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By: Nanda kishore.K (

ECE 3RD YEAR(101A20026)


Sundeep.K ( ECE 3rd YEAR(101A20020)

ABSTRACT With growing developments in the field of mechatronics, mathematical modeling

The term robot got prominence way back in the 1950s when Karl Capek in his play Rossums Universal Robots denoted the birth of a superior race that had intelligence similar to that of humans. As Robots come in various forms and have application in various fields defining a Robot becomes that much difficult. There are various definitions for the term Robot. Some of them are: Force through intelligence. An automatic device that performs

robotics has come long way from an iron piece that moves a few inches to machines capable of jumping from high buildings, detecting mines, performing various

operations and trouble shooting. Robotics means the study and application of robot technology. The goal of robotics is to mimic natural world as closely as possible. The main elements in the robot are the moving elements and the sensors. The basic structure of a robot is the robotic arm. This paper deals with the evolution of robots, the elements of robotics, the limitation of robots and the various applications of robots. In the application part this paper expects to cover in detail robosurgery and robonauts (the robots used in space).It also deals with the importance of artificial intelligence in Robotic technology. INTRODUCTION Robots have always had a fascination in our mind. With their various applications in various fields, they have become a common part in our daily life. They are meant to ease our work and increase our comfort of living.

functions normally ascribed to humans or a machine in the form of a human. The most accepted definition of a Robot provided by the Robotics Institute of America in 1979 is that: A robot is a reprogrammable

multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, Parts, tools or specialized devices tasks. Robotics is that branch which involves with the study and applications of Robots. The goal of Robotics is to mimic natural world as closely as possible. Robotics is a relatively new field of engineering (about through variable programmed

motions for the Performance of a variety of

approximately 50 years old) and is finding many applications in different areas. With growing developments in the field of mechatronics and mathematic modeling, Robotics has come a long way. From an iron piece that could move only a few inches, there are now machines capable of jumping from high rise buildings, detecting complicated

application. The classifications of Robots are into three types: a. Simple level Robots b. Middle level Robots c. Complex level Robots

Simple Level Robots: They are automatic machines that extend human potential. They cannot be programmed and does not contain a complex



operations, and troubleshooting. HISTORY OF ROBOTICS Robotics compared to other branches is a relatively new field of engineering. It is a multi disciplinary field. The various

circuitry. E.g.: The best example of a simple level Robot is a semi automatic washing machine.

branches involved in the development of Robotics are: Mechanical Engineering: Deals with the mechanisms of Robots and their structure. Electrical Engineering: Deals with the sensing and controlling of Middle Level Robots: They are those Robots which can be programmed but cannot be reprogrammed. They are multi purpose devices. They have sensor based circuitry and can do work which humans do. E.g.: The best example of a middle level Robot is the fully automatic washing machine.

Robots. Computer Engineering: Deals with the motion planning and perception of Robots. CLASSIFICATIONS OF ROBOTS Robots are classified depending upon the circuitry of the Robots and the ranges of Complex Level Robots:

They are those Robots which can be programmed and also reprogrammed. They are reprogrammable, multifunctional,






environments Robots need no environmental comfort Robots work continuously without any humanity needs and illnesses Robots have repeatable precision at all times Robots can be much more accurate than humans; they may have mili or micro inch accuracy. Robots and their sensors can have capabilities beyond that of humans Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously, humans can only one. Robots replace human workers who can create economic problems

manipulators. They contain a model based circuitry and are very complex.

E.g.: The best example of a complex level Robot is the personal computer.


ADVANTAGES OF ROBOTS Robotics and automation can, in

many situation, increase productivity, safety, efficiency, quality, and consistency of products

DISADVANTAGES OF ROBOTS Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies, this can cause: Inappropriate and wrong responses A lack of decision-making power A loss of power Damage to the robot and other devices Human injuries


Automotive industry


Medical laboratories

Medicine Robots may have limited capabilities in Degrees of Freedom Dexterity Sensors Vision systems Real-time Response Underwater inspection Robots are costly, due to Initial cost of equipment Installation Costs Need for peripherals Need for training Customer service Spatial exploration s Nuclear energy


Arts and entertainment

Automotive Industry industry is one of the most important partners in the development of robotic technologies. In automotive industry the Robots are used for:

4. Can monitor the quality assembly line with adapted enhance sensor technologies

1. Welding of various parts

2. Robustness and precision of the assembly of pieces 3. Manipulate very heavy loads 4. Found in painting rooms for spray painting. Automotive Industry 5. Used for places that is hard to reach. 1. Handling a large quantity of samples 2. Execution of analyses Assembly Another strong partners is the assembly of manufactured products 1. Execute repetitive sequence of 3. Automatic systems with Robot in Medical Medical laboratories are another place where repetitive tasks must be made.

measurement apparatus. 4. Small mobile units can also take charge of

movement, boring, demotivating and dangerous performance. 2. Many tools are attached at the extremity of a manipulator 3. Use the optimal sequence of moving the samples between different parts of the room or services, thus eliminating the need tasks at constant


for the technician to continuously have to walk. Nuclear energy Nuclear generator installations are places where we can find a large number of robotic applications.

Spatial probes sent for many years to explore and discover our universe 1. Like the Viking I and II probes sent to

explore Mars in 1976, 2. Telemanipulator used to collect samples of

Used for maintenance of nuclear reactors. Used for the replacement of radioactive fuel tubes. Seal off radioactive leakages in contaminated zones. Cleaning and decontaminating radioactive compromising areas the without health of

soil 3. The famous Canadian spatial

manipulator Canada arm mounted on American spaceships and the new space station remote manipulator system (SSRMS) that is used to assemble the international space station. 4. Mars Rover in 1998 explored the neighbor planet while being

workers was also necessary. Agriculture Robots have also found some applications in agriculture. 1. In Australia a robotic system has been developed for sheep shearing 2. Robots for field sowing 3. Raisin and apple gathering

teleguided from the Earth.

5. Provided an incredible amount of new information about this unknown environment.

Spatial exploration Underwater inspection: Robots are used for under water inspection where human bodies cannot survive

1. Submersible robots have been used for many years to explore sea beds. 2. Rescuing ship-wrecked persons 3. Retrieving black boxes of crashed planes. 4. Exploring deep sea and old wrecks in order to find their secrets. 5. Inspection of the flooded side of dams to detect the cracks 6. Inspect and maintain oil digging platforms painting

3. Re motely controlled robots used to do fun

4. Considered as a very positive and innovative way of evolution in robotics. 5. HONDAS ASIMO is a dancing robot which can interact with

humans. Customer Service Various machines have been developing to serve customers in a semiautomatic or fully automatic way.

Automatic banking Automatic Refueling station.

Arts and Entertainment It is playing with sophisticated toys dedicated for funny applications. 1. Robots that are supposed to do house cleaning 2. AIBO, built by Sony, that have all the nice characteristics of a real dog but Without its obvious disadvantages.

ROBOTIC TELE SURGERY Medical robotics is an active area of research on the application of computers and robotic technology to surgery, in planning and execution of surgical operations and in training of surgeons. Robotic Telesurgery is a promising

minimally invasive in the sense that the surgery is performed with instruments and viewing equipment inserted through small incisions rather than by making a large incision to expose and provide access to the operation site. The main advantage of this technique is the reduced trauma to healthy tissue, which is a leading cause for patients' postoperative pain and long hospital stay. The hospital stay and rest periods, and therefore the procedure costs, can be significantly reduced with MIS, but MIS procedures are more demanding on the surgeon, requiring more difficult surgical techniques.

application of robotics to medicine, aiming to enhance the dexterity and sensation of regular and minimally invasive surgery through using millimeter-scale robotic

manipulators under control of the surgeon. The first generation of surgical robots is already being installed in a number of operating rooms around the world. These aren't true autonomous robots that can perform surgical tasks on their own, but they are lending a mechanical helping hand to surgeons. Robotics is being introduced to medicine because they allow for





dexterity and fidelity during manipulation since most of the manipulation is delicate. Therefore, the design requirements for the teleoperation controllers are significantly different from classical teleoperation

unprecedented control and precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. These machines still require a human surgeon to operate them and input instructions. Remote control and voice activation are the methods by which these surgical robots are controlled.

applications. An important component of the teleoperator design is the quantization of the human operator sensitivity and performance. This is necessary for providing the

specifications of the controller as well as measures to evaluate designs. It is also important to have a control design

Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is a revolutionary surgical technique. It is

methodology which systematically includes these control design.

Here are three surgical robots that have been recently developed:

da Vinci Surgical System ZEUS Robotic Surgical System AESOP Robotic System

da Vinci system consists of two primary components:

Surgeon's view when using the da Vinci Surgical System

A viewing and control console A surgical arm unit In using da Vinci for gallbladder

Sitting at the control console, a few feet from the operating table, the surgeon looks into a viewfinder to examine the 3-D images being sent by the camera inside the patient. The images show the surgical site and the two surgical instruments mounted on the tips of two of the rods. Joystick-like controls, located just underneath the screen, are used by the surgeon to manipulate the surgical instruments. Each time one of the joysticks is moved, a computer sends an electronic signal to one of the instruments, which moves in sync with the movements of the surgeon's hands. It is important to mention at this point that there are other successful medical applications of robotics. These include the ROBODOC system for orthopedic surgery, which is an autonomous robotic system to perform total hip replacement surgery; the

surgery, three incisions -- no larger than the diameter of a pencil -- are made in the patient's abdomen, which allows for three stainless-steel rods to be inserted. The rods are held in place by three robotic arms. One of the rods is equipped with a camera, while the other two are fitted with surgical instruments that are able to dissect and suture the tissue of the gallbladder. Unlike in conventional surgery, these instruments are not directly touched by the doctor's hands.

image guided robotic system for microsurgery and stereo tactic neurosurgery. Advantages of Robotic Surgery In today's operating rooms, you'll find two or three surgeons, an

anesthesiologist and several nurses, all needed for even the simplest of surgeries. Most surgeries require nearly a dozen people in the room. As with all automation, surgical robots will eventually eliminate the need for some of those personnel. Taking a glimpse into the future, surgery may require only one surgeon, an anesthesiologist and one or two nurses. In this nearly empty operating room, the doctor will sit at a computer console, either in or outside the operating room, using the surgical robot to accomplish what it once took a crowd of people to perform. The use of a computer console to perform operations from a distance opens up the idea of tele-surgery, which would involve a doctor performing delicate surgery miles away from the patient. If the doctor doesn't have to stand over the patient to perform the surgery, and can remotely control the robotic arms at a computer station a few feet from the patient, the next step would be performing surgery from locations that are even farther away. If it were possible to use the computer console to move the robotic arms in real-time, then it would be possible for a doctor in California to operate on a patient in New York. A major obstacle in tele-surgery has been the time delay between the doctors moving his or her hands to the robotic arms responding to those movements. Currently, the doctor

must be in the room with the patient for robotic systems to react instantly to the doctor's hand movements. Having fewer personnel in the operating room and allowing doctors the ability to operate on a patient long-distance could lower the cost of health care. In addition to cost efficiency, robotic surgery has several other advantages over

Vinci system has been programmed to compensate for tremors, so if the doctor's hand shakes the computer ignores it and keeps the mechanical arm steady. While surgical robots offer some advantages over the human hand, we are still a long way from the day when autonomous robots will operate on people without human interaction. But, with advances in computer power and artificial intelligence, it could be that in this century a robot will be designed that can locate abnormalities in the human body, analyze them and operate to correct those abnormalities without any human guidance. FUTURE OF ROBOTICS The future developments of Robots can be found in various places. The major among them is in the field of: Medicine: New techniques for Tele surgery will be developed in future for Remote operations and also for complex

conventional surgery, including enhanced precision and reduced trauma to the patient. For instance, heart bypass surgery now requires that the patient's chest be "cracked" open by way of a 1-foot (30.48-cm) long incision. However, with the da Vinci or ZEUS systems, it is possible to operate on the heart by making three small incisions in the chest, each only about 1 centimeter in diameter. Because the surgeon would make these smaller incisions instead of one long one down the length of the chest, the patient would experience less pain and less

bleeding, which means a faster recovery. Robotics also decreases the fatigue that doctors experience during surgeries that can last several hours. Surgeons can become exhausted during those long surgeries, and can experience hand tremors as a result. Even the steadiest of human hands cannot match those of a surgical robot. The da

operations like cardiac surgery. Spatial Exploration: With the

development of computers the power of Robonauts will increase by which spatial exploration can develop. Robots are already

sent into space like the Voyager to Mars and Cassini to Saturn. Development is going in the field of artificial intelligence. This will invoke thinking in Robots which in future will help Man kind in problem solving. Development is going on in the field of nano system which deals with implanting of small chips into human body for early detection of diseases. This can also help in locating a person by GPS technology. CONCLUSION REFERENCE


Robots are going to play a very significant part in our daily life. Like computers in the 20 th century Robots are going to be common house hold items in future. With the development of computers, semiconductor technology Robotics will grow in leaps and bounds. They will find applications in almost all areas and become universal. There are expected times when Robots will over power mankind in future. The ethnicity of providing intelligence to robots is questioned but future is the answer to this question. It is for us to wait and see whether the creators or the creation will rule the world.

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