Part A: HBEL1203 - SEM JAN10/F - AR

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INSTRUCTIONS Part A contains FIVE questions. Answer ALL questions. QUESTIONS 1. Briefly describe the following Pronouns and provide ONE example each. (a) (b) Reciprocal Pronouns Relative Pronouns (4) Marks



Identify the types of nouns underlined in the following sentences. i. All his belongings are in the bag. ii. Little knowledge is dangerous.


Identify the underlined verbs in the following sentences as finite or nonfinite verb and transitive or intransitive verb. i. She saw the boy run across the road. ii. He left quietly after talking about his past. (4)


Present Continuous Tense has FOUR main functions. Write FOUR sentences to show the FOUR different functions. (4)


Analyse the constituents of these sentences in terms of function. (a) (b) Sometimes, she sings melodiously. You should stand the syringe upright (4)


Explain transitive and intransitive verbs. Give an example for each of the type. (4)



Part B contains FIVE questions. Answer THREE ONLY. QUESTIONS 1. A finite clause should consist of a subject and a finite verb group while a non-finite clause is referred as phrases in traditional grammar (Klammer & Schultz, 1992). Marks


Explain the differences between a finite and non-finite clause. Illustrate the difference with an appropriate example. (10)


Identify the dependent clauses in the following sentences. Classify them as adverbial, relative and noun clauses. State the criteria you use in the classification. (i) We did not know when he came. (ii) The day when he came was a secret. (iii) He found the money in the room when he came. (10)

(Total: 20)


In the following sentences,


Identify the conjunction in the following sentences.



State the function of the conjunction in each of the sentences below.

i. Jane was cold, so she put on a coat. ii. We could go for a movie, or we could bake a cake. iii. He looked angry but he may be pretending.


iv. He was retrenched for a year, yet somehow he managed to survive with the help of his wife. v.He went to the market and bought some vegetables for dinner. (15)

(Total: 20)


The adverb is an extremely heterogeneous word class (Downing & Locke, 1992).


Explain FOUR differences between Adverbs of Frequency and Adverbs of Manner. Give ONE example each. (10)


Read the sentences below. Identify the types of prepositions for each of the sentences and explain the functions. (i) She spoke in a loud voice. (ii) The director attended the function with his secretary. (10)

(Total: 20) 4. (a) Given below are 5 sentences. Identify them as Active or Passive.

i. We are taught grammar in school. ii. This letter was posted last night. iii. The streets were thronged with spectators. iv. You cannot pump the ocean dry. v.The complex could be renovated by the new owner. (5)



Each of the following statements is about a subject-verb concord rule. For each statement below, provide examples of sentences to illustrate the rule as clearly as possible.

i. The verb can be singular or plural, depending on whether the subject is countable or uncountable.

ii. When the subject is a collective noun, the verb can be singular or plural depending on the context.

iii. There is subject-verb concord with finite verbs, not with nonfinite verbs. (15) (Total: 20) 5. A sentence expresses a statement, a question, a command or an exclamation.


Describe THREE sentence types in English.



Between a compound sentence and a complex sentence, explain with example which type of sentence is more effective. (6)


Briefly explain the term periodic sentence. How it is considered to be an effective sentence? (8)

(Total: 20)




Part C contains TWO questions. Answer ONE question ONLY.

QUESTIONS 1. Study the two sets of sentences carefully and explain how the two types of verbs differ from each other.


Set A (a) (b) (c) (d) She speaks English fluently. We spoke to the manager yesterday. The pupils are speaking English in class. I had spoken to the boss about the problem. (e) He can speak many languages. (c) (d) (a) (b)

Set B To speak like that is impolite. The teacher makes her pupils speak English in class. I saw him speaking to the boss. The English language spoken by the pupils is perfect.

(Total: 20)

2. Some of the underlined adjectives have been wrongly used. Write the CORRECT FORMS of the adjectives in the space provided. If the adjective is correctly used, PUT A DASH in the corresponding space.


Youll find this apartment (1) attractive than Apartment 8C. Just a minute, please, while I unlock the door Oh dear, this lock is (2) more difficult to open than the one for 8C. Okay, here we are Please come in.



Mr. John:

Hm! It does have (3) modener furniture than 8C.



Mrs. John: Yes, and the arrangement is (4) tastefuller. Agent: Please sit down. Youll find the seats are very (5) comfortable.

(4) (5)

Mr. John Mrs John: Agent: Mrs John:

Yes, they are. Theyre the (6) comfortablest seats Ive ever sat on. Im glad you like them. Let me show you around. Lets start with the balcony Its such a (7) big balcony! Oh, and what a (8) lovely view of the city! (7) (8) (6)


Among all the apartments on this floor, this apartment gives you the (9) lovelier view of the City. (9)

Mrs. John: It seems cooler here too. John, we could have some potted plants on the balcony and it would still be (10) spacious. (10) ( 10 )

(b) Explain FIVE possible reasons / factors why students make mistakes when using adjectives in sentences. (10)

(Total: 20)


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