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Treatment Procedures @ Arsha Ayurveda

Ayurveda as the name implies in the science of healthy living and is not confined only to treatment of illness. It is a holistic science and lays emphasis on preserving and promoting the fitness of healthy individuals besides giving methods for treatment of diseases. Health is defined in ayurveda as soundness of body, Atma, and mind. Ayurveda is more a way of life describing methods for promotion, prolongation and maintenances of positive health. Total health is achieved by removal of causative factors, diet, effective drugs, and measures to decrease severity of the state, avoiding the cause, restoration of health and by rehabilitation. Here in Arsha we a team of doctors, well-wishers, staff and all other family members are always ready to spend their time and effort for the up liftment of this System of medicine so that the needy may be benefited.


Is a special type oil massage in which massage given according to the circulatory channels of body. Procedure Medicated lukewarm oil is applied all over the body in 7 different postures as sitting, supine, left lateral, supine, Right lateral, supine and sitting posture. Gentle massage is done during the process. Oil is applied on the head and ears, prior to the process. Time taken is 60minutes. It is done as part of rejuvenation and also before all panchakarma processes Patient is allowed to take bath in hot water if the condition needs. Abhyanga properly done prevents ageing, improves vision, nourishes the body provides good sleep, complexion and body strength.

Is the application of medicated powder, paste or oil below upwards, from distant part of body to towards the heart. Duration of the process is 60 minutes. Procedure Medicated powder or paste or oil is rubbed through out the body in different postures for a period of 60 minutes Treatment is effective in reducing obesity, improving the circulation, stimulates nerve ending and improves the movements in paralytic conditions. Medicated powder, paste or oil is selected according to the nature of disease. Usually the process is done of 7 days to get the result. In obesity, it can be done for more days.


Snehapana means intake of medicated ghee or oil for the preparation of the patient for the main panchakarma process. It is 2 types, 1. Acha Snehapana 2.Vicharana Acha Snehapana is giving heavy doses of medicated ghee for a period of 7 or 8 days and to find out the maximum dose the patient can digest. Usually starting with a lower dose, say 25 ml up to a maximum of 250-300 ml. Medicine is given in the early morning in empty stomach and is allowed to drink little by little shundi water to increase the digestive power, Light diet like kanji is given at times of appetite. It is not allowed to sleep during day time or any exercise is not allowed. Vicharana is giving divided dose of ghee daily 2 times along with normal diet. After Snehapana patient is subjected to swedana process.

Sneha Panam


Swedana is sudation Therapy. It is done before the main panchakarma treatment and as a curative measure. Kerala physicians have developed swedana therapy for curing many diseases like neurological disorder, arthritis, bake pain etc there are different types of Swedana therapies.

Ushma sweda

Application of steam by steam chamber or through tube to the affected part.

Pancha Karmas are 5 different elimination therapies to root out the disease. This is done after snehana and swedana. When swehana and swedana is done, the body will be prepared for elimination therapy and the whole toxicity of the body is brought to the alimentary canal form where it is eliminated by panchakarma.



Vamana is emesis. Patient is subjected to vomit after giving large quantity of milk mixed with vamana dravyas. This is done in diseases like Bronchial asthma, Head ache, Insomnia etc. Procedure Patient suitable for vamana is first subjected to snehna and swedana therapies. Next day morning patient is prepared by applying indicated oil over the chest and back and by giving mild fomentation in empty stomach. Patient is then given full stomach milk followed by an emetic drug. He gets the urge of vomiting and is allowed to vomit till the sign of elimination of doshas is got.


Procedure Patient after preparation with snehana and swedana is subjected to virechana It is giving single dose of strong purgative medicine to eliminate the cause of the disease. Warm water is given in plenty to stimulate the urge of purgation. Patient gets purgation until the whole elimination is completed. It is the treatment for skin diseases, obesity etc.

It is Sneha Vasthi or anal administration of medicated oil in the required dose so as to eliminate the disease. This treatment should be done before kashaya vasthi and also as a main treatment in all neurological diseases. Procedure Treatment is done soon after the meal at noon. Patient is asked to lie in the left lateral position and the right leg in flexed position. Required amount of medicated oil is then administered through the anus by using disposable syringe or vasthi yantra. After administration patient is allowed to lie on his back. It is done for seven days or as required.



Asthapana is Kashaya vasthi, It is the anal administration of medicated decoction and is the most important treatment for all neurological diseases. Procedure It is done in the next day of sneha vasthi. Patient is prepared in the empty stomach with oil application at the region of lower abdomen low back and fomentation .Then the mixture of medicated decoction which is prior prepared in the required quantity is administered through the anus slowly and steadily at a stretch .During the process patient is lied on left lateral position with the right leg flexed. Then the patient is allowed to lie on his back and the palms and legs are massaged. Maximum time for retaining the medicine is 45 minutes. Bath in hot water is taken soon after kashayavasthy followed by light diet.

Nasya is nasal administration of medicine indicated in diseases of ear, nose, throat, head, and eyes and so on. Procedure It should be done in the early morning or in the evening according to the nature of the disease .Local application of prescribed oil followed by fomentation is done at the neck, face and shoulder prior to the treatment. Patient is then asked to lie on his back and by using a pillow the nostrils are kept in the upward position. Indicated medicine is then poured into the nostril one after the other after closing the other one .Patient is then asked to inhale well so as to spread the medicine. Palm, foot, face and shoulders are then massaged well and the patient is asked to spit.


Patra Podala Sweda (Elakizhi)

Body is made to sweat by using bolus of fried medicinal leaves tied in a piece of cloth Procedure Abhyanga is done prior to the process Medicinal leaves are then fried and tied in a cloth and made boluses. Massaging with warm medicinal bolus after dipping in medicated oil is done through out the whole body in seven different positions as sitting, supine, left lateral, supine, right lateral, supine and sitting. Time taken is 60 minutes.

Procedure In this process bolus is made of Navara rice cooked in decoction of medicated milk and is used for massaging the whole body. Abhyanga is done before the treatment. Boluses are warmed in dipping them in hot decoction of medicted milk and are applied gently. Body is made to sweat when the treatment is done for 60 minutes.

Shastika Pinda Sweda

It is another type of sudation therapy by pouring the warm oil and gently massaging the body until the body is perspired. Procedure Abhyanga is done prior to the main therapy. Seka is done first in the sitting posture. A band of cloth around the head is tied around the head, Piece of cloth dipped in lukewarm oil is made to pour uniformly starting from neck to the upper limb and then to the trunk and lower limbs. Gentle massage is also done while pouring the oil. Process is continued in the seven postures and the patient is thus perspired well. This therapy is very effective in many neurological conditions as well as in Arthritis, low back pain etc

Kaya Sekam (Pizhichil)

It is the treatment of choice for all diseases related to head and brain. This treatment is one among the Therapy named MOORDHNI TAILAM in which oil application is done in four different ways to the head. Procedure Abhyanga is done prior to the treatment. After Abhyanga patient is allowed to lie on his back with head in a slightly elevated position. Eyes are then closed by cotton and a long band of cloth is tied around the head. Medicated lukewarm oil is then gradually poured over the forehead from a height of four fingers from a vessel which is hanged on a stand. The stream of oil is made to fall over the whole area of forehead by gently moving the vessel. Gentle massages to be done over the forehead during the whole process. Duration is 30-45 minutes.


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