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Cellular Injury, Adaptation Reversible Cell Injury 100x: (-) visibility of cellular PM Slide 1- Liver CCl4- 24hrs (+) hemoosiderin granules majority of cells are normal Slide 18 Acute Kidney Infarct (+) clusters of swollen hepatocytes SO: overall architecture is maintained (+) clear cytoplasm (+) tubules, glomeruli Slide 33 Fatty Metamorphosis of the Liver infarct area: cells of tubules are homogenously pink, Majority of liver cells are swollen lost nuclei; glomeruli (pink, anucleated) but retain outline (+) clear, vacuolated cytoplasm (+) viable cells intact cell membranes (+) extravasated RBCs Slide 39 Hydrophic Changes, Kidney (+) congested blood vessels Renal tubular cells are swollen Slide 38 Myocardial infarct clear cytoplasm (+) areas of fibrosis glomeruli- unaffected Irreversible Cell Injury light colored formless tissue Slide 2 Liver CCl4 @ 48 hrs 10x: some cardiac mm lack striation or nuclei SO:(+) clusters of hepatocytes remains: empty cell devoid of organelles 100 x: cytoplasm- (+) amorphous pinkish material, (+)/(-) anucleated cardiac cells, very eosinophilic visible lipid vacuole Slide 43 Cerebral infarct not well-defined cell boundaries SO: (+) numerous vacuoles; less compact stroma (+) macrophages in perphery (+) paler areas- areas of > infarct Slide 7 Submassive Hepatic Necrosis 10x: individual cells in part areas are SO: distortion of normal liver architecture indistinguishable (-) normal hepatocytes (+)/(-) amorphous areas

Slide 4 Acute Pancreatitis (+) normal tissure (+) wide areas of lightly stained structureless area 10x: structureless areas contain shadowy outlines of fat cells Slide 36 TB of the lung (+) patchy areas of normal appearing alveoli (+) areas of acellular tissue 10x: amorphous areas are slightly yellow in color, contain lymphocytes (+)/(-) giant cells or granulomas Slide 30 Gangrene-Skin (+) amorphous structure one a part of the skin (+) numerous plaques (bluish) w/in the amorphous structure (+) numerous neutrophils Adaptive Changes Hypertrophy Slide 26 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (+) areas of cardiac mm enlargemenr Slide 79 Uterine Leiomyoma enlareged smooth muscles Slide 179 Left Ventricular Hypertrophy enlarged cardiac muscles Hyperplasia

Slide 45 Parathyroid hyperplasia abundant chief cells Slide 67 Reactive hyperplasia of the Tonsil hyperplastic elements: lymphoid cells follicles inc in number enlarged dt proliferation of the various stages of lymphoid cells (+) squamous metaplasia Slide 71 Lymphoid hyperplasia hyperplastic elements: lymphoid cells inc. number of follicles variable size Slide 162 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 10x: increase number of prostatic glands lining epithelium: inc. number of layers (+) epithelial infolding stroma bet hyperplastic glands is minimal Slide 164 Diffuse Hyperplasia of the Adrenals increase cellular number in all layers of the cortex

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