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1._________ is the capacity to change then internal scheme without having to change the conceptual scheme. a. Logical data independence b. Physical data independence c. Conceptual data impendence d. All of the above 2. SDL stands fora. Storage definition language b. Storage definite language c. System definition language d. System define language 3 ________ type of DML typically retrieves individual records or objects from the database and process separately. a. High level or non procedural DML b. Low level or procedural DML c. Data sub language d. None of the above 4 Whenever DML commands, whether high level or low-level are embedded in a general purpose programming language, that language is called ____________. a. Data sub language b. Query language c. Host language d. Set oriented language 5 __________ interfaces accepts requests written in English or some other language and attempt to understand them. a. Form based interfaces b. Graphical user interfaces c. Natural language interfaces d. None of the above 6. __________ processes schema definitions, specified in the DDL and stores description

of the schemas in the DBMS catalog. a. DDL compiler b. Pre compiler c. Client program d. Query compiler 7. _________ is also known as data repository. a. Web environment b. Application development environment c. Conversion environment d. Database utility 8. _________ is machine that can provide services to the client machines such as file access, printing, archiving etc. a. A client b. A server c. Achiever d. Printer 9. _________ provides an application programming interface which allows client-side programs to call the DBMS, as long as both client & server machines have a necessary software installed. a. OLAP b. ODBC c. OLTP d. None of the above 10. _________ systems, includes the majority of DBMS and support multiple users concurrently. a . Single user systems b. Multi-user systems c. 2-tier systems d. 3-tier systems 11. The ___________ represent data as record types and also represents a limited type of 1 : N relationship called a set type. a. Hierarchical model b. Network model c. Relational model

d. None of the above 12. ___________ may be an object with a physical existence or it may be an object with a conceptual existence. a. Attributes b. Entity c. Tuple d. Compositor attribute 13. __________ attributes can be divided into smaller subparts, which represent more basic attributes with independent meaning. a. Simple attributes b. Multivalued attribute c. Composite attributes d. Single-value attribute 14. An entity type represented in ER diagram as a ________ enclosing the entity type name. a. Oval b. Rectangular box c. Straight lives d. Are displayed in double ovals 15. __________ of a relationship type is the number of participating entity types. a. Role names b. Remsine relationship c. Degree d. Domain 16. The relational model was first introduced by _________. a. Peter Drucker b. Whiting Williams c. Ted Codd d. Martin Luther 17. __________ is an executing program that forms a logical unit of database processing. a. Distribution b. Transaction c. Translation

d. Transmission 18. The properties of a transaction are called _______ properties. a. APID b. ADCD c. ACID d. None of the above 19. __________ is a variable associated with a data item describes the status of the item with report to possible operations that can be applied to it. a. Two phase lock b. Deadlock c. Lock d. All of the above 20. ___________ are the locks which are simple but restrictive and so are used in prachce. a. Binary lock b. Shared lock c. Exclusive lock d. System lock 21. A variation known as _________ requires a transaction to lock the items it accesses before the transaction begins execution by predeclaring its readset and write-set. a. Conservative 2PL b. Strict 2PL c. Deadlock 2PL d. None of the above 22. _________ guarantees strict schedules. a. Conservative 2PL b. Strict 2PL c. Deadlock 2PL d. Two-phase 2PL 23. In _______, an older transaction is allowed, to wait on younger transaction, whereas a younger transaction requesting an item held by an older transaction is aborted and restarted. a. Starvation deadlock b. Wait die c. Strict schedules d. Conservative locking

24. _________ provides very fast access to records on certain search conditions. a. Indexing b. Internal hashing c. Hashing d. None of the above 25. OLTP stands fora. Online transaction processing b. Offline transaction processing c. Online transaction procedure d. Offline transaction procedure 26. __________ includes a number of external schemes or user views. a. Internal level b. Conceptual level c. External level d. All of the above

D) The non-key attributes are functionally dependent on.. a. Composite key. b. Whole key. c. Non key. d. All of the above. 28. If two non-key attributes are functionally dependent, then there will be unnecessary.. a) Loss of data. b) Duplicate of data. c) Key attributes. d) All of these. 29. Count is used to of value in the column a) Aggregate function. b) Count the number. c) Statements. d) All of these. 30.The standard SQL aggregate functions are a. Count. b. Max. c. Both (i)&(ii). d. None of these.

E) The rows of the relation are calledand the columns of a relation are called (Tupples, Attribute)

F) The number of tupples in the relation its called..(Cardinality). G) Number of attribute in a relation its called.(Degree)
H) is the set of attribute that form a super key but no proper subset of which of super key. (Candidate key.)

I) .is the candidate key consign by database designer to identify tuples in a relation.(Primary key) J) a procedural language used for manipulating relations. (Relational algebra) K) ..begins with individual requirement (Bottom approach.) L) A database can be design using top-down and..approach.(Bottom-up.) M) starts with enterprise level model preparing data model for entire application domain.(Top-down approach) N) Design should have no.( Inconsistencies)

41 The DB_verify utility does the following; O) Ensures local integrity of the data in an Oracle 8i database P) Diagnoses problems in the rare event that the database gets broken Q) All of the above R) None of the above With reference to tables in Oracle 8i, which of the following holds true? i) Maximum length for table is 30 characters. ii) The table names first letter should be an alphabet iii) Underscore, numerals and letters are allowed S) Blank spaces and single quotes are allowed


A) B) C) D) 43.

i), iii), iv) ii), iii), iv) i), ii), iii) all of the above

What does the below given command do? SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERED T) Disables all constraints U) Enables all constraints V) Sets all constraints W) Enforces all constraints

X) Y) 44. What does the below command do? ALTER TABLE MITE ADD PRIMARY KEY (IT_ORDER, ORDERADATE) DOSABLE; Z) AA)The command ensures that two rows in the table have same value for both IT_ORDER and ORDERDATE BB)The command ensures that no two rows in the table have a same value for both IT_ORDER and ORDERDATE CC)The command ensures that no two IT_ORDER and no two ORDERDATE in the table will have same values DD)None of the above EE) FF)45. To suppress the title definition, we use GG) i) Title off HH) ii) Set Title off II) iii) Btitle off JJ) iv) Set Btitle off KK) LL)i), iii) MM)ii), iii), iv) NN)i), iii), iv) OO)all of the above PP)46. EADD is the name of the column in the table EMP which is of the user defined type: QQ) i) SELECT ENO, E EADD.ADD1 FROM EMP E: RR) ii) SELECT ENO, EADD.ADD1 FROM EMP E WHERE EADD.ADD1-11: SS) iii) SELECT ENO, ENAME, E.EADD FROM EMP; TT) UU)i), ii) VV)i), iii) WW)ii), iii) XX)all of the above

YY) ZZ)47. The single row function includes AAA) i) Date, Numeric BBB) ii) Avg, Conversion CCC) iii) Max, Min, Sum DDD) iv) Character Conversion EEE) FFF)i), iii), iv) GGG)i), ii) HHH)i), iv) III) ii), iii) JJJ) KKK)48. Which of the following is true for partitioning? LLL) i) Less chance of losing data MMM)ii) Load balancing is made easier NNN) iii) Back up of data is maintained OOO) iv) Less corruption PPP) QQQ)i), ii), iii) RRR)ii), iii), iv) SSS)i), ii), iv) TTT)i), ii), iii), iv) UUU) VVV)49. The groups function includes WWW) i) Date, Numeric XXX) ii) Avg Sum YYY) iii) Max.Min ZZZ) iv) Character, Conversion AAAA) BBBB)i), ii) CCCC)ii), iii) DDDD)ii), iv) EEEE)iii), iv) FFFF) GGGG)50. The potential problems of distributed DBMS are HHHH) i) Complexity IIII) ii) Cost JJJJ) iii) Distribution of control KKKK) iv) Security LLLL) v) backup MMMM) NNNN) A) i), ii), iv), v) OOOO)i), ii), iii), iv) PPPP)i), ii), iv QQQQ)i), ii), iii), iv), v) RRRR)


When the built-in data type REF is said to be dangling it means: REF is pointing to a non-existent object ii) REF is pointing to an existent object iii) REF is pointing to not a null object iv) REF is pointing to a null object YYYY)i), ii) ZZZZ)ii), iv) AAAAA)i), iii) BBBBB)i) iv)

CCCCC) DDDDD)52. If a cursor is defined as followed, which of the following holds false? EEEEE) TYPE CURL IS REF CURSOR FFFFF) GGGGG) i) The cursor does not return value HHHHH) ii) Cursor variable is shape independent. IIIII) iii) Cursor variable is not flexible. JJJJJ) iv) Cursor variable is strong. KKKKK) LLLLL)i), ii) MMMMM)ii), iii), iv) NNNNN)iii), iv) OOOOO)all of the above PPPPP) QQQQQ)53. Which key in a relational database in defined as an attribute or an attribute combination in our relational whose values are required to match those of the primary key of some other relation? Primary key

Foreign key
Candidate key Composite Key RRRRR) SSSSS)54. What is the output of the following statement? TTTTT) SELECT RTRIM (MANIPAL, PAL) FROM DUAL: UUUUU)

WWWWW)IPAL XXXXX)PAL YYYYY)manIPL ZZZZZ) AAAAAA)55. For Raise_application_error utility of Oracle 8i, which of the followings are correct? i) It takes tow parameters ii) Error numbers ranges from-2000 to 2099 iii) It rollbacks the transaction taken place iv) Terminates the execution of the program

i), ii) i), iii), iv) C) ii), iii), iv) D) all of the above BBBBBB)56. What is the output of the following statement? CCCCCC) SELECT CEIL(45.778) FROM DUAL; DDDDDD) EEEEEE)45

A) B)

GGGGGG)45.778 HHHHHH)45.7 57) ______ Means that each server participating in distributed database is administered independently from all other databases. a) Transparency. b) Site autonomy. c) Replication. d) None of the above. IIIIII) 58) .Distributed database security can be achieved by: a) Password authentication for users and roles. b) Koreros version 5 for connected user links. c) DCE for connected user links. d) All of the above. JJJJJJ) 59) .In _________ we can create global users authenticated through SSL or by using Passwords, then manage these users and passwords in a directory. a) Network authentication service. b) Enterprise user management. c) Both A & B. d) None of the above. KKKKKK) LLLLLL) 60) .Which type of update is this? Update Set empno=10 Where ename=abc; Update scott.emp Set deptno=10; a) Remote update. b) Distributed update. c) Both A & B. d) None of the above.

61. Match the following: i. Private 1. Creates a database-wide link. ii. Public. 2. Creates link in specific schema of local database. iii. Global. 3. User connects as themselves. Iv. Connected 4. Creates a network wide link. A. I-4, ii-3, iii-1, iv-2. B. I-2, ii-1, iii, 3,iv-4. C. I-2, ii-1, iii-4, iv-3. D. I-3, ii-4, iii-1, iv-2. 62. For managing distributed databases, the administration tools available are: i. Enterprise manager. ii. Third-party administration tools. iii. SNMP support. iv. Data encryption tools. v. Auditing. vi. Transparency. MMMMMM)I, ii, iii, IV, v, VI. NNNNNN)I, ii, iii. OOOOOO)I, iii, IV, v. PPPPPP)Ii, iii, IV, v. 63. .Match the following: i. Connected user link. 1.users connect as themselves. ii. Fixed user link. 2.a user connects as global user. iii. Current user link. 3.multiple client process can use the same link. iv. Shared database link. 4.users connect using the username and Password referenced in the link. QQQQQQ)I-1, ii-2, iii- 4, iv-3. RRRRRR)I-1, ii-4, iii-2, iv-3. SSSSSS)I-1, ii-4, iii-3, iv-2. TTTTTT)None. 64. Which of the following operations cannot be performed while using database links: I. Grant privileges on remote objects. ii. Analysize remote objects. iii. Delete data from remote database objects. iv. Define or enforce referential integrity. vi. Grant roles to users in the remote databases. vii. Execute hash query joins.

A. B. C. D. 65.

I, ii, IV, VI, vii. I, iii, IV, viii. I, ii, iii, IV, v, VI, vii. None of the above.

Which of the following are true for INSTEAD OF triggers? i) They are available only at the row lever ii) They are available only at the statement level iii) They can be applied only to tables iv) They can be applied only to views UUUUUU)i), iii) VVVVVV)ii), iv) WWWWWW)i), iv) XXXXXX)i), ii)

66) The different type of transparency are (i) Data Independence (ii) Network transparency (iii)Data transparency (iv)Replication transparency (v) Fragmentation transparency a) (ii) (iii) (iv) b) (iii) (v) c) (iii) (iv) d) (ii) (iv) (v) 67) Advantage of Package are (i) Modularity (ii) Easier Application Design (iii) Information Hiding (iv) Added Functionality a) (iii) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iv) b) All of the above c) None of the above 68) Which of the following is valid (i) SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE; (ii) SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME ORDER BY EMP_ID FROM EMPLOYEE; (iii)SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE EMP_ID=333; (iv)SELECT EMP_ID, LAST_NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE SALARY BETWEEN 2000, 3000;

a) b) b) c)

(iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) All of the above None of the above

69) In Oracle 9i which of the following holds true? (i) We should specify a unique column name (ii) We should specify proper data type along with its width (iii)By default, the condition for the column value is NOT NULL (iv)A table can have columns with user defined types a) (i) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iii) b) All of the above c) None of the above 70) What will be the output of the following : CREATE TABLE salaryaud AS SELECT emp_no, emp_name, salary FROM sal WHERE 1>2; a) Table salaryaud is created with no records b) Table salaryaud is created with copy of records from sal table c) Warning but table is created d) Error in syntax 71) In Oracle 9i which of the following holds true for views? (i) Views can be used to hide sensitive columns (ii) Views can be used to check option (iii)Views can have ORDER BY clause (iv)Views cannot be updated if it contains joins and set operators a) (i) (iv) b) (i) (ii) (iii) c) All of the above d) None of the above 72) __________ is the most important ____________. SQL is referred to as a relational___________. It also contains facilities to define ________. (SQL(Structured Query Language), relational data manipulation Language, Data Manipulation Language(DML), data definition Language) 73) ___________ are basically, there are two types of ________, one which defines permitted values _________ can have and another which defines a ________ between different attributes(generally known as _________). (constraints, attributes, relationship, dependency) 74) Let X and Y be_________ of a________.Given the value of X,if there is only one value of Y corresponding to it, then Y is said to be functionally dependent on X. This is

indicated by the notation: __________ (two attributes, relation, X Y. 75) A _______ has its recodes stored in a. In order to facilitate________ proper processing, the are stored in a order based on values of some field. The filenb requires minimal storage, but offers limited operations, which limits its usefulness. (sequential file, physical sequence)

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