.. 1800.
Forde (James), B. A., At. 1819.
Forde (Matthew). B. A., V"... 1774Forde (Matthew), B. A., At. 1843.
30 Forde (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18%+.-H. A., NOfJ. 183%.
Forde (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 181 J.
Forde (Thomas H.). B. A., VIJNt. 1840.
Forde (William), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., V".,.. 17+8.-H. A., Ot:e.22,



Forde (William Brownlow), B. A., Atlt. ISo7.-M. A., Vtml.

Forde (William Michael), B. A., Vwn. ISz3.
Foresayth (John), Soh., 17p.-B. A., Vwn. 175+.-M. A., VeNt.
I 76 I.-Fellow, 176z.-B. D., .lEIt. 176+.-D. D., 8"t. 9,
Foreside (Francia), B. A., VItNI. I7Z0.-M. B., Atlt. 17'17.-1J.. D.,
.lEIt. 1730.
5 Forrest (Robert William), B. A., Atlt. ISSZ.-M. A., Atlt. IS61.
Forrest (Thomas), B. A., Atlt. IS'll.
Forrest (William Frederick), B. A., Vn"fI. lS+5.-lL A., V".,..
Forrester (Alexander), B. A . Vn"fI. 17'17'
Forsayeth (John), B. A., Vern. 17S3.
10 Forsayeth (John), B. A., Vern. ISz9.
Forsayeth (Robert), Sch., 17So.-B. A., V".,., 17S'1.
Forsayeth (Thomas), Soh., ISI6.-B. A., Vwn. ISla.-M.A.,Atlt.
Forshal.l (Edward), B. A., Vn"fI. 170'1.
Fonter (Abraham), B.A., V".,..IS+'1.
15 Forster (Adam Samuel), B. A., V".,., la53.
Fonter (Andrew), B. A., .lEIt. Ian.
Fonter (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. 17'16.
FoI1lter (Arthur), Soh., 1755.-B. A., Atlt. 1757.
FoI1lter (George), B. A., LEat. 1791.-M. A.,2&t. la09.
20 Fonter (George), B. A., Atlt. laI7.-M. A., V".,.. la33.
Fonter (.George Marmaduke), B. A" V"... IS27-lI. A' I N".
18 32
Forster (lames), B. A., Atlt. 1781.
FoI1lter (lames William), B. A., .2&t. 180+.-M. A., V".,.. 18u.B. D., and D. D., VeNt. 182+.
FoI1lter (John), Sch., I 727.-B. A., V".,.. 1729.-lI. A., LEat. 1733.
-Fellow, 173+.~LL. B., and LL. D., .l&t. 174o.-B. D.,
.l&t. 17+o.-D. D., Vent. 17+5.
'15 Forster (John), B. A., Vwn. 1763.
Forster (Nicholas), B. A., Vwn. 1~2.-Fellow, I~+-M. A., .l&t.
1695-B. D .. V".,.. 1706.-D. D., Atlt, 1707.
FoI1lter (Nicholas), Sch., 17+5.-B. A., Vern. 17+7.-LL. B., &t.



Forster (Richard), B. A., HfIY I, 165+.

Forster (Robert), B. A., At. ISOI.
Forster (Robert T.), B. A., Yern. ISH.-LL. B., y".,.. IS,8.
Forster (Samuel I.), B.A., Vern. ISIS.
5 Forster (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1719.-Fellow, I 736.-B. D., y".,..

74-5.-D. D., At. 174-5.

Forster (Thomas), Sch., I 77z.-B. A., y".,.. 1773.

Forster (Sir Thomas, Bart.), B. A., .2&t 1801.-M. A., Yent.
Forster (Thomas), B. A., Y..... IS49.-H. A., It. 1851.
Forster (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
10 Forster (William), B. A., Y ..... 1710.
Forster (William), B. A., .2&t. 1780.
Forster (William), B. A., V".,.. 1817.
Forsythe (James), B. A., y".,.. 1846.
Forsythe (Joaeph William), B. A., y".,.. 1857.
IS Fortescue (Chichester), B. A., Y".,..1737.
Fortescue (Clermont George), B. A., .2&t. 18+5.
Fortescue (Faithful), B.A., .2&t. 179S.
Fortescue (Faithful). B. A., .L&l. 1800.
Fortescue (George Robert), B. A., ..lEd. 1789.
:zo Fortescue (Henry), B. A., At. 1818.
Fortescue (John), B. A., V..... 17:ZI.-H. A., At. 171 ....
Fortescue (John), B. A., Vmt. 1780.-M. A., y".,.. 1791.
Fortescue (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 1770.
Fortescue (William Henry), LT. D. (}umon, CQUlt1), Vma. 175....
:zs Forth (Arthur), B.A., Y".,..17%1.
Forth (Samuel), B. A., Yml. 1760.
Fortune (Simon), B. A., V".,.. l7u.-Y. A., .2&t. 17:z8.
Fortune (Walter), B. A.,At. ISU.
Forward (John), B.A., YI!rn. 1751.
30 F08berry (Francis), B. A., .2&t. 1819.
Fosberry (George), B. A., ..lEat. IS37.
F08berry (John F.), B. A., .AIlt. 181%.
F08berry (Thomas Rice), B. A., ~st. IS09.-M. A., At. ISZZ.
Fosberry (Thomas Vincellt), B. A., .2E~f. 1830.-H. A., Vern.
18 47.
35 Foster (Arthur), B. A.., A;,e. 1773.
Foster (Charles), B. A., rma.1811.



Foster (Charles Sandes), B. A., AIlt. ISu.-M. A., Vma. 1820.

-B. D., .l&t. 1821.
Foster (Charles William), B. A., Yms. ISS8.-H. A., H"1MIf.
Foster (Francis), B.A., Vml. ISS7.-M. A., H"1MIf. 1860.
Foster (Frederick), B. A., Hi6m. IS63.
S Foster (Henry), B.A., AIlt.I771.
Foster (Henry Beattie), B. A., HUm. IS6S.
Foster (James Leslie). B. A., AIlt. 184-1.
Foster (John), B. A., Vms. 1,60.
Foster (John), B. A., Ylnl. 176S.-M. A., 8'fJt. 9, 1,6S.
10 Foster (John), B. A., Yms. 176S.
Foster (John), B.A. Vms. ISu.-H. A., Vms. IS27.
Foster (John Fitz Gerald Leslie), B. A., AIlt. 1839.
Foster (John Lealie). B. A., .l&t. ISoo.-LL. B., Vms. 180S.LL. D., &t. 1810.
Foster (Joseph), B. A., &t. ISSS.
IS Foster(Jlark),B.A.,~8t.lSZI.-M. A., Y6nt.182S.
Foster (Matthew), B. A., 1630.
Foster (Nicholas), B. A., AIlt. 18 S8.
Foster (Richard), B. A., Y6nt. qSS.-M. A., Y6nt. ISIS.
Foster (Robert), B. A., &t. ISII.
:zo Foster (Robert), li. A., H"um. IS6S.
Foster (William), B. A., Ywn. 176S .-M. A. ('fJlCWli grtJtid) I &t.
1767.-D. D. (IPlcitJli gratid), AIlt. 17S9.
Foster (William Henry), B. A., &t. IS61.
Foster (William K.) B. A., ./&t. IS2S.
Foster (William Veaey Leslie), B. A., &t. 1839.
~S Fothergill (Ernest Henry), B.A., Vim. ISH.
Fothergill (Percival), B. A., &t. ISSS.
Fottrell (George Drevar), B. A. , Yma. IS31.
Foulke (Francis), Sch., 16S6.-(B. A. not recorded.)-M. A. (ad
eund. Cantab.), Yms. 1702.
Foulke (Francis), B. A., Vern. 170S.
30 Foulke (Francis), B. A., Ylm. 17Sz.
Foulke (William Moore), B. A. , &t. 179S.
Foulkes (Richard), B. A., Ylm. 1733.
Foulkes (Robert), Sch., 16So.-B. A., Yin. 16S3.-LL. D., Y,m.
17 JS



Foulkes (Syddenham, or Sidney), B. A., y".,.. 17+0.

Fountain (Francia), B. A., &t. 1716.-H. A., At. 1719,
Fountain (Hoses), B.A., &t. 1716.
Fountain (HoBes), B. A., J8t. 1717.
5 Fountain (Peter), B.A., y".,.. 1715,
Fountaine (Sir Andrew), LL.D. (laonoris cawd), At. 1707.
Fowler (Arthur), B. A., &t. 1850.
Fowler (James), B.A., y".,.. 1851.
Fowler (John), B. A., y".,.. 1817.
10 Fowler (John Richard), B. A., y".,.. 18+8.
Fowler (Luke), H. A., At. 1825.
Fowler (Robert), H. A. (~, gratid), At. I 79O.-B. D., y".,..
1803.-D. D., y".,.. 1806.
Fowler (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 18+7.
Fo.wler (Villien Buuy), B. A., &t. 18z5.-H. A., NOf). 183z.
15 Fowley (William), B. A., Y~rn. 1696.
Fowlia (Harry), B. A., &t. 170z .._
Fownes (Sir William, Bart), LL. D. (lwnoriuawd), y".,.. 1754Fownes (William), B. A., y".,.. 1808.
Fox (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not reoorded).-ll. A., May
a, 1618.
zo Fox (Allan Nesbitt), B. A., y".,.. I 861.-H. A., HHm. 1861.
Fox (Charles), B. A. At. 181l.-H. A., Nov. 183z.
Fox (Charles H.), B. A.,_&&t. 1813.
Fox (Charles Maxwell), B. A., Ywn. 1850'
Fox (Francia), It.. A., y".,.. 1816.
z 5 Fox (Frederick), -B. A., y".,., 1818.
Fox(George),B.A., V".,..18+z.-H.A., Ywn.18+7.
Fox (John), B. A., y".,.. 173I.-H. A., At. 1734Fox (John James), B. A., At. 181 I.-H. A., LEd. 18zl.
Fox (Joseph), Sch., I 777.-B. A., y".,.. 1778.-LL. B., y"""
17 88
30 Fox (Luke), Soh., 1777.-B.A., Ywn.I779.
Fox (Matthew), B. A., y".,., 18a6.-H. A., Yin,. 183+.
Fox (Matthew Oneil), B. A., At. 1829.
Fox (Peter), 8ch., I 775.-B. A., V".,.. 1777. Fox (Peter), B. A., Ywn. 18+6.
35 Fox (Ricbard), B. A., At. 18%1.
Fox (Robert Jones), B. A., Ywn. 1836.-H. A., V".,.. 1839.








FOll: (Smyth Whitelaw), B. A., V".,.. 182I.-lL A., V".,.. 1824.

FOll: (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1823.
FOll: (Thomas William), B. A., Ver:n. 18p.-M. B., .2&t. 18p.
FOll: (Trevor We&tenra), B. A., Vwn. 1846.
FOll: (William), Sch., 1760.-B. A., V".,.. 1762.-LL. B., .2&t.
17 69'
FOll: (William), Soh., 1823.-B. A., Vwn; 1824.
FOll: (William), B. A., V".,.. 1832.
FOll: (William), B. A., JE&t. 1832.
FOll: (William), M. A., Vwn. 1850'
Foxoroft (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1721.-M. A., Vwn. 1725,
Foy (Martin), Sob., I 825.-B. A., Vern. I 827.-M:. A., .2&t. 1830.
Foy (Nathaniel), Soh., 1663.-Fellow, and M. A., 167 I.-B. D.,
May, I 684.-D. D., .2&t. 168+
Foy(WilliamEllis), Soh., 1855.-B.A., Ve-rn. 1859.
Frackleton (Samuel Scott), B. A., .2&t. 1856.-M. A., Vir'" 1858.
France (Nathaniel), Sch., 1714.-B. A., Vern. 1716.-M. A., .LEtt.
17 1 9.
France (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1691.-M. A., LEal. 1693.
Francfort (Peter Augustus), Sch., 17p.-B. A., Vern. 175+.M.A., Vwn. 1760.
Francis (Philip), B. A., Vwn. Ip8.
Francis (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1758.
Frankfort (Josiah), B. A., Vwn. 1734.-M. A., JE.t. 1737.
Frankland (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 18#.
Frankland (Richard), Scb., 1683.-B. A., Vem. 1684.
Frankland (Richard), Sch., 1768.-B. A., Vwn. l77o.-M. A.,
Frankland (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1719.-M. A., .2&t. 172%.
Franklin (Alexander), B. A., .2&t. 1799.-M. A' I Vwn. 1803.
Franklin (George), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Franklin (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1807.
Franklin (John), B. A., .2&t. 1843.
Franklin (Joseph Evans), Sch., 1766.-B. A., Vwn. 1768.
Franklin (Joseph Uriel), Sch., 182 ~.-B. A., Vern. 1826.
Franklin (Thomas), Sch., I 767.-B. A., Vern. 1769.
Franklin (William), B. A., Vwn. 1720.-M. A., .2&t. 1734.
Franke (David), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Franks (James), B. A., LEal. 1832.



Franks (lohn), B. A., y.,.".. 1788.-LL. a, At. 1791.

Franke (lohn), B. A., V.,.".. 1826.
Franke (lohn), 8ch., I 832.-B. A., V.,.".. IS34-.
Franks (John), B. A., Y". .. 1851.
5 Franks (Matthew), B. A., V.".,.. 1787.
Franks (Hatthew), 8oh., 1829.-B. A., At. 1833.
Franks (Robert), B. A., y.,.".. IS29.-)(. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Franks (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS27.
Franks (Thomas Cuthbert). B. A., V"... IS6z.
10 Franks (William Hume), B. A., .LEtt. IS20.
Franks (William H.), B. A., BU.. 1861.
Fraser (lames), B. A., V",., 1745.
Fraser (William), B. A., y".,.. IS6S.
Frazer (George), B. A., y.,.".. 18zS.
'5 Frazer (Henry), B. A., y"... ISI9.
Frazer (lohn), Soh., IS32.-B. A., V"... I 833.-H. A., y",.,
Frazer (lohn), B. A., V".,.. IS",2.
Frazer (lohn James), B. A., V.".,.. IS+6.
Frazer (Kenneth), B. A., rem. IS3S,
20 Frazer (Patrick), B. A., .LE1t. IS2I.-)(. A., At. 183+.
Frazer (Robert), B.A., &t. 18.6.
Frazer (William), Sch., 180S.-B. A., V".,.. 1810.-Y. A., V"...
Frazier (Henry), Sch., '7H.-B.A., Ver,.. 17#.
Frazier (Jo hn) Soh., '77+-B. A., V".,.. 1775.
zS Free (Joshua), B. A., y",., IS'9.-11. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Freeman (David), 8oh., 17+1.-B. A., V,,.,.. 17+2.-11. A.., AlIt.

Freeman (Edward Deane), B. A., V.".,.. ISSO.
Freeman (Forest), Soh., 1733.-B. A., V.,.".. 1735.-H. A., At.
Freeman (Francis Elton), B. A., VM'7I. ISS7.-H. A., &t. 1860.
30 Freeman (Henry), B. A., VM'7I.1732.
Freeman (James), B. A., V.".,.. IS2S.
Freeman (John Deane), B.A., .LEd. ISI+-M.A., Vern. IS+O.
Freeman (Joseph Deane). B. A., At. 1803.
Freeman (Joseph Deane), B. A.., .JEtt. IS .......
35 Freemau (Justin), B. A., V".,.. IS+5



Freeman (Richard), B. A., Vim. 173I.

Freeman (Richard Deane), B. A., LElt. 1811 .-H. A., LElt. 18z9.
Freeman (Robert Deane), B. A., LElt. 18+z.
Freeman (Robert Hoore Pelle), B. A., Vern. 1861.
S Freeman (Samuel), B. A., LElt. 1810.
Freeman (William), Sch., 1687.-B. A., V".,.. 1689.-H. A.,
LElt. 1693.
Freeman (William Deane), B. A . &t. 1814.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Freind (John), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vim. 1778.
Freind (William), B. A., .l&t. 1803.
10 Freke (Henry), B.A., Vim. 184o.-M. .B., Vern. 1845.-H. D.,
AUt. 18 SS
Freke (James), B. A., Vwn. 18z9.
Freke (John), B. A., .l&1. 1796.
Freke (John), B. A., Vwn. 1836.
Freke (Ralph), B. A., .l&t. 17z+
IS Freke (William John), .B. A., V".,.. 1830'
Fremantle (Sir Thomas, Bart.), LL. D. (AotaoriB /UlUlt1), At.
French (Abraham), (Entered J7oz.-B. A. not recorded.)-H. A.,
.l&t. 1710.
French (Acheson), B. A., Vern. 183+.
French (Arthur), B. A., Vwn. 17+7.
zo French (Arthur), B. A., .l&t. 18z3.-H. A., NOfI. 183z.
French (Digby), B. A., V".,.. 17+7.
French (Edmund, or Edward), B. A., V".,.. 175%.-LL. B., LElt.
1 76+-LL D., Vern. 1766.
French (Edward), B. A., Vim. 1714.
French (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 18zo.-M.A., NOfJ. 1832.
zS French (Edward Thomas), Lie. Med., .l&t. 1863.
Ffrench (Frederick), B. A., .l&t. I 827.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
French (George), B. A., Vern. 179Z.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
French (George), B. A., .2EIt. 18zS.
French (George), B. A., Vim. 18+8.
30 French (George), B. A., Vern. 18SS.-M. A., .2EIt. 1858.
French (George), B. A., V".,.. 1858.
French (Henry), B. A., .l&t. 183z.
French (Humphrey), LL. D. (AotaoriB ecIfIId), Vim. 173+.






Frenoh (Humphrey), Sob., 1742.-B. A" V".,., 1743.-M. A.,

..lEd. 1746.-D. D., Sept. 9, 1768.
French (John), B. A., Vn-n. 17+5.
French (John), B. A., ..tEst. II!lo._M. A., .AId. 1815.
French (John), B. A., &t. 1833.
French (John), B. A., ..lEst. 1836.
French (Matthew), Sch., 1695.-B. A., V~,.,.. I 698.-Fellow,
1~9.-:M:. A., V~. 1701.-B. D., ..tEd. 1710.
French (Matthew), B. A., V~,.,.. 1703.
French (Philip), B. A" ..lEst. 1780.
French (Robert), B.A., Vn-n. 1715.
Frenoh (Robert), LL. D. (htmori, CQusd), VIf'1I, 1730.
French (Robert), B. A., ..lEst. 1737.
French (Robert), Sch', 1762.-B. A' I VWII. 1764French (Robert Henry), B. A., VeTil. 18+2.
French (St. George), B. A' I Vern. 18n.-Y. A., Vn-n. 1856.
French (Theophilus Bolton), B. A., VIJNI. 18+2.
French (Thomas), B. A., V"". 1838.-M. B., ..lEst. 1839.
French (Thomas FitzGerald), B. A., V~,.,.. 18+9.-M. A., V~.
18 58.
French (Valentine), Sch., 1687.-B. A., V~rn. 1689.-M. A.,
..lEst. 1691.
French (Valentine), B. A"
1734French (William), B.A., V~NI. 17z8.-M.A., V~rn. 173"
French (William), B. A' I ..tEst. 180z.-M.A., ..lEd. 1807'
French (William), B. A., V~. 1832.
French (William), Sch., I 863.-B. A., IT.em. 1865.
Frend (Benjamin), B. A., A!:8t. 1830'
Frew (James Joseph), B. A., V"". 183z.-M. A., VIITII. 1835.
Frewen (Thomas), B.A., ..lEst. 1711.
Friell (William John), B. A., Vn-n. 1856.
Friend (George), B. A., Vwn. 1736.
Frier (John), B. A., .st. 1737.
Frith (Arthur Irwin), B. A., ..lEst. 1828.
Frith (James), B.A., V"n.18+8.
Frith (James), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Frith (John), B. A., V"n. 181%.
Frith (John), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Frithe, or Fry the, (Josias), B. A., 1605.-Fell., and M. A., 1610.














Frizell (Charles), B. A..,.lEIt. 180S.-M. B., LEst. ISoS.-1L A..,

NfII}. IS31.
Frizell (Charles), B. A., Vms. 1840,
Frizell (Richard), B. A.., LEII. 1 797.-.M. A., V"... ISOI.
Frizell (Richard H.), B. A.., V".,.. IS27.
Frizelle (Loftus), B. A., At. 1792.
Frizelle (Richard), Sch., 1843.-B. A., .2Eat. IS4S.-M:. A.., .lEIt.
Frizzell (William), B. A.., ..lEat. 18p.
F1'08t (Robert), ~. A.., V"... 1710.
Frost (Thomas William), B. A.., Hinn. IS6+.
Froste (Richard Pope), B. A.., Hinn. IS65.
Fry (Henry), B. A.., V".,.. 182S.
Fry (Henry), B. A.., V",.. IS40.
Fry (Henry), B. A.., V"... 1842.
Fry (Henry Phibbs), M.A., B. D., and D. D., .lEIt. ISSO.
Fry (John), B. A., Vern. 184+.
Fry (Thomas Joseph), B. A., Hj~m. 1865.
Fry (William), B. A.., LEat. IS43.
Fry (William Baker), B. A.., Vern. ISIJ.-M. A.., NfII}. IS32.
Fry (William Baker), B. A., Vern. ISp.
Fryer (John), B. A.., Vtrn. 1706.
Frytbe (Josias). See Frithtl.
Fubbings, or Tubbings, or Gibbings (
), Fellow, 1639.
Fulham (Felix), B. A.., .d. 1823.
Fuller (Abraham), B. A.., V~rn. 1773.
Fuller (Abraham Stritch), B. A.., LElt. 18+6.-M. A., LEst. ISSS.
Fuller (George), B. A.., V"n. IS33.
Fuller (Harry Albert), B. A.., V".,.. 18S7.-'M. A..,.lEIt. IS61.
Fuller (William), 11. B., V.".,.. 184 2.
Fullerton (James), Fellow, 1 )93.-11. A., 1595.
Fullerton (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1821.
Fulton (Alexander), B. A., VmJ. 1687.
Fulton (Henry), B. A., VmJ. 1791..
Fulton (John), Sch., 171.3.-B. A., vmi. 17240-M:. A., .lEIt.
Fulton (John), B. A., Vern. 173S.
Fulton (William), Soh., 1706.~B. A.~ Vms. 170S.-K. A.., .iE8t.



Furlong (Oharles), B. A., Vwn. IS5I.

Furlong (John Smith), B. A., LElt. ISol.-M. A., N01}. IS31.
Furlong (Robert O'Brien), B. A., VM"n. IS65.
Furnace (William), B. A., VM"n. IS34.
5 Fury (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., Vern. 1707.
Fyffe (John), B. A., Vern. ISH.-M. A., Vern. IS59.
Fyffe (William Johnston). B. A., VM"n. IS47.-M. B., ..lE&t.
IS+7.-M. D., ..lE&t. IS56.
Fynn (Robert), B. A., JElt. IS35.

G.ulBBTr (Edward), B. A., Vim. ISSZ.-M. A., Vern. ISH.
10 Gabbett (Jones H.), B. A., VM"n. ISH.
Gabbett (Joseph), Sch., 17S7.-B. A., VM"n . .,S9.
Gabbett (Joseph), B. A., VWII. 1797.
Gabbett (Joseph), B. A., ..lE&t. ISZS.
Gabbett (Joseph), B. A., ..lE&t. ISz9.-M.A., .&t. ISn
15 Gabbett (Joseph), B. A., V1m. I S49.
Gabbett (Matthew), B. A., Vern. IS#.
Gabbett (Poole), B. A., Vim. IS43.
Gabbett (Richard Joseph), B. A., V"rn. IS51.
Gabbett (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1795.
zo Gabbett (Robert John), B. A., ..lE&t . S43.-M. A., LEllt. IS+7.
Gabbett (Robert S.), B. A., V"rn.IS3S.
Gabbett (Thomas Richard), B. A., LEst. IS55.
Gabbett (William), B. A., LEat . .,S9.
Gabbett (William), B.A., ..lE&t. ISIS.
25 Gabbett (William), B.A., Vern. 18zo.
Gabbett (William). B. A., Vern. ISnGaffe (Thomas), B. A., ..lE&t. J 793.
Gage (Conolly), B. A., LEst. ISIZ.-Y. A., Not,. IS3z.
Gage (John), B. A. Vern. QI5.-M. A., ..lE&t. 171S.
30 Gage (Robert), B. A., Vern. 16SI.-M. A' ..lE&t. 16S4.
Gage (Robert), R. A., Vetn. ISIO.-Y. A., Nov. IS3z.
Gage (Robert), B. A., Vern. ISz7.
Gage (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS37.-M. A., Atit. IS43.
Gage (Thomas Robert), Sch., IS63.-B. A., DielJl. IS65'
35 Gaggin (Richard), B. A., rern. ISOS.



Gaggin (John), Sch., IS3S.-B. A., V".,.. IS+I.

Gaist'ord (Stephen Henry), B. A., V".,.. IS39.-M. A., Vern. IS+2.
Galaher (George Fitz Gerald), B. A., At. IS39.
Galbraith (Andrew), Sch., 17S9.-B. A., V".,.. 1791.
5 Galbraith (George), Sch., 17H.-B. A., Vim. 175S,
Galbraith (George), B. A. At. IS5o.-M. A., Vim. IS6+
Galbraith (Henry), B. A., V".,.. IS49.-M. A., Vern. IS54.
Galbraith (Hugh), B. A., Hiem. IS65.
Galbraith (James), B. A., V".,.. I S++.
10 Galbraith (John), B. A., V".,.. IS0S.-M. A., At. ISIS.
Galbraith (John), B. A., V".,.. IS42.
Galbraith (John), B. A., V".,.. IS61.
Galbraith (John Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1787.
Galbraith (John Samuel), B. A., At. IS+7.
15 Galbraith (Joseph Allen), B. A., V,m. IS+o.-Fellow, IS.
M. A., Vern. 18.
Galbraith (Richard), B. A., VIr1t. IS46.
Galbraith (Richard), B. A., V".,.. IS56.
Galbraith (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. ISI7.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Gale (Anthony), B. A., Vern. I 77S.-M:. A., V~m. I7SI.
20 Gale (Oliver), B. A., VIr1t. 171S.
Gale (Peter), Sch., 1 755.-B. A., VIm. 1757.
Gale (Peter), B. A., At. ISz5.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Galindo (Philemon Alfred), B. A., V,m. IS3S,
Gallagher (Alexander), B. A., VIm. IS59.
25 Gallagher (Eugene, or Owen), Sch., 175S.-B. A., Vern. 1759.
Gallagher (Eugene, or Owen), Sch., 1773.-B. A., Vir,.. 177S.
Gallagher (George), B. A., ..lEst. IS31.
Gallagher (Hugh), B. A., VIJm. IS+9.
Gallagher (James), Sch., 179+.-8. A., Vm,. 1796.
30 Gallagher (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. ISU.
Gallaher (James), B. A., At. IS58.-M. A., At. IS62.
Galloway (John), B. A., At. ISSZ.-M. A., At. IS56.
Galloway (Joseph), B. A.,o V".,.. IS57.- M. A., V".,.. IS60.
Galvin (John Clift'ord), B. A., Vir,.. IS++.
35 Galway (Charles), B. A., jEll. ISI+
Galway (Edward), B. A., .2&t. IS25.
Galway (John), B. A., Vern. IS09.
Galway (Michael), B. A., V~m. IS49.









Galway (Thomas), B.A., Vem. 1838.-M. A., Vern. 1846.

Galway (William), B. A., Vern. 1784.-l{. A., Vem. 1807.
Galway (William James), B. A., V6NJ. 1827.
Galwey (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Galwey (James), B. A., V~rn. I 849.-M. A., Vlrn. 1860.
Galwey (William), B. A., Vem. 1857.
Gamble (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1827.
Gamble (Henry), Sch., 1773.-B. A., V".". 1775.
Gamble (John Edward), B. A., .J$,t. 1807.
Gamble (Piers Robert), B. A., .&t. 1810.
Gamble (Richard), B. A. (per dip!'), .&t. 1797.
Gamble (Richard), B. A., .&e. 1801.-M. B., and M. D., Vem.
181 3.
Gamble (Richard Wilson), B. A., Vlrn. I 849.-M. A., Vern.
18 58
Gamble (Samuel Baptist), B. A., M. B., and H. Chir., V".". 1866.
Gamble (Thomas), B. A., Vir". 1]81.
Ganly (Patrick), B. A. V".". 1849.
Gannon (John Patrick), B.A., LEst. 1810.
Gannon (Owen), B. A., Vem. 1845.
Gannon (Thomas), Sch., 1802.-B. A., .&t. 1804.-M. A., VeNJ.
18 I 3.-Fellow, 1813.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1832.
Garde (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1793.
Garde (Henry Walter), B. A., Vern. 18H.-H. A., .&t. 18H.
Garde (Henry William P.), B. A., Vern. 1847.
Garde (John), B. A., .J$8t. 1784.
Garde (John), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Garde (John ~'ry), B. A., Vern. 1850.-M. A., ..lEst. 1853.
Garde (Richard), B. A., V~rn. 1821.
Garde (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1823.-M. A., Vern. 1828.
Garde (Richard), B.A., Vern. 18H.
Garde (Thomas), B. A., .J$,t. 1820.
Garde (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 18z9.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Garde (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Garde (William), B.A., Vem. 1826.-M.A., NOI). 1832.
Gardiner (Alexander S.), B. A., Vern. 1844.-ll. A., Ve,.,.. 1858.
Gardiner (Arthur), B. A., V~rn. 1 730.-M. A., Vern. 1743.
Gardiner (Arthur), B. A., V".". 1834.
Gardiner (Charles), B. A., Vem. 1737.






Gardiner (Right Ron. Charles), LL. D. (1umfJrU CQUBd), .&1. 1762.

-Mus. D., .&t. 1764.
Gardiner (Edward), Sch., 1765.-B. A., Vwn. 1767.
Gardiner (Frederick Augustus), B. A., .&t. 1858.-M. A., Vim.
Gardiner (George), B. A., V",.,.. 1691.
Gardiner (George), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Vern. 17+8.-M. A., LEd.
17 6 7.
Gardiner (James William), B. A., LE,t. 1835.
Gardiner (John Jephson), B. A., Hittm. 1864.
Gardiner (Lake), LL. D. (honori, caUBd), V",.,.. 1735.
Gardiner (Luk.e), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), ..1&1. 1767.
Gardiner (Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
Gardiner (Robert Gregory Webber), B. A., Vern. 1866.
Gardner (Oliver), B. A., LE1t. 1682.-M. A., ..I&t. 1685.
Gardner (Thomas), B. A., VIINJ. I8H.
Garner (William), B. A., LEst. 18+1.
Garner (William Hastings), B. A., Vma. 1853.
Garnet (Bernard), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), Vwn. 1765.
Garnet (Francis), B. A., V",.,.. 1752.
Garnet (George), B. A., V"rn. 1773.
Garnet (George C.), B. A., Vern. 1714.
Garnet (Henry), Sch., 1696.-B. A., Vwn. 1699.
Garnet(John), Sch., 1709-ll. A.,
Garnet (John), B. D., and D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), V",.,.. 1752.
Garnet (Nicholas), Soh., 1717.-B. A., Vern. 1718.-K. A., &t.
Garnett (Charles Leslie), B. A., Vem. 1866.
Garnett (Courtney Kenny), Soh., 1785 .-B. A.,
1787.M. A., LEst. I 792.-LL. D., V",.,.. 1799.
Garnett (George), B. A., V",.,.. J825.
Garnett (George Charles), B. A., ..tEd. 1856.
Garnett (Henry Eli),~B. A., LEst. 18SZ.-M. A., LEd. 18H.
Garnett (John), B. A., LEBt. 1786.
Garnett (Matthew), B.A., Vim. 1750.
Garnett (Samuel), B. A., At. 1827.
Garnett (Wade Shartan), B. A., Hi"".. 1864Garnett (William Taylor), B. A., and M. A.,
Garraway (James), B. A., Vern. 176+.








Garret (

), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., 1613.-M. A.,

May 2, 1616.
Garrett (Alexander Charles), B. A.., VIf'tI. 18SS.
Garrett (George), B. A., VIINI. 1846.
Garrett (Henry), B. A., Vma. 1832.
5 Garrett (Henry), B. A., .tEat. 1834.
Garrett (James), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Garrett (James Hugh), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Garrett (John), B. A., VtJrn., and M. A., .A5st. 171+.
Garrett (John), B. A.., .A5,t. 1732.
10 Garrett (John), B. A., VilNi. 173+.-Y. A., VtJNI. 1737.
Garrett (John), B. A., L&t. 1797.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Garrett (John), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Garrett (John), B. A., L&t. 184+-M. A., LEd. 1860.-B. D.,
and D. D., Hitm. 1865.
Garrett (Richard), Soh., I 729.-B. A., VIf'tI. 1731.
15 Garrett (Samuel), B. A., VIIrn. 1837.
Garrett (William), Sch., 1765.-B. A., Vern. 1766.-H. A., V".,..

177 2
Garrett (William Thomas), B. A., Ver,.. 1842.-M. A.., Vern.
18 54Garrod (Henry John), B. A., Vllr,.. 1855.
Garrold, or Gerrald, (John), B. A., May 2, 1618.-Fellow, 16%1.M. A., May 9, 16%1.-B. D., .A5,t. 1625.
20 Garstin (Anthony), B. A.., VeNi. 1814.-M. A., No". 1832.
Garstin (Christopher), B. A., L&t. 18%1.
Garstin (George), B. A., Vern. 179.
Garstin (John Ribton), B. A., Vern. 18)7.-H. A., VIf'tI. 1860.LL.B., Hitm. 1863.
Garstin (Norman), B. A., Vllr,.. 1795.-M. A., Vwn. 1832.
25 Garstin (Norman), B. A., Vern. 1826.-LL. B., and LL. D., AlIt.
I 84o.-M. A., B. D., and D. D., Vern. 18+6.
Garthwaite (John), B. A., Vern. 1637.-Fellow, 1637'
Garvin (Hanson de Lisle Hay), B.A., ~8t. 18H.
Gascoigne (Henry), LL. D., Vern. 1681.
Gascoigne (Thomas), Sch., 1702.-B.A., Vwn. 173.
30 Gash (Benjamin), B.A., Vern. 18u.
Gason (John), B. A., Vllrn. 1838.
Gason (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 18+7.



Gast(lohn), Sch . 1734.-B.A., VWJI. 1735.-M. A., Ailt. I73S.

-D. D., Vwn. 176S.
Gaateen (William), B. A., Hint. 186S.-M. B., At. 1866.
Gattager (William), B. A., VWJI. 18eq.
Gatty (Charles Henry), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Hi",.. IS6S.
5 Gault (Archer), B. A., V""" 1851.
Gauseen (Campbell), .B. A., AI. 1834Gaussen (Edmund James), B. A., VM'1I. 185].
Gaussen (lames Charles), B. A., VWJI. 18.p.
Gausaen (James Robert), B. A., VM'n. 1859.-M. B., Hi,m. IS59.
10 Gaussen (lohn Ashe), B.A., VWJI. 18+7.-M. A., VItn. 1850'
Gavan (lohn), (Entrance, and B. A., not reoorded.)-M. A., VM'n.
Gavigan (lohn). B. A., VM'rt. 1795.
Gavin (Jeremiah F. A.), B. A., V".". 18...8.
Gawn (John Douglas), B.A., HUm. 1859.
15 Gawn (lames Wilson), B. A., VM'rt. 18S9.
Gawthorpe (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1833.
Gayer (Arthur Edward), B. A., VM'n. 1823.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
AId. 1830.
Gayer (Charles), B. A., VM'''. 1826.-M. A., NfHJ. 1832.
Gayer (Henry William), B. A., VWJI. 1858.
20 Gayer (Philip), Sch., 1719.-B. A., V".". 171.0.
Gayer (William), LL. B., V".". 1]4-8.
Geake (Elias Henry Augustine), B. A., Vertl. 1856.
Geale (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1772.
Geale (William), B. A., VM'''. 18H.
25 Gealy (Daniel), B. A., VM'rt. 178+
Geft'ord (Richard), B. A., VWJI.1721.
Gelston (Arthur William Hill), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
Gelston (Hugh), B. A., .2&t. 18#.
Geoghegan (Charles), B. A., VtrfI. 1859.
30 Geoghegan (Edward), B. A., V".,., 1815.-M.A., .2&t. ISIS.
Geoghegan (Edward), B. A' I VWJI. J842.-H. A. rem. 18H.
Geoghegan (Francie), B. A., VWJI.18SI.
Geoghegan (George Edward), B. A., VWJI. 1857.
Geoghegan (Henry), B. A., Vma. 185].-X. A., .i'&t. 1856.
35 Geoghegan (Henry Thomas), B. A., V M'n. IS60.
Geoghegan (lacob Henry), B. A., Vtf'1l. ISS7.




Geoghegan (John), Sch., 18SS.-B. A., Vern. 1857.

Geoghegan (Matthew), B. A., Vim. 18zS.-M. B., Vfflf. 183 J.
Geoghegan (Robert). B. A., Dilftl. 1864.
Geoghegan (Thomas), B. A., Vfflf. 1831.-H. A., Vern. 183+
S Geoghegan (William), B. A., Vern. 1833.
GeoghegllJl (William), B. A., Hinn. 186S.
George (Charles H.), B. A., Vern. ISZ+.
George (Denis), B. A.. Vwn. 1773.
George (Denis), B. A., At. ISIS.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
10 George (Edward), B. A., AI8t. ISlo.-H. A., 4ft. ISI6.
George (John), B. A., At. 18z3.-M. A., Vern. 18z6.
George (Luciua), B. A., At. 18n.
George (Luke), Soh., 176+.-B. A., .VIm. 1766.-M. A., .8t.
George (Richard), B. A., VWft. 1817.-M.A., VWft. 1830.
I S George (Richard D'Olier), B. A., &t. 1861.
George (Thomas B.), B. A., Vfflf.1834.
Gerald (William). See Fitz Gerald.
Geraghty (Edward), B. A., &t. 1793.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Geraghty (Edward), B. A., &t. 1831.
10 Geraghty (Henry B.), B. A., Vfflf. 18H.
Geraghty (James), Sch., 178S.-B. A., Vern. 1789.
Geraghty (James), B. A., LEd. IS33.
Geran (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1836.
German (John), B. A., Vms. 1707.
IS Gernon (William Joseph), B. A., Vern. I 84+-M. A., ..lEft. 1847.
Gerard (Mason), B. A., Vwn. 1738.
Gerrard (John Netterville), B. A., Diem. 1865.
Gerrard (J088ph), B.A., Vwn. 1736.
Gerrard (Samuel), B. A., Pms. 1773.-M. A., At. 1778.
30 Gerrard (Samuel), B. A., VWft. 18+9'
Gerrard (William), B. A., Vwn. 1819.
Gerrard (William), B.A., Pwn. 18H.
Gerty (Hamilton Llewellyn), B. A., &t. 1857 .-H. A., At. 1866.
Gervais (Francis), B. A., Vffl'l. 1795.-M. A., Vern. 1800.
3S Gervais (Francis John), B. A., Vwn. I 84z.-M. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Gervaise (Henry), B. A., Vffl'l. 1731.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.

175 8.
Gervaise (Isaac), B. A., Vern. 17o.-M. A., St. 1703.







Gervaise (Peter), B.A., V".,.. 17+3.-M. A., Vtrn. 17+7.

Geshill (Simon, Lord Digby, Baron of), (Entered, Simon Digby,
166, ; :D. A. not recorded).-LL.n., .A8t. 1680.
Getheris (Sir Richard), B. A., Vtrn. 1696.
Gibbings (Bartholomew).- See Gibbons.
Gibbings, or Fubbings, or Tubbings, (John), Fellow, 1639.
Gibbings (John Thomas Cuthbert), B. A., .2&t. I 8%S.-M. A., N0f7.
Gibbings (Richard), B. A., Vtrn. 1768.
Gibbings (Richard), Sch., 1833.-B. A., Vmt. I 835.-M. A., .&e.
1838.-B. D., Vtrn. 1853.-D. D., .2&t. 1863.
Gibbings (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Gibbings (Robert), B. A., Vern. 17u.
Gibbings(Robert), Sch.,1839.-B.A., Vwn. 184-I.-M.A.,.2&t.1853.
Gibbings(Simon),Sch., 1679.-B. A., Vtrn. 168%.-M.A.,.2&t. 1685.
Gibbings (Simon), B.A., V".,.. 1689.
Gibbings (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Gibbings (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS09.-M. A., N0f7. 183%'
Gibbins (William), :D. A., Vwn. '7+4'
Gibbon (Charles Ilift'e), B. A., Vwn. 1 84-2.-M. A., .&t. IS46.
Gibbon (Edward Acton), B. A., .2Est. ISSS,
Gibbon (George), B. A., V~m. ISzS.-M. A., N0f7. 18p.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vwn. IS40'
Gibbon (John George), B.A., Him. IS60.-1I. A., Vern. 186+
Gibbon (Robert),.Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vwn. 170 I.-M. A., .2&t. 170+
Gibbon (William Monck), B. A., Vwn. 18%6.-M. A., Nov.
IS3z.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. IS34.
Gibbon (William Monck), B. A., HUm. IS61.-M. A., Vwn. 1865.
Gibbons, or Gibbings (Bartholomew), B. A., .2Ed. 1614-.-M. A.,
.&t. 161 7
Gibbons (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1833.
Gibbons (Henry), H. A., Vern. 168%.
Gibbons (James), B. A., .2&t. 1810.-M. A., V".,.. 18zo.
Gibbons (John), B. A., Vwn. 1695.-M. A., .2&t. 1698.
Gibbons (John), B. A., Vwn. 17So.

It appeara from the account of the Regal Visitation, A. D. 1615, preserved in

the Prerogative Office, Henrietta-street, Dublin, that in that year Bartholomew
Gibbinga wa. Rector o( Kilcornan, in the dioceee of Limerick; and that he then
bad leave of abeence from hie Living, in cODBequence of hi a being" in Collegio Dub.
liD. 8tudios1ll."



Gibbona (lohn), B. A., V".,.. ISIO.

Gibbona (Richard), B. A., y".,., 1706.-11:. A., Alt. 1709Gibbona (Richard), B. A., V".,.. I71J.
Gibbonl (Richard), B. A., y".,.. .S.......
S Gibbs (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 177'"
Gibbs (George G.), B. A.., y".,.. S"S.
Gibbs (George Heade), B. A., y".,.. IS...S.-1I:. A., y".,.. IS6".
Gibbs (John), B. A.., V".,., 1719Gibbs (John), B. A., .&.t. I77S'
10 Gibbs (lohn), B. A., y".,.. IS33.-M. A.., V".,.. IS36.
Gibbs (Robert), B. A., y".,.. ISn.
Gibbs (Walter). B. A., V",.. IS"9.
Gibney (John Somerville), B. A., V".,.. IS+".
Gibson (Benjamin), B. A., V".,., ISH.-M..A., .&t. IS56.
IS Oibeon (Charlee Edward), B. A., y".,.. ISSo.-H.A.., .&t. IS57.
Gibson (Edward), B. A., y".,.. ISSS.-H. A.., y".,.. IS61.
Gibson (Hamilton Joseph), B. A.., .&t. IS30.-M. A., AlIt .

S36.-M.. B., .&t. IS37.

Gibson (Henry), B. A., .&t. 1818.-M.. A., NOf). IS3",
Gibson (lames), B. A.., V".,.. 18,,6.--lL A., NOf). IS3",
ao Gibson (lohn), Bch., 17SI.-B.A., V".,.. 1753.
Gibson (lohn), B. A., .&t. t81 S.-H. A., NOf). 183'"
Gibson (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1816.-11:. A., Alt. bo.
Gibson (John), B.A., At. ISH.
Gibson (John), B.A., y".,.. 185 ....-11:. A.., .&t. 186S.
"5 Gibson (Joseph), B. A., V",.. 18"S.
Gibson (llatthew), Soh., 1731.-B. A., V".,., 1733.-H. A., .&e.
Gibson (Richard), B. A., J[fIY I, 165+.
Gibson (Samuel), B.A. Yma. 17,,+.-M..A., &t. '7a7.
Gibson (Samuel), Soh., 18+7.-B. A., ASd. 18+9--M. B., At.

30 Gibson (William), B. A., &to 18%1.
Gibson (William), B. A., V".,.. 185+.
Gibson (William), B. A., V",.. 1856.-11:. A., Alt. 1863.
Gibson (William A.), B. A., 1830.-11:. A., NOf). 183a.
Gibson (Wood), Soh., '7z7.-B. A., Y",.. 17a9.-Fell., l73 z. M.A., .2&1. '73a.-D.D., &t. 17+4.
35 Gibton (Robert), B.A., Vern. 18+7.


Gibton (William), B. A., Y'".,.. 18+6.

Giffard (Ambroae HardiDg), B . .A., Y'".,..

790.-LL. B., and

LL.D., ..d. 1799.

Giffard (George), B. A. (~grat.d.), Y'".,., .,6S.
Giffard (Napper or Napier), B. A., Y'".,.. 173+.-lI. A., At

S Giffard (Stanley Lees), B . .A., Y'".,.. 1807.-)(. A., Y'".,.. 1811.
Gi1ford (Grove), B. .A., V".,., 1739.
Gi1ford (John), B.A., Vma. 17+5.
GUford (Nicholaa), B. A., Vern. 1729'
Gi1rord (William), B . .A., V".,.. 1817.
10 Oilbert (Claudius), (Entrance not recorded).-B. D:, Mag +, 1655.
Oilbert (Claudius), B. A., V".,.. 16g1.-Fe11., 1693.-lI. A., .ASlt.
16g3.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.., 1706.-LL. D., Vern. 1706.
Gilbert (Geoil'rey), LL. D. (tpHitIl. gratid.), V".,.. 1718.
Gilbert (James), B. A., V".,..~I68+.
Gilbert (Robert), Sch., 1673.-B. A., .ASlt. 1676.
I S Gilbert (William), B. A., V".,.. 17S9.
Gilbert (William), B. .A., V".,.. 18+2.-}[. B., At. 1843.
Gilbome (James), B. A., Vma. 18.44.
Gilburne (John), Sch., 17S8.-B. A., Vma. 17S9.
Gi1c1niat (James), B. A., Vma. 1837.
20 Gi1c:reeet (Philip Jeremiah), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.
Gildea (George Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1827.-lI. A., NfIf1. 1832.
Oildea (James), B. A., .lEd. 1821.
Gildea (Thomas Rutledge), B. A., Vma. I 832.-lI. A., V".,..
18 35.
Gilea (Arthur G.), B. A., At. 18u.
2S Gilea (George). B. A., V".,., 1826.
Gilea (Richard), B. .A., V".,.. 1737.
Gilea (Walter), B..A., Oee. 22, 17SI.-K. A.., .lEd. 17S5
Gilee (Walter), B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Oilea (William Theophilus). B. A., .ASIc. 18SS.-lI. .A., HUm.
30 Gilgeous (William Benjamin), B. A., At. 18n.-lI. B., .d.
18 36.
Gi1hermin (John), Sch. I 732.-B. A., Vern. 1733.-lI.A., At.
1737.-LL.B., Vma.:I7+o.



Gilholy, or Gilhooly, or Gilkooley, (Anthony), Sch., 1784.-B. A.,

Ymt. I 786.-K. B., .&1. 1789.
Gilholy (Tbomaa), B. A.., .&1. 179z.
Gill (HeDJ"Y Joaeph), B. A., Vent. 1857.
Gill (Hugh Stowell), B. A.., .&t. 1853.
5 Gill (John), B.A., Yent.170I .
Gill (John), B. A., Vma. 1719.-H. A., .2&t. 17u.
Gill (John), B. A., V".... 17z9.
Gill (Ralph), B. A.., V",.. 1735.
Gillespie (George Knox), B. A., V",.. IS]6.-K. A.., V",.. IS39.
10 Gillilan (Hugh), B. A.., Yma. 18z6.
Gillington (George), B. A..,:'&I. 18so.
GilliDgton (John Kaurice), B. A.., y",.. ISSJ.-K. A.., V"." .
. 18S7
Gillis (Tbomu), B. A., y",.. ISS4-Gillman (Henry), B. A., and H. A., y",.. IS+1.
15 Gillman (Herbert Webb), B. A.., Vmt. ISH.
Gillman (lames Francis), B. A.,
IS33.-K. A.., y",..,
K. B., .2&1. 1837Gillman (Richard), B. A.., .&1. 1778.
Gillmor (Andrew Todd), B. A., y",.. ISZ9.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Gillmor (Clotworthy), B. A., V,,.,.. I 837.-1I. A VIt'fI. 18+0.
zo Gillmor (William), B. A., Yent. Ilb6.-H. A.., y",.. IS30.
Gilman (John), B. A.., V".... 1791.
Gilmore (Andrew George), B. A., V,,.,.. 184+.-H. A., V"....
Gilmore (James Boyd), B. A., Vma. 18+7.-H. A., V",.. 18S3.
Gilmore (John), B. A.., y".,.. 1838.-LL. B., and LL D., y.,..
18 47.
z5 Gilmore (John), Scb., 18+3.-B. A.., A:lt. 18+6.
Gilway (Michael), B. A.., Vma. I 73S.-H. A., .&t. 1750.
Ginn (John), B. A.., V".n. 1789.
Ginn (Richard), B. A., &t. 1790.
Ginninge, or Gibbinge, (Thomaa). B. A., and Fellow, 1638.
30 Giveen (Richard Lockwood), Soh., IS59.-B. A.., Hiem. 1860.H. A., Hilm. 1863.
Gladwell (Adolphus). B. A., y",.. 18n.
Glanville (James Gordon), B. A.., Vma. 1837.




Glasco (John), 8ch., 1803.-B. A., Vim. 1805.

Glascoek (Walter), B. A., Vim. 1798.-M. A.., Vim. 1805.
G1ascodine (Richard William), B. A., HUm. 1863.
Glascott (John), B. A., V".,.. 18z3.-M. A., VerI&. 1833.
5 Glascott (John Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
Glascott (John H.), B. A., At. 18z7.
Glascott (William), B.A., Vim. 1777.
Glascott (William), B. A., V,m. 1779.
Glascott (William Edward), B. A., VlJf'n. 186z.
10 Glascow (MaJl88IIe8), B. A., Vim. 1778.
Glasa (David Dickson), B. A., At. 18S8.-M. A., VlJf'n. 186z.
Glasa (John), B. A., Vim ..170+
Glasa (William), B. A., Vim. 17zz.
Gledstanes (Ambrose), B. A., Vem. 18z+
15 Glenny (Isaac), B.A., Vem.18z6.
Glenny (James Swanzy), B. A., Hilm. 1865.
Glenny (Robert Edmund), B. A., V".,.. 1864-.
Gloster {James), B. A., Vern. 1801.
Gloster (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 18+9.-M. A., V".,.. 1856.
%0 Gloster (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Glover (Edward), B. A.., V".,., 1837.
Glover (Francia), B. A., Vma. 1713.-M. A., LEst. 1716.
Glover (William), B. A., Vma. 18z5.-M. A., At. 18:&8.
LL. B., and LL. D., .2&1. 184-0.
Goddard (John), B. A., V".,.. 1795.
%5 Goddard (John), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Goddard (Thomas), 8ch., 1739.-B. A., VIf'n. 17+I.-M. A., LEst.
Goddart (Norris), B. A., Vim. 184-1.
Godfrey (Edward), B. A., Vim. 1826.-M'. A.., NOfJ. 1832.
Godfrey (Johnston), B. A., V.,n. 1835.
30 Godfrey (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1792.
Godfrey (William), B. A., y".,.. 167+.
Godfrey (William), B. A., Vem. 1786.-M. A.., AIlt. 1809.
Godley (Archibald), B. A., Vim. 184-9.
Godley (John), B. A., Vwn. 1753.
35 Godley (John), LL D. (Atmoni /lQUld), Vim. 1778.
Godley (John), B. A., .2&t. J796.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Godley (Richard), B. A.., Vwn. 17S8.-M. A.., Vem. 17 6 1.








Godley (William), Sch., 1718.-B. A., Vent. I 720.-M. A., .Atn.

1723.-B. D., and D. D., Vent. 17p.
Godley (William), B. A., AIlt. 1786.
Goft' (Abraham), B. A., AIlt. 18u.
Goft' (George), B. A., .At,t. 18u.
Goft' (George), B. A., Vent. 1849.
Goft' (lamee William, or Jacob William), B. A., AIlt. 1814.X.A., NO'P. 1832.
Goft' (Robert), B. A., AIle. 1823.
~ (William), B. A., ..&t. 182,.
Goft' (William G. D.), B. A., Atlt. 1862.
Goft' (ThODl&8), X. A., Atlt. 1806.
Gogarty (Henry Alexander), B. A., V".,.. ISH.
Goggin (lames), B.A., HUm. 186,.
Going (Caleb), B. A., V".,.. 1821.
Going (lames), B. A., Vent. IS31.
Going (lohn), B. A., NO'P. IJ, 1788.
Going (lohn), B. A., AIle. IS44.
Going (lohn), B. A., AIlt. IS47.
Going (lohn), 1[. A., Atlt. 1858.
Going (lohn H.), B. A., V",.. IS+S.
Going (Richard), B. A., V",.. 1789.-1[. A., Vmt. 1792.
Going (Riohard), B. A., V".,.. ISI4.
Going (Richard), B. A., Atlt. IS43.
Going (Robert lames), B. A., Vmt. 1838.-1[. A., V".,.. IS41.
Going (ThODl&8 H.), B. A., Atlt. 1850.
Going (William), B. A., Vmt. IS20.
Golbome (lohn), B. A., 1638.-B. D., Jan. 26, 1661.
Golbourne (Daniel), B. A., Vmt. 167 I.
Golbourne (Joshua), I(perhaps Fellow, 16S9.)-LL. D., AIle.
Gold (Pierce), Sch., I 698.-B. A., AIlt. 170I.-K. A., AIle.
Gold, or Goold (Pierce), Sch., 175 I.-B. A., V.,.,., 17,3'
Goldie (George), B. A., V"..,.. 18,7.-1[. A., V".,.. 1862.
Golding (Edward), B.A., Vma. 1825.-1[. A., NO'P.1832.
Golding (Hyacinth J. C.), B. A., V".,.. 1850'
Golding (James), Sch., 178S.-B. A., V".,.. 1786.
Golding (Travers Arthur). B. A., Yen,. 1837.-1[. A., AIlt. 18+0.








Goldrick (James I.), B.A., Vern. 1819.

Gold8bury (Francis), B. A., Vwn. 175+
Goldsbury (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Goldsbury (Robert), Sch., 1757.-B. A., Vwn. 17S8.
Goldsmith (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A.,
~d. 1617.-Fell., 1619'
Goldsmith (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1711.
Goldsmith (Edward), Soh., 1680.-B. A., Vwn. 1681.-M. A.,
.&t. 1 684.-D. D., ..1&t. 1699.
Goldsmith (Isaac), Sch., Q13.-B. A., V6m. I 714.-11. A., .2&t.
17 1 7.
Goldsmith (Henry), Sch., I 743.-B. A., .2&t. 1745.
Goldsmith (Oliver), B. A., Vern. 1750.
Gollock (Jame8), Sch., I840.-B. A., Vern. 1841.
Gollock (James), B. A., ..1&t. 18zz.-M. A., LEBt. 1855.
Gollock (Thomas), B. A., BBt. 1814.
Gollock (Thomas Henry), B. A., ~Bt. 18S1.-M. A., LEd. 1857.
Gonan (Daniel), Sch., I717.-B. A., Vern. 1718.
Good (Humphrey), B.A., BBt. 1617.-M. A., May 9, 1611.
Good (Philip Henry), B. A., Hiem. I 861.-M. A., Vern. 1866.
Good (William Henry), B. A' I Diem. 1865.
Goodall (Thomas William), B. A., V6m. 1853.
Goodi80n (Richard), B. A., At. 1849.
Goodieson (William), B. A., Vim. 1807.
Goodlat, or Goodlett (James), Sch., 1687.-B. A., Vern. 1688.ll. A., .&t. 1691.
Goodman (George), Scb., 1813.-B. A., Vtrn. 18:Z5.
Goodman (George), B.A., .2&t. 1855.
Goodman (James), B. A., Vim. 1851.
Goodman (John), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Goodman (John), B. A., Vwn. 1851.
Goodman (John Fox), Sch., 1852.-B. A., Vern. ~854.
Goodman (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1679.
Goodman (Thomas), Sch., I 681.-B. A., V~,.n. 168:z.
Goodman (Thomas), Soh., 171 I.-B. A., 1713.
Goodman (Thomas C.), B.A., Vwn. 1819.-11. A., NOfJ. ,832.
Goodwin (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). M. A., .lEaf.
Goodwin (Finn), B. A., .2&t. 1794.










Goodwin (John), B. A., Vwn. I 730.-H. A., LEtt. 1733.

Goodwin (Richard Smyth), B. A., V,",. IS%9.
Goodwin (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. 17%0.
Goodwin (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. 17z8.-H. A., .It. 1731.
Goodwin (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. ISp.-H. A., Vms. ISSS.LL. B., and LL. D., Vem. ISS9.
Goodwin (William), B.A., V".,.. IS%5.-lI. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Goold (Francia), B.A., V".,.. IS27.-lI. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Goold (Frederick), B. A., V",.. IS31.-M. A., V".,.. IS)3.
Goold (Pierce), B. A., Vern. 17S9'
Goold (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1830.
Goold (Thomaa), B. A., At. 17S6.-lI. A., 2EI,. 1791.
Gordon (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 175+.
Gordon (Anthony), Sch., 1773.-B. A., V".,. I 775.-lI. A., At.
Gordon (Edward), B. A., V,"" IS2 ....
Gordon (lames), Sch., I 77o.-B. A., V..... 1772.
Gordon (lames), B.A., VUft, 17S5.
Gordon (James), B. A., Vem. 1832.
Gordon (lames Crawford), lI. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Noo. IS32.
Gordon (lames Farquhar), B. A., V".,.. IS...7.
Gordon (John), B. A., V".,.. 172S.
Gordon (lohn), Sch., 17...0.-B. A., V".,.. 1741.
Gordon (John), B. A., V".,.. 17f)6.
Gordon (lohn Bagwell), B. A., Vrn. IS3 ....-lI. A., Vwn. IS4-9.
Gordon (John Frederick), B. A., Vern. IS~9.-}[. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Gordon (John George), Sch., IS37.-B. A.. Vma. IS",I.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., At. IS)3.
Gordon (Michael), B. A., Vwn. IS29.-lI. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Gordon (Richard Bentley), B.A., Vern. lS03.-H. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Gordon (Robert), B. A., At. ISU.
Gordon (Robert), B. A., Vwn. IS3S.-M. A., Vmt. IS4%.
Gordon (Robert Bell), B.A., Hi,m. 1861.
Gordon (Robert Francis), B. A., Vwn. 1823.
Gordon (Samuel), B.A., Vmt. 1837.-lI. A., JTwn. IS...o.-lI. B.,
LEIt. IS44-.
Gordon (Samuel), B. A., JTwn. IS46.-M. A., Vmt. 18 ...9.
Gordon (Thomaa), B. A., JTmt. 179S.
~rdon (Walter), B. A., Ver,.. I7SI.



Gore (Annealey), B. A., .l&t. 1829.

Gore (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 1722.
Gore (Arthur), B. A., .l&t. 1730.
Gore (Arthur), B. A., .l&t. 1748.
5 Gore (Arthur), Sch., 1850. - B. A., Vern. 1853. -M. A., ',t.

18 58
Gore (Charles), B. A., Vma.1732.
Gore (Francis), B. A., Yma. 1783.
Gore (Francis), B. A., Yma. 1797.-M. A., .JEst. 1813.
Gore (Francis), B. A., .1&1. 18u.
10 Gore (Francis A. Knox), B. A., .2&1. 1825.-M:. A., Noo. 1831.
Gore (George), LL. D. (Aonori, cII,"d) .1&1. 1709.
Gore (Hon. George), B. A., .l&t. 17.-M. A., .l&t. 1812.
Gore (Henry), B. A., LEst. 18%1.
Gore (Hugh), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Jlln. 26, 1661.
15 Gore (John), B. A., Yma. I 737.-M. A., LEst. 1742.
Gore (John), B. A., Vma. 1746.
Gore (1ohn), B. A., Yma. 1827.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Gore (lohnRibton), B.A., V".n. I 847.-1l. A., LEst. 18SS.
Gore (1oseph), B. A., At. 1822.
20 Gore (Manly), SelL, 1751.-B. A., Vem. 1752.-M. A., Vern.

Gore (St. George Richard), B. A., At. 1831.-Y. A., .l&t. 183+.
Gore (Sir Ralph, Bart.), (Entered 1693.)- LL. D., Vttrn. 1718.
Gore (Richard), B. A., Vma. 1747.
Gore (Robert), B. A., At. 1834.
25 Gore (ThOIll88). B. A., At. 1789.
Gore (Sir William, Bart.), (Entered 16$7.)- LL. D., .lEat. 1676.
Gore (William), B. A., VIT'n. 17oo.-M. A., .LEII. 1703.-B. D.,
and D. D., R"t. 24, 1717.
Gore (William), B.A., LE,t. 1730.
Gore (William), B. A., Yma. 1732.
30 Gore (William), B. A., YIlT'" 1733.
Gore (William), 1I. A., Vma. 1737.
Gore (William), 1I. A., Vma. 174-3.
Gore (William), LL. D. (AonoriB CllfUd), Yttrn. 1770.
Gore (William), B. A., VIT'n.1793.
35 Gore (William), B.A., VIT'n. 1811.
Gore (William F.), B. A., YIlT,.. 1841.



Goreley (Gillespie), B, A., V".,.. 1783.

Gorges (Hamilton), B. A., .2&t. 1831.
Gorges (lohn), B.A., .2&t. 1813.-H. A.., .2&t. 1819.
Gorges (Robert), B. A, V..... I 765.-LL B., V".,.. 1770.
5 Gorman (Fortescue), B. A., .2&t. 1818.
Gorman (William), B. A., Y".,.. 1785.
Gorman (William Charles), B. A, .2&t. 18+8.
Gomey, or Gurney (Robert), Sch., 1681.-B. A., V..... 168z.H. A..,.2&1. 1686.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 170+.
Goelett (EdW8:nl Jlaynard), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.-LL. B., and
LL D., .2&t. 1856.
10 Goalin (Nicholas), B. A., .2&t. 1800.
Gotch (Frederick William), B. A., V".,.. IS39.-H. A., .2&t. 18+z.
-LL B., and LL. D., .2&t. IS59.
Gothard, or Goddard (Valentine), Sch., 1719.-B. A., V".,.. 17zo.
=--H. A., .2&t. 1733.
Gough (Alexander Clement F08tor), B. A., y".,.. I 83+.-LL. B.,
Y".,.. I 85S.-LL. D., Hu.. IS59.
Gough (George Stephens), B. A., .2&1. 1836.-H. A., .2&t. 18+0.
"IS Gough (Henry), Sch., l~z.-B. A., V".,.. 1~5.-H. A, Y".,..
Gough (Hugh), B. A., V".,.. 168+.-M. A., .2&t. 1688.
Gough (Hugh, Viscount), LL. D. (laoMr .... caRd), Vma. 1851.
Gough (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1796.-H. A., V".,.. ISIS.
Goughman, or Gougleman (Lambert), H. D. (ad eund. --), Jan.
26, 1661.-Fellow, 1661.
30 Gould (Robert Freke), B. A, .2&t. 18zS.
Gouldsberry (Franci8), B. A., Vwra. 1786.-H. A., Vm. ISISGouldsbury (Francis), Sch., I 73+.-B. A., V".,.. 1735.
Gouldsbury (1ohn), Sch., 1765.-B. A., V".,.. 1767Gouldsbury (Ponsonby), Sch., .,69.-B. A., .2&t. 1771.
zS Goulston (Faber), B. A., y".,.. ISSz.
Gowan (Clotworth), (M. A., of Edinburgh).-D. A., Ymt. 1697.H. A, .2&1. 1~8.
Gowan (George), B. A., V".,.. l73z.-M. A., &t. 1735.
Gowe (John), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
Gower (James), B. A., Hinn. 186%.
30 Gower (Henry), B. A., Ymt. 17+6.
Gower (Stanlf'Y), B. A., ./h~f. 16z5.








B. A., May 2, 1618.-ll. A., Mag 26, 1621.
Grace (Char lee), B.A., Vma. 1762.
Grace (John ), B. A., V".,.. 170+.-ll. A., AIle. 1707.
Grace (Joe1Ph), Sch., 1737.-B. A., V".,.. 1739-Fellow, 174-+.
-ll. A.., AIle. 17+2.-B. D., AIle. 17so.-D. D., AIle. 1754Grace (l4lurence), Sch., 1750.-B. A., Oct. 22, 1751.-1. A.,
AIIt. 175+.
Grace (Oliver), B. A., V".,.. 1727,
Grace (Oliver), B. A., A:lt. 1785.
Grace (Patrick), B. A., Vma. 1733.-ll. A., AIlt. 1736.
Grace (Robert), Sch., 1722.-B. A., V".,.. 172+.
Grace (Thomas), Sch., I 790.-B. A., V".,.. 1791.-11. A., V".,..
Grace (Percy Raymond), B. A., Vma. 18n.
Gracey (Alexander), B. A., H ..... 1863.
Gracey (Alexander L.), B. A., and M. A., AIlt. 1858.
Grady (Henry Deane), B. A., Vern. q83.-LL. B., Vern. 1787.ll. A., Nov. 1832.
Grady (John), B. A., Ve",. 1757.
Grady (Standish), B. A., AIle. 1800.-11. A., AIlt. 1803.
Grady (Standish), B. A., A:le. 1810.
Grady (Standish Deane), B. A., AIlt. 1815.
Grady (Tege), B. A., AIlt. 1620.-lf. A., .2Ed. 1623.
Grady (William Henry Deane), B. A., .At. 1821.-11. A., Vern.
182 5.

Graft'an (Hugh), B. A., VIJ'fI. 17Z1.-Fell., I 72+-11. A., &t.

172+-B. D., AIle. 1731.-D. D., AIlt. 1736.
Graft'an (James), Sch., 1686.-B. A., V".,.. 1688.-M. A., Vern.
169 1
Graham (Bland), B. A., .A?8t. 1823.
Graham (Charles Henry Hemphill), B. A., ~Bt. 1857.
25 Graham (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Graham (Christopher Alexander), B. A., ..l&t. 18.p
Graham (Francis)r B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Graham (George), Sch., 1837.-B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Graham (Henry),
A., Hillm. 1863.
30 Graham (Henry Torrens), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Graham (Isaac), B.A., V".,.. 17+0.-ll. A' I .AYt. 17+3.
Graham (Jamllll), B. A' I ./Eaf. 1783.









Graham (lames), B.A.. Vms. 18z6.-M. A., Not} . 83Z.

Graham (lames 10nes), B. A., VINI. 18z6.-M. A., ,-",,,. 18z9.
Graham (lohn), B. A., YINI. 1706.
Graham (John), B. A., V".,.. 1798.-M. A., Vma. 181 S.
Graham (lohn). B. A., Y'W1I. 184+.-1I. A., At. 184-9.
Graham (Loftus), B. A., LElt. 185z.
Graham (patrick 10hn), B. A., and LL. B., Hie ... 186S.
Graham (Reuben), B. A., y".,. . 8SS.
Graham (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 1830.
Graham (Robert), B. A., Ywtt. 185+.
Graham (Robert Pennefather), B. A., V""" 1831.
Graham, or Grahame (Thomas), B. A., NflY"" 16SS.-FclIow,
Graham (William), B. A., LElt. 1833.
Graham (William), B. A., Y~r". 1837.
Grahame (lohn), B. A., Vms. 18+5.
Grahame (William Francis), B. A., Hi",.. 186z.
Grainger (lohn), B. A., V".". I 85S.-lL A., Yin,. 1859.
Grange (Edmund), B. A., .&t. 1830.
Grange (Richard), B. A., Vms. 1761.-M. A., Vms. 176S.
Grannell (David), B. A., .&t. 1790.
Grant (Alexander), B. A., Ywtt. 1785.
Grant (Alexander), B. A., Hi",.. 865.
Grant (Benjamin), B. A. .2&1. 1830.
Grant (Donald), B. A., .lEd. 18zo.
Grant (Francis), B. A., V~rn. 1755.
Grant (George), B. A., Vwn. 1791.
Grant (George), B. A., Vwtt. 186....
Grant (George Bradshaw), B. A., Hi",.. 18S9.-LL.B., .&t. 1866.
Grant (lames), B.A., Ywn. 1819.
Grant (James), B. A., Vwn. 1828.
Grant (Jasper), B. A., Vms. 182S.
Grant (lohn), B. A., Mag 2, 16.8.
Grant (John), B. A., Yw". 1705'
Gmnt (John), Sch., '7'+- B. A., Vwtt. I"S.-M.A., ...:&1.
'7 18 .
Grant (lohn), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), F"". 1790.
Gmnt (John), B. A., Ver". 1823.
Grunt (John), B. A., Y"rn. ,828.






Grant (John William), B. A., VINI. IS39.

Grant (Joseph Brabazon), B.A., JElt. ISn.
Grant (Joseph Brabazon), B. A., Ymt. ISn.
Grant (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 1763.
Grant (Thomas), B. A., ..lEII. 1782.
Grant (Thomas Bt. John), B. A., ..lEI1. lSI S.
Grant (William A.). B. A., ..lEIt. 1792.
Grantham (James), Sch., 1660.-B. A., JElt. 1660.
Grantham (John), Sch., 1692.-B. A., y".,.. 1696.
Grantham (Richard), Sch., I 692.-B. A., V".,.. 16gS.-M. A., V6NI.
Grantham (Richard), B. A., V6NI. 1717.
Grantham (Thomas), (Entered 1691).-lL A., ..lEI1. 1699.
Grattan (Charles), Sch., 170+-B. A., y".,.. 1706_11. :4.., Vwn.
1710.-Fellow, 1710.
Grattan (Francia), B. A., Vwn. 1739.
Grattan (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1767.
Grattan (Henry), B. A., AlIt. IS08.-11. A., ..lEIt. ISII.
Grattan (James), B. A., VINI. 16gS.-11. A., .lEft. 1700.
Grattan (James), B. A., Vmt. 1731.
Grattan (James), B. A., .lE,t. ISoS.-M. A., NOf1. IS32.
Grattan (John), Sch., 169'.-B. A., VINI. 169S. -ll. A., ..lEIt.

Grattan (Patrick), (Entrance 165,; B. A., not recorded).-Fellow,
1661.-B. D., Vmt. 1669.-D. D., VWA.1674.
Grattan (Ralph), B. A., Vir,.. 1731.-B. D., and D. D., LEd.
Grattan (Richard), B. A., Vwn. ISIO.
Grattan (Robert), Bch., 16g,.-B. A., Vwn. 16g8.-11. A., JElt.
17 1
25 Grattan (Thomas), B. A., VINI. 1777.
Grattan (William), Bch., I 692.-B. A., Vmt. 1693. - M. A.,
..lEIt. 16g6.-Fell., 1697.-B. D., V".". 1706.
Grattan (William), B. A., VINI. 1736.
Grattan (William), B.A., Vern. 176S.
Grattan (William), B. A., ..lEIt. 1796.
30 Grave (Joseph), B. A.,.IE8t. IS29.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Grave (William), B. A., VerA. ISI8.



Graves (Charles), Soh., 1716.-B. A., V".,.. 17IS.-Y. A" At.

17 Zl
Graves (Charles), Sch., IS32.-B.A., Vmt. 183s.-Fellow, 1836.
-M.A., At. 1838.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1851.
Graves (Henry), B. A.. V,rn. I 842.-M. B., .LE.t. IS...6.
GravE'S (Henry lIiggs, or Biggs). LL. B., Vena. 180S.-LL. D.
VM"n. 1813.
S Graves (Hercules Henry). Sch.. 1813.-1t A.,
Graves (Hugh), Soh., 18IS.-B. A., V".,.. 1819.
Graves (James), Soh., 17H.-B. A., V".,.. I 73 .... -M. A., .AlIt.
Graves (James), B. A., Vim. IS06.
Graves (Jamee), B. A., Vena. IS2S.
10 Graves (James), B. A., Vena. 1839.
Graves (James Perceval). Sch., 1832.-B. A., V".,.. ISU.-M. A.,
AIlt. 1837.
Oraves (John), B. A., Vma. 1732.
Graves (John), Soh., 17so.-B. A.. Vern. 17p. -M.A., AlIt.
17 6 1.
Graves (John), Sch., I 770.-B. A., VIm.I772.
15 Gravcs (John), B. A., .LE.t. 1827.
Graves (John Crosbie), B. A., V".,.. I 796.-11. A., N()f). 1832.
Graves (John Thomas), M.A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Nor. ISp.
Graves (Joseph), Seh., 169S.-& A., Vern. 1696.
Graves (Joseph), B.A., LEd. 17+7.
%0 Gravcs (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. 1727.
Graves (Richard), Soh., 178%.-B. A., Vern. 17S.... -Fcll., 1786.
- ll. A., ,,1. 1787. - B. D., V".,.. 179.... - D. D., Vma.
Graves (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1806.-M. A., ASst. 1825.
Graves (Richard Hastings), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-M. A., V",.. ISIS.
-B. D., and D. D., V.".,.. ISZS.
Graves (Robert), Sch., IS30.-B. A' I V".,.. I 832.-M. A., VdnI.
18 37.
zs Gravcs (Robert lames), B. A., ASd. JSIS.-M. B., ASat. ISI8.M. D., .2&t. 18+1.
Gravcs (Thomas), Sch., I 763.-B. A., V".,.. 176S.-Y. A., .JE&t.
Gravcs (Thomas), B. A., Vn'". 1839.









Gray (Augustus Haxwell), B. A., Vms. 18H.

Gray (Henry), B. A., At. 179S.
Gray (Humphrey), B. A., Yms. 1813.
Gray (John Creighton), B. A., Yms. 18+S.
Gray (John Wilson), Sch., 1861.-B. A., y".,.. 1862.
Gray (Joseph), B.A., Yma.IS35.
Gray (MOIl68 William), Sch., 1832.-B. A., At. 1835.
Gray (Robert), LL. B., and LL. D., y".,.. 17So.
Gray ( St. George), B. A., 2&t. ISI7.
Gray (St. George), B. A., y".,.. 18SZ.-H. A., HiM1&. 1863.
Gray (Thomas), B. A., Yml. 1723.
Gray (Thomas Sill), B. A., V".,.. IS53.-H. A. At. 1856.B. D., y".,.. IS63.
Gray (Thomas Thompson), Sch., 18SI.-B.A., V_. I SS6.-H. A.,
At. 18S9.-Fellow, IS6%.
Gray (William), B. A., V_. IS39.
Gray (William), B. A., y".,., IS+6.
Gray (William), Sch., 18+9.-B. A., Yem. 18p.-1I. A., .2&t.
18 56 .
Graybume (William), B. A., V,NI. 18+6.
Graydon (Charles), B. A., At. 1791.
Graydon (Erasmus), B. A., V".,.. 172S.
Graydon (George), B. A., y".,.. I 77+.-LL. B., y".,.. J 7S2.
Graydon (John), Sch., 1 75o.-B. A., Vim. 1752.
Graydon (John H.), B. A., V".,.. ISI7.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Graydon (Joseph), Sch., 17SS.-B. A., Vem. 1760.-Fell., 1763.
-H. A., At. 1763.
Graydon (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1766.
Graydon (Simpson), B. A., Ywn. 18+2.
Graydon (Thomas), H. B., y".,.. 1756.
Graydon (Thomas), B. A.., Vsm. 1831.
Graydon (Thomas), B. A.., VIN'. 18+3.
Graydon (William), B.A., At. ISoo.-M.A. NOfJ. IS31.
Graydon (William P. N.), B. A., At. ISso.
Green (Arthnr) , B. A., Vmt. I 680.-Sch., 16SI.-M. B., .l&t.
Green (Austin), B. A., HiMn. IS62.
Green (Charles Francis), B. A., At. 1862.-H. B., JE.t. 186+.M. Chir., At. IS6S'




Green (Edward), B. A., Diem. 1860.

Green (Francis), B. A., .2&t. '7+6.
Green (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1856.-Y. A., LEd. 1859.
Green (Geoffrey), B. A., V"rn. 176+.
5 Green (George), B. A., LE.t. 1835.
Green (Henry), B.A., Vma. 1835.
Green (James Ellis), B. A., Hj"m. 1863.
Green (John), B. A., Vma. 1736.
Green (John), B.A., Vma. 1737.
10 Green (John), B. A., LEIl. 1789.
Green (John), B. A., .AlIt. 1802.
Green (Joseph), B. A., Vma. 1837.
Green (Lucas), B. A., Vena. 1702.-M. A., JEll. 1705.
Green (llichael), B. A., At. '775.
15 Green (Peter Hennis), Sch., 18z+.-B. A., Vern. 18zS.-M. B.,
.AlIt. 18z 9
Green (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1738.
Green (William), B. A., Vwn. 1715.
Green (William), B. A., Vwn. 1791.-LL. B., and LL D., .2&t.
Green (William), B. A., At. 1837.
20 Green (William llaaaey), B. A., Vma. 18%1.
Greene (Francia William), B. A., At. 1786.
Greene (Francis William), B. A., 1Ii~. 186+.-1I. B., Diem. 1865.
Greene (George), B. A., Vmt. 1823.-Y. B., At. 1829.-M. A.,
Nov. 1832.-M. D., LE.t. 18+1.
Greene (Godfrey Benjamin), B. A., V"n. 1852.
25 Greene (Hen!}), B.A., Vwn.1671.
Greene (Henry), B. A., .AlIt. 1816.
Greene (Henry), B. A., HiMn. 1862.
Greene (Hugh), B. A., At. 182S.
Greene (James), B. A., At. 1828.
30 Greene (John), B. A., Vern. 1678.
Greene (John), B. A., LEIt. 1796.
Greene (John), B. A., LEft. 18u.
Greene (John), B. A., Vwn. 1827.
Greene (John), B.A., JElt. 1830.
H Greene (John), M.A., N()fJ. 1832.
Greene (John Alfred), LL. B., ./E&t. 18z+.



Greene (John Baker), B. A., and M. B., Fern. 1853.

Greene (John Butler), B. A., .il!:,t. 1839.
Greene (1onas), Sch., 1785.-B. A., Vern. 1787.-LL. B., Vern.
Greene (1onas), B. A., VM"1f. 18%7.-M. A., NOfJ. 183%.
5 Greene (1oseph), B. A., Vern. 1806.-M.A., Nov. 183%.
Greene (1oseph), B. A., .2&t. 18+5.-M. A., ..Est. 18+8.
Greene (Joseph Reay), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Greene (Matthew Saunders), B. A., Hi6f1l. 1860.-M. A., Hiem.
Greene (Michael), B. A., Vern. 1838.
10 Greene (Molesworth B.), B.A., .2EIt. 1817.
Greene (Rawdon), B. A., VM"1f. 1811.-M. A., Vern. 1814.
Greene (Richard), B. A., .LEst. 1805.
Greene (Richard), Sch., I 809.-B. A., Vern. ,811.
Greene (Richard), B. A., .2EIt. 18+6.-M. A., Vern. 1850.
15 Greene (Samuel), B.A., .LEst. 1810.
Greene (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1717.
Greene (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 183+.
Greene (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 185%.-LL. B., Vern. 1857.-M. A.,
Vern. 1859.
Greene (Thomas), B. A., HiMn. 1864.
%0 Greene (Thomas Delany), B. A., Vern. 1766.
Greene (Thomas Francis), B. A., .81. 181O.-M. A., Nov. 183%'
Greene (Thomas William), B. A., Vern. 183+.
Greene (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1823.-M. A., NotJ. 183:Z.
Greene (William), B. A., VWft. 18%8.
%5 Greene (William), B. A., ..lE8t. 18:z8.-M.A., NOfJ. 183:Z.
Greene (William), B.A., Vern. 18+9.-M. A., Vern. 18s:z.
Greene (William Thomas), B. A., Hi"". I 86+.-M. B., .2&t. 1865.
Greenly (John Prosser), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Greenwe1ds (James), B. A., VWft. 172%.
30 Greenwood (Bernard), B. A., .2&t. 1821.
Greenwood (John), B. A., Hinn. 1860.-M. A., Hiem. 1863.
Greer (Edward), B.A., VWft. 1851.-M. A., Vmt. 1858.
Greer (Edwin), B. A., Vim. 186:z.-M. A., .2&t. 1865.
Greer (George S.), B. A., .2&t. 18+5.
35 Greer (Henry Robert), Sch., 18H.-B. A., Vern. 1858.
Greer (James Sullivan), B. A., fern. 1837.-M. A., Vern. 184%.



Greer (John Robert), B. A., V".,.. ISS3.-ll. A., Vmt. IS51.

Greer (John W.), B. A., &t. IS27.
Greer (Richard), B. A., &t. 18%1.
Greer (Robert 0.), B. A., V..,.. 18+S.
S Greer (Samuel), Bch., ISn.-B. A., V".,.. 182....
Gregg (Andrew lohnston), B. A., FUM. 1860.
Gregg (David), B. A., y",.. 1780.
Gregg (Francis Thornton), B. A., y",.. I 826.-ll. A., V",.. 1832.
B. D., and D. D., y",.. iSS7'
Gregg (Gorman), B. A., &t. I 820.-ll. A.., V".,.. 183S.
10 Gregg (lames Fitsgerald), B. A., Vir... 1843.-ll. A., V"....

Gregg (John), Sch., 1822.-B. A., V",.. 18'S.-ll. A., B. D.,
and D. D., &t. 1860.
Gregg (lohn Robert), 8ch., 18S3.-B. A., V".,.. 18n.-X. A., &t.

Gregg (John ThOIDBl), B. A., At. IS37.-lI. A., V".,.. 18+0.
Gregg (lohn William), B. A., V".,.. ISSS.-LL. B., y..,.. 18S9.
I S Gregg (Robert Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 18S7.-ll. A., At. 1860.
Gregg (ThOIDBl), Sch., 1816.-B. A., V".,., 18IS.-H. A., &1.
Gregg (TholDBl Huband), B. A., FUM. IS61.
Gregg (Tresham D&m.eIl), B. A., y".,.. 18z6.-ll. A., J&t. IS30.
-B. D., and D.D., V".,.. ISH.
Gregory (Benjamin), B. A., y".,.. 1702.
20 Gregory (Edward Tighe), B. A., y".,.. 1816.-1I.A., V".,.. 1819.
-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. IS,S.
Gregory (George), Sch., 169S.-B. A., y".,.. 1~7.
Gregory (George), Sch., 1717.-B. A., V".,.. I718.-M. A., .&1.
Gregory (Henry Patrick), B. A., y".,.. 18SS.
Gregory (James), Bch., IS09.-B. A., V",.. ISIO.-lI. A., Aile.
181 3.
2S Gregory (Richard Allott Tighe), B. A., V",.. IS+O.-LL. B., V".,..
Gregory (Robert), B. A.,
170+'-)[' A., &1. 1712.
Gregory (Roger), Sch., 1721.-B. A., y".,.. 1723.
Gregory (William), B. A., &t. 1737.
Gregory (William), B. A., st. 18IS.-1I. A., Y".n. IS23.









Gregory (William), B. A., LEst. 1846.

Greham (lohn), Sch., 1811.-B. A., V".,.. 1813.-M. A., At.
18Z1.-LL. B., and LL.D., .&t. 1827.
Grehan (George), B. A., .&t. 1835.
Grene (George), B. A., Ywn. 1823.
Greeson (George), B. A., .&t. 1821.
GrellSOn (Henry R), B. A~,
Greeson (1ohn Lealie), B. A., y".,.. 1789.
GreMon (Skelton), B. A., .&8t. 1802.-M. A., NOf1. 1832.
Greeson (William R.), B. A., Ylm. 1824.
Gretrakea, or Greatracts, (William), Sch., 174+.-B. A., y".,.. 1745.
Gribbon (George Carson), B. A., and M. B., Vim. 1859.
Grier (Frederiok), Sch., 1731.-B. A., Y".,..1733'
Grier (Frederiok), B. A., y".,.. 1859.
Grier (George), B. A., LEst. 1835.
Grier (1ames), Sch., I 780.-B. A., y".,.. 178z.
Grier (John), (Entrance, ancJ. B. A. not recorded), M. A., At.
Grier (1ohn William), Sob., 1829.- B. A., .L&t. 1831.
Grier (Riohard), Soh., 1795.-B. A., Vim. 1797.-Y. A., LEst.
1803.-B. D., and D. D., At. 18zz.
Grier (Thomas W.), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Grierson (George), Sob., 17+5.-B. A., Vma. 1747.
Grierson (George), B. A., V""" 1784.
Grierson (George Abraham), B. A., LEst. 1814.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Y".,.. 1827
Grierson (John), B. A., At. 1818.
Grieve (William); B. A., At. 1846.-LL. B., and LL. D., At.
Griffin (Daniel), B. A., VIM&. 1801.
GrifBn (Edward Lysagbt), Sch., I 848.-B. A., V".,.. 18S1.-Y. A.,
At. 1861.
GrUB.n(Henry), Sch., 1802.-B.. A., y".,.. 1803.-Fellow, 1811.
-M. A., At. 1814'
Griffin (::lenry), B. A., y".,.. 1831.
GrifBn (1ohn Nash), B. A., Ywn. 1841.-M. A., At. 18S8.
GritBn (Michael), B. A.. y".,.. 1764.
Grimo (Murtagh), B. A., y".,.. 1748.
Griffin (Robert), B. A., YIr". 18+6.








Gri.8ln (Robert William), Sch., 1859--B. A., and LL. B., Ilitm.
IS60.-)[. A., Hi",.. IS63.-LL D., Diem. 186S.
Gri.8ln (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. I 730.
Gri.8ln (William), B. A., V".,.. ISH.-M. A., AIlt. IS65.
Gri.8ln (William Hewitt), B. A., Vern. 18:&3. (Abel), B. A., At. 1703. (Benjamin),Sch., 1707.-B. A., V".,.. 1709.-)[. A.,
17 12 . (Charles), B. A., V".,.. ISz9.-V. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Griftlth (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 18z7.-)[. A., At. IS4z.
Griftlth (George), B. A., V".,.. ISz7.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3z. (George ll.), B. A., V".,., (Hugh), LL. B., At. 16Z1.-LL D., At. 16z3. (lames), Sch., 16SS.-B. A' I V".,.. 1687.
Griftith (lames), B. A., LEd. 1799. (lames), B. A., Vent. ISI6.
Griftlth (lames), B. A., AlIt. IS58. (lohn), Bch., 1671.-B. A., J.N. Z9, 167z.-M. A., .LE.f.
1676.-Fell., 1677.-B. D., V".,.. 16S6.-D. D., AIlt. 1700. (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 17S8.
Griftlth (loseph), B. A., V".,.. 1839. (Julius Henry), B. A., .L&e. 1851.
GriiIlth (llichael), B. A., V".,.. 1695.-M. A., d. I~S. (Richard), Sch., 1719-B. A., Vml. 17Z1.-M. A., Adt.
17 z4
Griftlth (Richard), B. A.., 11,rn. 1849.-1[ Chir., .lE&e. IS61.
Griffith (Sir Richard, Bart.), LL. D. (Aonori' calUd), Ver,.. 1849.
-Master in Eng., Hi",.. 186z. (Robert), (Entered, 1684)-M. A' I V".,. . 693.-1[. D.,




Griftlth (Valentine), B. A., Vern. 1780.

Griftlth (Valentine Poole). B. A., V".,.. 18z7.
Griftlth(WalterHu88eY), B.A., AI,e. ISI3.-H.A., &to 1838.
Griftlth (William), B. A., .2&1. 1835.
30 Griftlth (William Downes), B. A., Vern. ISZS.-l. A., Nor. 1832.
Griftlth (William Downes), B. A., V".,.. 18)1.
Grimes (
), Fellow, and M. A., 16S9.-LL. D., Jan. z6, 1661.
Grimshaw (Thomll8 Wrigley), B. A., lIiem. I 86o.-11. Chir., and
M. B., &t. 186 .








Griott (Daniel George), B. A., Vwn. IS+3.-M. A., Vwn. IS+6.

Grogan (Charles), B. A., ..lEst. ISz5.-M. A., ..lEst. IS2S.
Grogan (Cornelius), B.A., Vwn. 1710.
Grogan (Edward), B. A., ..lEd. ISz3.-11. A., V"';'. IS33.
Grogan (Edward), B. A., ..lEst. I S32.
Grogan (George), B. A., ..lElt. ISZS.
Grogan (George William), B. A., Vwn. IS+I.-ll. A., Vern. IS+9.
Grogan (Hamilton), B. A., ..lEst. IS2S.
Grogan (John), B. A., At. IS2S.-11. B., ..lEst. IS+o.-ll. A.,
V,,",. IS+Z.
Grogan (John), B. A., ..lEIt. IS3+.
Grogan, (Thomas), B. A., ..lEd. 1775.
Grogan (William), B. A., ..lEst. I 79S.-M. A., At. ISOI.LL.B., Vwn. 1806.-LL. D., Vir". 1807.
Grogan (William), B. A., .AlIt. IS3+
Grome, or Groome, (Thomas), B. A., At. ISIS.-M. A., No".
Groom (Edward), Sch., 17H.-B. A., Vwn. 1756.
Groome (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1797.
Groome (Edward G.), B. A., At. ISu.-M. A., N~. IS32.
Groome (Thomas Sherridan.),B. A., ..lElt. rS3J.
Gl'OBTenor (Francis), B. A., Vwn. IS+6.-M.A., At. IS5S,
Grove (Marmaduke), B. A., Vwn. IS27'
GroTes (Charles), Sch., I 763-B. A., Vwn. 1765.
Groves (Charles Henry), B. A., Vwn. IS5S,
Groves (Edward), Sch., 1792.-B. A., Vwn. J79+.
Groves (Henry Charles), B. A., Vwn. JS45.-11. A., V".,.. 18+S.
-B. D., and D. D., At. IS66.
Groves (James), B. A., Vwn.ISU.
Groves (lohn K.), B. A., Vern. 1794.
Groves (Marmaduke), B.A., V".,.. 1717.-11. A., At. 1719.
Groves (Marmaduke), B. A., Vwn. 1759.
Groves (William), B. A., V".,.. 17S9.
Grubear (John), B. A., Vwn. 1760.
Gruber '(Arthur), Sch., 1733.-B. A., Vwn. 173+.-11. A., At.
1737.-B. D., and D. D., At. 1759.
Gmbere (William), B. A., At. '7H.-M.A., ..lEd. 1749.
Grueber (Arthur), B. A.,
Gubbins (Edward), Bch., 1676.-B. A., Vwn. 167S.




GubbiDa (George G.), B. A., V".,.. 18%9.-M. A., V".,.. 1865.

Gubbins (Henry). B. A., At. 1806.-M. A., V".,.. 18%0.
Gubbins (Heruy), B. A., Vim. 18+5.
Guering (Maynard), B. A., Y".,.. 1715.
S Guillim (Meredith), B. A., At. 1617.-M. A., LE,t. 16n.
GuiDnesa (Arthur), B. A., At. 1817.-M:. A., NOlI. 183%.
Guinnesa (Arthur Edward), B. A., At. I 86%.-}[' A., At. 1866.
Guinnesa (Arthur Hart), B. A., y".,.. I 849.-11. A., Vena. 1863.
Guinnesa (Arthur William), B. A., At. 1849.
10 Guinnesa (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
Guinnesa (Benjamin Lee), LL. D. (Aorwri.t eaud), Vms. 1863.
Guinneaa (Heruy), B. A., V".,.. 1849.
Guinneaa (Hosea), B. A., Vim. 1788.-LL B., and LL. D., Vms.
1796 .
Guinne88 (Samuel), B. A." NOlI. I I., 1788.
15 Guinneas (Samuel Riohard),:D. A., Vms. 181a.
GuiDneaa (William Newton), B. A., Vwn. la31.-H. A., V_
Guinneea (William Smyth), B. A., At. 18I6.-H.A., At. 18%6.
Guire (Thomas), Boh., and B. A., 1660.
Guithen (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1680. -H. A. about 1687.-

H. D., At. 1688.

20 Gully (James), B.A., Vim. 1839.-11. A., At. 1857.
Gumbleton (George), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Gumbleton (George), B. A., V".,.. 1818.
Gumbleton (John B.), B. A., Vent. la17.
Gumbleton (Richard Henry), B. A., At. 181 S.
2S Gumes (
), (probably Grimes), LL. D., Jan. %6, 1661.
Gumley (James), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
Gumley (John), B. A., Vern. 1772.-H. A., At. 1811.
Gumley (John), B. A., Vern. 18IS.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,..
Gumley (John), B. A., Vim. 1844.
30 Gumley (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1860.
Gumley (William), B. A., Vent. 1857.
Gun (
), (Entrance not recorded.)-B. A., 1630'
Gun (WilBOn), B. A., L&t. 18%8.
Gunn (George), Sch., 1709.-B. A., Vern. 1710.-H. A., ..tEIt.
17 1 3.



Gunn (Henry), B. A., V61"n. IU3.-Y. A., ...l&t. I7+S,

Ganne (Henry), Sch., I 66+--H. A., Vern. 167+'
Gunne (William Cathcart), B. A., ~8t. IS41.
Gunning (Alexander), B. A., V61"n. I 73+.-M. A., V61"n. 1739.
S Gunning (Alexander), B. A., V61"n. 1779.
Gunning (George), B. A., Vern. 1704.
Gunning (George), B. A., V"rn. 1783.
Gunning (John), B. A., Vsrn. 1710.-M. A., ~,t. 1713.
Gunning (Michael), Sch., 1781.-B. A., Vern. 1782.
10 Gunning (Peter), B.A., LEst. I 83+.-M. A., Vmt. IS38.
Gunning (William), B. A., Vern. 1709.-M. A., ...l&t. 171 z.
Guscott (William), B. A., Vern. 18+4.
Guthrie (John), B. A., Vi,.,.. 179I.-Y. A., NQf}. IS32.
Gwilliams (Meredith), Sch., I 66S.-B. A., V""n. 1703.
15 Gwin (Johu), B.A., Vmt. 1727.
Gwithers (Henry), B. A., Vsrn. 17 1 S.
Gwynn (James), Sch., IS4S.-B.A., V61"tI. ISSI.-M.A., LErt.
Gwynn (John), Sch., IS4S.-B. A., V",.,.. ISso.-Fellow, IS53.M. A., V",.,.. 18S+--B. D., V.".,.. 1861.
Gwynn (Robert), Sch., ISsz.-B. A., V",.,..ISS6.
20 Gwynn (Stephen), B. A., V",.,.. IS57.
Gwynn (William), B. A., and lL B., LElt. IS5+. - M. A., .2&t.
Gwynne (George), Sch., ISI6.-B. A., Vern. ISI8.
Gwynne (George John), Sch., ISn.-B.A., Vern. 1823.
Gwynne (Hugh Nelson), Sch., ISn.-B.A., Vsrn. 1824.
25 Gwynne (James Wallace), B. A., V",.,.. IS40.
Gwynne (John), B. A., V",.,.. 17S4.
Gwynne (Stephen), Sch., ISI4.-B.A., V8rn. ISIS.
Gwynne (William), Sch., 1792.-B. A., V",.,.. I793.-M. A., Vern.
ISIa.-B.D., and D. D., LErt. IS25.
Gwynne (William), B. A., V",.,.. IS27.
30 Gwynne (William Charles), M. B., LElt. IS 3 r.
Gyles (Walter), B. A., ,.lEst. ISIS.-M. A., NQf}. IS32.









HA.CJ:BT (John), B. A., V".,.. 1790.

Hacket (Thomas), B. A., V,rn. '7;2.
Hacket (Charles), B. A., V".,.. IS",O.
Hackett (Edward), Sch.. 1781. - B. A., Vmt. 17S2. - LL. D.,
Hackett (George), B. A., ~at. IS27.
Hackett (laaac), B. A., ..l&t. IS 31.
Hackett (James), Sch., 1723. - B. A., V,rn. 172.... - M. A., .J.t.
Hackett (John Wentrop), B. A., Vern. IS27.-M. A., N01J. IS32.
Hackett (Montague), B. A., Vern. ISZI.-M. A., 'Vern. IS29.
Hackett (Richard), B. A., ~&t. IS",O.
Hackett (Thomas), B. A., Vern. '767,
Hackett (Thomas), B. A' I ..Eat. 17S.... -M. A., 'Vml. ISI7.
Hackett (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 1817.
Hackett (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1827.
Hackett (Thomas Cuthbert), B. A., Ymt. 182S.
Hackett (William), B. A., Vir". IS...,.
Hackett (William Lewis), B. A., Vir". IS"'9.-M. A., ..l&t. IS6+.
Hackett (William Watson), B. A., V".,.. IS#.-M. A., V~. IS47.
Hadath (Edward Evans), B. A" y".,.. IS;8.-M. A., V8rn. 1861.
Haddock (Edward Isaac), B. A., V".,.. IS56.
Haddock (Isaac), Sch., '730. - B. A., Vwn. '732. - M. A., ..l&t.
Haddock (Isaac), Sch., ISo;.-B. A., 'Vtrn.lS07.
Haddock (Price), B. A., Vel'''. 1733.
Hadlock (Roger), B. A., Vern. 1742.
Hadlock (William), B. A., Vern. '70.... -M. A., .&t. 1707.
Hadlock (William), B. A., LEf.t. 17So.
Haffield (Arthur Cole), B. A., Vern. 1816.-M. A., Not). IS3J.
Haffield (Cooper), B. A., Vern. IS53.
Hameld (Henry), B. A., ../E&t. ISI6.-M. A., Not). IS32.
Hagan (George), (perdipl.). M. B., ~t. 1799.
Hagan (John), B. A., '/'1'11. ISI2.
Haig (Charles), B. A., ",RBi. IS31.









Haig (lames), B. A., ..lEd. IS33.-M. A.., V"". IS",O.

Haig (lohn), B. A., ..lEst. 18zo.-M. A., ..lEst. IS3z.
Haig (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1836.-M. A., V".,.. IS39.
Haig (William), B. A., ..lEst. IS25.-M. A., NOfJ. 1833.
Haines (Charles), B. A., AU. IS+5.
Haines (lohn), B. A., Uilt1t. IS63.
Haire (Hamilton), B. A., Vim. IS2+.
Haire (Henri), B. A., Vern; 1793
Haire (lames), B. A., ..lEst. ISn.-Y. A., ..lEst. 1832.
Haire (Robert), B. A., ../Elt. 1792.-M: A., Vern. 18H.
Balaban (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1855.
Halahan (Hickman Bose), B..A., V".,.. l!!zz.-lL A., .JiIJt. 1831.
Halaban (lohn), B. A., Vern. IS4+.
Halaban (lohn Walker), B. A., V".,.. ISzz.-M. A., AIlt. 1832.
Halahan(RichardFleming), B.A., Vern. IS6z.-M. A., Vern. 1865.
Halaban (Richard N. C.), B. A., Vern. IS2+.
Hale (William), B. A., Vms. 1737.
Hales (Edmund), B. A., Vern. 181S.
Hales (Francis), B. A., Vtrn. IS...6.
Hales (John), B. A., Vern. 17SI.
Hales (William), B. A., Vern. 170+.
Hales (William), Sch., 1761.-B. A., V".,.. q69.-Fellow, 1769.
-M. A., .JiIJt. 1772.-B. D., ..lEst. 1779.-D. D., ..lEst. 17S+.
Hales (William), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Halfpenny (Oliver), B. A., Vme. 1795.
Hall (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Hall (Alexander Lindsay), B. A., Vern. IS+7.-M. A., At. 1862.
Hall (Bond Coates), B. A., Vma. ISoo.
Hall (Carter), B. A., Vet'", ISJ+.-Y. A., Vern. 1837.
Hall (Edward), B. A., Vern. I 683.-H. A., &t. 16S6.
Hall (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1727.
Hall(Francis), B. A., Vern. I 768.-LL. B., and LL. D., .&t. 1790.
Hall (Francis Henry), B. A., Vern. IS... :a.-M. A., Vern. IS46.
Hall (George), Boh., 1773.-B. A' I Vern. 1775.-Fellowl 1777.M. A' I VI".. I 77S.-B. D., V".,.. 1786.-D. D., ..lEd. 179.Provost, 1806.
Hall (Henry), B. A., ..lEst. 1799.
Hall (Henry Francis Udney), B. A..,. Ve".. 18....... -ll. A., &1.



Hall (James), B. A., V",.. I 789.-LL. B., .&t. 1792.

Hall (James John), Sch., IS4S.-B. A., y".,.. 18So.-LL. B., and
LL. D., .&t. IS6a.
Hall (Jam. Traill). B. A., y",.. IS03.
Hall (Jam. Traill), B. A., y".,.. IS47.
5 Hall (John), (Entered, 16...0).-LL. D . LEat. 1666.
Hall (John), Sch., 1680.-B. A., y".,.. 1681.-Fellow, 1685'11. A., LEat. 16S....-B. D., LElt. I~S.-D. D., Ywn. 1~7.
Ball (John), LL. B. (AoMrtlC4U1d), LElt. 1785.
Hall (lohn), B. A., LElt. 1827.
Hall (John lackson), B. A., y",.. IS...,.
10 Hall (Leake), B. A., V".,.. 1760.
Hall (Lindsay). B. A LElt. 177 I .
Hall (Lindsay). B. A., y".". ISSO.
Hall (Nathaniel), B. A. Ywn. ISzl.-M. A. &t. IS25.
Hall (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 16SI.-Y. A., LElt. 1684.
1) Hall (Richard), LL. D. (Aonoril Mud), y",.. 1730.
Hall (Richard Augustus). B. A., Vern. IS#.-M. A. y".,.. 1857.
Hall (Robert),'B.:A.,1 Vern. 1671.
Hall (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS32.
Hall (Savage), B. A.,AJ&t. ISU.-Y. A., Nov. IS31.
20 Hall (Thomas Guppy), B. A., HiMn. 1865,
Hall (William). B. A., rern. 1677.
H~ (.,villiam), B. A., V",.. 1826.- Y. A., NOl. 1832.
Hall (William), 11. D., At. 1712.
Hall (William), Bch . I 789.-B. A.,
15 Hall (William), B. A., Ye,.". 1791.
. Hall (William), B. A., Vern. IS60.-M. A., lIiem. IS63.
Hallam (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1838.-M. A., .&1. 841.
Hallam (William Edward), B. A., Yern. 1864.
Hallaran (Thomas. Tuckey), B. A., Vern. 18S3'-Y' A., YtrH.
30 Hallaran (William), B. A., Vera. 1816.-Y. A., ...E8t. IS10.
Halle (
). Y. D. (ad eund.), Jat!. 26, 1661.
Halley (Thomas), (Entered, 1665).-Scb., 1667' (B. A., not n.'corded, but must have been 167o).-Y. A" At. .673.
Halliday (Alexander Henry), Y. A., Nor. 1832.
Halliday (Henry), B. A., V".,.. IS28.
3) Halliday (Hugh). B. A. ..tE.e. 184+.









Halliday (William P.), B.A., Vern. 18z8.

Hallowell (Alexander), B. A., LEd. 18++.
Hallowell (John), Sch., 1836.-B.A., Vern. IR3R.
Hallowell CW.), B. A., .lE4t. 1618.-lI. A., ..t. 16%1.
Halpenny (Francis), B. A., &t. 18z8.
Halpin (John), B. A., Vern. 1826.
Halpin (Nicholas J.), B. A., &1. 1815.
Halpin (Nicholas John), B. A., Vern. 18.p.
Halpin (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18n.
Halpin (Robert), B. A., &1. 18+3.
Halpin (William Henry), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Halsted (Thomas Daniel), B.A., Vern. 18+6.-M. A., Ve,/I. 18,7.
Halton (Henry William), B. A., Vern. 18+9.
Haly (John), B. A., Vern. 18+6.
Ham (Patrick Bittrell), B. A., Vern. 181+.
Ham (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1840.
Hamblin (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1830.-1I. A., &t. 1832.
HamertoJl. (Clement), B. A., Vern. 18,0.
Hamerton (John Taylor), B. A., Vern. 1835.-M. A., Vern. 1838.
Hamerton (Robert Tisdall), B. A., &1. 1809.
Hamerton (William), B. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., Vern. 183+
Hamill (John), B. A., &1. 181+.
Hamill (John), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Hamill (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Hamilton (Abraham), B. A., Vern. 179+-ll.A., Vern. 1810.
Hamilton (Alexander), B. A. (specialigratra), Vern. 168+.
Hamilton (Alexander), B. A., VIIm. 1783.
Hamilton (Alexander), LL. D. (Aonoril CQUld) , &1. 1789.
Hamilton (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1793.
Hamilton (Alexander), B. A., &to 1793.-M. A., V",.,.. 1796.LL. B., and LL. D., LEat. 1802.
Hamilton (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1850.
Hamilton (Andrew, or George), Sch., 168+.-B. A., Vim. 1686.B. D., and D. D., .2&t. 1702.
Hamilton (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1686.-B. D., and D. D., Verll.
Hamilton (Andrew), Sch., I 729.-B. A., Vern. 1 730.-l[. A., LEI/t.

35 Hamilton (Archibald), B. A., ''t. 16u.-l[. A., .&1. 162+.



Hamilton (Archibald), Sell., 1718.-D. A., 1'ent. 1710.

Hamilton (Archibald), Soh., 17,0.-8. A., Vmt. 1751.-11.8.,
..AlII. 17SS.-M. D.,.2&I. 1761.
Hamilton (Archibald), H. A., Ymt. 1791.
Hamilton (Archibald Henry), B. A., v",. 1860.
S Hamilton (Archibald Robert). B. A., Ymt. 1801.-Y. A., Yerll.
181 3.
18so.-11. A., V".,..
Hamilton (Archibald Robert). B. A.,
18 54.
Hamilton (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 1 796.-H. A., .&t.1799LL. B., and LL. D., At. 18u.
Hamilton (Benedict), B. A., Vim. 1789.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Hamilton (Bingham Walker). Sch., J8n.-B.A., Vwn. J8J4.
JO Hamilton (Charles), Sch., 1719.-B. A' I Vent. 173J.
Hamilton (Charles), B. A., VfflI. J793.
Hamilton (Charles), B. A., .st. J793.
Hamilton (Charles). D. A., Vwn. I 814.-}f. A., ]{~. 1831.
Hamilton (Charles), B. A., Ylm. J844I S Hamilton (Charlea Gillingham), Sch., I 849.-D. A., Vmc. ISS 1.-


lL A., At. 18H.

Hamilton (Charles Hans), B.A., Vern. 1860.
Hamilton (Charles James). ,n. A., .&t. I 838.-1I. A., &1. 1863.
Hamilton (Charles Paulett), B. A., V~rn. 18n.
Hamilton (Charles William), B. A., &1. 1813.
10 Hamilton (Claudius Cole), D. A., .LE". 1801.
Hamilton (Edmund), B. A., Vern. 17+5.
Hamilton (Edward), B. A V".,.. 1770.
Hamilton (Edward), B. A., Ywn. 1777.
Hamilton (Edward), Soh., 1806.-B. A., Yern. 1808.
1S Hamilton (Edward), B. A., LEd. 18+S.-Y. B., ..I&t. 1846.-

)[. D., At. 1860.

Hamilton (Edward James), B. A., y",.. 1841.
Hamilton (Ezekiel), Sch., 1701.-B. A., y".,.. 1703.
Hamilton (Ezekiel), )[. B., r",.. 17+0.
Hamilton (Fits 10hn), B. A., V",.. 1841.
30 Hamilton (Francis), B. A.,
17IS.-Y. A.., At. Ipl.
Hamilton (Francia), B. A., VeNa. 1730.-)[. A., &1. 1733.B.D., and D.D., Oet.21, 1751.




Hamilton (Francis), B. A., V,NI. 179~

Hamilton (Frederick), B. A., Vwn. 18z6.-M. A., Not. 183z.
Hamilton (Frederick), B. A., ..lEIt. 1838.
Hamilton (Frederick Cary), B. A., ..lEIt. 1739.
5 Hamilton (Frederick Charles), B. A., Vern. 18so.-M. A., Y".,..
Hamilton (George, or Andrew), Sch., 168+.-B. A., Vmt. ,,686.
Hamilton (George), B. A., YM'n. 1771.
Hamilton (Geo~e), LL. D. (lwnori, CIIUld), VINI. l77z.
Hamilton (George), B.A., JEst. 1789.
10 Hamilton (George), B. A., ..lEd. 180+.
Hamilton (George), M. A' I .AI,t. 18u.
Hamilton (George), B. A., VINI. 1855.
Hamilton (George), M. A., Nw. 183z.
Hamilton (George Aleunder), B. A., At. 18u.-M. A., Nov.
1 83Z..-LL B., and LL.D., V",. 1851.
I S Hamilton (George Cary), ll. A., ..lEIt. 17 56.-B. D., and D. D.,
..lEIt. 1779.

Hamilton (George Hans), B. A., Vmt. 18+5_ll. A., ..lEIt. 1850.

Hamilton (Gilbert), B. A" V".,.. 17%2.
Hamilton (Gnstavus), Sch., 1713.-B. A., YINI. J7IS.-Jl. A.,
Aft. 17%2.
Hamilton (Gustavus), LL. D. (I!"Cialigf'4tid), Vim. 1718.
zo Hamilton (Gustavus), B. A., V".,.. 17+4.-ll. A., At. 17+8.
Hamilton (Hans), B. A., ..lEIt. 1686.
Hamilton (Hans), B. A., V".,.. 1798.-ll.A., y".,.. 1801.-B. D.,
and D. D., V".,.. 1818.
Hamilton (Hana Henry), B. A., ..lEIt. 18zo.-M. A., Nw. 183 z.
Hamilton (Henry), B. A., V,NI. 1710.
25 Hamilton (Henry), Sch., 17z+.-B.A., Y".,.. 17z6.-Fell., 17z8.
-M. A., At. 17z9.
Hamilton (Henry), LL. D. (Mnon'. C4I11d), V".,.. 173+.
Hamilton (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Hamilton (Henry), B. A., ..lEIt. 1793.-Jl. A., Nw. 183z.
Hamilton (Henry), B. A., At. 1819.-M. A., Nw. 183z.
30 Hamilton (Henry Carey), B. A., V".,.. 17+7.
Hamilton (Hill), B. A., At. 1830.
Hamilton (Hugh), B. A., AIlt. I 7+7.-K. A., At. 17so.-Fellow,
17SI.-B. D., At. 17S9.-D. D., At. 176z .



Hamilton (Hugh), Sch., 1830.-B.A., Ywn.1833.

Hamilton (Hugh), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.~-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hamilton (Hugh), B. A., VIM. 18+2.
Hamilton (Hugh Samuel), B. A., Vern. t823.-Y. A., Fwn. 1829.
S Hamilton (Humfrey), B. A., Vwn. 1759.
Hamilton (Isaac), B. A., Vwn. 1743.
Hanillton (James), Fellow, I S93.-Y. A., .lEtt. I S95.
Hamilton (James), B. A., V,m. 1721.
Hamilton (James), M.B., andY. D., Vma. 1730.
10 Hamilton (James), B. A., Vwn. I 743.-M. A., .!EIt. 1746.
Hamilton (James), B. A., Vwn. 1769.
Hamilton (James), B. A., &t. 1781.
Hamilton (James), B. A., Vwn. t78+.
Hamilton (James), B. A., NOfJ. II, 1788.
I S Hamilton (James), B. A., YINI. 1791.
Hamilton (James), B. A., &t. '792.
Hamilton (James), B. A., Vwn. 1796.
Hamilton (James), B. A., Vim. 1808.
Hamilton (James), B. A., &t. 1818.
20 Hamilton (James), B.A., ...,t. 1815.
Hamilton (James), n. A., &t. 183S.-Y. A., ..tEat. 1840.
Hamilton (James Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1847.-Y. A., AUt.
Hamilton (James Archibald), B. D., and D. D., .lEtt. 178+
Hamilton (James Patrick), M. B., LEst. 1814.
2S Hamilton (James Paumiere), Sch., 1838.-B. A., &t. 184-.
Hamilton (John), Sch., 1706.-B.A., Vern. 1707.-FtJllow, 1713.
Hamilton (John), B. A., Vlrn. 1711.
Hamilton (John), B. A., VINI. 1727.
Hamilton (John), B.A., Vl1rn. '733.
30 Hamilton (.John), Sch., I 742.-ll. A., VINI. 1744.-M. A" Vme.
Hamilton (John), B. A., YINI. 1746.
Hamilton (John), B. A., Vwn. 1787.
Hamilton (John), B. A., Vl1rn. 1792.
Hamilton (John), B. A., Vllrn. 1795.
3S Hamilton (Jobn), B. A., Vwn. 1808.
Hamilton (John), B. A., &t. 1808.
Hamilton (John), B. A., Vwn. 1821.




Hamilton (John), LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn. IS2I.

Hamilton (.John), B. A., Vim. IS'....
Hamilton (John), B. A., .&It. IS,S.
Hamilton (John), B. A.., rim. IS'9S Hamilton (John), B. A., V".,.. ISS%.
Hamilton (John Butler), B. A., and )(. B., H ... IS6o.-)(. D.,
Hamilton (John Cole), B. A., At. IS06.
Hamilton (Joseph), B. A., .L&t. IS2S.
Hamilton (Mark), B. A., V".,.. ISS I.
10 Hamilton (Matthew), Sch., 1776~B. A., V.". . 778. -ll. A., At.



Hamilton ()(ervyn), B. A., At. ISZ+-lL A.., NOt. IS31.

Hamilton (llonlaunt), 8ch., 17Z4.-B. A., V".,.. 1726.-)(. A.,

At. '72f).
Hamilton (Nicholas), Sch., I 746.-B. A.., V".... 1749.
Hamilton (Patrick), B. A., V".,.. 1707.-)(. A.., ..At. 1711.
IS Hamilton (patrick), B. A., AI. 17911.
Hamilton (Patrick Halpin), B. A., V"",. 17.
Hamilton (Richard), B. A.., At. 16az.-ll. A., At. 161S.
Hamilton (Richard), Sch., 1706.-B. A.., V.,.. 1708.
Hamilton (Richard), B. A., y".... 1101.-)1. A., Vms. 180S.
20 Hamilton (Richard), B. A., V".,.. IS37.
Hamilton (Richard), Sch., ISIS.-B. .A., V..... IS26.
Hamilton (Richard), B.A.., V...... ISS6.
Hamilton (Richard H.), B. A.., V".,.. IS41.
Hamilton (Riehard K.), B. A., V".... 18+42S Hamilton (Robert), B. A., Vim. 16SS.-M. A., ..4Al. 16SII.
Hamilton (Robert), B. A.., V.,.,.. 1715.
Hamilton (Robert), B. A..,
Hamilton (Robert), B. A.,
IS3 ....
Hamilton (Bohen), B. A., V.,.,.. IS46.-11. A., ,..".... 18S8.
30 Hamilton (Robert Alexander), B. A.., V".,.. ISn.-}[. A., V".,..
Hamilton (Robert P. D.), B. A" At. IS 3D.-M. A., N ... IS 32.
HamiltoD (8aekrille D.), B. A.., .&t. IS28.
Hamilton (SlICkville R.), B. A., At. 1799.-M. A., V.,.,.. lSI S.
Hamilton (Samuel), Sch., 1835.-B. A.., V".,.. 1840.
3$ lIaDUlton (Sewell), B. A.., .AlII. 1831.









Hamilton (Stewart), B. A., 4ft. 1790.

Hamilton (Thomas), B. A., ~",.. 17~'
Hamilton (Thomas), B.A., At. 178+.
Hamilton (Thomae Claude George), B. A., At. I 82S.-V. A., NtH7.
Hamilton (Thomaslamee), B. A., At. 1838.
Ramilton (Thomas Robert), B. A., P'",.. 18+8. - ll. A., DNa.
Hamilton (Timothy), B. A., At. 18H.
Hamilton (William), B. A., y",.. 1691. -ll.A., At. 1~6.
LL. B. At. 1700.
Hamilton (William), B. A. P'.... 1701.
Hamilton (William), B.A., P'".,.. 17o+.-11. A., At. 1707.
Hamilton (William), Bch., 177+-B. A" P'",.. 1776. Fell., 1779.
-ll. A., At. 1779.-B. D., P'mt. 17R7.-D. D., P'",.. 1794Hamilton (William), B. A., A'It. 1776.
Hamilton (William), B.A., P'",.. 1783.
Hamilton (William). B. A., Ymt. 1805.
Hamilton (William), B.A., ~",.. 1816.
Hamilton (William), B. A., y",.. 18+0.
Hamilton (William). B. A' I ~",.. 18.....,
Hamilton (William Alfred), B. A., P'",.. 1846. - ll. A., P'"...
Hamilton (Williata Edwin), B. A., P'".,.. 1857.
Hamilton (William Henry), B. A., P'",.. 1848.-11. A., At.
18 53.
Hamilton (William Orr), 8ch., 1799.-B. A., At. 1801.-ll. A.,
P'".,.. 1809.
Hamilton (Sir William Rowan, Knight), B. A., A'It. 1827.lrL A., Y",..1837.-LL. B., and LL D., At. 1839.
Hamilton (William Tighe), B. A., At. I 828.-ll. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hamilton (William Vesey), B. A., P'",.., 1726. -ll. A., At.
17 2 9.
Hammiok (St. Vinoent Love), ll. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), NOfJ. 20,
18 35.
Hammon (Peter). B. A., ~",.. 1738.-LL D. (lpHiMi grtltitJ), At.
HammoJld (Edward), B. A., P'mt. 1745.
Hammond (lohn), B. A., Ymt. 18S7.-ll. A., Di",.. 1861.



Hanbury (James Arthur), B. A., V".,.. IS53.-M. B., .2&t. IS53.

Hanbury (William), B. A., V",.. IS3+.
Hanbury (William), B. A., Vms. ISH'
Hancock (William Neilson), B. A., Vent. IS+3.-LL. B., Vent.
IS46.-LL. D., .2&t. IS+9.
5 Handcock (Charles), B. A., Vms. IS30.-)[. A., NOf1. IS3z.
Handcock (Charles), B. A., .2&1. IS34'
Handcock (Elias), B. A., Vms. 173Z.-lL A., .tEd. 1736.
Handcock (Elias), B. A., V",.. IS30.
Handcock (Ezekiel), B. A., V".,.. 170S.
10 Handcock (George Richard), B. A., Vms. IS+7. -M. A., .2&t.
Handcock (1ohn), B. A., Vms. 1706.
Handcock (John), B. A., VwtL 1730.
Handcock (llatthew), B. A. V".,.. 167S.-M. A., .2&t. 16Sz.
Handcock (Matthew), B. A., Vms. 1731.
IS Handcock (Ormsby), Boh., IS6z.-B. A., .2&t. IS6z.
Handcock (Richard), B. A., Vms. I 73S.-lL A., .2&t. 173S.
Handcock (Richard), B. A., Vms. 1791.
Handcock (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 179S.
Handcock (Richard), B. A., .2&t. ISrz.
zo Handcock (Richard), M. A., NOf1. IS3z.
Handcock (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1791.-)[. A., .2&t. ISoo.-B. D.,
and D. D., V",.. IS09.
Handcock (Robert), B.A., V".,.. 18z3.-M. A., Nop. 183z.
Handcock (Hon. Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1850.
Handcock (Stephen), B. A., V",.. 167S,
z5 Handcook (Thomas), B. A., V".,., 1775.-M. A., .2&t. ISIO.
Handcock (Thomas), B.A., Vms. 1815.
Handcock (William), B. A., Vms. 1817'
Handcock (William), B. A., V",.. 17zo.-LL. B., Ail. 17z6.
Handcock (William D.), B. A., V",.. 185z,
30 Handcock (William E.), B. A., V".,.. ISIS.
Randcock (1ohn), B. A., .2&1. 1818.
Handley, or Hendley, (Thomas), B. A., ~Bt. 1780.
Handa (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 17++.
Handa (Tbomas), B. A., V",.. 1773.
35 Handaon (Jouatban), B.A., Vms. 171+.
Handy (Alexander), B. A., AI. 1829.



Handy (lohn), B. A.,

Handy (Richard Fleming). B. A., At. 18J7.-K. A. NH. 1832.
Hankin (Frederick. Trulock), B. A., Y,"" 1846.
. Hanley (lohn). B. A., y",.. 172S.
S Hanlon (Aleunder Patrick), B. A., y".. 844' - LL. B., and
LL. D., Y".. 186S.
Hanlon (John), B. A., r ... 184S.
Hanlon (Kichael William), ll. B.; AI. 183S.
Hanlon (William), B. A.,
Hanna (Francia), B. A., HiIM. 1862.
10 Hanna (Samuel), 8ch., 1819. - B. A., y",.. IbJ.-)(. A., and
ll. B., At. IbS.
Hanna (Samuel), B. A., y",.. 1834Hanna (William. Samuel), B. A., Y... 1806.-)(. A., NDf1. 1832.
Hannan (Franoia), B. A., A:d. 1844.
Hannay (Robert), B. A.,
IS Hannegan (Warner), 8ch., Ib9.-B. A.,
IIanDigan (lam.ea), B. A., Y... 1813,-)[. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hannigan (loseph), B. A . ..At. 1819.
Hanning (lames), B. A.,
1844Hannington (William), B. A., Y... 1704--)[. A., AI. 1707.
20 Hanaard. (lohn), B. A., y",.. 1702.
Hansard (lohn), B.A., y",.. I 734.--ll. A., AI. 1737.
Hanaard. (Ralph), Soh., 1703.-B. A., r",.. 1704--)[. A., AAt.
Hanson (Thomaa Loader), B. A.,
Harden (Archibald), B. A . AI. 1847.
2S Harden (George Frederick). B. A.,
1862. -)[. B., IT,."..
Harden (JameB), B. A., y",.. 18z7.
Harden (Ralph William.), B. A.. Hi-. 1860.
Harding (George), B. A.,
lb .
Harding (Henry), B. A., rIP'll. 1833.
30 Harding (John). ()[. A., Cant&b.)-Fellow, 1637.
Harding (lohn), (No record ofB. A.)-ll. B.,
Harding (Jonathan), B. A.,
Harding (Thomaa), B. A.. .&t. I 79S.-11. A., Ail. 1799Harding (ThOID88), B. A., Ailt. 1819.-)[. A., &no 182S.
H Harding (William), B. A., Ailt. 18IS.-K. A., No". 1832.












Hardinge (George), B. A., Ymt. 18SS.-ll. A., y".,.. 1862.

Hardman (Edward), B.A.. y".,.. 1788.
Hardman (Edward), B. A., At. 18zo.-II.A., NH. 1832.
Hardman (George), B. A., y".,.. 1795.
5 Hardman (Joseph William), B. A., y".,.. J8SS. -ll. A., y".,..
18S8.-LL. B . and LL. D., y..,.. 1863.
Hardwicke (Thomas). B. A., At. 1827,
Hanly (Edwanl), B. A., y".,.. 1849.
Hardy (Francia), B. A., .At& 1771.
Hardy (Henry), Sch., I 828.-B. A., V".,.. 1830.
10 Hardy (Henry Hill), B. A., y".,.. 18+2.
Hardy (Henry William), B. A., V".,.. 1813.
Hanly (lames), B. A., y".,.. 18+3.
Hardy (leremiah), B. A., y".,.. 1815.
Hardy (lohn), B. A., AIlt. 1808.-ll. A., NH. 1832.
IS Hardy (John), B. A., At. 18+9.
Hardy (lohn Peter), B. A., y".,.. 1833.
Hardy (Philip Dixon), B.A., V..... 18+7.
Hardy (Simeon Henry), B. A.,
1825.-11. A., y".,.. 1832.
Hardy (Simeon Henry), B. A., y".,.. 183+.-11:. B., y".,.. 1837.
20 Hardy (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1835.
Hare (Charles), Soh., 1 799.-B. A., y".,.. 1801. - Fell., 1809-ll. A., At. 1809.-B. D., and D. D., L&t. 1821.
Hare (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.-11. A., AIlt. 18+7.
Hare (David), B. A., y.".. 1829.
Hare (Edward Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18SS.
25 Hare (George), B. A., At. 18zz.
Hare (Henry), B. A., At. 1830.
Hare (Henry), B. A., AIlt. 1851.
Hare (John), B. A., y".,.. 18J6.-ll. A., NH. 1832.
Hare (John), B. A., y".,.. I 826.-LL. B., V".,.. 18+0.
30 Hare (lohn David), B. A., y".,.. 1837. - LL. B., Yent. 18+0._
LL. D., y".,.. 18+5.
Hare (Kark), B.A., Y.... 1795. -LL. B., y".,.. 1801. -LL D.,
.It. 180+.
Hare (llatthiaa), B. A., and 11. A., At. 1843. - LL. B., and
LL D., At. 1853.
Hare (lIatthias Everard), B. A., HUm. 1861.-11. B., and 11. Chir.,
At. 1866.










Hare (Patrick), 8ch., 1757.-B.A., y".,.. 17S8.-H.A., .&t.

Hare (Richard William), B. A., Hi . IS60.-11 B., y".,.. 1861.
Hare (Robert), B. A., Ailt. IS30.
Hare (Thomas), B.A., y",.. 1853.
Hare (William), B. A., y".,.. IS26.
Hargrave (Henry James Bennett), B. A., y".,.. 1859Hargrave (Thom811 Deane), B. A., y.,.,.. 18+s.-K. B., Vern. IS+9.
Hargrave (William), B. A., Ailt. 1815. - K. A., and M .. B., Ailt.
Hargreave (Charles JameB), LL. D. (Atmoril Mllld), JT".,.. 18SZ.
Hargreave (John), B. A., Vent. IS5+.
Hargrove (Charles), B. A., Y..... 1819.
Harkan (John), B. A., Y..... IS37.
Harkan (William Edward), B. A., y".,.. IS43.
Harke (Frederiok lIartin), B. A., y".,.. IS+o.-K. A., At. 1849.
Harke (William Henry), B. A., Ymt. ISS6.-H. A., Y".,..1860.
Harkness (George), B. A., At. ISZZ.
Harley (Chrietopher Burkitt), B. A., At. IS61.
Harley (John), B. A., At. IS30.
Harley (John Boyce), B. A., y".,.. 18SS.
Harlow (Thomas), Sch., 1699.-B. A., y.,.,.. 1700.
Harman (Robert), B. A., y".,.. Ibo.
Harman (Samuel Thomas), B. A., y".,.. IS23.
Harman (Samuel Thomas), B. A., HiM. 1860.-K. A., y".,..
Harman (Thomas), B. A., LElt. ISI%.
Harman (Walter George), B. A., y".,.. JSU.-K. A., y".,.. IS37.
Harman (Wenthworth), (Entrance not recorded.) - LL. D., y".,..
17 1S.
Harman (William), B. A., y".,.. IS61.
Harman (William Horton), B. A., JT".,.. IS65.-K. B., y".,.. IS66.
Harmer (Henry Harven), B. A., y".,.. IS+S.-lLA., Ailt. ISS3.
Harmon (Cutts), B.A., V".,.. 17z5-H. A., LElI. 17zS.
Harnett (John), B. A., y".,.. 17SS.
Harnett (Noblet), B. A., At. ISII.
Harnett (Robert), B. A., JT"... 1766.
Harnett (Timothy), B. A., y",.. IS3+.
Harnett (William), B. A., Y..... 1750.



Harold (Richard). B. A..,



Harpole (
). (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., about 1688.
Harpur (Ephraim), B. A.., .&e. 1836.
Harpur (George), B. A.. r".,.. 1856.
Harpur (Samuel), B. A..
Harpur (Singleton), B. A..,
Harpur (Singleton Colville), B. A., r".,., 1843. - H. A., r".n.
184 6 .
Harpur (ThODl88), Sch., IS01.-B. A., At. IS04. - M. A.., ..tEst.
Harpur (Thomas B.), B. A.,
Harpur (William C.), B. A.,
Harricks (William). B. A..
Harries (lohn), B. A.., V".,.. IS+6.
Harrington (lames), B. A..,
Harrington (William), B. A.., At. 1832.
Harris (Arthur), B. A.. (IPIDfM. grat'd). r".,.. 1~1.-M. A., At.
Harris (George). Sch., 1711.-B. A., V".,.. 17'3.
Harris (George), B. A., At. ,SOL
Harris (George), B. A.,
Harris (Henry). B.A., V".,.. ISIO.
Harris (Howell), B. A., .2&t. 18+S.
Harris (Hugh), B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Harris (lames), B. A., r".,.. 1773.
Harris (lames), B. A..,
Harris, or Harrison, (John), B. A.., r".,.. 1706.-M.A., V".,..
17 1+.
Harris, (lohn), B.A..,
1815.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Harris (John Pitt), B. A..,
IS5o.-LL. B.,
Harris (.John William), B. A..,
Harris (}[i.chael), B. A., r".,.. 1816.-M. A.., r".,.. ISI9.
Harris (Richard), Sch., 1719. -B. A.., r".,.. 1711.
Harris (Robert), Sch., I7S3.-B. A..,
Harris (Robert), Sch., 16So. -B. A..,
16S2. -11. A., r,m.
Harris (Robert). B. A.' I r".,.. IS27.
Harris (Thomas), B. A' I ..tEst. ISI6.
Harris (Thomas), B.A..,


















Harris (Walter), LL. D. (AlmoN. Mud), .&t. 1753.

Harris (William), B. A.., AI& 1808.

HarriB (William Lindsey), B. A., .&t. 1831.

Harris (William Wallia), B. A., y",.. 18+0'
5 Harrison (
), (Entrance Dot reoorded).-B. A., .&t. 163+.
Harrison (Abraham St. lob). B. A., and LL. B., HiMn. 1861.
Harrison (Oharlea), B. A y".,.. 1814--lL A.., N"". 1831.
Harrison (Christopher), Sch., 1735.-B.A., Ywn. 1736.
Harrison (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1665.
10 Harrison (George), B. A.., .lEIt. 185+.
Harrison (Henry), Soh., 1702.-B. A., Vwn. 1703.
Harrison (Henry), B. A., .Ain. 182+.
Harrison (Henry Spencer), }{UB. Doc., .lEIt. 18SS.
Hamson (James), B. A., y".,.. 1836.
15 HarriBOn (/eremiah), B. A., 1"".,.. 1~3.
Harrison (John), B. A., Y~ 1783.
Harrison (John), Sch., 180+-B. A., y".... 1806.
Harrison (John), B. A., Ywn. I 835.-M. A., ASat. 1839.
Harrison (John), B.A., y.".. 1863.-LL. B., At. 1863.-M. A.,

Fum. 1865.

Harrison (/ohn laaac), (pro~bly John, who took B. A., y".,..

1783).-M. A., .&t. 1803.
Harrison (Jones), B. A., y.".. 1787.
Harrison (Joseph), B. A., V,..,.. I 837.-ll. B., .&t. 18+0.
Harrison (Michael), Sch., 17~.-B. A.., Ywn. 1711.-)(. A., y".,..

17 1+
HarrUon (Michael), Sch., 184+-B. A., V"MI. I 846.-M. A., H'JetH.
IS Harrison (Nicholas), B. A., y".,.. 1739.
HarriBOD (Robert), Sch., 1711.-8. A., Ywn. 1723.
HarriBOn (Robert), B.A., Y,MI. 181+. -lil. A., and H. B., .AWl.
182+.-M. D., 1"".,., 1837.

HarriBOn (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1709.

HarrisoD (Theophilua), (Eatranoo DDt recorded). - H. A., .Ain.
1675.- D. D., AUt. I~.
30 Harrison (Theophilua), B. A., Ywn. 1703.
Harrison (Theopbilua), B. A.., VtIrn. 173+
Harrison (ThOmaB), B. A., AiBt. 1713.
HarriBOn (Thomas), B. A.., y".,.. 1738.








Harrison (Thomas), B. A., .At. 1778.

Harrison (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. ISz9.-M. A., Vwn. IS3z.
Harrison (Thomas), N. F. Sch., IS63. - B. A., and ll. B., At.
1864Harrison (Wi1liam), B. A., &to 171.3.-ll. A., At. 1726.
Harrison (William), B. A., Vim. 1831..-M. A., .At. 1843.
Harrison (William Alters), B. A., .At. 1851.
Harrnp (ChaTles), B. A., Vern. 1707.-Sch., 1707.
Harsnape (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 171.3.
Hart (Andrew Searle), B. A., VIN'. IS33. - Fell., IS35. -Y. A.,
Vwn. I 839.-LL. B., and LL. D., .2&t. 18+0'
Hart (ChaTles H.), B. A., Vim. 1851.
Hart (Dudley), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Hart (Edward), B. A., V6Nl. 1735.
Hart (Gardiner), B. A., V6f'1I. 1739.
Hart (George), B. A., At. 1713.-1I.A., .At. 1715.
Hart (George), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., V".,.. 17+9.
Hart (George Vaughan), B. A., V".,.. 1773.-L1. B., Vwn. 1778.
Hart (George Vaughan), B. A., V".,.. 1821.-1I. ~., NOfJ. IS31..
Hart (GeoTge Vaughan), B. A., .At. 1860.
Hart (George Vaughan), Sch., I 863.-B. A.., Hiem. I 863.-LL. B.,
Hart (Henry lIartyn), B. A.., Fum. 1861.-1I. A.., HUm. 1864Hart (James), M. B., ,t. 183z.
Hart (John), B. A.., Vim. 1772.
Hart (Jobn), B. A.., Vwn. ISz7.
Hart (John), B. A.., V6f'1I. 1848.
Hart (John Rume), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Hart (Patrick), B. A., Vmt. 1709.
Hart (Richard), B. A.., At. 18z7.
Hart (Thomas B.), B. A.., Vwn. 1838.
Harte (Charles), B.A., Vim. 1816.-1I.A., 8t. ISz4'
Harte (Henry), Sc~., 16g6.-B. A., Vwn. 1697.-M. A., ,t.
17 00
Harte (Henry Hickman), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Vwn. lSI I.-Fell.,
1819.-M.A., .2&t. ISz3.
Harte (James), B. A.., Vim. ISz5.
Harte (Joseph William), B. A.,
Harte (Mahony), B. A., Vern. 1826.





Harte (Richard), B. A' I At. 181 J.

Harte (Samuel W.), B. A., 11m. 1850'
Harte (Thomas), B. A., VWfI. 1833.
Harte (William), B. A., Vn-t. 1836.
5 Hartford (
), B. A., ..lEIt. 1817'
Hartigan (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 1810.-Y. A., At. 1814-.
Hartigan (Steward), B. A., Vern. 1803.
Hartigan (William), Y. D. (honoril causd), .lEat. 1802.
Hartigan (William Henry), B. A., ./&t. 18+4.
10 Hartis (John), B. A., VWfI. 1689.
Hartley (George), B. A., VWfI. 18:0.
Hartley (Richard), Sch., 1710.-8. A., rern. 17JJ.-Y. A., .8t.
17 2 9,
Hartley (Richard Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1827.
Hartley (Thomas), B. A., VIf"7I. I 830.-Y. A., Vem. 1833.
15 Hartley (William), Sch., 1698.-B. A., Vtrn. 17ol.-H. A., .JEat.
Hartley (William J.), B.A., VWfI.1815.
Hartlib (H~chael), Sch., 1699.-B.A., VWfI. 17ol.-M. A., VeN!.
Hartly (Humfrey), B. A., Vern. 173+.-Y. A., Vern. 1739.
Hartnett (Denis), B.A., Vtrn. 1826..
20 Hartrick (Edward John), B. A., Vet.". 1839 -Y. A., .lEat. 184-3.
Hartshorn (~obcrt), B. A., .2&t. 1843.
Hartshorn (William), B. A., ret". I 826.-M. A., NOf).1832.
Hartson (Hall), Sch., 1756.-B. A., Vern. 1758.
Hartstong (William), B. A., J'e,.n. 1713.-M. A., .tE,e. 1716.
25 Hartstongue (John), B. A., 1677.-M. A., 1680.
Hartstonguc (Price), LL. D. (honor;, cal4lti), Vern. 1730.
IIartswell (Richard), B. A., ./E,t. 1729.
IIartwell (Barry), B.A., Vern. 1706-M. A., ./&t. 1712.
Hartwell (James), B. A., ./E,t. 1801.
30 Harty (Robert), B. A., ..tENt. 1836.
Harty (William), Sch., I 799.-B. A., Vel"', 1801.-M. B., ~t.
1804-.-M. D., LElt. 1830.
Harty (William), B. A., Vtrn. 1835.
Harvey (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., Vern. 174-1.
Harvey (Alfred Thomas), B. A., Vml. 1866.
35 Harvey (Beauchamp Bagenal), B. A., Ytrn. J 77 5.



Harvey (Christopher), D. D. (,peciali gratid), Vern. 1776.

Harvey (Edward), B. A., Vtm. 179%.
Harvey (James), B. A., Vern. 1704-.-Y. A . At. 1707.
Harvey (James), B. A" Vtrn. 1737.
5 Harvey (James), B. A., At. 1778.
Harvey (John), Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vern. 170J.-1tL A., .l.&t.
Harvey (John), B. A., Vern. 1766.
Harvey (John), Bch., 1769.-B. A . At. 1771.
Harvey (John), B. A., Vern. 18%S.-Y. B., .lEd. 18%8.
10 Harvey (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1830.-Y. A., At. 183%.
Harvey (Joshua), B. A., Vern. 18%7.
Harvey (Peter). Bch., 1687.-B. A., Vern. 169J.-M. A., At.
Harvey (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1781.
Harvey (Robert), B.A., Vern. 179%.
IS Harvey (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1830.
Harvey (Robert H.), B. A., Vern. 18Z9.-H. A" NOtJ. IS.~Z.
Harvey (William), B. A., Vern. 170S.-M. A., At. 1708.
Harvey (William), 8ch., 1769.-B. A., At. 1771.
Harvey (William), B. A., Vern. 1 789.-M. A., At. 1809.
%0 Harvey (William), B. A., .IEIt. 1805.
Harvey (William Henry), M. D. (honori, eaUld). Vern. 1844Harward (
). Y. B., and M. D., Vern. 1708.
Harward (William), LL. D. (honori, CIJUBd), At. 174-7.
Harwood (Edward), B.A., Vern. 1770.
2S' Harwood (John Dalton), B. A., Vern. I 768.-Y. A., Vern. 1771.
Haskins (Charles), B.A., Vern. 18zS.-M. A., Vern. 18%9'
Haskins (James), B.A., Vern. 18%+-M. B., Vern. 1833.
Haslam (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Hassard (Charles), B. A" Vern. 1835.
30 Haaaard (Edward), B. A., At. 1819.-M. A., At. 18%9.-B. D.,
and D. D., At. 1856.
Haaeard (Francis), B. A., At. 1801.

H88B8.I'd (Francis), B. A., At. ISIS.

Haaaard (Francia), B. A., Vwn. 1838.
Haaaard (Francis), B. A., Vern. 18393S Haaaard (George), B. A., Vern. 18%9.-M. A., NOtJ. 1832.
Haaaard (Henry), B. A., At. I 821.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.



Haesard (lohn), B. A., Ywn. 1833.

Haesard (Michael Dobbin), D. A., Ymt. 1851.
Haesard (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 18n
Hauard (Robert), B. A., Him. I 860.-M. A., .Ai:Bt. 1865,
5 Haasard (Wi1liam), B. A., y".,.. 18z6.-1I. A., N()f). 1832.
Hasaard (William), B. A., Hi",.. 1862.
Hassard (William Charles), B. A., Him. 1863.-11. B. Him.
186+-lf. Chir., .BIt. 1865.
Hassett (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 1708.
Hastings (Anthony), B. A., Ylm. ISOI.-M.A., Vwn. 1811.
10 Hastings (James), B. A., y".,.. 173+.-M. A., jEd. 17+0.
Hastings (James), Sch., 176+.-B. A., .Ai:Bt. 1766.-Y. A., A:st.
Hastings (John), Sch., 17+1.-B. A., y".,.. IH2.-Y. A., .BIt:
I 74Li.-LL. B., &to 17+7.-Fell., 17+8.-B. D., .BIt. 1753.
Haat.ings (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1860.
Hastings (Samuel), B. A., y".,.. 18++-11. A., HitJ1ll. 1865'
15 Haatings (Tbomas), B. A., y".,.. 17H.-LL. B., V".,.. 17S6.LL. D., y".,.. 176S.
Hatch (Jeremiah), B. A., .2&t. 1816.
Hatch (lohn) , Sch., 17co.-B. A., Vent. 170z.-Y. A., .It.
170 5.
Hatch (John), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Hatch (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1815.
zo Hatchell (Ebenezer Hore), B.A., At. 1818.-ll.A.,NOfI. 1831.
Hatchell (John), Sch., 1803.-B. A., At. 180+'
Hatchell (John), B. A., At. 18+3.
Hatchell (John), B. A., .2&t. 18+7.-11. A., .BIt. 1865'
Hatchell (Tbomas H.), B. A., Yern. 1851.
z5 Hatfleld (Alexander), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded), Fell.,
1635.-11. A., 1638.
Hatfleld (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 1678.
Hatton (
), (Entranoonot recorded),D.A., .2&t. 16'9.-Y. A.,

.JEtt. 1622.
Hatton (Henry), B. A., .It. 1778.
Hatton (James),Sch., Q25.-B. A., T"ern. 1727.-!f,J\.,l'tnl. 1730.
30 Hatton (John), B. A., Vein. 1738.
Hatton (Rob{'rt). B. A., l"e,.n. 1';36.-M. A., J'ml. 'i-40.
Haughton, or Siaughton ,Antb(,ny), B. A., .b.'t. 1622.



Haughton, or Staughton (Arthur), B. A., ~t. 16zz.-}[. A.,

.2&t. 1625".
Haughton, or Staughton, or Stoughton (Cromwell), Sch., 1663.B. A., Vern. 1665.
Haughton (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
Haughton (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
5 Haughton (John), B. A., VIMI. 179+
Haughton (Robert), B. A., LEat. 1828.
Haughton (Samuel), B. A., y'ern. 18++.-Fellow, 18++.-}[. A.,
V".,.. 18p.-ll. B., and 1I. D., Diem. 1862.
Haughton (William), B. A., VWft. 18p.-ll. B., LElt. 1851.
Hawes (lohn), B.A., .2&t. 1859.
10 Hawkes (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1731.
Hawkes (Edward), Sch., 17 .....-B. A., VIITfI. 171S.
Hawkes (John), B.A., .2&t. 1812.
Hawkes (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Hawkes (Lewis), B. A., VWft. 1728.
15 Hawkes (Lewis), B. A., V".,.. 1817.
Hawkes (Peter William), B. A., .2&t. 18SS.
Hawkealey (John Webster), B. A., Vwn. 1857.
Hawkesworth (Amory), Sch., 178+.-B.A., Vwn.178S.-LL.B.,
Vwn. 1789.
Hawkesworth (lohn), B. A., ..d. 1817.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
20 Hawkesworth (lohn), B.A., .2&t. 1812.-ll. A., Vern. 1816.
Hawkeaworth (John), B. A., .Bt. 1825.
Hawkesworth (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. I 79S.-ll. A., .2&t. 1818.
Hawkey (John), Sch., 17230-B. A., Vena. 1725,
Hawkey (lohn), Sch., 18I+-B. A,. Vern. 1816.-ll. A., .2&t.
J819.-ll. B., .2&t. 1821.-lf. D., .2&t. 182S.
25 Hawkey (John PulIeine), Sch., I 766.-B. A., V".,.. 1768.
Hawkey (William), B. A., Vir". 1772.
Hawkins (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 17+2.
Hawkins (James), B. A., Vern. I7+S.-ll. A., LEd. 17+8.-D.D.
(~gratid), &t. 1772.
Hawkins (James), B. A., V,m. 1819.-LL. B., and LL. D., NOfJ.
18 32
30 Hawkins (James Staples), B. A., 1".,.. 1860.
Hawkins (John), B. A., VWft. 1700.-M. A., .2&t. 1703.



Hawkins (John), B. A., Vera. 1735.

Hawkins (John), B. A., Vms. I 77S.-1L A., Vim. 17S+,
Hawkins (John), B. A., V,m. 1719.
Hawkins (Richard), B. A., Vim. 18 I 3.
5 Hawkill8 (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1787. - Y. A. (per dipl.), ./E;t.
1795.-B. D., and D. D., &t. I S06.
Hawkins (William), B. A., Vwn. 17S+,
HawkillB (William), B. A., &t. IS05.
Hawkshaw (Benjamin), B. A., Veri. 1693.-M. A., &t. 1695.
Hawkshaw (Charles), B. A . Pem. ISI9.
10 Hawkahaw (John), B. A., Vms. 1692. -LL. B., Vern. 1700.LL.D., AUt. 1708.
Hawkshaw (John), B. A., Vwn. 1 73+-M. A., at. 1737.
Hawkahaw (Richard), B. A., V~. 1776.-lL A., AUt. 1783'
Hawkshaw (Robert), Sch., I 769.-B. A., Vera. 1770.
Hawkshaw (Samu~l), B. A., &t. 1771.-LL. B., AUt. 1776.
15 Hawkahaw (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. IS16.
Hllwkahaw (Thomas), B. A., AUt. ISO+
Hawkahaw (William), B. A., Vmt. 1803.-M.A., NOfJ. IS32.
Haworth (Robert), (Entered, 1667; B. A. not recorded).-lL A.,
AUt. 167+.
Hawtayne (William Henry), B. A., AUt. 18+7.
20 Hawthorne (William M.), B. A., Vms. 1823.
Hawthornthwaite (Thomas), Sch., 1833.-B. A., V~rn. 1835,LL. B., and LL. D., AUt. 1861.
Hawtrey (Ralph), B. A., V6NI. Q+7.-M. A., .2EBt. 1750.
Hay (George), B. A., V6NI. IS36.
Hayden (Ohristopher), B. A., &t. ISI3.
25 Hayden (Frederick), B. A., jE,t. IS+O.
Hayden (George Thomas), B. A., V,",. 1834. - M. B., ..!EIt.
Hayden (Henry), B. A., &t. 1790.
Hayden (Henry), B. A., V,",. 1805.
Hayden (John), B. A., V,",. ISI+.-lI. A., AUt. IS..,O.
30 Hayden (John Edward), B. A., Vim. 18..,6.
Hayden (Thomas), Sch., I 79S.-B. A., Vwn. ISoo.
Hayden (Thomas), B. A., Vim. ISH.
Haydock (John), B. A., Vern. 1773.
Haydock (Joaw), Sch., 1679.-B. A.,




Hayes (Denis), B. A., .JiBt. 1781.

Hayes (Edmund), B. A., Vwn. 1825.-LL. B., and' LL. D., NOI}.
Hayes (Sir Edmund H. S., Bart.), B. A., LElt. 1827.-lL A., NOI}.
Hayes (Francis Carlile), B. A., Hi8m. I 860.-1I. A., Him. 1863.
5 Hayes (John), B. A., Vern. 1730.
Hayes (John), B. A., Vma. 1791.
Hayes (Michael), B. A., Vmt. 1817.-M. A., Vma. 1832.
Hayes (Nicholas Peter), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Hayes (Richard), B.A., Vwn. 1827.
10 Hayes (Robert), B. A., and M. A" .&t. 184-9.
Hayes (Samuel B.), B. A., .JiBe. 1804.
Hayes (Stanley Hamilton), B. A.., Him. 1864Hayes (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1808.
Hayes (Thomas Crawford), B. A., Hi8m. 1865.
15 Hayes (William Alexander), B. A., ..lEd. 1806.
Hayes (William Andrew), B. A.., Vma. 1848.
Hayles (Samuel). Soh., 1730.-B. A., Vern. 1731.-Y. A., ~t.
1734.-B. D., and D. D., .JiBe. 1772.
Hayman (Atkin), B.A., Vern. 1738.-M.A., ../&t. 1741.
Hayman (Samuel). B. A., LElt. 18,39.
20 Haynes (Michael). Sch., I 84O.-B. A., V",.. 1841.
Hays (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1762.
Haywood (Robert), B. A., V8m. 1710.-M. A., ../&t. 1713.
Hazlett (James B.), Sch., 1798.- B. A., V",.. 1800.
Hazlewood (George), B. A., Yma. 1817.-M. A., Yern. 1852.
25 Hazlewood (William), B. A.,.&t. 1827.-ll. A., NOI}. 1832.
Head (George), Soh., 1740.-B. A., v,rn. I74I.-M. A., Vern.
Head (Henry), B. A., Vern. 184-0.
Head (John), B. A., Y8rn. 1702.
Head (John), B. A., LElt. 180430 Head (John P.), B. A., Vern. 184-2.
Head (Jonathan), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Head (Michael), B. A.., V",.. 1788.
Head (Michael), B. A., Ywn. 1844.
Head (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1837.
H Head (William Henry), B. A., ~8t. 1830.



Headon (John), Sch., .67S.-B. A.. V"", 1677.-lL A . At.

Healy (Robert), B. A., .lEIt 801.-H. B., Vma. .807.-H. A.
Noo. 1832.
Healy (Robert), B. A., V",.. 184-0.
Healy (William). H.B., AIlI. 18H.
S Heany (Thomas), Sch., 1726.-B. A., Vms. 1717.-ll. A., .lEII.

173 2
Heard (Edward H.), B. A., V".,.. 1817'
Heard (Robert), B. A., V,", . 839.
Hearn (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 17.3.-M. A., V.,. . 718.
Hearn (Edward H.), B. A., Vms . 826.-H. A., Boo. 1831.
10 Hearn (Lewis Reynolds), B. A., ...tfUt 860.
Hearn (Hark Anthony), B. A., Vms. 17S6.
Hearn (Robert), B. A., Vms. 1837.
Hearn (William Edward), Sch., 18H.-B. A., l'errt. 18+7.-LL. B.,
and LL.. D., .lEIt. 1863.-)[. A., H'una. 1863.
Hearne (Charles). B. A., Vms. 1839.
IS Hearne (Frederick John), B. A. Vms. I 84-S.-H. A., V".,.. 18+8.
Hearne (Henry), B.A., V,",.18p.
Hearne (John Bagge), B. A., jE,t. I 83S.-H. A.., Vms . 8+1.
Hearne (Julius Strike), B. A., jEBt. 18S
Hearne (Richard), B. A., At. 1802.-)[. A., NOf1. 183%.
20 Hearne (Robert James), B. A., Vms. 18#.
Hearne (William). Bch., 180S.-B. A., T"ern. 1807.-M. A., Vms.

Heastie (Edward). B. A., Vms. 1837.
Heath (Edward), B. A., Hima. 1862.
Heath (Robert), B. A., Vms. 1815.
25 Heather (George Abraham), B. A., VIN 8n.-H. A., At.

Heather (George Frederick), B. A., HIMn. 1860.
Heatley (Charles), B. A., V",.. .770.
Heatley (Robert Young), Sch., 18so.-B. A., At. 18;%.
Heatley (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1790.-M. A., At. 181 .
30 Heatley (ToW1l8end). B. A., Vern. 1839.
Heatly (John). B.A., V".,. . 712.
Heatly (Michael), B.A., Vern. 1739.-M. A., jE,t. 17+1.
Heaton (Richard), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded). D. D.,

J.n. 26, .66 ..



Heazle (Isaac), Sch., IS5+.-B. A., Vwn. IS59.

Heazle (William), Sch., IS5I.-B. A., LEd. IS54.-M. A., Ywn.
Hebden (John), B.A., VIN. IS3S.-M. A., LEd. IS.p.
Hebden.(Robert), B. A., Ywn. IS31.-M. A., V""f., 183+
5 Hedges (Robert), B. A., Hay 4, 1655.
Heely (
). (Entrance, and B. A., 1I0t reoorded).-M. A., ~.
162 9.
Heenan (John), Sch., 1755.-B. A.,&t. 17S6.-11. B., .Atlt. 1764'
Heffernan (Henry), Sch., 1779.-B. A., At. 17So.
Heffernan (James), B. A., Vern. 1779.
10 Heffernan (John M.), B. A., Vern. ISI6.-M. A., N()f). IS31.
Heffernan (Nesbitt), B. A., Vwn. ISII.-M. A., No". IS32.
Heffernan (Nesbitt), B. A., Vwn. lS37.-M. B., ..lEat. IS39.
Heffernan (Richard), B. A., VINt. IS 11 .
Heffernan (William), B. A., V".,.. IS4S.
15 Heisse (William), B. A., Vern. ISn-}[. B., V".,.. IS3S.
Hellen (Robert), LL. D. (Aonoril caU8d), V".,.. 1769.
Hellen (Robert), B. A., ..lEat. 17S9.
Hellon (Robert), B. A., ViJ1'n. 1746.-LL. B., ..lEat. 1749.
Helsham (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 17zS.
zo Helsham (George Paul), B. A., ..lEat. ISzo.-H. A., &1. IS24.LL. B., and LL. D., At&t. IS57.
Helsham (Henry), B. A., YtJ,.,.. IS24.
Helsham (Paul), B. A., Vwn. J7SI.-M. A., Vwn. 1792.-LL. B.
and LL. D., Ywn. ISOI.
Helsham (Richard), Sch.; 17oo.-B. A., V".,.. 170z.-Fel1ow, 1704.
~M. A., Ywn. 1705.
Hely(George, or Gorges 88 in Entrance book), B.A., Vmt. 1706.}[. A., .AlII. 170S.-LL. B., ~8t. 1743 (Gorges).
25 Hely (George), B. A.,..lEaI. IS33.
Hely (George), B. A., V".,.. 1740.
Hely (Hilliard), B. A., YIITn. 1706.
Hely(Hilliard), Sch., 175o.-B. A., Ywn. 1751.
Hely (Hilliard), B. A., &t. ISI7.
30 Hely (James), Sc~ . I 790.-B. A., ..lEat. 1791.
Hely (John), B. A., YtJrn. 17#-(Afterwnrds Provost Hutchinsoll.)
Hely (John), Sch., 1757.-B. A., Ymt. 17SS.-LL. B., ./E4t. 1778.
Hely (John), B. A.,..lEat. IS31.




Rely (John), B. A., &1. 183+


HelllllliDgs(HenryVane), 8ch., 183.... -B. A., V".,.. I 827.-ll. A.,

y".,.. 18.J5.-LL. B., and LL. D., y".,.. 1850.
HelllllliDgs (lIatthew), B. A., V".,.. 17 SS .
Hemphill (Alexander Hamilton), B.A., V".,.. 1783.
Hemphill (Charles Hare), 8ch. 18",3.-B. A., V".,.. 18++
Hemphill (Edward), B. A., &t. 1790.
Hemphill (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1833.-11. A., &t. 1839.
Hemphill (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 183].
Hemphill (1ames Patton), B. A., V".,.. 1860.-11. A., V".,.. 1866.
Hemphill (1ohn), B. A., Yml. ISS3.
Hemphill (Richard), B. A., &t. I 836.-lL A., &t. IS39.
Hemsworth (Godfrey), B. A., y".,.. 17u.
Hemsworth (1ohn), Sch., 173 I.-B. A., y".,.. 1733.-11. B., Vern.
17 3 9.-ll D., .JElt. 17 3 I.
Hemsworth (Thomas), Sch., 1683.-B. A.,
16S6.-ll. A.,
Hemsworth (Thomas), B. A., Vma. I 730.-ll. A., &1. 1715.
Hemsworth (William), B. A' J y".,.. 1837.
Henchy (Fitzgibbon), B. A., &t. 18n.-1I. A., NfIfJ. IS33.
Henohy (Peter Fitzgibbon), LL. D. (ad eund.), &t. 1818.
Henderson (Acheson Thompson), B. A., jEll. 1833.-Y. A., Vent.
Henderson (Arthur), Sch., 1763.-B. A., yey'n .,63.
Henderson (David), B. A., .2EIt. 18u.
Henderson (Frederick), B.A., V".,.. 1705.
Henderson (1ohn), 8ch., 18SS.-B. A., &t. 1859.
Henderson (Robert), B. A., Yern. 18u.-1I. A., .LEIt. 1850.
Henderson (Robert Beatty), B. A., Vt!1'R. 185+.
Henderson (William), Sch., 1719.-B. A., Veyn. 1731.-M:. A.,
.LEIt. 173 ....
Hcnderson (William), B. A., V".,.. 18SS.-M. A., .LEIt. 1858.
Hendly (Christopher). Sch., 1765.-0. A., Y-. 1767.
Hendly (Matthew), ll. A., V_.1835.
Hendrick (Charles), B. A., V_. 1739.
Hendrick (Edward), B.A., V_.1781.
Hendrick (Robert), B. A., Ywn. 1700.
Henley (Thomas Henry), B. A., .2EIt. ISlo.-Lt. B., and Lt. D.,
.JE~t. 1830.














Henn (Jonathan), B. A., ..l.&t. 1808.

Henn (Jonathan Lovett), B. A., V,rn. 1839.
Henn (Thomas Rice), B. A., Vwn. 1837.
Henn (William), B. A., At. 180;.
Henn (William), B. A., Vwn. I 83;.-M. A., AIlt. 1842.
Hennessy (James), Sch. 17u.-B.A., Vwn.1713.
Henning (Stilon), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
Hen.niss (Peter), B. A., V".,., 18zz.
Henry (Arthur), B. A., At. 1802.
Henry (David John), B. A., Vwn. 18+7.
Henry (Jabez), B. A., Vena. 1766.
Henry (James), B. A., Vena. 1773.
Henry (James), Bch., 1817.-B.A., V",.. 1819.-Y' A., andll. B.,
./E.t. 18zz.-ll. D., NOfI. 183z.
Henry (John), B.A., Vu-n. 181;.
Henry (Joseph), B. A., V",.. 1745.
Henry (Joaeph), Bch., 184+.-B. A., V",.. 18+6.-ll. A., At.
Henry (Joseph), B. A., HUm. 1862.-ll. B., At. 1863.
Henry (Meredith), B. A., Vwn. 18+z.
Henry (Michael), B. A., V",.. 1793.
Henry (Robert), B. A., V",.. 1813.
Henry (Thomas), B. A., VIN. 18z3.-11. A., NOfI. 183z.
Henry (Thomas), B. A., At. 18z+.-M. A., At. 1827.
Henry (Thomas), B. A., LEBt. 1831.-Y. A., At. 1862.
Henry (William), (Entrance, or B. A., not recorded).-M. A., Vwn.
17+8.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 17;0.
Henshaw (Nathaniel), M. D. (ad eund.), LEal. 1664.
Henthorn (James), B. A., V",.. I7z8.
Henville (Joseph), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Henzell (Bigoe), B. A., V",.. 1789.-M. A., V",.. 1808.
Henzill (Bigoe), B. A., V",.. 1743.-ll. A., At. 1747.
Hepenstal (George), B.A., V",.. 1836.
Hepenstal (Lambert Watson), B. A., Vena. 180C}.-M. A., VW1I.
181 3.
Heppenstall (Charles), B. A., VW1I. 1713.- M. A., At. 1716.
H61bert (Arthur), B.A., LEal. 17+7.
Herbert (Arthur), B. A., Vena. 1781.-11. A., Vena. 1787.
Herbert (Arthur), B. A., At. 1803.-1I. A., V".,., 1801.


Herbert (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. IS30.

Herbert (Baatable), B. A., JElt. lS0S.
Herbert (Edward), B. A.,
172S.-M. A., .iElt. 1736.
Herbert (Edward), LL. D. (AoNonIcawd), LElt. 1752.
Herbert (Edward), B. A., Boo. II, .788.-M. A., .LEft. 179 2
Herbert (Edward), Sch., .799.-B. A., At. 1802.
Herbert (Edward), B. A., LEI,. lSI,...
Herbert (Edward), Sch., 181+-B. A., r".,.. 1816.
Herbert (Edward), B. A.,
Herbert (Henry), B. A., ~. 1817'
Hl~rbert (Henry Arthur), B. A., VtnI. 1825.
Herbert (John), Sch., .7zo.-1i. A., Vena. 17Z1.-M. A., .&;,,1.
17z,...-LL.B., andLJ... D., .2&t. 1771.
Herbert (John), B. A., r".,.. 17H.
Herbert (John Otway), B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Herbert (Nicholas), B.A., rern. 1801.-11 A., ~/. 1811.
Herbert (Otway), B. A., V.,na. 1828.
Herbert (Otway), B. A., rena. 18,..8.
Herbert (Richard), B. A., JElt. ISIS.
Herbert (Richard), B. A., Vem. IS2,...
Herbert (Richard), B. A., JEll. 1837.
Herbert (Richard), B. A., F".,.. 18S8.
Herbert (Richard Townsend), Sch., 177+.-B. A., r,/,,,. 1776.
Herbert (Samuel Archer), B. A., J'na. 18,..8.
Herbert (Thomas), B. A., rern. 1792.
Herbert (Thomas), B. A., rem. 1826.
Herdman (Henry), B. A., reNt. 1728.
Herdman (Robert), B. A., LElt. 1837.-M. B., .&t. 1839.
Hering (John), B. A., JEIt. 1637.
Heritage (Robert Herr Von), B. A., FmL 18+3.
Hermitage (Timothy), B. A., rerll. 1697.
Heme (James), Sch., 1737.-B. A., rena. 1739.
Heme (Josiah), 8. A., 1",.. 1768.-M. A., rerll. 1776.
Heron (Denis Caulfield), Ii. A., r,.rn. I 84-5.-LL. B., and I.I . P ..
,jE't. 1857.
Heron (Gusla\'us), B ..\.., ~l~'t. 1816.
Heron (Jame8), B. A., .af. 1791.
Heron (Josiah), B. A., J''&f. 1843.
Heron (Right Hon. Richard), LL. D. (1WII{)I'I~ r,,,,,,tS), rtrrl. 1777.











Herrick (George), B. A., Vern. 1814Herrick (George), B. A., HilNt. 1863.

Herrick (Henry Baldwin), B. A., Vern. 1829. - M. A., Nov.
Herrick (John Henry), B. A., Hum. 18645 Herrick (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18+9'
Herron (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1718.
Hervey, or Harvey (Christopher), Scb., 17+8.-B. A., Vma. 1750.
-LL. B., &t. 1753.
Hervey (Right Hon. and Right Rev. Frederick Augustus), D. D.,
(honoris CIIUlIi), Vern. 1768.
Hetherington (George), B. A., Vern. 1831.-ll. A., and Y. B.,
Vern. 183+.
10 Htlwetson (Ch~topher), B. A., XII, I, 1654-.
Hewetson, or Hewson (Francis), Sch., 1758. - B. A., Vern.
17 60
Hewetson, (Henry J), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Hewetson (lames), B. A., Vwn. 1779.
Hewetson (Jamcs), B. A., VH'fL 18z9.-M. A., NOfl. 1832.
15 Hewetson(Nicholas),B.A., Vern. QZ9.-LL.B., Vern. 1743.
HewetBOn (Robert John), B.A., Vern. 1795.
Hewetson (Thomas), (Entered, 1671).-M.A., LEd. 1708.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. 17+5.
Hewett, or Hewit (Walter), B. A., Vern. 1708. -M. A., LEst.
17 lz
Hewit (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1765.
zo Hewitt (David Basil), B. A., Vern. 1866.
Hewitt (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Hewitt (Henry), Sch., I 763--B. A., V".,.. 1 76S.-M. A., V,m.
Hewitt (Hon. James), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), V".,.. I 776.-ll. A.
and LL. D., Vern. 1778.
Hewitt (James), B. A., ..l&t. I 850.-M:. A.., Vwn. 186J.
zs Hewitt (James John), B. A.., V".,.. 18H.
Hewitt (Hon.lohn), ll. A., ..l&t. 1778.
Hewitt (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 1796.
Hewitt (Thomas), B. A., and M.A., ..l&t. 18z5.
Hewitt (Thomas H.), B. A., ..l&t. 1830.
30 Hewson (Francis), B. A., Vern. 18z7.-M. A' I NOfJ. 1832 .



Hewson (Francis Maurice), B. A., Vern. 1857.

Hewson (Franci.a Morris), B. A., Vim. 1831.
Hewson (Henry G.), B. A., V".". IS'7'
. Hewson (James), B. A., Vern. IS49.
S Hewson (James Bland), B.A., Vim. rS32.-H. A.,
Hewson, or HewetBon (John), Sch., I 749.-B. A., Vern. '7 So.
Hewson (John), B. A., LEst. '796.
Hewson (John), B. A., VlJr", ISOI.
Hewson (John), B. A., V".n. rSos.
10 Hew80n (John), M. A., LEat. ISH.
Hewson (John), B. A., LEaf. IS4-+.
Hewson (John), B. A., Vim. IS47.
Hewson (Maurice), B. A., Vern. IS 39.
Hewson (Maurice F.), B. A., .2&t. 18 I 3.
IS Hewson (Monsel), B. A., Vms. 17z9.-M. A., Vim. 1735.
Hewson (Robert), B. A., LEst. 1772.
Hewson (Robert), B. A., Vim. 17S7.
Hewson (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1801.
Hewson (Robert), B. A., VlJrn. 183S.-M. A., V".,.. IS39.
20 Hewson (Thomas), Sch., 173+-B. A" Vim. 1736.-M. A., .2&1.


Hewson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1803.
Hewson (Thomas), B. A., Hiem. IS6+
Hewson (William), B. A., LEat. IS04.
Hewston (Charles), B. A., Vim. I733.-M. A., .2&t. '736.
2S Hewston (Patrick), M. B., LEal. 1731.-M. D., Aid. 1734.
Heydon (John), Sch., 1706. - B. A., Vern. 1708. - M. ~., ..t.
Heydon (Philip), Sch., 1739. - B. A., Vern. 1741. -M. A., .2E&t.

Heydon (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1746.-M. A., .2&t. 1749.
Heyman (Hermann), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
30 Heytesbury (Right Hon. William A'Court, Baron).-See Holmes.
Heywood (Henry Treft'ry), B. A., Vim. ISH.
Heywood (Oliver), B. A., Vim. ISS6.-M. A., Vim. IS60.
Hezlett (John), B. A., V".", ISH.
Hickes (Francis), Sch., 1743.-B. A., Vern. 174-+.-M. A., V".,..
Hickes (George), Sch., 17S8.-B. A., Vim. '760.








Hickes (Henry), Sch., 1746.-B. A., Vern. '748.

Hickes (Henry), B. A., ..l&t. ISzz.-M. A., and H. B., ..l&t. IS27.
Hickes (John), Sch., 1741. - B. A., V".,.. 1743. -.If. .A.., .2EBt.
Hickes (Turvin), B. A., Vern. 1720.-H. A., ..l&t. 1723,
Hickey (Ambrose), Sch., J77o.-B.A., Vwn. 1772.-D. D., ..l&t.
Hickey (Ambrose), B. A., V".,.. IS35.
Hickey (Ambrose), B . .A.., Vwn. IS40.
Hickey (Ambrose), Y. A., ..l&t. IS5S,
Hickey (John), (Entered 1679).-M. A., ..l&t. 1691.
Hickey (John), B. A., V".,.. 172 7.
Hickey (John), Sch., 1740. -B. A., Vwn. '741. -H. A., Vern.
Hickey (John Stuart), B. A., V".,.. IS37.
Hickey (Morgan), Sch., 1707. - B. A., Vwn. I 7oS.-M. A., .lEst.
17 11
Hickey (Noah Sidney), B.A., At. IS31.
Hickey (William), B.A. (ad eund.. Cantab.), IS09. -M.A., N()fJ
Hickland (John), B. A., .,,t. 17S9.
Hickmann (George), B.A., Vern. 1734.
Hickman (Hugh P.), B. .A.., Vern. IS27.
Hickman (John Patrick), B. A., At. IS19.
Hickman (Poole), B. A., Vwn. 171 I.
Hickman (William Vesey Fitz Gerald), B. A., ..l&t. IS3S.-M. A.,
..l&t. IS41.
Hicks (George), B. .A.., Vern. IS48.
Hicks (John), B. A., May 4. 1655.
Hicks (John), Sch., 1721.-B.A., Vwn. 1721..
Hicks (Peter), B. A., JEst. I 67S.-1I. A., Atst. 16SI.
Hicks (Thomas), Sch., 1725.-B.. A., Vwn. J726.
Hickson (George), B. A., Vwn. ISI9.-M. A., N()fJ. IS32.
Hickson (John), Sch., I 774.-B. A., Vern. 177S,
Hickson (John), B. A., ..l&t. '792.
Hickson (John), B. A., Vern. 1845.
Hickson (John R.), B. A., Vma. IS03.-M. A., N()fJ. IS32.
Hickson (Richard Charles), B. A., Hiem. IS62.
Hickson (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1796.



Hickson (Robert), B. A., AI.I. 1806.-H. A., ~.t. 1810.

Hicbon (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+s.-11. A., AIlt. 186S'
Hickson (William Hurray), B. A., .LB.t. 1839.
Hift'eman (George Thomas), B. A., VWfI. 1852. -H. A., H ..",.

5 Hift'ernan (lohn H.), B. A., VWfI. 1851.
Hift'eman (Thomas), B. A., VWfI. 1819.
Higgin (William), H. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), AJlt. IS27.
Higginbotham (Charles Lester), B. A., VWfI. 1848. - M. A.,


Higginbotham (George), B. A., At. I 849.-Y. A., Vern. IS 53.
10 Higginbotham (Henry), B. A., VII'ft. IS3 ....
Higginbotham (John), Sch., 1667.-1I. A., .!EIt. 1673.
lligginbotham (John), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Higginbotham (loeeph Wilson), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Higginbotham (Newburgh), Sch., 17+1.-B. A., V".,.. 1743.
IS Higginbotham ~Ralph), Sch., Inl.-B. A., flint. 1773.
Higginbotham (Robert), B. A., Verlt. 176S.
Higginbotham (Robert), B. A., &1. 1799.
Higginbotham (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS47.-M. A., At. 1857'
Higginbotham (Thomas), Sch., 17u.-B.A., Vllnt. 1723.-Y. A.
&t. 1726.
20 Higginbotham (William), B. A., &1. 1832.
Higgins (Francis), Sch., 16S8.-B. A., Vern. 1691.-M. A., .2&1.

Higgina (James), B. A., Vwn. 1702.
Higgins (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Higgins (lohn), Sch., ISI2.-B. A., Vern. 1813.
25 Higgins (1oseph), B. A., Vern. 18)1.
Higgins (Lewis), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Higgins (Robert Palfrey), B. A., Vltnt. 17H.-M. A., At. 1736.
Higginson (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1829.
Higginson (Edward), Sch., 17oS.-B. A., VWfI. 1710.-M. A.,
~,t. 1713.
30 Higginson (Edward), B. A., VItrn. 1773.
Higginson (Henry Theophilus), B. A., &t. IS20.-M. A., Nor.
18 3%'
Higginson (Thomas), Sch., 17%0.-B. A., Vent. 1721.
Higginson (Thomas), Sch., 1743.-B. A., J'ma. '744.








Higginson (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1786.

Highton (lohn), B. A., Yma. 1857.-M. A., .2&t. 1865.
Hignet (Comelius), Sch., 1670.-B. A., Yma. 1673--M. A.,.2&t.
16 76.
Hignet (Comelius), B. A., Ywn. I7z8.
Hildebrand (lohn B.), B. A., .2&t. 1813.
Hiley (lohn Simeon), B. A., Vma. I 839.-M. B., .2&1. 1839.
Hill (Arthur), B. A., Ywn. 18n.
Hill (Arundel), B. A., Ywn. 1819.
Hill (Arundel), B.A., Vwn. 18p.-M. A" .2&t. 1858.
Hill (Augustus Charles Edward), B. A., HUm. 1861.
Hill (Averell), B. A., .2&t. I 789.-1I. A., .2&t. 1791.-8. D., and
D. D., At. 1805.
Hill (Benjamin),.B. A., At. 1835.
Hill (Bold), Sch., 1818.-M.A., Vern. 1831.
Hill (Charles), B.A., Vern. 1785.
Hill (Charles), B. A. Vern. 1819:
Hill (Edward), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded). - Fellow,
1601.-1I.A., .2&t. 1605.
Hill (Edward), Sch., 1763.-B. A., V",.. 1765.- M. B., .AI4t.
I77I.-M.D. Ywn. 1773.
Hill (Edward), lL A. (ad ennd. OXOD.), NMI. zo, 1835.
Hill (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Hill (Edward Thomas Mullins), B. A., Ym. 1831.
Hill (Francis), Sch., 17+9.-B. A., V8m. 1750.
Hill (Francis Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1817.-M. A., Vern. 183+.
Hill (Frederick Ferdinand), B. A., Yern. 186+.
Hill (George), Seh., 1709.-B. A., y",.. 17J1.-M. A., .2&t.
17 14.
Hill (George), B. A., Vern. 18.p.-M. A., Yn-n. 18+6.
Hill (George Augustus), B. A., Vwn. 1837.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
, .2&t. 18H.
Hill (George Fitzgerald), B. A., .AIBt. 1783.
Hill (Hugh), Sch., 17zo.-B. A., Yern. 172%.-1(. A., ..E~t. 1715,
-B. D., and D. D., Vwn. 1753.
Hill (Hugh), B. A., VIIm. 17+8.
Hill (Hugh), LL. D. (honor.., callieS), V".,.. 1771.
Hill (Hugh), B. A., .2&t. 1811.
Hill (Hugh R.), B. A., V".,.. 18z9.




Hill (James). B.A., Ywn. 1806.-}l A., NOf1. 1832.

Hill (James), B. A., Vwn. 183+.-Sch. 1834.-M. A., At. 18+,.
-B. D., At. 1853.
Hill (John), B. A., VIf'H. 17+0.
Hill (John), 8ch., I 749.-B. A., Vir,.. 1750.
S Hill (John), B. A . Vwn. 1821.
Hill (John), B. A., VIrfL IS33.-H. A., Ywn. IS37.-M. a,
Vwn. 1838.-H. D., Vwn. 1852.
Hill (John Beresford), B.A., Vwn. 1787.-lI. A., Ywn. 1801.
Hill (John Williams), B. A., At. 1829-~H. A., At. 1833.
Hill (Matthew), B. A., Vwn. 1841.
10 Hill (Pascoe), B.A., Vwn . 834.
Hill (Richard), B.A., Vir,.. IS39.-M. A., At. 18+7.
Hill (Bobert). B. A., Ywn. 1728.
Hill (Bobert), B. A., Vwn. 17+6.
Hill (Bobert), B. A., Ywn. 1787.
IS Hill (Bobert), B. A., Vwn. 1821.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Hill (Sion). B. A., Ywn. 1708.
Hill (Thomas), Sch., 17u.-B. A., Vwn. I 723.-H. A., At.
Hill (Thomas), B. A., ..lEn. I 799.-M. A., .Bt. 1802.
Hill (Thomas Prince), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
20 Hill (William), B. A., Vwn. 1808.-H. A., At. 1822.
Hill (William), B. A., ..lEst. 1829.-M. A., V1m. 1851.
Hillas (Robert), B. A., Vir,.. 1790.
Hillas (Robert William), B. A., .L&t. 1828.
Hill-Hardy (Hamilton), (for B. A., see Hardy, Henry Hill), H. A.,
25 Hilliard (Bobert). B. A., Vwn. 1722.
Hilton (William), B.A., Yem. 1832.
Rime (Bartholomew Clift'ord), Sch., 185S.-B. A., Vwn.185S.H. A., ..lEd. IS60.
Rime (llaurice). B. A., Vern. I S20.
Hime (Maurice Charles), Sch., 1861.-B. A. Hi"". 1862.
30 Hime (Maurice William), B. A., Vma. ,857,
Hime (Thomas Whiteside), B. A., .IEIt. 1866.
Hinck.s(Edward), Sch., 1810.-B. A., V,m. 18n.-Fellow, 1813.
-M. A., .L&t. 1817.-B. D., A?Bt. J823.-D. D., Vir,.. 1829.
Hincks (Thomas), B. A., ..lEd. 18u.-M. A., Nor. 1832.



Hind (Charles), B. A., VmJ. 18so.-H. A., .J18t. 1859.

Hind (Edward), B. A., Vem. 1719.-H. A., .J18t. 172%.
Hind (William Marsden), B. A., Vem. 1839.-H. A., .J18t. 184z.
Hinde (Benjamin), B. A., '&t. 18SZ.-M. B., and H. D., JEll.
5 Hinde (Oharles Leonard), B. A, HiMIL 1864'
Hindes, Hind, or Hinds (Edward), Seh., 167z.-B. A., V".,..
1676.-M. A., &to 1679.
Hindes (John), B. A., .J18t. 1830.
Hindes (Walter). B. A., V".,.. 1819.
Hinds (George), B. A., V".,.. 18zS.-H. A., NOfJ. 183z.
10 Hinds (Michael William), B. A., Vem. 18z9.
Hindley (Hugh), B. A., Vm&. 1696.
Hingestion (Robert), B. A., Vem. 1831.
Hingston (George), B. A., Vim. 1839.
Hingston (George William), B. A., H'MIL 186z.
15 Hingston (James), B.A.., Vim. 1734.-M. A., Vmt. 1738.
Hingston (James), B. A., V".,.. I 779.-LL. B., Not!. I I, 1788.
Hingston (lames), B. A., LEd. 1803.
Hingston (John), B. A., V".,.. 1783.
Hingston (William), B. A., Vem. 1808.
zo Hinson (Ephraim), B. A., Vem. 1831.-H. A., .J18t. 18H.
Hinson (George L.), B. A., Vem. 1839.
Hinson (William), B. A., Vem. 1789.-M. A., .J18t. 18zz.
Hinson (William), B. A., Vem. I 837.-M. A., Vem. 1840.
Hinton (lohn), B. A., V".,.. I~O.-M. A., .J18t. 1693.-LL. B.
and LL. D., .J18t. 174.
z5 Hinton (ThOJD88), Seh., 1699.-B. A., .J18t. 170J.-M. A., At.
Hinton (Zebulon Wright), Seh., 1839.-B. A., V".,.. 1841.
. Hiron (Samuel Franklin), B. A., V".,.. 1859.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Hitnn. 1863.
Hitchcook (Henry Edmund), B. A., HiMn. 1865.
Hitchcock (Robert), 8eh., 1786.-B. A., Vent. 1788.-LL. B.,
V".,.. 1791.
30 Hitchcock (Robert), B . .A:, Vim. 18zo.
Hitchcock (William), B. A., Vma. 1831.
Hitchens (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Hitchens (Henry), B.A., Hitnn. 1863.



Hoadley (John), D. D. (ad end. Oantab.), Vent. 17+3.

Hoadly (John), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.) .At. 1730.
Hoare (Bartholomew), Sch., I 773.-B. A.., Y".,.. 1775
Hoare (Deane), B. A., V".,.. 17#.-lrI. A., .2&t. 1747
5 Hoare (Edward), B. A.., .&t. 1742
Hoare (Edward), B. A.., V".,.. 1831.
Hoare (Edward Hatch), B. A., At. 1813.
Hoare (Edward Newenham.), B. A., V".,.. I 82+-H. A., At.
18 39.
Hoare (Edward Newenham), B.A.. Dina. 1862.
10 Hoare (Frederick P.), B. A., V",.. 1842.
Hoare (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1813.
Hoare (John), B. A., Vma. 1787.-H. A., V".,.. 179+.
Hoare (John Newenham), Soh., 18S8.-B. A., Hi_. 1859.H. A., Vms. 1863.
Hoare (Robert). B. A.., V".,.. 17#.
15 Hoare (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1778.
Hoare (Thomas), B. A.., At. 1799.
Hoare (William), B. A., At. I 832.-H. A.., and B. D., At.
18 56 .
Hoare (William D.), B.A., V".,.. 179+.-H. A.., At. 1808.
Hoare (William 10hn), B. A.., V".,.. 1860.
20 Hobart (Benjamin), Sch., I 759.-B. A., V",.. 1761.-LL. B.,
A;,t. 176+.-LL. D., V",.. 1777.
Hobart (Benjamin), B. A.., AI. J792.-H. A., NOP. 1832.
Hobart (Humphrey), B. A.., V".,.. I 797.-LL. B., VIn. 1810.
Hobart (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1830.-M. A., NOP. 1832.
Hobart (Robert), B. A.., Y".,. 1827.
25 Hobart (Samuel H.), B. A., Vms. 1849.-H. B., .2&1. 1850'
Hobart (William Kirk), Soh., 1852.-B.A., Dina. 1860.
Hobbs (George),~. A., Vms. 1836.
Hobbs (William), B. A., VWft. 1766.
Hobert (Peter), B. A., V".,.. 1760.
30 Hobson (George Harrison), B. A.., Du.. 1863.
Hobson (Henry Theophilns), B. A., .At. 1825.
Hobson (James), B. A.. V".,.. 1790--)(. A., .At. 17'
Hobson (John), B. A.., At. 1783.
Hobson (John Meade), B. A., y".,.. 1841.
35 Hobson (Richard Jones), B.A., At. 1806.-ll. A., V".,. 1813.



Hobson (Richard Joncs), B. A., ..lEBt. 1809.-M. A., N". 183~.

Hobson (Richard Jones), M. B., ..I&t. 1846.
Hobson (Sam.nel), B. A., Vwn. 1771..
Hobson (Samuel Allenby), B. A., HUm. 1861.
5 Hobson (Samuel Meade), B. A.., and LL. B., .lEst. 1819.
Hobson (William Thomas), B. A.., Vim. 1859.-M. A., Ywn.
. 1864.
Hoby (Sir Philip, Bart.), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .lEst. 1747.
Hodder (George Francis). Sch., 1836.-B. A., V".,.. 1838.
Hodder (Henry Theophilus), B. A . ..tEd. 1813.-M. A., Vwn.
I 81.0.-LL. B., and LL. D., .at. 181.5.
10 Hodder (John Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18++Hodder (William), B. A., Vma. 1780.
Hodgens (Albert John), B. A., HiMn. 1860.
Hodgens (Edward Pringle), B. A., Vern. 1839.-M. A., .2&t.
I 841..-B. D., .lEst. 18p.-D. D., V".,.. 1854.
Hodgens (Thomas), B. A., ..lEBt. 1818.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.
15 Hodgens (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1848.
Hodgens (Thomas A.). B. A., Vern. 1846.
Hodgens (Thomas W.), B. A., .lEst. 18p.
Hodges (lohn), B. A., Vma. 1861.
Hodges (Robert), B. A., Vern. 181.7.
1.0 Hodges (William), B. A., Vwn. 181.0.
Hodgkinson (Arthur), B. A., VIN. 1753.-M. A., .lEst. 1762.
Hodgkinson (Francis), Sch., 1776.-B. A.., V".,.. 1778.-M. A.,
.lEst. 1781.-Fell., 1781..-LL.B., .lEst. 1784.-LL. D., At ..
17 8 7.
Hodgkinson (John), Sch., 1779.-B. A" Vwtt. 1781.
Hodgkinson (William), B.A.,..tEIt. 1699.-=-M.A., Vma.1704.
25 Hodgson (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1858.
Hodgson (Henry), B. A., .lEst. 1862.
Hodgson (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Hodgson (Thomas), Sch., 1712.-B. A., V".,.. 1713.
Hodnett (leremiah), B. A., V".,.. 1839.
30 Hodnett (William), Soh., I73S.-B. A., Vwtt. 1736.
Hodnett (William), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Hodson (Charles Frederiok), B. A., .lEst. 1848.
Hodson (Edward), B.A., Vmt. 18u.-}[. A., Nov. 1831.







Hodson (George), B. A., ~t. 1829.

Hodson (Hartley), B. A., VW1t. I 836.-H. A., Hiem. 1862.
Hodson (John Ro~ert), B. A., .!Eat. 1809.
HodBOn (Robert), B. A.., .!Eat. 1691.-lL A., .!Eat. 1693.
Hodson (Samuel), B.A., &to 1779.
Hodson (William), B. A., VW1t. 1775.
Hoey (Nicholas A.), B. A.., ~t. I 84+.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".".
Hoey (William), B. A.., V".,.. 1719.
Hogan (Alexander Ferrier), B. A.., V".,., 1859.
Hogan (Arthur My), B. A.., V".". 18SS.-H. A.., VW1t. 1858.
Hogan (Charles), B. A.., &t. 1819.-H. A., Not). 1832.
Hogan (Frederick), B.A., Vern. 1832.-M. A.., V".,.. 1837'
Hogan (Gerald), B. A., .lEat. 1791.
Hogan (Henry), B. A., .lEat.~1820.
Hogan (Henry), B. A.., Hi~m. 1860.
Hogan (James), B. A.., VW1t. 1830.-H. A.., N()f). 1832.
Hogan (Richard), B. A.., ~t. 1620.
Hogan (Robert), Sch., I 793.-B. A.., ..tEat. 1796.
Hogan (William), B. A.., .lEat. 1795.
Hogan (William), B. A., .lEat. 1815.- H. A.., Not). IS32.
Hogan (William), B. A.., VW1t. IS32.
Hogan (William Caldwell), B.A.., V".,.. ISp.-H.A., V".,..IS65.
Hogg (Andrew), B. A.., ~t. 1830.-LL. B., and LL. D., .lEal.
18 58.
Hogg (James), Bch., ISoS.-B. A.., V".,.. 1810.
Hogg (John), Bch., ISI9.-B. A., ..lEat. IS:u.
Hogg (Robert), B. A., Vma. IS34.-lL A.., .lEal. 183S.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., .lEat. 1846.
Holbard (Robert), B. A..,
Holden (William Thomas), B. A.., V".,., 1862.
Holditch (Entrance, and B. A.., not recorded).-Fellow, 1610.H.A..,:.lEat.:1612.
Holland (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., .lEat. 1612.
-H. A., ..tEat. 1613.
Holland (Ezekias), B. A.., 1638.
Holland(Frederick), B. A.., Vwn. IS07.-M. A., Nov. 1831.
Holland (John), B. A., ..lEal. I S35.
Holland (Philip Henry), B.A.., Vern. IS06.-H.A., NOll. IS32.











Holland (Riohard Lee), B. A., 2&t. IS31.

Ho~d (Simon), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Holland (Standish O'Grady), B. A., V".,.. IS...3.
Holland (Stewart), B. A., HUm. IS60.
Holland (William Frederiok), B. A., LEst. IS3S,
Hollingsworth (Andrew), B. A., Vmt. ISzS.-M. A., V".,.. ISZS.
Hollingworth (Ralph), (Entrance, not recorded).-D. D., Jan. 26,
Hollins (Edward), B. A., Vmt. 1719,
Holloway (George), B. A., Vmt. IS5z.-M:. A., Vmt.IS66.
Hollywood (John), B ..A., HUm. IS6S.
Holmes (Alexander Erskine), B. A., Vim. ISz9.
Holmes (Arthur), B. A., 2&t. ISz3.
Holmes (Charles), B. A., Vern. IS1S.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Holmee (Charles Arbuthnot), Soh., IS"'9.-B. A., 2&t. ISp.
Holmes (Edward), B. A., 2&t. ISSI.
Holmes (Frederiok), B. A., 2&t. IS08.
Holmee (Gilbert), B. A., V.".,.. I 79Z.-M. A., At. ISOS.
Hohnee (Hugh), B. A., HUm. IS61.
Holmes (Hutchinson), B. A., Vim. IS36.-M. A., Vern. IS39.
Holmes (Isaac), B. A., Vmt. IS...9.
Holmes (James), B.A., Vim. ISI6.-ll.A., .LEst. IS19.
Holmes (John), B. A., Vmt. 1736.
Holmes (John), B. A., Vmt. 17Sz.
Holmes (John), Sch., IS61.-B.A., Diem. IS6....
Holmes (lohn Galway), B. A., Vern. IS31.
Holmes (Joseph), B. A., At. 18%3.
Holmes (Joseph), B. A., HUm. IS61.-M.A., HUm. IS6+.
Holmes (Matthew, or Matthias), (Entrance, and B.A., not recorded).
-Fellow, I 593.-M. A., 2&t. 159S.
Holmes (Peter), B. A., 2&t. ISI9.
Holmes (Bobert), B. A., Vern. 17%1.
Holmes (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1732.
Holmes (Robert), B. A., Vim. 17S7.
Holmes (Robert), B. A., Vim. 17SS.-LL. B., Vmt. 1792.
Holmes (Robert) B. A., Vwn. IS33.
Holmee (Thomas), Sch., 1660.-B. A., 2&t. 1660.
Holmes (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. ISn.
Holmes (Thomas James Paul), B. A., HUm. IS65.



Holm. (Villiam), B. A., 1"mt. 179S.

Holm. (William A'Court, Baron Heytesbury), LL. D. (Aoteri
MUd), AI. IS44Holmes (William Anthony), Soh., 1801.-B. A., 1"",.. 183.B. D., and D. D., At. 183....
Holroyd (Iaaac), B. A., 1"1f'1I. 172S.
S Holroyd (William), B.A., 1"Im. I 737.-H. A., At. 174-.
Holt (Edward Grattan), B. A., 1"".,.. 18"'9.-H. A., 1"Im. IS66.
Holt (Ludlow), Sch., 176S.-B . .4.., y".,., 17~'
Holt (Peter), B. A., 1"".,.. 1723.
Holt (Samuel), B. A., 1"".,.. 1699.-H. A., At. 1702.
10 Holt (Samuel), B. .4.., 1""... 1738.-Fellow, 174-0.-ll. A., At.
Holt (Thoma Grattan), B. A., y".,.. IS3j.-H. A., y",., 1838.
Holt (William), B. A., y".,., 1766.
Holton (Francia), B. A., 1"".,.. IS+S.-H. B., AI. 184-9.
Holyday (lohn), B. A., y"... 1729,
IS Holyday (Randolpb), B. A., y".,.. 171S.
Homan (Cramer), B. .4.., Hi",.. IS62.
Homan (George), B.A., Y".,..17S6.
Homan (Isaac), B. A., V".,.. 1789.
Homan (John), B . .4.., Y".,.. IS31.-H. A.,
20 Homan (Knox), B,' A., V".,.. 18",1.
Homan (Philip), B. A., y".,.. 1761.-H. A., AI. 1"1.
Homan (Philip), Sch., ISI8.-B. A., Y".,..1820.
Homan (Philip), B. A.., .JUl. IS49.-H. A., At. ISSS.
Homan (Richard), B. A., :LEIt. 180%.
2S Homan (Richard Philip), B. A., y".,.. IS6S.
Homan (William), B. A., and LL. B., At. 1796.
Homan (William Traven), B. A., V".,., ISz7.
Honan (James), (Entrance not recorded), (Degree not mentioned),
At. 166+
Hone (Brindley), B .4.., .lEd. ISIS.
30 Hone (Brindley), B. A., V".,.. 18...,.
Hone (James), B. A., .2&t. ISn.-H. A., y"... IS+ .. -H. B"
1"".,.. 18 ... 3.
Hone (Joseph Tarry), B. A y".,., 17S7.
Hone (Joseph William), B. A., .2&t. lS17.
Hone (Leland a). B . .4.., .2&t. IS27.-lI. A., At. IS30.







Hone (Nathaniel), B. A., V".,.. 18u.-M. A., No". 1832.

Hone (Nathaniel), B. A., .2&t. 18z6.-M. A., Vern. 1833.
Hone (Nathaniel), B.A., V".,.. 1831.-ll. A., At. 183+.
Hone (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1750.
Hone (William), B. A., Hum. 1865.
Honner (Robert William), B. A., .2&t. 1816.
Hood (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1790.-ll. A. LL. B., and LL. D.,
.2&t. 1822.
Hooke (Bridges Carmichael), Sch., 1847.-B. A., At. 1850'
Hooper (Webster Frederick Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1839.-11. A.,
AJn. 18 4 2
Hoopa (Alexander), B. A., At. 1852.
Hoops (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1846.
Hoops (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Hoops (Samuel Evans), B. A., V".,.. I 838.-ll. A., Vern. 1865'
Hope (George), B. A., Vms. 1860.
Hope (Ralph lames), B. A., .2&1. 18p.-M. A., .,t. 186,.
Hope (William Astle), B. A., Vma. 18,~.-ll B., .lEd. 18S7.
Hopkins (Abraham), B. A., Ninn. 1860.-ll. B., Him. 1861.
Hopkins (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1737.-11. A., .2&1. 1740.
Hopkins (Francis), B. A., Vim. 1743.
Hopkins{Francis), B. A., Vma. 1773.
Hopkins (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1821.
Hopkins (Francis), Sch., 1847.-;B. A., At. 1849.
Hopkins (George Tighe), Sch., 1841.-B. A., V".,.. 1843.
Hopkins (James), Boh., 1801.-B. A., .2&t. 1802.-M. A., At.

25 Hopkins (lohn), B. A . .2&t. 1~8.
Hopkins (lohn), B. A., Vms. 1785'
Hopkins (John), B. A. .IB8t. 1834'
Hopkins (John George), B. A., Hi"". 1859.
Hopkins (John Wright), B. A., VIn. 1846.
30 Hopkins (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1704.-llA., .2&t. 1707.
Hopkins (Richard), B.A., Vim. I 746.-LL.B.,.2&t. 17+9.-LL. D.,
.2&t. 1771.
Hopkins (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1830'
Hopkins (Robert Smyth), Sch., 1835.-B. A., Vern. 1831.
Hopkins (Samuel), B. A., and M.A., At. 1698.
3S Hopkins (Thomas), B. A., AIlt. 1737.




Hopkins (Thomas), B. A., V" ... 1829.

Hopkiu (William), B. A., V".,.. 1819.
Hopkina (William), B. A., Vent. 1836.
Hopkiu (William Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1847.
5 Hopkins (William), B. A., A:.t. 18s....
Hopkins (William), LL. D. (l&ononi c/I."d), &pt. z, 1857.
Hopley (Edward Henry). B. A., V".,.. 1849.
Hopper (Arthur), B. A' I Vir... 18#.
Hopper (William), B. A., Vent. 18+0.
10 Hopwood (Pierce), B. A., At. ,86z.
Horan (George), Sch., 177+' -B. A., V".,.. '776. -ll. A., V8f"n.

'790 .
Horan (James), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Horan (Timothy), Soh., 18I+.-B. A., y".,.. 18'7'
Horan (William), B. A., A:.t. 1787.
15 Hore (Nathaniel), B.A., V".,.. 18Sl.
Hore (Richard), B. A. At. 1813.
Hore (Thomas), B. A., Y".,.. 1786.-)(. A., Aid. 1806. - B. D.,
At. 1807.
Hore (Walter), B. A., At. 18og.-ll. A., Nw. 183z.
Homage, or Hornege, (
), (Entrance not reoorded).-B. A.,
V8f"tI. '741.
zo Horncastle (Henry), B. A., At. 1638.
Horneck (George), B. A., y".,.. 18+2.
Horneck (Thomas Little), B. A., LEd. 1850'
Horner (Francia Dalt.ry), B. A., Hi",.. I 860.-1(. A., At. 1865.
Horner (Richard Nugent). B. A., V8f"tI. 1813.-M:. A., NOf1. 1832.
2S Hornibrook (Samuel), B. A., Y8f"tI. 18+7.
Hornick (George), B. A., &t. 1797.
Homidge (John), B. A., Hi"",. 1862.
Hornidge (Richard), B. A., A:.t. '786.
Hornidge (Richard), B. A., &t. 18z+.
30 Hornidge (Richard), B. A" &1. 18H.
Hornidge (Vance), B. A., &1. 18+0.
Horsburgh (William), B. A' I Hi"",. 1860.
Horsman (Samuel James O'Hara), B. A., Ymt. I 857.-1(. A" Rnd
LL. B., Vern. 1864'
Hort (Charles Josiah), B. A., V".,., 1841.

35 Hort (John), B. A., At. 1752.-LL. B., Y".,..1757.




Hort (Robert), (Entrance not recorded).-H. A., Vwn. 17+3.

Hort (Robert), LL. D. (ho,""," OiIUIct), Vwn. 175+
Horton (William), B. A.., At. IS09.
Hosier (William), B. A.ot .lEIt. IS36.
S HoBling (lohn), B. A.., Vwn. 17+3.
Hotham (John), D. D. (~jgrtJtict), (ad eund. Cantab.), Ywn.
Houghton (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1817.
Houghton (John), B. A.., .lEIt. IS29.
Houghton (Peter), B. A.., V".,.. IS29.
10 House (George), :B. A.., Vwn. I 732.-lrI. A.., .at. 1735.
Houston (.Arthur), B. A.., Vwn. IS5S, -H. A.., V",.,.. IS61.LL.B., and LL. D., Vwn. IS65.
Houston (Francis), B. A.., Vwn. 17S+.-H. A.., At. 17S7.
Houston (Thomaa), :B. A.., V...... ISIS.-lrI. A.' I NOlI. IS32.
Houstown (Francis), B. A., At. IS27.
I S Howard (Oharlee Beaumont), :B. A.., y,,.,., IS2S. - H. A.., y""..
Howard (Francis), :B. A.., Vwn. IS4+'
Howard (Hugh), B. A." Ywn. 1752.
Howard (Hugh), LL. D. (Aotiorit Ctltmi), .lEIt. 1775. ','0 . .,..:
Howa,rd (lames), :B. A.., V",.,.. IS3o.
20 Howard (Ralph), H. D., (ht. 22, 1667.
Howard (Ralph), B. A., Vwn. 17+7.
Howard (Robert), B. A.., Vwn. 1701.-Fellow, 1703. - H. A' I
.4ln. 1703.-B. D., and D. D.,
Howard (Robert), B. A.' I .lEIt. 170S.
Howard (Robert), LL.D. (Aotlorit clHllct), V".,.. 1781.
25 Howard (Thomaa), B. A.., Vim. 18S3.
Howe (George), B.A., VIm.18IS.
Howe (John), B. A., LElt. 183z"
Howe (lohn), B.A., Vwn. IS35.
Howe (Hichael Callanan), Soh., 18+2.-B. A., &t. 18+7.LL. :8., and LL. D., &t. 1859.
30 Howe (Thomaa), B. A., .lEIt. IS+S.
Howel~(lames),:8. A.' I Vwn. 17zz.-ll.A.., AIIt. 1725.
Howell (Phineu),:B. A." Vma. ISSS.
Howell (Thomaa). B. A.., V",.,.. 1700.
Howie (lames), B. A., y".,., IS2S.-H. A.., Nov. IS32.









Howley (John Joseph), B. A., 4.1. IS51.

Bowlin (James), B. A., '&1. ISIS.
Howlin (James), B. A.: At. IS4S,
Howlin (10hn), B.\., At. ISIS.-M. A., NOt1. IS31.
Howse (George), B.A., V".,.. 1766.-M.A., V".,.. 1769'
Howson (10hn), B. A., AAI. IS31.
Howth (Right Hon. Thomaa Earl oC).-8ee 8t. Lawrence.
Hoyle (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not reoorded).-Fellow.
161 7'
~oyle (F.), B. A., At. 1626.-M. A., At. 162S.
Hoyle (10nathan), B. A., At. 162S.
Hoyle (1oshna), (Entranoe, and B. A., not recorded).-Fe1low, 1609.
Hoyle, or Holl, (1oshua), B. A., &1. 1610. -M. A., At. 161S.
-B. D., At. 16zS.
Hoyle (Nathaniel), B. A., &t. 1631.-Fellow, 163J.-1l. A., At.
Hoyle (Richard), B. A., and M. B., V"... 1705. -Jl. D., AI.
Hoyne (
). (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., 163S.
Hoysted (Charles William), B. A., V".,.. IS6S.
Hoyated (James 10hn), B. A., Hi",.. IS61.
Hoyated (10hn), B. A., Vmt. I73S.
Boyated (Thomaa), B. A., Vms. 17S+,
Hoyte (Alfred), B.A., V".,.. ISn.
Hoyte (William), B. A., At. ISH.
Huband (George Joseph), B. A., At. ISI9.-M. A., NOf1. IS3%'
Hnband (Joseph), Bch., I 77o.-B. A., AUt. 1771.
Huband (Willcocks), B. A., AAt. 1797.
Huband-Bmith (Edmund), B.A., Hilm. IS60.
Hubbart (William), B. A., V".,.. 17%9.
Huddart (Richard), B. A., At. 1817'
Huddert (Thomaa Packenham), Sch., ISIO.-B.A., Vme. ISII.
Hudson (Adam), B.A., L&t. IS07.
Hudson (Alfred), B. A., VIn. 1833.-}[. B., VITtI. 183....-M. D.,
HUnn. IS61.
Hudaon(Alexander), B. A., Vms. IS09.-M.A., V".,..ISI3.
Hudson (Alexander Robert), B. A., Vms. ISSZ. -ll. B., At.
Hudson (Beresford), B. A., r",a. IS%O.



Hudson (Charlee), B. A., y".,.. 1~23.

Hudson (Christopher), Sch., 174+.-B. A., y".,.. 17+6. - K. A.,
At. 17+9.-Fellow, 17p.-B. D., At. 17S9.-D. D., At.
Hudson (Daniel), B. A., y".,.. 1665.
Hudson (Edward), Sch., 172+.-B. A., y".,.. 1726.-Fell., 1728.
-II. A., LEat. I 729.-B. D., At. 1736.
S Hudson (Edward), B. A., YITn. 1758.
Hudson (Edward), Soh., 1758.-B. A., y".,.. 1760.
Hudson (Edward), B. A., .2&1. 1805.-LL. 8., and LL. D., LEat.
Hudson (Edward GUStaVU8), B. A., Y,,.,.. 1810. -}(. A., Vwn.
181 3.
Hudson (Edward Jonathan), B.A., LEat. 18+t.
10 Hudson (George), B. A., 1638.
Hudson (Heary), B. A., y".,.. 1818.
Hudson (Humphrey), B. A., Ywn. 1836.
Hudson (lohn), B.A., Ywn. 1829.
Hudson (John), B.A., y".,.. I 74o.-lL A., Ywn. 17+7.
15 Hudson (John), B.A., Vwn. 17+0.
Hudson (John Crozier), B. A., y".,.. 1842.
Hudaon (Leonard), B. A., Ywn. 1701.-)(. A., AI. 170+Hudson (Richard), B.A., y".,.. 1813.-M.A., NMJ. 1832.
Hudson (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1718.
20 Hudson (Samuel), B. A., Ywn. 1671:
Hudson (Thomas), 8ch., 17Ii.-B. A., V".,.. 1713.-M. A., &e.
17 16
Hudson (Thomas), B. A., y".,., 1715.
Hudson (Thomas), B. A., V".,. . 828.
Hudson (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18S+25 Hudson (William Elliott), B. A., y".,.. 1816.-H. A., NMJ. 1832.
Huet (Peter), B. A., y".,.. 1665.
HuetlOU (Michael), B. A., y".,.. 166S.-lL A., V".,.. 1683.
Huetaon (Patrick), B.A., y".,.. 1721 .
Huetaon (William), Sch., 1719.-B. A., y".,.. 1721.-M. A., LEd.
17 2 +.
30 Huey (Richardson), B. A., .lEat. 1823.
Huey (Spencer), B. A., Ywn. 1821.
Huggard (Humphrey), B. A., Y".,.. 1846.



Hughes (

), (Entrance, and B. A., not rooorded).-Y. A.,

At. 1613.
Hughes (Allnealey Paul), B. A., Ymt. I 830.-K. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Hughes (Arthur Horsley), B. A.., Yem. 18S3.-M. A., Y,,.,.. 1860.
Hughes (Bartholomew), B. A., Ymt. 1705'
5 Hughes (Charles), B. A., y".,.. 18SS.
Hughee (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1~3.-H. A., At. 1696.
Hughes (Edward), B. A., Ymt. 183+.-H. A., y".,.. 1835.
Hughes (James), B. A., At. 1799.
Hughes (Jame8), B. A., Ale. 1830'
10 Hughes (James), B. A., Ymt. 1846.
Hughes (John), B. A' I Yem. I 786.-H. A., y".,., 180S.
Hughe8 (John), B. .A.., Vem. 1838.
Hughes (John Emanuel), B.A., YIN 1831.
Hughee (John Grayther), B. A., Vmt. 1836.
15 Hughes (Lambert), Sch., 1717.-B. A., y".... 1719.-Fellow,
17zz,-H. .A.., At. qu.-B. D., V".,., '730.-D. D., At.
Hughes (Haunce), B. A.., At. 1713.-H. A., At. 1717.
Hughes (Patrick), B. A., YIf'1t. 1731.
Hughes (Philip), Sch., I Hz.-B. A., Ymt. 1734.-H. A.., ..Est.
Hughes (Pierce), B. .A.., Vmt. 1706.-11. A., At. 1709.
20 Hugbes (Reuben), B. A., .AiAt. 18%8.
Hughes (Robert), B. A., .AtIt. 1835.
Hughes (RWlllell), B. A., Vmt. 18u.
Hughes (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1719,
Hughes (Thomas), B. A., YIf'1t. 17+6.
25 Hughes (Thomas Alexander), B. A., V".,., 1857.
Hughes (William), Sch., I 747.-B. A., V".,., 1749.
Hugbes (William), B. A., YIf'1t. 1770.
Hughes (William), Soh., ISII.-B.A., Y".,..1813.
Hughee (William), B. A., y".,.. 1811.
30 Hughes (Willism), Sch., ISu.-B. A., Ymt. 1824.
Hughes (William Henry), B.A., Ymt. 1816.-1I.A.,NotI. 1831.
Huiton (Edward), (Entrance and prior degreee not reoorded).D. D., At. 1685'
Huiton (John), B. A., Vwn. 171%.
Hulbert (Charles Butler), B. A., V".n. 1853.



Hulbert (George), B. A., Vern. 184+.

Huleat (Hugh), B. A., Vwn. 1805.
Huleat (James), Sch., 1737.-B. A., Vwn. 1739.-M. A., ./Est.
Huleat (John), Sch., J7,6.-B. A., .lEIt. 1758.
, Huleat (John), Sch., q67.-B. A., Vern. 1768.
Huleatt (Arthur), B. A., VWfL I 736.-M. A., ..lE,t. 1739.
Huleatt (Arthur), B.A., Vern. 1803.
Huleatt (Hugh), B. A., V"",. 18+7.-M. A., ..lEat. 1863.
Hull (Edward), B. A., Vwn. IS50'
10 Hull (Frederick Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1836.
Hull (John D.), B. A., V.".,.. IS2%.
Hull (Richard), B. A., V"",. 1710.
Hulton (Robert), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. 1770.
Humbenton (William), B. A., Vern. 1738.-M. A., At. 17+1.
15 Humble (Adam), B. A., Vern. 1737.-B. D., ..lE1t. 17+6.-M. D., 17+8.
Humble (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1729.-M. A., ..lEae. 1734.
Humble (John), B. A., VWfL 1729.-M. A., p.".,.. 173+.
Hume (Abraham), B. A., V.".,.. IS+3.-LL. B., and LL D., Vwn.
Hume (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 18+S.
20 Hume (Charles), B. A., Vwn. ISz7.
Hume (George), B. A., ..l&t. 181+-(M. A., B8 Macartney, Not,.
1832 .)
Hume (George), B. A., ..lEat. IS32.
Hume (James), B. A., ..lE.e. 1716.-M. A., At. 1719.
Hume (Quintin Dick), B. A., At. ISZS.
25 Hume(Robert), B.A., V".,.. ISIS.-M. A., NOf1. IS32.
Hume (Thomas), B. A., ..l&t. I 792.-M. B., V".,.. 1796.-)(. D.,
At. IS03.
Huma (Travers), B. A., V",.. I 779.-LL. B., ..l&t. I 789--LL. D.
Vern. 1795.
Humfrey (Alexander O'Rorke, or O'Rourke), B. A., Hum. 18,9'-M. A., Vwn. 1865.
Hamfrey (John), B. A., Vern. 18'15'
30 Humfrey (William), B. A., Vern. 182%.
Humphrey (Richard), Sch., 17p.-B. A., V.,.,., 175'1.
Humphreys (Alexander), B. A., VeNt. IS+8.
Humphreys (George), Sch., 171+.-B. A., At. 1716.



Humphreys (Howard), B. A., VIN 17+1.

Humphreys (lohn), B. A . V",.. 170+ .
HllIDphreys (Robert), B. A., V",.. 1853.
Humphreys (William), B. A., Vwra. J 706.
5 Humphreys (William), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.
Humphry. (lohn), 8oh., 1706. - B. A., Vwra. 170S.-M. A. At.

17 11
Humphrys (John), Beh.. 1710.-B. A., Vwra. 1712.
Humphrys (William Humphrya lODes), B. A., V".,.. I 86%.-M. B.,
IT.."., IS6%.
Hungerford (Emanuel), B. A., V".,.. 170+.-M. A., 2&1. 1707.
10 Hungerford (Henry), B. A., V",.. IS+9.
Hungerford (lohn), Bch., 16n.-B. A., V.... 16SJ.-ll. A., &t.

1684Hungerford (Riohard), B.A., Vern. 1771.

Hungerford (Thomas), B. A., 2&t. IS09.-M. A., NOD. IS3%.
Hunt (Edward), B. A., V",.. I 791.-lrl. A., Vern.ISos.
IS Hunt (Edward Langford), B. A., Hi.".. IS6S.
Hunt (Fitzmaurice), B. A., V".,.. IS+6.-M. A., V".,.. 1857.
Hunt (George), B. A., V".,.. IS+6.
Hunt (Henry), B.A., Vern. ISI5.-M. A., Vern. ISIS.
Hunt (lames). B. A., V",.. IS+9.
%0 Hunt (John), Bch., 17u.-B. A., V",.. 17zz.
Hunt (John), B. A., V",.. 1769.-LL. B., and LL. D., .l&t. 17SI.
Hunt (John), B. A., V".,.. 17S7.
Hunt (lohn), B. A., V",.. ISOS.
Hunt (John), B. A., V".,.. IS+4%5 Hunt (Joeeph). B. A., V",.. ISIS.-M. A., NOD. 183%.
Hunt (Nupnt Robert H. 0.), B. A., Hu.. IS63.
Hunt (perceval), B. A., V",.. IS%3. -ll. A., and lL B., &1.

Hunt (Philip), ll. A., (ad euncL Cautab.) - LL. B., and LL. D.,

V".,.. IS07_
Hunt (Phineas), B. A., Vem. ISso.
30 Hunt (Robert Hun), B. A., HiMn. IS6+
Hunt (Thomas), Sch., 1719.-8. A., VIrII. 17u.
Hunt (Vere), Sch., 170J.-B. A., V".,.. 173Hunt (Wray Richard), B. A., .At. ISn.-M. A., At. IS61.
Hunter (lames), B. A., ''t. 1819.
35 Hunter (lobn), B. A., V",.. ISU



Hunter (lohn Chat'les), B. A., V".,.. 184-2.

Hunter (lohn Read), B.A., V".,.. 18S6.-V. A., ..l&t. 1860.
Hunter (Leonard). B. A., V".,.. 1684-'
Hunter (Nathaniel Henry), B.A., Hi8m. 1862.
5 Hunter (Robert), B. A., L&t. 1827.
Hunter (Stephenson), B. A., V".,.. 181 S.
Huntingdon (Berry Vantle). B. A., V".,.. 184-7. -v. A., .At&t.
Huntingdon (Robert), (D. D. ofVerton College, Oxon.).-Provost,
1683 .
Hunton (Francis), B.A., V".,.. 170+.-M. A., .LEtt. 1707.
10 Hurley (Robert Conway), B.A., At. 806.-V. A., .LEtt. 1823.
Hurly (Robert Conway), B.A., At. 1837'-V, A., ..l&t. 186S.
Hurst (Alexander). B. A., Vim. 1811.-V. A' I N0f7. 1832.
Hu ret (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 18:&4-.
Hurst (Francis lames), B. A., y",.. J 858.
IS Hurst(Tbomas), B.A., y",.. 1810.
Huson (Benjamin), (Entrance not recorded). - B. A. (on recommendation of the Primate), V".,.. 1705.
Huson (Charles Richard), B. A., V".,.. 184-2.
Huson (George Samuel), B. A., V".". 184-6.
Huson (Nathaniel), B. A., At. 1681.
20~US8ey (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
HUIl8eY (Gerald), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Hussey (Helkiah), B. A., Ailt. 162).
HUS8eJ' (James), B. A., Aile. 1797.
HUll8eY (Malachi Stronge). B. A., Vern. 1837.
25 Huasey (Tbomas lohn), B. A., Vern. 1819. - V. A., B. D., and

D. D., y",.. 1835.

HUIlIIeY (Walter), B.A., Vim. 1762
H118BeY (Walter), B. A., ..l&t. 1808.
Husten (Arthur Knox), B. A., V".,.. 1829.
Huston (Claudius), B. A., At. 181 7.
30 Huston (George), B. A., V".". 1786 .
Huston (George), B.A., Vern. 181 3.
Huston(James), B. A., V".". 1828.
Hutcheson (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1779

Hutchings (Henry), B. A., Verll. 18+4'

35 Hutchin.8(Benjamin),B.A., rem. 1806.



Hutchins (Emanuel), B. A., At. 1790.

Hutchins (Samuel Newburgh), B. A., IT... 186+.
Hutchinson (Abraham Hely), B. A., V".,.. 1788. -H. A., At.

179 1
Hutchinson (Abraham Steers), B. A., Vms. 1851.
S Hutchinson (Alexander William), B. A., At. 1790.
Hutchinson (Archibald), B. A., Adt. 181+.
Hutchinson (Chri8topher Hely), B. A., NOli. I I , 1788.
Hutchinson (Christopher Hely), B. A., Adt. 18+1.
Hutchinson (Dawson), B. A., V".,.. I 828.-1I. A., NOfJ. 183z.
10 Hutchinson (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 172S.
Hutchinson, or Hutcheson, (Francia), B. A., V..... 17+5. -ll. A.,

At. IU8.-H. D., V".,.. 1762.

Hutchinson, or Hutcheeon, (Francia), Soh., 177 I.-B. A. V".,..
177 2
Hutchineon(Francis Hely), B. A., .IEd. I 779.-H. A., At. 1783'
Hutchinson (Francia Hely), LL. D., (Atmoril etlr"d), At. 1791.
IS Hutchin80n (Francia Synge), B. A., At. 1823.
Hutchinson (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 1829.-H. A., NOfJ. 1812.
Hutchinson (Hamilton), B.A., Yent. 17+7.-H.A., At. 17So.LL B., and LL. D., V".,.. 1773.
Hutchinson (Henry), B. A., At. 1838.
Hutchinson (Henry Hely), B. A., LEd. 1808.
20 Hutchinson (Henry Thomas), B. A., VtrI. 18S1.
Hutchinson (James), Soh., 17p.-B. A., Vena.-17S3.-1I. A.,

y".,.. 1757
Hutchinson (James), B. A., .&t. 1815.-11. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hutchinson (John), B. A., Vm. 1810.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hutchinson (John), B. A., Ym. 18H.
25 Hutchinson (John Charle8), B. A., y".,.. 1859.
Hutohinson(John Dawson), B. A" At. 18IS.-1I. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Hutchinson (Right Hon. John Hely), LL. D. (Aonorti eGAd), LBIt.
1765.-Provost, 177+' Bee Hely.
IIutchinsou (John Hely), B.A., At. 1807.
Hutchinson (John Hely). B. A., At. 1810.
30 Hutchinson (Joseph Fade), B. A., Y".n. 1829.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Hutchinson (Lorenzo Hely). B. A., At. 1790.-ll. A., &t. 1806.
Hutchinson (Redmond Haurice), B. A., ,,,.,.. 18SS.



Hutchinson (Riohard Hely), B. A., LEst. I77S.-11.. A., YWfI.

I 78o.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1783.
Hutchinson (Richard H.). B. A., V".,.. 1814.
Hutchinson (Richard Rely), B.A., VWfI.18zJ.
Hutchinson (Samuel), B. A.. Vern. 17z3.-M. A., V".,.. 17'1.7.
S Hutchinson (Samue1). B.A., VWfI. 1831.
Hutchinson (Somers), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Hutchinson (Thomas Lookey), B. A., At. 18IJ.-H. A., NOD.

18 3'1..
Hutchinson (William), B. A., V~rn. 1781.
Hutchinson (William), B. A., LEst. 181+
10 Hutchinson (William), B. A., LEst. 18'1.7'
Hutchinson (William). B. A., V".,.. 18+7'
Hutchinson (William), B. A., VWfI. I 848.-M. A. .tEst. 18SI.
Hutchinson (William), B. A., Vwn. 1856.
Hutchinson (William Gorell), B. A., V".,.. 185'1..
15 Hutchinson (William Proby), B. A., LEst. 179'1..
Hutchinson (William Wright Launcelot), B. A., Vwn. 1853.
Hutton (Damton), B. A., V".,.. 1850.
Hutton (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1817.-H. B., Vmt. 18u.-Y. D.,

LEst. IS4z,




Hutton (Henry), B. A., Vern. ISzo.-lI. A., NOD. 183'1..

Hutton (Henry), B. A., Vern. IS45.
Hutton (Henry Dix), LL. B., LEst. 1857.
Hutton (John), B. A., ..iE&t. IS05.
Hutton (John), B. A., Vwn. IS+3
Hutton (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Hutton (Joseph), B. A., At. 1810.
Hutton (Joseph), ll. A., NOD. 1832.
Huttou (Joseph), LL. B., and LL. D., LEst. IS23.
Hutton (RoberUoseph), B. A., Hinn. 186'1..
Hutton (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18+3.-1I A., V,?",. 18so.
Hutton (William), B. A., Vwn. 1850.
Hntton (William Pepperal), B. A., BBl. 183 I.-H. A., Vma. 1837.
Huyme, or Huish (Franci8), Bch., 169'1..-B. A., Vern. 169J.~
H. A., LElt. 169S,
Hyde (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 17+3
Hyde (Arthur), B. A., Vwn. 1749.
Hyde (Arthur), B. A., JEd. 1810.-H. A., Vim. 181 5.



Hyde (Arthur), B. A., 2&t. 1839.

Hyde (Comeli1l8), B. A., ,iE,t. IS33.
Hyde (George), Soh., 17+3.-8. A., Vma. 17+5.
Hyde (Henry), B.A., &t. ISI4S Hyde (Iaaac), B.A.., V",.. 1711.
Hyde (John), B. A.., Vma. 17SS,
Hyde (Richard), B. A.., Vma. 17u.
Hyde (William), B. A.., y".,.. ISI7.-1I. A., Vma. IS31.
Hyland (Robert), B. A.., V".,.. 17+9.
10 Hyland (William Paul), B. A" Yern. ISS3.
Hyndman (Charles), B. A.., V".., IS3S.-H. B.. LEd. 18+1.
Hyndman (lames lIacauley). B. A.., &e. 18u.-H. A.., NOfJ.
18 3 1
Hynes (James), Soh., 1831.-B. A.., y".,.. 1834Hynes (John). B. A., .&1. 1759.
IS Hynes (Thomas). Sch., 1738.-B. A.., Vma.l7+o.

level'S (Colin), B. A.., Y".,.. 181+.
level'S (Robert). B. A., Vma. 18+0.
Ikerrin (Somerset, Viaoount). See Butler.
Iles (Thomas Hodgson). B. A., Vern. 181+-M. A., LEd. 1819.
10 Dl.ingworth (Hownam Bamfteld), B. A., Vma. 18+0.
Inee (Randal). B. A., LEd. 161+.-M:. A., &t. 1616.-Fellow,
161 7.
Inee (Randal), B. A.., Vma. 1693.
Inee (Richard), B. A., LElt. 1831.
Inee (Robert), Sch., and B. A.., 1660.
IS Inee (William), Fellow, 1619.-M. A., &t. 1619.
Inee (William), B. A.., Yma. 1689.
Inch (Nathaniel), Soh., 17SI.-8. A., y".,.. 1783.
Ingham (John), B. A., Vent. 1711.
Inglesby (
), (Entranee not recorded).-B. A., .&t. 1620.
30 Inglis (Thomas), n. A., .lEat. 1775.
IngUlIs (Richard), B. A., Fern. 1741.
lngTam (Henry), B. A., Ft,,.n. 1779.
Ingram (James), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Fern. 1717.-M. A., V".,..



Ingram (Jaques), B. A., Vwn. 17+9.

Ingram (Jaques), B. A., Vwn. 1805'
Ingram (John Kells), Soh., 1840.-B. A., V".,..

J 843.-FeIlow,
18+6.-M. A' I '.LE.t. 18So.-n. B., and LL. D., Vms. 18p.
Ingram (William), Soh., '789.-B. A., Vem. 1792.

5 Irby (Antony), D. D., .LE.t. 1~3.

Iredell (Benjamin), B. A., Vms. 1~8.
Ireland (Arnold), B. A., Vms. J83+Ireland (De Conroy), B. A., At. 1858.
Ireland (Edmond Stanley), B. A., Vms. 1818. - M. A., N(1f1.
10 Ireland (George Lewis), B. A., .LE.t. 18so.-M. A., V".,.. 18)6.
Ireland (Richard), B. A., LEst. 1837.
Ireland (Samuel), B. A., Vms. 1835.
Ireland (ThoJll88), B. A., Vms. 18#.-M. A., .LE.t. 1853.
Ireland (Thomas William), B.A., "'t. 18#.
15 Ireland (William), B. A., r-".,.. 1734.
Ireland (William de Courcy), B. A., Pim. 18p.-M:. A., Vms.
18 58
Ireland (William Milton), B. A., Vms. 1839.
Irvine (John), B. A., At&t. 1792.
Irvine (Aiken), B. A., Vim. 18+6.
20 Irvine (Arthur), B. A., At. 1819.
Irvine (Arthur Benjamin), B. A., Hi,m. 1860.
Irvine (Charles D.), B. A., Vim. 1858.
Irvine (Christopher), B. A., .LE.t. 18+7.-M.. A., .LE.t. 1858.
Irvine (George M. D' Arcy), B. A., At. 183 I,
%5 Irvine (Gerrard), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
Irvine (Gorges L.), M. A., Nov. 183%.
Irvine (Gorges M. D'Arcy), B. A., n. B., and LL. D., Vms.

Irvine (Gorges M. D'Arcy), B. A., Vim. 18+8.-M. A., &t.

18 57.
Irvine (Hans), B.A., Vwn. 18%6.-M. A., and M. B., .LE.t. 1833,
30 Irvine (Henry CrossIe), B. A., Vms. 18S+Irvine (John), B. A., .lE,t. 1779.
Irvine (John), B. A., .LE.t. 1836.
Irvine (Richard), B. A., HUm. 1859.
Irvine (Robert), Sch., '780.-B. A., VIlrPI. .,81.








Irvine (St. ~rge Oaulfteld), B. A., .l&t. ISn.-H. A., Noo.

18 3 2
Irvine (Walter), B. A., V".,.. IS+o--H. A., .2EBt. ISSS.
Irvine (William), B. A., Vw". 1785. For H. A., Bee Irwine.
Irvine (William), Sch., IS-U'-B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Irvine (William 10hn), B. A., .lE8t. 18IS.-H. A., NOf'. 1832.
Irving (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1827.-M. A., V".,.. 1831.
Irving (lames), B. A., VWtl. 18+1.
Irving (loseph), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Irving (William B.), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Irwin (Ahmuty), B. A., V".,., 1847.
Irwin (Alexander), B. A., V".,., I 826.-M. A., NOf'. IS32.
Irwin (Alexander), B. A" Vern. 1847.
Irwin (Alexander Staples), B. A., VWtI. 18+6. - M. A., V'Tti.
Irwin (Andrew), Sch., I 737.-B. A., Pet'll. 1739.
Irwin (Arthur), B. A., Vma. IS21.-H. A., Noo. IS32.
Irwin (Arthur Parke), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
Irwin (Arthur William), B. A., V".,.. ISSI.-M. A., V".,.. 1856.
Irwin (Benjamin), B.A., E .."". 1864Irwin (Blaney), B. A., V".,.. 1791.-M. A., V".,.. 1805.
Irwin (Chamney Graves), B. A., V".,.. IS53.-H. B., V".,..IS6,.
Irwin (Charle8 King), Sch., 1820. - B. A., V".,.. ISn. -ll. A.,
V".,.. ISz7.
Irwin (Charles King), Sch., IS54. -B. A., V".,.. 1857. -H. A.,
V".,.. IS60.
Irwin (Crinua), (Entrance, and B. A., not reoorded).-lI. A., &t.
Irwin (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Irwin (David), B.A., V".,.. 1800.-M. A., Noo.IS32.
Irwin (Edward William), B. A., V"",. IS46.
Irwin (Francis), B. A., V8rf1. ISI40-lI. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Irwin (George), B. A., V".,.. lSI I.-M. A., .lE8t. 1815.
Irwin (George), B. A., ..lEd. 1813.
Irwin (George Omalley), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-M. A., NOfI. 1832.
Irwin (Hastings), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Irwin (Henry), B. A., P;"n . .,66.-M. A., Vir,.. 1769.
Irwin (Henry), B. A., At. 1840.
Irwin (Henry), B.A., Vw".18.p.-ll'.A., andB.D.,.IE81. 1852.



Irwin (Henry), B. A., V~rn. 1858.

Irwin (Hugh), B. A., Vim. 18:23.-H. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Irwin (James), Sch., 1773.-11. A., Vim. 1775.
Irwin (James), B. A., ..lEst. 1799.
5 Irwin (James), Sch., IS07. - B. A., V".,.. IS09' - H. A., ..lEst.
Irwin (James Simpson), B. A., V".,.. ISU.
Irwin (James Van Homrigh), B.A., Vma.IS+6.
Irwin (James William), B. A., ..lEst. I8+6.-H. A., V".,.. ISS9.
Irwin (John), B. A., Vim. 1770.
10 Irwin (John), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Irwin (John), Sch. 1804.-B. A., Vwn. IS06.
Irwin (John), B. A., Vma. IS53.-H. A., ..!Eat. ISS6.
Irwin (John James), B. A., ..lEst. IS32.-1I. A. (,er d~.)-B. D.,
and D. D., Hi~m. IS63.
Irwin (John King), B. A., V~rn. IS56.
IS Irwin (John William), B. A., Vma. 1774.
Irwin (Jones William), B. A., ..lEst. 1797.
Irwin (Lewis Francis), B. A., Vern. 1750.
Irwin (Robert), B. A., At. ISII.-M.A., NOfJ .IS3:2.
Irwin (Robert), B. A., LEIt. IS31.
20 Irwin (Robert Arthur), B. A., Vma. IS+o.-M. A., Vem. IS+3.
Irwin (Thomas), B. A., V,m. ISI3.-H. A., ..I&t. 18:23.
Irwin (Thomas), Sch., ISIS.-B. A., LEd. I8n.
Irwin (Thomas), B. A., Vem. IS37'
Irwin (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS39.
:25 Irwin (William), B. A., V".n. 1837.
Irwine (Hugh), B. A., Vem. IS:23.
Irwine (William Henry), H. A., ..!Eat. ISOS. For B. A., see
Irvine (William), 17SS.
laaac (Abraham), B.A., Vern. JS56.
laaac (Christopher), Soh., I 711.-B. A., V".,.. I713.-H.A., LEd.
17 16.

30 Iaaac (George Bunbury), B. A., V".,.. IS27.
Iaaac (Simon), B.A., V".,.. 1733.
laaac (Vesey Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1850'
ladell (Thomas), B. A., ..lEst. 1777.
Ivers (Augustine), B. A., Vwn. 1749.
3S Ivers (Augustus), B. A., Vern. 1718.



Ivers (lohn), LL. D. (8p'Ciali ,,.,,1111), Vwn. 1719Ivie (George), B. A., ./Ed. IS31.
Ivie, or Ivey (William Frederiok Torcato), B. A.., ./Elt. IS41..M:. A.., V".,.. I 844.

lack (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. ISS2.-.M:. A., At. 18SS.
S Jackson (Andrew), B. A., Vent. 1821.
Jackson (Arthur), B. A., Vms. 18H.
Jackson (Charles), Soh., 1718.-B. A., V".,.. 1720.
lackson (Christopher), B. A., .lEIt. 17So.
Jackson (Daniel), Soh., 1670.-B. A., V".,.. 1673.-.M:. A., ./Elt.
10 lackson (Daniel), B.A., Vwn. 1706.-H. A., At. 1709.
Jackson (Daniel), B. A.., V".,.. 1732.
Jackson (Franoie), B. A., ..dlIt. lSI
Jackson (Francis William), B. A., H'am. IS64'
Jackson (Francie William), B. A., HUm. IS6S.
IS Jackson (Frederick), B. A., At. IS36.-H. A., V".,.. IS43.
Jackson (George), B. A., V".,.. 1733.
Jackson (George), B. A., V".,.. 173S'
Jackson (George), Soh., 1743-B.A., V".,.. 17441ackson (George), B. A., At. IS3+.
20 Jackson (George), B. A., At. ISS2.
1ackson (George), B. A.., V".,. . 862.
Jackson (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1739.
Jackson (Henry Whitworth), B. A., V".,.. .S4S.
1ackaon (lames), Sch., 17IS.-B. A., Vwn. 1719.-K. A., At.
25 Jaokson (James), Soh., 172S.-B. A., Vma. 1730.
1ackson (James Edward), H. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), N()f). IS32.
Jackson (James Edward), B. A., At. 1847.
1ackson (James .M:cCreight), B. A., DieM. IS6+
1ackson (John), B. A., V".n. ~703.
30 Jackson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1737.-M. A., ./EBt. '7+0.
Jackson (John), B. A., ..lEst. ISI7.
Jackson (John), B. A., V".,.. ISH.
Jackson (Joseph), B. A., Vern. IS60.



Jackson (Joseph Devonsher), B. A., At. IS06.-M. A., No/;. I.S32.

Jackson (Oliver), B. A., Vim. 179+.
Jack80n (Peter), B. A., Vttrn. 170I.-Y. A., Vern. 170+.
Jackson (Peter Warburton), B. A., ..l&t. 1827.-ll. A., NOI). 1$32.
5 Jackson (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1738. - LL. B., At. 17+0.LL. D., ...Est. 17H.
Jack80n (Richard), B. A., .8t. '7+0.
Jackson (Richard), B. A., Vm. 17+9'-ll' A., At. 1752.
Jackson (Robert), B. A., .8t. qZ3.-M. A., Vern. 1128.
Jackson (Robert William), B. A., ...Edt. 1819.-M. A., .8t. 18z3.
10 Jackson (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1817.

Jackson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1838.

Jack80n (Warren Rowland), B. A., ..!E,t. 1798.
Jackson (William), Soh., 17oz.-B. A., rern. 1704.
Jackson (William), B. A., Vim. qo+.
15 Jackson (William), Y. A., ...EIt. 1707.
Jackson (William), B.A., Vern. 1715.-B.D., and D.D., Vern. 1730.
Jackson (William), Sch., 1728.-B. A., Vern. 173o.-M. A., ...EIt.
Jackson (William), B.A., Vim. 1735.-M. A., ...Est. 1750.
Jackson (William), B. A., JEst. 1750.
20 Jackson (William), B. A., ...EIt. 1830'-Y' A., ..!&t. 1853.
Jackson (William), B. A., Vim. 18JS.-M.A., Vern. 1857.
Jack80n (William Edward), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Jackson (William N.), B. A., ../Elt. 1818.
Jackson (William Oliver), B. A., Vern. 18+5.-M. A., Vllrn. 1856.
25 Jacob (Archibald Hamilton), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-Y.B., andM. D.,
Vern. 1862.
Jacob (Arthur). Seh., '737.-B. A., rem. 1738.-B. n., Anel D.D.,
Vern. 1772.
Jacob (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 18sz.
Jacob (Arthur), B. A., Vllrn. 1856.
Jacob (Arthur), M. D. (~calm!), Vcrn. 1863.
30 Jacob (Arthur Edmund), B. A., Vern. I 85o.-M. B., ..l&t. ISSI.
Jacob (Augustus Hamilton), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
Jacob (Benjamin), B. A.,..lEIL 1827.
Jacob (Charles), B. A., Vim. IS38.
Jacob (John), B. A., Vwn. 112+.
35 Jacob (John), n. A., Vern. 1789.
i Q



Jacob (John Alexander), B. A., Vwn. IS47.

Jacob (John Giffard), B. A., ~It. IS60.
Jacob (Samnel), B. A" Vltm. 1773.-LL.. B., V8NI. 1776.
lacob(Samnel), B.A., Vwn. ISI5.
5 Jacob (Thomas John), B. A.., ..fE,t. ISz5.-1. A., Nov. IS3z.
Jacob (Ulysses), B. A., Vwn. 1755.
Jagoe (Abraham), B. A., HiMII. IS63.
Jagoe (Henry), n. A., Hiem. IS65.
Jagoe (John), B. A.., Vwn. 1808.
10 Jagoe (William NaBBau), B. A., Ili,m. 1861.
James (Albert Boyce), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-Y. A.., 1ft. 1861.
James (Christopher), Sch., I 793.-B. A., Vern. 1795.
James (Francia), B. A.., Vern. 183).-Y. A., Vcrtl. 1838.
James (George), B. A.., Hiem. 1861.-M:. A.., Ilicm. 1865'
15 James (John), B. A., &1. 1817.-M. A' I NOt? 183z.
lames (John), B. A., Vern. IS23.
James (John), B. A., Vern. lSn.-Y. A.., Vwn. IS41.
James (John), B. A., Vwn. 1847.-Y. A., ./Ed. 1850.
James (John Kingston), B. A., Vern. 183). -Y:. A., Vt'rn. 1840.
zo James (Samuel B.), B.A., Vwn. (85).-Y.A..,&t. IS6+
James (William Edward), B. A., Vern. I 8 H.-H. A., VI',n. 186 ..
lamCl!On (George), Sch., 170+-B. A.., Vern. 170;.-M. A., ..fEst.
Jameson (James), B. A., ..fEst. 18z+-1. A., .&t. 1831.
Jameson (James), B. A., r,rn. 1850.-Y' A., Yern. 1860.
25 Jameson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1803.
Jameson (John), B. A., .LEd. 1823.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Jameson (John), B. A., V,rn. 1836.
Jameson (John), B. A., Perno 1840'
Jameson (John), B. A.., Vern. 1862.
30 Jameson (Joseph), B. A.., ..fEd. 178+.-LL. B., and LL. D., VN'n.
17 85.
Jameson (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1803.-Y. A., V,rn. 1825.
Jamcson (Paul Lyster), B. A., Vern. 18)5.- I. A.., VITII. 1858.
Jameson (Thomas), B. A., Yern. 1768.-M:. A., ..fElt. 1772.
Jamcson (Thomas), B. A., ./Eat. 1836.
35 Jameson (Thomas), B. A., reTn. 18+6.
Jameson (Thomas Joseph), B. A., Vern. 183;;.
Jameson (William), B. A' I ..fEst. 1831.-Y. A., rern. 1836.



Jameson (William), B. A., Vwn. IS40.

Jameson (William), B. A., and M. A., Vern. ISSS,
1amieson (Campbell), B.A., Vern. 184+-M. A., L&t. IS65.
Jannes, (Richard), Sch., 1713.-B. A., Vern. 1715.
5 Janus (James), Sch., 1743.-B.A., Vern. 17+5.-M. A., LEst. 17+S,
Janns (James), B. A., Vern. IS3+
1anns (Joseph), Sch., 1743.-B. A., Vma. 17+5.
Jardine (John), B. A., Vern. IS+3.-M. A., LEst. IS46.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., LEat. 1 Sp.
1ealous (Robert), Soh., 174z.-B. A., Vern. 17+3.-M. A., L&t.
10 1ebb (1ohn), B. D., and D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), LEst. 17+3.
Jebb (John), Sch., 179+-B. A., V6r1I. I 796.-M. A., Vern. ISO I.
Jebb (John), B. A., V".". ISz7.-M. A . LE~t. ISz9.-B. D., and
D. D., LEst. 1860.
1ebb (Richard), Sch., 1784.-B. A., Vern. 17S6.-LL. B., Vern.
Jebb (Richard), B. A., At. ISz7.-M. A., L&t. 183z.
15 Jebb(Robert), B. A., At. 18z8.-1LA., Not). IS32.
Jebb (Ross), Sch., ISoo.-B. A., At. IS02.
Jebb (Thomas), B. A., At. IS31.
Jebb (Thomas William), B. A., V".,.. IS+8.
Jeffares (Danby), B. A., Hiem. IS63'
20 1effares (Israel), Sch., IS65.-B. A. Vma. IS66.
1effares, or 1efferies, (Edward). B. A., Vern. 17S5.-M. A., Vern.
17 S9
1effares (Richa.rd), B. A. BBt. IS39.
Jeffares (Samuel), B. A., Vma. ISn.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3-Z.
Jeffa.res (William Edwards), B. A., Vern. IS61.
z5 Jeffcott (1ohn William), Sch., ISI9.-B. A., Vern. ISu.-M. A.,

.2E8t. I Sz 5.
1effcott (William), B. A., At. IS34-.
1efferies (Allen), B. A., V".n. 1756.
Jefferies (Edward). See 1effares.
1efferies (Edward), B. A., Vern. IS3S.-M. A., L&t. 1865.
30 Jeffers (Michael Haynes), B. A., V".,.. ISsz.
1efford(John), Sch., 1692.-B. A., V".,., 1696.-M. A., L&t. 1699_
1effrey (James), B. A., Vern. 1701.
1effrey (Norman Stuart). B. A., V",.,.. JS)5.-M. A., Vern. IS64'



Jellett (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+2.-11. A., Vern. 18+6.

Jellett (Hewitt Poole), B. A., Vern. 1846.-11. A., HUm. 186+.
Jellett (JlUues), B. A., Vma. 18+1.-11. A., Vwn. 18++.
Jellett (John Hewitt), Sch., 1836.-B. A., Vma. 11!38.-Fellow,
18+o.-M. A., AlIt. 18+3.-B. D., AlIt. 1866.
5 Jellett (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Jellett(1Iorgan), B.A., Vwn. 1807.-M.A., Vwn.18u.
Jellett (Morgan Woodward), B. A., Vwn. 1857.
J elly (John Bonafors), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.
Jelly (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1800.-M. A., At. 180+.
10 Jemison (William Henry), B. A., Vma. 18SI.-LL. B., Vmt.
18 56.
Jemmett (Samuel), ll. B. (ad eund. Cantab.), April, 171 I.-Y. D.,
-LEd. 1711.
Jenkin (George), B. A., &t. I 846.-M. A., Bt. 1849.
Jenkin (John), H. A., V,rn. 1809.
Jenkins (Abraham Lionel), M. B., jEst. 174+ - AkD., Vrn.

15 Jenkins (David), (Entrance not recorded).-LL. B., and LL. D.,

.LEd. 1701.
Jenkins (George), B. A., Vm,. 1792.
Jenkins (Heywood), B. A., Vtrn. 1731..
Jenkins (Richard), B. A., V".,a. 1853.
Jenkins (Robert), Soh., 1718.-B. A., Vma. 1720.-M. A., AlIt.
17 2 3.
20 Jenkins (Thomas), B. A., VfW". 1736.
Jenkins (William), Sch., 1761.-B.A., Vern. 1763.-11. B., .2&t.
Jenkins (William), B. A., V,rn. 1800.
Jenkins (William), B. A., Vern. I 826.-1I. A., Noo. 1832.LL. B., and LL. D. Vern. 1856.
Jenney (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1709.
25 Jenney (William), B. A., Vern. 1709.
Jennings (George), B. A., Vern. 185"
Jennings (George Prynne), B. A., Verll. 1847.
Jennin3R (John), B. A., Vrrn. 1820.-~[, A., .JEst. 1832.
Jennin~s (John), R. A., VIN!. 1836.
30 Jennings (Richard), B. A., A?st. 1616.-Fellow, 1617.-M. A .
b.8t. 1620.





. 25




lenning'> (Thomas), B. A., Vm~. 1830.-M. A., NOD. 183%.

lennings (Wensley Bond), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
lennings (William), B. A., Vern. 1816.-M. A., BBt. 183z.
leD'lY (Henry), Sch., 1673.-B. A., Vern. 1676.-M. A., LEst.
168%.-B. D., and D. D., ..lEst. qOI.
Jenny (Henry), Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vern. 17oz.-M. A., Yma.
170S.-B. D., and D. D., Yllrn. 1718.
Jenny (Henry), B. A., Yllrn. 1 i48.-M. A., Oct. u, 1751.
lephson (Alexander), Sch., 168+-B. A., Ve,.", 1685.-M. A.,
BBe. 1688.
Jephson (Alexander), Sch., 1713.-B. A., Vern. 171S.
lephson (James Mounteney), B. A., Vern. 1843.
lephson (John), LL.]). (lwfI<wis causd), LE,e. 1709.
Jephson(John), ~ch., 178+-B.A., Vern. 178S.
Jephson (Michael), Sch., 1673.-H. A., Vern. 167G.-.M. A., .lEat.
Jephson (Norris), B. A., Vmt. 1']48.
Jephson (Richard), Sch., I 78+.-B. A.,. VIm. 178S.
Jephson (William), Sch., 1676.-B. A.; Vsrn. 1678.-lf. A., Vmt.
168 3.
1ephson (William), B. A., Vtw'fI. 171S.
1ephson (William), B. A., .lEat. I7S6.-1I. A., Vern. 1771..D. D. (BpllcialigratitJ), Ver". 178z.
JephsoQ (William), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Jephson (William C.), B. A., Ywn. 18u.
1epson (Denham), B. A., Vern. 174z.
lerdein (Charles), B. A., Vtw'fI. 18S7.-M. A., Hiem. 1860.
Jerrard (George llirch), B. A., Vern. 1827.
lerrard (Joseph H.), Sch. 1819.-B. A., Vsrn. 18zz.-I.L. B., and
LL. D., ..lEd. 1830.
lervais (Isaac), B. A., Vsrn. 1700.-M. A., LElt. 173 .
lervis (John), B. A., Vllrn. 18+0'
lervis (Sampson), B. A., Vlrn. 1836.
lervois (James), B. A., Vmt. 1819.
lervois, or Jervais, (10seph), B. A., 11. 1801.-M. A' I N(}f1.
18 32
Jervois (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1837.
Jesse (Henry), B. A., Ailt. 17+2.
Jesson (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1837.



Jeeeop (Frederick), B. A., Jl:'t. ISH.

Jeeeop (Jolm Harwood), B. A., r,",. IS47'-)(. A., y".,.. ISS2.
JCIIOp (Robert), B. A.., At. IS34.-H. A., A'll. 1837.
leseop(RobertFethenston), B.A. (adeund. Oxon.), and Jl.A.., Nor.

S J8IIIOp (Samuel), Sch., I 7400-B. A.,

~t. 17+1.
Jeuop (Thom08), B. A., Vt"", 1,6,.-Y. A., Vmt. 1768.LL B.,
JeIIOp (William), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Y6NI.17+9.
Jewett (Jolm), Sch., 168,.-B. A., ,'"'" 16S4'
Jocclyn (Percy), B. A.., .LEd. 17S5.
John (William Tbom08), B. A., Yt'f'1I. 1859.
Jow (Alexander), B. A., y".,., IS+2.
Jow (Bennett W.), B. A.., '6NI. IS37 . .
Johna (Charles Alexander), B. A.., J"W1I. 18+0.
Johns (Hobert), B. A., Vma. 1838.-11. B., JE". 1838.
Johna (Thomu), B. A.,
Johns (William), B. A., 't'f'1I. 1836.-M. A., ,,"'. 1839.
Johna (William), B.A., 1m.. 1839.
Johnson (Alexander). Sch., 1852.-B. A..,
185S.-M. A.,
.L&t. 18S8.-LL. D., and LL. D., .mi,. S6 .
lohnson (Btmjamin), B. A.,
Johnson (lknjamin Burton), B. A., 't'f'1I. ISI7.-11.A.. ..EIt. 1819.
Johnson (Benjamin Henry), B. A., ..EIt. 18z9.-11. A., NOf). 183'
Johnson (Charles), B. A., L&t. 1618.-Fell., 16u.-ll. A., .It
Johnson (Charles), B. A., J"',",. 169,.-1l. A., At. 1~6.
Johnson (Charles). B. A.., V6NI. 18SI.-ll. A., Vmt. 1859.
Johnson (Clement), B.A., .&t. 181+.
Johnson (Edmund), B. A., J"'"". 18+3.
Johnson (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 17)5'
Johnson (Edward), B. A., LE,t. 1808.
Johnson (Edward), B. A., '/1,.,..18S
Johnson (Francis), B. A., 'eNI.1775.
Johnson (Francis), B. A., Diem. I 860.-ll. B., Hiem. 1861.
Johnson (George), :B. A., .iE&t. 1800.
Johnson (George Alexander), B. A., Vtnt. 1857.
Johnson (Gideon), B. A., Vern. I 692.-}{. A., .&1. I~'.
Johnson (Henry), B. A" At. 1797.-M. A., Yer". 1803.


















Johnson (Henry). B. A., VmJ. 185S.

Johnson (Henry George), B. A., .iE8t. 1823.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Johnson (Hunt Henry), B. A., .iE8t. 18J1.-M. A., Vern. 1817.
Johnson (James), B. A., Vern. 1760.
Johnson (James), B. A., V".,.. ISO).
Johnson (James), E. A., V".,.. IS3+.-M. E., At. IS37.-lt:. D.,
Vern. IS.p.
Johnson (James), B. A., Vern. IS+9.
Johnson (James Hart), B.A., V61'11. 1859.
Johnson (John), Fell., 1622.
Johnson (John), B. A., Vern. 1689.-M. A., .,e. 16g%.
Johnson (John), Sch., 1718.-B. A., Vern. 1720.-M. A., At.
17 2 3.
Johnson (John), E. A., Ve,.,.. 1822.
Johnson (John), B. A., Vena. 1850'
Johnson (John), B. A., V".n. 1860.
Johnson (John), B. A., Iliem. 1860.
Johnson (John), M. A., JEd. 1864.
Johnson (John Allen), B. A., Vern. IS59.-lI. A., Vern. 1865.
Johnson (John Evans), B. A., .It. 1821.-M. A., B. D., and
D. D., Vern. 1843.
Johnson (Joseph), B.A., Vern. 1796.
Johnson (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1678.
Johnson (Philip), B. A., Vern. 174.
Johnson (Pitt), B. A., Hiem. IS60.
Johnson (Robert), Sch., 1728.-B. A., Vern. I 729.-M. A., 2&1.
I 73%.-D. D., Vern. 1756.
Johnson (Samuel), B. A., ..l&t. ,8p.
Johnson (Thomas, or John), B. A., L&t. 16IS.-lt:. A., .iE8t.
1621.-Fell" 1622.
Johnson (Thomas), B. A" Vlrn. 172S,
Johnson (Thomas), Sch., 1769.-B. A., Vern. '771.
Johnson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 177%'
Johnson (William), Sch., 17 I 3.-B. A., Vern. 1714.
Johnson (William), B. A., ..itt. 17S0.-LL. B., .JElt. 1784.LL.D., Vern. 1801.
Johnson (William), B. A., Vern. ISII.
Johnson (William), B. A., .JEst. I 820.-lt:. A., Vern. 182S.
Johnson (William), B. A., At. IS30.-H. A., Vern. 1834.





J'eesop (Frederick), B. A., .AUt. 1833.

Jessop (John Harwood), B. A., Ylm. 18+7.-l[. A., Ylm. 18sz.
Jessop (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 183+.-M. A., .2&t. 1837.
Jessop (Robert Fetherston), B.A. (ad eund. Oxon.), and M.A., Nov.
18 3%.
Jessop (Samue]), Scb., l7+o.-B. A., ~". 17+1.
Jessop (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 176z.-M. A., Vim. 1768.LL. B., Vern. 1777.
J'euop (William), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Ylm. 1749.
Jewett (John), Sch., 1682.-B. A., y".,.. 168+.
Jocelyn (Percy), B. A., LElt. 1785.
John (William Thomas), B. A., Ylm. 1859.
Johns (Alexander), B. A., Yma. 18+z.
lohns (Bennett W.), B. A., Y".n. 1837 ..
Johns (Charles Alexander), B. A., v".". 18+0.
lohna (Robert), B. A., VIN'. 1838.-H. B., ~8t. 1838.
JohllB (Thomas), B. A., Ylm. 18+3
Johna (William), B. A., Ylm. 1836.-H. A., Vern. 1839.
lohns (William), B.A., Vern. 1839.
Johnson (Alexander), Sch., 18SZ.-B. A.,
18SS.-H. A.,
.8t. J858.-LL. B., and LL. D., Aid. 1861.
lohnson (Benjamin), B. A., YIN,. 18z+.
Johnaon (Benjamin Burton), B.A., Ylm. 1817.-11.A., .2&t. 1819.
lohnson (Benjamin Henry), B. A., .IEd. 18z9.-M. A., N01J. 183z
Johnson (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1618.-Fell., 16u.-ll. A., .tE,t.
Johnson (Charles), B. A., Ylm. 169Z.-H. A., .2&t. 1696.
lohnson (Charles), B. A., y".,.. 18SI.-H. A., Yem. 1859.
lohl1Bon (Clement), B. A., .2&t. 18z+.
1ohnson (Edmund), B. A., Ylm. 18+3.
lohnaon (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1755.
Johnson (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 1808.
Johnson (Edward), B. A., Ye,.,..1851.
lohnson (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1775.
lohnaon (Francis), B. A., HilJ1Tl. I 860.-H. B., KJIJ1II. 186z.
1ohnson (George), B. A' I .LEat. 1800.
1ohllBon (George Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1857.
Johnson (Gideon), B. A' I Vern. 169z.-lf. A., .2&t. 169z.
JohnsoD (Henry), B. A., .2&1. 1797.-M. A., Vern. 1803'








Johnson (Henry), B.A., Vmt. 1858.

Johnson (Henry George), B. A., .LEat. 18z3.-M. A., Nw. 1832.
Johnson (Hunt Henry), B. A., .LEat. 18u.-M.A., V".,.. 1817.
Johnson (James), B. A., Vmt. 1760.
5 Johnson (lames), B.A., V".,.. 1805
Johnson (James), B. A., V".,.. 183+.-M. B., .2&1. 1837.-H. D.,
Vern. 1842.
Johnson ( J ames), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Johnson (James Hart), B.A., Vet.,.. 1859.
Johnson (John), Fell., 1622.
10 Johnson (John), B. A., Vern. 1689.-M. A., JEd. 1692.
Johnson (John), Sch., q18.-B. A., Vwn. 1720.-M. A., .2&t.





Q 2 3
lohnson (John), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1822.
Johnson (John), B. A., Vim. 1850'
Johnson (John), B. A., Vern. 1860.
Johnson (John), B. A., Hilm. 1860.
Johnson (John), M. A., ./I/t. 1864.
Johnson (John Allen), B. A., Vlrn. 1859.-M. A., Vwn. 1865.
Johnson (John Evans), B. A., JE,t. 18zl.-M. A., B. D., and
D. D., Vim. 1843.
Johnson (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Johnson (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1678.
Johnson (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1704'
Johnson (Pitt), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
Johnson (Robert), Sch., 1 728.-B. A., Vern. I729.-M. A., .2&t.
1732.-D. D., V".,.. 1756.
Johnson (Samuel), B. A., .LE,t 8p.
Johnson (Thomas, or John), B. A., &t. 1618.-M. A., .2&,.
1621.-Fcll., 16u.
Johnson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1728.
Johnson (Thomas), Reh., 1769.-B. A., Vmt. 1771.
Johnson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1772.
Johnson (William), Sch., 1713-B.A., Vern. 1714.
Johnson (William), B. A., ./Est. q80.-LL. B., .2E,t. 1784.LL. D., Vern. 1801.
Johnson (William), B. A., Vern. 1811.
Johnson (William), B. A., LEI/t. 18zo.-H. A., Vmt. 18z8.
Johnson (William), B. A., LEst. I 830.-Y. A., Vern. 1834.









Johnson (William), B. A., Vern. 1849.-M. A., .lEd. 1863.

Johnson (William Moore), B. A., Vern. 1771.
Johnson (William Moore), B.A., Vms. 1846.-M. A., Vern. 1856.
Johnson (William Trench), Sch., 1853.-B. A., Vma. 185),
Johnson (Zachary), H. A' I Vern. 1836.-Y. A., Vern. 1851.
Johnston (Alexander), B. A., HiMn. 1860.-M. B.. V8Tn. 1861,
Johnston (Augustus). B. A., Vern. 18SI.-Y. :C., .lEst. 1853.
Johnston (Benjamin), B. A., V".", I 837'-H. B., .lEd. 184z.
Johnston (Bolton), B. A' I Vms. 18H.
Johnston (Charles), B. A" .2&1. 1768.
Johnston (Edmund), B. A' I Vern. 184o.-1I.A., Vmt. 1843.
Johnston (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18zS.-M. A., At. 183z.
Johnston (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1842.
Johnston (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1861.
Johnston (ForbeR), B. .A' I Vern.18H.
Johnston (Francis), Sch., 173S.-B. A' I Vim. 1736.
Johnston (Francis), B. A" rern. 1773.
1ohnston (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1831.-1L .~, Vern. 18+3.
Johnston (George Henry M'Dowel), M. A., Vern. 1820.
Johnston (Graham), B.A., Vern. 1806.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Johnston (Henneker), B. A' I .lE~t. 1824.
Johnston (Henry), B. A., ./EIt. 18z,3.-M. A., Not). 183z.
Johnston (Henry), B. A., Vern. ISz6.-M. A" Vern. 1848.
Johnston (Henry), B. A., V".n. 1846.
Johnston (Henry Graydon), B. A., V" .... 1846.
Johnston (Henry Stuart), B. A' I Vern. 1858.
Johnston (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 1781.
1ohnston (James), Sch., 1758.-B. A., tern. 1760.-LL. B., and
LL D., Vern. J773.
Johnston (James), B. A' I .l&t. 18n.
Johnston (John), B. A., Vern. 1752.
Johnston (John), B. A., Vern. 1781.,
Johnston (John), B. A., JE&t. 179z.
Johnston (John), B. A., Vern. 18H.
1ohnston (John Beresford), B. A., JEst. 18I+.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Johnston (John F.), B. A., Vern. J85z.
Johnston (John Field), B. A., Vern. ISH,
Johnston (John Reor). B.A., Vern. ,837,
Johnston ()[atthcw), B. A., Verll. '770.



Johnston (Nicholas), B. A., Vwn. 1747.

Johnston (Norman), B. A At. IS30.
Johnston (Philip Reid), B. A., ..lEBt. 1796.
Johnston (Richard), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.
5 1ohnston (Robert), Sch., 17+%.-B. A., ..lEBt. 1743.
10hnston. or Johnson (Robert), Sch., 17So.-B. A., Vern. 17S%.M.A., Nov. II, 17SS,
Johnston (Robert), B. A., Vffl'J. 1790.
10hnston (Robert), B. A., ./&t. ISU.
Johnston (Robert), B. A., Vena. IS20.
10 Johnston (Robert), B. A., ./&t. 1827.
Johnston (Robert), B. A., ./&1. IS30.
Johnston (Robert Barclay MacPherson), B. A" ..lE8t. ISSI.
Johnston (Samuel), B. A., Y,m. 17SI.
Johnston (Thomas), Sch., 17%1.-B. A., Vtr". 17%2.
15 Johnston (Thomas Boswell P.), B. A., Fem. ISH.
Johnston (Walter). B. A., VtrII. IS43.
Johnston (William), B. A., YIr,.. 174f.
10hnston (William), B. A., Vern. IS3+.-1I. A., Vwn. 1843.
Johnaton (William), B. A., &t. IS37.
%0 Johnston (William), B. A., ./&t. IS4S.-M. A., ./&1. IS6+.
Johnston (William), B. A., ./&t. ISS%.-M. A. V.... IS56.
10hnston (William), B. A., V".,..ISS3.
Johnston (William David), B. A., Hi"". IS61.
Johnston (William Henry), B. A., At. I 792.-H. A., Nw. 1832.
%s Johnston (William Henry), B. A., At. ISSS.
Johnston (William J.), 8. A., ..lEBt. IS30.
Johnston (William Moore), H. A., Vem. 1776:
Johnston (Bolton Waller), lI. A., ~,t. ISS6.
Johnstone (Edward Martin), B. A., V".". ISS9. - H. A., .iJ..'&t.
30 Johnstone (John), B. A., ..lEBt. ISI7.
Johnstone (Robert), Sch., IS56.-B. A., Vwn. 18SS.
Johnstone (Samuel Yates), B. A., V".,.. IS37. - M. A., Vern.
Jo1y (Charles), B. A., Vern. IS39.
Joly (Charles Joseph), B. A., Vern. ISOI.-M.A., NOL'. 183%.
3) Joly (Henry), B. A., y".,.. I So 1.-)[. A., ..tEat. ISIO.
Joly (Henry Edward), M. B., lind M. D., AJr. ISI2.




Joly (Jasper Robert), B. A., VtJm. 1837. -lL A., Vma. 18+0'LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. 1853.
Joly (John Plunkett), B. A., Vwn. 18++-H. A.,.l&t. 18+7.
Joly (John Swift), B. A., Vem. 1839.-H. A., LEd. 1851'
Jonas (Edwin Waldron), B. A., Vern. 1856.
5 Jones (
), M. A. (ad eund. O.x:on.), &t. 1705.
lones (Abraham), B. A., V".,.. 18zo.-M.A., Vma. 18z+.
lones (Ambrose), D. D., Jan. 26, 1661.
lones (Andrew Armstrong), B. A., .Ai~t. 1839.
lones (Arthur), B. A., ,.t. 1733.
10 Jones (Arthur), B. A., ~dt. 18z5.
lones (Bolton), B. A., Vwn. 1765.
Jones (Brooke), B.A., Vem. 1731.
lones (Bryan), B. A., Vern. 1688.-M. B., Vern. '692.
Jones (Charles), B. A., V,m. 1731.-M. A., .2E~t. 173+. -B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. 1763.
IS Jones (Charles), B. A., VIfNt. 18+8.
Jones (Charles Booth), B. A., lE'"TI. 1865'
Jones (Charles Lewis Y.), B. A., VeNt.1851.
Jones (Christopher), B. A., Vwn. I 796.-M. A., &t. 181+.
Jones (David), B. A., rwn. 1851.
20 Jones (David), B. A., Vwn. 1859'
lones (David), B. A., Hiem. I 86z.-M. A., Hie",. 1865'
Jones (David Evans), B. A., VeNt. 1833.-H. A.., Vwn.1836.
lones (Ebenezer), B. A., Vwn. 1853.
Jones (Edward), (Entrance not recorded). - M. A.., Jan. 26,

25 Jones (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18n, - M. A., and H. 8., &t.
18Z4.-H. D., Vern. 1831.
Jones (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Jones (Edward), B. A" VeNt. 18+2.
Jones (Evan), B. A., Vem. 168z. - M. A., At. 1685. - D. D.t

.A:,t. J 700.
Jones (Evan), B. A., Vwn. 1716.
30 Jones (Francis), B. A.. ~st. 180z.-1tL A., .Aist. 1816.
Jones (:B'rederickAshr). B. A., Ve"". 1816.-M. A., Not). I1l3z.
Jones (George), 8. A., Vel'll. 1710.
Jones (George), B. A., ./E.t. J816.-1[. A., T"ern. 182Z.
Jones (George), B. A., T"ern. 1818.



Jones (George Lewis), D.D. (ad eund. Cantab.), V.,.".. 1773.

Jones (Henry), B. A., LEat. 16:u.-M. A., Aile. 1624.
Jones (Heury), B. A., .iE&t. 1776.
Jones (Heury), B. A., Vtrn. 1826.
5 Jones (Henry), B. A., .iE&t. 18+4'
Jones (HeuryFrederiok), B.A., Vern. 1831.
Jones (Henry Hampden), B. A., V6'NI. 1854.
Jones (Hugh), B. A., LElt. 1623.
Jones (Hugh), B. A., V6'NI. 1830.
10 Jones (Hugh Bethell), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
Jones (Humfrey), B. A., V6'NI. 1779.
Jones (Humphrey), B. A' I AI,t. 1823.
Jones (James), B. A., V".,.. 1 78J.-M. A., .iE&t. 1808.
Jones (James), B. A., V6'NI. 1813.-M. A" Vlrll. 18u.
IS Jones (James), B. A., V6'NI. 1849.-M. A., Vern. 1861.
Jones (John), Sch., and B. A., 1660. - Fell., 1662. -M. A.,
.iE&t. 1664.-D.D . .iE&t. 167+
Jones (John), M. B., ..n. 1677.
Jones (John), Soh., 168S.-B. A. (,plmalf gratid), Vern. 1686. ..
M. A., Vmt. 1691.
Jones (John), B. A., Vern. 1689.-M. A., At. 1692.
20 Jones (John), B. A., Vwn. 1726.
Jones (John), B. A., Vtrn. I 734.-M. A., 2&t. 1736.
Jones (John), Soh., 1737.-B. A., Vir". I 739.-M. A., AIM.
I 742.-LL. B., and LL. D., .iE&t. 1743.
Jones (John), B. A., Vir". 1777.
Jones (John), B. A., V".,.. 1795.-M. A., At. 1803.
25 Jones (John), M. D., .iE&t. 1797.
Jones (John), B. A., Vlrn. 1818.-M. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Jones (John), B. A., Vern. 1827.
Jones (John), B. A., V".,.. 1829'
Jones (John), B. A., 2&t. 1848.-11. A., At. 18p.
30 Jones (John C.), B. A., V6'NI. 1850.
Jones (John Gore), B. A., V".,.. 1842.
Jones (John Hawtrey), B. A., At. 1823.
Jones (John Ireland), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Jones (John Ormsby), B. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., Vim. 1834.
3S Jones (John Owen), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Jones (Jonas), B. A., V".,.. 1857.



Jones (Jonas Travers), B. A., LEat. 1816.

Jones (Jonathan), B. A., Vern. 1857.-M. A., Vm.. 1860.
Jones (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1 788.-M. A., NOf1. 1832.
Jones (Joseph Frederick), B. A., .11. 1853.
5 Jone8 (Lawrence), B. A., Vern. 168 3.
Jones (Llewellyn Wynne), B. A., Vim. 184+.-M. A., ..l&t. 1851.
Jones (Matthew), Soh., 1675.-B. A., V".,.. 1677.
Jones (Matthias), Sch., 1676.-B. A., V"I'n. 1678.-lL A., &t.
Jones (Michael), (Entrance, not recorded).-LL. D., NOf1. 167+'
10 Jones (Michael), Soh., I 677.-B. A., Pi,.,.. 1680.-1I. A., &t.
Jones (Nathaniel), B. A. (tplcitJligrtJIid), Vern. 1686.
Jones (Nicholas), Sch., 1698.-B. A., Verll. 1701.-M. A., .Sst.
170 4.
Jones (Oliver), Sch., 169S.-B. A., V".,.. 1696.
Jones (Owen Williams), B. A., V".,.. 18SS.
15 Jones (Peter), B.A., V".,.. 18+8.
Jones (Philip), B. A., V".,.. 1703.
Jones (Randolph), B. A. (Bpeciali gratia), V".,.. 169:.
Jones (Richard), B. A., Vent. 1789.-M. A., Vern. 179:.
Jones (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1843.
:0 Jones (Richard), B. A., V81'n. 1856.
Jones (Richard Bathoe), Sch., 18SZ.-B.A., VIN.. 18H.
Jones (Richard Devereux), B. A., Hie".. 186:.-M. A., ..l&t. 1866.
Jones (Richard Lionel), B. A., Hiem. 186:.
Jones (Robert),lL A., ...Ed. 1614.-Fell., 1615.
25 Jones (Robert), B.A., Vern. 17u.-M.A., &1.1716.
Jones (Robert), B. A., At. 1818.
Jones (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18u.
Jones (Robert), B. A., &t. 18:&S.-M. A., NOI). 1831.
Jones (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1856.
30 Jones (Samuel), B. A., ...E,e. I 796.-lf. A" Nov. 183z.
Jones (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1830.-Yo A., V81'n. 1835.
Jones (Samuel Wilberforce), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Jone8 (Theophilus), B. A' I Vern. 1686 .
.Joncs (Theophilus), B. A., ./Est. 1807.-ll. A., Nov. 183:.
35 Jones (Thomas), D. D. (Aonori8 t'IJI48d). Aug. 18, 1614 .
Jones (Thomas), B. A' I Verll. 1684.-M. A., ./Ext. 16S7.



Jones (Thomas), B. A.., Vwn. 17+0.

Jones (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1777.-M. A., .2&t. 1809.
Jones (Thomas), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), Vim. 1800.
Jones (Thomas), Sch., 1810.-B. A.,.2&t. 181 1.-M.B.,.,t.181S.
S Jones (Thomas),B. A., .2&t. 1827.
Jones (Thomas Bentley), B. A.., Vwn. 1829.
Jones (Thomas Bidford), B. A., &t. 18S+-H. A., Vwn.1858.LL. B., and LL. D., Hinn. 186+Jones (Thomas Evan), B. A., Hinn. I 86o.-H. A., .l&t. 1866.
Jones (Thomas n.), B. A., .2&t. 1818.
10 Jones (Thomas Josias), B. A., Vml. 184:z.-M. A' I V".,.. 1858.
Jones (Thomas Nelson), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
Jones (Thomas Simpson), B. A., Hi,m. 186S.
Jones (Travers) (or Jonas Travers), B. A., Vwn. I 823.-H. A., NOfi.
18 3 2
Jones, (Walter). B. A., VW,..1715.
IS Jones (William), B. A., Ja,.. 29, 1673'
Jones (William), B. A., Vwt. 1673.-H. A.., .2&1. 167S.
Jones (William), B. A., .l&t. I 673.-M. A. .2&t. ,67S'
Jones (William), Sch . 1679.-B. A.., Vwn. 1682. -Y. A., .Bt.
Jones (William), Sch., 17o+-B. A., V".,.. 170S.-M. A., LEat.
20 Jones (William), H. A. ('1'tcialigratid). &1. 1748.
Jones (William), B. A... Vern. 17)1.
Jones (William), B. A., VB,.,.. 1782.
Jones (William), Sch., 1806.-B. A., V".,.. 1808.-Y. A., VwtI.
Jones (WilliaD~.), B. A., LEat. 18:z8.-M. A., NOfi. 1832.
2S Jones (William), B. A., RUm. I 860.-H. A., ..l&t. 1866.
Jones (William Dunkin), B. A., Vim. 1767.
Jones (William Malieu), B. A., VwtI. 1837.
Jones (William Robert), B. A., Vim. 18+8.
Jordan (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 1822.
30 Jordan (Edmund), B.A., Vwn. 1780.
Jordan (Edmund), B. A., VfJrft. 18#.
Jordan (Richard). B. A., and M. A Yag, 1708.
Jordan (Richard), B. A., &t. I 623.-Fellow, 1626.-M. A.,'&t.







Jordan (Robert), B. A., VIINI. 168z.-Sch., 168z.

Jordan (Thomas), Soh., 18+7.-B. A., P'ma. 18so.-lL A., VH'''.
18SS.-B. D., .2&t. 1866.
Jordan (William), B. A., .2&1. 1812.
loule (lames Prescott). LL. D. (AotIoriI "4U1d), S'pt. z, 1851.
Joy (Conway Ludlow Holmes), B. A., y".,.. I 861.-LL. B., IT....
loy (Francis), B. A., YINS. 1827.-H. A., YH'n. 1830.
Joy (Henry), Sch., 18S6.-B. A., At. 18S8.
Joy (Henry Holmes), B. A., J'6rlt. 18z9. - H. A., At. 18+1._
LL. B., and LL. D., Vmt. 18S6.
loy (lohn Holmes), B. A., YINS. 18H.
Joy (JQbll Holmes),B. A., V61'1l. 186z.-lL Chir., and H. B., ..t.
I 86S.-H. A., and K.D., .HUm. 186S.
loy (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.
loy (William Bruce), B. A., VINS. 18ZI.-M. A., Y,rn. 18z4-K. B., At. 18zS.-H. D., Ymt. 18+1.
10yce (Conway), B. A., Vma. 18so.-H. A., LEd. 186410yce (Patrick Weston), B. A., Hiem. 1861.-M. A., Hiem. 186+.
Joyce (Robert Lloyd), B. A., y".,.. 18~.
10yce (Thomas George), B. A., .2&t. 18z7.
10y88 (John), B. A., Ymt. 18+6.
Joynt (Andrew), B. A., At. 1798.
Judge (William), B. A., VINS. 1770.
ludkin (Joseph), B. A., Ymt. 1709Juet (George), B. A., Ym.. 1724lulian (Ohri8topher), B. A., YWlt. 17S6.
lulian (John), B. A., Ywn. 18z9.-lL A' I .2&t. 186S.
Jump (Thomas), B. A., YINS. 18+8.
Justice (Thomas Chinnery), B. A., J'6N1. 1811.
Justice (Thomas H.), B. A., VWit. I 8z+.



Kane (Charles), B. A., At. 1800.
Kane (Daniel Ryan), B.A., and M. A., Nov. 18p.
Kane (Francis), Sch., I 789.-B. A., V.,rn. 1791.
Kane (Francis), B. A., At. 18z8.-M. A., Not). 183z.
5 Kane, or Keane (Henry K.), B. A., Vtrn. 18z6.
Kane (John~, Sch., I 79+-B. A.,. Vwn. 1796.
Kane (John), B. A., ..!Elt. 1830.
Kane (John Blackburne), B. A., At. 1853.
Kane (Joseph), B. A., At. 18z7.
10 Kano (Joseph), B. A., .2E&t. 18+6.
Kane (Matthew), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. A., Vwn. 18+0.-M. n.,
..!Ellt. I 84z.-M. D., At. 1853.
Kane (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1851.
Kane, or Keane (Robert), B. A., ./.E~t. 181%.
Kane (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1835.
15 Kane (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1826.
Kane (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1853.
Kane (Thomas Michael). B. A., V6NI. 1860.
Kane (William), B. A., and M. A., Vwn. 18+6.
Kane (William Francis de Vismes), B. A., Ili.,m. 186z. -Y. A.
At. 1865.
20 Kaye (William Squire Barker), B. A., Vern. 185+.-LL. B., Vern.
1 857.-LL. D., At. 1865.
KaYBB (John Bainbridge), B. A., At. 1860.
Kean (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1795.
Kean (John), B. A., Vwn. 1788.
Kean (John Espy), B. A., .2E&t. 1817.-M. A., At. 182+.
as Kean (Robert), B. A., Vlrn. 1833.-M. A., V6NI. 1837.
Kean (Thomas), B. A., Vlrn. 1803.
Kean (Whitshed), B.A. Vern. 1750.
Kearnes (John), B. A., V6NI. 1672. -M. A., .Ji~t. 169+
Kearney (Alexander Major), B. A., 1Iiem. 1863.
30 Kearney (Benjamin James), B. A., Ailt. 1793.
Kearney (Charles), B. A., Ailt. 1809.
Kearney (Henry), B. A., At. 1802.








Kearney (lames), B. A., Vwn. 17+9.

Kearney (James), B. A., V".,.,. 1805.-M. B., Atlt. ISIO.
Kearney (John), B. A., V~. 173.
Kearney (John), Sch., 1707.-B. A., Vwn. 1709.-Fello\v, 171%.
-M. A., Atlt. 1712.-B. D., and D. D., LEst. 1719.
Kearney (lohn), Sch., J760.-B. A., V~. 176z.-Fellow, 176+.
-M. A., 1765.-B. D., VUII. 1775.-D. D., .LEIt. 1777.Provost, 1 799.
Kearney (John), B. A., V"... 1793.-lL A., .LEIt. 1796.
Kearney (John), Sch., 1803.-B. A., Vmt. IS05.-11. A., .L&t.
Kearney (Michael), Sch., I 75o.-B. A., V".,.. 175z.-M. A., V".,..
1757.-Fellow, 1757.-B D., LEst. 1762.-D. D., V".,.. 1767.
Kearney (llichael), B. A., V"... 1833.
Kearney (Parnell Nerille), B. A., .&t. ISz5.-1L A., NOfJ. 1832.
Kearney (Thomas), B. A., LEst. IS30.
Keu.rney (Thomae Henry), B. A., 1'wn. 179S.-M. A., LEst. 1801.
Kearney (ThomaeNeligan),Sch., 18+z.-B. A., LEst. IS#.-LLB.,
and LL. D., LEst. 185+
Kearney (William Richard), B. A., ViI".. IS30.
Kearne(John), Sch., I 796.-B. A., Vwn. 1799
Kearns (Samuel), Sch., I 762.-B. A., V".,.. 176+.
Keating (Edward), Bch., 1796.-B. A., V~. 1798.-M. B., AWt.
Keating (George), B. A., Hi6m. 178S.
Keating (Henry Kamplee), B. A., Vwn. 18+7.
Keating (Henry Binger), B. A., Vmt. 1828.-Y. A., NOI. 183z.
Keating (John William), D. D., (Bp6Cia/i gratid), ..lEd. 1796.
Keating (Nicholas), B. A., Vmt. 17 n.
Keating (Thomas), Soh., 1789.-B. A., Vwn. 1791.
Keating (Walter), B. A., AWe. IS3+.
Keating (Walter Henry), B. A., LEd. 18+5.
Keatinge (Cadogan), B. A., 1'"6fn. 17#.-M. A., AWt. 17+7.
Keatinge (John), B. A., May 4, 1655.
Keatinge (John), B. A., .2Elt. 1836.
Keatinge (Joseph). B. A., Vern. 18z8.-M. A., Nor. rS31.
Keatinge (Maurice), B. A' I 1"wn. 1836.
Koatingc(Michael), Sch., ISI%.-B.A., VemolSlf.



Keatinge (Richard), B.A., Yl!f'n. ISlo.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,..
Keatinge (Robert), Sch., 178z.-B. A., Vma. 17S+,
Keatinge (William), B. A., .lEIt. IS50.
Keddy (Joseph). See Caddy.
5 Keef(Anthony), B. A., y".,.. 17+z,
Keefe (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1737.
Keeffe (James), B.A., Vern. ISIS.
Keegan (Denis Frederick), B. A., and M. B., HUm. IS6z.-M. D.,
Him. IS65.
Keen, or Keene, (Talbot), Sch., 1707.-B. A., Vern.1708.-M.A.,
Vern. 1711.

10 Keenan, or Kinnin, (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 173+.-M. A., Yenl.

Keene (Arthur), B.A.. V".,.. 18so.-Y. A., VM'fJ. 1857.
Keene (Arthur Bennett), B. A., V".,.. 18z+.-11. A., .iE8t. 83z.
Keene (Bennett Dugdale), B.A., VI!f'n. ISz9.-M.A., Vern. 1838.
Keene (Martin Arthur). B. A., y".,.. IS63.
15 Keene (Richard E.), B. A., V".,.. IS35.-M. A., VI!f'n. 1838.
l\eene (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1~7.-M. A., ..tEll. 1700.
Keift'e (Constantine), B. A., Vttrn. 1680.-Sch., 1677, or 16S .
Keightley (Thomas), B. A., Yern. 1808.
Kelly (Arthur), B. A., .iE8t. 1776.
zo Kelly (lfichael Webb), B. A., Vern. ISI8.
Kelboume (Sinclair), B. A., Vttrn. 177+
Kellen (Robert), LL. D., (lwnM-ia etlU8d), VI!f'n. 1769'
Keller (Boyle Aldworth), B.A., Yttrn . 8u.
Keller (Daniel), Sch., 1773.-B. A., V,m. 1775.
z5 Ktllltlr (Jeremiah), Soh., 177+.-B. A., Vern. 1776.
Kellett (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1819.-11. A., Nov. 183z.
Kellett (Henry), B. A., .&t. 1797.
Kellett (James), B. A.. y".,.. 1819.
Kellett (John), B. A., Ald. 1785.
30 Kellett (John), B. A., Vttrn. 18zz.
Kellett (Orange), B. A., V6m . 83z.
Kellett (Richard), B. A., .iE8t. 1811.-11. A., Nov . 832.
Kellett (Richard), B. A., VI!f'n. 1819.
Kellett (William), Sch., '788.-B. A., lern. 1790.

2 s



Kells (lohn), Soh., I 780.-B. A., V".,.. I 78z.-LL. B., J"'".,..

17 8 5.
Kelly, or Kelley, (Andrew), B. A., Yent. 17zo.
Kelly (Armstrong), B. A., .LEIt. 178S.
Kelly (Augustin Bernard), B. A., Fum. 1860.-M. A., Hi",..
1864S Kelly (Charles), B. A., Vent. 1761.
Kelly (Charles), B. A., Vtrn. 18u.
Kelly (Charles), B. A., .LEIt. 1838.-M. A., .LEIt. 1847.
Kelly (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 178S.-M. A., V".,.. 1795.
Kelly (Daniel), B.A.,..l&t. 11Jo1.
10 Kelly (David), B. A. ..tEst. 1835.
Kelly (Denis), B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Koelly (Denis), B. A., V".,.. 182S.
Kelly (Denis R.), B. A., J"'".,.. 1830.-M. A., It. 1839'
Kelly (Edmund), B. A., A:.t. 1830.
15 Kelly (Edmund), B. A., .LEIt. 183 I.-M. B.,
Kelly (Edmund Meares), B. A., Vma. 1831.-M. A., VIrII. 183S.
Kelly (Edward), Sob., I 797.-B. A., Vent. 1798.
Kelly (Edward), B. A., VCM. 18;;.
Kelly (George), B.A., Vent. 1706.
20 Kelly (George), B. A., Vtrn. 18z6.-M. A., Noo. 183z.
Kelly (Henry Lucius), B. A., Ven. 1850'
Kelly (lames), Scb., J723.-B.A., Ve".. I725.-M.A., At.
17 28
Kelly (James), B. A., Vern. 18z8.-H. A., V".,.. 1841.
Kelly (lames). B. A., y".,.. I 830.-M. A., V".,.. 1833.
25 Kelly (John), B.A.,.LEIt.1617.-Fellow, 1618.-M.A.,HareA
27, 16zo.
Kelly (John), B. A., VWII. 1708.
Kelly (John), Soh., I711.-B. A., V".,.. '7 I 3-M. A., At. '719.
Kelly (John), B. A., .Ait. 1824.
Kelly (John), B. A . V".,.. 1829. - H. A., V".,.. 1833. - M. B.,
./Est. 1833.
30 Kelly (John), B. A., ./Est. 18p.
Kelly (John Alexander), B. A., .LEt. 186%.
Kelly (Jeremiah), LL. D. (honori, ca ....a), ..-8t. 1709.
Kelly (Joshua), B. A" Fern. 18%5.
Kelly (Lucas), Sch., 18oS.-B. A., rena. 1806.




Kelly (Patrick), B. A., V".,.. 16zo.-1I. A., 2&t. 16z3.

Kelly (Richard), B. A.., V6m. I 8z9.-M. B., ./Eft. 183z.
Kelly (Richard), B. A., Vma. 1837.
Kelly (Robert Hume), B. A., V6m. 18zo.-lL A., N0f7. 183z.
5 Kelly (Robert Warren), B. A., 2&t. 1823.
Kelly (Thomas), B. A., ..lEst. 1789.
Kelly (Thomas), B. A., .IEft. ISU.
Kelly (Thomas), B. A., VII'fI. 1829.
Kelly (Thomas Frederick), Sch., ISI6. -B. A., Vmc. 18IS.LL. B., andLL. D., .2&t. IhS.
10 Kelly (Thomas W.), B. A., Ve,.,.. 18H.
Kelly (Walter), B. A., V".,.. IS27.
Kelly (William), B. A., Vma. 1841.
Kelly (William), B. A., Y".,.. 1841.
Kelly (William), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
15 Kelaall (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. ISSS.
Kemeys (Charles), Scho, 1718.-B. A., 1'".,.. 17zo.-ll. D., 2&t.

Kemmie (George), B. A., ./Elt. 183Z.
Kemmis (Henry), B. A., .&t. 1795.-lL A., N0f7. IS32.
Kemmis (Henry), B. A.,.2&t. 1833.
20 Kemmis (Henry), B. A., .&t. 1834.
Kemmis (Richard), B. A., ./E,t. 1833.
Kemmis (Thomas), B. A., ~d. ISoS.-ll. A., N0f7. 183:1.
Kemmis (Thomas), B. A., Hi6m. IS63.
Kemmis (William), B. A., 2&t. IS27.
z5 Kemp (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1849.-H. A., V".,..185z.
Kempston, or Kempson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1719. -ll. A., .2&1.
17 22
Kempston (William), B. A., V".,.. 18++
Kenab (Samuel), B. A., Hima. IS63.
Kenealy (Edward Vaughan Hyde), B. A., V".,.. IS40' - LL. B.,
30 Kendal (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1834.
Kendrick (Simon), Sch., I 737.-B. A., V".,., 1739. -ll. A., .28



Kenedy (Richard, or Howard), B. A., V".,.. 170+

Kenna (Peter), Sch., 1707.-B. A., V".,.. 1709.
Kennan (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1708.



Kennan (Noel), B.A., V".". 1819.

Kennan (Tbomas), B. A., &t. 1811.-H. A., At. 1841.
Kennedy (Alexander), B.A., V.,rn. 1783.-M. A., JEll. ISn.
Kennedy (Daniel), B. A., &t. IS+6.
5 Kennedy (Evory), H. D., (lwnoru "IUd), &t. IS39.
Kennedy (George Alexander), B. A., Vern. ISIZ.-H. A.., Y. B.,
and Y. D., NOfJ. 11131.
Kennedy (Henry), B. A., .JEd. 1808.
Kennedy (Henry), B. A., VI1rtI. 1819.
Kennedy (Henry A.), B. A., Vwn. 18z6.
10 Kennedy (Henry), B. A.., ..t. 1831.
Kennedy (Henry), B. A., VI1rtI. 1836.-Y. B., &t. 1839.
Kennedy (Henry), LL. B., and LL. D., .A?t. 18+4.
Kennedy (Henry), B. A.., &1. 1853.
Kennedy (James), Sch., 1810.-B. A., Vern. 181Z.-Fellow, 1817.
-Y. A., Vwn. ISI9.-B. D., &to 1813.-D. D., L&t. thS.
I S Kennedy (Jame8), B. A., Vern. ISI9.-M. A., &t. ISU.
Kennedy (Jame8), B. A., VI1rtI. 1813.
Kennedy (Jame8 Houghton), 8ch., 1863.-8. A.., Vllrtl. IS64.
Kennedy (John), 8ch., 1769.-B. A., Vwn. I77o.-lI. A., .2&1.
1774.-LL. B., Vwn.I778.
Kennedy (John), B.A., Vern. ISu.-M.A., NOfJ. 1831.
10 Kennedy (John), B. A., VIINJ. ISS9.
Kennedy (John Pitt), B. A., Fern. I 78o.-M. A., &t . .,84.
Kennedy (John Pitt), B. A., Vern. IS+4.
Kennedy (John Studdert), B. A., Vwn. 18)3.
Kennedy (Launcelot Studdert), B. A" .LEat. 18S7.-1I. A" Hitm.
15 Kennedy (Nicholas Ward), B. A., V.,rn. 178z.
Kennedy (Page Evory), B. A., It. 186z.
Kennedy (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Kennedy (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1785.
Kennedy (Richard), B. A., VI1rtI. 180S.
30 Kennedy (Itickard), B. A., Vwn. ISI8.-Y. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Kennedy (Robert), B. A., Fern. IS07.
Kennedy (Rl)oort), B. A., Vern. 18z8.
Kennedy (Robert Yiclw:l), B. A., rem. 18z3.-Y. A., Nuv. 1831.
Kennedy (Robert Stewart), B. A., ..17M. Ill:z+.-M. A., Nov. 1831.
3 s Kennedy (Thoma~), B. A., T"erll. 18+0.







Kennedy (Thomas Jackson), B. A., Vem. 18+5.

Kennedy (Thomas L .), B. A., st. 1836.
Kennedy (William), (Entered 1678).-B. A. not recorded.-M. A.,
JE8t. 1686.
Kennedy (William), B. A., JEst. 1808.
Kennedy (William). B. A., Vm. 1812.
Kennedy (William Chesborough Ie Pocr), B. A., Vem. 1859.-M. A.,
.2EBt. 1862.
Kennedy (William Studdert), B. A., ./Est. 1849. - M. A., Vern.
18 57.
Kenney, or Kenny (James). Soh., q63. -B. A., Vern. 1765.LL. B., and LL. D., 1800.
Kenney (John), B. A., Vern. 1719.-M. A., ..2&t. qu.
Kenney (John), B.A., Vwn. 1815.
Kenney (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1737.
Kenney (Richard), B. A., May 19, 1654.
Kenney (Rohert), Soh., 1816.-B. A., V8Nl. 1818.-M.A., Vwn.
Kennington (Isaac, or Josiah), B. A., .2&t. 1673' - M. A., Vwn.
168 7.
Kennion (llatthew, or Matthias). B. A., Jan. 29, 167z. - Soh.,
16 72.
KenllY (Arthur), B. A., Vwn. 182I.
Kenny (Arthur Henry), Sch., 1793.-B. A., Vern. 1795.-Fellow,
1800.-M.A., ..2&t. 1800.-B.D., ..2&t. 1806.-D.D., .2&t.
Kenny (Edward), Sch., 17+8.-B. A., Vwn. 175o.-M.A., Vem.
17 69.
Kenny (Edward), B. A., VmJ. 1791.
Kenny (Francis Drake), B. A., Vwn. 175+.
Kenny (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Kenny (James), M. B., .2EBt. 18+0.
Kenny (James Christopher), B. A., Vwn. 1847.
Kenny (John), B. A., Vem. 1695.-Sch., 1695.-M. A., .LEst. 1698.
Kenny (John), Soh., 1757. -B. A., Vwn. 1759.-M:. A. Vern.
Kenny (John), LL D. (1aonon'I camd), V""", 1795.
Kenny (John F.), B. A. Vern. 1835.
Kenny (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1838.



Kenny (Patrick), B. A., At. I 737.

Kenny (Patrick), B. A., V"..,.. 18+6.
Kenny (Simeon), B. A., V"..,.. I 838.-ll. A., At. 1843.
Kenny (Stanhope), B. A., Vms. 1857.
S Kenny (Thomas), B. A., LE~t. 1817.
Kenny (Thomas), B. A., V"..,.. 18z5.
Kenny (William), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
Kenrick (PetAlr P.), B. A., y".,., 18+1.
Kent (Aquila n.), B.4... V",.. 1833.-l. A. V".,.. 1838.
10 Kent (Charles), Sch., 1773.-B. A., V".,.. 177+'
Kent (Edward), B.A., .IEd. 1817.-ll. A., N()fJ. 1832.
Kent (Frederick), B. A. V".,. 18z9.
Kent (John), B. A., V".,.. 1713.
Kent (Philip), B. A., .lEe. 1808.
15 Kent (William Todderick), B. A., V".,.. I 828.-H. A., N()fJ. 1832.
Keogh (Clopton Henry), B. A. (ad eund. Olton.), and ll. A., N()fJ.
Keogh (George), B. A., V".,.. 18+4.
Keogh (John), B. A., V".,.. 1835.-H.B., At. 1837.
Keogh (John), Entered, 1669.-Sch., 167+ (B. A. not recorded).ll. A., At. 1678.
20 Keogh (Michael, Jun.), Sch., 1709.-B.A., V".,.. 1710.
Keogh (Hichael), B. A., At. 1786.
Keogh (Philip), B. A., V".,.. 18S!.
Keogh (Right Hon. William), LL. D. (AollOru CIJlUd), &1. 1866.
Keogh (William Henry), B. A., V",.. 1825.
25 Keown (John), B. A., Vtrn. 183z.
Ker (John), B. A., V,m. 1778.
Ker (William). B. A., V".,.. 1826.-ll.A., NOf). 1832.
Kerdifr (John, Jun.), (Entrance not recorded). - B. A., y".,..
Kerdift' (John), B. A., At. 1629.-Fell., 1631.-11. 4.., At. 1631.
-B. D., anri D. D . Jan. 26. 1661.
30 Kerin (John). Sch., 1776.-B. A., V".,.. 1780.
Kerin (John), B. A., LE,t. 1817.-11. A., N()fJ. 1832.
Kernan (George), B. A., V".,.. 18z5.
Kernan (Hubert Prendergast), B. A. .A:,t. 1839.
Kernan (James), B. A., V".". 18-40.-11. A., LE,t. 186S.
3S Kerr (Andrew). B. A., r".,.. 1733.-11. A., At. 1736.



Kerr (Andrew), B. A., VBm, 1761.

Kerr (James), B. A., Vwn. 1783,
Kerr (John), Sch., 1716.-B. A., .2&~. 1716.-M. A., .8t. 17'9'
Kerr (John), Sch., 17z3.-B.A., VBm. I7z5.
5 Kerr (John), B. A., Vem. 1801.
KeIr (John), B. A., Vem. 18n.
Kerr (John A.), B. A., Vem. 18.p.
Kerr (Lewis), Sch., 1739.-B. A., Vem. IHI.-H. A., ..lEu. 17+4.
-M. B., YBm. 1759.
Kerr (Lewis), Sch., 1760. - B. A., y".,.. 1761. -H. A., Vwn.
17 69.
10 Kerr (Lewis), B. A., ..lEst. 1793.
Kerr (Patrick), Sch., 1722.-B. A., V".,.. 172+.
Kerr (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1788.
Kerr (St. George), B.A., .2&t. 1851.-1. A., ..lEd. 1858.
Kerr (William Pattison), B.A., .2&t. 1856.-H. A., Vwn. 1857.
15 Kerry (Francis, Earl of). See Fitzmaurice.
Kershaw (William), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Kemey (Thomas Henry), B. A., Vwn. 185'.-LL. B., .2&t. 1857.
-LL. D., Vem. 1859.
Kertland(WilliamJoseph), B.A., Vem. 18+5.-LL. B., and LL.D.,
y".,.. 1860.
Kettlewell (Joshua), B. A., Vem. 1816.-M. A., NOI}. 183%'
20 Kettlewell (Thomas), Sch., 1829.-B.A., .2&t. 1831.
Keybome (Michael), B. A., .2&t. 1815.
Keybum (George), B. A., Vm. 18z6.-M:. A., NOfJ. 183z.Keys (George), B. A., VBm. 186z.
Keys (William), B. A., V".,.. J851.-M. A., ..lERt. 185+.
2S Kidd (Archibald Napier), B.A., Hum. 1862.-M. B., .2&t. 1866.
Kidd (Joseph), B. A., Vem. 182+.
Kidd (Leonard), B. A., V".,.. 185%.-11. B., At. 1859.
Kidd (Osborne" B. A., .lEst. 1856.
Kidd (Robert B.), B. A., Vem. 184+-LL B., Vern. 1859.
30 Kidd (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.
Kidley (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not reoorded).-1. A.,
..lE1t. 1630.
Kiefe (David), Sch., 1681. - B. A., VBm. 1683. -11. A., ..lEst.
Kierin (Nathaniel), B. A., 1687.








Kiernan (George), B. A., V".,.. ISn.-M. A., VB,.n. 1833.

Kiernan (Richard T.), B. A., Vwra. IS26.
Kift (1ames), B. A" Vern. ISS2.
Kilt (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Kilbride (William), B. A., 'Fer1f. IS+9.
Kildahl (George Sobieski), B. A., Vern. 18z7.-1[. A., Noo. 1832.
Kildahl (Henry Sobieski), B. A., Vlrn. I 826.-H.-A., NOI}. 1832.
Kildahl (1ames), B. A., Vern. 1830.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Kildahl (William Sobie~ki), B. A., V".,.. 182S.-Y. A., Nov.
Kilkelly (Charles), B. A., Vma. ISp.-H. B., LEd. 18)+.
Kilke11y (James), B. A., Vwra. ISso.
Kilkelly (John). B. A., Diem. IS S9.- LL. B., and LL. D., .lEd.
Killaly (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. I 830.-H. A., NOrJ. IS32.
Killaly (Hamilton Hartley), B. A., V".,.. ISI9.-H. A., Nov.
Killaly (Richard Gri1Ilth), B. A., V".,.. IS28.-H. A., NOfJ. IS 32.
Killen, or Killing (John), B. A., At. I]lS.-H. A., ~t. 17+1.
-D. D., .JEIt. 176+.
Kilpatrick (James), Sch., IS07.-B. A., At. lSOS.
Kimmon (William), B. A., V".,.. 16So.
Kinahan (Charles James), B. A., Vern. ISIO.
Kinahan (Daniel), B. A., LE,t. 1816.-H. A., Nov. IS32.
Kinahan (Daniel), B. A., .81. 1839.-M. A., Vern. IS+S.
Kinahan (George), B. A., .l&1. ISn.-H. A., LE~t. IS3+.
Kinahan (John), B. A., Vern. ISlo.-H. A., .lE~t. 1816.
Kinahan (1ohn), B. A., ./Ell. ISI3.-ll. A., .JEIt. IS2I.
Kinahan (1ohn Robert), B. A., Vern. ISS I.-H. B., Vem. IS5+-If. D., Vml. IS5S,
Kinahan (Robert Henry), B. A., .lE.t. 18IS.-H. A., &t. IS3+.
Kinahan (Thomas William), B. A., 814m. IS62.
Kinahan (William Robert), B. A., Vma. IS59.
Kincaid (1ohn), B. A., VeNl. I 829.-lI. A., Nov. IS32.
Kincaid (John H.), B. A., Vern. IS55.
Kincaid (1oseph), B. A., V".,.. ISS7.
Kinchela (John), B. A., Vern. 1796.-LL. B., and LL. D., .2J~"t.
Kinchda (Lewis), B. A., 1 ern. 1818.









Kinder (Samuel), Sch., 170J.-B. A., Vern. 1703.-M. A., Vern.

Kinelly (Maurice), B. A., Vern. 1684.-Sch., 1684.
King (
), (Entrance Dot recorded).-B. A., .tE.t. 1631.
King (Abraham Smyth), B. A., V".,.. 1850'
King (Albert), B. A., Riem. 1864King (Alexander), B.A., Ywn.1711.
King (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1730.
King (Authony), Sch., 1763.-B. A., Vwn. 1765.-M. A., ~~t.
1768.-LL. B. t and LL. D., L&t. 1781.
King (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 183z.
King (Beather), Sch., 1753.-B. A., Yllrn. 1755.-LL. B., VITti.
176z.-LL. D., L&t. 1776.
King (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1836.
King (Ebenezer), B. A., V".,. 1838.
King (Edward), M. A., .tEst. 1596.-Fell., I 596.-D. D., .A.ugtII~
18, 1614.
King (Edward), B. A., Ym. 1838.
King (Edward), B. A., Diem. 1864'
King (Francis), 8ch., 1838.-B. A., VII,.,.. 1841.
King (Francis), B. A.., Vern. 185+.
King (George), Sch., 1775.-B. A., Vern. 1777.
King (George), Sch., 18z3.-8. A., .at. 18z5.
King (George), B. A., Vern. 1836.
King (George), 8. A., Vern. 1841.-M. A., .tEst. 1846.
King (George Smyth), M. B., .2&~. 1848.
King (Gilbert), B. A., &t. 1805.
King (Sir Gilbert, Bart.), B. A' I Vwn. 183z.
King (Henry), LL. D. (honoriB CtlfUa), At. 1709.
King (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1753.
King (Henry), B. A., .lEst. 1790.
King (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1799.
King (Henry), Sch., 1810.-8. A., Vilrn. 181 z.-B. D., and D. D.,
Vern. 18zo.
King (Henry), M. A., ./E,I. 181 S.
King (Henry), M. A., Vwn. 1819.
King (Henry), Sch., 1850.-8. A' I Vern. 1853. -Y. B., Jl!,~f.
King (Hulton), B. A., Vern. 1795.




King (Hulton Smyth), B. A., Vern. 18 ... z.-M. A., A?at. 1866.
King (James), Sch., 1713.-B. A., 17IS.-M. A., ~. 1718.Fellow, 17zo.-D. D., .April, 1733.
King (James), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Vms. 17'7'
King (James), Sch., 1718.-B. A., Vms. 17zo.
5 King (James), lL A., LE8t. 1723,
King (James), B. A., Vms. 173 I.-B. D., and D. D., T"t'I'Ii. 17+3.
King (James), B. A., L&t. 1821.-M. A., L&t. 1825.
King (James), B. A., Vms. 183+.
King (James), B. A., At. 18 ...7.
10 King (James Walker), B. A., LEIL 1817.-M. A.,,AgJ. 1831.
King (Jeremiah), Scb., 1730.-B. A., y.,rn. 173z.
King (John), Entered 167S.-(B. A. not recorded).-M. A., L&t.
King (John), B. A., L&t. 1701.
King (John), Sch., 1716.-B. A., LEd. 1716.-M. A., .A:lt. '719.
'5 King (John), B. A., Y~. '731.
King (John), B. A., 1"'ml. 1770.
King (John), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-ll. A., V".n.
17 87.
King (John), B. A., N()fJ. II, 1788.
King (John), B. A., y".,.. 1829.-H. A., NOI:. 1832.
zo King (John Dawson), B. A., Y~. 178S.-LL.B., Vllrn. 1791.LL. D., LEd. IS03.
King (John Gilbert), B. A., .2&t. IS++.
King (John Henry), B. A., Vms. IS+6.
King (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 18+).
King (Lucas B. B.), B.A., Vern. ISS9.
zS King (Luke), Sch., I7+S.-B. A., Y6Nt. 17+7.-H. B., Oct. 22,

175 I.
King (Luke White), Sch., ISzo.-B.A., V".,.. 1823.-LL. B., and
LL. D., &t. IS3+.
King (Maurice), B. A., Vern. IS07.-H. A., Nov. IS32.
King (Nicholas), B. A., LE.t. ISIS.
King (Oliver), B. A., Vern. 170I.-M. A., At. 1705.
30 King (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 181 S.
King (Richard Ashe), B. A., Hitm. IS6z.-H. A., Iraem. 1865.
King (Richard Newton), B. A., V".,.. 18+2.
King (Richardson), B. A., and M. B., Vern. 18SS.



King (Robert), B. A., VtJrtl. I 74I.-M. A., '/Ed. 17#.

King (Robert), Soh., I78S.-B. A., Vern. 179o.-M. A., ..lEst.
King (Robert), B. A., &t.1825.
King (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1830'
5 King (Robert), Soh., I 835.-B. A., Vern. 1839.
King (Robert), B. A., &t. 1836.-M. A., At. 1840.
King (Robert William), B. A., VM"fI. I 830.-H. A., Nov. 183.2.
King (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1827.
King (Stewart), B.A., Vwn. 1784.-M. A., VM"fI . .,87.
10 King (Thomas), B. A., 168+-H. A., Vwn. 1687'
King (Thomas) I Soh., I 72 I.-B. A., V,m.1723.
King (Thomas), B. A' I &t. 1799.
King (Thomas Trotter), B. A., Vern. 183+-M. A., VM"fI. 1858.
King (William), Entered 1667.-Soh., 1667.-(B. A., not reoorded).-lf. A., VM"fI. 1673.-B. D., and D. D., ./Eat. 1688.
15 King (William), B. A., ./Elt. 1761.- M. A., Vwn . .,66.
King (William), B. A., VM"fI. 1843.
King (William Croker), B. A., Vllrn. 1832.
King (William Smyth), B. A' I Vwn. 1832.-M. A., VIf'fI. 18H.
King (William Wilson), B. A., VM"fI. 1849.-M. A., VM"fI. 1857.
20 Kingsberry (George), Soh., 1708.-B. A., Vllrn. 1709.-lf. A., &t.
17 12
Kingsberry (Thomas), Soh., 171 I.-B. A. VII,.,.,. 1712.-M. B.,
./Elt. 17 I 9.-M. D., At. 1721.
Kingsbury (Edward), B. A., .,t. 184.
Kingsbury (Thomas), B. A., VM"fI. 1752.-B. D., and D. D., ./Est.
Kingsbury (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1791.-M. A., .lEIt. 1796.
25 Kingsley (James), B . .A., Vwn. 1830.
Kingsley (John), B. A' I VM"fI. 183+.
Kingsley (Joan), B. A., Vwn. 1842.
Kingsley (John), H. A., .AIIt. 185+
Kingsmili (Henry), B. A., VM"fI. 1811.
30 Kingsmill (Henry), Boh., 1822. - B. A., Vern. 182+ - Fellow~
I 828.-H. A., Vern. I 829.-B. D., and D. D., At. 1840'
Kingsmill (Henry T.), B. A., Vertl. I 846.-M. A.,./&t. 1866.
KingsmiU (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 1831.-lf. A., At. 1836.
Kingamore (Robert), Soh., 1814.-B. A., Vern. 1815.



Kingston (A.lexander Crawford), B. A.., Vern. IS+3.-Y. A., Vern.

Kingston (Arthur Johnson), B. A., ~dt. ISI6.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Kingston (Henry Courtney), B. A., Vern. 185o.-1L B., .&t.
Kingston (Thomas), B. A., Ven. 1825.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
S Kingston (Thomas), B. A., ..lEst. 1863.
Kingston (William), B. A., VIN'II. ISU.
Kingston (William), B. A., rern. I S+ I.
Kingstone (William), B. A., LEht. 169+.
Kinkead (Francia), B. A., ..lE,t. IS 34.
10 Kinnin (Daniel). See Keenan.
Kinaelagh (Henry), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., Vern. I7+S,
Kinsley (Clement Archer), B. A., Vdrta. 1803.
Kippax (Edward), B. A., Vern. 173S.-Sch., 1739.
Kirby (Edward), B. A.., ~jt. IS15.
15 Kirby (James), B.A., Vern.IS+:I.
Kirby (John), B. A., ..lE,t. ISoS.-LL. B., and LL. D., NOfJ. 183%'
Kirby (John Jamea), B. A., Vdrn. ISS+-Y. A., Vdrn. 1860.
1rirby (John Timothy), B: A., ..lE&t. IS31.
Kirchner (Benjamin Simon), Sch., ISoo.-B. A., &t. IS02.
20 Kirchoff'er (Francia Thomasine), B. A., .LE~t. ISI+
Kirchoffer (John), B. A., Vdrn. IS32.
Kirchoff'er (Richard), B. A., Vern. IS24.
Kirchoff'er (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1795.
Kirk (Francia), B.A., Vern. IS50.
25 Kirk (George), B. A., Vern. ISZI.-lf:. A., Nov. 1832.
Kirk (John), B. A., lIiem. IS63.
Kirk (Joseph Robinson), B. A., Vern. 1843.
Kirkbride (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Kirke (Jo~iah), B. A., rem. IS37.
30 Kirkham (Thomas), B. A., 2&t. ISS8.
Kirkman (Thomas Pennington), B. A., Vern. IS33' -Y. A., rern.
Kirkpatrick (Alexander), B. A., ..lEst. 18IS.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Kirkpatrick (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Kirkpatrick (Alexander), B. A., ..lE~t. 1853.
3S Kirkpatrick (Francis), B. A., r~m. 182 5.












Kirllpatrick (Francis William), B. A. HUrn. I 860.-H. A., V".,..

Kirkpatrick (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. I 833.-M. B., V".,.. 1837.
Kirkpatrick (George), B. A., .Ai,e. 1818.
Kirkpatrick (George), B. A., Vwn. 1839.-M. A., V".,.. 18+9.
Kirkpatrick (George A.), B. A., and LL. B., HUm. 1861.
Kirkpatrick (Henry Clare), B.A., Him. 1865.
Kirkpatrick (John Rutherfoord), B. A., Vma. 185+.-M. B., ..lE&t.
Kirkpatrick (Richard Carr), Sch., 18++ - B. A., V".,.. 1846.H. A., Vtrn.18+9.
Kirkpatrick (William), B. A., Vml. 18+0.
Kirkwood (James), B. A., .AIlt. 1793.
Kirton (Charles), B. A., Vern. 185 J.
Kirton (Jeremiah), Sch., I 686.-B. A., Vwn. 1688.
Kirton (Frederick J, B. A., .AIlt. I 8+3.
Kirwan (Anthony La Touche), B. A., At. 1832.-B. D., and
D. D., V".,.. 1863.
Kirwan (Denis), B. A., .Ai,t. 18z8.
Kirwan (James), B.A., .l&t. 1776.
Kirwan (John), Sch., 1772.-8. A., Y"rn. 177+.
Kirwan (Martin), B. A., .AIlt. 1789Kirwan (Martin), B. A., .AIlt. 1823.
Kirwan (Richard), LL. D. (lwflOf"j, CQUld), V"rn. 179+'
Kirwan (Walter Patrick), B. A., .lEIt. I 836.-M. A., Vwn. 1839.
Kisby (John Gillman), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
Kisby (William Henry), B. A., H"aem. '186+.
Kissack (Edward William), B. A., Vwn. 1861.
Kitchen (Joseph), B. A' I Vern. 1798.
Kitchen (Philip), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Kitchin, or Kithin (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1 832.-H. A., &t.
Kite (John), B. A., Vern. 1722.
Knaggs (Matthew), Soh., 1764--B. A' I Vern. 1765.
Knapp (William Henry), B. A., Hitm. 1862.
KnatchbuIl.-See Natchbull.
Knight (James), Sch., 1751.-B. A., Ywn. 1752 .



Knight (James), B. A., y".,.. 1733.-11. A., y".,.. 1738. _ Fell,

I 738.-B. D., y".,.. I 747.-D. D., .Atlt. 17+8.
Knight (Nicholaa), Sch., 16b.-B. A., y".,.. 1684.-M. A., At.
1687.-D. D., .Atlt. 1726.
Knight (Richard), 8ch., 1719.-B. A., YWII. 17%1.
Knight (Thomu HeDlj), B. A., V".,.. 183S.-M. A., y".. 1850'
5 Knight (William John), B. A., y".,.. 186S.
Knipe (Elliott Augustus), B. A., V".,.. 18S9.
Knipe (George), Sch., q65.-B. A., -t. 1767.
Knipe (James John Robin.aon Leigh), B. A., At. 18S8.-Y. A.,
V".,.. 18&1.
Knipe (Thomas Frederick), B. A., y".,.. 1782. - Y. A., At.
10 Knipe (William Gerrard), B. A., y".,.. 184+ - M. A., Hint .
Knott (James), B. A., &t. 1796.
Knowlia (John), Sch., 1711_B. A.,
Knowlia (William), B. A., YIN. 1713.
Knox (
), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., ...t. 1629.
IS Knox (
),M.A.,(adeund.), Y".,..17o....
Knox (Alexander), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), J[ay, 1697.
Knox (Andrew), B. A., V61'n. 1732.
Knox (Andrew), B. A., at. 1786.
Knox (Andrew), B. A., ...t. 1820.
20 Knox (Arthur), Soh., 1784. - B. A., V".,.. 1786. - K. A., A"it.
Knox (Arthur), B.A., AlIt. r8r6.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
KnOlt (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 182+-11. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Knox (Hon. Charles), B. A., At. 1791.-M. A., Vern. 1807.
Knox (Charle8 Bere8ford), B. A., Vml. 1847.
2S Knox (Charles George), B. A., r".,.. I 833.-M. A., ...1. 1847.LL. B., and LL D., Vern. J8S"
Knox (Denis), B.A., VM'n. 1851.
Knox (Hon. Edmund), B. A., .&t. J 793.-}[. A., 1"'n. 1807.
Knox (Edmund), B. A., Vtrn. 1823.
Knox (Edmund Heskf'th), B. A., .lERt. 1823.
30 Knox (Edward Challoner), B. A., ~,t. J837'
Knox (Ferguson), B. A., ,,t. 1838.
Knox (Francia), B. A., Vern. 170+






(Francis), B.A., &t. '175.

(Francis Blake), B.A., &t. ISz7.
(frederick Edgar), B. A., &t. IS4).
(George), Sch., J726.-B. A., Vern. 1727.-Y. A., At.

5 Knox (George), Sch., 17+8.-B. A., Vma. '750.-Y. A.., Vn.".
176 3.
Knox (Hon. George), LL. D. ('/wnori, eQUId), Vma. 1795.
Knox (George), B. A., ..IEat. ISI6.
Knox (George), B. A., Vern. IS2I.
Knox (George Beresford), B. A., ~,t. ISso.-M. A" Vma. 1863.
10 Knox (George James), B. A., . LEIt. IS30.-11. A., &t. IS33.
Knox (George N.) B. A., At. 1819.
Knox (Henry Barry), B. A., Vim. ISz8.-M. A., Vern. 1832.
Knox (lames), B. A., J1'im. I77S'
Knox (lames), B.A., ..lEIt. 179+.
15 Knox (James), B.A.,..lEIt. IS2I.
Knox (James Spencer), B. A., ..lEIt. ISlo.-M. A., Vern. 181+
Knox (John), Soh., 1~9.-B. A., Vma. 17o.-M. A., LEst.

Knox (John), B. A., At. 17S3.
Knox (John), B. A.., ..IEat. 1809.
20 Knox (John), B. A., .2&t. 1823.
Knox (John RuBBell), B. A., Vem. 1790.
Knox (Joseph), B. A., Vma. IS28.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832,
Knox (Robert), B. A., &t. IS29.-M. A., &t. IS34.
Knox (Robert), B. A.,..lEIt. IS 37 .-H. A., Vern. 18+ I
Knox (Robert), B. A., Vern. 184).-M. A., Vwn. IS64.
Knox (Robert Kyle), B. A., Hum. IS62
Knox (St. George), B. A., &t. 1821.
Knox (Thomas). B.A., Vern. 1788.
Knox (Thomas), B. A., ..lEIt. IS3+.-M. A Vmt. 1851.
30 Knox (Thomas Gisborne), B. A., ..IE8t. 1820.
Knox (Thomas Perry), B. A., ..IE,t. IS29.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Knox (Thomas Pery). B. A., Vern. 1826.
Knox (Hon. and Right Rev. William), B. A., &t. 1781. - D. D.
('P'ciali graM), Vmt. 179,.
Knox (William), B. A., Vern. 18 n.-H. A., &t. 181+.
35 Knox (William John), B. A., Vern. I 821.-H. A., Nov. 1832.




Kough (Edward), SelL, IS59. - B. A., .2&t. IS6J.-M. A., Hwm.

IS64-.-M. B., Hitlm. IS65.-Y. Chir. Vern. IS66.
Kough (Thomas), B. A., VtIf'fI. IS30'
Krause (William Henry), B. A., Vern. IS3o.-M. A., Vern. IS38.
Kyan (James), B. A., A~t. 1739.-M. A., VBrn. 1]51.
5 Kyan (John), Seh., 1701.-B. A., Vern. 1703.
Kyle (Arthur William), B. A., VtlNt. 184-9.
Kyle (Henry Stopford), B. A., V~. ISl9.-M. A., Noo. ISp.
Kyle (John Torrens), B. A., 2&t. IS36. -Y. A., VtIf'fL IS4-0'B. D., .2&t. 1856.
Kyle (Robert Wood), B. A., VtlNi. ISI9.-M. A., Vern. IS",6.
10 Kyle (Samuel), Seh., 179 I.-B. A., VerB. 1793-Fellow, 179S.M. A., Vm. 1799.-B. D., Ast. IS07. -D. D., 180S.-Proyost, ISlO.
Kyle (Samuel Cotter), B. A., VtIf'ft. IS57.
Kyle (Samuel Moore), Seh., ISI9.-B. A., Vwn. ISZI.-}[. A., -"Elt.
18l4-.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vtlrn. ISH.
Kyle (Westwood Henry), B. A., ABt. 186l.
Kyle (William Cotter), B. A' I V".,.. 18u.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
2&t. IS31.

15 Labarte (Bartholomew), B. A., Vtlrn. IS 53.
Labarte (Edward), B. A., Vm. I]89.-M. A., Vent. ~811.
LaBarte (Joseph Moore), B.A., Vern. 18l6.-M. A., Nov. 183l.
Labarte (Moore), B.A., VtIN. 18%!.
Labarte (Richard Burgess), B. A., ~yt. tS60.-M. A" LEft. IS63.
20 La Barte (William White), B. A., Vmt. IS47.-M. A., Vern. 1850.
Labatt (Andrew Tyrrell), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Labatt (Edward), B. A., Vern. ISz6.-M. A., Noo. ISp.
Labatt (George AugUstus), B.A., V".,.. IS39.
Labatt (Hamilton), B. A., Vwn. IS31.
25 Labatt (Jonathan), B. A' I .lElt. IS2S.-M. A., Not). IS3l.
Labertouche (Peter), B. A., Alt. IS47.
Lacey (Thomas), B. A., VBrn. I 797.-M. A., VtIf'ft. 1800.
Lacky, or Lackay (John), B. A., Vern. 17z7.-M. A., ."Eft. 1]+7.
Ladeveze (Abel), Sch., 1755.-B. A' I VWtl. 1757.-M. A., .<}<''8t.
17 60.




La Font (Henry), Sch., 1723. - B. A., Vern. 1725. - Y. A' I .2E,t.

La Font (Peter), B. A' I Vern. 1737.
La Grange (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1830'
Laing (Henry), Sch., 1683.-B. A., Perno 1686.
5 Lake (Isaac), Sch., 1706.-B. A., VtJrn. 1708.-Y. A., 2EBt. 1711.
Lake (John), B. A., Vwn. 1791.
Lake (Mathew), B. A., V6rn. 172 I.-Y. A., 2&t. 17z4-.
Lakeman (George), B. A., 1Iiem. 1865'
Lally (Isaac), B. A., 2&t. 1605.-Fellow, 1606.
10 Lally (
). (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., 2Ert. 1638.
Lalor (John), B. A., LEst. 1837.
Lalor (Matthew), B. A., Btt. 1774-.
Lalor (Nicholas Edmund), B.A., Vern. 18+7.
Lalor tThomas), B. A., Vern. 1816.
15 Lamb (John Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Lamb (Robert), B. A., Vern. 184+.
Lamb (Vicnent), B. A., Vern. 18+5.
Lamb (Walter), B. A., Bd. 18SJ.-Y. A., Vern. 1857.
Lamb (William), B. A., Vern. 1853.
20 Lambart (Ford, Earl of Cavan), B. A., ./Eat. 17+2.
Lambart (George), B. A., .LEst. 1775.
Lambart (Gustavus), B. A., .LEst. 183).
Lambart (Sackville H.), B. A., ./&t. 1815.
Lambe (William), B. A., Vern. 1834.-M. A., Vern. 1837.
25 I,ambert (Charles), B. A., LEist. 1836.
Lambert (Francis), B. A., .LEst. 1810.
Lambert (Gustavus), B. A., .LE,t. 1811.
Lambert (John), B. A., Vern. 1704-.-M. A" ..rEat. 1706.
Lambert (John), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .LEst. 1811.
lO Lambert (Lewis), B. A., Vim. 1820.
Lambert (Ralph), Sch., 1683.-B. A., Vllrn. 1686.
Lambert (Ralph), B. A., .LE.t. 1686.-M. A., 1696.-B. D., and
D.D.,2E,t. 1701.

Lambert (Richard Anderson), B. A., Hism. 1865.

Lambert (Richard Oliver), B. A., Vern. 1816.
35 Lambert (Thomas), Sch., 1736.-B. A., Vern. I738.-1f. A"
Lambert (Thomas), Sch., 1765.-B. A., rern. 1767.





Lambert (Thomas), B. A., J'E6t. 1810.

Lambert (Thomas Dominick), B. A., .Jist. 181+.
Lambert (William), B. A., 17M'll. 1769.
Lambert (William), B. A., Vma. 1796.
5 Lambert (William), B. A., Vwn. 1809.
Lambert (William), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
Lambert (William Hugh), B. A., 2&t. 18so.-M. A., ~'E)t. 1859.
Lambermont, or Lamberment (Abraham), B. A., Ip7.-M. A.,
LEd. 1730.
Lambley, or Lambly (John), B. A., Vern. 1733.-M. A., .2~t.
10 Lambrick (Samuel S.), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Lamillier (Alexander), B. A., VeNt. 17H.-M. A., VeNt. 1750.LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1775.
Lamillier (Cyrus), Sch., 17o+.-B. A., 1706.
Lamillier (Henry), B. A., 1706.
Lamilliere (Alexander), B. A., Vern. q89.
15 La Mothe(John Henry), B. A., J'Est. 1839.
Lamphier (Joseph), B.A., VtJrn. 1852.
Lamphier (Richard), B. A" and M. B., .2,t. 1852.
Lamprey (George Williams), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Lamprey (Jonas), B. A., and M. B., d. 18+9.
to Lamy (John), Sch., 1724.-B. A., VI1Nt. q26.-Y. A., .Jist. 1729'
Lamy (John), Sch., 1765.-8. A., Vern. 1767. - LL. 8'., .LE\t.
177o.-LL. D., Vern. 177+.
La Nauze (Alexander Curtis), B.A., Vern. 1851.
La Nauze (Thomas), B. A.., .2E8t.1807.-1I. A., NOt1. 1831.
Lancaster (James), B. A., V,rn. 1832.-M. A., Vern. 18+2.
25 Lancaster (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1722.

Lander (William), B. A.., LEst. 1798.

Lander (William), B. A., 2&t. 1838.
Lane (Abraham), B. A., LEst. 1795.
Lane (Abraham), B. A.., Vnn. 18u.-M. A.., Nov. 1831.
30 Lane (Alexander), B. A., .Ji:It. I 853.-LL. B., Vern. 1857.
Lane (A.mbrose), B. A., Vern. 1810.-Y. A.., NOll. 1831.
Lane (Ambrose), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Lane (Benjamin), B. A., rern. 18z3.
Lane (Charles). B. A., Fern. 1818.
35 Lane (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1836.




Lane (Denny), B.A., .JE,e. 1839.

Lane (James), B. A., LEal. 1802.
Lane (James), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Lane (James Clarke), Bch., 1864-.-B. A., HitJfll. 1864-.
5 Lane (Jeremiah), Bch., 1831.-B. A., Vern. 183z.-M. B., At,t.
18 35.
Lane (John Ambrose), B. A.. V"... 1850'
Lane (Richard), B. A., .JEst. 1821.
Lane (Richard), B. A., Vern. 184-.
Lane (Richard James), B. A., LEat. 18240-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
10 Lane (Thomas), Sch., 1794-.-B. A., V".n. I796.-M. A., Alst.

Lane (Thomas), M.B., andM. D., Vern. 1816.
Lane (Thomas), B. A., and M. B., LEat. 184-1.
Lane (William), B. A., V"... 1774.
Lane (William), B. A., V"... 1862.
15 Lane (William Richard Vincent), B. A., 2&t. 18Z1.-LL. B.,
V"... 18z7.
Lang (James), B. A., At. 1825.
Langford (Edward), B. A., Vmt. 172+.
Langford (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1791.-M:. A., Nov. 1832.
Langford (Francis), B. A., LEat. 18Zl.-M:. A., Nov. 1832.
20 Langford (John B.), B.A., Vern. 1827.-M:. A., Nov. 1832.
Langford (John Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. A., Vern. 184-0.
Langford (Richard), B. A., At. 1809.
Langhem (Arthur), B. A., I7lo.-M. A., Vern. 1712.
Langley (
), (Entrance not recorded), B. A., 2&t. 1638.
25 Langley (Charles). B. A., Vern. I 79 l.
Langley (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18+2.
Langley (Charles Seymour), B. A., V".n. 18540.-1[. A., .JE,t.
r8S9.-B. D., ~ern. 1864-.
Langley (E. Hartley R.), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Langley (Oliver), B. A., .JiBt. 1819.
30 Langley (Peter), Sch., 1803.-B. A., Vern. 1805.-M. A., d-st.
Langley (Thomas Bolland), B. A., ~8t. 18+4Langley (William L.), B. A., At. 1837.
Langrieh (Sir Hercules, Bart.), B. A., VWIf. 1753.
Langrishe (Hercules), B. A., LEat. 1819.








Langrishe (Hercules Richard), B. A., Vern. 1805.-Y. A., Vern.

Langrishe (James), B. A., 2tt. qS,.-Y. A., V",n. 1814Langrishe (John Tottenham), B. A., Vern. IS29.
Langrishe (Robert), n. A., 28t. ISIS.
Langton (James), n. A., Vern. 1764Langtree (Henry), B. A., and M. A., .!E,t. 1864Langtry (George), B. A., .!Est. IS23.-1L A., Not). IS32.
Lanigan (Daniel), B. A., Vern. ISIS.
Lanigan (Chnrles John), B. A., Diem. IS64.
Lanigan (Robert), Sch., 1785.-B. A., Vern. 1786.-M. A., .!Est.
q S9
Lanigan (Stephen), B. A., Diem. 1864.
Lanphier (Somerville Hugh), B. A., Vern. IS)5.
Lapiere (John), B.A., q06.
Lapiere (Tobias), Soh., ISI7.-B. A., tern. 1820.
Lapp, or Lappe, (Richard, or Nicholas;, Sch., 167,.-B. A., Vern.
1677'-Y' A., .iE"&t. 16SI.
Lapp (William), B. A., Vern. 174z.
Lapp (William), B. A., .!ERt. q87.-LL. B., Vern. 1792.
Lapsll'y (James), B. A., Di~m. IS64.
Larcom (ThomasA.), LL.D., (honori~ call . d), .JIM. 18)5.
Lardner (Denis). B. A., ..iEst. ISI6.-M. A., h'st. ISI9.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. IS27.
La Rive (John), n. A., .!Est. 1778.
Larkin (Alexander), B. A., tern. IS35.
Lanninie (William Ren), Sch., 18)7.-B. A., Vern. IS60.
Lascelles (Francis Edward). B. A., tern. qS9.
Latchford (John), n. A., Dinn. I 864.-M. E., ./1:,',;t. 186,.
Latham (William), B. A., Vern. 1681.
Latham (William). B. A., Vern. 1835.
Latimer (James), B. A., Vern. 1728.
La Touche (David Charles), B. A" ./Est. 1820.
La Touche (David Digges), Sch., 1765.-B. A., rl!rn. 1767.Y. A" Vern. 1772.
La Touche (David Henry Digges), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
La Touche (Edmund), B. A., Vern. 1842.
La Touche (George Digge8), B. A' I 1'ern. 18IS.-M. A., Nov. 1832.







La Touche (James), B. A., ./E~t. 1808.

La Touche (James Digges), B. A., Vern. 1837.
La Touche (James Digges), B. A., ..lEst. 1847.
La Touche (James Digges), Sch., I 863.-B. A., Hiem. 1865.
La Touche (John), B. A., At. 1795.
La Touche (John), B.A., ..lEst. 1819.
La Touche (John), B. A., .Ji:st. 1846.
La Touche (John George), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
La Touche "(John James Digges), B. A., Vem. 1813.-Y. A., No!'.
18 3%'
La Touche (John James Digges), B. A. Vem. J859.-Y. A., LE~t.
La Touche (Peter), B. A., jEst. 1796.
La Touche (Peter Dodwell Digges), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
La Tonche (Theophilus Digges), B. A., Vern. 18z8.-M. A., NOll.
18 3%.
La Touche (Thomas Digges), B. A., Vern. 18zz.-M. A., NOI).
La Touche (William Digges), B. A., ./Est. 1810.
La Touche (William Digges), B. A., Vwn. 1830.-Y. A., Vern.
La Touche (William Diggl.'s), B. A., LE~t. 1833.
latta (William), Sch., I 777.-B. A., Vem. 1778.
Lauder (Matthew Nesbitt), B. A., Vem. 18+3.-11. A., Vern.
Lauder (Robert), B.A., Vern. 1834Lauder (Robert), B. A., Vem. 18+z.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vm.
185 8.
Lauder (William Bernard). B. A., At. 18+3.-LL. B., andLL. D.,
VIIt'", 186S.
Laugharne, or Laughcrne (James), Sch., 17%o.-B. A., Vern.
Laughlin (Edward James), B.A., At. 18p.-M.A., At. 1857.
Laughlin (Frederick) B. A., Vtrn. 1866.
Laughlin (James), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Laughlin (John William), Sch., 1837.-B. A., Vwn. 1839.-M. A..,
LEst. 1855.
Laundy (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1681.









Lavelle (Patrick), B. A., Vltrn. 1830.-Y. A., .LE&t. 1833.

Law (Francis), B. A., &t. 1789.
Law (Hamilton), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Law (Henry Benson), B. A., Vern. 1827.-1. A., NOll. 1831.
Law (Hugh), Sch., 18n-B. A., Fern. 1839.
Law (John), B. A., Vltrn. 1718.
Law (Michael), B. A., d. IS63.
Law tPatrick L.), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Law (Robert), Sch., 1655.-B. A., prior to 1660.
Law (Robert), Sch., 175o.-B. A., Vern. 17sz.-Fellow, 175+.M. A., &1. 17S5.-B. D., &t. 1762.-D. D., Fern. 1767.
Law (Robert), Sch., 1817.-B. A., Vern. ISI9.-M.A., andM. B.,
&t. 18zz.-M. D., ../E,t. 1857.
Law (Robert Samuel), B. A. Vern. 18SS.
Law (Thomas Pakenham), B. A., Vern. 1857.-1. A., &t. 1865.
Law (William), B. A., Vern. 1735.
Lawder(Hume), B. A., Vern. 1781.
Lawe (John), B. A., Vern. 1687.
Lawler (John), Scb., 1796.-B. A., Vlrn. 1798.
Lawler (Matthew), B. A., Ve,.". 1837.
Lawless (Edmund B.), B. A., Vern. 1839.-1. A., Vir ... 18+2.
Lawless (George), B. A., ..lEd. 1830.-1. A., ../E,t. 1840.
Lawless (James), B. A., Ve,.n. 1797.
LawleilS (John), B. A., )E,t. 1,61.
Lawless (John), B. A., ..IE.t. 1827.
Lawle88 (Patrick), B. A., ..lEd. 178....
Lawless (Hon. Valentine), B. A., Vern. 1792.
Lawlor (Edward F.), B. A., Vern. 1840.
Lawlor (William), B. A., .tE.t. 1805.
Lawrence (Right Hon. Sir John Laird May), LLD. (lionori8Cluuti),
V"n. 1860.
Lawrence (Peter), B. A., At,t. 1783.
Lawrence (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18H.-M. A., .t. 1849.
Lawrence (Samuel), B. A., Vl'rn. 18+9.
Lawrence (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Lawrence (William), LL. D. (,pecialigratid), Vwn. 1718.
Lawry (Ambrose), B. A., 1706.
Lawson (Ambrose), B. A., rltrn. 1856.-11. A., 2&1. 1865.



Lawson (Edward), Sch., 1783.-B. A., Vms. q8S.-M. A., Vern.

Lawson (Humble), B. A., Vern. 1797.
Lawson (James), Sch., qu.-B. A., Vern. q14. -M. A., A:st.
17 17,
Lawson (James), B. A., LE8t. ISzS.-M. A., Nov. 1831.
5 Lawson (James Anthony), Sch., IS36.-B.A.,
I 838.-LL. B.,
Vern. 18.p.-LL. D., Vern. 1850'
Lawson (John), Sch., qZ9.-B.A., Ywn. '731.-M. A., 1734.
-Fellow, q35.-D. D., Vern. '7+5,
Lawson (Wilfred), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded). - M. A.,
LE8t. 177.
Lawson (Wilfrid), B. A., Vern. '730.
Lawson (William Lipsett), B.A., VB"'. 1851.-Y' A., Vern. 18H.
10 Layard (George), B. A., LEd. ISz9.
Laylor (Robert P. C.), M. A., .LEat. 1837.
Layman (Samuel), (Entrance and B. A., Dot recorded). - B. D.,

V,,.,.. 1701..






Layng (George), B.A., .lEst. ,691.-M. A., .LE8t. 1694.

Lazenby (Edward), B. A., Vern. 17+3.
Lea (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., LE8t. 163"
Lea (John), B. A" Vern. 1795.
Leachman (Charles James), B. A., HiBm. ,S63.
Leachman (Henry Frazer), B. A., Vwn. IS59.-M. A., Vwn. IS6z.
Leader (Henry), B. A., Vlrn. IS37.
Leader (Leonard), B. A., 17S7.
Leader (Nicholas), B. A., 179z.
Leader (Nicholas Philpot), B. A., .LEd. IS30.
Leader (Wl1rham), B. A., Vern. '797,
Leader (William), B. A., Vern. 1806.
Leader (William), B. A., LEst. 1831.
Leader (William), B. A., and LL. B., ,864.
Leador, or Leadon (Roger), B. A., Vllrn. 1788.
Leahy (Daniel), Sch., 1783.-B. A., Vern. 1785.
Leahy (David), B. A., VBrn. 1839.
Leahy (Edward), B. A., Vlrn. 1836.
Leahy (James John), Sch., q98.-B. A., Vern. ,Soo.-Y. A., A:Ht.



Leahy (James John), Entered, 1814.-( B. A., not recordcd).-M.A.,

V6f'1I. IS24.
Leahy (John), Sch., 1781.-B.A., Vern. 17S3.-M.A., VWfI.
17 S9
Leahy (Jobn), Sch., IS07.-B. A., V"fI. IS09.
Leahy (John), Sch., ,S2S.-B. A., ..Ed. IS30.
5 Leahy (John Bourke), Scb., IS02.-B. A., ..iEBt. IS04'
Leahy (Thomas), B. A., ..Ed. ISZ I.
Leahy (William), Sch., ISI7.-B. A., V"n. ISI9.
Leake (George B.), B.A., ..E~t.1SU.
Leard (Gilbert), B. A., Vern. 17S9.
10 Leard (Henry), B. A., V~rn. 1797.
Leared (Arthur), B. A' I V,m. IS+5.-M. B" 1'"111'11. IS47.-M. D.,
Hi,m. IS60.
Leatham (John Stanley), Scb., IS57.-B. A., V~rn. IS5S,
Leatbem (Moses), B. A., V~m. IS 30.
Leathem (William), B. A., V~rn. IS60.
15 Leathem (William Patterson), B.A., V"n. IS3o.-1[. A., Nov.
Leathley (Ford), B. A., LEst. IS 16.- M. A., ./E8t. 1819.
Leathley (James), B. A., Vern. 1845.
Leatbley (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1786.
Leathley (Joseph Forde),
A., ./Est. IS23.-M. A., NOl. IS32.
20 Leaths (Francis), B. A., Vern. J 7+0.
Leaths(John), Sch., 16SS.-B.A., V~rn. 16S8.-M.A., ,h.'st.
Leavens (John), B. A., 1691.-M. A., ./Eat. 1693.
Le Bas (Charles), B. A., LEst.'! 803.
Leckey (John), B. A., ..Est. 18z4.
25 Leckey (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1793.
Leckey (William), (Entrance not recorded).-Fellow, 165+.
Leckey (William), B. A., .lEst. IS01.
Leckey (William Edward Hartpole), B. A., ./E8t. IS 59.-M. A., ./E!t
Leckie (James), B. A., Vllm. IS4+.
30 Lecky (John), B. A., V"n. ISIS.
Ledger (William Cripps), B. A., P8rn. ISS3.-1I. A., ../Ejt. IS66.
Ledham. (Thomas), B. A., ..Elt. 1670'
Ledmon (William), Sch,. IS03.-B. A., LEat. IS04.












Ledsam (Thomas), B. A., ..?Elt. 1629.

Ledwich (Edward), Sch., Ip8.-B. A., Vm. 1729.-1L A., LEst.
1732.-LL B., and LL. D., VM"1I. 1739.
Ledwich (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1760.-LL. B., .2E&t. 1763.
Ledwich (Edward), B. A., Vern. I7H.-M. A., .2E&t. 1777.
Ledwich (John), B. A., VINI. 1851.
Ledwich (Thomas), B. A., V"n. 1768. - LL. B., LEIt. 1771.LL. D., Vim. 1775.
Ledwich (William), B. A., Vwn. I 777--LL. B. (",ecialigratid),
V".,.. 1779.
Ledwich (William Augustus), B. A., V/I,.,.. 186,..
Ledwith (David), B. A., V/I,.,.. 1795.-M. B., LElt. 1797.
Ledwith (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18H.
Ledwith (George), B. A., V",1. 1707.-M. A., LEd. 1710.
Ledwith (James), B. A., Vwn. 1785.
Lee (Alfred T.), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.).-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Lee (Edmund), B. A., VlJrn. 186z.-M. A., HilJm. 186,..
Lee (Edward), B. A., At. 1782.
Lee (Edward), B.A.,
Lee (George), B. A., ..?Elt. I 599.-M. A., and Fellow, 1600.
Lee (George), Sch., 1799.-B. A., VlJrn. 1801.
Lee (George), Sch., 1838.-B. A., V"lI. 18,.0.
Lee, or Leigh, (Giles), Sch., 17p.-B. A., LEst. 1774Lee (Henry), B. A., At. 18+5.
100 (James), B.A., Vwn.1825.
Lee (John), B.A., Vim. 18H.
Lee (John William Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1828.
Lee (Matthew), B. A., ..?Ell. I 6o I.-Fellow, about 1601.-M. A.,
LE,t. 1605.
Lee (Richard), Sch., 1807. -B. A., At. 1809' - Y. A., Vern.
181 3.
Lee (Richard), Boh., 18+2.-B. A., LElt. 18H.
Lee (Richard Thomas), B. A., V".n. 1845.
Lee (Thomas Ashe), Sch., 1734.-B. A., Vllr", I 736.-M:. A., Ai~t.
Lee (UMher), B. A., V"n. 1786.
Lee (William). Sch., 1756.-B. A., Ve,.,.. 1857





Lee (William), Sch., 1799. - B. A., Vllrn.. 1801. - Y. A., LE.t.

Lee (William), B. A., 2&t. IS03.-lL A., LEst. 1810.
Lee (William), B. A.., Vms. 1810.-H. A.., Vern. ,8:Z5'
Lee (William), B. A., Vmt. 1834.
5 Lee(William), Sch., 18l4--B.A., V".n. 1837-Fellow, IR39.1. A., Vwn. IS4o.-B. D., and D. D., Vwn. IS57.
Lee (William Thomas), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-M. A.,
V61'ft. 1831.
Leech (Arthur Henry), B. A., V.".,.. IS40.
Leech (Charles), B. A., Vwn. I 833.-M. A., At. ,865,
Leech (Edward), B. A.., VIINI. 1838.
10 Leech (George C.), B. A., At. 1846.
Leech (Henry Brougham), Sch., 186:z.-B. A., Ht'~m. 1865.
Leech (Hunt Walsh), B. A., Hintt. 1865.
Leech (John), B. A., 2&t. 1829.-1. A., Vern. 1839.
Leech (William), B. A' I ~,.,.. 18n.
15 Leech (William Poole), B. A., Vmt. 18 S5.
Leeds (Henry), Sch., 1685.-B. A., 1687.
Leeper (Alexander), B. A., Vml. 1840. -Y. A., Vllr". 185.B. D., V.".,.. I 859.-D. D., &t. 1865.
Leeper (William), B. A., VIINI. 1 846-M. A., Vern. 186%.
Lees (Cathcart), B. A., Vern. I 832.-M. B., .Al.t. 1837.
20 Lees (John), B. A., LEal. 1823.
Lees (John), B. A., Vern. 1843.-11. A., Vm. 1848.
Lees (William), B. A., fern. 1847.
Lees (William Nassau), LL D. (horaoril CIJ",d), LEIt. 18S7.

Leeson (Arthur Edward), B.A., and K. B., .Alat. 185+.

z5 Leeson (Edward Gregory), B. A., Vms. 1823. -ll. A., and K. B.,
Y.".,., 18:&9
Leeson (Edward Nugent), B. A.,

17'61'11. 1856.
Leeson (George John Robert), B. A., V"rn. 1862.
Leeson (Henry), B. A., LEst. 1819.
Leeson (Henry), Sch., 1856.-B. A., Vwn. 1858.
30 Leeson (Hugh), B. A., .l&t. 1678.-M. A., ..lEst. 1681.
Leeson (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 1708.
Leeson (John), B. A., Vern. '788.-LL. B., Fern. 1791.
Leeson (Joseph), B. A., LEst. 1786.
Leeson (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 184.-1[. A., tern. ,843'



Leeson (Robert), B. A., Hi,,,.. IS62.

Leeson (Samuel), Sch., 173S.-B. A., Vms. I 740.-Y. A., &t.



Leeson (William), B. A., Hi"",. IS6S.

Leet (Ambrose Wellesley), Sch., ISSI_B. A., y".,.. I 856.-M. A.,
V".,.. IS57.
5 Leet (Edward), Sch.. 18u.-B. A., Ywn. ISZ2.
Leet (John Knox), B. A., V61'fI. ISsr. -M. B., and H. D., Vern.
Leet (William Knox), B.A., Vma. ISSS'
LeFanu (Joseph), B. A., V61'fI. IS37.
Lelanu (Joseph Sheridan), Sch., ISn.-B. A. Ywn. 1814._
LL. B., ..lE&t. 18z+10 Lelanu (Peter), B. A., y".,.. 1769.
LeFanu (Philip), Sch., I 753.-B. A., Vwn. I 755.-H. A., A:at.
175S_B.D.. and D. D., .L&t. 1776.
Lefanu (Thomas Philip), B. A., .2&t. 184, - 1[. A., Ywn. 18 I 5.
-LL. B., and LL. D., VWfI. 18z6.
Lefanu (William Joseph Henry), B. A., Vwn. 18IS.-H. A., Vern.
18z+Lelanu (William Philip), B. A.., Vwn. 1794.
15 Lefanu (William Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Lefevre (Sir John George Shaw), LL. D. (honors'. cllwc2), LEit.
Lefroy (Anthony), B.A., LEst. 18zo.-H. A.., NOD. 18sz.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Hiem. 1864.
Lefroy (Anthony), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Lefroy (George), B. A' I .2&t. 183+--M. A.., .2E3e. 1858.
zo LeCroy (Henry), B. A., .2&I. 18n.-Y. A., V,rn. 18zo.
Lefroy (Jeffrey), B. A., Vwn. 18sz.-Y. A., Lh.8t. 1848.
Lefroy (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1795.-LL. B., and LL. D., &f~
Lefroy (Thomas), B.A., At. 18z7.
Lefroy (Thomas Langlois Hugh), B. A., Vwn. 1859.
25 Lefroy (William), B. A., Hie".. 1863.
Leger (William), B. A., Vwn. 1830.
Legg (Richard), B. A., .LEse. 1802.
Legge (William), B. A., Vim. 1681.



Legge (William), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-lLA., ..tE.t.

Le Grand (Arthur John), B. A., V~rfl. IS4:&.
LeGrand (William Davy), B. A., Vwn. 183+.-M.A., Vwn. 1837.
Lehon (lames), B. A., V".,., 17%1.
5 Le Hunt (Francie), B. A., Vwn. 1708. - M. B., and M. D., V~r,..
17 1 9'
LeHunt (lohn), Sch., 1675.-B. A., F~lJ. 8, 16".-M. A., ..tE.1.
Le Hunt (Payton), B. A., V".,., 170....
Le Hunt (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1717.
LeHunte (Francis), B.A., y~,.,.. IS41.
10 LeHunte (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1750.
Leigh (Alexander), B.A., Vwn. 1832.-M. B., .Alt. 18.14.
Leigh (Edward), B. A., Vmt. 17:&1. -M. A., At. 17z.... - B. D.,
andD.D., 001.22, 1751.
Leigh (Edward), Sch., 175z.-B. A., Vern. 17H.-Fellow, 1758.
-11. A.,.4!At. 1758.
Leigh (Francia), B. A., LE,e. 1778.
15 Leigh (Francis), B. A., At. IS:&9.-M. A., Nor:. IS32.
Leigh (FrancialOBeph), B. A., Vwn. 18... :&.-M. A., V".,., 18H.
Leigh (Henry), B. A., V".,., 1701.
Leigh (lohn), B. A" At. 1716.
Leigh (John de V.), B. A., Vwn. 1837.-1(. B., .I&l. 184z.
zo Leigh (Michael), B.A., Vwn. 1726.
Leigh (Robert), B. A., X.y z, 1618.-M. A., Mil, 30, 16zl.
Leigh (Thom8ll), .B. A., V".,.. I~Z. - Boh., I~Z. -M. A., ',e.
I 695.-B. D., and D.D., Vma.l,lo.
Le Jan (Francia), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded.)-M. A.,..Ett.
1~3.-B. D., 'st. 1~6.-D. D., Jan. z... , 1700.
Leland (Henry), B. A., rtrm. 1790.
25 Leland (Henry), B. A., Vml. Iho.
Leland (John), B. A., LEst. 1778.-LL. B., V".,. .,80.
LellUld (Thom8ll), B. A., Vwn. '74:&.-Sch., '7+I.-M. A., 17+5.
-Fellow. 1746.-B. D., At. 175z.-D. D., Vwn. '757.
LeMaiatre (George John), B. A" Vern. ,8p.-M. A., ~t. 18H.
Le Maistre (James), B.A., Aile. IS"'9.-M. A.,Ailt. 18SZ.-LL.B.,
and LL. D., ~t. 1856.
30 I.e Haistre (William). B. A' I ..tE.t. 1846.











Le Marohant (Robert), B. A.., V6n1. 18+0. - M. B., ..lEst. 18+1._

H. A.., and H. D., Vern. 18+5.
Le Marchant (William Hirzel), B. A.., Vma. 1836.
Lemmon (Charles), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). - M. A..,
Jtm. 26, 1661.
Lemon (1ames), B. A.., Vim. 1856.
Lenargan (1ohn), Soh., 1724.-B. A., Vwn. 1725,
Lendrick (Charle8), B. A.., LEat. 1813.
Lendrick (Charles Richard), B. A., LEat. 1816.
Lendriok (Charles R. A..), M. B., LEat. 1818.-H. D., Vim. 18z8.
Lendrick (James), B.A., LEat. 1810.-H. A.., Vern. 1814.
Lendrum (Andrew), B. A.., Vma. 1739.
Lendrum (George), B. A.., V".,.. 1782.
Lendrum (George), B. A.., ..tEst. 1797.
Lendrum (1oseph), B. A., .lEst. '767,
Lendrum (Thomas), Sch., '76".-B. A.., Vma. 1763.
Leney (AleXander), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Leney (Alexander), B.A., Fum. I 865.-H. B., Vim. 1866.
Leney (William), Soh., 1815.-B. A., Vma. 1817.
Lenigan (Edmund), B. A., Vma. 1819.-H. A., Nov. 183%.
Lenigan (1ames), B. A., Vern. 18I9.-M. A., Nov. 183'"
Lennon (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. I 706.
Lennon (Thomas), B. A., ..lEst. 1821.
Lenorgan (Daniel), Sch., 1737.-B. A., 1"".,..1739.
Lenorgan (Edward), B. A.., ..lEst. 1739.
Lenox (Patrick), B. A., April 27, 1621.-M. A.., ..lEst. 162+.
Lentaigne (Benjamin), M. B., ..lEse. 1807.-M. D., Vwn. 1813.
Lentaigne (John), B. A., Vern. 182S.-M. B., ..lEst. 18,,8.
Lentaigne (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 1826.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Leonard (Manwaring), B. A., V".,.. 1828.
Leonard (Patrick Marcellinus), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.-M. A., ASBt.
Leonard (Samuel B.), B. A., V".,.. I 830.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
Leonard (Thomas), B. A., V4!rn. 1840'
La Pan (Lewis Augustus), B. A., Vern. I 842.-LL B., and LL. D.,
HUm. 1860.
Le Poer Trench (Frederick), B. A., ..lEst. 18z8.-M. A., Not).
18 3 2
Le Poer Trench (John), B. A.., ..lEst. I8z7.-H. A., NOfJ. 183%.



Le Poor Trench (William), B. A., Vern. 1817.-M. A., AI.t.

IS30.-B. D., ..1.&1. IS36.-D. D., Ver,.. 18.p.
Le Poor Trench (William Power), B. A., ..I.&t. 1791.
Leacme (John), Boh., 1773.-B. A., Vern. I 776.-M. A., &1.
I77 S,

Lesley (Charlee), Entered 166+.-(8. A., not reoorded).-Y. A.,

.l&t. 1673
5 Lealey, or Leealy (Henry), Sch., 1667.-(B. A., not recorded).D. D., &t. 169+ (Alexander), Soh., 1726.-8. A. V".,.. I 727.-H. A., LE.t.
173 0
Lealie (Alexander), B.A., Vma. 1770.
Lealia (Alexander), lL A. (ad eund. Cantab.), V".,.. 1782.
Lealie (Blau.ey). B.A... V".,.. 1831.
10 Leslie, or Lealy (Charlee). Soh., I 739--B. A.., Vwn. 1740.
Lealie (Charles), B. A., At. '778.-H. A., Vma. 1785.
Leslie (Charles), B. A.., .IEd. 1786.
Lealie (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1826.
Lealie (Edmund), B. A..., At. 17H.-Y. A.., .2EBt. 1758.
I S Leslie (Edmund Francis), B. A..., V,Nt. 18+0.
Lealie (Edward), Y. A.., NOfJ. 1832.-(B. D.. of Oxford).
Lealie (Francis Seymour), B. A.., Vwn. 1827.
Lealie, or Lesly (George), Entered 1698.-(B.A..., not rocorded).B. D., and D. D.,.2EIt. 17++
Lealie (George), B. A.., Vern. 17+5.
20 Lealie (George), B. A.., Y".,., 1796.
Lealie (Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1738.-Y. A., V".,.. 17+1.-8. D.,
Y".,., 17+9
Lealie (Henry), B. A., V".,., 1 796.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Lealie (Henry), B. A... Y".,.. ISI6.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Lealie (Henry), B. A., At. 1827.-Y. A.., Nov. 1832.
'Zs Leslie (Henry James), B. A.., Ymt. IS30.-Y. A.., .iE8t. ISs8.
Lealie (James), B. A., &t. 1700.
Lealie (James), B. A.., Vun. 17+8.
Lealie (James), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Lealie (John), H. A.., VINI. 1689.
30 Lealie, or Lealy (John), Soh., 1739.-B. A., V".,.. 1 740.-Y. A.,
..I.&t. I 760.
Lealie (John). B. A.., V".". 1788.



Leslie (lohn), B. A., At. 1 79+.-lL A., Yern. 1805.

Leslie (John), B. A., Vern. 1828.
Lealie (lohn Robert), B.A., Vern. 185%.-M. A., V"n.18s6.Fellow, 1858.
Lealie (Mathew), B. A., Vlrn. 170I.-Y. A., Vern. 1705.
5 Lealie (lathew), B. A., ...tEllt. 1808.
Leslie (Mossom), Sch., 17z6.-B. A., Vern. 1727.
.Lealie (Peter), B. A., Vern. 178+.
Leslie (Richard), B. A., VM"n. 1729.
Leslie (Richard 1. Uniacke), B. A., Vma. J8+6.-M. A., Vern.
10 Leslie (Robert Joshua), B.A., ...tEat. 18S1.-M. ,b.., Vern. 186z.
Lealie (Robert T.), B. A., VM"n. I8H.
Leslie (Thomas), B. A., ...tEat. 18+7.
Leslie (ThomaaEdward Cliffe), Sch., 18+5.-B. A.,...tEat. 18+7.LL. B., Vern. 18)'1.
Leslie (William), B. A., Vern. 1788.
15 Leslie (William), B. A., Vma. 1836.
Leslie (William Henry), B. A., Vern. I 853.-M. B., Vem. 18S;.
Lesly (
), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded)_M. A., ...tEat.
Lealy (Edmund), B. A., V,m. 179.
Lealy (George), B.A., Vern. 1703.
zo Lesly (James), B.A. (Bp~iali gratid), Vern. 1700.
Lesly (James), B. A., Vern. 1728.-M. A.., .&t. 1731.-B. D., and

D. D., ...tEat. 17++'


Lealy (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1707.-M. A., ...tEd. 17lo.-B. D., and
D.D., Vmt. 17++.
Lester (Edward Augustus), B. A., lIinn. 186+
Lester (Jacob), B. A., Ymt. 18+7.
Z5 Lester (John), B. A., YINJ. 168+
L'Xstnmge (Alfred Augustus Darby), B. A., Vern. 1853.
L'Xstrange (Christopher), B.A.,.2&t. 1831.
L'Estrange (Francis), B. A., ...tEat. 1823.-M. A., No!). 183z.
L'Eatrange (Guy Carleton), B. A., Vern. 1849. -M. A., Vcrn.
18 59.
30 L'Estrange (Guy Perceval), B. A., Vent. 183z. - M. A., Yel'lI.
186 5'
L'Estrangc (Henry), B. A., A.,t. 1830.



L'Estrange (Hilary Frederick), B. A. Vern. 1823. - M. A., NOfJ.

18 32
L'Estrange (John), B. A., Vim. 1780.
L'Estrange (John), B. A., 'lT1m. 18++.
L'Estrange (Lionel), B. A., Vw". 18zz.
5 Lestrange (Robert), B. A., V".,. 1708.-M. A., .JEst. 1711.
L'Estrange (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1777.
L'EstraDge (Samuel), B. A . .d. 1803.
L'Estrange (Thomas), B. A., .It. 1775.
Letablere (John), Sch., I77J.-B. A., V".". 1773.-M. A., .It.
10 Letabliere, or Latablere (Daniel), B. A., V,,.,., 1731.-M. A., At.
1734.-B. D., and D. D., V,m. 17+8.
Letherbarrow (James), B. A., 'IT,,.,., 1736.
Letherbarrow (Robert), B. A" 'IT".,., 1702.-11. A' I V,m. 175.
Lett (Charles), B. A., Vim. 182S.
Lett (Henry William), B. A., Hum. 1860.
15 Lett (Stephen), B. A., Vim. 1833.
Lett (Stephen), B. A' I Vwn. 1836.
Lett (Stephen), LL. B., and LL. D., Vmt. 1848.
Lett (William Thomas), B. A., V,r,.. 1843.-Fellow, 18+7.
Letterell (Henry), LL. B., V".,.. 1791.
20 Levens, or Lesvens (Robert Maxwell), B. A., 'IT,m. 1736.-Y. B.,
.&8t. 1739.
Lever (Charles), B. A., 'IT".,.. 1827.-lf. B., .st. 1831.
LeTer (John), B .A.., V,m. 1817.-M. A., 'IT".,., 1821.
Lever (John), B. A., V,m. 1854Levinge (Charles), B. A., .,t. 1771.
25 Levinge (Charles William), B. A., V".". 18+o.-M. A., .AlIt. 18H'
Levinge (Edward Parkins), B. A., At,t. 18+6.
Levinge (Harry), B. A., .It. 18+9.
Levinge (Richard), B. A., 'lT1m. 17#.-1l. A., ',1. 17+7.
Levinge (Sir Richard, Bart.), B. A., At. 1806.
30 Levis (John Samuel), B. A., V,m. 18H.
Leviston, or Levingston (Terence), B. A., 'IT".,.. 1817.
Lewellin (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. 1706.
Lewery (John Edmund Fortescue), B. A., 'lTml. 1821.
Lewin (Samuel), B. .A.., 'lT1m. 1704--M . .A.., .iEBt. 1707.
35 Lewin (William), B. .A.' I 'IT".,..18S7








Lewis (Ebenezer Warren), B. A., Vern. 18zo.-M. A., Nov. 183z.

Lewis (Edmund Jones), B. A., Vent. 18zo.-M. A., NOrJ. 183z.
Lewis (Edward Francis), B. A., Hr:em. 186S ..
Lewis (George), B. A., Vwn. 1837.
Lewis (Henry 0.), B. A., .LEst. 186z.
Lewis (James), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Lewis (John), Scb., 1774.-B. A., Vern. I77S.
Lewis (John), B. A., YIJrn. 1819.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
Lewis (.Tohn), B. A., LEd. 1847.-M. A., B. D., and D. D., ./Est.
Lewis (John Edward), B. A., Vern. 18z6.
Lewis (John Evans), B. A., Vern. 18zo.-H. A., LEd. 18u.
Lewia(John Harvey), B. A., and M. A., Vern. 1838.
Lewis (John T.), B. A., LE,t. 1847.
Le;vis (John T.), B. A., Vern. 18S9.-M. A., AId. 186S.
Lewis (Matthias), B. A., At. I 791.
Lewis (Maurice Peppard Warren), B. A., At&t. 18+z._LL. B., and.
LL. D.,.2&4. 185S.
Lewis (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 18+6.-M. A., Vern. 1861.
Lewis (Michael Edward), B. A., Vern. 18so.-H.A., LEd. IS5S,
Lewis (Richard), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Vlrn. 17z8.
Lewis (Robert), Sch., 1714.-B. A., Vwn. q IS.
Lewis (Robert), Sch., 17z9.-B. A., Vern. 1730.
Lewis (Samuel), B. A . Vern. IS3S.
Lewis (Thomas George), B. A., Diem. IS64.
Lewis (David), B. A., Vern. 1754.-M. A., At&t. 175+
Lewis (William), Sch., 1716. -B. A., At. 1716.-M.A., .JEst.
17 1 9.
Lewis (William), B. A., Vern. 17+6.-M. A., .lEd. 1754.
Lewis (William), Sch., 1786.-ll. A., Vern. 17SS.-M. A., Vern.
Lewis (William), B. A., Vern. 18z7.-M. A., At. IS34.
Lewis (William Buckner), B. A., VIJrft. ISu.-M. A., VW1I.
Leyden (Michael), Sch., JS03.-B. A., ./&t. JSo+.-M. A., Vern.
Leyne (Jeremiah), B. A., Aid. ISIS.
LeYDe (Maurice), B. A., A!',e. IS09.
Liburn, or Lyburn (Richard), B.A., Jan. 30, I 69S.-Sch., 1695'




I..iddiard (Henry), B. A., VWII. ISz7.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3z.

Liddiard (William), B. A., 2,t. IS03.
Lidwill (George), lJ. A., At. I7S5'
Light (John), B. A., VWII. IS45.-M. A., 2st. IS53.
S Lightbound (Thomas), B. A., 2d. 1614.
Lightbound (William), lJ. A., ..lEst. 1613. -M. A., May IS,
Lightburn (Stafford), B. A., V6rn.. 16S4'
Lightburn (Statrord), B. A., VWII. 17+3.-M. A., Vern. 1750.
Lightburn (William), Sch., 1710.-B. A., V6".. 1711.
10 Lightburne (Statrord), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.
Lightburne (William), Sch., 1670.-B. A., Vma. 167J.-M. A"
.&t. 1677_
Lightburne (William), lJ. A., about 16So.
Likely (Adam), B. A., VIWII. IS56.
Lill (Edward), B. A., V",.. 1736.-ll. A., 2Elt. 1739.-B. D.,
and D. D. (lJHCiali gt'tltid), V",.. 1766.
'5 Lill (Godfrey), Sch., 1737.-lJ. A., V".,.. 1739.-M. A., .2&t.
17+ 1

Lill (William), Sch., 1736.-B. A., VWII. 173S.

Lillie (John), B. A., .dUt. 163S.
Lillington (Cecil), B. A., Hi4m. IS59
Limberry (John), B.A., .&t. I 794.-M. A., .&t. ISI+.
20 Limerick (John), B. A., 2Elt. IS3+.
Limerick (John), B. A., V",.. IS35.
Limerick (Paul), Soh., 1711.-B. A., V",.. 1713.-M. A., 2st.
17 1 7.
Limerick (Paul), Sch., 1773.-B. A., V".,.. 1775.-M. A., 28t.
17 S1.
Limerick (William), B. A., 2Elt. ISOS.
zS Limerick (William), B. A., V".,.. 183S.-M. B., ..lEst. 1836.
Linch (
), (Entrance, not recorded).-B. A., ./&t. 16z3.
Linden (George), B. A., Vern. 1736.-LL. B., 2d. 1739.-L1. D.,



Lindesay (Frederick), B. A., ..lEst. 18IJ.-M. A., NOfJ. 18p.

Lindesay (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1767.
3 0 Lindesay (Thomas), B. A., 2,t. 1816.-M. A., NOfJ. 18p.
Lindesay (Thomas), lJ. A., V",.. IS+Z.
Lindon (John), B. A., VWII. 1680.





Lindon (John), B. A., Vem. 1791.

Lindsay (Alexander), Sch., 1778.-B. A., Vms. 17So.
Lindsay (Benjamin), Sch., 17+1.-B. A., Vms. 174+
Lindsay (Charles), LL. D. (lionon', calUd), JE.t. IS01.
5 Lindsay (Edward), B. A., V,m. 18+5.-LL. B., and LL. D., Ver.
18 57.
Lindsay (George), (Entered 1707.-B. A.., not recorded).-M. A.,
V".,.. 1715.
Lindsay (George), B. A., Vem. 1799.
Lindsay (Hugh), B. A., Vtrn. ISI7.
Lindsay (John), B. A., VN'n. I 736.-ll. A., .2&t. 1739.
10 Lindsay (John), B. A., VN'n.IS53.
Lindsay (Ionathan), B. A., V".,.. IS07.
Lindsay (Robert), B. A., Vms. 1700.
Lindsay (Robert), B. A., Vms. 1856.
Lindsay(Samuel), B. A., Vms. 17+3.
15 Lindsay or Lindsey (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 18z+--M. A., Vern.


Lindsay (Thomas), B. A.,

Lindsay (Walter), B. A., VWfI. 175%'
Lindsay (William Iohn Conssmaker), B. A., Vern. 18)5.
Lingard, Of Lyngard (Richard), Fell., 1660. - D. D. (ad. eund.
Cantab.), .2&t. 166+.
zo Lingard (Richard), (Entrance not recorded).-ll. A' I May +, 1665.
Linklater (Robert), B. A" VWfI. 1863.
Linton (Henry), B. A., .2&t. IS+S.-M. A., At. 1857.
Lisagh (Peter), B. A., At. 16zl.
Lishaw (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A.,
May 2,1616.
25 Lishoe (Tege), B. A., AiJlt. 16z3
Lisiagh (
), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., ..2&t. 1613.
Lisiagh (Daniel), B. A., At. 1613.-M. A., May z, 1618.
Litch1ield (John),.B. A., VITn. 18+0.
Little (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 1750.
30 Little (George), B. A., Vem. 1788.-LL. B., Vern. 179 1
Little (George B.), B. A., .2&t. 180+Little (James), B. A., VITtI. 177 1
Little (James), B. A.,
Little (James Somerville), B. A' I V,m. 18,36.




Little (James Wensley), B. A., Vwn. 18+6.

Little (John), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Little (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.-M. B., V".,.. 1851.
Little (Joaeph Bennett), B.A., Vern. 18+3. .
5 Little (Robert), B. A., and M. B.,
IS 38.
Little (Roper), B. A., Vma. IS3+.-lI. B., .Bt. IS38.
Little (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1776. - LL. B., and LL. D., Vm.
Little (Samuel), B. A., V.".,.. 1856.
Little (Simon), B. A., V.".,.. 1777.
10 Little (Simon), B. A., V".,.. IS42.
Little (Thomas), B. A., At. 180z.-H. A., Not). 1831.
Little (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1837.
Little (Thomas), LL. B., and LL. D., L&t. 183S,
Little (Thom38). B.A. V".., ISSS.-M.A., At. 18SS.
15 Little (ThomaIEvelyn), Sch., IS6o.-B. A., V.".,.. 1861.-M. B.,
Vern. 1866.
Little (William), B. A., LENt. 17 I 3.
Little (William). B. A., ./E4t. 183%'
Little (William), B. A., rem. IS% 7.
Little (William S.), 1I. B., V".,.. IS38.
20 Littledale (John), B. A.,
Littledale (Richard Frederick), Bch., IS52.-B. A., Fma. ISSS.1I. A., LE,t. 18S8.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vent. IS6z.
Littlehales (Verney Peter), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), ./EIt. ISOI.
Litton (Edward), B. A., Vmt. ISoS.-lI. A., Not). IS31.
Litton (Edward Falkiner), B. A., Vern. 1849. - 1I. A., Ili"m.
1864z5 Litton (John), B. A., ./E8t. 1816.-1I. A. .;'yOI). 1831.
Litton (LctablereJohn), B. A., .JEll. 18SS.-1I. A., At. 1858.:
Litton (Samuel), Seh., 1798.-8. A., V".,.. 1800. - M. A.,
Litton (Thoma."). B. A., Vent. 173S,
Litton (Thomas), B. A., ./EIt. 1771.
30 Litton (Thomas), B. A.,
Livcaay (Edward), B. A., Vtrn. 1811.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Livcaey (Thomas), B.A . llielll. 186z.
Livingstone (Henry Darley), B. A., ""'l'1'n.IIIS411ec88 (
). (Entrancc not n.'conled).-B. A., Vern. 17u.






Llewellyn (William), B. A., Vern. 1855.

Lloyd (Andrew), B. A., .lE,t. I 8 10.
Lloyd (Bartholomew), Sch., 1790.-B. A., Vern. I 791.-Fellow,
1796.;-H. A., .lEat. I 796.-B. D., At. 1805.-D. D' I Vern.
I 808.-Provost, 183 I
Lloyd (Bartholomew Clifford), B. A., Vn-7t. 1818. - H. A., Nov.
1831.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1843.
5 Lloyd (Benjamin), B. A., V".". ,697'
Lloyd (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1760.
Lloyd (Daniel), Sch., 1791.-B. A., Vern. 179+.
Lloyd (Daniel Knight), B. A., Vern. 1830. - M. A., and M. B.,
.lEd. 1833.

Lloyd (David), B. A., ~e . 18+7'

10 Lloyd (Edward), B. A., Vern. 16n-Sch., 1673.-H. A., .lEat.
Lloyd(Edward), B. A., Vern. 1857.-H. A., ./Eaf. 186,.
Lloyd (Eugene, or Owen), Sch., 1681.- B. A., Vern. 1681.Fellow, 1685.-H. A., At. 1685.-B. D., ~at. 1~5.-D. D.,
V"rn. 1697.

LloyJ (Eyre), B. A., .lEat. 1810.

Lloyd (George), B. A., Vern. '711.-Y. A., ./E8t. 171+.- B. D.,
I 7H
15 Lloyd, or Loyde (George), B. A., Vern. I 74+-H. A., At. '7+7.
Lloyd (George), B. A., Vena. 1811.
Lloyd (Henry), B. A., .Ai,t. 1833.
Lloyd (Henry Crofton), B. A., Hi"m. 1861.
Lloyd (Humphrey), SCh.1819.-B.A., Vern. 1810.-Fell., 181+.
-H. A., Vern. 1817.-B. D., and D. D., &t. 18+0.-Provost,
10 Lloyd (Irwin), B. A., ./Eat. 18+0.
Lloyd (John), Sch., 1706. -B. A., VeT1l. 171)7.-11. A., Vern .
. 1710.
Lloyd (John), B. A., Vern. 1708.-H. A., .2E&t. '710.
Lloyd (John), Sch., 1779. - B. A., Vern. '781. - LL. B., ./Eat.
17 86 .
Lloyd (John), B. A., V"n. '7'3.
Lloyd (John), B. A., V"T1I. 1794Lloyd (John), Sch., 1809.-B. A' I Vern. 1811.
15 Lloyd (John), B. A., V"rrI.1811.




Lloyd (John), B. A., V,;"'. 1814Lloyd (John), B. A., V".,.. 1830.-M. A., NOtJ. 1831.
Lloyd (John), B. A., .&t. 1837.
Lloyd (John), B. A. 1"".,.. 18H.
5 Lloyd (JobnChriatopher), B. A., 1"".,.. 1811.
Lloyd (Iohn Flinter), B. A., 1"".,.. J 829.
Lloyd (John Rickard), B. A., IIinta. 1863.
Lloyd (Owen Thomas). B. A., &1. 1803.-11. A., NOP. 183 z.
Lloyd (Philip), M. D. (From University of Aix), .2&t. 1702.
10 Lloyd (Plunket), B. A., y".,.. 1767.
Lloyd (Richard). Sch., 1717.-B. A., 1"".,.. 1719.
Lloyd (Richard), B. A., 1"".,.. 1779.
Lloyd (Richard), B. A., 1"".,.. 1779.
Lloyd (Riohard), B. A.., 1"".,..1788.-11. A., At. 1795.
15 Lloyd (Richard). B. A., At. 1815.
Lloyd (Richard), B. A., P'ilm. 1829.-M. A., NOtJ. 1831.
Lloyd (Richard Pennefather), B. A., 1"".,.. I 830.-M. A., 1""".
Lloyd (Rickard), B. A., &t. 1809.
Lloyd (Rickard), B.A., .lEd. 18+B.-H. A., 1"".,.. 1856.
20 Lloyd (Robert). B. A., .lEd. 1778.
Lloyd (Robert). B. A., 1"".,.. 180S.
Lloyd (Robert), M. B., and M. D., 1"".". 1817.
Lloyd (Robert), B. A., &t. 1821.
Lloyd (Robert), B. A., 1"".,.. 1823.
25 Lloyd (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1828.
Lloyd (Robert Jones), M. A., Vern. I 830.-H. B., &1. 1833.
Lloyd (Bobert Iones), B. A., Diem. 1861.
Lloyd (Thomaa), Sch., 1729.-8. A.., V"". 1730.-M. A., At.
1733-lLB., y".,.. 17+0.
Lloyd (Thomaa), Scb., 17S+-B. A., 1"".,.. 1756.
30 Lloyd (Tbomaa), B. A., V,m. 1791.
Lloyd (Thomas), B. A., At. 1816.
Lloyd (Thomaa), B. A., .lEd. 1823.-H. A., NotJ. 1832.
Lloyd (Thomas Prince), B. A., &1. 1816.
Lloyd (William), (Entered, 1666.-B. A., not recorded).-Sch. t
1667.-Fellow, 1672.-M:. A., .IEIt. 1673.
3S Lloyd (William), B. A., &1. 1678.-)1. A. t .lEII. 1681,








Lloyd (William), B. A., V8rn. 17oo.-Fellow, 170I.-M. A., ..t.

170z.-B. D., At,t. l7u.-D.D., V8rn. 171+
Lloyd (William), (Entered, 1695.-B. A., not recorded).-Y. A.,
.2E&t. 1704.
Lloyd (William), Scb., 1756.-B. A., .2E&t. 175S.-M:. D., LEst.
Lloyd (William), B. A., V8rn. ISOS.
Lloyd (William), B. A., .&t. lSz4.-M. A., V8rn. IS35.
Lloyd (William), B. A., .2E&t. IS50.
Lloyd (William Edward), B. A., V8rn. 18u.-M. A., Nov. IS3%'
Lloyd (William Thomas), B. A., V8rn. ISz3.-M A., NOfJ. 183z.
Loane(RichardHussey), B. A., P'8rn. IS5I.-M.A., LEat. IS56.
Locke (Charles), B. A., VWft. 1829.-M. A., V8rn. 184+'
Locke (John), B. A., V8rn. IS26.
Locke (Peter), B. A., .2E&t. 17S9.-LL. B., L&t. 1792.
Locke (Thomaa), (Entrance, not recorded).-Fellow, 1641.
Locke (Thomaa), B. A., Vwn. 1790.-M. A., Vern. 1793.
Locke (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. ISI6.
Locke (William), B. A., L&t. 17S6.
Lockington (William), B. A., .2E&t. I7SI.
Lockwood (Nicholas), B. A., VBrn. IS 13.
Lockwood (Robert), B. A., .t. IS07.
Lockwood (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1787.
Lodge (Allott), B. A., Vern. IS61.
Lodge (Christopher), B. A., Vwn. ISzo.-M. A., VWft. IS37.
Lodge (Francis), B. A., L&t. I79z.-M:. A., V8rn. ISIO.
Lodge (Francis), B. A., Vwn. IS28.
Lodge (George Frederick), B. A., Hum. IS64'
Lodge (Henry Stewart), B. A., Vwn. 185S.
Lodge (Jeremiah), B. A., Vern. IS37.
Lodge (1ohn), B. A., VWft. 1775.
Lodge (John), B. A., .8t. 1793.
Lodge (Nisbett), B. A., Vern. IS2I.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Lodge (Oliver), B. A., Vwn. 17S4.
Lodge (Oliver), B. A., Vwn. 17S8
Lodge (William), Sch., 1759. - B. A., V".,., I 761.-1I. A., At,t.
176+-LL B., and LL. D., Vwn. 1777.
Lodge (William), B. A., Vwn. 1777.



Lodge (William), Soh., IS04.-B. A., Vern. 1S06.-M . .A., Vern.

IS,+Lodge (William), B. A., Vern. JSz7.-M. A., Nov. 1Sp.

Lodge (William Henry Darrell), B. A., Vern. IS63.

Loftie (Robert), B. A., Vt!Nl. ISn.

S Loftie (William John), B. A., Diem.. 1862.







Loftus (Adam), (D. D. Cantah.)-Provost, 1592.

Loftus (Arthur), B. A., .2&t. I 776.-Y. A" .2&t. 17Sz.
Loftus (Dudley), B. A., Vern. 1767.
Loftus (Edward), LL D. (AoMr', ,,_d), Vern. 1766.
LoftUB (Nicholaa), B. A . Vern. ~735.
Loftus (Smyth. or Smith), B. A., .kAt. 1732.-M. A., ~8t. 1737.
Loftus (Thomaa). B. A., Jlay I, 1654.
Loftus (Thomaa). B. A. Vern. 1724.
Logan (David). B. A., Vern. 1851.
Logan (Thomas), B. A., Vent. 18zz.-H. A. NIJfJ. JS32.
Logan (Thomas Robert Johnstone), B. A., Diem. 1864.
Logue (Joseph), Soh.. ISJ6.-B.A., Vet'II.ISI8.
Loinsworth (Albert William), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Lombard (Edmund), B. A., Vet'll. 17H.-H. A., Vern. 1757.
Lombard (Edmund), B. A., At. lSI S.-Y. A., A?t. J83!'
Lombard (Graves), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Lombard (James), B. A., ',t. '784,
Lombard (John), B. A., Vern. '70+--Y. A., LEst. 1707.
Lombard (John), B. A., Vern. IS49.-M. A., Vern. IS64'
Lombard (John Newman). B. A., Vern. I 778.-H. A., .2&t. IS25.
LQmbard (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1704.-M.A., Vef'1I. 1708.
Lombard (Peter), B. A., VfflI. 172S.-Y. A., .,t. 1731.
Lonergan (John), B. A., .Vern. ISzS.-M. A., NOf). ,832.
Lonergan (Vera), Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vwn. 1701. - M. A., ~.;t.
170 +
Long (Arthur), B. A., Vern. ISp.
Long (James Duncan), B. A.. ,&,t. ISIZ.-M. A., N()f). IS32.
Long (James Duncan), B. A., Ilinn. 1864.
Long (John Alexander), B. A., ..l&t. 1859.
Long (Richard Henry), B. A., Verti. IS30.
Long (Robert), B.A., Vern. IS 42
Long (Thomas). B. A., V".,.. 18SO.-M. A., Vern. IS60.
Long (William Duncan), B.A., Vwn. ISn.-Y. A.,.&t. IS40.



Longfield (George), Sch., 1837. - B. A., Vern. 1840. - Fellow,

I 84z.-M. A., Vern. I 844.-B. D., Vern. 1864.
Longfield (James), B. A., Vm. 1705.
Longfield (John), B. A., Vern. 1763.
Longfield (John), B. A., LEse. 1819.
S Longfield (John), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Longfield (Mountifort), B. A., Vern. I 79z.-M. A., LE,e. 1795.
Longfield (Mountifort), B. A., Vml. 18z3.-Fellow, J8zS.-~L A.,
Vern. 18z9.-LL.B., andLL. D., Vern. 1831.
Longfield (Mountifort), B. A., VtJrn. 1835.
Longfield (Richard), B. A., Vm 1799.
10 Longfield (Richard), Sch., 1838.-B. A., Vern. 1839.
Longfield (Robert), B. A., LEd. '73z.
Longfield (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1797.
Longfield (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1809.-M. A., AUt. 1810.
Longfield (Robert), B. A., LEst. 1830.-M. A., Nov. 183z.
15 Longfield (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Longfield (Thomas Hugo), B.A., Vel'lI. 18p.-M.A., ./Elt. 1857'
Longfield (William), B. A., .Ai,t. 1766.
Longfield (William), B. A' I Vern. 1790.
Longfield (William), B. A., Vern. 18z4.
zo Longfiorth (John), B. A., LEse. 18z8.
Lopdell (John), B.A., Vern. 1817.
Lopdell (William), B. A., LEst. 1838.
Lord (
), B. D., and D. D., LE~t. 1715.
Lord (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1780.
zS Lord (ArlhurWolfe), B.A., Vern.18IS.
Lord (Daniel), Sch., 167S.-B. A., LEst. I 67S.-M. A., ,,t. 1679'
-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1704.
Lord (John), B. A., Vern. 1738.-M. A., LEst. 1741.
Lord (John), Sch., I 798.-B. A" Vern. 1800.
Lord (John), B. A., A$,t. 183z.
30 Lord (Perceval), B. A., Vwn. 18z9.-M. B., At. 183z.
Lougheed (James), B. A., Vern. 18u.
Loughlin (Henry James), B. A., Vern. 18S).
Loughran (Henry Joaeph), B. A., V".n. I 85+-LL. B., Vern. 1857.
Love (
), (Entrance, not recorded).-B. A., .d. 1634.
35 Love, or Lowe (Barry), Sch., J68z.-R. A., Fern. 1684.-M ..\.,
168 7.



Love (George), B. A., Hi,,,.. I 865 .

Love (Robert), B. A.,
Lovell (George), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., .lEat.
Lovell (George), (Entered 168S.-B. A. not recorded).-H. A.,
At. 1693.
5 Lovell (Trcfusis), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-H. A., &t.
Lovelocke (George), B. A" Alft. 1640.
Lovely (George), R. A., V".,.. 1847.
Lovely (William). B. A., V".,.. 18+5.
Lovett (Jonathan), B. A., V6f'ft. 176J.
10 Lovett (Robert), B. A., LEft. 1819.
Lovett (Robert), B. A., .2&. 18H.
Lovett (Verney), H. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), V6f'ft. 178z.
Low (Ebenezer), B. A., LE~t. 1673.
Low (Edward), B. A., V6f'ft. 1759.
15 Low (Edward Litton), B. A., VIIN'. 1855-:-M. B., At. 1855.
Low (George). B. A., V,rll 1780.
Low (George Bond), (Entered 1799.-B. A. not recorded).-M. A.,
No". 183z.
Low (James), B. A., V,rn. 1~8.
Low (James Bond), B. A., .lEat. 1813.
zo Low (John), B. A., V,rn. 1807.-M. A., V6f'ft. 1813.
Low (John), B. A' I Vern. 1850.
Low (Launcelot), Bob. I 73+.-B. A" Vern. 1736.-M. A" JEst.
1 739.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1763'
Low (Samuel), B. A., .lEat. 178z.
Lowcay (Anthony), Soh., 1699.-B. A., about 1701.-1[. A., &to
170+.-B. D., andD. D., Vwn. 1722.
25 Lowoay (Robert), D. A., Vwn. 1683.
Lowcay, or Locay (Standish), Soh., '709.-B. A., Vma. 1711.H. A., .lEat. J714.
Lowder (Thomas), Soh., J727.-B. A., Vtn'1l. 17z8.-LL. B., .JEst.
Lowe (George), B. A., Vern. 1726.
Lowe (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
30 Lowe (John), B. A., ./Est. 1833.



Lowe (Josiah), Sch., 1837.-B. .A., Vern. 1839.-11. A., B. D.,

and D. D., ..lEI,. 1860.
Lowe (Nathaniel), B. A., Fern. 1847.
Lowe (Richard), B.A., Y,,.,..1825.
Lowe (Richard Batteson), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-M. A., H"1Ifn. 1860.
5 Lowe (William), B. A., Vern. 1830.
Lowe (William), B. A., Vwn. I 849.-M. A., Vlrn. 1857.
Lowry (Alexander), B. A.,
Lowry (Anthony). B. A., 1701.
Lowry (Galbraith), B. A., Vern. 1728.
10 Lowry (Hamilton), B. A., Vwn. 1853'
Lowry (James), B. A., Yem. l73o.-M. A., ..lEIt. 1733.
Lowry (James), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), LEIt. 1776.
Lowry (James), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., &1.
Lowry (James), B. A., .AIlt. 1832.
IS Lowry (John Robert Colvill), B. A., M. B., and M. Chir., &t.
Lowry (Thomas Kennedy), D. A., Vem. 183.-1[. A., Nov. 1832.
-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1857.
Lowth (Robert), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), LEst. 1755.
Lowthean (Isaac), B. A., Vsrn. 1858.
Lowther (George), B. A., Vern. 1735.
20 Lowther (Henry), B. A., Vern. '718.-Y. A., .AIlt. 1721.
Lowther (Lancelot), B. A., ...tEIt. 1624.
Loyd, or Lhoyd (Edward), 8ch., I 774.-B. A., Yem. 1776.
Loyd (John), (Ent~ce, and B. A., not recorded), M. A' I &t.
. 1626.
Loyd (John), Sch., 1761.-B. A., Vir,.. 1764.-Y. A., Vem.
25 Loyd (Moses), B. A., Vern. 1720.
Loyd (Rice), Sch., 1726.-B.A., Vern. 1727.-LL. B., ...tEIt. 1730.
-LL. D., Vem. 1757.
Loyd (Richard), Sch., 1719.-B. A., V,rn. 1721.-M. A., LEst.
17 2 4.
Loyd (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1738.
Loyd (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1638.
30 Loyd (Robert), B. A., .AIlt. 1733.
Loyde (Thomas), B. ~., ,ern. 1773.




Loyde (William), Sch., 1771.-B. A., Vllm. 1773Lube (Denis George), B. A., VIITn. 1811.-Y. A., Vwn. 1821.
Luby (Edmund), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Luby (James), B. A.: 2Eat. 1827.-Y' A., Nov. 1832.
5 Luby (John), Sch., 1814.-B. A., &t. 1818.
Luby (John Henry), B. A., Hum. 1865.
Luby (Thomas), Sch., 1819.-B. A., Vwn. 18Z1.-Fell., 1831.M. A., LEBt. 1825.-B. D., and D. D., &t. 1840.
Luby (Thomas Clarke), B. A., rtrn. 1845.
Lucas (Charles), M. D. (Aontwi8 eaUld), .2&t. 1761.
10 Lucas (Cooke), B. A., V"..,.. 1824.
Lucas (Edmund A.), B. A., Vml.1829.
Lucas (Edward), B. A., &t. 1787.
Lucas (Edward William), B. A., Vma. 1839.
Lucas (Edward William), B. A., At. 1840.
15 Lucas (Francis), B: A., Vern. 1 747.-M.A., Ve,,,,.li53.
Lucas (Frederick John), B. A., Hitm. 1862.
Lucas (Henry), Sch., 1757.-B. A., Vsrn.. 1759.-Y. A., .2&t.
Lucas (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Lucas (John), B. A., Vsrn.1818.
20 Lucas (John Rashleigh), B. A., Vern. 18.p.
Lucas (Matthew), B. A., Vwn. 1785.
Lucas (Richard), B. A., Vern. I7 S8.
Lucas (Robert), B. A., LEd. 1828.
Lucas (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1792.
2S Lucas (lfhomas), Sch., 1746.-B. A., Fern. 1748.-M. A., October
%2, 1751.
Lucas (William), B. A., Vwn. 1735.
Luc888 (Francis), LL. D. (special; gratid), Vsm. 17 18.
Luce (Edmund), B. A., Vern. 1848.-M. A., Vtlrn. 18)2.
Ludlow (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1703.
30 Ludlow (William), B. A., Vern. 171 I.
Lukey (Edward), Sch., 1708.-B. A., Vern. 1709.
Lukey (George), B.A., .lEBt. 1781.
Lukey (John), Sch., 1696. - B. A., Vern. 1700. - !f. A., ..Elt.
Lunelle (William Peter), B. A., LEst. 1805.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
35 Luscombe (Edgeworth), B. A., ..Est. 18J6.



Lusignan (Constantine), B. A., Vern. 18H.-ll. A., L&t. 1865'

Luther (Guy), B. A., Vern. 1762.
Luther (Henry), B. A., Vem. 1688.
Luther (Hope), B. A., ..lEat. 179+
5 Luther (John Fitzmaurice), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Luther (William). B. A., ..lEat. 1752.
Lutman (Adrian Henry), 13. A.., Vern. 18S3.-.M. A., .2E&t. 1857.
Lyburn (8tafford), B. A., Vllrn. 1709.
Lyddall (Right Honourable Richard), LL. D. (lwrwril CIJUld), Vem.

10 Lydiat (Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A.,' not recorded).-Feliow,
1609.-M. A., .2EBt. 1609.
Lyle (Acheson), B. A., ..lEst. 18IS.-ll. A., NOD. 1832.
Lyle (Andrew), B. A., Vem. 1837.
Lyle (Edward Augustus), B. A., Vem. 1853.
Lyle (Hugh), B. A., ..lEd. 1812.
15 Lyle (James), B. A., Vern. 18+9.
Lyle (John), B. A., Vern: 18+%.
Lymberry (John), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
Lymbery (George), B. A., ..lEat. 1811.
Lymbery (Robert), Sch., 1759.-B. A., Vwn. 1761.
20 Lynam (John), B. A., A&t. 178%.
Lynam (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1711.
Lynar (James), B. A., Vern. 18u.-ll. A., ..lEat. 1816.
Lynar (William King), B. A., .lEat. 184+-M. A., VIlNf. 1860.
Lynch {Andrew), B. A., .lEat. 1810.
%5 Lynch (Brownlow), B. A., Vwn. 18+2.
Lynch (David), B. A., VIlNf. 1831.
Lynch (David), B. A., Diem. 186+.
Lynch (Edmund), B. A., .lEat. 1813.
Lynch (Frederick), B.. A., Vern. 1852.
30 Lynch (George Questet), B. A., .lEat. I 838.-M. B., ..lEat. 1839.
Lynch (Henry Edward), B. A., .lEat. 1803.
Lynch (James), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
Lynch (James), B. A., Vern. 1861.
Lynch (John), B. A., At. 1790.
35 Lynch (John), B. A., Vern. 1826.
Lynch (John), B. A" At. 1827.
Lynch (John), ll. B., Vern. 1829.



Lynch (John), B. A., Ye,.,.. 18+4--M:. A., Yw,.. 1864'

Lynch (lohn Finnis), M. A., Nov. 1832.
Lynch (John Flinter), B. A.,
1829.-M. A., NOfl. 1832.
Lynch (Mark), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1781.
Lynch (Martin), B. A., .2&t. 18u.
Lynch (Martin French), LL. B., and LL. D., ~,t. 184.
Lynch (Matthew), B. Ay YII,.,.. 1814.
Lynch, or Linch (Nathaniel), B. A., LlUt. 1618.-M. A., May 9,
1621.-Fellow, 1622.
Lynoh (Stewart), B. A., Vwn. 1763.-LL. B., y".,.. 1776.
Lynch (Stewart), B. A., Vw,.. 18H.
Lynch (Thomas), B. A., .A$8t. 1849.
Lyndon (Adam), Soh., 1704.-B. A., 1706.-lL A., .2&t. 1709.B. D., and D. D., .2&t. 1746.
Lyndon (EdwlU"d), B. A., YIr,.. 1729,
Lyndon (Hurray), Sch., I 726.-B. A., Yem. 1728.
Lyndon (Richard); B. A' I YII,.,.. 1697.-M. A., &t. 1700.
Lyndon (Roger), Sch., 1701.-B. A., YIr,.. 1703.-M. A., Ftrn.
Lyndsay (John), B. A., VBrn. 1810.
Lyndsay (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1810.
Lyne (Comeliua), B. A., Vwn. 1799.-H. A., Nov. 1831.
Lyne (Cornelius William), B. A., Vllr,.. 1824.
Lyne (Daniel), B. A., YW,..1814.
Lyne (Daniel Josepb), M.B., LlUt. 1821.
Lyne (James), Scb., 1?88.-B.A., Yw,.. 1?90.-LL.B., LE,t.
1793.-LL. D., .A$1t. 1805'
Lyne (James), B. A' I Ywn. 1827.
Lyne (John), B. A., Yllr,.. 1835.
Lyngard (Riohard). Bee Lingard.
Lynn (John), B. A., Hilm. 1860.
Lynn (John Hagnus), B. A., YIr,.. 1837.-M. A., Vllr,.. 1846.
Lynn (Robert), B. A., Ywn. 1829.-M. B., Pllr,.. 1832.
Lynn (Robert Young), B. A., YWIt, 1865.
Lyon (John), B. A., Yms. I 829.-M. A., Ywn. 1832.
I.yon (John Bailey), B. A., Vim. 1859.-M. A., At. 1863.
Lyon (Thomas), B. A' I ,mi. 1772.
Lyon (Thomaa), B. A., Vm. 1836.
Lyons (Colley), LL. D., (ho,.ori, cau.d), 1'"w,.. 1728.















Lyons (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1833.-M. A., Vern. 1836.-LL. B. ,

and LL. D., Vwn. 1841.
Lyons (Henry), LL. D. (honori' ctlUld), Fern. 1754.
Lyons (Henry), B. A., V~rn. 1837.
Lyons (Henry James), B.A., Vern. 1830.-M.A., Vern. 1833.
Lyons (James), B. A., Hism. 1864Lyons (James Gilborne), B.A., ..!EIt. 1836.-LL. B., VWR. 18341.Y. A., and LL. D., LE,t. 1842.
Lyons (John), B. A., ./E8t. 1716.
Lyons (John), Sch., 1727.-H. A., Fern. 1729.-1I. A., .lEal. 1732.
-B.D., andD.D., Oct. zz, 1751.
Lyons (John), B. A., Vms. 1825.-M. A:, Vern. 1859.
Lyons (John), B. A., Riem. I 862.-M. B., Vern., M. Chir., LEst.
Lyons (Joseph), Y. B., .l&t. 1840.
Lyons (Philip Moyle John), B. A., ASst. 18zS.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
-lL B., jEllt. 1833.
Lyons (Philip Patterson), B. A., Diem. 1861.-Y. B., and M. Chir.,
Hism. 1862.
Lyons (Ponsonby), B. A., .2&t. 18p.
Lyons (Robert). B. A., ~8t. 1816.
LyonS (Robert Dyer), B. A., Vern. Y. B., LEst. 1848.
Lyons (Teni80n), B. A., VlJrn. 1789.
Lyons (Thomaa), B. A., ..!EIt. 1816.-M. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Lyons (Thomaa), B. A., .at. 1828.
Lyons (William), B. A., Vern. 1834Lysaght (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1832.-1. A., Vern. 1837Lysaght (Edward), B. A., LEst. 1782.
Lysaght (Edward), B. A., ..lEst. 1850.
Lysaght (Hon. James), LL. D. (honoria CtlUSa), VIm. 1776.
Lysaght tJames), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Lysaght (James), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Lysaght (John), B.A., Vem. 1750.
Lysaght (John), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Lysaght (Hon. Joseph), LL. D. (honor;, CIJ,"/1), Vern. 1776.
Lysaght (Thaddeus), (Entrancp- not recorded).-Fellow, 1626.
Lysaght (William), Sch., 1777.-B. A., Vern. 1780.-M:. A.,
17 8+.
Lyster (Armstrong), B. A., Vern. 1826.




Ly8ter (Fidding), B. A., Vem. 179+.

Lyster (James), LL D., (lumori, catud), Bum. 1863.
Lyster (John), B. A., Vwn. 17+6.
Lyster (John), B. A., Vern. 178 J.
S Lyster (John), B. A' I LEd. 18+3.
Lyster (10hn Robinson), B. A., H~1IJ. 1863.
Lyster (Mark), B. A., V".,., 1789.-M. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Lyster (Philip S.), B. A., V""'.'18SS.
Lyster (Philip Thomas), Scb., 1861.-B. A., Vern. 1862.
10 Lyster (Robert), B. A., LElt. 1820.-M:. A., .lEd. 1827.
Lyster (Stephen), Soh., 178+.-B. A., V.,rn. 1785.
Lyster. (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 176+.-1[. A., LEd. I 776.-B. D.,
V".,.. 1777.-D. D., .AIlt. 178+.
Lyster (William), B. A., Hi~m. 1788.
Lyster (William), B. A., V".,.. 182b.
15 Lyster (William), B. A., Pi,.,.. 18+7.-11:. A., .LElt. 18)1.
Lyster (William Gore), B. A., VtJrn. 1856.
Lyte (Henry Franois), Sobo, 1813.-B. A., Vern. 18I+.-1I. A.,
.AIlt. 18 30 .

MABERLBr (Charles), B. A., Vma. 1825.-M. A., .2E8t. 1830.

Macan (Arthur Vernon), B. A., Hima. 186+.
20 Macan (John), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Vern. 1811.
Macartney (Charles), B. A., .L&t. 1827.
Macartney (Christopher), B. A., VtJrn. I 839.-M. B., ...l&t. 18+0.
Macartney (Frederick Arthllr), B. A., Vel.,.. 185+.
Macartney (George), M. A., V~rn. 1759.-LL. B., and LL. D.,.
V~rn. 1789.
2S Macartney (George), B. A., Perno 1762.-1[. A' I .IE/t. 1766.
Macartney (George), (B. A. as KlIme, .lEft. 181+}.-H'. A., ~Ol'.
18 3 2
Macartney (George David), B. A., Hi,m. 1863.
Macartney (Rl18sey BlIrgb), B. A' I Vir/I. 18u.-1I. A., B. D., and
D.D., .IE,t. 18+7Macartney (Ruuey Burgh), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
30 MaC'artney (Jame~), B. A., Vl'rn. 18Z4.




Macartney (James), B. A., ..lEIt. 1830.

Macartney (John), B. A., Vim. 1838.
Macartney (William), B. A., Vern. 18/p.
Macartney (William George), B. A., LE,e. 18oI.-M. A" .&e.
Macartney (William Isaac), B. A' I AIle. 180I.-M. A., Vim.
Macaulay (Alexander), B. A., V,m. 1790.
Macaulay (Daniel), B. A., Vlrn. 1844.
Macaulay (Henry Renny), B. A., V".". 18H.
Macaulay (James Shortall), B. A., Vim. 1850'
Macbeth (James Daxelhoft'er), B. A., and M. A., ..<BIt. 1866.
Mac Carthy (Charles Fennell), Soh., IS+z.-B. A., ..lEIt. IS44.M. A., ..lEIt. 1847.
Mac Came (Joseph), B. A., Y,,.,.. IS60.-M. A. At. 1865.
Mac Cullagh (James), B. A.,
Mac Dermott (George), B. A., YIr". IS6+.
}Iac Dermott (Robert), B. A., VeTI. , and M. B., LEst. IS5+.M. D., ..lEIt. 1858.
Mac Dermott (William Robert), B. A., Vllrn. IS6+.-M. B., Vern.
Macdona (Henry Victor), It A., Hum. IS60.-M.A., H"um. IS63 .
Macdona (John Cumming), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-M.A., At. 1865.
Macdona (Robert), B. A., Hi,m. 1865.
Mac Donald (Henry), B. A., Vlrn. IS+3.
Mac Donald (James Leonard), B. A., HNm. IS60.-M. A' I ..lEIt.
Mac Donnel (Charles), B. A" ..lEIt. 1736.
Mac Donnell (Charles), B. A" Y,m. J 8 18.-M. A., Yllr,.. J S2%.LL. B., and LL. D., ..lEIt. IS 31.
Mac Donnell (Charles Eustace), B. A., YIr". 1851.
Mac Donnell (George), B. A., ist. IS23.
Mac Donnell (George A.), B. A., LEd. 18p.
Mac Donnell (Hercules Henry Graves), Sch. o 1837.-B. A., Ymt.
Mac Donnell (John), B. A., Yt1rf1. ISIS.
Mao Donnell (John Cotter), Sch., 18+1.-B. A., Vim. 18+3.M. A., Vern. 18SS.-B. D., .&t. 18S6.-D. D., Vern. 1860.
Mac Donnell (Joseph), B. A., Verll. t 841.









Hac Donnell (Luke Gardiner). B. A., VtlNI. 1825.-ll. A., NOfJ.

183 :z.
Hao Donnell (Riohard), Sch., 1803.-B. A., V".,.. 180s.-Fellow,
1806.-LL B., At. 1810.-LL.D.,.yt. 813.-M.A.,1l. D.,
and D. D., V".n. 1821.-Provost, 1852.
Hao Donnell (Sir Richard Graves), Sch., 1833.-B. A., V".,..
183S.-M. A., VITI. I 836.-LL. B., Vena. 1845.-LL. D.,
Hiem. 1862.
Hac Donnell (Robert), B. A' I Vena. 1814.
S Mao Donnell (Ronald), Sch., I 84+-B. A" Vern. 1846.-1I. A.,
V".,.. I 856.-B. D., and D. D., Hiem. 1863.
Hac Donogh (Albert Irwin), Sch., I 857.-B. A' I 2&t. 1858.LL B., At. 1859.-M. A., LE~t. 1861.-LL. D., .2&t. 1863.
Hacdonogh (Francis), D. A., Vern. 1825.-M. A.., Hum. 1864.
Mac Donogh (James Dillon), B. A" Vern. 1839.
Mao Donogh (Joseph Telford), B. A" 2&t. 18.
10 Mac Dowall (George Haynes Whitis). B. A., .2&t. 1861.
Hac Ewen (James), B. A" Vena. 1858.
Mao "Farlane (Henry), B. A., Vern. I 837.-LL. B. and LL. D.,
Vtrn. 1852.
Hac Gillicuddy (Denis), Sch., 1815.-B. A., V".,.. 1818.-M. A.,
.2&t. 1821.
Mao H~gh (George Edward), B. A., Diem. 1862.-1I. A' I .2&t.
IS Maointosh (Archibald), B.A., LEst. 1824.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Mac Ivor (Charles Vernon), B. A., lIitim. 1865.
Mac Ivor(James), Sch., I 839.-B. A., Vern. 1842.-Fell., 18.M. A., .2&1. 1848.-B. D., and D. D., 2&t. 18)7.
Mack (Enoch), B. A., Vern. I 835.-M. A.., 2&t. 1840.
MackAy (George), B. A., Vms. 1839.-LL. B., Vern. 18+2.LL. D., V".,.. 1848.
20 Mackay (Hugh William Boylc), B. A., and LL B., Diem. 1863.
Mackay (James Townsend), LL. D. (lt9nori. eQUId). Vern. 1849.
Mackay (John), B. A., and M. A., Nor;. 1832.
Mackesy (Henry V.), Sch., 18+7.-B. A., .2E~t. 1849.
Mackesy (Joseph Poulter), B. A., Ver,.. 1838.-M. B., 2&t. 1839.
-M.A., V".,.. 1841.
2S Mackesy (Thomas D.), M. D. (J.onoril eQUId), Vern. 1863.
Mackesy(William), B. A., VlInt. 1820.-Y. A., l'lol'. 1832.










lfackesy (William), B. A., Vern. 1838.-M. A., Vern. 1841.

Mackey (Hugh), B.A., .2&t. 1835.
Mackey (James), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Mackey (William), B. A., Vern. 1711.
Mackimm (Daniel John), B. A., Vern. 186I.-M. A., Vir,.. 1866.
Mackimmon (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Mackin (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1808.
Mackintosh (John Theophilus), B. A., .!E1t. 1840.
M.ackintosh (Moore), B. A., Vwn. 1851.
Macklin (Frederick), B. A., .!E.t. 18u.
Macklin (Gerald), B.A., .2&t. J75o.-M. A., V".,.. 1765.
Macklin (Gerrard), B. A., .2&t. 1816.
Macklin (Hugh George), Sch., 1793.-B. A., ~rn. 179J.
Macklin (Roseingrave), B. A., .2&t. 181l.-M. A., JEBt. 1816.
Macklin (Thomas Thornton), B. A., VIN,., M. A., .&t. 1806.
Macklin (Vallancy), B. A., .2&t. 18zz.
Macklin (Wilson), B. A., .l&t. 1788.
Macky (John), Sch., I 729.-B.A., Vwn. 1731.
Macky (Robert), B.A., Vml.1727.
Maclean (Charles), B.A., V,"I. 185"
Mac Lean (Edward), B. A., Vem. 1833.
Maclean (Frederick Benjamin), Sch., 1842.-B. A., .&t. 18#.M. A., .2&t. 18+7.
Maclean (Henry), B. A., V6m. 18+5.
Maclean (Laughlin), B. A., JEBt. 17P'
Maclear (George), B.A., Vern. 1821.
Maclewain (Ralph), Sch., 1736.-B. A., Vwn. 1738.
Macloghlin (Robert Henry), B. A., Hi,m. 1863.- M. B., and M.
Chir.,.2&t. I 864.
Mac Mahon (Augustus), B. A., .2&t. 1840.
Mac Manus (James), Sch., 1714.-B.A., VIINJ.1716.
Mac Naghten (Edmund Charles), B. A., JE,t. 1811.
Mac Naghten (Stewart), B. A., .2&t. 1865.
Mac Nally (Thomas). B. A., Vwn. 184.-1[. A., VIINJ. 1847.
Mac Nally (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 186+.-LL. B., .!Est. 1865:.
Mac Namara (Arthur), B. A., Vem. 1854.
Mac Namara (Frederick Al1gustus). B. A., Vern. 186J.
Mac Namara (George), B. A., V,m. 1841.
Macnamara (James Dillon), B. A., Vwn. 1839.








Hac Neill (Alexander), B. A., .2&t. IS5'.

Hac Neill (Sir John), LL. D. (nonoM' causa), .2&t. IS+3.-H. Eng.,
Hac Neill (John Gordon Swift), B. A., Vwn. 18so.-X. A., Vma.
lIaconchy (George), B. A., .2&t. 1839.
Maconchy (John King), B. A., Vm. I8+6.-X. B., ..2&t. 18+9.
Haconchy (John SteWllI't), B. A., .2&t. 1840.
Xaconchy (William), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded).-ll. A.,
Noo. IS3Z.
Hac Oubrey (John), B. A., Vwn. 1835.
Macoun (John), LL. D. (lwnori' CIJusd), AU. 1776.
Mac Pherson (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 185"
Hacran (Henry Allen), B.A., &t. ISIS.
Hacrory (Edmund), 8. A., Vwn. ISso.-Y. :A.., Vern. 1851.
Macrory (Robert), B. A., Vwn. ISS6.
Macrory (Robert John Turnley), B.A., .L&t. IS++.-lI. A., V".n.
18 51.
Macrory (Samuel Martin), B. A.., Vwn. IS57.
Mac Sheehy (Brian), B.A., Vlrn. ISs+.-M. A., .It. IS57.
Mac Sorley (John James), B. A., .2&1. 18H.-M. A.., ./Evt. IS.n.
Xadden (Charles), B. A., VII,.,.. IS30.
Madden (Dodgson Hamilton), Soh., IS60.-B. A., AI~t. 186z.
Madden (Hugh Hamilton), B. A., AI,t. 18z7.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Madden (John), X. B., AI,t. 167+.-M. D., AI$t. 16S2.
Madden (John), Sch., 1 686.-B. A., Vern. 1688.-1L A., Vern.
Maddon (John), B. A., VW7I. 1707.-Fellow, 1710.-1I. A., .2&1.
1710.-B. D., and D. D., 2&t. 1723.
Madden (John), B. A., V.".". 1734.-Y. A., LEat. 1738.
Madden (John), B. A., Vir/I. 17+S
Madden (John), B. A., V".n. 1781.
Madden (John), B. A., Vern. 1795.
Madden (John), B. A., Vern. IS36.-M. B., ..lEIt. 1861.
Madden (Nicholas Dodgson), B. A., Vern. 1800.
Madden (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 170S.-D. D., Jan. 23, 1723.
Madden (Samuel), B. A., VlJrn. 17SZ.
Madden (Samuel), B. A., Vern. IS24'
Madden (Samuel), B. A .. '!'In. 1824'








Madden (Samuel). 1[. A .AIst. 18.p.

Madden (Samuel Owen), B. A., Vern. 18S4.-M. A., Vm. 1861.
Madden (Thomas), (Entered 1663.)-M. A., V~rn. 1670'
Madden (Thomas), Sch., 1709.-B. A., V~rn. 17JJ.-M. B., Vern.
1715.- M. D., .AIst. 17u.
Madden (Thomas), B. A., Fern. I 739.-M. A., LEat. 17+1.
Madden (Travers), B. A., Pern. 1784.
Madder (George), B. A., Vern. I 784.-LL. B., LEd. 184'LL. D., NOfJ. 1832.
Madder (John), B. A., Vern. 1738.-1[. A., Vern.l74z,
Madder (John), Sch., 177I.-B. A., Vern. 1773.
Madder (Robert), Sch., 1773.-B. A., Vern. 1775.
Maddison (Allen), B. A., 1685.-M. A., .2&t. 1688.
Maddock (James), B. A., Vern. 17z9.
Maddock (Robert), B. A., Vim. 18z8.
Madras (/ohn), B.A., Vwn. 1795.
Madras (John), B. A., VII-n. 18z9.
Madras (Robert C.), B.A., Vern. 18z8.-M. B., V~rn. 1834.
Maffett (Charles), B. A., Vim. 18z4.-M. A., Vern. 1827.
Maffett (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18z5.-M. A., Vim. 1850.
Maffett (Horatio), B. A., Vern. 18z4'
Maft'ett (James), Sch., 1775.-B.A., Vern. 1777.
Maffett (Samuel), B. A., Vllrn. 1798.-M. A., Vmt. 1810.
Maffett (William Hamilton), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Magan (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1794.-1[. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Magee (Daniel), Sch., 1676.-B. A., Vern. 1680.-M. A., .2&t.
Magee tEverard), B. A., Vern. 16n--M. A., .AIst. 1681.
Magee (George), B. A., .2&t. 1827.
Magee (James French), B. A . Vern. 18+5.
Magee (John), B. A., Vim. 1814.-M. A., .AIst. 1818.
Magee (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 18n.-M. A., LE.t. 1819.
Magee (Thomas Perceval), B. A., .2&t. 1817.-M. A., .AIst. 1820.LL. B., and LL. D., At. 1827.
Magee (William), B. A., VIlTn. 170+-M. A., .A.prUI8, 1711.
Magee (William), Sch., I 784.-B. A., Vern. 1786.-Fellow, 1788.
-ll. A., .tEat. 1789.-B. D., Vern. 1797.-D. D., .2&t. 1801.
Magee (William), B. A' I Vern. ISIS.-H. A., At. IS25.




Magee (William), B.A., At. ISSI.

l[agee(William Connor), Boh., IS3S.-B. .&., 1",m. IS+z.-B. D.,
At. IS$+.-D. D., At. IS60.
Magenis (William), B. A., 1"".,.. 1790.-M. A., 1"",.. IS08.
Magennis (Arthur), B. A., At. IS%I.
5 Magennis{Hamilton), B.A., V".,.. IS3+.
Maghee (George), B. A., V".,.. 17z9.-M. A., At. 1739.
Magill (John), B. A., Vml. I7z7.-M. A.. &t\ 1732.
Hagill (John), LL. D. (AotaorU eQUId), VIm. 1760.
Magill (Moaes), B. A., Vern. I 736.-M. A., At. 1739.
10 Magill (William), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-I A., V".,.. 1851.
Maginn (Charles Arthur), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.-ll.A., .JSIt. IS+I.
Maginn (John), Soh., ISn.-B. A., V".,.. ISz3.
Maginn (William), B. A., At. lSI I.-LL. B., and LT... D., At.
Maginniss (Charles), B.A., V".,.. JS3+-M. A., F".,.. IS+Z.
IS Magrath (Charles K.), B. A., At. IS31.
Magrath (Denis), Sch., I 796.-B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Magrath (Folliott1, B. A., At. ISz3.-M. A., NOrJ. IS3z.
Magrath (Forbes), B. A., LEst. IS:+.
Magrath (Henry William), B. A., VM'ft. ISZS.
zo Magrath (J amea), B. A., ~m. 1790.
Magrath (James), B. A., V",,- ISz7.
Magrath (James), B. A., Hima. ISS9.
llagrath (John), Soh., q6+-B. A., 1"".,.. 1766.
llagrath (John), B. A., Vwn. 18z3.
Magrath (John), B. A., At. IS2S.-LL. B., and LL. D., At.
Magrath (John), B. A., 1"".". IS39.
Magrath (John), B. A.., Hu.. ISS9.
Magrath (Nicholas), B. A., &1. ISH.-M. A., ..lEII. IS39'
Magrath (Nicholas), B. A., V".,.. ISS6.
30 Magrath (Owen), B .A., 1"".,.. 17S6.
Magrath (Philip), B. A., ..lEIt. 1791.
Magrath (Thomas), Sch., 17S2.-B. A., V".,.. 178+.-LL. B., &t.
1790 .
Magrath (William), B. A., V,m. IS27.
Magrath (William Benjamin), B. A., Fum. 1861.-M. A., Hiem.










Magrath, or MCGrath (William Carroll), V~rn. IS%5.-M. A., NOIJ.

Magrath (Windham), B. A., .At. 1799.
Maguire (Edward), B. A., Yma. IS+5.-M. A., .A!:&t. ISSO.
Maguire (Edward), B. A., Yma. IS+S.
Maguire (lames W.), Sch., ISI4.-B.A . .At. ISI6.
Maguire (John Francis), B. A., Vwn. IS30.-M. A., Nov. IS3%'
:Maguire (John James), B. A., Vern. IS56.
Maguire (Robert), B. A:, Vwn. IS+7.-M. A., Yma. ISSS.
Maguire (Thomas), B. A., .At. ISSS.-M. A., &t. 1861.
Mahaffy (Edward), B. A., Ym. 1795.
Mahaffy (John Pentland), Sch., ISSS.-B. A., Vma. JS60.-M. A.,
Vern. IS63.-Fellow, IS6+.
Mahaft'y (Nathaniel B.), Sch., IS%I.-B. A., Vern. I8n.
Mahaffy (Ninian), B. A., Vern. I 784.-LL. B., Vern. 17S8.LL. D., Vma. 1798.
Mahaft'y (Samuel G.), B. A., Yma. ISI6.
Maharg(lobn), B. A., Vms. 18%+.-M. B., Vms.IS31.
Maharry (Thomas), B. A., .At. 1830.
Maher (John), B. A., AUt. 18zz.
Maher (John), B. A., Vern. IS37.
Mahon (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1737.
Mahon (Arthur), B. A' I 2E~t. 1797.
Mahon (Charles), Scb., 1776.-B. A., Vern. 1778.
Mahon (Charlee), B. A., Vml. ISIO.
Mahon (Charles), B. A., . .At. 1836.
Mahon (Charles), B. A., rern. ISSS.
Mahon (Edward), B. A., .At. IB06.-M. A.,Y,m. 1810.-B. D.,
.At. 1813.
Mahon (George Charlee), B. A., Vma. IS3S.-M. A., Yma. IS41.
Mahon (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Mahon (Henry), B. A., Vena. 18%7'
Mahon (James), B. A., AUt. 180z.-M. A., Nov. IS3%'
Mahon (James), B.A., LEst. 1833.
Mahon (Jamee P. O'Gorman), B. A., LEat. ISu.-If. A., No!'.
Mahon (John), Sch., 17+7.-RA., Vma.I749
Mabon (John), B. A., Vms. 18%4'
Mahon (John Maurice), B. A., Vma. 18S6.-1L A., Vern. 1861.











Mahon (Luke), B. A., Vern. 1776.

Mahon (Maurice), R. A., Vern. 1758.
Mahon (Maurice), B. A., V~rn. 1771.
Mahon (Robert). B. A., Vern. 1771.
Mahon (Ro88), B.A., Veri,. 17+6.
Mahon (Ro88). B. A., Vern. 1817.-Y. A" .LE~t. 1838.
Mahon (Thomas), B. A., VeNl. 1761.-M. A., V.,,.,.. 176 .....
Mahon (Thomas), B. A., .2E.t. 1809.
Mahon (Thomas), B. A., Vena. 1825.
Mahon (Peter), B. A., Film. 1697.-11. A., Fdf'1'. 1700.
Mahon (William Ross), B. A., Vern. J836.-Y. A., .iElt. 18.... 1.
Mahony (David), B. A., At. 18 .... 1.-11. A., ..Ell. 1865.

Mahony (Denis), B. A., ..:Est. 1817.-1I. A., Nov. 183'1'

Mahony (.John William), B. A., ..:E,t. 183 I.
Mahony (Keane), B. A., Vena. 1810.
Mahony (Pierce Kinefick), B. A., ..:E~t. 18n
Mahony (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1778.
Mahony (Richard), B. A.~ ..:Est. 181 S'.
Maiben (William). B. A., ..:Est. 1797.-M. B., Vllrn. 1799.
Major (Alexander), Sch., 181+-B. A., Vern. 18a7.
Major (George Hill), B. A., Fern. IS57.
Major (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1789.
Major (James), B. A., Vern. 18)5.
Major (John), Soh., l14l.-B. A., Vern. 17+3.-M. A., ~4t. 1146.
Major (John Croker), B. A., Vern. 1855.
Major (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1730.
Mlljor (Thomas), B. A., Diem. 1860.
Major (William), Sch., 168S.-B. A., LElt. 1691.-M. A., .2E.t.
lrlajor (William), Sch., 1751.-B. A., V~rn. 1753.
Major (William), B. A., VeNt. 1Soo.
Major (William Edward), B. A., Vllrn. 1801.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Major (William Miller), B. A. Vern. 18+7.-M. A., VIINI. IS60.
Makinson (Edward William), B. A., Vms. 18....6.-M. A., Vm.
Malam (William), Sch., IS+7.-B. A., .2E.t. 18+9.
Malcolme (Denis), Sch., 1723.-B. A., VIINI. Q1).
Malcolm80n (Robert), B. A., V,Irn. 18+3.-M. A., ~tt. 1865.





Malet (James H.), B. A., Vwn. IS25.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn.
lIalet (John Adam), Sch., IS27.-B. A., Vern. IS30.-Fell., IS3S.
-M.A., LEBt. IS3S.-B. D., and D. D., VtJrn. IS56.
Malleson, (Frederic Amadeus), B. A., Vma. IS53.-M. A., Him.
Hallett (John William), B. A., Yma. 1853.
Mallett (Robert), B. A., &t. IS 30. - M. A., and l:I. Eng., Eilm.
Halley (James), B. A., Vwn. 1834.-M. A., LEst. 1865'
lIallory (Richard), Sch., 1679.-B. A., Vlrn. 16SI.
Mallory (Thomas), Sch., and B. A., 1660 .
Malone (Anthony), LL .). (TaoMrit /111",,11), LE~t. 1737.
Malone (Anthony), B. A., V81"7'. 1739.-M. A. Vim 175+.
Malone (Edmund), LL. D. (Taotwwi, clllm!), VIm. 1756.
Malone (Edmund), Sch., I 760.-B. A., VtJrn.1762.
Malone (Edmund), LL. D. (honoria /111""d), LEd. 1801.
Malone (Jor&Jl), B. A., Vtlrn.1729.
Malone (Patrick), B.A., LE~t.IS31.-M. A., Vwn.IH46.
Malone (Richard), Sch., I7+S .-B. A., y".,.. 1747.
Malone (Richard), B. A., Vlrn. 1759.
Halony (Richard), B. A., LE,t. 1619.-Fellow, 16:&2.-M. A., &t.

Malony (Weldon John), B. A., Ym. 17S7.-M:. A., LE~t. ISOS.

20 lIalplLI! (Joseph), B. A.., HUm. 18S9.-ll. A., LEBt. IS66.
Man (Isaac), Sch., 1730.-B.A., Vwn. 1732.-M. A., LEd. 1735.
-B. D and D. D., ..IE~t. 17+7.
Hanby (George), B. A., &t. 1700.-B. D., aud D. D., &t. 1739
Manby, or Mambey (Robert,), Sch., 1671. - B. A., Vwn. 1673.M. A., &1. 1676.
Manders (Frederick), B. A., &t. IS49.
25 Manders (Isaac), B. A., &t. 1830.
Handers (Richard West), B. A . Vim. IS59.
Mandeville (Nicholas Herbert). 1t A., Vma. 1830. -M. A., N(Jf1.
Manga.n (Cosby H.). B. A.; Vlrn. ISIS.
Mangan (Cosby Stopford), B. A., Vern. ISI9.-M. A., ./EIt. IS28.
30 Yangan (George Thomas). B. A., Vern. IS4o.-M. A., Vtrn. IRS z.




}fangan (James). B. A.,


ISSS, - LL. B.,



LL D., Diem. 186...

Mangan (William &azon), B. A.., Vtlrra. IS5z.-1L A., Vm. IS56.
Manifold (Daniel), B. A., Vern. ISz9.
lfanliffe (Josiah), B. A. ,A.'t. IS2S.
5 Hanly (Joseph), B. A., V"". IS53.
Hanly (William Nicholas), B. A., Vern. ISu.-1L A., &t. IS25.
Mann (Maurice), B. A" VfrII. 1836.
Mann (Richard), B. A., Di~".. IS6+.
Mannin (John), B. A., VIITI. 1798.
10 Mannin (John), B. A., LEst. IS30.
Manning (Archibald Henry), B. A., &t. IS+8.
Manning (Leonard Archibald), B. A., and 1I. B., Hinn. 1864Manning (Naason), B. A., V~,.,.. IS3+.
Manning (Thomas Anthony), B. A" LE~t. 1843 .-H. A., LElt. 18SS.
r 5 Hanning (Thomas II.), B. A., &t. IS+:z.
Mannix (James), B. A., V~rn. 18+S.
Mansel (Daniel), B. A., Yern. r 769.
Mansel (D.lniel Honry), Seh., lSI I.-B. A., Verll. IS I 3.
Mansell tFitzwilliam), B. A., Vm. IS31.
20 Mansell (Richard), B. A., V"". I 735.-ll. A., .lE1t. 173 S.
Man8l'1l (Thomas Luke), B. A., Yern. 1831.
Man8ergh (Bryan), B. A., .JE.t. 1721.
Mansergh (Bryan), B. A., V~,.,.. 1]82.
Mansergh (Charles Carden), B. A., Vm. 18z+--M. A., NOl:. IS3:Z.
z5 Mansergh (Honry), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1791.
M8D.BCrgh (James), B. A., 1'"e,.,.. IS2 I.
Mansergh(Lowis), Sch., 1705.-B. A., Vern. 1707.
Hansergb (Nioholas), B. A., .JE,t. rSII.-Y. A., NOf). 1831.
llansergh (Hobert George), B. A., .LEst. IS++.
30 Mansfield(Alexandcr), B. A., .JE,t. 1807.
Mansfield (Alexander), B. A., LElt. 18+8.
Mansfield (Francie Stewart), B.A., ..aM. 18SS.
Mansfield (George), B. A., .lEst. 1808.
Mansfield (George), B. A., V/lrn. IS33.
35 Mansfield (George), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Mansfield (Henry C.), B. A., y".,.. 18zS.-M. A., Nov. IS3z.
Mansfield (John80n), B. A., Ver". IS:z6.-H.A., NOf). ISp.
Mansfield (Ralph), B. A., V~rn. 1707.-M. A., .tEd. q 10.








Mansfield (Ralph), B. A., Vim. 17+9.

Mansfield (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1826.
Manson (John), Sch., 168:&.-B. A., Vim. 1683.-M. A., &t.
Mant (Richard), B. A., Pim. 18+4-'
Mant (Walter Bishop), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Nov. 1832.
Manwaring (Charles Woollaston), B. A., Hum. 1859.-M. A., Diem.
Manwaring (Stephens), B. A., LEd. 1709.
Maque (Paul), Soh., 1786.-B. A., jE,t. 1787.-M. A., LEat.
Mara (Jeremiah), B. A., Vim. 1759.
Mara (John), B. A., Vwn. 1745.
Mara (Richard Weston), B. A., Vern. 18J3.-M. A., Vim. 1836.
-LL. B., and LL. D., ..I&t. 1864.
Mara (William Francis), B. A., ..I&t. 18:&8.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Marchbanks (John), Sch., 18n.-B. A., Vern. 1839.
Mardock (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1786.
1Iargetson (James), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), about 1637,
Margetson (James), B. A., Vern. 1676.-11. A., LEst. 1679.
Margetson (John), B. A., Vern. 1676.
Yarjoribank (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1781.
Marjoribanks (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1831.-11. A., Vern. 1834.
Markey (Nicholas), B. A., Vwn. 1823.
Markham (John), Sch., 1779.-B. A., Vern. 1781.
Markham (William), B. A., ..I&t. 18n.
Marks (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18:&5.-M. A., NOD. 1832.-8. D.,
and D. D., At. 18+0.
Marks (John), B. A., Pim. 1828.
Marks (Stewart), B. A., Vwn. 1810.
Marland (John), B. A" Vwn. 18+8.
Marlay (George), B. A., At. 17u.-M. A., At. I 717.-B. D.,
and D. D., At. 173 I.
Marlay (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1749.-M. A., At. 17p.
Marlay (Richard), B.A., Vwn. 1799.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Marley (Thomas), Sch., 1695.-B. A., Vern. 1697. - LL. D.
(8plciaii gratid), Vern. I7 I 8.
Marmion (Abel), Sch., 1703.-B. A., Vem. 170+.-M. A., 4"li.lJt.



Marmion (Richard), B. A., Vern. 168z.

Marmion (Richard Walton), B. A., V".,.. 1838.-H. A., Vern.
Marmion (Thomas H.), B. A., Vma. 1830.
Marrable (William), H. A., Vern. 18++.-11. A., Vma. 18+8.
Marrett (Christopher Arbuthnot), B. A., V"". 1799.
Marriman (Patrick), B. A. (,p~ciali graUd), Ver ... 1687'
Marriott (George Herbert), B. A., Hi.m. 1860.-11. A., Hi.m.
186 5.
Marriott (Walter Henry), B. A., Vern. 1856.-11. A., V~rn. 1859.
Marsden (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1783.-LL. B., LEat. 1786.
10 Marsden (Gamaliel), B. A., M", I, 16s+.-Fellow, 16s+.-M. A.,
May, 1659.
Marsden (William),PB.A., H"tntt. 1859.-1[. A., .AIle. 1863.
Marsh (Alfred Hayes), B. A., Hima. 1865.
Marsh (Digby), Sch., l77z.-B.A., Vern. 177+--Fcllow, 1776.M. A., V".,.. 1777.-B. D., Vma. 1785.-0. D., .AIle. 1790.
Marsh (Francis), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Ja,.. 26, 1661.
15 Marsh (Francis), B. A., Ver... 18+1.
Marsh (Francis), B. A.., V".,.. 18+9.
Marsh (George William), B. A., Vern. 1836.-11. A., .LEd. 18+0.
Marsh (Jeremiah), B. A., V".,.. I 686.-M. A., .AIlt. 1688.-D. D.,

Marsh (Jeremiah), Bcb., I 777.-B. A., V".,.. I 779.-M. A., Verr..

17 83'
20 Marsh (Jeremy), B.A., ~rn. I 732.-M. A., &t. 1735.
Marsh (Jeremy), B. A., .LE,t. 180+.
Marsh (Henry), B. A., Vem. 17+0.
Marsh (Henry), B. A., Ver ... 18n.-H. D., Vern. 18+0.
Marsh (Narcissus), (D. D. of Oxford).-Provost, 1679.
25 Marsh (Peter), B. A., Vern. 17+0.
Marsh (Peter), B. A., V". ... 1836.-H.A., Vwn. 18++.
Harsh (Robert), Bch., 1765' - B. A., Vma. 1767. - M. A., JE,l.
Marshall (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 185+.
Marshall (Andrew), B. A., .LE,e. 1780.
30 Marshall (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Harshall (Cornelius Henry), B. A., .LE.e. 1792.
Yarshall (George), B. A., Vern. I 790.-H. A., Nov. 1832.








Marshall (George), B. A., Vwn. 18++.

Marshall (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18z5.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Marshall (James), B. A., Vwn. 18+9.-M. A., Vwn. 1853.
Marshall (John), B. A., Vern. 18z7.
Marshall (John), B. A., LEd. 18z8.
MlU'!hall (John), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Marshall (John), B. A., Diem. I 860.-M. A., .L&t. 186+.
Marshall (John William Monin), B. A., Vern. 18;6.-M. A., .L&t.
18 59.
Marshall (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1797.
Marshall (Joseph), Sch., 18z3.-B. A., Vwn. 18z4.
Marshall (Joseph Gilbert), B. A., Vwn. 1848.-M. A., and M. Eng.,
Vern. 186z.
Marshall (Josiah), Sch., 17S0.-B. A., vmi. 17sz.-M:. A., Vern.
Marshall (Josiah), B. A., and M. A., Nov. 183z.
Marshall (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1850.-M. A., Vwn. 1858.
Marshall (Thomas), Sch:, 1777.-B. A., VIJrn. 1779.
Marshall (Thomas), B.A., Vwn. J836.-M. A., Vlrn. 1857.
If arshall (Thomas George), B. A., DiIJm. 1865.
Marshall (William), B. A., VIJrn. 1737.-11:. A., .L&t. 17+0.
Marahall (William), B. A.. VIJrn. 1778.
Marshall (William). B. A.. V1Jrn. 18+6.
Marshall (William Edmund), B. A., V".,.. 1840'
Marshall (William Knox), B.A., Vma. 183z.-M. A., and B. D.,
. VIJrn. 18SS.
Martin (Andrew Young), B. A., VIJrn. 1839.
Martin (Anthony), (ad eund. Cantab.), M.A., .L&t. 1609.-Fellow,
1610.-B. D., .L&t. 16IS.-D.D., Vern. 16z4.-Provost. 16+;.
Martin (Austin). B. A., Vern. 1780.-11:. A., Vern. 1786.
Martin (Caulfield Aylmer), B. A., Dum. 1863. - LL. B., .2E~t.
Martin (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 18z7.
Martin (Charles James). B. A., Vwn. 18z6.
Martin (Charles William Wall), B. A . HiIJm. 1861.
Martin (Edward), B. A.. V".,.. 1796.-M. A., LL B., and LL. D.,
VIJrn. 1819.
Martin (Edward), B. A., Vern. 18zo.-l[. A., .V"n. 18z~.



Martin (Eustace Meredytb), B. A., Vn-n. I 839.-Y. A., VmJ.

Martin (George), B. A., Yw.. 1819.
Martin (George Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1857.-M. A., .2&t. J861.
Martin (Hartstongc), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., .2&t. 1717.
5 Martin (Henry), B. A., LEst. 1810.
Martin (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1818.-lI. A., Boo. 183a.
Martin (Henry), B. A., .JEd. 185o.-lI. A., .2&1. 1864.
Martin (Henry Francia John), Sch., 1856.-B. A.,
1858.ll. A., ..Est. 1865'
Martin (J ames), B. A., r.,,.,.. I 7fx).
10 Martin (James), B. A., V".,.. I 779.-H. A., V".,.. 1781.
Martin (James), B. A., Vern. 1803.-Y. A., Yern. 18z5.
Martin (James), B. A., LEst. 181+-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Martin (James), B. A., Yer... 1831.
Martin (James Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1841.
15 :\lartin(John), B.A., V~rn. 1810.-M.A., Nov. 1831.
Martin (John), B. A., LEst. 18%8.-Y. A., Noo. 183%'
Martin (John), B.A., .JEll. 183+.
Martin (John), B. A., V" ... 18+3.
Martin (John Charles), Sch., 1814.-B. A., y".,.. 1816.-Fellow,
18:ZI.-M. A., V",.,.. 18zS.-B. D., and D. D., Yem. 1835.
ao Martin (John Charles), B. A., Ve,.,.. 18'4.-H. A., LEst. 1865.
Martin (John Henry), Sch., 18SZ.-B. A., Ve,.,.. 1857.-M. A .
LEst. 1860.
Martin (John Welply), B. A., Vml. I 846.-M. A., Vtrn. 1851.
Martin (Nicholas), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1727.-M. A., Vern. 1731.
Martin (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 1836.
1S Hartin (Patrick), B. A., Vms. 18,2.-lI. A., &t. 186,.
Martin (Richard), D. D., Sept. 14. 167%'
Martin (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 169,.-M. A., &t. 169....
Martin (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1708.-H. A., V".,.. 1710.
Martin (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1801.
30 Martin (Richard), B. A., LEst. 1817.-M. A., LEat. 18%0.
Martin (Richard), B. A., LEst. 18%7.
}[artin (Richard), B. A., Vms. 18%9'
Martin (Richard Luther), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Martin (Robert), Sch., 1777.-B. A., Fern. 1779.
35 Murtin (Robert), B. A., rem. 1801.









Martin (Robert Agnew), B. A., Vern. 1829.-M. A., Nov. 1832.

Martin (Robert John), B. A., Vern. 183S.-M. A., Vern. 1839.
Martin (Samuel), B. A., Vern. ISU.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.-LL. D.,
Sept. 2, 1857.
Martin (Samuel), R A., Vert,. 1846.
Martin (Theodore), R A., Vern. '7p.-M. A., b:at. 176z.
Martin (Thomas), Sch., 16SI.-B. A., Vern. I682.-M. A., 2EBt.
llartin (Thomas), B. A., 1684.-Sch., 168+.
Martin (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Martin (Thomas Fielding), B. A., Vern. 1818.-M. A., Nov.
18 31
Martin (William), Sch., '70 I.-B. A., Vern. 1702.
Martin (William), B. A., Vern. 1720.
Martin (William), Sch., 17z6.-B. A., Vern. 1727.-M. B., V"rn.
1730.-M. A., 2Est. 1730.
Martin (William), Sch., 17+2.-B. A., Vern. '7+3.-M. A., b:at.
lu6.-Fellow, IU6.-B. D., Vern. 175+-D. D., Vern.
Martyn (Andrew), B. A., At. I 822.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Martley (Henry), R A., Vern. 182+.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Martley (James), B. A., Vern. 1845.
Martley (John), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Martley (John), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Vern. 1811.
Martley (Robert Henry), B. A., Vern. 1863.
Martley (William Henry), B. .A.., Vern. 1859. - M. R, Vern.
Martureen (
), (Entrance not recorded).-R A., b:at. 1696.
Mashiter (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 18+2.
Maskerry (Edward James), B. A., b:at. 18+8.
Mason (Abraham), B.A., Vern. 184o.-M. A., .2&t. 18.
Mason (Edward), B.A., Vern. 1733.
Mason (Henderson Baldwin), B .A.., Hi6m. 186+.
Mason (Henry Joseph Monck), Sch., 1 796.-B. A., Vern. 1798.LL. B., and LL. D., 2E8I.. 1817.
Mason (John), B. A., Vern. 17+0.
Mason (John), B. A., VeNa. 18+2.
Mason (John Henderson), B.A., Vern. 1818.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Mason (Sir John), LL. D. (honoris call~d), ./&t. '709.



Mason (John Monk), D. ;\., V".,.. I7+6.-11. A., At. 1761.

Mason (Hiles), B. A., VIn'. ISI9.
Mason (Richard Evans), B. A.., and M. A., LEat. ISS8.
Mason (Robert Boyle), B. A., V".,.. IS+6.-1I.A., Vern. ISS6.
5 Mason (Samnel Henry), B. A" V".,.. IS31.-LL. B., At. IS5I.LL. D., V".,.. ISS2.
Mason (Thomas), B. A., V"... 1710.
Mason (Thomas), B. A., LEat. 17S6.
Mason (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 18u.
Mason (Thomas), B. A., V"... IS.p.
10 Mason (Thomas W.), B. A., V".,.. I 826.-H. A' I V".,.. IS31.
Mason (William), B. A., Vern. I 796.
Mason (William Edward), Soh., ISI9.-B. A., V"... IS2I.
Mssotl (William Lewis), B. A., Vern. IS+S.
Mason (William Montague), B. A.., IS+S. -M. A" Y'mt.
15 MIl881ll'Cnfl (Visconnt), LL. D. (Aotsorit CQ",d), Oct. 22, 17;1.
MaBSeY (Andrew Creagh), B. A., LEat. 179S.
MIl88eY (Charles). Sch., 1716.-B.A., Vern. 1717.-M. A., .2&t.

17 20 .
(George), B. A., .lE.t. IS2S.
(George M.), D. A., Vern. ISzI.
(George William), B. A., LEal. ISIO.
(Godfrey), B. A., Vern. 17SI.
(Hugh De.ane), B.A., Yet',..ISss.
(James), B. A., .lEst. IS03.
lIa8~y (John), B. A., V".,.. 1756.
2 S M8S!!ey (Samuel). M. D., At. 1699.
Massey (William), B. A., V".,., 1759.
Mlls!lCY (William). B. A., V".,., 1795.
Massie (William Henry), B. A., .lE,t. IS3+'
M3.88ingbam (John Deacon), B. A.. V".,.. ISS I.-H. A., LEat. 18S+.
30 Mll8sy (Charles), B. A., .lEst. 1789.
Massy (Dawson), B. A., Vern. I 832.-lL A., V".,.. 185 I.
Massy (Francis Hllgh), B. A., Vern. 18+6.
MIl8SY (George), B. A.., V".,., 1731.-M.A., .AI,t. 173+llassy(Godfrey), B. A., .lE,t. 173L-H.A., LEat. 1734.
35 Massy (Godfrey), ~. A., V".,.. 1826.
Massy (Godfrey Hugh), B. A., Hi",., 186+.

20 Massey



Massy (Godfrey William Hugh), B. A., AlIt. 18H.-LL. B., and

LL D., Vm 1856.
Massy (Hampden Hugo), B. A., V",.,.. 18+%.-M. B., AlIe. 18+3.
Massy (Henry), B. A., Vma. 1800.
Massy (Henry), B.A., Vem. 1858.
5 Massy (Hugh), B. A.,.&t. 18+0'
Massy (John), B. A., Vma. 1835.
Massy (John Maunsell), B. A., Vern. 18+6.-M. A., Vwn. 18+9.
Massy (Robert H.), B. A., Vma. 1853.
Massy (William Eyre), B. A., Vern. 18+0'
10 Massy (William Godfrey Denham), B. A., Vern. 1859.
Mather (Samuel), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fellow,
Mathers (Joseph), B. A., Vem. 1838.
Mathers (Thomas), B. A" Vern. 171.3.
Mathew (Henry William), Sch., I 85o.-B. A., .JEBt. 1855.
15 Mathew (James), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Mathew (Theobald), B. A., Vwn. 1854.
Mathews (Francis F.), B. A., Vern. 1829.
Mathews (Henry), B. A., Yern. 170+.
Mathews (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1822.
20 Mathews (Isaac), B. A., .lEd. 1850'
Mathews (James), Sch., 1810.-B. A., .lEst. 1811.
Mathews (James Duff), B. A., Vma. 185+
Mathews (John), Sch., 1673.-B.A., .lEst. 1676.
Mathews (John), B. A., Vern. 1825.
25 Mathews (John), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Mathews (Matthew), B. A., Vern. 1826.-M. A., NDI'. 1831..
Mathews (Nathaniel), B. A., Vwn. 1696.
Mathews (Samuel), B. A., .JElt. 1818 ..
Mathews (Samllel), B. A., Vwn. 18z7.-M. A., Nov. 1831..
30 Mathews (Thomas), B. A., V"n. 1866.
Mattheaon (Frederick), Bch. J687.-B. A., Vwn. 1689'
Matthewes (Samuel), B. A., Vma. 1665.
Matthews (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 17+3.-M. A., Vwn. 17+8.
Matthews (Edward), B. A., AlIt. 1701. - M. A., .iLt. 170+B. D., and D. D., V",.,.. 1732.
35 Matthews (George), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Matthews (George Frazer), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.




Matthews (Henry), B. A.., Vwn. 1704Matthews (Isaac), B. A., Vn. 1851.

Matthews (Jamea), Sch., 168....-B. A., VWfI. 1688.-M. A. I,
Matthews (John), B. A. (lJHciali gra4id), V".,.. 1700.
S Matthews (John), B.A., Vms. 1836.
Matthews (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. '756.
Matthews (Philip), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., ~. 1687.
Matthews (Philip), B. A., VWfI. '73o.-M. A., .&t. 1733.
Matthews (Robert). B. A., VWfI. 1817.-M. A., Vern. 18zo.
10 Matthews (Samuel), B. A., .LE,t. 1813.
Matthias (Benjamin William), Sch., 1794.-B. A., VWfI. 1796.M. A' I ..lEd. 1799.
Matthias (John), B. A., VmI.1833'
Matthias (William Benjamin), R. A., Vwn. 183 r.
Maturin (Benjamin), B. A., VmI. 1838.-M. A.,.Ai:st. 1865.
IS Maturin (Charles), D. A., ..!Elt. 1828.-M. A., ..IErt. ,8H.
Maturin (Charles Robert), Sch., 1798.-B. A., VWfI.1800.
Maturin (Edmund), Sch., 1836.-B. A.' I V".,., 1838.
Maturin (Edward), B. A., .&t. 1832.
Maturin (Gabriel), Sch., 1787.- B. A., Vn'fI. 1789.
20 Maturin (Henry), Sch., 1788.-B. A., Vim. 1790.-FeU, 1792.-

M. A., ..lE&t. 1793.

Maturin (Henry), B. A' I Vtrn. 1827.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Maturin (William), B. A., V".,.. 183L-Y. A., B. D., and D. D.,
..!Est. 1866.
Maturine (Chules), B. A., V".,.. 1751.-Y. A., At. 175+.
Maturinc (Gabriel), Sch., 1720.-B. A., V".,.. I 722.-M. A., V".,..
25 Mnturine (Peter), B. A., Vern. '727.
Maturine (Peter), LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 17zz.
Maturine (Peter), B. D., and D. D., &t. 1737Maude (Charles William), B. A., ..lEst. rR38.-Y. A., VWfI. 1863.
Maude (Robert), R. A.., V,rn. 17+6.
30 Maughan (John Dixon), B. A., Vern. 18.J0.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Maule (Edward Harman), B. A., Vern., M. B., At.t. 1837.-M. D.,
..lE&t. 1851.

Maule (Henry), B. A., V".,.

and LL. D., Vern. 1719.

696.-M. A., ..lE&t. I 699.-LL. B.,



Maule (James), B. A., y".,.. 1726.

Maule (Robert), Sch., 170'1..- B. A., Vwn. 1703.
Mauleverer (James), B. A., y".,.. ISu.-M. A., .&t. IS30.
Mauleverer (Richard), Sch., 1802.-B. A., y".,.. 1803.
5 Mauleverer (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1831.
Mauleverer (William), B. A., Yma. 17+s.-M. A., .&t. 17+8.
Mauleverer (William), B. A., y".,., 1792.-M. A., LE,t. IS30.
Mauleverer (William), B. A., V".,., 1829.
Maunders (Richard), B. A., .&t. 18.p.
10 Maunders (Robert), B. A., .&t. 1848.
Haunsell (Charles), B.A., At. 1811.
Maunsell (Daniel Meares), B. A., V~,.,.. 1843.
Maunsell (Daniel Toler), B. A., y,,.,.. 1857.-H. B., y".,.. ISS9.
Maunsell (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1864.
15 Maunsell (Edward Beauchamp), B. A., V".,.. 1846.-1I. A., y".,.,
Maunaell (Edward Eyre), B. A., .AAt. 18Io.-H. A., ..1.&1. 1827.
MaUDsell (Edward Eyre), B. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Haunsell (Frederick Webster), B. A., VM'n. J8SI.-H. A., V".,..
Maunsell (George), B. A., Yem. 1774.-H. A., 2&1. 1780.
20 Maunsell (George Woods), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-H. A., .2&1. 18+2.
Haunaell (Henry), B. A., LElt. ISlo.-H. A., Nw. 1832.
Haunaell (Horatio), B. A., V".,.. I 820.-H. A., Nw. IS32.
Haunsell (John), Sch., J773.-B. A., V".,.. 1774.
Haunsell (John), B. A., .2&t. IS23.
2S Maunsell (John), B. A., y".,.. IS3z.-H. A., LEat. IS42.
Maunsell (Lew Montagu), B. A., V".,., IS48.-M. A., Vwn.
Maunsell (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 1798.
Maunsell (Richard), B. A., LEd. IS06.-H. A., Nw. 1832.
Haunsell (Richard), B. A., LEd. 1807.
30 Maunaell (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 181+
Maunaell (Richard), B. A., AI. 1827.
Haunsell (Richard Dixie), B. A., V".,.. IS39.-H. A' I 2&1. IS42.
llaunsell (Robert), B. A., 171m. 1833.
Maunaell (Robert Augustus), B. A' I V".,.. 184S.-H. A., .JEd.
H llaunsell (Samuel), B. A' I V".,.. 1790 .









}[aunaell (Thomas), LL D. (Aotaoril Mud), At. 1774.

Maunsell (Thomas), 8ch., 1798.-B. A., V".,.. I 799.-}[. A., At.
Maunsell (Thomas), B. A., At. 1802.
Mauneell (Warren Cecil), B. A., V".... 18+9.-M. A.,.lEU. 185+
Maunsell (William), B. A., Vn'1I. 17+8.
MaunseU (William), B. A., Vn'1I. 1 751.-LL B., V".... 177+'
Maunsell (William), B. A., At. 18'S.-M. A., Vent. 1816.
Maunsell (William), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
Maunsell (William Price), B. A., .lEU. 18+9.
Maunsell (William Wray), B.A., At. 1802.-lL A., V".,.. 1806.
Maurice (David), D. D., &t. 1677'
Maurice (Edward), Soh., 1709.-B. A., V".... 1711.
Maw (Robert), B. A., V".,.. '7zz.-M. A., At. '715.
Maw (Robert), B.A., Vma. '791.
}{awe (James Harvey), B. A., &t. 1830'
llawhinny (James), B. A., V".,.. 1815.
Maxwell (Albert Frederick), B. A., ~t. 18zz.-M. A., NOf1.
18 31
Maxwell (Arthur), B. A., IIi... 186+.
Maxwell (Bryan), B. A., V".,.. 1777.
Maxwell (David), B. A., V".... 1688.
Maxwell (George), B. A., V".,.. 1830.
1[Ilxwell (Henry), (Entered, 1658).-Sch., 1660.-Fellow, 1663.
Maxwell (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1688.
Maxwell (Henry), LL. D. (,p6cialigratid), Vn-n. '718.
Maxwell (Henry), B. A., Vn-n. 17H.-H. A., ..lEd. 1748.
Maxwell (Henry), D. D. (,p6ciali gratid), Vn-n: 1765.
Maxwell (Henry), B. A" &t. '795.-M. A., ..lEst. 1808.
Maxwell (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18n.
Maxwell (Henry), B. A., &t. 18s3.-M. A" Not). 1831.
Maxwell (Hugh), B. A., Vn'1I. 1731.-M. A., ..lE1t. '73+,
Maxwell (James), (Entrance, not recorded).-M. A., VIWtI. 1670'
Maxwell (James), Sch., '766.-B. A., VIWtI. 1768.
Maxwell (John), B. A., Vun. '706.
Maxwell (John), B. A., Ve,.,.. '715.
Maxwell (John), .B. A' I re"". 171S.-M. A' I .iE,t. 17z8.-B. D.,
and D.D., Vern. 1753.
Maxwell (John), B. A., Vern. I7z5.



Maxwell (John), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), ..It. 1748.

Maxwell (John), Soh., 18oo.-B. A., ..It. 1802.
Maxwell (John), B. A., Vern. 1809.
Maxwell (John), B. A., Vent. I 827.-M. B., ..It. 1830.
5 Maxwell (John Francis), B. A., V"n. 186+.
Maxwell (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1773.
Maxwell (Peter), B. A., ..It. 1799.
Maxwell (Peter Benson), B. A., ,t. 1839.
Maxwell (Robert), B. A., Nfl!! 14, 1616.-Fellow, 1617.-M. A.,
..It. 1619'

10 Maxwell (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1687.-M. A., Vmt. 1693.-B. D.,

and D. D., ..It. 1719.
Maxwell (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1711.
Maxwell (Sir Robert), LL. D. (laonori, etI",d), Oct. 22, 1751.
Maxwell (Robert), B. A., ~"'. 1752.
Maxwell (Robert), Sch., I 78+.-B. A., V.".,.. 1786.
15 Maxwell (Robert),B. A., ..It. 1823.
Maxwell (Robert), B. A., Vmt. I 825.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Maxwell (Robert Alexander), B. A., Vir,.. 1825.
Maxwell (Somerset), a A .L&t. I 827.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Maxwell (William), Soh., I 75o.-B. A., Ylm. I 752.-M. A., .L&t.
1755.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1777.
20 Maxwell (William), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
Maxwell (William Henry), B. A., Vim. 1812.
May (Eaward), B. A., Vwn. 1835.
May (Hugh), Sch., 1698.-B. A., Vern. I 699.-1I. A., .L&t. 1702.
May (Richard), Sch., 171 I.-B. A., Vir,.. 1712.

25 May (Samuel M. T.), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), V".,.. 1830.

May (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1777.-M.A., &t. 1786.
Mayberry (George), B. A., Vwn. 1798.
Maynard (Barry), B. A., V~NI. 1689.
Maynard (William), LL. D. ('p~ciflli gr-atia),
30 Maynard (William), B. A., ..It. 1858.
Mayne (Charles), B. A., ..It. 1805.-M. A., &t. 1817.
Mayne. or Maine (Edward), B. A., Vim. 1735.-M. A.,
17+3.-LL. B., and LL.D., Vern. 1752.
Mayne (Edward), Soh., I 775.-B. A., Vern. 1777..
Mayne (Edward), B. A., Vem. 1812.
35 llaync (Edward Colburn), B. A., V".". 1821.-M. A., Nov. 1832.





Mayne (Edward Ellie), B. A., AAt. 182+Mayne (Edward Graves), Bch., 184+.-R A., YmI. 18H.
Mayne (Edward John), B.A., y".,.. 18+6.
Mayne (John), B. A., Ae. 1815.
5 Mayne (John), B. A., y".,.. 182 I.-Jr[. A" y".,.. 1824'
Mayne (Pelham Joseph), B. A., y".,., 1837.-M. A., y.,.,., 1865'
Mayne (Riohard), B. A., y".,.. 1818.
Mayne (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1808.
Mayne (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1832.
10 Mayne (Robert), B. A., VeNI. 1833.
Mayne (Robert), M. B., .A?M. 1838.
Mayne (William), B. A., V".,.. 1810.
Mayne (William). B. A., y".,.. 1838.
Mayne (William Anuesley), B. A., y".,.. 18+2.-LL. B., and
LL. D.,,,t. 1858.
IS Mayne (William Francis), B. A.. V".,.. 1846.
Mayne (William G.), B. A' I y".,.. 1826.-M. A., NOf'. 1832.
Mayston (William). B. A., y".,.. 1847.-Y. A., y".,.. 1863.
Maziere (Henry Peter), B. A., ~d. 1809.
Maziere (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
20 Maziere (William), B. A., Yn'fI. 1826.
~l'Adam (Bennett Dugdale Hasting!!), B. A., y".,.. 1854.
Y'Adam (James). B. A., Vn'fI. 1836.
M'Adams (William D.), B. A., y".,.. 1819.
M'Alister (Daniel), B. A., .,1. 1732.
25 M'Alli.ster (Andrew), Seh., 17H.-B. A., Yn'fI. 1746.
l\I'Allister (Christopher), B. A., Yern. 1760.
M'Allister(Columbus), B. A., V61'1I. 1,60.
M'Al1ister (Jame8 Adair), B. A., Vma. 18H.-M A., y".." 18S8.
M'Alli8ter (John), Sch., 1760.-B. A., Vml. 1762.
30 M'Alpino (James), B. A., At. 181 S.-ll. A., .A:.t. 183+.
M'Alpine (Robert), B. A., LEal. I 821.-M. A., NOf'. 1832.
M'Alpine (William). B. A., Vern. ,825'
M'Anally (Samuel William), B. A., Vern. '777'
M'Andrew (Robert), B. A., Ver,.. 1850.
35 M'Arthur (Richard Lyons), B. A.. V,I,.,.,. 18+9. - 1. A., At.
18 56 .
M'Aulay (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1756.
}I'AWaY (Hugh), B. A., y".,.. 1,65.



If'Aulay (James), Sch., IS29.-B. A., .2&t. IS31.

Macaulay, M'Auley, or M'Cauley (John), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.),
.2&t. ISoJ.-LL. B., Vern. ISo7.-LL. D., .2EBt. IS09.
M'Auley (George), B. A., Vwn. 179S.
M'Auley, or M'Cauley (James), B. A., .2&t. 1823.
5 M'Auliffe (Daniel), B. A., Vwn. IS30.
M'Awly(Alexander), LL. D. (/umor" e/JRet), V".". 17+6.
If'Beth (John), B. A., Vim. 17S3.
M'Blain (Frederick William), Sch., I 840.-B. A., V".,.. IS42.LL B., and LL. D., IS57.
M'Caoo (James), Sch., 179S.-B. A., 17".,.. 1800.-M. B., .2&1.
10 M'Callen (William), B. A., y,rn. IS32.
M'Calmont (Thomas), B. A., .2&1. IS29.
M'Cance (William Stevenson), B. A., Hiem. IS61.
M'Cann (Joseph), B. A., .2&1. ISIS.-M. A., .2&1. ISI9.
M'Cann (Luke), B. A., At. 1772.
15 M'Cann (Michael), B. A., V".", IS41.
:\l'Cann (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1793.
M'Cape (Alennder). B. A., &t. IS43M'Cartan (Daniel), Boh., 1710.-B. A., Vwn. 1711.
M'Cartby (Callagban), B. A., ..l&I. IS63.
20 1l'Carthy (Charles), B. A., V".".17SI.
M'Cartby (Charles), Sob., IS2....-B. A., Vwn.1827.
M'Carthy (Charles Pureion), Sch., 18+1.-B. A., Vern. 18+5.
M'Carthy (Daniel), B. A., VINL 1830.
If'Carthy (Denis), B. A., Ve,.,.. IS2S.
25 M'Carthy (Florence), B. A., Vern. IS07.
M'Carthy (Florenoe), B. A., Vern. IS39.
M'Carthy (Henry P.). B. A., .LEat. 1830'
M'Carthy (Jeremiah), Sob., 185S.-B.A., Hint. ISS9.-lf.A.,
V"",. 1863.
M'Carthy (John). B. A., Vwn. 1821.
30 M'Carthy (Justin), Sch., 1833.-B. A., Vern. IS35.
M'Carthy (Justin), B.A., Vern. IS37.
M'Carthy (Justin), B. A., LEat. 1847.
}l'Carthy (Martin), lL B., ..lEat. IS37M'Carthy (Miohael), B. A., Vwn. IS03.
35 M'Cartby (William), Sob., ISI3.-B. A., V".". JSIS








ll'Carthy (William). B. A., V".,.. 18+0.

ll'Oarthy (William Robert). B. A., V".,.. 18++.
}l'Cartney (Arthur Chichester). B. A., V.,.,.. 1797.-ll. A., y".,..
181+M'Caskey (Robert), Sch . 1792.-B.A., V".,.. 1793.
ll'Caul (Alexander), B.A., y,,... 1819.-ll.A., At. 1831.B. D., and D. D., LElt. 1837.
M'Caul CIohn), Sch., 182+ - B. A., V".,.. IS25' -ll. A., Vim.
IS29.-LL. B., and LL.D., V,m.18H.
M'Caul (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+2.-M. A., Alt. IS57.
lI'Ca11llland (Abraham), B. A., V".,.. 183S,
M'Ca11llland (Archibald), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
M'Causland (Conolly), B. A., V,Nt. 1733.
M'Ca11llland (Conolly), B. A., V.,.,.. IS+9.-ll. A., JEst. IS52.
M'Ca11llland (Dominick), B. A., V".,.. 1827.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Vern. J859.
M'Causland (George), B. A., Vwn. IS39.
M'Causland (Gustavus), B. A' I Vwn. ISlo.-M. A., .2&t. 1825.
M'Caullland (lames), B. A., VeNt. 1773.
M'Ca11llland (John), B. A., Vern. 1767.
M'Causland (lohn), B. A., .2&t. 1810.
M'Causland (John), B. A., JEst. J 827.
M"Causland (lohn), B. A., Vllrn. I 829.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
M'Causland (John Conyngham), B. A., V".n. J821.-M. A., Notl.
M'Causland (John Kennedy), B. A., Hi8m. ,865,
M'Causland (Marcus), B. A., Vwn. J772.
M'Causland (Marcus), B. A., VII,.,., J775.
M'Causland (Marcus), B. A., Vwn. 1789
M'Causland (Marcus), B. A., ..JElt. 18z3.-H. A., Vem. 1836.
M'Causland (Marcus), B. A., Vern. 18)1.
M'Causland (Oliver), B. A., Vern. I 779.-M. A., VeNt. 1815.
M'Causland (Redmond Cllnningham), B. A., Vwn. 1818.-M. A.,
NOfJ. 1832.
1l'Causland (Richard), B. A., Vern. J83 J .-ll. A., V".fI. 183+.
M'Causland (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1736.
M'Causland (Robert), LL.B., and LL. D., &1. ISz4.
M'Causland (William), M. A., LEal. 18J7'
M'Causland (William), B. A., Vem. '73o.-H. A.,.2E&t. '733.



~I'Caualand (William Cornelius), B. A., Vwn. 1858.

:M'Causland (William Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1830' - M. A., LEat.
M'Caw (Francie), B. A., At. 1848.
M'Cay (Henry), B. A., ./EIt. 1832. - LL. B., and LL. D., VI11'1I.
18 37.
5 M'Cheane (James), B. A., Vwn. 1810.
M'Cheane (James Charlee), B.A., Vern. 1853.-M. A., Vwn. 1856.
M'Cheanb (Jeremiah), B. A., Vwn. 1824.
M'Cheane (Joseph Braddell), B. A., Di~m. 1860.
M'Cheane (William Braddell), B. A.. Iliem. 1860.
10 M'Clatchie (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1838.-~. A., Vern. 18H.
M'Clean (Richard). B.A., Vern. 1838.
M'Clean (Samuel John). B. A. VIf'''' 18z3.-Fellow, IS29.-M. A.,
Vwn. 1833.
M'Clean (William). B. A., LEat. ISq...-M. A., .l&t. 18z8.
M'Cleane (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1791.
15 M'Cleland (Franc), B. A., Vern. 1817.
M'Clellan (Edward), Scho, 1769.-B. A., Vern. I 770.-Y.. B., Atst.
M'Clellan (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1732.
M'Clellan (Thomas), B. A., LEat. IS29.-M. A. Nov. 1832.
M'Clelland (George), B. A . LEIt. IS32.
20 11'Clelland (James), B. A., ..lEd. 17S7.
M'Clelland (Richard), B. A., At&t. IS36.-M.B., LEat. 1842.
M'Clelland (Robert), B. A., LEat. IS31.
M'Clelland (Thomas), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Vwn. lSI J.
M'Clelland (William), B.A., LEat. IS29.-H. A., Noo. IS32.
zS M'Clintock (Alexander), B. A., LEat. 1795-M. A., LEat. JSIS
M'Clintock (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 179J.
M'Clintock (Francis), B. A., Vern. ISU.
M'Clintock (Francis Leopold), LL. D. (honor;' eQUId), Diem. IS59.
M'Clintock (Frederick Robert). B. A., LEat. IS63.
30 M'Clintock (Frederick William P.), B. A., Vern. ISz9.-M. A., Noo.
ll'Clintock (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1829.
M'Clintock (John), B. A., LEat. 1786.
M'Clintock (John), B. A., LEal. 1790.
ll'Clintock (John Samuel), B. A. Vern. I8S3.-M. A., Atsf. J863.






lI'Clintock (Lowry), B. A., At. IS30.

lI'Clintock (Robert), B. A., Hi",.. .S61.
}I'Clintock (Robert 18 PoerTrencb), B. A., Yma. 1S31.-1I. A.,
1'".,.. 1835.
M'Clinton (William Forrest), B. A., Vma. IS ...9' -}[. B., .at.
IS ...9
S J('Clorg (Alexander). B. A., Vma. 1862. -H. B., and M. Chir.,
J'trn. IS6....
}I:'Clougbry (Alexander), B. A., Vma. 1832.
}I:'Cobb (lIattbew), B. A.., Vma. 1831.
ll'Collnm (Andrew), B. A., Vma. IS20.
1l'Collum (James Henry), B. A., ~<t. ISS ....
10 1l'Comas (Archibald), B.A., V"... IS30.-H. A., Diem. IS6z.
X'Comas (Charles Edward Archibald), B. A., and LL. B., Hi,,,..
, 863'
ll'Comb (William 1.), B.A., VWtJ. IS...9.
?'I'Combe (Alexander), B. A., Vma. IS+6.-11. A., ..&t. 186+.
ll'Conagbey (Matthew A.), N. F. Sch., 1859.-B. A., Hilm . S6o.
15 ll'Conchy (Andrew), B.A., V,m. IS26.-M.A., N(JI). 1S32.
ll'Conchy (Andrew), B. A., and LL. B., V".". IS61.
M'Conchy (John), B. A., .2&t. lSi ....
lI'Cord (Gilbert Matthewson), B. A., Vm. ISSI.
M'Cormick (Charles), B. A., VII,.,.. 18H.
20 M'Cormick (James Francia), B. A., VIN. IS+S. -ll. A., V".".
M'Cormick (Jobn), B. A., VWtJ. 1777.
X'Cormick (John), B. A.,
IS28.-H. A., NOIJ. 1832.
M'Cormiok (Josepb), B. A., Vm. 1780.-Y:. A., Vern. 1789.
H'Cormiok (Joseph), B. A., VWtJ. IS30.-M. A., V,m. 183+.
2S ll'Cormick (Michael James), B. A., V".,.. 1837' -ll. B., V.,.,..
1l'Cormiok (Spgrave), B. A., At. ISo+.-LL. Ro, and LL. D., At.
M'COUD, or Macoun (Robert), Seh., 173.... -B. A" YIN. 1736.M. A., .~t. 17#.
M'Crea (John), B. A" &t. ISI6.
!l'Crcady (Christopher Teeling), B. A., Hiem. I 862.-11. A., HUm.
30 M'Cready (David Alexander), B. A., Vma. ISS+'







M'Crendy (Edward M'Conkey), B. A., At. 1857. - LL. B., .lEst.

M'Cready (Jahn), B. A., r,m. 1825.-M. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Macready (John D.), B. A., Vlrn. 18%3.-M. B., rern. 18%7.
M'Creery (Henry). B. A., Yllrn. 1841.
M'Creery (Henry William), B. A., H.-em. 1863.
M'Creery (Thomas Bartholomew), B. A., .lEat. 1855.
ll'Creight (Andrew), B. A" .2&t. ISI8.-ll. A., Not}. 183%.
M'Creight (Daniel C.), B. A., .4t. 18%0.-1I. A., and M. B" 2&t.
1823.-Y. D., .d. 18%7'
11'Creight (James), B. A., Vern 1813.-M. A., No". 183%.
ll'Creight (John), B. A., v,rn. 1850'
M'Creight (William), B. A., .lEit. 18u.
M'Culla (Henry), Sch., 17%.6.-8. A., VITII. 1728.-M. A., .lEd.
M'Cullagh (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 1823.
M'Cullagh (James), Soh., 1827.-B. A., Ydrll. 18%9.-Fellow, 1832.
-M. A., VIm. 1836.-LL. B., and LL. D., .lEst. 1838.
M'Cnllagh (John), Soh., 183+.-B. A., r,rn.1836.
}['CIlUagh (William George), B. A., .lE.t. 185+.
M'Cullagh (William Torrens), B. A., .,t. 1833. - LL. B., Yma.
M'Cullooh (George), B. A., Verll. 1839.-M. A., Vern. 18+2.
M'Oullooh (Robert), B. A., VBrn. 1797.
1l'CIlllooh (Tilomas), Soh., 179%.-8. A., L&t. 179+.
M'Cllllooh (William), B. A., Y,rn. 1777.
M'Cullooh (William), B. A., V".". I 84%.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
11'Cullogh (Andrew), B. A., .L&t. 1797.
M'Cutchan (James Shaw), B. A., and M. B., HiB".. 186S.-lf. Chir.,
M'Cutchan (Georgt'), B. A.~ Yem 1863.
M'Daniel (Alexander), B. A., Yllm. 1757.
l'Daniel (Arthur), B. A., rtf'", 1703.
l'Dermott (Alfred), B. A., Vern. I 849.-l. A., .JEjt. 186%.
M'Dermott (Daniel), B. A., YBrn. 1823.-)[. A., Nut). 1832.
M'Dermott (Edward Deane), B. A., YllrII. 1836.-lL B., P,,.,..
18+5.-ll. A., and M. D., Vml. 18+8.
M'Dermott (Henry), B. A., Yer,.. 1847.












}['Dermott (John), B. A., Vm,. 1837.

}['Dermott (Michael), B. A., Vern. IS+3.
}['Dermott (Patrick), B. A., Vma. 18+9.-M:. B., VtJTn. 18so.
}['Dermott (Richard), B. A., Vms. 1839.
M'Dermott (Terence), B. A., and}[. A., Nov. 1832.
}['Dermott (Timothy), B. A., VtJrn. 1818.
M'Dermott (Townsend), B. A., Vma. IS+O.
M'Dermott (William), B. A., LEst. 1838.
M'Dermott (William Trench), B. A., Vma. 1846.
M'Devitte (William Alexander), Bch., IS4-+.-B. A., Vcrn. IS49.
ll'Dona (John Jonathan), B. A., Vim. IS53.
M'Donald (}[ichael), B. A., ..lEst. lS29.-M. A., NM. 1832.
M'Donnell (Alexander), B. A., ..lEst. 1816.
M'Donnell (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1840.
M'Donnell(Alexander), B.A., Vma. ISSZ.-lLA., Vern. 1861.
M'Donnell (Arthur), B. A., Ve-rn. 1707.-lLA., ..lEst. 1710.
M'Donnell (Edward), B. A., VWIl. 18+2.
M'Donnell (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1850'
M'Donnell (Henry), B. A., ..lEst. 1816.
M'Donnell (James), ~B. A., F""n. 1735.
M'Donnell (James), B. A., A:st. 1774.
M'Donnell (James), B. A., .Jilt. 1850'-Y' A., b.8t. IS53.
M'Donnell (John L.), B. A., .Jist. 1838.
}['Donnell (Randall William), Scb., 1853.-B. A., Vern. 18SS.
M'Donnell (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS49.-M. B., LEst. IS5I. M. D., ..lEst. 1857.
M'Donnell (Thomas), Sch., I 730.-B. A., VUII. '732.-M. A.,
..lEst. 1736.-Fell., 1737.-B. D., and D. D., .Jiat. 17+8.
M'Donnell (Thomas), Sch., 1811.-B. A., Ve-rn. 1813.
1l'Donnell (William), B. A., YtJrn. 1732.
M'Donnell (William), Sch., 1763.-B. A., V.".,.. 1765'
}['Donogh (Francis), B. A., V""n. IS09.-M. B., LEat. IS'3'
M'Donogh (John), B. A., Ailt. t831.-Y. A., LE~t. 1833.
}['Donogh (Mark Lowther), Seh., 1779.-B. A., .-:Est. 1827.
M'Donogh (Telford), B. A., Vern. 1838.-M. A., V""n. 1859.
l\l'Donough (Charles), B. A., Fern. 18H .-M. A., .iEJt. 18S8.
M'Dougall (Henry), Sch., 179+. - B. A., V""n. '796. - LL. D.,
..!Elf. 1808.



1l'Dowel (Benjamin George), B. A., Vern. 1841.-M:. B., and

M. D., At,t. 18S8.-M. Chir., .J!:at. 1859.
M'Dowell (George), B. A., V,rn. I 836.-Fell., 1839.-M. A.,
ll'Dowell (James), B. A., Vem. 1853.
M'Dowell (John), B. A., V61'1I. I 82+.-M. A., and lL B., .J!:at.
1827.-M. D., Vern. 1837.
5 11'Dowdi (John Ramsay), B. A., Atst. 1851.-Y. A., At&t. 1856.
ll'Effer (John), Sch., 1819.-B. A., Vem. 1820.-Y. B., .J!:at.
M'Elroy (John M.), B. A., V61'n. 1850'
M'Entegart (George), Sch., 1801.-B. A., Atlt. 180+.
M'Evoy (John), B. A., Vern. 1813.
10 11'Evoy (Timothy J.), B. A., Vern. 1826.
M'Farran (John), B. A., .J!:at. 17+7.
M'Farquhar (William Pitt), B. A., .J!:at. 1832.
M'Garry (Mark), B. A., Vem. 1823.
M'Geough (Walter), B. A., At&t. 1811.
15 M'Ghee (Robert), B. A., y".". 18+1.
11'Ghee (Robert James), Sch., 180S.-B. A., VHn. 1810.-Y. A.,
Y,rn. IS40.
M'Ghee (Patrick), Sch., 1781.-B. A., Yern. qS2.-LL. B., Vern.
M'Gill (Henry), Soh., 1720.-B. A., Vern. 1721.-M. A., .J!:at.
17 2 +
}{'Gillicuddy (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1839.
20 lPGlynn (Francis Frederick), B. A., Vem. 1854'
M'Gouran (James), B. A., Vern. 1847.
M'Gowan (Alexander John), B. A., Iliem. 1861.
M'Gowan (Earl), B. A., Vern. 18 56.-Y. A., At,t. 1866.
M'Grath (Denis), B. A., Vem.1785.
25 M'Grath (Maurice), Sch., 1787.-B.A., Vern. 1788.
M 'Gregor (Duncan), B. A., Vern. I 85 I.
M'Grotty (John), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
M'Guckin (William), B. A., .J!:at. 1822.
ll'Guinness (William N.), Sch. 18)5.-B. A., Vern. 1858.
30 M'Guire (Francis), B.A., .J!:at. 1802.
l['Guire (James), Sch., 173S. - B. A., Vem. 1740.
l[. A., .J!:at.









ll'Guire (Patriok), B. A" Vm. 1715.-ll. A., .&t. 17zS.

M'Guire (Robert), B. A" Vern. ISIO.
ll'Guire (Samuel Edward). B. A., Vern.IS4O.
M'Gusty(Alexander Delap), B. A., VIN lS5+-M. A., Yw".
ll'GuBty, or llaguaty (Barry), B. A., y".,.. 177+ -ll. A., .At.t.
M'Gwire (Arthur), B. A., y".". 17S5.-M. A., V".,.. 179z.
ll'Gwire (Richard), B. A., Vm 17S5'
ll'Gwire (Walter), B. A., Vern. IS30.
M'Henry (James Lawrence), B. A., Ver". IS03.
M'Ilree (Edward). B. A., Vern. IS35.
ll'Ilveen (Gilbert), B. A., V".,.. IS+O.
M'nwain (Andrew), B. A., AAt. 1753.
M'Ilwaine (William), Sch., I 8z9.-B. A., Vme. IS3z.-M.A., Y.,.,
ll'Ilwame (William R.), B. A., Vern. IS65.
M'Innemey (Michael), Sch., 179 I.-B. A. V"rn. 1795.
ll'Intire (Richard). B. A., V".,.. IS36.
M'Intire (Richard Litton), M. B., V"rn. IS+3.
ll'Intire (Robert), B. A., V".". 1836.
M'Intire (Travers), B. A., V".,.. IS+S.
ll'Intosh (Mungo), Sch., 17SI.-B.A., Vme. 1753.
M'Jennett (William). B. A., .&1. IS+7.
1l'Kaige (John), B. A., V".,.. IS5+'
M'Kane (William), B. A., V,m. ISI+.-M. A., NOf). IS31.
ll'Kartney (James), LL. D. ('p"c;IIli grlltid). Marcia 10, 171S.
ll'Kay(Oharles Elrington), Sch., ISSZ.-B.A., Vern. ISSS.ll. A., &t. IS59.
1l'Kay (llanners), B. A., L&t. IS3S.-M. A., ,.t. IS+,.
M'Kay (llaurice), Sch., ISZ+.-B. A., V"rn. ISz6.-11. A., Ae.
ISI9.-LL. B., an~ LL. D., ~8t. ISH.
1l'Kay (Maurice Knox), B. A., Vern. IS50.
ll'Kay (William), B. A., .&t. IS3+.-LL.B., V"rn. IS3S.-LL. D.,
.2&t. IS+1.
M'Kee (James). B. A., Vern. IS+S'
1l'Kee (John), Sch., 1 839.-B. A., .&t. 18+1.
ll'Kee (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS3S.
1l'Kee (Thomas John), B. A., V".". 18I+.-ll. A., y".,.. IS+6.



1l'Kelvey (Fred"rick), B. A., Vttrn. 1847.

ll'Kelvey (1ohn), B.A., V".,.. 1793.-M.A., Vttrn. 1799.
lI'Kenna (Eugene), B. A., V".,.. 178o.
M'Kenna (Hill), B. A., Vms. 1808.
S M'Kenna (peter F.), B. A., Vllrn. 18so.
M'Kenna (Richard Eugene), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
If'Kenna (Theobald), B. A., Vl1rn. 1818.-M. A., NOD. 183z.
M'Kenna, or M'Kenny (William), B. A., .lEIt. I819.-M. A., NOD.
If'Kenny (1ohn), B. A., Vttrn. 1845.
10 M'Kenny, or M'Kenna (William M.). See M'Kenna.
M'Kenzie (John Campbell), B. A., .Al.t. 18z+.
lI'Kenzie (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1178.
M'Keogh (Peter), B. A., 18z9.-M. A., NOD. 183'z.
M'Kinly, or Kinlie (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 1,lb.-Sch., 1716.
IS M'Kinstry (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1789.
M'Knight (William Henry Edward), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
ll'Laughlin (Alexander), B. A., .2EBt. 18H.
M'Laughlin (BenllOn), B. A., Vern. 1733.
M'Laughlin (George), B. A., Vwn. I70+-M. A., ..l.&l. 1707.
zo M'Laughlin (John), B. A., Vern. I 755.-M. A . .lEIt. 1776.
M'Laughlin (Herbert), B. A., .2&t. 18z8.-M.A., .lEIt. 1831.
M'Laughlin (Lewis), B. A., ..!Eat. 1781.
M'Laughlin (Peter), B. A., Vttrn. 1798.
M'Laughlin (William), B. A., Vllrn. I 780.-LL. B., Vwn. 178S.
zs }[ILaurin (John), B. A., Vwn. 1853'
M'Lean (Henry), Sch., 176 I.-B. A., Vwn. 1763.
M'Lean (Matthew), Sch., 17S+-B. A., .At&t. 17S6.-l[. A., .lEIt.
1768 .
ll'Lenan or M'Cle1an (1ohn), B. A., Vwn. 170S.-M. A., .lEIt.
M'Linden (John), B. A., .AlIt. I836.-M. A., LEst. 18+6.
30 M'Loughlin (Peter), B. A., and M. A., V".,.. 1799.-M. B., and
M. D., VH"n. 1810.
M'Loughlin (Thomas), B. A., Vttrn. 18z3.
M'Loskey (Patrick), B. A., .At&t. 18+8.
M'Lowry (William), B. A., HUm. 1861.
M'Mahon (Andrew), Sch., J78S.-B. A., Vern. 1787.-LL. B.,
Vern. 1790.



M'Mahon. or M'Mechan. or lPMaghan (Benjamin), 8. A., Vern.

17o+-M. A" At. 707.
M'Mahon (Beresford Burston), 8. A . and M. A., NOI) . 831.
M'Kahon (James F.), B. A., Vm. 18So.-H. A., V",. . 856.
M'Mahon (lohn), B. A., V".,.,. IS36.-H. A., V".,. . 839.
5 H'Mahon (John Henry), B. A., Vma SSJ.-H. A., V".,.. 1856.
M'Mahon (Patrick), B. A., Ytnt S36.
M'Mahon (Robert), B. A., .At. 1836.
M'Mahon (Thomas), B. A., r",.. ISH.
M'Mahon (Thomas), B. A., At. SH.
10 M'Mahon (William), Sch., 79... -B A., V".,.. I 796.-M. A.,
LEd. 1799.
M'Mahon (William 10hn), B. A., 2&t. IS30.-M. A.., V".,. 833.
M'Master (George), B. A., V".,.. 18...7.
M'Master (Hngh), B. A., V".,. . 83S.-M. A., p;,,.,.. IS39.
M'Haster (lames), Soh., JSJ .... -B. A., IT",.. 1816.
15 ll'Master(Joshua), Soh., 1816.-B.A., 17trn.1818.
M'Mechan (William), B. A., .LElt. IS29.
M'Morran (Robert), B. A., V".,., IS63.
M'Mullan (Alexander). B. A., J"trn. ISII.-lI. A., Vtrn.1823.M. B., .2&t. 1825.
M'Mullan (Daniel Wills), B. A., Vel'll. 1791.
10 ll'Mullan (Fergus), B. A., Vtrn. 1731.-M. A., LEst. 1738.
M'Mullan (Thomas). B. A., Vtm. 179+
M'Xullen (..neas), Sch., I 720.-B. A.,
17%1.-H. A., &t .


71 +.
ll'Yullen (John), Sch., 17",2.-8. A., Veln. 17+3.
M'YulIen (John), B. A., Vm. I82S.
15 M'Mullen (Stephen), B. A., It. 17+1.
M'MuDD (John Alexander). B. A., Vtrn. IS...6.-M. B., At. 1850.
M'Naghten (Alexander), M. B., and M. D., LEd. 1723.
lI'Naghton, 01' M'Naghten, or M'Naughten (Edmund, or Edward),
Sch., 1711.-B. A., V8rn. 1713.
M'Naghten (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS46.
30 M'Naire (Jeremiah), B. A., Vern. IS25.
M'Namara (Charles), B. A., ..'Est. S4S.
M'Namara (John), B. A., .JERt. 181+.
}{,Namara (Michael). Sch., 1823.-B. A . ,tl''', 1826.
M'Namara (ThaddllluA~, B. A., JIM. 1791.



1l'Namara (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 18H.

1l'Neale (.Tohn Donald), B. A., Vern. 1850'
M'Neece (James), B. A., V".,.. 1848.
M'Neece (Thomas). Sch., 1828.-B. A., Vern. 183J.-Fellow,
1836.-M.A., Vl1ffl. 1838.-B. D., and D. D., J'ilrn. 1848.
5 WNeece (William), Entered 1836.-M. B., Vern. 1843.
M'Neil (Daniel), Sch., I 779.-B. A., VI1ffl. 1781.-M.A., Vern.
17 89.
1l'Neil (John), B. A., Vl1rn. 1797.-M. B., VI1ffl.1803.
M'Neil (Robert), B. A., Vern. 182Z.-M:. A., NOfI. 1832.
M'Neile (Archibald), B. A., Vern. 17+3.-LL. D., Vern. 1756.
10 1l'Neile (Hugh), B. A., Atst. 18'5.-M.A., V,m. 18u.-B. D.,
and D. D., L&t. 1847.
M'Neill (Gordon), B. A., y".,.. 1803.
M'Neill (Robert), Sch., 1799.-B. A., L&t. 1801.
M'Nevin (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1837.
ll'Nulty (William), Sch., 1834. - B. A.., Vem. 1837. - LL. B.,
&t. 18+3.-LL. D., &t. 1845.
15 M'Owen (Peter John), Sch., 1771.-B. A., ..lE~t. 1773.
~:l'Sorly (Hugh), Sch., 1847.-8. A., Vern. 1850. Y. A., ..lEst.
M'Swiney (Walter), B. A., ..lEst. 1803.
M'Veagh (Ferdinand), B. A., .L&t. 1834.
M'William (Russell), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
20 Meaby (George), B. A., Vern. 1853.-LL. B., and LL. D., Hiel1l.
Mead (Dominick), B. A., 1684.-1I. A., .L&t. 1687.
Mead (Ed ward), (Entrance not recorded, nor name on College Bookll).
-B. A., VI1ffl. 1735.
Mead (John), B. A., V,m. 1727,
. Mead (John), B. A., Vern. 17+3.-M. A., ..lEst. 1746.
z S Mead (Sir John, BarL), B. A., V".,., 1762.
Mead (Percy), B. A., Vern. 1732.-M. A., Vern. 1737.
Mead (Sir Pierce, Bart.), B. A., Vern. 171 I.
Mead, or Mede (Sir Richard, Bart.), B. A., Vim. 1715,
Mead (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1743.
p Mead (Robert), B. A., Vern. I744.-M. A., Vern. 'U8.
Mead (Samuel), Sch., 1 743.-B. A., Vern. '74+'









Mead, or Meade (William), B..\., 'ent. '750. - LL. B., ./Ell.

:Meade (Adam Newman), B. A., Vmt. 1837.
Meade (Francis Fulton), B. A., .l&t. 1835.-ll. A., .AlIt. 1847.
Meade (Gerard, or Garrette), B. A., and Fellow, 1618.-M. A.,
LElt 1631.
Meade (Horace Townsend Newman), Sch. 1831. - B. A" Vern.
183+.-M. B., Vern. I 837.-M. D., .2&1. 1841.
Meade (1ohn), B. A., ~t. 18n.
Meade (1ohn), Sch.. 1816.-B. A., VIN. 1819-Fellow, 1831.
Meade (lohn), B. A., Vmt 1841.
Meade (lohn C.), B. A., J'6m. 835.
Meade (1oseph Fulton). B. A., VIN. I 835.-ll. A" .."&t. ISH.
Meade (Sir Pierce, Bart.), 8. A., .2Est. '790.
Meade (Richard), B. A., VIm. 1785. - LL. B., aad L1. D., .JiYl.
Meade (Richard), B. A., .2&1. IS3S.
lleade (Richard Corker), B. A., Ymt. 18S9.-}l. A.. , 2lIt. 1865'
Meade (Robert), B. A., Y".,.. I 79O.-B. D., Vern. 18n.
lleade (Robert), B. A., rena . 831.
Meade, or.Head (Thomas). Sch... 672.- B. A., Jan. %9, 1673.M. A., LEle. 1676.-8. D., and D.D. Ymt.1704.
Meade (Thomas). B. A., Vim. 177+
Meade (Thomaa). B. A., V,,.,.. 1797.
\leade (William). B. A., Vena. 1706.-ll. A., At. 1709.
lleade (William). B. A., ../Eyt. .80 I.
lleade (William), B. A., L&t. 1817.
Meade (William), B. A., At. ,SI5.-M. A., NOt:. 183%.
Meade (William Edward), Sch., I 856.-B. A" V,m. 18S7.-ll. A.,
Vim. 1860.
lleade (William Robert). B. A., 2Elt. 1817.-lL A., Nov. 1831.
Meadows (Thomas), B. A., HiM1&. 1861.-M. A., En. 1865.
Meagher (Francia), B. A., Ym. 184+.
Meagher (Samuel), B. A., .LEd. 18,0.
Meagher (William), B. A., .2E~t 8,0.
Meara (George), B. A., Vim. 1810.-Y. A., Nov. 1831.
Meara (Henry). B.A., Vtna. 1818.
Meara (lames), B. A., &t. 1769.-M. A., &1. .,80.
Meara (John), B. A., Vmt. 1807'-Y' A., .2&1. 1810.



Meara (John), B. A., LEst. 18so.

Meara (Robert), B. A., LEst. I 793.-lL A., LEst. 1803.
Meara (Spencer), B. A., V,r,.. 1816.
Meara (Wade), B. A., LEst. 1832.-M:. A., At. 1835.
S Meara (William), B. A., Vma. 180S.-M. A., Y".,.. 1817.
Meara (William), B.A., V",.. 1835.
Meares (Charles), B. A., Vwn. I7S6.
Meares (Francis), B. A., VWII. 1771.
Meares (Joseph Leycester Devenish), B. A., Vwn. 18S9.-11 A .
V",.. 1863. Bee Devenish-Meares.
10 Meares (Matthew), B. A., At. 18zz.
Meares (Robert), B. A., VWII. 1708.-H. A., At. 1711.
Meares (Thomas). B. A., V",.. '780.
Mease (Andrew), B. A., At. 1771.-M. D., At. 1774.
Mease (Andrew), B. A.,
I S Mease (James), B. A., V".,.. 18z7.-H.A.,.2&I. 1847.
Hease (William), B.A., .2&t. 1825.-H.A., NOP. 1832.
Hease (William), M. a, V",.. 184%.
M.ecau (Bernard), B. A., Vwn. 1706.-ll. A., At. 1709.
Mecredy (Henry Sandys), B. A., VWII. I 845.-lL A., V",.. 1856.
20 Mecredy (James), Sch., 18+3.-B. A., At. 184S.
Hecredy (Robert), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded)_M. A.,
V.... 1856.
Hecredy (Robert Deane), B. A., V",.. 18Q9.-11. A., NOfI. 1832.
Hecredy (Willa Hill), B. A., At. 18H.
lledca1l (David), B. A., V",.. 18S2.-H. A., At. 18S9.
2S Hedoa1Ce (lohn), Sch., 1706.-B. A., Vwn. 170S.-H. A., .2&t.
17 I I.
Heddlicote (Blunt, or Blollnt), B. A., V,,.,.. 1745.-M. A., VeTil.
175 0 .
Medlicott (Henry B.), B. A., V".,.. 1850.
Hedlicott (Hercnles), B. A" Vwn. 1781.
Medlicott (James), B. A., Vem. 1717.-LL. B., At. 1723,
30 Medlicott (James), B. A.,
1736.-M. A., .tEIt. 1739.
Hedlicott (lohn Thomas), B. A., V".,.. ,810.
lledlicott (John Thomas). B. A., V",.. 1844lledlicott (Joaeph G,), B. A., Vem. 18 So.
lledlioott (Osaory), B. A., V".,., 170+-ll. A., &t. 1707.
35 lledlicott (Samllel), n. A., .tEIt. 18ZI.-H. A., NOfI. 1832.





lIedlicott (Samuel). B. A.., V".,.. 18n.-ll. A. V".,.. 1866.

Medlicott (Thomas). LL. D. (Nmort'IlIGllld), .l&t. 1725,
Mee (James Marshall), Soh., 1798.-B. A., V".,.. 1800.
Mee (John), B. A..
1 7+8.
5 Moo (John). B. A.. At. 1790lIeekins (Reuben Willi'&m Chriatmu Ludlow), B. A.., Yena. 1857.
-M. A., At. 1863.
Meekin8 (Robert). B. A., AI. 1847.
Meekins (Thomas lIo880m), B. A . V".,.. 849-LL. B., and
LL.D. Aug. 17, 186 ..
Meighan (James), B. A., V".,.. 1827.
10 Meighan (James), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
Meldon (Charles Henry), B. A., Hi,,,.. 1862.
lIellifont (William), B. A. At. 1792.
Menedier (Daniel), B. A., Vim. 1699.
Mootz (
). (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., .lEtt. 1629.
IS Mercer (George). Sch., 166....-Fellow. 167o.-M. D At. 168 ..
Mercer (John), B. A V".,.. 1711.
Mercer (Samnel), B.A At. 1802.
Mercier (Cotterell William). B. A.,
1826.-)[. A., Vern.
18 32
lIercier (Henry), Sch . 173S.-B. A., Vma. I 736.-M. A., ./&t.
1739.-Fell., 17+0.-B. D.,
17+7.-LL. D., y".,.. 1750.
-D. D., V".,.. 17H.
20 Meredith (Charles), B. A., 1727.-11. A., V".,.. 1730.
lIeredith (Edmund Allen), Sch., 1836.-B. A.. y,,.,.. 1838.LL. B., V".,.. 18+1.
lferedith (George). B. A., At. 1823.
Meredith (James), B. A., V",,,. 1832.
lIeredith (James Creed), B. A., and LL. B., Hitm. 1863.
2S Meredith (John C.), B. A., Vern. 1830lIeredith (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1816.
Meredith (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1841.
)[eredith (Ralph Richard A.), B. A. Vern. 1862.
lleredith (Richard). B. A., Vern. 1831.
30 ~{eredith (Richard Graves), Sch., 1829.-B. A., Yern. 1831.
Meredith (Robert Day), B. A., .IEd. 1838.-M.A., Vern. 1841.
Meredith (Thomas), Sch . 1793.-B.A .
1795-Fellow. 1805.
-M. A., .lEat. 180S.-B. D., 1~ern. 1811.- D. D., ,,t. 18n.







Meredith (William), B. A., V~rn. 169%.

Meredith (William), Sch., 1798.-B. A., Vwn. 1800.
Meredyth (Charles), Sch., I 7 H-B. A., Vern. 1757.
Heredyth (Henry), B. A., .LEse. 1794.-LL. B., and LL. D., Ie.
S Meredyth (John), B. A., ..l.&e. 1733.-M. A., At. 1737,
Meredyth (John), B. A., Vern. 1826.-M. A., No/}. 1832.
Meredyth (Thomas), B. A., .l&e. 1789.
Meredyth (Thomas James), B. A., Atst. 18#.
lIeredyth (William Francis), B. A., ~I. 18#.-lI. A., V,r,..
10 Herefteld (Henry), Soh., 1~6.-B. A., V,r,.. 1697.-11. A., LE,'.
lIeriton (
), (Entrance not recorded).-LL. B., Y,rn. 1700.
lIerrick, or Meyrick (Samuel Henry), B. A., Y,m. 1838.-M. A.,
Vma., 1841.
lIerrick (William), B. A., Vern. 1847.
lIerrion (Lucius Richard), B. A., .l&e. 1795.
IS Merrton (John lIahon), B. A., VIm. 1823.
Merryfield (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1730.
lIervyn-d' Aroy-Irvine (Henry), B. A., and 11. A., At. 1861.
lIelllliter (Frederick), B. A., ..8t. 1853.
lIetcalf (Edward), B. A., Vma. 18+s.-lI. A., &t. 18 So.
20 lIetcalf (Henry), Sch., 1798. -B. A., .1&1. 1800.
lIetge (James), B. A., V"".. 1814.
letge (James), B. A., V"".. 1 839.-l. B., LElt. 1847.
lIetge (John Charles), B.A., At. 1831.-11. A., LEle. 1834.
Metge (Peter), B. A., V"".. 1763.
25 lletge (William), B. A., Ylm. 1837.
Meyler (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Meyler (John), B. A., V".,., 1839.
lIeyler (Michael), B.A., .2&1. 161+-M. A., .2&1. 1617.
Middlebrook (
), (Entrance, not recorded).-B. A., Vern.
30 Middlebrook (Samuel), Sch., 1697. - B.A., y".,., 1699.-11:. A.,

Middleton (
), (Entrance not recorded).-ll. A., &t. 1617.
Middleton (Hector), Sch., I 734.-B. A., VIrft. 1 735.-lt A' I At.
173 8



Miera (John), B. A., V",.. 1~8.

Miles (GllOrgll), lI. A., r",.. 1789.
Miles (Thomas), B. A., V",.. 1836.
Miles (Usuer Deere), B. A., K.",.. 1863.
Killar (Arthur), B. A., V",.. 18z6.-M. A., 18z9.
Millar (lames MCGregor), Soh., 1859.-B. A., Rw".. 1861.-Y. A.,
HUm. 186+.
Millar (James Vance), B.A., V".,.. 1792.
Millard (Henry), B.
V".,." 1850'
Millard, or Millar (Joeeph), Soh., 1698.-B. A., AAt. 1701.-11. .\., 170+.
Mille, or Milley (Nicholas), B. A., VINs. 170+.-Y.A., &t. 17+3.
Miller (Alexander), B.A., Vern. 18 I 5.--M. A., V".,.. 1837'
Miller (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Miller (Alexander E.), Soh., 18+9.-B. A., V".... 18sz.
Yiller (Alexander Bowley), B. A., V".... 1831.-Y. A., V".,..
Miller (Charles), B. A., VeNt. 1830.
Miller (Croasdaile Bowen), B. A., LE.t. 18z3.-1[. A., Nol'. 183Z.
Killer (Croaadaile C. B.), B. A., Per.. 18$0.
Miller (George), Sch., 178z.-B. A., V'Nt. 178...,-Fellowt 1789.M. A., LE.I. 1789.-B. D., VINs. 179+.-D. D., VeNt. 1799.
Miller (George), B. A., V",.. 1786.
M.iller (James), B. A., Vma. 1731.
Miller (James), B. A., Vmt. 175z.
Miller (lames), Sch., I 776.-B. A., &t. '779.
Miller (James Vance), M. A., VIN,. 18'7.
Miller (John), B. A., Vern. '705.
Miller (John), B. A., Vern. '793.
Miller (lohn), B. A., At. 18z...,
lfiller (John), B. A., V".,.. 18z6.
Miller (lohn), M. A., V"",. 1830.
Miller (John), B. A., V".,.. 183+.
M.iller (John), B. A., V".... 1838.-M. A., &t. 1865.
1liller(JohnBermingham), B.A., VINI. I 797.-lLA., N()f). 183Z.
Miller (John Charles). B. A., At. 182$.
Miller (John Hamilton). B. A., V".,., 18z9.-l{. A., N()f). 1832.
Miller (lohn Rowley), B. A. At. 18z9.-1l. A., Nov. 1832.
lliller (Joseph), Sch., 1746.-B. A., LE~t. 17+8.















Uiller (Joseph), B. A., .IIM. 1786.

Miller (Joseph Dundas), D. A., Vern. 1855.
Miller (Joseph Ewing), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Miller (Lewis), B.A., Vern. '74+-M. A.; Oct. 2%, '75'.
Miller (Oliver), Sch., 1764.-B. A., Vern; q66.
Miller (Ormsby Bowen), B. A., ..Est. IS53.
Miller (Robert), LL. D. (speciali gratid), &t. 1719.
Miller (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18u.-Y. A., Vern. 1817.
Miller (Robert James), B. A., ..lE~t. IS63.
:\liller (Stephen), ll. A., ...!Ext. '703.
Miller (Stephen), B. A., Vena. 1798.
Miller (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1737.-M. A., Vern. 1739.
lfiller (Thomas Fitzwilliam), ll. A.,.IEst. lS37. - M. A., Vern.
IS ..p.-B. D., and D. D., Veln. IS59.
Miller (Thomas Potter), B. A., Vern. IS3S.-Y. A., ../ 1865.
Yiller (Thomas Torrens Rowley), B. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., Vern.
IS ..p.
lIiller (William), B. A., V",.,.. J 779.-~r. A., Vern. '790.
Miller (William), B. A., Vern. IS5o.-:\I. B., &t. ,S53'
Miller (William Henry), LL. D. (Aonori, cllrud), 2EBt. IS65.
Miller (William Moore), B. A. ..!&t. IS39.
Yiller (William Rowley), B. A., Vern. 1S35.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Vern. IS45.
Millett (James), Sch., IS30.-B. A., ../E.!t. 1832.
Milligan (James), B. A., ..lEat. IS29.
Milligan (William), Sch., 1787.-B. A., Vern. 1789.
Milliken (Richard), H. A., Vern.IS27.
Mills (Andrew A.), B. A., 2EBt. 1823.
Mills (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1711.-M. A., Vern. 1714.
Mills (Charles), B. A., V",.,.. 1836.
Mills (Charles Edward), B. A., Vern. 1844.
Mills (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1791.
}Iills (James), B. A., Vern. 1795 .
.Yills (John), B. A., Vern. 17+3.
Mills (John Montgomery Caaement), B. A., Vern. 1862.
Mills (John Valentine). B. A., Vern. 1845.
Mills (Lewis George), B. A., ..lEat. 1855.-LL. B., ..lEat. 186+.
Mills (Michael), Sch., 1708.-B. A., Vern. 1710.-M. A., Vern.
17 1+









Milla (Richard), B. A., V,rn. 1750.

Mills (Richard), B. A., ..E.,t. 1796.
Mills (Richard), B. A., Vtm. 1846.
Mills (Richard Homer), B. A., VINl. 1838.-11. A., Vern. l8.p.
Milla (Robert), B. A., Vtm. '730.
Mills (Samuel), B. A., VINl. I 857.-11. A., .LEst. 186+
Mills (Samuel), B. A., H~m. 1862.
Mills (Thomas), Sch., 1696.-B. A., Vma. 1699.
Mills (Thomas), B. A., V,Nl. 1852.-Y. A., Vma. 1856.
Mills (Townsend), Soh., I 860.-B. A., VWII. 186...
Mills (William), B. A., VINl. 1832.
Milly, or Milley (John), Sch., 1738.-B. A., V,m. 17+0.-Y. A.,
At. 1743.
Milmoth (William), LT... D. (It?noril CIJu.9d), .E.t. '765.
Milner (William), B. A., V".,.. 18p.-M. A., ../E,t. 18SS.
Milward (Charles Richard), B. A., Y"rn. 1839.
Milward (Henry), B. A., VtNl. 1733.
Milward (Hugh), B. A., Vmt. 176z.
Minchin (Augustus), B.A., V"rn. 18'7.-l[. A., Vern. 1820.
Minchin (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 1818.
Minohin (Charles Henry), B. A., V,m. 1805.-11. A., Y,m. 18n.
Minchin (Flllkiner John). B. A., Vtrn. 18n.-l[. A., VIrR. 1858.
Minohin (George), B. A., Vm,. I 836.-lL B., ...Eft. I 837.-Y. .!..,
Vern. 1839 . .
Minchin (Henry Charles), B. A., Vlrn. 1833.-M. A., Vern. 1847.
Minchin (Humfrey), B. A., Vm. 17H.-M. A., V".,.. 17+8.
Minchin (Humphrey), Soh., 1762.-B. A . V,Nl. 1763.-M. A.,
V"n. 1768.
Minchin (Humphrey), B. A., &t. 183"
Minohin (Humphrey), B. A., V,rn. 1839.-M. B., .JE$t. 18+0.
Minchin (John), B. A., .JEd. 1836.
Minchin (William), B. A., ..lEst. '775.
Minchin (William), B. A., Vern. 18,0.
Minchin (William), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Yinnett (John Robert), B. A., Ym,. 1839.
Yinnett, or Minnitt (Joshua Robert), B. A., ...Ed. 18z7.
Minnett (Robert), B. A., V,m. 17+6.-M. A., &t. 17+9.
Yinnett (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1831.



Minshull (Thomas Evans), B. A., V",.n. I 856.-1I. A., 2EII. 186 5.

Mitchell (Allen), B. A., 2&t. 1817.
lIitchell (Arthur), B. A., Vim. 1833.
Mitchell (Arthur Molloy), 8ch., IB3....-B. A., 1'",.,.. 1856.
S Kitchell (Blayney), Soh., 1799.-B. A., Vim. IBoI.-Y. A., J'E~t.

Mitchell (Charles), B. A., V".,.. IB36.

Mitchell (Charles), B. A., 2&t. 1837.
lfitchell (Oonatantine), B. A., V".,.. 1762.
lfitchell (Coote), B. A., Vim. 1732.-H. A., At. 173S.
(0 Mitchell (George), B. A., V".,.. 1788.-M. B., Vern. 1791.
Mitchell (George st. George), B. A., V".,.. 17B3.
Mitchell (Henry), LL. D. (Aonoril CUlUld), .lEIt. 1765.
Mitchell (Henry), B. A., At. 18".
Mitchell (Henry), B. A., V".,.. IBH.
IS Mitchell (lI'Cluney), B. A., HUm. IB59.
Mitchell (Hichael), Soh., r811.-B.A., AIlt. IBu.-M.A., VI,.,..
Mitchell (Richard), B. A., At 1820.
Mitohell (Richard), B. A., Vim. lB+).
Mitchell (Riohard Henry), B. A., VINI. 185+.
zo Mitchell (Robert A.), B. A., LEst. IB52.
Mitchell (St.lohn F.), B. A., VINI. 1861.
Mitchell (Thomas), B. A., VINI. '73+,
Mitchell (Thomas), B. A., AIl,. IB 14Kitchell (William), B. A., Vim. 18+6.
25 Mitford (Bertram), LL. D. (Aonori, ctlfUd), &t. 1805.
Mocan (
), (Entrance not reeorded).-B. A., VINI. 1705.
Mocatta (William Abraham), B. A., V".,.. 1853. - M. A., V,r,..
Mocler (lames), B. A., V".,.. 1754.
Mockler (Edward), B. A., VINI. 1836.
30 Mockler (George), B.A., V".,.. 18+2.
Mockler (James), B. A., V".,.. 1791.-ll. A., LEII. 1816.
Mockler(James),B.A., Vwn.IB4+-11.A.,&t. 18 53.
Mockler (John), B. A. At. 1830'
Mookler (Robert), B. A., Vim. 179+.
3S Mockler (William), Soh., IH2.-B. A., V,m. 1734.-11. A., Alt.



Mockler (William), B. A., .&t. IS33Mockler (Willliun), B. A., V".,.. IS35.-lI:. A., .AlIt. 18+7.
Moeran (EdwardBusteed), B. A., V6nI. IS31.-)(. A., y",.. 18+1.
-B. D., aDd D. D., .lEIt. IS 53.
Moeran (Thomas), B. A., .It. 18H.
5 Moffatt (Ohristopher William), B. A., Hum. IS61.
Moffatt (James), B. A., y".,.. IS+9.
Moffatt (James Robert), B. A., Vme. ISIOo-H. A., Nop. 1831.
Moffatt (James Robert), B. A., .lEd. 18++Moffatt (William), B. A., Vwn. 1781.
10 Moffatt (William Hughes), B. A., and LL. B., .AlIt. IS6+Moffett (Andrew), B. A., V6nI. 1798.
Moffett (Benjamin), Sch., IS6....-B. A., JrWflj. IS65.
Moffett (George B.), B. A., V"... ISI9.-1I. A., No". 18p.
Moffett (Robert), Sch., I 765.-B. A., Vw,," 1767. - M. A., &t.

177 1
15 Moffett (Robert John), B. A., V"... 1838.-M. A., Y8Nf. 185+Moffett (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1857.
1I01l'ett (Thomas William), Sch., 18+1.-B. A., V"..,.. 18++.M. A., Y"". I 84J.-LL B., y".,., 18+S.-LL. D., V",.. 18p.
Moffitt (James), B. A., Vma. 18z3.
Moine (Henry), Fellow, prior to 1593.
20 Moland (Benjamin), Sch., 1~5.-B. A., y".,.. 1~7.-11. A., At.
Moland (Samuel), Sch., 1695.-8. A., Vml. 1~7'
Molesworth (Herbert Philip), 8. A., V".,.. IS36. - M. A., VIN'.
18 39.
Moleaworth(Robert), B.A., Vmt. ISz6.-M.A., Vern.ISn.
Molesworth (William Robert), B. A., Vn-n. I 829.-M. A., NOI).
25 Moline, or Mullen (Patrick), Sch., 1685.-B. A., V",.. 168,.Y. A., .LE,t. 1691.
Molineux (Hon. Samuel), LL. D., &t. 171,.
Moll (Gerard), LL. D. (latmoril OIJUla), Aug. 1+, IS35'
Mollan (John). M. D. (lwnoril ('QUId), .LEd. IS 39.
Mollan (Robert), B.A., Vsrn. 1851.
30 Mollan (William Campbell), ll. A., Vtf'n. IR+o.
Moller (Andrew George), B. A., AUt. ISII.
Moller (Charles), B. A., V~NI. 18H.



Moller (George H.), B. A., Vern. 18+1,

MoIling, or Mullins (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1688.
Molloy (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 185+.-M. A., Vern. 1865'
Molloy (Constantine), B. A., V".". J855.-M. A., Vern. 18S8.
Molloy (Edmund), B. A., V".". 1691.-Soh., 169z.-1I. A., .LEst.
Molloy (Edward), Soh., 17z5.-B. A., Vwn. 17Z7.-Fell, 1730.M. A., ~8t. 1730.
Molloy (Francis), B. A., 2&t. 1801.
Molloy (James), B. A., Vmt. 1770.
Molloy (John), Soh., 1716.-B. A., Vern. 1717.
Molloy (John B.), B. A., Vmt. 1811.-M. A., Vwn. 1816.
Molloy (Philip), B. A., .LE4t. 1813.-M. A., No". 1831.
Molloy (Thomas Mulock), Sch., 1816.-B. A., Vma. 1818.-M. A.,
and M. B., .AlBt. 18IS.-M. D., VtH'n. 1816.
Molloy (Tobias), B. A.,
Molloy (William), B. A., rma. 1829.
Molls, or Moles, or Molles (John Peter), Sch., 1708.-B. A.,. Vem.
Molony (Arthur), B. A., .AlBt. ISII.-H. A., N0f7. 1831.
Molony (Croasdaile), B. A., LElt. IS09.
Molony (Henry), B. A., Vern. IS41.
Molony (Henry Ganne), B. A., .LEst. 1779.
Molony (Michael), B. A., LEIl. ISI3.-M. A., N0f7. IS31.
Holony (Walter), B. A., .LE,t. IS16.
Molony (William), B. A., Vmt. IS31.-1I. A., At. IS34.LL. B., and LL. D., V'"'" IS40.
Moloy (Neale), B. A., May 14, 1616.
Molyneux (Capel), B. A., Vwn. 1737.
Molyneux (Sir Capel, Bart.), LL. D. (Aonortl clltlld), At. 1768.
Molyneux (Capel), B. A., At. 1771.
Molyneux (Daniel), B. A., Vma. 17Z7.-M. A., At. 1730.
Molyneux (Echlin), B. A., Vma. ISlo.-M. A., At. 1847.
Molyneux (Samuel), B. A.,
1708.-H. A., .2&t. 1710.
Molyneux (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1680.-M. D., At. 1687'
Molyneux (William), B. A., rM'ft. I 674.-H. A., SIP'- 17, 1692.LL. B., and LL. D., At. 1693.
Molynix (Poole), B. A., V".,.. 171S.
Monahan (Henry James), B. A., V4rII, 18S6.-M. A., 8'... 186+















Monahan (lames Henry), B. A.., V"... 185+-M. A.., BU.. 186+.

Monahan (Right Hon. lames Henry), LL B., and LL. D., AtIt.
Monahan (James Hnnter), Sch., I 839.-B. A.,At. 18+2.-)[. A..,
Ywn. 18+6.-B. D., At. 18n.-D.D., V"... 1866.
Moneall (Charles), B. A.., V"... 1728.-M. A., At. 1732.
Monck (Charles), LL D. (,p~ligrtJtid), V"... 1718.
Monck (Charles Stanley), B. A.., At. 18+1.
Monck (George), B. A., Vwn. 1695.
Monck (George), L L. D. (Almoril "",d), ...t:&c. 1709.
HODCk (George Stanley), B. A., At. 1825.-lLA., Not). 1832.
Honck (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1827.
Monck (James Stanley), B. A., Hum. 1863'
Honck (John Stanley), Sch., 17#.-B. A., V".,.. 17H.-ll. A.,
.2&1. 17+8.-LL B., and LL. D., Vwn. 1768.
Monck (Mark), B. A.., Vwn. I 780.-H. A., Vim. 1799.
Honck (Thomas), B. A.., Vwn. 1698.-ll. A., .2&t. 170I.-B. D..
V"... 1709.
Monck (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 178+.
Honck (Thomas), Sch., 181+.-B. A.., At. 1816.
Monck (Thomas Stanley), B. A., .2&t. 1828.
Monck (William Henry Stanley), Sch., 1861.-B. A.., H"UfII. 186 ..
Moncrief (Thomas), Sch., I 733.-B. A., V".,.. 1735.
Moncrief (Thomas), B.A., V/Jf'n.I7+6.
Moncrieft' (Edward Theophilu!I RU88ell), B. A., Vwn. 18+1.
Mongan, or Mnngan (James), Sch., 1815.-B. A.., Vena. 1820.
Mong8n. (John), B. A., ..lEat. 1818.-M. A., Vim. 1825.
Mongan (Thomas), B. A.., V".,.. 182+.
Monipenny (Henry), Soh., 1663.-B. A., Vms. 1665.
llonipenny (James), B. A., 17or.-M. A., ..!&t. 170+.
Monkton (Charles), Soh., J716.-B. A., YIJf'n. 1718.-M. A., .2&t.
17 21
Monro (George), B. A., V/Jf'n. 172%.
Monro (Hector), B. A., ,iE,I. 1776.
Monro (John), Soh., I 766.-B. A.., Vern. 1768 .
Monsarrat (Henry), B.A., Vern. 1855.-M. A., Hf~m. 1860.
Honsell (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 18 37.
Monsell (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 173+
Monsell (Ephraim), B. A.., VjjNl. 17++.








Monsell (John Samuel Bewley), B. A., Vm. 1831. - LL. B., and
LL. D., Vim. 1856.
Monsell (Richard William), B. A., 18.p.
Monsell (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1761.-M. A., ..lEIt. 176+.
Monsell (Thomas), B. A., ..lEIt. 1785.-LL. B., NOf1. II, 1788.
Monsell (Thomas), B. A., At. 180....::....M:. A., Vim. 1807.
Monsell (William), B. A., ..l&t. 1798.
Monsell (William Thomas), B. A., Vim. 177+'
Monsell (William Thomas), B. A., Vim. 1831.
Montague (Edward), B. A., H.-sm. 1863'
Montford (Archibald Harman), B. A., Hum. J861.-M. A., HUm.
Montgomerie (Right Hon. Archibald William, Earl of Eglinton),
LL. D. (Jnr flipl., AlmoN. HUlet), BIt. I 8SI.

Montgomery (Alexander), B.A., Vim. 170"

Montgomery (Alexander), B.A., Vim. 171+-M. A., Vim. 1731.
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., Vim. 1743.
Montgomery (Alexander), LL. D. (Mnoril caUlti), VIr'''. 17++
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 17+5.
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., Vim. 1767.
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., Vim. 1 79+-M:. A., ..lEIt. 1810.
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., ,.lE,t. 1815.
Montgomery (Alexander), B. A., ..l&t. IS30'
Montgomery (AlexanderJobnston), B. A., BIt. IS03.-H. A:r NOfl.
1831 .
Montgomery (Alexander Risland), B. A., Vim. 1856.
Montgomery (Arthur H.), B. A., BIt. 1831.
llontgomery (Charles), B. A., At. 18u.-ll. A., NOf1. 1831.
Montgomery (Charles Lyons), B.A., BIt. 1807.-11. A., NOf1.
Montgomery (Edward), B. A., At. 181o.
Montgomery (George), B. A., Vem. 1838.
Montgomery (George), B. A., HWm. 1865.
Montgomery (George Vaughan), B. A., YIm. 1799.
Montgomery (Hans), B. A., Vim. I 688.-H. A., V".,.. i69'l.
Montgomery (Henry Bevan Blator), B. A., Vim. IS65.
Montgomery (Howard Alexander), B. A., Vir'''' 18z6.-M.B.,
Vim. 1829.



Montgomery (Howard Benjamin). B. A., Y.".. 18So.-1(' B., .It.

18$0.-M. D., Vim. 1861.-M. em".LEu. 1861.
Montgomery (Hugh), B. A., Vim. 177+'
Montgomery (Hugh), B. A., Y"....1811.
Montgomery (Hugh), B.A . y.".. 18,35.
S Montgomery (James), B. A., y",.. 170,3.
Montgomery (James), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., y".,.. 17+9.
Montgomery (John), B. A., y."... 1739.
Montgomery (John), B. A., At. 1799.
Montgomery (John). B. A.,.&t 1811.-ll. A" V".,.. 1833.
10 llontgomery (Lealie Sidney), B. A.. Vim. 18+7.-)(. A., Jen.
Montgomery (Nathaniel), B. A., y",.. 1778.
Montgomery (Nathaniel), B. A., y".,.. 1830.
Montgomery (Richard), B. A.,
Montgomery (Richard Henry), B. A.,
18z7. - M. B., ~.
1830'S Montgomery (Bobert), Soh., 17+5. - 8. A... V".,., 17+7. - M. A.,
Montgomery (Robert), B. A., Vim. '776.
Montgomery (Robert), B. A., V".,.. I 799.-M. A., .AlBt. 1809.
Montgomery (Sir Bobert), LL. D. (Ao"oril ....d) ..l&t. 1866.
Montgomery (Bobert B1ackall), B. A., y",.. 18+8.
20 Montgomery (Bobert John), a A., &It. ,840.
Montgomery (Samuel), B. A.. At. 1791.
Montgomery (Samuel), B. A.., JT",.. 1827.
Montgomery (Samuel Law). B. A., Y,,... 1788. - LL. B., At.
Montgomery (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1678.
25 Montgomery (Thomaa Hassard), B. A., .&t. 18,31.-M. A., At.
Montgomery (William), B. A., y".,.. '705,
Montgomery (William), B. A., y".,.. 1779.
Montgomery (William), B. A., At. 1807.
Montgomery (William), B. A., At. 1821.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
30 Montgomery (William Fetherston Haugh), Soh., 1820.-B. A.,
1812. - H. A., and M. a, .A!8t. 1825. -M. D., y".,..
18 52
Montaerratt (John), B. A., JT".,.. 1847.-M.A., JTm,. 1856.







Monypenny (Phillips Howard), B. A., Hinn. IS60.

Monypeny (Arthur), B. A.,
Moody (lohn), B.A., .LE.t. IS33.
Mooney (Daniel), Sch., 1794-.-B. A.,
17.-Fellow, ISOI.
-M. A., .LE.t. ISoI.-B. D., Vena. IS06.-D. D.,
lSI I.
Mooney (Daniel), Sch., IS27.-B. A.,
ISz9.-M. A., .LE.t.
I S4-2.
Mooney (Francie), B. A., .LE.t. ISI6.
Mooney (Frederick), Sch., IS~S.-B. A., Vmt. IS07.

Mooney (Harcourt), B. A.,

Mooney (Peter), B. A., .It. IS12.
Mooney (Peter), B. A.,
IS26.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Mooney (Robert), B. A.,
Mooney (Robert Gerald), Sch., IS23.-B. A.,
IS2S.-ll. A.,
NOfJ. IS32.
Mooney (Robert lames Enright), B. A.,
Mooney (Thomas), Sch., ISI9.-B. A., V".,.. IS20.-1,[. A., .lEd.
iS2+-LL. B., and LL. D., .&t. IS3S.
Mooney (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. ISS7.-M. A., .8t. IS6+
Mooney (Thomas Plunket), B. A., Vma. ISS9.
Moor (Sir Emanuel), B. A., V".,.. 1709.
Moor (Henry William, B. A., Vim. 174-8.
Moore (
), B. A.,
173 I.
Moore (Abraham Colles), B. A., VINI. JS30.
Moore (Addison), B. A., rim. ISOS.
Moore (Alexander), B. A.,
Moore (Ambrose), B. A.,
Moore (Arthur), B. A., .&t. 17SS.
Moore (Arthur), B. A., .&t. IS4-I.-}(. A., ASst. ISSI.
Moore (Boyle), B. A., rM"n. 1696.
Moore (Right Hon. Charles, Baron Tullamore), B. A.,
1728 .
Moore (Sir Charles, Bart.), B. A., rms.I736.
Moore (Charles), B. A., Vwn. I 737.-M. A., AIlt. 17+0.
Moore (Charles), B. A.,
Moore (Charles), B. A., rM"n. 17S3.
Moore (Charles), B.A., .IE.t. 1813.-}I. A., At. 1816.
Moore (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 18...6.
Moore (Charles William), B. A., V".n. 178+





















Moore (Courtenay), B. A., HiI".. 1861.

Moore (Edward, Viscount Mountcashel), B. A" VtNI. 1730.
Moore (Edward), B. A., y.,.,.. 1735.-ll. A., At. 173lt-B. D.,
V"n. 1760.
Moore (Edward), B. A., Ymt,. 1773.
5 Moore (Edward), B. A., At. 1818.-}[. A" YlTla. 18zS.
Moore (Edward), B.A., LEtt. 1827.
Moore (Edward), B. A., Ymt,. IS4-+'
Moore (Edward Montgomery), B. A.,
Moore ~dwin Lorenzo), B. A., Yin,. Ilh4--Y. A., Nllv. IS3z.
10 Moore (Emanuel), B. A., Vt,.,.. 176S.
1\I00re (Foulke), B. A., Vel'll. 17+2.
Moore (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1686.-ll. A., Y6r". 1691.
Moore (Francis), B. A., Y6,.,.. 1738.
Moore (Frederick), B. A., Vem. ISI3.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.
IS Moore (Frederick lames), B. A., Hio".. 1861.
Moore (George), B. A., YI11'1I. 17+2.
Moore (George), Sch., 1777.- B. A., .A:lft. 1779.
Moore (George), Sch., 1795. - B. A" rent. '797' - LL. 1>. ~/.
Moore (George), B. A.,
20 Moore (George), B. A.., V",.. 1820.
Moore (George B.), B. A.., YI11'1I.IS2+.
Moore (George Ogle), B. A., V".,.. 1829Moore (Hamilton), Soh., 17S6.-B. A.,
Moore (Henry), B. A., V,rn. 16g6.-lL A., Y".". 1705.
25 Moore (Henry), Do A.., Y""'. 1703.
Moore (Hon. and Rev. Henry), LL. D. (Aono,.., calUa), Sept. 19,
1710.-D.D., .Aug. 2,1715.
Moore (Henry), .LEat. ISOI.-1[. A., At. 18og.
Moore (Henry), B. A., YINt. 18+6.
Moore (Henry), B. A., and ll. A., y".,.. 1852.
30 lloore (Henry Francis Seymour, Marquis of Drogheda), B. A.,
and LL.D. (Ao.oni oa",I1), Y".,a. 18+5.
Moore (Hugh), B. A., YIr,.. 1836.
Moore (lames). B. A., Jan. 19, 1666.-11. A., At. 1672.
Moore (James), B. A., YI11'1I. 1732.-M. A., At. 1735.
Moore (James), B. A., Vern. 1732.-M.A., At. 1735.






Moore (James), B.A., y".,.. Ihr.-l.A., NOfJ. IS31.

Moore (lames). B. A., y".,.. rSI6.-l{. A . NOfJ. IS31.
Moore (lames), B. A., y".,.. 1818.-1. A., NOfJ. r831.
Moore (lames), Soh., r818.-B. A., V".,.. 183 r.
5 Moore (lames). B. A., V".,.. 1834Moore (lames John), B.A.., y".,.. 1793.
Moore (lohn), B. A., Hay I, 16S+-11. A.; J ... 16, 166r.
Moore (lohn), (Entered (671).-Sch., 1676.-{B. A., not recorded).
-H. .A., LEat. 1680.
10 Moore (lohn), Sch., 1693.-B. A., V.,rn. 1697.-lL A., V".,..
Moore (lohn), B. A., Vern. 1703.-}[. A., Vern. 170S.-D. D.,
.Aug. 2, 171S.
Moore (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1731.
Moore (lohn), B. A.., V".,.. 17+7.
Moore (John), B. A., AI. 17+7.
Moore (lohn), B. A., Vim. 1749.
IS Moore (lohn), Boh., 1771.-B. A.. V.,rn. I 773.-}[. A., V".,..
Moore (lohn), B. A., V".,.. qS9.-LL. B., At. 1791.
}[oore (lohn), B. A.., V".,.. ISU.
}[oore (lohn), B. A., V".,.. ISI9.-l{. A., VIm, 1837.
Moore (lohn), B. A.., V".,.. IS1+.
20 Moore (John), B. A., Vem. IS .4-I
. Moore (lohn), B. A., Vwn. IS43.
Moore (lohn Oharles), Sch., 186r.-8. A., V".,.. 1863.
}[oore (1ohn James), B. A., V".,.. I 855'
Moore (lohn Lewis), B. A., V".,.. ISIO.-Fellow, ISI9.-}[. A.,
V".,.. 1831.-B.D., and D.D., Ae. IS39.
2S Moore (lohn Robert), B. A., .AlIt. 182+-}[. A., No". r831.
Moore (lohn William), B. A.. At. 18n.
}[oore (lohn William), 8ch., IS6S.-B.A., Fum. rS6s.
Moore (loseph), Sch., 1717.-B. A.., V".,.. 17IS.-M. A., At.
173 I.-D. D., .2&1. 1779.
Moore (loseph CarBOn), Sch., ISso.-B. A.., V".,., rSS3.
30 Moore (loseph Fletcher), B. A., &t. ISS7.-}[. A., At. IS6S.
Moore (Lewis), B. A., &t. rS13.
Moore (llatthew), B. A., V".,.. 17S1.
Moore (Matthew), B. A., V".,.. ISn.-Y. A., NOfJ. 1831.




}(oore (MOIIeII), B. A., JTIWft. 1816.

Moore (Ogle William), B. A., JT".. 18z3.-X. A., V",.,.. 1857.
}(oore (Patrick), Sch., I 8+ I.-B. A., VII"", I 841.-11. A., At.t.
Moore (Pierce), B. A., y".,.. 1733.
5 Moore (Pierce), B. A., At. 1836.
Moore (Ponso'lby), B. A.., At. 1836.
Moore (Ponaonby), B. A., JTIIrft. 1839.
Moore (Richard), Sch., 1710.-B. A., FIIMI. l7u.-lL A., .lEtt.
. 17 1 5.
Moore (Richard), B. A., y".,.. I7+S.-LL. n., &t. '7+R.
10 Moore (Richard), B. A., JT".,.. 1768.
Moore (Richard), 8ch., 1801.-B. A., At. 1803.
Moore (Richard), B. A., Al,t. 18d.-Y. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Moore (Richard), B. A., y".,.. 18+1.
Moore (Richard R.), B. A., JTIIMI. I 85+.-M. A., LE". 1865.
I S Moore (Robert), Sch., 1680.-B. A., JTIWft. 1682.
Moore (Robert), B. A., VIIMI. 17++.
Moore (llon. Robert), B. A., YIIMI. 1760.-M. A., JTwn. 1768.
Moore (Hon. Robert), B.A., .LEtt. 1771.
Moore (Robert), B. A., JTWtl. 18u.
20 Moore (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 183S.
Moore (Robert Lyon), B. A., &1. I 860.-ll. A., Bitt. 1865.
Moore (Roger), B. A., V".,.. 178+.
Moore (Ro88 Stewart), Sch., 1818.-B. A., YIIMI. 1830'
Moore (Samuel), B. A., LElt. 179+
2S Moore (Samuel), B. A., JTtn. 18+2.
Moore (Samuel Matthew), B. A., Vm. 18H.-M. A., Hi"".. 186+
Moore (Sandford), B. A., M. B., and Y. Chir., At. 1866.
Moore (Stephen), B. A., AAt. 1829.
Moore (Theodore Octavius), B. A., V".,.. 1838.-)[. A., VIIMI.
30 Moore (Thomas), B. A., Itrn. 1740.
~roore (Thomas), B. A., VIWft. i763'
Moore ('fhomas), B. A., LEst. 1794.
Moore (Thomas), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1799.
~Ioore (Thomas), B. A., VIIMI. 1842.
35 Moore (Thomos), B. A., Vern. 18+5.








Moore (Thomas), Sch., 18-U.-B. A., Ylm. 1846.-M. A., VINI.

Moore (Thomas Duke), B. A., At. 1817.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Hoore (Thomas Niohols), B. A., Ywn. 1858.
Moore (Thomas Othivell), B.A., Vim. I 798.-M. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Moore (William), B. A., Ylm. 1736.-M. A'I At. 17+5.
Moore (William), B. A., y".,.. 1784.
Moore (Hon. William), B. A., At. 1791.
Moore (William), Soh., 1805.-B. A., Ylm. 1807.
Moore (William), B. A., Ylm. 1830.
Hoore (William), B.A., At. I 84o.-LL. B., and LL. D., Y".n.
18 53.
Moore (William), B. A., YIN. 1848.-Y. B., At. 18so.-M. D.,
Hima. 1860.
Moore (William C.), B.. A., At. 1828.
ltJoore (William Daniel), B. A., and M. B., Vim. I 843.-M. D.,
HUm. 1860.
Moore (William Law Ogilby), B. A., At. 1833.-Y. B., At.
18 35.
Moore (William Prior), B. A., Vir,.. I 829.-M. A.,
Moore (William Westby), R A., YIm. 1846.
Moorecraft, or Morecraft (James), Soh., 1688.-B. A., &t. 1691.
-M. A., Vim. 16g8.-B. D., and D. D., Ylm. 1713.
Moorhead (William B.), B. A., rim. 18zz.
Moorwood, or Morewood (James), Soh., 1801.-8. A., Ylm. 1803.
-,-M. A., Ylm. 1828.
Moran (James T.), B. A., Ylm. 1823.
Moran (John Fleming), B. A., Hi,m. 1865.
Moran (Lawrence F.), B. A., Yent. 1848.
Morecroft, or Moorcroft (James), Soh., 1710.-B. A., Ylm. 17zz.
Moreland (Benjamin). See Morland.
Moreland (William John Harrison), B. A., Ylm. 1827.-Y. .l.,
At. 1 832.-LL. B., and LL.D., At. 18+2.
Moreton (Samnel), (Entrance not reoorded).-M. A., At. 1679.
Morewood (Rowland Savage), B. A., At. 1845.
Morgan (Allen), B. A., LEst. 1,7Z4.-M. A., LEst. 17 2 7.
Morgan (Allen), B. A., Vim. I 779.-Y.A., 'yt. 1806.
Morgan (Arthnr), B. A., Vern. 1811.
Morgan (David), B. A'I Vern. 1704.



Morgan (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1812.-Y. A., Vena. 18z9.

Morgan (George), B. A., V"..,.. 18+1.
Morgan (George A.), B. A., y"... 18SI.
Morgan (George Burdett), B. A., Yenl. 18S6.
S )(organ (Hamilton), Soh., 17S7.-B.A., y",.. 1759.-LL. B.,

V",.. 1776.






Morgan (Hamilton), B. A., Vent. 178S.

Morgan (Hamilton), B. A., Y".,.. ISn.
Morgan (Henry), B.A., V",..18IS.
Morgan (Hugh), LL D. (AoteorU MMld), At. 1709.
Morgan (James), B. A., V"... 17So.
Morgan (James Blaoker), B. A., Ait. 1846.
Horgan (lohn), Boh., 1757. - B. A., y"... 1759. - M. A., At.
Morgan (John), B. A., ...&1. 1819.
Morgan (John), B. A., V".,.. IS+I.-M. A., V".,., IS53.
Morgan (John), B. A., V".,.. ISS9.-M. A., Ail. 1861.-LL. B.,
and LL D., ...&1. 186+.
Morgan (John), B. A .. and M. A., Hi.... IS59.
Morgan (Lewis), B. A., V".,.. 1837'
Morgan (Lewis), B. A., V".,.. 1841.
Morgan (Lewis), M. A., V".,., 18+6.
Morgan (Mark Anthony), B. A., Vmt. 1711.
Morgan (Hoore), B. A., V".,.. ISoo.-ll. A., V".,.. 181+.
Morgan (Peter), B. A., V".,.. ISIS.
Morgan (Robert), Beb., 1726.-B. A., Vmt. 1717.-ll. A., Ait.
Morgan (Samuel Maloom), B. A., V".,.. ISI+-ll. A., Nov. 1832.
Morgan (Tho~), M.A. (ad eund.), Jan. 16, 1661.
Morgan (Thomas), B. A., V".,.., 183;'.
Morgan (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Morgan (Sir Thomas Charles), M. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), .&t.
Morgan (Thomas Poole). B. A., YeNt. 18+5.-M. A., LElt. 186,3Morgan (William), B. A., Y",.. 1701.
Morgan (William), B. A., V".,.. 1.;'0+.
Morgan (WUliam), B. A., y".,.. 1812.
Morgan (William), B. A., Atlt. 1816.
Morgan (William), B. A., LElt. 18+0.



Morgan (William), B. A., Vern. 18+1.

Morgan (William), Y. A., Atst. 1860.
Morgan (William Conway), B. A.., Vern. I 836.-M. A., V~rn. 18+0.
Morgan (Williain Isaac), B. A., ..2&t. 181+.-M. A., V".". 183+.
5 Morgan (William L), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
Morgan (William Lewis), B. A.., At~t. 18)1.
Morgell (Crosbie), B. A., Vern. 18z4.
Moriarty (Denis), B. A.., At,t. 1857.
Moriarty (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1839.
10 Moriarty (Matthew), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Moriarty (Maurice), Sch., 180S.-B. A., Ver,.. 1807.
Moriarty (Silver), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Moriarty (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1837.-ll. A., &t.186S'
Moriarty (Thomas Alexander), B. A., Vma. 1861.
IS Moriarty (Timothy), Sch., I798.-B. A., Vim. 18oc.-M.B., ./EIt.
Moriarty (William), B. A., Vma. 1838.
Morland. or Moreland (Benjamin), B. A.,.4IIt. J 828.-Y. A.., LEst.
18 3 1
Morley (Fraucis), B. A., &t. I 776.-LL. B., Vwn. 1778.
Morley (Henry), B. A., Vim. 1731.
zo Morley (Thomas A.), B. A., V,rn. J8SI.-M. A., &t. 1860.
Mornington (Right Hon. Garrett Colley, Earl of). See Wellellley,
or Wesley.
Morony (Francis), B. A., Vwn. 1808.
Morony (Westropp), B. A., &t. 1776.
Morphy (Richard), B A., Vwn. I 85+-ll. A., LEst. 1857.
25 Morres (Lodge), LL. D. (honor" eQUId), Vern. 1770.
Morres (Redmond), B. A.., Vern. 1770.
Morris (Apoll09), B. A., Vern. 17+7.
Morris (Beverley Robinson), B. A., Vern., M. B., LEst. 1840.-:. M. D., LEst. 18+3.
Morris (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1716.-M:. A., LEst. 1719,
30 Morris (James), B. A., Vern. I 83S.-M. A., &t. 1840.
Morris (James), B. A., Diem. 1859.
Morris, or Morrice (John), Sch., 167+-B. A., V".". J677.-M. A.,
Morris (Joseph), B. A.., V,rn. 18z5.
Morris (Michael), B. A., Vim. 18+7.



Morris (Redmond), B. A., V".,.. 1733.

Horris (Sir Redulond), LL. D. (honON8 CIJUld), .&t. 1756.
Morris (Riohard), B. A., V".It. IS+I.
Morris (Richard Wall), B. A., VWIt. ISu.-H. A., Nor;. IS32.
5 Horrie {Samuel), B.A., V".,.. 1752.-M. A., Y".,..1756.
Morris (ThadWeus), Sch., 179+.-B. A., Vms. I 796.-H. A., V.,.".
Horris (Theodore), B. A., V".,.. 16SS.-M. A., LEd. 1~2.
Horris (Theophilus), B. A., .&t. 1729.
Horris (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1776.
10 Horris (Thomas), Sch., ISoS.-B. A., VWIt. ISIO.
Morris (Thomas), B. A., V"". ISSS.-M. A., VWIt. IS59.
MorrilSOn (Edward Hooper), B. A., VIn'. ISI+.-M. B., Bit. ISI9.
MorrilSOn (Fielding), B. A., V".n. ISu.-H. A., BIt. IS25.
Horrison (Hans), B. A., Hi61ll. IS62.
J 5 Morrison (Hugh), B. A., ~8t. 1674.
Morrison (John), B. A., Vwn. ISII.
Horrison or Morrl8son (Robert William; or William Robert), B. A.,
V".n. IS+6-.-M. A., BIt. IS 56.
Morrison (William), B. A., Oct. u, '751.
Horae (Edward), B. A., Vtfn. IS+l.
20 Monop (John), B. A., .LE&t. 1773.
Mortimer (Robert), B. A., V~m. 17So.
Mortimer (William), B. A., Vern. ISIS.
Mortimer (William), B. A., Vwn. ISSS.-M. A., VIJrn. IS59.
Morton (Francis Clarke), B. A., V".,.. IS49.-H. A., Pern. ISS%.
25 Horton (George Gustavus), B. A., Vwn. ISH. -M. A. Hiem.
Morton (Henry). B. A., BIt. IS+7.
Morton (James), B. A., Vwn. ISI7.-M. A., NOI). IS32.
Morton (James), B. A., Vern. IS20.-H. A., Nor;. IS32.
Morton (James Henry), B. A., Vma. ISso.-M. A., Vn'N. 185330 Morton (John), Fellow, 1621.
Morton (John Francis), B. A., Vern. IS66.
Morton (Joseph), D. A., Vtlrn. IS29.-lLA. Nor;. IS32.
Morton (Ralph C.), B. A., .LEat. IS4S,
Morton, or Moreton (Richard), (Entrance not recorded). - B. A.,
&to 17oS.-M. A., April IS, 1711.
35 Morton (Robert), B. A., H.em. I 862.-M. D., .2&t. 1863.








Morton (Samuel William), B. A., Vern. 1847.

Morton (Thomas), B. A., Hag %, 1618.-M. A., Hag 9, 16%1.
Morton"(Thomas), B. A., jEst. 1809.
Morton (William), B. A;, Vern. 1714Moseley (Benjamin), Sch., 167o.-B. A., Perno 167%.-M. A., At.
Moseley (William), Sch., 171 I.-B. A., V".n. 1713.-M. A., ..!E8l.
17 16.
Moses (Henry John), B. A., V".,.. 1860.-LL. B., Diem. 1863.
Moses (John), B. A., Hiem. 1860.-M. A., Hiem. 1863'
Moss (Andrew), B. A., Y""'. 1799.
Moss (John James), B. A., ..lEBt. 18sz.-M. A., ..lEBt. 1855.
Moss (Samuel), B. A., ..lEBt. IS33.
Moss (William), B. A., .LEst. I 733.-1l. A., .&t. 1739.
Mosse (Benjamin), B.A., Yern.18H.
Mosse (Charles), Sch., 176+ - B. A., Vern. 1766. - M. A., ./Est.
17 69'
Mosse (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Mosse (Henry), B. A., Vms. 1846.
Mosse (Nicholas), B. A., Vms. 168%.-M. A., ..lEBt. 168S.
Mosse (Peter), B. A.,..lEBt. 1771.-M. A., Vern. 1777.
Mosse (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18p.-M. A., Vern. 18S4Mosse (Tenison), M.A., Vern. 1840'
Mosse (Thomas), B. A., 168S.-M. A., ..lEBt. 1688.
MOSS8 (Thomas), Soh., 1755. -B. A., Vern. 1757. -M. A., .2&t.
17 67.
M0880m (Eland), B. A., Vern. I 719.-M. A., .2&t. 173%.
M0880m (Eland), B. A., .A?at. 181S.
Mossom (Miles), B. A., Vma. 1697.-LL. B., Vern. 1700.
Mossom (Robert), D. D. (ad eund.), Jan. %6, 1661.
Mossom, or MOBSOn (Robert), B. A., V".n. 1687. - M. A., ..lEBt.
1691.-Fellow, 169%.-B. D., ..lEBt. 1698.-D. D., Vern. 1701.
Mossom (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 17+%.
Mossop (John), Soh., 17z0.-B. A., Vern. 1712.
Mostyn (George Hustou), B, A., Vern. 1831.
Mostyn (George Thornton), B. A., ..l&t. I 8zS. - M. A., NOt,.
Motherwell (Maiben Cunningham), B. A., Vern. 18z4.



Mottley (Edward), 8cb., 1693.-B. A., V..... 1696.-)(. A.. At


Mottley (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1731.-)(. A., &to 173 ....

M'oulina (Patrick), (Entrance not recorded).-D. D At 1711.
Moullin (Daniel Alfred). B. A., VInI. 18+3.
5 :\loullin (GeorpAlane), B. A., V".,., 18+7.
Houl.eon (
). (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., At. 1'01.H. A., At. 160,.
Moul.eon (Charles), B. A., Vme. 1700.
Mouncton (Thomas), B. A., At. 167....
Mountcashell (Edward, Viscount). See Moore.
10 Mountjoy (William, ViBoount), LL. D. (AOIlOrium.,d), Vme. 1708.
Mountmorrea (Right Hon. Hervey, Lord), LL. D., (Amaoni ..,d),

AI. 17,6.





Mountmorrea (Hervey, Lord), LL. D., ..&t. 1836. For B. A., see
de Montmorency.
Moutray (Anketell), B. A., Vma. 17$1.
Moutray (Henry), B. A., VInI. 1837.
Moutray (lames), B. A., V".,.. 17++.
Moutray (John lames), B. A., At. 182S.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Moutray (lohn Maxwell), B. A., V".,.. 1858.
Moutray (Thomas), B. A.., .2&t. 1829.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Moutray (Whitney), B. A., At. 1825 .-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Moutray (William), B. A., At. 1833.-M. A., At. 1842.
Mowlesworth, or Moulsworth (Robert), B. A., V".,., 1675.
Moxham (Henry). B.A VInI. I 75+.-M. A.. , At. 1757.
Moy (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., Vim. 1702.
Moyers (George), B. A., Vw,.. 1856.
Moylan (Edward Kyran), B. A., Hilm. 1863.
Moylin (Allen), M. B., Vim. 1679.
Moynahan (Timothy), B. A., Vern. 18so.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
V".,.. 18,8.
Mulcahy (lohn), B. A., VInI. I 830.-LL. B., .JE,t. 18so.-LL. D.,
V".,., 18,1.
Mulcaster (lohn), B. A., AAI. 1833.
Mulch (Thomas), B. A., V".,., 1738.
Mulgan (William Edward), Sch., I 839.-B. A., Vtrn. 18.p.
MulhaUam (David), B. A., Vtrn. 1726.
Mulholland (Alexander), B. A., .lE~t. 1849.-M. A., JEft. 18,6.



Mulholland (James), B. A., V".,.. 1831.

Mulholland (John Gelston), B. A., .LEd. 1845.
Mullanift' (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1825.
Mal.lart (William), Sch., 169z.-B. A., Vwn. 1693.-Fellow, 1696.
-M. A., .2E8t. 1696.-B. D., Vern. 1706.
5 Mulligan (Mason), 8ch., 18z5.-B. A., V".,.. 1828.-LL.B., and
LL. D., LEd. I 8+0.
Mulligan (Richard), B. A., .2E8t. 1819.
Mullen, or Mullan (John), B. A., VmI. 1677.-M. A., Aht. 1680.
Mullen, or M~t (Patrick), B.A., Vern. 1677.
Mullin (Alan), or Moline (Allan), B.A., V6r1,. 1676.-M:. D., Vm,.
10 Mullins (Edward), B.A., Vern. 1843.
Mullins (Hon. Frederick), B. A., .2E8t. 1802.
Mullins (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1828.
Mullins (Michael Bernard), (ahould have taken B. A. in .AIat. 1826, .
but there were no Commencemente).-M. A., V".,.. 1834.
Mullins (Robert F08ter), 8ch., I 834.-B. A., VIN,. 1836.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., .2E8t. 1857.
15 Mullins {William), B. A., Vim. i8z9.
Mullock (John), 8ch., 17+7.-B. A., Vim. 1749.
Mullock (Thomas), Sch., q6+.-B. A., V".,., 1766.
Mulloy (Charles), B.A., &t. 1809.-M.A., AIlI. IS2I.
Mulloy (Charles Tobias), B. A., .8t. 18+S.-LL. B., Ailt. 1851.
20 Mulloy (Coote), B. A., .8t. 18z5.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Mulloy (Coote Charles), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Mulloy (John), B.A., &1. 1823.
Mulloy (William), B. A., At. I 829.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Mulloy (William F.), B. A., Vwn.1852.
15 Mulloy (William Gorges), B. A., Him. 1863.
Mulloy (William James), B. A., Vwn. 1837.-M. A., AI,e. 1840.
Mulock (Horatio), B. A., Vwn. 1856.
Mulock (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1856.
Mulvany (Charles Pelham), 8ch., I 85+.-B. A., V,m, 1856.
30 Mulvany (Henry U.), B. A., Vim. 1815.-lL A., At. 18+7'
Mulvihill, or Mulville (William), B. A., Vwn. 1818.-M. A' I and
lL B., JE,t. 182+.
Mulville (Urquhart
George), B. A., Vim. 1857'
Mulville (William Geale), B. A., V".,.. 1850'





llUD8 (Edward), Boh. 170+-B.A., V",.. 170S.

Murdoch (Edward Sloane), B.A., y",.. 18SS.
Murdoch (Jamea Carlile), B. A., Hi,,,.. I 860.-Jr[. A., Hiae. 1865.
Murdock (Ebeneaer), B. A., y",.. 170+-ll.A., 1707.
S Murdock (lohn), B. A., V",.. 170+.-Jr[. A., At. 1707.
Murdock (William. Johnston), B. A., At. ISH.
Marland (lames), B. A., y",.. IS33.
llarland(lamesWilliam), B.A., V",.. IS36.-lL A., Y",..IS39.
Murphey (lob), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded). - D. C. L .
AL 1672.
10 Murphy (Denis), B. A., y".,.. '797.-H. A.. AlIt. 1825.
Murphy (Edmund), Bob., 1732.-B. A., V",.. 173+ -Jr[. A., V..,..,..
Murphy (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1828.
Murphy (Edward), B.A., y".,.. IS3S.
Murphy (Edward William), B. A., y",.. IS29.-M. A., and M. B.,
At. IS32.-M. D., At. ISH.
IS Murphy (Francia Stack), B. A., ..lEd. IS29.-M. A., At. IS32.
Murphy (George), B. A., y".,.. ISU.
Murphy (George), B. A .. Y..... I 826.-M. A. N~. IS32.
Murphy (George Frederick), B. A., y".,., 1790. - LL. B., and
LL. D., At. 1799.
llurphy (Henry), B. A.,.&I. IS32.-M. A., y",.. 1837.
20 Murphy (Hemy Oharlee), Boh., ISSI.-B.A., Vms. ISS6.-LL. B.,
y".,.. IS61.
lIurphy (lames), B.A., V",.. IS33.-LL. B., and LL. D., Ai.t.
lIurphy (lames), Bob., IS+S.-B. A., y.",.. IS+9.
lIurphy (James Hanover), B. A., y".,.. IS4S.
Murphy (Jeremiah lob), B. A., Ait. IS2+.-M. A., N~. 1832.
2S Murphy (Jeremiah), Sch., IS37.-B. A., y".,., IS39.
Murphy (lob), B.A., y..,.. 170S.-M. B., y".,.. 1712.
Murphy (John), B.A., y".,.. I 793.-M. A., N~. IS32.
Murphy (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 1820.
Murphy (lohn), B. A., V".,.. ISH.
30 Murphy (lohn), B. A., y"..,.. ISSl.-M. A., YWft. IS59.
Murphy (John), B. A.,.AI.t. IS61.
Murphy (John Baldwin), B. A., V".,. IS37Murphy (John P.), B. A., Y".,..18n.



Murphy (loseph Patriok), B. A., AI. 18SI.-LL. B., At. 18H.

Murphy (Michael), Bch., 1 793.-B. A., y".,.., 1798.
Murphy (Patrick), Soh., I 796.-B. A., y".,.. 1798.-V. A.,
1801.-lt B. and V.D., At. 181+
Vurphy (Patrick), Soh., 1836.-B. A., y".,.. 1839.
S Murphy (patrick), B. A., At. 18S6.
Murphy (Peter), Bch., 1731.-B. A., y".,.. 1731.
Murphy (Richard), B. A.., V".,.. 1810.
Murphy (Robert), B. A., y".,., 18+9.-V. A., y".,.. 18SI.
Murphy (Robert), B. A., and V. B., AIlt. 18S3.
10 Vurphy (Samuel), Mus. B., and MuB. D., &pl. 9, 1768.
Vurphy (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 173+.
Murphy (Thomas), B. A., Ae. 1789Murphy (Thomas John), B. A., y".,.. 18S+-](. A., AI. 18S7.
Murphy (Timothy), B. A., V".,.., 1835.
I S Murphy (William), B. A., y".,.. 181+.
Murphy (William), B. A., AI. 181+. M. A., NOrJ. 3Z.
Murphy (William), B. A., y".,.. 18+1.
Murphy (William), B. A., y".,.. 18 SI.
Vurphy (William C.), B. A., y".,.. 18so.-M. A., y".,.. 1861.
20 Murphy (William. Graham), B. A., V".,.. 18S9Vurphy (William 10hn), B . .A.., Hum. 1861.
Murphy (William. Vaxwell), Sch., 1808.-B. A., y".,.. 181C>.
VlllTBY (Andrew A.llen), Soh., 1809.-B. A., Y".,..1811.
VlllTBY (Barnabas), B. A., Ywn. 18++
2 S VlllTBY (Charles), B. A., y".,.. 1841.
VlllTBY (Francis Anderson), B. A., ~. 18,32.
}[lllTBY (Francis 0.), B. A., Vwn. 1861.
}[lllTBY (Francis 10hnston), B. A., y".,.. 18S9'
MlllTBY (Freeman), B. A., YIN,. 1737.
30 MlllTBY (Henry), Soh., 1781.-B. A., y".,.. 1783.
MlllTBy (Hugh), B. A., AI. 1829.-M. A., N(Jf7. 31.
MlllTBY (lames), B.A., V".,., 1711.-H. A., LEal. 171 ....
}{lllTBY (James), B. A., y".,.. 18+7.-M. A., IT.... 1862.
MlllTBY (lames), B. A., y".,.. 1827.-M. A., N(Jf7. 1832.
3S }{lllTBY (Jamea Fitzgerald), B. A., y".,.. 1817.
MlllTBY (lohn), B. A., AI. 1728.
MlllTBY (John), Bch., 1799.-B. A., y".,.. 1801. - M. B., .&t.





Murray (John), B. A., Vim. 1838.

Hurray (Iohn), Soh., 1837.-B. A.., V".,a. 1840. -H. A., V",..
IS...3.-LL B., and LL. D., V"..,.. 18p.
Murray (Iohn), Boh., IS...,.- B. A., V"..,.. ISso.
Murray (John), Soh., 18~.-B. A.,
5 Murray (John Fisher), B. A., VfflI. 1830.-H. A., No.,. IS32.
Hurray (Iohn Walton), B. A., V"..,., 18so.-LL. 8., &t. 1861.LL. D. V...... 186....
Murray (Patrick), B. A., V"..,.. 1849.
Hurray (Peter), B. A., and H. A., 4,t. 171 a.
Murray (Richard), B. A., Vim. I 739.-M. A., V"..,.. 17+3.
10 Murray (Richard), Soh., 17H.-B. A., V"... 1747-Fell., 1750.H. A.., .&1. 17so.-B. D., ...81. 17S9.-D. D., AIle. 1762.Provost, 1795.
Murray (Richard), B. A" .&L IBoa.-M. A.., V".,., IB07.B.D.,audD.D., V",.. IS30.
Hurray (Robert), B. A.., V",.. 181 I.-H. A., NfIfI. 183a.
Hurray (Robert), B. A., V...... 184S.
Murray (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1763.-H. A., Vena. 1769-B. D., and D. D., Vim. 1788.
IS Murray (Thomas), B. A., V",.. 17.......-M. A' I .AUt. 1746.
Hurray (Thomas), B. A., V...... lBaS.
Hurray (William), Sch.,1760.-B.A" Vem. I 76z.-H.A.,AIlt. 1765 .
Murray (William), B. A., V...... 18a7.-H. A.., NOI). 1832.
Murray (William), B. A.., V".,., IS37.
20 Murray (William), B. A., V".". IB47'
Murray (William), B. A" V"..,., 18sz.-M. A., V".,., 1858.
Murray (William Henry), B. A., V...... 18",1.
Musch amp (Boyle), B. A., AIlt. 1683'
Muschamp (John), B. A., V...... 1670.-M. A., V"..,., 1673.
25 Muegrave (Christopher), B. A., V...... 18z4.-M. A., BIt. 1846.
Musket (William), B. A., V"". 1735'-H. A., Vim. 1739.
MU8I!tln (James RichlU'd80n), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
Mll8aen(Iohn), Sch., 1819.-B.A., Vmt. 18Z1.-M.A., Vms. 1825.
MUll8en (Roberta), B. A., V..,.. 18H.
30 Mnll8enden (William), B. A.., .&e. 180z.
Myhill (James), B. A., r ...... I 730.-M. A., At. 1733.
Myles (Jame8 Percival), B. A., V"". 1847.
Myles (Thomas), B. A.,





Nus (Richard Southwell, Viscount), II. A., y".,.. 1851.-LL. D.,
At. 18r', Bee Bourke (Richard Southwell).
Naghten (John Edward), B. A., y".,.. 18+,.
Nagle (David Charles), B. A., y".,.. 182+.-)[. B., y".,.. 1830.
Nagle (Peter), B. A., At. 1835.
5 Nagle-Gillman (John Fitz Gilrald), B. A., At. 1853.
Naish (John), N.F. Sch., 1861.-B. A., y".,.. 1863.
Nalty(William), Sch., I 796.-B. A., Yma.1797.
Nangle (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1823'-11. A., .&t. 1862.
Nangle (Richard), Sch., 172+.-B. A., y".,.. 1726.
10 Nanson (John), B. A., y".,.. 18+0.
Naper (Gerard), B. A.,.&t. 1681.-Sch., 1682.-11. B.,.A'It. 1685.
Napier (Joseph), B.A., y".,.. 1825.-11. A., Y".,.. I 828.-LL. B.,
and LL D., y".,.. 1851.
Napier (William John), B. A., Hilma. 1859'-)(' A., AI. 1865'
Napper (Alexander), B. A., y".,.. 18H.
'5 Napper (William), B. A., .l&t. 1792.
Namey (John), B.A., At. 1798.
Nash (Cuthbert), B. A., y".,.. 1839.
Nash (Deane), B. A., Ylm. 1806.
Nash (Edward), B. A., Ae. 1801.
20 Nash (Edward), B. A., Yem. 1805.
Nash (Francis Herbert), B. A., y".,.. 18+3.-11. A., At. 18+7.
Nash (George), B. A., y".,.. 1835.
Nash (George), B. A., y".,.. 1836.
Nash (George), l[. A., .&t. 1852.
25 Nash (Hayes), 8ch., 1803.-B. A., .&n. 180+.
Nash (Herbert )[aude), B. A., y".,.. 181 I.
Nash (John), B. A., LEIt. 1802.
Nash (John), B. A., Adt. 18+8.
Nash (lohn lames), l[. A., y".,.. 1857.
30 Nash (Llewellyn), B. A., y".,.. 18 17.
Nash (Llewellyn Charles), B. A., y".,.. 1858.
Nash (Richard Herbert), Sch., 1789--B. A., V".,.. 179 I.-Fell.,
1796.-)[. A., .Jilt. 1 796.-B. D., y".,.., D. D., At. 1806.



Nash (Richard West), B. A" and X. A" NfIf1. 1832.

Nash (Richard William Herbert), B. A., ..I&t. 186+.
Nash (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 18u.
Nash (Robert Atkina), B. A.,../&t. 18u.
S Nash (Thomaa), B. A., y",.. 1781.
Nash (Thomaa Edmund), B. A., y",.. 1819.-X. A., .AJ& 1838.
Nash (William), B. A., y.,.. 173+.-M. A., ..I&t. 1737.
Nash (William), B. A., ..1&1. 18+8.
Nash (William Ruxton), B. A., y",.. 1815.-)(. A., ..I&t. Ibo.
IoNuon ( Andrew), B. A., At. 185 I.
Nason (George Bruce), B. A., .2&1. 1809.
Nuon (Richard), B. A., y",.. I 838.-H. A., Yma. 18+1.
Nuon (William Henry), B. A., y",.. 1 838.-X. A., Yena. 18+,.
Natchbull (
), LL. D. (Aottoni H"'ct), .AJ& 1730.
IS Naylor (Bernard), B. A., Y,"," 1831.
Neal (Felix), B. A., Y,"," 170+-X. A., .at. '707.
Neal (James), B. A., y",.. 1730.
Neal (Lawrence), B.A., Y,"," 171+.-H.A., .al. '717,
Neal (Walter), D.D. (ad eund. Cantab.), .al. 1693.
20 Neale (Benjamin), B. A.., V'"'" 1681.-H. A.., ..1&1. 168+
Neale, or Neile (Henry), B. A., .Al8l. 1613.-H. A., ..tB.I. 1626.
Neary (Denis C.), B. A.., 18+7.-M. A.., .Al8l. 1859.
Needham (Frederick), B. A., V,"," 1800.
Needham (George), Sch., 1809.-B. A., y",.. 181 I.-H. A" ..I&t.

25 Needham (George), B. A., Vmt. 1836.
Needham (John), B. A., ..e. 1812.
Needham (Richard), B. A., y",.. 1836.

Needham (Thomas), B. A' I .&t. 1805.-X. A., Noo. 1832.

Needham (Thomaa), B. A., Vens. 1836.
30 Needham (Valentine), B. A., V",.. 173.
Neely (Andrew Craig), B. A., V,"," 1839.-H. A., At. 1858.
Neely (Robert Fulton), Boh., 1839.-B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Neil (Hugh), B. A., V",.. '718.
Neilan (Daniel), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Sch., 1638.
-Fellow, 16+6.-B. D., JUM 19, 1661.
3S Neill (Patriok), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Neligan (Frederick), B. A., .It. 1781.
Neligan (James), B. A' I V".,.. 1773.



Neligan(John Chute), B. A., Vml. IS+S.-M.A., BUm. IS6+

Neligan (John Moore), M.D. (laollOT" C4."II), Aht. ISS3.
Neligan (Lawrence), Sch., 173 I.-B. A., V".,.. 1733.-M. A., Aht.
Neligan (Maurice), B. A., Vim. 1705.
5 Neligan (Maurice), Boh., 1737.-B. A., Vim. 1739.
Neligan (Maurice), B. A., .-Est. ISSo.-M. A., H"m. IS59.
N eligan (Michael), Boh., 1716.-B. A., V".,.. 1717,
Neligan (Michael), Boh., I 7J:z.-B. A., V".,.. 1733.-M. A., LE,t.
Neligan (Richard Chute), B. A., V".,.. ISso.-M. A., HUm. IS6+.
10 Neligan (William Chadwiok), B. A., Vim. 18z7. - M. A., NMJ.
IS3Z.-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. JS36.
Neligan (William Hayes), B. A., Vim. IS3S.-M. A., Aht. IS38.
Nelley (John Peter), B. A., .-Est. ISzo.-M. A., NMJ. IS3%'
NeUye, or Nelly (Florence), B. A' I .lEBt. 1610.
Nelson (Edward Hamilton), B. A., Vir,.. IS+1. - M. A., ..Etit.
J 5 Nelson (Francis), B. A., AI. J6z9-M. A., Nfl!! 19, J6S+
Nelson (Horatio), B.A., V".,.. J8H.
Nelson (Hugh), B. A., '&t. 1776.
Nelson (lohn), Boh., J70+. - B. A., V".,.. 1705. - M. A' I .&1.
Nelson (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. J73+-M. A" .&t. 1737.
%0 Nelson (JOBeph), B. A., V".,.. ISz7.
Nelson (Michael), B. A" Vim. 171 S.-M. A., .&1. 1718.
Nelson (Oliver), B. A., V".,.. 1770.-LL. B., &t. 1773.
Nelson (William), Boh., 1678.-B.A., V".,.. 16SI.-M. A' I &t.
Nesbit (Albert), B. A., &t. 17%3.
zs Nesbit (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1717.-M. A., .&t.17zo.
Nesbit (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1726.
Nesbit (Allan James), B. A., .&t. 1863.
Nesbit (William), B.A., Vern. 17+6.
Nesbitt (Albert), B. A., V".,.. 177+
30 Nesbitt (Alexander C. D.), B. A., &t. 1825.
Nesbitt (Allan), B. A., VIN'. JS32.
Nesbitt (Andrew), B.A., Vwn. J7ZI.-M. A., ..l&t. li%+.
Nesbitt (Charles), B.A., Vir,.. 1790.



Nesbitt (Cosby), B. A., At. 1790.

Neebitt (EAkiel), Boh., I 73o.-B. A., V".,.. I 73%.-lL D., AlIt.

Neebitt (Francia), B.A., .&t. 1813.

Nesbitt (Geet'ord), B. A., V".,.. 17%5.
5 Ne8bitt (James), B. A., y".,., 1760.
Nesbitt (llead), B. A., V".,.. 1744.
Nesbitt (Riohard), B. A., 2&t. 1777.
Neebitt (William), B. A., V".,.. 1828.
Nesbitt (William), B. A., V".,.. 1838.
10 Nesbitt (William), Sob., I 843.-B. A., T"wn. I 845.-H. A., V".,..

Neebitt (William G. D.), B. A., V".,.. 1827.

Neebitt (William Kerr), H. B., .AlIt. 18++
Netheroote (William), B. A., V".,.. 1720.
Netherwood (Timothy), B. A., and Boh., 1660.
15 Nettlee (Robert),B. A., .AlIt. 17+6.
Nettles (Robert), B. A., VIINI. I 826.-H. A., NorJ. 1832.
Neve (Peter), B. A., V".,.. 1754.
Nevil (Garrett), B. A., V".,.. 1761.
Nevil (John), B. A., V".,.. 1821.
Nevil (Paul), B. A., V".,.. 1714.-H. A., .AlIt. 1717,
20 Nevil (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1676.
Nevill (Richard), B. A., V".,.. I 763.-H. A., V"... 1766.
Nevill (ThOID&l), B. A., Vlrn. 1773.
Nevill (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 17S7.
2S Nevill (William), B.A., V".,.. I8:tS.-H. B., V".,.. IS31.
Neville (Brent), B. A., Vwn. IS3S.
Neville (Brent), B. A., lIurn. 1865'
Neville (Parnell G.), B. A., Y".,.. 1797.
Neville, or Nevill (Richard). B. A . ..tB,e. ISlo.-H. A.. At. ISI8.
30 Neville (Richard B.), B. A., 2&t. IS50.
Neville (ThOID&l), B. A., V".,.. IS3S'
Neville (William Alexander), B. A., V".,., IS3S. - M. A., y".,..
Nevin (Arthur), Soh., 1720. - B. A., V".,.. 17u.-M. A., ~t.
Nevin (Hugh), B. A., Vml. 1776. - LL. B., and LL D., Vwn.



Nevins (James), B. A., At. 1793.

Newark (
), (Entrance, and B. A., not rooorded).-M. A., 1605.
Newbold (l"ames J.), B. A" .2&t. 1850.
Newburgh (Brochill), B.A., At. 1,16.-M. A., BIt. 1719.
5 Newburgh (Robert), B. A., Vwn.1763.
Newburgh (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 171+.
Newcomb (
), (Entrance, not reoorded).-B. A., V".". q.p.
Newcomb (Arthur), B. A., ..lEst. 1806.-M. A., Not). 1832.
Newcombe (Benjamin), B. A. VM'n. 1847.
10 Newcombe (Daniel Eocles), B. A., Vern. 1839. - M. A., Vma.
Newcombe (Right Rev. William), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.)-Sept.9,
17 68
Newcombe (William), B. A., VII,.,.. 1835.-M. A., Voma. 1838.
Newcombe (William John), B. A., V".". I 84o.-M. B., ..lEst. 18H.
Newcomen (Charles Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1799.
IS Newoomen (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1683.
Newoomen (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1713.
Newcommen (Sir Robert, Bart.), LL. D. (8pmali graM), March 10,
Newell (Charles), B. A., Vma. J857.
Newell (Francis William), B. A., Vern. I 84o.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
V".". 1861".
20 Newell (William Homan), (B.A. not recorded).-LL. B., and LL.D.,
Vma. 18S3.
Newenham (Edward Henry), B. A., Vma. 1845. - M. A., ..lEst.
Newenham (George), B. A., At. 1813.
Newenham (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 180S.-M. A., Vwn. 1818.
Newenha.m (William T.), B. A., Vwn. 18SL-M.A., Vern. 1865.
25 Newenham (William), B.A., Vwn. 1789'
Newland (Abraham), B. A., Vma. 1825.
Newland (Augustus Henry), B.A., Vwn. 1857.
Newland (Edward), B. A., At. 1863.
Newland (Henry), B.A., Vwn.1816.-M. A., .AIlt. I 82-4.-B. D.,
VWII. 1829.-D. D., Vwn. 1831.
30 Newland (Henry), B. A" Vwn. 18-48.-M. A" Vwn. 1851.
Newland (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. I 826.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Newman (Adam), B. A., Vma. Q97.



Newman (Adam Perry), B. A., Hi~m. 186].-H. B., Vent. IS6,.

Newman (Charles), B. A., VM'"fI. 1681.
Newman (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1171.
Newman (Horace TOWJl.llend), B. A.,
1803. - ll. A., &t
5 Newman (Horace Townsend), B. A., &1. 18]8.
Newman (Jamee), B. A., V".,.. 1850.
Newman (John), B. A., AIIt. 1612.
Newman (John), B. A., At. 162].
Newman (John), Sch., 1756.-B. A., V".,.. 1758.
10 Newman (Kean), B. A., V.,.,.. 1767.
Newman (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 172 ....
Newman (Riohard), B. A., V".,.. 17H.
Newman (Riohard), B. A., .Aftt. 1799.
Newman, or Newcoman (William), B. A., At. 1625. -Pellow,
16]2.-H. A., &t. 1632.
I 5 Newman (William), B. A., At. 18]6.
Newman (William), B. A., Vms 1859.
Newman (William Abiah), B.A., V".,.. 1838.-ll. A., At. 18+2.
Newport (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 1795.-lL A., .iF"", 1810.
Newport (FranciR) , B. A.,~. I 828.-H. A., NOfI. 1832.
20 Newport (Hatthl'w, or Matthias), B. A., V".,.. ISII.-M. B.,
ISI+-H. A., B. D., and D. D., AfAt. IS ... , .
Newport (Simeon), B. A., Vt!Nt '8] ....
Newport (William), B. A., At. 1629.
Newsom (George), B. A., Vma. IS52.
Newton (Cromwell), B. A . V".,.. '780.
2, Newton (Edmund), Sch., 1705.-B. A" V".,.. 1706.-M. A., .&t.
Newton (Henry), B. A., ..Eat. 18u.-H. A., NOf!. ,832.
Newton (Hibbert), Bch., 1827.-B, A., .A!At. IS29.
Newton (Hibbert), B. A., ..FAt. 18H.
Newton (John), B. A., ..FAt. 182+-M. A., NOf!. IS32.
]0 Newton (William), B.A., At. 1733.
Newtowne (TheopbiluB, Baron), LL. D. ('Pulal; grtJtid), MllI'ch
10, 1718.
NeyIan (Daniel), (Entrance not recorded).-B. D., Jail. 26, 1661.
NE'ylan (Daniel), Reh., 1677.-B.A., Vma. 1681.-H.A., ~t.
168 4.





Neynoe (Philip), Sch., 17I+-B. A., .&t. 1716.-M. A., 2&t.

17 19.
Nicholls (John Craven), B. A., Ymi. I 84+.-X. B., At. d+S.
Nicholls (Alexander), B .A., V".,.. 1830'
Nicholls (Archibald), B. A., YBrn. 1830.
S Nicholls (Austen Hewitaon), B. A., tllrtl. 1853. - M. B., ..Ed.
Nicholls (Edward Clementa), B. A., Ywn. 18SI.-M. B., Vwn.
18 54.
Nichols (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. IS#.
Nicholson (Alexander), B. A., .&t. 1804.-M. A.., &t. 1809.
Nicholson (Alexander Jackson), B.A., IT.... 1864.
10 Nicholson (Alexander laffray), B. A., .JEd. 1816.
Nicholson (Andrew), B. A., y".,.. 1790.
Nicholson (Christopher Armitage), B. A., .&t. I 789.-M. A., Not).
18 32
Nicholson (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1666.-ll. A., V"", 1673'
Nicholson (Edward), B. A., .&1. 1808.
IS Nicholson (Gilbert de Poulton), B. A., BIt. 1856. -M. B., &t.
18Sg.-ltD., Vim. IS63.
Nicholson (Henry), H. B., .&t. 1674-'
Nicholson (Horatio L.), Soh., 1851.-:8. A., Vwn. 18SS.
Nicholson tlames), B. A., At. 17 I 6.-M. A &t. 1719.
Nicholson (lames Corry), B. A., Ywn. 1791.
20 Nicholson (lames Nicholson), (B. A., as Cuatie).-ll. A., HUm.
Nicholson (John), B. A. (ad eund.:Cantab.), and M. A., Hop. 18 32
-M. B., y".,.. 1833.
Nicholson (lohn Armitage). (B. A., and ll. B., Cantab).-H. A.,
y".,.. 18H
Nicholson (John Armitage), Scb., 1849.-B.A., V".,..18p.X. A., AiL 1858.
Nicholson (lohn Hampden), B.A., P"mJ.IS54.-X. A., V".,.. 18 S8.
IS Nicholson (Richard), B.A., y".,.. 170S.
Nicholson (Robert Steele), B. A., Vern. IS30.
Nicholson (William), B. A., y"",. ISSS.
NicholllOn (William Newcome), B. A., At. 185+ - l [ . A., .AId.
Nickiaeon (William), B. A., y".,.. 18p.



Nicola (Richard), (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-Fellow,

Nisbett (James), B. A.., y".,.. 1767.
Nisbett (James 1Ieade), B. A.., YWfL 18n.
Nisbett (Bobert William), B. A., y..,.. 1827.-lrl. A., NOl). 18 31.
S Nisbett (William), B. A., Yma. 1703.
Niven (lames), B. A .. Ymt. 18+3.-lrl. A., Ymt. 1847.
Nix (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 17z6.-M. A., .&e. 1729.
Nixon (A.braham.), B. A., Y"n. 1839'
Nixon (Adam), 8ch., 1682. -B. A., y",." 1683.-lrl. A.., y".,..
10 Nixon (Adam), Beh., 1716. - B. A., y".,., 1718. -X. A. . At.
17 21
Nixon (AleDllder), 8ch., 17+6.-B. A., V.,.. 17+8.
Nixon (Aleu.nder), B. A., y".,., 18z+.
Nixon (Andrew), B. A., y"... 1700.-11. A., y".,., 170S'
Nixon (Andrew), B. A.., y".,., 1730.
IS Nixon (Brinsley), Soh., 1769.-B. A.., .&t. I 77 I.-X. A., Yem.
Nixon (David), B. A., y".,.. 1713.
Nixon (Eccles), Sch., 1716. -B. A., Vmt. 1718. -M. A., .t.
17 21
Nixon (Eckersall), B. A., .&e. IS 53.
Nixon (Edward), B. A., Ymt. 1818.-H. A., VWfto 18z3.
20 Nixon (George), Sch., 1780.-B. A., y".,.. 1782.
Nixon (Henry), B. A.., At. IS32.
Nixon (James), B. A., ..IEIt. 1771.
Nixon (James), B. A., At. 183S.
Nixon (lohn), B. A., y".,.. 1737.
2S Nixon (Montgomery Downes), B.A., Vml. IS30.-M.A., Vern.
Nixon (Richard), B. A., Y,,.,.. 17zo.-lI.A., Ymt. 1727.
Nixon (Robert), B. A., Vmt. 1794.
Nixon (Robert Herbert), B. A.., V".,., IS03.-H. A., ..IEIt. 1811.
Nixon (Bobert Law), B ..~., y".,.. ISI3.-H. A., and M. B., ..E.t.
IS38.-H.D., Ymt. 1S 51.
30 Nixon (ThOIll&ll), B. A., .iElt. 1829.
Nixon (William), Sch., QI4.-B. A., y".,.. 1715.
Nixon (William), Sch., q61.-B.A., Ymt. 1763.









Nixon (William), B. A., ASit. 1770.

Noble (Francia), Sch., 17p.-B. A., Vms. 1753.
Noble (Francia), B. A., Vmt. 1781.
Noble (John), B. A., ASit. 1830'
Noble (John James), Sch., 18S6.-B.A., Vms. 1863.-M. A., ASit.
Noble (Joseph), B. A., VM"n. 1801.
Noble (Mark), Sch., l7+i.-B. A., Vmt. 1749.-M. A., LEd. 175+.
Noble (Mungo), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Noble (Robert), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), NOfJ. 1832.
Noble (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Noble (Samuel), B. A., VtJNI. 1827.
Noble (William), B. A., Vern. 1762.
Noble (William), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Noble (William Henry), B. A., Vms. 18S6.-M. A., ASit. 1859.
Nolan (Edmund), B. A., V".,., 1830.
Nolan (Francia), B. A., VtJNI. 1862.
Nolan (James), B. A., Him. 1862.
Nolan (John), B. A., ASit. 1832.
Nolan (Joseph), B.:A., Vern. 1834.
Nolan (Thomas), B.A., Vmt. 1806.
Nolan (Thomas), Soh., 18o+.-B. A., Vwn. 1809
Nolan (Thomas), Sob., 1827.-B. A., VtJNI. 1831.-M. A., Vern.
I 833.-B. D., Vmt. 1857.
Nolan (William), B. A., V~n. 183+
Nolan (William), B. A., Hiem. 1864.-M. B., .&t. 1865.
Norbury (Robert), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fellow,
Norcott (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 1684.-M. A., ASit. 1687.
Norcott (Robert), B. A., Vwn. I 85+.-M. A., .&t. 186+
Norcott (William), B. A., Vern. 1795. - LL. B., ASit. 1801.LL. D., ASit. 1808 ..
Norman (Alexander), B. A., Vmt. 1831.-M. A., Vmt. 1835.
Norman (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1686.-M. A., AlIt. 1693.
Norman (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., VtJNI. 1836.
Norman (Hugh), B. A., ASit. 1830.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Norman (John), B. A., Vmt. 17+8.
Norman (Luke), B. A., Vmt.1789.
Norman (Luke Alexander), B. A., Hiem. 1861.



Norman (Mark), B.A.., Yam. 174-7.

Normsn (Richard), B. A.., V".,.. 1771.
Norman (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1768.
Norman (Robert), B. A., V".,.. I 789.-K. A., NO'I. 1831.
S Norman (Thomas). B. A., y".". 1736.-lrl. A.. .AlIt. 1739
Norreya (lohn Aubrey), B. A., .All,. 1848.
Norria(Charlea), B.A., y".,.. 1709.-lLA., LElt. 1713.
Norris (George), B. A.., y",. 18n.
Norris (John), B. A., y".,.. 1780.
10 Norris (Riohard) B. A.., V".,.. 1741. -Seh., 174-1. - H. A.., V".,..
I 74-6.-B. D., and D. D., y".,.. 1763.
Norris (Samuel), B. A., Vmt. 1833.
Norris (Thomas), B. A.., V".,.. 18so.
No~ (William), B.A.., V".,.. 1735.
North (David Bomford.), B. A.., VB".. ,8SI.-H. B., At. 18S3.
IS North (Edward), B. A.., V".,.. 171S.
North (Johnllenry), B. A., .&t., 1809.-lL A.,
lSI I.
North (Joeeph), B. A., V".,.. IS41.
North (Roger), B. A., V".,.. 1840.-K. A...4ft. 1846.
Northcott (Bernard), B. A., V".,.. '71 S.-H. A., LElt. 1718.
10 Norton (Brett). B. A., V".,.. 1767.
Nollton (John George), Soh., 1861.-B. A.., IrHfA. 1863.
Norton (Laurence), B. A.., V".,.. I 726.-LL B., At. 1739.
Norton (Reuben), B. A.,
Norton (Robert). B. A.., LElt. I 798.-M. A.., N0f7. 1832.
25 Norton (William),.B. A., At. 1836.-H. A.. V".,.. 1841.
Norton (Zachariah), Beh., 1707.-B. A., V".,.. 1708.-X. A.., &t.
17 11 .
Norwood (lohn), B.A.., V,r". IS+6.-11. A., At. 1849.
Norwood (William), B. .A., y".,.. 18S6.-M. A., At. 186S.
Notter (lames Lane), B. A.., Hiem. 1863.-M. B., and H. Chir.,
At. 186S.
30 Nowlan (Alexander), B. A.., y".,.. 17S8.
Nowlan (Daniel), Soh.. 1 766.-B. A., y".,., 1768.
Nowlan (John), Beh., 179z.-B. A.., V".,.. 179....
Nowlan (Miohael), B. A., V".,.. 1 784.-LL. B., AI. .,87.
Nowland (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1763.
3S Nowland. or Noulan (William), B. A., V".,.. l'Il.-ll. A., Vt!f'4.
17 1 5.





Nugent (Arthur), B. A., At. 1795.

Nugent (Arthur), B. A., At. 1830.
Nugent (Daniel), B. A., V"".18z6.
Nugent (Edmund), B. A., V1m. 18 zO.-H. A., V,r,.. 18 z 5.
5 Nugent (Edmund), B. A., YIII'II. 1830.
Nugent (Garrett), 8ch., 18"'5.-B. A.., VII"II. 18+7.-M. A., 1',rn.
18 51'
Nugent (George), B. A.., V",.. 178z.
Nugent (John), B. A., At. 1818.
Nugent (lohn), B. A., Vim. 18z7.-M. B., .lEIt. 1830.
10 Nugent (John James), B. A., VIN,.18z+.
Nugent (John Vesey), B. A., y".,.. IS60.
Nugent (Michael), B. A., .&t. 18z8.
Nugent (Oliver), (Entered IS21.-B. A.., not recorded). - M. A.,
NOf1. IS3z.
Nugent (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 183+15 Nugent (Thomas Vesey), B. A., .lEIt. iSz8.
Nugent (Walter), B. A., .lEIt. ISI8.
Nugent (Walter), B. A., V".,.. 1812.
Nugent (William), B. A., .lEIt. 1791Nugent (William), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
ZO Nun (French), B. A., y,.,.,.. 1755.
Nun (10seph), B. A., V".,.. 1753.
Nun (1oseph),'B. A., V".,.. 1754.
Nun (Richard), Sch., IS03.-B.A., .lEIt. 180....
NUDD (Abraham Augustus), B. A., y,.,.,.. 1831.
25 Nnnn (Benjamin), B.A., VII"II. ISoo.
Nunn (10hn), B. A., At. 1819'
NUDD (John Henry), B.A., y".,.. I 83J.-M. A., At. 18+7.
Nunn (10hn Nixon), B.A., V".,.. 1790Nunn(Joshua), Sch., 1713.-B.A., V".,., 1715.-M.A., A:lt.
30 Nunn (Loftus), B.A., At. 1831.
Nunn (Richard Lorenzo), B. A., V,.,.,.. 18z....-ll. A., .&t. 1833NUDD (William), B.A., .lEIt. ISI9Nunn (William Bolton), B. A., BUm. IS6z.
Nlltall (10hn William), B. A., y".,., IS6....
35 Nutall (Richard), B. A., V".,.. l7u.
Nuzum (John Smith), B. A., At. 18+6.



OULEY (George), B. A., Vmt. 18%7.-H. A., &1. 1837.
Oakley (William Henry), B. A., V,rn. 1831.
O'Beirne (Andrew), H. A., .2&t. 1818.-LL B. t and LL. D., VIn!.
181 9.
O'Beirne (Andrew), B. A" Vmt. 18%S.-H. A., Nov. 183%'
5 O'Beirne(Charles), B.A., V".,.. 1830.
O'Beirne (Gerald Hugh), B. A., &t. 1798.
O'Beirne (Henry), B. A., Var,.. 1830.-H. B., &t. 18+7.
O'Beirne (Peter Edmund), B.A., V".,.. 18%+.-M. B., Vern. 1829.
O'Beirne (Richard), Sch., 18%,.-B. A., V".,.. 18%6.
10 O'Beirne (Stuart), B. A., LEBt. 18++O'Beirne (Thomas Lewis), D. D. (.p''''ali g,.atid), V".,.. 1795.
O'Berne (James), ll. B., .2&t. 1793.
Obina (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. 177"
Obina (Hamlet), B.A., V".,.. 17%+.-M. A., LEBt. 1?Z7.
15 Obina (John), Sch., 17%3.-B. A., V,rn. 172+-. A., ~.t. 1727.
-Fellow, 1?Z8.-B. D., and D. D., LEBt. 1740.
Obina (Michael), Sch., 17%9.-B. A., V".,.. 1730. - M. A., &t.
Obins (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 1761.
Obre, or Obree (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 173+.
O'Brien (Aubrey Stephen), B. A., Di,m. 18,9.
20 O'Brien (David), B. A., .2&t. 1771.
O'Brien (Denis), B. A., ...Ell. 1786.
O'Brien (Denis), Sch., 179 I.-B. A., LEBt. 1792.
O'Brien (Edward), Sch., 1805.-B. A., ~,t. 1806.
O'Brien (Edward), M.A. (adeund.Cantab.),.Augrut, 1835.
25 O'Brien (Edward Pennefather), B. A., Diem. 1861.
O'Brien (Edward William), Sch., 1857.-B. A., Diem. 1859.
O'Brien (Henry), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), AuglUt, 1835.
O'Brien (Henry .Tames), B. A., V".,.. 183%.-LL. B., V".,.. 1837.
-LL.D., V".,.. 1839.
O'Brien (Henry Joscph), B. A., and H. B., Di,m. I 86+.-M. Chir .
Vern. 1865.
30 O'Brien (James), B. A., rem. 179+.



O'BNn (lames), B. A., V".... IS26.-1I. A., NOf1. IS32.

O'Brien (James), B. A., Vim. IS29.
O'Brien (James), B. A., Vena. 1843.
O'Brien (James), 1I. A., B. D., and D. D.. ARe. IS59.
S O'Brien (James Thomas), Sch., ISI3.-B.A., Vim. ISIS-Fellow,
IS20.-1I. A., Vim. I SzS.-B. D., and D. D., At. IS31.
O'Brien (John), H. B., ARt. ISOS.
O'Brien (lohn), B. A., ARe. lSI ....
O'Brien (lohn), B. A., Vm&. IS43'
O'Brien (Lucius), 11. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), A.ugwt, IS3;
10 O'Brien (Lucius Henry), B. A., Vml. 1752.
O'Brien (Luke), B. A., HUm. IS6S.
O'Brien (Hartin), B. A., Vim. 1777.
O'Brien (Michael), B. A., ARt. IS3,.-M. A., V".... IS42.
O'Brien (Nicholas), Sch., IS02.-B. A., .&t. ISo+.-M. B., At.
IS O'Brien (Patrick), B. A., V".... IS",2.-1[. A., AUt. IS+7
O'Brien (Peter), B. A., V".,., IS6,.
O'Brien (Philip Stephen), B. A., Him. IS6....-LL. S., LE1t. 1866.
O'Brien (Richard). B. A' I Vim. ISH.-H. A., Vim. ISn.
O'Brien (Robert), B. A., Vim. 17SI.
20 O'Brien (Robert), B. A., Vim. ISz7.-1I. A., .Nov. 1832.
O'Brien (Robert Yare), B. A., ARt. IS63.
O'Brien (Terence), Soh., 1823.-B. A., V".... 18%6.
O'Brien (Timothy), Soh., IS09.-B. A., V..... ISII.
O'Brien (Timothy), B. A., ARt. IS+8.
2S O'Brien (William), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vwn. 1809.- M. A., Vml.
lSI S.
O'Brien (William.), B. A., Vim. 18+5.
O'Brien (William), B. A., HUm. I 860.-lI. A.,
O'Bryan (James), B.A., ARt. 1716.
O'Bryen (James), B. A., 1687.
30 O'Bryen (Hewitt), B. A., ARt. IS3+.
O'CaI1aghan (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1792.-M.A., .2&t. 1797.
O'CaI1aghan (Andrew), Soh., 18+1.-B. A., LBIt. ISH'
O'Callaghan (Arthur Pyne), B. A., V".,.. IS61.
O'Callaghan (Cornelius), LL. D. (AoIlOril /:/I.,d), Vwn. I77S.
35 O'Callaghan (Cornelius), B. A., V".,.. IS12.
O'CaI1aghan (Frederick Edward), B. A' I Vern. 1859.





O'Callaghan (Henry), B. A., y".,.. IS31.

O'Callaghan (James), B. A., y",.. IS33.
O'Callaghan (James Wynne), B. A., ,,,.,.. ISSS.-M.A., y",.. IS62.
O'Callaghan (Patrick), B. A., y".,.. ISn.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
5 O'Callaghan (Robert), B. A., Yml. IS2.... -)(. A., NOfJ. IS32.B. D., &t. IS39.-D. D., y".,.. ISn.
O'Callaghan (Robert), B. A., y".,.. IS33.
O'Callaghan (Robert), B. A., B,t. IS57.
O'Callaghan (Robert Charles George), B. A., II"UJ1II. IS6....
O'Carroll (Frederick John), B.A . lIit,,.. IS6....
10 O'Carroll (Jeremiah). Soh., IS+9.-8. A., Yen. IS52.
O'Connell (Daniel), B. A., y".,.. IS2I.
O'Connell (Miohael), B. A., At. IS13.-H. B., Y""'.ISI6.
'O'Connell (Morgan), B. A., .It. IS33.
O'Connell (Riokard), B. A.. y,,.n. IS26.
15 O'Connor (Charles Ferrie), B. A., y".,.. IS57.-}[. A., IT....
O'Connor (David Henohy), B.. A., y".". IS31.
O'Connor (Denis), B. A., &t. IS31.
O'Connor (Denis Oharles). B. A., Y,,.,.. IS 3 I.-H. B, Y".,. IS 3....
O'Connor (Denis Prittie), B. A., LElI. IS39.-lL A., y",.. IS...3.
20 O'Connor (Edward): 8ch., IS2S.-B. A., y".,.. ISI8.
O'Connor (Edward), B. A., Ym. IS31.-H. A., LEle. IS38.
O'Connor, or Connor (George). See Connor.
O'Connor (George Hatthew), B. A., y".,.. IS39.-M. B., y".,..
O'Connor (Henry), B. A., Y,,.,.. 1829.
25 O'Connor (James), B. A., LEle. I Rzo.-M. A., NOfJ. 1831.
O'Connor, or Connor (John), Sch.. 17S9.-B. A., V".,.. 1760.Fellow, I 762.-D. D., y".,.. 1776.
O'Connor (John), B. A., LElt. 1780.
O'Connor (John), B. A., LEle. IS31.
O'Connor (John Hutton). B. A., y".,.. 1853.
30 O'Connor (Laurence), B. A., LEst. 1837.
O'Connor ()(atthew R.). B. A.., y".,.. IS49.
O'Connor (Michael), B. A., At. 1810.
O'Connor (Nioholaa), B.A., y".,.. IS32.-}[.B., Y".... 183 .... H. A., ..tEd. IS38.




O'Connor (Richard), :B.A., At. 18p.

O'Connor (Roderick), :B. A., ~.e. 1833.
O'Connor (Rowland), B. A., V".,.. 18zo.-1L A., No". 1832.
O'Connor (Rowland), B. A., Ylm. 18SS.
5 O'Connor (Thomaa Fitz Gerald), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Y,"" 1811.
O'Connor (William), B. A., Vim. J783.
O'Connor (William), Sch., 1818 . ....:. B. A., Vwn. 18zo. - ll. B.,
V"... 18z3.
O'Connor (William), :B. A.,
O'Connor (William), B. A., At. 1832.
10 O'Connor (William), B. A., V,"" 1838.
O'Connor (W"llliam AndersoD), B.A., Du.. 1864.
O'Connor (William bod), B. A., V".,.. 1844O'CoDor (Denis), B. A., At. 1817.
O'Dell (Haurice c.), :B. A., Vim. 186+.
IS O'dell (Thomas), Soh., I 797.-B. A., rem. 1799.
O'dell (William), :B. A., y".,.. 177+.
O'Dell (William), B. A., y"... 1831.
Odlum (Edward), :B. A., V".,.. 177+
Odlum (William Eyre), B. A., At. 1785'
zo O'Donnavan (W'illiam lohn), LL. D., At. 1860. }'or B. A., and
LL. B.. see DOlIOvan.
O'Donnell (CoDStantme), B. A., Vma. 18+8.
O'Donnell (Elliott), B. A., V".,.. 18S8.
O'Donnell (Hemy), B. A., V".,.. 18so.-ll. A., V".,.. 18S8.
O'Donnell (John), B. A., V".,.. 1810.
z5 O'Donnell (lohn Charles), B. A., r"... 18...,. -ll. A., Vms.


18 5 1

O'Donnell (llatthew), B. A., V".,.. 1833.

O'Donnell (Jfichael), :B.A., V".,.. 18+9.
O'Donnell (Neal), B.A., At. 1835'
O'Donnell (William), B.A., At. 1787.
30 O'Donnell (William), B. A.,
O'Donoghue (Francia), B.A., Vent. 1840.
O'DOlIoghue (Frederick), B. A., At. 1833.
O'DOlIoghue (John), B. A., At. 1809'
O'Donoghue (John), Sch., 18:&I.-B.A., Vmt. 18z+-ll. A.., .&1.



35 O'Donoghue (lohn), 8ch., 1831.-B. A., y".,.. 1833 .



O'Donogbue (Kaurioe), Sch., IS36. - B. A., At. IS+O. -lrI. B"

.&t. ,S",2.
O'Donovan (Henry Winthrop), B. A., Vma, IS3S.-1I. A., Vir" .
83 S,
O'Donovan (John). LL.D., (AotIoriI elltlltl), ~. 1850'
O'Donovan (William), B. A., V".,.. J821.
5 O'Dowda (Robert), B. A., At. 1818.
O'Dwyer (John), Sch., ISII.-B. A., V,,.,.. 1813.
O'Dwyer (William), B. A., Yma . 817.
O'Farrell (Gerald), LL. B., and LL. D., VIrJI. ISOO. For B. A.,

eee Farrell.
O'Parrell (Gerald), B. A., V,,.,.. 1829.
10 O'Farrell (John Lewis), B. A., At. 18z3.-M. A., NOtI. IB32.
0'Parrel1 (lfichael), B.A., VIrJI. IS36.





O'Flaherty (Christopher), B. A., r".,..ISSI.

O'Flaherty (Daniel), 8cb., ISoI.-B. A., &t. ISO....
O'Flaherty (John). B. A., .&t. IS20.
O'Plaberty (John Burke), LL D. (Aoraoru c/Jllld), VIrJI. 1789.
O'Flaherty (NichollS), B. A., VIrJI. 1823.
O'Flaherty (TbomlS), B. A' I y".,.. ISI4O'Flanagan (Tbeophilus), 8ch., 1787.-B. A., P.,.n.1789'
Ogden (Robert), B. A., .&t. 1623.
O'Geran (Riohard), B. A" V".,.. 18u.
Ogilby (Robert Leslie), B. A., y".,.. ISZO.
Ogilby (William), Sob., 173J.-B. A., y".,.. I 73S.-LL. B., .lE.t.
173B.-LL. D., ~". 174-5.
Ogle (Arthur XnOlt), B. A., AI. IS30.-M. A., At. IS33.
Ogle (Charlea D.), B.A., y".,. . BI7.
Ogle (George Forteeoue), B. A., V".,.. IS..... -M. B., At. S...8.
Ogle (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 17+8.
Ogle (John Craven), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.-Y. A., &t. 1 S",I.
Ogle (Nathaniel), B. A., V".,.. 17H.
Ogle (William), Sch., 1753 - B. A., V".,.. 17H' - K. A., &t.
175 8 .
Ogle (William), B. A., Vern. 1838. -ll. A., 2&1. IS",J.
Ogle (William Meade), B. A., &t. 1790.
O'Gorman (NichollS), B. A., At. 183+.
O'Gorman (Purcell, B. A., .Aiat. IS",O.
O'Gorman (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18",2.



O'Grady (Carew Smyth), B. A., .2&t. 18++.

O'Grady (DeCourcy), B. A., &t. 1810.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
O'Grady (Dudley), B. A., Yena. 1850.
O'Grady (Edward), B. A., Vma. 1826.
5 O'Grady (Edward George), B. A., .2&t. 18+2.-M. A., At. 1843'
O'Grady (Edward Smyth), B. A., .2&t. 1800.
O'Grady (Edward Stamer), B. A., M. B., aud H. Chir., Hi,m .

O'Grady (Henry), B. A., aud H. A. (ad eund. Oantab.), NOI1. 183z.
O'Grady (James). B.A., .2&t. 18zo.-H. A.,
10 O'Grady (John), B. A., .2&t. 1792.
O'Grady (John De Courey), B. A., At. 18Z3.-H. A NOI1. 1832.
O'Grady (Hou. Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1820.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
O'Grady (Richard Coghlan), B. A., Hi,m. 1861.
O'Grady (Richard John), B. A., At. 18+0.
15 O'Grady (Standish), B. A., .2&t. 178+.
O'Grady (Standish), B.A., Y".,..18Z2.
O'Grady (Standi8h), B. A., .2&t. 18H.
O'Grady (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1826.
O'Grady (Hon. Waller), B. A . Aift. 1816.-H. A., Nor;. 1832.
zo O'Grady (William), B.A., &t. I 827.-H. A., .2&t. 1830'
O'Grady (William), B. A., V".,.. 1829.
O'Grady (William de Courcy), B. A., ~t. 1838.-M. A., ~8t.
O'Hagan (John), B. A., y".,.. 18+2.-11. A., .2&t. 1165.
O'Halloran (Stephen R.), B. A., .2&t. 1850'
25 O'Hanlon (George Raymond), B. A., ll. B., and M. Chir., V".,..


O'Hanlon (Hugh 1armaduke), Entered 181+.-(B. A., not recorded).-M. A., .2&t. 1823.
O'Hara (Barry), B. A., .2&t. 1821.
O'Hara (Charle8), LL. D. (~e..w4), Y". .. 1777.
O'Hara (Charles King), B. A., .2&t. 1806.-H. A., NOlI. 1832.
30 O'Hara (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1823.
O'Hara (Henry Stewart), B. A., rena. 1866.
O'Hara (James), B. A., y".,.. 1768.
O'Hara (James), B. A., .2&t. 1806.-ll. A., NOfJ. 1832.
O'Hara (James), B. A., .&t. 18IS.-ll. A., Nop. 1832.
35 O'Hara (James), B. A., y".,.. I 827.-ll. A., NOfJ. 1832.



O'Hara (lames), B. A." y",." I 827.-lL A., NOfJ. 1832.

O'Hara (John), B. A.., AlIt. 1816.-M. A., NOlI. 1832.
O'Hara (lohn), B. A.., Ywn. 1832.
O'Hara (lohn Michael), B. A.., &t. I 837.-M. A., y".,.. 1862.
S O'Hara (John Patrick), B. A.., y".,.. 18n.-M. A., V6NI. 1856.
O'Hara (Kene), B. A.' I V".,.. 1732.-M. A.., &t. 1735.
O'Hara (Walter), B. A.., &1. 1806.
O'Hara (William), B. A., &t. 1828.-M. A.., Nov. 1832.
O'Hea (James), Sch., 1829.-B. A., y",." 1831.
10 O'Hea (Thomas Carey), B. A., V".,.. 1830.
O'Keefe (Cornelius), B. A., &t. 1825.-M. A.., ~,t. 1829.
OKeefe (Dixon Cornelius), B. A., .2&t. 1l!30.-M. A.., y".,.. 1839.
O'Keefe (ThomlUl), Sch., 182+.-B. A., ~r'" 1826.
O'Kelly (Hilary Martin), B. A.., V",." 1866.
I 5 O'Kelly (Joaeph), B. A.., LElt. 1852 .-M. A.., LElt. 1860.
Olden (Thomas), B. A.., Vms. 18H.
Oldfield (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1808.
Oldfield (Harris), B. A.., LElt. 1780.-M. A.., V".,.. 1791.
Oldham (Charles ...Emiliua), Sch., 18+9.-B. A.., V".". 1851.
20 Oldham (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 183+Oldham (James Oldham), B. A.., &t. 1839-Y. A.., ..IEBt. 18+2.
Oldham (Ralph), Sch., 1829.-B. A., V~. 1833.
Oldham (Thomas), B. A.., Vern. 1836.-M. A.., Vim. 18+6.
Oldham (William Faloon), B. A.., V"nt. 18n.-M. A.., V"nt. 1800.
2S Oldham (Wton), B. A., LL. B., and LL. D., Hi"m. 186S.
O'leary (David), B. A.., V".,.. 18SS.-M. A., &t. 18S8.
O'Leary (Goodwin R. P.), B. A., .at. 1837. - M. A., Vim.
O'Leary (John O'Connell), B. A., y",." 18n.
O'Leary (John R.), B. A., Vim. 18SS.
30 O'Leary (loseph), B. A., V",." 1818.
O'Leary (Robert), B. A.' I &1. 1781.
O'Leary (Thomas, Connor), B. A., V".,.. 18++-M. B., At. 1845.
O'leary (William), B. A.., Hi"m. 1862.
Olift'(John), B.A., Vem.172S.
35 Oliver (James), B. A.., LElt. I77S.
Oliver (John), B. A.., Vern. 170S-Sch., 170S.
Oliver (John), B. A., ~,t. 17+3-M. A.., LElt. 1746.
I)liver (John), B. A., V".,.. I 78+.-M. A.., Vim. 1787.









Oliver (John), B. A., AI. IS30.

Oliver (John Paul), B.A., Yma. IS+6.
Oliver (Philip), LL. D. (Aotaoril CtJIUd), Vim. 1754.
Oliver (Richard Oharles), B. A., Ylm. IS+3.
Oliver (Robert), LL. D. (Aonorit lIQUId), At. 1709.
Oliver (Robert), B. A., Vma. IS2g.-M. A., NOtJ. IS3:&.
Oliver (Silver), B. A., Ylm. ISol.-M. A., At. IS07.
Oliver (William), B. A., At. IS37.-M. A., .2&t. 18+0'
O'Loghlen (Bryan), B. A., Ywn. IS56.
O'Loghlen (Colman), B. A., Ywn. 18+u.
O'Loghlin (Hugh), B. A., Ywn. IS+O.
O'Loughlin (James), B. A., .2&1. IS+S.
O'Loughlin (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 1809.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
O'Loughlin (Timothy), B. A., .It. 18+S.-M. A., .2&t. IS57.
Olphert (John), B. A" y".,.. ISOI.
Olphert (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 18+0.
Olphert (Wybrants), B. A' I Ywn. IS33.
Olpherts (Francia Montgomery), B. A., y".,.. 18#.-M. A., Vim.
Olpherts (Richard), B. A.., y".,.. 17+3.
Olpherts (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1805.-M. A., At. 1827.
Olpherts (Richard M.), B. A., .2&t. IS+I.
Olpherts (William), B. A., Ywn. IS08.
O'Mahony (Thaddeus), B.A., Vim. I 856.-M. A., Ywn.185g.
O'Maley (Robert), B. A., Hiem. 186+
O'Malley (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 18Ig.-M. A., NOtJ. IS32.
O'Malley (Charles), B. A., Vem. IS33.
O'Malley (Charles John), B. A., Ylm. IS6z.-LL B., .2It. 1862.
O'Malley (George), B. A., Yem. IS+3.
O'Malley (George B.), B. A., Vma. 1824.
O'Malley (George May), B. A., Ywn. 182 5.
O'Malley (Owen), B. A., Yem. 1797.
O'Malley (Peter), (Entrance, andB. A., notrecorded).-M. A., At.
O'Malley, or O'Mealey (St. Olair), B. A., At. 1823.
O'Meara (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1866.
O'Meara (Eugene), B. A., Ylm. 18+o.-M. A' I Vern. 1858.
O'Meara (Frederick), B. A., At. 1837.
O'Meara (Healy), B. A., At. 1810.



O'Meara (John), B. A., y",.. 1842.

O'lrleara (Michael Arthur), B . .1\., 1"".,.. 1859.
O'Meara (ThOID88), B. A., y".... 1778.-B. D., and D. D., Alt.
O'lrlelia (Frederick), B. A., y".,.. 11'56.
5 O'Moore (Garrett), B. A., y".,.. 1806.
O'Moore (Garrett), B. A., At. 1830'
O'Moore (lohn Edmund), B. A., At. 1834.
O'Neale (lloeea), B. A., It. 620.
O'Neil (Arthur), B. A., y".,.. 1736.
10 O'Neil (Feli:J:), B. A., 1"".,.. 1737.
O'Neil (lohn), B. A., 1"".,.. 181 ....
O'Neill (Allen William), B. A., Hi. . 1863.
O'Neill (Charles), B. A., y".,.. 1760.-ll. A., At. 1763.
O'Neill (Clotworthy), LL. D. (Aoteoril ealffct), AI. 1746.
15 O'Neill (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 1828.
O'Neill (Henry Hugh), B. A., 1"".... 1831.-H.A., At. 1839.
O'Neill (Hugh), Sch., 177 I.-B. A' I y".,.. 1772.
O'Neill (lames Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded>H.A., NOt). 1832.
O'Neill (lohn), B. A' I 1"".,.. 1826.
20 O'Neill (1.ohn), B. A., y".,.. 1839.
O'Neill (lohn Augustu8), B. A., At. 1811.-H. A., At. 1845.
O'Neill (lohn Gregg), B. A., Hi",.. 1863.
O'Neill (William Francia), Sch., 182S.-8. A., y".,.. IS26.
Onge (John), 8. A., y".,.. 1734.
2S Onge (M888y), B. A., Ylm. IS41.
O'Regan (Jamea), B. A., Vmt. 1803.
O'Regan (John), Sch., IS41.-B. A., At. IS0f.6.
O'Regan (Thomas), Sch., 1840.-B. A., V".,.. 18...5'
O'Reilly (Charles), B. A., y".... IS45.-)(.B., At. 18Jo.
30 O'Reilly (Charles James), B. A' I HUm. 1861.
O'Reilly (Dowell), B. A., .JEd. 1816.
O'Reilly (Edward), B. A., LElt. 1797.
O'Reilly (Edward), B. A., LElt. 1821.
O'Reilly (Fleming Pinkston), B. A., V".,.. 1797.-lrl. A., &t.

35 O'Reilly (Hugh), B. A., Vmt. 1797.-1[. A" NOt). 1832.

O'Reilly (Hugh), B. A' I ~ 1823.-1[. A., NOf). 1832.









O'Reilly (James), B. A., Diem. I 86+.-11. B., and M. Chir., ft.

O'Reilly (John), B. A., At. 18+0'
O'Reilly (Matthew), B. A., .2Est. 1800.
O'Reilly (Miles), B. A., V".,.. 1803.-M. A., NotJ. 183%.
O'Reilly (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
O'Reilly (Richard Pearce), B. A., Vern. 1816.-M.A., NOfJ. 183%.
O'Reilly (Robert), B. A., Vern. 183+.
O'Reilly (Terence), B. A., Vma.18+2.
O'Reilly ( Thomas), B. A., .2Est. 18 p.
O'Reilly (William), B. A., V".,.. 181+.
O'Reilly (William), Sch., 1819.-B. A., V".,.. 1821.
O'Reilly (William), B. A., AIt. 18%2.
O'Rei1y, or O'Rei1ey (James), B. A., .'Fd. '79+.
Orme (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 1838.
Orme(Francis), B.A., V".,.. 1839.
Orme (George), B. A., V".,.. 185+.
Orme (John), B. A., &It. 18+1.
Ormsby (Anthony), B. A., .l&t. 1787'
Ormsby (Anthony), B. A., ft. 18'9'
Ormsby (Anthony), B. A., Vma. 18+2.
Ormsby (Arthur),.B. A., V".,.. 1688.
Ormsby (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. 1709.-M. A., .2EIt. 1712.
Ormsby (Arthur), B. A., ft. 1813.
Ormsby (Arthur), B. A., VIINI. IS5S.-M. A., Ver". 1861.
Ormsby (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1787.
Ormsby (Conway), B. A., V".,.. 1707. -)(. B., and M. D., .l&t.
Ormsby (Edwin), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Ormsby (Eubuleus), B. A., V".,.. 17IO.-}[. A., .LEit. 17'3'
Ormsby (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 17+3.-M. A., .l&t. 1746.
Ormsby (George), Sch., 1737. -B.A., Vern. 1739-M. A., .AlAt.
Ormsby (George), B. A., V".n.1772.
Ormsby (George Albert), B. A., Hum. IS65.
Ormsby (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1798.-M. A., VIINI. ISOI.
Ormsby (Henry)~ B. A., Vern. 1834.
Ormsby (Horatio Nelson), M. A., PIINI. 1856. For B. A., sec
Ormsby (Nelson).









or THE


Ormaby (James), Sch., 1787. -B. A., Ylml. 1789. - l l . A., At.
Ormsby (John), B. A., Fltrn. IS2S.-Y. A., Nov. IS32.
Ormsby (John), B. A., .t. 18.n.
Ormsby (Matthew), B.A., Y"rn. 1712.-ll.A., &t. 1715.
Ormsby (Montague Henry), B. A., Hint,. IS63. - LL. B., Hi,..
186 5.
Ormsby (Nelson), B. A., y",.. 1829. For H. A.. see Ormsby (Horatio Nelson).
Ormsby (Oliver), B. A., Y",..17IS.
Ormsby (Owen), B. A., ../E,t. ISOI.-Y. A., Nor. IS,32.
Ormsby (Robert), B. A. (8pecialigratiti), .April 1,3, 1704.
Ormsby (Sidney), B. A. (lpICialigratid), Fern. 1775.
Ormsby (Thomas), B. A., ./};'t. IS07.
Ormsby (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 18z8.
Ormsby ,William), Sch., 17z9.-B. A., Vern. 1730.
Ormsby (William E.), B. A., Vera. IS30.
Ormsby (William Gilbert), B. A., FtnI. 18+3.
Ormsby (Zachary), Sch., 1676.-B. A., YtnI. 1679.-ll.A., &1.
Ormston (John), Sch., 1798.-B. A Vern. 1800.
O'Rorke (Charles), B. A., Vern. ISSO.

O'Rorke (George M.), B. A., Fw,.. ISS2.

O'Rorke (Henry Thomas), B. A., Ver,.. IS5+' - ll. A. ..lft.
18 59.
O'Rorke (John), B. A., Fern. 18z9-M. A., NOf). 1832.
O'Rourke (John), B. A' I YtnI. 1800.-11. A., &e. Ibo.
O'Rourke (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1861.
O'Rourke (Timothy), B. A., rwn. 1803.
Orpen (Arthur George), Sch 1806.-B.A., Yms. 180S.
Orpen (Arthur Hl'rbert), B. A . .&t. IS50.
Orpen (Charles William Epingham), B. A., St. 1853.
Orpen (Francis), B. A., Fern. 1768.
Orpen (Francis), B. A., ../Elt. 18... 8.
Orpen (John Emanuel), Sch., 1798.-B. A., VI"''', 1800.
Orpen (John Herbert), B. A., Vern. 18z6 -1I. A., Nov. 183 z . LL. B., and LL. D., Yern. 1 8.p .
Orpen (John Herbert), B. A., Yern. 18z9.-Y. B., Y"",- 18,32.
Orpen (John Richards), B. A., Hilm. 1865.




Orpen (Raymond), B. A.,

18S9.-M. A., HUm. 186+.
Orpen (Richard), B.A., LElt. 1849.
Orpen (Richard H.), B. A., V".,.. 1830.
Orpen (Thomas), B.A.., Ylm. 171+.-M.A., rmt. 1719.
Orpen (Thomas Herbert), B. A., At. I 798.-Y. B., ..!E,t. 1799.
Orpin (Abraham), B. A.,
Orpin (Basil), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Orpin ~John), B.A., v".,.. 18+6.
Orpin (Richard), Sch., 17+6. - B. A.,
17+8.-LL B.,
Orpin (Richard), B.A., AAt. 1791.
Orpin (William Basil), B.A., Vern. 18+6.
Orr (Alexandtlf), Soh., 1755.-B. A., Vern. 1757.-H .4..,
Orr (Alexander John), B. A., .2&t. 1837.
Orr (Alexander Smith), B. A., .2&t. 1835.
Orr (Daniel), B.A., Hi,m. 1865.
Orr (George), B. A., .Jd. 18zt.
Orr (Henry), B. A., r".,.. 18:&8.-M. A., and H. B., Vmt. 1831.
Orr (James), B. A., Veri,. 18+5'
Orr (John), B. A., Vern. 1763'
Orr (John), B. A., V,rn. 1789.
Orr (John), B. A., L&t. 180S.-Y. A., L&t. 181+.
Orr (John Augustus), Sch., 183S.-B. A., Vern.1837'
Orr (John William), B. A., AJ&t. 1865'
Orr (Moore), B. A., Vena. 18+S.
Orr (Robert), Scb., 1 788.-B. A., .2,t. 1789.
Orr (Robert Holmes), B. A., Vern. 18+8.-11. A., V,,n. 18sz.
Orr (Thomas), B.A., V".,.. 1731.
Orr (William John Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
Osborne (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1780.
Osborne (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 18:&0.-11. A., Nov. 183z.
Osborne (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18:17.-M. A., NOfJ. 183:&.
Osborne (Charles Graydon), B. A., Vern. 179S.-M. A., Vern.
Ollborne (Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+3.
Osborne (John), B. .4.., VIN,. 1776.
Ollborne (JoJllltban), B. A., Vern. 18IS.-M. Be, d. 1818.
H. D., .2&t. 1837.













Osborne (Nicholaa), B. A., VIrII. 1745.

Osborne (Richard Boyll8), B. A., .Alt. IBI4'
Osborno (Thomaa), B. A., V..... 1731.
Osborne (William), B. A., .lIt. I 777.-M.. A., &t. 17Bo.
S Osborne (William), B. A.., VIrII. IB2B.
Ollbrey (Gerald), B. A.. VIrII. IB31.-M.A., Vm,. 1B34'-)(' B.,
VIrII. 183S,
Osburn (Joeeph), B. A., VIrIt. 1691.
Oaburne (Henry 8.), B. A., LEft. IB28.
O'ShaughnOllY (Colman), B. A., lI"fMIt. IB6S.
10 O'ShaughnOllY (Edward), Sch., 179O.-B. A., V".n. 1791.
O'ShaughnellY (James), B. A., H ..... IB60O'ShaughnellY (Hichael John), B. A., V".,.. IB61.
O'ShaughnOlly (Richard), N. F. Soh., IB63.-B. A., Hiem. 186..O'Shaughnessy (William P.), Sch., IB14.-B. A.., VIrII. 1826.
IS Ossory (Jametl, Earlof). See Butler (James),
O'Sullivan (Bartholomew), Sch., I 820.-B. A., .2&t. IB23.
O'Sullivan (Boyle), B. A., Vme. 17B2.
O'Sullivan (Denia), B. A., Vw,.. IBp.
O'Sullivan (Eug('ne), B. A., V".,..IB66.
%0 O':O;ullivan (James), B.A.,
IBSB.-H. A., &t. 1866.
O'Sullivan (John), B. A., V".,.. IBzB.-M. B., L&t. IB33.
O'Sullivan (John), B. A., V".,.. IB42.
O'Sullivan (John C. H.), B. A., VIrII. IBSa.
O'Sullivan (John Daniel), B. A., .2&t. IBI7.
2S O'Sullivan (Mortimer), Sch., IBI3. -B. A., ..l&t. IBI6.- M. A.,
..l&t. IB32.-B. D., and D. D., JEilt. IB37.
O'Sullivan (Samuel), Sch., IBI4.-8. A.., Vim. IBIB.-Y. A., ~t.
18%S.-B. D., and D. D., V~,.,.. IB4B.
Oswald (John), D. D. (ad ('und. Oxon.), Vern. 176%.
Oswald (William Hamilton), B. A., Diem. IB62.
Ottley (Charles), B.A., V~r1I. IB65.
30 Ottley (Charles Saxton), B. A.., V".,.. IB3S.-Y. A., &1. 1841.
Otway (Cresar), B. A., Vern. IBol.
Otway (Cresar George), B. A., Vern. IB34.-H. A., Vent. 1836 .
Otway (Cresar Hastings), B. A.., V".". 18S+Ot\vay (Cooke), B. A., Ver:lI. IBz4.-Y. A., rel'n. IBz7.
3S Otway (Jamcs), B. A., ./FAt. 1771.
Otway (.Tam('II), B. A., ./f.... ,. 1801.




Otway (John Hastings). B. A., Yem. 1829.-H. A., NOfJ. ~83z.

Otway (Nicholas). B. A., Yern. 1680.-H. A., .2Est. 1683.
Otway (Thomas), D.D. (ad eund. Cantab.). Oct. 29, 1670'
Otway (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1687.
5 Ould (Sir Fielding), M. D., .2&t. 1761.
Ould (Fielding), B. A., Vern. 179+
Ould (Fielding), Sch., 18zz. - B. A., Ym,. 182+. - H. A., .LEat.

18 37.
Ould (William), B. A., Yem. 176+. - Y. A., Y,,.,.. 1767. - LL. B.,
andLL. D., LEst. 1785.
Oulton (Abraham), B. A., .LEat. 1840'
10 Oulton (Charles), B. A., .2st .,88.
Oulton (Richard), B..A., Yerrl. 18,3+. - M. A., and B. D., Hiem.

Oulton (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1836.-Y. A., Ymt. 18+1.
Oulton (Richard Charles), B. A., Hi"". 1863.
Oulton (William), B .A., Ymt. 1832.
15 Ouseley (Gideon I asper Richard), B. A.., Yem. 1858.
Ovenden (Thomas lames), B. A., Y,m. 1823.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Ovens (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Ovens (lames), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Ovens (Thomas), Sch.. 18+0.-B. A., Vern. 1842.
20 Ovens (William), B. A., Vern. 178o.
Overend (John), B. A Vern. 179+.
Overend (William), B. A., Vern. 18.p.
Oviugton (John), B. A., Vern. 1675' - Sch., 16 75. -V. A;., &1.
I 678.-D. D., June 1+, 1701.
Owen (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1849.-1. A., &t. 1865.
25 Owen (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 18z3.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Owen (Garrett), Sch., 1755. -B. A., Vern. I 757.-H. A.; Vern.

17 61
Owen (GeorgeAnnes1ey), B. A., Vern. 1819.
Owen (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 18+4.
Owen (Henry Lindsay), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
30 Owen (Hugh), B. A., Vern . .,69.- M. A., At. 1772.
Owen (lames Higgins), B. A., Vern. I 84+-M. A., .IEIt. 18p.
Owen (John), Sch., .,06.-B. A., Vern. 1707.-M. A., Aile. 1710.
B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1730.
C)wen (1ohn Smith), B. A., rem. I 863.-LL. B., .&t. 1863.



OWCD (Lottu~), B. A., Vir. ISS).-V, A.,

OWt'D ; Rug.r ClU'IIlich ...t), B. A.,



Owcn (}t,btrt Henry), B. A., V".. I 836.-K. A., A'AL 1863.

OW('n ,lw1I'land\ B. A., F".,.. IS61.
5 O'I't'n (W allA('C Clurit). B. A., Hint. IS6).
Owen (Waltt'r CharlN Edward), B. A., Hu.. 18s9---lL A~ K ....
Owen (William), B. A.,
OwCIl8 (Blaynt'y), B. A., r,.".. 1711.
OWt'1l8 (Fndtrick Jamf'~)' B. A., Hi,a. IS,9.-)(. A., K~ 186),.
10 Owens (John), Seh., 1750. - B. A., r".,.. 1751. -)(. A.., &I.
OwelU (John Black!'r), Scb., IS08.-B. A., r",., ISIO.
Owell8 (Thom), B. A.,
Owen~ (Thoma'). B. A.,
Owens (Thomu Blao:ktr). Scb., 181 .... -B. A., F,,.,.. 1816.
Owglln (Henry), Seh., 18JJ.-B. A., r".,.. 1836.
Owgan (JoM'pb 8ullto), Seh., .839. - B. A" 4:.t . 84+ - V..\.,
.ft. 1861.-B. n., and D. D., ~t. 186.f.
Oxlt), (ThoOlru<). 8. A., ,,,.,.. 1825.
Oxmnntown (WillilllJl Parsons, Viscount) See Parmu.
Oxmantowu (Lawn.DC(. PIU'IIOn8, Yi!!(ount). See PIU'IIOIlL





(Anthony), 8cb., 1777.-8. A., VWLI778.-lLA., ..1.
17 8...
Pack (Bartholomew), B. A., ...tFA1. 1791.-11. A., It. 1823.

20 PACI:

Pack (Hichard), Seh., l7)o.-B .\., It-rtl. 17J2.-M.A., YW1I.

1773.-LL. B. and Ll.. D., .-m"f. 177....
Pack (H.ichard), B. A .. ./&1. 1806.
Pack (Richard), B. A., 4;'1. 1819.
25 Pack (Richard), B. A., '~rn. 18H.-1I. B., ''t. 1848.
Pack (Thomas), B. A., rN'1J. 1 74o.-M. A., .&e. 174-3.
Pack (Thomas), B. A., J"mt. 1779.
Packenham (Henry), B. A., 'tnt. 1708.-1I. A., .4:It. 1711.
Packenham, or Pakenham (Robert), Bch., 1696.- B. A' I y".,..



Packinton (Bernard), 1I. A., and LL. D. (ad eund.), Jan. 26,
Padmore (Arthur), B. A., Vma. 17'J.2.
Padmore (John), (Entered, 1667).-M. A., .2&t. 167+. - Fellow,
Page (George Canning), B. A' I V".,.. 1855.- LL. B., and LL. D.,
LEtt. 1863.
5 Page (James Augll8tus), B. A., Vern. lS+S.-M. .A.., .2&t. IS65.
Page (Jame8 Robert), B. A., Vern. IS25.
Page (William), Sch., 1 677.-B. A., Vern. 16So.
Paget (James S.), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
Paget (Mark), B. A., .2&t. 1617. - Fellow, 1617. -li. A., .2&t.
10 Paige (Lewis), B.A., V".,.. 1827.-M. A., .2&t. 18+0.
Pain (Josiah), B. A., VM"fJ. 1736.
Paisley (John), B.A.., V".,.. 1818.-}[.A., LE,t. IS30.
Paisley (Joseph), Sch., 17+8.-B.A.., V".,.. 1750.-M. A., V/!t7I.
Pakenham (Arthur), B. A.., At. 1831.
15 Pakenham (Hon. Henry), 1I. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .&t. ISII.
Pakenham (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1820.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Palgrave (John), B. .A.., VM"n. IS35.
Palgrave (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1833.-M. B., Vem. 183+
Palles (Andrew), B. A., VM"n.IS51.
20 Palles (Christopher), B. A., VeNt.. 1852.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
V".,.. 1860.
Palliser (John), 8ch., 1735.-B.A., Vern. 1736.-M .A.., At.
Palliser (John), D. D. (Aottoni CItHIId), Vem. 1759.
Palliser (John), B. A., LE.t. 1781.
Palliser (John Bnry), B. A., .2&t. 18I2.-11.A., NOI}. 1832.
25 Palliser (Matthew), B.A., V".,.. 18++-M.A., V".,..IS+8.
Palliser (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1769.
Palliser (William), (Entered, 1660, B. A., not recorded). -Fell.,
1668.- B. D., At. 167+.-D. D., V".,.. 1679.
Palliser (William), B. A., Vern. 171.2.-M. A., At. 1716.
Palmer (Abraham Henry), B. A., HUm. 1865.
30 Palmer {Abram Smythe), Sch., 1865.-B. A., At. 1868.

: _ .': .~!..:... ~:: 171 %.



I ..
f_ ~
) I.

l.:-.: ..! . B. .., . fA..

Ii ." .







:..a:: B.. A . ..L








~-~~.~~I~~I.-B..L. r,",-I~




r,",- I;;:.

L.-.:.. B ..l .. r __ I;h.-)(. A.. ~fA. 1808.

1_. !' 1 r:-~ .' . B.. ..L. rrna. 1;;;.-11. A.. r.... 178S
I' .. '. r I;. --;- .. B. .1, r tnI. I i i J.
r L-:':' :' :, ~ '. B. .L. r,,,., I;c;,o.
P_'=.!' ll.~. 8...!:... 159--8.A... r ... I16I.-lI. .&..,.,'
17': +r.a.:.::...r IL~. B A. r,", I 78+--11. A., rml. 1781.
r.:::..r Ht~ B.A .at. IScI.-)(.A.. r ... 18 ...
r"':':::'.r H.~ B. A.. ,-"... ISJa.
r~=-.r .H\~'. B. .1 .
IS,O.-)(. A .. .&t. 186.troO:::.r .Jo&!:.~'. So:h.,. 1';7J-8..1. r ... 177S
P "::. r J h). B A, r.,.,.. 1;06r ..:-::.f ,J b'. B. A..
P":::.,r ,J"b;.'. B. A~ r ... lilS'
P~::ltf J'l!,q~.I. 11. A. old (\:::.1. (bOIL). r".. lii9.
r.a:mtr lJ'''''i~':. B.A., r,.".. 18JI.
r.J:Ltr ,P.ltrid:\ ~h., I;;;.-B. A J'-. liS7-Fel1., 1759)(. A. .J~f. 1;60.-LL. B. r_ li61.-LLD., Y...... 1;r>5
PLmt'r \ I~i, h..."\l \, B. A., rtrll. I i99.
Palm.f ,IL. l.ud H~Il:-) '. B. A., t,,,.. 18,+
Palml'r \lw~'11 Ht'rrick~, B. ..1...It. IS;O.-}[. A., LL. B.. ad
LL D., r".,., 18;7.
Pollmer \~dford). B. A., r".,.. 1816.
Palmer (Thomu). B. .1., rtrll. 1719.-11. A., ~ 1732.
Palmer (Thoma.'~, B. .1., r"1I. 17l+Palmer (Thomas~, B. A.. rl'nlo li98.-1(. A.. st. 1810.
Palmer (Thomas), B. A., ..1. 1819.
Palmer ('William Patrick), B. A., r".,., 182+
Palmer (William Twiss). B. A., ..uf. 1808.
Paman (
). D. D., (ad eund.) Ja .. 26, 1661.
Parke (Charles), Sch., IS...s.-lI. A., rtnt. ,S.Ji.
Parke (James). B. A., ,mi. 1717.
Parke (James AUgustUll), B. A., '~r,. 856.












Parke (Jemmett), B. A., LEst. 18o+Parke (Robert), B. A. LEst. 18zo.

Parke (Roger Charles), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Parker (Alexander Ferrier),.B. A., Vma. 18+6.
Parker (Anthony), B. A.., Vern. 1755.
Parker (Edward George), B. A., Vern. I 833.-Y. A., LEst. 18H.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1706.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1752.
Parker (George), B. A.., Vern. 1771.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 177z.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1816.
Parker (Henry), B. A., Vern. ]735,
Parker (Henry Richard). N. F. Sch., 1865.-B. A., Rim. 1865.
Parker (Hugh), Sch., I 760.-B. A., Vern. 1762.
Parker (James Ferrier), B. A., Vma. 18+6.
Parker (John, (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-D. D., Jan.
26, 1661.
Parker (John), B. A., Vern. 1718.-Y. A., ...Eat. I7ZI.
Parker (John), Sch., 1756.-B. A., Vern. 17S8.-M. A., Vern.
Parker (John), B.A., Vern. 176z.
Parker (John), B. A., Vern. 1765-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1777.
Parker (John), B. A., ...Est. 1772.
Parker (John), B. A., LEat. 1808.
Parker (John Frederick), B. A., LEst. 1846.-M.A., Vern. 1865.
Parker (Mark), B. A... Vern. 1753.
Parker (Michael), B. A. ('p,ciali grattd). Vern. 1687.
Parker (Michael), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Parker (Nicholas), Sch., f7oz.-B. A" Vern. 1704.-M. A" .lEat,
Parker (Richard), Sch., 1723.-B. A., Vern. 1725.-M. A' I ~8t.
Parker (Richard), B. A., LEst. 181 9.
Parker (Robert). B. A., LEst. 1830.
Parker (Standish Grady), B. A., Vern. 1796.-M. A., ~Rt. 1834.
Parker (William), B. A., LEst. 179 I.
Parker (William). B. A., Vern. 1797.
Parker (William), B. A., Vern. 1820.-Y. A., Nov. 183z.


.. &.'\


I'llllllt'r (Arthur), Sch., 1762. -Ii. A., r"... 176..,.-11. A., ,,, .
I',LluIt'r (Arthur~, B. .\., 41'.-. Ih8.
Palm.r (Arthur). &:11., 1861.-8. A.,
Palml'r (Charlt'ft\ B. A., &t. 1;9+
P.llulI'r :Edmund~, (Entranoo not n.'corded).-lI. A . r..". . ;- if
Plllmt'r (Edwin). B. A., ,,.,,.. 11h.-ll. A.. mi. 1808.
I'almt'r (Francie), B. A., ,~".,.. 11H'-X, A .
Plllowr (Ht'Orgt,), B. A., ,'".,.. 1113.
Palml'r (jt'Orgt'), B. A.,
Palml'r tIlI'nry), 8c11.. 11S9- - B. A..
1761.-K. A., .ht
11 6....
Palml'r(lIenry:, B.A., y".,.. I 184.-ll. A., 1'tf'II.I,88.
Palml'r(Ul'nry), B.A . mi. 1801.-ll.A., r".,., .8 ...
Pa1ml'r (lIl'nry), B. A., V"... 1832.
Palmer (Henry), B. A . VtnI. 18so.-K. A . AI. 1864Palmer (James), 8ch., 1173-B..A., Y".,..I77S.
Palmer (John), 11. A., 1',.".. 1,06.
Palml'r (John), 11. A., J'tnI. .733.
Palmer (John). B. A., y.,.. IbS.
Palmt'r (J08('ph), ll. A. (ad cuncl. Oxon.), y"... 1779.
Palmer (Jofl('ph), 11. A., y,.".. 1831.
Palmer (Patrick), Scb., I 155.-B. A., YtnI. 17S1-Fell., 175911. A., A-~t . .,60.-LL B. 1'.,-,.. 1 161.-LL D . V.".. lit>;
Palmer (Richard), B. A., rtrfl. 1799.
Palmer (Richard Henry), B. A . Yn.,. . 8Z4.
Palmer (Robert Herrick), B. A.,.It. 18jo.-1I. A . LL. B .. al.J
LL D. J'tmt. 1857.
Palmer (8andford), B. A., V"... 1826.
Palmer (Thomu), B. A.. YtrfI. 1729.-11. A.' I At. 1732.
Palmer (Thomu), 11. A., J'trn. 173+
Palmer (Thomu), B. A.. Ymt. 1198.-ll. A. 4At. 1810.
Palmer (Thomas), B. A LEIt. 18z9.
Palmer (William Patrick). B. A.., VtnI. 182+
Palmer (William Twiss). 11. A., A-;"I. 1808.
Paman (
). D. D . (ad eund.) JarL 26, 1661.
Parke (Charles), Sch., I 84).-B. A., YW7I. IR.,.
Parke (James), B. A., 'ern. 1717.
Parke (Jamee AuguAtu~). n. A.., 1'ern. J 856.


















Parke (Jemmett), B. A., LEst. 1804Parke (Robert), B. A., LEst. 18zo.

Parke (Roger Charles), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Parker (Alexander Ferrier),.B. A., Vern. 18+6.
Parker (Anthony), B. A., Vmt. '755,
Parker (Edward George), B. A., Vern. 18B.-Il. A., LEst. 18H.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1706.
Parker (George), B. A., Vmt. 175%.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. I 77 I.
Parker (George), B. A., Vem. '77z.
Parker (George), B. A., Vmt. '791.
Parker (George), B. A., Vem. 1816.
Parker (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1735.
Parker (Henry Richard), N. F. Sch., 1865.-B. A., Biem. 1865.
Parker (Hugh), Sch., '760.-B. A., Vem. 176z.
Parker (James Ferrier), B. A., Vem. 18+6.
Parker (John, (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-D. D., Jan.
26, 1661.
Parker (John), B. A., Vern. 1718.-M. A., LEst. 17Zl.
Parker (John), Sch., 1756.-B. A., V,,.,,. 17S8.-M. A., Vem.
Parker (John), B. A., V6f'fI. 1762.
Parker (John), B. A., Vem. 1765.-8. D., and D. D., Vern. 1777.
Parker (John), B. A., LEst. 1771..
Parker (John), B. A., LEst. 1808.
Parker (John Frederick), B. A., LEst. 18+6.-M.A., V6f'fI. 1865.
Parker (Mark), B. A., Vern. 1753.
Parker (Michael), B. A. ('Plciali grtltid), Vern. 1687.
Parker (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 179(.
Parker (Nicholas), Sch., f702.-B. A., Vmt. 17o+.-M. A., ..lEat.

Parker (Richard), Sch., '7Z3.-B. A., Vem. '7z5.-M. A., ..lEst.

'7 28
30 Parktlr (Richard), B. A., LEst. 1819.
Parker (Robert), B. A., LEst. 1830.
Parker (Standish Grady), B. A., Vem. 1796.-M. A., ..lE8t. 183+.
Parker (William), B. A., LEst. 1791.
Parker (William), B. A., Vem. 1797.
35 Parker (William), B. A., V".". 18zo.-M. A., Nov. 183z.










Palmer (Arthur), Sch., 1762. - B. A., YIt'II. 176+ -Y. A., "TR.
Palmer (A.rthur), B. A., .&t. 1828.
Palmer (Arthur), Scb., 1861.-8. A., y".,.. 186+.
Palmer (Charles), B. A., .AIle. 1794.
Pulmer (Edmund), (Entrance not recorded).-M. A., YfffI. li)2
Palmer (Edwin), B. A., YIt'II. 1782.-M. A., .At. 1808.
Palmer (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 17SS.-11. A., YIt'II. 1785.
Palmer (George), B. A., y".,.. 1713.
Palmer (George), B. A., y".,.. 1790.
Palmer (Henry), 8cb., 1759. - B. A., y",.. 1761.-11. A., .&t.
Palmer (Henry), B.A., V".,.. I 78....-11. A., Yent. 1788.
Palmer (Henry), B.A., .AIlt. 1801.-M.A.. y",.. 1811.
Palmer (Henry), B. A., V",.. 1832.
Palmer (Henry), B. A., Vent. I 85o.-M. A . .At. 186....
Palmer (James), 8cb., 1773.-B. A.., V",.. 1775.
Palmer (John), B. A., Ytm. 1706.

Palmer (John), B. A., Y". ... 1733.

Palmer (John). B. A., Vent. 182S.
Palmer (Joseph), lL A. (ad eund. Oxon.), y".,.. 1779.
Palmer (Joseph), B.A., V".,.. 1831.
Palmer (Patrick). 8cb., 17SS.-B. A. 17'ma. 17S7-Fell., 1759Y. A., ..lEst. I 760.-LL B., y".". 1762.-LJ... D., V"... 17(.5.
Palmer (Richard), B. A., r".,.. 1799.
Palmer (Richard Henry), B. A., YtnI. 1814.
Palmer (Robert Heyrick), B. A. AAt. 18so.-Y. A., LL. B .. aud
LL D., y",.. 1857:
Palmer (Sandford), B. A . y".,.. 1826.
Palmer (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1729.-11. A.., .AIl,. 1732.
Palmer (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 173....
Palmer (Thomas), B. A.. y".,.. I 798.-Y. A., .At. 181o.
Palmer (Thomas), B. A., ..lEst. 1829.
Palmer (William Patrick), B. A., V".,.. 182....
Palmer (William Twiss). B. A., .at. 1808.
Paman (
). D. D., (ad eund.) Ja ... ~6, 1661.
Parke (Charles), Sch., 18+s.-B. A., y".,.. 18.n.
Parke (James). B. A., Yn-fl. 1717.
Parke (James Augustus), B. A., Vern. 1856.







Parke (Jemmett), B. A., A!:at. ISo+Parke (Robert), B. A . A!:at. ISZO.

Parke (Roger Charles), B. A., Yent. 183S,
Parker (Alexander Ferrier),.B. A., Y8f"n. IS+6.
Parker (Anthony), B. A., Ymt. 1755.
Parker (Edward George), B. A., Yern. 1833.-11. A., A!:at. 18++.
Parker (George), B. A., Y8f"n. 1706.
Parker (George), B. A., Ymt. 1751.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1771.
Parker (George), B. A., Ywn. l77z.
Parker (George), B. A., Ymt. 1791.
Parker (George), B. A., Vern. 1816.
Parker (Henry), B. A., Yma. 1735.
Parker (Henry Richard). N. F. Sch., I 865.-B. A., Bini. 1865.
Parker (Hugh), Sch., I 76o.-B. A., Y8f"fI. 176z.
Parker (James Ferrier), B. A., Y8f"n. 18+6.
Parker (John, (Entrance and B. A., not recorded).-D. D., Jan.
z6, 1661.
Parker (John), B. A., Vmt. 1718.-H. A., A!:at. 17ZI.
Parker (John), Sch., 1756.-B. A., Y8f"fI. 1758.-H. A., y".,..
Parker (John), B.A., Vern. 176z.
Parker (John), B. A., Ywn. 1765.-8. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1777.
Parker (John), B. A., .2EBt. 1771.
Parker (John), B. A., A!:at. 1808.
Parker (John Frederick), B. A., A!:at. 18+6.-M:. A., Y,m. 1865.
Parker (Mark), B. A.,
Parker (Michael), B. A. (tplcitJli grlJttd). Ymt. 1687.
Parker (Michael), B. A., Y8f"fI. 1791.
Parker (Nicholas), Sch., '7oz.-B. A . Ymt. 170+'-M. A., .e.


Parker (Richard), Sch., 17Z3.-B. A., V8f"n. 17z5.-H. A' I ...It.
30 Parker (Richard), B. A., ..lEtt. 1819.
Parker (Robert). B. A., At. 1830.
Parker (Standish Grady), B. A., Y8f"fI. 1796.-}[. A., .2E~t. 183+.
Parker (William), B. A., At. 1791.
Parker (William). B. A . Yern. 1797.
35 Parker (William), B. A., Y8f"fI. ISzo.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3z.



Parkinaon (Barton), Sch., 1728.-B. A., VInI. 1729.

ParkinlOn (Henry), B. A., VInI. 1854'
Parlrinaon (Richard), B. A., VInI. 18IS.-H. A.., N ... 18}1.
Parlrinaon (Robert), B. A., VWR. 17 15.
S Parlrinaon (Robert), B. A., VInI. 186+.
ParmlOn (Thomu), B. A., V",.. 1795.
Parkinaon (William), B. A.,
I 8 ZI.
Parks (Neal O'Donnell), B. A.., V"". 18S}'
Parks (Samuel), B. A., VInI. 173910 Parka (Thomu), B.A., VInI. I 793.-lf. A.., ]{or. 1831.
Parks (William), B. A., Vt'NI. 1833.
Parnell (John), B. A., VInI. 17+0.
Parnell (John), B. A., y".,.. 1766.
Parnell (Richard), B. A.,
IS Parnell (Theobald), B. A., Vm. 17}+'
Parnell (Thomu), B. A., V".,.. 1~7.-K. A., At. 1700.-8. D.,
and D. D., VInI. 1712.
Parr (Edward Robinson), B. A., Hi,,,,. 1861.-1. A., At. IS65.
Parrett (William Hunter), B. A., V,,.,.. 1860.-M. A., V".,., IS63.
Parry (Arthur), B. A., .A!:8t. 161.... -Fellow, 1626.
20 Parry (Benjamin), LL. D. (Aollri "fUel), At. 1710.
Parry (David), B. A., VInI. 1706.
Parry (Edward), B. A., &t. 1610.-K. A., At. 161}.-Fel1ow,
162+.-B. D., AI,t. 16}0.
Parry (George), (Entered 1687).-LL. B., y".,., 169).
Parry (George), B. A., ~,.,.. 1831.
25 Parry (John), ll. A. (ad eund.), and B. D.,
26, 1661.-D. D.,




..-E,t. 1662.
Parry (John), B. A., VInI. 18S1.-H. A., ..&t. 1861.
Parsons (Francis), B. A., .2&t. 18+7.
Paraons (John), B. A., .2&t. 1781.
Parsons (Lawrence), B. A., .&t. 17S0. -LL. B., .Al,t. 1783.LL. D., Vm.. 1790.
10 Parsons (Lawrence), B. A., At. 1818.
Parsons (Hon. Lawrence), B. A., .&t. 1829.-M. A., NOD. 1832.
ParaoDS (Lawrence, Viscount Oxmantown), B. A., HiMIt. 186+
Parsons (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Parsons (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. IS+5.-H. A., V".,.. 18+S.-B. D.,





:z 5



Par8()DB (Thomaa), B. A., Vern. 1682.

P8lIIOnB (Thomas), B. A.., Vma. 1758.
Parsons (Thomaa C.), B. A., Vern. 1789'
P8lIIODB (William), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M . .A.,
LEle. 16 30
P8lIIODB (William), B. A., V".,.. 1789.-M. .A., LElt. 1820.
P8lIIOnB (William, ViBcount Oxmantown, and Earl of RoaBe), B. A.
(ad eund. Oxon.), and M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
P8lIIODB (Right Hon. William, Earl of RoBBe), (Chancellor of the
University, 186z).-LL.D. (lwnoreicatud), Vma. 1863.
Partridge (Samuel), Soh., I 73o.-B. .A., Vern. I 732..::-M. .A., LElt.
Puley (Henry), B.A., Vern. I 785.-M . .A., Vern. 1790.
Puley (Henry loaiaa George), B. A., Vern. 1826. - M. A., NfJ'I.
18 3 2
Paal.ey (Jonathan), B. A., V".,.. 1782.
Paaley (William), Sch., 178+-B.A., V",,.. 1785.-M.A., LElt.
Patchell (William George), B. A., LElt. 18+7.
Paterson (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 1777.
Paterson (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1775.
Paterson (William). B. A., V".,.. 1778.
Paton (Jamea), Sch., 18SS.-B. A.., V".,.. 18n.-M. A., V".,. . 860.
Patricks (John), B. A., ..&t. 1617.-M. A., LElt. 1620.
Patrickson (John), (Entered 1666). - Sch., 1669. - M. A., LEle.
Patrickson (Thomaa), B.A., Vern. 1678.-M. A., Ae.1681.Fellow, 168~.-LL. D., Jan. 30, I7co.
Patrickson (Thomaa), B. A., V".,.. 1727,
Patrickson (William). B.A., LElt. 1798.
Patten (James), B. A., V".,.. I 830.-H. B., NOfJ. 1832.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., V".,.. 1860.
Patten (Richard), B. A., V", . J8+3.-M. A., 1""ern. 1859.
Patterson (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1772.
Patterson (John), B. .A., V".,.. 1825.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Patterson (Mark), B. A.., Vern. 1701.
Patterson (Mark), Sch., J73+.-B. A., Vern. 1736.
Patterson (Hark), LL. D. (honor;. catud), LElt. 1765.
Patterson (Thomaa), n. A.., At. 1793.




Patterson (Thomas), B. A., Vim. IS39.

Patterson (William 8t. George), B. A., ./Ell. 184-0. - ll. A.., ..fA1.
Patton (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. IS39.-lL B., At. 18+1.
Patton (George Auguatua Frederick), B. A., ./EIt. 18+8. -ll. A"
Patton (George Valentine), B. A., V".,.. 18S8.-LL. B., and LL D.,
V".,.. IS6S.
Patton (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. IS4-S.
Paul (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. 18zS.-'H. B., .&t. 1830.
Paul (John), 8ch., 178%.-B. A., Pm. 1783.
Paul (John), B. A" V".,.. 18z+
Paul (Robert Joshua), B.A., y".,.. 184-"
Paul (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. I7+S.-'H. A., At. 74-8.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., At. 769.
Paul (Thomas), B. A.,
Paul (Thom.. Christmas), B. A.,
Pauli (Christian Abraham), B. A., ./EIt. 18SS.
Pavey (John), B. A., V".,.. 1708.
Paxton (William Albert), B. A., Hi"". 1863.
Payne (George Thomas), B. A., &t. 18+%.-11. A., At. 1863Payne (John), B. A., Vern. '720.
Payne (Michael), B. A., Vern.170z.
Payne (Percy), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Payne (Percy Gethin), B. A., V".,.. 1809.-M. A. NOfJ. IS32.
Payne (Samuel Ward), B. A., Vma. IS53. - LL. B., and LL. D.,
Vim. 1863.
Payne (Somers), B. A., LEst. ISoS.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Payne (Somers), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. A., &t. 18+9.
Payne (William), B. A., V".,.. I 721.-M. A., &t. 17z+
Peace (James), B. A., V".,.. 1833.-M. A., r".,., 1837.
Peacock (Henry), B. A., ,ern. 1860.
Peacock (Pryce), B. A., Vern. 1817.-M. A., NOt1. 1832.
Peacock (Robert), Sch., 1759.-B. A., rim. 1761.
Peacock (Rodolph), B. A., LElt. 1853.
Peacocke (Charles Henry), B. A., Hi,,,,. 186+.
Peacocke (George), B. A., V".,.. IS%O.-Y. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Peacocke (George), B. A., and M. A. Ver,.. 1863.














Peacocke (Goodricke Thomas), B. A., Vir,.. 1860. -1. A., V".,..

Peacocke (Joseph Ferguson), B. A.., VIrII. 1857. - M. A., VIrII.
Peacocke (Peter Leslie). B. A., &t. J860.
Peacocke (Thomas), B. A., Vma. J698.
Peacocke (William), B. A., At. I 798.-M. A., .t. 1809.
Peacocke (William James), B. A., .2&t. 18+8.
Pearce (William Francis), B. A., Vmt. 1861.
Pearde (William Price), B. A., &t. 1787.-LL. B., &t. 1790.
Pearson (Christopher), B. A., VIrII. 17z8.-M. A.., At. 1731.
Pearson (Edward), B. A., VIrII. 1706.-ll. A., It. 1710.
Pearsoit (Henry Spenser). B. A., VIrII. 18+6.
Pearson (James), B. A., At. 1817.
Pearson (John B.), B. A.,.2&I. 18z7.
Pearson (Matthew), B. A.., Vir,.. 17+%'
Pearson (Richard), B. A., V1rII. 18+5.
Pearson (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 179+.
Pearson (Thomas Charles), B. A., .2&t. 18z8.
Pearson (William), B. A., VIrII. 1795.
Peat (Henry), B. A. Fum. 1863.
Peazley (William), B. A., Vern. 1737.
Pechard (Peter), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .2&t. 11+6.
Peeblea(James), Sch., 1819.-B.A.., V,rn.18zo.-LL.B.,and
LL. D., Vim. 18z9.
Peebles (John), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Peebles (Robert), B. A' I Vern. 18zl.-M. Be, &t. 18z7.
Peebles (Robert Benjamin), B.A.., &t. 1839.
Peeble8 (Wil)iam Bellingham), B. A., Vim. 18+9- -If. B., &to
18p.-M. Chir., Vim. 1860.
Peebles (William Edward), B. A., Hii'm. 186z.
Peed (Edward), B. A.., VIrII. 1796.
Peed (James), B. A., Vim. 1835.
Peed (Robert), B. A., &t. 1835.
Peel (John), B. A., Vim. 183+.
Peers (John), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Peers (Thomas), B. A.., Vim. 17+0.
Peet (Samuel V.), B. A.., Vern. 18++.

Peile (Robert Moore), B.A., .2&t. 181Z.-.1[. A., NfH1. 183z.








Peirce (lohn), B. A., .JEIt. 18S8.-M. A., VIrft. 1863.

Peirce (lohn Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
Peirce (William), It A., &t. 1830.
Peirce (William), B. A., Hinll. I 86%.-M. B., LEIt. 1863.-M.D.,
Hinn. 1865.
PeiBly.Vaughan (William), B. A., V".,.. 1689.
Pelisier, orPelishiere(John), Soh., 17zl.-B.A., VIN&.17~3'M: A., ..!EIt. I7z6.-Fellow, 17z7.-D.D., ..!EIt. 1738.
Pellegrini (Alfon80), LL. D. (Aontwj, CQuld), .at. 180%.
Pelletrau (Charles), It A., Vma, 176....
Pelletreau, or Pelletrall (James), B. A., Vwn. 1733.-M:. A., &t.
173 6 .
Pellican (William), B. A., VIN&. 170%.
Pellisier (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 178z.
Pellisier ( Charles), B. A., Vwn. 1737 .-M. A., ..!EIt. J 7+0.
Pelliaier (Peter), Scb., 17+0. - B. A., Vwn. I7+Z. - Y. A., h.
Pellisier (William St. George), Sch., 179+.-B. A., Vern. 1795.LL. B., Vt'Nt. 1803.
Pemberton (Arthur), B.A., &1. I 828.-M. A., N"". 1832.
Pemberton (George), B. A., Vma. 1815.
Pemberton (llandy), B. A., .2&t. J 771.
Pendleton (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1831.
Pendleton (Philip), B. A., Vwn.18n.
Pendleton (Samuel), It A., Vwn. 1786.
Pendred (Vaughan), B. A., V".,.. q83.
Pendred (Vaughan), B. A., LEst. 18J6.
Pendred (William), B. A., Vwn. 1731.
Pendy (James), Sch., 180+.-B. A., Vt'Nt. 1806.
Pengelly (Charles William), B. A., LEst. 18+0.
Pennefather (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 179+.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Pennefather (Edward), B. A., ~NI. 1856.
Pennefather (Francis), B. A., Vwn. qZ5.-M.A., At. 17 z8 .
Pennefather (John), B. A., V".,.. Q79.-M. A., Vern. 1811.LL. B., and LL. D., LEst. 1827.
Pennefather (Kingsmill), B. A., Vwn. 181Z.
Pennefather (Richard), B. A., LEst. 179+.
Pennefather (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
Pennefather (Richard Daniel), B. A., Vern. 18+0.



Pennefather (Thomas), B. A., V6NI. 18++

Pennefather (William), B. A., Vern. 1806.
Pennefather (William), B. A., ..Est. 18+0'
Pennefather (William), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
5 Pennell (George Barrow), B. A., Biem. 1860.-lI. A., .Ailt. 1865.
Penrose (John Denis), B. A., .2&t. 1827.
Penrose (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1823.
Pentland (Francis), B. A., Vern. 179S.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Pentland (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1816.-lI. A., Nov. 18.32.
10 Pentland (John), B. A., V6NI. 1796.
Pentland (John), B. A., .2&t. 1835.
Pentland (Keating), B. A., Vern. 182+.
Pentland (Robert), B. A., .d. 1818.
Pentland (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 1816.
IS Pentland (William), Soh., 1767.-B. A., Vern. 17~.-lI. A.,

.LEd. 1773.
Pepiot, or Peprott (John), Soh., I 695.-B. A., Vern. 1697.-M:. A.,
.2&t. 1700.
Peppard (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1707.
Pepper (Charles Caulfield), B. A., Vim. 182+.-lI. A., Nov. 1831.
Pepper (Edward), B . .A., Vern. 1806.-lI. A., .2&t. 181+.
20 Pepper (George), B. A., .2&t. 1795.
Pepper (Gilbert), B. A.., .Ailt. 1637.-lI. A' I At. 1638.
Pepper (Thomas St. George), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Pepper (Wellington), B. A.., Vern. 1837.
Perceval (Alexander), B. A.., Vern. 18+I.-Y. A., At. 1844.
25 Perceval (Alexander F.), B. A., .2&t. 1807.-Y. A., Nov. 1831.
Perceval (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 18++.
Perceval (Charles William), B. A' I Vim. 1850'-Y' B., Vma.
18 53.
Perceval (Edward), lI. B. (ad eund. Oxon.), VtJr1I. 1810.
Perceval (Henry), B. A., Vma. 18+3.
30 Perceval (Philip), B. A., At. 178o.
Perceval (Robert), B. A., Verll. 1777. - H. B., and lI. D., At.
Perceval, or Percivall (William), Sch., 1707. - B. A., Vim. 1708.
-LL. D., Vern. 171+.
Perceval (William), B. A., Vern. 1809.
Perceval (William), B. A., Vern. 18+8.



Perceval (William BWlbury), B. A., V".,.. 1831.

Percevalle (George) M. A. (ad eund Oxon.), J"fI. 26, 1661.
Percival (Charles), B. A., Vme. J7H.-M. A., .At. 1737.
Percival (Charles), B. A., Vma. I 773.-lt:. A., y".,.. 1777.
5 Percival (James), B. A., AI. 1739.
Percival (Kene), B. A. y".,.. 1730.- K. A., .At. 1733. -B. D.,
and D. D., Oct. zz, 1751.
Percival (Nicholas), B. A., At. 17+1.
Percival (William), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), F,b. ZI, 1726.
Percivall (Edward), B. A., YIm. 1700.
10 Percivall (John), B. A., y".,.. 1682.
Percivall (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1638.
Percy (Alexander), B. A., ...&t. 1814Percy (Edward Jeremiah Algernon), B. A., y".,.. 1851.
Percy (Francis), B. A., .&t. 1783.
15 Percy (George Parsons), B. A., &t. 1802.
Percy (Gilbert), B.A., Yma. 1831.- LL. B., and LL. D., Hit/n.
Pcrcy (William), B. A., y".,.. 1766.
Percy (William), B. A., Yma. 177+.
Percy (William Alexander), Jt A., y".,.. 1819.
20 Perkin8 (John), B. A., '&1. 1830'
Perrier (Thomas), B. A., .LE1f.. ,818.
Perriman, or Peryman (Nicholas), Bch., 168S.-B. A., VWfI. 1689.
Perrin (Frederick Eugene), B. A., Pun. 18H'- M. A., J'trfI
Perrin (George), B. A., .&t. IS39.
25 Perrin (George), B. A., Vma. IS53.
Perrin (James), B. A., Y~rn. 18+3.
Perrin (James), B. A., V".,.. ISH.
Pcrrin (John), B. A., Yma. 1838.
Perrin (John Fingal), B.A., &t. 1861.
30 Perrin (Loui8), Sch., 1799.-B.A., y".,.. 1801.
Perrin (Louis), B. A., V".,.. 18+2.-M. A., &t. 18 57.
Perrin (Mark), Sch., ISI3.-B. A., Ylrn. ISIS.
Perrin (Mark), B. A., Vir". ISso.-M. A., y".,.. 18 56
Perrott (John Walker), B. A., Vern.IS36.
35 Perrott (Samuel), B. A., &1. 18z+.
Pcrrott (Thomas), B. A., .LE.t. 18H.-H. A., Vlrn. 18 37.



Perrott (William Howe), B. A., Hi8m. 1863.

PerrY (Adam), Soh., 1719.-B. A., BBt. 17Z1.-M. A., LEst. 172+.
-B. D., and D. D., At. 1,.8.
Perry (Adam Bettesworth), B. A., V".,.. 183~-1[. A., V".,.. 18+6.
Perry (Alfred 1ohn), B. A., Vern. 1853.
5 Perry (Arthur), B. A., At. 1790.
Perry (George Joseph), B. A., Fum. 1863.
Perry (George Thomas), Y. D. (Tumori' Ctlflld), &1. 1839.
Perry (Henry), B. A., V".,.. I 83 I
Perry (Henry Prittie), B. A., LEyt. 18J9.-M. A., Vern. 1824.
J Perry (Henry Shearea), Y. B., .2&t. I 837.
Perry (1ames), B. A., Vern. 1859'-Y' A., V".,.. 1862.
Perry (1ohn), Soh., I 73o.-B. A., Vern. 1731.
Perry (John), B. A., V".,.. 1832.
Perry (Riohard Newman), B. A., &t. I 828.-1I. A. Nov. 1832.
15 Perry (Robert Deane), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Perry (Samuel), B. A., At. 1784.
Perry (Samuel), B. A., ..l&t. 1786.
Perry (Thomas), B. A., LEst. 1829.
Perry (William), B. A., .2&t. I 742.-M. A., y".,.. 1750.
20 Perry (William), :B. A., At. 1795.
Perry (William), B.A., V".,.. 1832.
Perry (William N.), B. A., V".,.. 1841.
Persse (De Burgh), B. A., Hi8m. 186 ..
Persse (George), B. A., Vwn. 184+.
25 Persse (Henderson), B. A., V".,.. 1852.
Peme (Patriok), B. A., At. 1789.
Persse (Riohard Dudley), B. A., LEst. 18H.
Pery (Stacpoole), B. A., Vern. 1707.-Y. A., At. 1710.
Pery .(William C-eoil), D. D. (ljJ6CI'alt grat,d), Vern. 178 J.
30 Peechel (Samuel), Soh., 1733.-B. A., V".,.. 1735.
Peter (1[athew), B. A., V".,.. 1806.-M. A. NOfJ.1832.
Peters (Henry), Soh., 18i5.-:B. A., V".,.. 1827.
Peters (Thomas Henry), B. A., V".,., 1856.
Petheriok (George William), B. A., Hi"".. 1862.
35 Petit (Lewis Peter), B. A., Vim. 184.-1[. A" V".n. 1843.
Petrie (Francia), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Petrie (George), LL. D. (Tumor., cafllli), At. 1847.
Peyton (Randle), B. A., V:".,.. 1838.-1[. A., V".,.. 1859.




Peyton (Reynolds), B. A., Vim. 1836.

Peyton (Thomas), B. A., At. 161+-M. A., and Fellow, 161,.
Peyton (Walter C.), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Phair (George), B. A., HUm. 1865.
5 Phair (John P.), B. A., At. 18+5.
Phayre (Mawell), B. A., VtNt. 18zo.-It:. A., NOf). 183z.
Phayre (Richard), Soh., 18z8.-B. A., Vim. I 83o.-M. A., Hint.
Pheasant, or Pheeant, or Feasant (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1631.Fellow, 1631.
Phelan (James), B. A., VIm. 1817.-M. A., AX 18JZ.
10 Phelan (John), B. A., Vttrn. 1796.
Phelan (William), Sch., 1808.-B. A., Vmt. 1810.-Y. A., .&t.
181+.-Fellow, 1817.-B. D., .L&t. 18u.
Phenix (Robert Andrew), B. A., Hum. 1860.
Phepoe (John), B. A., Vim. 1759.
Phibbs (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1781.
15 Phibbs (John P.), B. A., Vern. 18zo.
Phibbs (Owen), B. A., LE,{. 183%'
Phibbs (Thomas Ormsby), B. A.., V~m. 1819.
Phibbs (William), B. A., Vern. 1751.
Phibbs (William), B. A., LE,t. 182+.
zo Philips (Erasmus), B. A., At. 1700.
Philips (George), B. A., Vllrn. 17Z5.-M. A.., ..Ed. IJz8.
Philips (Thomas Murphy), M. A., Vern. 1825.
Phillips (Alfred), B. D., and D. D., .2&t. 18+1.
Phillips (Arthur), B. A., ,t. 1861.
25 Phillips (Charles), B. A., Vern. IJz6.-Y. A., At. 1730.
Phillips (Charles). B. A., At. 1806.
Phillips (Frederick), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Phillips (George), B. A., Vern. 1734.- M. A., V".,.. 1738
Phillips (Henry), Sch., 1796.-8. A., at. 1797.
30 Phillips (Highgate Henry), B.A., and 1' B., .st. 1863.
Phillipa (James), B. A., Vim. 1860.-11. A., Bt. 1863.
Phillips (James William), B. A., Vt'Nt. 18+6.
Phillips (John), LL. D. (JwmJrlI eaUld), Sept. z, 1857.
Phillips (John Godfrey), B. A., ..E8t. 18u.
35 Phillips (Jonathan A.), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Phillips (Joseph), B.A., Vern. 1839.



Phillips (Marmaduke), B. A., A?Bt. 1716.-M. A., A?Bt. 1719.B. D., and D. D., A?Bt. 17+3.
Phillips (Norbury), Sch., 1804.-B:A., Vwn. 1806.
Phillips (Richard), B. A., .Ailt. 1781.
Phillips (Robert), B. A., Vwn. J 73z.
5 Phillips (Robert William Ferguson), B. A., Hi8m. 1865.-LL. B.,
Vern. 1866.

Phillips (Thomas), B. A., A?Bt. 179z.

Phillips (Thomas), Sch., 1798.-B. A., Vwn. 1800.-M. A., .2&t.
Phillips (Thomas Frederick Skiffington), B. A., Hiem. 1865.
Phillips (Thomas George J ohnst~n). B. A., .JEst. 18 S6.-M. A.,
Hiem. 1859.

10 Phillips (William), B. A., ,e. 1605.-M. A., A?Bt. 1609.-Fell.,

Philp (Richard), B. A., Hiem. 186+Philpot (Michael), Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vern. 1701.
Philpot (Michael), B. A., Vern. 174Z.-M. A., A?Bt. 17+5.
Philpot (Nathan), B.A., Vwn. 17+0.
15 Philpot (Robert), (Entered as Ffilpot, 1679).-B. A., Vern. 168+.
-M . .A., ..l&t. 1687.
Phipps (Benjamin), (Entrance, and prior degrees, not recorded).Fellow, I 66J.-D. D., A?Bt. 167+'
Phipps (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Phipps (Charles Hare), B. A., Vmt. 186+
Phipps (John), B. A., Vwn. 1730.
zo Phipps (John Hare), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Phipps (Joshua), B. A., Vwn. 1733.
Phipps (Owen Handcock), B. A., Hiem. I 859.-M. A., Vern. 186+.
Phipps (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1730.
Phipps (Robert), Sch., 177 I.-B. A., Pilrn. 1773.
z5 Phipps (Robert), Sch., 178+.-B. A., Vern. 1785-Fell., 1790.M.A., Vern. 1791.-LL.B., and LL. D., ..lEst. 1799.
Phipps (Thomas), B. A., .LEat. 1835.
Phipps (William), B. A., Vwn. 1800.
Phipps (William), B. A., A?Bt. 18+3.-M. A., Vern. 1858
Pick (John), B. A., L&t. 176z.
30 Pick (John), B. A., ..lEst. 1795.-M. A' I Vwn. 1801.
Pick (Vesian), B. A., Vern. 17+3.




Pickford (Iamee lohn), B. A" Vms. 18S3.

Pickford (William Henry). B. A., Yms. 18$3.-11. B., and M.A.,
V".,.. J 8S8.
Picklee (William), Sch., 1806.-B. A., Vms. 1808.-ll. B., .AI.t.
181 3.
Picton (Robert), B. A.,
$ Piddock (John), B. A., At. 1609.-ll. A., and Fellow, 1612.
Pidgeon (Edward), Sch., 1778.-B. A., Yms. 1780.
Pidrod (Christopher), B. A.. At. 162+Pierce, or Pereee (Dudley), (Entered 1641 ).-B. D., Jaft. 26, 166J.
Pierce (Fletcher), B. A., 1"".,.. J 733.
10 Pierce (Thomas), LL. D. (Aottoril c"ud), Vwn. 173S'
Piercy (Bartholomew), Soh., 17Jo.-B. A., VW1I. 17lJ.-M. A..,


At. 171$.
Piers, or Pierce (Henry), 8ch., 1716.-B. A., Vern. 1718.-ll. A.,

AI. 1722.
Pien (Octavius), B. A., .l&t. 1809.
Pien (Sir Piggot, Bad), B. A., Vern. 1762.
1$ Pien (Thomas), B. A.,
Piers tWilliam), Sch., I 699.-B. A., Vem. 170I.-ll. A' I JE.t.




Pierae, or Pearce (
. ), B. A.,
Pierson (Samuel), B. A., Vmt. 1719,
Pieray (lames), B. A., Y... 1769.-1.1. A., YIN&. 177+20 Piggot (Felix), Sch., 1736.-B. A., YW1I. 1737.-M.. A., JE.t.
Piggot (Harfinch), B. A., Vm. 1709.
Piggot, or Pigott (Harfinch), Sch., 1708.-B. A., V".,.. 1710.
Piggot (Thomas), B. A., Y,,.,.. 1737.-M. A., At. 17+0.
Piggott (John), B. A., Vent. 170$.-M. A.,
25 Piggott (Michael), B. A., Vent. 1776.
Piggott (Robert), B. A.,
Piggott (William), B. A., ~,.,.. 1736.-H. A., ./E,t. 1739.
Pigot (David Richard), B. A., ,,t. 1819.-11. A., X~. J83%.
Pigot(DavidRichard), B.A., 4lt. 18#.-ll.A., Vir,.. 1860.
,30 Pigot (Iohn), B. A., ./E~t. 1843.
Pigot (Jones Quain John), B. A.., V".,.. 18H.
Pigott (Alexander), B. A., .~t. 1788.-M. A., ..tEat. 1792.
Pigott (Edward), B. A., Vt/I/. 1772.










Pigott (George), B. A., .&t. 1813.

Pigott (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 18+5.
Pigott (Philip Reginald), B. A., Vern. 1861.-lf. A., Vem. 1865.
Pigott (Richard), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). - H. A.,
Vent. I 75+.-B. D., Vent. I 760.-D. D., Vem.I77I.
Pigott (Thomas), B. A., .A!)t. 163+.
Pigott (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1791.
Pigott (Thomas), B. A., Vent. 183 I.
Pigott (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Pigott (Walter), B. A., .2EIt. 18+5.
Pigott (William), B. A., Vent. 1837.
Pigou (Francis), B. A., Vir,.. I 85+-H. A., Vem. 1857.
Pikeman (John), B. A., .&t. I 61Z.-lf. A., '&t. 161+.-Fello\v,
161 5.
Pilcher (William H.), B.A., Vma.18+1:
Pilkington (Edward), B.oA. Vern. 1837.
Pilkington (Henry Hulock), B. A., Vern. 1833.-M. A., Vm.
18 57.
Pilkington (John), B. A., Vern. 1812.
Pilkington (Joseph), B. A., Vma. 177+
Pilkington (Joseph), B. A., VInn. 1808.
Pilkington (Joseph Green), B. A., Vwn. 1859.-H. A., Vma.
Pilkington (Hichael D.), B.A., .2EIt. 1819.
Pilkington (Miles), B. A., Vern. 1706.-M. A., .April 18, 1711.
Pilkington (William), Sch., 1747.-B. A., Vem. 17+9.
Pilkinton (Gayton), B. A., Vem. 1716.
Pilkinton (Matthew), Sch., 1721.-B.A., Vwn.1722.
Pillen, or Pillin (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1605. -11. A., .&t.
1609.-Fellow. 1610.
Pillow (Jackson), B. A., rem. 1852.
Pilson (Robert), B. A., Vem. 1852.
Pileworth (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 181S.
Pileworth (William), B. A., .&t. 1625.
Pileworth (William), B. A., .&t. 1772.
Pim (John), B. A., Vem. 18++
Pim (Joshua), B. A., Vlrn. 18+8.
Pincent (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1730.
Pinhom (Charles Avery), B. A., Hum. 186z.



PiDIet (W.), B. A., At. I6IS._ll. A., At. 16%1.

Pirrie (lohn Ililler), B. A., VmL, M. B., AiL I8.fS.-Jr. D.,
Ail. IS+S.
Pitchford (lob Watkins), B. A., K~. 186a. - K. A., Hi.
Pitt (William), B. A., V",.. 1707.-}[' A.,~. 1710.
S Pittar (Arthur Charletl), B.A., .&t. ISSI.
Pizey (John Fn-derick), B. A..
Place (George), B. A., Vmt. 1835.
Platt (John), B. A., .LE4t. ISS3.
Playfair (Robert), B. A., Vmt. 1852.
10 Pleasants (William), 8ch., I 767.-B. A., rm. 176S.
Plummer (John), Sch., 166+. - B. A., .mI. 1667. - ll. A.., y"...
16 70,
Plummer (n.ichard), B. A., .&t. 1815.
Plummer (Thomas Fitzgerald), B. A., .&t. IS J I.
Plunket (Charles Bushe), B. A., .&t. ISSo.
IS Plunket (Hon. David), B.A., At. 1816.-H. A., NOP. IS32.
Plunket (David Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1859.
Plunket (Hon. John), B. A., .IEII. 18 .....-M. A.., NfIIC. 1832.
Plunket (Matthew), B. A., VtNl. 17P'
Plunket (Hon. Patrick), B. A., LEllt. ISlI.-Y. A., NfIIC. 1832.
20 Plunket (Plunket), LL. D. ('peciali gratid), July 1+, 1719.
Plunket (Hon. Robert), B. A., JEll. 18l1.-1LA., V".,.. 1831.
Plunket (Robert), H. B., .iElt. 827.
Plunket (IIon. Thomas), Y. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), V"". 1822._
B. D., and D. D., V",.. IS+O.
Plunket (William), B.A., Vern. 1791.
25 PIUDket (William Conyngham), Seh., 1782 - B. A.., V",.. 178....
-LL. B., Vern. I 787.-LL. D., &t. 1799.
Plunket (Hon. William Conyngham), B. A., Vern. 1821. - Y. A.,


V"". 1831.
PIUDket (William Conyngham), B. A., Vern. IS53. -}[. A"


Plunkett (Ambrose Farrell), B. A., JElt. 186S.

Plunkett (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1729,
30 Plunkett (Jame8), B. A., .tEIt. 18n.-Y. A., Nrw. IS32.
Plunkett (James), B. A., JElt. IS2S.
Plunkett (John), B. A., V".,.. IS23.



Plunkett (Joseph), B. A.., &to 1807.

Plunkett (Oliver), B. A., At. 1830.
Plunkett (Patrick), B. A., y".,.. 1774.
Plunkett (Hon. Randal), B.A., Vel'ft. 183z.
5 Plunkett (Walter), B. A., Vma. 17z5.
Pockridge (William), B. A., At. 1691.
Pocockes (
), M. A., &t. 16z9.
Podmore (William Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1859'
Poe (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 17z9.
10 Poe (James), B. A., At. 1798.
Poe (James), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
Poe (James Hill), B. A., V".,.. I 796.-M. A' I At. 1820.
Poe (James Jocelyn), B. A., V.".,.. 18z9.-M. A.., NOI7. 1832.
Poe (WilliagJ. Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-M.A.., Vern. 18~0.
15 Poer (Beresford), B. A., At. 1818.
Poer (Henry R.), B.A., V".,.. 18z5.
Pollard (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 16p.-M. A' I Vern. 1675.
Pollard (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1695.-M. A., ~,t. 1698.
Pollock (Alexander Matthew), B. A., V".,.. 18~z.-M. A., At.

zo Pollock (Edward), B. A., At. 1805.

Pollock (James Ferrier), B. A., Vern., M. B., At. 1857.
Pollock (J"ames Samuel), B. A" V".,.. 1858.-V. A'I .AUt. 1861.
Pollock (John), B. A., VmJ. 18z9.
Pollock (John), B. A" Vern. 1848.
z5 Pollock (John), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
Pollock (Joseph), Soh., 1829.-B. A., V".,.. 183+.
Pollock (Thomas Benson), B. A., Diem. I 859.-M. A., Vma. 1863.
Pollock (William), Soh., I 830.-B. A., Vern. 18B.-M.A., Vim.

Pollock (William J.), B. A., V".,.. 1853'

30 Pomeroy (Arthur), B. A., Vim. 174+.
Pomeroy (Arthur William), B. A., At. 1816.
Pomeroy (Henry), B. A., ..-Est. 18z8.
Pomeroy (John), B.A., ..lE,t. 1697.-M. A., .iFAt. 1700.
Pomeroy (John), B. A., Verh. 17~
3S Pomeroy (John), B. A., L&t. 1778.-M. A" Vern. 1,83.
Pomeroy (Richard), B. A., V",.n. 1700.
Pomeroy (Hon. William Knox), B. A, At. 183).



Ponder (George), B. A., V",.. IS43.

Ponder (William Joseph), B. A., VWII. IS43.
POlUlOnby (Hon. George), B. A., .i&t. 1794.
PonlOflby (Richard), B. A., r",.. 17+4.
S POlUlOnby (Hon. Richard), LL. D. (AotatwU Qlad), Vim. 175+
POlUlOnby (Hon. Richard), B. A., At. I 79....-H. A. A?.t. ISI6.
Poole (David), B. A., ,,,.,.. 17J6.
Poole (Edward), B.A., V"... 1719,
Poole (~ewitt), B. A., AiIt. IS32.
10 Poole (Hewitt Robert), Sch., IS+o.-B. A.,
IS+7.-}[.A., Vmt. ISSZ.
Poole tJ[oracc), B. A., LElt. IS31.
Poole (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. ISOS.
Poole (Thomas). B. A., V",.. 1791.
Poole (Walter), B. A., V".,.. IS3S.
I S Poole (William Crawford), B. A., V"... IS33.-l. B., .At. 1836.
Pooler (James), Sch. ISH.-B. A., Va-ra. 18+S.
Pooley (Giles), Sch., 166S.-B. A.,
167o.-Fellow. 1672.l. A., .LEd. 1673.
Pooley (John), Sch.. 1667.-Fellow, 167o.-D. D., 1~2.
Pope (Henry), Sch., 170S.-B. A., V"... 17IO.-Y. A., 4:.t.
17 1 3,
10 Pope (James), Sch., ISoS.-B. A Vwn.ISI0.
Pope (Richard Henry), B. A., Hiem. ISS9.
Pope (Riohard Thomas Pembroke), B. A., V"... ISJI.-)(. A.,
At. IS 39
Pope (Robert Tyndall), B. A., Vwn. ISS7.
Popo (Thomas Godfrey Pembroke), Sch., IS59.-B. A., A.t.
IS Popham (John), Soh., IS30.-B. A., V"... IS33.-ll. B., .4l.l.
IS3S'-M. A., V"... ISS9.
Popham (John), B. A., Vern. I S47.
Popham (John Francis), Sch., I 863.-B. A. Du.. IS64.
Popham (Thomas), B. A., Vt'Nt. 18J7.-H. A., Not). IS32 .
. Porter (
), LL.D. (tplCialigratid), At. 1700.
30 Porter (Charles), Scb., lSI I.-B. A., At. 1813.-LL. B., and
LL. D.. At. 1824.
Porter (Charlea), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Porter (Cuninsham), B.A., V,m. 1781.










Porter (Frank Thorp), B. A., Vwn. 18z3.-M. A., NDfJ. 1832.

Porter (George Homidge), B. A., Vwn. 18+5.-M. B., Vwn. 1846-M.D., ..lEst. 1865.
Porter (John), LL.D. (sp~aligrlJtid), Vena. 1692.
Porter (John), B. A., ..lEst. 1715,
Porter (Johu), B. A., Vern. 18z8.-M. A., AU,. 1831.
Porter (John Leech), B.A., Vwn. 1857.
Porter (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 179+
Porter (Thomas Hamblin), Sch., 18q.-B. A., VmJ. 1819.M. A., ..lEst. 183z.-B.D., and D. D., Vena. 1836.
Porter (William), B. A., Vim. 174z.
Porter (William), B. A., Vwn. 1846.
Porter (William Henry), B. A., ..lEst. 1810.-Y. A., Vwn. 1814.M. D., ..lEst. 1842.
Porterfield (James), Sch., I79z.-B. A., 2&t. 1795.
PorteU8 (William), B. A., V"n. 1783.
Portis (George Macartney), B. A., .8t. 1783.
Portlock (Joseph Ellison), LL. D. (honoris eaUld), Sept. z, 1857.
Posnett (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18.-M.A.,.lE8t. 1859'
Postlethwaite (Colin), B. A., VmJ. 183z.-H. A., ..lEst. 1838.
Potter (
), D. D. (ad eund.) Jan. 26, r661.
Potter (Frederick Augustus), B. A., ..lEst. 1804.-M. A., y,,.,..
Potter (John), B. A., Vena. 1851.
Potter (John), B. A., Vim. 18S6.-M. B., Vena. 1857.
Potter (Joseph), Sch., 18z5.-B. A., Vim. 1827.-M. A., At.
18 3 1
Potter (loseph Lockington), B. A., Vena. 186+
Potter (Lewis), B. A., Vwn. 1819.-M. A., NDfJ. 1832.
Potter (Lewis F.), B. A., Vwn. 18S1.-M. A., V,,.,.. 1856.
Potter (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1816.
Potter (Robert), B. A., Vena. 1856.
Potter (Samuel George), B. A., ..lEst. 1845.-M. A., ..lEst. 1865.
Potter (Samuel Reginald), B.A., Vena. r8so.-M.B., V".,.. 1856.
Potter (William), B. A., Vena. 1859.
Potterton (Edward), B. A., Vena. 1851.
Potterton (Frederick Augustus), B. A., V".,.. J853.-LL B., and
LL. D., H .... r864.
Potterton (John), B. A., V.,.,.. 1 Sz+-M. A., Not. 1832.




Potterton (Robert), B. A., VInI. 1853.-LL. B., and LL. D., Hiea.

Potts (James), B. A., VInI. 1819.-lI. A., Vmt. 183....
Potte (John), B. A., V",.. 18u.-lL A., NOCI. 1832.
Potts (Lawrence), Bch., 1675.-B. A., VInI. 1676.-11. A., At.

5 Potts (Thomas), B. A., VInI. 1792.
Potts (Thomas), B. A., VInI, 1838.
Potts (William), B. A., V",.. 184-3.
Poulter (James), B. A., V",.. I 850.-H. A., ..I&t. 1851.
Poulter (Jonathan Holmes), B. A., Hint. 1865.
10 Poulter (Joseph), Sch., I 759.-B. A., AL 1761.
Pounden (John), B.A., At. 1810.
Pounden (John Colley), B. A., AlIt. 18...,.
Pounden (Patriok), B. A., VIN 18IS.-H. A., At. 18n.
Pounden (William D.), B. A., YInI. 18540.

S Pountney (Thomaa), B. A.. Y..... 1699.

Pountney (William), B.A., V..... I 720.-H. A., At. 1723,

Powell (Abraham), B. A., V..... 1837.

Powell (Baden), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.),

Po~(Caleb), B. A., At. 1813.

20 Powell (Charles Meares), B. A., V",.. 1863'
Powell (Dacre Hamilton), B. A., HiM. 186....
Powell (Daniel), B. A' I At. 1793.
Powell (Edward), B. A" LElt. 1770.
Powell (Edward), B. A' I .2&t. 1827.-M. A., NOCI. 1832.
25 Powell (Eyre), B. A., At. 1 83 I.
Powell (Eyre Burton), B. A., At. 1787.-LL. B., V",.. 1790.
Powell (Eyre Burton), B. A., V",.. 1819..
Powell (George William), B. A., V".,.. 1825.-M. A., .2&1.1832.
-M. B., andH. D., .2&t. 183 ....
Powell (Gyles), B. A., At. 1761.
30 Powell (18880 Ormsby), B. A . VINI. 184+-H. A., At. 1851.
Powell (John), B. A., V".,.. 1736.-11. A., LElt. 1738.
Powell (John), B. A., ..tEat. 17... 1.
Powell (John), B. A., LElt. 1816.-H. A., NOrJ. 1832.
Powell (John), B.A" Vms. 1850.
3S Powell (John Hugh Johnston). 8. A" VINI, 1829. -It:. A" V.....


186 3.



Powell (Joseph), B. A., At. 1831.

Powell (Nathaniel Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18+4.
Powell (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1773.-1[. A., V".,.. 1778.
Powell (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1851.-1[. A., 4/11. 18595 Powell (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18+0.
Powell (Stratford), B. A., V".,.. 17+s.-LL. B., V".,., 17P'
Powell (William), B. A., HUm. 1864.
Powell (William. Hawbhaw), B. A., HiMn. 18~.
Powell (William Robert), B. A., At. 18+7.
10 Power (Ambrose), B. A., V".,.. 1824.
Power (Edmund), B. A., At. 1623.
Power (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1833.
Power (Edward), B. A., V".,., 18n.
Power (Edward Rose), B. A., VIN. 1860.
15 Power (Francia Armstrong), B. A., At. 1837. - H. A., V".,..


Power (James), B. A., V".,.. 1826.-1[. A., NOfJ. 1832.

Power (John), B.A., V".,.. 1711.
Power lJohn), B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Power (Lawrence), B. A., V".,., 1665.
20 Power (Michael), Sch. 174t.-B. A.,
Power (Pearce), B. A.,.l&t. J833.
Power (Peirce), B. A., At. 1791.
Power (Peirce), B. A., At. J 815.
Power (Philip Bennett), B. A., VtrfI. J8+3.-M. A., At. J8+6.
25 Power (Richard), LL. D. (Atmoni ...4), p".,.. 1769.
Power (Richard), B. A., At. 1793.
Power (Richard), B.A., V".,., 1852.
Power (Robert), B. A., V".,.. J8IS.
Power (Rymes), B. A., V".,.. J736.
30 Power (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1828.
Power (Samuel), Sch., J827. - B.A., V".,.. 1829. -1[. B., V".,..
Power (Thomas), B. A., Vms. 1835.
Power (William), B.A., V".,. . 8oc.-H. A., V".,.. 1818.
Power (William Addiaon), B. A., V".,.. 1860.
35 Poyntz (Benjamin Lucius), B. A., Vern. J839
Poyntz (John), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Pratt (
), lL D. (ad eund.), At. 1695.









Pratt (Benjamin), B. A., Yn'fI. 1689.-M. A., At. I~z.-Fellow,

1~3.-B. D.,AI. 1~9.-D.D.,Du.l2, 1705.-Provost, 17 10.
Pratt (Benjamin), LL. D., Nor. ZO, 170z.
Pratt (Benjamin), B. A., V".,.. 1708.
Pratt (Charles O'Neil). B. A., YInI. 1835'-Y' A., y",.. 18.p.
Pratt (Charles Vallancey). B. A . V",.. 185+.
Pratt (Edward O'Brien), B. A., V",.. 18+3.
Pratt (Fits Herbert), B. A., A;,t. 18+1.
Pratt (James), 8ch., 1766.-B. A., V",.. I 767.-1L A . AI. 1784Pratt (James). B. A.. &t. 1771.
Pratt (James), B. A., y",.. 1805.
Pratt (James), B. A., A;,t. 18+6.-K. A., ~. 1850.
Pratt (Jeremiah), Sch., 17+3.-B. A., V".,a. 17+s.-LL. B., At.
Pratt (John), B. A., Vtnt. 1689Pratt (John), B. A., y",.. 17+3.
Pratt (John), B. A., V",.. 1835.
Pratt (Jonas), B. A., V".", 1778.
Pratt(Joseph), B.A., Vml. I731.-1I A.,JE~t. '73+.
Pratt (Joseph), B. A., V",.. 1760.-M. A., y",.. 176+.
Pratt (Mervin), LL. D. (,ptciali gratid), Marc" 10, 1718.
Pratt (Mervin), B. A., JE.t. 1759.
Pratt (Mervyn), B. A., .8t. 1799.
Pratt (Randall), B. A., &1. 1823.
Pratt (Robert), B.A., y",.. 1797
Pratt (Thomas). B. A., Ywn. 1701.
Pratt (William), B. A., &t. 1799Pratt (William Henry), 8ch., 1 791.-B. A., V".,.. 1793.
Prendergast (Francis), B. A., .2&t. 18z8.-M. A., NOfl. 18,32.
Prendergast (Francia EIl8Or), B. A., Hitm. 1863.
Prendergast (John Patrick), B. A., .2&t. 18z8.
Prendergast (Joseph), B. A., LE.t. 1832.
Prendergast (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 178+.
Prenderville (James), B. A., .2&1. 1830.
Prentice (Henry Elliott), B. A., .2&t. 1860.
Prescott (Henry), (ElJtered 1675).-LL. B., LElt. 168z.
Prescott (Richard). B. A., LEft. 1620.-M. A., .2&t. 1623.
Prescott (Thomas). B. A.., Vm.. 18+9.-M. A., Yern. 1860.
Preston (Alexander Francis), B. A., and M. B., bAt. 1863.









Preston (Algernon), B. A., Vwn. 1857.

Preston (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 178:.
Preston (Arthur John), B. A., Vm1. 1827.-M. A., &t. 1832.
Preston (Arthur John), B. A., Vwn. 1865.
Preston (Decimus William), B. A., Vma. 1826.
Preston (Eyre), B. A., Vwn. 181+.
Preston (Eyre Frederick), B. A., Hilm. 186+.
Preston (George), 8ch., 1736.-B. A., Vwn. 1738.
Preston (Henry), B.A., &t. 1785.
Preston (John), Sch., I 778.-B. A., Vern. 1780.
Preston (John), B. A., .A!:at. 180+.
Preston (Joseph), B. A., &t. 1792.
Preston (Joshua), B.A., &1. 17+.
Preston (Nathaniel), B. A., &t. '7+0.-M. A., .LEat. 17++.
Preston (Nathaniel), B. A., &1. 180+.
Preston (Plunket), B. A., Vir,.. 17+4--M.A., &1.1747.
Preston (Plunket), B. A., &1. 182+-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Preston (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1672.-11. A., &t. 1675.
Preston (Richard), B. A., Vern. 178,.
Preston (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1753.
Preston (William), B. A., Vern. 170+.-M.A., &1. 1708.
Preston (William), B. A., Vwn. '770'-Y' A., &1. 1773.
Preston (William), B. A., &t. 1828.
Preston (William), B. A., Vma. 18+1.
Price (Arthur), Sch., 1698.-B.A., Vern. 17o.-D.D., Apn'l 16,
17 2 +
Price (Charles), B. A., V~NI, 1682.
Price (Cromwell), B. A., Vir,.. 1773.
Price (Edward), B. A., Vwn. I 79o.-M. A., &1, 1809.
Price (George Roberts), B. A., V~,.,.. 1853.
Price (Henry), D. D. ('P~ali graUti), &t. 1693.
Price ( Henry George), B. A., &t. 18+2. - LL. 8., and LL. D.,
Vma. I 860.
Price (Herbert), B. A., Vma. 1736.-Y. A., &1. 1739
Price (Isaac), B. A., Hilm. 1861.
Price (James), B. A., Vma. 1731.-Y. A., &1. 173+.
Price (James), B. A., Vern, 1851.
Price (James), B. A., Vwn. 18SS.
Price (John), B. A' I May I, 16;4.-M. A., &to 1659.



Price (.Jobo), 8ch., I~S.-B. A., y".,.. 1~6.-H. A., AI. 1699.
Price (lobo), 8ch., 1699.-B. A., y",.. 1701.-H. Aoy AlII. 1703.
Price (lobo), B. A., y".,.. 1779Price (lohn William), M. D. (Aotioni ~), AI. 1839.
5 Prioe (Nicholu), B. A., Y..... 17 ' 0Price (Peter), B. A., Y..... 1833.
Price (Richard), B. A., Ae. 1699Price (Samuel), B. A. (lfHCiMi ".Mid), y ..... I~I.
Price (Thomaa), B. A., AI. 16z3.-Fellow, 1616.-H. A., .AI.t.
10 Price (Thomaa lobo), B. A.., &t. 184+.
Prioe (Tottenham), B. A., y".,.. 1818.
Prioe(William}, Boh., IBo3.-B.A.,""'" 18o$.-ll.A..AI.
Price (William H.), B. A.., y".,.. 1850'
Price (William lobo), B.A.., y".,.. 1831.-M. A., V".. 1834-LL B., At. 1839.
15 Pringle (
), (Entranoe notrecorded).-B. A., y",.. 1709.H. A.., y".,.. 1713.
Pringle (Robert), B. A., V".. 17+6.-)(. A., At. 17+9.
PriIlD (Lawrence), Sch., I 687'-B. A., y".. 1688.
Prior (Frederick), B. A., Y,",. 1787'
Prior (George), B. A., At. 1818.
Prior (Hugh Edward), Seh., I 82S.-B. A., V..... 18z7.-)(. A.,
y".,.. 18,31.
Prior (lohn), B. A" Vena. 1826.-)(. A., AI. 1829.
Prio!: (Thomas), Seh., 1701.-8. A., V".,.. 1703.
Prior (Thomaa), Sch., I 787.-B. A" Yern. 1789.-Fe11ow, 1791.)(. A., Ae. I 79,3.-B. D., Fern. 1800.-D. D., y".. 180S.
zS Prior (Thomaa Youug), B. A., Vern. 18,36.- M. A., Y..... 1839Prittie (George), B. A., .!&t. 18p.
Proby (Charles), B. A., Yern. 1681.-M. A., Ae. 168$.
Proby (Hartyn Carysfort), B. A., H .... 186+Proby {Narcissus Charles), B. A., Vwa. 17'+,30 Proby {Narci88U8 Charles), B.A., V".,.. 1760-H.A., V".,.. 176+Procter (George), B. A., Fern. 18+0.
Procter (George Allen), B. A., ..I&t. 18SI.-M. A' I y".,.. 1858.
Proctor (Henry Payne), B. A., Vir". 18.......
Proctor (Nathaniel), B. A., Vern. 1837.




Proud, or Prowd (George), (Entered 1667).-8ch., 1670.-M. A.,

ASat. 1674'
Proud (Nicholas), B. A., Vwn. 1703.
Prowd (William), B. A. (lfJICiali graM), Vwn. 1699.
Pryce (David), B. A., AlIt. IS3S,
S Pryce (Edward George), B. A., At. ISnPrythergh (Louis), B. A., At. 1676.
Pullen (Joshua), B. A., V".". 1706. - M. A., ASat. 1709. - B. D.,
and D. D., LEst. 17 3S.
Pullen, or Pulleyn (Samuel), Soh., 1732.-B. A., Vwn.1734M. A., V".". 173S.
Pullen, or Pullein (Tobias), Soh., 166S. - Fellow, 1671. - B. D.,
and D. D., ASat. 168S.
10 Pullein (William), Sch., 1677.-B. A., V".,.. 16So.-M. A., LEst.
Purcell (Abraham Boyd), Sch., IS3S.-B. A., ASat. 184"
Purcell (Edward), B. A., Vim. IS41.-LL. B., and LL. D., V1I1"1I.
Purcell (Geoffrey Ohaucer), B. A., HUm. 1865.
Purcell (Henry Francis), B. A., HUm. IS62.
IS Purcell (James), B. A., LEd. ISI7.
Purcell (John), B. A., .2Brt. 1794.
Purcell (John), B. A., At. ISU.
Purcell (John), B. A., Vern. IS27.
Purcell (John), M. A., Nov. 1832.
20 Purcell (John), B. A., Vwn. 183S.
Purcell (John), B. A., At. 1839 .
Purcell (John Francis), B. A., Vim. 1821.
Purcell (Matthew), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), and M. A., At. 1803.
Purcell (Richard), B. A., V".1I. 1749.-M:. A., At. 17)%.
25 Purcell (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Purcell (Richard), B. A., V".,.. IS21.
Purcell (Richard Harris), B. A., VI1'1I. 1839'
Purcell (Theobald Andrew), B. A., Vim. IS39.-M.A., ASat. IS66.
Purcell (William), B. A., .It. 179S'
30 Purcell (William), B. A., ..t. 18z3.-M. A., ASat. IS.p.
Purcell (William Henry D'Olier), B. A., V1I1"1I. IS56.
Purdon (Charles), B. A., At. 1749.-M. A., ...EIt. 1753'



Purdon (Cbarles Nicbolas Delacberois), B. A., V,",. 1 839.-M. B.,

.AUt. IS+I.-1I. A' I .tF.It. IS+2.
Purdon (Edward), B. A., y".". '712.-)(. A., At. '7 ' S.
Purdon (Edward John Blakeney), Sch., IS62.-B. A., ~t. IS6z.
-M. B., and JrL Chir., V",.. IS63.
Purdon (George), LL. D. (AotIorV MIllIS), y",.. 1726.
5 Purdon (George), B. A., y"",. 1793.
Purdon (George Richard), Sch., IS32.-B. A.. V"",- 183+.
Purdon (Henry), B. A., y"",. 1856.
Purdon (Henry William), B. A., Vern. 182].-M. A., NtW. 1832.
Purdon (Nicholas), B. A., y"",. 1706.
10 Purdon (Richard Francis), Sch., 181,)5.-B. A, A.t. 1806.-Fell.,
181].-Y. A., ..!Lt. 1813.
Purdon (Robert), B. A.,
Purdon (Robert), Sch., 18n.-B.A., Y".,..182+
Purdon (Simon), B.A., Vern. 1712.
Purdon (Simon), B. A., LEat. 1787.-LL B., V"",. 1791.
15 Purdon (Thomas), B. A., .Ji8t. IIJ09.-Y. A., NOfl. IS32.
Purdon (Thomas Henry), B. A., V",.,.. IS2+.-)(. A., Yet',.. 1818.
-M. B., .8t. 1828.
Purdon (Watson), B. A., rl'Nt. 18]9.
Purdon (William Causabon), B. A., ,A?,t. IS2].
Purdon (William John), B. A., ~t. 18I+.-M. A., N(}f). 1832.
20 Purdon (William Stanley), B. A., and M. B., At. 1862.
Purdue (Edward), Sch., IS20.-B. A., Ai:lt. ISzz.-M. A., ~t.
Purefoy (Basil), B. A., V"",. 1689.
Purefoy (GeOrge Prendergast), B. A., y"",. IS+2.
Purefoy (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1790.
25 Purefoy (William), LL.D. ('p'citJligratilS), XarcA 10,1718.
Purcfoy (William), B. A., Vern. 18]0.-1l. A., NOfl. IS32.
Purser (Benjamin), Sch., I 860.-B. A., V".,.. 186....
Purser (Edward), B. A., Vm. IS+2.-M:. A. Hum. IS59.
Purser (Frederick), N. F. Soh., IS59.-B. A., Hi,m. IS60.-ll. A.' I
Hi'm.186 ....
30 Purser (John), B. A., V,rn. IS56.-!i. F. Sch., 18S6.-M. A., y.,.,..
18 59.
Purser (John Mallet), B.A., Hi~m. 1860.-11. B., At. IS63.
Purser (Joseph Edgerly), B. A., Vern. IS+I.-)(. A., V".,.. 18+6.




Purser (BamueIPowell), B.A., Vw,.. IS48.-M.A., Vern. IS51.

Purser (William .Allen), B. A., Vern. IS42.-M. A., LElt. 1847.
Putland ( Charles), B. A., LElt. ISO+
Putland (John), B. A., Vern. 1731.-M. A., LElt. 173+.
5 Putland (John), (Entrance not recorded).-B. D., .&t. 1734.
Putland (George), B. A., .2&t. '767.
Putland (George), B. A., .&t. J803.-M. A., NfW. 1832.
Putland (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1733.
Puttock (Roger), B. A., At. 16 19.-H. A., At. 16zz.
10 Puxly (John), B. A., At. 179'.
Pyne (Alexander), B. A., Vern. IS4o.-H. A., LElt. IS63.
Pyne (Cornelius), Bch.,17J1.-B.A.., Vma.17u.-lLA.,.&t. 1715.
Pyne (Robert), B. A., LElt. 17S9.
Pyne (William), :B.A., At. ISzz.-M. A., NfW. 1832.

15 QUllLE (Cromwell), B. A., Vwn. 1776.
Quaile (Francia), Sch., 1672. - B. A., Vern. 1673' -}I. A., A:&t.
1676.-D.D., At. 1693.
Quaile (Vera Essex), Bch., I 77o.-B. A., V".,.. I 772.-lf.. A. V".,..
I 776.-B. D., and D. D., At. 1811.
Quain (William), B. A., V",.. IS26.-M. A., At. 1833.
Quaine (Jones), Bch. ISI+. - B. A., LElt. ISI6. - M. B., Vern.
IS20.-H. D., LElt. IS33.
20 Quarry (John), :B. A., Vwn. I 797.-LL. D., LElt. ISIS.
Quarry (John), B. A., LElt. IS31.-M. A., V",..IS39.
Quaytrod (Nicholas), Sch., 170S.-B. A., V. 1709.-M.A.,~. 1712.
Quead (Maurice), B. A., Vern. 1741.
Queade(Hayes), Sch., I777'-B. A., V".,.. 1779.
25 Queade (William), B. A., ..lEd. 179S.
Questebrune (Benjamin), B.A., Vim. 1739.
Questebrune (John), B. A., Vwn. 1702.
Quigg (Hugh), B. A., V".,.. 1715.
Quigley (Cornelius), B. A., V".,.. ISZZ.
30 Quigley (Thomas). B. A., V".,.. 1812.
Quilton (Edward Tankerville), B. A., IIi,m. IS62.
Quin (Charles William), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Quin (Cornwallis D.), B. A., LElt. ISZZ.
Quin, or Quinn (Daniel), Soh., 170I.-B. A., Vwn. 1702 .




S Quin(Edwin Richard Windham Wyndham, ViacountAdare),B.A.,

y",.,. IB33
Quin (Edward Turnley). B. A., AI. 17B7'
Quin (Henry), B.A., Y"...17BI.
Quin (Henry), B. A., AI. IBI7.
Quin (lames), B. A., y"... 1673.
10 Quin, or Quinn (John), B. A., ;ma. IB23.
Quin (lohn), B.A., AI. IB.U.
Quin (Richard lames), B.A., AI. IB66.
Quin (St.lohn Thomas), Sch., IBIC.-B. A., y"... lSI .-M. A

Quin (Thomas), Sch., 1779.-B. A., V...... 17BI.
IS Quin (Thomas lames), B. A., y"... 1777.-K. A., y"... 1780.
Quin (William), B.A., At. IBIB.
QuiDan (Charles), B. A., At. IbS.-M. A., NO'#. IB3 .
Quinan (Henry Maturin), B. A., At. IB2B.-K. A" NfH1. 1832.
Quinlan (Charles D.), B. A., V,",. IB3S.-X. A., At. 1838.



(Francia Boxwell), B. A' I V".. . X. B., AIIl. 18S7.-

X. D., Yma. 1862.

Quinn (Edward), B. A., Hu.. 1861
Quinn (Henry), B. A., y"... 1737. - X. B., y".. 17+3.-11. D.,

y",.. 17So.
Quinn (John Campbell), B. A" .AUt. I 832.-X. A. V",.. 1839.
QuUm (Richard), B. A., .at. I 827'-X, A., NfH1. 1832.
2S Quinn (William. Henry), B. A., .AUI. Ib9.-K. A.. NO'#. 1832.
Quintin(Oeorge),Sch., 1732.-B.A., Vmt. I 733.-II.A., &at. 1740.
Quinton (lames), B. A., y"... 18+1.
Quinton (Samuel), B. A..~. IB+8.
Quinton (William West), B. A., H"UfII. 186 -11. B., V".,.. 1863.

IS RADCLJPP (Benjamin), B. A., At. 1823.
Radcli1f (Edward), B. A.. y",.. IBS7.
Radcli1f (lohn), B. A' I V",.. I 776.-H. A., Vent. 17B+.
Badcli1f (John), LL. B. (Aonoril lJau,d), .AUt. 1789.
Badcli1f (John), B. A' I At. 18zS.
30 Radc1i1l' (Joseph Ormsby), B. A., At. JBu.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
./&t. 1831.
Radcli1f (Richard), B. A., y".,., I 778.-X. A" &t. 180B.



Radclift' (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18n.

Radcliff (Stephen), n. A., VIlNI. 1778.
Radcliff (Stephen), B. A., VIlNI. 18zo.
Radcliff (Stephen), B. A., Vern. 18zz.
5 Radclift'e (Arthur), B. A., V,rn. 1816.
Radcliffe (lohn, or Simon), Soh., 1706. - B. A., V6rn. '77.M. A., At. 1710.
Radclift'e (lohn), Sch., 1785.-B. A., Vern. 1787.-LL. R, AM.
I 790.-LL. D., At. 1795.
Radcliffe (John), 13. A., At. 1818.-M. A., NOl}. 1831.
Radcliffe (John Bennett), B.A., V.".". 18S9.-M.A. V~rn.1863.
10 Radcliffe (Richard), Sch., 1736. -B. A., VeTn. '738. - Fellow,
174+.-13. D., .2&1. 17+S.-D. D., VIlNI. 1755.
Radcliffe (Richard), B. A., At. ISI4Radcliffe (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18IS.-LL. It, and LL. D, V~rn.
18 3 1
Radcliife (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1860.
Radcliffe, or Ratcliffe (Simon), Sch., 166S.-B. A., V.".". 1669.M. A., At. 1673.
15 Radcliffe, or Ratcliffe (Stepben), Sch., 1696.-B. A., Vern. 169S,
Radclift'e (Stephen), B. A., Vern. IS50.
Radcliffe (Thomas), Sch., I 737.-B. A., Vern. I 73S.-I.L. D., Vern.

Radcliffe (Thomas).
Radcliffe (William),
10 Radcliffe (William),
Radcliffe (William),

B. A., Vllrn. 17S6.-M. A., Vern. ISIS.

Scb . 1663.-B. A., 1663.
B. A., Vern. ISIS.
Sch., IS5+.-B. A., Vllrn. IS56.-ll.A., Vern.

Radford (lohn George), B. A., V.".". I 83+.-H. A.,. VfflJ. IS37.
Radford (William Tucker), R A., Vern. IS33. - M. A., VIIrt

IS36.-M. B. At. IS36.

15 Rafferty (Christopher), B. A., LEd. ISI+.
Raines (lohn), B. A.. Vm&. 17%0.
Rainey (Francis), Sch. 1791.-B. A., Vern. J793.-Y. A., Vm.

Rainsford (Jame8), B. A., At. 18IS.-ll. A., Nov. 183%'
Raineford (John 8alesbury), B. A., V.".,.. 18zz. - ~f. A., Ver,.,.





(Joseph Godman), Sch., 18S3.-B. A., 4'&1. 18S+Rainsford (~{ark), B. A., Vm. 18'H
ll.:linsford (William Gl'orge), B. A., Hiem. 186....
Ralph (Allan), B.A., Vern. 18S"
5 Ralph (Charlton Rtcwart), Sch., 1838.-B. A., V81'n. 18+1.
Ihlph~on (John), B. A., Vern. 168z.
llalphdon (William), B. A., Vern. 1748.
Ibm (Andrew), B. A" Vml. 1706.-11. A' I ..lENt. 1709.
Ram (Andn'w), B. A" Vert!. q3z.
10 Ram (Dighy Jo~('ph Stopford), B. A., ..-Bt. 1811.
Ram (Geol'"l'), (Entrance, and B. A., nut recorded).-M. A., .. ];,1.

R:lm ((It'org('), LL.D. (,perialigratid), j[ar~n 10, 1718.

Ram (Hohert), !Entrance, and B. A' I not record,ed}.-M. A . ..iE.f.
16I+.-Fdlow, 1615.
Ram (Thomas), B. A., .JEte. 16zJ.-Y. A., ..lEat. 16z415 Rama.lg-e (Francis Hopkins), B. A., Vtlrn.. 1816.-M. A., and M. H.,
rtonl. 1819.
Rambaut (Edmund F.), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Rmnbaut (William H.), B. A' I .L&t. 1848.
namsay (J!lml'~), B. A., FlIrn. 1817.
Ramsay (John\, Sl'h., 1679.-B. A., Vern. 168z.
20 Ralll~ay (Ruhlrt), B. A., Vern. qq.-Y. A., Vern. '7z1
Rumsay (Thoma~), B. A., rern. 181l.
Itamsay (Willialll), B. A., rern. 1831.
n!lm~dl'n (Willian} RII~~dl), B. A., Vern. 18H-M. A., LEI/t. 18 5~'
Hanuall (Fl'rmci.;). B. A" Vern. 1839.
25 Randall (William), B. A., rem. ,8+4,
Handolph (FraIH'i~), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), ~~t. 1806.
Ranforu (Giles), B. A. (Hpecia{i gratia), ..lE1t. 1699. - M. A.., _.1.

Rankin (Samuel), Seh., 1]6+.-B. A., Vern. 1766.
Hankin (Samud R')bert), B. A., Ilielll, 186+.
30 Rankin (Willinm'), B.A., Vern. I]69-M. A., V8rn. 1]83.
Rankine (Willinm John Macquorn). LL. D. (hemiN' causa),
Z, 1857.
RanHford pfark), B. A., Vtl"ll. 'i3S'-M. A., .LEvi. 1738.
Rall,jiml plark), 8eh., 1]68. - B..\.., 1/./'11. '770. - M. -\.,












Rapier (Christopher), Sch., IS3o.-B. A., rem. IS3"

Ratcliffe (Thomas), B. A., ~ 1664.
Rathbome (Henry), B. A., ~t. IS35.
Rathbome (James), B. A., Vern. IS49.-M. A., A?st. IS5+.
Rathbome (Robert St. George), B. A., At. IS4%.
Rathbome (William), B. A., 8t. IS0S.-Y. A., Nov. IS32.
Rathboume (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 176S.
Rathbume (Richard), B. A., Vert. I 7z6.-Y. A., A?st. 1729.
Ravenscrof't(William), Sch., 17S2.-B. A., Vern. 17S4.
Rawdon (Right Hon. John, Lord), LL. D. (lI0n0rilctlUld), Vern. 1753.
Rawline (John), B. A., Vern. 1674.
Rawlins (Adam), B. A., A?st. IS06.
Rawlins (Chsrles), B. A., 8t. IS J3.
Rawlins (Frederick), B. A., A?1t. ISIO.
Rawlins (John), B.A., Vern.ISoS.
Rawlins (Joseph), B. A., Vern. IS53.
Rawlins (Michael Lloyd), Scb., IS5+.-B.A., Vern. IS57.-M . .A.,
Vtrn. IS64Rawlins (Thomas), B. A., .st. JS17.-Y. A., Not). IS32.
Rawson (Gilbert), B. A., Vern. I 742.-Y. A., A?lt. 1746.
Rawson (James), B. A., Vern. 1671.-Sch., 1671.
Rawson (James), B. A., A?st. IS2S.-)[. B., A?t. IS31Rawson, or Rossan (Philip), B. A., Vern. 170S.
Rawson (Robert), B. A., Vmz.ISoo.
Rawson (Thomas James), B. A., Vern. IS30.-Y. A., &t. IS59.
Ray, or Wray (Cbarles), Sch., I 731.-B. A., Vern. 17p.
Ray (Robert), B. A., Hiem. IS65.
Raymond (Anthony), Sch., I 693.-B. A., Vern. 1696. Fell., 1699'
-Y. A., st. 1699.-B. D., and D. D., A?st. '719,
Raymond (Arthur), Scb., I 744.-B. A., Vern. 1746.
Raymond (George), B. A., jrn. ,S40'
Raymond (Gibson), Sch., l7Jo.-B.A., Vern. 1731.-M.A., .2&t.
1 734Raymond (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1716.
Raymond (James), B. A., Vern. 1770.
Raymond (Samuel), B. A., .2&t. '712.
Raymond (Samuel). B. A., LEst. ,S J6.-11. A., A?st. IS49.
Raymond (Samuel), B. A., Vern. IS30. - M. A., A?st. IS33.LL. B., and LL. D., rem. 1837.

A (,-'l.U,..arE OF TIlE G&.U)("ATU

1t.,ym..n.l. or 1:",...110.1 : WI::iaaa). . EDtraBc:IP. and B. .\ .. DO&

('ur-J .,J .-)(. l . an.1 FdI.,.. , I~O.
It.,ym''Ld ,Wlliiun. B.\ ..-I;".


16;1I.-B. A.. r"... 1680.-K. .... F..'.

16~J.-LL B.. and LL. D.. 1, I~J.
H"a (JOIt'I.h , ~b., I i09.-8. A. lin. 1711.-11. A., ..e'. I i 14Itt. J ..... I'I. B. A., J',,.,., liQJ. :A.l.un', B. A., rrne. 1717,
I~ 3d ~.\Lun.ltr). H. A.. 1 m .. 187.-)(. A.. r WII. 1817.
It.~.d ,AII'undl'r), ~:h..IS3S.-B. A. V.... 1,+1.
Il.-nd : .\U ..'U-:U4 I'en.n:.). B. A., 0.,.. ISc...

~n.u.I.I:. ~b .


It.tid \CharIl''''. B. A., r,nI. 17141t.111 ~(h.lTll'S TO:hnham" B. A.. ..&1. ISIS.-V. A. .\'or. l.:t IZ
Ilt-ad :G....
B.-\., rt'f'lI. 1861.-11. A., rIP,.... IS6S.
)k'8d (IItIIl"). B. A., ",,.,.. 18u.-)(. A., }j9t1f'. IS JI.
It"ad tJaml'''). tol.,h., I6cJS.-B.A l""rrH. IOW-M.!., .1:.'
1701.-ll. n., IWd D. D. f;.t. '73-4.


IS Itt3d \JohD~, S,h., IiS+--B.A., l'trIl. 17)S.

Rt'Ud (JohD~, B. A., ...];st. 1773. (John), B. !., r,rll. 17So. (John), B. A., .1:.t. 1809.
Ik-ad (John Knight), li. A., r,rll. 18S3.
20 It.:ad (JoN.'ph\ B. A., '""rrJl. 1711.-ll. A., AI. 172+.
Jllad (JIIII<'ph), B. A.. r,r1l. 1861.
Ill'ad (Jo~inh), B. A., H" . 1861.-LL. B., IA. IS6+.
Rt'lld (LightbW1lt), B. A.., rma. 170....-)(. A. AM. 1707.
Reud (Polul). (Y. A.., at Glos[:Ow).-B. A., It I~I.
2S Rend (I'alll), Sch., 1717-B. A., r_. 1718.-)(. A., Y"":'i.3z.
-n. D., and D. )J., ,,,,.,.. 1747.
Read (Paul), Sch., 1731. - B. A..
I 732.-lL A., AI. 1;3;.
-}'e~~w, 1 7 3 6 . .
Read (Philip), B. A.,
729-LL. 8.. and LL. D.. Y..... HiRead (Philip), B. A.,
18Il.-X.A.., Nor:. 1832.
Read (Rolxrt). B A..,
30 Read (William), Sch., 1732. - II. A.,
173+ - Y. A., JA.
Read (William), B. A., r",.,.. 1850'
Reade (Chiche8ter Arthur Wdll'81c~'), n. A., ..E.t. 18S8. -11. A.,
Hiem. 1861.






Reade (David), B. A., V.".". 18z9.-M. A., N(Jf). 1832.

Reade (George Edward Pearsall). B. A., Hum. 1864.
Reade (George Fortescue), B. A., LEd. I 855 .-M. A., At. 1859.
Reade (George H.), B. A., Vwn. 1827.
Reade (Henry), B. A., Fffn. 1777.
Reade (Sir John, Bart.), B. A., V8rn. I790.-M:. A., At. 1813'
Reade (John), LL. B., and LL. D. (ad eund.), Vwn. 18z9.
Reade (Loftus George), B. A., Vem. 1826.
Reade (Sydney Annesley), B. A., Vwn. 1859.-M. A. V6t'n. 1862.
Reade (Thomas), B.A . Vena. 1817.-M. B., At. 18z8.
1675. - M. A., .A?&t. 1678.- D. D.,
Reader (Enoch), B. A.,
Vim. 1697.
Reader (John), B. A., V".". 1731.
Reader (Richard), B. A., V".". 1680.-Fellow, I 683.-M:. A., &t.
1683.-D. D., At. 1695.
Reader (William), Bch., 17zz.-B. A.,
Reading (Daniel), LL. D. (,peciaU flratid), March 10, 1718.
Reading (Edward), B. A., LEd. 1716.-M. A., ..lEst. 17'9.
Reading (John). B. A Vern. 1682.
Reading (John Bor), B. A., Vim. I7u.
Rearden (Daniel), B. A., At. 18z7.
Rearden (Edward), Bcb., 1762.-B. A., Vim. 1764.
Rearden (William), B. A., Vern. 18z9. - M. A., and M. B., Vern.
Reason (John), B. A., Vern. 17+7.
Reddington (Francis), D. D., Jan. 26, 1661.
Redpish (Edward), B. A., Vern. I 848.-LL. B., ..lEst. 1851.
Reddy (Thomas), B. A., At. 18+3.
Redhead (Thomas Fisher), B. A., Vena. 1834.
Redman (Robert), Sch., 1699.-B. A., ~rn. 170I.-M. A., ..Est.



. 15




Redmond (John), B. A., V6t'n. 1829.
Redmond (John), B. A.,
30 Redmond (William), B. A., Vwn. 1824.
Redmond (William Archer), B. A., V6t'n 847.
Reecka (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Reed (George), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
Reed (John), B. A., V".,.. 1835.
35 Reed (Samuel E. J.), B. A., 11m. 1839.-M. A., Vern. 18+2.




Reeves, Reives, or Ryves (Armstrong), Seh., 1706.-B. A., Vt,.,..

170S.-ll. A., .iElt. 17 II.
Reeves (Bowles), B. A., V".,.. IS5"
Reeves (Caleb), B. A., Ve,.,.. 16S3.
Reeves, or Ryves (Dudley), Sch., 1736.-B. A., Ve,.,.. '73S.1[, A., .It. I 741.-LL B., and LL. D., r~,.,.. 7+6.
5 Reeves (Edward Hoare), B. A., Fe,.,.. IS30.
Reeves (Francis Carleton), B. A., Hu",. IS6,.
Reeves (Henry), B. A., V",.,.. IS+S.-M. A., V",... IS+S.
ReeVC8 (Isaac Morgan), B. A., Vir,.,.. IS+Z.-M. A., At. 18B.
Reeves (Jamc8 Somerville), B. A., V".,.. IS+7.-M. A., ~t .

10 Reeves (Joseph Hoare), B. A., Vern. IS+Z.
Reeve8 (Joseph Robert), B. A., Ve,.,.. ISz,.-ll. A., NOfJ. 183z.
ReeVC8 (Richard), B. A., V",.,.. 170, .-M. A., ..lEtt. 170S.
Reeves (Richard), B. A., ~d. ISI7.-M. A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Reeves (Robert), Sch., IS;+.-B. A., V",.,..IS,6.
I, Reeves (Robert Edward), B.A., V",.,.. IS,o.-M. A., V".,.. IS53.
Reeves (Robert 8.), B. A., V~,.,.. ISH.-1L A., V",.,.. IS,8.
Reeves (William), B. A., ~Est. ISOS.
Reeves (William), Sch., IS33.-B. A., VM"ft. IS35.-M. B., ~t.
IS37'-Y' A., and B. D., V"".. 1849.-D. D., V"1"fI. 18so.
Regan (William), B. A., .st. 17S7.-LL. B., Vern. 1791.
zo Reichardt (Lewis C.), B. A., Vern. IS;0.-1I. A., V"rn. 1863.
Reichel (CharlesPIlr8ons), Sch., IS+I.-8. A., Vern. IS+3.-ll. A.,
V"".. IS47.-B. D., V",.,.. ISSl.-D. D., .It. 18;8.
Reid (Andrew), B. A., Fern.ISS3'
Reid (James), Seh., 1766. - B. A., V"".. I 768.-Y. A., .d.
l77 z.
Reid (James), B. A., Vern. ISII.-1[. A., .It. 8zS.
25 Reid (John), B.A., ../Eat. 179....
Reid (John), B. A., Vern. 1799.
Reid (John), B. A., Vern. ,830.
Reid (John), B. A., .LEd. IS3S.
Reid (John Hamilton), B. A., Vern. ,8+3.
30 Reid (John William), Seh., 179+-B. A., Vern. '796.
Reid (Joseph), B. A., ..lEat IS3+.
Reid (Ralph), B. A., Vern. '79 ....
Reid (Robert), M. D. (Aonori.t cnu,d), ..lEtt. 1839.



Reid (Samuel), B. A., At. 18z8.

Reilly (Bernard), Sch., 1791.-B. .A., Vim. 179S.-LL. B., rim.
Reilly (Edward Sterling), B. .A., At. 1789.
Reilly (Francis Savage), Soh., 18H.-B.A., Vern. 18+7.-M. A.,
Vim. 1851.
S Reilly (George), B. A., At. 1791.
Reilly (James), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Reilly (John), B. A., At. 183S.
Reilly (John), B. A., Atlt. 18+2.
Reilly (John Edward), B. A., Vern. I 82+.-M. B., Vern. 1827.
10 Reily (Edmund), B.A., Vem. 1782.
Reily, or Reilly (Thomas White), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Reives (Richard), Entered 16S7--D. D., Vern. 1699.
Renny (George Cunningham), Sch., 1811.-B.A., Vem.1813.
Renny (Patrick), B.A., Atlt. 18Q9.-M.A., Vem. 1818.
IS Renny (William), B. A. Vem. 1823.-M. A., Vern. 183S.-Y. B.,
and M. D., Atlt. 1835.
Renouard (Peter), B. A., Vim. 17H.
Renwick (William), B. A., Vern. 18S2.
Revell (Henry), Soh., 1809.-B. A., Vern. 1811.
Revell (Henry), B. A., Atlt. 181 S.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
20 Revell (Jolm), B. A., Vern. I 82+-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Revet (Thomas), B. A., VIm. I 687.-M. A., Vern. 1696.
Revington (John Huleat), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Reyland, Reland, Relham, or Rhelan (Anthony), Soh., 173+-B. A..,
Vem. 173S.-M. B., and M. D., LEst. 1743.
Reyley (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., Atlt. 1638.
2S Reyley, or Roley (Eugene), Sch., I 66+-B. A., Jan. 19, 1666Reynel (Henry), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. 17+8.
Reynell (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 17+3.
Reynell (Edmund, or Edward), B. A.., &t. 17+1. - M. A., A-ilt.
Reyuell (Richard), B. A.., .LEst. 1780.
30 Reynell (Richard), B. A., V""" 1789.
Reynell (Richard Carew), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), .BIt. 17+3.
Reynell (William Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 1858. - JrI. A' I Ve,.,,,..
Reynet (France), B. A., Vern. 1789.



Reynett (Henry), B. A.., .&t. 17S8.

Reynolds (Al&ed Clement), B. A., .HUm. 1861.
Reynolds (Charles), B. A.., At. 18...6.
Reynolds (Edward), B. A., Vern. 17S'.
S Reynolds (Henry), Sch., 1693.-8. A., Vena. I.-l(. A., &t.

Reynolds (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 18+8 .

.Reynolds (Hugh), B. A., rml. 1,86.
Reynolds (James), B. A., Vma. 1701.-H. A., AIlI. 17Of..
Ucynolds (lames Henry), B. A., Hinll. 186.f..
10 Reynolds (lohn), B. A., Vt'na. 18H'
Reynolds (Patrick), Sch., 18",0.-8. A., At. J8",1.-LL. B., &1.

Reynoldd (Richard lames), Sch., 1861.-B. A., 1..... 186....

ReynOUI (Robert), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). - M. A.
V".,.. 1831.
Reynolds (Roland), B. A., V",.. 1816.
IS Reynolds (Thomas), Sch., 1816.-8.A.,.&I. 1818.-)(. A., y"" .
Y. B., JEst. 1823.
Reynolds (William), B. A.. V",.. I 787.-LL. B., .&t. 1790Rhelan (Anthony). 1'\1.'tl Ueyland.
Uhodes (George), B. A., Vena. 183 ....
Riall (John), B. A., Vent. 1826.
20 Uibbl1DS (EIl~t Frederick Thoma.q ), B. A., Vlrn. 18.......
Ribton (Herbert PIlDmUl"l'), B. A., Hintt. 1860.
RibtoD (William), 8ch., 1833.-B. A., .lE&t. 1837.
Ricards (Southwell), Sch., 1723.-B. A., Vma. 172.... -1[. A.
Verlf.17 2 7

Uico (Edward), Sch., 178S.-B. A., Vma. 1786.

2S Rice (Edward B.), B. A., Vwn. 18+7.
Rice (Edward William). 8. A., ./.t. 1816.-M. A., LEst. 1819.
Rice (James). Sch., 18Sr.-B. A., rena. 185+.-11. A., VtnI.
18 5 8 .
Rice (John George), Soh., 18SS.-B. A., Ir1tJ1II. 1860.-H. A.,
Vl'rn. 186+.

Rice (Robert), Sch., 1861.-8. A., HiI'm. 1862.

30 Rice (Stephen), Seh., 17115. -B. A., J",.rn. 1787.
Rine (Thoma.'1), B. A., Vern. 1717.-1.1.. B., .&t. 17 21
Rice (ThomRII), B.A., 'torn. 1756.-LL. B., and LL. D.,AI. 1766 .









Richards {Charles Frederick), B. A., .At&t. 186z.-1. B., .At&t.

186S.-1. Chir, LEst. 1866.
Richards (Charles William), B. A., &1. 1838.-M. A., Vern.
Richards (Edward), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded) -l. A..,
V,rn. 1823.
Richards (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1847.
Richards (Edward), B. A., Vern. IS53.
Richards (George), B. A., &t. IS0Z.-Y. A., Nut. 183z.
Richards (George), 13. A., Vern. IS2+
Ricbards (James), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Richards (John), B. A., 2&t. 17So.
Richards (John), B. A., and M. A., Nov. 1832.
Richards (John), B. A., .LEat. lS3J.-Y. A., Vern. IS36.
Richards (John), B. A., VeTn. 1837.
Richards (John), B. A., ..lE8t. 1847.
Richards (John), B. A., Vem. IS63.
Richards (John Goddart), B. A.., ..lE8t. lSI ....
Richards (John Henry), B. A., At. 1839.-1[. A., VWft. 1865.
Richards (Lewis), B. A., Vent. 185+-M. A., ..l&t. 18S9.
Richards (Richard), Sch., 1704.-B. A., Vern. 1706.-1[. A., 2&t.
Richards (Robert), Scb., 17+5.-B. A., Vern. 17+7.
Richards (Solomon), B. A., 2&t. 1784'-LL. B., .LEat. '787,
Richard, (Solomon), B. A., .LEat. 182 I.
Richards (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18Z1.-LL. B . VeTn. IS28.
Richards (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Richards (William), B. A., Vern. 1769.
Riohards (William), B. A., &t. 1790.
Richards (William), LL. B., LElt. 1792.
Richards (William F.), B. A., &t. 18++Richards (William Nicholas), B. A., Vern. 1839.
Richardson (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1688.-::;ch., 1688.
Richardson (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1818.
Richardson (Charles), B. A., ..lE8t. IS20.-Y. A., No/}. 1832.
Richardson (Clement), B. A., and Y. A., Veln. IS59.
Richardson (David), B. A., ..lE8t. I SoS.
Richardson (Edward), B.A., Vern. I 760.-M. A., .IEIt. 1763'
Richardson (George), B. A., Vern. 1762.






Riclwdlon (Henry), B. .1., ..It. I 777.-ll.. A., 1~rR. 1781.

Richard80n (Horatio), B. A., tn'll. 1859.
Richardaon (lames), B. A., Yn'II. 1686.
Richardson (Jamea), B. A., y".,.. 1709.
Richardaon (lames), Sch., 172+-8. A., Ytrr&. 1725.-11'. .\., At.
Richardaon (lames), B. A., t".,.. 18++.
Richardson (John), ll.. A., and Fellow, 1600.-D.D., At 61+
Richardson (John), B.A., &t. 1617.
Richardson (John), B. A., y".,.. 1686 .
Ricbardaon (John), Sch., 1686.-B. A., Vn'II. 1688.
Richardson (John), B. A., Vent. 1688.
RichardlJon (John), Sch., 1716.-B. A., V",.. 1717.-ll. A., ~Lt.
17 10
Richard80n (John), B. A., Yma. 1789.
Riohardson (lohn), B. A., y",.. 1809.
Ricbardaon (John), B. A., ..It. 1838.
Riohardson (lohn), B. A., rl''''', 18+2.-Y. A. 2&t. 1858.
Ricbardaon(John), B. A., Yma. 18+8.-M. A., Ytr,.. 185+.
Richardson (John), B. A., y".,.. 18S7.-ll. A., ..It. 1863.
Richardson (Sir John), LL. D. (Iunuwi, C41IIId), S"I. z, 18S7.
Richardson (Nicholas Gosselin), B. A., Hint. 1865.
Richardson (Peter), Sch., 1716.-B. A, Yma. '717.-ll. A., ..lEtt.
17 10.
RicbardllOn (Ralph), B. A., ~III. 18so.-ll. A., ..It. 186+.
Richardson (Richard), B. A., Vtr,.. 1794.
Ricbardaon (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1796.
Ricbardaon (Robert), B. A., Vmt . 83:&.
Richardson (Samuel), B. A., Ymt. 18:&6.-111. A., N 831.
Richardson (Simon), B. A., Ymao 173 I.
Richardson (Theodora). B. A., y".,.. 1851.
Richardson (Thomas), B. A., Hay 4, 1655.
Richardson (Thomas), B. A., Y".,.. 1800.-M.A., At . 816.
Richardson (William), B. A., ,LE'ilt. 1625.
Richardson (William), Sch., 1761.-B. A., Ymt.1763.-Fellow,
1766. - M. A., .JEst. 1766. - B. D., ..It. 1775. - D. D., 'UH.

Richardson (William), B. A., ~] it. 181Z.

Richardson (William), B. A., J'ml. 1837.








Richardson (William), B. A., Vim. IS42.

Richardson (William Stewart), (Entered 1822, and B. A. not recorded).-M. A., N()f). IS3%.
Richey (Alexander George), Sch., IS51. - B. A., Vmt. IS5+.LL. B., LEat. ISS5.
Richey (Edward), B. A., Vent. IS+3.
Richey (James), B. A., VW1I. IS2I.
Richey (John), B. A., Vern. ISS9.
Richey (Richard John Cockburn), B. A., Vern. IS45 .-M. A., Vern.
Richey (William), B. A., Vern. 1834.
Richmond (Davis), B. A., VW1I. IS50.
Richmond (George), B. A., Vn-n. IS20.
Richmond (William), Sch., I 73S.-B. A., Vern. 17+0.
Richmond (William), B. A., LEst. 1779.
Richmond (William), B. A., Vern. 18S6.-M. A., Vern. 1859.
Richmond (William), B. A., Vern. IS5S.
Richmond (William), Sch., ISoS.-B.A., VW1I.ISIO.
Richson (Gideon), B. A., Vern. I 72S.-lL A., LEst. 1731.
Rickard (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 17+9.
Rickards (Clifford), B. A., Vertl. 1860.
Rickesey (Charles), B. A., Vern. 16S6.
Rickesey (George), LL. D. (lumon', callBd), .JE,t. 1709.
Rickey (James), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., .i&t.
Riddall (Walter), Sch., IS63.-B. A., Vern. IS64.
Ridgate (Philip), B. A., Vern. 1699.-LL. B., LEst. 1700.
Ridge (John), B. A., LEst. 17+7.
Ridge (Jones), B. A., LEst. ISI6.-M. A., N()f). IS32,
Ridge (William), Sch., ISo+-B. A., Vern. IS06.
Ridgeway (John), B. A., Vmt. IS26.-M. A., N()f). IS32.
Ridgeway (Joseph), B. A., LEst. IS24.-M. A., NOrJ. IS32.
Ridgeway (William), B. A., Vmt. 17S7.- LL. B., Vern. 179.LL. D., Vmt. 1795.
Ridley (John), B. A., Vern. IS,6.
Rigaud (Stephen Peter), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Aug. 14, IS35.
Rigby (John), B. A., Vern. IS52.-M. A., Vern. ISS9.
Rigby (Thomas Newton), B. A., Hi~m. 1862.-M. A., &t. IS66.
Rigge (Thomas), B. A., rern. IS5S,

486 .







Rigge (William), B. A., Vern. 1848.

Rikey (Walter), B. A., .lEst. 1833.
Riky (Walter), B. A., Vm... 1778.
Ring (Bartholomew), Sch., 1850.-B. A., V"NI. 1853. - LL. B.,
and LL.D., Hiem. 1861.
Ring (Cornelius Percy), Sch., 1836. - B. A' I V"... 1839.- M. R.,
.lEst. 1840.
Ring (David E. Babington), B. A., VWfI. 1830.
Ring (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Ring (Thomas Babington), B. A., V.".,.. 1830.
Ringland (John), B. A., V.".,.., M. B., .iE&t. 1839. -If. D., .ddt.
186 4.
Ringwood (Frederick Howe), Sch., 1835.-B. A., V.".,.. 1838.H. A., V.".,., 1841.
Ringwood (Henry Taylor), Sch., I 83+-B. A" Ymt.. 1835.-11. A.,
.lEst. 1838.
Ringwood (John Thomall), Sch., 1838.-B. A.,.A?M. 1851.
Ringwood (William), B. A., V.".II. 1819.
Ringwood (William Cotton), B.A., Vtrn.185+.-H.A., V8J'fI. 1857.
Riordan (Daniel), B. A., 1638.
Riordan (Denis Twiss), Sch., 1817.-B. A., .iE&t. 18u.
Riordan (Patrick), B. A., V.".,.. I 840.-L1. B., and LL. D., Vaft.
18 57.
RiHhton (Georgc), B. A., .iE&t. 1700.
Risk (Andrew Chnrl!'R), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Hisk (John Erskinc), B. A., Vern. 1847.-. A.., Hilm . 860.
Roach (Edward), Sch., I 677.-B. A., YeNl. 1679.
noach (William), B. A., Vern. 1711.
Roan (John), B. A., V.".n. 1736.
Roan (Stuart), B. A., Fern . 687.
Roanc (John), (Entrance, and prior degrees, not rccorded).-D. D.,
Jan. 25, 1666.
Robbins (George), B. A., Verr;.1825.
Robbins (John), B. A., Vern. 1753.-M. B., .L&t. 1758.
Robbins (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1752.
Robbins (Joseph), B. A., Vor,.. 1830.
Robbins (Nathaniel), B. A., Vem. 1737.
Robe (Francis William), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), ..Est. lSI
Roberts (Charlcs), B. A., Fern. 1761.










Roberts (Cresswell), B. A.,

Roberts (David), B.~, y".,.. 1706.
Roberts (Edmund), B.A., .A?8t. 1835.-~LA., and B. D., A'It. 18H.
Roberts (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Roberts (Edward), B. A., At. 1820.
Roberts (Edward), B. A' I .IEIt. 18ot-6.-Y. A., Ai:Bt. 1859.
Roberts (George), B. A., V".". 174Z.
Roberts (Griffith), B. A., Y".,..18zz.
Roberts (Henry), B. A., YIt"1J. 171+
Roberts (Henry), B. A., At. 18.
Roberts (James Barry), B. A., VIN I 86+.-lL A., A'It. 1863.
Roberts(John), B. A., Vern. 1710.
Roberts (John), Sch., 1765.-B. A., Yma. 1766,'
Roberts (John), B. A., .l&t. 1766.
Roberts (John), B. A., y".,.. 1803.-Y. A., V".,.. 1810.
Roberts (John Cramer), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).M. A., NOl. 1832.
Roberts (Lewis), B. A., y".,., 17+1.
Roberts (Yichael), B. A., At. 16zo.-M. A., L&t. I6z3.
Roberts (Michael), Sch., q I Z . -B. A., y".,.. 1713.
Roberts (Michael), B. A., ..8t. 1810.
Roberts (Michael), Sch., 1836.-B. A.., VIn'. 1838.-Fellow, 1843.
-M. A., Vern. 18+8.
Roberts (Peter), B. A., y"... I 78+-Jl. A., .A?,e. J 793.
Roberts (Philip Begg), B. A., Sept. 9, 1768.
Roberts (Randolph), B. A., y".,.. 1715.-K. A., &t. 1718.
Roberts (Robert), B. A., .A?d. 1700.-M. A., YIN 1706.
Roberts (Robert James), B.A., V".,.. 1857.
Roberts (Samnel), B. A., y.,.,.. 17.
Roberts (Samuel), B. A., AlIt. 1823.
Roberts (Samuel Thomas), (Entrance not recorded, unleu it be
Samuel, B.A., YIN&. 1796).-LL. B., At. 181+.-LL.D.,
Yern. 1835.
Roberts (Th~phi1u8), B. A., Vern. 17zz.
Roberts (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. qzz.-M. A." ...&t. 1775'
Roberts (Thomas), B. A., At. 18z9.
Roberts (Thomas), B. A., &t. 18.n.-M. A., Ym.. 1839.
Roberts (Travers), B. A., V".,.. 1842.
Roberts (Walter Cramer), B. A., AlaI. 182+.-)(. A., N0f7. 1832.

A ("ATA1.Ikil'E

or THE


lL.htrta (Watkin-), B. A., r",., 1847.

n.,I~rta {Willianl'. B. A., rw.. 17'0. - LL 8., ..Ett. 1721.LL D.,
I 716.


U"berta (William), B. A., .fWt. 1808.

U.. ,bcrta (William), ~h., 18J6.-B. A., rtrfl. I 839.-FeUow, 18+1.
-Y. A., ~f.',t. 1843.
S U"I)t'r1I! (Williaw;. IS. .-\., //;,... 186..
1t,,1)trta (William Henry;. B. A., .&1. ISU.


1t..l..rtllOn ~Char)t':l"), 8. A .. V.... 1118.-11. A., StW, 1131.

Ilt,bcrt-wn ,harll'S Jamt... :, 80 A., Hi,.. 116S.
ltohcrtaon (Edward St.ullty), Rrh., 18Sl.-B. A. t .&t. 11,6.
!tobt'rt-.on (FranciM). B. A., 3';'1. 1760.
ltohcrlllOn (Hligh Richard), 8. A., I",Nt. 1809.
ltobcrtaon (John), B. A., ,~,... 17".
ltobcrtaon (Robtort Jameson), &,11., 1860.- B. A., Hi,., 1860.
Hohortlton (William), B. A., rrna. 1860.
ltobt'r1l'On (Willillm), B. A.,
Ituhina (JOIt'ph), B. A., ~1-.'<t. 1716.
)tobinson (.\lcxandcr), Ncb., 1819.-B. A.,
and K. B., .iLl. 1814.
Iltlhin!lOn (.\\txllDder\ B. A.,
18S3.-Y' .-\.,
ItohinllOn (.udrow), B. A., '-ml. 113+.-11. A., "'tnt.18.JS.
RobinllOn (Andnw, B. A.,
1860.-11. A., rml. 1865.
ltobin!lOn (Arthur), 8. A., ..Ell. 1819.-1[. A" ..vHo 18]1.
llobinllOn (Arthur), 8. A.,
}t..hiJulon (lkrnani). B. A., niue. 186+
&binllOn (Brian), K. Bo, VtrIt. 1709.-lL D., AI. 171
ltobinlOOn (Bryan), B. A., Y,Nt. 1737.
Robin!lOn (Charll's), D. A., I"mI. 18u.
Robinson (Charllll), B. A., &t. 112,J.-1(0 A., Nt1f1o 1831.
Robinson (Chrilltophcr), Bo A., Yrrn. 1779.
Robinson (Cbriatopber). B. A., J'Elt. 171,J.-ll. A., &1. .786.
Robinson (Christopher), B. A., tmJ. II+I_LL. B., and LL. D.,
t".,., 1856.
Robinson (Christopber Gerrard), 8. A.. Hima. 186f..
Robinson (Daniel), Sch., 17IB.-B. A., A:.t. 1719.
Robineon (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1158.-11. A., 1""ma. 1161.
Robinson (Francis), B. A., ..c. 18+8.
Bobin80n (Francia), M1I8. D. (~QMru (Qud), LEn. lIsa.













Robinson (George), B. A., V",.. 1786.

Robinson (George), B. A., y",.. 1827.-1. B., .2&t. IS30.
Robinson (George), B. A., 4111. 181 5.-M. B., 4lII. I 830.-H. A.,
NOfI. IS32.
Robinson (George), 8ch., I 84o.-B. A., y",.. 1842.
S Robinson (George), B. A., 4111. 1843'
Robinson (George), B. A.,
Robinson (George), 1. A., 4lII. 1859.
Robinson (Hartstonge), B. A.., At. 1811.
Robinson (Henry), B. A.., y",.. IS+I.-M. A' I y",., 185+.
10 Robinson (Henry), B. A., Vim. 18p.
Robinson (James), B.A., y",.. 1719.-H. A., 4111. 1722.-D. D.,
Robinson (James), B. A., V".,.. 17)0.
Robinson (James), B. A., V".,.. I 836.-1L A., AlII. 1847.
Robinson (James), B. A., V".,., 1863.
IS Robinson (John), B. A., .lEIt. 160S.-M. A., and Fell., lOOg.
Robinson (John), B. A., y".,.. 1796.
Robinson (John), B. A., 411'. 1799.
Robinson (lolm), B. A., V",.. 1820.
Robinson (John), B. A.., V".,.. 1822.
20 RobiDBoD (lohn), B. A., V",., 18aB.-M. A' I NOrJ. 1832.
Robinson (John), B.A., y".,.. 183S.
Robinson (John), B. A., Y..... ISS2.
Robinson (John), B.A., V".,.. IRS7.
Robinson (John Lovell), Scb., 1842.-B. A., V",.. 18....... -H. A.. ,
y".,.. 1848.
25 Robinson (John O'Keefe), Bch., 1818.-8. A., V".,.. 1821.
Robinson (John Warburton), B.A., HUm. 1859.- H. A., Yma.
Robinson (Jobn William), B. A., V".,.. 18SS.-H. A., .lEIt. 1864.
Robinson (Josepb), B. A., y".,.. 1755.
RobiDBoD (Lawrenoe), B. A., 4111. 1613.
30 Robinaon (Leonard Horner), Bch., 1821.-B.A., Ywn. 1822.
Robinson (Loftus), B.A., y",.. 1777.
Robinson (Richard), B. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Oct. 22, 1751.
RobinlOn (Robert), 8cb., 1,69.-B.A., .2&t. 1771.
Robinson (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 18u.
H RobinlOn (Robert), B. A' I y".,.. 1826.




RobinlOll (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1817.

Robinlon (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1799.
RobilllOn (Samuel), B. A., .lEft. 1819.-H. A., NOf1. 1831.
Robinaou (Samuel), B. A. t Vim. 18SS.-H. A., LEd. 1858 .....
LL. B., AI. 186....
5 Robinlon (Thomaa), (Entered 166+).-H. A., J , I I, I~+.
RobilllOn (Thomas), Soh-, 17SI.-B. A., V".,.. 17H.-1l. A.,
V...... 17S8.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1776.
Robinson (Thomas), Soh., 17CJ6.-B.A., V".,.. 1798.
Robiuon (Thomas), B. A., AI. 180%.
Robinson (Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1808.
ICD Robinlon (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1818.
Robinaon (Thom8l), B. A., .AIle. 18+1.-LL. B., .2&t. 18+8.LL.D., V"..,., 18so.
Robinson (Thom8l), B. A., Fum. 1860.
Robinlon (Thom81 A.), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Robinaou (Thomas Roamey), Sch., 1808.-B. A., V",.. 1810.FeU.. 181+.-H. A., At. 1817.-B. D., At. 1811.-D. D.,
Y..... 18IS.-LL. D. (Acmori. caul), y",.. 1863.
I S Robinson (William), Soh., 169S.-B. A., V,",. 1698.-H. A., All.
Robinson (Sir William), LLD., AtIpIt ZI, 1703.
Robinaon (William), B. A., V".,.. 17u.-H. A., Aile. 1715.
Robinaon (William), B. A., V".,.. 1737.-M. A., Ailt. 17+0.
Robinaon.(William), B. A., y".,.. 1775
20. Robinlon (William), B. A., Vwn. 18z+.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Robinaon(William), B. A., Vma. 1819.-lL A., V".,.. 183:&.
Robinlon (William), B. A' t V".,.. 1830.
Robinlon (William), B. A., Vma. 1861.
BobinlOD (William Friend), (B. A. not recorded).-ll. A., V"....
IS Robinson (William Peroy), Soh., 18SS.-B. A., V".,.. 1860.
Robotbam (Robert), B. A.., V.,.,.. 18+0.
Robson (lames), B. A., V.,.,.. 18SI.
Rochblane (Henry), B. A., V,",. 17u.
Rochblane (Peter), B. A.,
30 Roche (Benjamin), B. A.., V",.. 1831.-~. A., and M. B., at.
18 36.


Roche (Charles Philip), '8. A.,







Roche (Francis James), B. A.. At. ISI9'

Roche (George), B. A., Vern. 171+-M. A., ~. 1711.
Roche (George), B. A., Vwn. 17S6.-1I. A., At. 1759.
Roche (James Downes), B. A., V".,.. IS47.
5 Roche (John), B. A., At. ISIO.
Roche (Juhn Edmund), B. A., V".,.. IS27.
Roche (Jordan), Sch., IS23.-B. A., Vern. 1825'
Roche (Richard), B. A., Vern. I~l.
Roche (William), B. A., Vwn. ISz4.
10 Roche (William Nicholas), B. A., V".,.. IS21.-M. A., V".,.. IS3....
Roche (William Silvester), B. A., Vern., M. B., At. ISS3.
Roche (William Tierney), B. A., V".,.. ISI7.
Rochford (George), B.A., At. ISOI.
Rochford (John 8.), B. A., At. 17S....
15 Rochford (Robert), B. A' I Vma. 17++.
Rochfort(George), B.A., Vern. 1701.
Rochfort (George), LL. D. (Atm0n"8 C1H114), At. 1709.
Rochfort (Henry), B. A., AAt. IS07.-M.,A., At. IRIS.
Rochfort(John), B.A., V".,., 1711.-M.A., At. 1714.
20 Rochfort (John), B. A" At. 180+
Rochfort (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1727,
Rochfort (Robert), B. A., At. I 796.-M. A., At. 180+
Rodgers (Henry William Maxwell), N. F. Sch' I I RS6.-B. A., and
M. A., V".,.. 1858.
Rodney (James Vincent), B. A., At. IR2R.-M. A., NOfJ. IR32.
25 Roe (Charles NelsoD), B. A., Vern. IR33.
Roe (Edward Price), B. A., At. 18SI.
'Roe (George), B.A., At. ISI4.-lLA..NOfJ. IR32.
Roe (George), B. A., At. IS++
Roe (George), B. A . At. 1849.
30 Roe (George H.), B. A., V".,., IS27' - M. A., M. a, and M. D.,

At. IR2 7
Roe (Henry), B. A., At. IRn.-M. A., NOfI. IR32.
Roe (Henry), B. A., Vma. IRIS.-M'. A., Vmt. IRzS.
Roe (James), B. A., V".,.. IR22.
Roe (James), B.A., 1'".,..IRS3.
35 Roe (1oseph), B. A., V".,.. 1822.
Roe (Peter), B. A., Vma. IRII.-M. A., NOfI. 1832.
Roe (Peter), B. A., At. 182+



Roe (Peter Burton), B. A., .lE,t. 1841.

Roe (Ri,*ard), B. A., V",.. 1789.
Roe (Robert), B. A., A:lt. 18+5.
Roe (Robert), B. A., 1"'.... 185+.
S Roe (Robert), M. A., .IEIt. 186+.
Roe (Robert James), B. A., V",.. 18S6.-11. A., .&t. 1864.
Roe (Saruud), B. A., .2EMt. ISI9.
Roe (Samuel Black), B. A., Vma. IS$3.
Roe (Sim), B. A., fern. 1691.
10 Roo (Thomas), B. A., Vma. ISH.-M. A., Vern. 1859.





Roe (ThomM Wellesley), B. A., VHa. 1840.

Roe (William), Sch., 1815.-B. A., 1"'11'11. ISI7.
Roe (William), B. A., Yma. 182+-Y. A., V".,.. IS32.
Roe (William), B. A., .lEd. IS30. - LL. B., and LL. D., 1"'",.,
Roe (William Dianey), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
Rogan (William), B. A., V,rn. 18+7 .-M. B., At. 1848.
Rogen (Alexander), B. A., ~st. 1818.
Uogen (Alleyne), B. A., Vim IS37.
Rogen (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1837'
Rogen (Christophcr), B. A" VtnI. 1706.
Rogcn(Edward), B.A., VeN&. 1717,
Rogcn(George),8ch., 1716.-B.A., y".,.. 1717.
Rogers (George), B. A., Vern. I 760.-M.. A., .IEIl. 1763.
Rogen (George), B. A., 2E8t. 1806.
Uogen (George Gumblcton), B. A., y".,.. I1~oS.
Rogers (Henry Richard), B.A., Vern.180S.
Rogers (Jumes), B. A., .l&t. 1790.
Rogen (James), D. A., 1"'".,.. 1826.-lI. A., .l&t. IS64'
ROI:,"en (James), Sch., ISH. - B. A., Ver,.. 18+6.- ll. A., .lEd.
Rogers (James Edward), B. A., Hi,m. 1861.-ll. A., At. 1865.
Rogers (James Guinness), B. A..
Rogers (John), Sch., 175o.-B. A., V",.. 17S2.-1I. A" Venl.
175 6
Rogers (John), Sch., 1796.-B. A., Vern. 1797.
Rogers (John), B. A., LEst. IS25.
Rogers (John), B. A., Vern.IS39.









Rogers (John William), Mus. B., Vim. 1859.-MuB. D., V61'1I.

Rogers (Jonatban), Seb., 1711.-B. A., Vwn. 17IZ.-M. A., .2&t.
1715.-Fell., 1716.-B. D., and D. D., .2&t. 17z7.
Rogers (Josepb), B. A., Vim. 18zo.-M. A., Vim. 1833.
Rogers (Josiah), B. A., .i&t. 1849.
Rogers (Ricbard Hcnry), B. A., Vim. I 783.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
LEst. 1801.
Rogers (Robert), Sch., 1849.-B. A., Vern. 18Sl.-Y. A., ...BIt.
Rogers (Robert Burrowes), B. A., At. 1840.
Rogers (Robert Hawkesworth), B. A., Vwn. 1844.-M. A., Vern.
Rogers (Samuel George), B. A., Vim. 1815.
Rogers (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1849.
Rogers (William), Sch., I 756.-B. A., Vern. 1758.
Rogers (William), B. A., Vern. 1175.
Rogers (William), B. A., .2&t. 1807.
Rogers (William), B. A., Vim. 18Z1.-M. A., VI,.,.. 18z5.
Rogers (William), B. A., Vern. 18z4.
Rogers (William Hcnry), B. A., Vern. I 857.-lLA., Him. 1859.
Rogerson (John), B. A., .i&t. 1694.
Rogerson (John), B. A., Vem. J739.
Rolleston (Arthur), B. A., .2&t. 1790.
Rolleston (Charles), B.A., rern.1830.
Rolleston (James Frank), Seh., I 779.-B. .A., Vern. 1781.
Rolleston (Joseph), (Entrance, and B . .A., not recorded).-LL. B.,
and LL. D., .i&t. 18z7.
Rollcston (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Rolleston (Stephen), Sch., 1736.-B. A., Vwn. 1737.
Roll~-ton (Thomas), Sch., 1809.-B. A., Vern. 1811.
Rollon (
), 1[. A., At. J 6z9.
Rolston, or Roleston (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1781.-M. A., .2&1.
17 85.
Ronan (Stephen), B. A., .2&1. 1814'
Roney (James E.), B. A., Vms. 1830'
Roney (Patrick C.), B. A., Vim. Ih8.
Rooke (Bartholomew Warburton), B. A., V".,.. 1849.-M. A.,
.&1. 1866.



Rooke (George Warburton), B. A., V".,.. 18$7.-lL A., Vlrn.

Rooke (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 17+S'
Rooke (Henry), B. A., AI. ISIO.-lI. A.. Vern. IS3S.
Rooke (Henry Benjamin), B. A V".,.. ISSI.-lI .A..,.AI.t. ISS6.
S Rooke (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. IS4S.-1I. A., V.... ISS I.
Rooke (William Duffield), B. A., V",.. ISS9.
Rooney (Matthew), B. A., Vma. IS31.
Kooney (Thomas), n. A., Vma. 1810.
Roper (Blaney), B. A., V".,.. ISJI.
10 Roper (Find later), B. A., V",.. IS41.-LL. B., VtI'IL 184+.
Roper (Henry), B. A., Vma. I'S....-B. D., and D. D., ,At. 180....
Roper (Henry), B. A., .lEat. ISU.-Y. A., .lEIt. IS2+.
Roper (John Henry), B. A., )Ed. IS23.-M. A., NMJ. IS31.
Roper (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 18++.
IS Roper (William), B. A., .lEst. 18zz.-1I. A., LEal. IS29.
Roper (William), B. A., Yml. IS...3.
Roper (William), B. A., Vma. 18S9.
Roquer, or Boquiere (Moses). B. A., V.... 17+1.-1I. A., '&1.
Rorke (Andrew), B. A., V".,.. ISSI.
10 Rorke (James), B. A., V".,.. ISZZ.
Rorke (Michael Andrew), B. A., AI. IS43.
Rosbotham (William), B. A., A'At. IS",O.
RoIlCl"OW (John), Sch., I,+I.-B. A., Vern. 17.......
Rose (George), B.A., Vma. 1797.
IS Rose (Henry), B. A., Vma. IS06.-M. A., V".,.. IS2....
Rose (John Henry), B. A., Hum. IS63.
Rolle (Randall), B. A., V,I,.,.. 170S.
Rolle (Richard), B. A., V",.,.. IS31.
Rose (William), B. A., .lEIt. 1771.
30 Rose (William), B. A., .lEat. 1799.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Koae (William), B. A., Vwn. IS",2.
Boaengrave (Daniel), Sch., 170S.-B. A., Vma. 1706.
Roeengrave (William). B. A., Vent. 17...3.-1l. A., LElt. 1746.
RolleDthal (John David). B. A., and LL. B., renl. IS6S.
3S Roell (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 1809.-M. A., .iElt. 1821.
Bca (AlexaDder Hurst), B. A., Hi... ISSC}-



Boss (Charles ~miliU8), B. A., Vern. J8u.-M. A., and ll. n.,
AIlt. 1827.
Bose (George), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Boee (James), B. A., Oct. 22, 1751.-1I. A., Vern. 1762.
Role (James), B. A., Him. 1859.
5 Ro88 (John), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Boss (John), Sch., 1735.-B. A., Vml. 1737.-ll. A., LBlt. 17+0.
Bose (John), Seh., 1777.-B. A., L&t. 1778.
Boss (Robert), B.A., Vern. 1762.
Roee (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1789.
10 Roee (Samuel), B.A., Vwn. 1791.
Ross (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1789.
Boss (William), B. A., V,I,.,.. 1837.
Roee (William), B. A., V".,.. 18+9.
RoBBe (Henry), B. A., V".". 1716.
15 Roese (Right Hon. William Parsons, Earl of). See Parsons.
Roth (Peter), B. A., .2&t. 1727,
Rothe (Richard), B. A. .2&t. 1820.
Rotheram (Arthur), B. A., Vern. I 8 H.-H. A., Vern. 1859.
Rothwell (John), B. A., 8t. 1820.
20 Rothwell (ThomaeRobert), B. A., Vern.ISsS.
Rotten (John), B. A., V".,.. 177..
Rotton (John), B. A., Vim. I 737.-ll. A., LEst. 17+.
Routledge (William), B. A., Vim. 18zS.-M.A., Al1. 1831.B. D., and D. D., Vmt. IS52.
Rowan (Alexander), Soh.. 171+.-B. A., Vern. 1716.
2S Rowan (Arthur Blennerhaeeet), B. A., LEst. ISu.-1. A., Vern.
IS27.-B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 185+.
Rowan (Devoneher John), B. A., LEst. ISSS.
Rowan (John), B. A., V".,.. 1711.
Rowan (Robert), B. A., LEst. 177.+.
Rowan (Robert), B. A., At. IS7.9.-LL.B., LEst. IS36.
30 Rowan (Robert Strettel), B. A . V".,.. IS+6.-ll. A., VIm.ISn.
Rowan (William), Soh., 1711.- B. A., Vim. 1713.-ll. A., Vim.
1717.-Fellow, 1717.-LL. D., LEst. 1725.
Rowan(WiIliam), B. A., V".,.. 172+.-ll.A. Vern. 1729.LL B., V".,.. 173S.
'Rowan (William). B. A LEst. ISSI.-)(. A., Ald. ISH.
Rowan (William), B. A., Hintt. IS63.



Rowe (John), B. A., Vms. 1689.

Rowe (Peter), B. A., V".n. 1798.
Rowe (Stephen), Sch., 1.725.-B. A., Vms. 1726.--1[. A., A'.st.

17 2 9.






Rowland (William Alker). B. A., Vern. 1856.

Rowlett (John), B. A., V".,.. 1762.
Rowley (Arthur), B.A., Vern. 173+
Rowley (Hercules), (Entered 1696). - LT.. D. (8Jm:iali gratid),
Ha,.e" 10, 1718.
Rowley (Hercules), B. A., Vern. 1730.
Rowley (James), B. A., 2Elt. 1828.
Rowley (James), Sch., 1858.-B. A., 2Elt. 1862.
Rowley (John), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded).-M. A., .At.
1809.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1828.
Rowley (William), B.A., .2&t. 1783.-LL. B., Vms. 1787'
Rowse (William), B. A., Vern. 1728.
Rowson (Robert W.), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Roycroft (Johu) , B.A., V.".,.., 18+2.
Royse, or Royce (lIl'nry), (Entered 1681).-M. A., AId. 1688.
Royse (Nicholas Foord), B. A., Ven. 1785.
Royse (Thomas), B. A., Ven.. 1727,
Royse (Thomas Henry), B. A., HUf,.. 1859.
Ruby (James), B. A., Vern. 18+8.
Ruby (Thomas), B. A., Vms. I 726.-M. A., 2Elt.173o.
Rudd (Pemberton), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Rudd (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1853.
Rudd (Stephen), B.A., Vern. 1801.
Rudd (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18+7.-M. A., 2Elt. 1865.
Rudd (Willcox), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Vwn. 17+9.
Ruffin (Richard), B.A., Vttrn. 1686. - Sch., 1686. -l. A.Of rern.
169 2
Rugg (Piercy), B.A., Vern. 1701.-1. A., Vern. 1705.
Rugge (John), B. A., Jan. 19, 1666.
Rule (Ralph), B. A., Vem. 16p.-Sch., 1672.-M. A.., V".,.. 1682.
-B. D., and D. D., LEst. 1702.
Rumbold (Richard), Sch., 1 772.-B. A., Vms. 177+
Rumley (George), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Rumsey (James William), B. A., Vwn. 1863.
Rundell (ThomllS), B. D., and D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), V".,.. 173 6 .



Ruah (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1849.

Ruskell (Clement), B. A., Vma. 1840.
R1lSI!el (Charles), B.A., Vern. 1717,
Russel (John Abraham), B. A., Vern. 1796.-11. A., Vwn. 1824.
S Russell (Abraham Downes), B. A., &t. 18+3.
Russell (Cecil), B.A., Vma. 1823.-}L A., Nov. 1832.
Russell (Charles Dickenson), B.A., Vern. 18SS.-M.A., Hi",..
Russell (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Russell (Francis), B. A., Vem. 1821.
10 Russell (Francis Thomas Cusack), B. A., Vma. 18J.
Russell (Garrett John), B. A., Vern. 18S2.
Russell (George), Sch., 1796.-B.A., Vma.1797.
Russell (George), B.A., Vma.183S.
Russell (George Bevan), B. A., V",lI. I 834.-M. B., Vmt. 1839.
IS Russell (Hamilton), Seh., 179z.-B. A., ..l&t. 1794.
Russell (James Alexander), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Russell (Jeremiah), B. A., Vmt. 1716.
Russell (John), Sch. 1813.-B.A., Vmt.18IS.
Russell (John), B. A., Vmt. 1821.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
20 Russell (John), B. A., ..lEst. 1831.-lLB., ..lEst. 1838.
Russell (John), B. A . Vmt. 1858.
Russell (John). B. A. &t. 1860.
Russell (John Abraham), B. A. &t. 18S6.
Russell (John Digby). B. A., V",,.. 1863.
2S Russell (Jphn Leckey). B. A . Vern. 1827.-1I. A . NOfJ. 1832.
Russell (John Stephen). B. A. &t. 1814.
Russell (Joseph). Sch., 1 797.-B. A . Vern. 1799Russell (Mark Thomas), Sch., 183S.-B. A., Vern. 1836.
Russell (Matthew), B. A., Vern. I 762.-M. A ..lEst. '76S.
30 Bussell (Philip). B. A Vmt. 1 833.-1I. B . &t. 1838.
Russell (Robert), Sch . 1784.-B. A.. Vern. 1786. -Fellow. 1790.
-M. A., &t. I 790.-B. D . and D. D &t. 1806.
Russell (Robert Francis). B. A . Vmt. 18S+Bussell (Robert Potter), B.A . Vern. 1831.
RUBl!ell (Robert Wan, or Wane), B. A., LEst. 1845.-LL. B. ..l&t.
35 Russell (Thomas), B. A. Vern. J713.-1I. A At. 171S.
Russell (Thomas). Soh., 1814.-B. A" V".,.. 1816.



.. CAT.UOGO 0, TB'I OUDl",\T.-5

Bu_U (Thom&ll). B. A., Y-. 1a..,6.-M, A . ,.._. 1'+9.

Ru_U ( Thomu eu....k).
A .. r ..... ''+6.
n u ~ 11 : W lili .lm ~ , II . \"
Ru ..... II \ Willi ,m Gulhri.\ B. A.., r,.,., 18595 RII ...II ( H.), LL. D. (' - U -..d). V_. I'~
Itutht',(,wlrd ( IIM\~ ) . B. A., r_ 18J9--11.. A., A!.t.
Ruthtrluord {J"ba \ B A' t ""&1. 1')1 .
ltul h"rlOON (lhrtia 8t'OWDt.,,). B .\ . I,,.,.. ,S'I . _If.., S.'


r_. 1'4'.


18 )1.

(T1lO1m ..'~ . 8 . A., AA. lu._1t. A... A' w . 1'3L

Ru Llu'rrwN (Thomu), B. A. ., ~ . Il+Ruth"rl"ord (Wdliam), B. A., r_ IIH _
Ruth" rfuord l William AlIUl), B. A., V-. .ISS' _ K . .l.t r,."
Ru~h, r



n:a ..

Rull)('r(" rd (.\"I, ihald

&"ll(1). B.A ., Y_ 18 ......
ltulhl'r(.,N (J o<o,:,II), H..\ .,
.IS9.-K. B.,



'5 Rulh,-rf,n! (J"""l'b C.), B. A.,...L ,149.

Rutlll'rf" rd (R.:lif), 8 . A., V#l1t., 1861 ,
ltutllt'fI~ 'rJ (Willil!.m), B. A., Ynw.. 1866.
Rutll~I)o,"l' ( [)and WAuon). (8. A. u WauoD, LEtI.. 18p)._1I. 1.
RutlcJgt- ( J ohD. YounJ:), Sch.. 18.n.-B.A . f',.". . 18.u.-Fdh ....
18;:0.-N. A., 8;'t. 1851. -D. D. Jjt. 1851- _ D. D., r_


(Rolx-rt). B. A" 41. .,8S'

(Will illZl Onnlby ). B. A., A:'r. 1811 .
Ruttll~lj;l' ( FrnnciJ), B.A., YtrII. 1SU '
Ruttle (Robert), 8 . ..... .tEI'- 18,.0.
Rnton (Charll"). 8. A., ,,,... 168] . -If. A.' I .tEll . 686.
IS Ru.:a:toD. (Fiu Herlx-It). B. A.. Yrr., 1148.
Ruto n (George William ), B. A.,


Rutl l~I ..'(!


Ruxton (luhn ), B. A., ,.._ 17n.-)(. A., Y-. 1715.

Ru.:a: toll (Ricb:w ). H. ,&", V-. 1797.-LL.B., J""..... 1810.-

LL.D., ,.,,.., 1811.

Ruton ( Willillm), B. A... 4. 1,8S.
JO Ryal. (Samuel). B. A.. 1'"_. 18n.
Ryall (Edward), 8 . A., ...t. 18;1.
Byill (Oeorr> B.A.., ~ .818.-11.

a.. ...... 18&4-




Rytill (lohn), Sch., 18z4.-B. A., V".,.. J8zS.-M. A.., .at. 18d.
-LL. B., and LL. D., At. 183+
Ryall (Robert), B. A.., 4.t. J849.
Ryan (A.lexander), Sch., 1806. -B. A.., V",.. 1807.-)(. A., AI.

181 9.
Ryan (Daniel), B. A.., Vma. 1810.
5 Ryan (Daniel Biahopp), B.A.., VM'ft. 18+3.
Ryan (Edmund), B.A.., y".,.. 1773.
Ryan (Edward), Soh., 1767. - B. A., V".,.. 17~. - H. A., V".,..
. 1773-LL. B., y".,.. I 779.-B. D., y".,.. I 782.-D. D. Vern.
Ryan (Edward), B. A., .LEIt. 1800.
Ryan (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1806.
10 Ryan (Ewer), Bch., 1793.-B. A., Vet'll. 179+.
Ryan (James), B. A... V",.. 1785.
Ryan (James), Soh., 1786.-B. A., V".,.. 1790.
Ryan (James), M.A..," At. 1793.
Ryan (John), B. A., V".,.. I 785.-1LA.., NOfJ. II, '788.
15 Ryan (Lawrence), B. A.., .LEIt. 1806.
Ryan (Michael), Sch., 1811.-B. A., V".,.. 1813.
Ryan (lfichael), B. A.., V".,.. J 8%9.
Ryan (Philip), B. A., Pi,.,.. 1,81.-H.A.., .All" 1807.
Ryan (Philip), B. A.., y".,.. 1826.
20 Ryan (Richard), B. A., V",.. 1811.-H. A... .LEIt. 1832.
Ryan (Soame 1enyns), Boh., 180z.-B. A..,.2&I. 1804.
Ryan (Thomas), B. A., V",.. 176z.
Ryan (Thomas), B. A.., .2&1. 1781.-M. A., V".,.. 1796.
Ryan (Thomas), B. A.., Vms. 1837.-M. B., .LEII. 1838.
25 Ryan (Thomas Joseph), B. A., V".,.. I 830.-1L B., .LEIt. 18H.
Ryan William), B. A.., ~t. 1,69.
Ryan (William), Sch., 1790.-B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Ryan (William), Sch., 1815.-B.A., V".,.. 1818.
Ryan (William), H. B., .LEIt. 1821.
30 Ryan (William), B. A.., Vent. 1838.-H. A., .AlIt. 1866.
Rydale (1eremiah), B. A., V".,.. 1678.
Ryder (Arthur Gore), Bch., 18-n.-B. .(, Vmt. 18+5.-H. A.,
.LEIt. 18+8.-B. D., .LEIt. I 856.-D. D.. H'fMII. 1859.
Ryder (Dudley), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded).-H. A..,
V",.,.. 17+8.


Ryder (Dudley), B. A., V".,.. 17+7.-11. A., V..... 17-49.

Ryder (lohn), B. A., V..... 1779.-LL. B. t V".,.. 1803.
Ryder (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 17+).-LL B., At. 1755.
Ryder (Michael Wood), B. A., V".,.. 18+0'
S Ryder (St. George), Scb., 1781.-B. A., At. 178+-11. A" V....
17 86.
Ryder (Thomaa), B.A., y".,.. 17o+.-lt A., .2&t. 1707.
Ryder (William), B. A., V".,.. 1813.
Ryland (John Frederick), B. A., .At. 18+).
Ryland (Richard), B.A., V.,,.,.. I 777.-M.. A., Vent. 1783.-B.D~

.At. 1791.-D. D.,.At. 1792.

10 Ryland (Richard Hopkinll), B. A., Vent. 1808.-11:. A'I VmI.
18 30
Ryland (Theodore), B. A., V".,.. 18so.
Ryland (Peter), Sch., 167z.-B. A. t JflrL. 29, 1673.-M.. A., .6.Il.

Rynd(Francis), B. A., Vena. 18Z1.-M. A., NOfJ. 183z.
Rynd (Henry Nassau), B. A., ..l&1. 18#.-ll. A., .2&1. 18+9.
IS Rynd (James), B. A., Vent. 173S.
Rynd (James), B. A., V.,,.,.. 1828.
Rynd (James Fleetwood), B. A., Vent. 18SS.
Rynd (James Goodlatte), B. A., .At. I 838.-X A., .2&1.184+
Rynd (James William), B.A.,..tE8t. 1861.
20 Rynd (John Nuttall), B. A., .2&1. 18S7.-M.. A., Hi... 1860.
Rynd (Robert), B. A., &t. 1818.
Rynd (William), B. A., Yena. 1770.
Rythregh (Louis), B. A., Jan. 29, 1673.
Ryves (.Jerome), B. A., Vma. 1680.-M. A., At. 1683.
2S Ryves (William), B. A., Vent. 176+.
Ryves (William), B. A., Vena. 178z.
Ryves (William), B. A., LEd. 1790-



BJ.1WIIlf (Martin), B. A., Ymt. 1733.
Sabatier (Thomas), B.A., Ytm. 17SS.
Sabine (Joseph), B. A., .&t. 17S9.-M. A., .l&t. 179S'
Sacheverall (Thomas), B. A., Ymt. 17%+.
5 Sackville (Lord George), B. A., .&t. I 733.-M. A" At. 173+
Sadleir (Anthony), B. A., Vmt. IS29.
Sadleir (Franc), Sch., 179+-B. A., Ytm. 179S.-Fellow, 1805.
-M. A., .&t. 180S:=--B. D., and D. D., .&t. ISJ3.
Badleir (Franc), B. A., .l&t., lL A., Hinn. IS6+.
Sadleir (Francis Ralph), B. A., Vma. IS30.-M. A., Nov. IS3%.B.D., and D. D., Vern. 1853.
10 Sadleir (Henry A.), B. A., Vem. ISn.-M. A., .l&t. IS+0.
Sadleir (Henry Atlantic), B. A., .l&t. IS3o.-M. A.,
Badleir (James), M. B., .l&t. IS+8.
Sadleir (Ralph), B. A., Ve,.,.. IS37.-M. A., y".,.. 18+0.-B. D.,
V".,.. 18SI.-D. D., Vem. IS5%'
Sadleir (Randal), B. A., Vern. IS%I.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
15 Sadleir (Richard), B. A., Vern. ISoo.
Sadleir (William Digby), Beh., IS%7.-B. A., Vtm. IS%9.-Fellow,
IS3+.-1L A., Vim. IS37.-B. D., and D. D., y".,.. IS4-+.
Sadler (Ralph), B. A., Vern. 1737.
Salamin (Sellm Myer), B. A., Hiem. I S65. - M. B., and M. Chir.,
Sale (Edward), B. A., .l&t. 1716. -M. A., .&t. 1719.- LL. B.,
At. 17%3-LL.D.,.I&t. 17%7'
%0 Sale (John), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded). - LL. H., .&t.
Salkeld (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1773.
Sall (Andrew), D. D. (ad ennd. Oxon.), NfIfJ. 16, 167+.
Salmon (George), Beh., IS37.-B. A., Ymt. 1839.-Fellow, IS+I.
-11. A., Vmt. 18++-B. D., and D. D., At. ISS9.
Salter (Bartholomew), B. A., V".,.. 177.
%5 Salter (Samuel), B. A., Hay I, 165+.





Sample, or Semple (Gerard, or Jervaia), Soh., 1709.-B. A.., r ...

17 11
Sampson (Arthur), 8ch., 175t.-B. A., r ... 1754Sampson (Edward), Soh., 1706.-B. A., V"... 1707.-lLA., V"...
17 10
Sampson (Francia Comeliua), B. A., V"... 1818. -K. B., V."..
18 33.
S SamptlOn (George), B. A., V"... 178+.
SamptlOn (George), Soh., 1814--B. A., r .... 1819Sampson (John), B. A., V".,.. 1703.
Samp80ll (John), B.A., &t. 1819.
Sampaon (Michael), Sch., IS04--B. A., At. 1807.-lL A., A?t.
10 Sampaon (Michael), B.A., V".,.. 172Z.-lLA.. V.... 17z6.
Sampson (William), Soh., I 768.-B. A., V"... 1769Samuels (Arthur), B. A.., V".,.. 18+8.
Samuels (John), B. A., LElt. IS+8.
Sanagan (Iaaao), B. A., Vma. 17ZI.-K. A., V"...17z5.
J S Sandela (Thomu), B. A., At. 18+z.
Sanders (Francis Alexander), B. A., V.... 1840.
Sanders (Tbomu), B. A., Vme. I 83S.-X. A.., V.... IS",I.-LI.. B.,
and LL. D., V".,.. 18H.
Sanders (William), B. A., AI. IS34SanderBOn (Francia), Sch., 1757.-B. A.., V.... 1759.-K. A..,
At. 176z.
20 Sande! (FaUkiner Chute), B. A.., V"... IS37.-1I.A., ..l&t. 1865.
Sandee (Fitz Maurice), B. A., V"... 1812.
Sandes (Francis), B. A.,
Bandcs (George), B. A.., LElt. l77z.
Sandes (Henry), B. A., At. 1732.
25 Sandcs (Hcnry L.), B. A., Vme. 1835.
Sandes (lIaurice), B. A., LElt. 1828.
Sandes (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18#.
Sandes (Samuel Dickaon), B. A., LEIt. IS.-1f.A., V"... 18so.
Sandes (Stephen Creagh), Sch., I 797.-B. A.,.Al6L 1799--Pellow,
IS07.-lI. A.., At. 1807.-B. D., At. 1816.-D. D., &to
30 Sandee (Thomu), B. A., Vim. 1792.
Sandes (Thomu). B. A., V".,.. 182+










Sandas (Thomas William), B. A., Vern. 1825.

Sandes (William), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Sandea (William), B. A., LEst. 1821.
Sandes (William), B. A., ..lEd. 1823.
Sandes (William Stepben), B. A., ..lE8t. 1841.-M. A., Vern. 1865.
andford (Edward), B.A.., JElt. 1832.
Sandford (George), B. A., Vern. l7u.-Y. A., ..lE8t. 172+
Sandford (Henry), LL. D. (,p~ciali gratid), March 10, 1718.
Sandford (Samuel), B. A., V6f'1I. 1832.
Sandford (Thomas), B. A., .jEIl. 1792.
Sandford (Thomas), B. A., V6f'1I.1834'
Sandford (Warren), B. A., V6f'1I. 1734.-M. A., LEst. 1737.-B. D.,
..lE&t. 1755.
Sandford (William), B. A., Vern. 177+
Sandford (William), B. A., Vern. 184z.-M. A., Vern. 1859.
Sandiford (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1775 .-}{. A., ..lE8t. 1791.
Sandiford (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1768.-M. A., Vem. 1795.
Sandiford (James), B. A., Vern. 1796.-M. A., ..lE~t. 1818.
Sandiford (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1763.
Sandoz (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Sandwith (Henry), B.A., Vern. 1842.
Sandys (Abraham), Sch., IH2.-B. A" V6f'1I. 17+f..-M. A., ..lE&t.
Sandya (Abraham), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Sandya (Edwin), B. A., V"n. 1807.
Sandya (Francia Robert), Sch., 1813.-B. A., LEst. 1815.-M. A.,
..lE&L 1845.
Sandys (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1 779.-M. A., Vern. 1810.
Sandya (Michael), Sch., 1737.-B. A., Vma. 1738.
Bandya (Michael), Sch., 1 767.-B. A., Vwn. I 769.-M. A., LE.t.
177 2
Sandya (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1777.-M. A., "Vern. 1792.
Sandya (Richard), Sch., 179S.-B.A., Vern. 1797.
Sandrs (Robert), B. A., ..lE8t. 18IS.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Sandya (William Robert), B. A., ..lE8t. 1812.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Sangar (Benjamin Cox), B. A., Vern. I 838.-lL A., ..lEd 18.p.
Sankey (James), B. A' I Vwn. 1700.
Sankey (John), Sch., 1813.-B. A., Vma. 1815.
Sankey (Matthew), B. A., V"..., 1807.



SlIDkcy (Matthew Henry), B. A.., Vern. 18+5'

Bankey (Sneyd), B. A., h:lt. I SI %.
Sankey (William), B. A., Vern. ISIO.-Y. A., h:lt. 181+
Sankey (William), B. A., Vena. 184+'
5 Sargent (John), Sch., I 79S.-B. A.., Vena. 17C)6.
Sargcnt (John Paync), B. A.., Vena. IS%5.-M. A., V".,.. 183%.
Sargent (Richard Strong). B. A.., Vem. 18z9.-M. B., At. 1831.
Sargent (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1809.
Sargent (William), B. A., LElt. ISH.
10 Sargent (William), B. A., Hiem. IS61.
Sargent (William Albert), Sch., 1861.-B. A., Vem. 186z.
Sargint (John), B. A., Vtrn. lS4+'
Sargint (Richard), B. A., Vwn. I 84z.-M. B., Vem. 18+8.
Sarsfield (Dominick), B. A., h:lt. 181 S.
IS Sarsfield (Thomas), B.A.., L&t. 1816.
Saul (Edward), B. A., .LEst. 18++.-M. A., LElt. 185+
Saul (Henry), B. A., Fern. IS+6.
Saul (William Beamish), B. A., Hum. IS65.
Saunders, or SlIDdcrs (Arthur), Sch., 17H.-B. A.., Vern. 1755.lL B., and M. D., L&t. 1769.
zo Saunders (Charles), B. A., ..l&t. IS31.
Saunders (Francis), B. A., May 4, 16SS.-Fell., 1656.-M. A.,
16 59.
Saunders (James), B. A., Vern. 17+6.
Saunders (James Thomas Conolly), B.A., LElt. IS20.-M. A., .2\~0f'.
Saunders (Maurice or Marley), (Entered 16g1, B. A., not recorded).-LL. B., .lEst. I 69+-LL. D., Vent. 1700.
25 Saunders (Morley Benjamin), B. A., Vtrn. ISS4.-M. A., Vern.
Saunders (Owen), B. A., .lEst. 1789.-Y. A., .lEst. 179%.
Saunders (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Saunders (William), B. A., ..lEst. 1773.
Saunders (William), B. A., ..l&t. 183).
30 Saunderson (Francis), B. A.., .LEst. ISoS.-Y.A., V".,.. ISI9.
Saunderson (Francis), B. A., .lEst. 1810.
Saunderson (James), B. A., ..lEst. 178+.
Saunderson (Joseph), B. A., Vent. IS3+
Saunderson (Robert), B. A.., Vim. 178S.-Y. A., Ver,.. IS09.









Saunderson, or Sanderson (William), B. A., V~rn., H. B., &t.

I 839.-M. A., ..I.&t. 186u.
Saurin (James), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Saurin (1ames), Sch., I 777.-B. A., V".,.. 1779.-lf. A., At.t.
1782.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1820.
Sanrin (James), B. A., ..I.&t. 1806.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Saurin (James), B. A., Vern. IS20.-H. A., .lEBt. IS22.
Saurin (Lewis), B. A., &t. [SI3.
Saurin (Lewis), B. A., At.t. IS2S.
Saurin (Mark), B. A., .2EIt. [S35'
Saurin (Mark Anthony), B. A., At.t. IS13.
Saurin (William), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Sause (1ohn), B. A., .2EIt. ISIS.
Sause (Matthew), B. A., At.t. ISz5.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Sause (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1820.
Savage (Andrew L.), B. A., LEst. 1844.
Savage (Charles), B. A., V".,.. I7So.
Savage (Christopher), B. A., Vern. IS35.
Savage (Francis), B. A., Vern. 173S.
Savage (Francis), B. A., Vern. IS22.
Savage (George), B. A., May 4, 16SS.
Savage (George), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Savage (Henry), B. A., At.t. 1624.
Savage (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 17So.
Savage (Henry), B. A., VIn. J793.
Savage (John), B. A., Vern. 171+
Savage (Marmion), Sch., 1822.-B. A., V,m. 1824.
Savage (Patrick), B. A., At.t. 16zo.-M.A., LEst. 1623.
Savage (William). B. A., Vern. 1759.
Savage (William), Sch., 1831.-B. A., .2EIt. IS3+
Savage (William Brownlow), B. A., At.t. 1810.-H. A., Vlrn.
181 7.
Savel (Daniel), B. A., Vwn. 169S.-H. A., At.t. 1698.
Savill (George), B. A., .2EIt. 1729.
Sayers (Arthnr), B. A., Vern. 1723.
Sayers (Edward), Sch., 16So.-B. A., Vern. 16S3.-FelL, 16S6.H. A., .2EIt. 1686.-B. D., and D. D . At.t. 1709.
Sayers (George Bridges), B. A' I Vern. 1853.
Sayers (Henry), B. A., Vern. J851.-M: A., Vern. 1857.




Bayet'll (Johnston Bridges), B. A., y".,.. 1847.-LL B.. and LL. D.,
.2&t. 1856.
Sayera (Robert), B. A., Vms. ISSI.
Sayers (William), B. A., Vms. IS49Scanlan (Charles), B. A., A:Bt. 17So.
5 Scanlan (John), B.A., .2&t. ISI+-H.A., NIJiI. ISp.
Scanlan (William), B. A., Yen,. ISZZ.
Scanlon (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., Yem. 1716.
Scannell (William), B. A., Yw,.. IS32.
Scardevile (Henry), B. A., Vern. I 677.-H. A" .2&t. 1680.
10 Scarlett (Richard), B.A., .&t. 1831.
Scarlett (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1781.
Schoal88 (Clement Archer), B. A., Vms. I 829.-lL A., NfIf? 1831.
Schoalce (George), B. A., VtINI. 1836.
Schoales (John), Sch., 1788.-B. A., Vern. 1790.
15 Schoalee (John Whitelaw), B. A., Vms. 1845.
Schoalee (Peter), B. A., .2&t. 1843.
8chol1ield (Nicholas), Sch., 1707.-B. A., Vern. 1708.-H. A.,
.2&t. 1711.
Schomberg (George), B.A., NOfJ. II, 1,88.-H. A' I 17".,.. 1796.
School (Michael), Sch., 177 I.-B. A' I Vms. 1773.-LL. B., V".II.
'77 8 .
ao Scott (Alexander), Sch., 1741.-B. A., YINI. 1743.-M. A., mi.
Soott (Alexander), B. A., YINI. 1773.
Scott (Barlow), B. A., Vern. 17zz.
Scott (David H.), B. A., Vern. 1847'
Scott (Edward), B. A' I .2&t. 1819.
2S Boott (Edward), B. A., Hi4n1. 1860.
Scott (Edward Barton), B. A., Yem.. 1847.
Scott {Edward William), B. A., Yern. 1848.
Scott (Francis John), B. A., Yern. IS49.-M:. A., Vern. 1851.
Scott (Franois Hontgomery), B. A., Vern. 1859.-1[. A' I V"..
186 3.
30 Soott (Frederick William), B. A., .2&t. ISH.
Scott (George), B. A., Vern. 181 I.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Scott (George), B. A., .&t. 18sz.-H. A., Ymt. 1858.
Scott (Henry), B. A" .2E8t. 1783.
Scott (Henry), Sch., ISJ).-B. ..:\., YtINI.IS'7.



Scott (Henry), B.A., V".,.. r8Z2.-1I. A., NOI). rS,z.

Scott (Henry), B. A., Vtr1I. 18+1.
Scott (Horatio), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Scott (James), Sch., 1785.-8. A., y".,.. 1787.
5 Scott (James Bedell), B. A.., Vern. 18soo-Y. Ao, Yen. 1858.
Scott (James Edward), B.A., V""'o 183+.
Scott (James Edward), B. A., Y".,.. 18+s.-M. B., Yem. 18+7.M. D., V".,.. 185+.
Scott (James George), B. A., Yem. 18so.-1L Ao, Hiea 1860.
Scott (James Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
10 Scott (James Leslie Montgomery), B. A., Yern. 1819.-1[. A.,
NOfJ. 1832.

Scott (James Riohard), B. A., ..l&t. 186).

Scott (James Rowland), Bo A., Y.".n. 18)7.
Scott (James Smith), B. A., AIlt. 1801.-M. A., N(JfI. IS3a.
Scott (John), B. A., Yem. 1698.
IS Scott (John), Sch., 17s8.-B. A., V,m. 1760.
Scott (John), LL. D. (honor., ClJUlct), Vern. 1775.
Scott (John), B. A., ..I&t. 1781.
Scott (John), B.A., Vern. 1831.
Scott (John), B. A., ..I&t. 1839.
10 Scott (John), B. D., Yem. 18+1.
Scott (John), B. A., Ye,.,.. 18#.
Scott (John Beather), B.A., Yem.1789.
Scott (John Handoock), B. A., ~. ISz9.-M. A., NOfl. 1831.
Scott (John Middleton), B. A., ..I&t. 1801.
15 Scott (John Middleton), B. A., ./Elt. 181+
Scott (John Middleton), B. A., Diem. 186a.
Scott (John Robert), Sch., 176S.-B. A., V.".". I 7670-LL. B.,

Yem. 17~'
Scott (John Robert), LL. B., ..I&t. 1771.
Scott (John Robert), M. A., ..I&t. 1"775.-B. D., ..I&t. 1779.
30 Scott (John Walter), B. A., Vern. 18)1.-M. A., ..lEft. 1856.
Scott (JO&), (Entrance, and B. A' I not recorded).-Fellow, 16S+Scott (Richard), Sch., 1780.-B. A., Yem. 1781.-M. A., Vert,_
Scott (Richard), B. A., Yem. 1811.
Scott (Richard Leslie), B. A., ..lEd. 18H.
35 Scott (Robert), B. A., Ye,.,.. 181l.-M.A., At. 186).



Scott (Robert Henry), Sch., 1853. -B. A., P'ma. 1856. -ll. A.,

Scott (Robert William Anderson), B. A., Vma. 18S6.

Scott (Samual), B. A' I AUt. 186 I
Scott (Thomas), B. A., P'ma. 1763.
S Scott (Thomas), B. A., At. 1787.
Scott (Thomas), B. A., V,",. 18z7.-11. A., N"". 1832.
Scott (Thomas), B. A... YIr,.. 1842.
Scott (Thomas Lucae), B. A.., ~,.,., I 857.-11. A., V,",. 1862.
Scott (Trevor), B. A., Ym. I 768.-11. A., Yma. 1771.
10 Scott (Walter Henry), B. A" ~".. 186+
Scott (William), B. A.., Yma. 1727.
Scott (William), B. A.., y.".,.. 1799.
Scott (William), B. A., LEst. 1801.
Scott (William). B. A., ~~t. 1807.-11. A., N"". 1832.
IS Scott (William), B. A., Yflr,.. 18og.-ll. A., No~. 1832.
Scott (William, B. A., Vern. 1832.
Scott (William), B. A., At. 18so.
Scott (William), B.A., Vma. 18S7.
Scott (William Armstrong). B. A., .Al.t. 1844.-11. A., ~t. 1856.
20 Scott (William Richard), B. A., P'.".,.. 1848.
Scovell (Whitmore), B. A., AUt. 1846.
8cragge (Matthew), Sch., 1803.-B. A., LElt. 180S.
8criven (John Barclay), B. A'I V",., 1837.
Scriven (John Enraght), B. A.., YIr,.. 18H.
25 Scriven (Joseph), B. A., V..... 1842.
Scriven (William Barclay Browne), B. A., y.".,.. 1840. - l [ . B.,
Yem. 1842.
Scroggs (Benedict), Sch., 167S.-B. A., y.".,.. I677.-11. A., at.
1680.-Fellow, 1682.-B. D., YIr,.. I 687.-D. D., .2Eat. I6gZ.
Scroggs (Charles), Sch., 1681. - B. A., Yena. 1682.-lL A" ~t.
168 5.
Scully (John), B. A., VITI. 1830.
30 Seale (198.IIc), B. A., Y1m. 1848.
Sealy (Armiger), B. A., y.".,., 1786.
Sealy (Baldwin), B. A., At. 1827.
Sealy (George), B. A., Vim. 1178.-M. A., V.".,.. I 78J.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., y.".,.. 1791.
Sealy (Geol'gf\), B. A., Vern. 1820.



Sealy (James), B. A., AI. ISI7.

Sealy (John), B. A., Vent. IS26.
Sealy (Jonas Morris), B. A., .2EIt. ISO+.
Sealy (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1779.
5 Sealy (Robert Winthrop Baldwin), B. A., Vent. IS63.
Seamer (Arthur), B. A.., Fum. IS61.
Seaver (Charles), B. A., Vwn. '779.
Seaver (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Seaver (Jeremiah), B. A., Oct. 22, '751.
'0 Secretan (Samuel), B. A., Vwn. 1853.
Sedgwick (Adam), LL. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), Aug. 1+, 18.H.
Sedgwick (John Edward), B. A., Vern. 18SZ.-M. A., V".,.. ,S55.
Sedgwick (Ralph), B. A., Vern. 1705.
Seed (John), B. A.., .Atd. 1731.
15 Seele (Thomas), (Entrance and B. A. not recorded). - M. A., .2EIt.
I 633.-Fellow, 163+-Provoet, 1661.-B. D., and D. D., Jan.
26, 166,.
Seely (Nesbitt), Sch., 1759.-B. A., V".,.. 1760
. Segrave (Henry R.), B. A., Vent. IS28.
Segrave (Patrick), B. A., V".,.. IS39.
Segrave (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1839.
20 Sellors (John L., or John Michael), B. A Vent. IS4+. - M. B.,
Semple (Charles William), B. A., Vent. ,8SS.
Semple (Edward), B. A., &t. 1817.-M. A., Nop. IS32.
Semple (James), B.A., Vern. , 827-M. A., Bop. IS32.
Semple (John George), B. A., Hiem. 1860.
25 8elss (Albert-Maximilian), N. F. Sch., 1857.-B. A., Vir". ,859.
-M. A.., V",.. IS62.
Senior (Bartholomew), B. A.., V",.. 1777.
Sergeant (Daniel), B. A., V".,.. 16S7.-lrf. A., V",.. 1691.
Serjeant, or Sergeant (John), Sch., , 7' 3 - B. A., V".,.. 17' 5.M.A., &t. 1718.
8e1jeant (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1735.-M. A., LElt. 173S.
30 SerIes (Richard), B. A. <,peciali gratid). Vent. 169S.
Sess (Robert), Scho, 1693.-B. A., Vem. 1~5.-M. A.,LElt. 1699.
D. D., .LEd. 1711.
Seton (Gorges Alexander), B. A' I V".,.. IS2S.-lL A., NOP. IS32.
Seward (Henry Osborne), B. A., Vern. IS+5.



8~pl .. ,


or Scmplll (Ucrvd, or Jl'"ais~, Sch., 1709-B. A.. , _

17 11

!\am1"IO}D (Arthur), Sch., 17St.-B. A., J"".., 17S4t'4rnP""D (&lW'ard), t'ch., 1706.-8. A., ,.".., 1707.-)(...L.

r ...

17 10

(Fr:m, i.t CorncliUJ). B. A., ,..".., Ib8. -)(. B., ,......

IS 33.
~.1mllllOD (G('()r~I'\

B. A., J"t'NI. 17S4-

8."\m\,,,oD (it"'l""~""\ fkh., 1814--B. A.. J"..... 1819-

Sanll'''''D (John), B. A., J",,.,.. 170).

S:lmp""D (J"'Jn~.


B. A., .if;.,. ISI9.


&:h., ISo+-B. A., &I. 1807.-)(. A., .A'..t.


S:lml'~D (Michael), B. A.,

17J1.-lL A., r.... 1716Nllll'!l<,D (Willi.lOl). &-h., li 6S. -11. A., P'"... 17~
Bamut'! .. (.bthur), 8. A.. ,""pt. 18.8.
Samu..t~ ;J"hn), B. A.,
18.. S.
~;anu~:m ,1<:1."\t'), B. A.. , ..(,.,.. 17 1 1.-)(. A., y"., 171S.
IS .-all,I..!. (Thom3ll). B. A., &1. 18.. a.
~I\O.Jt.TII (t'r;ult'i. AlcXJUld"r), B, A., ,.."... 1840SunIl'TII (Thom:\.~\ 8. A.. J",,.,.. IS3S.-)(. A., y"., IS4-.-LL 8.,



and LL. D.. J'tN!. 18H.

ftanolt'TII (William), B. A. .A'ilt. 1834Saud"TII"n (Frnnci~), S~h., 17S7.-B. A., J"mL 1759.-)(. A.,
A-.'At. 1761.
10 ~an(l('8 (Fulkint'r Chut('), B. A.. J"".,.. 18n.-1I.A..,4'..I. 1865.
S,mcll'8 (Fiu Maurice), B. A.. J"..,.,.. ISU.
Sl1l1<it's (Frnnris}. B. A' I
Snndell (Gcorgt'), B. A., .l&t. 1771.
!oIandl''' (Henry), B. A., 26t. '7)1.
%5 SanJ,es (Henry L.), B. A., rml. 1835.
Sandt's (Maunl'('). B.A., hI. 1818.
Randcs (Robert). B. A.,
Handc8 (Samuel Dickson). B. A.. .L&l. IS..-)(.A., P'.",.. 18S0.
SandC8 (S~ph('n Creagh), Sch., I 797.-B. A., .I&t. 1799--Fellow.
1807.-K. A., &1. 1807.-B. D., )R.t. 1816.-D. D. .&t.
30 Sandet! (Thomas), B. A., Vir,. 1791.
162 ....
Sandca (Thomas). B. A.,

r"" .





Shane (Sir Arthur, Bart.), LL. D. (AoMri. catud), .lEIt. 1709.

Shanley (Charles),. B. A., Vena. 1834Shanley (James). Sch., 1796.-B. A., Vma. 1798.
Shanley (Michael), B. A., and M. A., VI".n. 1863. -ll. B., V".,..


5 Shanly (Patrick), B. A., fern. '781.

Shanly (Robert), B. A., .Adt. 1789.
Shanly (William), B. A., Vern. 1827.
Shannon (Frederick), B. A., .JE.I. 1793.
Shannon (George Lidwell), B. A., Vern. 183+.-lI. A., .2&1. 18+3.
10 Shannon (James), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Shannon (John), B. A., Vwn. I 83+-lI. B., JEll. 1836.
Shannon (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1800.
Sharkey (Digby), B. A., V".,.. I 827.-lI. A., .2&t. 1833.
Sharkey (Edmund), Sch., 1827.-B. A., .2&t. 18z8.-~ B., .lEIt.
18 3 2
IS Sharkey (Ezekiel), Sch., i783.-B.A., V".,.. 178S.-11. A., Vena.
17 89.
Sharkey (John), Scb., 18+3.-B.A., Vmt. 18+5.-lI.A., V".,..

Sharkey (Lewis G.), B. A., Vena. 1839.
Sharkeyoo(Patrick), B. A., LElt. 1799.-K. A . LElI. 1801.-lL B.,
.AUt. 180z.
Sharkey (Richard Fortescue), B. A., V".,.. I 778.-LL. B., N ... I I,
17 88
zo Sharman (lohn Henry), B. A., .2&1. 1812.
Sharp (Alexander), 8cb., 1683.-B. A., V",., 168+
Sharp (William Thomaa), B. A., Fum. 1863'
Sharpe (Charles), Sch., 1660.-B. A.. AI. 166+
Sharpe (lohn), B. A., .At.t. 1623.
25 Sharpe (Peter), B. A., .2&t. 16z8.
Sharpe (Thomaa). Sch., 17oz.-B. A., V..... 170.f..-ltA., ..l&I.


Sharpe (William E. Thompeon), Sch., 18Sl.-B. A., Vir,.. 1857.

Shaw (Beresford William), B. A., Vms. 18+0Shaw (Bernard), B. A., .l&t. '79+.
35 Shaw (Charlee), B. A., ..l&t. 1837-K. A., AlII. 18+7.
Shaw (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1806.-M. B., y".,.. 1812.
Shaw (Eyre )(l1li1), B. A., V"... 18+8.-ll. A., V".,.. 18H.


Shaw (Fielding), Sch., 1679.-B. A., Vim. 168r.-H. A.,..I.

1684.-B. D., and D. D., .It. 1701.
8 haw (Fielding), B.A., Vim. 1709.-M. A., V,,.,.. 1713.
Shaw (Right Hon. Frederick), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), and Y. A.,
Not). 1831.-LL B., and LL. D., LEd. 1841.
Shaw (George), B. A., Vim. 1814.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
S Shaw (George), B. A., Vena. 18$4.
Shaw (George Augustus), B. A., .It. 1836.
Shaw (George Ferdinand), Sch., I 841.-B. A., Vn-n. J8#.-Fellow,
I 848.-Y. A., Vern., LL. B., and LL. D., .lEd. 1856.
Shaw (Henry), B. A., Vim. 175i.
Shaw (James), B. A. VWfI. 1831.
10 Shaw (John), B. A., Vm,. 1699.-(IL A. of Glattgow).
Shaw (John Hall), B.A., Him.. 1865'
Shaw (John M'Kenzie), B. A., VWfI. 1843.
Shaw (Matthew), B. A., Vn-n. 18H.
Shaw (Matthew James), B. A., V".,.. 1819.
IS Shaw (Merrick), B.A., Vim. 1714.-H. A., At. 1717.
Shaw (Richard), B. A., VWfI. 1731.
Shaw (Robert), B. A., Vma. 167....
Shaw (Robert), LL. D. ('P"iali "..tid), At. 1719,
Shaw (Robert), Sch., I 765.-B. A., Vma. 1767.

20 Shaw (Robert), B. A. Vma. 1790.-lLA., Vena. 1819.

Shaw (Robert), B.A., At. 1791.-H. A., NOfJ. 1831.
Shaw (Robert). B.A., At. 1816_M.A., Nov. 1832.
Shaw (Robert), B. A., At. I 843.-M. A., .It. 18+7.
Shaw (Robert), B. A., Vma. 18H.
25 Shaw (Robert James), B. A., At. 1861.
Shaw (Samnel), B. A., Ae. 1691.
Shaw (Theophilus), Boh 1751.-B. A., Vim. 17S3.-M., A.., YM"II.

Shaw (Thomas), B. A., .iE8t. 1805.
Shaw (Thomas), B. A., VWfI. I 830.-H. A., NOfJ. 1832.
30 Shaw (Thomas Slemmon), B. A., Vma. 1839-lLA., Vn"N. 18+4Shaw (Wilkinson), B. A.. Vern. 1858.
Shaw (William), B.A., Vma. 1681.
Shaw (William), B. A., At. 1817.
Bhawe (Edward), B.A., Vma. 1850.
35 Shawe (James), B. A Vmt. 181+.



Shawe (Robert), Sch., 1717.-B. A., Vern. 1719.-Fell., 17zz.M. A., LEst. 1722.-B. D., Vern. 173o.-D. D., LE4t. 1734.
Shawe (William), B. A., V8rn. 1751.
Shea (Edward Leathley), B. A., Vern. 1863.
Shea (Robert Francis Jones), B. A., Vern. 1839.-M.A., .2&t. 1842.
5 Shea (John), B. A., .2&t. 1825.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Shea (Lucas), B. A., Vern. 183+
Shea (Thomas William), B. A., Vern. 1837.-M. B., Vern. 184.M. D., Hima. 1859.
Sheahan (Timothy), B. A., Vern. 1841.-M. A., Vern. 1851.
Sheal (Eugene), B. A., Vern. 1723.
10 Shearer (Alexander), B.A., At. 1791.
Sheares (John), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Shears (Christopher), B. A . Vern. 1684.
Shee (James), B. A., Vern. 1827.
Shee(John), B.A., V/If'n. 1819.
J 5 Sheers (Henry). B. A., Vern. 1748.
Sheffield (John), B. A., Vern. 1830.-M. A . LEst. 183+
Shegog (John). B. A., Vern. 1826.
Shegog (William H.), B. A., VIIrn. 1836.
Sheil (David), B. A., Vern. 1733.
%0 Sheil (James), LL. B. (ad eund. Oxon.), &t. 1749.-LL. D., Sept.
9, 1768.
Sheil (James), B. A., &t. 1809.
Sheil (John), B. A., &t. I 85J.-M. B., Vern. 1856.
Sheil (Osborne), Sch., 175%.-B. A., Vern. 1754.-LL. B., Perno
1758.-LL.D., Vern. 1768.
Sheil (Owen), M. A., &t. 1748.
%5 Sheil (Richard Lalor), B. A., and M.A., Not). 1831.
Sheill (James), B.A., .2&t. 1848.
Sheill (Robert), B. A., &t. 1848.
Sheill (Thomas), B. A., Ven. 1848.-M.A., Vern. J850.
Sheill (William James), B. A., Vern. 185I.-M. B., LE.t. 1851.
30 Sheils (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1766.
Sheils (John), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Sheils (Philip), Sch., I 755.-B. A., Vern. 1757.-M..A., .st. 1760.
Shekelton (Joseph Finlay), B. A., Vern. 184%' - M. B., JE~t.
Shekelton (Robert William), Sch., 18H.-B. A., Vertl. J 8+6.



Shelton (Goorge Augustus Frederick), B. A" Vma" 1I. B., .rt.

18 4 2
Sheperd (John), B. A., Vmt. 18S3.-1I. A., Vern. 18,6.
Shepherd (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. I 773.-M. A., Ai:st. 1807
Sheppard (Anthony), LL. D. (AollO"'" call1d), .bAt. 1709
5 Sheppard (Anthony), B. A., V".,.. 1720.-M. A., ..E6t. 17 2 3.
Sheppard (Henry Drought), B. A., VtrIt. 18n.-Y. A., ftrtl
Sheppard (John), B. A., Vern. 1683.-Sch., I 684.-){. A., .i.
Sheppard (Samuel), Sch., IJZ2.-B. A., &1. I 724.-M. A., ..;1
17 27.
Sheppard (Thomas), B. A., V".,., 1835.
10 Sheppard (William), B. A., Vem. 1833.
Sheppy (Waterhouse), Sch., 1718.-B. A., V.".,.. 1720.
Shera (Henry M'Effer), B. A., VIJrft. 1850.-1. A., Vern. 18 i3
Shera (William Joseph), B. A., VM'R. 1850.-1. A., ..EIt. 185+'
Sheridan (Anthony), Soh., 1708.-B. A., V".,.. 1709.
I S Sheridan (Henry), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-LL. B.
NOf). 20, 1666.
Sheridan (James), Sch., I 730.-B. A., rlJrn. 173I.-M. A., "".
Sheridan (John), Soh., 1712.-B. A., Vern. 1713.
Sheridan (Patriok), Fellow, 1660.-B. D., V".,.. 166S.
Sheridan (Thomas), B. A., ..-Eft. 166+-Fellow, 1667.
20 Sherid.m (Thomas), B. A., VIJrn. 1711. -1. A., .bAt. 17 I+.-B. D.
.,t. 17z4.-D. D., .2&t. 1726.
Sheridan (Thomas), Sch., 1738.-B. A., Vmt. 1739.
Sheridan (William), (Entered 16)2).-D. D., ..tE&t. 1682.
Sherland (William), Soh., I 670'-B. A., Jan. 29, 1673.
Sherlock (David), Sch., 1721.-B. A., VIJrfI. I 722.-M. A., ...<!

25 Sherlock (David), B. A., .3t. 18J+.-M. A., ..tEIt. 1865.

Sherlock (Edward), B. A., .2E8t. 1796.
Sherlock (Ephraim Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1864.
Sherlock (Harold H.), B. A., VIJrn. I 83S.-M. A., Vern. 1838.
Sherlock (Henry), B. A., VIJrfI. 1863.
30 Sherlock (John), B. A., Vern. 1757.
Sherlook (Jonathan Wigmor~), B.A., V"n. 1850'



Sherlock (Martin), Sch., I 767.-B. A., VM"n. q6S.-11. A., Vem.

Sherlock (Thomas T.), B. A., Vern. ISp.
Sherlock (William), Sch., IS02.-B. A., At. ISO+.
Sherlock (William), B. A., Hi~m. IS59.
5 Sherrard (George), B. A., Vern. IS41.
Sherrard (Hugh), Sch., IS+6.-B. A., Vern. IS+9.-M. A., le,n.
Sherrard (James), B. A., Vern. }S3'.
Sherrard (Ralph), B. A., At. 1674.
Sherrard (William Nassau), B. A., V~rn. IS2S.-'-M. A., Nov. 1832.
10 Sherrard (William Nassau), B. A., At. IS2S.
Sherrin (Eugene), B. A., Vern. 1799.
Shervington (William), Sch., 17IO.-B. A., VM"n. q 12.
Sherwin (Ambrose), B. A., Vern. IS30.
Shewbridge (George Lewi8), Scb., q66.-B. A., Vern. 176S.Fellow, I 770'-Y' A., At. I 77 I.
15 Shewbridge(William), B. A., Vern. J733.-1I. A.,.:!Eat. J736.
Shewbridge (William), D. D. (Bpeciali gratia), .At. 1774.
Shewell (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1726.
Shewell (John), B. A., Vern. 1741.
Shewell, or Sewell (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1740. -M. A., .2&t.
zo Shiel (Thomas Weldridge), B. A., Vern. "S5'
Shields (Hugh Henry), B. A., Vern. J7S5.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
.2&t. IS06.
Shields (Wentworth), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Shields (William), B. A., At. 1821.-Y. A., Nov. IS32.
Shillington (Henry), B. A., lliem. IS63.
25 Shire (Loftus Theophilus), B. A., .At. IS+5.-Y. A., LE,t. IS63.
Shirley (John), Sch., 1676. - B. A., Vern. 16,S. - Y. A., LE,t.
Shirley (Walter), B. A., V~rn. q91.
Shirreff (Tbomas), B. A' I LEat. 17So.
Shone (John Allen), Sch., IS3+-B. A" Vern. 1837.
30 Shone (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1843.-1I. A., ~Bt. 1857'
Shore (John), B. A., ./Ell. 1638.
Shore (Thomas Robert), B. A., Vern. 1821.-ll. A., V"n. 182+.B. D., LEd. 1832.



Shore (Thomaa Teignmouth), B. A., Ett".. 186 . - M. A., V"II.

Short (Francia), B. A., ....BIt. 18IS.-M. A., NOfI. 183z.
Short (John), B. A., Vern. 181).-M. A., .IEIt. 1819.
Short (John), B. A., Vmt. 18H.
5 Short (Montague Lever), n. A., Vet' ... 1810.-Y. A., ..tEll. 181+.
Short (Riohard Whattley), B. A., VII"", 1858.
Short (William), B. A., V". ... 1796.
Shortall (Leo), B. A., &t. 16u.
Shortt (Edward), B. A., V".,.. 185+.-Y. A., LE.t. 1857.
JO Shortt (James),. B. A., Vw ... J8z6.
Shortt (John), B. A., Fum. 1860.
Shortt (Jonathan), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.
Shuddall (Franoia), B. A., Vlrn. J71).-M. A., .&t . 716.
Shuldham (Edward Barton), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Ve,.,.., Y. B.,
and M. D., &t. 1866.
IS Sibbald(William), B.A., V6r"'1717-Y.A.,.iElt. J720.
Sibson (Franois), B. A., .2EIt. 180+ .
Sibthorp (Robert), B. A., Vern. 174+.
Sibthorpe (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. J8~1.-Y. A., and M. B., Vcrl!,

Sican(John), Soh., 1731.-B.A., Vllrn. 1733-M. B.,


:0 Sidemore (Samuel), M. D. (ad eund.), &t. 166+.
Sidley (Henry B.), B. A., Vwn. 185z.
Sidney (Frederick John), B. A., ./Elt. 18)8.-M. A., ..t. 18+:1.LL. B., and LL.D., V~rn. 18so.
Sidney (Richard Fallon), B. A., Vern. 1843.
Sillery (Anthony), B. A., Vllrn. 18zo.-M. A., Vllrft. 1826.
2 S Silleto (Edward), n. A., .2&t. 18)0.
Silleto (Robert), B. A., Vern. 179+.
Sillito (William), Sch., I 779.-B. A., LEd. 1781.
Sillito (William W.), Sch., 1818.-B. A., V,rn. 18u.
Simoooks (John), B. A., Vern. 1798.
30 Simcocks (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1817.
Simkins (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 1809.
SimJUS, or Syme8 (Abraham), D. D., Ve,.,.. 1762.
Simons (William Henry), B. A., Vern. 18.p.
Simp80n (Benjamin), B. A., T"fl"1l. 1851.








Simpson (David Skimmin), B. A., Ver. 1816.

Simpson (George), B. A., Vim. 1832.-Y. A., Vern. 18+0.
Simpson (James William S.), B. A., V,m. 18+7. - Y. A., V,rn.
18 5 1
Simpson (John), B. A., Vim. 1798.
Simpson (John), B. A., Vim. 181+.
Simpson (John), B. A., Vim. 1833.
Simpson (John F.), B. A., Vim. 18+7.
Simpson (Maxwell), B.A., Vent. I 837.-H. B., At. 18+7.
Simpson (Maxwell), M.D. (Aonorai CIIUI!!), Diem. 186+.
Simpson (Robert), B. A., VIWft. 1815.
Simpson (Robert James), B. A., Vern. 1853:-M. A., At. 1856.
Simpson (Samuel), B. A., .AIlt. 18z7.-M. A., NOI}. 1832.
Simpson (Veitch), B. A., VI".,'. 1788.
Simpson (William), B. A., Vern. 18! o.-H. A., NOP. 1832.
Simpson (William), B.A., Vim. 18SI.-M.A. Vern. 185+.
Sinclair (Edward), B. A., VIWft. 1807.
Siuclair (Edward Burrowes), B. A., V".,.. 18+7. -M. A., .JEd.
18S9.-M. B., and M. D., At. 1861.
Sinclair (James), B.A., VIWft. 1789.
Sinclair (James Montgomery), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
!)inclair (Richard), B. A., V8f'1I. 1809.
Sinclair (Robert Sharpe), Sch., 18++.-B. A., Vim. 1847.-Y. A.,
. .l&t. 18SZ.-LL. D., Vern. 1863.
Sing (Francis), LL. D., 1kc. +, 1665.
Singer (James Henderson), B. A., ~8t. 1827.-M. B., Vim. 183+'
Singer (Joseph Henderson), B. A., ./Eat. 1806. - Fellow, 1810.M. A., VIWft. 1811.-B. D., and D. D., Vim. 1825.
Singer (Paulus ...Emiliua), Sch., 18n.-B. A., VIWft. 18SS,-M. A.,
./Eat. 1858.
Singleton (Edward), B. A., ./Eat. 1821.
Singleton (Henry), B. A., VIWft. 1703.
Singleton (Hugh), B. A., AlIt. 1818.
Singleton (John), Sch., .698. - B. A., Vern. qOI.-M. A., ./Eat.
170 +.
Singleton (John), Sch., 1731.-B.A., Vim. 1733.-M.A., Ai,e.
Singleton (Rowland), Sch., 1692. - B. A., Vtr ... 1693. -:oM:. A' I
.JEd. 1696.








Skinner (Alfred), B. A., Vern. 1856.

Skippon (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1710.
Skipton (Alexander), Sch., 1733. - B. A., Vern. 1735. - Y. A.,
LEat. 1739.
Skipton (James), B. A., Vern. 18so.-M. A., Vern. 1853.
Skipton (Thomas), n. A., Vern. 1705.-M. A., LEat. 1708.
Skipton (William), B. A., V",. 185+'
Skottowe (St. John), B. A., Vern. 1795. - M. B., ~,t. 1799.M. D., ,t. 1805.
Slacke (Thomas Launcelot), B. A., Vern. 18SS. - M. A., LEtt.
18 59.
Slacke (William'James), B. A., Vern. 1842.-M. A., LEat. 1859.
Slacke (William Randal), B. A., Vern. 1832.
Sladden (John), B. A., VIIrn. 1 846.-M. A., Vern. 1849.
Slade (George), M. A' I LL B., and LL. D., 2EBt. 18p.
Slade (Samuel William), LL.D. (honoru causa), V/!rn. 1814.
Slator (James), B. A., Vern. 17H.-M. A., Vern. 17+9.
Slator (John), B. A., LEat. 1779.
Slatter (James), B. A., 2&t. 1830.
Slattery (James), N. F. Sch., 1859.-B. A., Vern. 1862. - M. A.,
Vern. 1866.
Slattery (Michael), B. A., .,t. 1804.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Slaughtery (Thomas), Sch., I 780.-B. A., Vern. 1782.
Sleator (Alexander), B. A., Vern. 1828.
Sleator (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18z4.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Sleator (John William), B. A., LEat. 1816.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Sleator (Matthew), Sch., 1 776.-B. A., Vern. I 778.-Y. A., ~,t.
17 81 .
Sleator (Nathaniel Robert), n. A., Vern. I 828.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Sleator (Richard Francis), B. A., Vern. 1808.-LL. B., Vern. 1818.
LL. D. LEat. 1820.
Sleator (Welbore Henry), B.A., Vern. 1828.-M.A., NOfJ. 1832.
Slemmon (Isaac W.), B. A., Vern. 18zz.-M. A., Vim. 18z7.
Slingsby (Arthur), B. A. (,peciali gratid), Vern. 1686.
Sloane (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1834.
Small (John William), B. A., Vern. 1827.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Small (Thomas), B. A., Vern: 18z6.-M. A., NOI). 1832.
Smallman (Richard Simon), B. A., Hiem. 1864. - M. B., LEat.


Smith (Edward John), B. A., Vern. 18SS.-V. A., rlr,.. 1864.

Smith (ForbeB), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Smith (Franc), B. A., V~rn. 1841.
Smith (Francis), B. A., LEat. 18SS.-V. A., At. IS5S,
Smith (FranciB William), B. A., Vern. 18zS.-1I. A., and M. B.,
.lEat. 1831.
Smith (Frederick), B. A., rer,.. 1834.
Smith (Frederick Robert), B. A., Vern. IS...6.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
Vern. 185+.
Smith, or Smyth (Furlong), B. A., Vern. 1799.
Smith (George), B. A.,
J 727.
Smith (George), Sch-, 17p.-B. A., Vern. 175+.-LL. B., Vir,..
Smith (George), LL. D. (lwnori' eQuId), Vern. 1760.
Smith (George), B. A., rlr,.. IS4%.
Smith (George), B.A., Vern. 1848.
Smith (George), B. A., rern. IS6z.
Smith (George Sidney), Sch., IS23.-B. A., Vir,.. 1825.-Fellow,
183l.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. IS40'
Smith (George Sidney), B. A., IIiem. 1863.
Smith (George Washington), Sch., 18Z1.-B. A., Vmt. ISz3.
Smith (George Washington), B. A., Vern. IS56.
Smith (Godfrey), B. A.. Vern. IS26.
Smith (Harry), B.A., rern. IS40.
Smith (Hart), Sch., 1719.-B. A., Vim. 17zr.-M. A., .lEst.
17 2+
Smith, or Smyth (Henry), Sch., qu.-B.A., Vim. 1714.
Smith (Henry), SOO., 172l.-B. A., Vern. 1723-M. A., &1.
Smith (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1726.
Smith (Henry), B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1760.
Smith (Henry), B. A., rern. IS36.-M. A., Vim. 18+8.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. IS57.
Smith (Henry), B. A., rlrn. IS5S,
Smith (Henry John), B. A., rern. IS31.-H. A., .2&t. IS3+.
Smith (Henry Scott), B. A., rern. IS53.-M. B., At. ISSS,
Smith (Henry Westenra), B. A., rlrn. IS39.-M. A., Vern. IS42.
Smith (JameB), B. A., Vern. 170+.-M. A., .lEst. 1707.
Smith (James), B. A' I
ISZI.-M. A., &t. IS39.












Smith (Pierce), B.A., LE8t. 18JI.

Smith (Ralph), B. A., Vwn. 171.7.-M. A., Vern. 1731.
Smith (Ralph), B. A., Vim. 1750.
Smith (Redman), B. A., V~rn. 171.6.
S Smith (Richard), B. A., V~rn. 171.0.
Smith (Richard), B. A., 2EBt. 1796.
Smith (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18z+.
Smith (Richard), B. A., LEst. 1835.
Smith (Richard), B. A., VII,.,.. 1838.
10 Smith (Richard Hor.), B. A., Vern. 18z6.
Smith (Richard Travers), Sch., 18p.-B. A., Vern. ISS3.-M. A.,
Vern. 1858.
Smith (Robert), Sch., 167o.-B.A., Vern. 167+.-M.A., &t.
Smith (Robert), B. A., LEst. 1801.
Smith (Robert), B. A., Vern. 181.3.-M. A., Not). 1831..
15 Smith (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Smith (Robert B.), B.A.; Vern. 18+7.
Smith (~obert Callwell), B. A., V~,.,.. 1857.
Smith (Robert Henry), B. A., Vern. 185o.-M. A., Vern. 1860.
Smith (Robert William), B. A., ..lEd. 181.8.-M.A., N0t7. 1831..1. D., ..lEat. J841..-M. Chir., 2EBt. 1859'
1.0 Smith (Roger), B. A., Vern. 1689.
Smith (St. George), B. A., ..tEst. 1839.
Smith (St.. George Williarft), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Smith (Stewart), B. A., Vern. 181.8.-M. A., N0t7. 1831..
Smith (Theodore), Sch., 1856.-B.A., Vern. 1858.
:z 5 Smith (Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). - Fellow,
Smith, or Smyth (Thomas), Sch., 1673. - B. A., Vllrn. 167+.Fellow, 1676.-M. A., ..l.&t. 1677.- D. D., ..lEat. 1691..- ViceChancellor of the University, 1714-.
Smith (Thomas), B. A., LEn. 1783.
Smith (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1788.-LL. B., Vern. 1791.
Smith (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1835.
30 Smith (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Smith (Thomas Berry Cuaack), B. A., ...tEIt. 1813. -Y. A., &l.
18 37.




Smith (Thomll8 St. Lawrence), B. A., V".,.. 1854. - M. A., Vmt.

18 59.
Smith (Vincent), B. A., Vma. 1834Smith (Walter), B. A., Jatl. 19, 1673.-lf .i.., .4U1. 1676.
Smith (William), B. A., At. J613.-lL A., AI. 1616.-Fel1ow,
161 7.
5 Smith (William), lL B., V".". 1688.-ll. D., Vern. 1692.
Smith (William), B. A., Fern. 1689.-H. A., J[a,'~" +, 1698.
Smith (William), B. A. (8JHCt'ali grtltid), Vern. I~I.
Smith (William), Y. D., FIf"II. 1 713. - B. A., AI. 17 u.-ll. D..
.At. 1717.
Smith, or Smyth (William), B. A., AI. 1717. - ll. A., .It.
17 20
10 Smilh (William), B. A., Vmt. 1723.
Smith (William), 8ch., 1718.-B. A., Vma. 1729.
Smith (William), B. A., fern. 1791.
Smith (William), B. A., rma. 1793.
Smith (William), LL. B., and LL. D., ".lEst. 1793.
1 S Smith (William), H. A., F,rn. 1799.
Smith (William), H. A., Vent. 1811.
Smith (William), B. A., Vent. 1816.
Smith (William), 1I. A., No". 1831.
Smith, or Smyth (William), Sch., 18z7. - B. A., )7..... 1830.
zo SmiililWilliam), B. A., Vent. 1841.
Smith (William), B. A' I re,.,.. 18H.Smith (William), B. A., rtm. 18H-.
Smith (William), B. A., Hjem. I 859.-1I. A., Biem. 1862.
Smith, or Smyth (William Bramwell), B. A., Vern. 183+.-M .L
.At. 1839.
zs Smith (William Fawcett), B.A., Vmt. 1 861.-1I. B., and Y. Cbir..
4"t. 1863.
Smith (William Francis), B. A.,
Smith (William Henry), B. A., Vtnt. 1866.
Smith (William JameR), B.A., rent. 18+1.
Smith (William Raddift'e), B. A., Vn-n. 1812.-M. A., ~.,.o". 183'.
30 Smith (William Robert Cusack), B. A., Vir'''. 1835'
Smith (William Scarborough), LL. D. (honor;, e.J".d), Atrgut ....
fm;thc (Frcdcrkk), B. A., Vtrn. 185J.-M. A., r~. 18 56 .




Smithwick (George), B.A., bAt. ISI6.

Smithwick (Thomas), 8. A., Vern. IS%6.
Bmullan (Alexander), B. A., Vern. IS4%'
Smyly (Andrew Ferguson), 13. A., .st. IS53.-H. A., At. IS6%.
5 Smyly (Cecil), B. A., VeNt. IS%3'
Smyly (John George), B. A., LEst. rSI7.-M. A., Vern. IS33.
Smyly (John Gf'orge), B. A., LEst. ISp.
Smyly (Josiah), B. A., Vern. J S%+

Smyly (Philip Crampton), B. A., and M. B., Hiem. IS59. - M. D.,

Vern. IS63.
10 Smyly (William), B. A., At. 181S.
Smyth (Ambrose), B. A., Ve-rn. 1793.
Smyth (Arthur), D. D. (ad eund. OXOD:), LE3t. 1755.
Smyth (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 183%.-M. A., Vern. JS36.
Smyth (Arthur), B. A., and LL. B., Hiem. IS65.
15 Smyth (Brice), B. A., M. B., and M. Chir., Vern. IS60.
Smyth (Charles), Sch., 1696. -B. A., Vwn. 1699.
Smyth (Charles), B. A., Vel.,.. l7u.
Smyth (Charles), B. A., Vwn. 17IS.-lf. A., LE,t. 17Z1.
Smyth (Charles), Sch., I 746.-B. A., Vwn. 17+7.- M. A., V".n.
20 Smyth (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1774.
Smyth (Charles), B. A., Vwn.18%3'
Smyth (Charles Spelman), B. A., Vma. IS3I.
Smyth (CoIIBtantine lCleph), B. A., .Aiet. 1838. - M. A., At.
Smyth (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 1713.
25 Smyth (Edward), Sch., 1751.-B. A., Vwn. 1753.
Smyth (Edward Johnson), B. A., At. I 84z.-M. A., Vma. 1850:
Smyth (Francis), Sch., 1737. - B. A., Ver". 1738.-H. A., ~".
Smyth (Frederick Leopold), B. A., Vim. 1839.
Smyth (George), B. A., VeNt. 1730.
30 Smyth (George), B.A., Vern. 1836.
Smyth (George), B. A., Vwn. 1841.-11. A.,
Smyth (George), B. A., V".,.. 1849.
Smyth (George), B. A., V".n. 1863.
Smyth (George Kennedy), B. A., r".,., 1852.-H. A" reNt. 1851'
35 Smyth (Grice B.), B.A., .Af8t. 1817.




Smyth (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1713.

Smyth (Richard), B. A., At. 1815'
Smyth (Richard Henry), B. A., .IEII. IS+s.-M. A., At. 1848.
Smyth (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1716.
5 Smyth (Robert). Soh., 1778.-B. A., Vem. 17S0.-LL. B., .lEft.
I 78S.-LL. D., Vern. 179S,
Smyth (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Smyth (Robert). B. A., Vern. 1835.
Smyth (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Smyth (Robert B.), B. A., Vm,. 1849.
10 Smyth (Robert Beresford), M. B., 2&t. 1848.
Smyth (Robert Currall), M. B . and M. D., At. ISp.
Smyth (Robert Patten), B. A.,.I&t. ,S20.
Smyth (Stewart), B. A., V".,.. 18f6.
Smyth (Thomas), B. A., At. 1664.-B. D., Vern. 1686.
15 Smyth (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1706.-11. A., .LEat. 1709.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. I 745.
Smyth, or Smith (Thomas), (Entered 1757.-8. A., not recorded).ll. A., Vim. 1765'
Smyth (Thomas), B. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), and M. A., V".,.. 176~.
Smyth (Thomas), B. D., and D. D., V".,.. 1779.
Smyth (Thomas), LL. B., and LL. D., Vem. 1779.
20 Smyth (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. q88.
Smyth (Thomas), B. A., L&t. 1817.
Smyth (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1832.-ll. A., V,,.,.. 1835.
Smyth (Thomas), B. A., At. 1854Smytli (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1856.
25 Smyth (Thomas Cartwright), H. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), B. D., and
D. D., Hi"", 1860.
Smyth (Thomas Jasper), B. A., HUrn. 1860.-M. A., At. 1865.
Smyth, or Smith (Usher), Sch., 1702.-B. A., V".,., 1703.-lr[. A.,
.Bal. 1705.
Smyth, or Smith (William), Sch., and B. A., 1660.--Fell., 1663.M. A., AtII. 1664.-D. D., .2&t. 167+
Smyth (William), B.A., V".,.. 1706.-lr[. A., At. 1710.
30 Smyth (William), B. A., Vern. 172+
Smyth (William), B. A., Vem. 1734.-lr[. A., At. 1737.
Smyth (William), B. A., Vwn. q64.
Smyth (William), B. A., .L&t. '7 8 5,




Smyth (William), B. A., ~t. IS.B.

Smyth (William), B. A., ~FAt. IS56.
Smyth (WilliD.m Edward), B. A., .st. IS5z.
Smyth (William John), B. A., VtrH. 18SS.
5 Smyth (William lohn), B. A., .At. 186...
Smyth (William Robert), B. A.., V".,.. 18u.
Smyth (William St. lohn), Soh., 1811.-B. A.,



H. A., .2Lt. 18z7.

Smyth (William Thomas), B. A., .&t. 1776.
Smythe (Arthur), H. B., and Y. D., At. 1843.
10 Smythe (Endymion, Viscount Strangford), LI. D. (Aotto,..:, MlYci),
Oct. u, 1751.
Smythe (George Chichester), B. A., YWIl. 18+2.-M:. A., Vtf"lI.

Smythe (Hamilton), B. A., V,1rn. I 836.-LL. B., VM'II. IS .... 2.
Smythe (John Henry), B. A., 1"".,.. I 836.-H. A., V".,. ISp.
Smythe (Philip, Viscount Strar.gford). B. A., .At. 1736.
15 Smythe (Samuel), B. A., VH'ft. 1785.
Bmythe (Thomas), B.A., V,r". 18z3.-H. A., .2Lt. 1830Bmythe(William B.), B. A. (ad eund. Oxoo.), and H. A., Hop. 1831.
Bnagg (Thomas Samuel), D. A., Yern. ISz9.-H. A., Hi~. 186z.
Snagg (Thomas William), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-H.A., KtnII. 1861.
20 Snead (Thomas), Sch., 1731.-B. A., y"Nt. 1733.
Snell (William), B. A. ~1It. 161+-M. A., .2Lt. 1611.
Sneyd (Thomas), B.A., V",.II. 17H.-H.A., Vena. 1716.
Sneyd (Thomas), B. A., YH'ft. 1773.
Soeyd (Wettcnhal), B. A., V".,.. I ~9.-H. A., At. 1703.
25 Sneyd (William), Sch. 173+.-B. A., y".,.. I 73S.-M.. A., ,,to
173 8.
Bneyd (William), B. A., V"rn. 1776.
Sneyd (William); B. A., At. 17S6.
Snodden (William), B. A., fer.,.. 1706.
Snow (Leopold A.), B.A., F"rn. 18+1.-H.A., AIlt. 18S2.
30 Snow (Sydenham). Sch., I 755.-B. A., V".,.. 1757.
Boden (Olotworthy), Sch., 17H.-B. A., y".,.. 17S6.
Boden (Clotworthy), B. A., y".,.. 1789.
Soden (George), B. A., .LE.t. 1850'

BolOO (Charles Auguatus), B. A., Hil1fll. 1861.

35 Bomerve1 (llaleolm), B..A., y".,., 1683 .



Somerville (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1824.

Somerville (Philip), B.A., Vern. 1832.-M. A., .2E&t. 18H.
Somerville (Richard), B. A., V~rn. 1798.
Somerville (Robert), Sch., 172Z.-B. A., Vern. 1724.
5 Somerville (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1711.-H. A., ..:Eat. 1719.
Sortain (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1833.
Sotheby (James), B. A., Vwn. 1707.-H. A., Vern. 1710.
South (Sir James), LL. D. (lwnori. carud), Vem. 1863.
Southern (Thomas), (Entered 1676.-B. A. not recorded).-H. A.,
Vwn. 16g6.
10 Southwell (Bowen), LL. D. (llonori, cau,d), Vern. 1756.
Southwell (Right Hon. Edward), LL. D. (/wnor;. caUld), .Augud
2~, 1703.
Southwell (Henry), B. A., Vlfrn. 185 I.
Southwell (Richard), B. A., Vem. 17z6.-H. A., ..:Eat. 17+3.
Southwell (Thomas Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1763. -M. A., Vern.
IS Southwell.(William), LL. D. (Ip:taU gratid), March 10, 1718.
Spaight (George), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vern. 1809.
Span (Andrew), Sch., 17+3. -B. A., Vem. 1745. -H. A., .1&1.

Span (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 17+s.-H. A., .2E&t. 1748.
Span (James), Sch., 17p.-B. A.. V,m. I 75+-M. B., and H.D.,
Vern. 1763.
20 Span (Samuel), B. j.., Vim. 17P.
Span (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1708.-H. A., At. 1711.
Span (William), B. A., Vern. 17H.-H. A., At. 17'+'
Spanne (Benjamin), Sch., 1675.-B. A., Vern. I 678.-H. A., .2&1.
Spark (William), Hus. B., and Mus. D., At. 1861.
25 Sparks (Robert), B.A., Vim. 1823.-H. B., Vwn. 18z6_1I. A.,
Hiem. 1859
Sparling (William Sidney), B. A., Vwn. I 843.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
.2E&t. 1863.
Sparrow (Joseph), B. A., At. 18ZI.-H. A., N(If). 183z,
Sparrow (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 183+
Sparrow (William), B. A., .2&t. 1858.
30 Sparrow (William Charles), B. A., V".,.. I 859.-H. A., V".,., 1862.
Spear (Hamilton), B. A., Vern. 1780.




Spear (lohn 10l8ph). B. A., A'. 1827.-ll. A., 11. ,831.

Spear (losepb), B. A., Hu... 1862.
Spear (Richard), B. A., y"..., 1790.
Spear (Richard Dollovan), B. A., YmL 1829.-)(. A.., N. 1831.
S Spear (80lomoo), Sch., 178S. - B. A.., y",.. 1786. - IJ.. B.,..!it.

Speck (Edward 10hn), B. A y.,.., 183+--)(. A., At. 18+1.
Spedding (Thomas), B. A., y",.. 174+-lI. A., At. 17+7.
Spedding (William), B. A.., Y...... 1830.-lL A., NH. 1832.
Spence (Edward), B. A., y".,.. 1727,
10 Spence (John), Sch., 1738.-B. A., Y ...... 1739.
Spence (MIohael), B. A., y".,.. 1762.
Spence (Robert), B. A., y",.. 1727.-M. A., At. 1730.
SpeDce (Robert), B. A., At. 1792.
Spence ( William), B. A., y"ft. 177 I
IS SpeDoor (Conway), 8ch., I 733.-B. A.., y".., .73+.
Spencer (James), B. A., y",.. 1752.
Spencer (Iohn Scott Ellie), B. A.., y",.. 18S8. - ] f . A., At.

SpeDoer (loshua), Soh., I 777.-B. A.., y".,.. 1779.
Spencer (Nioholas), B. A., and H. A., At. 1786.
20 Spenoer (Robert Franklin), B. A., y".,.. 18J7.-LL. B., .&1. 18+0
-LL.D., &t. 18+5.
Spencer Samuel), B. A., V,,.,.. 1752.
Spencer (Thomas), Soh., J686.-B. A., Vw"e.. 1689Spencer (William), B. A., y".,., 18S8.
Spicer (Daniel), B. A.., .2&1. 16:19.
2S Spike (lames), B.A., y".,.. 171).-M. A., At. 1711.
Spillan (Daniel), B. A., Vena. 18u. -ll. A., and X. B., flfl.

Spillar (Ferdbwld), B. A., y",.. 18S:I.
Spillar (Thomas), B. A.., y",.. 1787.
Spiller (Augustus Davrock), B. A.,
30 Spiller (George Thomas), B. A., At. 18+3.-H. A.., .,df,t. 18+6.
Spiller (Jonas), B. A.., y".,.. 17:19.
Spotiswood, or Spotswood (/ohn), Soh., 1689--lf. A' I At. 169:.
Spotswood (/ohn Thomas), B. A., y..,.. 1827.
SpotBwood (Thomas), B.A., tern. 1778.
H Spranger (John), B. A., J . %9, 1673'





Sprat (William), B.,A., Ym.. 1725.

Spratt (James), B. A., .l&t. 1772.
Spray (John), B. A., y".,.. 18zz.-11. A., At. 1825.
Spread (Edward), B. A., V,r". 1777.
S Spread (Matthew), (Eo trance and B. A. DOt recorded). - M. A.,
Vm.. 174S,
Spread (Matthias, or Matthew), Soh., .,t9.-B. A., y".,., 1731.M. A., At. 173+.
Sprigg (Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 1827.
Sprigg (William), B. A.,
Spriog (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1833.
10 Spriog (Francis), LL. D. (lwnoriI c/laud), .l&t. 1709.
Spring (James Burchill), B. A., VIrII. 1860.
Spring (Matthew), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Spring (Thomas), B. A.., y",.. 1755.
Spriugham (John), B. A., At. 1628.
IS Sproule (Andrew), B. A., VIrII.1811.
Sproule (James William), B. A., VIrII. I 838.-M. A., V".,.. 1846.
Sproule (John), B. A., YIrII. 1823. -M. A., N()f). 1832.
Sproule (Robert), B. A., VI,.,.. l8u.-M. A., N()f). 183Z.
Sproule (Thomas Oliver), Sch., 18zo.-B. A., .&t. 18zz.
20 Sproule (William), B. A., VIrII.1858.
Sprow'ell (James), B.A., VIrII. 17+1.
Spryng (John), B. A., V".,.. 1707.-M. A., YIrII. 1710.
Spunner (George), B. A., At. 1781.
SpnDIler (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18z7.-M. A., NOf1. 1832.
25 Spurrier (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1855.
Squibb (Arthur), M. A. (at Oxford), 166z.-D. D., At. 1~3.
Squire (Thomas), Sch., I 695.-B. A., Vern. l698.-Fellow, 1701.
-M. A., At. 170I.-D.D., V".,.. 1713.
Squire (Thomas), Sch., 1~7.-:B. A., VIN&. I~.
Sqnire (Thomas), B. A., VIrII. I 737.-M. A., At. 17+0.
30 Squirl (William), B. A., VIrII. 182S.
at. Clair (William), Sch., I 760.-B. A., YIrII. 176&.
st. George (Acheson), B. A., YIrII. 1800.
St. George (Acheson), B. A., y".,.. 1842.
St. George (Archibald), B. IA., V".,.. 1826.-11. A., NtIfJ. 1832.
3 S St. George (Archibald), B. A., y".,.. 1834.



St. George (Arthur), B. A., J"".,.. 1701. -ll. A., Y",.. 170+-

B.D., and D. D., At. 1716.

St. George (Arthur), B. A., Vem. I 79S.-11. A., .&t. 1813.
St. George (Arthur), B. A., AAt. IS3+.
St. George (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. IS++.
S St. George (Christopher), B. A., At. 1831.
St. George (Francie), B. A., V".,.. IS31.
St. George (George), B. A., V".,.. 167S.-lL A., At. 1680.
St. George (Sir George, Bart.), LL. D. (Amioni CtI",d), ..tit. 1709
st. George (George), B. A.., At. 17S9.
10 St. George (Hcnry), B. A., V".,., I 76S.-ll. A., Y",.. 1770.
St. George (Henry), B. A., V",.. 1816.
St. George (Henry Lucas), B. A" At. 1801.-M. A., Not1.18JI.
St. George (Hercules), B. A., V.,.. IS32.
St. George (Howard), B. A., V".,.. 176+.-lL A., V",.. 1767.-

B. D., and D. D., At. 1779.


St. George (Howard), B. A., V".,.. 183+

St. George (Howard), B. A., At. IS+6.-ll. A., y",., 18S3.
st. George (Oliver), LL. D. ( gratid), XarcA 10, 1718.
St. George (Richard), LL. D. (.pecia/i grGtid), Marcil 10, 1118.
St. George (Richard), B. A., Vml. 17+0.
20 St. George (Richard), B. A., Vena. 1807.-)(. A., NOfI. 1831.
St. George (Richard J.), B. A" V".,.. ISSO.
St. George (Thomu), B.A., Yent. 17SS,
St. George (Thomu), LL. D. (Aonori. COId), YIN,. 1778.
St. George (Thomas), (Entered IS zo.-B. .l. not recorded ).-M..\.,
LElt. IS36.
2S St. George (Thomas Belmore), B. A' I y.,.. ISo3.-11 . .l.,lIQf,
St. George (William), B. A.., .AlIt. ISp.
St. John (James Noble), B. A., VeNt. IS+o.-LL. B., Y".,..18+3'Y. A., and LL. D., y".,.. IS+7.
St. John (John), B. A., y".,.. ,83z.
St. John (Richard), Sch., 1739.-B.A., V".,.. 17+0.
30 St. Lawrence (Edward), B. A., y".,.. ISlo.-lI. A., Yent. ,815'LL. B., and LL. D., At. ISZS.
St. Lawrence (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1716.
St. Lawrence (Right Hon. Thomas, Earl of Howtb), B. A.,




St. Lawrence (James G.), "B. A., Vern. 1838.

St. Lawrence (Robert Kingsborough), B. A., ..l&t. 1818.-lL A.,
St. Lawrence (Hon. Thomas), B. A., &t. 1777.-LL. B., and
LL. D., .lEst. 1796.
St. Lawrence (Thomas), B. A., &t. 189.
S st. Lawrence (Thomas), B. A., .lEst. 181S.
St. Leger (Hon. Arthur), B. A' I Vern. 1717.-LL. D. <'plCtali
gratid), .lEst. 1719,
at. Leger (Chichester), B. A., .lEst. 1786.
St. Leger (Hayward), B. A., ./Eat. 1791.
St. Leger (Howard), B. A., Vern. '766.
10 St. Leger (John), B. A., Vern. 1707.
St. Leger (Warnham), B. A., .lEst. 179z.
St. Paul (John), Sch., 173+-B. A., Vml. I736.-lf. A., .2&t.
St. Paul (Peter), B. D., and D. D., Vml. 17'17.
St. Pierre (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1725.
1S Stable (George), B. A., Vern. 1833 .
. Stack (Charleslfaurice), B. A., &t. 18+8.-lf. A., &t. 1858.
Stack (Charleslfaurice), B. A., ..l&t. 18S8.-lf. A., &t. 1861.
Stack (Daniel), Boh., 1831.-B. A., Vern. 183+.
Stack (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1797.
'10 Stack (Edward), B. A., Vl1rn. 181+.
Stack (Edward), Sch., 18'10.-B. A., Vl1rn. 18'1'1.-M.B., V".n.
Stack (George Hall), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Stack (John), Sch., 1780.-B. A., Vml. 178'1.-Fellow, 1784.M. A., &t. I 786.-B. D., and D. D., .lEd. 1803.
Stack (John), Boh., 1810.-B. A., Vml. 18n.
'15 Stack (Joseph), B. A., Vml. 1818.-Fellow, 18'1'1.-M. A., V".,..
Stack (Nicholas G.), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Stack (Richard), Sch., 1769~B. A" Vern. 177o.-Fell., 1779.M.A., &t. I 779.-B. D., Vern. J783.-D. D., Vl1fn. 1786Stack (Richard), Sch., 1810.-B. A., Vml. 18n.
Stack (Richard), B. A., V".n. I 8.p.
30 Stack (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
Stack (Richard Francis), B. A., Vms. 18+1.



Stack (Robert), 8cb., 183!.-B. A., ....Jl& 1834.

Stack (Thomu), B. A., 1er.... IBoo.-M. A.,
Stack (Thomu), Sch., ISH.-B. A., Vern. IS36.-.FelL, 1838.11. A., VWft. IS39.
Stack (Thomu Lindsay), B. A., .J!:&t. IS.u.-ll. A., rn"tll. 1846.
5 Stack (William), Sch., Il(u.-8. A., rena. 181+-11. B., re,..,
Stack (William), Sch., 1819.-B. A., .IEIt. 18u.
Stack (William), B. A., Vm. IS31.
Stack (William), B. A., Vern. IB31.
Stack (William George), 11. A., ,)E,t. 183S.
10 Stack (William Griffin), B. A., Vtnt.ISp.
Stack (William H.), H. A, rl'rn. 1828.
StackhoUBe (Jonathan Lett), B. A., Vern. 185+.-M. A., V."..
Stackpoole (George lIarsball), B. A., .st. IS34.
Stacpoole (George William), B. A., .J!:&t. 179Z.-LL B., .2&1.
I 795.-LL. D., LEit. 1799.
15 Stacpoole (William), B. A., Y".,.. 1766.
Stacpoole (William Church), Sch., IS3B.-B. A., Ywn. 184-2._
LL. B., aud LL. D., V".,.. IS... 9.
Stacpoole (William Henry), B. A., V.".,.. 18og.-M. A., ~t.
ISI5.-B.D., and D.D., VIr".IS26.
Stafford (Francis), B. A., Vir,.. 1736.
Stafford (John H.), Sch., IS2.... -B. A., V".,.. 1826.
20 Stafford (William), B. A., .J!:&t. 1771.
Stainsby (John), B. A., LElt. 18+3.
Stamer (Hugh), B. A., V".,.. IS39.
Stamer (John), Sch., I 825.-B. A., V".,.. 181S.
Stamer (William), B. A., At. I 823.-M. A., and B. D., ~t.
IB33.-D. D., .JEtt. 1838.
2S Stampe (Timothy), B. A., Vim. 1686.
Stamper (John Alexander), B. A., .L&t. 1853.
Standish (John), B. A., ,)E,t. I 72 ....-M. A., .&t. 1727.
Standish (Richard N.), B. A., V".,.. 1845.
Stanford (Bedell), B. A., Hi,m. 1863.
30 Stanford (Charlee Stuart). Sch., I 815.-B. A., A'. 1818.-H. A.,
Vern. IS32.-B. D., and D. D., Vim. IS55.
Stanford (Hecklefield), B. A., Vir". 174+.



Stanford (John), B. A., y".,.. 1706.

Stanford (William), B.4" V".,.. IS37.-M. A.., y",.. 1839'
Stanford (William Henry Nassau), B. A., Hiltlf. 186S.-M.B.,
.i!&t. IS66.
l:itanhope (Arthur), M. A. (ad eund.),
36, 166,.
Stanhope (Arthur), B. A., Ye,.,.. 1701..
l:itanhope (Russell), B. A., .2&1. ISH.
St.anistreet (James), Sch., 1776.-B. A., At. 1778.
Stanley (Abraham), B. A., Vent. 1860.-LL. B., ..IEIt. 186,.
Stanley (Edmund), Sch., I 777.-B. A., V".,.. I77S,
Stanley (Edward), B. A., ..IEIt. I 79z.-M. A.., ..IEIt. 1806.
Stanley (Hugh Beresford), B. A., Y,rn. ISz3.-M. A., NOf). 1831..
Stanley (Jame8 Henthorn), B. A., J'ir.. IS36.
Stanley (John), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., YInt.
Stanley (John Robert), B. A., Yent. IS65.
Stanley (Robert Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18n.-M. A., Hoe. 183z.
Stanley (Samuel C.), B.A., .2&t. ISI9.
Stanley (Thomu Carter), B. A., y"... 1857.
Stannage (William), B. A., ..IEIt SOI.
Stannard (Eaton), Seh., 170+-B. A., y",. . 706.
Stannard (Eaton), B. A" y",.,. Soo.
Stannard (George), B.A., .2E.t. ISOO.
Stannard (Henry), B. A., Vern 18z9--M. A., NOf). 1832.
Stannard (John), B. A., y".,.. IH8.-M. A., Od. 21., 17p.
Stannard (RobeJt), B. A.., Y,r . 1676.-ll. A., Y..... 1679.
Stannard (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1738.
Stannua (Beauchamp Walter), B. A., ..IEIt 842. - M. A., AI.
Stann1l8 (James), B. A., y".,." 1809.-ll.A., y"... 18z7.
Stannua (Thomu), B. A., ..IEIt. 1807.
Stannua (Thomu RobeJt), B. A., Ailt. 1839.
Stannua (Walter Trevor), B. A., ..IEIt. IS48.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
A!8t. 1862.
Stanton (Jamea), Sch., IS5+.-B. A., Y..... ISS6.-)(. A., y".,..
Stanton (Thomu), LL. D. (AoteorU C4IIIId), Y..... 172S.
Stanton (Thomu), B. A., At. ISSZ.
Stanton (William Redin), B. A., y"... 18~.








Stanyer (William), B. A., HUm. 186+.

Staplee (Alexander), B. A., V".,.. 17 14.
Staples (Aleunder), B. A., Vms. 1761.-M. A., .&t. 176...
8taplee(Alexander), B. A., At. 180l.-Y. A., .Ald. ISI6.-B. D.,
and D. Dv
S Staples (Alexander), B. A., Vms. 1838.
Staples (Jobn), B. A., y".,.. 1706.-Y. A., At. 1709.
Staples (John), B. A., Y".,l. 1757.
Staples (John), B. A., At. 1796.
Staples (Sir Robert, Bart.), B. A., Vms. 1761.
10 Staples (Robert), B. A., Yms. 18n.
Staples (Thomas), B. A., Vmt. 1722.
Staples (Thomas), B. A.,
Staples (Thomas), B. A., At. 1796.
Staples (Thomas), LL. B., and LL. D., d. 1807.
IS Stapleton (Edward), B.A., Y/I,.,.. 18+1.
Stapleton (George Cramer), B. A., .Hi",.. 186).
Stapleton (Harry Michael). B. A., Bi",.. (86).
Stapleton (Michael), B. A., JEd. 1819.
Stapleton (Michael H.), M. B., At. 1833.
20 Stapleton I. William Ringland), Sch., I 863.-B. A., ;2&t. 1865"
Stapleton (William Tobias), B. A., Hilm. 1859. - LL. B., VMI.
Starkey (Reginald Digby), B. A., Hi,,,.. 1863.
Starkey (Southwell). B. A., Vilm. 17+7.-M. A., VM"1I. 175 2
Starratt, or Starrett (Moses), B.A., At. 18u.-M. A NH.
18 31
15' Statham (John Forster), B. A., V".,.. 18H.-Y. A., .2&1. 18S8.
Staughton, or Haughton (Anthony), B. A., JEd. 162%.
Staughton, or Haughton (Arthur), B. A., At. ,6n.-1I.. A.,..,t.
Staughton, or Haughton (Cromwell), Sch., 1663. -B. A Vms.
Staunton (Andrew). Sch., 1787.-B. A., Vmt. 1788.
30 Staunton (Charles F.), B. A., At. 1813.-M.. B., VWft.. 182 7.M. D., At. 18+1.
Staunton (Edward). B. A., YtINI. 1813.
Staunton (J'ohn), B. A., P"1Im.' 173 I.
Staunton (Lionel), B. A., Y".,I. 18+5.





Stavely (Henry.C.), B .A., Vern. 185"

Stavely (Robert), Sch., 1846. - B. A., Vern. 1849. - M. A., nnd
B.D., VIN 1863.
Stawell (Francis), B. A., ..lE8t. 1808.
Stawell (George), B. A., ./Est. 1790.
5 Stawell (George), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Stawell (Jonas), B. A., LE8t. 1790.
Stawell (Sampson), B. A., Vern. 1759.
Stawell (William), B. A., Vern. 1785.-M. A., LEst. 1805.
Stawell (William Foster), B. A., LEst. 1837.
10 Stearne (Enoch), LL. D. (hcmoril eausd), LEat. J 726.
Stearne (James), M. A., May I, 1654. - B. D., Jan. z6, 1661.LL. D.,- Vern. 1665.
Steame (John), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fell., 1651.
-Y. D., 1658.
Stearne (John), B. A., Jan. 29, 1673.-M. A., ./Est. I 676.-D. D.,
Vwn. 1693'

Stearne (John), B. A., Vwn. 1678. - M. A., ..lEd. 1681. - D. D.,

.IEd. 1693.-Vice-Chancellor of the University, 1721.
15 Steel (Ninian), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Steele (Edward), B. A., LEst. 1834.
Steele (Matthew), B. A.., LElt. 1860.-M. B't Vma. 1863.
Steele (Otho William), :B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Steele (Sir Richard, Bart.), LL. D. (honoril eQUId), Vern. 1770.
20 Steele (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1810.
Steele (Thomas), B. A" LEst. 1832. - LL. B., and LL. D., LEst.
18 59.
Steele (Thomas), Sch., I 843.-B. A., Vern. 18+5.
Steele (Walter), B. A., LEst. 1811.
Steele (William), H. A., Vern. 18zz.
25 Steele (William), B. A., Vern. 18H.-M. A., LEst. 1856.
Steele (William Edward), B. A., Vern. 1837. - M. B., LEst. 1838.
-Y. D., Vern. 1856.
Steele (William Henry), H. A., .l&t. 1866.
Steers (Richard), B. A., Vern. Ip+-M. A., Vern. 17z8.
8teIlIIOn (John Ormsby), B. A" LEISt. 18H.
30 Stephens (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1842.
It ia likely that this degree should be stated "D. D."








Stephens (Darid), Sch., 17190-B. A., V",.. 1720.

Stephens (George), B. A., teNI. 1832.
Stephens (John), Sch., I,,+-B. A., Vent. 1717.
Stephcns (John), B. A., V,,.,.. 178-4.
Stt'phcns (John CIa.~son), B. A., Vtnt. I 859.-11. A., .rt. 1865'
Stephens (Richard), B. A.,
18r9.-Y. B., .tE.t. 1823.
Stt'phens (Robert), B. A.. V",.. 1765.
Stephens (Robert), B. A., 2Elt. 1798.
Stephens (Sutton), B. A., .Mt. 1738.
Stephens, Or Stevins (Thomas), B. A., Vt1"ll. 174D.
Stephens (Thomas), B. A., VN'II. 17+8.-11. A., YWJL 1753.
Stephens (Walter), B.A., 2Elt. 1791.
Stephens (William), Sch., 1697.-B.A., V",.. 1700. -LL.B..
Vent. 1703.
Stephens (William), H. B., and H. D., Vim. 1724Stt'phens (William), Soh., 1806.-B.A., A:.l. 1808.
Stephena (William Henry), B. A., VeNI. 1849.- Y. A.. 'tr.
Stephens (William Bobert), Soh., 18+8. -8. A., Vent. 1851.- .
M.A., Vent. 1863.
Stephenson (George), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-LL. L ;
and LL. D., d. 1799.
Stephenson (James), B. A., V,,.,.. 1777.
Stephenson (John), B. A., Vim. 18zz.
Stephcnson (John George Rablah), B. A., V".,.. 18S7. - 1L .tHiem. 1861.
Stephenson (Joseph), B. A., Verli. 1864.
tltopbenilOn (Robert), B. A., Vena. 1705.
Stepbenson (William), B. A., Vern. 1781.-11. A., V"., r81 J.
Stepney (Charles), B.A., Vern. 17 1Z.-Y.A., .A:,t. 1715.
Stepney (George), B. A., Vern. 1718.-Y. B., &t. 1724.
Stepney (Henry), B. A., 8t. 1837.-1[. A. (perdipl.),
Sterling (Anthony), Sch., I 760.-B. A., Vms. I 761.-1L A. ..,,.1.
17 6+.
Sterling (Edward), B. A., Vern. '72.7,
Sterling (Edward), Sch., 1768. - B. A., v..... Ino.-H. A .. ',,1.
Sterling (Hannover), Sch., 1729.-B.A., V".,.. 1731.-lLA.,






Sterling (James), Soh., 1718.-B.A., YM'n. 1720.-H.A., Yenz.

Sterling (James Blair), B. A., &t. IS42.
Sterling (John), B. A., Yma. 1790.
Sterling (Joseph), Sch., I 767.-B. A., Yma. 1769.
5 Sterling (Lucas), B. A., Vern. 1691.
Sterling (Lucas), B. A., Vern. 1722.
Sterling (Parsons), B. A., Vern. 1743.
Sterling (Robert), B. A., Vma. 17P'
Sterne (Peter), B.A., Vern. I 73o.-M. A., 2&t. 1733.-B.D., and
D.D., Vma. 1753.
10 Stevelly (Edmund), B. A., LE,t. 181 J.
Stevelly (George), B. A., ./Ed. ISII.
Stevelly (John), B. A., ./E,t. ISI7.-H.A., &t. 1827.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., LEst. IS.
Stevelly (Robert), B. A., LE,t. ISIS.
Stevelly (Robert Jones), B. A., 2&t. ISII.-H. A., .2&t. 1818.
_. 15 Stevens (Richard), Soh., 1674-.-B. A., Yma. 1675.-1[. A., At.
167S.- H.D., 2&t. 16S7'
Stevens (William), B. A., Vern. 1677.-M. A., &t. 1680.
Stevenson (Arthur), B.A., 2&t. 182+.
Stevenson (Elias Thackery), B. A., Vwn. 184S,
Stevenson (Henry), B. A., Vma.1833.
20 Stevenson (Henry Samuel), Soh., ISp.-B. A., VM'n. 1854Stevenson (James), Soh., IS47.-8. A., Vern. IS49.-M. A., V".n.
Stevenson (John Stewart), B. A., YM'n. 1863.
Stevenson (John William, or William John), B. A., V".,.. ISp.
M. A., Hiem. IS60.
Stevenson (Joseph), B. A., 2&t. IS22.
25 Stevenson (William), Sch., 1819.-B. A., YWft.ISU.
Stevenson (William), B. A., Vern. IS+7.
Stevenson (William Flack), B.A., H. B., and H. Chir., Hiem. 186).
Stevenson (William H.), B. A., VWft. 18...,.
Stewart (Abraham), B. A., Yma. 17+5.
30 Stewart (Abraham), Soh., 17S....-B. A.., V.,.. 178S.
Stewart (Alexander), B. A., Vet'1I. 17+4Stewart (Alexander), B. A., Ywn. 1775.
Stewart (Alexander), B. A., YWft. 1777.




Stewart (Alcxander), B. A., V",.. 1812.

Stewart (Alexander), B. A., V",.. 1830. -LL. B., and LL D..

Hint. 186+.
Stewart (AlcUDder), B. A., HilA 186S.
Stewart (Aloxander George), B. A., VI,.,.. 18u. - ll. A., So!

18 32
S Stewart (Alexander William Maxwell), B. A., Y",.. 18+0.
Stewart (Annealey), B. A., VII ...... 17+9.
Stewart (Anneslcy), B. A., Vma. 1823.
Stewart (Archibald), B. A., V",.. 1700.-B. D., and D.D., rill
17 22
Stewart (Arthur Pugh), B. A., Vm. IS39--1( .A., V"... 184+
10 Stewart (Augustus Philip), B. A., Vma. IS6+
Stewart (Charles), LL. D. (.pllcillli gratjd), Hare" 10, 1718.
Stewart (Charles), B. A.. Vllm. I 738.-M. A., .2&f. 17+1.
Stewart (Charl!'s A. W.), B. A., Vern. 1837.-11. A., Y"... '~:r
Stewart (Charlcs F.), B. A., Vllm. ISz+-M. A., Y",.. 1829IS Stewart (Charles Henry), B. A., YttrII. IS++Stewart (David), R. A., Vms. IS+Z.
Stewart (Edward lIichael), B. A., ./EIt. IS I 7.-M. A' I VerB. ,S,Stewart (Edward Synge T.), B. A., ..lEd. IS+7.
Stewart (Fitz Gibbon), B. A., Yttrn. IS2+20 Stewart (George), B. A., Vmt. 17SI.
Stewart (George Alexander), B. A . At. IS03.-H. A., NOf.'~l:
Stewart (George Robert), B. A., YttrfI. 183S.
Stewart (Hamilton), B. A., Yllrn. 1808.
Stewart (Henry), B. A., Vn-n. 176S.
2S Stewart (Henry), Sch., 17So.-B. A., Yn-n. 17Sz.
Stewart (Henry), B. A., ...I&t. 179+
Stewart (Henry), D. D., Vwn. IS03.
Stewart (Henry), B. A., Vllrn. ISo7.-lL A., No". 1832.
Stewart (Henry), B. A., ...I&t. 1816.
30 Stewart (Ilenry), B. A., .st. IS 21.-11:. A., Yern. 183+..
Stewart (Henry), B. A., Vtrn. 18+0.
Stewart (Henry), H. A., Vllm. ISS9.
Stewart (lIcnry William), B. A., Film. ISS7.-}[. A., ~t. J~I
Stewart (Henry Wilson), LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1810.
3S Stewart (Hugh), B. A., Vttm. 17+9.
Stewart (Sir Hugh, Bart.), B.A., ..lEst. 18f+._}1:. A NtW. IS3



Stewart (Hugh), B.A., Vern. 1817.

Stewart (James), B. A., Vlrn. 1726.
Stewart (James), B. A., VtJrn. 1805.
Stewart (James), B. A., Vern. 1837.
5 Stewart (James Robert), B. A., LEBt. 1825.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Stewart (James Robert), Sch., 1859.-B. A., Hi,m. 1859.
Stewart (John), Sch., 17+3.-B. A., Vm,. 17+4-.
Stewart (John), B. A., Vim. 1777.
Stewart (John), B. A., ..l&t. 1777.
10 Stewart (John), Sch., 1777.-B. A., Vma. 1779.
Stewart (John), B. A., Vern. 1791.
Stewart (John), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Stewart (John), M.A., Vern. 1806.
Stewart (John), B. A., ..l&t. 18+7.
15 Stewart (John), B.A., Vern. 1856.
Stewart (John Alexander), B.A., Hiem. 1860.
Stewart (John Fit2gibbon), B.A., ..l&t. 1815.-Y. A., ..l&t. 181S.
Stewart (.John Thomas), B. A., .k:st. 18H.
Stewart (Joseph Atkinson), B. A., Histll. IS60.-M. A., ..l&t.
20 Stewart (Matthew), B. A., Vern. ISI9.
Stewart (Nicholas), Sch., I 765.-B. A., Vern. 1767.
Stewart (Richard), Sch., 1726.-B. A., Vma. I 727.-M.. A., At.
1730.-B.D., and D.D., ..l&t. 1750.
Stewart (Richard), B. A., At. 1806.-lL A., Y1m. 18 IS.
Stewart (Robert), Sch., 1718.-B. A., Ywn. 1719.-M. A' I At.
25 Stewart (Robert), Sch., 173S.-B. A., Vern. 1737.-M. A., .&t.
Stewart (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1768.
Stewart (Robert), B.A., Vern. 1825.
Stewart (Robert Prescott), Mus. B., and Mu& D., ..l&e 851.
Stewart (Samuel), B. A., ..l&t 849.
30 Stewart (Samuel Henry), B. A., V,,.,.. 18u.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Stewart (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 77 t.
Stewart (Thomas), B. A., ..l&t. I 823.-M. A., NOfJ 832.
Stewart (Thomas Orpen), B . .4.., ..l&t. I 798.-M. A., .&I. 1803.
Stewart (William), B. A., Vma. 1774.
3S Stewart (William), B. A., ..l&t. 1787'



Stokes (Henry George), B. A., YBrn. 1816.-). A., Not). 1832.

Stokes (John), Sch., 1739.-B. A" y".,.. l74o.-H. A., &t.
1743-Fellow, 1746.-B. D., At.t. 1752.-D. D., LElt. 1755.
Stokes (John Whitley), Sche, I 776.-B. A., Yml. 1778.-M. A.,
Stokes (John Whitley), B. A., Yem. 18u.-H. A., &1. 18a9.
S Stokes (lIark), B. A., Ytrn. 1809.
Stokes (Oliver William), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Stokes (Whitley), Sch., 1781.-B. A., Vwn. 1783.-FeIL, 1788.M. A., .lEst. I 789.-M. B., and M. D., At. 1793.
Stokes (Whitley), B. A., y".,.. 1851.
Stokes (Whitley William), B. A., IIi4m. 1863.
10 Stokes (William), Sch., 1786.-B.A., Vern. 1788.
Stokes (William), M. D. (Aortori.t csUld), .lEst. 1839.
Stokes (William), B. A., HiBm. 18S9.-M. B., M. D., and Y. Chir.,
Yma. 1863.
Stone (Charles), D. D. (Aononi C4U1d), Yma. 1760.
Stone (Edward William), B. A., I\Dd M. B., Yern. 1833.
1S Stone (George), B. A., .2&1. 176+.
Stone (George), B.A., Yma. 1838.
Stone (George), Sche, 1838. -B. A., y",.. 18+0. -H. A., LElt.
18+3.-B. D., LEst. 1865.
Stone (Grey), B. A., Vern. 1737.-). A., At. 1740.
Stone (John), B. A., Vern. 18+2.
20 Stone (John), B. A., Yem. 18+i.
Stone (Meade), B. A., V",.. 1800.
Stone (Yeade Nisbett), M. B., and M. D., Ywn. 1817.
Rtone (Meade Nisbett), B. A., Y",.. I 833.-Y. A., "'t. 1836.
Stone (Robert), B. A., Ywn. 18S3.
2 S Stone (Samuel), B. A., y".,.. I 742.-H. A., "'1. '745.
Stone (William), Sch., 180S.-B. A., At. 18og.
Stone (William Henry), B. A., Ywn. 18So.-M. A., Yma. 18S6.
Stoney (Andrew Acres), B. A., YINa. 18+8.
Stoney (Bindon B.), B. A., Yem. 18so.
30 Stoney (Charles Baker), B. A., 8i6m. 1862.-11. B., and Y. Chir.,
At. 1863'
Stoney (George), B. A., .L&t. 18'3'
Stoney (George Frederick), B. A., Ywn. 18S7.-K. A., Ywn.


Stoney (George Robert), B. .A.., VUII. 18)7.

Stoney (George Johnstone), B. A., y"... 18+8.-ll. A . ..tEU. 18)1.
Stoney (Isaac), B.A., Yerw.IS38.
Stoney (James Joh118ton), B. A., V".,.. 1811.-lL A A'~or. IS31.
5 Stoney (Ralph Sadleir), B. A., .&t. I 85+.-11. A., ..t. 1857.
Stoney (Robert), B. .A.., Yerw. 1798.
Stoney (Robert), B. A., Ruin. IS6%.
Stoney (Robert 8.), B. A., V".,.. 1851.-11. A., LEft. 1865_
Stoney (Thomas), B. A., AAt. IS)3.
10 Stoney (Thomas Sadleir), B.A., V,,.,.. IS+3~ll. A . ...t. 186).
Stoney (William), B. A., Vens. 17%8.-11. A., AAI. 173 l .
Stoney (William), B. A., VWff. ISI+.
Stoney (William), B. A., V,,.,.. I 848.-Y. A., tem. 185%.
Stopford(Edward), B.A., Vma. 179+-}[. A.,
1799-LL. B., and LL. D., Vem. IS% I.
15 Stopford (Edward), B. A., V,rn. ISp.-Y. A.,AAt. IS6S.
Stopford (Edward Adderley), B. A., /Jum. IS65.
Stopford (Eyre), B.A., Vem. ISIS.
Stopford (George), B. A., ..IEIt. lSI I.-Y. A., ]{Of. 183 z.
Stopford (Hon. Henry Scott), ll. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Not. 183%'
20 Stopford (James), Sch., 1713-B. A., V".,.. 1715-Fellow. 1717.
M. A., &t. 1718.
RtopfoM (James), B. A., tent. 1719.
Stopford (James), Soh., 17+9.-B. A., V".,.. '7P-Fellow, 1753.
-M.A., ..IEIt. '75+.
Stopford (Jamee), LL. D. (lwrwri. CQUld), V"... 175+.
Stopford (Jame8), Soh., 1766.-B. A., YWff. 1768.
25 Stopford (Jame8), B. A., Vtnt. 1781
Stopford (James), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Stopford (James Edward), B. A., .Jilt. 1819. - LL. B., Yt'f'IL,
LL D., LEd. IS40'
Stopford (Joseph), B. A., Vent. 171o.
Stopford (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1751.-M. A., .2&t. 175+.
30 Stopford (Joseph), Soh., 17 85.-8 . A' I V".,.. 1786.-Fellow. 1790-ll.A., ..IEIt. 179o.-B.D" 2&t. I 796.-D. D., r.".1I. ISOI.
Stopford (Joseph), B. A., Vem. 1793.
8topford (Joseph), B. A' I Vern. IS1+
Stopford (Thomas), B. A" Vern. 1715.









Stopford (Hon. Thomas), B. A., y".,. . .'76%. -lL A., V".,._ '760.
-D. D. (IjIUUUt grfltid), A:lt. 179+
Stopford (Thomas Adderley), B. A., A:lt. 18.p.
Stopford (William), (Entered 1664, B. A. not recorded). -H. A.,
.tEIt. 1673.
Stopford (William), B. A., Vma. 17S6.-H. A., A:lt. 1759.
Stopford (William), Sch., 1786. - B. A., Vena. 1788. - LL. B.,
A:lt. 1791.
Storrs (John), B. A., Vl1rfl. 1839.
Story (Charles), B.A., Vern. 1706.
Story (Edward), B. A., Vma. 1775.
Story (FrancL'I), Sch., '72+.-B. A., VM'fI. 1725.
Story (George Walter), (Entrance, B. A., and M. A., not recorded)_
-B. D., and D. D., V".,. 17Is.-LL. D. (Imw,.i, caUld), VM'fI.
Story (James), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Hima. 1860.
Story (James Hamilton),-B. A., Vma. 181+.-LLB., and LL.D.,
NOfJ. 1832.
Story (John Benjamin), Sch., 1784.-B.. A., V".,.. I 786.-M .A..,
.2EIt. 1789.-B.D., and D.D., A:lt. 1804.
Story (John Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1813.-H. A., VM'fI. 1816.
Story (John Hamilton), B.A., Vel'tl. 181+
Story (Joseph), Entered 1737. - (B. A. not recorded). -M. A.,
V".,.. 1749.
Story (Joseph), B. A., VeNt. I 77o.-M. A., A:lt. 1776Story (Joseph), B. A., A:lt. 1807.-H. A., V".,.. 1836.
Story (Michael), B. A., V".,.. 174+Story (Ralph), B.A., V".,.. ISoS.-H. A., V".,.. 1811.
Story (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1751.
Story (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. IS09.
Story (William), B.A., V".,.. IS26.-H.A., NOfJ. 1832.
Stothard (Adam), B. A., y".,.. 1743.
Stothard (Matthew), B. A.., 2EBt. 1732.
Stott (John), Sch., 1797.-B. A., V".,.. 1798.
Stoughton(Anthony), B. A., J.t. 17So.
Stoughton (Thomas), B. A.,.At.t. 1775.
Stoughton (William), B.A., A:lt. 1817.
Stoute (John Purdon), B. A., V".,.. 1853Stowell (Eustace), B. A., V".,.. 1760.




Strong (William H.), B. A., Yem. 1837.

Stronge (Edmund), B. A., .lE.t. 18+6.
8tronge (James Whitelaw), B. A., V".,.. IS41.-11.B., y".,.. 18+2.
-M.A., Y"...1858.
Strover (Augustus), B. A., V"... 18p.-Y. A., AI. 1857.
S Stuart (Alexander), B. A., Vwn. 18z6.-M.A.., NDf1. 1832.
Stuart (Alexander George), 8. A., Vwn. IS39.
Stuart (Alexander George), B. A., Yen&. IS57.
Stuart (Andrew), Sch., I 762.-B. A., V"... 176+.
Stuart (Andrew), B. A., .lE.t. IS35.
10 Stuart (Andrew), B. A., .lE.t. IS37.
Stuart (Hon. Andrew Godfrey), B. A., .LEIt. lall. - ll. A., NIJtJ.
Stuart (Hon. Andrew Godfrey), (8. A. not recorded).-M. A., Vern.
Stuart (Charles), B. A., At. 1703.
stuart (Charles), Sch., 1716.-B.A., V"... 17I,.-Fellow, 1720.M.A., At. 1720.-B. D., Vem. '730.
IS Stuart (Edmund Craig), B. A., Vem. IS49.
Stuart (George Isaac), B. A., Yem. 1860.
Stuart (George William), B. A., Vem. 18n.-H. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Stuart (Irwin), B. A., y"... 1732.
Stuart (James), B. A., .It. 1703.
20 Stuart (James), B. A., Vem. 17S9.
Stuart (Hon. Richard), LL. D., VmI. 17 r....
Stuart (William), B. A., At. la37.
Stubber (Sewell), B. A., V"... 1774.
Stubbs (Elias Thackery), 8. A., Vem. la+9.-ll. A. Vim. la61.
25 Stubbs (James), B. A., Vern. 17SI.
Stubbs (James Horgan), B. A., y"... ISIO.-M. A.., NDf1. IS3z.
Stubbs (John Hamilton), B. A., At. IS06.-M. A., V".,.. 1814.
Stubbs (John William), B. A., VmI. IS41.-M. A., Vem. ISHFellow, 1845.
Stubbs (Walter), (Entranoe, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., V".,..
30 Stubbs (Warden), B. A., Vim. IS52.
8tuddart (:~'ranci8 P.), B. A., Vmi. IS 3+.
Studdart (John), Sch., ISI6.-B. A., V"... lalS.
Studdart (RoberlCarew), (Entrance no~recorded).-1l.A.,'&1.18 3 r.








Sullivan (George), Sch., 1800.-B. A., .iE.t. 180z.

Sullivan (George), B.A.,../&t. 1858.
Sullivan (James), B. A., Vm 1840.
Sullivan (John), Sch., I 745.-B. A., Vern. 1]47.
Sullivan (John), B. A., V~rn. 1817.
Sullivan (John), B. A., Vern. 186 ..
Sullivan (John), B. A., Hi~fII. 1862.
Sullivan (John J.), B.A., .lEd. 1846.
Sullivan (Leonard Leader), B. A., Hima. 1865.
Sullivan (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1863.
Sullivan (Robert), B. A., .lEd. 1829.-M. A., NOI). 18p.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. 1850.
Sullivan (William), B. A., Vern. 1797.
Sullivan (William), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Sullivan (William), B.A., Vern. 1835.
Summers (William), B. A., Hitm. 1859.
Sunter (Thomas Moore), B. A., Vma. I 83+-M. B., .lEd. 1841.M. D., .lEst. 186z.
Supple (Mark), B. A., Vern. 1812.
Supple (Martin), B. .A., Vwn. 1762.
Supple (Richard), D. A., ~8t. 1798.
Surridge (James Edward), Sch., 1814.-B.A., V61'n. 1816.-M.A.,
.lEst. 1825.
Surridge (Thomas), Sch., 18oS.-B. A., At. ISlo.-LL. B., and
LL.D., V61'n. 183+.
Sutclifl'e (Henry), B. A., V~rn. IS 3+.
Sutcliffe (William), B. A., Vir". 1831.-11. A., At. 1841.
Sutherland (Alexander John), B. A. (ad t:und. Oxon.), .d."9""t 14,
18 35.
Sutton (Edward Egremont), B. A., Hiem. IS63.
Sutton (Henry), B. A., 28t. 1861.
Button (Thomas), (Entered 1792, B. A. notrecorded).-M. A., .iE.t.
Button (Thomas), B. A., At. J839.
Suttou (William), B. A., V~Nt. 1782.
Swaile (John), B . .A., V61'n. 174Swan (Bellingham), B. A., V~. 17 2 5.
Swan (Bellingham), B. A., V61'n. 185+
Swan (Edward), B. A., V61'n. 16S1.



Swift (Jonathan), B. A. (,p,Diali gratid), Vern. 1686.-B. D., and

D. D., V,I,.,.. 1702.

Swift (Meade), B. A' I Vwn. I 773.-M. A., V".,.. 1776.
Swift (Michael), B. A" Vtlrn. 1704.
Swift (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 1832.
5 Swift (Robert), B. A' I V".,.. 1776.
Swift (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
Swift (Thomas), Sch., 168+-B. A., Vern. 1686.
Swift (William), B. A., V".,.. 1705.
Swift (William), B. A., V,m. '733.
10 Swifte (Ernest Godwin), B. A., Hi,lTII. 1861.-M. A., Hilm. 186+
Swinburne (Frederick Thomas), B. A., Ywn. 1856.-M. A., y".,..
18 59.
Swinburne (Henry), B. A., .lEat. 18n.
Swinburne (John), B. A., y".,.. 1824.-M. A., V.".,.. 1827.
Swindal, or Swendall (Richard), B. A., .lEat. J 8 J 2.
15 Swinfteld (Nathaniel), Sch., J70I.-B. A., Vem. 173.
Swinney (George), B.A., .lEat. 181+
Swiny (Shapland), B. A.,
I 742.--M. A., .lEat. 1758.
8winy (Shapland), B. A., .l&t. I 839.-M. A., At. 18+2.
Switzer (Nathaniel), B. A., V".,.. 1850'
20 Sword8(Henry), B.A. ('p'c;aligratid) ..It. 1702.--1I.A.,A?c.1705.
Sylvester (James John), B. A., (ad eund. Cantab.), and 11. A' I
LEd. 18+1.
Sylvester (John lames), LL. D. (lwnoril oallll1), ..It. 1865.
Symcocka (Samuel), Sch., 1720.-B. A' I V".,.. 17n.-M. A., .tE".
17 2 5.
Symcocks (Thomas), B. A., ..It. 1692.-11. A., ..lEII. 1695.
25 Symcox (Thomas), Soh., 17+8.-B.A., Vwn.1750'
Symes, or Simm8 (Abraham), B. A., Vwn. 1738.-H. A., &t.
IU2.-D. D., Vern. 1762.
Symes (Abraham), B. A., y.".,.. 18 ...6.
Symes (Arthur), B.A., y".,.. 1832.
Symes (Glascott Richard), B. A., y"... 1858.
30 Symes (James), B. A., Vern. 1726.
Symes (James) B. A., Ywn. 1784.-H. A., V.".,.. 1789.
Symes (James), B. A., Ywn. 1853.
Symes (Jefferyes), B. A.., Vern. 1777.
Symse (leremiah Meade), B. A., Vwn. 1819.-ll.A., NH, 18,51.




Synge (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 17+6.

Synge (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1779.
Synge (Samuel), ~(Entered 167 I. - Prior degrees not recorded).D. D., Vmt. 1705.
Synge (Samuel), n: A., AIlt. I 776.-lf.. A., AIlt. 1779S Synnot (Marcus), B. A., AIlt. 1836.-lf.. A., Vern. 1865'
Synnot (Mark), B. A., Vim. 1717.-M. A., .It. 1710.
Synnot (William Forbes), B. A., V- . 18 S5.
Synnoti(RichardWalter), B.A., V_. I 831.-M. A., Vern. 1836.
Synnott (Robert), B. A., V_. 1839.

10 TunE (Charles), B. A., LEat. 1831.-Y. A., LEat. 1857.
Taaffe (George), Sch., 170).-B. A., Vern. q06.
Taaffe (Henry), B. A., V_. q+5.
Tabbs (Moses), B. A., V".,.. 17+0.-M. A., AIlt. '7+8.
Tagart (Samuel William), B. A., LEat. 1850.
IS Tagart (William Robert), B. A., Vern. 1856.
Tagert (Ralph), B.A., Vwn. 1838.
Taggart (Alexander), B. A., AIlt. 1793.
Taggart (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1830'
Taggert (John), B. A., AIlt. 1839.
10 Talbot (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 183+Talbot (Hon. Edward), B. A., Vern. 1850.
Talbot (George), B. A., Vern. qq.-M. A., AIlt. ql0.
Talbot (James), B. A., NOtJ. II, q88.
Talbot (Right Hon. James, Baron Talbot de Malahide), LL. D.
(lwMri. eQUId), LEal. 1866.
IS Talbot(JamesL.), B.A., Vern. 1851.
Talbot (John), B. A., Vwn. 17+0.
Talbot (Hon. John Ohetwyn), D. D. (lwtwri. calUd). Vern. 1818.
Talbot (William), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Tandy (Charles), B. A., Vern. 18+5.
30 Tandy (Charles Henry), B. A., Vern. 1857.-M. A., Hiem. 1861.
Tandy (Edward Joseph), B. A., AIlt. 18#.-M. A., Hiem. 1859.
Tandy (John), B.A., &t. 1830.




Tandy (Thoaw), B. A., .&t. 1790.

Tanner (Anthony), B. A., YmLI71+.-M. A.,AI.t. 1717.
Tardy (Elias), B. A., It. IS33.
Tarleton (Digby), B. A., ~,t. 1701.
Tarleton (Edward), Sch., 16SS-B. A., P'",.. 1688.-ll. A., r_
Tarleton tEd ward), B. A., 1",,.,.. IS%8.
Tarleton (Edward de Laval), B. A., 1"".... ISSS.
Tarleton (Edward Wildon), 8. A.,
ISso.-1l..A., AI.t. 1853.
Tarleton (Francis Alexander), Scb., IS60. - B.0\., Vn"It. 186z.. K. A.., VtrIL 186s.-Fellow, IS66.
Tarleton (Frederick F.), B. A.,
Tarleton (John R.), Sch., IS IS.-B. A., VINt. 1Hz I .-M. A., Vtn.
Tarleton (John Tennison), 8. A., Vmt. ISSS.
Tarleton (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 18z3.
Tasker (James), B. A.., VmJ. 1706.-M. A., '&1. 17OCJ.
TaS8ie (William), B. A., r,rn. 1811.
Tatam (William Killock), B. A., v,m. ISZS.-Y. A., Nor. IS32.
B. D., A:lt. IS39.
Tate (Alexander), B. A., VerII. 1818.
Tate (Davis), B. A., LEd. 1831.-1I. A., .&t. 183+.
Tate (John James), B. A., Hilm. 186S.
Tate, or Teat, or Teate (Nahum), Soh., 1671.-B. A" 4.1. 167z.
Tate (Richard), B. A., Hi,m. 1861.
Tate (William), Sch., 1716. - B. A., V".,.. 1718. - 1I. A., .&t.
173 1
Tate (William), B. A., Vlrrl. 18SI.-K. A., P'".,.. 1857.-LL B.
and LL. D., LElt. 186S.
Tatton (Arthur), B.A., V".,.. 1833.
Taunton (Charles William Sackville), B. A., Vmt. 18S7.
Taverner (William), B. A. (,p,ciali gratia), V,m.. 1754.
Tayler (Archdale Wilson), B. A., Hi,m. 186+.
Tayler, or Taylor (B.), (Entrance notrecorded).-lI. A" ~t. 16'4-Fellow, 16, S.
Taylor (Alexander), B. A., Vim., Y. A., .&1. 18SI.
Taylor (Arthnr), Seh., 1751.-B. A., y".,.. 17SS.
Taylor (Charles/ames Fox), B. A., Vim. 18+4.
Taylor (Chrilltopher Tennant), B. A., V,m. 18+8.










Taylor (Edmund), B. A., Vwn. '723.

Taylor (Hon. Edward), B. A., ",1. 1790.-11:. A., LEft. 1793.
Taylor (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Taylo.r (Edward Y.), B. A., V~rn. 1820.
5 Taylor (Francis), Soh., 1780. - B. A., Vern. q82. -If. A., At.
17 86.
Taylor (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1720.
Taylor (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 18+2.
Taylor (Henry), B. A., Vern., Y. B., LElt. 18+3.
10 Taylor (Henry), B. A., V"n.18+8.
Taylor (Henry Roper), B. A., Hiem. 1865'
Taylor (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 182+.
Taylor (James), Sch., 1679.-B. A., V61'n. 1681.
Taylor (James), Sch., I? 38. - B. A., Vern. 17+0. - M. A., At.

15 Taylor (James), Sch., 1750. - B. A., Vern,'17p. - LL. B., Vim.

Taylor (John), B. A., Vern. 1712.-M. A., LEst. 1725.-L1. B.,
and LL. D., Vern. 1732.
Taylor (John), B. A., .2E8t. 1792.
Taylor (John), B. A., Vern. 1812.
Taylor (John), Y. A., LE.t. 1818.
20 Taylor (John), B. A., V~rn. 1826. - LL. B., and LL. D., Nov.
18 32
Tayl~r (John), Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Taylor (John), B. A., Vern. I 847.-M. A., .2&t. 1851.
Taylor (John Peter), Sch., I 857.-B. A., Vim. 1860.
Taylor (John Sidney), Sch., 18n.-B. A., Vim. 18,+.
25 Taylor (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1692.-Y. A., LE,l. 1695.
Taylor (Joseph), B.A., Vern. 1830.
Taylor (Mark Perrine), B. A., V~rn. 18+2.
Taylor (Matthew James), B. A., Vern. 1832.-Y. A., &t. 18+7.
Taylor (Nathaniel Sneyd), B. A., Vern. 1854.
30 Taylor (Philip), B. A., 2EBt. 1638.
Taylor (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1729.-Y. A., .LE8t. q33.
Taylor (Richard), B. A., .2E8t. 1849.
Taylor (Robert), B. A., Vern. qlJ. - M. A., ./E,t. 1 714.-LL. D.
(.peoiali gratid), .lEIt. 1719.



Taylor (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1781.

Taylor (Robert), B. A., At. 1781.
Taylor (Robert), B. A., y",., 1831.
Taylor (Sackrille 1ohn), B. A., &1. 1840.
S Taylor (Samuel), B. A., Yena. 178+
Taylor (Thomaa), LL. D. (Aot.oriI CAld). F,j. :&2, .726.
Taylor (Thoma.s), B. A., y".,.. 17+5.
Taylor (Thoma.s) , B.A., YtNI. 1807.-M. B., and M. D., J'"e-,... 18J~.
Taylor (Thoma.s), B. A., Ywn. 1817.-M. A., NOll 832.
10 Taylor (Thoma.s), B. A., &t. 18++.
Taylor (Thoma.s Henry), B.A., &1.1837.
Taylor (Walter Henry), B. A., V".,., 1856.
Taylor (William), B. A., V",., 1825.
Taylor (William), B. A., .2E&t. 1835.
IS Taylor (William), B. A., VI't'It. 18p.
Taylor (William C.), LL. B., and LL. D., ..lEd. 1835.
Taylor (William Francis), B. A., Vern. IB...,.-ll. A.,..&t. 18;0.
-LL. B., and LL. D., ..iE&t. 18SS.
Taylour (Robert), B. A., Vent. 18++. - LL. B., rent. 1860.LL D., Ytrn. 1861.
Taylour (Samuel), B. A., Vent. 1695.
20 Taylour (Samuel), B. A., Vent. 18+5.
Teape (Douglas William), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Teape (Hudson), B. A., Vern. 18+!-.
Teate (Faythfull), B. A., LE&t. 1621.-Y. A., &t. 162+
Teate (Tbeophilus), Sch., 1663. - (B. A., not recorded). - FellQ"II'.
25 Teekc (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1809.
Teigh (Richard), B.A. Vern. 1696.
Temple (John), B. A., At,t 617' - Fellow, 1618. - H. A., .st.
Temple (Thoma.s), B. A., LEst. 1620.-Fellow, 16u.-M. A" ..Et.
1623.-B. D., ./Est. 1630'
Temple (William), B. A., Vern. 18S6.-M. B., LEd. 1858.
30 Tench (John), B. A., ..iE&t. 1672.
Tench (John), Sch., 1736.-B. A., Vern. I 738.-H. A., .,uf.
I7.P.-B. D., Fern. 1753.
Tench (JoRhun), B.A., Ver". 17H.-~r.A.,st. 174-8.








Tench (Robert), Sch., 1704--B. A., Vern. '706.

Tench (Samuel), B. A., Vim. 1678.-M. A., .2&t. 1681.
Tench (Thomas), Sch., '748.-B. A., VWfI. '750.
Tench (William), Sch., '743.-B. A., V M'1I. '745.-LL. B., .st.
Tenison (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1687.
Tenison (Joseph), B.A., VM'1I. 1797.
Tenison (Riohard), (Entered 16S9).-D. D., Perno 168z.-ViceChancellor of the University, 1698.
Tenison (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1704.
Tenison (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1758.
Tenison (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 178,.
Tennant (Henry William), B.A., LEst. 1810.
Tennent (Sir James Emerson), LL. D. (honor" CIIUBd), LE~t.
Tentworth, or Tyntworth (James), B. A., LEst. 170I.-M. A.,
At. 1710.
Temck (Samuel), (Entered 1684--D. A., not recorded).-Y. A.,
Vim. 1696.
Terry (George), B. A., LEIf. 1833.-M. A., LEIf. 1839.-B. D.,
D. D., and LL.D., ..lEat. 1864.
Terry (George Shirly), B. A., Niem. 1865.
Terry (Stawell Webb), Sch., 1797.-B. A., Vern. 1799.
Teulon (Charles), B. A., Vern. I 835.
Teulon (George), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Teulon (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1813.
Tew (John), B. A., Vern. 174z.
Tew (Hark), B. A., Vern. 1744Tew (William), Sch., '789.-B. A., Vern. '790.
Thacker (Barker). B. A., At. 1827.-Y. A., N()f). 1832.
Thacker (Joseph), B. A., At. 18z7.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
'rhackeray (Elias), H. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), N()f). 1832.
Theaker (Shelton), B. A., VWfI. 1678.
Theaker (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 167z.-Scb., 167z.-M.A., &t.
16 75'
Thetford (Nicholas), B. A., Vern. '7'4.
Thetford, or Thettford (Robert A.), B. A., VIINI. J 798.-lL B., and
M.D., LE,t. 1819.

A c:,AT.Uo\ol't: or rBI: Ga,lDl:ATU

} i "... " ~ h., 1677.-8 A... rn1l. IMo.-F .

M. A., .f:'1 IbolJ.-LL. B., J.In. Ie.S7
Th 1.1 J"ho', S.b. 16.;,-B.A., r_. I
'n,cwl .. 1 b.)ID&JI) , t'.h., 168S -B.A.,..&t. IbU.
'1lIl'U"O J""l'h), 8..\ .. r,",. 18Jo.
S TII,m", (.'-lltbuny , B. A., .f:'l. 18.,.
TII .. mL' (.hthur). B. A.. and lI. A., '-CT . IS)+.
'J h.. ol.l' (.\rthllr WIlham). B.\., .f:./. ISli.
Th .. m .. ,1I.lfth"I.)mt.), S.h., 1716.-B. A., ,..,.,.. 1;=:-.-.
1:.r. 'iP -LL. D., .f:'l. li6).
10 TII,m ,B.&ra. : . mt'w). B. A., ..1. 1771.
Th"mu \ ('harlt1 Lomo), B. A., .1:.1. I 846.-lf. A.. ,-.
Th.m.ut ,(11:arl.", rlltr). B. A' I r,",. IS ...-lf. A '-...
Th .. ma- (H.uJid I. ~. h., 1;61.-B. A.,
Th.oa. (lIa\'iJ), B. A., 4'.11. 16u.-Fdl., 161.... -)1 .I
'J Thllma.. (E.iw.arJ). B.\., }",,.... 171).-lf. A., &1. li1S.aud LL. D., .. f;'l. litS.
Th.'m"~ ,1-:'h\'4t11', B. A J.~. 178J.
Th,m:a .. ,I-:J",ill),l'o:h., li39--0. A., r.nL 17-40.-11 . .\




TI1tJmall \ F.d",in)' B. A., No. II, 1788.-11. A., Nor. I i' 3 1

TII"mall .. 1-:'1 ",in). B. A., r"... ,8 J I.
JO Th.)mall\l-:,lwin\ B.A., r"... 18n.-M.A. &L 1860.
ThllmWl ,Frunl'i.', 8. A. VtTII. ';79,
Thornaa (Frun('i~ \ O. A., ,.,.,.,.. 1790.
Thornu (Framis llootun), B. A.,
,h6.-~. A .. S ..
Thomas (Gl'or~l'), ~ch., '7H.-B. A" y,",. '73....-11 . .\
'S Thoma.s (Gl'()fJ::~\ B.A., r".,.. 18So.Thomas (Haughton), B. A., 'tT". 1825.
Thomas ~H('nry), B. A., 'Pl'MI. 1779.
Thomna (Hcnry), B.A., ,,,.,.. 18H.-}(. A., AL 1839.
Thom!l.!l (Juml's" R. A. t r,MI. 1851.
30 Thomna (Jocdyn), B. A.,.It. 1801.
Thomna (John" (B. A. not rocorded).-ll. A., ~t. 175 0
ThomD.ll (JOtIhuu), B. A. (~pmiIJj pafid\ .II. '701.
Thomas \Lewi~)t D. A., rm;. 'j+6.








Thomas (Lewis), B. A., LEst. 1796.

Thomas (Lewis), B. A., .Aile. ISOL
Thomas (Richard), Sch., 16So.-B. A., VIf"1I. 16SI.-M. A., .Ailt.
Thomas (Timothy), B. A. (sp,ciali gratia), Vl11"n. 16S7.
Thomas (Walter), Sch., 1697.-B. A., Vern. 169S.-M. A., LEd.
Thomas (Walter), B. A., Vem. 1763.-M. A., ..2&t. 1773.
Thomas (William), B. A., LEat. I 794.-LL. B., V,rn. ISOILL. D., .Ailt. IS02.
Thomas (William), B. A., Vern. IS31.
Thomason (Samuel), B. A., ..2&t. 1716.
Thompson (Alfred Guy), B. A., VI1rn. IS60.-M. A., Vern. IS63.
-LL B., .2&t. 1864.
ThompsoD (Blennerhasset), B. A., ..2&t. IS23. -Y. A., Nov.
Thompson (Charles), B. A., YIf"1I. 18.p.
Thompson (Charles William), B. A., Vwn. 18n.-Y. A., VIr ...
Thompson (Christopher), B. A., Vern. IS36.-M. B., Vern.IS39-M. D., Vem. 1859.
Thompson (David), B.A., .2&t. ISIS.
Thompson (David), Soh., 1818.-B. A., Vem. IS20.-M. A., .Ailt.
Thompson (David), B. A., ..2&t. ISI9.-LL. B., and LL. D., Ninn.
Thompson (David Bowen), Sch., IS31.-B. A., V".,..IS3+
Thompson (David Peter), B. A., ..2&t. ISz3.-M. A., NOP. IS32.
Thompson (Edward PackeD1am), B. A., V".". 1823.
Thompson (Frederick), B. A., Vim. 1785.-LL. B., Vem. 1788.M.A., NOP. IS3z.
Thompson (Frederick), B. A., V".,.. IS3z.-M. A., Vim. 18,35.
ThompsoD (George), B. A., .2&t. 1691.
Thompson (George), B. A., .Ailt. 181S.
Thompson (George), B. A., .2&t. ISz+-M.A., NOfJ. IS3z.
Thompson (George), B. A., V".". 18#.
Thompson (George), B. A., Vl11"n. IS6z.
Thompson (George Black), B. A., Vim. 1859.




Thompeon (George William), B. A., Vms. 18,3+.-1[. A., At.

18 38.
Thompeon (George William), B. A., &t. 18,37.
Thompeon (Hannan), B. A., Vms. 18,3+.
Thompson (Henry), B. A., AAt. 1721.
5 Thompson (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1825.
Thompson (James), B. A., Vms. 1827.
Thompeon (James), B. A., Vms. I 860.-lL B., V".,.. 1866.
Thompeon (James M.), B. A., Vem. 185,3.
Thompson (John), B. A., At. 1781.
10 Thompson (John), B. A.,&t. 181,3.
Thompeon (John), B. A., .AUt. 18,30.
Thompeon (John), B. A., At. 18#.
Thompson (John), B. A., Hilm. 1859.-M. A., BiNI!. 1862.
Thompson (John), B. A., .AUt. 1861.
IS Thompson (John N.), B. A., Vert,. 1851.
Thompson (1laaaey Wade), B. A., Bum. 186+.
Thompson (Matthew), B. A., Vim. 18+8.
Thompson (Mungo), B. A., V".,.. 18H.
Thompson (Mungo Noble), B. A., V".". 1]97.
20 Thompeon (Quintin), B. A., At. 18,30.
Thompeon (Richard), B. A., Vms. 1797.
Thompeon(Richard), B.A., Vms. 18,3,3.-M.A., .&t. 18,36.
Thompeon (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Thompson (Robert), B. A., At. 1829.-1. A., At. 1832.
Thompson (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1831.
25 Thompson (Robert), B. A., Vim. 18,32.
Thompson (Robert). B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
Thompson (Robert 0.), B. A., Vern. 1862.
Thompeon (Samuel). (Entrance, aud B. A., uot recorded).-M. A.,

At. I 7I I
Thompeon (Samuel BenlOn), B. A., Vms. 181 ....
30 Thompeon (Shem), 8ch., 1725.-B. A., Vern. 1]26.-11. A., At.
I 729.-B. D., and D. D., VerPJ. 17-4-3.
Thompeon (Sketllngton), B. A., At. 1829.
Thompson (Thomas), B. A., At. 1705.
Thompeon (Thomas), B. A" At. 1778.
Thompeon (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1810.
H Thompeon (Thomas), B. A., V,rn. 18zo._Y. A., Not. 18,32.



Thompson (William). Sch., 1707.-8. A., Vern. 17 og.-Fellow,

'713-B. D., and D. D., .2I!.'t. 17z7.
Thompson(William), B.A., Vern. J763.-M.A., Vem.1] 67.
Thompson (William), B. A., Vern. '783.-H. A., .!Ell. 1786.
Thompson (William), Sch., 1785. - D. A., 16m. 1786. -M. A.,
Vn-n.179 6.
5 Thompson (William), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Thompson (William), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Thomson (Francis), B. A., Vern. 17+1.-M. A., .2&t. 17+6.
Thomson (Henry Brougham), B. A., Vern. 1853.
'l'homson (Patrick), B. A., V"",. 1817.-M. A., Vern. 18z7.
10 Thomson (Richard), B. A., .Jl8t. 16I1.-M. A., At. 161+.
Thomson (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 18zo._H. A., Vern. 18z7.
ThomsoD (Thomas Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1859.
'l'homson (William), B. A., rtJf'ff. 1831. - LL. B., .!Ell. 18 56.LI. D., Vem. 1857.
Thomson (William), LL. D. (honor" CtIUId), S6pC. I, 1857.
15 Thorn (Thomas), B. A., .!Ell. 1]32.
Thornburgh (Fmncis), B. A., Vern. 181g.
Thornhill (Henry), B. A., .&t. 1856.
Thornhill (Jonathan), D. A., At. 1832.-1[. A., Vern. 1833.
Thornhill (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1836.
zo Thornhill (Thomas Alexander), B. A., and M. B., Vem. 1856.
Thornhill (William), B. A., Vern. 1831. - H. A., .2&t. 1838.M. B., .&t. 18++.
Thornhill (William lohnson), Sch., 1838.-B. A., Vern. 1839.
ThorntoD (lames), B.A., Vern. 1739.-1[. B., .!Ell. 1748.-1I. D.,
LEst. 1773.
Thornton (Perrott), B. A., .!Ell. 1806.-H. A., No". 183z.
z5 Thornton (Robert), B. A. .!EIt. 1795.
Thornton (Thomas), Sch., 1699.-B. A., Vetn. 1701.
Thornton (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1708.
Thorp (Gabriel), B. A., Vem. 1819.-H. B., Vern. 183+
Thorp (lohn), Sch., 17 13.-B.A., Vn-n''715.-M.A., &t. 1718.
30 Thorp (Philip), Sch., 1729.-B. A., Vern. 173 I.-Y. A., AifI.173+
Thorp (Robert), B.A., Nov. II, 1788.-LL. B., JB,t. 1789.
Thorp (Roger), Scb., 1722. - B. A., Ver .... '71+. -11. A., Vern.
Thorpe (Duniel), B.A.., Vern. 18z9.-1[. A., JEst. 18+7.
4 C



Thorpe (Francia), B. A., r('1'/1. 1843.

Thorpe (Richard Joshua), B. A., Vmt. ,861.
Thorpe (William), B. A., Vent. 1800.-lI. A' I &t. 1817.
Thorpe (William Jame8), B. A., Fmt. 18J5.-lI. A., Vena. 1835.
S Thresher (Samuel), Seb., 1698.-B. A., Vena. 1li99.
Thuuder (Henry), B. A., /Est. 1829.
Thwaites (Augustine), B..A., Vern. 1824Thwaitl's (John Hawtrey), B. A., Hitm. 186:..
Thynnc (William Shortt), Seh., 1826.-B. A., V",.. 18.31.
10 Tibeaudo (Oliver), B. A., Vim. 184+'
Tibbs (Henry Wall), Seh., 1835. - B. A., VIIr.'I. 1839. - M ..\ ..
Yt'rn. 18+1.
Tibbs (Philip Graydon), B. A., Ylm. 18S9.-1I. A., "''1. 1862.
Tickell (Edward), B. A., LElt. I 799.-lI. A., Noo. 18J:I.
Tickle, or Tiekell (Richard), B. A., V"nt. I 666.-8ch., 1667.
IS Tickner (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1862.
Tighe (Edward), B. A., Vent. 1819.-lI. A' I Noo. 1832.
Tighe (Henry), B. A., .l&t. 1792.
Tighe (Henry), B.A., Vern. 1837.
Tighe (Richard), B. A., Vim. 1703.
20 Tighe (Richard), B. A., Vim. 18+2.
Tighe (Robert), B. A., Vent. 1827.-1I. A., ~'st. ISf7.
Tighe (Stearne), B. A., Vent. 1741.
Tighe (Stearne), B. A' I Vern. 1825.
Tighe (Stearne), B. A., Vern. 1858.
25 Tighe (Thomas), B. A., ht. I 799.-M. A., Nor;. 1832.
Tighe (Thomas), B. A., r/!NI. 1829.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
l.'ighe (William), B. A., Vern. 1675.
Tighe (WilUnm), B. A., LEst. 175.
Tighe (William), LL. D. (Amon. cal"d), 1'io,.,.. 173 S.
30 Tighe (William), R. A., Vwn. 1833.
Tighe (William G.), B. A., Yma. 1826.
Tilladam (John), M. A., Jan. 26, .661.
'l'illan (Hugh), B.A., y.".,.. 1726.
Tilly (Benjamin), B. A" rent. 18H.
35 Tindall (John), B. A., 1er,.. 1665'
'l'ipping (Edward), B. ,\., ./Est. 18+7.
Tipping (Franeis Hall), B. A., ./Est. 1829.-11. A., .,Nuv. 18 3 2 .
TipVing (Ichnbod), M n, .. ].;,1. 16115 -Y. D., Vern. 1706.



Tipping (William), 8ch., 1679. - B. A., VM'n. 168z. - B. D., and

D. D., Hay 28, 1701.
Tisdal(Oharlea), B.A., YM'n. 1738.
Ti.~l (George), B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Tisdall (Benjamin), B. A., LE.t. 18+9'
5 Tisdall (Charles), B. A., Y".,..1782.
Tisdall (Charles Edward), B. A., 2Elt. 184+ - M. A., and B. D.,
Ymt. 18S8. -D. D., .i&t. 1859.
Tisdall (Edwat'd), B. A., Y~m. 18+4'
Tisdall (Fitz Gerald), Sch 1780.- B. A., rern . .,82.
Tisdall (George), B. A., Yem. 1728. -Y. A., At. 1731.-lt D.,
and D. D., 2Elt. 17-H.
10 Tisdall (Hugh), Sch., 1726.-B.A., Yin. qz8.-M. A., .)lM.
Tisdall (Hugb), B. A., ...IEat. 1791.
Tisdall, or Tisdel (Jame8), Sch., 1693. - B. A., V".,.. 1696.Y. A., &t. 1699'
Tisdall (James), B. A., At. 1804.
Tisdall (James', B. A., Vern. 1838.
IS Tisdall (John), B. A., JIt. 1836.
Tisda1l (Mark Anthony), Sch., 1 76+.-B. A., Vern. 1 766.-M. A.,
YM'n. 1772.
Tisdall (Michael), B. A., .2E:lt. 1691.

Tisdall (Michael), B. A" Yern. 17+9.-11. A., Vw ... 175+.

Tisdoll (Michael), B. A' I It. 1776.
20 1'isdal.l (Richard), LL. D. (BpfCitJli.qra~id), .LEst. ., 19.
Tisdall (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1730.-14. A., At. 1736.
Tisdall (Thomas), Sch., 1702. -' B. A., VM'''. 1704. - M. A . ..I&t.
Tisdall (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1783.
Tisdall (Thomas A.), B. A., Y~. 184o.-M. B., .l.&t. 18.p.
25 Tisdall (William), Beh., I 692.-B. A., Vern. 1693.-Fellow, 1696.
-M.A., &t. 16.-B. D., &t. 1703.-D. D., .2Ed. 1707.
Tisd.a1l (William), B. A., Y".,.. 1728.
Tisdall (William), B. A., Vern. 1733.
Tisdall (William), B .A., Vern. I 736.-M:. A., .l&t. 1739.
Tisdall (William). B. A., YIr ... 1763.
30 Tisdel (Philip), B. A., Vern. 17ll.
Tobin (George), B. A., V~. 1832.



1'041 (William), B.A., Vern.1718.

Todd (Andrew), B. A., V.".,.. 18J6.
Todd (Armstrong), B. A., VM"1t. 18+8.-Y. B., .2&1. 18+9Todd (Arthur Ikntley), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
5 Todd (Charles Hawkes), Soh., I 83+.-B. A., Vern. 18J5.-LL. B.,
~t. 18+1. -LL. D., ~t. 18++.
Todd (Daniel), Y. A., NUl}. 18)1.
Todd (James Henthorn), B. A., Vt'/,.. 1815. - Fellow, 1831.M. A., ,.tE,t. 18JZ.-B. D., .i&t. 1837 -D. D., Vern. 18+0.
Todd (Richard Cooper), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
Todd (H.obert B.), B. A., Vl'rn. 1819.
10 Todd (Robert Ross), B. A., Vern. 18+1.-M. A., Hirm. 186+.
Todd (Willinm Gowan), B. A., VM'n. 18.p.-H. A., .2&t. 184-9.
Todderiek (George Frank), B. A., AN. 180). - Y. A., and If. B.,
VI'1'n. 1807.
Toleken (James), B. A., Vern. 18z8.
Tolekcn (John), B. A., V..
18zs.-Fellow, 1836.-M. A., l"fflI.
18)7.-Y. B., and M. D., V",.,.. 18.p.
15 Toler (Daniel), B. A., LE.t. 1789.
Toler (Daniel), B. A., ..l&t. 1801.
Toler (Hector), B. A., .J?,t. 180z.
Toler (John), B. A., Vern. 176I.-M. A., Vern. 1766.
Toler (John), Sch., ,,8+. - B. A., Vern. 1785. - M. A., rtnl.
20 Toler (John), B. A., rem. 18JZ.-lf. n., ./Est. 183+.
Toler (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1817.
Toler (Robert Waller), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Tolfrey (Georgo Stackhouse), B. A., Vern. 1816. - M. A., ~t.
181 9.
Toller (William), B.A., May 1,1618.
25 Toilet (MaTOus), Soh., 1692.-B. A. (adeund.), At. l~Z.M. A., LEst. 1695.
Tombe (Henry Joy), B.A., Vern. 18+6.-~f. A., .Jf~t. 18+8.
Tomes (Charles Forrester), B. A., ran. 18+6.
Tomes (William), Seh., 1809.-B. A., V.".,.. 1811.
Tomkins (Arthur Wellesley), B. A., Iliem. 186....
30 Tomkinson (Taylor Hughes), B.A., 8lem. 1861.-M. A., ~&.f.


Should have had B. A., .J:st. J 826, but no Comitia.



Tomlinson (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1683.

Tomlinson (Daniel), H. A., Vim. I 679.-M. A., A?st. 1682.
Tomlinson (Robert), B. A., A?st. 1866.
Tomlinson (Stirling), B. A., A?st. 1863.
5 Tomlinson (Thomas), B. A., Vim. 18+1.
Tomlinson (Thomas), Sch., I 859.-B. A., .lIt. J862.-~J. A.,
..lEat. 1865.

Tomlinson (William), B.A., Vern. 1720.

Tomlinson (William), B. A., Vern. 1829.-lf. A., Nov. 1832.
Tomlinson (William Bannister), B. A., Diem. J861.
10 Tone (Theobald Wolfe), Sch., 178+.-B. A., VIN,. I785.-LL.B.,
Ywn. 1789.

Tonge (John), B. A., Vwn. 167z.-M. A., ..lEat. 1675.

Tonson (Hon. Ludlow), B. D., and D. D. (ad eund. Cantab), Vern.
18 39.
Tooker, or Tucker (John), B. A., Vern. 1708.
Tooker (John), Sch., 1734--B. A., Vllrn. 1735.-LL. B., 1739.
15 Toomey (Thomas), Sch., 1784--B. A., Vim. 1785.-1[. A., .st.
17 89.
Topham (James), B. A., .lEat. 18+9.
Topham (John), (Entrance, and B. A.:not recorded).-LL. D., Jan.
25, 1666.
Toplady (Augustus M~tague), B. A., Vllrn. 1760.
Toplady (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 173+.
20 Toppin (Richard), B. A., ..lEal. J85+.
Torpy (Lorenzo), B. A., Vwn. 18+8.-M.A., Vern. 1853.
Torrance (George William), B. A., Dillm. 186+.
Torrens (John), B. A., VIIMJ. 1731.-lf. A., ..lEat. 1739. - D. D.,

..lEat. 1763.
Torrens (John), Sch.,1773.-B.A., Vern 177+.
25 Torrens (John), B. A., Vmt. 1789.
Torrens (John), Bch., 1806. - B. A., Vern. 1807. -11. A., LE,t.
1811.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 182+.
Torrens (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1863.
Torrens (Robert), SCh.,17+1.-B.A., Vern. 17+3.-lf.A., A?st.
Torrens (Robert), Sch., 1793.-B. A., Vern. 1795
30 Torrens (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1835.


l'orrcns(Thomas), Sah., 1760.-B.A., ,,,.,.. 1762.-Fdl"w, 176).

-K. A., &1. 1 76S.-B. D., VtnI. I 775.-D. D. .&L 1777.
Torrens (ThoIDu), Sch., I 761.-B. A., YInI. I 762.-LL B.,.4/II.

Torren8 (Thomas Franc~), B. A., Alot. I S...o.
1'orrl'ns (Thomas HeDlY), B. A., Yn'JI. ISIS.
5 Torwny (John), B. A.,
1675. - Sch., 1675' -Y. A., ..!,
16 78.
Tottenham (Charles), B. A., VfflI. 1759Tottonham (Charle3), B. A., Ywta.1763.
Tottenham (Charles), LL. D. (lmloni eGad), rHfl. 1766.
Tottcuham (Charles), B.A., ,,,.,.. 181....-lrl. A., Nor;. 1831.
10 Tottcnbam (Edward), B. A., 'Wit. 1737.-ll. A., .2&L 1740.
Tottcnham (Edward), B.A., V6r1 IS30.-M.A., y".,., IS33.LL B., 4:lt. IS+1.
Tottenham (Henry), B. A., .st. I 838.-H. A., LEst. 18++.
Tottcnbam (Henry Loftus), B. A., Vlll11. 18+6.
Tottenham (John), B. A., .LEIt. 1817.-1I. A., ...Y"r. 1832.
IS Tottcnham (John White), B. A., IIj~lII. 1861. - Y. A.., Hi. .,.
186 5.
Tottenham (Loftus), B. A., ,,,.,.. lSI I.
Tottcnhnm (Ponsonby), B. A.,
Tottcnham (Richard), B. A., LEd. IS3S,
Tottcnhnm (Richard), B. A., Vm&. 18+2.
20 Totton (William Augustus), B. A., Vm. 18S9.
Tovey (James), Reb., 1686. - B. A'I
1687. - ll. A., ..:.1.
169 1
Tovey (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1716.
Towell (James), B. A., Vern. IS05.-1[. A., ]{Of). 1832.
Towers (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 17lS.
25 Towers (Anthony), B. A., y",'1I. 1763.
Towers (John), Sch. 1708.-B. A., T"mL 1709.-11. A., r ..... 17 12
-D. D., and D. D., .2&t. 17+3.
Towel"l!(John), Sch., 1717.-B.A., V.... 17I9.-M.A., ..$1.




I7 2Z
Towers (Matthew), B. A., VIm. 171+.-1I. A., At. 173 2
Towers (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1780.
30 Towers (William), B. A., Vern. 1 826.-}[. A., No". 1832.
Towneley (Henry), ll.A., JIll!! I, 165+.




Townley (Blaney), B. A. (tJUciali grfltid), Vern. 1686.

Townley (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1341.
Townsend (Aubrey), B. A., Ylm. 1836. - M. A., r81'1l. 1839.B. D., Vern. 1847.
Townsend (Butler), B.A., y".,.. 17z8.-M. A., LEd. 1731.
5 Townsend (Chambre Corker), B.A.,
1818.-M. A., NOI).
Townsend (Charles), B. A., Vern. 183+.
Townsend (Cornelius), B. A., Vem. 17'9.
Townsend (Edward), B. A., r".". 1853.-lLA., Vl1'II. 18;6.
Townsend (Edward Richard), B. A., y".,.. 1856. -M. B., .2&t.
18SJ.-H. D., Hinn. 1861.
10 Townsend (Edward Synge), B.A., y".,., 1761.
Townsend (Francia), B. A., Vern. 17z8.-11. A., &t. 1731.
Townsend (Hamilton), B. A., V/II'7I. 1848.
Townsend (Henry Fitz John), B. A., Hi,,,.. 1863.
Townsend (Horace), Sch., 1724.-B. A.,
1726.-M. A., ..i"J~"t.
17 2 9.
J S Townsend (Horace). B. A., V".,.. I 770.-H.A., .2&t. 1776.
Townsend (Horace), B. A., y".,.. 1824.
Townsend (Horace), B. A., r".,.. 1825.-M. A., NUl). 1832.
Townsend (Horace), B. A., BIt. 1839.
Townsend (Horace), B. A., Vim. 18+8.
20 Townsend (Horace Webb), B. A., Hill/II. 1860.
Townsend (Horatio), B. A., Ywn. 1790.
Townsend (John), B. A., Vern. 1712.-M. A., At. 1715.
Townsend (John), B. A., YIINI. 1758.
Townsend (John), B. A., Vern. 1775.
25 Townsend (John), Bch., 1784.-B. A IIJNI. 1785.
Townsend (John), B. A., Yri. 1805.
Townsend (John FitzHenry), B. A., .2&t. 1829. -LL. B., and
LL. D.,
Townsend (John Sealy), Soh., '782.-B. A., VIIr#. I 78+.-LL. B.,
.2&t. 1787.
Townsend (John Sealy), B. A., .2&t. 1831.
30 TOWDBCnd (Joseph), B. A., .2&t. 1800.
Townsend (Philip), B. A Vlrn. 1689.-ll. A., .&1. 169+
Townsend (Richard), B. A., LEst. 17+6.-H. A., .l&t. 17+9.
Townsend (Richard), "B. A., Verll. 1778.






Townsend (RicblU'd), B. A., Ver'II. 179).

Townsend (Richard), B. A., Vm. 1796.
Towns('nd (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1797.
TOWDscnd (Richard), B. A., y",.. ISIS.
Townscnd (llichard), B. A., &1. IS20.
TOWDIIC.nd (Richard), B. A., Ven,. ISu.-H. A., Nor. 183%.
TownllenJ (Richard), B. A., Vml. 18+%.-Fellow, 18H.-M. A.,
1'1',.n. 18)2.
Townscnd (Hichard Boyle), B.A., Vms.ISI7.
Townsend (Richard Horatio), B. A., Vms. 1860.
Townscnd (ltiehard William), ll. A., Vms. 18+5'
Townscnd (Samuel), Sch., 17+9.-B. A., r;,.,.,.. J 7)1.
Town5cnd (8umucl), B. A.,
Town&end (Samuel Philip). B. A., Vern. 177+.
Townsend (Samuel Philip), B. A., HiI'm. IS6%.
Town!ll'nd (Somerset Lowry Corry), B. A., Vern. 1837' - I f A..,
B. D., and D. D., V~'n. IS5+'
Townsend (Thomas), B. A., Vm. 1809.-Y. A., Nol'l. 183%.
Townsend, or Townshend (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1823.-M. A., ...YfIC.
Townt!Cnd (Thomas), B. A., LElt. 18S3.-Y. A., LElt. 1860.
Townsend (Thomas Stewart), B. A., LEat. 18zl.-M. A., _'1i".
18 3 2
Townsend (Thomas Unincke), Sch., 1829.-B. A., Vwn. 183%.
Towll:<cnd (William), B. A.,
1809. -B.D., and D. D.,..t.
18 4 8.
Townsend (William), B. A., Fern. 1839.
Townsend (William Chambers), B. A., V",.. 18+5.
Towsc (Stephen), Sch., 1686.-D. A., Ftni. 1688.
Trncey (John), B. A., LEat. I 716.
Trncey (John), B. A., Vern. 1768.
Tracey (Thomas). Sch., I 838.-B. A., 2Elt. 18.p.
Tracie (Michael), B. A., LElt. 1829.
Tracy (Flo.n), Sch., 1800.-B. A., Vern. 1801.
Tracy (John), B. A., Vern. 1849'
Tracy (Philip), B.A., Vern. 17+3.-Y.A.,LE,t. 17+6.
Trafford (Thomas), B. A., 2Elt. 1629.
Trail (Robert), B. A., LElt. 1816.-H. A., LEII. 1827.-B. D., ~iid.
D. D., Vern. 1840.









Trail (William), B. A., At. 1811.

Traill (Anthony), Sch., 1858.-B. A., V"II. 1861.-H. A., Vern.
186+.-Fellow, 186S.-LL. B., and LL. D., HUm. 186S.
Traill (Archibald), B. A., V"... 1779.
Trail! (Robert Walter), B. A., Hitlm. 1865'
5 Traill (William Acheeon), B. A., H"IMII. 1865.
Travers (
), D. D. (at the request of the House of OommoDs),
Ike. 15, 1698.
Travers (Boyle), B. A., V,,.,.. 1696.-lf. A., .2&t. 1~9.
Travers (Boyle), B.A., Ver,. 17 I 3-ll. A., .2&t. 1716.-B D.,

and D. D., Vma. 1732.

Travera (Boyle), B. A., V".,.., l[. B., .2&1. 1847.
10 Travers (10~), B.A., Vim. 1786.-LL.B., Vwn. 1790.
Travers (10hn), Sch., 1683.-(B. A. not recorded).-lf. A., At.
Travers (John), B.A., Vim. 1713.-lf.A., &t'1716.
Travers (John), B. A., Vms. 1791.
Travers (10hn Moore), B. A., &t. 1789 .
. I S Travers (Joseph), B. A., &t. 16zo.-lf. A., At. 16z3.-Fellow,
Travers (Michael), B. A., VM'1I. 1719.
Travers (Richard), B. A., YBrn. 1687.
Travers (Robert), B. A., V",.,.. 1688.
Travers (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1792.
20 Travers (Robert), B. A.,
1832.-lf. A., y.".,.. 18.35.-lf. B.,
Travers (Walter), B. A., L&t. 1738.
Traverae (
), Fellow, 1610.
Trayer (Abbott), Sch., 1802.-B. A., At. 180+.
Trayer (A.bbott), B.A., y".,.. 1831.
25 Trayer (1ames Jobn), B. A., At. 1837.-lf. B., YBrn. 1839.
Trayer (Richard), Scb., 1831.-B.A., V",.,.. 183.3 .
. Traynor (1ohn), B.A., VM'1I. 1832.
Traynor (Valentine Lawley), B. A., &t. 18u. - M. A., NOfJ.
Treanor (Thomas Stanley), B. A., y",.,.. 1862.
30 Tredenniok (George Nesbitt, or Nesbitt George), B. A., At. 1817.
-M. A.., .It. 1830'
Tredennick (George Nesbitt), B. A., V".,.. 1866.





TredenDick (lohn), B. A.' I Vent. ISIS.

Tredennick (lohn Galbraith), B. A., &t. ISp.
Trench (Charles), B. A., and ll. A., At. ISoz.-LL. B., ad
LL D., Y".,.. IS03.
Trench (Charles 1.), B. A.,
18 z 7.
Trench (Chwlee Stuart), B. A.., Vtm. 1866.
Trench (Eyre), B. A., YIm, 1736.
Trenoh (Frederick), LL. D. (,plCiali graM,), .4ln. 1719.
Trenoh (Frederick), B. A., V,"" 1710.
Trenoh (Frederick), B. A.., V,"" I 737'-X. A.., At. 1740Trench (Frederick), B. A., Vim, 174S'
Trench (Frederick), B. A.' I Vim. 1766.
Trench (Frederick), B. A., and ll. A., AI. 18+9.
Trench (Frederiok Eyre), B. A., At. 1790.-H. A., V".,.. 181+.
Trench (Frederick Le Poer). Soe Le PoeI' Trench.
Trench (Frederick S,), B. A., .&t. 181S.
Trench (George Frederick), B. A., Hi,m. 1862.
Trench (lIenry), B. A.., Vir,.. 1829.
Trench (James), B. A.., Vim. 1831.
Trench (John), (Entered 166S).-M, A" .A!lt. 1672.
Trenoh (John), B. A., Vlrn. 1708.
Trench (John), B. A.., Vwn. 1738.
Trench (John), B. A., Vim. 1790.
Trench (John Edmund), B. A., Vim. 18+0.-M. A., &t. 184+
Trenoh (John Le Poer). See u Pocr Trench.
Trench (Power). See Le Poer Trench.
Trench (Richard Chenevix), D. D. (ad eund. Catab.), r".,..186+.
Trench (Stewart Segur), LL. D., Vim. 1827.
Trench (Thoma), B. A., Vim. n8+.
Trench (Thoma), B.A., Vim. 1795.
Trench (Thoma), M. A., No!). 1832.
Trench (Thomu Sande8), B. A.., Diem. IS63.
Trench (William), B. A.., Vir"" 17+1.-ll. A., .A!lt. 174+.
Trench (William), B. A., .A!lt. 1796.
Trench (William), B. A., ..lEat. IS23.
Trench (William Le Poer). Bee Le Poor Trenoh.
Trenohard (John), B. A.., Vim. 1687.
Tresham (Edward), B. A., Ywn. 1800.
Trevelyan (Alfred Wilson), B. A.., .&1. ISS6.










Trevor (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., At. 1625.
Trevor (Arthur, Viscount Dungannon), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.),

Trevor (Edward), B. A" &t. 1839.
Trevor (Hugh), B. A., Vem. 182S.
S Trevor (Thomas Tudor), B. A., Vma. 1839.-M. A., V".,.. 18+3.
Trew (John), B. A., At. 1862.
Treynor (Edward), B.A., Vern. 1839.
Triddel1 (John), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Trimble (Francis), Sch., 17+2.-B.A.,
10 Trimble (John), B. A., Vern. 18+7.
Triphook (John), B. A., Vern. 1819.
Triphook (Joseph Robert), B. A' I VB,... 18S3.-H. A., Vem.186s.
Triphook (Simon Bagge), B. A., Fum. 1861.
Triphook (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1851.
15 Trix (LewiB), B.A., VtIf'fI.1681.
Trocke (Thomas), B. A., V",.. 178+
Trocke (William), B. A., At. 1818.-H. A., LEst. ,821.
Tronson (George), B. A., Vern. 1817.
Tronaon (Robert), B. A., Vma. 1781.
20 Trotter (David), B. A., Vern. 18so.-H. A., Vim. 1858.
Trotter (Edward), B. A., V,,... 17+9. - M. A., At. 1751.LL. B., and LL. D., At. 1776.
Trotter (John Bernard), B. A., V/Jrn. 179S'
Trotter (Robert), B. A., Vem. 1727.
Trotter (Stephen), LL. D. (Aonori, clHUd), VIff'fIo 17++
25 Trotter (Thomas), LL. D. (speciali gratid), .Marcia 10, 1718.
TrouBdell (Henry), B. A., At. 1831.
Tronton (Edmund), B.A., Vern:18n.
Trowadale lJameB), B. A., VtIf'fI. 1710.
Truel (Robert), B. A., At. 1821.
30 Truell (Henry Pomeroy), B. A., Vw,.. 18S8.-M. B., At. 1861.
Truell (Holt), Sch., qu.-B.A., Vern. 1723.-H.,A., LEat.



Truell (Michael), B. A., VtIf'fI. I 770'-Y' A., V/Jr1I. 1773.

Trnel1 (Robert), B. A., V/Jr1l. 1777. - M. A., At. I 780.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. 1796.
iTuell (Robert), B. A., LEst. 185 I.-H. A., At. 1865.
35 Trnlock (George), B. A. (ad eund.), and M. A., Nor;. 1832.



Trumble (Roger), B. A.., Y1m. I 73 S.

Trumbull (Robert), B.A., Y".,..1834Trumper(W1l.liamWelwyn), B.A., AIlt. 1831.
Traacott (Francis), B. A., Ytnt. 1853.
5 Tryddell (William), Seb., I 726.-B. A., Y...... 1 727.-LL. B., .&t.
I 730.-LL. D., AIl,. '7+0.
Tubbe (Nicholaa), Seb., I 72Z.-B. A., y",., 172+
Tubman (Nathaniel), B. A" y"... 1699.
Tucker (David), B. A., y"... 18++-M:. B., y"... 18+6.
Tucker (Francia), B.A., Yerw. 1715.-M:. A., AIlt. 171S.
10 Tucker (lohn Rule), B. A., y".,.. I 851.-M:. A.. .AI.t. 1856.
Tucker (Thoma), B.A., ..l&t. 1685.
Tucker (Thomaa), Sch, 17 13. - B. A., y",.. I 7 15. - ll. A., ..f?IJ.
1 718
Tucker (Wulliun), B. A., y"... I 82+.-M:. A., N0f7. IS32.
Tuckey(Broderiok), B. A., At. 1773.
15 Tuckey (Broderick), B. A.., y".,.. 18+0.
Tuokey (Charles), B. A.., .2&l. 1772. - LL. B., and LL. D., jE,t.
1 795.
Tuokey (Oharles), B. A.,
1 834-.-M. B., y".,.. IS+I.
Tuckey (Charles), B. A., Hif... IS63.
Tuckey ( Cornelius), B. A., .It. I 802 .
20 Tuokey (Davys), B. A., YIm. 1762.
Tuokey (James H.), B. A., y".,.. 1827.
Tuckey (Thomas), B. A.., y".". 1731.-Y. A., &t. 173+.
Tuckey (Thomas), Sch., 1798.-B. A., YWfI. 1800.
Tuckey (Thomas), B. A., &t. 1809.
25 Tuckey (Thomas), B. A., J76,.,., 1837.
Tuckey (Thomas Brodrick), B. A., Yent. 1839.
Tuckey (William), B. A., y".,.. 1803.
Tudor (Riohard), B. A., y".,.. 1825.
Tullamore (Charles, Baron). See Moore.
30 Tully (Thomas), Sch., I;%I.-B. A Vm. 1723.
Tully (William A.), B. A., YWfI. 18 SZ.
Tunnadine (John), Sch., 1716. - B. A., YWfI. 1718. - M. A' I &to
1 7 26
Tunnadine (Joseph), B. A., V".,.. 1734Tunnadine (Leonard), Sch., J 729.-B. A., V,rn. 1730.
15 Tuomcy (John), B. A., V,rn. 18z3.-l[. A., Nov. 1832.




Tuomy (Martin), Sch., 1788.-B. A., and M. B., Vern. 1794

Tuomy (Patrick), B. A., .2&t. 1821.
Turbett (Robert Exham), B. A., and M. A., .2&t. 1865.
Turbitt (Robert), B. A., VM"n.18so.
S Turkington (James), Soh., 1717.-B. A., VM"n. 17 19.
Tomer (Courtenay), B.A., At. 1820.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Turner (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Turner (Edward). B. A., At. 1819.
Turner (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1774.
10 Turner (Henry), B. A., VM"n. 1666.-Sch., 1667.
Turner (Irwin), B. A., Vern. 1850'
Turner (James), B. A. (ad eund. OKon.), and M. A., Vern. 1776.
Turner (James), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Turner (Joseph), B. A" V~rn. 1793.-M. A., .2&t. 1830.-B. D.,
and D. D., Vern. 1831.
15 Turner (Joseph), B. A., Vwn. 1836.
Turner (Richard), B. A., Vern. 18+1 ..
Turner (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1709.
Turner (Samuel). B.A., Vern. I 786.-LL. B., VM"n.1787.
Turner (Walter N.), B. A., Vern. 18p.-M. A., .2&t. 1862.
20 Turner (William), B. A., Vern. 1782.-LL. B., and LL. D., .lEd.
Turner (William), B. A.,.lEst. 1813.-X. A . .Jt~t. 18 ".
Turner (William Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Turner (William Henry), B. A., At. 1799.
Turney (Michael), Sch., 1765.-B. A., Vern. 1767.
2~ Turnley (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Turnley (William), B. A., At. 18+1.
Turpin (Charles Bury), B. A., At. 1814.-M. A., N0t7. 1832.
Turpin (Digby), B. A., At. 185+.
Turpin (John), Sch., 1819. -B. A., Vern. 1823.- M. A., .Jtd.
30 Tnrpin (Patrick), B. A., Vern. 1825.-M. A., Nov. 18p.
Turpin (Peter), B. A., Vern. 176S.-M.A., At. 1781.
Turpin (Walter Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. I 857.-H. A., Verll.1863.
Turpin (William), B.A., Vern. 182S.-Y. A., NotJ.1832.
Turrell (Charles), B. A., .Jt8t. 1860.-M. A., Vern. 186 J.
35 Turvin (Baptist), B. A., 1638.
Tuthill (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1830.








Tuthill (Charles Edward), Sch., I 86z.-B. A., t"... 186...

Tuthill (Charles Langley), B. A., rent. 1839.
Tuthill (Edward Chateauneuf), B. A., Vms. 1837.-11. A., V"...
Tuthill (George), B. A., AIle. 1791.-lL A., NOfI. 183%'
Tuthill (Henry Chatcneuf), B. A., rertt. 1826.-ll. A., NOfI.183a.
Tuthill (l1ugh), Sch., l7+o.-B. A., Vms. 17+1.
Tuthill (Hugh), Sch., 1773. - B. A., V",.. 177+ - Y. A., .&t.
Tuthill (Hugh), B. A., V",.. 1842.
Tuthill (Jamcs), B. A., V",.. 1809.
Tuthill (Jcr('miah), B.A., Vern. 1792.
Tuthill (Robert Reevcs), B. A" Vent. 1848.
Tuthill (Hoger), B. A.. Vern. 171.
Tuthill (William), B. A., V",.. 1838.
Tuttle, or Tuthil (Michael Hugh), Sch., l7+o.-B. A., r erfI. 17+1.
-M.A., LE3t. 17++.
Twamley (James), B. A., V".,.. 18S7.-M. A., V"... 1862.
Twamley (John), B. A., Vmt. 1846.
Twcedy (Henry), Entercd 1799. - (B. A. not recorded). - ll. A.,
Vern. 1808.
Tweedy (John Johnston), B. A., V",.. 18+4.-1. A., Vens. 1858.
Tweedy (Thomas), B.A., V",.. 1833.
Twclls (John), B. A., ,LIM. 1672.
Twentyman (Joseph), B. A., LEd. 1829.
Twibill (George Gillichan), B. A" vwri. 1846.
Twibill (William), B. A., Fe,.,.. 1851.
Twigg (Conolly), Sch., 1857.-B. A., Hiem. 1859.
Twigg (Hugh), B. A., V",.. 1757.
Twigg (John), B. A., .LE.t. 1 680.-M. A., LE.,. 1683.
Twigg (John Bcnjamin), It A., V""a.1853.
Twigg (John James), Sch., 1847.-B. A., Vern. 1848.
Twigg (Paul), B. A., V".,. 1721.-1[, A., ..lEst. 172+Twigg (Paul), B. A., VII,.,.. 1795.
Twigg (Samuel), B.A., V",.. 1822.-}[. A.., N()f). 1832.
Twigg (Thomas). B. A., Vern. 1718.
Twigg (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1809.-M. A., N()f). 1832.
Twigg (Thomas), Sch., 1841.-B. A., V".,.. 18++.-K. A., YN"lf.



Twigg (William), Sch., 1676.-B. A., VIm. 1678.-M. A., At.

Twiss (ArtbI1J'), B.A., V".,.. 1841.
TwiB8 (Martin), B. A., Vtrn. 1838.
Twiss (Richard), Sch., 1804.-B. A., V".,.. 1807.-M. A., Atst.

5 Twycross (Edward), B .A.., V,m. 18l4.-M. A., Nov. 1831.
TwycroB8 (John), B. A., V".,.. 1818.
Tyacke (Richard Frederick), B. A., V".,.. 18S6.-1tI. A., V,m.
Tydd (lohn), Sch., 1761.-B. A., V".,.. 176....
Tyler (George), B.A., V".,., 1830'
10 Tyler (Walter), B. A., LEd. 1778.
Tyler (William), Sch., I 739.-B. A., V".,.. 1740.
Tymon8 (Frederick), B. A., Hillm. 1860.
Tymon8 (Michael), Sch., 1791.-B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Tyndall (Graham), B. A., Vir". 1851'
IS Tyndall (William), B. A., V".,.. 18ll.-H. A., Nov. 1831.
Tyner (Richard Legge), B. A., .IEd. 1817.-M. A., At. 1841.
Tyner (Richard Legge), B. A., At. 18p.-M. A., Hinn. 1865.
Tynte (Sir lames Stratford, Barl), B. A., &t. 1779.
Tynte (Rlbert), B. A., V".,.. 1745.-lf. A., V".,.. 1748.
10 Tyrrell (Duke), Sch., I 699.-B. A., V".,.. 17ot.-M. A., &t.
Tyrrell (Duke), B. A., Vir". 1738.
Tyrrell (FraDcis), B. A., V".,.. 1834.
Tyrrell (George), B. A.,
1811.-H. A., Atlt. 1815.
Tyrrell (Gerald), Sch., 181 S.-B. A., V".,.. 1817.
15 Tyrrell (Gerald Wensley), B. A., V".,.. 1817.-H. A., Nov. 1831.
Tyrrell (Henry), B.A., At. 1815.
Tyrrell (Henry FraDcis), Sch., 18n.-B. A., Hiem. 1859.
Tyrrell (John), B. A., At. 1777.
Tyrrell (John), B. A., At. 1810.-M. A., At. 1813.
30 Tyrrell (Robert Yelverton), Sch., 1861.-B. A., Hinn. 1864.
Tyrrell, or TiITell (William), Sch., 168S.-B. A., V".,.. 1685.ll. A., LE.t. 1688.
Tyrrell (William), B. A., V".,.. 181S.-H. A., Nov. 1831.
Tyrrell (Wi11iam), Sch., 18SS.-B. A., VIIt'II. 1857.









UuoW' (Theodore), B. A., Hu.. IS61.

Underwood (John), B. A., J"", n, 16%1.
Underwood (Richard), B. A., Jun, 14> 1619-1I. A., .&1. 16zz.
-B. D., Jan. 16, 1661.
Underwood (Thomas), B. A., .Bit. 17SI.
Underwood (William De La Haye), '8. A' I AUt. 18SS.
Uniack (John), B.A., VtrII. 1731.
Uniack (Maurice), B. A., V".,., 173+.
Uniacke (Robert), B. A., V.".,.. 1773.
Uniacke (Robert), B. A., &t. IS+4-.
Upington(Thomas), B. A., Hu.. IS65.
Upton (Christopher), B. A., V.".,.. ISI9.
Upton (Henry), B. A' I .t. ISI8.
Upton (Shugburgh), B. A., V.".,.. 1790.
Upton (Thomas), LL. D. <,peciali gf"atid), Vmt. 1718.
Uptou (Whitney), B. A., V.".,.. 1792.
Upton (William), Sch., IS I S.-B. A., Vma. ISI3.
Urmstou, or Ormston (William), Seh., 1762.-B. A., rn'fl. 1764.
Urwick(William), B.A., V.".,.. IS+S.-M.A.,.2&t. 1851.
Uaher(Adam), B. A., V.".,.. I 741.-M. A' I .It. 17+5.
Usher (Arthur), Sch., 1727. -Do A., V.".,.. 1728. - M. A., A:8t.
Usher(Char1es), B. A., V".,.. 1715.-LL. D. (llano ..... ","d), V"".
Usher, or Uasher (Francia), Sch., 1663. -B. A., Ja". 19, 1665.Fell, 1667.
Ueher, or Usaher (Frederick), B.A., V".,.. 1710.-M.A., ''1.
17 1 3,
Usher (Henry), B. A., V".". 1726.
Usher, or Uasher (Henry), Sch., 1759--B. A" V".,.. 1761.-Fell.,
1764.-M.A., .LE.t. I 76+.-B. D., and D.D., .AUt. 1779.
Usher (James), B. A., V.".,.. 1709.
Usher (John), B. A., V".,., 1750.
Usher (John), B. A., V".". 1760.
Usher (Joselin), B. A., .LE.t. 16%2.







URher (Marcus), B. A., Vern. 1679.-8ch., 1679.

Usher (probably Robert), B.D., ~8t. 1621.
Usher (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1719.-M. A., ~8t. 1722.
Usher (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 172 5.-M. A., ..!bIt. 1728.
Usher (William), B. A., Vern. 1702.-M. A., Vern. 1706.
Usher (William), B. A., Vern. 1727'
Usher, or Uasher (William), Sch., 17H. - B. A' I Vern. 1756.M. D., LEst. 176+
Ussher (Adam), B. A., May 1+, 16J6.
Ussher(Adam), Entered J66S.-(B.A. not recorded).-M. A., LEst.
16 72
Ussher (Ambrose), Y. A., and Fellow, 1601.
Ussher (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Ussher (Christopher), B. A., May +, 165).
Ussher (Christopher), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Ussher (Cornelius Henry), Sch., 1785. - H. A., Vern. 1786.Fellow, 179+.-M. A., L&t. 1794.-B. D., .tEst. 1797.-D. D.,
L&t. 1801.
Ussher (Henry), Fellow, prior to 1593.
Ussher (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1823.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Ussher(Henry), B. A., Vern. 185+-M. B., LEst. 1857.
Ussher(James), Fellow, 1593.-M.A., 1600.-B. D., 1607.D. D., .August 18, 161+. - Vice Chancellor of the University,
Ussher (John), Sch., 1784'-B. A., Vern. 1785-Fellow, 1790.M. A., L&t. 1 790.-B. D., L&t. I 796.-D. D., LEst. 1801.
Ussher (John), B. A., L&t. 1813.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Ussher (John),. B. A., Vern. 1838.
Ussher (Robert), Fellow, 1611.-B. A., LEst. 1612.-M. A., L&t.
161+-Provost, 1629.
Cssher (Samuel), Sch., 1828.-B. A., V".n. 1830.
Ussher (William), B. A., Vern. 17+o.-M.A., L&t. 17+3.
Ussher (William), B. A., Vern. 1827.








Vu. (Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fell, 1646.

Valentine (James), B. A., V,m. 1831.
Valentine (Thomas), Sch., 169j.-B. A., Vmt. 1697'
Valentine (William John), N. F. Sch., 18SS.-B. A., VWJI. 1858.
Vance (Andrew), B. A., Vim. 1850.
Vance (James), B. A., V".,.. ISSo.
Vance (James J.), B. A., Vern. ISjl_lLA., V".,.. 184"
Vance (John), B.A., VtnI. 17+1.
Vance (John), B. A., VtNl. 1817.-ll. A., Vmt. 184S,
Vance (John), B. A., Vern. 18H.-ll. A., Vern. ISS8.
Vance (John George), B.A., .L&t. 183S.-H. A., Vern.IS51.
Vance (Richard), B. A., Vim. IS+S.-Jrl. A., ..EIt. 1853.
Vance (Robert), B. A., V".,.. ISZ+
Vance (Rebert), B. A., .LElt. ISjl .
Vance (Thomas), B.A., VtnI. 1795
Vance (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. 18+0.-M. A., Vmt. 18+3'
Vance (William Forde), Entered 18Ij.-(B. A., not recorded).M. A., Vern. 18zz.
Vance (William James), B. A., &t. IS#.
Vandeleur (Gerald Ormslcy), B. A., Vml. 186+
Vandeleur (John), B.A., ..EIt. 1717,
Vandeleur (John), B. A., ",t. 1SoS.
Vandelcur (Thomas Barton), B. A., &t. 17S,.-LL. B., and
LL. D., NOfJ. 18jl.

Vandeleur (William), B.A ",t. 1811.-H. A' I .L&t. 1817.

Vandelcure (Thomas), B. A., .LEst. 171.7.
Vanderlure (James), B. A., VII",. 168j.-M. A., 1686.
Vanderlure (John), B. A., Vma. 168j._M. A., &t. 1686.
Vanderlure (Michael), B. A., Ver ... 1686.-Jrl. A., .JJ8t. 16g1.
Vanhomrigh (Bartholomew), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Vanhomrigh (Bartholomew), B. A., Vmt. 1832.
Vanhomrigh (John), B.A., 1~,.,.. 1788.
Vanhomrigh (Peter), Sch., 1 787.-B. A., V",.,.. 1789.-ll. A.,
Vern. 1791..
Yanlewm (John), B. A., and :.L B., Ftni. 17%9.



Vanlewin (ltlead), B. A., Vent. 1733.

Vans (Patrick), 8ch., 170}.-B. A" V".,.. 1706.-M. A., Vem.
Varian (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+0.
Vaughan (Charles), B.A., V".,.. 1712.
5 Vaughan (George), B. A., VIN 173''1.
Vaughan ( George), B. A" V".,.. 18+7.
Vaughan (Hector Francis), B. A., &t. ISoS.-M. A" NOfJ. 1831.
Vaughan (Hugh), Bch., 1716. - B. A., ..lEd. 1716. - lL A., ...l&t.
17 19,
Vaughan (James), 11. A., and D. D., J.n. 16, 1661.
10 Vaughan (John), B. A.,&t. 1701.
Vaughan (John), B. A., Vern. 17o+.-1L A., ..lEd. 1707.
Vaughan (John), B. A., Vern. 1715,
Vaughan (John), B. A., V".,.. 1791.
Vaughan (Richard), B. A., V,rn. 1699.-1.1. A., .AUt. 171.
15 Vaughan (Richard Paisley), B. A., Vm. IS02.-LL. B., and
LL D., Vern. IS3+:
Vavasour (Henry), B. A., .Ai:lt. IS0+.
Vavasour (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1806.-11. A., .AUt. 18z3.
Vavasour (William), Scb., 1761.-B. A., At. J763.-LL. Bo, and
LL. D., At. 1779.
Veasy (George), B. A., Vwn. 1701.
'1O Veuy (Thomas), Soh., 1693.-B. A., Ver,.. 1697.
Veazy (
), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. 170'1.
Veele (Edward), (B. A., Oxon.).-Fell., 16}+.
Veitch (Andrew James), B. A., At. ISs+-11. B., LElt. IS2S.
Veitch (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1736.
'IS Veitch (William), B. A., Vern. 17+4-.
Venables (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1799.-11. A., AIlt. IS02.
Venables (Robert), B. A., ..lEd. 1810.-M. A., Vern.-M. B., &1.
Venables (Thomas), B. A., May 9. 165+
Verdon (Edward), B. A., At. IS17.
30 Verdon (William), B. A., Vern. IS3'J.
Vare (Roger), B. A., Vim. 1736.
Vereker (Henry), B. A., V".,.. IS31.
Vereker (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1840.-11. A. Him. 1861.








Vereker (HOD. Henry Prendergast), B. A., JEd. 18+s.-Lf.. D.,

&t. 1863.
Vereker ( John), B. A., ~t. 1796.
Vereker (John Prendergast), B. A., ~,t. 1844.
Vcrcker (Standish), B. A., Verrl. 18+0.-Y. A., V".,.. 18+0.M. A." VeNt. IS4,3.
Vereker (Thomas), B.A., Vern. 1851.
Verlin (Richard), B. A., V~Nt. 16SJ.
Verner (Arthur), R A., r~Nt. 18,33.
Verner (George 06'le), RA.,.LEst. ISu.-M.A., ..tEfl. 1827.
Verner (James), B. A., Vern. IS31.
Verner (Thomas), B. A., ~8t. 1795.
Vernon (George), B. A., .2E1t. ISI6.-M. A., .2&t. ISn.
Vernon (';corgc William), Sch., 1779.-B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Vernon (Jo~n), LL. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), V".,.. 1779.
Vernon (John), B. A., .LEit. 1793.
Vernon (John), B. A., LEst . SII.
VernOD (John Edward), B. A.., JT~,.,.. 18,3!!.
Vero (Thomas), B. A., VeNt. 1731.-M. A., ~~t. 1735.
Verrecar, or Vereker (John), B. A., ~,t. 1736.
Verschoyle (Hamilton), Sch., 182,3. - B. A., .LEat. 18J5. - Y. A.,
R D., and D. D., IIie",. 1862.
Vcrschoyle (Hamilton), B. A., IIiem. 1865.
Verschoylc(Jamc~), Sch., I 768.-a A., Vern. I 77o.-LL. R, .LUI.
1 776.-LL. D., ,ern. 1798.
Vcrschoylc (James), B. A., .rE;Jt. 1836.-M. A., ..tE$t. IS39.
Verschoyle (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1732.
Verschoyle (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1803.-M. A., ~st. 1813.
Verschoyle :JoBeph). B.A., VeNt. 1815.-li. A" ~8t. 181S.
Verschoyle (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1832.-1I. A., VItNt. 1836.
Verschoylc (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1813.
Vesey (Agmondisham), Sch., 1737.-13. A., Vern. 1739.
Vesey (AgmundiHham), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Vosey (Agmundish), LL. D. (speciali graNd), &1. '709.
Ves('y (Hon. and Rev. Arthur), B. A., LEst. 179+. - M. A., AM.
Ves<'y (Francis), B. A., ,,t. 17+2..
V<'St'y (Francis), B. A., Ver". 1785'



Vesey, or Veasy (George), (Entrance, and B. A' I not recorded).M. A., ./Est. 1703.
Vesey (George), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Vesey (George), Sch., I 768.-B.A., Vern. 1771.
Vesey (George), Sch., 1779. - B. A., Vern. 1781. - LL. B., V6I"I1.
5 Vesey (George), B. A., &t. 178J.-LL B., Vern. 1801.
Vesey (George), B. A., Vwn. 1830.
Vesey (Henry), Soh., 173+. - B. A., Vlrn. 1736. - M. A., LE.t.
Vesey, or Veasy (John), (Entrance not recorded). -D. D., Dec. 7,
I 672.-? Vice-Chancellor of the University, 1713,
Vesey (John), B. A.., Vern. 17z9.-1I. A., ~.e. 173Z.-B. D., and
D.D., Vun. 1738.
10 Vesey (John), B. A., Vern. 1738.
Vesey (John), B. A., ./Est. 1776.
Vesey (John), B. A., LEd. 1835.
Vesey (John Agmondisham), B. A., LElt. 1789.
Vesey (Muschamp), B. A., Vern. 1708.
15 Vesey, or Vezey (Thomas), B. A., ./Est. 16z5-Fellow, 16z7.
Vesey, or Veasy (Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).M. A., ./Est. 1703.
Vesey (Sir Thomas), LL. D. (Aonoril C(lUlI1), ./Est. 17 u.
Vesey (Thomas), Sch., 17+3.-B. A., Vern. 1745.
Vesey (Thomas Agmondisham), B. A., Vern. 1781.
zo Vesey (Thomas Agmondisham), B. A., and M. B., Diem. 1864.M. Chir., LElt. IR6S.
Veaey (William), B. A., Vern. 1708.-LL. D., At. 1718.
Vesey (William), B. A., Vern. 18zo.
Vesey (William), B. A., At. 18zl!.
Vesy, or Veasy (John), Sch., 167z.-B. A., Dec. 7, 167z.-M. A.,
July 8, 1676.
25 Vesye, or Vesey (Theodore), Sch., 1660. - B. A., At. 1664.
Vicars (George), Sch., I 780.-B. A., V".,.. 178z.
Vicars (John), B. A., Vern. 1757.
Vicars (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1779.
Vicary (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 18z5.
30 Vicary (Michael), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Vilkcrs (Henry Thomas), B. A., At. 183S.:-H. A., Vma. 1839.



Vickers (John), B. A., VwtI. 173I.-M. D., v.,.,t. 1765'

Vickers (John), B. A., At. 18p.
Vickers (Peter), B. A., V".,.. 1823.
Vickers (Robcrt H.), B. A Vtrn. 1855.
5 Vickers (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. 1785.
Vickers (William Newcombe), B. A.., V".,.. J837.-M. A., V",.,
Vignolcs (Cbarles), B. A.,..IErt. 1810.-Y. A.., At. 1831.-B. D.,
and D. D., ,.t. 1831.
Yignol's (Charles A.), B. A., At. IR35.-M. A., V".,.. 18#.
Vignoles (John), B. A., Vern. 1761.
10 Yignoles (Olinthuslohn), B. A., V".,.. 18S1.-Y. A., V".,.. 1860.
Vignoles (Thomas), B. A., '3t. 1843Vigors (Bartholomew), Entered, and Sch., 1663.-LL. B., V",..
r666.-LLD., At. 1675.
Vigors (Bartholomew), B. A., V",.. 172+.-lL A., ..lEst. 1727.
Vigors (Bo.rtholomew), B.A., Vern. 1727.-M.A., V",.. 1731.
15 Vigors (Bartholomew Urban), B. A., V".,.. 1839.
Vigors (Edward), B. A., .,,t. 1767.
Vigors (John), B.A., V",.. 1837.
Vigors (Piercy), B. A., Vern. 18+1.
Vigors (Richard), B. A., P'mt. 1783.
20 Vigors (Richard), B. A., and M. B., Vern. 1840.
Vigors (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1848.
Vigors (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. I 796.-M:. A., Diem. 1832.
Vigors (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1842.
Villineuve (Gabriel), Sch., 17+0.-B. A., V".,.. 17+2.-M. A., At.
25 Villiers (Thomas Hyde), B. A.., Vtrn. 1790.
Vincent (Arthur William). B. A., At. 18+1.
Vincent (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1729,
Vincent (Frederick Augustus). B. A., V",.. I 842.-M:. A., Vem.
I 845.-B. D., Vern. 18S1.
Vincent (George), B. A., At. 1793.
30 Vincent (John Charles F.), B. A., Vir/a, I 842.-M. A., Vtrll. 18H.
-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1849.
Vincent (Richard), B.A., Vern. I 733.-M. A., At. 1736.
Vincent (Richard B.), B. A., ',t. 1771.-M. A., At. 1804.
Vincent (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1829.






Vincent (Robert), B. A., .2&t. I 83%.-LL. B., and LL. D., V61'n.
Vincent (William), Fellow, 1660.
Vincent (William P. ),B. A., Vern. 185 l.
Vipond (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1148.
Virasel (Peter), B. A., Vwn. 1728.
Virasel (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 1735.
Viridet (Abraham), B. A., .!Ell. 170z.-M. A., V".,.. '706.
Viridet (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1731.-M. A., .!EIt. 1734-.
Viridet (Daniel), Sch., 1769.-B. A., ~t. 177o.-M. A., Vern.
Vivian (Thomas), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), .2&t. 1701.
Vize (John Edward), B. A., Vern. 18S8.-Y. A., .LEst. 18b3.
Vize (Joseph), B. A., LElt. 1811.
Vogan (Robert), B. A., Vma. 18z9.
Vokes (Simon). B. A., Vern. 1758.
Vouglar (William), B. A., Vma. 1697.
Vouies (Francis), B. A., Vwn. 1837'
Vowell (Christopher), Sch., and B. A., 1660.
Vowell (William), B. A., Vern. 1681.
Vowell (William), (Entered 1736.-B. A., not recorded).-M. A.,
Vern. 174+.
Vowell (William Richards), Sch., 18+5.-B. A., Vern. 18+7.B. D., and D. D., Hiem. I 865.-M. A., Vern. 1866.

W.wDLE (Robert), B.A., Vern. 1805.
Waddy (Cadwallader), B. A., .!Ell. 1838.
Waddy (John), B. A., Vern. 1786.
Waddy (Jobn), B.A., Vern.. 1831.-M.A.,.&t. 183+.-M.B.,
..lE8t. 1835.-M. D., Vern. 1 856.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn.
186 5.
25 Waddy (Richard), B. A., Vma. 1143.
Waddy (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 1788.
Waddy (ruchard), B. A., .!EIt. 18zz.
Wade (Arthur John), B. A., .2&t. 1 83+.-M. A., .!EIt. 1837.



Wade (Benjamin), Sch., 183S.-B. A., V",.. I 838.-ll. A., At.

18 58
Wade (Charle9), B. A., Verll. 18+6.
Wade (Charles T.), B. A., ..lEat. 1813.-Y. A., Nw. 1832.
Wade (Edward John), SCh.,18SI.-B.A., YtJf"fI. 18S3.-11.A.,
Ve,.,.. 1859.
5 Wade (Edward Michael), B. A., ..lEat. 1813.-Y. A., No". 1832.
Wade (Frederick Tobias), B.A., VtJf"fI. I 833.-M. A., ..lEal. 1842.
Wade (George), B. A., VtJf"fI. 1698.
Wade (George), B. A. (.ptciali gratid), ..l&t. '70....
Wade (George), B. A.,
10 Wade (Guatavus Rocbfort), B. A., VtJf"fI. 18+0.
Wade (James), B. A., VtJf"fI. 1684.
Wade (Jervaia), Sch., 1682.-B. A., VtJf"fI. 1686.
Wade (John), B. A., ...l&t. I 829.-Y. A., N0f7. 1831.
Wade (Nicholas), B.A., V".,.. 1716.
15 Wade (Nicholas), B. A., LEd. 178S.
Wade (Nicholas), B. A., Vim. 1810.
Wade (Nugent), Sch., 1827. - B. A., ;"'". 1829. - Y. A., J.Yor.
18 32
Wade (Oswald), B. A., Vml. 173.3.
Wade (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1831.
20 Wade (Samuel), B. A., V,r". 1836.
Wade (Thomas), B. A., .~t. 1802.
Wade (Thomas), B. A., Vm. 1820.
Wade (Thomas A.), B. A.,
Wade (William), B. A., Vern. 1,60.
25 Wade (William), B. A., .LEst. 1843.
Wade (Willoughby Francis), B. A., Vmt. 1849. -M. B., .&1..
18 51.
Wadman (John), Sch., 171Z.-B.A., Vim. 1714Wadman (Thomas), Sch., 168 I.-B. A., Vim. 1683.-B. D., .AUt.
Wadman (Thomas), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-lr. A.,
Vma. 1735.
30 Wadman (Thomas), B. A., ./&t. 17+5.
Wadsworth (Robert Peel), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Waggett (Thomas), B. A., ..lEat. 1810.-H. A., Nov, 1832.
Waggett (William), B.A., Fe,.,.. 1791..




Wailsh (Richard), (Entrance, and B. A.. , not recorded).-lI. A., Jilil.

26, ,"661
Wainwright (Anthony), Fellow, 1615.-M. A., ..lEst. 1615.
Wainwright (James), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., Vera. 17+8.
Wainwright (Mark), B. A., Vmt. 1738.
5 Waite (Thomas), LL. D. (Aono,.i, cau8d), Atst. 1762.
Wakeham (Henry), Sch., 18+%.-B. A., Vern. 18++
Wakeham (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1795.
Wakeham (Thomas), Sch., 1840.-B. A., Vmt. 18+:1.
Wakeham (William), B. A., Alt. 1832.
10 Wakely (John), B. A" Vm 18+3.-M. A., Vern. 18+6.
Wakely (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1710.
Wakely (William George), B. A., Vern 1788.-M. A., AhI. 1810.
Walcot (William), Sch., 17so.-B. A., VIn'. 1752.
Waldo (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 1847.
15 Waldron (Perceval), B. A., AI. 18.11.
Waldron (William Watson), B. A., Vern. 1819.
Walker (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., ~,t. 16'7.M. A., Atst. 1620.
Walker (
), D.D., LEIt. 1700.
Walker (Bartholomew), B. A., V,m. 176+.
20 Walker (Chamberlain), Sch., 1765.-B. A., Vim. 1767. - M. A.,
..lEst. 1770.
Walker (Chamberlain William), LL. B., and LL. D., Vern. 1810.
-For B. A., see Walker (William), 1803.
Walker (Charles), Sch., 1737.-B. A., V"n. 1739.-lI:. A., Vern.

Walker (Charles), B. A., Ver,.. 1850'

Walker (Charles Arthur), B. A., AlIt. 181 I.
25 Walker (Charles Harold), B. A., Vim. 18z0.-H. A., NOll. 1831.LL. B., and LL. D., .2&t. 1840'
Walker (Ellis), B. A., Vem. 1682.
Walker (Frederick Guy), Soh., 18+s.-B. A., FIN 18+9.-M. A.,
Verrt. 1853.
Walker (Frederick John), B. A., Vern. 1838.-H. A., &t. 1841.
Walker (George), B. A., ..lEst. 1621.- M. A., ..lEst. 16%+. - D. D.,
Verrt. 1663'
30 Walker (George), Sch., 1660.-Fellow, 1663.
Walk' (George), B.A., Vern. 183+.




Walker (Horace), B. A., Vwn. IS3).

Walker (Hovenden), B. .A.., ~rn. 173+.-LL. B., and LL D., Vern.
Walker (Ithiel), B. A., At. 16zS.-11. A., At. 1630'
Walker (lames), B.A., Vwn.lS.p.-M.A., Vern. 18-U.-LL.B.,
5 Walker (lames), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Walker (James H.), B. .A.., Vwn. IS+7.
Walker (John), Sch., I7SS.-B. A., Vwn. '790.-Fellow, 1791.11. A., Vern. 1793.-B.D., Vern. ISoo.
Walker (John), B. A., .JEst. ISIS.-M. A" Vern. IS34Walker (lohn Cotton), B. .A.., Yet'll. IS2S.-1I. A., NOfJ. IS32.
10 Walker (lohn James), B. A., Yern. IS50.-1I. A., Vern. IS57 .
. Walker (lohn Tyrwhitt), B. A., Yern. IS37.-M. A., Vern. IS48.
Walker (Joseph), B. A., Vern. I74S,
Walker (Joseph Cooper), B. A., Vern. ISz3.-M. A., Notl. 1832.
Walker (Matthias), B. A., .l&t. 17SS.-M. A., A:8t. 1759.
IS Walker (Paul Marland), B. A., .2E8t. ISH.
Walker (peter), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Walker (Richard), B. A., &t. ISZO.
Walker (Richard Chamberlain), B. A., Vern. ISor.-LL. B. 1ml.
Walker (Richard Cotton), Sch., I 799.-B. A., Yma. ISOL
zo Walker (Roger Chambers), B.A., Vern. ISz6.-M. A' I NOll. 1832.
Walker (Robert), B. A" Vern. 1714.
Walker (Robert), B. A., ~rn. 17#.
Walker (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS+S.
Walker (Samuel), B. A., Vern. I 69S.
z5 Walker (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 17S4'
Walker (Samuel), B. A., Vern. I S+9.
Walker (Samuel), Soh., 1851.-B. A., ~rn. ISSS.
Walker (Samuel Abraham), B. A., Yern. IS3z.-M. A., &t. IS37.
Walker (Samuel C.), B. A., Vern. lSsz.
30 Walker (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Walker (Thomas), B. A., At,t. ISOZ. -ll. A., and LL. D., At.
Walker (Thomas), B. A., .2E8t. 1811.
Walker (Thomas). B. A., Vern. ISI8.
Walker (Thomas), B. A., At. 1829 -Y. A., Atll. ISH.



Walker (Thomas), M. A., Not). IS3%'

Walker (Thomas Frederick), B. A., V,rn. ISI3. - M. A., ,ern.
Walker (William), :B. A., Vim. 173%.
Walker (William), Sch., 175+. -B. A., Vern. I 756.-M. A., &t.
5 Walker (William), B. A., Vim. 17S3.
Walker (William), :B. A., Vern. IS03.
Walker (William), B. A., Vern. IS31.-M. A.,(,&t.IS+%.
Walker (William Clarke), B. A., &t. IS3+.-M. A., &t. IS57.
Walker (William Frederick), B. A., Vern. IS57. - M. A., Vim.
10 Walkington (Edward), Sch., 1670' - B. A., Vim. 1673.-Fellow,
1676.-M.A., ..lE&t. 1676.-D. D., Vim. 1693.
Walkington (John), Sch., 1676.-:B. A., Vim. I 680.-M. A.,
Walkington (Samuel), Sch., 1680.-B. A., Vim. 16S+
Wall (Charles William), B. A., Vern. 1743.
Wall (Charles William), Sch., 179S.-B. A., Vern. 1800.-Fell.,
IS05.-M. A., &t. ISoS.-B. D., Vern. ISI9.-D. D., Vern.
15 Wall (Francis Hewson), B. A., Him. IS6S.
Wall (Garrett), B. A., V,m. I 769.-M. A., Vim. 1773.
Wall (Garrett), B. A., &t. 18%u.-M. A., NOl). IS31.
Wall (Garrett), B. A., Vim. 18+6.
Wall (George), Sch., ISu.-B. A., ..lE&t. ISZI.
%0 Wall (Henry), B. A., Vern. IS49.
Wall (Henry Poer), B. A., Hiem. IS65.
Wall (James Arthur), B. A., Vern. IS%4.-M. A., Nov. IS3%'
Wall (John), B. A., Vern. 173%.-M. A., &t. 1733.
Wall (John), Sch., IS%+-B. A., Vern. 18%7'
%5 Wall (Luke), M. B., &t. ISII.
Wall (Michael), Sch., ISI+.-B. A., Vim. 1816.
Wall (Napoleon), B. A., Vim. IS+I.
Wall (Ralph), Sch., 17+7.-B. A., Vim. 1749.
Wall (Richard), B. A., Vern. ISz7'
30 Wall (Richard Henry), Sch., ISI+.-B. A., Vml. ISI7.-M. A.,
&t. ISI9.-B. D., and D. D., ..-E&t. 1836.
Wall (Rickard), B. A., Vwn. ISS+-



Wall (Robert). B. A Vertl. 18H.

Wall (Terence), B. A., V".,.. 18H'
Wall (William), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1 71+.-LL B., V".,.. 171;.
Wall (William), LL. D. (ad eund. OxOD.), V".,.. 17+3.
5 Wall (William), B. D., and D. D., .&1. I7S+Wall (William), B. A . &1. 183+.-M. A., Ve,.,.. 1838.
Wallace (Arthur Robert>, B. A., Vfflt. 1861.
Wallace (Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1831.
Wallace (James), B. A., All,. 1797.
10 Wallaoe (James), B. A.,....&I. 1797.
Wallace (James), B. A.., V".,.. 1837.
Wallace (John), B. A., V".,.. 1781.
Wallace (John 8.), B. A., V".,.. ISlI .
Wallace (Nathaniel Dick), B. A., H'tIIfn. IS6).
I S Wallace (NeuoD W. II.), B. A., ,,,.,.. ISso.
Wallace (Ninian), B.A., Oct. 18, I~.-(M. A., of Edinburgh}.
Wallace (Robert Alexander), B. A., At. 1811.-H. A., NtW. 1831.
Wallace (Robert James), 8. A., V".,.. ISSS.
Wallace (Robert James), B. A., ..d'ift. 186+.
zo Wallace (Thomas), Soh., 1791.-B. A., V".,.. I 793.-LL. B., and
LL. D., Vwn.18IS.
Wallace (Thomas SDeyd), B. A.., VM'n. 18so.-LL. Jl., AI. 18)6.
Wallace (William), B. A., V",.. 18z,.
Wallace (William). B. A., y".,., t8...6.
Wallace (William). Sch., I 849.-B. A., V".,.. 18,3.-ll. A., V".,..
25 Wallace (William Bayley), B. A., Vern. 181+.-11. A., N". J8lz.
Wallace (William Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1846.
Wallen (Edward), Sch., 1673-B. A., V"... 1675.
Wallen (George), B. A., Vwn. 17a).-M. A., Vim. 1753.
Wallen (Henry), B. A., VM'n. 1707.
30 Waller (Benjamin), B. A., LEst. 1814.
Waller (Bolton), B. A., Vern. IS57.
Waller (Edward). B. A., Vwn. 1816.
Waller (Edward Augustus), B. A., rwn. 1803.
Waller (George), B. A., ..-Ed. 16,38.
H Waller (George), B. A.., 1n. 18SS.
Waller (George Arthur). B. A., Vt'II. 18n.-Y. A., VL'f.... 1863.




Waller (John), Sch., 176z.-B. A., Fm. 1764.-M. A., &1.

1767.-Fcllow, 1768.-B. D., At. I77S-D.D., y"... 1779.
Waller (John Francis), B. A., y"... 1831.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
At. 18sz.
Waller (John Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 18so.
Waller (Richard), B. A., V"... 171S.
Waller (Richard), B. A., .L&t. 180z.
Waller (Robert), M. D. (adennd. Cantab.), At. 1664.
Waller (Robert), B. A., y".,.. 1723.
Waller (Robert), LL D. (lumoril c.."d), V"".. 177+
Waller (Sir Robert, Bart.), B. A., At. 1789.
Waller (Standish O'Grady), B.A., V".,.. 1864.
Waller (William), B. A., y".,.. 172%.
Waller (William), B. A., y".,.. 1767'
Waller (William), B.A., At. 1817.-H.A., N(Jf). 183~
Walley (Ranulph, or Randolph), Sch., 1697.-B. A., V".,.. 1700.
-Fellow, 1703-M. A., LEIt. 1703.
Walling (William), B. A., At. 1837.
Wallis (Boyle), Sch., 1673. - B. A., y"... 1674. - M. A., At.
Wallis (Christmas Paul), B. A., V"".. 1781.
Wallis (FieldiDg), Sch., 1,06.-B. A.,
Wallis (George Frederick), B. A., y".,.. 18p.
Wallis(Henry),B.A., y".,.. 1,19.
Wallis (Robert), Sch., 167o.-B. A., y".,.. 1672.
Wallis (Robert Planipin), B. A., AI. 1830'
Wallis (Thomas), Sch., 1667.-B. A., y"... 167o.-Fellow, 167z.
-M. A., At. 1673.
Wallis {Thomas), B. A., y".,.. I 706.
Wallis (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1710.
Wallis (Thomas), B. A., AI. 1783.
Wallis (Thomas Charles), Sch., 1833.-B. A., At. 1836.
Wallis (William), Sch., 1806.-B. A., V".,.. 1808.
Walls (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1697.-M. A., Fern. 1700.-B. D.,
and D. D., Ylm. 1747.
W811ys (
), B. A., 1638.
Walmes1ey(John), Sch., 1699.-B.A., y"... 1700.-Fellow, 1703.
-M. A., At. 1703.-B. D., and D. D., At. 1716.
Walpole (Right lIon. Edward), LL. D. (laonqr;, c4.,.d), At. 1738.








Walrond (Theodore Augustus), B. A., V".,.. 1836.

Walrond (William Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1853.
Walsh (Albert Jasper), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Walsh (Andrew), B. A., Yena. 1769.
5 Walsh (Anthony), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., .JEll.

17 2 9.
(Charles Bingham), B. A., At. 18+1.
(Christian), B.A., Vma. 1738.
(Edward), B. A., Yma. 1831.
(Frederick William), B. A., Vern. 18p. - LL. B" and
LL D., ..:EIt. 18+1.
10 Walsh (George), B. A., Vma. 1836.
Walsh (George Edward), B. A., V",., 18n-M. B., Vern. 18+0.
Walsh (Gorges R. D.), B. A., Vwn. 1852.
Walsh (Henry), B. A., .JElt. 1791.
Walsh (Henry Lomax), M. A., rern. 1783. - LL. D. (IIo1WN~
cII",d), .lEd. 1786.
15 Walsh (Henry Thomas), B. A., .lEst. 1835.
Walsh (Hunt), B. A., Ver,.. 17+0.
Walsh (Jacob, or James), B. A., V",.. 1739.-M. A., &t. 17+:1.
Walsh (James), B. A., Vern. 1707.-M. A., rern. 1710.
Walsh (James), Soh., 1856. - B.A., VM'ft. 1859. - M. A" &t.
186420 Walsh (Jeremiah), B. A., V",.. 17z+-M. A., .lEat. 171.7.
Walsh (John), B. A., Vmt. 1693.
Walsh (John), B. A., Vern. 18:11.
Walsh (John), B. A., Vern. 1828.-H. A., Nov. 183:1.
Walsh (John), B. A., Vern. 18+6.
25 Walsh (John Edward), Sch., 1835.-B.A., Vern.18n.-LL.B.,
and LL D., y",.. 18+5.
Walsh (John Hussey), B. A., Ver,.. 18+6.
Walsh (John Ravel), B. A:, Vma. 1776.-M. A., 2EIt. 1781.
Walsh (J ohn Robert), B. A., Vern. 18+0.
Walsh, or Welsh (Joseph), B. A., Vem. 1719.-M. A., .../Ell. 172%.
30 Walsh (Joseph), B. A., V",.. 1715.
Walsh (Joseph), B. A' I LEd. 1803.
Walsh (Luke), B. A., LEd. 1802.
Walsh (Michael Henry), B. A., V".,.. 1842.
Walsh (Patrick), LL. B., Vern. 175+.



Walsh (Philip), Sch., 1688. - B. A., Vml. 1689. - M. A., ..lEd.

Walsh (Philip), B. A., Vern. 17 54
Walsb (Philip), B.A., ..lEst. 1815.-M.A., NOIJ. 18p.
Walsh (Raphael), B. A., Vern. 1749.-M. A., Vern. 175+.
5 Walsh (Richard), Sch., I 749.-B. A., Vern. 1751.
Walsh (Richard), B. A., Vem. 1750.
Walsh (Richard Hussey), B. A., Vern. 1847.-LL. n., Vern. IRSI.
-LL. D., Vern. 1857.
Walsh (Robert), Sch., 1794.-B. A., Vern. 1796.
Walsh (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1847.
10 Walsh (Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1863.
Walsh (Robert Shaw), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Walsh (Stephen), Bch., 1677.-B. A., Vern. 1680.-M. A., ..11M.
168 3.
Walsh (Stephen), B. A., ~rn. 1728.
Walsh (Thomas), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vern. 1809.
15 Walsh (Thomas), Sch., ISIl.-B. A., Vern. 18u.-Y. A., ..-Est.
181 5.
Walsh (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Walsh (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1835.
Walsh (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. 1837.
Walsh (Warner), B. A., Vern. IS40'
20 Walsh (William), B. A., Vern. J7ol.-M. A., ./Est. 1704.
Walsh (William), B. A., Vern. 172S.-M. A., ..-Est. 1731.
Walsh (William), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Walsh (William), B. A., Vern. ISp.-Y. A., ..lEst. 1865.
Walsh (William), B. A., Vern. 1841.
i5 Walsh (William Pakenham), B. A., Vtrn. 1 84I.-M. A., ..-Eal.
18 53.
Walshaw (Joseph Renatus), B. A., Vern. 1 84S.-M. A., ..lEst. 1860.
Walshe (Abel), Fell, 1593.-11. A., ..lEst. 1600.-D. D., Aug. IS,
1614Walshe (Alfred Montgomery), B. A., Vern. 1865.
Walshe (David), B. A., Vern. 1760.
30 Walshe (Holwell), Scb., IS03.-B. A., Vtrn. IS06.
Walshe (Sir Edward Henry, Bart.), B. A., as Johnson (Edward),
1808.-H. A., Nov. 18 3 2


Walahe (William Spencer, or Spenc('r William), B. A., ~. ISI3.

-ll. A., LEft. IS29.-D. D., ./Est. IS30.
Walters (Charlcs), B. A., At. ISS 1.-)[. A., LB.t. ISS6.
Walton (William), B. A., Vim. IS41.
Walworth (ThODl8ll), B. A., AUt. 1629.
S Wandcaford (Christopher), B. A., Ve,.,.. '70+
Wandesford (John), B. A., V",.. 1713.-ll. A., AUt. 1716.
Wannop (George), B. A., V".,.. 183+.
Wannop (William), B. A., V",.. IS30.
Warbreck (Edmund), B. A.., V",.. 1863.
10 Warburton (Charles), B. A., &t. 183.-)[. A., At. IS07.LL. B., and LL. D., Vwn. IS26.
Warburton (Charles), B. A., At. IS47.
Warburton (Charles llungan), D. D. (,p,ci.lf gratid), Pm. 179S'
Warburton (George), Sch., 170S.-B. A' I Vern. 1709.-lf. A.,
At. '71Z.
Warburton (George), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded.)-ll..\.,
V".,.. 1713.
IS Warburton (John), B.A., LEd. '781.
Warburton (John), B. A., AI. IS07.-M. A., AUt. 1813.LL. B., and LL. D., V,,.,.. 1826.
Warburton (Pcter), B. A., Vert.. I 729.-M. A., 2&t. 1732.
Warburton (Riohard), B. A., Vern. 16.-M. A., .d. I~.
Warburton (Richard), LL. D. (IJItciali gratid), Vern. 1719.
20 Warburton (Richard), B. A., VeNt. 17+4--M.A., V".,.. 17+9.
Warburton (Thomaa), B.A., LE8t. 1703.
Warburton (Thomaa), B. A., V,rn. 17+7.
Warburton (ThoDl8ll Acton), B. A., VeNt. 183S.-LL. B., and
LL. D., V".,.. IS 52.
Warburton (William), B. A., Vern. 1827.-M. A., Nov. 183%.B. D., and D.D., At. 18S3.
zS Warburton (William), B. A' I Ym. 1731.
Ward (Agmondiaham Vesey), Sch 178+--B. A., Vern. 1786.FelL, 1791.
Ward (Arthur), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-lf. A., J.".
26, 1661.
Ward (Bernard), Sch., I 667.-B. A., VeNt. 1670.
Ward (Bernard), B. A., VeNt. 1672.
30 Ward (Bernard), Sch., 1723.-13. A., Vel'''. 172S.-ll. A., .It.
17 z8.



, 15





Ward (Bernard), B. A., Yem. 1739.

Ward (Bernard), B. A., Yena. 179+
Ward (Charles), 8ch., 1672.-B. A., Yma. 1676.
Ward (Charles), B.A., Vma. I 683.-1L A., .2&t. 1688.
Ward (Charles), B. A., Yma. 1709.
Ward (Charles),. B. A., 171m. 1711.
Ward (James),. B.A., Yma. 171 I.-M. A., .&t. 1714.
Ward (John), B. A., Vma. 1711.-1I. A., .2&t. 171+
Ward (William), B. A., YIN. 1711.
Ward (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1786.
Ward (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1823.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Ward (Charles), B. A., .2&t. 1839.
Ward (Cromwell), Sch., 1727.-B. A., Vma. 1729'
Ward (Daniel), B.A., Yena. 1797.-1I. A., Not). 1832.
Ward (EdwardR.), B. A., AAt. 18+7.
Ward (George), B. A., Vena. 1727.-M. A., It. 1730.
Ward (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1818.
Ward (John),t B. A., Pena. 1686.
Ward (John),t B. A., 17".,.. 1687.
Ward (John), B. A., Yma. 1705.-M. A.,.2&t. 1708.
Ward (John), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
Ward (John Budgen), B. A., .2&t. 18'58.
Ward (Michael), B. A., and Soh., 1660.-Fellow, 1662.-Provost,
167+.-Vice-Chancellor, 1678.
Ward (Micbael), LL. D. (8peciali gratid), V".,.. 1718.
Ward (Michael), B. A., .2&t. I751.
Ward (Montgomery Albert), B. A' I Vern. 186+-M. B., .2&t. 1865.
-Y. Chir., .2&t. 1866.
Ward (Peter), B. A., Vma. 1700. -ll. A., At. 1703. - B. D.,
and D. D., .2&t. 1716.
Ward (Ralph), Soh., 176+.-8. A., Vern. 1766.-LL. B., Yma.
1769.-LL. D., .2&t. 1777.
Ward (Ralph), B. A., Yern. 1800.
Ward (Richard), M. A. (ad eund. Cantab.), Aug. 1+, 1835.
Ward (Samuel), B. A., Yem. 1791.-LL. B., .&t. 1795-LL. D.,
Ward (Thomas), B. A., .2&t. 16zo.-lf. A., ..t. 16l3.
Three ofth_ were Scholan in '79, but their idllntity cannot be ucertained.
t One oCtheae".. Scholar in ,685.



'Vard (Thomas), Sch., 1663. -B. A., Vern. 1666.-Fellow, 1669.

Ward (William), B.A., Vern. qll.-Y. A., Vwn. 1731.
Ward (William), B. A., V",..,.. 1735.
Wardlaw (John), B. A., &t. 1751.
, Wardlow (Charles), B. A., &t. 17S9.
Ware (Arthur). B. A.., .J8t. 16l I.-Fellow, 1631.-M. A., &t.
Ware (Henry), B. A., Vwn. 1725' - M. A., ''t. 17IS. - (8. D.,
not rccorded).-D. D., Vern. 1762.
Ware (Henry), B. A.,
Ware (JQ8('ph), B. A., ..lEd. 16:u.-Fcllow, 16:u.
10 Ware (Thomas), B. A.,
Ware (Thomas Webb), B. A., Vwn . .ISSI.
Warham (Francis), B. A., ..lE8t. 17+4.
Warin (William), B. A.., .J,t. 16SS.-Y. A., 4:lt. 16SS.
Waring (Alexander), B. A., V",..,.. IS53.
IS Waring (Arthur), B. A., &t. IS+2.
Waring (Charles), B.A., Vwn. 18I+.-Y. A., NOI. 1832.
Waring (Holt), B. A., VM"tt. qS6.-M. A., Vern. ISII.
Waring (John), B. A., .J,t. IS+2.
Waring (Luke). B. A., V/I,.". 177S,-~1. A., VmJ. 17S6.
20 Waring (Richard), B. A., Vw,.. 16S+.
Waring (Roger), B. A., &t. 166+ -D. D., .J~t. 16S+.
Waring (Samuel). See Warrm.
Waring (Samuel). B. A., Vwn. '732.
Waring' (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 17ll.
25 Waring (Thomas). B. A., VIINI. 17+5.
Waring (Thomas), B. A., ..l&~. ISI6.
Wwing (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. IS,O.
Waring (Thomas A.), B. A., Ve,.n. IS37.
Waring (Williwn), B. A., Vern. 1717,
30 Waring (William), B. A., .J!:&t. IS20.
Warner (George), B. A., V.".". 1775.
Warner (George), B. A" Vwn., IS33.
Warner (Gustavus), B. A. (ad Pl1nJ. Cantab.), and M. A., SQI.
Warner (Gustavus H.), B. A., Vern. IS25.
35 Warner (Henry B.), B. A., V".,I. 1831.
Warner (Randolph), B. A.,






Warner (Simon), Sch., 1704.-B. A., Vern. I70S.-lI. A" .L&t.

Warren (Athanasius Cusack), B. A" .AlIt. 1858. -11. A., Hum.
Warren (Ebenezer), B. A., Vern. 1792.
Warren (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 1608.-Fellow, 161 2.-M. A., .2&t.
S Warren (Edward), B. A., Vern. '78S.
Warren (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1796.
Warren (Edward George), B. A., .tE8t. 1860.
Warren (Folliott), B. A., Vern. 1790.
Warren (Gerrard), B. A., Vern. 171 I.
10 Warren (Gustavus Adolphus), B. A., Diem. 1860.
Warren (Henry), B. A., May +, 16)5.-M. A., &t. 1672.
Warren (James Liley), B. A., Diem. 186S.
Warren (James William), Sch., lS56.-B. A., Vem. 18S8.-1I. A.,
.2&t. 1861.
Warren (John), B. A., At. 1743.-11. A., At. 17+6.
IS Warren (John Thomas), B.A., Vem. 1842.
Warren (Joseph), Sch., 1673.-B. A., Veron. 167S.-M. A., .at.
Warren (Joseph), Scb., 17+2.-B. A., Vern. 17+3.-)[. A., .2&t.
Warren (Latham Coddington), B. A., JEst. 1851. -11. A., Vern.
18 58
Warren (Lemuel Ebenezer), B. A., Vern. 182S.-M. A., N0t7. 1832.
20 Warren (1Iaurice), B.A., Vern. 171).
Warren (Richard Benson), B. A., .2&t. 180+.-11. A., Nov. 1832.
Warren (Richard Benson), B. A., Vern. 18++Warren (Robert), B. A., LEd. 17++Warren (Robert), B. A., Vern. 17+9..
25 Warren (Robert), 11. B., .2&t. 17p-M. D., .2&t. 1757
Warren (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1780.
Warren (Robert), B. A., At. 1785.-11. A., ..t. 1791.
W'arren (Robert), B. A., A!-t.:~816.
Warren (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 1841.-H. A., Vem. IS+).
3(' 'Varren (Robert), B. A., Vern. 18++
Warren (Robert), B. A., At. 1847.
Warren (Robert), B. A.., Vtrn. 184-9.


A CATALOOl't: " .. THY. GRAlllA11:.

Wam.on (Robert Richard). B.A. ,.".,.. 1838.-M.A,. rtll, IS6~_

WIlIT\'D, or Warm, (Ruaud,. 8. A.. r,NI. 1681. - LL.D., _J:-.I_

r".,.. 18SI.-]f. A., r~nl_

W&m'n \St.aft'ord~. Sch., 1703.-8. A., J"_ .. 170+.-lL A., .L&t
WaJ'11'n (Samuel Pen::i1'al' , 8. A.,

S Wam:D (ThollLU~, B. A., ,."... 1687.
Wam'D (Thomu), B. A., ,._. 1688.
W&m!D (Thom.,,), B. A., rtrll. 170+--11. A., ..d. .,07.
Wam'D (Thomu), 8. A., ",NI. 17+7.
Warrt'D (ThoIDAII:, B. A., r",.. 181+.
10 Wam'D \. ThollLU Brillhane). B. A., IIi,.. 186+WUTC!D (WIO!Itenra), B. A., y",.. l69s.






WUTC!D (William), (Entrance, and B. A., Dot recorded).-)f. A..,

&1.161+W&m!D (William), B. A., J"mI. 17+1.
Wam:n (William), B. A., r_. 17+7'
Wam-D (William). B.A., r",.. 1831.
WarTl'D (William). B. A.. J"INI. 18)6.
W&abingtoD (Richard). (B. D., Ozon.).-Pro"oet, 1640'
Walerbolllt \ I'ch'r), B\., YIrII. 1800.
Walt" \Clcml'nt;, Sch., 1806.-8. A., y,rtI. 1808.
Watc .... (ElU'lJfort). B. A., ~'I. 1821,
Wat('n (Georgt'), 8. A., r".,.1791.
Wawl'l (George" B. A. t r,.".. 18+9.
W atcl'l (J aml'~), 8. A., r,.".. I 78 I.
Wah'l'II (Richard). B. A., y".,.. 1787.
WlltCI'IIOD (Fnmcil Willet'. B.A., l"trII. 18H.
Watkinl! ,IIIUC), 8. A., rml. 17sa.-ll.A., .Il. 175).
Watmougb (Jaml'll), B. A . F,.".. 166S.
Watson(ArthurVinoont), B.A., rm. 1841.-]f.A., Y",..18+;.
Wat"on (Carroll), B. A., 4:lt. 1811.
Watson (Charlet YooJ'('). 8. A., Ym. 1866.
Watson (nand), 8. A. ~. 1832.
Watson (Fnmcis Metcalf), 8 .<\., J",.".. 18++.-1L A., .&t. 18SC,
Watflon (George Rollestone), 8. A., IIi, ... 186S.
Watson (Georg., Thomas), 8. A. t r,.".. 18+0.
Wateon (Jaml'l Henry). B. A., F".,.. 18SS.



Watson (John), B. A., .AIlt. 16zz.-Fellow, 1631.-M. A., LEd.

Watson (John), B. A., At. 16z9.
Watson (John), D. D., Jan. z6, 1661.
Watson (John Selby), B. A., Vma. IS3S.-M. A., .l&l. IS++.
5 Watson (Hahony Vincent), B. A., Vmt. IS;7'
Watson (Matthew), B. A., Vern. IS+S.-M: A., At. IR6z.
Watson (Ralph Francis), B. A., Vern. IS46.-M. A., Ver".IS53.
Watson (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1779.
Watson (Robert Grey), B. A., Vern. IS4+.
10 Watson (Robert L.), B. A., Vern. IS5z.-H. A., At. IS5S,
Watson (Samuel), B. A., .iElt. IS3+
Watson (Samuel), B. A., Vern. IS+5.
Watson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 175%.
Watson (Thomas Henry), B.A., Vern. IS+S.-M. A., Vern. ISS8.
'5 Watson (Thomas P.), B. A., Vern. IS+9.
Watson (William), B. A., Vmt. 17zS.-M. A., Vern. 173S.
Watson (William), Sch., I751.-B. A., Vern. 1753.
Watson (William), B. A., Vern. 18z5.-H. A., Nov. IS3z.
Watson (William), B. A., Rinn. IS63.
zo Watson (William Tyndall), B. A., Vern. IS60.
Watt (James), B. A., Vmt. IS3~.
Watters (George), B. A., Vern. IS39.-1I. A., Fllrn. 18++.
Watters (Henry), B. A., LEd. ISI0-1I. A., Nov. 183z.
Watters (John), (Entered 18z6.-B . A. not recorded).-T.L. B., and
LL. D., .2E&t. IS61.
25 Watters (John), B. A., Vern. 1833.-M. A' I ~Ht. IS39.
Watters (John Francis), B. A., Vern. IS3S.
Watters (Lorenzo), B. A., Vmt. IS31.
Watters (Patrick), B. A., Vern. IS30.-M.A., Vern. IS+2.
Watts (Charles), B. A., Vern. 169Z. - Soh., 1692. -M. A., .LE,t.
30 Watts (Edmnnd Thomas), B. A., Vern. ISSS.-H. A., .AIle. ISS8.
Watts (Henry), (Entrance, andB. A., notrecorded).-Sch., 176z.M. A., .2E&t. 1767.
Watts (James Robert), B; A" .2E&t. 1829.
Watts (John), B. A., Vllrn. 1730.
Watts (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1703-B. D., and D. D., 11t. 17+9.
35 Watts (Robert), 13. A' I ~8t. 17SS.-M. A" ...-,1. 175S,



Warren (Robert Richard), B. A., T"6rll. 1838.-~1. A., Vern. 186+.

'Warren, or Waring (Samuel), B. A., Vent. 1681. - LL.D., LEIL.
Warren (Samuel Percival), B. A., Yn-". 1851.- M. A., V,",.
Warren (Stafford), Sch., 1703.-B. A.., Ymt . . 170.... -lL A., At.

S Warren (Thomas), B. A., YWft. 1687.
Warren (Thomas), B. A.,
Warren (Thoma8), B. A., Vern. 170.... -ll. A., &1. 177.
Warren (Thomas), B. A., Ve,.,.. 17+7.
Warren (Thomas), B. A., V'"'. 181....
10 Warren (Thomas Bri8bane), B. A., Hi"". 1864Warren (Westenra), B. A., V".,.. 1695.
Warren (William), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Y. A.,
At. 162""
Warren (William), B. A., V".". 17+1.
Warren (William), B. A., Ymt. 17+7.
15 Warren (William), B.A., y,.rn. 1831.
Warren (William), B. A., Yent. 18,6.
Washington (Richard), (B. D., Oxon.).-Provoet, 16+0.
Waterhouse (Peter), B. A., Ymt. 1800.
Waters (Clement), Sch., 1806.-B. A.,
10 Waters (Earlsfort), B. A., ~.e. 1821.
Waters (George), B. A., tn-I. 1791.
Waters (George), B. A., V,",. 18+9.
Waters (Jame8), B.A., tmt. 1781.
Waters (Richard), B. A., Y""'. 1787.
15 Waterson (Francia Willet), B.A., V"". 183).
Watkin8 (Isaac), B. A., V".,.. 17p.-M. A., .". 17H.
Watmough (Jame8), B. A., Ywn.166S.
Watson (Arthur Vincent), B. A., y".,.. 1842.-1l. A., YWft. 184-5.
Watson {Carroll), B. A., AUt. 181 I.
30 Watson (Charle8 Moore), B. A., Vtrn. 1866.
Watson (David), B. A., LEIt. 1831.
Watson (Francia Metcalf), B. A., Vn-". 18....... -M. A., LEtt. 1850.
Watson (George Rollestone), B. A., Hum. 186,.
Watson (George Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18",0.
35 Watson (Jame8 Henry), B. A., VmJ.18H.





Watson (John), B. A., .2&t. 16zz.-Fellow, 1631.-M. A., .Atat.

16 3 1
Watson (John), B. A., ./Est. 1629.
Watson (John), D. D., Jan. 26, 1661.
Watson (John Selby), B. A., Vt!1'n. I 838.-M. A., LEIt. 18.
5 Watson (Mahony Vincent), B. A., Vern. 18;?
Watson (Matthew), B. A., Vml. 18+8.-M. A., .2&t. IR62.
Watson (Ralph Francis), B. A., Vwn. 18+6.-Y. A., Verfl.1853.
Watson (Riohard), B. A., VfflI. 1779
Watson (Robert Grey), B. A., Vern. 18.
10 Watson (Robert L.), B. A., Vern. 18SZ.-M. A., .2&t. 1858.
Watson (Samuel), B. A., .2&t. 183+
Watson (Samuel), B. A., VIf'n. 18+5.
Watson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1752.
Watson (Thomas Henry), B.A., Vern. 18+8.-M. A., Vml.18s8.
15 Watson (Thomas P.), B. A., Vern. 18+9.
Watson (William), B. A., Vern. 1728.-M. A., Vllrn. 1738.
Watson (William), Sch., 1751.-B. A., Vern. 1753.
Watson (William), B. A., Vern. 1825.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
Watson (William), B. A., Hitm. 1863.
20 Watson (William Tyndall), B. A., Vern. 1860.
Watt (James), B. A., Vern. 183~.
Watters (George), B. A., Vern. 1839.-11. A., Vern. 18.
Watters (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1810-M. A., NOI). 1832.
Watters (John), (Entered 1826.-B.A. not recorded).-LL. R, and
LL. D., .2&t. 1861.
25 Watters (John), B. A., Vern. 1833-Y. A., ...E.~t. 1839.
Watters (John Francis), R A., Vern. 1838.
Watters (Lorenzo), B. A., Vern. 1831.
Watters (Patrick), B. A., Vern. I 830.-M. A., tern. 18.p.
Watts (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1692. - Soh., 1692. -Y. A., .tEat.
30 Watts (Edmund Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18SS.-Y. A., .2&t. 1858.
Watts (Henry), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Sch., I 762.Y. A., .2&f. 1767.
Watts (James Robert), B. A., LEaf. 1829.
Watts (John), B. A., Vern. 1730.
Watts (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1703-B. D., and D. D., .tE8t. 17+9.
35 Watts (Robert), B. A., .Atst. 1755-M. A., .tEat. 1758.



Wstts (Thomas), B. A., At. 18%9'

Watts (William), Sch., 1~7'- B. A. ('pec;ali gratid), JYtf". 1700.
Watu (William), Sch., 17u.-B.A., Vern. 172+-11. A., &1.
17 2 7.
Waugh (David Jones), Soh., 1829-B.A., Vwa. 1830.
S Waugh (Isaac), B.A., Hinn. 1862.-H.B., and M.Chir.,.&t.
186 3.
Waymouth (Samuel), Sch., I 86+-B. A., K ..... I8~.
Weams (Patrick), B. A., Vwa. 1700.
Weatherhead (Robert John8ton), 8. A" Hie... 1861.
Weaver (John), B. A., V"",..16i5.
10 Weaver (ThomaR), (Entered 1678).-H.A., Vem.1688.
Webb (Arthur;. n. A., Vm,. 1731.
Webb (Charles), B.A., Vwn. 18n.-M.A., 1861.
Webb (Ephraim), B. A" &1. 183+
Webb (Franchi), B. A' I P'wa. 1836.- ?d. A., V".,.. 1840'
IS Webb (George S.), B. A., A:lt. 183"
Webb (Henry), B. A.,
Webb (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1813.
Webb (Hugh George), B. A., L&t. 18Q9.-M". A., NOD. 1832.
Webb (Jamcs Napier), 8. A., ..lEaf. l83S.-M.A., &t. 1838.
20 Wcbb (John), B.A., Vern. 168$.
W,l,b (Johll), n. A., Vm 1793.- LL. B., and LL. D., FerH.


W,UU (John), B. A., ./Est. 1781.-M. A., ./Ed. 1806.
Webb (John), 8. A., '~rn. 1830'
Webb (John 8eavor), H. A., Vern. 182+.
2S Webb (Joseph), B. A., .2E8t. 1837Webb (Joseph Gabbett), B. A., Vern. 18n
Webb (Matthew), B. A., .2&t. 1830'
Webb (Richard), B. A" Vern. 1778.
Webb (Richard), B.A., Alllt. 1815.
30 Webb (Richard), B. A., Al8t. 1823.
Webb (Samuel), B. A., Albt. 18+6.
Webb (Thomas), B. A., rel'''. 17+6.
Webb ('fhomas), B. A.. ./1<."&1. 1793.
Webb (Thomas Ebenezer), Sch., 18+s.-B. A., Vml. 1850. -Y. A.,
.8t. 18S7.-LL. B., and LL. D., Hinn. 1859.-Fellow, 1863.
Webb (William John Wesley), B. A., Y~rn. 1862.



Webb (William Livingston), B. A., Vern. 1788.

Webbe (Ambrose Congreve), B. A., Vern. 18540. - M. A., Vern.
18 59.
Webber (Samuel), B. A., Vtrn. 1705.-M. A., 2&t. 1708.
Webber (Thomas Wingfield), B. A., Vern. 1860.
5 Webber (William Downes), B. A., Vern. 1858.
Webster (George), B. A., Vern. 18)1.-M.A.'., Vern. 1856.
Webster (James), B. A., Vern. 1787.
Weekes (Ambrose), B.A., .LEat. 1753
Weekes (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1751.-M. A., .lEst. 1755.
10 Weekes (Edward William), Sch., 1807.-B. A., Vern. 1809.
Weekes (James), R. A., Vern. 1751.
Weekes (William), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Weir (Christopher), Scb., 1818.-B. A., Vwn. 1819.-M. A., ..-Eat.
183 J.
Weir (Christopber John), Sch., 1853.-B. A., Vern. 1856.-M. B.,
Vern. 1863.

15 Weir (David), B.A., .LE8t. 1803.

Weir (George), B. A., Vern. 1736.
Weir (James), B. A., .lEst. 1817.
Wcir(JamesAlexander), Scb., 1847.-B.A., Vern. 1849.
Weir (James Maxwell), Scb., 18S2.-B. A., ..Est. 1858.-M. A' I
.lEst. 1861.

10 Weir (John), B. A., Vern. 1774Weir (John), Sch., 1834--B. A., Vern. 1838.
Weir (lohn), B.A., Vern. 1851.
Weir (John Maxwell), LL. B., and LL. D., &t. 1858.
Weir (William), Sch., 1764.-B.A., Vwn. 1766.
25 Weir (William R.), Bch., 1846.-B. A., Vern. 1848.
Weiss (William), B. A., Vern. 1837.
Welburnc (William), Sch., 1716.-B. A., Vern. 1718.
Welch (Richard Henry), B. A., ..l&t. 1845.
Welch (Robert), B.A., Vern. 1784.
30 Welch (Robert), B. A.., LElt. 1819.
Weld (Daniel), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-M. A., ./Eat.
163 8.
Weld (Matthew), B. A., Vern. 1799.
Weld (Matthias), B. A., hAt. '79'1.



Weldin, or Weldon (Richard), B. A., Vmt. 1707.-Y. A., &t.

Welding, or Weldon (James), B. A., Vma. 1709.
Weldon (Anthony), B.A., Vn"JI. 1750.-11. A., Vma.1756.
Weldon (Arthur), B. A., reNt. I 790.-11. A., &t. 18n.
5 Weldon (Arthur), B. A., VIINt. 18...8.
Weldon (George Warburton), B. A., &t. 1849.-11 A., V_
Weldon (Henry Rowley), B. A., ..Ell. 184-3.
Weldon (LeWCD Burton), B. A., BielA. 1861.
Weldon (Perceval Banks), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).ll. A., Nor. 1832.
10 WeltJ.on (Robert), B. A., LElt. 1815.
Weldon (Robert Smyth), B. A., ,.1. 184-8.
Weldon (Samuel Cooke), B.A., LElt. 1785.
Weldon (Stewart), B.A., Vmt. 1770.
Weldon (Thomas Pyne), B.A., FlINt. IS+S.
15 Weldon (Walter), B. A., Vms. '74-+
Weldon (Walter), LL. D. (lwMri. carud), Vern. 1756.
Welland (James Shepard), B.A., Diem. IS64.
Welland (Joseph), B. A., Vma. IS57.
Welland (Thomas James), B. A., VIINt. ISH-.-M. A., VIINt. IS57.
20 Welland (William), Soh., ISI3.-B. A., Vern. ISIS.-M. A., A:at.
181 9.
Welland (William John), B. A' I Vern. ISSS.
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., ~,. 163S.
Wells (
Welsh (Andrew), B.A., Vern. 179....
Welsh (Charles), B.A., VII'''. IS29.
25 Welsh (Charles Henry), B. A., Vern. IS26.
Welsh (John), B. A., Vern. 1715.
Welsh (Luke), ll. B., ..lE". IS06.
Welsh (Ralph Dawson), B. A., ..Ell. IS4-7.
Welsh (Richard), B. A., VII'''. '79S,
30 Welsh (Robert), B. A., Vern. IS37.
Welsh (William Willington), B. A., Vern. I 842.-M. A" V"",
Welstead (John Hingston), B. A" VeNI. 18p.
Welstead (Quayle), B.A., ,,t. 1815.
Welstead (Richard), B. A., Ver". IS27.



Wemys, or Weyms (Maurice), B. A., Vern. 1710.

Werden (Ashton), B. A., Vern. 173S.-M. A., At. 17+1.
Werrall (Robert), Soh., 1676.-B. A., Vena. 1677.
Wesley (Right Hon. Garrett, Earl of Mornington), B. A., V~Nl.
1 75+-M. A., Vern. 1757.-Mus. D., .lE8t. q6+
5 West (Augustus William), B.A., Vern. IS36.-M. A., Vena. IS39
West (Charles), B. A., Vml. 1771..
West (Charles B.), B. A., VI/rn. IS49.
West (George White), B. A., Vena. ISn.-M. A., Vml. IS40.
West (Henry), Soh., IS29.-B. A., Vml. IS31.
I 0 West (Henry Matthew), B. A., Hiem. I S64.
West (John), Soh., 1719.-B. A., Vern. qu.
West (John), B. A., Vern. IS27.-M. A., NOfJ. IS31..-B. D., and
D. D., At. IS41.
West (John Beatty), B. A., .lE8t. ISlz.-M. A., Nov. IS3z.
West (Mark), Soh., I 77o.-B. A., Vern. 1771..
'5 West (Matthew), Soh., q66.-B. A., Vern. q6S.-M. A., At.
West (Samuel Maxwell), B. A., V~rn. IS1.S.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
West (Tichburn), B. A., VWlI. q51.
West (William), B. A.., Vern. IS1.4.
West (William), B. A., Vern. IS27.-M. B., LEst. IS1.S.
20 West (William), B. A.., Vern. IS56.
West (William James), B. A., Vern. IS30.-M. A., Nov. IS31..
Westby (Edward), B. A., At. 1776.
Westby (Henry H. Jones), B. A., ./E8t. 18zS.-M. A., NOfJ. IS32.
Westby (Nicholas), B. A.., 2Elt. ISOS.
25 Westby (Thomas), Soh., I 695.-B. A., Vern. 1696.-M. A., L&t.
Westby (William), B. A., Vern. qu.
Westby (William Jones), B.A., 2Elt. ISz4.-M. A., Nov. IS32.
Westenra, or Vesenrue (Henry), B. A., Vern. q39.
Westenra (Henry), B. A., L&e. I 789.-LL. B., .LEst. 1791..
30 Westenra (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1739.-M. A., Vern. 1743.
Westly (John), LL. D., Jan. 1.6, 1661.
Weston (Henry), B. A., Vern. q69'
Weston (Thomas), (Entered 1667).-M. A., Vena. 167+.
Westropp (Cecil), B. A., V/Jrn. q3+.-M. A., 2Elt. q37.
35 Westropp (Henry), Sch., IS05.-B. A., rern. IS07.
4 II



Weetropp (Henry), B. A., &t. 1831.

Weatropp (Hodder), B. A. &L 18+4.
Weetropp (John), B. A., Ylm. '796.
We8tropp (John Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1860.
S Weatropp (Michael R.), B. A., Ylm. 1838.
Weatropp (Robert Gibbing8), B. A., y".,.. 18+6.
Weatropp (TbomlUl). Sch., '777.-B.A., V".,.. 1778.
Weatropp (Thomas). B. A., &t. 1793.
Wcatropp (Thomas). B. A., At. ISzI.-ll. A., NO'I. 183%.
10 Wetenhall (Edward), D. D. (ad eund O:r.oo.). V".,.. 167+.
Wetenhall (Edward), B. A., Vim. 168,.
Wetenhall (John), B. A., V".,.. 1689.
Wetherall (John), B. A., V".,.. '78+.
Wetherall (Robert), B. A., V".,.. 1705.
IS Wetherall, or Wetherell (Thomaa May). B. A., .&t. 1830.-11. A.,
At. 1837'
Wetherby (Henry), 8cb., 1698.-B. A., V"... 1700.-1L A" &1.

'70 3.
Wetherby (John), Sch., ,687. - B. A., V".,.. 1689. -H. A., At.
1693.-Fellow, I 694.-B. D , At. 1700.-LL. D., Vern. 1706.
Wctherell (Frederick William), B.A., .A?lt. 1850' - M. A., .&t.
Wetherell (John ParlOns), B. A., V".,.. 1847.
20 Wetherell (Thomas), B. A., It. 18H.
Wetherhead (Christopher), Sch., I 722.-B. A., V"". 1]2+.
Whaley (David), B. A., Vim. 1845.-11. A., .&t. 1849.
Whaley (Richard Chappel), B. A., Ylm. 17Z1..
Whaley (Samuel), B. A., V".II. 1737.
25 Whaley (Thomaa), B. A., Vim. 1683.-11. A., .&t. ,686.
Whaley (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1846.
Whaley (William T.), B.A., Vim. 1850.
Whalley (Nathaniel), K. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. '7 1 S.
Wharton (James Henry), B. A., Vim. 1838.
30 Wharton (Joseph), B. A., Vim. 1823.-11. A., NOl'. ,832.
Whately (John), B. A., V".,.. ,849.
Whelan (Richard), B. A., '&1. 1832.
Whelan (Robert William), B.A., Vern. 18+I.-M.A., Vent. 1850.
Whelan (Thomas). B. A . V".,.. 1857.
3S Wheeler (Edgworth COIJ .. ily), B. .A., Hiem. 1865.





Wheeler (George Bomford), Sch., ,S32. -B. A., Vern. ,835.M. A., Vim. IS57.
Wheeler (Horace Newman), H. A., Y6T1I. ISS I. - M. A., Tern.
Wheeler (Jonas), B. A., ..iEBt. 1623.
Wheeler (Joseph), B. A" AJal. 1770.
5 Wheeler (Oliver), B. A. (,p~iali grtJtid), Vern. I69S.
Wheeler (Oliver), Sob., 1 747.-B. A., Vim. 17...9.-M. A., st.
175 2
Wheeler (Robert), B. A., Vern. '737-M. A., ..iEBt. 1740.
Wheeler (Robert), B.A., Vn-n. IS33.-M. A., V6f"fI. 18+0.
Wheeler (Robert Thomas), Sch., IS3S.-B. A., Bit. IS ...o.-M. A' I
..iEBt. ISH.
10 Wheeler (Thomas), n. A., Vern. IS33.-M. A., Vern. 18",0.
Wheeler (Trevor William), B. A' I and M. A., Hiem. IS60.
Wheeler (WilliamChes1in), B. A., Vem ISSI.-M. A., Vern. ISH'
Wheelewright (Richard), (Entered 166S).-M. A., &t. 16,....
Whetcombe(John), Sch., 171 .... -B.A., Vern. 17J6.-lf. A.,
.&t. 1719.-Fellow, 1720.-B. D., Vern. 172S.-D. D., ..lEst.
173 1
)5 Whewell(William), M.A. (adeund. Cantab.), Aug. I"" IS35.
Whiched (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1665.
Whistler (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1785.
Whistler (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. IS36.-M. B., IS",O.
Whitaker (Thomas), B. A., &t. ISso.
20 Whitbrook (John), B. A., Vern. 1783.
Whitcbel (Samuel), B. A., Vern. 177.
Whitby (Mark), B. A., Vern. 1 706.
Whiteroft (John), B. A., Vern. IS2S.
White (Benjamin), B. A., Bllt . 70....
25 White (Benjamin), B. A., ./Ell. lSi ....
White (Benjamin Nicholson), B. A., and M. A., Vern. 186....
White (Charles Tuckey), B. A., Vern. IS.....
White (Christopher). B. A., Vern. 1731.
White (Dalton), B. A., V6f"fI. 1824'
30 White (Edmnnd), B. A., Vern. 17 12
White (Finch), Soh., I 844'-B. A., 'trn. 1846.
White (Finch), B. A., Vern. 18SS.
White (Francis), B. A., Vern. 1731.





White (Francia Archer), B. A., Vern. 177S,

White (Frederick B.), B. A., At. IS61.
White (George), B.A., At. 18og.
White (George Purcell), B. A., Fern. IS64.
S White (Haughton Alfred), B. A., B"m. IS63.
White (Henry), Bch., 1761.-B. A., Fern. 1763.
White (Henry), B. A., V".,. . .,8S.
White (Henry), Sch., 1797.-8. A., Jm. 179S,
White (Henry), B. A., ~t. 180S.
10 White (Henry), B. A., Fern. 1835'
White (Henry Grattan), B .A., Vent. 1842.-)1. A., V8I'n. 1859.
White (Henry Jervis), B. A., y".,.. 1830.
White (Henry Jervis), B. A" Hiem. 1862.
"'bite (Henry Towry), B. A., V8I'ft. IS+6.
IS White (Henry Vere), B. A., At. 18++
White (Hugh), B. A., Fwtt. 1818.-111. A., Nov. 1832.
White (James), B.A., Vern. 17)4White (James), Sch., 1778.-B. A., Vw". 17So.
White (James), B. A' I &1. I 789.-Y. A., 2&t. '795,
20 White (James), B. A., JE,vt. 1820.
White (James), B. A., rtf'". 183+.
White (James), B. A., Vw".18S9.
White (James Robert), B A., and M. B., Hi~m. 186+.
White (John), B. A., Vern. 173S'
25 White tJohn), Sch., 1789-B. A., Vern. 1790.
White (John Edward), B. A., Vml. 18IS.-Y. A., Nov. 1832.
White (John Era), B. A., Hiem. IS64.
White (John Grove), B. A" Fern. IS4-0.
White (John Hamilton), B. A., V.,rn. IS27.
30 White (John Jervis), B. A., 2&1. 18 I S.-LL. B., and LL. D., Nor.
18 32
White (John Swete). B. A., y".,.. 1846.
White (Joseph), B. A., 2E4t. 1829'
White (Joseph), B. A., Fern. 1832.
White (Joseph Thomas), B. A., Hi., ... I 864.-LL. B., ..lEd. 1865.
3S White (Lawrence), (Entrance not recorded).-Fellow, 1661.
White (Lhle), B. A., .2&t. 1805.
White (Matthew Esmonde), B. A., .J/vt. 1823.-M. A., and M. B.,










White (Matthew J.), B. A., VITti. 1839.

White (Newport), B. A., Vim. 1715.-M. A., ./Eat. 1718.
White (Newport),B. A., LE.t. 18+3.
White (Peter), B. A., LE.t. 177- I.
White (Piers Francis), B. A., LE.t. I 845.-M. A., &t. 1865.
White (Richard), B. A" Vwn. 172+.-M. A., LEat. 1727.
White (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1782.
White (Richard), B. A., Vern. 186,.
White (Richard Allen), B. A., Vern. 1863.
White (Robert), B. A., LEd. 1832.
White (Robert), B. A., LE.t. 1838.
White (Robert Allen), B. A., LEst. 1858.
White (Spencer Hawkes), B. A., LE~t. 1833.-lf. B., ./Eat. 1839.
White (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1709.
White (Thomas), Sch., 1722.-B. A. Vern. Q2+.
White (Thomas), Sch., 1722.-B. A., V,rn. Q23.-M. A., HAt.
I 726.-B. D., Vern. 1735.-D. D., Vtlrn. 17+0.
White (Thomas), B. A., ./Eat. 1802.
White (Thomas), B. A., Vm. I SO'?
White (Thomas), B. A . Vern. 1823.
White (Thomas), B. A' I Vern. 182+.
White (Thomas). M. A., NOIJ. 1832.
White (Thomas), B. A' I rem. 1862.
White (Thomas Haughton), B. A., LE.t. 18#.-~J.A . Vern. 1859.
White (Thomas Jerns), B. A., Vern. 182+.-M. A., LElt. 1828.
White (Thomas Maunsell), B. A., Vern. 180;.
White (Thomas Warren), B. A., Vern. 1818.-~1. A., Nov. 1832.
White (Verner M.), B. A' I Vim. I 839.-LL. B., and LL. D., LE.t.
White (William), B. A., v,rn. 1697.-M. A., LEst. 1700.
White (William), Bch., 1788. - B. A.., Vim. '790.- M. A:, Vern.
White (William), B. A.., V"". 1835'
White (William), B. A.., ./Eat. 18+8.
White (William), B. A., Vim. 1856.
Whiteford (Edward), B. A., Vim. 18#.
Whiteford (Richard), B. A., Vtlrn. 18+3.
Whitehead (Alfred), B. A., Vim. 18S4--M. A., Vim. 1851.
Whitehead (Thomas), B. A.., Vim. 1679.-M. A., At. 1682.

Whitelaw (George), B. A.o Hitm. 11-:6+.

Whitelaw (James), 8ch., '769 -Ii. A .. ~E,t. 1771.
Whitelaw (Newcoman), B. A., Vern. 1777.
Whitelaw (Newcomen), B. A . Vms. '783,
5 Whitelaw (William), B. A., VtrtI. 1706.
Whitelaw (William), B. A., FtNI. 1780.
Whitely (George), B. A.., Vma. ,850.
Whiteside (James), B. A.., and Y. A., NOI). 1831. - LL. B., and

LL. D., Uiem. ,859.

Whiteside (James). n. .\.., Ve,.". 1850.
10 Whiteside (John William), Sch.o 182+. - B. A., V.".,.. 1825.M. A.., &t. 1831.-LL.B., and LL. D., Vent. 18+9.
Whiteside (William), Sch., 1791.-B.A., VIN 179+
Whitestone (AuguatineF.). B. A.., Vern. 1847.
Whitestone (James), B. A.., Vern. 178 (.
Whitestone (John), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Whitestone (Nicholas). B. A., Vem. IS+I.
Whitestone (Percy). 8. A., VIN.. 18++.
Whitestone (William), B. A., &t. ,805,
Whitestone (William), B. A., Vern. IS 56.
Whiteway (Edward), 8. A., Vern. 1705.-Y. A., At. '70S.
20 Whitfield (Frederick), B. A., It. IS60.
Whitfield (Tbomas), B. A., Ve,.,.. 1 S+ r.
Whiting (John), B. A., ./EIt. IS+3.
Whitley (Jobn), Bch., ,80J. - B. A., Vern. IS05.-B. D., Vern.
18'5.-D. D., ./EIt. 1822.
Whitley (John Blake), B. A., Jm..18+7'
%s Whitlock (George), B. A., Vtrn. 1769'
Whitlow (Robert), 8ch.. 1673.-B. A., Vern. 1674.
~tmore (William), B. A.. Vm. 186,.
Whitney (Boleyn), B. A., Vern. '79S.
Whitney (1ohn), B. A., Vm. 1820.
JO Whitney (Jobn), B.A., r,Nt. ,8%S'
Whitney (Pullen), 8cb., 170S.-B. A., Fern. 1707.
Whitney (Robert Benjamin), B. A., LE~t. 1860.
Whitshed (Thomas), B. A.., V,nt. 1700.-Y. A., rerl/. 1704.
Whittaker (Gerald), B. A., At. 186+.
35 Whittaker (James), B. A., Vern. 18J9.
Whittaker (John), B. A.., rern. 1832.




Whittaker (Xark), B.A., Vwn. 1819.

Whittingham (Charles), Sch., 1683.-(B. A. not recorded).-X. A.,
.lEat. 1688.-B. D., and D. D., Vwn. 17+
Whittingham (lohn), Scb., 1730. - B. A., Vern. 1732. -X. A.,
LEst. 1735.-Fellow, I 736.-B. D., and D. D., Vern. 1747.
Whittingbam (lIicbael), Sch., 172+-B. A., Vern. q26.-X.A.,
.lEat. 1129.
5 Whittingbam (Philip), Sch., 1688. - B. A., Vern. 1693. - M. A.,
.lEat. 1693.-B. D., Vern. qOI.
Whittingham (Philip), Sch., 1124. - B. A., Vern. qz6.-X. A.,
.lEat. 1729.
Whittingham (Philip), B. A., Vern. , 73S-11. A., V"n. 17+0.
Whittingham (William), Sch., 1735.-B. A., Vern. 1737.
Whittle (lames), B. A., Vern. 1820.
10 Whittle (lameB), B. A., Vern. 1823.
Whittle (lameB Lowry), B. A., Hien!. 1861.-M. A., LE~t. 1866.
Whittle (loseph), B. A., Vern. 173+.
Whitton (George Edward), B. A., V81'n., M. B., LEd. 185)'
Whitty (David La Touche), B. A., Vern. 1846.
15 Whitty (Edward), Sch, 1738. - B. A., Vern. 174o.-1L A., LEst.

Whitty (Edward), Sch., 1798.-B. A., Vern. 1800.
Whitty (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1851.
Whitty (Erwin, or Irwin), Sch., 1771.- B. A., Vern. 1773.M. A., LEst. 1776.
Whit~(Henry), B. A., Vern. 1826.-M.A., Nov. 1832.
20 Whitty (Irwin), 8cb., I 796.-B. A., Vmt. 1798.
Whitty (John), B. A., V81'n. 1782.
Whitty (John), Scb., 1798. - B. A., Vmt. 1800.-M. A., LEst.
Whitty (John), B. A., Vern. 18IS.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Whitty (John Irwine), B. A., LEst. 1846.-LL. B., Vlrn. 1851.X. A., Vern. 18)2.-LL. D., .lEal. 18p.
15 Whitty (lohn Langley), Sch., 1861.-B. A., Vml. 1863.
Whitty (St. George), B. A., Vern. 1852.
Whitty (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1819.
Whitty (William), B. A., LEst. 1821.-M. A., Nor. 1832.
Whitty (William John Henry Irwine), B. A., Hitlll. 1861.
30 Whitworth (John), (Entrance not recorded).-B. D., At. 166+.



Whitworth (Joseph), LL. D. (lwmor-i. CQUld), V/Jrn. J863.

Whyte (Henry Frederick), B. A., .&t. J855.
Whyte (James), B. A., .&t. J808.
Whyte (John), Sch., 178+- B. A., .&t. 1785.
5 Whyte (John Charles), B. A., Vma. 1847.
Widdup (John), B. A., Vern. 1824.
Widenham (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 172+-M. A., '&1. 1727.
Wiggatt, or Wiggett, or Wiggitts (John), (Entrance, and B. A" not
recorded).-M. A., LE8t. 1626.
Wiggett, or Wiggitts (John), B. A., .&t. 1617.-M. A., .&t.
1620.-Fcllow, 1622.
10 Wight (Edward), B. A., Vms. 1737.
Wight (Edward), B. A., VIJrtI. 1753.-11. A., '&t. 1759.-{B. D.
not recorded).-D. D., At. 1761.
Wight (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1771.-M. A., .&t. 1781.
Wight (Williamson), Sch., 1716.-B. A., VIJrtI. 1718.
Wigmore (John), B. A., LE,t. 1740.
J 5 Wigmore (Thomas), B. A., .LEM. 1819.
Wigmore (William), Sch., 170+.-B. A., VIJrtI. 1705.
Wigton (Hugh), B. A., Vern. 1703.
Wilcock (Thomas), B. A., .&t. J 713.-M. A., .AiAt. 1721.
Wilcocks (William), B. A., VIJrtI. 1835.
20 Wilcox (Thomas), B. A., Vtrn. 1665.
Wild (John), B.A., V"rn. 1856.
Wild (Ralph), B. A., LE8t. 1795.
Wilde (Gcorgr), D. D. (ad eund. Oxon.), Jan. 26, 1661..
Wilde (John Maxwell), B. A., Vern. 1 836.-M. A., VIJrtI. 1850'
25 Wilde (Ralph), Sch., 1782.-B. A., VIJrtI. 1784Wilde (Ralph), B. A., V"rn. 1821.
Wilde (Sir William Robert), M. D. (konoril eQUId), Hi"m. 1863.
Wilder (Stuart), B. A., Vern. 1722.
Wilder (Theaker), Sch., 1736.-B. A., VIJrtI. 1738.-M. A., .J?&t.
17+I.-Fellow, 174+.-B. D., .AiAt. 174-8.-D. D., LEst. 1753.
30 Wilder (William), B. A., LE,t. 17 J 6.
Wiley (Gerard), B. A., Vt'rn. 18p.
Wiley (William), Sch., 183+.-B. A., Vern. I8n.-M. A., Vent.
Wiley (William), B. A, and LL. B., Vern. 1l!41.-M. A., and
LL. D., .8t. 18+2.


. 609

Wilford (Robert Orone), B. A., Hiem. 1865.

Wilkin (John), B.A., Vern. 1839.
Wilkins (Charles), B. A., Vern. 183+.
Wilkins (George), Soh., 1696.-B. A., Vern. 1697.-11. A., AUt.
5 Wilkins (John), B. A., &t. 18%1.
Wilkins (Joseph), Fell., I66I.-D. D., Nflg 19, 1693.
Wilkins (Sumner), B. A., V".,.. 17%8.
Wilkins (William), B. A., .2&t. J836.
Wilkinson (Abraham), B. A., &t. J789.
10 Wilkinson (Charles Thomas), B. A., V,,.,.. J8H.-ll. A., V".,..
18 57.
Wilkinson (George), B. A., .2&t. J8%9'
Wilkinson (James), B. A., Vwn. 182 I.
Wilkinson (John), B. A.,
Wilkinson (John), B. A., Vwn. 1800.
15 Wilkinson (John), Entered 1821.-(B. A., not reoorded).-lI. A.,
Vwn. 1829.-LL. B., and LL.D., .2&t. 18+1.
Wilkinson (lohn), B.A., Vwn. IS60.
Wilkinson (Joseph), Entered 1665.-Soh., I 66S.-11. A., .2&t.
Wilkinson (Joseph), B.A., Vwn. 17+2.
Wilkinson (Maurice Hewson), B. A., Hi,m. IS6+.
%0 Wilkinson (Nioholas), B.A., Vma. IS29.
Wilkinson (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. IH2.-M. A., V".,.. 17+6.
Wi1.kinaon (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. IS23.
Wilkinson (William), B. A., V".,.. IS39.-11. A., .2&t. IS5+.B. D., and D. D., .2&t. IS66.
Wilkinson (William George), B. A., V".,.. IS50'
%5 Wilks (Charles), B. A., .2&t. JSI+.
Willcocks (James Caulfield), B. A., V".n. IS+7.
Willcocks (John), B. A.,
Willcocks (William), B. A., Vern. I7S7.
Willcocks (William), B. A., .2&1. ISu.-ll.A., NO'IJ. JS32.
30 Willcocks (William Smyth), B. A., 2Elt. IS66.
Willes (Sir James Shaw). B. A.,
IS36.-LL. B., and LL. D.,
.ASst. IS60.
Willes (Newcombe), B. A., 2Elt. JS43.
Willee (William Henry), B. A., Vwn. 18++.-ll.A., VI,.,.. 18,4-7.







Willett (George Thomas), B. A., V".,.. IS49.

Willett (John), Sch., I 77S.-B. A., V".,.. 1777.
Willotts (Richard B.), B. A., V".,.. ISS9.
Williams (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A., At. 16%2.}[. A., At. 1615.
S Williams (Charles Harley), B. A., HilIfIt . S61.
Williams (Charlt's Hume), B.A., At. ISSS.
Williams (Christopher), B.A., V... 177+
Williams (Christopher), B. A., At. ISI8.
Williams (Consilius), B. A., V".,., I,OZ.
10 Williams (Edward Adams), B. A., At. 8+S.-M. A., V".,..ISSti.
Williams (Eleazar), B. A., V".,.. ISso.
Williams (Frederick H.), B.A., V".,.. IS...S.-K. A., At. ISso.
-B. D., and D. D., Hint. 1865.
Williams (Henry Frederick), B. A., At. 8IS. -K. A., &t.
IS1 ....-LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. IS%8.
Williams (George), B. A., Vmt. I,SS'
.5 Williams (G('()rge), B. A., At. IS3
Williams (George Campbell), B. A., At. lSI S. - M. A., NtH).
Williams (George Campbell), B. A., At. IS+3.- M. A., At.
Williams (George Robert Carliale), 8ch., 1862.- B. A., V",..
Williams (James), B. A., Vmt. IS26.-K. A., N(Jf). 1832.
20 Williams (John), B. A., VIN'. ,S26.-K. A., V".,.. IS35.
Williams (John), B. A., Vm. S.4-3.
Williams (lohn), B.A., Vwn . 8.......
Williams (lohn), B.A., Vwn. 1850.
Williams (John), B. A., Vim . S50'
2S Williams (lohn), M.A., V",., .861.
Williams (John), B. A., Hi"", IS63.
Williams (lohn Mack), B. A., Vwn. IS3+.-M. A., 1M. 1839Williams (John Bt. George), B. A., V".,.. 1828. - K. A., Not .
83 2
Williams (John William), B. A., V".,.. 183S.-K.A., V",.., M. B.,
At. IS39.
30 Williams (Matthew Luke), 8ch., 1772.-B.A., Vms. 177+
Williams (Nathaniel), Sch., 167S.-B. A., Vma .676.



Williams (Perault), B. A., Ywn. 170z.-v. D., LEd. 17zo.

Williams (Preston John), B. A., .&t. 1833.
WIliams (Richard), B. A., Ywn. 183 l.
Williams (Richard), B.A., LEst. 1834'
5 Williams (Richard), B. A., .&t. 1839.
Williams (Richard Pope), B. A" Ywn. 1849. -V. B., Vern.
Williams (Robert), B. A., Ywn. 18z+.
Williams (Robert Carlile), V. B., and M. D., Vern. 18+5.
Williams (Samnel), B. A., LEst. 18z9.
10 Williams (Solomon), B. A., Vern. '790.
Williams (Swithin), B. A., LEIt. 1833.
Williams (Thomas), Soh., I 734.-B. A., Ywn. 1735.
Williams (Thomas), B. A., .&1. I 829.-M. A., Nov. 18p.
Williams (Vance), B. A., .&t. 18 I S.
15 Williams (Walter Angustus), B. A., Hi",., 186+
Williams (William), (Entered I 676.-B. A. not recorded).-M. A.,
LEst. 1709.
Williams (William), Sch., 1679.-B. A., Vern. I 680.-M. A., .&t.
168 3.
Williams (William), B. A., Ywn. 1796.
Williams (William), B. A., Vern. 18+3.
zo Williams (William), B. A., Yem. 1866.
Williams (William Bunter), B. A., Vern. 1860. - M. A., Vma.
Williams (William Campbell), B. A., .&1. 1815.
Williams (William Morris Holt), B. A., Vern. 18z3.
Williams (William Raphael), Sch., 1823. -B. A., Vern. 18z5V. A., Vern. 183z.
z5 Williams (Zachary), B. A., Vern. 1734.
Williamson (Andrew), B. A., Vern. 1838.
Williamson (Arthur), B. A., Vern. 1833.
Williamson (Benjamin), B. A., LEst. 18u.-H. A., No!). IS3z.
Williamson (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 18+9.-Fellow, 18p.-H. A.,
Yma. 18
30 Williamson (Cresar), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fellow,
16s...-M. A., LEst. 16S9.-D. D., Jan. z6, 1661.
Williamson (James), B.A., Vern. 1716.
Williamson (James), :B.A., Yern.1835'




or THE


WiJJjameon (/ohn), 8ch., 17+9.-B.A., VIrII. 1751.-ll.A.,.Ald.

WilliaD180n (John), Sch., 1776.-B. A., V".,.. I 778.-lL A., AI.
1781 .
Williamson (John), B. A., VWII. 182S.
Wil1iamacm (John), B. A., VIrII. 1826.
S Williamson (John), B. A., VIrII. 1833.
Williamsoll (Joshua), B. A., YIrII. 1839.
Williamsoll (Richard), B. A., V..,.. 1833.
WilliaD180n (Thomas Denis), Sch., I 780.-B. A., Vent. 178%
WilliaD18On' (William), B. A., Vwn. 1700.-lI. A.., LElt. 1703
10 Williamson (William Cotter), B. A., Vens.:1831.-l(. A., ..tEd. 183~
Williamson (William John), B. A., LElt. 183S.-ll. A., V.",..
18 39.
Willington (John), Sch., 1716.-B.A., VIrII. 1717,
Willingtoll (John), B. A., LElt. 17'
Willington (John M.), B. A., VIrII. 18405.
IS Williomier (Charles), LL. D. (Aotioril C4Itfld), LElt. 802.
Willis (Edward), B.A., Ftf"fI. 1766.
Willis (Finch d' Aoyers), B. A., VIrII. 1863.-ll. A., V"... 1866.
Willis (Frederick Augustus), B. A., Vwn. 18S+' - M. A., V",..
18S7.-LL. B., and LL. D., Irtem. 1862.
Willis (Henry de Laval), B. A., Vwn. 1837' - H. A., B. D., and
D. D., LElt. 18 S6.
20 Willis (John), B.A., Vent. 18+2.
Willis (Joseph), B. A., VIrII. 1797.
Willis (Richard Newcombe), B. A., y",.., lL B., LElt. 18+1.
Willis (Thomas), B. A., y".,.. 1832.
Willis (Thomas Gilbert), B. A.,..2&l. 1806.-ll. A., At. I 809LL B., and LL. D., .2&t. 1816.
25 Willis (William), B. A., 2&1. 1806.-lI.A., NOfJ. 1831.
Willis (William Newcomb), B.A., y"... IS3S.
Willock (William Alexander), B. A., Yern. 18+2.-M. A., V",..
18+6.-Fellow, 18+9.-B.D., and D. D., V".,.. IS51.
Willoughby (
), LL. D. (,p~ciali gr(ltid), VWII. 17 IS.
Wills (Freeman Crofts), B. A.., V".,.. IS63.
30 Wills (Godfrey), B. A., y".,.. IS3S.
Wills (James), B. A., At. 18az.-lI.A., Vmt. 1839. -B.D..
..IErt. 18SS.-D. D., LEal . 18s6.



Wills (lobn), B. A.., V".,.. 1761.

Wills (Robert), B. A..,...&c. 183+Wills (Robert Cooper), B. A., Vwn. 1861.
Wills (Samuel), B. A.., Vim . 1 820.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
5 Wills (Samuel Richard), B. A., Vern. 18H.-M. A.., Vim. 1858.
Wills (Thomas), B. A.., At. 18p.
Willson (Waller), Sch., 173%.-B. A.., V".,.. I 734.-M. A., At.
Willson (William Galbraith), Sch., 186+-B. A., AlIt. 1866.
Wilme (Richard), B. A., Atlt. 1832.
10 Wilmot (Edward), B. A.., .lEst. 1824.
Wilmot (Henry Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18s+.-M. A., At. 1866.
Wilmot (John Henry), B.A., Vim. 1838.
Wilmot (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1794.
Wilmot (Samuel), M. B., and M. D., Vim. 1813.
15 Wilmot-Chetwode (Knightley), B. A., Vwn. 1856.
Wilson (Alexander Christopher Burkitt), B. A., Vim. 1851.
Wilson (Amos), B. A., Vma. 1830.

Wilson (Andrew), B. A.., Vim. 1772.

Wilson (Anthony), B. A., Vma. 1708.
20 Wilson (Arthur), Sch., 1857.-B. A., V".,.. 1859.
Wilson (Benjamin), B. A., Atlt. 1807.
Wilson (Benjamin), B. A., Vml. 1831.-H. A., NOfJ. 183%.
Wilson (Cadwallader), B.A., Vern. 1838.
Wilson (Charles), B.A., Atlt. 18IS.-M.A., .Aht. 1833.
25 Wilson (Christian), B. A., Atlt. 1839.
Wilson (David), B. A., P"1m. 177 5.
Wilson (Edmund), B. A., ~ 1833.
Wilson (Edward), B. A.., P"".,.. 18z5.
Wilson (Francis), Soh., 171+-B.A., Vim. 1715.-H. A., At
., 18.-B. D., P"Im. 1726.-D. D., LElt. 1731,
30 Wilson (Francis), B.A.., Vwn. 1720.-M. A., At. 1723.
Wilson (Frederick Robert), B. A.., P"m. , H. B., At. 1856.
Wilson (George Edwin), B. A., Hi,,,.. 1860.-11. A., LEal. 1865'
Wilson (George H.), B. A., P",rn. 1850'
Wilson (George Orr), B. A., .."E,t. 18Sl-H. A., V".,.. 1856.
3S Wilson (Henry), B. A., .2&t. 1784'
Wilson (Henry), B. A., At. 1805.



Wilson (Henry C.), V. A., LE,e. 1814.

Wilson (Hill), B. A., Y""',18.)6.
Wilson (Hugh), Sch., 18.)+.-B. A., V"... 1836.
Wilson (Isaac), B. A.., y".,.. 1853.-M. A., y".,.. 1856.
S Wilson (James), B. A., V"... I 736.-ll. A., At. 1739.
Wilson (James), B. A., ~t. 1775.
Wilson (James), B. A., y".,.. 1794--Fellow, ISoo.-V. A., mt.
ISoo.-B. D., and D. D., LE&t. 1811.
Wilson (James), Soh., 18oo.-B.A., AI. 180a.-ll.A., .Bt.
1809.-D. D., &t. 1830.
Wilson (James), B. A., .&t. 18t7.-LL. D., Ymt. 18,..ti.
10 Wilson (JamCII), B. A., V"". 18S0.-II. A., At8t. 18S6.
Wilson (James), B. A., Y"". 18S3.-lI. A., y".,., 1856.
Wilson (James), B. A., y,.,.,.., M. B., AI. ,8S?
Wilson (John), Sah., 1684. - B. A., y".,.. 1686. - M. A., &t.


Wilson (John), B. A., AI. 1701.-M. A., At. 1705.
Wilson (John), B.A.,V,.,.,.. 1708.
Wilson (John), B. A., Yem. 1786.
Wilson (John), B. A., ~I. 1824.-M. A., NOfJ. 18,a.
Wilson (John), B. A., Yem. 1828.
Wilson (John), B. A.,
Wilson (John), B. A., y".,.. 1836.
Wilson (John), M. B., Ytrn. ,840.
Wilson (John), B. A., Yem. 1841.
Wilson (John), B. A., V"", 1848.-)(. A., y".,., 18p.
Wilson (John), B. A., V",.. 1853.
Wilson (John Alexander), B. A., JIie",. 1862.-11. B., .J?st. ,1t6+.
Wilson (John Robert), B.A., &t. 1817.
Wilson (Jonathan), B.A., Ymi. '71.-)(. A., JEst. 1704.
Wilson (Joseph), Sch., 1716.-B.A., YWfI.1717.
Wilson (Joseph), Sch., 1781.-B. A., Vmt. 1782.
Wilson (Joseph), B. A., Ym. 1788.
Wilson (Joseph), B.A., YWfI. 1839.
Wilson (Joseph), B. A., 17WfI. 1848.
Wilson (Joseph Nathaniel), B.A., Vml. 18H.
Wilson (Mervyn), B. A.,
Wilson (Peter), B. A., Vern. 1844.
Wilson (Ralph Wener), B. A., and Y. A., .J6t. 1802.















Wilson (Richard), B. A., .lEd. 1776.

Wilson (Richard), B. A., LE,t. 1810.-H. A., ./&t. 181+.
Wilson (Richard), B. A., VWII. I 849.-H. A., Vern. 185+
Wilson (Robert), B. A., ..lEst. 1610.-lI. A., LElt. 161+-B.D.,
LElt. 1621.
Wilson (Robert), B.A., V.".". 1731.
Wilson (Robert), B.A., Vim. I 816.-lI.A., NOfJ. 183z.
Wilson (Robert), B. A., Vim. 1830.
Wilson (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 1841.
Wilson (Robert), B. A., ..lEst. 1853.
Wilson (Robert), lI. A., ..lEst. 1863.
Wilson (Robert Duncan Davis), M. A., Vern. 18%1.
Wilson (Robert Mackay), B.A., Vern. 1851.-M.A., V~ 185+.
Wilson (Samuel), Sch., 18z5.-B. A., Vern. 18z6.
Wilson (Stephen), B. A., .AUt. 1619.
Wilson (Thomas), Sch., 1683.- B. A., Vwn. 1686.-M. A., Vern.
1696 .
Wilson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1716.
Wilson (Thomas), Bch., 1746.-B. A., Vwn. 17+8.-Fellow, 1753.
-M. A., ..lEst. 1753.-B. D., ..lEst. I758-D.D., Vwn. 176+.
Wilson (Thomas), B. A., Vem. 1835'
Wilson (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Wilson (Thomas), B. A., Vwn. 18+S.
Wilson (Thomas Charles), B.A., Vwn. 1856.
Wilson (Thomas Elkins), B. A., Vwn. I 838.-11.A., At. IS47.
Wilson (Thomas Goodricke), B. A Vern. 1856.
Wilson (William), B. A., Vwn. 1697-Sch., 1~7'
Wilson (William), B. A., Vwn. 1706.
Wilson (William), B. A., Vwn. 1810.-M. A., Nov. IS3z.
Wilson (William), B. A" V~ 1838.-H. A., Vma. 18,,1.
Wilson (William), B. A., Vern. 18#.
Wilson (William). B. A., Vwn. 1850'
Wilson (William Frederick), B. A., Hima. IS6 ..
Wilson (William Scott), LL. D. (,~ grat.d), At. 1860.
Wilton (Anthony), B. A., Vern. 170S.
Wilton (John), B. A., Vern. 1739.
Wily (Charles Ormsby), B. A., Vma. 1861.
Winehe (lohn), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-Fell, 1601.
Winder (Edward), B. A., Vwn. 171S.



Winder (Edward), B. A., Vmt. 1795.

Winder (Henry M.), B. A., V".,.. 181S'-}[. A., Nop. 1831.
Winder (Henry Monck), B. A., Hinn. 1864Winder (John), B. A., Vern. 1703.
5 Winder (Peter), B. A., .lE&t. 171+.
Windpr (Thomas), Sch., 17P.-B. A., Vmt. 17S3.-M. A., .A?ll.
W~der (Thomas), B. A., 18u.
Windows (Samuel), B. A., V".,.. 1704Wingfield (Edward), B. A., V".,., 1679.
10 Wingrave (Matthew), B. A., JEll. 18H.
Wingrove (James), B. A., V".,.. 18p.
Winstanley (George), B. A., JE.l. 1801.
Winstanley (John B.), B. A., Vma. 1818.
Winter (Arthur Gore), B. A., Vim,. 1818.
15 Winter (Benjamin), B. A., Vtmt. 1831.
Winter (Francis), B.A., Vwn. 1793.
Winter (Francis Alexander), B. A., Hie",. 1859.-M. A.,- Vern.
Winter (James Saunderson), B. A., VWff. 1854.
Winter (John Pratt), B. A., V".. 1788.
20 Winter (Josias), Fell, 165+.-B. A., Hay +, 16SS'
Winter (Richard), B. A., Vtmt. 1856.
Wlnter (Samuel), (D. D. Cantab.), Provost, 1651.
Winter (Samuel), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded).-lf. A.,
May 9, 1654'
Winter (Samuel), B.A., .2&t. 1817.
25 Winter (Samuel), :B. A., VWff. 1800.
Winter (Sankey), B. A., Vwn. 1708.-H. A., .2&1. 1711.
Winter (William), B. A., VWff. I 783.-LL. B., Vw,.. 1786.
Wiper (Ralph), B. A., V,r,.. 1695.
Wisdom (James), :B. A., AJ8t. 1817.-M. A., NOD. 1831.
30 Wisdom (John), B. A., ..lE1l. I 749.-M. A., .2&1. 175+.
Wise (James), B. A., 1819.
Wise (Henry), B. A., VtJNJ, 1823.
Wise (James Lawrence), B. A., ..lE,e. 1837.
Witherby (William Henry), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), M. B., and
lL D., H"",. 186+.-lL ehir., At. 1865'.
Witherilt (Hurd). B. A., Vem. 17++.



Witherington (Edward), B.A., Vern. 178+

Wittar (John), B. A., At. 163z.
Witter, or Wytter (Daniel), D. D. (ad eund.), Vtrn. 1669.
Wogan (George), B. A., Vml. 1 779.-M. A., hAt. 1819.
S Wogan (John), B. A.., Vern. 173+
Wolf (Right Ron. Arthur), LL D. (Aononi cawd), At. 1793.Vice-Chancellor of the University, 180z.
Wolf (Theobald), Sch., 17z8.-B. A.., VI,... 1730.
Wolfe (Arthur), Sch., 1759.-B. A., V".,.. 1760.
Wolfe (Arthur), B. A.., hAt. 1806.
10 Wolfe (Charles), Sch., 18IZ.-B. A., Vern. 1814.
Wolfe (Charles), B. A., V".,.. 18S0.
Wolfe (John), B. A., Vern. 1774.
Wolfe (John), LL. D. (lwnori. cawd), Vem. 178S.
Wolfe (John), B. A., Vern. 1800. .
I 5 Wolfe (1ohn Charles), B. A., VBrn. I 839.
Wolfe (Philip), B. A., V".,.. 1747.
Wolfe (Ralph), B. A., hAt. 1838.
Wolfe (Richard), B. A., hAt. 1806.-1. A.., Vern. 1836.
Wolfe (Richard), B.A., V".,.. 184z.-M. A.., V".,.. 1851.
20 Wolfe (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1795.
Wolfe (William), B. A., LEst. 1833.
Wolfenden (Edward), B. A., VIm. I 83z.-1. A., .2&t. 1837.
Wolfenden (Henry), B.A., V".,.. 18+,.
Wolfenden (Richard), B. A.., V".,.. 1841.-1. A., Vern. 1844.
zs Wolfenden (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 18+3.
Wolfenden (William J.), B. A., Vern. 18S0.
Wolseley (Cadwallader), Sch., 18z7. - B. A' I .At,t. 18z8.-Y. A.,
V.".,.. 1853.
Wolseley (Capel), B. A., VBrn. 1838.
Wolseley (Charles), B. A.., Vern. 1798.
30 W olaeley (Clement), B. A., At. 18, 3.
Wolaeley (Cosby), B. A., V".,.. 1828.
Wo1seley (Henry), Sch., I 796.-B. A., Vern. 1798.
Wolaeley (John), B. A.., Vern. 18z6.-1. A., NM). 183z.
Wolaeley(Richard), B.A., Vma. 178z.-11.A., VIm. 1809.
3, Wolseley (Robert Warren), B. A., Vern. 1846.
Wolseley (William), B. A., .2&t. 1794.
Wolseley (William), B. A., V".,.. 1847.




Wolstenholme (Henry), Sch., 1717. - B. A., V".,. . 718.-Y. A.,

.2&t. 17:11.
Wood (Andrew), B. A., .2&t. 18%+.-). A., No(}. 183%.
Wood (AttiweU), Sch., 17+6.-B. A., Vwn. 17+9.
Wood (Attiwell), LL. D. (Mmori' caUld), &t. I77S.
S Wood (AttiweU), B. A., .&t. 1831.
Wood (Benjamin Shaw), B. A., .&t. 18%).-1I. A., .J&t. 1857.
Wood (Edward), B. A., .2&t. 18%7.
Wood (George Abraham), B. A., At. 18:15.-M. A., NOfI. 18)%.
Wood (Gore), B. A., Vwn. I77S.
10 Wood (Henry), B.A., Vena. 1779.
Wood (James), B. A., .&t. 1825.
Wood (James), B. A., and LL. B., Hum. 186+.
Wood (John), B. A., 'Pern. 1753.
Wood (John), B. A., Vwn. 1785.
'5 Wood (John Charles), B. A., Vwn.18+z.
Wood (JohnCotwr), Sch., 1860.-B.A., V".,.. 1861.
Wood (Joseph), B. A., '&t. 179).
Wood (Jo8hua), B.A., .2&t. 18:13.-). A., .2&1. 1837.
Wood (Lewis Weyman), B. A., V".". 1853.
:10 Wood (Matthew), B. A., VmJ. 1835.
Wood (Richard), B. A., .2&t. 1819.-). A., Noo. 18):1.
Wood (Samuel), B. A., .2&1. 18z
M. A.,.2EM. 18z8. - If. B.,
VII,.,.. 18:19.
Wood (Thomas), B. A., Vllt"n. 18+9.
Wood (William), B.A., Vms. 1711.-M. A., At. 17'+'
zs Wood (William), B.A., Vwn. 1795.
Woodcock (William), B. A., Vllt"n. (71).
Woodhouse (Archibald), B. A., VIIt"ta. 18z8.
Woodley (Fmncis), B. A., Vwn. 1787.
Woodley (Francis), B. A., Vwn. 18+0.
30 Woodley (Richard), B. A., Vwn. 18+1.-). B., .81. 18++
Woodlock (William), B. A' I .,t. 18zl.-H. A., Vwn. 18z5.
Woodlock (William), B. A., VIIrn. 1853.-H. A., At. 1865.
Woodroff(John), Sch., 17)1.-B. A., Vern. 1733. -H. A., ./E,f.
173 6 .
Woodroffe (Abel), B. A., VIIt""'" 18+6.-). A., V".,.. 18+9.
H Woodroffe (Charles Henry), Sch., 183z.-B.A., Vwn. 1835.
Woodroffe (Henry), B. A., Vern. 1833.-H. A., Vern. l8.p.

s. -



Woodroft'e (Henry Joseph), B. A., Vern. 1840'

Woodroft'e (James, or Samuel), Entered 1698. - (D. A., not recorded).-M. A., Vwn. 1705'
Woodroft'e (James Tisdal). Sch., 18S7.-B. A., .2Est. 1859.
Woodroffe (John), D. A., Vwn. 1825'
5 Woodroffe (John), D. A., Vern. 1831.-M. A., Vern. 183+
Woodroft'e (John), B. A., .LEst. 1840.
Woodroft'e (John Edward), Sch., 18+o.-B. A., Vern. 18H.-M. A.,
.2Eat. 1846.
Woodroffe (John Nun Blacker), B. A., Hiem. 1862.
Woodroft'e(Samuel), Sch., 1730.-B. A., Vern. 173 1
10 W'oodroft'e(William), B. A., Vern. 1836.
Woodroffe (William Litton), B. A., Hiem. 186+.
Woodroffe (William Morton), B. A., Vt!rn. 1839. -M. A., Vt!rn.
184 2
Woods (Archibald), B. A., Vern. 1734.
Woods (Blennerha.ssett), B. A., Vern. 1829.-M. A., .LEst. J832.
15 Woods (Charles Thomas), B. A., Vt!1'n. 1 849.-M. A., .2&t. 1855.
Woods (Edward Samuel), D. A., Vern. 18S3.-M. A., .lEIt. 1866.
Woods (George), Sch., 1839.-B. A., Vern. 1841.
Woods (Hans Hamilton), B. A., Vern. 1840.-Y. A., Vern. 1850'
Woods (Matthew), B. A., .2E8t. 1731.
20 Woods (Owen), Sch., 1661.-B. A., Vern. 1665.
Woods (Peter Longworth), B. A., Vern. 1825.
Woods, or Wood (Richard), D. A., Vern. I 735.-M. B., Vt!rn. 17+3.
-M. D., .2&t. 17+5.
Woods (Richard), B. A., Vern. '1831.
Woods (Richard), D. A., .2&t. 18 II.
25 Woods (Robert), B. A., .2&t. 18+3.
Woods (William), D. A., Vern. 1849.
Woods (William), B. A., Vern. 1860.
Woods (William Henry), B. A., Vern. 18+8.-M. A., Vern. 18Sl.
Woodward (Benjamin Blake), B. A., .LEst. 1789.-LL. B., .2ElJt.
J79 2
30 Woodward (Charles), D. A., Vern. 1762. - M. A., Vma. 1766.B. D., and D. D., VM'fl. 1779.
Woodward (Charles), B. A., VM'fl. 1828.
Woodward (Edward), B. A., Vern. 1829.-1L A., and M, D., Vem.
183 2

620 .


Woodward (Fnncis :Blake), :B. A., V"., 1813.-11. A.., NOf1. 1832.
Woodward (George), :B. A.., y".,.. 1800.
Woodward (George), B. A., VeNt. 1833.
Woodward (Henry), :B. A.., AI. 1796.-11. A.., Vent. 1801.
S Woodward (Henry), B. A., y".,.. 18%+
Woodward (Henry), :B. A., V".,.. 1848.
Woodward (lonathan Henry), B. A.., y".,.. 18%6. -1[. A. y.".,..
Woodward (Richard), D. D. (tpMaligrfllid), Y..... 178/.-(D.C.L.,
Woodward (Richard), H. A., y".,.. 1791.-B. D., and D. D., .A'lt.
180410 Woodward (Robert), B. A., ..tBIt. 1790.
Woodward (Robert), B. A.., V".,.. 18z6.-H. A., NO'/). 1832.
Woodward (Thomas), :B. A., VWlI. 1831.
Woodward (Thomas), Sch., 183+ - :B.A., Ym.. 1837. -11. A.,
VeNt. 18+9.
Woodward (William), Mus. :B., &pc. 9, 1768. - Hus. D., AUt.

177 1
IS Woodwright (William Henry Edward), B. A., V".,.. 18n.-Y. A.,
Vm..18 .......
Wooley (Thomas), B. A.., V".,.. 18H.-ll. A.., V".,.. 1856.
Woolridge (Robert), Boh., 17+8.-:B. A.., 1750.
Woolsey (Thomas), B.A.., V".,.. 1739.
Woolsey (William), B. A.., Vim. 170S.-H. A., At. 17u.
10 Woolsey (William Myers), Sch., 18SI.-B. A.., V",.. 1852.lLA.., VeNl. 1856.
Wolveridge (Jamee), H. D., AUt. 166+
Workman (Arthur), B.A., Vmt. Ip7.-M. A.., Vent. 1731.
Workman (1eremiah), Sch., 1705.-:8. A.., V, ..... 1707.-M. A..,
At. 1710.
Workman (John), B. A., V".,.. 1837.
IS Wormington (Hugh), B.A.., Vmt. 1718.-:-H. A.., At. 17%1.
Worrall (
), (Entrance not recorded).-B. A..,.A'tt. 16u.M. A., At. 1625.
Worrall (James), Sch., 1789.-:B. A., y".,.. 1791.
Worrall (John), B. A., V".,.. 1689.-M. A., At. 1 692.-B. D.,
V".,.. 1703.
Worth (Edward), M. D., (nd eund. Ultraject.), 1701..



Worth (John), Entered 1664-.-(8. A., not recorded). -Y. A.,

Vim. 1670.-B. D., Ylm. I67S.- D. D., L&t. 16So.
Worth (William), B. A.,LEet. 1716.-M.A.,L&t. 171S.
Worthington (Beresford), B. A., L&t. IS02.
Worthington (Burdett), B.A., Vene. 17z9.
5 Worthington (George), B. A., .2&1. IS31.
Worthington (Henry Talbot), B. A., L&t. 1779.
Worthington (John Cotton), B. A., JEst. 17S9Worthington (Joseph Ralph), B. A., Vern. 1793.-M. A., V".,..
Worthington (Robert Shaw), B. A., Vim. ISz5.
10 Worthington (Thomas), B. A., Vern. IS3S.
Worthington (William La T01lche), B. A., Vn-n. IS31.
W ray (Henry), Sch., I 793 .-B. A., Vma. 1795.-Fell., ISoo.M. A.,.2EIt. ISoo.-B.D., V".,.. ISlI.-D.D., At. 1813.
Wray (Henry), B. A., At. 1833.
Wray (Jackson), B. A., Vern. 173S.
15 Wray (lack80n), Sch., 18z3_B. A., J'6,.,.. ISz6.
Wray (Robert). Sch., 1793.-B. A., Vim. 1795.
Wray (Robert), B.A., Vern. ISz6.-M.A.,L&t. IS31.
Wray (Thomas), B. A., Vern. ISOO.
Wray (William G.), B. A., Vmt. IS03.
zo Wren (George), B.A., Vern. IS37.-M. A., V,,.,.. IS39.
Wren (lohn), B. A., Vw,.. IS34-Wrenford (William H.), B. A., Vern. IS5z.
Wright (Charles Edward), 8ch., IS59.-B. A., Vwn. 1863.
Wright (Charles Henry Hamilton), B. A., V".,.. 1857.-M. A.,
HUm. IS59.
z5 Wright (Charles Sisnm), B. A., HUm .186z.
Wright (Edward), B. A., At IS+z.-LL. B., and LL. D., Vern.
Wright (Edward Peroeval), B. A.., Vern. 1857.-M. B., Vim.
lS5S.-lL A., HUm. IS59.-M. D., Vern. IS6z.
Wright (Francis), B. A., L&t. IS++.
Wright (Francis H.), B. A., At. ISz7.
30 Wright (George), B. A., Vern. 178z.
Wright (George Newenbam).
h., ISn.-B. A., V".,.. 1814-.Y. A., L&t. ISI7



Wright (Henry), Sch., 1710.-B. A., Vwn. 1711.-Y. A., Vent.

17 1+.
Wright (Henry), B. A., VM"ft. 1760.-1L A., Vern. '763,
Wright (Henry Edward), B.A., ..2E&t. 1831.
Wright (James Frederick), B. A., ~&t. 18+7.
S Wright (James Twigg), B. A., V".n. 18+7'
Wright (John), Sch., 178+.-B. A., V".,.. 178,.-1I. A., rem.
Wright (John), B. A., V".,.. 1801.
Wright (John Wilson), B. A., rwn. 1853.
Wright (Joseph), Sch., 17p.-B. A., Vwn. 177+.-Y. A., ~.
10 Wright (Joseph), B.A., Vwn. I 796.-M. A., Nov. 1832.
Wright (Joseph), B. A' I V".n. 1801.-lL A., ..2E&t. 1818.
Wright (Joseph), B. A' I Vern. 1828.
Wright (Joseph), B. A., AUt. 1831.-Y. A., AUt. 183+.
Wright (Joseph), B. A., Vern. 18+7
Wright (Joseph Owen), B. A., Alt. 18+8.-Y. A., ~st. 1865.
Wright (Richard), Sch., 1703.-B. A., VM"ft. '70+.-l. A., Vern.
17 1+
Wright (Richard), B. A., .iElt. IS31.-M.A., AAt.IS+o.
Wright (Richard), B. A., lTwm. IS6S.
Wright (Richard Henry), B.A., rern. 1111+
20 Wright (Robert), B. A., .iElt. ISu.-H. A., Nov. 1832.
Wright (Robert B.), B. A., Vwn. 18+S.
Wright (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18%0.-1. A., Nov. IS32.
Wright (William), B. A., .iE&t. 1816.-M. A., .iElt. 18zo.-LL. B.,
and LL. D., V".,.. 1832.
Wright (William Ball). B. A., Hi",.. 1865.
25 Wright (William Bourke), Sch., 1861.-B. A., AAt. 1866.
Wright (William Hodgson), B. A., Vwn. 18Z7.
Wrightson (Richard), Sch., 179 I.-B. A., Vern. 1793.
Wrightson (Richard), Sch., IS36.-B. A., Vwn. 1839.
Wrightson (Thomas Richard), Sch., I 83S.-B. A., Perno IS37.
30 Wrixon (Arthur), B. A., V".,.. IS35.
Wrixon (Arthur N.), B. A., lTwm. 1861.
Wrixon (Charles), B. A., Vwn. I7z8.-lL A., ~,t. 1731.
Wrixon (John), B. A., V".,.. 17#.
Wrixon (John), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.-1. A., Vn.,.. 1852.



Wrixon (John Nicholas), B. A., Vena. 185+

Wul1fe (James George), B.A., ..lEd. 1819.
Wybrants (Gustavus), B. A., Vern. 1781.-1. A., AfAt. 1793.
Wybrants (Peter), B. A., Vena. 17u3.
5 Wybrants (Richard), Sch., 172%.-B. A., VW1t. 1723.-M. A.,
V",.. 1729.
Wybranta (Robert), B. A., Vwn. 17+2.
Wybrants (Robert), B. A., AfAt. 1807.
W ybrow (Frederick Trefusie), B. A., Hi",.. 1864Wych (Sir Oyrill), LL. D., Sept. 17, 1~2.
10 Wycherly (Michael), B. A., Vwn. 1782.
Wydenham (Thomas), B. A. (ad eund. O][on.), Vwn. 1757.
Wye (Brabazon), B. A., Vern. I 737.-LL. B., V",.. 176,.
Wye (Charles), Sch., 1712.-B. A., Vwn. 171+.
Wye (Mo980m), Sch., 1680.-B. A., Vern. 168%.-R. D., ~Jlt.
I 696.-D. D., &t. 1700.
15 Wye (William), Sch., 17o+.-B. A., Vtm" 1706.
Wylde (William), B. A., Vma. 1832.
Wyly (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18)2.
Wyndham (Right Hon. Thomas), LL. D. (lwnor;, eaUld),AfAt. 1730.
Wynn (Eugene, Senior), LL D. (,p~ciali g1'atid), Vern. 1718.
20 Wynn (Eugene, Junior), LL. D. (8p~ciali g1'a#d), Vma. 1718.
Wynne (Albert Augustus), B. A., Vma. 18H.
Wynne (Arthur), B. A., AfAt. 1823.-M. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Wynne (Edward), B. A., Vim. 18".
Wynne (Eugene, or Owen), B. A., Vim. 1686.
25 Wynne (Frederick), B.A., AfAt. 18+9.
Wynne (George Robert), B.A., V"n. 1861.
Wynne (Henry), B.A., Vn-n. 1781.-M. A., ./E~/. 1786.
Wynne (Henry), B. A., AfAt. 1820.-1[. A., rem. 1824Wynne (Henry Eckerea1l), Sch., 18+).-B. A., Vwn.1850.
30 Wynne (James), B. A., Pern. I 82+.-1{. A., NOfJ. 1832.
Wynne (John), Sch., 1697. - B. A., Vena. 1~9. - M. A., .&t.
1702.-B. D., and D. D., Vena. 1734Wynne (John), B.A., Vern. I7+0.-LL. B., ..lE1l. 1743.
Wynne (John), B. A., Vena. 17#.-1l. A., AfAt. 17+7'
Wynne (John), D. D. (Aonor;, eaUld), Sept. 9, 1768.
35 Wynne (John), B. A., Vern. 183 2
Wynne (lohnArthur), B. A., Vern. I 824--Y. A., Nor. 1832.


Wynne (JobnGeorge), (Entranc<', aud B. A., not recorded).-lL A.,

N0t7. 1831.
Wynne (Richard), B. A., V".,.. 178,.-M. A., V".,.. 1803'
Wynne (Robert), B. A., .2E&t. 181+Wynne (Thomu Edward), B. A.,
18+9.-H. A . .2&t.. 186+.
5 Wynne (William), B. A., Vtrn. q86.
Wynne (William Henry), B. A., Vem. 1813.-M. A., Noo. 1831.
Wynne (Wyndham Henry), B. A., Hilmi. 1861.
Wyae (Thomas), B. A., .&e. 18n.







Yunll (lohn), Sch., 1685.-B. A., rem. 1687.

Yl'ates (George), B. A.., V".,.. 18SS.-H. A., V".,.. 1858.
YeateR (Grant David), H. B. (ad eund. Oxon.), Vern. 1807'
Yeates (John), B. A., V".,.. 1797.
Yeates (John Butler), B. A., Ver. 1861.
Yeats (Thomas), B. A., V".,.. 1836.
Yeats (William Butler), B. A., Vem. I 833.-H. A., V".,.. 18+0.
Yeedon (Henry), Sch., 1676.-B. A., V".,.. 1677.
Yelverton (Barry), Sch., 17H.-B. A., AI. I 757.-LL. B., Vem.
I 761.-LL. D., .Ailt. 1774.
Yelverton (Bentinck), B. A" .JE,t. 1814.
Yelverton (Francis B., or Frederick), B. A.., V".., 1813.
Yelvprton (Walter), B. A., ..,f?". 1793.
Yeo (Arthur Annesley), B. A., Vem. 18z8.-H. A., N0t7. 1831.
Yeo (Charles Oldham), B. A., V".,.. 18+8.-H. A., Vern. 18,6.
Yeo (Henry), B. A., r"". 1836.
Youell (George), B. A., Vllm. 185"
Young (Alexander), B. A., V~r1l. 18#.
Young (Andrew), B. A., .JI&t. 1805.
Young (Arthur), B. A., hJ8t. 18u.
Young (Arthur), B. A.., Hillm. 186+Young (Augustus Warren). B. A' I IIi,m. 1860. - If. A., lTtem.
Young (Caleb), Sch., 1693. - B. A' I Vem. 1695. - M. A.., .2EJf.
169 8.
Young (Charles Sheridan), B. A., V".,.. 1831.









Young (Colin), B. A., Vim. '769,

Young (Edward), D. D. (ad eund. Cantab.), Vim. 176+

Young (Edward Augustus), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
Young (Francis), B. A., V".,.. 18+7.-M. A., AIle. 1857.
Young (Francis Qh.arles), B. A., Vim. 1836.-H. A., Vim. 1839.
Young (Gardiner), B. A., Vm 1768.
Young (Gardiner), B. A., V".,.. 18+1.
Young (George), B.A., Vm.. 170%.
Young (George), B. A., Vwn. 1815.
Young (George), Sch., 18:u.-B. A., Vern. 18%3.
Young (Henry), Sch., 171+.-B. A., Vern. 1715.
Young (Henry Wray), B. A., Vwn. 18+6.
Young (Hercules), B. A., Vim. 17+3.
Young (Hercules), Sch., 1781.-B. A., V".,.. 1783.
Young (Hugh), Sch., 1697. - B. A., V".,.. 1698. - H. A., .2&t.
Young (James), B. A., Vem. 1708.
Young (lames), Sch., 177o.-B. A., Vms. 1771..
Young (lames), B. A., AIle. 177+.
Young (lames), B.A., AIle. 1783.
Young (James), B. A., .Ie. 181.1.
Young (lames), B. A., Vwn. 18H.
Young (James), B. A., V".,.. 1856.
Young (James George), LL. B., and LL. D., Vim. 185+
Yo'.1llg (Jameslohnston), B.A., AIlt. 1836.-M. A., AIlt. 1839.
Young (lames William M.), B. A., Vwn. 18+9.
Young (lohn), Sch., 1763.-B. A., Vim. 1766.
Young (lohn), B. A., Vern. 179J.-M. A., NOfJ. 1831..
Young (lohn), B. A., Vwn. 1797.-M. A., NOfJ. 1831..
Young (lohn), B. A., AIle. 1817.
Young (lohn), B. A., V".,.. 183+'
Young (lohn), B. A., Vim. 18+8.
Young (John Augustine), B. A., Vml. 185+
Young (lohn E. lL), B. A., V".,.. 18+9.-M. A., AIlt. 1860.
Young (John R.), B. A., &1. 180+.
Young (Lewis Henry), Sch., 1778.-B. A., .It. 1779.
Young (Matthew), Bch., 1769.-B. A., Vern. 1771..-M.. A., &t.
177+.-Fellow, 1775-B D., Vern. 1781..-D.D., V".,.. 1786.
Young (Matthew), B. A., AIlt. 1831.-M. A., &t. 183+.



or THE


Y>UDg (1Iatthew), B. A., V,",. 1831.

Young (llatthew Finch), B. A., V....
YOUDg (Richard), B. A., &to 1847.
YoUDg (Robert), B. A., V...... 178+
f YOUDg (Robert), B. A., AW. 1814.
Young (Robert), B. A., V.... 1815.
YoUDg (Robert), B. A., V.".. 184
Young (Robert Arthur), B.A., V",.. 1823.
YoUDg (Robert George), B. A., Alat. 18S6.-H. A., N ... 185910 Young (Samuel), B. A., V.".. 1837.
Young (Samuel W"lldenpin), B. A" Hu.. 1862. - H. A., V".,..
Young (Thomu), Sch., 176,.-8 A., V".,.. I 76.t--K. A., y".,..
1781 .
Young (Thomu Patrick), D.D. (ad end. Cantab.), v.".. 1768.
Young (Walter), B. A., 4ft. 1831.
IS Yong (William), B. A., V...... 1811.-M. A., Noo. 1832.
Yong (William), B. A., y.". 18z3.-x. A., NOlI. 183z.
YoUDg (William), B. A., V.... 1851.

ZIllKBJUW(X (AdrieD), B. A., and LL B., II.... 1861



W7w WI procIkd to DegrH' lJ,tWIm 8ummw CommmClmmu, 1866,

and WinUr, 1868, i"cllllivlJ. Witla CorrIJCti01l8 offorIJgoing paglJl.

N. B.-The numben in parenth_ refer to the page and line.

(David Charles), B. A., HilJ1tt. 1867.

(James, Marquis of). Bee Hamilton.
Ac1and (Henry Wentworth), M. D. (laonori, caUld), LElt. 1867.
Adams (Richard), B.A., H'JIJ1tt. 1866.
5 Adams (Robert), B. A., HUm. 186,.
Adye-Curran (Francis George), B. A., HUm. 1866.-ll. B., Hi",..
Alcock (Henry Jones), M. A., LElt. 1868 (p. S, 1. 8).
Alexander (Hugh), B. A., Hum. 1868.
Alexander (James), B. A., Hirm. 1868.
10 Allen (Henry), B. A., Hi",.. 1866.
Allen (Richard),ll.A., HUm. 1866 (p. 7, 1. %3).
Apjohn (James), B. A., Hirm. 1867.
Appleyard (James), B. A., Hum. 1868.
A.rchdall (John Gray), B. A., Hirm. 1866.
15 Archdall (Thomas Hewan), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Armstrong (James), M. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. 14. 1. 3).



Armstrong (Robert), B. A., Hu.. 1867.

Armatroug (Robert Lovett), K. A., Hu.. 1866 (p. +, 1. 3')'
A.ahe (lohn), Me A., H ..... 1868 (p. 6, 1. 17).
Atkin (Walton T. R.), B. A., Hu. . 868.
5 Atkins (William), B. A., Hu.. 1868.
Atkinson (Augnstna William), B. A., V".,.. 1867.
Atkinaon (Charles Hare), B. A., Hian. 1866.
Atkinson (Robert), K. A., Hu.. 1866 (p. 18,1. 26).
Atwool (Henry Courtenay), K. A., M. B., and M. D., H ..... 1868.
(p. 19, 1. S).
10 Anchinleck (Daniel), B. A.., Hm.. 1868.

BACIUIOtTSB (Marmadnke), B. A., Hintt. 1866.
Bagley (Thomas), B. A., Hilflt. 1867.
Bailie (John Cornwall), B. A., Vena. 1867.
Baillie (Richard ..miliua), M. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. n, 1. 20).
1 S Balfe (Edmond), B. A., Hi"", 1867.
Bamford (William), B. A., HiMlt. 1867.
Barker (Henry Oliver), LL. B., and LL. D., ..-Ed. 1867 (p. 27, L 7).
Bames (Richard Theodore), B. A., HiMlt. 1867.
Barry (Zachariah), LL. B., and LL. D., Hiem. 1868 (p. 31, 1. 5).
20 Barton (John), B. A., Hiem. I 866.-ll. B., and lL Cbir., &1.
Barton (Richard Bolton), LL. B., and LL. D., At. 1868 (P.32,
1. I).
Barton (Thomas Henry), LL. B., and LL. D., LEat. 1867 (p. 32,
1. 8).
Battersby (William Edward), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Bayly (George Henry), B. A., Hilflt. 1866.
25 Beach (William Henry), M. A., Hi.... 1868 (p. 35,1. +).
Beamish (Alfred), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Beaaley (Edward llountiforl), B. A., Him. 1867.
Beaurepaire (Walter Hubert), Sch., 18# -D. A., LEft. 1867.
Bedingfield (Waller KiDg), B. A., Diem. 1868.
'0 Beechy (lames Samuel Robert), B.A., HiMII. 1866.
lJeecby (Prince William Thomas), M. A., HiMA. 1867 (p. 37,1. 1+).









Beers (John Banks), H. A., V",.. 1868 (p. 37,1. 20).

Beloher (Thomas Waugh), H. Chir., HiMn. 1866 (p. 37,1. z+).
Bell (Chichester Alexander), B. A., HiMn. 1867.
Bell (John), B. A., and LLB., .2Ed. 1867.
Bell (Joseph Samuel), LL. B., and LL. D., V".,.. 1867 (p. 38,
L 13).
Bell (Robert), B. D., and D. D., HUm. 1866 (p. 38, 1. 19).
Bell (Bobert Popham), B. A., HUm. 1867'
Bennett (George Lovett), B. A., Bi",.. 1867.
Bennett (Joseph John Hamilton), B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Bennett (Richard), M. A., Hinn. 1868 (P.40, 1. I).
Bennett (Bobert Hunt), B. A., .2&1. 1868.
Benson (Alexander), B.A., HUm. 1868.
Benson (Charles Haunaell), H.).., V".,.. 1867 (p. +0. 1. 16).
Bentley (Charles Edward), B.A., HiMn. 186,.
Bentley (Slone). B. A., J"... IS, I,ol.-(M. A.., perhaps from
Bernard (Armand), B. A., HiM. 186,.
Berry (Henry Fitzpatrick), B. A., Hi"". 1867.
Berry (Thomas Marlborough), H. A., Hiem. 186, (p. +3,1. II).
Beetall (Charles Albert), B. A., .2Ed. 186,.
Bickerstaff (William), B. A., Hi",.. 1866.
Biddulph (Robert Waller), B. A., and M. B., Hi",.. 1868.
Biggs (Richard), N. F. Soh., 1868.-B. A., Hi"". 1868.
Bird (John James Drought), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Bird (William Seymour), B. A.., .AlIt. 1868.
Bird (William Warren). B. A., Vlrn. 1868.
Black (James Kirkpatrick), l[. A., Hum. 1868 (p. +6, L 2+).
Black (John), K. A., V".,., 1868 (p. +6, 1. 2S)'
Bloomer (William), B. A., HiM. 1867.
Bluett (James Duncan), B. A., Hi~71'. 1868.
Bole (John), B. A., .A?t. 186,.
Bolton (Edward Richards), M. A., Hum. 1867 (p. 53, 1. I).
Bolton (William), B. A., HieM. 1866.
Bond (.Alfred), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Bonynge (Arthur), B. A., HHm. 1868.
Bookey (Richard), B. A., V".,.. J868.-1I. B., At. 1868.
Booth (Thomas), B. A., HirA 1866.
Bottomly (James Thomson), B. A., Vern. 1867'



Boughey (Charles), B. A., Hum. 1867.

Bourne (Robert), B. A., Hum. 1866.
Bowena (Thomas Stuart), B. A., Hum. 1866.
BoW'DWl (William), H.D. (AoIIo,.., t4111d), LEIt. 867'
S Boyd (Archibald), B. D., and D. D., V'"'- 1868 (p. S8, l. 19).
Boyd (lohn Craig), B. A., Hint. 1866.
Boyden (Henry), B.A., IT.... 1867.
Boyle (Alexander), B. A., At. 1868.
Boyle (John), B. A., At. 1867.
10 Bradley (William David H.), B. A., Him. 1868.
Bradshaw (lohn), B. A., Hum. 1867'
Bradshaw (Samuel), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Brady (Horace Newman), B. A., At. 1867'
Brady (lames William), B. A.,.Hiem. 1866.-)[. B., At. 1868.
1 S Brady (Robert Samuel), B. A., Hu.. 1867.
Brady (Thomas Hare), B.A., Hinn. 1867.
Brandon (Edward Lowther), B. A., V".,.. 1867.
Brandon (Richard Hawkahaw), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Brasher (Samuel Benton), M. A., At. 1867 (p. 63, L 3).
20 Braasington (William Henry), M. A., VIm. [868 (p. 63, L 6).
Bredon (Robert Edward), B. A., ll. B., and M. Chir., ITJnI. .866
Brighton (Oliver), B. A., Vma. 1867.
Briscoe (Robert Edward), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Briscoe (William Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
2S Brooke (William Graham), )[. A., Hinn. 1868 (p. 67, l. 19)'
Browne (1ohn Pearce). B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Browne (Nesbitt Peter), B. A., and M. B., Hiem. [868.
Browne (Richard Henry), B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Browne (Robert), B. A., Hial. 1866.-M. B.t Hint. 1868.
30 Browne (William Denis), :B. A., At. 1867.
Brownlow (Duncan John), :B. A' I Vma. 1867.
Brownrigg (George Oliver), M. A' I HUm. 1867 (p. 71, l. 29).
Brownrigg (John Annealey), M. A., Kl4m. 1867 (p. 72,1. I).
Bruce (Robert), H. A., .L&t. 1868 (p. 72, 1 20).
3S Buckley (Robert William), M. A., HUm. 1867 (p. 7+, 1. I I).
Burges (lohn Hart), B. D., and D. D., &t. 1867 (p. 76, l. 20).
Burke (Ulick Ralph), B. A., .L&t. 1867'
Burne (Lawford Frederick), :B. A., Diem. 1866.
Burna (Samuel Edward), B. A' I Vtlrn. 1867.



Burr (William Thomas Talbot), B. A., Hinn. 1866.-M. B., Vim.

1867.-M. Chir., HUm. 1867.
Burroughs (William Edward), B. A., HiMn. 1868.
Burrowes (John), M.A., .&t. 1868 (p. 80,1. %I).
Burton (Alfred). B. A., Hum. 1868.
5 Burton (Charles Edward), B. A., Hi~m. 1868.
Busby (Samuel Edward), M. A., HUm. 1867 (p. 8~, 1. 7).
B1llIBe1.l (Frederick), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Butler (Edward Jones), M. B., and M. D., AUt. 1868 (p. 83, 1. 1+).
Butler (Francis Theobald), B. A., and M. B., Hinn. 1868.
10 Butler (Hon. Robert St. lohn F.), B. A., Vern. 1867'
Butterworth (Thomas), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Byrne (Augustus), B. A., Him. 186,.
Byrne (James Rose). B. A., Vwn. 1867.
Byrne (John Ouseley), B. A., Hinn. 1866.

IS CAHILL (David), H.B., and M. Chir., At. 1868 (p. 8S, 1. u).


Cahill (Edward Francis), B. A., HUm. 1866.

Callwell (Robert Barklie), B. A., Him. 1868.
Callwell (Langton Samuel), B. A., Hum. 1868.
CAllBRIDGB (H. R. H. George Duke of), LL D. (AononI cmud),
.A.prUu, 1868.
%0 Campbell (Andrew), B. D and D. D., Hinn. 1866 (po 87, 1. ~S).
Campbell (Stephen), B.A., Vma. 1867.
Capel (Alfred John), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Carew (Henry William), B. A., Fum. 1867.
Carmichael (Frederick Falkiner), M. A., V.".,.. 1868 (p. 9 1, 15).
~5 Carr (Elliott), B.A., HUm. 1867.
Carr (George Whitmore), B. A., Vms. 11168.
Carson (Thomas Henry), 8ch., I 863.-B. A., Vms. 1867.
Carter (John), B. A., .At. 1867.
Carter (Samuel Richard), B. A., Him. 1867.
30 Carter (Sidney Herbert), B. A., Hu.. 1868.
Carter (Thomas), B. A., Hinn. I 866.-LL. B., HUm. 1867'
Casey (Edmund Henry), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Casey (Thomas Julian Smith), B. A., Vem. 1867.
Cathcart (George Lambert), M.A., V".,.. 1868 (p. 96, 1. 26).







Caulfield (Richard), LL. D., Hi"". 1866 (p. 97, 1. 15)'

Chadwick (George Alexander), lL A., ..tEIt. 1867 (p. 98, l. I).
Chambers (Joseph), B. A., Hi"". 1867.
Chartres (John), B. A., rem. 1868.
Chevers (George Patrick), B. A., Hi,m. 1866.
Christian (Robert), B. A., Bima. 1868.
Chute (John), ll. A., At. 1867 (p. 103,1. 17).
Clarke (Andrew), Sch., 1867.-B. A., Hima. 1868.
Clarke (Francis Edward), B. A., H"JMn. I 867.-M. B., rem. 1868.
Clarke (Sames), B. A.,
Clarke (M08etI), ll. A., ..tEIt. 1868 (p. 105, 1. 17)'
Clarke (William Wingfield), B. A., H'-. 1867.
Clery (James), B. A., Diem. 1868.
Clibbom (Cuthbert John), B. A., Hiem. 1867'
Clibbom (John), B. A., Hi"". 1868.
Close (Maxwell Henry), ll. A., Hinn. 1867 (p. 108, 1. 18).
Cocking (Ralph Daly), B. A., Hum. 1867.
Cogan (Owen), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
Coghlan (William Edwin), B. A., r,rn. 1867'
Coleman (William Hobday), B. A., Hima. 1866.
Colles (Goddard Richards Purefoy), LL. D., Hi"". 1866 (p. 112,


1. 7).
Colles (Richard), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Colley (Henry Fitz George), 11:. A., rer". 1868 (p. I rz, 1. 15).
Collins (David), B. A., A:8t. 1825.
15 Collins (Edward Wolfenden), B. A., Hi"". 1866. -11. B., .2E.t.
Collins (John Stephen), M. A., HUm. 1866 (p. 113,1. 5).
Collis (Falkiner Sandes), B. A., Hi"". 1866.
Collis (Maurioe Henry), M.D., ..tEIt. 1867 (p. 113,1. 29).
Collis (Robert Henn), B. A., Hum. 1868.
30 Cook (Keningale Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Cooke (Edward JODes), B. A., Hima. 1867.-M.B., Hi"". 1868.
Cooke (Elias Harwood), ll. A., ..lE8t. 1868 (p. 118,1. 19).
Cooke (James Thomas), M. A., Per,.. 1867 (p. 118, I. 16).
Cooper (Joseph), M. A., and B. D., Hiem. 1868 (p. 120, 1. 15).
35 Cotter (Samuel Kyle), M. B., and M. Chir., ..tEIt. 1867 (p. 12+,
I. 2).
Coulter (George Wharton Sadlier), B. A.,





Counihan (Francia), B. A., HUrn. 1868.

Courtenay (Edward Maziere), B. A., Vwn. 1868.
Cowan (lames Hamilton), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Cox (Robert Henry), M. A., ./hit. 1868 (p. u7, J. 1I).
5 Craig (Charles Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Craig (John), B. A., HUrn. 1866.
Craig (Stewart Baillie), M. A., .A!At. 1868 (p. 128,1. 6).
Craig (William Henry), M. A., ..lEd. 1867 (p. 128, 1. 9).
Crawford (Francis), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
10 Crawford (James), B. A., V".,.,. 1868.
Crawford (John), M. A., V"rn. 1868 (p. 130, 1. 7).
Crawford (William), N. F. Sch., J866.-B. A., HUrn. 1866.
Creery (William), B. A., HUrn. 1866.
Crowe (Francia), B. A., HUrn. 1868.
15 Crowe (George Windham), B. A., Hiem. 186M.
Crozier (William), LL. B., and LL. D., &t. 1867 (p. 136,1. IS)'
Cullinan (William Fitzpatrick), Sch., 1863.-B. A., Riem. 1866.
Cummin (loseph King), M.A., Vern. 1867 (Cummins, p. 138.1. 9).
Cunningham (Robert), B. A., Hinn. 1868.



20 D.lDuu (Isidore), B. A., HUm. 1866.

Daly (Michael Smith), M. A., At. 1867 (p. 1+1, 1. 29).
Daly (William Michael). B. A' I HUm. 1866.
Darby (Christopher Lovett), B. A., ..lEst. 18+7 ..:.....M. A., HUrn.
Davidson (lohn Henry). M.A., Vern. 1868 (p. JH, J. 9).
25 Davies (Robert Henry), M. A., VINI. 1868 (p. IH, 1. 23).
Davison (Arthur Bolden), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Dawes (lohn Samuel), M. A., HUm. 1866 (p. 1+7, L J6).
Dawson (Richard William Henry), B. A., &t. 1867.
Dawson (Yelverton), Sch., I 867.-B. A., Hiem. 1867'
30 Day (Maurice Fitzgerald), B. D., and D. D., ..t. 1867 (p. li9,
1. II).
De Burgh (Hubert T.), B. A., HUrn. 1867.
De Montmorency (Arthur Hill Trevor), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Dennistoun (Robert Thomas), M. A., AIlt. 1868 (p. I p, 1. 28).



Denny (George Anthony), 1[. B., and Y. A., Yma. 1867 (p. 1 ;3,
L 26).
Dicbon (Alexander), M. D. (AotIorU CtlMId), At. 1868.
Dicbon (Thomas Knox Whitaker), B. A., HieM. 1867.
Dillon (Charles Henry), B. A., K .... 1866.
; Dillon (John Jeft'oott), Y. A., Hu .. 1867 (p. 1;8,1. 3).
Dixson (John Hulke), B.A., Hiem. 1866.
Dobbin (Charles Edward). B. A., Hi-. 1867.
Dobbs (Arthur Macaulay), B.A., K_. 1866.
Dobson (George Edward), B. A., Hiem.. 1866.-Y. B., .Ai6t.
I 867.-M. Chir., K ... 1867.
10 Dowden (Edward), M. A. Hinn. 1867 (p. 16+> L 25).
Dowden (John), M. A., HUm. 1867 (p. 16+,1. 26).
Dowman (Charles), B. A., Ylm. I 867.-LL. 8., VWtL 1868.
Doyle (Edward William), B. A., V~. 1867.
Doyle (Laurence), B. A., HUm. 1866.
15 Doyle (William), M.A., At. 1868 (p. 166,1. 26).
Draper (Carter), B. A., y".,.. 1868.
Drapes (George Francia Travers), B. A., F .... I 866.-LL. B.,
At. 1867.
Drapes (Thomas), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Drought (Alfred Charles Albert), B. A., Hitlm. 1868.
20 Drought (George Y.), n. A., Yma. 1868.
Dudgeon (William), B. A., Hum. 1868.
Dudley (Henry Nathaniel), B.A., and M. B., Hiem. 1867.
Duke (Valentine), B. A., Fum. 1866.-M. B., Af8t. 1867.
Dunlop (Henry Wallace Doveton), B. A., Diem. 1866.
2; Dunne (Terence), B. A., HIm. 1868.
Dunscombe (Clement), M. A., Hi,m. 1868 (p. 172,1. 10).

EuES (William Chmtopher), M. A., VfflI. 1868 (p. 173, l. 25)'

Eamee (Henry), M. B., Y~. 1867 (po 17+> 1. 7).

Eccles (John), M. A.., At. 1868 (po 174,1. 30).
30 Edge (George Benjamin), B. A., Hitm, 1866.
Edge (William), B. A.., Him. 1868.
Egan (John Francit<), B. A.., H;tIm. 1866.




Ei1fe (Lucius Sweetman), B. A., HUm. 1867.

Ellis (Robert Hawkes), M. A., HiMn. 1868 (p. 178,1. 31).
Ellis (Robert Hawkes), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Elwell (Henry Budd), ll. A., YM"fI. 1867 (p. 180, l. f).
5 Emanuel (Barrow), ll. A., Hiem. 1867 (p. 180,1. 17).
England (George Alexander), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Engledow (William Henry), LL. B., Hi8m. 1866. - LL. D., Hiem.

1867 (p. 180,1. 30).

Erskine (William), Soh., 1865.-B.A., Yern.1868.
Escott (James Stewart Sweete), B. A., At. 1867.
10 Evans (Francis Nicholas), B. A., Yern. 1868.
Ewing (Thomas 1ohn), B. A., Yern. 1856.-ll. A., Hima. 1868.
Eyre (Benjamin), Sob., 1865.-B. A., Hinn. 1866.
Eyre (Robert Hedges llaunsell), B. A., 2Elt. 1868.


F.A.I.XlfRR (Robert Henry), ll. A' I At. 1867 (p. 185, 1. ZI).
15 Farbrother (Frederick Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Faris (Charles), B. A' I HUm. 1867.
Faris (Thomas), B. A., Kum. 1866.-ll. B., HUm. 1867.
Fausset (Charles), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Fausset (Herbert John), B. A., Kaem. 1867.-M. B., and ll. Chir.,
2Elt. 1868.
20 Fawcett (Edward), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Fearnside (George), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Fearon (Thomas Henry Browne), B. A., KUJm. 1866.
Fenwick (William George Nesbitt), ll.A., Vern. 1868 (p. 188,L29)
Ferguson (William Claude), B. A.., HUm. 1868.
25 Ferria (Maximilian Henry), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Fetherstone (William Ernest Henry), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Finlay (Ezekiel), B. A.., HUm. 1868.
Finlay (1ohn), B. A.., Hiem. 1866.
FiBher (Bernard William), }[. A.., y".,.. 1867 (p. 192, L 24).
30 Fisher (John Whyte), ll. A., .&t. 1868 (p. 192, 1. 28).
Fitz Gerald (Charlea Edward), ll. B., and lL Chir., .L&t. 1868.
Fitz Gibbon (Henry), }[. R, HiM. 1866. - M. Chir., Ywn. 1867
(p. 195, 1. 18).






Fitz-Herbert (Arthur Velley), B. A., HUm. 1867.

Fib Simona (Henry), ll. A., Him. 1867. - M. B., and Jl. Chir.,
At. 1868 (p. 196.1. 2+).
Fleming (Frederick), Bch., 186S.-B. A., VII,.,.. 1868.
Fleming (William Edward Charlton), B. A., VII,.,.. 1868.
Fletcher (John Brunsdon), B. A., Kaem. 1868.
Flood (John William), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Floyd (Edward Rosborough), M: B., Hiem. 1868 (p. 199,1. 2+).
Foot (Edward Charles), B. A., Haem. 1867.
Forde (Hugh), B. A., and LL. B., Hiem. 1868.
Fonter (John), LL. D. (Aonoril catua), &t. 1867.
Foster (Henry Beattie), M. B., Vern. 1867 (p. 20S, I. 6).
Franks (John Hamilton), B. A., Diem. 1868.
Franks (Thomas Cuthbert), M. A., HiIm,. 1867 (p. 208, L 9).
Fraser (William), M.A., Atlt. 1868 (p. 208, 1. 13).
Frazer (William Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
French (Richard Valpy), B. A., Hillm. 1868.
Fry (James Henry), B. A., Hitm. 1868.
Fry (William Baker), M. A., Hum. 1866 (p. 211,1. 19).
Fry (William Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Furlong (Robert O'Brien), )(. A., Haem. 1868 (p. 212, 1. 3).

GJ.GS (Marcus), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Galbraith (John), M. A., HUm. 1866 (p. 213, 1. 12).
Garde (Thomas Hugh), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Gardiner (John Samuel Jephson), M. A., Vern. 1868 (p. 21S1. 7).
2S Gardner (Charles Edwyn), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
Gartlan (George Henry), B. A., HUm. 1868.
GarUan (James), n. A., HUm. 1866.
Garvey (Thomas Blennerhasset), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Geoghegan (Henry William), B. A., Ht~m. 1866.
30 Geoghegan (Jacob Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Geoghegan (William), M. B., and lL Chir., Hiem. 1867 (p. 218, L 6).
George (Thomas Barry), B. A., Hi... 1866.
Gibson (John George), Bch., 186S.-B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Gibson (John George) M. A. (Mnori, catud), Atlt. 1868.


9 ,







Gilchrist (James), M. A., V8NJ. 1850 (p. lZ I, 1. 19).

Glascodine (Richard William), M. A., Hiem. 1867 (p. 223,1. 3).
Godfrey (William Henry), B. A., H"m. 1867.
Gogarty (Henry Alexander), M.B., Vn-n. 1867 (p. 22...,1. II).
Going (Henry John), B. A., HiMn. 1866.
Going (William), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Goode (William Henry), M. B., LEat. 1867 (p. 225,1. 18).
Goodwin (El"8IImus Harper), Ii. A., V8NJ. 1867.
Gordon (Samuel), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Gough (Edwin Spencer), B. A., LEat. 1867.
Gracey (Alexander), M. A., Vern. 1868 (p. 229. I. 12).
Graham (Charles), B. A., Vern. 1868.
Graham (Patrick John), M. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. 230, 1. 7).
Graham (William), Sch., I 865.-B. A., Vern. 1867.
Grandison (Alfred), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Graves (Arnold Felix), B. A., Hum. uJ68.
Gray (Charles Edward), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Gray (Thomas Sill), D. D., Vwn. 1868 (p. 233, I. 12).
Green (Thomas Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Green (William), Sch., 1865.-B. A., Vern. 1867.
Greene (Benjamin), B. A., Vern. 1868.
Greene (John Joseph Faulkner), B. A . Hiem. 1868.
Gregg (Thomas Huband), M. A., Vern. 1867 (p. 236, 1. 17).
Gregg (William Burroughs), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Gregg (William Henry), B. A., Vern. 1867.
Griffin (John Nash), B. D., and D. D., Hum. 1866 (p. 237. 1. 29).
Grimshaw (Thomas Wrigley), M. D., Vwn. 1866 (p. 23 8, I. 33).
Grubb (Leopold), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Grube (Frederick William), B. A., Hiem. 1866.

30 H.un:s (John), M. A., Vwn. 1867 (p. 2+3, 1. 6).
Haire (Arthur Newburgh), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Halpin (Robert Crawford), M. A., LEat. 1868 (p. 245,1. 10).
Hamilton (Edward Blayney), B. A., Vwn. 1868.
HA.lIILTON (His Excellency James, Marquis of Abercoru), LL. D.
(Aonori, ClJtUd), .April, :z I, 1868.
3S Hamilton (John),B.A., Vwn. 1741.








Hamilton (Wakeflald), B. A., H ..... 1866.

Hanbury (William.). B. A., Hi.... 1868.
Handcock (Ludlow), B. A., H .... 1868.
Harding (Charles William), B. A" Hu.. 186,.
Hardy (lohn Peter), lrI. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. ~S3, 1. 16).
Hare (Thomas), lrI. A.,
1866 (p. 25+,1.+).
Harman (Rodolph), B.A., E .... 1868.
HarriCD (George William), B. A., H .... 1866.
Harri&on (John), LL.D., Hu.. 1867 (p. ~S6, L 19)'
Hart (Dudley), K. A., HiMII. 1866 (po 251, 1. 1 I).
Harvey (Reuben loshua), N. F. Sch., 186S.-B. A., Hum. 1866.
Haydn (John Armour), B. A., H .... 1866.
Heath (Francia Augustus), B. A., H .... 1868.
Heatley (Robert Yoq), ll. A., HI4m. 1867 (p. 26+, L 28).
Helm (George Frederick), B. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), lrI. B., and lrI. D. ,
At. 1867.
Helaham (Walter), B. A., K ... 1868.
Henry (Alexander Donaldllon), B. A., Hu... .866.-)(. a, AtIt..
186 7.
Herrick (George), lrI. A., PINt. 1867 (p. 2~, 1. 2).
Hetherington (Charles Edward), B. A., HiM. 1868.
Hewson (John), B. A., H .... 1868.
Higgins (William Irwin), B. A., Hu.. 1866.
Hill (Arthur Edward), B. A., V".,.. 1867'
Hill (Charles), B. A., Hi,... 1867.
Hill (Frederick Ferdinand), lL B., HiI",. 1867. -J[. Chir., V".,..
Hill (Richard), B. A" H .... 1868.
Rime (Maurice Charles), lrI. A., Hu.. 1868 (p. 274> L 29).
Hime (Robert Douglas), B. A., and M. A., VINt. 1867.
Rime (Thomas Whiteaide),lrI. B., VINt. 1868 (p. 274> 1 31).
Hocter (Robert Barry), B. A., Hinn.186,.
Hodder (It''rancis), Sch., I 866.-B. A., VWII. 1868.
Hodnett (William), B. A., Hutll. 1867.
Hogan (Frederick William), B. A., Hi. . 186,.
Hogan (James William), B. A., VINt. 186,.
Hogan (John Charles), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Holland (Stewart), )[. A., At. 1868 (p. 279, L +).
Hollywood (John), M. A., HUm. 1868 (p. 279. 1. 10).




Holmes (John Gordon), B. A., Hiem. 1866.

Holmes (Robert), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Holmes (Robert William Arbuthnot), 8. A., Hiem. 1868.
Holmes (Thomas James Paul), M. B., Hi~m. 1866 (p. 7.79, 1.33).
5 Hopkins (John George), M. A., Vma. 1867 (p. 7.81,1. 7.8).
Huband (William George), Sch., 1865.-B. A., .lE8t. 1868.
Huddart (George Augustus W.), B. A., H~m. 1867.
Hudson (Richard), B. A., KIMII. 1868.
Hughes (David), B.A., HiMn. 1867.
10 Hughes (Edward)J B. D., and D.D., Him. 1866 (p. 7.86, 17)'
Hughes (Thomas Alexander), M. A., LEBt. 1867 (p. 1.86, 1. 7.5).
Hughes (William), B.A., KIMn.1867'
Hull (Edward" Y.A., .2&t. 1868 (p. 7.87, 1. 9).
Humphreys (Robert), lL A., KJMn. 1868 (p. 7.88, L 3).
15 Hunter (Robert Jefferson), B. A., Him. 1867'
Hutton (John Barton), B. A., Vern. 1867.

(Charles Fr8derick), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Irwin (Alexander), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
bod (Francis), B. A.., .2&t. 1868.


7.0 JACXION (James Y'Creight), lL A., Hiem. 1867 (p. 7.96, L 28).
Jagoe (Abmham), lI. A., Hi4m. 1866 (p. 7.98, 1. 7).
Jagoe (Henry), Y. B., and M. Chir., LEBt. 1867 (p. 298, 1. 8).
Jellett (Morgan Woodward), M. A., Vern. 1867 (p. 300, 1. 7) .
Johnston (Richard), Y. A., Hiem. 1866 (p. 305,1. 4).
25 Jonas (Edwin Waldron), Y. A., LEBt. 1867 (p. 306,14)'
Jones (Francis), B.A., Hiem . 867.-Y.B., andY.Chir., .2&t.
Jones (George Chapman), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Jones (Thomas), B. A., Vma. 1868.
Jordan (Charles), B. A. Hiem. 1866.
30 Joynt (Henry William), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Julian (Thomas Courtenay), B. A., Hiem. 1867.





K ... (lohn Holton Loyd), B. A., H ..... 1866.
Kane (Katthew Nisbett Gordon), B. A., H ..... 1866.
Kane (Sir Robert), LL. B., and LL D., At. 1868 (p. 311,1. 14)'
Kayu (lohn Bainbridge), ll. A., HUm. 186, (po 311, 1. u).
S Keane (lohn), B. A.,
Kearney (Neville), B. A., H"UfII. 1866.
Keating (Henry). B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Kellett (lames Richard), B. A., Hi"". 1868.
Kelly (George Alexander), B. A., Hi",.. 186,.
10 Kelly (Hubert Goodwin). B. A., V",.. 186,.
Kempster (lohn), B. A., Hi",.. 1866.
Kennedy (DaTid), B. A., Nt..... 1868.
Kennedy (Edward Thomas), B. A., Hi"". 1867.
Kennedy (Henry), B. A., HUm. 186,.
IS Kennedy (William George), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.
Kenny (William), B. A., Hintt. 186,.
Keogh (George Patrick), ll. A., At. 186, (p. 318, l. 17).
Kerr (Robert Shaw), B. A., Hintt. 1867.
KiDg (Lncius), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.
20 KiDg (Wingfleld), B. A., HUm. 186,.
Kingsley (Charles), B. A., Hi",.. 1866.
Kinkead (Richard John), B. A.,
Kirehoft'er (Richard).ll.A., NOrJ. 183z (p. 23., l. u).
Kirk (lohn), ll. A., At. 1868 (p. 324,1. 26).
2S Knapp (William Henry), 1l.A., At. 1868 (p. 3SS, 1.3')'
Knox (Robert Dabell), B. A., Hinn. 186,.
Kough (Charles), B. A., At. 1867.




L.lJIB (William), ll. A., At. 1868 (po 329, L 19).
La N anze (Thomas Story) B. A., Hi",.. 1868.
30 Lane (Benjamin Hugh), B. A., and LL. D., HiIfIt. 1868.
Langbridge (Richard.Bartleet), B. A., Hi-. 1866.
Langford (Robert John), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.






Langley (Charles Seymour), D. D., Hi"". 1868 (p. 331, L 27).

Langley (John), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Langstaft' (Henry Harris), B. A., Hi"". I 866.-lL B., V".,.. 1867'
M. Chlr., Vim. 1868.
Latham (James King), B. A., Hiem. 1861.
LawBOn (Joseph), B. A., Hiem. 1867.-lI.Bo, Vma. 1868.
Leachman (Charles James), lI. A., Hi"". 1866 (p. 335, 1. 17).
Leech (Hunt Walsh Chambre), B. A., and LL. Bo, HUm. 1867.
Lefroy (Thomas Langlois Hugh), lI. A., Fum. 1868 (p. 339, L 2+).
Lefroy (William), M. A., At. 1867 (p. 339, 1. 25).
Lentaigne (Francis), B.A., Film. 1866.
Le Poor-Trench (Frederick), B. A.., HUm. 1866:
Lepper (Francis), B. A., Hilm. 1868.
Lester (Edward Augustus), lI. A., .&t. 1868 (p. 3+3,1. 23).
Linklater (Robert), lI. A., HiMn. 1868 (p. 3+7, L 21).
Linton (Robert Mayer), B. A.., '&t. I 867.
Little (Charles Hardy), B.A., Vim. 1867'
Lloyd (John lIerrick), B. A., Hilm. 1868.
Lloyd (John Rikard), lI. A., V".,.. 1867 (p. 350, 1. 7).
Lloyd (William), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Lobley (John), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Lockett (Francis Hall), B. A., Y1m. 1867.
Lottie (Arthur Gerahom), B. A., Hi'"". 1866.
Logan (Thomas Robert Johnston), lI. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. 352, L 16).
Longfield (George), D. D., Hilm. 1866 (p. 30, L I).
Lougb (John), B. A., HiMn. 1867.
Lowe (James F.), B. A., m"", 1867.
Lowe (Thomas), B. A.., Hiem. 1867.
Luther (George Minchin), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Lyons (James), lI. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. 395, 1. 5)'

30 lIA-cAlf (Arthur Vernon), M. B., and M. Chlr., V".,.. 1868 (p. 360,
L 19).
Macbeth (John), B. A.,
Mac Carthy (Charle8Fennell), B.D., andD.D., AIlt. 1868 (P.361,
1. II).



Macartoey (George David), LL. B., and LL D., At. 1868 (p. 360,
l. 27)'
Kaoartney (Jamea Scott), B. A., Hi,... 1866.
KacDooald(Heory Francia), B. A., lIUm. 1867.
KscHweo (lames), M.A., At. 1868 (p. 36z, 1. II).
S Ksckeaey (George lvie), B. A., H .... I 866.-M. B., AI. 1868.
)lac Kahoo-}[urphy (lamea Richard), B. A., aod M. B., IF....
Kac N ally (Frederick George), B. A., Vme.. 1868.
Kac Nally (Tbomas), lL A., .&1. 1867 (p. 363,1.33),
Vac Sheahan (Deoialoeeph), B. A., Hi,... 1866.
10 Vac Sheehy (Brian), LL. B., and LL D., Vent. 1868 (p. 364,1.6).
MafFett (Richard), B. A., H .... 1868.
Kaguire (Joho), Sch., 1830.-B. A., Vent. 1832.
Maguire lThomaa), LL. B., and LL. D., IIUm. 1868 (po 367,1. 10).
Malley (Bryan), B. A., F ..... 1868.
IS Valpaa (FraocieRobert Wellaod), B. A., Nt,... 1867.
Maoedeld (George), LL. B., and LL D., At. 1868 (p. 370, 1. 34).
Marrable (William), B. D., and D. D., At. 1868 (p. 37 2 ,1. 4).
Martin (Jobo Henry), LL. B., and LL. D., Vent. 1867 (P.374-, 1. u).
Martio (Joseph Walter), B. A., IIi",.. 1867.
20 Varlley (Jobo), B. A., Hu.. 1866.
Mauey (HoD. Adolphlll Henry Tuthill), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Vauey (Hoo. William Frederick Bartoo), B. A., and LL. B., lI....
Maeaiogham (Joho Deacoo), LL. B., aod LL. D., Nt",.. 1867
(p. 376, 1. z6).
Measy (Dawsoo), B. D., and D. D., IT.,.. 1867 (p. 376,1. 31).
2 S lIaturio (Charles Gabriel), B. A., Ifi",.. 1868.
VaUD8ell (Charles), B. A., Vmt. 1868.
lIauneell (Edward), M. A., At. 1867 (p. 379, L 14).
MaUDllell (Henry Widenham), B. A., Hu... 1866. -V. B., V.,.,..
)lauDsell (Horatio Edmlllld), B. A., and V. B., At. 1867.M. Chir., B4t. 1868.
30 Vayberry (Francia), B. A., IIi",.. 1868.
Mayne (Charles), B. A., Nt,m. 1868.
Mayo (Charles), M. A. (od ('und. Oxon.), 1I. B., and 1I. D., Nt",..



Mays (Arthur), B. A., Hi~m. 1867.

M'Caualand (Edward), B. A.,.&t. 1868.
lPCausland (Ernest John), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
M'Causland (William Cornelius), M. A., Vena. 1867 (p. 385,1. I).
5 M'Cay (Henry), LL. D., Hiem. 1867 (p. 385, L 4).
M'Cay (William Smith), Sch., 1866.-B. A., Hiem. 1867.
lI'Clelland (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 1867.
M'Corkell (David Browne), B. A., and LL. B., Hum. 1868.
M'Cullough (James), B. A., HiM/,. 1867.
10 M'Dermott (Hugh Francis A.), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
M'Donald (William Archibald), Sch., 186J.-B. A., Ver". 186 7.
M'Donnell (William Dobb8), B. A., Hum. 1867.
M'Dowell (Benjamin Francis), B. A., and M. B., Vet'n: 186 7.
M'Dowell (Charle8 William), B. A., Vern., M. B., ..iE&t. 1867.
15 M'Farlane (Lenox), B. A., Hiem. J 866.
M'Fetridge (Charles), B.A., Z(iem. 1867.
ll'Ghee (Thomas), B. A., HUm. 1868.
M'llwaine (William), B. D., and D. D., P"ern. 1868 (p. 390,1. 13).
ll'Kee (Jame8),M.A., D.D., and D.D., HiMn. 1868 (P'390, 1.30)'
zo M'Laughlin (Randolph Humphrey), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
M'Loughlin (John Scott), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
M'Morran (Robert), M. B., and M. D., Vern. 1868 (p. 39z, L 17).
1l'Nalty (Francis Charles), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
M'Neile (Norman Frederick), B.A., Hiem. 1868.
z5 Meade (Gerald de Conrey), B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Meadow8 (Arthur). B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Meare8 (Frederick Leopold), B. A., Diem. 1868.
Mease (Andrew Leslie), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Meighan (James). M. A.,
1868 (p. 396, 1. 10).
30 Meredith (James Creed), LL. D., Hi~m. 1868 (p. 396, 1. z+>.
Metge (Peter POIl8Onby), B. A., .2EIt. 1823.-M.A., Nov. 18 3 2
Meyer (James G.), N. F. Sch., I 865.-B. A., V".,.. 1868.
Miles (Usher Beere), M. A., Hiem. 1866 (p. 398, 1. f).
Mills (John), B. A., Hi~m. 1866.
3S Mills (ToW1l1!end), M. A., Diem. 1867 (p. +00, L 10).
Minchin (Charle8), B. A., VII'''. 1867.
Minchin (George John), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Minnitt (Joshua Robert), B. A., H;~m. 1866.-M. B., &t. 1868.




Moft'att (Christopher William), LL. B., and LL. D., Hinta. 1867
(p. 4-02 , 1. 5)'
Molloy (Isaac Blackmore). B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Monck (William Henry Stanley), If. A., At. 1867 (p. +of, 1. 18).
Monsell (William Thomas). B. A., HHm. 1866.
5 Montgomery (William), B. A., Fum. 1868.
Moore (Henry), B. A . Hutn. 1866.
Moore (John Vance), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Moore (John William), If. B., and ll. Chir., ~. 1868 (p. +09,
L 27).
Moore (Joseph Henry), Sch., 1865.-B. A., Hinn. 1866.
10 Moorhead (ThoDlall Hamilton), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Morgan (William Moore), Sch., I 86S.-D. A., Vwn. 1868.
Morphy (Edward), B. A., Hima. 1868.
Morrison (Hans), Y. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. flf, 1. 14).
Mosse (Richard), B. D., and D. D., Hiem. 1866 (p. fl5, I, 19).
IS Mostyn (Berkeley), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Moutray (William Henry), B. A., Vmt. 1868.
Mullins (Thomas Patterson Molyneux), B. A., Hima. 1867'
Murphy (Jeremiah), B. A., Him. 1866.
Murphy (ThoDlall Ouseley), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
20 Murray (Arthur William), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.
Murray (John), M. A., &t. 1868 (p. +20, L f).
Murray (William Flood), B. A., Him. 1867.-M. B., and If. Chir.,
.t. 1868.
Mussen (Roberts), M. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. 4-20, L 29).

NASH (Stawell Webb), B. A., Hann.. 1868.
%5 Nash (William Frazer), B. A., Hima. 1866.-LL. B., &t. 1867'
Neligan (Joseph William), B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Nevill (Edward K.), B. A., LEd. 1868.
Nevill (John Henry Napper), B. A., Hi,m. 1868.
Nevin (David), Sch., 1867.-B. A., Hinn. 1868.
30 Newell (William O'Brien), B.A., HUm. 1868.
Newman (Adam Perry). If. D., At. 1868 (p. +z6, 1. I).
Newton (Henry), B. A., Nt"". 1868.



Nicholls (Alexander), B. A., Hinn. 1867.

Nicholson (Alexander Jackson), ll. A., Ywn. 1868 (p. +27, I. 9).
Nicholson (Charles loy), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Nicholson (Robert Steele), ll. A., Ywn. 1868 (p. +27,1. 26).
5 Nicolls (Archibald John), B. A., HUm. 1 867.-LL. B., Ywn. 1868.
Niven (James Simpson), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.
Noblett (William), B. A., HIMIt. 1867
Nolan (William), ll. D., Hi",.. 1868 (p. +29, 1. :1+).
Norton (lohn George), M. A., 4It. 1867 (p. +30, 121).
10 Noyes (Robert 10hn), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Nunn (William Eastgate), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
Nutter (Charles Leonard), B. A., Hiem. 1868.

O'BBtD (Robert Donogh), B. A., Hum. 1867.

O'Callaghan (William Robert Pyne), B. A., Him. 1867 .
1 S O'Connor (James Daniel), B. A' I Him. 1866.
O'FalTell (George Plunkett), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
O'Grady (Standish lames), Sch., 1867.-B. A., Hinn. 1868.
O'Grady (William), B. A., HUm. 1867.
O'Hara (Henry Stewart), M. A., Him. 1868 (p. +37, 1. 31).
20 O'Hea (Henry), B. A., Ywn. 1867.
Oliver (Thomas), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Olphert (Thomaa), M. A., Ywn. 1868 (p. +39,1. 16).
Olpherta (John), B. A., Hu.. 1866.
O'lleara (Thomas Patrick), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
25 O'Reilly (JoaephRichard), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Orme (Stephen Dumelaw), B. A., Hu.. 1868.
Ormsby (Edwin Robert), B. A., Huw. 1866.
Ormsby (George Albert), ll. A., HIIm. 1868 (p. ++1, I. 32).
Ormaby (Y:ontagu Henry), LL. D., Hum. 1868 (p. ++2, 1. S).
30 Ormsby (William Edwin), B. A., Hi",.. 1866. -LL. B., Hi",..
Orpen (Arthur Herbert), ll. A., HUm. 1866 (p. 4+2, 1. 26).
Orpen (Richard Hugh Millerd), M. A., Hum. 1866 (p. ++3, L 2).
Orton (Frederiok), B. A., and M.B., Hitmt. 1866.
Orton (John), B. A., and 11. B., Hi",.. 1866.



Otway (James), B. A., Hint. 1868.

Owen (Alfred Lloyd), B. A., and ll. B., At. 1867.
Owen (lame8 Stopford), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Owen (Richard Olift'e), B. A., K ..... 1867.

S PAGIn' (George E.), M. D. (AotwrU HUlet), Aflt. 1867.
Palmer (Arthur), ll. A . yo".,.. 1867.-Fellow, 1867 (p. ++8.1. 3).
Palmer (Charles), B. A., KI41II. 1867.
Panton (A.rthur William), Sch., 186S.-B. A., Hint. 1866.
Parker (Henry Richard), LL. B., Aflt. 1867 (p. ++9, L 14).
10 Parker (loshua), B. A., Hu.. 1866.
Parkinson (Robert), ll. A., At. 1868 (p. +5 0 , 1. S).
Patman (Edward), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Paxton (William Albert), If. B., At. 1867 (p. +5'. 1. 16).
Peake (Frederick), B. A., HNm. 1866.
IS Pelloe (Thomas), B. A., HinI'. 1868.
Pelly (Charles Henry), B. A., HNIIl. 1866.
Perrott (William), B. A., yo".,.. 1868.
Perue (Robert Algernon), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Petherick (lohn Gillespie), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
20 Peyton (Walter Cunningham), ll. A., HinI'. 1868 (p. 458, 1. 3).
Phelan (Alfred Bernard), B. A., Hint. 1868.
Phipp8 (Charle8 Hare), If. A., At. 1867 (p. +S9, L 18).
Pierce (Francis), B. A., HinI'. I 867.-M. 8., .It. 1868.
Piercey (Frederick W.), B. A., Aflt. 1868.
2S Pilsworth (William Ralph), B. A., yo".,.. 1867.
Pim (1ohn), If. A. , yo".,.. 1868 (p. 461, 1. 3 1).
Poe (lames Hill), B. A., Hi . 1867.
Poe (lames Leslie), B:A., Hint. 1867.
Poe (lohn Thomas), B. A., Hint. 1867.
30 Pollen (Arthur Daniel), Sch., I 865.-B. A.,
Pollock (Charles Frederick), B. A., HN",. 1866. -M. B., and
M. Chir., At. 186,.
Pollock (William), B. D., and D.D.,
1868 (p. 463, l 18).
Pope (Frederick Ale:under),. B. A., Hi.m. 1868.






Popham (Samuel Law), B. A., Vml.; M. B., and M. Chir., .lElt.

Porter (Conolly), B. A., .IEd. 1868.
Porter (John Leech), M. A., Hism. 1868 (p. 465, L 6).
Potier (William Jones), B. A., Hi,m. 1868.
5 Poulter (Reginald Clift'ord), B. A., Hum. 1868.
Powell (William Hawkshaw), M. A., Vim. 1868 (p. +67. L 8).
Power (Thomas), M. A., HUm. 1868 (p. 467, 1. 32).
Preston (George Henry Moore), B. A., Hi,.",. 1868.
Price (William), B. A., Fum. 1868.
10 Prideaux (Walter CroBS), B. A., Hi(Jm. 1867.
Proby (Martyn Carysfort), M. A., .lEd. 1868 (p. 470, 1. 28).
Purcell (John Gervaise), B. A., Vwn. 1867.

RAxSAY (Andrew Borradale), B. A., Fum. 1868.
Raymond (John), B. A., Vwn. 1868.
15 Read (John Thomas), B. A., .lEd. 1867.
Redclift'e (Jehu), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Redhead (Thomas Fisher), M. A., B. D., and D. D., .lEd. 1868
(p. +79, 1. 26).
Reed (James Thomas Kennedy), B. A., .!EIt. 1867.
Reilly (John), B.A., Hi",.. 1866.
20 Rennison (John), B. A., Ywn. 1868.
Reynolds (James Henry), M. B., and M. Chir., .IEIt. 1867 (p. +82,

Rice (Robert), M. A. (ad eund. Oxon.), Yem. 1868.
Richardson (George Clement Kirkwood), B. A., Hi,.",. 1867.
Richardson (Samuel Thomas), B. A.., Hi,.",. 1866.
25 Rigby (Jason), B. A., Hi",.. 1867.
Roberts (William), M.A., .!Ell. 1868 (p. +88, 1. 5).
Roberta (William E.), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Robinson (Andrew). B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Robinson (Bernard), M.A., Hi,.",. 1867 (p. 488,1. 23).
30 Robinson (Christopher Gerrard), B. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. 488, 1. 31).
Robinson (George), M. A., Hiem. 1866 (p. 489).
Robinson (George), B. A" 11tJrn. 1868.




Robineon (Kildare Christopher), B. A., Hi6fn. 1868.

Robineon (Richard), B. A., Hi,,,.. 1867.
Robineon (Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Robinson (Thomas), M. A., Hi,,,.. 1868 (p. +90,1.
5 Robineon (William Percy), Y. A., V".,. 1868 (p. +9:>, L 25)'
Roe (Joeeph Henry), B. A., HiI".. 1867.
Roe (Thomas Charles), B. A., V".,.. 1868.
Roe (William James), B. A., Fum. 1866.
Rotton (John Edward Wharton), Y. A. (ad eund. C/Ultab.).-B. D.,
and D. D., Hi,m. 1868.
10 Rountree (James P.), B. A., Hum. 1867.
Rowan (William Terence), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Rowe (Raymond), B. A., Hilm. 1866.
Rowley (James), H. A., .2&t. 1867 (p. +96, 1. (0).
Roy (William), B. A., Hi"". 1867.
15 Rumsey (George Wildbore), M. D. (MMri. CQUld), Aift. 1867.
Ryan (James Francis), B. A., Hilm. 1856. - H. B., and H. Chir.,
V".,.. 1868.
Ryan (John Henry), B. A., Hum. 1868.
Ryland (John Frederick), H. A., Hi,m. 1866 (p. 500, l. 8).
Rynd (James William), H. A., V".,.. 1867 (p. 500, I, 19).

- 1

. j

(Oates), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Salmon (Edward William), Sch., 186S.-B. A., Hie".. 1866.
Saunders (Clement), B. A., Hi"". 1868.
Savage (Robert James), B. A' I Ellm. 1 866.-LL. B., Hi6m. 1867.
Sayers (William), M. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. 506, 1. 3).
25 Bchoales (George), M.A., HUm. 1866 (p. S06, L 13).
Scott (ArthurWilliam), Sch 1867.-B.A., Hi"". 1868.
Scott (Edward), M.A., V".,.. 1867 (p. 506, 1. 2S).
Scott (Horatio), M. B., At. 1867. - Y. D., Vena. 1868 (p. 507,
1. 3).
Scott (lames), B. A., Hinn. I 868.
30 Scott (lohn Yidleton). M. A., Hiem. 1868 (p. 57. L 26).
Beamer (Arthur). Y. A., At. 1867 (p. 59, L 6).
Seaver (Jonathan), B. A., Hilm. 1868.

20 SAOil






Seddall (Henry Thomas), B. A., Hiem. 1867'

Seddon (Robert), B. A., Vern. 1867.
Seymour (Robert Hemmings), B. A" Hiem. 1867.
Shackleton (Henry), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
S Shakspeare (Charles), B. A., ~,.". 1868.
Shannon (Robert J.), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Sha", (John Hall), M. A., Hum. 1868 (p. 51Z, L II).
Sheilds (John), B. A., Him. 1868.
Sheperd (Lorenzo), B. A., HUm. 1866.
10 Sherlock (George Woodford), B. A., Hiem. 1867.
Sherrard (David John), B. A., Diem. 1867.
Sherrard (James Ouseley). B. ,..., Hiem. 1867'
Shore (William Carpenter), B.A., Hiem. 1867'
Shortt (William Kemmis), N.F. Sch., I 866.-B. A., At. 1867.
15 Sibson (Francis), M. D. (Aonoru eQUId), ,,2E,t. 1867.
Simpson (Sir James Y., Bart.), Y. D. (Aonori, eQu,d), 2&t. 1867.
Simpson (Samuel), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Sims (John James), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Smith (George Minchin), Sch., I 86S.-B. A., Vwn. 1867.
20 Smith (Joseph Bernard), B. A., HUm. 1867.
Smith (Vincent Arthur), Sch., 1866.-B. A., Hm". 1868.
Smith (Walter George), B.A., and M. B., KIMIt. 1867'
Smithson (Samuel), B. A. Hiem. 1868.
Smyth (Ingoldsby William), B. A., Hm". 1866.
25 Sparks (Robert Eugene), B. A., HUm. 1866.
Spencer (William), Y. A., Hiem. 1867.-B. D., Kann. 1868 (p. 530,
L 23).
Stanley (Abraham), LL. D., Vwn. 1867 (p. 535. L 8).
Stanley (Thomas Carter), LL. B , Hiem. 1867 (p. S35, 1. 17)'
Stannard (Henry), LL. B., and LL. D., Hiem. 1866 (p. 5H, 1.23).
30 Stanton (William .Redin), Y. A., Vwn. 1867 (p. 535, 1. 35).
Starkey (Digby Pilot), LL. D. (Aonom eQUId), 2&t. 1867.
Steede (John), B.A., HUm. 1867.
Stenson (John Wilson), B. A' I Hiem. J 868.
Stewart (Frederick William), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
35 Stewart (Henry), M. A., .JE.t. 1867 (p. 5+0 ,1. 33).
Stewart (John Alexander), Y. A., 2&t. 1867 (p. 5+1,1. 16).
Stephenson (John George Rablah), LL.B., andLL.D., Vern. 1868
(p. 538,1. 21).


StepbeDlOD (Joeeph), X. A., V".,.. 1868 (p. S38, 1. n).

St. George (A.rt.hur Baldwin), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
St. George (Herbert), B. A., HUm. 1868.
8t. George (Robert James Ker), B. A., Hjltll. 1867.
5 Stocker (Henry), B. A., Hi... 1867.
Stokes (Aleunder Haldane), X. B., and H. Chir., PI,... 1868
(p. H2, 1. 2S)
Stokes (Henry Haldane), B. A., Hu-. 1868.
Stokes (Oliver William), lL A., At. 1867 (p. 543,1. 6).
Stokes (Whitley), LL. D. (Aottori, UtUd), At. 1868.
10 Streane (Anuealey William), 8ch., I 86+.-B. A., Himl. 1866.
Strickland (William Edmund), B. A., Hi,.. 1866.
Stritch (John), B. A., V".,.. 1868.
Stubbe (John William), B. D., and D. D., Hiltll. 1866 (p. 5+7,
Sumner (George), B. A., H .... 1867.
I S Supple (Robert Harrison), B.A., Hi_. 1 866.-H. B., and X.Chir.,
Hum. 1868.
Swauy (Henly), 11. A., HIm. 1868 (p. HO, 1. 10).
8wanzy (Thomas B.), B. A.,...&t. 1868.
Swift (George), B. A., Diem. 1866.
8witzer (John Frederick), B. A., Hiltll. 1867.
20 8yme (James), M. D. (1wMri. HfII4), At. 1867.
Symmons (Henry Thomas), B. A., Hitm. 1866.

TnuTBAu (Joseph Hanly), B.A., Hilm. I 866.-M. B., V".,.. 1868.
Tagart (Robert lIanatleld), B. A., Hum. 1868.
Tayler (.Archdale Wilson), Y. A., Hi",.. 1867 (p. H+, 1. 17).
2S Taylor (Edward Herbert). Sch., 1 866.-B. A' I V".ff. 1868.
Taylor (Frederick), B. A' I Hi",.. 1 867.-M. B., At. 1868.
Teale (Thomas Pridgin), H. D. (llottori. HIIId), Alit. 1867.
Tench (Samuel Edward), B. A., .AUt. 1868.
Terry (G('orge Shirley), Y. A., Hum. 1868 (p. 557, l. 16).
30 Thacker (Joseph), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Thomas (John), B. A., Vern. 1867.
Thompson (William), B. A' I Diem. 1868.





Thomson (Henry Brougham), ll. A., Hum. 1866 (p. 561,1. 8).
Thomson (Robert Wade), B. A., Hinn. 1867.
Thomson (William), B. A., HUrtt. 1867.
Thomson (William Naasau), B. A., Hi6m. 1866.
5 Thorp (Charles Robert), B. A., HUrtt. 1866.
Tinkler (George Samuel), B. A., Hi6m. 1866.
Todhunter (John), B. A., Hm.. 1866.- M. B., HUrtt. 1867.M. Chir., Vwn. 1868.
Topp (Anthony), B. A.., Hu..IS66.
Torrance (George William), M. A . Hi"". 1867 (p. 565, I. u).
10 Townsend (John Hume). B. A., HNa. 1868.
Townsend (Richard Hungerford), B.
Hi"". 1866.
Townsend (Thomu Courtney), B. A., H, . 1866.
Tracy (Henry), Soh., IS66.-B. A., Hi",.. 1867.
Tredennick (William Hagee). B. A.., Vwn. 1868.
1 S Triphook (George Roderick), B. A., NtM. 1866.
Tuckey (Davys), B. A.. H ... 1868.
Tuthill (Robert Chateneuf), B. A., Himt. IS68.
TymOIlB (Frederick). If. A., Ait.. 1867 (p. 57S, 1. 12).
Tyrrell (Robert Yelverton), H. A., Hiem. 1867. - Fellow, 1868
(po 575, 1. 30 ).




(lames Henry), B. A., and Y. B., Hi6m. 1866.-Y. Chir.,

Vern. 1867.

%0 U88RBB




VAXe. (loseph), B. A., Hi",.. 1868.

Vandeleur (Gerald Ormsby), H. A., Vet,.. IS67 (p. 578.1. 19) ..
VeJ'8Choyle (Hamilton Stuart). H. A., Hint. IH68 (po SSo, 1. %0).
Vigors (Richard William).H.A., Ait. IS67 (p. 58z, 1 u).
Villiers (Edward), B. A., NtmI. 1867.



Wuu (II. R. H. Albert Edward, Prince of), LL.D.(AonorN clJuli).
~pril 21, 1868.
Walker (Jobn), H. A., 1I. B., and M. Chir., K ... 1867.
Walker (William), B. A., Hum. 1866.
Wallace (William Bailey). 8eb., 1 86S.-B. A., AIli. 1867.
5 Waller (Francia Albert), B. A., K .... 1868.
Waller (George), 11. A., Vern. 1868 (p. 588, 1. 35).
Walsh (George), B. A.,.HUm.. 1859.
Walsh (John Edward), B. A., HUra. 1867.
Walsh (Robert), 11. A.., ;tNt. 1867 (p. 591, 1. 10).
10 Ward (John), 11. A.., HiI"., 1867 (p. 593,1. 21).
Ward (Jobn M'Gregor), B. A., Hum. 1866.
Ward (William Latimer), B. A., y".,.. 1867.
Waring (Charles). B. A.., Hi4m. 1868.
Warren (Right Hon. Robert Richard), LL. B., and LL. D., Hi,m.
1868 (p. 596, I. I).
15 Watson (Samuelllanly), B. A., Hill... 1868.
Watson (William), M.A., .Ait. 1867 (p. 597,1. 19).
Watson (William Coleman), B. A., HiM. 1866.
Watson (William Tyndale), M. B., ad M. D., .Ait. 1867 (p. 597,
1. 20).
Webster (George), B. D., and D. D., Hilm. 1866 (p. 599,1. 6).
20 Welch (Richard Thomas), B. A., KJ4m. 1867.
Weld (Matthew Richard), B. A., Kana. 1867.
Weldon (William JephlOn), B. A., Ytnt.; ll. B., and M. Chir.,
HiM. 1868.
Went (James), B. A., Hu... 1867.
West (Aleunder), B. A., AIIl. 1868.
25. West (Fitzwilliam Henry), B. A., Hi,... 1867.
Westropp (John Thomas), B. A., Hi,... 1866.
Westropp (Ralph Hugb), B. A., Hinn. 1868.
Whaley (Thomas), B. A., Hi~. 1866.
Wharton (James Henry), ll. A., Hinn. I 866.-11. B., .Ait. 1868
(p. 60%, 1. 29).
30 Wheeler (William Ireland), B. A., Hi,m. 1866.







White (Goodwin William), B. A., HifJ",. 1866.

White (Henry Bantry), B. A., HifJm. 1867.
White (James), Y. A., LB.t. 1868 (p. 60+, 1. u).
White (Loftua Otway), B. A., Hum. 1867.
White (Patrick Henry), B. A., HifJ"., 1868.
White (William Moore), B. A., Hinn. 1866.
Whitty (Charles Richard), B. A., HifJm. I 867.-M. B., and Y. Chir.,
Williama (John), H. A., HifJm. 1866 (p. 610, 1. 26).
Williams (John), M. A., LB.I. 1867 (p. 610, 1. 21).
Williams (Walter Augustus), H. A., AI.t. 1868 (p. 611, 1. IS).
Williams (William), LL. B., Hiem. 18~7 (p. 611, 1. 20).
Williamson (John), B. A., LB.t. 1867.
Wilson (George), B. A., Hiem. 1868.
Wilson (Henry), B. A., VfJrn.1867.
Wilson (William Deane), B. A., and H. B., Hiem. 1866.
Wolseley (Cadwallader Brooke), B. A., Hi.m. 1867.
Woodrofl'e (John Nunn Blacker), H. A., VtJrIl. 1868 (p. 619, 1. 8).
Woods (Oscar Thomas), B. A., HUm. 1868.
Woods (William), M. A., Hiem. 1867 (p. 619, L 27).
Wright (George), Sch., 1866.-B. A., .lEd. 1868.
Wright (lames Frederick), H. A., Hinn. 1868 (p. 6u, 1. f).
Wright (w"illia~ Heber), B. A., H"1flm. 1868.
Wynne (Edward), B.A., Hiem. 1868.
Wynne (Frederick Riohards), H. A., V".n. 1868 (p. 613, 1. 2S).


(Gerald Francis), B. A., Ver".; l{. B., and M. Chir., At.

186 7.
Yeo (Henry Vivian), B. A., Hiem. 1866.
Young (John), B.A., Hum. 1867.
Young (lohu Hatthew), B. A., Hinn. J866.
Young (Robert), H. A., Vent. 1867 (p. 6 2 7,1. 7).



t . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , .. . .

ap",,,1'OM: .........

we...... c.........

.-r .....,.".

av. . . .111'. . . . . .

11..." , W 41fTh1,t!'O 'I1fCLV'. . . . LVDO

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21, IIno 34, llagot./or 18M, r0<J41!!67.

24, Barclay (Joeeph)./or V ...... 1824. re4d 18:16.

14, Barrlngton,/or LL. 8., and LL. D., rO<J4 B. D., and D. D.
~ Bem&riI. lMlchael Charles), lor M. A., read M. B.
43, 11, Berry,/orThomaa B., roGilThomaaMarlborol1gh.
M, _
22, Bonllleld, for p _ t eDtry, read B. A., f'e ..... 18&.-Seh., 1886.
r.9, __ 28, to Boyle (Hoger), fJdd Fellow, 1646.
M, _
31, Brloeoe (Frand.),!or 1833, r0<J418~.
107, 13, omU ClomonlOn.
110, _
7, '" CockIng, fJdd)[. A., V....... 1728.
111. __ I, Coghlll,for LL. B., road Bachelor III CIvil and Canon Law.
26, -

29, _
41, -

= m: =r;: 7:rn~~{f;~.!"!'r>e":"~; ~0<J4 DPllnlatonn.

I for LL. D., rtad Doctor of Canon Law.

- - 216, - - 224, -

28, Guoolgn,
28, Golbourne,

_ _ 219, _

28, for Glbboll5 (Jobo), N<Jd GlbbIna, or Glblllnga.

28, to JOhDIOD (Edward), 8. A., 4W. 180'1, add for M. A., .ee Walohe, SIr Edward
BeDry, Bart.
19, Kettlewell (Joohn&),for 1828, read 11!29.
29, for Lane, road Loan..
26, LItton,."'" Letablere John, rO<J4 John Letablere.
7, Maeoneby (W1lII&m),."'" Entrance, and B. A., not rocorded, r,ad B. A. (ad
e11Dd. Cantab.), Y...... 1817.
4, H'Cay (Honry) omit and LL. D.
30, MoI......y, for ii.eory U. rO<J4 Henry WillIam.
12, to NapIer (Joooph),
Vlce-CbaoeeUor of the Unlyenlty. 1867.

2aS, _

__ 3O'J, _

319, -

- - 330, __ 348, -

__ 364, -

886, -

__ 417, _
.21, -

11. Grllllth (Hugh),.

- - 438. -

__ 4.J2, _


__ M4, -


661, -

678, -


I, O'Hara (James), II rtJJ<tUi<m.

27, Peacock (Honry), M, A., A:JL 1866.

1~; ~.J~O[f'~i. ~'P.!~t.,"~7~L 1866.

50, Smlth,/or 1836, road I&s. and add M. A., Hi.m. 1864.

2~ ~I~~~~~~:;';~ ~ ~~~:,JoaePh.

11, Thornhill, WUll&m,/or 1838. road 18-YJ.

7,lorJameaJ. r0<J4J'amOi Fan..
__.. 10,Ior 1&s. and i 868, road l8Ii6, and 1819.
.. n,lor.,BIL 1836. read V...... 1_
.. 14,Ior B. A., 4IL, road M. A., NOfI.
680, - ) 8 , Voroon(Jobo Edwanl), M. A., VIf'lLII166.

= =:

22, Watano (Georlto), liI. A., Hw.. 1_


aM, -

617, -

22, LL. 8.. and LL. D., on Hoe ".hoold~ Ilne 26, and line 2f should be



8, Wa7lllontb, lor Sch. 18M, rO<J41863.
11, WlIll&oe CRObertAlOUllder)'1
9, WOItropp (Thomaa),
lor .,BIL 1821, ....... 1"_. 1827.
50, Wlllcoelii (William),
81, Woodlock (William),
Wallter (lobo), Scb., 183I).-B. A~ V ...... 1837.


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