The Independent Interview GRF Chairmain On 30 June 2012

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Rolex watch stolen from dead body
PORT LOUIS: On Thursday at 11 am, a 30-year-old manager, residing at Tamarin reported a larceny to the Curepipe Police. In his statement, the man said that on Monday July 2, a Rolex wristwatch which was on the wrist of his late 69-year-old father has been stolen. The man believes that the theft occurred when his father was being conveyed from his apartment at Curepipe to the Princess Margaret Orthopaedic Centre. After the hospital returned the objects of the dead person to the family, they realised that the watch which was worth Rs 500,000 was missing. The police have opened an inquiry.

Appropriate follow-up needed after implementation of govt measures

Vishal Bheeroo Port Louis, July 6

Bank starts new scholarship scheme

PORT LOUIS: Standard Bank (Mauritius) Ltd is introducing scholarships for underprivileged students as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project. There are around ten scholarships available for students willing to pursue their tertiary education at the University of Mauritius (UoM). To be eligible, the student must have good results at the Higher School Certificate level and the monthly revenue of their parents should not exceed Rs 15,000. Each scholarship comprises general inscription fees to UoM up to a sum of Rs 30,000 per annum and a monthly allocation of Rs 3,000 during the whole course.

After a long career in politics and at the head of major organisations former Education minister Armoogum Parsuramen has recently launched the non-governmental organisation Global Rainbow Foundation dedicated to the cause of the differentlyabled. After serving as minister of Education under Sir Anerood Jugnauth from 1982 to 1995, Parsuramen joined the World Bank in 1997 as Education Policy Advisor. He also served as director of UNESCO. In this exclusive interview with The Independent, Parsuramen shares his thoughts on diverse issues ranging from his NGO and to issues in the present educational system. He used the opportunity to confirm that he is not planning to make a political comeback. How did the idea of creating the Global Rainbow Foundation (GRF) germinate? When I retired in 2011 and came back to the island in June, I wanted to give something back to society since I have received much more in terms of my parents' blessing and what my country has given to me. I had to choose a path and it was clear in my mind that I would not be undertaking any political activities. Therefore, I gave myself one year to decide on my next course of action. I chose to launch GRF in June 30 which coincides with my birthday. I believe that the differentlyabled are talented and that there is a need to groom and guide them in life. As minister of Education for 13 years, I had the opportunity to work with different groups of people, including the differently-abled. The government recently brought amendment to the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Bill to the parliament. As founder of GRF, how did you find the bill? I welcome this initiative of the government and made it a point to attend the part of the debate for the bill in parliament. I wish to pay tribute to the minister of Social Security, Sheila Bappoo with whom I have worked for 12 years. She has vision and commitment since she dedicated her life to the cause of the differentlyabled. I also wish to say that a minister can take initiatives but

There is a need to assess and evaluate the introduction of enhancement programmes in standards IV-V to see if they are making an impact.
GRF will play the role of 'honest broker' whereby we will act as a platform between initiators of projects and sponsors. Some 15 centres have already benefited from sponsorship. This is our policy. ing for a political job.

Laptop worth Rs 40K taken from house

PORT LOUIS: On Thursday at 2.10 pm, a 59-year-old musician reported a theft with break-in to the Abercrombie Police. In his statement, the resident of Sainte Croix said that the incident occurred during his absence from his house on Wednesday between 2.15 pm and 4.30 pm. A laptop which was kept on a table in his living room has been stolen. Its value is estimated at Rs 40,000. The police have started an inquiry

without the blessing of the Prime Minister, things cannot move forward. The amendment will largely benefit the differently-abled who so far had limited scope for training and employment facilities deemed necessary for their empowerment. I also wish to point out that the Indira Gandhi Centre for Indian Culture (IGCIC) was not accessible to the differently-abled because there were no ramps. I

Mohamed in parliament, differently-abled persons cannot access the public gallery. Therefore, GRF will put a request to the speaker in this regard. GRF signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), India.You also spoke of setting up of a school in Bihar. Please elaborate. GRF will use its good office to facilitate cooperation in areas of education between TISS and some institutions in Mauritius. TISS chairman, S Parasuraman who was in the island recently visited the Gandhian Basic School and the MIE. Both institutions are committed to work with TISS which is a brand name possessing international reputation and academic excellence. There will be a tripartite cooperation between TISS, GRF and the Gandhian Basic School. GRF has adopted one of the Buniyadi Vidyalaya schools in Champaran, Bihar that was built by Mahatma Gandhi in 1939. We will support the school, provide it with the basic amenities and help it improve its infrastructure. There will also be a twinning between the Buniyadi Vidyalaya and the SSR Government School at Cap Malheureux. I must also emphasise that

The differently-abled are talented and I believe that there is a need to groom and guide them in life.
spoke to the director of the IGCIC, Amita Shaw and the Indian high commissioner T P Seetaram who gave us the permission to install a ramp on a permanent basis. Moreover, during a recent seminar held at the Mauritius Institute of Education where the managing director of Cambridge School in Tamil Nadu, Sanath Kumar was invited, an initiative was taken to install ramps on campus. I will also work for the installation of ramps in all public buildings. As put forward by the Labour minister, Shakeel

Gold chain snatched from woman on road

PORT LOUIS: On Thursday at 6.10 pm, a 51-year-old resident of New Grove reported a theft to the Rose Belle Police. In her statement, the woman said that earlier at about 2.15 pm, whilst she was walking back to her place along Gros Billot Road, an unknown man on foot snatched her gold chain and ran away. The value of the jewellery is estimated at about Rs 15,000. The police have started an investigation. INS

You had an international career at the World Bank and the UNESCO. How has this experience shaped your belief? It has been an extraordinary journey and I am the only perAs a former Education min- son in Mauritius who has held such important posts in the ister, what is your view on the UNESCO. I acquired a lot in introduction of Kreol and terms of cultural richness and Bhojpuri in schools? Don't openness to the world. My peryou think that it will be at the sonality has been moulded in detriment of our official lansuch a manner that I cannot guage, English? stick to a single universe. I also I don't think so since the built a huge network and accuknowledge of another lanmulated experience. guage will be an asset to stuMy journey in Africa was exdents. I believe that the authorities have introduced Kreol traordinary. I was the director which is the highest post in the and Bhojpuri after consultation with all stakeholders. They UNESCO office in Senegal. I must have obtained the nod of also worked in countries afall parties before reaching this flicted by conflicts and advised decision. However, it should be ministers on how to reconstruct their education systems. well implemented so that lanI even worked in a diverse, rich guages such as English and and huge country like India French are not left out. It also whose population is so much depends on pedagogy and bigger than Mauritius. It was tools of learning as well as the both an honour and a chalquality of training offered to lenge to serve in India. I also teachers and support to stuworked in countries such as dents. Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Maldives, among others. You served the country as minister for 13 years. Are you What do you think of the willing to make a political comeback if the Prime Minis- proposed reforms, such as the ter, Dr Navin Ramgoolam ten- CPE reforms, the new laureate scheme and the introduction ders an offer to you? I would like to confirm what of the enhancement prothe PM said during the launch grammes in standards IV and V? of GRF at the IGCIC in I don't believe in criticising Phoenix, I am not interested to join politics. I started my polit- the measures taken by the government which seem interestical career very young. I was ing. However, the main chalelected at the village council, lenge is to ensure that the imbecame an MP minister and , had a career at the internation- plementation is done in a correct way. There is a need to asal level. Now, I have become a sess and evaluate the enhanceworld citizen as a result of ment programme to see if it is serving in different countries. making an impact. Despite inTherefore, I want to serve the jecting money, problems exist country in a different way. However, I must point out that in the educational system and I have always been a politician we must ensure that people are sufficiently equipped and mowith a social and human outtivated. However, education is look. only one element that will deI will not make a political termine reforms. We must also comeback because if I adhere look at other factors such as to a political party, I will become involved in political par- the role of parents, teachers and the Ministry, the children's tisanship. I don't want to do that since I want to operate in a health and social backgrounds free and non-partisan way. The as well as the social values instilled to model children's bePM appreciates what I am dohaviour. ing and promised to offer all necessary support so that I can Has there been an improveaccomplish my mission. I want to make it clear: I am not look- ment in the educational sys-

tem over the years? There has been lots of development that took place in the educational system. We should also compare our model with countries such as the United States the United Kingdom and France who are facing problems despite the fact that they don't lack resources. The introduction of an educational system needs continuous adjustment and transformation so that it is able to adapt itself to modern realities. Private tuitions have already been banned in Standard IV and new regulations such as reviewing the time and location of tuition centres have been introduced.Your opinion? I banned private tuitions in standard III in primary schools during my tenure as Education minister. I brought the debate in parliament and we took several measures to alleviate the burden of students. But, there is no magical solution to this problem. What is important is to improve school infrastructure and the upholding of skills. I also introduced the concept of nine-year schooling in my master plan for reforms. I need to point out that parents are also responsible since undue pressures are being put on children to achieve excellence. The measures taken by the government are good. I took several measures as minister and my successors continued in the same vein. However, some ministers should not destroy the work of their predecessors but rather build-up the work in a nonpartisan way. There must be 'continuity with change'. Has the government been successful in combating poverty? Since independence, the successive governments have always made social welfare their top most priority. The present government is investing massively in the cause of social integration. But, the biggest challenge is to ensure that people who deserve benefits get them. This often poses a huge problem and efforts must be made at this level. There must also be a change in the mindset of the people as we need dedicated and passionate people to serve the poor and make public service noble. We must also put emphasis on the quality of financial investment.

Youth interested in forming cooperatives Ministry of

Leena Gooraya Port Louis, July 6

In the context of the International Year of Cooperatives, which is being celebrated on July 7, a series of activities have been planned by the Ministry of Business, Enterprises and Cooperatives on Saturday at the football playground at Rduit. Business minister Jim Seetaram pointed out the main activities of the event during a short interview with The Independent. What are the major activities that have been planned for the occasion? Cooperatives Day is celebrated every first Saturday of July. But this year, this event is going to be grand. This is because, it coincides with the International Year of Cooperatives declared by the United Nations. Among the activities planned, there is a first time ever Fashion Show of high quality where cooperative products will be showcased in an unusual style. Also, there will be a huge three-day National Cooperative and SME Fair on the Football Ground at the University of Mauritius in Rduit from July 7 to 9.

Who will participate in the fair? It is expected that this event will attract some 8,000 to 10,000 co-operators. Gift items, food items, handicraft, clothing, plants, haberdashery and so on will be on sale at promotional prices. Also, a clip on cooperatives will be shown to the public for the first time. Moreover, a cultural show will feature top local artists such as Alain Ramanisum, Nalini Dance Group, Ravita Salick Group, Boom Boom Group, Ravanne Melodie and the Bhojpuri Boys. And for the first time, Prime Minister Dr Navin Ramgoolam will be present for the event.

years. It is very well anchored in traditional sectors such as the agricultural sector, the credit union, livestock and fisheries sector. Its growth rate is of 2.5 per cent to 3 per cent per year, with a significant contribution to the national economy, that is, cooperatives account for 12 per cent of the national production and marketing of sugarcane, 40 per cent of potato production; 75 per cent of our onion production; some 70 per cent of total green vegetables; livestock breeding for milk production and meat production amongst others. Now, we are exploring new possibilities such as the extension of Fair Trade to the non-sugar sector, and the production of valueadded goods.

businesses - limited companies, sole trading, have shown their flaws especially during these turbulent economic times. But what cooperatives lacked, was some visibility, that's why I am laying emphasis on an important information campaign targeting youngsters and women especially. I had the opportunity to speak to youngsters and they are very enthusiastic about this model especially because of its values and the possibility of inclusive growth it brings. As for women, the cooperative movement enables them to be economically independent, answering their specific needs of running their households and that of upbringing their children. What can be done so that cooperatives become an important pillar of the economy? Cooperatives should increase their business efficiency so that they contribute a larger share in the GDP (Actually, they have a . two per cent contribution). Cooperatives must also operate in regional markets. Then, they should diversify their activities and they also produce value added products.

Sound to be on island for world tour

Independent News Service Port Louis, July 6

Your Ministry is presently encouraging young people and women to form cooperatives. Please elaborate. According to me, the cooperative model is the alternative way of doing business. The specificity of cooperatives is that it has a How do you think the co- dual nature: economic and social. Moreover, it is a value operative movement has based organisation which is evolved over the years? democratically-controlled. It has evolved steadily over the last nearly hundred The traditional form of

The Ministry of Sound World Tour is back for a much awaited event to be held on July 14 at 'L'Aventure du Sucre' in Pamplemousses. An initiative of Social Buzz Event, the event will see Djette Rebecca Vasmant as guest performer along with Mauritian Djs David Jay and Phil Theveneau. R Vasmant This event marks the launch of the Ministry of Sound Radio in Mauritius. A famous nightclub of London, the Ministry of Sound, has hugely contributed to the development of house music worldwide. The Djette is one of the few women to have achieved the status of its World Tours resident. She has played along side some of the most prominent names in the industry like Riva Starr and Sebastien Leger. The entrance fee for the evening is Rs 500.

A picture from the Muse National de la Marine depicts the Naval Battle of Grand Port in 1810, an important event in the nations maritime history.

Historian hosts conference on Maritime Heritage at UoM

Independent News Service Rduit, July 6

Jean Marie Chelin, an independent researcher, held a conference entitled 'Maritime Heritage of Mauritius' on Friday at the University of Mauritius (UoM). The event was an initiative of the History and Political Science department from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. In his address, Chelin said, "Recently, I found important documents about the maritime history of the island. These describe the medicines that were used by people on the port in 1780. They also mention ships which transported letters from one country to another." He added, "When I deepened my

research, I also discovered books at the Municipality of Port Louis on captains and ships during that time which make great adventures." The researcher further stated, "Through this conference, I wanted to bring History forward as a subject as it is losing its importance with a general lack of interest." He outlined, "Students prefer to remain busy in other things rather than learning about their history. This is a very sad situation as History is very enriching. The youth should be sensitised about the past of their country in order to plan for the future." Chelin has also written a book on the maritime heritage of Mauritius and

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