C58 She Who Pleads: in The Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

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C 58


She Who Pleads

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1. Allah has heard the statement of her who pleads with you concerning her husband and complains to Allah, and Allah was hearing the conversation of you both, Allah is certainly Hearing, Seeing. 2. Those of you who do not go near their wives calling them their mothers, they are not their mothers, their mothers are none other than those who gave them birth. And they certainly say something unrecognised (as good) in speech, and a lie, and Allah is certainly Pardoning, Protectively Forgiving. 3. And those who do not go near their wives calling them their mothers, then (afterwards if they intend to) go back on what they said, they should free a slave before they touch each other, that is what you are admonished with, and Allah is informed of what you do. 4. But he who does not find (a slave) then he should fast for two months successively before they touch each other, but he who is not capable (to fast), should feed sixty needy ones. That (should be done, if you claim) that you believe in Allah and His messenger, and those are the limits of Allah. And there will be a painful punishment for the infidels. 5. Those who resist Allah and His messenger will certainly be disgraced as those before them were disgraced. And We indeed sent down clear signs, and there will be a disgraceful punishment for the infidels. 6. One day Allah will raise all of them (to life) then inform them about that which they did. Allah has computed it while they have forgotten it, and Allah is the Witness over everything. (R1)


C 58

She Who Pleads

7. Did they not consider that Allah knows whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth. There is no secret talk (between) three but He is the fourth of them nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them {1}, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wherever they are, then on the day of resurrection He will inform them about that which they did, Allah is certainly the Knower of everything. 8. Did you not see towards those who were forbidden from secret talks, then (again) they return to that which they were forbidden, and they hold secret talks for sin and transgression and disobedience to the messenger. And when they come to you, they greet you with (a greeting) with which Allah does not greet you, and they say among themselves, Why does Allah not punish us for what we say? Hell is enough for them, they will enter it, so evil is (their) destination. 9. O you who believe! When you hold secret talks, then do not hold (these) secret talks for sin and transgression and disobedience to the messenger, but hold secret talks for righteousness and guarding (against evil) and fear Allah towards Whom you will be gathered. 10. The secret talks (i.e. the evil suggestions) of the devil are only to grieve those who believe but he cannot harm them in anything, except with Allahs permission, so let the believers put their trust in Allah. 11. O you who believe! When it is said to you Make room in assemblies, then make room, Allah will make room for you. And when it is said, Rise up, then rise up, Allah will exalt in degrees those who believe from among you and those who are given knowledge, and Allah is informed of that which you do. 12. O you who believe! When you secretly consult the messenger, then give charity in advance, before your secret consultation (with him). That is better for you and cleaner, but if you do not find (anything to give in charity) then Allah is certainly Protectively Forgiving, Merciful.


C 58

She Who Pleads

13. Are you afraid of giving charity in advance, before your secret consultation? So when you do not do it, and (when) Allah has turned to you (mercifully), then establish worship (salat) and give charity (zakat) and obey Allah and His messenger and Allah is informed of that which you do.(R 2)

14. Did you not consider those who turn (for friendship towards) a people on whom is Allahs anger? They are neither of you nor of them and they swear over falsehood while they know. 15. Allah has prepared a severe punishment for them, that which they do is certainly evil. 16. They take their oaths as a shelter (for their evil) and turn away (people) from the way of Allah, therefore, there will be a disgraceful punishment for them. 17. Their wealth and their children will be of no use to them in anything against Allah, they are the inhabitants of the fire, they will stay therein. 18. The day Allah will raise all of them (to life) then they will swear to Him as they swear to you and they will think that they are on something (firm by their swearing). Beware! They are the liars. 19. The devil has cast his influence over them so he has made them to forget the remembrance of Allah. Those are (the members of) the team of the devil. Beware! The (members of) the team of the devil, they are certainly the losers. 20. Those who resist Allah and His messenger, they are certainly among the most disgraced. 21. Allah has decreed, I and My messengers will definitely prevail. Allah is certainly Strong, Mighty. 22.You will not find a people who believe in Allah and the period hereafter, loving those who resist Allah and His


C 58

She Who Pleads

messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their relatives (and friends). Those are the persons in whose hearts He has written down belief and has strengthened them with a spirit from Him. And He will make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow, to stay therein, Allah pleased with them and they pleased with Him. Those are (the members of) the team of Allah. Beware! (the members of) The team of Allah, they are the successful ones. (R3)

Summarized Commentary
Chapter 58 (Revealed at Madina)

Part 28 Vs 14 These verses refer to a woman who complains about injustice done to her by her husband. Vs 56 Allah (SWT) knows everything which the infidels do, and they will be punished. Vs 710 Allah (SWT) numbers Himself probably to make it clear that He is a Separate Being. He knows the secret talks of the infidels.

Secret talks or consultations should not be for sin but for righteous deeds. Vs 1113 Some instructions are given to believers regarding their consultations with prophet Muhammed (PBH). Vs 1422 Friendship with those who have angered Allah (SWT) and those who try to resist Him is prohibited. Some of the evils of these persons are mentioned.



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