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C 51


The Scatterers

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1. By the scatterers, scattering, 2. then those bearing heaviness, 3. then those moving easily, 4. then those distributing the affair (or command) {1}, 5. that which you are promised is certainly true, 6. and the judgment will certainly take place. 7. By the sky possessing ways{2}, 8. you are certainly differing in word (opinions). 9. He is turned away from the (truth), who (himself) turns away. 10. Slain be the liars, 11. those who are heedless in ignorance. 12. They ask, When is the day of judgment? 13. The day on which they will be punished over the fire, 14. (it will be said), "Taste your punishment, this is what you sought to be hastened." 15. Those who had guarded (against evil) will certainly be in gardens and springs, 16. taking that which their Fosterer gives them. Before that they certainly used to be doers of good. 17. It was (only) a small (part) of the night (during) which they used to sleep, 18. and they used to ask for protective forgiveness at dawns, 19. and in their wealth there was a right (i.e. a portion) for him who begged and for him who was prevented (from begging). 20. And in the earth there are signs for those who are certain, 21. and in yourselves (too). Will you not then see? 22. And in the sky is your provision and that which you are promised. 23. So by the Fosterer of the sky and the earth, it is certainly a truth similar (to the truth) that you speak. (R 1)


C 51

The Scatterers

24. Has the story of the honoured guests of Ibrahim come to you? 25. When they entered upon him then said, Peace. He said, Peace, people not recognisable. 26. Then he went towards his people and brought a (roasted) fat calf, 27. and set it near them (and) said, Will you not eat? 28. So he conceived a fear due to them. They said, Do not fear, and they gave him the good news of (the birth of) a boy possessing knowledge. 29. At (this news) his wife came forward in (a state of wonder), shouting and striking her face, and said, (How can I have a child when I am) a barren old woman? 30. They said, Thus (it will be), says your Fosterer. He is certainly the Wise, the Knowing. ( P 26 ) 31.He said, Then what is your affair (for which you have been sent) O you messengers? 32. They said, We are sent to a criminal people 33. that we may send upon them (porous) stones of clay, 34. marked from your Fosterer for (the punishment of) the extravagant. 35. Then We brought out those who believed from among them, 36. but We did not find therein any Muslims except (in) one house. 37. And We left therein a sign for those who fear the painful punishment. 38. And in Musa (there is a sign) when We sent him to Firawn with clear authority. 39. But he turned away with his force and said, A magician or one influenced by the jinn. 40. So We caught him and his army and threw them into (the flowing water of) the sea and he was blameworthy.


C 51

The Scatterers

41. And in Aad (there is a sign) when We sent on them the barren wind (for their destruction). 42. It did not leave anything with which it came (in contact) without making it as if decomposed. 43. And in Samood (there is a sign) when it was said to them, Enjoy till a (set) time. 44. But they revolted against the command of their Fosterer, so the thunderbolt took hold of them while they were seeing. 45. So they were not able to stand nor were they able to defend themselves. 46. And the people of Nuh earlier (to them), they (too) were a transgressing people. (R2) 47. And the sky, We constructed it with energy, and We are the Expanders (of it)*. 48. And the earth, We have spread it. How Excellent are We in making it habitable! 49. And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful. 50. So you all run towards Allah, I am a clear warner for you from Him. 51. And do not set up another god with Allah, I am a clear warner for you from Him. 52. Thus, there did not come to those before them any messenger but they said, A magician or one influenced by jinn. 53. Do they recommend this to one another? No, they are a rebellious people. 54. So turn away from them, because you are not blameworthy. 55. And be reminding, because reminding certainly benefits the believers. 56. And I did not create the jinn and mankind but (with the sole purpose) that they should serve Me. 57. 1 do not intend (to get) any provision from them nor do I intend that they should feed Me.
* See notes under Ch. 21, Vs. 30 & 104


C 51

The Scatterers

58. Allah is certainly the Provider, Possessor of power, the Strong. 59. So for those who are unjust, (their) portion will certainly be like the portion of their companions, so do not let them ask Me to hasten on (the punishment). 60. So sorrowful is the state of those who do not believe because of their day which they are threatened with. (R 3)

Summarized Commentary
Chapter 51 (Revealed at Makkah)

Vs 14 These verses could refer to angels or winds. Part 27 (Vs 31) Vs 56 People will have to give an account of their deeds. Vs 7 Refer to Note No. 2. ( Ch51 Vs7 ) of Explanatory Notes. Vs 8 There is difference of opinions in human beings. Vs 9 One who wishes to turn away from the truth is turned away from it. Vs 1014 Conditions of sinners are described. Vs 1519 Conditions of the pious are described. Vs 2021 For those who reflect there are many proofs of existence of Allah (SWT) and His powers, in the earth and in human beings. Vs 3840 see commentary on Page 416 Ch.19 Vs 51-55. Vs 4146 Destruction of other communities is briefly mentioned. Vs 47 This may refer to Expanding Universe. Vs 48 This may refer to the Drifting continents. Vs 49 In the creation everything is in pairs but the Creator, Allah (SWT) is One. Vs 5055 Some instructions are given to Prophet Muhammed (PBH) and believers. Vs 56-58 The purpose of creation of the jinn and mankind is that they should serve i.e. obey Allah (SWT), they do not have to provide for Him or feed Him, actually it is He Who provides.

Vs 22-23 Provision could mean rain which is a source of food and that which is promised and the truth may mean the end of the world. Vs 5960 The consequence of the infidels is Vs 2437 See commentry on page 414 Ch.19 Vs. described. 41-50. ********


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