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The Thunder

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1. Alif Laam Miim Raa. Those are the signs of the book. And that which is sent down to you from your Fosterer is the truth, but the majority of human beings does not believe.

2. It is Allah Who raised the skies (heavenly bodies) without any support which you see, then set the balance on the throne (of the universe), and He compelled the sun and the moon (to follow His laws), each one moves fast till an appointed time. He governs the affair. The signs are explained in detail by Him that you may be certain of meeting your Fosterer.

3. And He it is Who stretched the earth { 1 } and made in it mountains { 2 } and rivers. And of every fruit in it, He has made pairs of two. He covers the night over the day. In that there are certainly signs for a people who reflect.

4. And in the earth there are neighboring tracts, and gardens of grapes and fields sown with corn and date palms, having one root and (others) having distinct roots, watered with one water. And We have made some to excel others in fruit. In that there are certainly signs for a people who understand.

5. And if you would wonder, then wonderful is their saying, What! When we become (part of the) soil (after our death) shall we indeed be (created) in a new creation? Those are the persons who do not believe in their Fosterer and those will have chains in their necks and those are the inhabitants of the fire, they will stay therein.



The Thunder

6. And they ask you to hasten on the evil before the good, when there have been exemplary punishments before them. And your Fosterer is certainly Protectively Forgiving to mankind (inspite) of their being unjust and your Fosterer (at the same time) is certainly Severe in requiting (evil). 7. And those who do not believe say, Why has not a sign been sent down to him from his Fosterer? You are only a warner and for every people there is a guide. (R1) 8. And Allah knows that which every female bears and that which the wombs absorb and that which they grow; and with Him, everything is according to a programme.

9. Knower of the unseen and the seen, the Great, the Most High. 10. He who speaks secretly from among you and he who speaks openly and he who hides himself in the night and (he who) goes forth in the day time, are all equal (to Him). 11. For him there are (angels) following him closely, before him and behind him, protecting him by the command of Allah. Allah certainly does not change (the condition) in which a people are, until they change that which is in their souls. And when Allah intends evil for a people then there is no turning it back, and besides Him there is no guardian for them.

12. He it is Who shows you the lightning (causing) fear and hope and He produces the heavy clouds.

13. And the thunder glorifies Him with His praise and the angels (too), because of His fear; and He sends the thunder-bolts, then strikes with it whom He wills, and they dispute about Allah while He is Severely Powerful.

14. To Him is due the real prayer (for help), and those to whom they pray (for help) besides Him, do not respond to them in



The Thunder

anything but like one who stretches his hands towards water that it may reach his mouth but it does not reach it. And the prayer of the infidels (is nothing) but in vain, (being fruitless).

15. And to Allah bows down whoever (and whatever) is in the skies and the earth willingly and unwillingly and their shadows (too), in the mornings and the evenings.

16. Say, Who is the Fosterer of the skies and the earth? Say, Allah. Say, Then do you take guardians besides Him, who do not have the power to benefit or harm (even) their own selves? Say, Are the blind and the seeing equal or is the darkness equal to light. Or do they assign partners for Allah who have created as He has created, so that the creation (of Allah and theirs appear) similar to them? Say, Allah is the Creator of everything and He is the One, the Omnipotent.

17. He sends down water from the sky which flows in valleys according to its programme, so that the torrent bears (on its surface) a swelling foam, and from that which they melt in fire for making ornaments or things (of utility, rises) a foam similar to it, thus Allah strikes (a comparison between) the truth and the falsehood. So as for the foam it passes away as useless froth and as for that which is useful to mankind, it remains in the earth. Thus does Allah (explain by) striking examples. 18. It is good for those who respond to their Fosterer, and those who do not respond to Him, (even) if they had all that is in the earth and the like thereof with it, they would offer it as ransom, for such persons there is an evil accountability and their settling place is hell and it is an evil place of habitation. ( R 2, P12 )

19. Then, is he who knows, that what is sent down to you from your Fosterer is the truth, like him who is blind? Only men


of understanding will mind,

The Thunder

20. those who fulfill the agreement with Allah and do not break the pledge, 21. and those who join that which Allah has commanded to be joined and fear their Fosterer and are afraid of an evil accountability,

22. and those who are patient seeking the Attention of their Fosterer and establish worship (salat) and spend from that which We have provided them, secretly and publicly and turn off evil with good. For such persons there will be the final (good) home,

23. gardens of ever lasting bliss which they will enter along with those who were righteous from among their parents (forefathers) and their spouses and their descendants. And the angels will enter on them from every gate (saying), 24. Peace be on you because of your patience, so (for them is) happiness of the final (good) home. 25. And those who break the agreement of Allah after having pledged it, and cut off that which Allah has commanded that it should be joined, and cause corruption in the earth, for such persons there will be the curse and for them will be the evil home. 26. Allah enlarges the provision for whom He wills and straitens (it for whomever and whenever He wills). And they are happy with the life of this world and the life of this world, compared to the hereafter, is nothing but (temporary) enjoyment. (R3)

27. And those who do not believe say, Why is not a sign sent down on him from his Fosterer? Say, Allah certainly leaves in error whom He wills and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him),



The Thunder

28. those who believe and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of Allah. Beware! Hearts do find peace in the remembrance of Allah.

29. Those who believe and do righteous works, for them is pleasing good and a beautiful place of return. 30. Thus We have sent you to a community, before whom other communities have passed away, that you may read to them that which We have communicated to you, yet they do not believe in the Beneficent (Allah). Say, He is my Fosterer, there is no god except Him, in Him do I put my trust and to Him do I turn.

31. And if there were a Quran, with which mountains could be moved or with which the earth could be cleaved asunder or with which the dead could be made to speak (even then they would not have believed). No! The command is wholly Allahs. Then, do not those who believe know, that if Allah had willed He would have guided the whole of mankind? And as for those who do not believe, disaster will not cease to afflict them because of that which they do or it will alight near their houses until the promise of Allah comes to pass, Allah certainly does not go against His promise. ( R 4 )

32. And messengers were certainly mocked at before you, but I gave (sufficient) time to those who did not believe, then I caught them. How then was my requital (of evil)? 33. Then, is He, Who is established on every soul (so as to know) that which it earns, (like those who are powerless)? And they appoint partners for Allah. Say, Name them. Or do you wish to inform Him about (something) which He does not know in the earth? Or (is your polytheism just an) expression of words (and nothing else)? No! Their plans are made to appear fair seeming to those who do not believe and they are turned away from the way, and whom



The Thunder

Allah leaves in error, then for him there is no guide. 34. For them there is punishment in the life of this world and the punishment of the hereafter is more painful, and they will have no defender against Allah. 35. The likeness of the garden which is promised to those who guard (against evil): rivers flow beneath it, its food is everlasting and (also) its shade. That is the end of those who guard (against evil) and the end of the infidels is the fire. 36. And those whom We gave the book are happy because of that which is sent down to you. And from among the parties, is he who does not recognise a part of it. Say, I am commanded that I should serve only Allah and that I should not associate partners with Him. Towards Him do I invite and towards Him is my return. 37. And thus have We sent it down (as) a judgment in Arabic, and if you follow their desires after the knowledge which has come to you, (then) you will not have any guardian or defender against Allah. (R5)

38. And We had sent messengers before you, and We had given to them wives and off spring; and it was not in (the power of) a messenger to bring a sign without the permission of Allah. For every term (period) there is a prescription (book).

39. Allah abolishes what He wills and keeps established (what He wills) and with Him is the original prescription (book). 40. And whether We make you see something of that which We have promised them or We take you back (cause you to die), on you then, is (incumbent) only the conveyance (of the message) while on Us (it is to take) the account. 41. Or do they not see that We certainly give the earth its reduction from its borders { 3 }. And (when) Allah



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commands none can reverse His command and He is Quick at (settling) the account. 42. And those before them did indeed plan, but the planning is wholly Allahs (consequently) He knows what every soul earns. And the infidels will come to know, for whom is the final (good) home. 43. And those who do not believe say, You are not a messenger. Say, Allah is sufficient as a Witness between me and you along with him with whom is the knowledge of the book. ( R 6) Summarized Commentary
Chapter 13 (Revealed at Makkah)

Vs 1 The majority of human beings does not believe that the Quran is the truth sent down by Allah (SWT). Vs 2 We do not see any hooks or pillars on which heavenly bodies weighing in millions of tones are supported. They freely float in space. A rotational motion keeps the individual members of the planetary system in equilibrium against the gravitational pull of the sun. In the case of a star, the explosions due to nuclear reactions are counter acted by the implosive force of its gravity. On the universal scale, there is a balance between the run away expansion of various groups of galaxies and a violent collapse due to the increasing force of mutual gravitation. This is how the heavenly bodies, freely suspended in space, follow the orders of Allah (SWT) which we call laws of nature. Vs 3 According to the Theory of continental drift, about 250 million years ago, the earths surface consisted of a single large continent (Pangaea) and the rest of the earths surface was covered by the Panthalassa Ocean. Later on this single continent, Pangaea, split into two land masses, Laurasia in the north and Gondwanaland

in the south which subsequently broke into several continents. These then drifted away to their present positions. Even today these continents appear to fit as a Jig saw puzzle. This is how the earth was stretched. Making of mountains is mentioned immediately after drifting continents when two land masses approach each other, the sediments at the bottom of the ocean between them, get compressed and sometimes rise above the sea level as mountains. A good example of this is the Himalayan mountains which rose from the bottom of the ocean Tythus due to compression of India towards Tibet. In Arabic the word Mursaha is used for anchoring of ships. The anchor is dropped into the ocean and it rests on the bottom under water, when the ship is to move, it is lifted above the sea level. The word Rawasiya from the same root alphabets used formountains could mean those mountains, the material of which was originally deposited in water as sediments and later lifted up, i.e. the Sedimentary Mountains. This is how Allah (SWT) has explained the whole process of sedimentary mountain formation through one


word,. Rawasiya. These and other natural phenomenae provide proofs of the existence and powers of Allah (SWT) Vs 4 The top layer of the earth known as soil, differs from place to place being suitable for various kinds of vegetation but all the plants are watered with the same water. In taste and nutritive values, all plants and their fruits differ, some excelling others. People who understand i.e. scientists should appreciate this and believe in the existence and powers of Allah (SWT). Vs 5 Inspite of being made to reflect on the unimaginable powers of Allah (SWT) through His existing creation, infidels doubt their being raised after death, therefore they will be punished. Vs 6 Allah (SWT) can protectively forgive the unjust or severely punish them, all depends on His will. Vs 7 A messenger is a warner and a guide, showing miracles depends upon the will of Allah (SWT). Vs 810 Details of the knowledge of Allah (SWT) are given. Vs 11 See 6:61 for protection and monitoring by angels. When the whole community changes internally, then only Allah (SWT) changes their condition. Therefore, propagation of Quran and Hadees is essential for the welfare of the community. No one or nothing can resist Allah (SWT) and there is no guardian besides Him. Vs 1213 In lightning, there is fear of getting burnt and hope of rain. Yunshiu can be translated as He produces or He develops or He raises high etc. Allah (SWT) produces and develops heavy clouds by raising water vapor from the surface of oceans, rivers etc. One has to appreciate the selection of words for explaining natural phenomenae. Clouds are

The Thunder
heavy and so voluminous that even big cities are flooded when they are converted to rain. Such vast volumes of clouds are miraculously suspended in space against gravity.Barq (lightning) is light energy, Sawaaiq (thunder bolts) are due to electrical energy and Raad (thunder) is sound energy. Is the emission of light and sound their glorification and praising of Allah (SWT)? In some earlier translations of the Quran, a Hadees is quoted without reference that Raad i.e. thunder is an angel; Angels too praise and glorify Allah (SWT) 2:30, 13:13, therefore they too appear to be energies or incharges of energies as suggested earlier 2:30. Angels reside in the sky and are sent down to earth 53:26, 17:95 executing various orders of Allah (SWT) as His servants 43:19. There are numerous angels and they bow down before Allah fearing Him (SWT) 16:49, glorifying and praising Him 2:30, 13:13 bearing witness of His unity that there is no god except Him 3:18. They are capable of receiving information, knowledge and communication from Allah (SWT) and conveying His messages to human beings selected by Him, in this sense they too are messengers of Allah (SWT) like human being 2:30 and 32, 8:12, 22:75, 35:1 etc. Such messengers were sent to Zakariyya (PBH) 3:39, Maryam (PBH) 3:42-45, Ibrahim (PBH) 15:53 Lut (PBH) 11:81 etc. Angels can be transformed to appear like human beings as in the case of Ibrahiim (PBH) and Lut (PBH) 11:69-83, 6:9. Human beings too can be transformed into angels, if Allah (SWT) wills 43:60. Angels are associated with Jibriil (PBH) The Ruuh and come down with him with the messages of Allah (SWT) 16:2 and also during Lailat-ul-Qadr (27th Ramadan) for all affairs 97:4. Derivatives of the root alphabets also mean power 7:188, control 23:88, master or owner 3:26, king 12:43 etc. In view of these meanings the word Malaaaik translated as Angels could also mean Energies or Power. Angels were ordered to bow down before Adam (PBH) but Iblis was questioned for his not bowing down 7:11-12 although he is a jinn, 18:50. This


indicates that the word Malaaaik, at least here, conveys the meaning of energies because Iblis is not an angel, still he was included in the order. All energies in the form of angels bowed down before Adam (PBH) except the evil energy in the form of the devil or Iblis. The sole reason for the scientific and technological progress of man control on various energies. If this control on energies granted by Allah (SWT) by making all angels (energies) to bow down before Adam (PBH) or man is withdrawn by Him, the whole building of Scientific and Technological progress would collapse and probably the whole human race would perish. Angels praise, glorify obey the orders of and bow down before Allah (SWT) out of reverence for Him which He alone deserves. Their bowing down before man cannot therefore be due to reverence, it could just mean their exhibition of obeying the orders of Allah (SWT) to come under the control of man in the form of various energies so that he could use them for his advancement, their does not appear to be any other concrete reason for the angels to bow down before man in addition to their bowing down before Allah (SWT). This indicates that the whole scientific and technological progress of man is the gift of Allah (SWT) and not his achievement, his achievement would be to bring under control the evil energy of the devil which refused to surrender before him because this is the only way he can enter paradise. On the contrary many men have surrendered to the devil who will lead them to hell. Angels have the capability of lifting weight 2:248 which again hints that they possess energy. They record human deeds 50:17-18, 82:10-11, protect and monitor them 13:11, ask for protective forgiveness of those on earth 42:5, shower mercy on the believer 33:43, descend on them with good news 41:30-32, help 3:125 and influence them 8:12. They shower mercy on prophet Muhammed (PBH) 33:56. They curse and punish the infields 2:161, 8:12 and bring about disaster 15:63. They cause to die 32:11, 16:32, 8:50.

The Thunder
They ascend towards Allah (SWT) in a period which is 50,000 yrs 70:4 and will come down with Him on the day of resurrection to stand in ranks along with Jibriil (PBT) 78:38. On the day of judgment they will be around the throne of Allah (SWT) glorifying and praising Him 69:1618, 39:75, they will console the believers 21:103 and welcome them to paradise 13:23-24, 39:73. Many angels are incharge of hell too 39:71-72, 66:6, 74:31. We are required to believe in their existence and functions given in the Quran 2:285. The Quran gives information about the functions or duties of angels but does not give any information about their form and the substance from which they were created. Hazrat Aysha (R.A.) quotes the prophet (PBH) as saying, Angels have been created from Nuur [Reported by Muslim]. Angels could therefore be regarded as beings composed of some form of radiant energy or Incharges of various energies in the universe whom we cannot perceive through our physical sense but who exert their influence on us without our being conscious of it, just like x-rays which penetrate the human flesh but do not impart any feeling to the human being concerned. Angels are thus beings the effect of whose work is visible but they themselves are not visible. Vs 14 No one can help except Allah (SWT). Vs 15 Everything in the Universe bows down before Allah (SWT) i.e. obeys His orders or follows His laws known as Laws of Nature. In this sense even the infidels helplessly and involuntarily follow the laws of nature like being influenced by the gravity of the earth, urge to eat and drink etc though voluntarily they do not bow down to Him, 22:18. Its a law of nature that opaque bodies cast shadows. In the evening the shadows lengthen to end in night and in the morning, they shorten giving rise to day. Vs 1617 Questions are asked to make people think and then come out with answers. Everything other than Allah (SWT) is His creation and nothing from the creation deserves


to be elevated to the rank of the Creator, which obviously means that There is no god except Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) is the truth and what people worship besides Him is falsehood that will pass off like froth. Vs 1825 The qualities of those who respond to the message of Allah (SWT) and those who do not, are given along with the result. Vs 26 There are many highly qualified people who do not earn enough money to support their families while on the other hand, there are many illiterates who earn in lakhs. Some people work very hard to earn their livelihood while others enjoy life through the wealth they inherited from their forefathers without putting in any effort. This clearly proves that earning of wealth is not in accordance with ones qualification or labour but in accordance with the will of Allah (SWT) He makes whomever He wills rich and whomever He wills poor. The enjoyment of the infidels in the life of this world is temporary while the enjoyment of the believers in the hereafter is ever lasting. Vs 2729 The demand for a miracle is repeated by those whom Allah (SWT) has left in error. He guides towards Himself those who turn to Him while believing and whose hearts find peace in His remembrance. Its a rule that hearts are at peace when Allah (SWT) is remembered or kept in mind, for such people who also do righteous deeds there is paradise. Vs 3032 Muhammed (PBH) had communicated the Quran to his community and declared that There is no god except Allah (SWT) Even if miracles were performed through the Quran, the infidels would not believe because guidance too depends on the will of Allah (SWT), they will be punished for their evil deeds and rejecting the messengers of Allah (SWT).

The Thunder
Vs 3335 Allah (SWT) does not have any partner, the polytheists are in error and they will be punished whereas the pious will be in paradise. Vs 36 Muhammed (PBH) is asked to declare that he is free from polytheism. Vs 37 Judgment is to be based on the Quran and not on human desires. Vs 38 Messengers of Allah (SWT) had wives and children like other human beings and it was not in their power to perform miracles, Allah (SWT) had performed miracles through them. From Musa (PBH) to Isa (PBH) Torah was to be followed as the Divine law from Isa (PBH) to Muhammed (PBH) Injeel was to be followed and from Muhammed (PBH) till the end of the world the Quran is to be followed as Divine law. Every community has a term, the end of which is already recorded. Vs 39 Allah (SWT) has a book or a record in which He has written down or recorded all things and all events. This does not mean that He cannot change what He has written down as destiny. He can abolish whatever He wills to and retain whatever He wills to as He has power over everything 2:20. Vs 41 This may refer to the contraction of the earths crust while cooling from a very hot molten state to the present condition and beyond. Even today the major portion of the earths interior is hot and in a molten state. Vs 42 Allah (SWT) knows the plans of everyone because the whole planning is His, He has already recorded all events 13:39. Vs 43 Muhammed (PBH) does not need a certificate for his messenger ship from the infidels, Allah (SWT) and those who possess correct knowledge of Divine books are sufficient as witness.



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