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In the name of ALLAH, The Compassionate, The source of All Mercy ONLY ONE WAY TO SALVATION

Creatures of Allah! There is only one way to avert an approaching disaster: * Have faith In Allah and His blessed prophet and cleanse your hearts of any allegiances that are false. *Continue doing good to your fellow creatures until the Day you are called home. *Invite others to the Path of righteousness with sincerity. *And endure with perseverance every test and hardship that comes your way. These are not our words, but the words of your Lord: By the declining day, surely man is in a state of loss, save those who believes and do good deeds, and exhort one another to the truth and exhort one another to the endurance (Al-Quran:103:1-5) Remember! Even slight defect in your faith is a cause for damnation . It is only the sins, mistakes and shortcomings of ours that Allah will forgive through His Mercy. Our Lord only warns us against placing another object ,idol, or ideology before Him that is ,He does not allow any kind of association (Shirk).He says this plainly: Allah forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him :but He forgivth anything else to who He pleaseth; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most heinous indeed. (Al-Quran:4:48) In the saying of the blessed Prophet we read: Whosoever fills the entire earth with sins, but then dies without associating any partner to me .I will meet him with the forgiveness equal to that. (Muslim)

So many nations throughout history have been wiped out because of Association (Shirk) And Lo! Even today our Muslim community has reached the verge of annihilation because of our indulgence in it: Say (O Mohammad , to the disbelievers) : Travel in the land and see the nature of the consequences for those who lived before you ! Most of them were polytheists ( Mushrik) (Al-Quran:30:42) In other words, tell them to explore the four corners of the earth and look upon the ruins of the past. If older civilizations, which were rooted in idolatry(Shirk) can succumb to disaster and disappear, then cant we too? Our Lord testifies that for this Muslim community even as for others there is only One way to Salvation : Its true brothers and sisters must arise and realize that this world is simply a way station on your journey to eternity and that each one of us is born to die. For such reasons it is imperative to live our life as successfully and count. One must, therefore: * Protect himself from every kind of Association(Shirk). * Be firm in affirming the Unity of the creator(Tauhid).

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* Pattern his lifestyles after the most successful man in the History, the blessed Prophet Mohammed (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him). This is the only way one can transform the approaching disaster into certain success. If it is not done here and now then an awful fate is inevitable. Those who believed and did not pollute their belief with Shirk, for them is peace and safety and they are truly the guided ones (they are going to reach the goal) (Al-Quran:6:82) Let us be perfectly clear about the meaning of Kalima (the testimony of faith ) and let there be no doubt about its implications. Then we must learn to supress innovation (the bidah). Only Tauhid and the way of the blessed prophet can build our steps into the hereafter .Our Lord has promised to defend us if we but try with sincerity. The meaning of the first part of the testimony of faith, La ilaha illa Allay is that is neither Father nor Son. Male nor Female, two nor three. He alone may be deemed worthy of of being called: * The Creator and the Master. * The knower of the hidden and the clear. * The Omnipresent, the Watcher and Sovereign. * He is the Only in whose power are all good and ill. * He renders help, fulfills needs, lifts sorrow and attends to those who call upon Him. * He alone is to be remembered and called upon often. * All trust and hope must be placed in Him and all prayers are directed to Him alone with no effort and making intermediaries. One should humble himself physically and spiritually before him alone .Charity and goodwill must be done in His Name. * Legislation for the basics of human government and organization begins with his precepts. * All are his creature and no one has any influence or power over Him Whether living or dead. Neither graves, tombs , people, charms, symbols nor animals have any validity in his worship. All are helpless before Him. Priests, Monks, Rabbis, Sheiks, Imams, Swamis and Piers are mere suppliants with no power over him. The acceptance of the second half of the testimony of faith, Muhammad -ur-rasool Allah implies that: * The blessed prophet is only a man, a servant of Allah and a messenger. * the tradition of the blessed prophet shall remain the last word in question regarding the conduct of human affairs until the end of history . No words or deed will be acceptable from anyone if it is in contradiction with the prophets teachings. Rash and undue innovation will not be given currency. * Only the interpretations of this Prophets life as done by those who knew him best i.e. his companions will be considered authentic. Every sincere believer however much be or she may stumble will eventually enter the Paradise by the Grace of Allah .Anyone having a different practice of Faith which deviates from the pristine teachings of the Quran

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and the Sunnah will not get even a whiff of Paradise, a thousands prayers and years of fasting not with standing! Our Lord! grant to everyone the ability and aptitude to accept this ideology and to act accordingly.

Waseelah (Mediation) : Its Reality

Allah (S.W.T) states in : O you who believe! Do your duty to Allah and fear Him. Seek the (Waseelah) means of approach to Him [AlQuran 5:35] This includes seeking to approach Allah through His Names and Attributes: And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah , so call on Him by them [Al-Quran 7:180] ,or by doing acts of obedience and worship by which one seeks to approach Allah, and so on. Seeking to approach Allah by asking His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to make dua for one during his lifetime, and the believers asking one another to make duaa for one another. This follows on from the first type and is encouraged. Seeking to approach Allah by virtue of the status and virtues of some created being, such as saying, O Allah, I ask You by virtue of Your Prophet and so on. This is allowed by some of the ulema, but this opinion is daeef (weak). The correct view is that it is definitely haraam, because there can be no tawassul in dua except by virtue of the Names and Attributes of Allah if we decide our matters according to Real Islam i.e Quran and sahih hadith Tawassul as it is understood by many of the Muslims of later times, which is calling on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and seeking his help (or seeking the help of the dead and so-called awliya) "The living and the dead are not alike. Allah makes whoever he wishes hear, but you cannot make those in the graves hear." [Al-Quran 35:22] . and to ensure that they are dead and cannot return to this world till the day of judgment we consult Quran : and behind them(dead) is Barzakh (a barrier) until the Day when they will be resurrected [Al-Quran 23:100] Those who disbelieve will be addressed: "Indeed the aversion of Allah was more greater than your aversion one of another. When you were invited to the faith, you refused." They will say: "Our Rabb (Lord)! You put us to death twice and gave us life twice. Now we confess our sins. Is there any way out (of this)? [Al-Quran 40:10-11] All of us were dead before we were born and now we have life . we will die once more and then we will be given life once again, but if we apply the concept that Awliya-Allah and Prophets are alive in the grave that means Allah gave us three lifes and three deaths, thus the supreme word of Allah will be denied. These verses clearly state that those who die physically also die spiritually and mentally ,thus no resurrection. This is a form of major shirk, because calling on or seeking help from anyone other than Allah with regard to something that that only Allah is able to do is a kind of worship, and directing worship to anyone or anything other than Allah is major shirk. And Allah knows best.

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Bishr ibn al -Valeed said: Aboo Yoosuf narrated to us, that Aboo Haneefah said: It is not right that anyone should supplicate to Allah except by Him, and I hate that anyone should say: By the glory of Your Throne or By the right of Your creation. This is also the saying of Aboo Yoosuf. Aboo Yoosuf said: The One who gives glory to the Throne is Allah, so I do not hate that, but I hate that anyone should say: By the right of so and so or By the right of Your Prophets and Messengers or By the right of the Sacred House, and the Sacred Area"... [al -Qudooree, Figh book Sbarhul -Kharkbee, chapter of detested matters]. But we will add here an issue that is used as a loop-hole for those who adore Shirk, which is that there are conditions attached to intercession: 1 Permission must be granted by Allah to the intercessor to intercede. 2 Allah must approve of the one for whom intercession is to be made. The evidence for these two conditions is the verses in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): And there are many angels in the heavens, whose intercession will avail nothing except after Allah has given leave for whom He wills and is pleased with [Al-Quran 53:26] and they cannot intercede except for him with whom He is pleased [Al-Quran 21:28] As for the imaginary intercession which the idol-worshippers think their gods perform for them, this is an invalid intercession, for Allah does not permit intercession unless He is pleased both with the intercessor and those for whom intercession is made. The fact that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the believers will intercede does not justify asking them to intercede, as some people do when they ask the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to intercede for them even after his death. Below Are some verses which can help you to clear your mind that none but Allah is Ghous-ul-Azam (the only listener), Mushkil-Kusha and Madagar (The solver of all problems and helper), Gharib-Nawaz and Ganj-Baksh (the one with the power to award treasures), Daata and Dastageer (the one who gives and supports in the moments of turmoil).

Ghous-ul-Azam : And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. [Al-Quran 10:12] Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations. Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember [Al-Quran 27:62] Mushkil-Kusha and Dastageer : "Verily, my Wali (Protector, Supporter, and Helper,) is only Allah. [Al-Quran 7:196] And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things. [Al-Quran 6:17] Daata, Ghareeb Nawaz and Ganj-Baksh :

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Verily, (only) Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills, without limit.. [Al-Quran 3:37] To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do all things [AlQuran 42:49-50]

Verily, those whom you call upon besides Allah are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful. [Al-Quran 7:194]

Talisman or Taweez :its reality

Holy Quran, Sura Tauba (9:34): "O Ya who believe! There are indeed many amongst the priests and anchorites who in falsehood devour the sustenance of man and hinder them from the way of Allah. " It is a well known fact that these type of people not only sell their judgments and accept rewards for them, but they also lead the world into a vicious cycle of disbelief. They manifest this disbelief in the form of bizarre religious practices. As a result of these practices, their followers become addicted and can not cope with routine life without resorting to these "new" rituals for strength and security. Like the priest and leaders of Children of Israel, these so-called aaleems (scholars) and their saints have raised the business of talisman to it's current zenith. These people closely resemble those exposed by Quranic aayats of Sura Al Baqarah verses 2:101 and 102: "And when there came to them an apostle from Allah, confirming what was with them, a Party of the People of the Book threw the Book of Allah behind their backs. As if (it had been something)they did not know! They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blashmers were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men magic, and such things as came down to Babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (such things) without saying: 'we are only for trial; so do not blaspheme. They learned from them the means to sow discord between husband and wife. But they could thus harm anyone except by Allah's permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of magic would have no share in the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls: if they but knew!" (2:101 and 102) Conduct a random search of the necks of most present day Muslims, the majority will be wearing a paper talisman, miniature Quran, rosary, thread or small razor, etc. Some will be wearing a metallic bracelet or thread around their leg, arm or stomach. They apparently believe these charms will avert bad luck evil spirits, illness, etc. These talisman, threads, potions and their likes have not been sanctioned by the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) have said about these practices: "Abdullah bin Masood reports that I have heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saying that blowing (dum), Taweez (talismans), threads and potions are all shirk. (Mishkaat Sharif, pg 389) The practice of love potions like talisman, etc., have also become very common. Many men and women resort to them to win another's love, even if the other person is legally married according to Islamic rites. Here is another tradition of our Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam): "Uqba bin Amir Al Jehni (Radi Allaau 'anhu) relates that a group of people came to the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) to make a religious pledge (Bait). The Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) accepted the pledge from nine of the groups and left one out. The companions (Radi Allahu 'anhu) asked the Holy Prophet

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(Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) as to why he did not accept the pledge of the one who was left out. The reply was: "I did not make Bait with him because he was wearing a Talisman. "On hearing this that person drew the Talisman, out and destroyed it. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet ( Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) accepted his pledge ( bait) and said whoever wears a talisman, he associates partners with Allah (i.e. he practices Shirk)". (Masnad Ahmed, Vol. 4 Pg. 156). Does this hadith not show that all types of talisman are forbidden? Otherwise the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) would have definitely at first enquired whether the Taweez had any Quranic writings or the illustrious names of Allah. At the sight of the talisman, he turned his face away and refused the pledge. This conclusively proves that the practice of talisman is an evil practice, and not sanctioned by the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). TALISMAN FOR CURES Let us see what the Holy Prophet (Sallallaaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has to say about these. "Esa Bin Hamza (Rahimahullah) says, I visited Abdullah Bin Akeem (Rahimahullah) during his sickness; he was suffering from a sickness called "Hamra". I asked him why he was not wearing the talisman that was meant for the sickness specifically. He replied, "May Allah save me from the talisman. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has said , whoever hangs anything he will be entrusted to that thing only.' (Abu Dawood, Mishkat pg. 389; Tirmizi Vol. 2, pg. 28) This previous hadith once again proves that if one uses a talisman to avoid evil spirits or influences, to cure sickness or to remove any calamities, then Allah will not help him, and he will be entrusted to the talisman or potions to solve his problems. When an earnest and sincere appeal is made to these commerical minded purveyors of talisman etc., to desist from these evil practices which will destroy their own faith (imaan) and their fate in the Hereafter, their only defence will come in the form of a hadith of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), which they will quote: It was reported by Mohammed Bin Isak that Abdullah Bin Umar Bin Alaas relates that the Holy Prophet (Sallaallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used to teach the following prayers for those who used to be frightened in their sleep: "I seek refuge withe the completer words of Allah from His anger and the mischief of the people and from the suggestions of the evil ones and their visits to me" The report states further that Abdullah used to teach the prayers to those who could memorize and recite it and used to write it and hang it around those children who could not recite it. (Abu Dawood (543), Tirmizi Mishkat (217) There are many reasons why this tradition should not be taken very seriously; some of them are: 1. This tradition according to the scale of acceptance of hadiths is considered to be very poor (deaf) in quality by the majority of Muslims scholars. 2. The companions who allegedly hung the talisman is himself a narrator of another hadith in which the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) had frowned upon talisman; it reads as follows: "Abdullah Bin Umar Bin Alaas states that I have heard the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) say that "if I indulge in three things then it means that I cannot discriminate between what is right and what is wrong. The three things are: firstly, if I use a antidote (panecea) which contains alcohol or snakes meat. Secondly, if I hang a talisman and thirdly, if I practice poetry. "

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How can a companion who states this hadith do a thing contrary to his teachings? 3. The reporters, Mohammmed Bin Isak and Umar bin Shoib have been unanimously condemned as unreliable and called liars by various Muslim scholars like Immam Malik (Rahimahullah) and many others. 4. Finally there are no companions (Radi Allaahu 'anhu') of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) or the tabeens (those who saw the Companions only) who have santioned or allowed the Talisman. To attach their names to such practice is indeed a calumny. THE JUDGEMENT OF THE TABEIN It has been said by Waki Saeed Bin Jabeer (Rahimahullah) that "whoever removes a taweez he has liberated a soul". Waki said that ibrahim Nakhi whas the teacher of Imaam Hanifa (Rahimahullah) said that all the companions and Tabein have forbidden the use of Talisman regardless of whether it contained Quranic verses or ayats. Many put forth the argument that the Quran itself proclaimed itself as a cire and healer. The answer to this is that the cure is not in hanging it around the neck but by using it as shown to us by Allah and His Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam). The Quran would be a healer and cure if it is read with understanding, benefiting from its contents and decorating the actions sincerely with the noble charateristics as showen in it. Honey has been called a cure in the Quran itself, but surely no one goes around carrying a bottle of honey around one's neck all the time. Similarly, the doctor's phamacopia contains all the cures but a sick person woud not dare carry it around his neck for cure purposes. It is for such persons that the Holy Quran has said in Surah Yusuf (12:106) "And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (others as partners) with Him" (12:106) THE THREADS AND STRINGS The tying of threads and strings also becomes very common. Some use it for curing fever, some for averting fevers, some for averting spirits etc. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) forbids these practices of associating partners to Allah (SHIRK) even on animals, and had them removed. Abu Bashir Al Anasari says: "I was with the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) on a journey when he sent a proclamation with the message that under no circumstances any threads to be tied around the animals. "(These things were relics of days before Islam when it was thought to protect the animals.) Urwah (Rahimahullah) relates that Huzaifa Bin Alyam (Rahimahullah) once went to visit an ailing person. He saw a thread around the sick person's arm. Huzaifan cut the thread off and read the Quranic Ayats from Surah Yusif viz: "And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (others as partners) with Him. " (12:106) BRACELETS AND MEDALLION WEARERS WILL NOT ENTER PARADISE , BUT THEY WILL ENTER HELL FIRE Imraan Bin Hussain (Rahimahullah) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saw a copper bangle on a person's hand. He asked him the reason for the copper bangle and was told that it was for the treatment of the weakness and sickness in his arm. The Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu wa sallam) replied that on the contrary it will increase the weakness of the arm and if he were to die with it on, then he will not be successful in the hereafter (i.e. he will not enter paradise) (Ahmed, ibn-e-Hembal). BLOWING ON WATER (DUM) This practice has also been caught on just like the talisman, threads, etc. You often see people lined up outside the mosques after the regular prayers with containers of water awaiting the namazees to blow on it. All this being done

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in the name of religion! It is a pity that there is no one to explain to them that it is futile to expect any good from a thing which has been forbidden by the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam)! "Abu Said Kudri (Radi Allaaahu "anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has forbidden us to blow on anything that is to be drunk. "(Tirmizi). "Ibn Abbas (Radi Allaahu 'anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has forbidden breathing or blowing on utensils." (Tirmizi). These two traditions prove that what is now being practiced under the veil of religion is against the precepts and teaching of the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) Buraidah (Radi Allaahu 'anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said. "He who reads the Quran so that he might thereby get something to eat from the people, shall so appear on the Day of Judgement that his face will only be a bone on which there will be no flesh. " (Mishkat, page 193). This means that those who read the Holy Quran in order to fulfil the needs of this world will get no share in the hereafter. It is for this reason that Imaam Bukhari in his compilation of sahih Bukhari, has devoted a whole chapter on the "sin committed by those who use the Quran for their livelihood; for showing off or use it as a source of debate. " (see Bukhari 756). Ubadah bin Assamit said, 'I taught a surah of the Glorious Quran to a man who gave me a bow as a gift. I mentioned this to Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) who said, "if you are prepared to put a yoke of Hell round your neck, you may accept it." (Abu Dawood 485). "The performer (balancer) on a string at a circus is better than the priest who bends towards wealth, because the performer is gaining his livelihood from the world by world means whereas the priest (molvee) earns his livelihood from his faith." (Imaan). (Markah Sharah Mishkat, Vol.2, page 225). From all that has been said we once again appeal and request all those who make the Quran as a source of livelihood, not to take any reward for teaching the Quran and and not to sell commentaries on the Quran, etc. They should fear the wrath of Allah. Remember that the punishment the present generation is receving is a direct result of their acts of associating partners to Allah (shirk). If we do not desist from it and repent before Allah for our misdeeds and make a solemn promise to follow the pure faith of only one Allah, and submit to Allah's laws (Quran and Sunna) with complete submission, we will be destroyed completely, as Allah Himself says: Travel through the Earth and see what was the end of those before you. Most of them worshipped others besides Allah. "(Surah Rome 30:42). Yes, if we cleanse our Imaan (faith) from these impurities then will our uneasiness turn into peace and our degradation turn into respect and honor as promised by Allah Himself in the Quran. "It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right ) guidance." (Surah Anam, 6:82). In this Ayat, the Holy Prophet (Sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) has himself interpreted the word "wrong" as associating partners with Allah (Shirk). (Bukhari, Muslim). In conclusion, let us pray that Allah saves the Muslims from these evil practices and the mischief of these commercial-minded persons and give us the guidance to follow the one and only pure faith of Allah. In The End I would like To Ask You To Search For yourself . SEEK KNOWLEDGE And Find The Reality And trust Only Allahs word. NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING UNLESS YOU GET Its PROF FROM QURAN and if

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the matter is not contained in the Quran then move onto Hadith . NEVER ACCEPT A HADITH AGAINST QURAN because a hadith cant be a hadith unless it agrees with Quran or else its fabricated. It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allah.[Al-Quran 35:28]

Mazars (tombs) : Their Reality

"You will be the triumphant, victory and success is your right provided you be the faithful" [Al-Quran 3:139] If you regard this Divine Edict as true then also admit that now you are not keeping to that faith with which exaltation and rule here and hereafter was promised. If this needs to be testified then peep into the mosques at one hand and watch the graves, thronged by the devotees, at the other. This will become crystal clear that what this devotion along with professionalism has occasioned to the true faith. What a great sin has been committed! The value of shrines and tombs of saints is being increased and the money so extorted is being swallowed like Manna and Quails of Israelites. Self confined sitting and mendacity, prostration and circumambulation, cries and craves, sweets and cloth coverings, charas and bhang, obscenity and vulgarity, singing and music playing holding of fairs and anniversaries, prayers and invocations, oblate and dedications, all is in vogue there. In short there is everything at these tombs from which the Scripture and the Prophet (s.a.w) of Allah had forbidden and had warned, those who would practice them, of humiliation in this world and the Hell fire Hereafter: Jundub (r.a.) reports that he heard the Prophet (s.a.w) saying "O people! Listen to me carefully. The people before you held the graves of their apostles and saints as the places of worship. Hear with open ears! Don't turn the graves into the worshipping places. I forbid you from this practice. (Imam Muslim related this tradition, Mishkat pg69)

There is a very clear, eloquent and scholastic statement in the Holy Quran: "Those to whom they invoke beside Allah created naught but are themselves created. They are dead without life (devoid of a single spark of life). And they know not when they will be resurrected" (Al-Quran 16:20-21) The above narration very unambiguously discloses that the persons being repudiated here particularly can neither be idols nor the Satan nor angels but explicitly are the engraved persons because the satan and angels are alive and can't be regarded as (dead without life). And there arise no question for resurrection of the wooden or stony idols for they already had no life. Then by saying (they know not when they will be resurrected) here inevitably are meant prophets, martyrs, saints and other extra-ordinary men(by deeds) whose devotees, hold them in the highest deific esteem, invoke them for transcendent help after declaring them Data, Dastagir, Ganj Bakhsh, Mushkil Kusha, Faryad Rasa, Gharib Nawaz and what not. If anyone says that Arabia had no such deities then it will prove his utter ignorance from history. Due to because every history student knows that in various tribes of Arabia like Taghilib, Khuza 'a, Kinana, Haras, Ka' ab, Kinda, etc, there found a number of Christians and Jews and these two religions were badly polluted with dedication of prophets, saints and martyrs. Similarly most of the gods of pagans of Arabia were human being whom the later generation held as Ilah. It is in the report of Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a) narrated by Imam Bukhari that Wadd, Suwa'a, Yaghuth, Ya'uq and Nasr of the Prophet Noah (a.s.)s folk all were saints whom the later people began to deify. Some stuck to their graves and some started adoring them by sculpting their statues and idols. Their worship was also rife in Arabia. In like manner, according to the report of Ayesha (r.a.) Asa 'f and Naila were both human' [Extracted] Abdullah bin Abbas (r.a) has explained the Quranic verse: "The chieftains of Noah's folk said to their fellowmen not to forsake their gods. And must not forsake Wadd, Suwa'a, Yaghuth, Ya' uq and Nasr." (Al-Quran 71:23)

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that these all were the righteous men of Prophet Noah (a.s)'s people. When they died, people attached themselves with their graves, then idolized them by carving their semblances and then started worshipping them. Ultimately these very idols spread out in Arab tribes." [extracted from Koranic exegeses and Sahih Bukhari] This very matter has also been stated by Allah in the Quran: "Certainly those to whom you invoke besides Allah are slaves like you. Call on them now, and let them answer you, if you are truthful!" (Al-Quran 7:194) In the light of above it is concluded that chanting Nara-e-Risalat Ya-Rasool, Nara-e-Hadri Ya-Ali and Narae-Ghausia, are after all not the slogans of faithful Muslim. There is only one slogan of the faithful i.e Allah-OAkbar. This was the slogan that the Prophet (s.a.w) and his companions (r.a) had chanted. If a glance is cast on this so-called Muslim Ummah, what will come into sight: somewhere is a grave being mass-prostrated, somewhere is a tomb whose vestibules are rubbed with fore-heads, someone is being invoked declaring Dastagir, Ghauth, Mushkil Kusha etc. and the mosques where heads should bow are lying vacant. And the only Allah who is Dastagir, Mushkil Kusha and Hajat Rawa in reality is being associated with partners. If this state may not cause enragement to Allah for this Ummah and it may not deserve His wrath then what else would happen. The Lord of the World detests this thing very much that He may be associated with any person or others are held as Hajat Rawa and Mushkil Kusha beyond Him. Graves have played main role in implicating previous people in the curse of shirk. Therefore the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited people from visiting graves. But when allowed their visitation a condition was imposed that: go there, not for soliciting something, but to have a lesson, to remember the Doomsday, to lose love/lust to this world: Abdullah bin Masood (r.a) reports that the Prophet (s.a.w) said, "O People! I had forbidden you from visiting graves, but now I let you because their visitation diminishes inclination towards world and keeps the world hereafter remembered. [ibn Maja, and according to Imam Muslim. "reminds death", w/r to Mishkat pg 154] And the graves of saints, tombs and shrines are not exclusive for this purpose but grave of polytheists is also allowed to be visited. That is why Imam Nasai and ibne Maja have envisaged in their collection of traditions the chaptervisiting to the grave of Mushrik" in which they have narrated the event of seeking Allah's apology by the Prophet (s.a.w) for his mother and that He did not allow him praying for forgiveness of his mother. However permitted him to visit her grave. And reaching there the Prophet (s.a.w) said: "Do visit graves because it brings death to mind." [Sunan Nasai pg 286] It is quite clear that for catching a lesson an earthen grave only is suitable and not the marbled palatial and lofty buildings where flowers are poured into and where the wind is laden with many aromas.

GRAVES MAY NOT BE FORTIFIED The prophetic order regarding graves is that: "Jabir ( r.a.) reports that the Prophet (s.a.w) prohibited from fortifying graves, erecting any construction thereon or sitting there" (Related by Imam Muslim-Mishkat page 148). GRAVES BE LEVELLED TO THE GROUND The Prophet (s.a.w) has forbidden heightening of graves and ordered them to be leveled to the ground: Samama bin Shafi said, "We were in the company of Fuzala bin Ubaid (r.a) at the Roman island Rhodes. One of our colleagues died Fuzala commanded us to level his grave to the ground and informed that he heard the Prophet (s.a.w) so ordering" [Sahih Muslim vol.1 page 35, printed in Egypt]

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HIGH GRAVES BE RAZED The Prophet (s.a.w) hated high graves to such an extent that he deputed Ali (r.a) exclusively for razing them to the ground: Abul Hayyaj Asadi relates, Ali (r.a.) said to me, "May I not send you on the job the Prophet (s.a.w) sent me for i.e let there be no picture left but wiped out and no high grave spared but leveled" [Sahi Muslim, Mishkat pg148] Imam Shafayee has written in his book "Kitabul Ummi" that the scholars of Makkah used to issue decree for demolishing the construction erected on graves (The commentator on Sahih Muslim by Navavi, vol v11, pg 37, printed in Egypt] HISTORY OF GUMBAD-E-KHIZRA After having read the above tradition there arises in some minds the question that if this tradition calls for the above then how the dome "Gumbad-e-Khizra" came into existence on the grave of the Prophet (s.a.w). Its answer is that there built no building on the Prophet (s.a.w)'s grave for about seven hundred years. Then in 678 AH Egyptian Ruler Mansur bin Qalawun Swalehi, in consultation with Kemal Ahmed bin Burhan Abdul Qawi, got prepared a wooden railing and affixed it on the roof of the room [wherein the prophet (s.a.w) was buried] which earned the name of "Qubba-tur-Razzaq". The contemporary scholars could not refrain that influential ruler but they disapproved this task very much. And when kemal Ahmed, who had so advised, was dismissed, people held his dismissal as the requital, from Allah , of his above deed. Then-Al-Malik-un-Nasir Hasan bin Muhammad Qalawun made some additions and thereafter in 765 AH Al-Malik-ul-Ashraf Shaban bin Hosein bin Muhammad added further construction till the present form came into being [Wafa-u-ul-Wafa by Samhudi vol.1 pp. 435-436] It will be quite pertinent to know the view point of Muslim Jurists in this regard. The most reliable jurist of Hanafi cult Allama Shami writes: "I have seen not a single man who might have held erecting any construction upon graves as lawful Then relates decree of Imam Abu Hanifa: "Imam Abu Hanifa forbade construction of any building on grave such as house, dome, etc, because Jabir (r.a.) has reported prohibition by the Prophet (s.a.w) of fortifying them, affixing epitaph there, or erecting some construction thereon." [Shami vol.1,pg839, published in Istanbul] THE OBJECT OF ALLOWING VISITATION OF GRAVE When the Prophet (s.a.w) had allowed visiting graves then too he had clearly told that graves should be paid visitation not to soliciting something but to giving. And the giving in this manner that prayer is made for the engraved that May Allah save them from punishment and forgive their sins! The Prophet (s.a.w) has taught the following prayer for the engraved: "O grave dwellers! Blessings be on you! May Allah forgive us and you! You have surpassed us and we are following you. [Tirmidhi] In obedience tot the Prophet (s.a.w)'s order we treat all our dying persons in the same manner, may he be an ordinary sinful Muslim or a holy saint. His bier lies before us and we pray for him in an arrayed position: "O Allah forgive our alive and dead, our present and absent, our younger and elder, our men and women....." [AbuDawood, Nasai, Tirmizdhi etc. w/r to Mishkat pg 146]

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How is it possible that we pray for our dead when over the ground but when they go underground they become our Hajat Rawa(the one who helps in need) and Mushkil Kusha(the one who helps in difficulty)?

Foolishness at its peak

When the people are minded as to what happens to them when the grave of the person whom they regard as Waliullah [the friend of Allah - the saint], that they become so puzzled and frightened that sometimes they bow there; sometimes rub dust of grave to their bodies; sometimes whirl round it; sometimes invoke the engraved; sometimes folding hands tell him their sufferings; sometimes sacrifice and immolate; sometimes vow to dedicate some peculiar thing had they had descendant and to perform some special duty in case they recovered from illness; when returning, walk reverse lest their backs should face the grave; whenever pass by or off the grave, offer salutations taking direction of the grave and consider it a very blessed job, and fear great trouble if not did so; when have a child, bring it, after bathing, to grave and lay it on the floor, when carrying a bride groom for Nikah make him first visit the grave. What's all this? Isn't the worship? Did any of Allah's Aulia ask for it? WHO ARE AULIA ALLAH? They are not the enemies of Aulia Allah who follow them truly, pursue their foot-marks put them on their right status. But their enemies are those who fortify their graves and after erecting tombs thereon begin celebrating anniversaries and fairs, hymn and sing Qawwalis, invoke them in difficulties and by sacrificing and immolating in their names divinize them and emulate to Allah. In the Quran Allah has very explicitly pointed out these enemies of Aulia Allah: "And who is further astray than those who, instead of Allah, invoke such as hear not their prayer until the Doomsday and are unconscious of their prayer. And when mankind is gathered (to the Judgment) and when these Aulia Allah will be informed of being adored by their devotees) they will become enemies for them and will become deniers of having been worshipped." (46:5-6) So got known that the real enemies of Aulia Allah are those who after ascribing them as the partners in the divinity of Allah sanctify their houses (graves, tombs, shrines and mausoleums) just like the House of Allah (The Ka 'ba) and perform similar rituals around them as should exclusively be done around the House of Allah, such as: 1. Every year an Urs is fixed like Hajj Day and is celebrated there as such; 2. Instead of Ahram the people are ordered to walk bare footed/bare headed; 3. Talbiah i.e Labbaika-Allah-Humma Labbaika (here I am at your service) is replaced by such slogans as Bahu, Haq Bahu, Baishak Bahu; 4. Sheet covers for covering the graves are used in resemblance to Ghilaf-e-Ka 'ba; 5. The stones near the head and foot of the grave are kissed like Hajar-e-Aswad; 6. They revolve round the grave like Tawaf-e-Ka 'ba; 7. Bowing prostration, prayers and supplications are quite common; 8. The doors and vestibules are embraced like Multazam; 9. The obligation of Sai between Safa and Marwah is fulfilled by running from the place of meditation of the saint to his grave;

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10. The water used in washing the grave is considered blessed like Zamzam and as such it is collected for distribution and used like Zamzaqm; 11. Like Hadi, a goat or camel is accompanied by a pilgrim to the shrine. Thus these fake Ka 'bas are super-abundant today and heavily crowded by the so-called Muslims with the deep faith and conviction that the dead saints are fully capable to help them, solve their problems and enable them to achieve their goals..

Verily, those whom you call upon besides Allah are slaves like you. So call upon them and let them answer you if you are truthful. [Al-Quran 7:194]

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