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Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering M552 Digital Modulation and Coding

Semester 2 Examination 2 hours


Please answer THREE questions

Additional Information:

This is a closed book exam


Mathematical Formulae Book


Casio FX 85 Series or Casio FX 83 Series


Dr Boris Gremont

External Examiner:

Professor A Manikas




A symmetric full-duplex satellite link to a research base on the moon uses QPSK and forward error correction with rate on both forward and return links with no compression. If the communication signals occupy a total bandwidth of 4096 kHz, determine the useful bit rate available for either forward or return links. State any assumption. [5 Marks] The QPSK signal takes the form: with Find an expression relating the amplitude of the symbols from the modulator. and .

of the modulator and the energy



[7 Marks] What should be the received symbol energy at the input of the demodulator if the system is to operate at and the system noise temperature is 600K? [4 Marks] Using simple trigonometric identities, derive a suitable mathematical expression that will help you draw the constellation diagram of the QPSK modulator. Sketch the constellation of the QPSK signal set using with a suitable mapping of bits into symbols. Briefly justify the optimality of your mapping of bits into symbols. [9 Marks]

M552 Digital Modulation and Coding Academic year 2009-2010 Page 2 of 4


Using Gram-Schmidt decomposition, derive and sketch the constellation of the following signal set.
s1(t) V V T -V 2T s2(t)


s3(t) V T -V 2T





Find an expression for the symbol error rate of the optimum demodulator. [18 Marks] Draw and then explain the detailed block diagram of the optimum correlation receiver for the above signal set [7 Marks]

M552 Digital Modulation and Coding Academic year 2009-2010 Page 3 of 4


The convolutional encoder is described by the block diagram shown in the figure below

(a) (b) (c)

Derive/draw the trellis diagram for this encoder for the first six steps. [10 Marks] Use your trellis diagram to encode the sequence 011011. [5 Marks] Using Viterbis algorithm decode the following received sequence: 100101001101. [10 Marks]




Explain the principles of coding and decoding for a general (3,1) repetition code. What are the minimum distance, the error detection and error correction capabilities of such a code? [9 Marks] From first principles, find an expression for the probability of decoding error for the (3,1) repetition code assuming transmissions over a binary symmetric hard decision channel with bit error rate . [16 Marks]

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