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The Rocky Tract


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,, the Merciful. 1. Alif Laam Raa. Those are the signs of the book and a Quran that makes things clear. ( P 13 ) 2. Those who do not believe will often wish that they had been Muslims. 3. Leave them eating and enjoying and let (false) hope amuse them, but they will come to know. 4. And We did not destroy any city but at the known prescription (of the time which was destined) for it (earlier). 5. No community can advance (the time of) its term (for destruction) nor can it postpone (it). 6. And they say, O you on whom the reminder has been sent down! You are certainly possessed by a jinn. 7. Why do you not come to us with the angels, if you are of the truthful ones? 8. We do not send down the angels except with the truth and then they would not be given time. 9. We have certainly sent down the reminder and We are its Custodians. 10. And We had indeed sent (messengers) before you to the ancient sects. 11. And there did not come to them a single messenger but they mocked at him. 12. Thus do We make it to enter the hearts of the criminals. 13. (So) they (too) will not believe in it, and this (has been) the procedure of the ancients (who) have passed away.



The Rocky Tract

14. And even if We had opened on them a gate of the sky so that they could keep on ascending in it, 15. they would only say, Our eyes are intoxicated. No! We are people influenced by magic. (R1) 16. And We have made galaxies {1} in the sky and adorned it for those who see. 17. And We have protected it from every driven away devil, 18. except him who steals a hearing, so a clear flame* follows him. 19. And the earth We have stretched it and We have put in it (sedimentary) mountains and caused to grow in it everything balanced (in due proportion). 20. And We have made for you means of livelihood therein, and for him (too) for whom you are not the providers. 21. And there is not a single thing but with Us are treasures of it and We do not send it down but in a known measure (according to a programme). 22. And We send the winds fertilizing, then We send down water from the sky and We provide it to you for drinking and you are not the storers of it. 23. And certainly, it is We Who bring to life and cause to die and We are the Inheritors. 24. And We indeed know those of you who have (lived and) gone before (you) and We indeed know those who are (yet) to come. 25. And your Fosterer will certainly gather them (all), He is certainly Wise, Knowing. (R2) 26. And We had created man from mud containing black particles # (which were) processed { 2 }.

* Probably a meteorite. # Probably carbon compounds 341


The Rocky Tract

27. And the jinn We had created earlier from a fiery heat wave. 28. And when your Fosterer said to the angels, I am creating man { 3 } from mud containing black particles (which were) processed, 29. so when I set him up in equilibrium and blow into him of My spirit, then fall bowing down to him. 30. So the angels bowed down all of them together, 31. except Iblis, he refused to be with those who bowed down. 32. He (Allah) said, O Iblis! What is your reason for your not being of those who bowed down? 33. He (Iblis) said, I am not one to bow down to man whom You created from mud containing black particles (which were ) processed. 34. He said, Then get out of it, for you are certainly driven away, 35. and there is certainly a curse on you till the day of judgment. 36. He said, My Fosterer! So give me time till the day they are raised. 37. He said, So you are of those who are given time 38. till the day, the timing of which is known. 39. He said, My Fosterer! Because You have removed me from the way, I will definitely make (evil) fair seeming to them in the earth and I will definitely remove all of them from the way (leading to paradise), 40. except Your servants among them who exclusively (serve You). 41. He said, "This (path of My servants) is the path (leading) straight to Me. 42. You will certainly not have any authority on My servants, except him who follows you from among those who are removed from the way (leading to paradise), 43. and hell is certainly the promised place for all of them. 44. There are seven gates for it, for each of these (gates) there will be an assigned portion. (R3)



The Rocky Tract

45. And those who guard (against evil) will certainly be in the midst of gardens with water springs. 46. (It will be said to them), Enter them in peace, being secure. 47. And We will remove whatever of ill feeling would be there in their hearts, (they will be like) brothers, (sitting) on couches, facing each other, 48. toil will not touch them therein nor will they be sent out from there. 49. Inform My servants that, I am certainly the Protectively Forgiving, the Merciful, 50. and (also) that, My punishment is certainly a painful punishment. 51. And inform them about the guests of Ibrahim, 52. when they entered in his presence and said, Peace. He said, We are certainly afraid of you. 53. They said, Do not be afraid, we (have come to) give you the good news of a son possessing knowledge. 54. He said, Do you give me the good news when old age has effected me? Then what is it about which you give me good news? 55. They said, We give you the good news in truth, so do not be of those who despair? 56. He said, And who despairs of the mercy of his Fosterer except those who are astray. 57. He said, Then what is your (other) business O you messengers? 58. They said, We are sent towards a criminal people, 59. except the family of Lut, we will certainly save all of them, 60. except his wife." We had destined that she should be of those who are to be left behind. (R4) 61. So when the messengers came to the family of Lut,



The Rocky Tract

62. he said, "You are a people whom (we) do not recognise." 63. They said, "No! We have come to you with that about which they used to doubt, 64. and we have come to you with the truth and we are certainly truthful. 65. So go away with your followers during part of the night, and (you) follow behind them and do not let anyone of you turn round, but go to the place to which you are commanded." 66. And We decided (and revealed) that affair to him, that the roots of these (people who are to be left behind) will be cut off by the morning. 67. And the people of the city came rejoicing. 68. He said, "They are certainly my guests so do not defame me 69. and fear Allah and do not disgrace me." 70. They said, "Did we not forbid you from (speaking on behalf of everyone in) the worlds?" 71. He said," These are my daughters (for marriage), if you are to do (anything)." 72. By your life! They were certainly blindly wandering in their intoxication. 73. So the loud cry seized them at morning. 74. Thus We made their (city) turn upside down and rained on them porous stones of baked clay*. 75. In that there are certainly signs for those who understand signs. 76. And the (city) is on the existing road. 77. In that there are certainly signs for those who believe. 78. And the inhabitants of the jungle were also unjust, 79. so We inflicted retribution on them and certainly, both (the cities) are on the open road (seen) clearly. (R5) 80. And the inhabitants of Al Hijr (The Rocky Tract) denied the messengers. 81. And We sent to them Our signs but they turned away from them. *Probably volcanic debris.



The Rocky Tract

82. And they used to carve out houses in the mountains (for their) security. 83. So the loud cry seized them at morning. 84. So that which they used to earn was of no use to them. 85. And We did not create the skies and the earth and that which is between them both, but in reality. And the hour of doom is certainly coming, so overlook, overlooking in a good manner. 86. Your Fosterer is certainly the Creator Who knows. 87. And We have given you seven of the frequently repeated (verses of chapter one) and the great Quran. 88. Do not strain your eyes (by looking) towards that which We have given for enjoyment to some groups among them, and do not grieve over them and lower your wing to the believers. 89. And say," I am certainly a clear warner." 90. Like that We will send down (the punishment) on the dividers, 91. who made the Quran into parts (accepting some and rejecting other parts). 92. So by your Fosterer, We will definitely question all of them 93. regarding that which they used to do. (P 13 ) 94. So proclaim that which you are commanded to (proclaim) and turn away from the polytheists. 95. We are certainly sufficient for you against those who mock (at you), 96. those who set up another god with Allah, they will come to know. 97. And We indeed know that your heart is straitened due to that which they say, 98. so glorify by praising your Fosterer and be of those who prostrate. 99. And serve your Fosterer till that which is certain comes to you. (R6)



The Rocky Tract

Summarized Commentary
Chapter 15 (Revealed at Makkah)

Vs 1 The Quran makes things clear. Part 14 Vs 23 The infidels will regret not having accepted Islam, therefore they are to be left alone in their enjoyment. Vs 45 Every Community has a fixed time for its destruction. Vs 68 Some infidels thought that the Quran was not revealed to prophet Muhammed (PBH) by Allah (SWT) but he was possessed by the jinn and therefore demanded that he should come with the angels to prove that the Quran was revealed to him by Allah (SWT), but had the angels been sent, the infidels would have been destroyed. Vs 9 Allah (SWT) has sent down the Quran and He protects it, therefore nothing can be reduced from it or added to it. Vs 1015 Earlier messengers too were mocked at by the criminals, even if miracles are shown, the infidels will not believe in the Quran. Vs 16 Burooj means strong rooms constructed on the walls of forts for guarding those living inside. Other words from the same root alphabets also convey the sense of exhibition, exposing, big stars etc. the Arabic equivalent of star is Najam, therefore Burooj in this verse may refer to galaxies which contain billions of stars which are individually not visible to the naked eye because of very long distances, the galaxy as a whole appearing externally like a big star. It is estimated that there are about 150 billion galaxies in the observable

universe. Vs 1718 Abu Hurairah (R.A) reports that the messenger of Allah (SWT) had said, When Allah (SWT) issues any order to the angels in the sky, they lay down their wings with humility due to fear of His statement. After sometime when the fear passes out from their hearts then one asks another, What did the Fosterer say? The other says, Whatever He said is truth. During this period the devils form a chain from the earth to the sky and are alert to listen to the statements of the angels. The top most devil, if he hears something, passes it on to his next devil, this process is repeated and the news reaches the earth. The last devil on earth informs this to a soothsayer or magician. The soothsayer mixes up hundred lies with the truth and informs people. When the event fore told by the soothsayer takes place his disciples say, On such and such a day, our master had said such a thing and it happened, though this is the same statement which the devil had heard (from the angels) and run away with it. And some time it happens that before snatching away the statement, the devil who steals the statement encounters a flame and he runs away before hearing something or after hearing something, but gets burnt before revealing it to his companion [Bukhari Translated from the Hadees in urdu reported inTafseer-i-Bayan-usSubhaanby S.A.Dayam Jalali P.1267 (para 14)]. Shahaab might be a meteorite or a burning piece of a star at very high temperature. The temperatures in the interior of stars are in millions of degrees Celsius. The devils and jinn have been created from fire, heat waves etc 7:12, 15:27, 55:15. They influence us 6:129, 41:29, 72:6 but we do not feel intense heat. This means that the temperature of the heat energy from



The Rocky Tract

because both of them would become angels or immortals after eating from it. They thus fell into the trap and ate from the tree on account of which their shame became manifest to them and they started covering themselves with the leaves of the garden. Before eating from the tree they were not conscious of their shame probably like animals. Due to their disobedience they were sent out of the garden probably with the curse that some of you will be the enemies of others 7:2025. Then on their repentance Allah (SWT) forgave them and communicated to them that guidance to lead life in the earth would come to them from Him, so whoever follows this guidance he will neither have fear nor grief and those who reject it will be the inmates of hell 2:37-39. Thus Adam (PBH) and his progeny were made successors or rulers of the earth 2:30, 6:166 to establish the legislation of Allah (SWT) which came from time to time through different messengers sent to different nations. The final Divine message containing laws to establish the kingdom of Allah (SWT) was the Holy Quran and the last messenger of Allah (SWT) Muhammed (PBH) 33:40 was sent to the whole mankind till the end of this world. The descendants of Adam (PBH) i.e. human beings other than Adam and Hawwa (PBT) were created from Turab, Nutfa, Alaqa 22:5 and sulaalatim-min-tiin 23:12. Turaab is the top soil 2:264 and sulaalatim-mintiin means something taken out from clay probably meaning plant nutrients. We eat plants as well as the cattle who also eat plants. This food supplies the material for the synthesis of sperm and egg in man and woman respectively. Creation of man from the soil and extraction from clay would mean the material from which the sperm and egg were created and on which human beings depend for their later survival too. How were the first human beings Adam and Hawwa, the first parents created? The answer to this question is given in the Quran as follows:............ and He (Allah) began the creation of man (Insaan i.e. Adam) from clay (tiin) then made

which they have been created is such that our bodies do not feel it. Our material bodies can be punished with material objects like hunters, canes, swords, bullets etc. similarly it might be possible to punish the devils and jinn with flames and in the hell 7:38, 7:179 where temperatures might be very high like that in stars. Vs 1925 See Ch 13. Vs 3. The raw materials, we use as food grown through rain water and for producing end products of our utility have been created by Allah (SWT) according to a set programme. The natural laws we follow in converting the raw materials to end products have also been laid down by Allah (SWT) and this process (industrialization) has provided opportunities for employment of practically the whole humanity. The credit of this again goes to Allah (SWT) because all human capabilities too are His gifts. He brings us to life and causes us to die knowing the first human being to the last human being and He will gather the whole humanity on the day of resurrection and the day of judgment for giving an account of their deeds on the basis of which people will be sent to paradise or hell. Vs 2644 Adam (PBH): All human beings have been created from one male and one female 49:13 Adam and his wife Hawwa (PBT) 7:27, 4:1. Allah (SWT) taught Adam (PBH) the names of all things i.e. imparted knowledge to him 2:31, blew into him from His spirit 15:29 and made the angels (or incharges of energies) to bow down before him. Iblis, a Jinn 18:50, did not bow down before him considering himself superior to him, Adam was created from clay (matter) and Iblis from fire (energy) 7:11-12. Adam (PBH) was warned that the devil (Iblis) is an enemy of man and he may drive him and his wife out of the comfortable garden 20:117 where Adam and Hawwa (PBT) were asked to stay but with the prohibition of going near a particular tree 2:35. Adam (PBH) not only forgot this prohibition but also had no determination in him 20:115 and was therefore misled by the devil who deceived and tempted them both to eat from the forbidden tree, stating that Allah (SWT) had forbidden that tree



The Rocky Tract

All powerful 2:20 and when He intends anything He just says Be and it is 16:40. Adam and Hawwa (PBT) were asked to go down (Ahbituu) from the garden 2:38. Words associated with Ahbituu are used in the Quran for going down of someone by himself or falling down of something by itself from a higher place on earth to a lower level on earth itself 2:61, 2:74, 11:48. Therefore the garden refered to above appears to have been on earth itself but at a higher altitude. The garden from which Adam and Hawwa (PBT) were sent down appears to be different from the garden of paradise because it is presently unseen 19:61. In view of this it appears that Adam (PBH) was created from clay (tiin) fraction of the mud (salsaal) taken from the top soil (turaab) of the earth. If the verses 20:55, 53:32 and 71:17-18 in which the creation, production and growth of mankind from earth is mentioned, also includes Adam (PBH), it further supports the assumption that Adam (PBH) was created from the material belonging to the earth and the garden from which he was sent out along with Hawwa (PBH) was also on earth. Allah (SWT) has not mentioned clearly the manner in which He created Adam and Hawwa (PBT), and we cannot know it unless He informs us 2:255. He has kept it a secret. It is therefore better to leave it as secret compared to making erratic guesses. He said, Be and they were there 2:117, 16:40.
Abwab: The singular and plural forms of these alphabets mean doors (of a room which can be closed) 12:23, (entering through) the gate 4:154, door of severe punishment (adversity) 23:77, gates of everything (prosperity) 6:44. In paradise angels will enter from every gate 13:23, gates of paradise will be kept open for those who guard against evil 38:50, hell has seven gates 15:44, gates of the sky will not be opened for the deniers and the proud and they will not enter paradise until the camel passes the eye of the needle 7:40 [This indicates that paradise is beyond the earth somewhere in the sky] Gates of the sky are

his progeny from something taken out (sulaalah) from the (seminal) fluid (which is ) weakened after vigour (sperm and egg) 32:7-8. O mankind! fear your Fosterer Who created you from a single soul (Adam) and created from it, its mate (Hawwa) and spread from these two many men and women 4:1. It is clear that creation of Adam and Hawwa (PBT) was not from the sperm and egg as in the case of their progeny. The creation of Adam (PBH) was from clay 38:71, mud 15:28 etc. These facts indicate that Adam (PBH) did not have parents like us. It is very clear from the Quran that Allah (SWT) adopts two methods in bringing things into existence. 1. Through gradual and progressive changes as in the case of the birth of normal human beings 22:5, 23:12-14 and 2. Abrupt or instantaneously a) Creation of a snake from the wooden staff of Musa (PBH) 7:107-108 b) Creation of a live bird from the form a bird moulded in clay (tiin), a miracle performed through Isa (PBH) 3:44-49 c) transformation of sinning human beings into apes and pigs 2:65, 5:60, 7:166. These abrupt changes are known as Miracles because they appear to be against all known laws of nature. Miracles are performed only by Allah (SWT) mostly through his messengers, for whom they are proofs of their messengership. No one else can perform such miracles going against the laws of nature except Allah (SWT) who has not only framed these laws but can also break them, its a challenge and a miracle cannot be explained scientifically. The birth of normal human beings is in accordance with normal laws of nature framed by Allah (SWT). It is possible that Adam (PBH) was created from mud, clay etc like the live bird created from clay through Isa (PBH) 3:45-49. The creations of Adam and Hawwa (PBT) appears to be miracles defying all the known laws of nature as we have understood them. Isa (PBH) was created without a father 3:47, Adam and Hawwa (PBH) appear to have been created without a father and a mother. This is not difficult for Allah (SWT) because He is



The Rocky Tract

Vs 8084 Punishment of the people of Saleh (PBH) is mentioned. Vs 8586 The universe is real and not an illusion, it has been created by Allah (SWT), Who knows everything, to test human beings 11:7 Vs 87 According to a saying of Prophet Muhammed (PBH) narrated by Abu Hurrairah (R.A) and reported by Bukhari The seven of the frequently repeated are the seven verses of the first chapter of the Quran Al Faatiha. Vs 8889 Allah (SWT) has given some people things which are items of enjoyment in this world, Prophet Muhammed (PBH) is asked not to look towards these things nor to grieve over their neglecting Islam but to incline and pay his attention to the believers. Vs 9093 These verses may refer to those people who accept part of the Quran which suits them and reject the rest. Some people believe in Allah (SWT) but not in life after death 23:7390. Some people do not believe in all messengers 4:150. Vs 9499 Prophet Muhammed (PBH) is asked to proclaim Islam openly without bothering about the polytheists because Allah (SWT) is sufficient to help him against them. Then instructions are given to glorify and praise Allah (SWT) bowing down before Him and to serve Him till death.

opened for water to pour forth (as rain) 54:11. In 24:43 it is stated ...... so you see the rain coming out of the spaces in between them these spaces are probably referred to as gates. On the day of decision when it is blown into the trumpet (or the structure of the universe) the sky will be opened so that it will become gates 78:17-19. A door or a gate is an opening for entering or going out of an enclosed space, something becoming gates would mean that there would be no enclosure, there will be only an open space. This probably refers to the collapsing of the universe 21:104. Vs 4548 The pleasant life of pious people in paradise is described. Vs 4950 We should always keep in mind that Allah (SWT) is not only Protectively Forgiving and Merciful, but also One Whose punishment is painful. Vs 5160 Details of Ibrahim (PBH), see Commentary Ch.16 Vs.120 - 123. Vs 61-77 Details of the destruction of the People of Lut (PBH), who were involved in grave sins like homosexuality, are given. Vs 7879 Punishment of the people of Shuaib (PBH) is mentioned.



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