Coursework Checklist - Unit 5 - Student Checklist

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Unit 5 Coursework Checklist Weeks #8-9: Music of the Romantic Era (19th century) Due Date: 7/29/12 at 5:00pm

Where Is it Found? MyMusicLab ebook: Assignment Read Introduction to The Nineteenth Century (The Romantic Era) Visit the Flashcards section of MyMusicLab and review & learn the terms . View the documentary entitled, Romanticism Read Chapter 27 Details Page 233

Done? Check it off the list

MyMusicLab Flashcards section

This is for Part 5 of the text covering, The Nineteenth Century

MyMusicLab documentary

This is found under Multimedia Library, then under Documentaries tab (blue) of MyMusicLab website.

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Page 240

Listen to the music: Symphony no. 5 in c minor, Op. 67, first movement by Ludwig van Beethoven

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Listen to the music againand again (this is an amazing work of art everyone should know this symphony from beginning to end.) 1. Find the listening guide in the More Music tab of blackboard you can print it out if you like to make it easier 2. Listen to the music (2nd Movement) 3. Read the Notes section of the Guide 4. Listen to the music again 1. Listen to the music (3rd Movement) 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Listen to the music again 4. Listen to the music (4th Movement) 5. Read the Notes section of the Guide 6. Listen to the music again 7. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab documentary

View the documentary entitled, Music and the Middle Class

This is found under Multimedia Library, then under Documentaries tab (blue) of MyMusicLab website.

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Read Chapter 28

Page 248

Listen to the music: Erlkonig, D. 328 by Franz Schubert

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the text & translation sections of the Guide 3. Read the Notes section of the Guide 4. Listen to the music again (and againif you like) 5. Complete the Post-test** Page 255 1. Listen to the music (3rd Movement) 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Listen to the music again 4. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Read Chapter 29

Listen to the music: Overture to A Midsummer Nights Dream by Felix Mendelssohn Read Chapter 30

MyMusicLab ebook:

Page 261

MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Listen to the music: Symphony Fantastique, 4th movement (March to the Scaffold by Hector Berlioz Read Chapter 31

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Listen to the music again (and againif you like) 4. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Page 267

Listen to the music: Piano Trio in d minor, Op. 11, 3rd movement by Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Read Chapter 32

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Listen to the music again (and againif you like) 4. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Page 272

Listen to the music: Forward! by Clara Wieck Schumann

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Read the Text & Translation sections of the Guide 4. Listen to the music againand again(if you like) 5. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab ebook:

Read Chapter 33

Page 278

MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Listen to the music: Mazurka in B-glat, Op. 7, No. 1 by Frederic Chopin Read Chapter 34

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 4. Listen to the music againand again(if you like) 5. Complete the Post-test** Page 285

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Listen to the music: Union by Louis Moreau Gottschalk

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 4. Listen to the music againand again(if you like) 5. Complete the Post-test** Page 308

MyMusicLab ebook: MyMusicLab Listening Guide*:

Read Chapter 37

Listen to the music: The Valkyrie, Act III, selection (Wotans Farewell) by Richard Wagner

1. Listen to the music 2. Read the Notes section of the Guide 3. Read the Text & Translation sections of the Guide 4. Listen to the music againand again(if you like) 5. Complete the Post-test**

MyMusicLab ebook:

Read Chapters 35, 36, 38 & 39

We are not doing the post tests on these chapters, however, there are some questions on the Exam from them. But I do encourage you to listen to the works and explore the materials. Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 38 Chapter 39

Online YouTube Videos

Watch these YouTube performances of , Schuberts Erlking

#1 The URL for the first performance is: #2 The URL for the 2nd performance is: #3 The URL for the 3rd performance is: #4 The URL for the 4th performance is:

Blackboard Discussion Forum tab

Find the topic: Schuberts Erlking translations, reinterpretations or original?

You must make a minimum of 2 posts on this discussion forum

MyMusicLab Part 5 Exam:

Take the Unit 5 Exam covering the Music of the Classical Era

This is Found under Chapters tab at the top of the page.look at the bottom of the Chapter List for this Part 5 of the textbook***

Due Date: 7/29/12 at 5:00pm

*For instructions on how to find the Listening Guide see the Help tab in Blackboard for the document called, How to find the Listening Guide ** For instructions on how to find the Post-tests see the Help tab in Blackboard for the document called How to find the Posttest ***For instructions on how to find the PART 5 EXAM see the Help! tab in Blackboard and look for a document called, How to find the EXAMS

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE SKIPPING SOME CHAPTERS POST-TESTS OF THIS UNIT TO MAKE IT MORE MANAGABLE FOR OUR COURSELOAD. You will still need to read them for the exam and I encourage you to listen to the music and explore the materials related to them. ENJOY!

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