Shwalktalk (2011.july)

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The Request

Susok looked up at the missionary, shocked at the answer to his question. Susok had hiked through the jungle for days, carrying the simple request of his whole village. Now fear, confusion & anger churned in his heart.

walktalk sh

What do you mean there arent enough missionaries. Is there no one you can send there to teach us? We need someone to come and clear our eyes because our eyes are dark. We have asked many, many times for a missionary and now tribes all around us have missionaries. Even some tribes that are smaller than us. But my people have nothing. Someone must come live there with us. Someone must teach us. We dont know anything about the God you call the creator and I think now that we never will.

Can you Email us?

We would like to be able to send updates, Prayer Letters & Thank Yous by email if possible. Please email us at: if you would be able to receive communication from us by email. This would help us to reduce mailing expenses & be able to give more frequent communication.

Dying That Way Listen to the testimony of a Yembiyembi believer. Brother, it all started with Lawrence dying. I tell you the truth; I have never seen anyone die that way before. Before in this village; anyone who has died has been scared, really scared! You can see it in their eyes. They shake with fear & yell & scream with terror. But not Lawrence! It was amazing to see. He would close his eyes and talk about how he looked forward to seeing Jesus and not having pain anymore. He looked so happy! I could tell he was really a child of God. Brother, I have never seen anyone die like that before and it changed my walk on this earth forever. Now I know Gods talk is really true!

Schwoch Jay & Jonalynn 1000 E 1st St 1 Sanford, FL 3277 jay__schwoch@

George E. Mueller
Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man's power ends.

Probably the biggest news that affects our ministry is the purchase of a newer building here in Sanford to become the new NTM headquarters.

The NTM leadership werent looking at moving but were approached with this opportunity. A larger banking organization recently purchased a local banking company and decided they didnt want to be in the real estate business. With the local economy and real estate market in poor shape, the price for this building is about 30% of what it is worth, roughly $800,000. Since NTM doesnt have those kind of funds on hand, a foundation is actually purchasing the building for NTM at this time until the current property can be sold. It has become harder & harder to keep up with the plumbing & termite problems of our current building (that is used for office space & living quarters) as it gets older. The transition time to move into the newer building could take a couple of years because there are several businesses leasing floor space. Along with this change, the mission is encouraging those of us living in NTM housing to consider the possibility of buying homes. This is a favorable time to buy a home in the Orlando area since the average home has lost about half its value in the last couple of years (& there are homes selling for a fourth of what they were worth several years ago). For those that wont be able to buy a home, the mission is planning on buying apartments & small homes to be used as mission housing. I am projecting that the overall increase in expenses for us to continue renting mission housing will be roughly a $200/month increase over current levels (This is because we will have to pay utilities plus commuting expenses that we currently dont have to pay). Over the last couple of years our monthly support has decreased by about $300/month while our housing & medical premium costs have increased by $350/month. We are currently under 50% of the missions recommended monthly support level. Please pray that the Lord will either provide the extra monthly support needed or a part time job for Jay to be able to pay for the extra monthly expenses. We are asking you to pray that the Lord will make it clear what we are to do at this time. We want to be wise with the time, funds & opportunities that God gives us. Currently we cant afford any monthly housing cost increases (whether we rent or buy) nor do we have any needed funds for a down payment or closing costs needed to purchase a home, but we are fine with that. We have seen how the Lord has provided for our needs in the past; as we went through the training, when we went to Papua New Guinea & now with us down here Florida. We know that He is in control & always provides for what he has planned. We just need to get out of the way & allow Him to work out His perfect plan. Please pray with us as we seek His provision, wisdom & direction at this time. Thank you for your prayers in this area of our lives.

In May, Megan graduated from the New Tribes Bible School in Wisconsin. It was a great time to celebrate with her the completion of all the hard work that she put in over the last two years. She will be part of an intern program next year, helping out at the Bible school. She will continue to drive bus, saving funds for the Missionary Training Center costs that she would like to go to in a year or two (this is the same training center that Amber & Daniel just finished). The summer missions trip that Brittany was planning on going to has changed. She is now going to Costa Rica instead of Mexico. A couple of weeks ago, things basically fell through at the Mexico location, but the church was able to line up a trip to Costa Rica, helping a missionary there with childrens ministries. Please pray that Brittany will be able to find some odd jobs to be able to pay for the increased costs of this trip. Amber & Daniel are now living in Waukesha, WI as their home base for their partnership development time. If you would like to keep up with what is happening with them you can follow their blog at:

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