Executive Summary: Department of Mechanical Engineering

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Executive Summary

Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in the year 2004 with an intake of 60 students. This department has highly qualified and experience faculty members with various specialization. The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipments and machineries in machine shop, fluid mechanics and machinery lab, CAD/CAM lab, Mechatronics lab, dynamics of machinery lab, metrology lab, thermal lab and strength of materials lab. It is proposed to start a PG programme in Manufacturing Technology in the academic year 2011-12. The Institution is accredited by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Cognizant Technologies solution (CTS) for academic collaborations and placement. Vision To be a centre of excellence in Engineering, Technology and Management on par with International standards. Quality policy Muthayammal Engineering College is committed to provide value based education to the students enabling them to excel in the field of Engineering and technology and Management through, Involvement of every individual at all levels Enhancing the competency of the faculty with innovative teaching Inculcating moral and ethical values among the students and staff Maintaining the state-of-the-art infrastructure and academic

learning processes.

standards. Departments Mission Statement values. To impart knowledge through practical approach contribute to the Institution through research. To prepare the students with high professional skills and ethical


To achieve academic excellence through intellectual, emotional To guide and mould the students to face the challenges ahead in To keep the state of art equipment in the department to facilitate

and social stimulation. terms of technology the students to equip themselves far the fast changing world of technology

Faculty The department has 14 well qualified and experienced faculty members including 2 Professors and 4 Assistant Professors. Three faculty members are pursing research leading to Ph.D and one is doing part-time M.E. Faculty development programmes, short term training programmes, workshop and seminar to enhance their knowledge during the last three years 10 faculties are sponsored to attend such programmes. Faculty seminars are in practice to share the knowledge for innovative teaching and research.


Infrastructure The department has well established laboratories such as Basic workshops, lathe shops, special machines lab, fluid mechanics and machinery lab, Heat and Mass transfer lab, Thermal engineering lab, Mechatronics lab, CNC lab, Dynamics lab, CAD lab, Strength of materials lab, Design lab and Project lab.


The laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art equipments catering to the needs of UG and research activities. The department has advanced design and development softwares including MathCAD, MATLAB, ANSYS, PRO-E Wildfire, AUTOCAD, and Fanuc.

Research and Development Members of faculty are actively involved in Research and Development. They have published 12 papers in refereed Journals and 33 papers in National and International conferences during last three years. innovative research work. The computing facility has been created for

Teaching Learning process The faculty formulates the lesson plan well in advance and it is made available to the student in the beginning of the semester. In the class room, for better understanding of the concept, modern teaching aids like charts, OHP, LCD and video clipping are used. In addition to regular curriculum, the students are exposed to the recent developments 57

through guest lectures by experts from industries and reputed institutions. Students are motivated to take seminars on topics of their interest. For the internal assessment, several tests and model examination are conducted. The performance of the students is evaluated at regular intervals and counseled based on the performance. Remedial class and retest are conducted to improve their performance. Parents are regularly informed about their wards progress. The students are motivated to perform additional experiments related to the subject of the current semester. Teaching learning process in improved by the feedback received from the students. Co-curricular and Extra Curricular activities Department has signed MoU with EDISSIA, Erode and DMW-CNC centre, Erode for conducting courses on Pro-E and CNC. ISTE student chapter organized special lectures and symposium catering to the technical knowledge of the student. Several students presented papers on advance topics in various symposiums conducted by other Institutions. In plant training has been arranged for students during summer and winter vacation to have exposure in practical problems. In the past three years, 127 students have undergone inplant training in various industries. Special programmes on Personality development, professional communication and soft skill are organized to develop the professional skills of the students. The students are also motivated to take part in the sports activities in Intra and Inter Collegiate events. The students have also presented four papers in various International Conferences.


Alumni and Placement The department has good rapport with alumni and they are constantly contacted for updating skills of the students. The alumni are also discussed for the improvement of the laboratory facilities and the interaction has shown remarkable development in the department. The alumni is also with Brakes India Limited, L&T InfoTech, TNPL Sashayee paper mill, Eversendai, etc. Profile of Head of Department Dr. P.Suresh has obtained Ph.D Degree from Anna University, Chennai in 2010 under the faculty of Mechanical Engineering. He has completed M.E degree at MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai in 2004. He has published his research finding in 9 Journals and presented 20 papers in National and International conferences. He obtained his BE degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Madras in 1999. He has guided more than 25 UG and 10 PG projects. His areas of interest are Supply Chain Management, Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing Engineering, Logistics Management and Total Quality Management. He is life member of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering (IIIE) and Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT). He has 11 59

years of teaching experience. He has organized many programmes like workshops, symposium and conference as Convener.


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