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IEEE requirements specification For a computer project 3rd Grade Math Exam On-line Izzat M Alsmadi 1. Introduction 1.

1 Purpose of this document The purpose of this Software Requirement Specification ( SRS ) document is provide a detailed overview of my software product, its parameters and goals. This document describes the project's target audience and its user interface, hardware and software requirements. It defines how our client, team and audience see the product and its functionality.

1.2 Scope of this document My cousin, who teaches children at school, asked me if I can develop an on-line math exam for the 1st grade that she is teaching . The exam should have 10 questions. Each question should have four multiple choices with one and only one right answer. The exam should be add, subtract, multiply, or divide two numbers each of one or two digits.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations :

Below is a list of some abbreviations, Definitions, or Acronyms that we are going to use in the document : .NET Web Server

Visual Studio.NET suite. a special type of computer system that stores and sends web pages and other information to a web browser

MS-SQL Microsoft SQL database server

1.4 References My cousin Lina Smadi , a school teacher. Granada School, Santa Clara, California. Granada School computer system. Santa Clara, California. TEKS Mathematics Toolkit website: Microsoft website, 1.5 Overview Of Document : As a result of the requirements elicitation process ,the remaining sections of this document provide a general

description, including characteristics of the users of this project, the product's hardware, and the functional and data requirements of the product. General description of the project is discussed in section 2 of this document. Section 2 gives the functional requirements, data requirements and constraints and assumptions made while designing the game. It also gives the user viewpoint of product use. Section 3 gives the specific requirements of the product. Section 3.0 also discusses the external interface requirements and gives detailed description of functional requirements. 2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective I. User Interface(s): The Objective of this project is to create a web based on-line exam for an elementary school to help teachers evaluate the children in an easy interactive way. The resulting work product will be an interactive, educational tool that will help make a math test.
Sam is a 3rd

grade student. He is going to have this on-line exam. Before starting the game , the teacher should give each student a unique number, this number can be just the student ID, or even his/her number in the class. I will use the number as the ID for this student in the test and the grading. I have to make the system accept the student name instead of his/her name too. Once Sam will open his computer during the exam, he will be moved to a window that has a user name and password. Once he Entered his user name and password he will start the exam.

II. Software Interface(s):

The product can run as a stand-alone application or from within a web-browser. For the real exam, it has to be controlled through a web server that will have the database to save the students answers and grades. It must be flexible enough to run easily with a variety of different operating systems, computer architectures and be simple to install and use. The product requires the use of a keyboard and a mouse to interface with the user. The use should be able to use the keyboard or the mouse o choose the right selection. The user should be able to change his/her selection for this question. He/She also should be able to go back to previous questions to change the answers or verify them. The product requires a graphics display of at least 800x600 resolution with thousands of colors which is a common

standard. Sound is disabled. The product should not require special or new hardware. III. Performance Constraints : 1. Time : The exam can be chosen to be timely controlled or not. 2. Memory : 64MB memory is a minimum requirement. 3. Transactions : The application is a small application that assume 50 students to be the maximum number of students who will do the test at the same time.

2.2 Product Functions The product should be usable within almost any computing environment. That means most computers should be able to quickly run and load the product with little difficulty. The product should run quickly at startup specially when it is in the timely manner. This exam should generate randomly one to two digit numbers in each question.

We must take special care to encourage the child to take the exam and feel interested in attending this kind of exam than a written exam. The product must use attractive non distractive backgrounds.

2.3 User Characteristics Users of this exam are young children. A general knowledge of basic computer skills is required to use the product. The data input by the user will include simple mouse clicks on buttons to select answers. The server will save a small MS SQL database that has each student name, number, grade. Other information can be saved like the time in to the exam , the time out of the exam , and any other error messages that may happen during the exam.

2.4 General Constraints The following list presents the general constraints that are imposed upon the implementation of our product. The product must be web-based. Response time for loading the product should take no longer than one minutes. This product will not be equipped with features to accommodate special needs such as, but not limited to, those with hearing and/or sight impairments.

A general knowledge of basic computer skills is required to use the product

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies : The following list presents the general assumptions and dependencies that are imposed upon the implementation of our product. There are no extra memory requirements. The computers must be equipped with web browsers such as The Internet explorer. The product must be stored in such a way that allows the client easy access to it. Therefore, the product will reside either on the client's server or access will come directly from the server. The product must have a user-friendly interface that is simple enough for third graders to understand. Apportion of Requirements : This one does not apply .


3. Specific Requirements This section lists the functional requirements in ranked order. Functional requirements describes the possible effects of a software system, in other words, what the system must accomplish. Other kinds of requirements (such as interface requirements, performance requirements, or reliability requirements) describe how the system accomplishes its functional requirements. Each functional requirement should be specified in a format similar to the following: User Interface The product generally requires a mouse for input. Other pointing and input devices are allowable, provided they provide similar functions to a mouse and keyboard, namely the ability to move a cursor onscreen to select buttons and the ability to type names.

Most common sound hardware is sufficient for the product.

A graphical web browser with the Flash plug-in is required to download the product if running from a web server. Software Interface I. Supported modes: The exam shall operate in all Window operating systems that the school computers have: These Operating systems are Win98, ME, 2000, and XP.

Functions : After Opening the first page of the exam, the student should see in the middle of the page the question clearly, the four options should be followed then. In the button of the page, there has to be a previous button that will send the student to the page of the previous question, a forward button that should send the student to the next page. The first page should have no previous, the last page should have no next. There should be a finish button that should be seen only in the last page. There should be a warning message to tell the student that he/she cant go back once hit the finish button. The grade to be seen or not is an option can be given to the student. If the student choose to see his/her grade, he/she should be able to see his/her grade right away in less than a minute.

I. Limitations : There can not be more than 50 students have test at the same time. Once the student hit the finish button, his/her grade can not be changed without the server administrator permission. We need to study the existing systems to see if there maybe other kind of limitations. II. Required usages constraints : Does not apply ( other those in 2.4) Nonfunctional requirements : I. Performance : The product can be web-based and run from a web server. Once the product is loaded, it runs completely within the computer's memory. II. Database : There is no a very small database to reside in the server. 1. Types : MS SQL database server. 2. Sizes : a small database that can handle information for up to 50 students at the same time with maximum of 10 different columns or parameters like : name, ID, grade, time in, time out, 3. Use frequency : The exam can be used frequently. There is no limit on how many times the exam can be used . 4. Access patterns and constraints : The server administrator should give the teacher special username that will enable her to see all the grades at the same time, and do any other adjustments or initiations. 5. Data entities and their relationships : We have two main entities in this small database : the student, and the grade. 6. Integrity constraints. Does not apply. III. Privacy : The student information should be considered private. Other than the student, the teacher , and the server administrator, no one should have access to the results.

IV. Security : The teacher should have the only privilege to change the grades. The assumption that the server administrator will not change the grades or any other information should be made. V. Robustness : Does not apply as this is a very small application for the limited number of users. VI. Reliability : The exam is a very simple that is not expected to live for ever. Some reliable feature that may cost extra money will not be good thing to do here. VII. Accuracy : Mathematical calculations here must be correct as the whole game is about math and numbers. The numbers we are using are very small, and so there is no chance that we will have problem with accuracy here. Questions that may result in a division by zero should be canceled directly from the system. VIII. Precision : See VII. IX. Support Systems : Does not apply. X. Supported environments 1. Operating Systems : Win98, Win Me, Win2000 , and WinXP 2. DBMAs : Does not apply 3. Middleware : Does not apply 4. Programming languages : VB6, or XI. Other : Does not apply 4. Supporting Information a. Table of contents :

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this document 1.2 Scope of this document 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations : 1.4 References 1.5 Overview. 2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective IV. User Interface(s): V. Software Interface(s): VI. Performance Constraints : 1. Time 2. Memory 3. Transactions

2.2 Product Functions 2.3 User Characteristics 2.4 General Constraints 2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies : 2.6 Apportioning of Requirements

3. Specific Requirements

User Interface Software Interface I. Supported modes. II. Functions . III. Limitations IV. Required usages constraints Nonfunctional requirements : I. Performance II. Database 1. Types 2. Sizes 3. Use frequency 4. Access patterns and constraints 5. Data entities and their relationships 6. Integrity constraints. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Privacy Security Robustness Reliability Accuracy Precision Support Systems Supported environments 1. Operating Systems 2. DBMAs 3. Middleware 4. Programming languages

XI. Other 4. Supporting Information b. Table of contents c. Index d. Appendices

e. Index :

Abbreviations,1 Accuracy,6 Acronyms,1 Apportion,4 Architecture,2 Assumptions,4 Characteristics,3 Constraints,3,5 DBMAs,6 Dependencies,4 Definitions,1 Flash,4 Frequency,5 Granada, 1 IEEE, 1 Impairmants,3 Interface,1

Limitations,5 Line, Smadi, 1 Middleware,6 Memory,3 NET, .NET,1 Performance,5 Precision,5 Privacy,5 Reliability,4,6 Resolution,2 Robustness,5

Security,5 Software Requirement Specification ( SRS ), 1 SQL,1 TEKs, 1 Transactions,3

f. Appendices : Appendix 1 : The Interface for the on-line exam prototype.

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