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A long term energy saving analysis on LEDs general lighting in china


Based on survey of Chinas lighting products market and estimation of trends of LEDs technical innovation of general lighting, the paper has established a model to analyze the impacts on Chinas future lighting market and energy efficiency potential as LEDs appear to be a next generation of general lighting source. By doing scenarios analysis, the results of this study indicated that only 1% of LEDs contribution rate to the lighting market will be realized by 2018 while up to nearly 2,5% by 2020 under the baseline scenarios; for technology-breakthrough scenarios, 1% of LEDs contribution rate will be realized by 2015, increase to 14% by 2020; while under the price breakthrough scenarios, LEDs will constitute 1% contribution rate to the general lighting market by 2013, two years earlier in comparison, due to the decreased price, the market penetration process will speed up and by 2015 and 2020 the contribution rate of LEDs to general lighting market will increase to 9% and 69% respectively. Meanwhile, the electricity saving effects of LEDs with regard to general lighting field will show up approximately by 2013, with electricity consumption increase from over 278.4 Twh for general lighting of 2005 to 398.2 Twh in 2020 under baseline scenario; while under the technology-breakthrough scenario, the consumption for lighting of 2020 will be 344.9 Twh, under price-breakthrough scenario, the figure will drop to 313.4 Twh instead. Therefore, in 2020 there will be an energy saving possibility of 53.4 Twh with regard to the technology-breakthrough scenario; meanwhile the price-breakthrough solution in comparison with the baseline has a considerable energy saving potential over 84.8 Twh. In this study, lighting environment under wall-installed indirect lighting method with high diffusive-reflective ceiling paint is examined. The authors studied desktop illuminance and vertical illuminance (height. 1200mm) in this lighting environment of the room (4000 x 4000 x 2700h mm). The


Research Problem : Memprediksikan efek penggunaan lampu LEDs sebagai penerangan konvensional berkaitan dengan penghematan energi Aspek : Melihat perkembangan teknologi lampu LEDs (lifetime, efficacy) dari tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2020 Melihat perkembangan dari segi harga lampu LEDs dari tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2020 Prediksi perkembangan pasar terhadap lampu LEDs Memprediksikan penghematan listrik berdasarkan penggunaan lampu LEDs sebagai lampu konvensional


Indirect Lighting System with Luminaire Installed on Uppermost Part of the Wall to Achieve

Research Problem : Mengaplikasikan metode baru dalam perletakan lampu pada dinding atas dengan memanfaatkan pencahayaan tak langsung (pantulan) dari plafond dengan cat yang memiliki reflektansi tinggi dengan mempertimbangkan kualitas visual dan

both Visibility and Energy Saving Performance


The effect of facade design on lighting energy consumption in offices A case study in turin italy


Thesis Response to the Sun

average desktop illuminance is 844lx (1.06 times greater than that under direct lighting method (employing luminaire of white reflector with white louver) with ready-made ceiling paint), and the average vertical illuminance is 560 lx (1.16 times greater than that under direct lighting method with ready-made ceiling paint). As to the appearance of photogravure paper in the desktop, slight relfection of ceiling (immediate area of the luminaire, liminance: 1990-2150 cd/m2) onto the photogravure paper is observed, but there is no difficulty in terms of visibility at any part of the letters, figures or photo images. Human faces and inner walls in the room appears to be brightre that under direct lighting method with ready-made ceiling paint Energy efficient design strategies should be finalised in the early stages of the building design process. Running costs can be reduced and the occupants comfort and therefore productivity can increase. Evaluations of different faade systems should be carried out during the design stage in terms of energy demand in order to optimize the project. These evaluations need building simulations predicting the energy consumption. The present work covers a proposed approach to design the faade system and a case study to give an example of application, which is carried out by DAYSIM simulations. Such an approach would enable the design of an optimum faade system providing the visual comfort conditions and reducing electric energy consumption This thesis is an attempt to address the phenomenon of the sun in architecture. Particular use is made of the notions of warmth, light, shadow and energy as form generators. Of specific concern is how one structure can work in harmony within its environment and existing constraints. An analysis of an existing building is performed, with an eye to its strengths and weaknesses as a residence. It is an interesting challenge for an architect to take an undistinguished building one designed for a bygone age of surplus energy to identify those substantive elements to be retained

penghematan energi Aspek : Kualitas Visual Reflektansi Bahan Reflektansi warna Tingkat Silau (DGI) dua sistem pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi berdasarkan dua tipe pencahayaan (direct & indirect) Efisiensi Energi Penggunaan Energi antara cahaya langsung dan tak langsung

Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh desain fasad tertentu terhadap pertimbangan efisiensi konsumsi listrik pada bangunan kantor Aspek : Perbandingan 4 desain fasad pada model skalatis terhadap pencahayaan alami Perbandingan 6 sistem dari tiap fasad terhadap iluminasi pencahayaan Perbandingan sistem otomatis dan manual pada fasad terhadap pengguna aktif dan pengguna pasif (photosensor and blind control) Tingkat efisiensi pencahayaan alami terhadap pencahayaan buatan Research Problem : Membuat desain ulang dari bangunan eksisting dengan mempertimbangkan pemanfaatan pencahayaan alami dan membandingkan terhadap bangunan eksisting sebelumnya Aspek : Kelemahan pada desain dan struktur bangunan lama berdasarkan respon terhadap pencahayaan alami Mendesain dan menambah bagian pada bangunan eksisting yang respon terhadap matahari dan alam - Mendesain atap yang menampung air hujan - mendesain dinding yang memaksimalkan masuknya cahaya alami


Sustainable Lighting and Sense Rich Environments

and reused, those which are to be eliminated or substantially altered, and then harmonize them, in conjunction with a new plan, in order to create a warm, energy efficient, aesthetically appealing, and ultimately livable family residence. The possibilities concerning the highest and best changes to be made to improve the use of an existing structure are first identified. This thesis shows how a physically and spiritually cold, unattractive, and unremarkable building, one of little or no architectural merit, can be transformed through improved natural light and heat to create a better environment for a family. Sustainable lighting, considered in the broader context of sustainable design, suggests a return to more natural interior environments with their greater sensory stimulation and experiential richness. Research over the last 50 years has been claimed to provide little evidence of the interaction between the visual, thermal, accoustic, tactile and olfactory senses which might be expected to be essential to sensory richness. A critical evaluation of such research, in the context of understanding gained from recent research in cognitive science and neuroscience, reveals serious flaws in this research into sensory interaction. The nature of these flaws is discussed with examples. Insight gained from studies of visual perception suggests significant changes need to be made to experimental procedures to avoid the problem of inattentional blindness and to overcome the lack of reality in the rooms and equipment used in laboratory based studies. In particular, it is argued that the lack of a sense of place and of realistic activity means that the experimental setting will faik to trigger any significant activity in the neural pathway in the visual cortex which has been found to enable interaction with non visual sensory modalities.

- mendesain bukaan untuk memaksimalkan pencahayaan dan view

Research Problem : Melihat pendekatan-pendekatan yang telah dilakukan pada risetriset yang telah ada berkaitan dengan pencahayaan yang berkelanjutan dan lingkungan. Aspek : Kelemahan dari metode riset-riset yang berkaitan dengan pencahayaan yang sustainable Penambahan metode-metode baru pada riset yang telah ada


A healthy future for office lighting


For long standards and recommendations for office lighting are based on the horizontal illuminance at the working plane, this to ensure that the visual needs for a reading and writing task are fulfilled. Today, working in a modern office includes much more than just reading and writing. Working in a computer and communication with one or more persons have become the major tasks of an office worker. Thus the lighting requirements have to change too. That daylight is an important factor for a healthy and energy efficient office lighting has become widely accepted. Also knowledge has been obtained about the influence of light on mood and performance; apart from the visual system also the brain responds directly to light. Over the last decade research has been performed within Philips Lighting in Eindhoven, to obtain knowledge abaout the preference and acceptance of office lighting by the workers and about the non-visual effects of light on mood and performance. This article gives an overview of the work that has been done and the implications for office lighting and office lighting design Sekolah dasar di Indonesia secara umum tidak mengenal fenomena dasar ergonomis untuk fasilitas belajar di Sekolah Dasar, misalnya meja dan bangku yang sesuai dengan kondisi antrophometri siswa, pengaruh warna, pengaruh pencahayaan yang cukup, dan lain sebagainya. Sebagai contoh Berdasarkan penelitian M. Lukman (2006) ada ketidak sesuaian antara antrophometri murid kelas satu dan dua terhadap dimensi meja dan bangku belajar. Untuk itu sangat perlu untuk melakukan penelitian tentang kuat pencahayaan pada saat proses belajar mengajar di beberapa sekolah dasar di Malang. Pencahayaan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan mata siswa dan derajat kelelahan mata serta secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi tingkat konsentrasi siswa terhadap pelajaran atau proses belajar mengajar. Penerangan yang ideal untuk proses belajar dan mengajar di sekolah Dasar menurut Kroemer adalah sebesar 200 sampai


Research Problem : Pencahayaan alami yang dapat diterima pada ruang kantor serta pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas visual (performa dan mood karyawan). Aspek : Melihat tingkat iluminasi dari cahaya luar didalam ruangan Melihat tingkat silau cahaya luar dari bukaan Melihat tingkat performa dan mood karyawan berdasarkan tingkat iluminasi


Analisa Nilai Pencahayaan Proses Belajar Mengajar Sekolah Dasar di Malang

Research Problem : Melihat tingkat iluminasi pencahayaan didalam ruang kelas sekolah dasar terhadap pertimbangan kesehatan dan konsentrasi belajar siswa Aspek : Mengukur tingkat iluminasi pada beberapa titik ukur tiap ruang kelas Membandingkan tingkat pencahayaan pada ruang kelas Melihat variabel yang mempengaruhi perbedaan tingkat iluminasi antar kelas


Determinants of Lighting Quality II


Effect of Personal Adjustment of Brightness on the Satisfication Level of Office Lighting

500 lux atau kategori D. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah semua sekolah dasar memiliki penerangan sedang, hal ini yang perlu dilakukan penelitian . Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisa tingkat pencahaayaan atau penerangan di beberapa sekolah dasar apakah sudah sesuai dengan standar minimum atau tidak. Penelitian dengan menggunakan peralatan Luxmeter, untuk menghitung kuat penerangan atau pencahayaan masing masing kelas. Hasil dari penelitian ini, yang dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Sawojajar VII adalah bahwa pencahayaan di kelas masih jauh dari harapan karena nilainya dalam kategori A dan B serta C dimana nilai pencahayaan dibawah 200 lux Lighting practitioners and laypeople alike believe that the quality of the luminous environment can influence task performance, comfort, and well-being. There is mounting concern that the quality of the lit environment will decline in parallel to lighting energy use as energy codes and standards come into effect; however, there is no consensus about what constitutes good lighting quality. Broad agreement exists that illuminance, luminance, luminance distribution, uniformity, glare control, flicker rate, and spectral power distribution are the important dimensions of the luminous environment. This literature review relates these variables to behavioural outcomes such as visual comfort, task performance, preferences, and well-being. Comparison of these studies to the recommended practices for lighting design in offices reveals little agreement. Psychologists and other behaviour scientists, although not generally accustomed to participating in the writing of codes and standards, have an important role to play the development of these regulations, in ensuring that the best possible knowledge base is applied to the establishment of working and living conditions to support people To clarify the importance of personal adjustments on office lighting, 17 general office workers and 38 experts in the lighting industry are interviewed. Experiments are conducted to quantify the effect of the subjects capability to change the illuminance on their satisfication level, and to distinguish the

Research Problem : Melihat faktor penentu dari kualitas pencahayaan yang sebenarnya dan dapat dipraktekan secara praktis pada bangunan kantor, serta melihat kebenaran variabel penentu dari kenyamanan visual seperti pada penelitian-penelitian pencahayaan. Aspek : Melihat literatur tentang pencahayaan yang memenuhi syarat kenyamanan visual Membandingkan literatur pencahayaan Mereview penelitian yang meneliti tentang kenyamanan visual pada bangunan kantor Mengkomparasikan hasil penelitian tentang kenyamanan visual pada bangunan kantor.

Research Problem : Pengaruh dari kontrol pencahayaan terhadap kesan pribadi dari tiap pekerja pada bangunan kantor, desainer, dan teknisi lampu


How is Workers Mood Affected by Workplace Lighting

effect of control from the effect of illuminancce change itself. It is shown through the interviews that although the awareness on the importance of adjustment is not prevalent, both general office workers and lighting designers regard lighting adjustment as a key factor. Through the experiments, it is obersved that evaluations on the lighting environment vary greatly depending on wether or no the subjects are capable of adjusting the lighting level, while effects of both control and illuminance change are small The aim of the study was to investigate to what extent variations in natural daylight, as well as in indoor lighting and decoration, would affect the mood of people working indoor. It was assumed that such an impact would be moderated by the personality characteristics of the individuals. The study was carried out in nothern Argentina in workplaces consisting mostly of open plan offices, but also some rooms for one or two persons, and a factory plant were included. About 20 percent completely lacked windows. In spite of the considerable variations in day length, ranging from ten and a half hours in June to fourteen hours in December, no overall seasonal variations in mood could be established. One obvious reason for this may have been the frequent use of shading devices which reduced the impact of the variations in natural daylight between summer and winter. On the other hand, the differences between the interior environments in terms of lighting and decoration did seem to have at least some impact. Both analyses of regression and variance showed interior decoration to be the most important from the emotional point of view. The participants throughout, reported a more positive mood in the colourful environment. The difference was consistent over the year but became significant only during autumn and winter. Individuals of type B (few sign of tension) reported a more positive emotional status throughout the year than those of type A, which is in line with previous results linking type A to anger and hostility

Aspek : Merencanakan 3 sistem kontrol pencahayaan bagi responden kantor Eksperimen dan melakukan pertanyaan terhadap responden terhadap perubahan jenis dan tingkat pencahayaan pada ruang. Menganalisa hasil eksperimen dari responden sesudah pencahayaan dan sebelum diberi pencahayaan.

Research Problem : Pencahayaan buatan dan alami pada tempat kerja dan pengaruhnya terhadap mood dari pekerja Aspek : Melihat pengaruh pencahayaan buatan dan alami pada ruang kerja Melihat faktor lain yang mempengaruhi mood para pekerja : - desain interior - musim - lingkungan tempat kerja Melakukan analisis regresi dan variance pada desain interior dan melihat hubungannya terhadap mood pekerja


The effect of the Momentary change of light color in rating of brightness and impression


The Use of Task Lighting in an Industrial Work Area Provided with Daylight

The impression for the room and the color appearance of objects are different with the more colorful light colors that have recently been released. When the light colors appropriate to each residential room are used, residents are exposed to the change when they move from a room to another of different light colors. Residents impressions due to the change in light colors have to be considered. In this study, paying attention to the light colors and the color adaptation, and the influence of them on the impressions is grasped. The consideration compared the difference in the chroma and hue of the light colors for each impression. In the transitional process of impression, there are different impressions from those of the static conditions, and the processes are clasified into some patterns. In the transitional process the condition includes a transition of color light from daylight and daylight from color light. The consideration compared the combination of these conditions. As a result, the light colors and the change in light colors influenced the impressions. KEYWORDS : color light, impression, transitional process A dimmable task lighting system was installed at six working places in a luminaire factory in France. The factory hall had skylights that provided a lot of daylight. The purpose was to study which illuminances users select, how often they use additional task lighting, wheter they liked the lighting system and if their selections were influenced by the amount of daylight or the type of work. The workers were free to use the task lighting in any way they wanted. The settings of the task lighting were recorded between the winter of 2004 and the spring of 2005. The opinions of the users were sought by means of questionnaires after the testing period. It was found that those workers who worked in the area on more than 20 days in the testing period used the task lighting (viz. Switched it on) on average only during 6,5% of the total working time. The task lighting was used more frequently during the times when the amount of daylight was limited (darkness or dark weather) and less frequently when there was more daylight in the area. And the task itself also had an

Research Problem : Pengaruh dari perubahan warna pencahayaan terhadap kuat terang dan pengaruhnya pada penghuni rumah tinggal serta melihat kemampuan dalam menyesuaikan perubahan warna pencahayaan Aspek : Melihat pengaruh perubahan warna pada tiap ruang terhadap pengguna Melihat hubungan pengaruh perasaan terhadap perubahan pencahayaan Mengukur perubahan pengaruh berdasarkan sudut pencahayaan Melihat pola perubahan perasaan berdasarkan perubahan warna Membandingkan faktor-faktor terbesar yang mempengaruhi

Research Problem : Efisiensi penggunaan pencahayaan buatan pada ruang kerja industri dengan skylight yang mendapatkan pencahayaan alami secara maksimal Aspek : Eksperimen pada 6 tempat pada industri lampu - menyebar beberapa pencahayaan buatan pada tempat kerja - waktu pengukuran dilakukan pada selama 20 hari Menyebar kuesioner setelah waktu eksperimental ANOVA pada kuesioner yang telah dijawab


Visual Impression of Lighting from a Window and a Ceiling a comparison between the compound lighting and the uniform lighting

influence on the preferred illuminance, and hence on the frequency of use of the task lighting. The preferred horizontal task illuminances supplied by the task-lighting luminaires varied from person to person, with an average of around 600 lux. The users expressed the wish that they wanted to keep the system after the test period, and 41 percent of the users felt that the task lighting helped them to perform better The Purpose of this study is to understand the change of impression by comparing the uniformity lighting with the compound lighting. The experiment is carried out with the two scaled-models that were supposed to be an office space. One is lit by the uniform lighting and the other by the compound lighting. Subjects were asked to evaluate the point of difference by semantic differential rating on their overall impression after comparing with two rooms. The results showed that the impressions of compound lighting were more possitive score than that of uniformity lighting on the items of dim-bright, dislike-like, artificial-natural and closed-open, and that there was no significant difference in impressions between two spaces on other items


Visual Impression of Lighting from a Window and a Ceiling The Effect of Their Compound Ratio

This study was conducted to examine how our visual impression of the lighting space will change when the ratio of the amount of daylight from a window to light from an entire ceiling is changed. In order to evaluate the subjective impression of illuminance distribution for lighting conditions,

Research Problem : Membandingkan dua sistem pencahayaan yang berbeda uniform lighting dan compound lighting pada fungsi bangunan kantor untuk melihat sistem pencahayaan yang paling berpengaruh positif. Aspek : Membuat 2 model skala dengan dua sistem pencahayaan yang berbeda Membandingkan variabel dari dua sistem pencahayaan tersebut - dim bright - hard soft - not relaxed relaxed - artificial natural - quiet cheerful - dislike like - unfrendly friendly - inative active - hard to enter easy to enter - closed open - small large - complex simple - hazy clear Analisa semantic differential pada variabel yang diukur Analysis of variance atau ANOVA pada rata-rata nilai eksperimen untuk melihat faktor yang signifikan Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh visual terhadap pemakai berdasarkan pencahayaan alami dari jendela dan ceiling Aspek : Menggunakan dua model skala dengan sumber datang

this study adopted an experimental method using two scaled models. The standard box was lit by only the light from the entire ceiling, and the evaluation box was lit by the light from the window and the light from the entire ceiling. Subjects were asked to rate their overall impression for the state of light in the evaluation box by comparing with standard box. Our findings indicate that the compound ratio of 20% to 40% from the window and 80% to 60% from ceiling would be beneficial in terms of psychological impression for ordinal office spaces

cahaya yang berbeda - sumber cahaya dari jendela - sumber cahaya dari ceiling Melakukan faktor analisis dari hasil penilaian dari tiap model - dengan extraction method : Principal Axis Factoring - dengan rotation method : Varimax with Kaiser Normalization


A Study on the Practical Use of a Task and Ambient Lighting System in an Office


The possibility if the practical use as an office lighting system, which make the total illuminance of 400 lx and task and ambient illuminance ratio of 1.0 on the working desk, by using Task and Ambient Lighting system was reported on the last year research. On this year research, the following aspects were indicated based on the analysis of the psychological queries after two weeks actual work in the specific illuminance level and Task and Ambient Illuminance ratio. The illuminance level of 200 lx on a working desk cause some psychological problem as room and desk area darkness and illuminance level unevenness. These problems were improved when the illuminance level of 300 lx was applied. And this analysis suggested that the Task and Ambient Illuminance ratio shall be around 1.0. An approximately 20% saving energy can be achieved under the lighting system condition compared with the general office lighting system The daylighting of commercial buildings offers the oppurtunity to reduce energy consumption and improve occupant appraisal of the quality of their environment. The focus of this paper is the assesment of a light-redirecting device designed for use in a passive daylighting system for


Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh dari task lighting dan ambient lightingpada ruang kerja kantor terhadap pengaruh psikologi pekerja. Aspek : Melakukan 4 tahap eksperimental dengan simulasi ruang kerja berdasarkan variabel berikut dengan perlakuan berbeda. - visual work at a desk - thinking at a desk - working at a VDT - resting - work inside the partition - conversation (seating) - conversation (standing) Melihat rata-rata (mean) dan perbedaan dari tiap hasil simulasi Comparison analysis Research Problem : Mengaplikasikan pencahayaan alami kedalam desain bangunan komersial untuk mengurangi konsumsi energi Aspek : Menggunakan aplikasi ray tracing untuk


Engineering daylight into commercial building


Fundamental Study of Shadow Charateristics under Task Ambient Lighting


Penelitian Terhadap Kuat Penerangan dan Hubungannya Dengan Angka Reflektansi warna dinding

conventional, high-rise building faade. This paper presents an introduction to how performance parameters can be defined and performance analysis conducted at the design stage of this daylighting device using ray tracing software. The device is judged on its potential to redistribute light throughout the depth of a typical room without causing discomfort glare to occupants. A proposed definition of optimal device performance, deviced using geometric considerations, is also presented. Shadow is something we experience in our daily lives and a significant obstacle to our work. So shadow has been considered one of the important factors in lighting design. In this paper, the illuminance distributions on a desk as the working plane when Task Ambient Lighting, which is one type of office lighting systems, and a globe as a shadow caster are set up in a model room containing fixtures are obtainded by the Monte Carlo method and the characteristics of the shadow are examined. First, in order to carry out the illuminance calculation by the Monte Carlo method in the case of a light source with a non-uniform diffuse distribution, the relationship between the cumulative luminous flux and uniform random numbers was found by the use of division mensuration. Next, some experiments were made under the same conditions as the calculations. Comparing the experimental results with the calculated results, difference between them, confirms that the above method is suitable. Then, we obtained and examined the shadow characteristics on the surface of the desk when the position of the shadow caster was changed. As a result, we found that Task Ambient Light makes a weaker shadow that one of task light of Ambient light, and variations in the shadow area by Task Ambient Light are similar to those by Task light Kuat penerangan rata-rata dan kuat penerangan yang merata adalah dua buah faktor kuantitas pencahayaan yang harus dipenuhi dalam sistem pencahayaan general, agar penglihatan dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Landasan teori bahwa dinding dan langit-langit yang terang (berkaitan dengan angka reflektansi) sangat efisien dalam menghemat

memperhitungkan pencahayaan kedalam bangunan Melihat pertimbangan desain yang berkaitan dengan pencahayaan pasif Mengasumsikan tipikal model umum dari bangunan komersial Mengevaluasi performa dari device pada bangunan menggunakan ray tracing Menetapkan performa yang optimal pada bangunan komersial Research Problem : Melihat karakteristik dari bayangan dari pencahayaan (task ambient lighting) pada meja kerja sebagai area kerja. Aspek : Menggunakan metode Monte Carlo untuk menghitung tingkat iluminasi pada model ruang Memberikan perlakuan yang berbeda pada model ruang tersebut - task ambient lighting - task lighting - ambient lighting Membandingkan tingkat bayangan dari tiap sistem pencahayaan Mengkomparasikan hasil eksperimen dan mengevaluasi -

Research Problem : Sistem pendistribusian cahaya menggunakan kekuatan penerangan dan reflektansi dari dinding dan hubungan terhadap efisiensi energi. Aspek : Studi literatur yang berkaitan dengan kuat penerangan


energi dan mendistribusikan cahaya secara merata digunakan dalam memecahkan masalah tidak terpenuhinya kedua faktor tersebut di ruang-ruang kelas Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya. Di akhir penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa standar kuat penerangan rata-rata dapat dicapai dengan peningkatan angka reflektansi warna dinding; sedang tercapainya standar pencahayaan merata, di samping peningkatan angka reflektansi warna dinding harus pula diatur letak lampu sesuai spacing criteria


Indoor Lighting Facilities

According to the statistic by the Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport, the total floor space of all building construction started was 188.87 million m2 (1,5% increase y/y), marking the fourth straight year of increase. Many large-scale building under construction in central Tokyo become fully occupied by tenants before completion. As for office buildings, it is required to develop comfortable and functional office spaces as working styles are becoming more and more diversified, and lighting is also an element of such functionalities. The total floor space of construction started exhibition pavilions, multipurpose halls, conferencec halls and religious architecture decreased 11.1 % againts the previous year. This marked a decline for 10 consecutive years and the downward trend continues. In exhibition pavilions, the light radiation is measured and adjusted throughout the year so as no to damage the artworks by lighting. Hospitals, while providing higher quality medicalservices and enhancing the dwelling environment of patients, are expected to meet various restrictions and requirements, including the respect of privacy. Meanwhile, lighting designs for school classrooms tend to be homogeneous, yet new ideas are being promoted

- illumination - uniformity of illuminance - reflectance - hubungan kuat penerangan dengan angka reflektansi - hubungan CU dengan peningkatan reflektansi permukaan - hubungan warna dengan angka reflektansi Eksperimental pada ruang kelas dengan beberapa titik ukur dengan dua metode - metode A determination of Average Illuminance on a Horizontal Plane From General Lighting Only. - meode B Regular Area With Symmetrically Spaced Luminaires in Two or More Rows. Mengukur angka reflektansi Melihat campuran warna Membandingkan dari hasil penelitian untuk melihat faktor optimum. Research Problem : Melihat fasilitas pencahayaan ruang dalam dari berbagai fungsi bangunan di Tokyo dan kaitannya terhadap kualitas visual Aspek : Melakukan studi kasus dari pencahayaan pada berbagai fungsi bangunan - Offices/ Bussines facilities - Exhibition pavilions/ multipurpose halls/ conference halls/ religious architectures - Hospitals/ schools/ libraries - Theaters/ Halls/ Studios - Stores/ Commmercial facilities - Hotels/ Restaurant/ Other services industries - Housings Menganalisa fasilitas pencahayaan dari tiap fungsi bangunan



Perception of Lighting Fluctuation in Office lighting environment


Perencanaan Pencahayaan Buatan Pada Interior Ruang Kelas

to strike a balance between the economical and functional aspects. The severe economic environment continues to be hampering the growth of theaters and halls in both the private and public sectors. Contrary to the downsizing trend of such facillities, additional installations of lighting equipment were conspicuous, and the adoption of high efficay lighting appliances and intelligent function control circuits are becoming popular. In the category of stores/ commercial facilities, the construction of complex facilities is a continuing trend. Indirect lighting, high luminance discharge lamps with excellent color rendition and LEDs are being affectively used in these facilities, together with the introduction of lighting designs that take into account the traffic flow of shoppers. For hotels, restaurant and other service industries, lighting equipment that corresponds to the purpose of the facility is being employed. An innovative lighting design was obeserved for the bath space, while such idea was not so much emphasized in the past. As to residences, illumination positioning plans that cope with diversifying lifestyles in an innovative space expanding in a horizontal or vertical direction using high efficient light sources/ appliances are being introduced. The non-periodic fluctuation of artificial lighting in offices was investigated to clarify the threshold at which the fluctuation is perceived. The experiments showed that fluctuation ratio of 0.92 1.06, i.e. 7& of the fluctuation, is not perceived when the observers tried to be conscious of the fluctuation. On the other hand, under the condition of being unconsious of the fluctuation because of assigned visual tasks, the threshold has a broader range (0.8-1.3) and the value rises with the fluctuation period. It is important to dim artificial lighting without causing discomfort to office workers, and the results of this study can be used to better control, fluctuation in office lighting Hasil penelitian terhadap penggunaan energi, dalam hal ini listrik pada bangunan gedung menunjukkan bahwa jumlah energi listrik yang dipergunakan untuk keperluan pencahayaan ruangan menempati urutan terbesar kedua

Research Problem : Pengaruh dari turun naiknya tingkat pencahayaan pada lingkungan kerja kantor terhadap perubahan kenyamanan visual dan peforma karyawan Aspek : Melakukan 3 jenis eksperimen - eksperimen 1 : perception of a step change in illumination light - eksperimen 2 : perception of gradual fluctuation in illumination light - eksperimen 3 : when a workload was given Research Problem : Mengoptimalkan perencanaan pencahayaan buatan pada ruang kelas dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi energi.



Study on Affluent Lighting in a Japanese Living Room Meanings of Affluent Lighting and Elements Concerned

setelah sistem tata udara. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan perencanaan yang akurat untuk mendapatkan tingkat pencahayaan yang dibutuhkan dengan memanfaatkan senergi yang optimal Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah lampu dan jenis armature yang diperlukan dalam sebuah ruang kelas. Untuk mecapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literature dari berbagai sumber. Jumlah lampu yang diperlukan pada sebuah ruang kelas dengan ukuran 8.9 m x 10.9 m adalah 12 pasang lampu dengan penempatan yang disebar secara merata diseluruh kelas dan tambahan sepasang lampu pada ruang sekitar papan tulis. The purpose of this study is to clearly define the meaning of affluent lighting in a living room and together with its concerned elements. Two psychological experiments, one using the evaluation grid method and other using the semantic differential method, were carried out using photographs of living rooms. (1) 24 meanings and 41 elements emerged from results of experiments using evaluation grid method. Relationships among the 24 meanings were plotted in a figure using MDS. The 41 elements were classified into six groups. (2) The meanings of affluent lighting were explained by feelings of comfort, brightness, and variety from the results of experiments using semantic differential method. The important elements were plural luminaries and brightness. The results show that affluent lighting can suit various situation in a living room

Aspek : Studi literatur Perhitungan perencanaan pencahayaan didalam kelas - Perhitungan ruang kelas - Perhitungan daerah sekitar papan tulis Mengelompokan lampu

Research Problem : Menjelaskan kembali (menetapkan) pengertian dari Affluent Lighting dan elemen-elemnya pada ruang tamu di Jepang. Aspek : Melakukan 2 eksperimental - Eksperimen 1 : evaluation grid method (untuk mengetahui arti dari afffluent lighting dan juga elemen-elemennya. - hasil evaluasi eksperimen menggunakan dendograms - hasil evaluasi menggunakan multi dimensional scaling (MDS) - melihat hubungan antara makna dan elemennya (affluent lighting) - Eksperimen 2 : determine in more detail relationship between the meanings of affluent and the element. - hasil evaluasi dianalisis menggunakan semantic differential method Mengevaluasi dari dua hasil penelitian dan mengklasifikasikan nya kedalam beberapa grup Research Problem : Mengoptimalkan perencanaan pencahayaan buatan pada ruang kelas dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi energi. Aspek : Studi literatur


Tesis Studi Pemanfaatan Pencahayaan Alami Pada Beberapa Rancangan Ruang

Hasil penelitian terhadap penggunaan energi, dalam hal ini listrik pada bangunan gedung menunjukkan bahwa jumlah energi listrik yang dipergunakan untuk keperluan pencahayaan ruangan menempati urutan terbesar kedua setelah sistem tata udara. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan


Kelas Perguruan Tinggi Di Medan


The Difference among Generations in Evaluating Interior Lighting Environment


Influence of Air Temperature on Preference for Color Temperature of General Lighting in the Room

perencanaan yang akurat untuk mendapatkan tingkat pencahayaan yang dibutuhkan dengan memanfaatkan energi yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah lampu dan jenis armature yang diperlukan dalam sebuah ruang kelas. Untuk mecapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literature dari berbagai sumber Jumlah lampu yang diperlukan pada sebuah ruang kelas dengan ukuran 8.9 m x 10.9 m adalah 12 pasang lampu dengan penempatan yang disebar secara merata diseluruh kelas dan tambahan sepasang lampu pada ruang sekitar papan tulis. This paper explores the difference among generations in evaluating interior lighting environment, and provides some knowledge for interior lighting design, which can accommodate all generations. Fifteen Computer Graphic pictures, which had the same dimensions (W3000mm_H2800mm_D6300 mm) but a different luminous environment are evaluated. Pictures are presented on a screen with a liquid crystal projector in a shaded dark room. A Semantic Differential technique with 12 subjective scales with 5 steps was used for the evaluation. Participants were chosen from 3age groups: young, middle age, and elderly people. A difference among generations in evaluating interior lighting environment emerged. These tendencies could not be explained solely by visibility. It seems that the personal experience is closely related to the evaluation and preference of luminous environment The color temperature of general lighting in an interior space is an important lighting factor that contributes to making lighting environment more comfortable or pleasant. It is desirable for making atmosphere more comfortable or pleasant to clarify how air temperature affects psychological preferences for the color temperature of general lighting. Two kinds of psychological evaluation experiments were conducted by using a laboratory whose air temperature was kept at a constant value. As a result of the experiment-1, it was cleared that the air temperature to which the subjects were exposed was low, as in winter, a low color temperature

Perhitungan perencanaan pencahayaan didalam kelas - Perhitungan ruang kelas - Perhitungan daerah sekitar papan tulis Mengelompokan lampu

Research Problem : Melihat perbedaan pada evaluasi pencahayaan ruang dalam dengan perbedaan tingkat iluminasi untuk mengukur tingkat variabel. Aspek : Eksperimental dengan projektor gambar foto dengan tingkat iluminasi yang berbeda. Hasil dari eksperimen terhadap 3 grup partisipan (young, middle, elderly) dievaluasi menggunakan teknik semantic differential untuk mendapatkan variabel Hasil dari analisa variabel dilakukan analisis dengan Factor Analysis (Principal Factor with Varimax Rotation) untuk melihat perbedaan hasil dari 3 grup partisipan.

Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh dari temperatur udara dari pencahayaan buatan pada ruangan dan pengaruhnya terhadap kenyamanan pengguna ruangan. Aspek : Dua tahap eksperimen dengan perlakuan berbeda - eksperimen 1 :melihat pengaruh psikologi dari temperatur dari tiga suhu berbeda (experimental apparatus method) - evaluasi dengan metode komparasi - eksperimen 2 : melihat pengaruh psikologi dari


was preferred. On the other hand, the air temperature was high, as in summer, a high color temperature was preferred. Accodingly, it was cleared that the color temperature preference for general lighting varies depending on the air temperature in a room. In the next stage, the experiment-2 was made to study wheter a sudden change like step in air temperature as experienced during ordinary activities in human life affects color temperature preference. As a result, it was cleared that the color temperature preference for general lighting in Room A immediately after entering Room A from Room B varies depending on air temperature in B

perubahan mendadak pada temperatur udara (experimental apparatus method) - evaluasi dengan melihat nilai rata-rata Membandingkan dari dua hasil eksperimen.


Effects of House Exterior Lighting on the Evaluation of Lighting Environment on Nighttime Residential Streets


This study examinde to know how the function of house exterior lighting, especially gate lighting, entryway lighting and ornament lighting, for the evaluation of lighting environment on the nighttime residential streets. An experiment using a real residential street, where people actually live, was carried out. The result suggested that the evaluation of lighting environment can be improves not only by the amount of light but by the light fittings attached on the gate or at the entryway or on the hedge belonging to private property


Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh dari pencahayaan luar pada rumah dan pengaruhnya terhadap pencahayaan lingkungan jalan perumahan. Aspek : Mengkalifikasikan kesan dari tiap individual jika berjalan melewati jalan lingkungan perumahan (feeling of fear) Melakukan eksperimen dengan partisipan dari berbagai umur. Melihat hubungan antara feelings of fear dan pencahayaan malam hari pada jalan perumahan. Hasil eksperimen dievaluasi dengan ANOVA untuk melihat perbedaan dari tiap variabel yang diukur.


Natural Lighting of Deep Architectural Space The Perception of New Zealand Architects

The paper considers aspects of a survey carried out amongst a group of registered New Zealand architects in order to establish their knowledge and experience in using coredaylighting systems and methods (Barrett, 2003). Coredaylighting comprises systems and methods for bringing natural light into deep architectural space where conventional methods (such as windows and skylights)

Research Problem : Mengevaluasi pendapat arsitek New Zealand terhadap pengaplikasian sistem penyaluran cahaya untuk memanfaatkan pencahayaan alami ke bangunan yang memiliki ruang dalam (bangunan tebal/ lebar) dengan sistem penyaluran pencahayaan alami. Aspek :



Sky Glow Caused by the Spill Light from Office Buildings


Tesis Hubungan Media Ruang Luar dengan Kualitas Visual Koridor di Malam Hari Menurut Persepsi Masyarakat

cannot readily be used. Examples of these methods are: atria (Matusiak, 1998), sun tracking heliostats, sun and light pipes, light scoops, Fresnel lenses, anidolic zenithal systems, prismatic daylight systems, light shelves, tapping mirrors, light reflectors and louvres (Littlefair,1991, 1996 & 2000), lightwells, internal courts (Lam, 1986), fibre optic cable (Kay,1999), and other systems for light re-direction. The survey was carried out using a questionnaire as described below (Survey Methods). The findings were analysed, resulting in a clear indication that the respondents were not especially experienced or knowledgeable, and a majority felt this to be an area of their skill base in need of development. Whilst the survey was strictly intended to gather quantitative material, respondents were invited to comment freely as they progressed through to completion of the questionnaire. This paper draws on this qualitative data as an insight into several areas, including the attitudes of respondents towards their clients when making decisions about designing buildings for natural daylighting The sky glow in Tokyo is considered to be caused not only by excessive upward light output from outdoor lighting. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the light from windows of office buildings on the sky glow in Tokyo. In order to identify the actual conditions of the spill light from office windows, field measurements were conducted in a park and, based on the results, the upward luminous flux from office windows was compared to that from outdoor lighting investigated by illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (IEIJ). Our research proves that it is necessary to consider not only the outdoor lighting but also the light spilled from the inside of buildings Koridor jalan pahlawan merupakan salah satu koridor kota Semarang yang didalamnya terdapat beragam media ruang luar. Pada malam hari, media ruang luar (menggunakan pencahayaan buatan) menjadi ciri khas yang unik dan menjadi elemen pembeda dengan koridor lainnya. Media ruang luar ini memiliki fungsi, letak, dan dimensi yang beragam. Fungsi, bentuk, warna dan ukuran yang beragam

Melakukan survey pada 493 arsitek di New Zealand. Data diperoleh dengan dua metode kuesioner (pertanyaan 1 -2 ordinal, 2 6 pertanyaan kategori) Hasil survey kuesioner dianalisa dengan melihat pendapat yang signifikan.

Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh dari silau dan cahaya dilangit akibat dari pantulan dan cahaya bangunan kantor di Tokyo. Aspek : Melalukan metode pengukuran :Pengukuran iluminasi pada malam hari di taman. Iluminasi dari jendela bangunan kantor ( 3 bangunan ) di kalkulasikan. Komparasi antara cahaya jatuh dari bangunan dan pencahayaan luar

Research Problem : Kualitas visual malam hari pada koridor jalan hubungannya terhadap pencahayaan malam hari. Aspek : Kualitas visual Persepsi masyarakat terhadap pencahayan koridor malam hari


tersebut menjadikan visual terlihat beragam, dominan dan kompleks, sehingga pandangan dibeberapa titik terganggu dan terlihat tumpang tindih. Tingkat kepadatan dan persebaran beragam media ruang luar (menggunakan pencahayaan buatan) terkonsentrasi di area koridor dekat simpang lima, hal ini menyebabkan munculnya perbedaan suasana antar penggal jalan dijalan Pahlawan dimalam hari dan memperkuat kesan terpisah antara penggal koridor Pahlawan (dari Siranda Videotron) dan koridor Pahlawan (dari Videotron Simpanglima). Keberagaman bentuk dan ukuran media ruang luar (menggunakan pencahayaan buatan) dimalam hari tersebut memunculkan ketidaksenadaan pandangan dalam koridor jalan Pahlawan dimalam hari. Media ruang luar (menggunakan pencahayaan buatan) tersebut diduga berhubungan dengan kualitas visual yang terbentuk dalam ruang koridor pahlawan tersebut dimalam hari. Untuk mengetahui hubungan tersebut, dibutuhkan persepsi masyarakat untuk menilai sehingga hasil yang didapatkan obyektif. Media ruang luar dikaji hubungannya dengan kualitas visual malam hari yang tercakup didalamnya visual (optic, place, content) dan kualitas estetika koridor (keterpaduan, keseimbangan, proporsi, irama, skala, warna, serial vision). Untuk menilai hubungan antar variabel tersebut, digunakan teknik analisis korelasi dengan menggunakan SPSS. Dari hasil analisis, didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara variabel sistem visual dan kualitas estetika malam hari dengan kualitas visual malam hari dan hubungan per indikator dengan kualitas visual malam hari yaitu hubungan yang kuat pada indikator content, keterpaduan dan warna, hubungan yang lemah pada indikator skala, keseimbangan, dan irama dan hubungan yang sangat lemah pada indikator proporsi

Jenis pencahayaan luar koridor Elemen koridor pembentuk pencahayaan Kualitas Estetika Proporsi Komposisi Irama Skala Warna Serial Vision Zoning lokasi



The Influence of Spaces Between Streetlights and Lighting Conditions on Pedestrian Spatial Cognition


White LED Lighting Effects can Contribute to the Design of Building and Landscape

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of lighting conditions on an impression and cognitive distance of nightime streets. The subjects were all women and they estimated two different routes; one was a residential street and the other was a sidewalk of two-lane street. The experiment was carried out at night (8pm-9pm). The subjects walked along those streets and estimated the impression of each street and the distance. The results found in the experiment are summerized as follows; a) increase of the street lights did not improve regualrly the impression of the nightime streets. b) to improve the estimation, feelling of security and desirability, of the nightime street was difficult by the only control lighting. c) sensor lights were not enough to improve the uniformity of the street lightning. d) lighting conditions had an effect on impression and cognitive distance of nightime streets In this paper, I will describe three cases; a roadway lighting (universal design), sign built-in lighting (PV system), and an enactment lighting for faade on buildings (interactive). These cases are some of the projects utilizing white LED lighting completed by lighting designer Miki Matsushita in 2007.

Research Problem : Pengaruh dari pencahayaan jalan dan kondisi pencahayaan pada jalur pejalan kaki dan pengaruh terhadap psikologi pejalan kaki Aspek : Elemen pencahayaan Jenis pencahayaan Letak pencahayaan Tingkat pencahayaan Psikologi Pejalan Perasaan pejalan kaki Hubungan antara perasaan pejalan dan pencahayaan


Kualitas Pencahayaan pada Bangunan Bersejarah

Keberadaan bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah pada suatu kawasan seringkali mampu memberikan atmosfer yang berbeda pada kawasan tersebut. Kekhasan arsitektur dengan penekanan pada detail dan elemen-elemen arsitektural yang dimilikinya ditambah melekatnya suatu perjalanan bersejarah, membuat bangunan-bangunan bersejarah kerapkali mampu menjadi landmark kota. Namun, karakteristik yang dimiliki bangunan-bangunan tua bersejarah seringkali tidak dapat dirasakan secara maksimal pada malam hari. Tiadanya special lighting pada kebanyakan bangunan bersejarah seringkali justru menghilangkan karakteristik

Research Problem : Pengaruh dari LEDs putih terhadap desain bangunan dan lanskap. Aspek : LEDs terhadap Desain LEDs putih Aplikasi desain pencahayaan pada jalur jalan Aplikasi desain pencahayaan pada tanda bangunan Aplikasi desain pencahayaan pada fasad bangunan Research Problem : Pengaruh dari desain pencahayaan buatan terhadap bangunan bersejarah. Aspek : Kualitas Visual Jenis pencahayaan terhadap bangunan sejarah Tipe pencahayaan pada bangunan bersejarah yang telah diterapkan Persepsi terhadap pencahayaan bangunan bersejarah


bangunan tersebut, identitas kawasan yang dibentuk bangunan tersebut pun tenggelam dimalam hari.

Karakteristik Arsitektural Elemen arsitektural Jenis bangunan


A New Daylight Glare Evaluation Method


A proper glare prediction method is needed to promote visual comfort at workplaces. Only a few formulae have been proposed for discomfort glare of daylight origin, and they are inadequate in real daylight situations. No standar monitoring procedure is available for daylight glare evaluation on a comparative basis. This paper introduces an improved glare evaluation method consisting of a standard monitoring protocol and advanced formulae. The method has been tested againts the exsisting glare evaluation system of Chauvel on different types of window size using Radiance, a lighting simulation program. Given reliable results, the DGI procedure was coded into a small program and incorporated with Radiance to compute daylight glare indices. The method was developed with the hope that architects and lighting designers would adopt it as an easy and reliable method for evaluating discomfort glare from daylight. The future work, which is an ongoing research, is to create the use of scientificknowledge computational tools in the later stages of design in an effort to provide optimum choices of daylighting design with respect to light level and glare using the new glare algorithm The purpose of this study is to understand what kinds of lighting give us visual harmony in a space where both daylight and artificial lights are used. For this, we examined under what situation the light from windows and the artificial lights could be in harmony. Subjects adjusted artificial lights and evaluated comfortable lighting environment while considering visual harmony of lighting. We made a hypothesis that daylight and the artificial light would be harmonious


Research Problem : Merancang metode untuk melihat prediksi yang tepat terhadap evaluasi tingkat silau dari pencahayaan terhadap kenyamanan visual. Aspek : Kenyamanan Visual Tingkat silau pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi pencahayaan - iluminasi ruang dalam - iluminasi ruang luar Sumber cahaya - buatan - alami - bukaan arsitektural


A practical Method of Harmonizing Daylight and Artificial Light in Interior Space

Research Problem : Pengaplikasian metode baru dalam mengharmonisasikan (menggabungkan) dari dua jenis pencahayaan yaitu pencahayaan alami dan buatan kedalam ruang. Aspek : Pencahayaan buatan Jenis lampu Tingkat iluminasi lampu



Assesing Light in Architecture A numerical procedure for a qualitative and quantitative analysis

when the overall lighting in the space was described by a compound of the lights from the window and the whole ceiling. We compared the experimental value of illuminance distribution with supposable value by the hypothesis and analyzed the correlation between the subjective evaluation of the visual harmony and the residual of the above two functions Light is perhaps one the most decisive attributes of a succesful building and has yet to be fully understood by architects. There are interesting design tools available to architects and designers assisting them in the design process, but these need considerable time to master or understand, whereas the method of image analysis proposes an intuitive approach with considerable advantages. The aesthethic response of light in spaces depends on numerous factors that should be included in the qualitative analysis of a lighting system. Qualitative analysis normally involves a process that incorporates a large part of subjectivity and therefore, results become difficult to comment or discus amongst professionals. In that view, it appears important to integrate a method that allows integration of a quantitative component in the qualitative assesment of light in space. Quantifiable aspects of light that relate to the definition of space can be identified in the analysis of a digital image. The digital method analysis presented in this abstract has been developed since 1993 (demers) and applied on research consultancy for the design of several buildings such as the New Canadian Embassy in Berlin and more recently in the design of the CIFSS Pavilion at Laval University. It light and architecture. Secondly, a quantitativeinterpretation of lighting patterns is introduced and becomes most relevant as it allows architects to compare different design solution quite effetively without entering into intricate calculations at the early design stages. The present research shows apllications of the methodology to real case studies in naturally and artificially lit spaces, experimenting with several lighting conditions from high to low contrast to evaluate the limits of the image as a tool of analysis. Benefits of using such method

Distribusi pencahayaan buatan Perletakan lampu Pencahayaan alami Tingkat iluminasi Sumber pencahayaan (elemen arsitektural) Letak bukaan (mata angin) Research Problem : Penerapan gabungan metode analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif dalam menaksir pencahayaan pada desain arsitektural. Aspek : Aspek Pencahayaan Kondisi Pencahayaan Pola pencahayaan Level Iluminasi Gradasi cahaya Distribusi pencahayaan Aspek Arsitektural Fasad desain Shading Space Pola detail



Light The Power of Images a design methodology for achitectural creation


Predictive Simulation-Based lighting and shading systems control in buildings

reside in its readily avaibility to all practiocioners and students at a very low cost and ease of interpretation. Interest ini the methodology involving this digital analysis of images has also been shown in subsquent researches y Dermers (2004), as well as by Siret (1997) and Bracarensi et. Al. (2002). The method has also been succesively used amongst architectural design students as a mean to interpret design alternatives primarily on the qualitative aspects (Dubois, 2006) This research was the subject of the authors PhD thesis at the Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies, University of Cambridge. It proposes a design method that enables quantitative and qualitative assesments of light in space. This paper focuses on the quantitative aspect of light. It emphasises and develops the possibilities offered by a partially computerised approach using calculation method and phsycal modelling. It combines the use of phsycal models, video camera, and computerised image analysis as main tools for the evaluation of light. The resulting data collection and visualisation of the lighting effects constitute a bank of images for the generation of space from lights. The combination of images creates spaces issued from the nature of light, allowing new ideas in the development of the initial design stages This paper presents a prototypically implemented daylightresponsive lighting and shading systems control in buildings that makes use of real-time sensing and lighting simulation. This system can control the position of window blinds and the status of the luminaires. It operates as follows: (1) at regular time intervals, the system considers a set of candidate control states for the subsequent time step; (2) these alternatives are then virtually enacted via a lighting simulation application that receives input data from a self-updating model of sky (luminance distribution maps obtained via calibrated digital photography), room, and occupancy; (3) the simulation results are compared and ranked according to the preferences (objective function) specified by the occupants and/or facility manager to identify

Research Problem : Mengusulkan metode dalam desain arsitektur menggunakan media gambar dengan penggabungan dua metode analisis (kuantitatif dan kualitatif) Aspek : Design & Images Komposisi Gambar Metode Desain Skala Pencahayaan Perletakan lampu Perletakan celah cahaya (aperture) Tingkat iluminasi Pola cahaya pada gambar Research Problem : Mengusulkan metode prediksi dan simulasi berdasarkan pencahayaan dan sistem kontrol shading pada bangunan Aspek : Daylight Waktu pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi Sky model Tingkat iluminasi ruang dalam Arah pencahayaan Model Control Design model Pengaruh sistem kontrol


the candidate control state with the most desirable performance 38. Thesis Light as Word Exploring the Linguistic Roles of light Shaping the interaction between light and space is significant to the act of composing interior environments. Within the discipline of interior design, light is often appreciated only for its functional value as opposed to being understood as a compositional tool to be explored and manipulated in the design process. The current state of ambiguity regarding lights role in designed space calls for the development of a framework for understanding light from a compositional perspective. This study proposes that language may serve as a conceptual model for exploring light and thus examines lights potential to behave linguistically in spatial compositions. Findings are presented from an exploratory study in which subjects were asked to respond to a series of photographs of compositions of light. Two instruments were designed for this purpose, one which asked subjects to scale their level of agreement with 4 different linguistic conditions (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) and one which asked subjects to describe the role of light in each photograph. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses revealed that some images elicited significant differences in the way they were perceived and those differences indicate light to be categorizable by linguistic roles; in some images light was perceived to be noun-like, while in others, adjective-like, etc. These results begin to suggest that light is perceived to have language-like traits and that the language model may be useful for exploring lights role as a compositional element in interior space. In addition, this study initiates a line of questioning that, if pursued, could begin to increase our understanding of light from a compositional/aesthetic perspective. This study outlines a simplified mathematical approach to determine window dimensions for a given room based on two lighting quality indicators, namely, discomfort glare and vertical illuminance. The former represents visual comfort

Blind control Fungsi (terhadap iluminasi, daya listrik, pendinginan) Sistem operasi Research Problem : Eksplorasi dan transformasi pencahayaan pada ruang interior sebagai sebuah kata verbal. Aspek : Lighting analogy Bentukan Warna Tingkat pencahayaan Languange analogy Linguistic categorization Space as languange Light as word Verb Adjective Adverb noun Design analogy Design as syntax Skala Proporsi Tekstur Bentukan


Window sizing procedures based on vertical illuminance and degree of

Research Problem : Menentukan tingkat ukuran jendela berdasarkan tingkat iluminasi dan tingkat ketidaknyamanan silau pada interior bangunan


discomfort glare in buildings interiors

and is expressed in terms of daylight glare index (DGI). The latter reflects on the aspect of receiving sufficient light exposure to maintain optimal health and psychological wellbeing. It is represented by vertical illuminance at the eye level. The result offers a formula that puts forward a simple relationship between the window width, the window height and a specific (desired) depth of a given point in the space. A generic design scenario is used to illustrate the current method. The examined daylighting design criteria are of DGI=20 and Ev= 2500 lux. In conclusion, this paper proposes the glare criterion as additional to existing national window sizing procedures based on critical illuminance levels (or minimum daylight factor on the working plane corresponding to the critical visual tasks) and critical exterior conditions (that occur with absence of sunlight and a CIE Overcast Sky standard)

Aspek : Pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi pencahayaan alami Nilai silau (DGI) Vertical iluminasi Hubungan tingkat silau dengan ruang interior Waktu pencahayaan dan arah pencahayaan Desain Jendela Aplikasi desain Hubungan parameter bukaan terhadap tingkat pencahayaan alami


All Sky Model as a Standard Sky Luminance Distribution Part 2


The aim of this research work is to establish a standard sky mode for designing excellent daylighting schemes that cover all sky conditions from clear sky to overcast sky. In the previous paper (part 1) the normalized global illuminance was defined as a function of the measured global illuminance and the solar altitude for estimating the sky luminance distribution. In this paper (part 2), the relative all sky model is introduced. It offers formulas to show the relative sky luminance distribution as a function of the normalized global iluminance. The equation of the zenith luminance concerning the relative all sky model is also a function of the normalized global illuminance. It is caled the all sky zenith luminance. An absolute standard sky luminance distribution model called the all sky model is introduced that is a multiplication of the relative all sky model and the all sky zenith luminance. The all sky model can be calculated from the normalized


Research Problem : Standar tipe model langit untuk mengukur tingkat iluminasi cahaya langit dan distribusi cahaya langit Aspek : Sky in Model Clear sky Overcast sky Global iluminasi Arah pergerakan matahari Tingkat iluminasi pencahayaan berdasarkan waktu Regresi sky model terhadap langit sebenarnya dari berbagai kondisi Komposisi sky model



Applying the geodesic dome to daylight simulation


Designing of Double Cross Catenary Screen as Sunlight Catcher and Diffuser for daylighting from High Side Window

global illuminance. i.e. from the measured global illuminance and the solar altitude of from the measured global illuminance, the horizontal diffuse illuminance, and the solar altitude. The global illuminance and horizontal diffuse illuminance are easily obtained from even the simplest daylight measurements. The all sky model can produce an excellent standard sky for daylighting design fo any place where an advanced daylight environment is needed The exact daylight simulation is quite difficult even now in the practical field of arcthitectural and lighting design. The sub-working group on daylight simulation in Architectural Institute of Japan was established in 2003 to find solutions for that situation. This working group has three sections: a benchmark group, an interface development group and a evaluation group. This paper will introduce activities of the interface development group and benchmark group at present. The interface group is now developing the input/ output interfaces for daylight simulation programs, and the purpose of the bencmark group is to evaluate the accuracy of software. Geodesic Dome is applied for daylight source as input interface and a test case for evaluating accuracy of inter-reflection calculation Daylighting is highly significant from the viewpoint of energy saving and healthy life. However, considering density of housing in residential area of large cities, it is very difficult to secure sufficient daylight and lead daylight to whole space in the house. High side lighting is one of the solutions for such situation. And when high side windows are designed with open ceiling, high side light can be propagated to lower level through open ceiling. On the other hand, high side light brings highlight area on walls or floors. The area may cause glare phenomenon or may lower brightness of surrounding area by contrast effect. And open ceiling may cause excessive impression of air volume for detached house. This paper reports designing of diffusing screen to solve these problems. The screen is designed to meet the condition of existing detached house in densely built residential area considering the way of sunlight, the shape of detached house and the use

Research Problem : Pengaplikasian geodesik dome (kubah) terhadap perhitungan simulasi pencahayaan alami. Aspek : Daylight Sumber cahaya Refleksi cahaya Tingkat iluminasi Waktu pencahayaan Geodesic Dome Model/ tipe dome Bentukan lain selain dome untuk perbandingan Hubungan bentukan dome terhadap pencahayaan alami Research Problem : Aplikasi desain dari double cross catenary Screen sebagai penangkap dan penyalur pencahayaan alami dari jendela atas dan pertimbangan terhadap kenyamanan visual. Aspek : Design of double cross catenary Sunlight catcher Sunlight diffuse Tingkat iluminasi dari pencahayaan alami (tiap waktu) Dimensi Perletakan bukaan Kualitas Visual Tingkat silau Tingkat iluminasi ruang dalam



Geometry light and cosmology in the church of hagia sophia


Optimum Facade Type Considering Light and Visual Environment

of detached house. The designed screen was simulated by computer graphics images. Finally, designed screen was installed to the house. And authors made clear that the screen realize required objectives through measurement survey. The screen was also designed to work as lamp shade at night Designed by a physicist and a mathematician, the Hagia Sophia church in Istanbul,Turkey acted as an experimental test case in which advanced knowledge of geometrical constructs, sophisticated understanding of light behavior, and religious and cosmological beliefs combined to create a magnificent structure.While some of its design concepts are known, many remain hidden. Earthquakes have demolished parts of the churchsuch as the original dome. Researchers have in the past misinterpreted their observations and perpetuated false conclusions. Lastly, the lack of digital tools has until now prevented verification and analysis of prior findings. In this paper, we integrate traditional historical research, parametric digital analysis, and lighting simulation to analyze several aspects of the church. In particular, we focus on the geometry of the floor plan, the geometry of the apse, and light behavior in the original dome. Our findings point to the potential of digital tools in the discovery of a structures hidden features and design rules. This report summarizes the works of the Research Committee on Optimum Facade Type Considering Light and Visual Environment (from October, 2000 to March, 2003). The use of daylight to replace or supplement electric lighting in commercial buildings can result in significant reductions in energy and demand. Facade design is one of the determinants for use of daylight. In order to assist designers who intend to use daylight in buildings, the committee provides a brochure showing the effects of window conditions on light and heat introduced in buildings visually and plainly. Also, the committee reviewed the level of technology of the techniques for utilizing daylight

Research Problem : Melihat pengaruh dari konsep bentukan, perilaku cahaya dan hubungan nya terhadap konsep kepercayaan religi di gereja. Aspek : Aspek Arsitektur Bentukan geometri Skala Proporsi Warna Tekstur Pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi Bukaan

Research Problem : Pengoptimalan bentukan fasad pada bangunan dengan pertimbangan terhadap pencahayaan dan kualitas visual.

Aspek : Fasad Tipe fasad Dimensi Bukaan pada fasad Pencahayaan dan kualitas visual Tingkat pencahayaan luar Tingkat pencahayaan dalam


Sumber cahaya Tingkat kenyamanan visual Tipe Pencahayaan buatan


Sustainable Lighting and Sense-Rich Environments

Sustainable lighting, considered in the broader context of sustainable design, suggest a return to more natural interior environments with their greater sensory stimulation and experiential richness. Research over the last 50 years has been claimed to provide little evidence of the interaction between the visual, thermal, acoustics, tactile and olfactory senses which might be expected to be essential to sensory richness. A critical evaluation of such research, in the context of understanding gained from recent research in cognitive science and neuroscience, reveals serious flaws in this research into sensory interaction. The nature of these flaws is discussed with examples. Insight gained from studies of visual perception suggests significant changes need to be made to experimental procedures to avoid the problem of inattentional blindness and to overcome the lack of reality in the rooms and equipment used in laboratory-based studies. In particular, it is argued that the lack of a sense of place and of a realistic activity means that the experimental setting will fail to trigger any significant activity in the neural pathway in the visual cortex which has been found to enable interaction with non-visual sensory modalities. Museums have the most complicated lighting criteria of common building types. A stable lighting environment for visitors and artworks should be guaranteed within the exhibition areas of museums. This paper presents a challenge to the application of daylighting simulation integrated into the architectural design process (DSADP). The scale model measurements and computer simulations were carried out to verify the computer program RADIANCE. A comparison

Research Problem : Evaluasi pencahayaan yang berkelanjutan dan hubungan nya terhadap desain berkelanjutan. Aspek : Visual persepsi Sense rich architecture Sustainable lighting


Daylighting simulation as an architectural design process in museums installed with toplights

Research Problem : Proses desain menggunakan simulasi untuk menentukan desain pencahayaan yang optimal



Evaluation of lighting performance in office buildings with daylighting controls

between the measurement and simulation results showed that there was considerable relative error at measurement points. Therefore, a correction factor (CF) and corrected simulation (CS) were recalculated to correct the simulation results. The Seoul Museum of Art (SMOA) was selected to make an application of DSADP. The monitor and sawtoothshaped toplights were chosen as attractive alternatives for the existing skylight of SMOA. The application of DSADP was carried out by changing the light transmission efficiency and opening size of the toplights. The RADIANCE results showed that computer simulation models can accurately represent the lighting environment under clear sky conditions, and more importantly, they can be used to propose an alternative toplight for SMOA. Therefore, the research results showed that DSADP technology would be very useful during the schematic design stage of the architectural design process. The findings of this research also suggested that there are large differences between the real sky conditions for scale model measurements and the CIE sky conditions for computer simulations. More studies are required to reduce the differences between real and simulated sky conditions Lighting control integrated with daylighting is recognised as an important and useful strategy in energy-efficient building designs and operations. It is believed that proper daylighting schemes can help reduce the electrical demand and contribute to achieving environmentally sustainable building development. This paper presents field measurements on daylighting for a fully air-conditioned office building in Hong Kong. Electricity consumption by the fluorescent luminaires, indoor illuminance levels and the room parameters affecting daylighting designs were recorded and analysed. The measurements covered several cellular offices facing opposite orientations with and without daylighting controls. The findings suggest that daylighting schemes can result in substantial energy savings in air-conditioned office buildings in Hong Kong. Results are presented and the design implications are discussed

Aspek : Lighting environment Kualitas visual Jenis pencahayaan Letak pencahayaan Arhitectural element

Research Problem : Evaluasi nilai pencahayaan dan performa pencahayaan dengan sistem kontrol pencahayaan alami mempertimbangkan efisiensi energi Aspek : Efisiensi energi Jumlah pemakaian energi Perbandingan tingkat pemakaian energi dari tiap tipe pencahayaan Pencahayaan Jenis pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi Perbandingan tiap jenis pencahayaan Ruang Arsitektural/ Bangunan Ukuran Orientasi ruang



Energy Savings Potential of the Summer Time Concept in Different Regions of Japan From the Perspective of Household Lighting


A Succesive Approach for Designing Faceted Reflector

Summer Time is a convention in which clocks are uniformly set one hour or more ahead of standard time to provide more daylight in the evenings during late spring, summer, and early fall. The main purpose of Summer Time is to make better use of daylight so that it more closely corresponds to our normal daily activities and thus saves energy. Japan is currently not observing Summer Time. This study thus investigated the feasibility of the energy saving potential of Summer Time/Double Summer Time from the perspective of household lighting in Japan and the optimum implementation period. The study found that both the Summer Time and Double Summer Time could reduce household lighting energy consumption, while the magnitude of energy saving potential of Double Summer Time is higher compared to Summer Time. It was also indicated that April-September is the optimum implementation period of Summer Time/Double Summer Time in Japan, from the perspective of household lighting. In terms of geographical location, under Double Summer Time, the household lighting energy saving ratio of the northern Japan regions is higher compared to the southern region. However, under Summer Time, the energy saving ratio of the southern Japan region is significantly higher The luminance distribution of surfaces plays an important role to perceive the closed space correctly and to ensure a visual comfort. Therefore, the luminance arrangement of the interior surfaces must always be harmonious with the architectural design of interior. The necessary luminance arrangement of the interior surfaces, however, can be set by control of illuminance distribution on these surfaces. To control the illuminance level and distribution, the choice of lamp and the reflector design should be carried out according to the properties of plabes/ surfaces that will be illuminated, such as distance and dimension. In other words, the light of a lamp should be redirected to control the illumination on a plane with a certain distance and dimension. Faceted reflector is a kind of reflector used to control the illuminance distribution. The traditional approach for designing a faceted reflector is to radiate the light reflected from each reflector

Research Problem : Melihat potensi penghematan energi pada musim panas penekanan pada efisiensi pencahayaan rumah tangga Aspek : Musim Jenis musim Jangka waktu dari tiap musim Jangka waktu musim panas Lokasi geografis Efisiensi Energi Jumlah pemakaian energi pada tiap musim Perbandingan pemakaian energi musim panas terhadap musim lainnya

Research Problem : Evaluasi pendekatan desain faceted reflector Aspek : Kualitas Visual Distribusi luminasi Tingkat kenyamanan visual Sistem kontrol iluminasi Tipe pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi pencahayaan Faceted Design Dimensi Bentukan Sistem kontrol fasad


element into the angle with the same magnitude. In this study, a succesive approach which is useful in the design of faceted reflector is proposed. Geometric constructions of faceted reflector have been examined by the aim of redirecting the reflected light from each facet of reflector on a plane in a certain distance and dimension. To evaluate different approaches, examples of reflectors are desgined according to both traditional and proposed approach and the simulation results of some of the properties of these reflectors are compared. Also, according to the proposed approach, application examples for various conditions are formed and the results are examined. 50. An investigation of daylighting performance and energy saving in a daylit corridor Daylighting has often been recognised as a useful source of energy savings in buildings. For daylit spaces, daylight-linked automatic lighting control can give excellent energy savings. The evaluation of energy efficiency due to daylighting is best demonstrated by case studies. This paper presents field measurements on daylighting for a fully air-conditioned daylit corridor. Electric lighting load, brightness of the fluorescent luminaires, daylight illuminance levels and the room parameters affecting daylighting designs were recorded and analysed. Traditional daylighting theories have been applied to illustrate how well daylighting measures can perform in reality. It has been found that energy savings in electric lighting was about 70% using dimming control system. The results from this study provide some operational and energy performance data, which would be useful and applicable to other interior spaces with similar architectural designs An innovative and self-adaptive integrated system for building energy and comfort management has been developed. Both artificial and natural lighting controllers have been designed in order to fit the integrated approach. The shading device controller is split into two parts depending on the user presence. When the user is present, priority is given to visual comfort, and when he is absent, priority is given to thermal aspects (heating/cooling energy saving). The Research Problem : Melihat performa dari pencahayaan alami dan penghematan energi pada koridor bangunan Aspek : Daylight Sumber cahaya Sistem kontrol pencahayaan alami Tingkat penerangan cahaya alami Pengaruh pencahayaan alami Efisiensi Energi Pengaruh pencahayaan alami terhadap efisiensi energi Tingkat pemakaian energi Perbandingan pemakaian energi Faktor penentu efisiensi energi


An innovative Lighting controller integrated in a selfadaptive building control system

Research Problem : Sistem kontrol pada adaptive building terhadap kontrol pencahayaan Aspek : Design Shading design Sistem kontrol Karakteristik ruang



Daylight and energy performances of a new type of light pipe

artificial lighting controller is used to complete the illuminance in the room up to the level desired by the user, which is learned by the system through the user wishes. Many simulations have allowed comparing different variants of the lighting controllers. The models used in the control system are regularly adapted to the measurements. Therefore, the system continuously adapts itself to the environment and the room characteristics. Four months of experiments in the occupied LESO-PB office building have demonstrated that this integrated system leads to interesting energy saving (25% less of total energy consumption) compared to a conventional one Daylight represents a free source of illumination of buildings internal spaces. For the right and optimal use of this resource, in addition to the resort to some simple designing expedients that can be brought back to the practice of building in a workmanlike manner, it is possible to adopt specific devices able to improve the sunlight captation. Among these devices a class that presents a very interesting compromise between simplicity of realization, costs and daylighting performances is represented by the so-called light pipes. Light pipes usually work by means of a device placed on an external closing element which attends to collect, redirect and in some cases, concentrate or collimate the incident luminous flux, and a device situated inside the environments able to transport the daylight inwards the building and distribute it into the deep zone of the rooms so as to obtain a better illuminance distribution. In this work, we propose a light pipe equipped with a flat captation system suitable to be integrated in a buildings facade, without any protrusion as to the architectural envelope. This system includes: a planar closing element, a sunlights collecting and deflecting device that optimizes the direction of the incoming solar rays as the solar position varies, a

Pencahayaan Jenis pencahayaan Tingkat iluminasi luar dan dalam ruang Tingkat kenyamanan visual Efisiensi Energi Jumlah pemakaian energi sebelum dan sesudah penerapan Perbandingan pemakaian energi

Research Problem : Penggunaan light pipe terhadap penyebaran pencahayaan alami dan efisiensi energi Aspek : Light pipe Sistem light pipe Elemen light pipe Kinerja light pipe Daylight Arah pencahayaan Tingkat iluminas ipencahayaan


rectilinear duct with optical properties suitable for the transport of the sunlight and for its introduction into the room that has to be illuminated. The daylighting performances are simulated in different conditions of external illuminance and it is done an assessment of the lighting energy savings in a test room simulating a class room. At the end, some considerations and applying indications useful for the designer are presented


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