Norley News July/ August 2012

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The View from the Top

1937, the present one being a memorial to Mr Demetriadi, killed while riding in India. The well-kept churchyard is well worth a visit too the Woodhouse mausoleum being a listed monument, and some elaborate graves in evidence from another local family, the Lascelles. Many of the other graves are old, and need the work of a team to keep them in good order, as family members are no longer around to do this. A treat for your reporter was a chance to climb the (very steep and narrow) stairs for the tower. Well worth the effort though, with a view that stretches some 15 or more miles. The views, as you can see here, are beautiful.


Jul & Aug 2012

This is the group of Norley citizens who we have to thank for looking after St John the Evangelist Church in Norley, one of our most famous landmarks. We met them on the day they were hard at work cutting grass, trimming hedges and doing other crucial maintenance work. They do much else besides, turning their hand on occasion to everything from minor electrical work and plumbing, to looking after the clock and the bell. The team consists of Frank and Audrey Smith, Jack Thomas and Chris Burrows. Apart from Chris who is the youngest and newest of the team, all have been working on the church for many years. The group makes up the fabric committee, and usually meets for a time each Tuesday morning or Friday afternoon, to maintain the church. From time to time there is more to do like the annual spring clean (not always in spring!), and if you would like to help at any time, please do get in touch at the usual address (, and we will put you I touch with the team. St John the Evangelist Church Norley is a fine building, designed by John Loughborough Pearson, who also designed Crowton Church oh, and Truro Cathedral. The style is based on 13th century design principles, the fashion in 1878, when it was built. The church replaces an earlier one, built in 1833. There are lots of notable features of the church - some fine stained glass in the East Window donated by grateful villagers (with a large contribution from the Pilkington family of Norley Bank) at the end of the Great War, as a memorial to the dead. The window cost the princely sum of 460, and was copied from Chester Cathedrals East Window. Norleys war memorial plaque is in the Church During an air raid in November 1940, the North Windows were destroyed by an enemy land mine that landed 200 yards from the church. Replacement took place after the war. There is some fine oak work to the screens and reredos, from the 1920s and 1930s respectively. The altar was replaced in

On the way up, you pass the superb clock by Litherland and Davies of Liverpool (1848). This is now automatically wound, though from its installation until 2006, it was wound twice each week by hand no small feat given the weights

News Inside
Life after Norley ................ a scarecrows story Affordable Housing ................................. latest Wanted.............................. ideas for Phone Box September Deadline.............................. 20 Aug

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012

Hilary Soldiers On.

Please see the following from villager Hilary Wilson. She and her husband Andrew built a scarecrow, also called Hilary (please do keep up) for the Jubilee. She was a walker, and was outside the Tigers Head. She had a hard life, as the first scarecrow out there. Not least, she suffered an assassination attempt from some passing witless wonders who we can only hope don't live in Norley. Having been lovingly reassembled she kept her place until after the Jubilee when Hilary (Wilson, please do keep up) and Andrew took her down, to face a sad end at the tip (Hilary the scarecrow that is). Hilary (Wilson, I won't tell you again!) takes up the story from there; Hi, Before I checked today's e-mails, Andrew and I took it upon ourselves to carry Hilary off to her final resting place. It was with heavy hearts that we loaded her into the 'van on top of bags of garden rubbish - very sad and undignified, I'm afraid. Once in Frodsham, I went off to the dentist and left Andrew to perform the last rites. At the skip (sorry, sepulchre), the supervisor took an immediate fancy to Hilary, saying that

involved. You also pass the impressive bell by Turton and Co, which at 1833 - actually slightly predates the church. There is a tradition in the village, which will continue this year, of allowing children leaving Norley School to go up the tower. Many pupils from earlier times have carved their names on part of the lead roof, and this year;s leavers will no doubt do the same. For many people visiting Norley the church is their first glimpse of the village - and the Cathedral in the Forest is quite some asset. As always, funds are needed to maintain the building (though of course the Team work for free!), and if you would like to donate you can do so either by visiting the church, or again we can put you in touch through the address above. When was the last time you visited the church? Whatever ones religious views it is a beautiful spot, and one to be treasured. Do readers have any special recollections of the Church? If so, let us know so we can share them with other readers.

Norley News July & August 2012

she would be as much use to him as his usual assistant and he stood her to one side for later attention. Andrew said she looked happy with her new surroundings, as she had rather tired of peering into Ann's bedroom window every day. However, Andrew and the skipman were then accosted by another lady who insisted on whisking Hilary off to Kingsley where... wait for it... she is to undergo a sex change and become a football referee! Her next appearance will be at Kingsley Carnival the weekend after next and she should appear somewhere near the doctors' surgery at Brookside. All fans note! Hilary was last seen en route to Kingsley stuffed into the back of a rather small Fiat 500 with her legs projecting out of the back and her new keeper wondering what her husband would say when they appeared back home. What a wonderful ending and I'm so sorry that Andrew hadn't a camera with him to record the happy events Tearfully yours, Hilary I PS Am now thinking that our cricketer should move to Kinglsey, especially since Norley has had the best of him.

Norley Hill Top Playground Users

Do you have some spare time to join the small group of volunteers who manage and maintain Norley's fine, new playground? Nothing too onerous or demanding is expected: about 5 committee meetings per year, fundsome enthusiasm and imagination for fundraising and a little of your time.
eFor more information please e-mail or call 01928 788014

Local Houses for Local People

Affordable Housing in Norley Norley Parish Council, in partnership with Cheshire West & Chester local authority, have identified a need for some affordable homes within Norley via a survey conducted in autumn last year. Working with The Plus Dane Group (Housing Association), a number of potential sites for the houses has been identified. To ensure that we meet the needs of local people, we are holding a public consultation to ask all Norley residents to

give their views on the preferred location, type and number of properties. As a first step in the consultation, an Open Morning was held at the Village Hall on 7 July, and was attended by approximately 20 villagers. The consultation will continue throughout the summer, and the Parish Council will have a stall at the Norley Garden Show in September to provide further information and continue to gather views. Meanwhile, you can view the preliminary options and register your opinion online at, or contact Meg Rosney, Clerk to Norley Parish Council, for information to be sent in the post (01928 739772). The purpose of providing affordable homes is to ensure that local people can continue live in Norley and contribute to the community.
Mary Greenacre, Norley Parish Council

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We can repair: Broken mobile phonesScreens, Signal problems, even water damage. PCs & laptopsvirus removal, data recovery, charging faults, smashed screens. Gaming consolesPS3 yellow light of death. X-Box red ring of death. We also stock a wide range of fashion accessories for mobile phones and spares, batteries, chargers.
Now relocated to Halton Lea Shopping Centre, Runcorn with plenty of FREE parking! Opposite Tescos, next door to Sayers.

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Norley NewsJuly & August 2012 3

Norley News and the Consultation on Affordable Housing We know that there will be a range of views on this important topic that must be heard. We will provide a platform for these from September issue onwards - please send to the usual address. You must provide your name and address as usual, but CAN ask for this not to be published. We will keep the channel to the Parish Council open too, so you can be updated on what is happening, and so your questions can be answered. To start the debate we have received the following letter: Dear Sirs After visiting the open morning on the 7th July and the subsequent announcement that planning permission had been granted for 6 affordable houses on the haulage yard on High Street, I think the Parish Council should urgently review the affordable housing requirement and their partnership with the Plus Dane Group. I also believe the Register for Approved Sites needs to be withdrawn as it is not now relevant and does not indicate the 9 sites which were put through the Plus Dane Group Sequential Test

I am also confused as when a need for 11 houses was identified the outline plans on the Register for Approved sites indicated 16 & 17 respectively, were these to remain empty, or was a more devious plan afoot? From the open morning it was more than obvious that there were many unanswered questions concerning the way things have been handled. I think it would also be very useful if someone could detail in Plain English what is the true meaning of Affordable Housing and how rents etc are determined. I am led to believe that the rent on a house in Norley could amount to 540 per month.
name and address supplied

What Shall We Do With Our Phone Box?

The phone box near the Tigers Head is now out of commission, with the equipment removed. It also now belongs to the village. At some stage we will need to ensure it is painted and looking good - but there is another question - what shall we do with it?

Brian Wainwright
WHITBYS LANE GARAGE Whitbys Lane Winsford CW7 2LZ 01606 593619

Norley News July & August 2012

Some villages have used theirs as a lending library - we might also consider it as a swap shop for small items, or for selling things - perhaps for charity - with an honesty box. What ideas do you have? Please let us know - on

w i t h everyones support we collected 2227.90 (including Gift Aid). Very many thanks to everyone who donated and collected for Christian Aid this year.
Ruth Lane & Rita Boon

Encouraging parents in their role to develop the faith of their children Maintaining a worldwide fellowship of Christians United in prayer, worship and service Promoting conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children Helping those whose family life has met with adversity. Membership Is open to those who Have been baptised in the name of the Holy Trinity and Declare their support for the Aim and Objectives of the society. Kingsley Mothers Union was started in 1943 which makes 2012 our 70th anniversary! As we are now part of the United Benefice of Norley, Crowton and Kingsley we want to actively recruit more members to our branch from all surrounding areas.

Kingsley, Crowton and Norley Mothers Union

Mothers Union is a Christian organisation of over 3.6 million women and men living in 78 countries who believe in the importance of families. Aim and purpose of the Mothers Union Our aim and purpose is to demonstrate the Christian faith in action by the transformation of communities worldwide through the nurture of family in its many forms. Mothers Union members do this by working towards five objectives: Supporting and promoting marriage

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Long established 100% equine veterinary clinic based in Norley Practice covers most of Cheshire, extending to Southern Lancashire, South West Greater Manchester, Merseyside and The Wirral Excellent purpose built facilities 24 hour Emergency Cover Most advanced and portable digital X-ray equipment Ultrasound, Endoscopy, ECG and In-house laboratory facilities All our vets and staff are experienced riders and horse owners themselves No call out charge for Norley patients!

ESPA Skin Brightening Facial

This full 1 hour Facial is Pure Relaxation and Pampering. Deep Cleanse of the Skin, exfoliation and a facial massage incorporating lymphatic drainage to remove toxins and revitalise the skin. Your skin will be brightened and toned. The facial also includes a deeply relaxing Indian Head massage. Special Promotion only40 (offer ends 31st July)

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Goes on natural nails like a polish, dries instantly so no smudges when leaving the salon. Lasts up to 2 weeks. Only 20 including a manicure. Opening Times:Tues & Thurs 9.30 am - 7pm Weds 9.30am - 1pm Fri. 9.30am 5pm Sat. 9.30am 4pm

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012

Branch meetings are held monthly on the first Tuesday of the month in the Church room at Kingsley. Although we take the Aims and Objectives seriously, the meetings are about fellowship and fun! We usually have a speaker or some sort of activity planned such as a debate/discussion on a topic of interest or a craft evening preparing for Christmas. Members are involved in fund-raising social events such as coffee mornings as well as other activities which help us to support Mothers Union activities overseas. Last year we supported Wheels for workers which provide bicycles for workers in Africa. Some of our members are involved in Thorn Cross Prison Creche Providing virtual babies for teenagers at school Providing Story time for pre-school children Assisting with Messy Church Participating in the All Age Services Find out more about the Mothers Union: or phone Pam Lee on 01928 787343 our next meeting is 3.7.12 and our speaker is Dr Anne Davidson Lund So how many languages do you speak? Trials and travels of a British linguist who escaped from the classroom Everyone welcome.

food festivals and shows, his popcorn getting rave reviews. Available in 110g bags, Whiteys Original gourmet popcorn is 'not too sweet, not too salty'. The large popped corn kernels are light and fluffy with a deliciously crunchy coating. As an ingredient popcorn is incredibly versatile, either as a snack or ingredient to add texture and crunch. This months recipe is a creation that also features Cheshire Farm Vanilla Ice cream available from The Stores.

Salted Caramel Popcorn Ice Cream Bombe

850ml Cheshire Farm Real Vanilla Ice Cream Caramel sauce 150g caster sugar 400ml double cream Pinch sea salt 1/2 lemon juice Popcorn cracknel 1/2 bag Original Whitey's Popcorn 200g caster sugar

August Recipes
This month's recipe was inspired by a new product that has appeared in The Stores. Whiteys Gourmet Popcorn is the creation of Mark White in Norley. Armed with his amazing popcorn machine he has been appearing at many Cheshire

Make the caramel by melting the sugar in a non stick saucepan until it is brown syrup; very slowly add the double cream, stirring constantly. Continue heating until all the sugar has melted. Add a generous pinch of sea salt, then lemon juice. Allow to cool, put into the fridge. To make the Popcorn cracknel dissolve the sugar in a non stick saucepan until it is brown syrup. Toss in the popcorn and quickly pour onto a sheet of greaseproof paper. If the sugar starts to set, return to the heat. Leave to cool on the greaseproof. When the mixture is cold break the cracknel

M.P. Building and Joinery (Based in Norley) All Aspects of Building and Joinery

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6 Norley News July & August 2012

Norley Village Hall

Car Boot Sale

Bank Holiday Monday 27th August from 8am Indoors/Outdoors Refreshments Free Admission
Book spaces from 7 by contacting Marie Cliffe 01928 788181
Norley Village Hall will be having its own indoor table so if you have items that you would like to donate please contact Penny Clarke 01928 787496.

into pieces. Line a small basin with cling film. Press of the ice cream into the basin leaving a hole in the centre of for the caramel sauce. Scoop the caramel into the well. Seal the bomb with the remaining ice cream (this will form the base). Place in freezer for 5 hours. Turn the Bombe out onto a plate and sprinkle with the popcorn cracknel. To serve slice with a sharp knife dipped in hot water and serve immediately.

Norley CE Primary School Latest News

I hope you are all looking forward to a restful break over the summer holidays, hopefully with some sunshine to look forward to! We have had a very busy end of term. We will be saying goodbye to our Year 6 leavers at a special Service in Norley Church on Wednesday 18th July, at 10.00am. The Service will be led by Rev Gill Stanning. We will very sad to say goodbye to our Y6 children and their families: Rhyse, Nathan, Grace, Kayty, Tabitha, Hannah, George, Patrick, Sam, Georgina and Harrison. Recent events The Year 6 leavers should also be congratulated on the magnificent 285 they raised from their Enterprise project. This will go towards funding an Ipad for use across the school thanks to all who supported the children. Well done to all the children who took part in our recent Olympic themed music concerts. This provided a wonderful opportunity to showcase their dramatic and musical talents! Well done to the Tag Rugby Team who were just pipped at the post in the Northwest Tag Finals in the semi-finals! They played really well and we had great support from parents/ carers on the day! Congratulations to the children who took part in the District Sports Event in our Federated team with St. John. There was a great team spirit and all the children should be congratulated on their efforts. There were some great individual performances by some children who came 1st, 2nd or 3rd against strong competition from much bigger schools and

Karen Pickup

Replacement Double Glazed Units
Fed up of trying to see through those misty/failed double glazed units? Units can be replaced in wood, pvc, and aluminium. Glazing for windows, doors, patios, roof lights, and greenhouses Call Kevin or Sue on 01928 787256 Free quotes given Your local independent tradesman 30 years experience All types of glazing work undertaken

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012

children! Class 3 also had a wonderful day out with other schools in the locality at Chester University. This provoked thinking on what the children wanted to aspire to in later life, considering financial planning, engaging in drama activities and culminated in a mini-graduation in the Chapel wearing graduation robes and home made mortar boards! Thanks to the PTFA for their support with a wide range of events this year including funding the recent visit by Key Strings musicians with an Olympic theme that was enjoyed by the children. Other News Plans are continuing with the refurbishment of the existing class 1 and work will be completed over the summer holidays in time for our new reception starters. Staff are working hard to prepare for this with relocation of existing equipment there are a lot of boxes about the school at the moment! It was lovely to meet the new September 2012 starters and their parents and the Teddy Bear Picnic was a great success despite the weather!
Mrs Ann Griffiths HT Norley CE School

knock down price I would be very interested to hear from you. Please ensure you have appropriate and adequate security measures in place for all your property, especially when they contain items of value. Two other thefts of pedal cycles have occurred overnight from outbuildings in the Frodsham area during early June, one from Queensway and one from Bradley Lane. Outbuildings are particularly vulnerable make sure that locks and hinges are adequate to protect the contents. The following crime highlights the potential for any metal to be stolen at any location at any time and acts as a reminder to us all. At approximately 17:00 hours Thursday 21st June it was reported that metal was stolen from a house in Mountain View, Helsby. The metal originated from a trampoline that had been dismantled in the front garden of the property. A male and young child who were the occupants of the vehicle described as an open back white van were seen to steal the property. Any further sightings around the time would be appreciated.

An outbuilding at Peel Hall, Newton, Frodsham has had 8 high value mountain bikes and a green Kawasaki motorcycle stolen from it sometime between 01:00 and 06:00 Wednesday 13th June. The offender(s) entered through an insecure door. If you have seen any suspicious activity in the area or if you have been approached to purchase a mountain bike at a

Norley News July & August 2012

A Blue Vauxhall Insignia DA09 EHK has been stolen from an address in Townfield Lane, Frodsham sometime between the hours of 19:00 Wednesday 27th June and 01:00 Thursday 28th June. The vehicle keys were attached to the house keys and were removed from an insecure rear door to the property. If you have seen anything suspicious in the area at the material time or see any vehicle displaying the registration number detailed above please call the police. 3 Males have been seen acting suspiciously in the area of Willington Hall Hotel, Tarporley at approximately 01:10 hrs Thursday 28th June. They were seen to look through windows and when security lights illuminated, covered their faces and left the area in a vehicle (no further detail). If you have seen anything that could assist please contact the police. A compressor and strimmer was stolen from an outbuilding to a farm in Onston lane, Crowton mid morning Tuesday 3rd July. Around the same time a dark blue Ford Van was seen in the area with two males on board, they were described as being in their 20s. If you have seen this vehicle in the area or anything else that is out of the ordinary around the time in question please contact the police. There have been several reports of theft of tractors/trailers over the last week at various locations on the Rural Area. If you have any information that you consider could assist in each of the individual cases please make contact. I would also ask that all owners of tractors, farmers or otherwise take note of this recent trend and take appropriate security measures/ review with all your tractors and equipment. Difficult as it may be to identify due to the hours and locations that tractors are often seen, if you do see something that doesnt look right please call to enable the scenario to be checked out by officers.
Inspector Keith Furbishley

Volvo Auto Light green with cream leather upholstery. 2000cc Petrol 12 Months MOT 46200 miles Reduced to 5350 Tel. 07713544796

Norley Village Hall 100 Club

numbers drawn on 27th June at the Wednesday Club meeting Monthly prizes of 15 May No 95 P.E. Cheers and No 24 Sue Eisner June No 71 Joy Rutherford and No 103 Fiona Goodier Major Prize Winners First Prize of 250 No 92 Mrs M Cliffe Second Prize of 125 No 47 Laura Williams Third Prize of 75 No 72 Mark Rutherford Congratulations to all the winners! The application forms for the Norley Village Hall 100 Club 2012/2013 are available now and will be distributed during July. If you are not already a member and would like to join please contact Penny Clarke 787496.

Thanks To All Our Sponsors

for supporting Norley News. We do obtain money from our advertisers and the Parish Council contributes towards the cost of community advertising, but it is sponsorship money that makes it possible to produce 10 issues a year. So, if any

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012

reader wishes to become a sponsor and help us in the continuing development of the News, please contact Penny Clarke 2 The Spinney, Norley, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email
Liz and Tony Lavin John Patten Frodsham & District Choral Society The Wednesday Club Bill & Libby Appleton Les & Gladys Archer Sophie & Martin Gambrell Mary Ramskill Joan Hunt Helen Welburn Mrs I Preston Monica Stewart Norley Horticultural Soc Tony & Katie Simpson James & Megan Posnett Bob & Ruth Downes Pauline & Mike Kay The Basnett Family Barbara Jones Norley Bowling Club Marie Cliffe Gill & John Lunt 1st Norley Scout Group, Norley WI Mary Owen Judith Hull Rosamund Walley Darren and Jane Stubbs Delamere Stores Anon (x14) Norley CE Primary School The residents of Hatchmere Park Helen and Mike Ebbitt Bette Ashbrook

Pat Dixon Bruce & Ruth Lane Frazer & Katrina Higson

Stephn Douglas Liz Robinson John & Maureen Lewis

Advertising & Editorial Info

0 5. 7 00 .51 00 .51 00 .03 h gi h m m 5 3 1 x e d i w m m 0 9 e g a P r et r a u Q h gi h m m 4 7 2 x e d i w m m 0 9 e g a P fl a H h g i h m m 5 3 1 x e di w m m 5 8 1 e g a P fl a H h g i h m m 4 7 2 x e di w m m 5 8 1 e g a P ll u F

Please send your ads in a graphic format, preferably JPEG or high res PDF, including fonts and embedded images. Due to the patronage of the Parish Council, local organisation advertising is FREE! All new or single advertisers please pay up front or ask for a pro forma invoice. All contributions (as a simple text document), compliments

Childrens' Dance Classes

at Norley Village Hall on Thursdays, 4:30 - 6:00pm. To include: baby ballet, tap & street dance. Contact Sara 07837053539

Yoga Class
@ Norley Village Hall
Fridays 9:30 - 10:30 am

For more information contact Lyndsey on

07919 563075


Norley News July & August 2012

(and complaints) to Penny Clarke, 2 The Spinney, WA6 8LS, tel 787496, email Do let us know if any contact details need updating, or if you wish to add email addresses or website details. All copy and adverts for the next issue to be with us by the date on the cover page News Inside, preferably by email.

Norley Directory
Parish Council ~~ Dennis Ford (Chairman) ~ 01928 788398 MP ~ Graham Evans MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA tel: 020 7219 7183 email: Frodsham Police Stn:~ CAT (Community Action Team) 0845 458 6393. For Non-Emergency Dial 0845 458 0000 In an Emergency always dial 999 Home Watch Officer:~ Liz Biddle, Cheshire West and Chester 01244 614291 It is possible to leave a message for your local police team, based at Frodsham police station, to ask for advice or information about non urgent, community police matters. Our local community police team are based at Frodsham police station - 0845 458 6393. An officer will return the call within 24 hours Bus Service Number 48 to Frodsham via School Bank, Hough Lane and High St: 0930, 1130. 1330. 1535. 1730 - Last bus from Northwich 1705 to Northwich via High St, Hough Lane and School Bank: 0756. 1036. 1236. 1436. 1636. Last bus from Frodsham Co-op 1609

St. Johns Parish Church ~ Rev Pete Rugen ~ Ruth Downes 01928 788748 ~ the Parish Room can be hired Norley Methodist Church ~ Revd Pat Christopher 733180 ~ Schoolroom for hire ~ contact Ruth Lane 788071 Sunday School 10-45 am Hazel Dale 787216 Craft Club ~ Alison Twinn 01829 760371 Walks ~ Bruce Lane 788071 ~ Walks on the 1st Wed each month. Everyone welcome! Cheshire Wildlife Trust ~ Bob Greenwood 01928 788475 THE STORES (Our village shop) ~ USE IT, OR LOSE IT ~ 01928 788044. Opening Hours: Mon & Tues 7am to 7pm Weds 7am to 2pm Thurs & Fri 7am to 7pm Sat 8am to 1pm Sun 8am to 1pm Norley C.E Primary School ~ Headteacher: Mrs A Griffiths ~ 01928 788471 ~ Fax 01928 787554 Norley Mothers & Toddlers ~ 0-5s ~ 10 til 12 Weds at Norley CE Primary School. Further details from Jane Paget 07977426923 Village Hall ~~ Available for Hire. To book, call Marie 01928 788181 (on behalf of the management committee). Hall hire facilities include, equipment, bar space, tables, chairs, heating etc Mobile Library Every other Wednesday: Norley School Car Park 11.00 to 11.15 am Norley Nursery Park 11:20 to 11:35 am Hatchmere Fortune Palace 11:40 to 12:10 pm For more information contact Northwich Library on 01606 44221 or log on to Scouts (in the scout hut in Crabmill Lane) ~ (Age 10 to 13) Tuesdays 7-30 to 9 pm. Beavers Tuesdays 6-7 pm Cubs Mondays 6-45 to 8-15pm More details from Bruce Lane ~ 01928 788071 The hut

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012


Mike Kay
Norley 01928 787292 Local Reliable Established for over 25 years. Prompt attention to all your property repairs and maintenance. ROOFING GUTTERING FACIAS BLOCKED DRAINS etc

No job too small!!

Very Competitive RatesNon Vatable Please call anytime01928 787292
is also available for hire. Contact Contact Les Bennion 787636 Guides ~ Sue Clough 01606 333733 W.I ~ 2nd Thursday in the month 7-30 pm in the Village Hall ~ Di Ramsbottom 01928 788 969 Wednesday Club (Over 60s) ~~ Wednesdays 2-4 pm Village Hall ~~ Joan Barclay 01928 788394 Bingo ~ Every other Monday in the Village Hall ~ Ruth Broome 788026 Bowls behind the Village Hall ~ Eric & Barbara Bryan 01928 788203 Bowls at the Tigers Head ~ Trevor 01928 788309 Horticultural Society ~~ Margaret Worrall 01928 788278 Junior Badminton meets most Thursday evenings during term time from 7:00 to 8:30 in the Norley village Hall. We offer Professional Coaching for only 2 per session. New members aged 8 & over are always welcome! For more details phone Norma Kelly on: 01606 881941 Ladies Badminton: Shirley Craven 787251 Cheshire West & Chester Council ~ 0300 1238123 or e.mail There are various voluntary/not for profit organisations operating in Vale Royal who may be able to offer advice, or arrange for work to be carried out in residential properties eg: ARENA Options Ltd ~ Care & Repair Services 0845 142 2064 Weaver Horizon (part of Weaver Vale Housing Trust) maintenance team will quote for all types of maintenance work for private home owners 01606 813452 Help the Aged ~ Handy Van Scheme 01255 473999

Norley 0-5s
Meets every Wednesday during term time, from 10.00 until 12.00, in the school hall for play, craft, music and stories for little ones and coffee and chat for the grown ups! Come along if you can and/or phone Jane on 07977426923 for more information.

Black Cat
Chimney Sweeps

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Sweeping Across Cheshire Since 1992

12 Norley News July & August 2012

Christians Together in Norley

Churches and Clergy
St John the Evangelist, Norley Vicar: Curate: Revd Peter Rugen Revd Gill Stanning 01928 787180 01928 788623

Norley Methodist Church Minister: Revd Sue Levitt 01829 741022

Roman Catholic
St Lukes, Frodsham Priest: Mgr Peter ONeill 01928 733127

Church Services
The nearest Roman Catholic Church is St Lukes, Frodsham. Services normally are;
Sunday Mass Weekdays 9 am, 11 am 9.30 am except Saturday 6.00 pm Tuesday when 7.15 pm

Norley Anglican and Methodist Services JULY

Sunday 1 9.30am 10.45am 11.15am 6.30pm

July CW Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship Evening Worship St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist

Sunday 5 August 10.00am CW Communion 10.45am Morning Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship Sunday 12 August 10.00am CW Communion 10.45am Holy Communion 6.30pm Evening Prayer


St Johns, Kingsley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist Christ Church, Crowton Norley Methodist United Service for Methodists & Anglicans at St Johns, Norley

Sunday 8 July
9.30am 10.45am 6.30pm Evening Prayer


St Johns, Norley St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist United Service for Methodists & Anglicans at St Johns, Norley

Thursday 12 July
10.00am CW Communion


St Johns, Norley

Sunday 15 July
8.15am 9.30am 10.45am 6.30pm BCP Communion Morning Worship All Age Worship & Holy Communion Evening Worship

Sunday 19 August 10.00am CW Communion 10.45am All Age Worship 6.30pm Evening Worship Sunday 26th August 10.00am CW Communion 10.45am Morning Worship 6.30pm Holy Communion


St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

St Johns, Norley St Johns, Norley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

St Johns, Kingsley Norley Methodist Norley Methodist

Sunday 22
10.00am 10.45am 6.30pm 6.30pm

Christchurch, Crowton Norley Methodist Norley Methodist St Johns, Kingsley

Worshipping Together Morning Worship Holy Communion ENCOUNTER


Sunday 29 July
Norley Methodist Frodsham Methodist Church No service for Anglicans at St Johns. Worship will be at Chester Cathedral 10.45am 4.30pm Morning Worship Circuit Service

Have a great summer!!

From 1st September the Delamere Forest Methodist Circuit will become the Chester and Delamere Forest Methodist Circuit Celebrate the change by coming to the
Last Circuit Service of the Delamere Forest Circuit and Farewell to the Rev Pat Christopher th at Frodsham Methodist Church on 29 July, tea 5.15pm and worship 6.00pm Inaugural Service of the Chester and Delamere Forest Circuit and Welcome to Rev Denise Harding nd at Frodsham Methodist Church on 2 September, tea at 5.00pm, worship 6.00pm

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012


You are very welcome to join in these activities:Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays 4th July 11 July 19 July 26 July 26 July 1 August 8 August 16 August 23 August 23rd August
rd th th st th th th th

10.00 12.00 7.45pm 10.30am - noon Meet 9.45am Noon 2.00pm Noon 1.15pm Meet 9.45am Noon 2.00pm Noon 1.15pm

Craft Club at Norley Methodist Church. Contact Alison Twinn (01829 760371) for information House Group at The Vicarage, Norley. Contact Gill Stanning (788623) for more information. Coffee and Chat in the Parish Centre. Contact Gill Stanning (788623) for more information. First Wednesday meet at Norley Methodist Church Contact Bruce Lane (788071) for details Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church contact Joan (01606 301198) by Sunday 8th July if you want to attend Norley Ecumenical Ladies Group at Norley Parish Centre - Contact Joan Loukes (788874) Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church Contact Ruth (788071) by Sunday nd 22 July if you want to attend Thursday Club at Norley Methodist Church First Wednesday meet at Norley Methodist Church Contact Garry (787454) for details Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church contact Joan (01606 301198) by th Sunday 5 August if you want to attend Norley Ecumenical Ladies Group at Norley Parish Centre - Contact Joan Loukes (788874) Open Door Lunch at Norley Methodist Church Contact Ruth (788071) by Sunday th 19 August if you want to attend Thursday Club at Norley Methodist Church


Norley News July & August 2012

Whats On In Norley
Day Dates

July and August 2012

Time Details


Village Hall Diary

For information about Village Hall availability or any other booking enquiries ~ contact Marie Cliffe tel 01928 788181

Monday July 2 16 30 August 13 27 Monday th August 27 Tuesday

July 3 10 17 24 31 August 7 14 21 28

Bingo Car Boot Sale Ladies Badminton Senior Badminton

will continue to play throughout the summer

Eyes down 7.30 pm Everybody welcome! Contact Ruth Broome 788026 8am 1pm Contact Marie Cliffe 01928 788181 1:00pm 3:00 Contact Shirley Craven 01928 787251 7pm Contact Mark Perry 01928 732194 Or Jean Welch 01928 731776 2pm Contact Joan Barclay 788394 7:00 8:00 Contact Sara 07837053539 7:30pm Contact Helen 01928 787092 4:30 6:00 Contact Sara 07837053539 9:30 10:30 Contact Lyndsey 07919 563 075 10am 12noon All day 4-6pm Contact Marie Cliffe for times 01928 788181

Tuesday & Friday July and August Wednesday July 4 11 25 Wednesday July 4 11 18 25 Aug 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday July 12 Thursday July 5 12 19 Friday July 6 13 20 27 Aug 3 10 17 24 Saturday July 7 Sunday July 22

Wednesday Club
No meetings in August

Zumba Classes W.I. Childrens dance classes Yoga Affordable housing meeting Private booking Private booking Setting up car boot sale pm

July 1 8 15 29 August 5 12 19
Sunday August 26

School Diary
For more details on booking the School Hall call Cath Tomlinson 01928 788471

Other Events
Saturday 1 September Saturday 13 October

Village Garden Show

Tigers Head

All Day Booking details to follow

Allo Allo
Norley Village Hall

If you have a forthcoming event planned, email the details to us and we can include it here
Furniture Finders ~~ Donate or collect furniture (recycling) at Winsford. 0845 0264727 email ~ ~ website: Rural Buses ~ 01606 810 660 (Door to Door ~ Book the day before your journey) Travel for Over 60s and disabled persons ~ Wyvern House ~ 01606 867928 Age Concern ~ David Goodwin 01606 888921 Pensions Office ~ 0845 60 60 265 delivery) 01928 788293/Fax 01928 787682 Holland Pharmacy ~ 01928 788559 Electrician:~ SWP Electrics 01928 740415 or 01928 740237 Electrician ~ Kingsley Electrical, Frank Pilgrim 01928 788971, 07711 258677 General Household maintenance, rubbish removal, general joinery ~ Munroe & Son 01928 787025 or 07875 304664 Property Repairs:~ Mike Kay 787292 ~ ALL EXTERIOR & INTERIOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. The Ovencleaners ~Lorraine~ 01928 723 906 or 0795 8610 403 or

Community Classifieds
PUBS: Tigers Head 01928 788309 ~ Carriers Inn 01928 787877 Chinese Restaurant:~ Fortune Palace ~ Eat in or out (No

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012



INGREDIENTS: 4 large eggs. 100g ( 4 oz ) caster sugar 100g ( 4 oz ) self raising flour FILLING 4 tabs strawberry or Raspberry jam. Requirements 33cm x 23cm (13 x 9 ) Swiss roll tin Preheat oven 220C / fan200C / gas 7 Cooking time 10mins. approx.

METHOD: Grease & line tin with baking parchment Whisk eggs & sugar together in a large bowl until the mixture is light and frothy, and the whisk leaves a trail when lifted out. Sift flour in, carefully folding it in at the same time. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin and give it a gentle shake so it finds its own level, making sure it spreads evenly into the corners. Bake for about 10mins in a preheated oven, or until the sponge is golden and begins to shrink from edges of tin. Cut a piece of baking parchment a little bigger than the tin and sprinkle with caster sugar. Invert the cake onto the parchment, and quickly loosen and remove the paper from the bottom of the cake. Trim the edges of the sponge and with a sharp knife make a score mark 1in from shorter edge of cake. Dont cut through. Leave to cool slightly, spread with jam, if the cake is too hot the jam will sink into the sponge. Roll the cake up firmly from the cut end.


INGREDIENTS: 150g ( 5oz ) SR flour 175g ( 6oz ) caster sugar 175g ( 6oz ) soft margarine 75g (3oz) drinking chocolate 3 large eggs 3 tablespoons boiling water FILLING 4 tablespoons icing sugar 2 tablespoons drinking chocolate 25g (1oz ) butter 2 tablespoons milk Requirements 8 to 9 diameter greased and lined cake tin. Preheat oven gas Mk 4 / 350F / 180C Cooking time 1 hour

METHOD Mix all ingredients together, stirring gently to begin with until all are combined. Then beat for two minutes. Pour into the greased lined tin. Bake until well risen. Leave in tin for 5 minutes, then turn out onto wire tray to cool. FILLING Put the milk and margarine in a saucepan and heat until margarine is melted. Add icing sugar and drinking chocolate and mix until smooth. Cut cake in half and spread the filling over the bottom layer. Place remaining half on top.


Norley News July & August 2012

Norley Village Garden Show at the Tigers Head Public House , Norley,
on Saturday 1st September 2012, from 2pm.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Vegetables and Fruit

1 Cucumber 3 Courgettes 1 Vegetable marrow 1 Truss cherry tomatoes 5 Red tomatoes 1 Lettuce with root 3 Onions, weight under 1 lb. each 3 Onions, weight over 1 lb. each 6 Shallots 2 Root garlic 4 White potatoes 4 Potatoes other than white 3 Beetroots, bunched with tops 3 Carrots, bunched with tops 5 Runner beans 5 French beans A collection of vegetables arranged in a space/box not more than 18x 24 ( See Top Tray Rules overleaf ) 1 Vegetable, any type not included in other classes 3 Cooking apples 3 Dessert apples 5 Stoned fruit, any variety, on a plate 1 Flower, 1 Fruit, 1 Vegetable, any variety A vase of fresh herbs, minimum 3 varieties

24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.

1 Ladys lapel spray ( theme: Diamond Jubilee ) 1 Gents lapel spray ( theme: Diamond Jubilee ) 3 Roses A fresh flower arrangement on a theme of Diamond Jubilee A foliage plant in a pot not exceeding 8 Not to include any additional container for effect. A flowering plant in a pot not exceeding 8 Not to include any additional container for effect. A vase of 5 stems, any flower not included in other classes A cactus or succulent in a pot not exceeding 8 A vase of 5 stems of African marigolds. 3 Chrysanthemums, incurved or intermediate A vase, 3 stems of spray chrysanthemums 3 Reflex chrysanthemums 3 Gladioli 3 decorative dahlias 3 cactus or semi-cactus dahlias A vase of dahlias, any variety A vase of annuals A vase of herbaceous flowers A vase 5 stems asters A fresh flower arrangement in an tea cup. Saucer may be included. Top vase ( See Top Vase Rules overleaf ) Arrangement of flowers floating in water. Maximum 8 diameter ( no foliage or accessories ) A vase of lavender

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012


47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Cookery Section
A jar of chutney A jar of stoned fruit jam A jar of soft fruit jam A swiss roll, See attached recipe. A decorated ( 9 cake any type ) with a Diamond Jubilee theme to be judged on decoration only 4 fruit scones An apple pie on 8 plate For Men Only 3 egg chocolate sandwich cake. See attached recipe. A hand made 1Ib white loaf plaited


Handicrafts.. Hobbies Section ( NB: All articles in this section must not have been entered in a previous show )

56. A cushion, any craft. Not exceeding 14x14 57. A specimen of cross- stitch, tapestry or embroidery. 58. A knitted baby garment. 59. A table top item, crafted from wood and /or metal. 60. A specimen of any other handicraft ( excluding painting ) not included in any other class 61. A funny photograph not exceeding 6x 8 62. A photograph subject reflections 6x 8 63. A photograph of an animal or animals not exceeding 6x 8 64. A photograph subject fungi not exceeding 6 x 8. 65. A holiday photograph not exceeding 6x 8 66. A painting ( identification of artist to be obscured for judging purposes ) 67. A limericktheme of 2012 Olympics on a postcard 68. A Vegetable Head created only from fruits, vegetables, grasses etc. 69. A Jubilee crown made from fruits vegetables berries etc. ( maximum 8 diameter ) N.B Maximum size of photographs: 6 x 8 ( 152mm X 203mm ) and No mounts or additional Speech Bubbles etc.

Junior Section
70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76 77. 78. 79. 80. (Age to be stated on the front of all exhibits, which must be the childs own work) 3 to 5 years of age N.B. Child may enter a class above age limit but not below A decorated flower pot. ( maximum 5 Diameter ) A paper plate mask. 3 decorated digestive biscuits 6 to 9 years of age - N.B. Child may enter a class above age limit but not below 5 Biscuits made from breakfast cereal. A coloured / decorated doiley ( maximum 8 diameter ) A badge or brooch made from hama or similar beads. A decorated jam jar of wild grasses. 10 to 14 years of age - N.B. Child may enter a class above age limit but not below A drawing of Olympic theme A4 size A decorated childrens t shirt A limerick.theme of 2012 Olympics .. on a postcard. 3 Squares of rocky road .

Top Tray Rules: 1. Display of three types of vegetables from the following list, the quantity of each vegetable required appears in brackets. Carrots ( 3 ), Cauliflowers ( 2 ), Onions ( 3 ), Parsnips ( 3 ), Peas ( 6 pods ), Potatoes ( 3 ), Runner Beans ( 6 pods ), Tomatoes ( 6 ), French beans ( 6 pods ), Sweetcorn ( 2 ), Pepper ( 3 ), Cucumber ( 2 ), courgettes ( 3 ) Red beetroot ( 3 ) and Aubergines ( 2 ) Carrots and Parsnips must have foliage trimmed back to 3 long. Peas & Beans must have stalk attached. Tomatoes must have calyces attached. 2. Vegetables must be displayed in an area measuring 18x 24 without bending any part of them and no part of the exhibit may overlap the tray size. A tray or board (18x 24) can be used or the area can simply be marked on the show bench, however, where a tray has a lip or edge the internal measurement must not exceed 18x 24. A black cloth is permitted and trays may be painted. 3. Parsley is allowed for garnishing but no other foliage or accessories such as plates, sand or rings will be allowed. Onion tops may be tied or wrapped using raffia or string. All vegetables are to be displayed for effect. Top Vase Rules: A vase of mixed flowers, between 5 and 10 stems. Minimum of two different kinds of plants. Show flowers only- no seeds or berries. Vase any shape or size. No accessories allowed except for foliage attached to stem. Packing allowed. Failure to abide by any of the above rules will lead to disqualification


Norley News July & August 2012

Norley Village Dog Show

at The Tigers Head Public House on Saturday 1st September, 2012 commencing at 3.00 pm.- Top Field.
Entry Form Please complete and hand in this section
envelope marked DOG SHOW)
Please print clearly

Norley Village Dog Show

Saturday 1 September 2012 Fun classes for your dog ! Held on the top field at The Tigers Head pub at 3pm.


(with correct money and in an

Owner of Dog/dogs _____________________________________________________ Address of owner _______________________________________________________ Entry fee - 50p per class Class 1 name of dog ____________________________________________________________ Class 2 name of dog ____________________________________________________________ Class 3 name of dog ____________________________________________________________ Class 4 name of dog ____________________________________________________________ Class 5 name of dog ____________________________________________________________
NUMBER OF CLASSES ENTERED ____________TOTAL COST____________________

Class Class Class Class Class

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The most handsome dog. ( Under 7 years old ) The most beautiful bitch. ( Under 7 years old ) The most handsome veteran dog. ( Over 7 years old ) The dog with the Waggiest tail. The Judges Choice ( the dog the judge would most like to take home ).

Norley NewsJuly & August 2012

Please note : due to last years high number of entries, only enter your dog in 2 classes please. 20 dogs limit per class.

* All entrants to meet on top field at Tigers Head for 3.00pm start* Dogs must be kept on leads and under control at all times. All entries are at the owners risk. Children entering must have a parent / guardian signature.

The Judges decision is final.

H J Lea Oakes are our Dog Show Sponsors.

Please hand completed entry forms and money ( in an envelope separate to your horticultural show entries + clearly marked DOG SHOW) to any Norley Village Show committee member or at drop off points as stated in main show schedule.

Keep this page for your reference

Children entering dogs in show must have a parent/guardian signature. Signature of parent/guardian_______________________________________________________________


Sponsored by: H J Lea Oakes

Before the show: Decide which classes you would like to enter. Read the Class description carefully. Complete the entry form below and hand it and the total entry fee, in an envelope, to one of the following: Margaret Dean, Hatchmere House, Norley, Margaret Worrall, Highbank Road, Kingsley, John Lewis, Maddocks Hill, Norley, The Tigers Head, Norley, The Stores, School Bank, Norley. ( you are advised to keep a record of your entries ) Please note: ENTRY FORMS MUST BE HANDED IN NO LATER THAN 6pm, THURSDAY 30th AUGUST Staging your exhibit: Exhibits should be taken to the marquee at the back of Tigers Head Pub between 9.30am and 11.00am on Saturday, 1st September. Stewards will be in the marquee to give you your exhibitors number, to show you where the Classes are and to help you to display exhibits. No exhibits after 11.30 please. All exhibits are left at owners risk. Judging: Judging will take place between 11.45am and 1.30pm on Saturday 1st September.


Cups, Certificates, Points & Prize money: The following will be awarded: Ted Dean Cup, Anne Brindle Cup, Junior Awards, Junior Cup, John Astbury Cup, Harold Smith Cup, The Rookery Cup, Jack Brindle Cup. Norman Orme Memorial Cup. Thompson & Morgan Garden vouchers for Top Tray and Top Vase. Prize Money: 1st prize 2.00 3 points 2nd prize 1.50 2 points 3rd prize 1.00 1 points N.B. Points for the Top tray & Top vase classes will be as follows: 1st 5 points, 2nd 3 points and 3rd 2 Points

After the award of Prizes, all donated exhibits will be auctioned off at approx. 4.30pm
Detach entry form here

Norley Garden Show Entry Form

(Extra copies of this form can be obtained from The Tigers Head or The Stores or Downloaded from our web site : ) Please complete one form per person. Children please state age. One entry per person, per class.

Name ( please print ) .. Address .....................

... Tel. No

Entry fee is: 30p per Class, 10p for children.

Please make any cheque payable to: Norley Horticultural Society. Any queries ring: John Lewis 01928 787173. Class Exhibit Fee Class Exhibit Fee

Total fee for entries


Norley News July & August 2012

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