Joseph and Mary's Journey

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Joseph and Marys Journey

By Kathy Hulick
Thursday, Dec 1, 2011. Recently I was thinking about the birth of the Savior. I thought about Mary and Joseph and what it must have been like for the two of them. In my mind, I walked through the story of the birth of Jesus, as seen through their eyes. This story is what I imagined it would have been like for them. I thought it would be great to read on Christmas Eve, to remind us all of the reason why we celebrate Christmas. I give my permission, as the author, to copy and share this story. Kathy Hulick

Joseph slowly closed the door behind him, pained by what he had to do. Mary? he called. Immediately, she responded. Im in here, Joseph! she called from the bedroom. Joseph entered to see her lying on her side, the sight of her large belly filling him with love and concern for her. Tenderly he knelt beside the bed next to her, taking her hand in his. Are you all right? he asked. She smiled, the weariness showing on her angelic face. Im fine, she assured him, her voice soft and gentle. Im just resting before supper. It will be ready in a few minutes. He looked down. Is something wrong? she asked, suddenly concerned. Im afraid I have some bad news, he said. What is it? Well, I dont quite know how to say this. He paused. Growing more concerned, Mary sat up. Whatever it is, just tell me. I know youre going to have the baby soon, and this will not be an easy thing for you. He paused. Ive just come from the square. There has been a decree from Caesar Augustus. We must travel to the place of our birth to be taxed. As you know, Im from Bethlehem. He let that sink in. Its just bad timing. Mary stared at Joseph in disbelief. How could she make such a journey so close to when the baby would be born? What if she delivered along the way? Then she thought of the trust that the Lord had placed in her. She knew that He was aware of her needs and trusted that He had a plan. Of that, she was sure, for she was carrying His child. Humbly, she bowed her head and slowly nodded. Perhaps it would be better if you stayed here with your mother, Joseph gently suggested. She considered this carefully, then shook her head. The journey would not be easy, she knew, but she also knew that the Lord would protect and watch over them. She needed Joseph with her when the babe was born. Joseph tenderly embraced his espoused wife to comfort her. It will be all right, he promised. I wont let anything happen to you. He would give anything to avoid hurting Mary. I know, she said softly. And the Lord will watch over us on the journey. She held onto him, feeling his strength. When do we leave? She looked up at him with complete trust. After the next Sabbath. Well need to start preparations tomorrow.

She smiled bravely as he kissed her tenderly on the forehead. The next few days flew by, as food, tents, and other provisions were prepared. Joseph worried about Mary and how she would fare on the difficult journey, but trusted in the Lord. The morning that the journey began dawned cool but clear. There were many other travelers also headed to their birthplace to be taxed and the roads were crowded as they started out. Joseph had sold some of his carpenters tools to pay for a donkey for Mary to ride on. The journey would be hard enough as it was, but he just couldnt have her walking so far in her condition. The journey would take about a week, and they hoped to arrive before the Sabbath. The roads were dusty because of so many travelers and soon everything was covered in it. With so many heading the same direction, Mary found other women who were also traveling to keep her company and this helped to pass the time, and keep her mind off her discomfort. Joseph was attentive and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. The days passed by and soon they could see Bethlehem in the distance. It was a welcome sight for both of them. Most of the travelers had already made it to the city, but they had fallen behind, taking it slow and resting often for Mary. It was getting late in the day, and Joseph was hoping to make it to the city by nightfall. Mary rode silently, Joseph walking in front of her. Suddenly Mary cried out and Joseph quickly wheeled around to see what was wrong. Instantly, he knew. By the look on her face, he could tell that the babe was coming, and soon. Are you all right? he asked, full of concern. She nodded, trying to smile, but obviously hiding the pain she was feeling. Joseph looked at the road ahead. It looked to be another hour or two before theyd reach the city. He wondered how long Mary had already been having pains and not telling him. Silently, he prayed O, Lord, help us make it to the city in time. Lead us to a safe place for Mary to deliver Thy son. He quickened his step leading the donkey a little faster. The donkey resisted at first, then gave in and walked more quickly. Time seemed to drag for both Mary and Joseph, and it seemed that they were not getting any closer. Mary bore her pain silently, trying to rest between contractions. Even though this was her first child, she knew it could take many hours before a baby was ready to be born, and she prayed that the Lord would delay his coming till she was safely in the city. She prayed continually that the Lord would help them. Just as the sun was setting, the walls of the city loomed closer. Marys pains were coming closer together now, perhaps every five minutes and she knew it would not be long. She prayed theyd find a place to stay. As they entered the walls of the city, the streets were crowded with travelers. Many had set up tents on the streets, making it even harder to navigate. Josephs main concern was to quickly find an inn where he could make Mary as comfortable as possible. Looking down the narrow streets, he saw an inn and quickly headed that direction. As he tried to enter the door, someone was just coming out. The older, bearded man stared at Joseph, then looked at Mary. He shook his head and said, This inn is full. I just tried and I was turned away. Youd better keep looking. You might have more luck farther into the city. The ones closest to the wall of the city filled first. Crestfallen, Joseph looked down the crowded street. Just then Mary cried out again as another contraction hit. It seemed to be stronger than the previous ones and Joseph knew he was running out of time. He held Marys hand and she squeezed it tightly, trying to remain silent. When it passed, Joseph led the donkey on, heading in the direction the traveler had indicated. The next inn was also full and they were sent on their way. Joseph was getting really worried now and was starting to lose hope that hed find a safe place for his sweet little Mary to

bring the Son of God into the world. He prayed: O, Lord, please help us find a safe place to deliver Thy Son. Just then Joseph looked up to the heavens and, as if in answer, he saw a very bright star almost straight over his head. Never before had he seen a star as bright as this one. He felt as though this was a sign from God that he was being watched over and that everything would be all right. Walking to the next inn on the street, Joseph knocked, hoping this one would have room. A man came to the door and without even looking at Joseph or Mary repeated the phrase hed probably repeated a hundred times already that night. Were full here! Youll have to move on. The man was about to shut the door. In desperation, Joseph stuck his foot in the door. Please, sir! he cried. Weve been all over and all of the inns are full! My wife is about to deliver our first child and we have nowhere to go. The inn keeper turned and looked at Mary, sitting on the donkey. He saw the pain in her eyes and heard her heavy breathing as another contraction struck her. His eyes softened. But.. he said weakly, I have no more room. Joseph stared back pleadingly. There must be somethingeven a small space. Please They stared at one another for a moment. The inn keeper sighed. Well, there is a small stable for the animals around back. Its smelly and not very comfortable, but you can stay there if youd like. He pointed around the side of the inn. Joseph smiled appreciatively. Thank you, sir! We wont be any trouble, I promise! Mary breathed a sigh of relief. As they started to walk toward the back, the man said, Wait! Ill get you a lantern, and went back inside and returned in a moment with a lantern. Joseph took it gratefully then led the donkey around to the back of the inn. In the dim twilight they saw a little building cut out of rough wood, but no matter how humble, they were both so grateful to have a safe haven in which the Lords Son could be delivered. As they entered, they saw a couple of other donkeys, some sheep, and an ox. They found an empty stall with some hay. In a corner, Joseph found some fresh hay and spread it around trying to make a more comfortable place for Mary to lie. Gently he helped her down from the donkey and helped her get comfortable. He found a bucket of water and tried wash his hands as best he could for the task that lay ahead. Marys contractions grew stronger and more frequent and she knew it wouldnt be long now. As the pains of the worst one yet subsided, she took a breath and closed her eyes. Then, she looked up at her dear sweet betrothed husband. He had stood by her when she had told him of the angels visit to her nine months before. She knew he loved her and would always watch over her and the child. Joseph, she said, Im scared. He looked into her eyes and squeezed her hand reassuringly. Youll be all right. The Lord is watching over us. She nodded and said, I know. She paused, looking down, then back into his eyes. But could you give me a blessing? Tenderly he nodded back. Of course, my dear sweet, Mary. Gently laying his hands on her head he spoke words of comfort to her, calling upon the Lord to ease her pain, to give her strength, and to administer promised blessings for her faithful service as His daughter and as the Mother of the Son of God. And then it was time! Mary did the hardest thing shed ever done in her life, giving New Life. Joseph helped Mary through her pain until at last the Savior was delivered. Joseph found some swaddling clothes Mary had brought with her, and wrapped the new-born babe and gently placed the child in her arms. They both stared down at this little miracle. He was perfect in every way! The

Son of God, the Savior of the World, the One foretold for thousands of years was finally here on the earth! Joseph and Mary said a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord, for their safe arrival in Bethlehem, for leading them to shelter, and for the safe delivery of this perfect baby boy. But most of all they thanked Him for sending His son to redeem the world.

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