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Dotrid International Training Institute


20 31 August 2012 Cape Town, South Africa 17 28 September 2012 Cape Town, South Africa 12 23 November, 2012 Pretoria and Cape Town, South Africa

This course was designed to provide the fundamental principles, theories, concepts, practices and latest issues about procurement and logistics management. Successful procurement and logistics management is the key for effective management in all sorts of businesses. This course encompasses warehousing, physical distribution, inventory concept, transportation logistics, procurement concept and global logistics systems. Directors, Managers and Officers in corporate systems/organizations are often saddled with responsibilities for logistics management or may be asked to run or supervise procurement for goods and services costing tens or hundreds of thousands or even Millions of Dollars. These assignments often require up-to-date skills and competency for effective delivery of logistics and procurement functions. The case studies which have been prepared for delegates to work with are based on real-world examples of those working in private and public sector environments, as well as help participants to acquire recent knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for the fulfillment of their roles in Procurement and Logistics Management.

Course Objectives
On completion of this course delegates will acquire broad skills in logistics management and should be able to conduct and manage a complete tender process including how to: Establish award criteria and evaluate tenders from a financial and value for money perspective Prepare scoring mechanisms and justify contract award recommendations Negotiate with suppliers and manage supplier performance and contracts Participants will also: Understand tender documentation and processes Understand the concept of strategic procurement Develop specifications Devise contract notices in the required format Think strategically about their procurement procedures and processes Prepare and write tender documents for a variety of different tenders Research suppliers and markets for goods and services Understand the benefits of aggregation Understand what drives suppliers and the markets they operate in Understand and identify the impact of logistic toward organization and economy to make sure goods reach the final consumers in right quality, right quantity, right time and right place. Understand the concept of warehousing and storage that is one of the areas which contribute to huge losses to organization. Understand the importance of Inventory Management that involved in order processing, inventory, among others.

A core component of the course is to deliver practical awareness and understanding of the recent initiatives for procurement in Corporate Organizations/ institutions and establishments in Africa.

Management Functions Fundamentals of Public Procurement Tendering and Contracting Procedures Monitoring and Evaluation Procurement Planning Bidding Documents Bidding Procedures Bid Opening, Evaluation and Award of Contract Methods of Procurement Project Cycle Management Ethical Considerations in Procurement Fraud Detection and Control Contract Management Fundamentals of Contract Law Legal Aspect of Procurement Negotiation Effective Communication Skills Inco terms Managing Change Strategic Planning Introduction to Materials Management Inventory Fundamentals Forecasting Production Planning System Master Scheduling Bar Coding Materials Requirements Planning Capacity Management Production Activity Control & Purchasing Order Quantities Independent Demand Ordering Systems Physical Inventory & Warehouse mgt Physical Distribution Just In Time Manufacturing & TQM

The case studies which have been prepared for delegates to work with are based on real-world examples of those working in private and public sector environments, as well as help participants to acquire recent knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for the fulfillment of their roles in Procurement and Logistics Management.

What we offer
Practical. Learn from experienced and active industry practitioners and what's being practiced by your peers. Applicable. Apply what you learn in your job and your career specially designed courses by industry active experts for industry practitioners Quality Control. Each expert instructor is interviewed and vetted through our senior management and our 5-point instructor criteria. Valuable. Earn more revenue or save your organization from monetary loss. You and your organization will quickly earn back your investment on the course fee and more Enjoyable. Speakers who have a passion for their topic

Free Laptop

Each participant for this programme shall receive a free brand new laptop.

At the end of the course, participants will be proficient in concepts, tools and methods in Procurement Management, and be able to conduct and manage a complete tender process.


This programme will be of immense benefits to: Procurement Managers/Officers Logistic Managers/Officers Directors/Managers/Officers, Asset Managers/Officers, Accountants/Clerks, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Managing Directors, Risk Managers, Supply chain practitioners, Anyone with a quest for knowledge on the subject and those who wish to acquire requisite skills for future roles in Procurement and Logistics.

Method of Training
The method of training for each module is highly participatory. And training sessions will include: Exciting practical group exercises, Role-plays Case studies Live instructions Video presentations Explicit practical examples Course Fees PowerPoint presentations Course fee is $1000 per delegate and covers tuition and course materials.

Course Duration : 4 days

CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION All participants shall receive certificate of participation at the end of the programme.


Certificate of Participation Expert Facilitation Course Materials Refreshment/Lunch Field trips etc

Course Duration : 2 Weeks

South Africa Office: Milpark Building, Unit 34, Opposite Point Business Park, Milpark, Cape Town. 7441, South Africa Tel: +27832412212, +26876515877, +27735892401 , Tel/Fax: +27215520431 Swaziland Office: Embassy House, Allister Miller Street, P O Box 4755, M b a b a n e , Kingdom of Swaziland. Email: UK Office: 4 Dalespark Drive, Swinton, Manchester, M27 0FP, UK, Web: To apply online go to:

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