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W W W . T C Y O N L I N E .

FMS PAPER: (11-01-2009)
SECTION – Quantitative Aptitude

1. In view of the present global financial crisis,

Ans. (2) 42 %
2. John, Mona and Gordon, three US based business partners,
Ans. (1) $2000 million
3. Recently smoking at public places is declared as an offence.
Ans. (3) Rs. 30
4. The Vice-Chancellor of University of Delhi decided to form a committee
Ans. (1) 462
5. A fight of Jet Airways from Delhi to Mumbai has an average
Ans. (2) 12 minutes
6. A 500-gram stone was dropped from the roof of a building.
Ans. (4) 78.4 metres
7. A final year MBA student gets 50% in the exam and 80%
Ans. (1) 56.34%
8. While investigating the case of recent blasts in Delhi,
Ans. (1) 0.42
9. What amount should the Government pay for each caesarean birth
Ans. (2) 2000
10. What is the total amount to be paid for caesarean births to the
Ans. (1) Rs. 4,80,000
11. Due to the recent global financial crisis, many companies
Ans. (2) 112 hours
12. A space research company wants to sell its two products
Ans. (4) Rs. 80 million
13. In a recent cricket test match played at Delhi, Rickey
Ans. (1) 3.12 N
14. The income distribution in the villages of Delhi is
Ans. (2) Change in income distribution in case of (ii)
15. Amber Chew opened a departmental store at Great India
Ans. (2) 6 months
16. What are the education index for China and the Human Development
Ans. (3) Education index for China 91.13 and HDI for India 42.79
17. ICICI bank offers a 1-year loan to a company at an interest rate
Ans. (1) increase by 3.5%

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W W W . T C Y O N L I N E . C O M
18. The present value of an optical instrument is Rs. 20,000
Ans. (3) Rs. 17875.2
19. What is the area of the copper sheet
Ans. (1) 7543 cm2
20. Let each side of a square is 20 cm. Four equal circles,
Ans. (1) 86 sq. cm
21. If March 1, 2006 was Wednesday, which day was it on March 1, 2002?
Ans. (3) Friday
22. A solid cube just gets completely immersed in water
Ans. (1) 10 cm

23. If log7 log5 ( x + 5 + x ) = 0, what is the value of x?

Ans. (3) 4
⎡ 1 − 3 2⎤
⎢ ⎥
24. The matrix A = ⎢− 3 1 5⎥ is:
⎢⎣ 2 − 5 1⎥⎦

Ans. (3) symmetric

25. A manufacturer claims that only 2% items are defective

Ans. (2)
26. If the daily compounding rate of interest is 10%
Ans. (3) Rs. 41322.31
27. What was the average annual percentage growth rate in the
Ans. (2) 14%
28. What was the percentage rate of decline in the FDI
Ans. (1) 14%
29. In which of the following pair of years does the percentage
Ans. (3) 2001 to 2003
30. What is the ratio of the average FDI inflow
Ans. (3) 0.03

31. If cot2 θ – (1 + 3 ) cot θ + 3 = 0,

π π
Ans. (2) ,
4 3
32. BSNL offers its share at a premium of Rs. 40,
Ans. (1) 15.2%
33. Delhi Metro Corporation engaged 25,000 workers to
Ans. (3) 23512

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W W W . T C Y O N L I N E . C O M
35. If the logarithm of a number is – 3.153
Ans. (1) characteristic = – 4, mantissa = 0.847

36. The number 8 + 3 7 is equal to:

Ans. (3) 2?2 + 3 7 (wrongly given as 2?3 + 3 7 )

37. If a, b, c are in G.P. and ax = by = cz, then:
1 1 2
Ans. (1) + =
x z y

x 1− x 1
38. If + = 2 , then the value of x is:
1− x x 6
9 4
Ans. (4) or
13 13
39. Given that θ is an angle between 180o and 270o, what
Ans. (3) 225o
40. What is the length of the tangent drawn from the point
Ans. (1) 3
41. What is the locus of the point of intersection of two
Ans. (2) x+α=0

e x − e −x
42. lim is equal to:
x →0 x
ANs. (3) 2
43. If a company has a revenue function R
Ans. (1) 5000
44. The marginal propensity to import is measured as the
Ans. (3) x/3
45. If the heights of two cones are in the
Ans. (2) 12 : 7
46. How many images will MIP transmit to earth
Ans. (2) 500
47. Which company’s printing offer is the cheapest if the ISRO choose to
Ans. (1) Agfa
48. If the ISRO used Cannon in place of Agfa,
Ans. (4) 2% more
49. If the ISRO used Kodak facility for 360 prints per hour
Ans. (4) 5%


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