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XML and XPath with PHP

TobiasSchlitt <>
IPC SE 2009


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About me

Tobias Schlitt <> PHP since 2001 Freelancing consultant Qualied IT Specialist Studying CS at TU Dortmund
(expect to nish this year)

OSS addicted
PHP eZ Components PHPUnit

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And who are you?

What is your name? Where are you from? What is your business? What are your experiences with XML / XPath? What do you expect from this workshop?

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1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

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Overview Terminology The XML tree

2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

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Outline - XML


Overview Terminology The XML tree

2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

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What is XML?

General specication for creating markup languages Data exchange between computer systems
System independent Human readable Most used on the web Successor of SGML

W3C recommendation 1.0 1998 (last update 2008-11-26) 1.1 2004 (last update 2006-08-16)

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XML languages by example


XML variant of the popular HTML Really Simply Syndication Provide news / updates / ... of websites Read by special clients Aggregation on portals / planets Scalable Vector Graphics Describe vector graphics in XML Potentially interactive / animated (via ECMAScript)


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Related technologies - Schemas

Schema A schema denes the structure XML instance documents. XMLSchema Written in XML W3C recommendation Popular 2 syntax variants
XML based Short plain text based


OASIS / ISO standard Popular DTD Plain text W3C recommendation Deprecated

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Related technologies - Querying

Query A query extracts a sub-set of information from a data source. XPath W3C recommendation Navigation in XML documents more on that later... Functional programming language Allows complex queries


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Outline - XML


Overview Terminology The XML tree

2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

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An XML document
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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Element nodes
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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Attribute nodes
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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Atomic value nodes

<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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Document element
<?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> <title lang=en>Beautiful code</title> <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>35.95</price> </book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <year>2007</year> <price currency=Euro>39.95</price> </book> </bookshelf>
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Outline - XML


Overview Terminology The XML tree

2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

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The XML tree

<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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Children I
<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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Children II
<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

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<bookshelf> <book> <book>

id= 1

<title> <author> <author> <year> A. Oram G. Wilson Beautiful lang= code en 2007



currency= Euro

Attribute siblings Attributes are not considered siblings to elements.

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CDATA Avoid the escaping hell in text content.

Without CDATA
<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <h i n t> Some e x a m p l e s make u s e o f &lt;xml&gt; . </ h i n t> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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CDATA Avoid the escaping hell in text content.

<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <h i n t> <![CDATA[ Some e x a m p l e s make u s e o f <xml> . ]]> </ h i n t> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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CDATA Avoid the escaping hell in text content.

The CDATA dilemma

<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <h i n t> <![CDATA[ Some e x a m p l e s show t h e u s a g e o f <![CDATA[ ]]> ]]> </ h i n t> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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CDATA Avoid the escaping hell in text content.

The CDATA dilemma workaround

<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <h i n t> <![CDATA[ Some e x a m p l e s show t h e u s a g e o f <![CDATA[ ]]]]><![CDATA[> ]]> </ h i n t> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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CDATA Avoid the escaping hell in text content.

The CDATA dilemma solution

<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <h i n t> U29tZSBleGFtcGxlcyBzaG93IHRoZSB1c2FnZSBvZiA8IVtDREFUQVsgXV0+ </ h i n t> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

Base 64 in PHP Use the built in functions base64 encode() and base64 decode().

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Comments in XML
<b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> <! . . . more b o o k s . . . > </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Namespaces Allow to avoid naming conicts between dierent XML sources.

Single, default namespace

<b o o k s h e l f x m l n s= h t t p : // e x a m p l e . com/ book > <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Namespaces Allow to avoid naming conicts between dierent XML sources.

Multiple namespaces
<b o o k s h e l f x m l n s= h t t p : // e x a m p l e . com/ book x m l n s : b o o k= h t t p : // e x a m p l e . com/ book x m l n s : d c= h t t p : // p u r l . o r g / dc / e l e m e n t s / 1 . 1 / > <book i d= 1 > < d c : t i t l e b o o k : l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ d c : t i t l e> <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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1 XML 2 XML in PHP

Introductional example Essential classes Practical DOM

XMLReader/-Writer (by example) SimpleXml (by example)

3 XPath

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XML APIs PHP has quite some XML APIs. The most important are:
DOM XMLReader / XMLWriter SimpleXML

Deprecated are:

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Overview - DOM

Document Object Model Standardized API to access XML tree

W3C recommendation Level 1 in 1999 Currently: Level 3 (2004)

Available in many languages

C Java Perl Python ...

Represents XML nodes as objects Loads full XML tree into memory

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Overview - XMLReader/-Writer

Popular approach to access XML data Similar implementations available in

Java C#

Pull / push based Does not load XML fully into memory

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Overview - SimpleXml

Very simple access to XML data Unique (?) to PHP Represents XML structures as objects Initial implementation hackish Loads full XML tree into memory You dont want to use SimpleXML, seriously!

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APIs compared
DOM Read Write Manipulate Full control Namespaces XPath Validate XMLReader/-Writer SimpleXML -


DTD Schema RelaxNG

DTD Schema RelaxNG

Fully supported Supported but not nice Poorly supported - Not supported at all

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Outline - XML in PHP

1 XML 2 XML in PHP

Introductional example Essential classes Practical DOM

XMLReader/-Writer (by example) SimpleXml (by example)

3 XPath

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Outline - DOM

Introductional example

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Getting started
Printing all authors
$dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>l o a d ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e . xml ) ; $ a u t h o r s = $dom>getElementsByTagName ( a u t h o r ) ; foreach ( $authors as $author ) { echo A u t h o r : . $ a u t h o r >n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

Author : Author : Author : Author : A. G. T. K. Oram Wilson Schlitt Nordmann
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Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009)

Outline - DOM

Essential classes

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Purpose Base class for all nodes types (elements, attributes, ...).

Typical tree operations

appendChild() removeChild() replaceChild() hasChildNodes() insertBefore()

Typical tree properties

$parent $childNodes $previousSibling $nextSibling

DOM specic properties

$nodeType $nodeValue $ownerDocument $namespaceURI $prefix $localName
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DOM specic operations

cloneNode() lookupNamespaceURI() lookupPrefix() isDefaultNamespace() normalize()
Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009) XML and XPath with PHP

Purpose Base class for all nodes types (elements, attributes, ...).

Typical tree operations

appendChild() removeChild() replaceChild() hasChildNodes() insertBefore()

Typical tree properties

$parent $childNodes $previousSibling $nextSibling

DOM specic properties

$nodeType $nodeValue $ownerDocument $namespaceURI $prefix $localName
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DOM specic operations

cloneNode() lookupNamespaceURI() lookupPrefix() isDefaultNamespace() normalize()
Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009) XML and XPath with PHP

Purpose Base class for all nodes types (elements, attributes, ...).

Typical tree operations

appendChild() removeChild() replaceChild() hasChildNodes() insertBefore()

Typical tree properties

$parent $childNodes $previousSibling $nextSibling

DOM specic properties

$nodeType $nodeValue $ownerDocument $namespaceURI $prefix $localName
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DOM specic operations

cloneNode() lookupNamespaceURI() lookupPrefix() isDefaultNamespace() normalize()
Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009) XML and XPath with PHP

Purpose Base class for all nodes types (elements, attributes, ...).

Typical tree operations

appendChild() removeChild() replaceChild() hasChildNodes() insertBefore()

Typical tree properties

$parent $childNodes $previousSibling $nextSibling

DOM specic properties

$nodeType $nodeValue $ownerDocument $namespaceURI $prefix $localName
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DOM specic operations

cloneNode() lookupNamespaceURI() lookupPrefix() isDefaultNamespace() normalize()
Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009) XML and XPath with PHP

Purpose Representation of an element (extends node)

Attribute related operations

hasAttribute[NS]() getAttribute[NS]() getAttributeNode[NS]() setAttribute[NS]() removeAttribute[NS]()


Element related operations

getElementsByTagName[NS]() appendChild() (inherited) removeChild() (inherited) replaceChild() (inherited)
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Purpose Representation of an element (extends node)

Attribute related operations

hasAttribute[NS]() getAttribute[NS]() getAttributeNode[NS]() setAttribute[NS]() removeAttribute[NS]()


Element related operations

getElementsByTagName[NS]() appendChild() (inherited) removeChild() (inherited) replaceChild() (inherited)
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Purpose Representation of an element (extends node)

Attribute related operations

hasAttribute[NS]() getAttribute[NS]() getAttributeNode[NS]() setAttribute[NS]() removeAttribute[NS]()


Element related operations

getElementsByTagName[NS]() appendChild() (inherited) removeChild() (inherited) replaceChild() (inherited)
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Purpose Representation of a XML document

Creation methods
createAttribute[NS]() createElement[NS]()

Load /save methods

load/save() load/saveHTMLFile()

Element retrieval methods

getElementsByTagName[NS]() getElementById()

$documentElement $documentURI $preserveWhitespace $formatOutput $doctype $xmlVersion $xmlEncoding $recover (not DOM!)

Misc operations
registerNodeClass() validate() schemaValidate() relaxNGValidate()

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Purpose Representation of a XML document

Creation methods
createAttribute[NS]() createElement[NS]()

Load /save methods

load/save() load/saveHTMLFile()

Element retrieval methods

getElementsByTagName[NS]() getElementById()

$documentElement $documentURI $preserveWhitespace $formatOutput $doctype $xmlVersion $xmlEncoding $recover (not DOM!)

Misc operations
registerNodeClass() validate() schemaValidate() relaxNGValidate()

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Purpose Representation of a XML document

Creation methods
createAttribute[NS]() createElement[NS]()

Load /save methods

load/save() load/saveHTMLFile()

Element retrieval methods

getElementsByTagName[NS]() getElementById()

$documentElement $documentURI $preserveWhitespace $formatOutput $doctype $xmlVersion $xmlEncoding $recover (not DOM!)

Misc operations
registerNodeClass() validate() schemaValidate() relaxNGValidate()

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Purpose Representation of a XML document

Creation methods
createAttribute[NS]() createElement[NS]()

Load /save methods

load/save() load/saveHTMLFile()

Element retrieval methods

getElementsByTagName[NS]() getElementById()

$documentElement $documentURI $preserveWhitespace $formatOutput $doctype $xmlVersion $xmlEncoding $recover (not DOM!)

Misc operations
registerNodeClass() validate() schemaValidate() relaxNGValidate()

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Purpose Representation of a XML document

Creation methods
createAttribute[NS]() createElement[NS]()

Load /save methods

load/save() load/saveHTMLFile()

Element retrieval methods

getElementsByTagName[NS]() getElementById()

$documentElement $documentURI $preserveWhitespace $formatOutput $doctype $xmlVersion $xmlEncoding $recover (not DOM!)

Misc operations
registerNodeClass() validate() schemaValidate() relaxNGValidate()

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Purpose Collection of DOMNodes (elements, attributes, ...). Iteratable. Operations


f o r ( $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ a u t h o r s >l e n g t h ; ++$ i ) { echo A u t h o r : . $ a u t h o r s >i t e m ( $ i )>n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

foreach ( $authors as $author ) { echo A u t h o r : . $ a u t h o r >n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

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Purpose Collection of DOMNodes (elements, attributes, ...). Iteratable. Operations


f o r ( $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ a u t h o r s >l e n g t h ; ++$ i ) { echo A u t h o r : . $ a u t h o r s >i t e m ( $ i )>n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

foreach ( $authors as $author ) { echo A u t h o r : . $ a u t h o r >n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

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Outline - DOM

Practical DOM

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Reading XML I

$dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>l o a d ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e . xml ) ; $ r o o t = $dom>documentElement ; echo Document i s a . $ r o o t >tagName . \n ;

$ b o o k s = $ r o o t >getElementsByTagName ( book ) ;

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Reading XML II
Reading II
f o r e a c h ( $ b o o k s a s $book ) { echo Book w i t h ID . $book>g e t A t t r i b u t e ( i d ) ; f o r e a c h ( $book>getElementsByTagName ( p r i c e ) a s $price ) { echo c o s t s . $ p r i c e >n o d e V a l u e . . $ p r i c e >g e t A t t r i b u t e ( c u r r e n c y ) . \n ; } }

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Reading XML III

Document i s a b o o k s h e l f Book w i t h ID 1 c o s t s 3 5 . 9 5 Euro Book w i t h ID 2 c o s t s 3 9 . 9 5 Euro

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Create XML I

$dom = new DOMDocument ( 1 . 0 , UTF8 ) ; $dom>f o r m a t O u t p u t = t r u e ; $ r o o t = $dom>a p p e n d C h i l d ( $dom>c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( d v d s h e l f ) ); $dvd = $ r o o t >a p p e n d C h i l d ( $dom>c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( dvd ) );

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Create XML II
Creating II
$dvd>s e t A t t r i b u t e ( i d , 1 ) ; $dvd>a p p e n d C h i l d ( $dom>c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( t i t l e , S t a r Trek ) ); $dom>s a v e ( s o u r c e s / d o m c r e a t e . xml ) ;

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> < d v d s h e l f> <dvd i d= 1 > < t i t l e >S t a r Trek</ t i t l e > </ dvd> </ d v d s h e l f>

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Manipulate XML I

Source XML
<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 >< t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e> <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> <p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Manipulate XML II

$dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>f o r m a t O u t p u t = t r u e ; $dom>l o a d ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e w e i r d f o r m a t . xml , LIBXML NOBLANKS );

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Manipulate XML III

Manipulating II
$ r o o t = $dom>documentElement ; $newBook = $ r o o t >a p p e n d C h i l d ( $dom>c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( book ) ); $newBook>s e t A t t r i b u t e ( i d , 2 ) ; $newBook>a p p e n d C h i l d ( $dom>c r e a t e E l e m e n t ( t i t l e , eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h ) ); $dom>s a v e ( s o u r c e s / d o m m a n i p u l a t e . xml ) ;

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Manipulate XML IV
<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> <book i d= 2 > < t i t l e >eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h</ t i t l e > </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Outline - XML in PHP

1 XML 2 XML in PHP

Introductional example Essential classes Practical DOM

XMLReader/-Writer (by example) SimpleXml (by example)

3 XPath

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Reading XML I

$ r e a d e r = new XMLReader ( ) ; $ r e a d e r >open ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e . xml ) ; w h i l e ( $ r e a d e r >r e a d ( ) ) { i f ( $ r e a d e r >nodeType !== XMLReader : : ELEMENT ) { continue ; }

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Reading XML II
i f ( $ r e a d e r >l o c a l N a m e === book ) { echo Book w i t h ID . $ r e a d e r >g e t A t t r i b u t e ( i d ) ; } i f ( $ r e a d e r >l o c a l N a m e === p r i c e ) { echo c o s t s . $ r e a d e r >r e a d S t r i n g ( ) . . $ r e a d e r >g e t A t t r i b u t e ( c u r r e n c y ) . \n ; } }

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Reading XML III

Book w i t h ID 1 c o s t s 3 5 . 9 5 Euro Book w i t h ID 2 c o s t s 3 9 . 9 5 Euro

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Create XML I

$ w r i t e r = new XMLWriter ( ) ; $ w r i t e r >o p e n U r i ( s o u r c e s / x m l w r i t e r c r e a t e . xml ) ; $ w r i t e r >s e t I n d e n t S t r i n g ( $ w r i t e r >s e t I n d e n t ( t r u e ) ; );

$ w r i t e r >s t a r t D o c u m e n t ( 1 . 0 , UTF8 ) ; $ w r i t e r >s t a r t E l e m e n t ( d v d s h e l f ) ;

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Create XML II

Creating II
$ w r i t e r >s t a r t E l e m e n t ( dvd ) ; $ w r i t e r >w r i t e A t t r i b u t e ( i d , 1 ) ; $ w r i t e r >w r i t e E l e m e n t ( t i t l e , S t a r Trek ) ; $ w r i t e r >e n d E l e m e n t ( ) ; // <dvd> $ w r i t e r >f l u s h ( ) ; $ w r i t e r >e n d E l e m e n t ( ) ; // <d v d s h e l f > $ w r i t e r >endDocument ( ) ;

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Create XML III

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Outline - XML in PHP

1 XML 2 XML in PHP

Introductional example Essential classes Practical DOM

XMLReader/-Writer (by example) SimpleXml (by example)

3 XPath

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Reading XML I

$xml = s i m p l e x m l l o a d f i l e ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e . xml ) ; foreach ( { echo . . . . . } $xml>book a s $book ) Book w i t h ID $book [ i d ] costs $book>p r i c e . $book>p r i c e [ c u r r e n c y ] \n ;

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Reading XML II

Book w i t h ID 1 c o s t s 3 5 . 9 5 Euro Book w i t h ID 2 c o s t s 3 9 . 9 5 Euro

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Create XML I
$xml = new S i m p l e X m l E l e m e n t ( <d v d s h e l f ></d v d s h e l f > ) ; $xml>a d d C h i l d ( dvd ) ; $xml>dvd [0]> a d d A t t r i b u t e ( i d , 1 ) ; $xml>dvd [0]> a d d C h i l d ( t i t l e , S t a r Trek ) ; $xml>asXML ( s o u r c e s / s i m p l e x m l c r e a t e . xml ) ;

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 ?> < d v d s h e l f><dvd i d= 1 >< t i t l e >S t a r Trek</ t i t l e ></ dvd></ d v d s h e l f>

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1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

Overview Basics In depth

Axis Predicates

XPath in action
Namespaces in RDF pQuery

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53 / 102

Outline - XPath

1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

Overview Basics In depth

Axis Predicates

XPath in action
Namespaces in RDF pQuery

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XPath Enables you to select information parts from XML documents. Traverse the XML tree Select XML nodes W3C recommendation Version 1: November 1999 Version 2: January 2007 Fields of application
XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language Transformations) Fetching XML nodes within programming languages

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XPath Enables you to select information parts from XML documents. Traverse the XML tree Select XML nodes W3C recommendation Version 1: November 1999 Version 2: January 2007 Fields of application
XSLT (XML Stylesheet Language Transformations) Fetching XML nodes within programming languages

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XML example reminder

<b o o k s h e l f> <book id=1> < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> <book id=2> < t i t l e l a n g= de >eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h</ t i t l e> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 9 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

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Introductory example
<b o o k s h e l f> <book id=1> < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> <book id=2> < t i t l e l a n g= de >eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h</ t i t l e> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 9 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

2 variants to fetch all books

/ b o o k s h e l f / book // book

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Introductory example
<b o o k s h e l f> <book id=1> < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <author>A. Oram</author> <author>G. Wilson</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> <book id=2> < t i t l e l a n g= de >eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h</ t i t l e> <author>T. Schlitt</author> <author>K. Nordmann</author> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 9 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> </ b o o k s h e l f>

2 variants to fetch all authors

/ b o o k s h e l f / book / a u t h o r // a u t h o r

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Outline - XPath

1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

Overview Basics In depth

Axis Predicates

XPath in action
Namespaces in RDF pQuery

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Every XPath expression matches a set of nodes (0..n) It encodes an address for the selected nodes Simple XPath expressions look similar to Unix le system addresses Two generally dierent ways of addressing are supported Absolute addressing
/ b o o k s h e l f / book / t i t l e / b o o k s h e l f / book / a u t h o r

Relative addressing
book / a u t h o r ../ title

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Every expression step creates a new context The next is evaluated in the context created by the previous one Contexts
/ b o o k s h e l f / book / t i t l e

/ resets the context to global bookshelf selects all <bookshelf> elements in the global context / creates a new context, all children of <bookshelf> book selects all <book> elements in this context / creates a new context, all children of selected <book>s title selects all < title > elements in this context A set of all title element nodes.
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Select attributes Prepend the attribute name with an @. Select all currency attributes
/ b o o k s h e l f / book / p r i c e / @ c u r r e n c y

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Navigation Navigation is not only possible in parent child direction. Navigate to parent
../ / b o o k s h e l f / book / t i t l e / . . / a u t h o r

Navigate to descendants
// t i t l e / b o o k s h e l f / book // @ c u r r e n c y

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Access nodes by position It is possible to access a specic node in a set by its position. Indexing
/ b o o k s h e l f / book [ 2 ] / b o o k s h e l f / book / a u t h o r [ 1 ]

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Access nodes by position It is possible to access a specic node in a set by its position. Indexing
/ b o o k s h e l f / book [ 2 ] / b o o k s h e l f / book / a u t h o r [ 1 ]

Start index Indexing generally 1 based Some Internet Explorer versions start with 0

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Wildcard search A wildcard represents a node of a certain type with arbitrary name. Wildcards
/ b o o k s h e l f // t i t l e / b o o k s h e l f / book /@

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Union Union the node sets selected by multiple XPath expressions. Union
/ b o o k s h e l f / book / t i t l e | / b o o k s h e l f / book / a u t h o r

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A rst PHP example

Querying rst book title
$dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>l o a d ( s o u r c e s / e x a m p l e . xml ) ; $ x p a t h = new DOMXPath( $dom ) ; $ t i t l e s = $xpath >q u e r y ( / b o o k s h e l f / book [ 1 ] / t i t l e ) ; echo T i t l e o f f i r s t book i s . $ t i t l e s >i t e m ( 0 )>n o d e V a l u e . \n ;

T i t l e o f f i r s t book i s B e a u t i f u l c o d e

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Second PHP example

Querying all currencies
// . . . $ c u r r e n c i e s = $xpath >q u e r y ( // p r i c e / @ c u r r e n c y ) ; echo F o l l o w i n g c u r r e n c i e s o c c u r : \ n ; foreach ( $ c u r r e n c i e s as $currency ) { echo $ c u r r e n c y >n o d e V a l u e . \n ; }

Following c u r r e n c i e s occur : Euro Euro
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Outline - XPath

1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

Overview Basics In depth

Axis Predicates

XPath in action
Namespaces in RDF pQuery

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

accessing a node by index

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

You already saw examples

accessing a node by index

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

You already saw examples

accessing a node by index

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

You already saw examples

accessing a node by index

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

You already saw examples

accessing a node by index

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XPath syntax
4 axis: An XPath query consists of steps Each step consists of:
1 2 3

an axis a node test a predicate

child (default) attribute (@) descendant-or-self (//) parent (..)

Node tests:
name of the node (default) wildcard (*)

You already saw examples

accessing a node by index

Step syntax
<a x i s >::< n o d e t e s t >[< p r e d i c a t e >]

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Outline - In depth


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13 dimensions Imagine an XML document to be a 13 dimensional space... Axis ancestor ancestor-or-self attribute child descendant descendant-or-self following following-sibling namespace parent preceding preceding-sibling self
Tobias Schlitt (IPC SE 2009)


@ //


2009-05-29 71 / 102

XML and XPath with PHP


Axis syntax
<a x i s n a m e >::< n o d e t e s t >

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Axis syntax
<a x i s n a m e >::< n o d e t e s t >

Child axis
/ b o o k s h e l f / book c h i l d : : b o o k s h e l f / c h i l d : : book

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Axis syntax
<a x i s n a m e >::< n o d e t e s t >

Descendant-or-self axis
// book d e s c e n d a n t or s e l f : : book

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Axis syntax
<a x i s n a m e >::< n o d e t e s t >

Attribute axis
// book / @id d e s c e n d a n t or s e l f : : book / a t t r i b u t e : : i d

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Axis syntax
<a x i s n a m e >::< n o d e t e s t >

Parent axis
// book / @id / . . d e s c e n d a n t or s e l f : : book / a t t r i b u t e : : i d / p a r e n t : : node ( )

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Ancestor axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// t i t l e / a n c e s t o r : :

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Ancestor axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// t i t l e / a n c e s t o r : :

Selected XML nodes

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <bookshelf> <book id=1> < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </book> <! . . . > </bookshelf>

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Following axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// book / f o l l o w i n g : :

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Following axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// book / f o l l o w i n g : :

Selected XML nodes

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <! . . . > </ book> <book id=2> <title lang=de>eZ Components - Das Entwicklerhandbuch</title> <! ... > </book> </ b o o k s h e l f>
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Following-sibling axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// book / f o l l o w i n g s i b l i n g : :

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Following-sibling axis
XPath with ancestor axis
// book / f o l l o w i n g s i b l i n g : :

Selected XML nodes

<? xml v e r s i o n= 1 . 0 e n c o d i n g=UTF8 ?> <b o o k s h e l f> <book i d= 1 > < t i t l e l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ t i t l e > <! . . . > </ book> <book id=2> < t i t l e l a n g= de >eZ Components Das E n t w i c k l e r h a n d b u c h </ t i t l e > <! . . . > </book> </ b o o k s h e l f>
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Namespace axis
XPath with namespace axis
namespace : :

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Namespace axis
XPath with namespace axis
namespace : :

XML with namespaces

<b o o k s h e l f xmlns= xmlns:book= xmlns:dc= > <book i d= 1 > < d c : t i t l e b o o k : l a n g= en > B e a u t i f u l c o d e</ d c : t i t l e> <a u t h o r>A . Oram</ a u t h o r> <a u t h o r>G . W i l s o n</ a u t h o r> <y e a r>2007</ y e a r> < p r i c e c u r r e n c y= Euro >3 5 . 9 5</ p r i c e> </ book> </ b o o k s h e l f>
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Outline - In depth


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Predicate syntax

You already saw indexing with numeric predicates Predicates can also be booleans Functions and operators allow ne grained tests Predicate syntax
<n o d e t e s t >[< p r e d i c a t e >]

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Predicate examples
Select all books with ID 1
// book [ @id = 1 ]

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Predicate examples
Select all books that have any attribute at all
// book [ @ ] // book /@ / . .

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Predicate examples
Select all books with price round 40
// book [ r o u n d ( p r i c e ) = 4 0 ]

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Predicate examples
Select all authors with rst name initial T
// book / a u t h o r [ s u b s t r i n g ( . , 1 , 1 ) = T ]

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Operator overview
Mathematical operators +, , div mod Addition, subtraction, multiplication Division Modulo operation

Comparison operators = != <, <= >, >= Check for equality Check for inequality Less than and less than or equal Greater than and greater than or equal

Logical operators or and Logical or Logical and

Logical negation not() is a function in XPath!

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Operator overview
Mathematical operators +, , div mod Addition, subtraction, multiplication Division Modulo operation

Comparison operators = != <, <= >, >= Check for equality Check for inequality Less than and less than or equal Greater than and greater than or equal

Logical operators or and Logical or Logical and

Logical negation not() is a function in XPath!

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Operator overview
Mathematical operators +, , div mod Addition, subtraction, multiplication Division Modulo operation

Comparison operators = != <, <= >, >= Check for equality Check for inequality Less than and less than or equal Greater than and greater than or equal

Logical operators or and Logical or Logical and

Logical negation not() is a function in XPath!

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Operator overview
Mathematical operators +, , div mod Addition, subtraction, multiplication Division Modulo operation

Comparison operators = != <, <= >, >= Check for equality Check for inequality Less than and less than or equal Greater than and greater than or equal

Logical operators or and Logical or Logical and

Logical negation not() is a function in XPath!

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Functions by example
String functions string-join() Concatenates 2 strings substring() Extracts a part from a string Node set functions count() Returns number of nodes in a set position() Returns the position index of each node Boolean functions not() Negates the received boolean expression true() Boolean true Mathematical functions round() Rounds the given number to the next integer oor() Returns the next integer smaller than the given number Function overview An overview on all functions can be found on
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Functions by example
String functions string-join() Concatenates 2 strings substring() Extracts a part from a string Node set functions count() Returns number of nodes in a set position() Returns the position index of each node Boolean functions not() Negates the received boolean expression true() Boolean true Mathematical functions round() Rounds the given number to the next integer oor() Returns the next integer smaller than the given number Function overview An overview on all functions can be found on
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Functions by example
String functions string-join() Concatenates 2 strings substring() Extracts a part from a string Node set functions count() Returns number of nodes in a set position() Returns the position index of each node Boolean functions not() Negates the received boolean expression true() Boolean true Mathematical functions round() Rounds the given number to the next integer oor() Returns the next integer smaller than the given number Function overview An overview on all functions can be found on
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Functions by example
String functions string-join() Concatenates 2 strings substring() Extracts a part from a string Node set functions count() Returns number of nodes in a set position() Returns the position index of each node Boolean functions not() Negates the received boolean expression true() Boolean true Mathematical functions round() Rounds the given number to the next integer oor() Returns the next integer smaller than the given number Function overview An overview on all functions can be found on
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Functions by example
String functions string-join() Concatenates 2 strings substring() Extracts a part from a string Node set functions count() Returns number of nodes in a set position() Returns the position index of each node Boolean functions not() Negates the received boolean expression true() Boolean true Mathematical functions round() Rounds the given number to the next integer oor() Returns the next integer smaller than the given number Function overview An overview on all functions can be found on
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Outline - XPath

1 XML 2 XML in PHP 3 XPath

Overview Basics In depth

Axis Predicates

XPath in action
Namespaces in RDF pQuery

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82 / 102

Outline - XPath in action

Namespaces in RDF

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Find all namespaces in an RDF document

RDF Resource Description Framework Semantic web Makes heavy usage of dierent namespaces Complex variant
/ / [ name ( . ) = r d f : D e s c r i p t i o n ] / [ namespaceu r i ( . ) != namespaceu r i ( . . ) and namespaceu r i ( . ) != and namespaceu r i ( . ) != namespaceu r i ( p r e c e d i n g sibling ::) ]

Simpler variant
/ / [ name ( . ) = r d f : D e s c r i p t i o n ] / n a m e s p a c e s : :

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Find all namespaces in an RDF document

RDF Resource Description Framework Semantic web Makes heavy usage of dierent namespaces Complex variant
/ / [ name ( . ) = r d f : D e s c r i p t i o n ] / [ namespaceu r i ( . ) != namespaceu r i ( . . ) and namespaceu r i ( . ) != and namespaceu r i ( . ) != namespaceu r i ( p r e c e d i n g sibling ::) ]

Simpler variant
/ / [ name ( . ) = r d f : D e s c r i p t i o n ] / n a m e s p a c e s : :

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Outline - XPath in action


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Cool JavaScript framework Allows selecting HTML elements by CSS selectors

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Little example class Models a tiny bits of jQuery, using


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Example HTML
<html> <head> < t i t l e>Some w e b s i t e</ t i t l e> </ head> <body> <h1>Some h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> Some n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l c l a s s= i n t e r n a l >c o n t e n t</a >. </p> <h1 i d= s e c o n d >Second h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> More n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l >c o n t e n t</a> . </p> </ body> </ html>

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r e q u i r e p q u e r y / p q u e r y . php ; $dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>f o r m a t O u t p u t = t r u e ; $dom>loadHTMLFile ( . . / e x a m p l e . h tm l ) ; $q = new pQuery ( $dom ) ; $q>q u e r y ( h1#s e c o n d ) ; $q>a d d C l a s s ( s o m e c l a s s ) ; $dom>saveHTMLFile ( . . / p q u e r y s i m p l e . ht m l ) ;

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The pQuery class

c l a s s pQuery { p r o t e c t e d $dom ; protected $context ; p r o t e c t e d $xpath ; public function c o n s t r u c t ( DOMDocument $dom ) { $ t h i s >dom = $dom ; $ t h i s >c o n t e x t = a r r a y ( $dom>documentElement ) ; $ t h i s >x p a t h = new DOMXPath( $dom ) ; } // . . .

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Issueing a query
// . . . p u b l i c f u nc t i o n query ( $ s t r i n g ) { $ x p a t h = $ t h i s >c r e a t e X P a t h ( $ s t r i n g ) ; echo Q u e r y i n g w i t h XPath $ x p a t h . \ n ; $ n e w C o n t ex t = a r r a y ( ) ; f o r e a c h ( $ t h i s >c o n t e x t a s $node ) { $ n o d e L i s t = $ t h i s >xpath >q u e r y ( $xpath , $node ) ; f o r e a c h ( $ n o d e L i s t a s $newNode ) { $n e w Co nt ext [ ] = $newNode ; } } $ t h i s >c o n t e x t = $ ne w C on tex t ; } // . . .
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Creating XPath
// . . . protected f u n c t i o n createXPath ( $ s t r i n g ) { $ p a r t s = explode ( , $ s t r i n g ) ; $xpath = array () ; foreach ( $par ts as $part ) { $ x p a t h [ ] = $ t h i s >c r e a t e S i n g l e X P a t h ( $ p a r t ) ; } r e t u r n implode ( | } // . . . , $xpath ) ;

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Creating XPath part I

// . . . protected function { $parts = p r e g ((#|\.) ) $string , 1, PREG SPLIT ); $ x p a t h = // ; // . . . createSingleXPath ( $string ) split ( ,


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Creating XPath part II

// . . . i f ( count ( $ p a r t s ) < 3 ) { $ x p a t h .= $ s t r i n g ; } else { $ x p a t h .= $ t h i s >c r e a t e S e l e c t o r ( $ p a r t s ) ; } r e t u r n $xpath ; } // . . .

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Creating selector
// . . . protected function c r e a t e S e l e c t o r ( array $parts ) { switch ( $parts [ 1 ] ) { case . : return $parts [0] . [ contains ( @class , . $parts [ 2 ] . ] ; break ; c a s e # : return $parts [0] . [ @id = . $ p a r t s [ 2 ] . break ; } } }

] ;

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Adding a class I
// . . . public function addClass ( $ c la s s ) { f o r e a c h ( $ t h i s >c o n t e x t a s $node ) { i f ( $node>nodeType !== XML ELEMENT NODE ) { continue ; } i f ( ! $node>h a s A t t r i b u t e ( c l a s s ) ) { $ c l a s s e s = array () ; } else { $ c l a s s e s = explode ( , $node>g e t A t t r i b u t e ( c l a s s ) ); } // . . .
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Adding a class II
// . . . i f ( ! in array ( $class , $classes ) ) { $classes [] = $class ; } $node>s e t A t t r i b u t e ( class , implode ( , $ c l a s s e s ) ); } } // . . .

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Simple example
r e q u i r e p q u e r y / p q u e r y . php ; $dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>f o r m a t O u t p u t = t r u e ; $dom>loadHTMLFile ( . . / e x a m p l e . h tm l ) ; $q = new pQuery ( $dom ) ; $q>q u e r y ( h1#s e c o n d ) ; $q>a d d C l a s s ( s o m e c l a s s ) ; $dom>saveHTMLFile ( . . / p q u e r y s i m p l e . ht m l ) ;

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Simple example result

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC //W3C//DTD HTML 4 . 0 T r a n s i t i o n a l //EN h t t p : / /www . w3 . o r g /TR/RECh t m l 4 0 / l o o s e . d t d > <html> <head> <meta h t t p e q u i v= Content Type c o n t e n t= t e x t / ht ml ; c h a r s e t= UTF8> < t i t l e>Some w e b s i t e</ t i t l e> </ head> <body> <h1>Some h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> Some n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l c l a s s= i n t e r n a l >c o n t e n t</a >. </p> <h1 i d= s e c o n d c l a s s= s o m e c l a s s >Second h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> More n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l >c o n t e n t</a> . </p> </ body> </ html>
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Advanced example
r e q u i r e p q u e r y / p q u e r y . php ; $dom = new DOMDocument ( ) ; $dom>f o r m a t O u t p u t = t r u e ; $dom>loadHTMLFile ( . . / e x a m p l e . h tm l ) ; $q = new pQuery ( $dom ) ; $q>q u e r y ( h1 a . i n t e r n a l ) ; $q>a d d C l a s s ( c o o l c l a s s ) ; $dom>saveHTMLFile ( . . / p q u e r y a d v a n c e d . ht m l ) ;

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Advanced example result

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC //W3C//DTD HTML 4 . 0 T r a n s i t i o n a l //EN h t t p : / /www . w3 . o r g /TR/RECh t m l 4 0 / l o o s e . d t d > <html> <head> <meta h t t p e q u i v= Content Type c o n t e n t= t e x t / ht ml ; c h a r s e t= UTF8> < t i t l e>Some w e b s i t e</ t i t l e> </ head> <body> <h1 c l a s s= c o o l c l a s s >Some h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> Some n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l c l a s s= i n t e r n a l c o o l c l a s s > c o n t e n t</a> . </p> <h1 i d= s e c o n d c l a s s= c o o l c l a s s >Second h e a d l i n e</h1> <p> More n i c e <a h r e f= t e s t . ht m l >c o n t e n t</a> . </p> </ body> </ html>
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The end
Thank you for listening! Are there any questions left? I hope you learned what you expected? Contact me: Tobias Schlitt <> Enjoy the conference!

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The end
Thank you for listening! Are there any questions left? I hope you learned what you expected? Contact me: Tobias Schlitt <> Enjoy the conference!

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The end
Thank you for listening! Are there any questions left? I hope you learned what you expected? Contact me: Tobias Schlitt <> Enjoy the conference!

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The end
Thank you for listening! Are there any questions left? I hope you learned what you expected? Contact me: Tobias Schlitt <> Enjoy the conference!

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The end
Thank you for listening! Are there any questions left? I hope you learned what you expected? Contact me: Tobias Schlitt <> Enjoy the conference!

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