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EC744 Lecture Notes: Discrete State Space Method

Prof. Jianjun Miao

Discretization of AR(1) Shock Method 1. Tauchen (1986)

2 . where ut is iid N 0,

yt = yt1 + ut

The standard deviation of yt is y = / 1 2. Step 1. Choose N points discrete state space. ymax = m y , ymin = m y
n o ymaxymin N2 (y i N = y y min, ymin + N 1 , ..., ymin + N1 max ymin) , ymax i=1

Step 2. Choose N intervals I1 = , ymin + ymaxymin , 2(N 1) I2 = ymin + ymaxymin , ymin + ymaxymin , ..., 2(N 1) (N1) IN1 =

(N1)(ymaxymin) N(ymaxymin) ymin + , ymin + 2(N1) 2(N1) N(ymaxymin ) , 2(N 1)

IN = ymin +

Step 3. Determine transition probabilities ij = Pr yt+1 Ij |yt = y i

Matlab Code: markovappr.m [z,Tran,probst,arho,asigma] = markovappr(rho,sigma,m,N) Input: rho : Persistence sigma: Volatility m : Determines the width of discretized state space, Tauchen uses m = 3, ymax = m*vary, ymin = -m*vary, ymax, and ymin are two boundary points N : Number of possible states chosen to approximate the y_t process, usually N = 9 should be ne.

Output: Tran : Transition matrix of the Markov chain z : N by 1 vector of discretized state space of y_t

probst : Invariant distribution arho : First order autoregression coecient for Markov chain asigma: Standard deviation for Markov chain Y_t

Method 2. Tauchen and Hussey (1991)

2 . where ut is iid N 0,

xt = xt1 + (1 ) x + ut

Step 1. Choose N intervals dened by x1 = , x2, ..., xN +1 = +. The cutos are such that Thus,
! !

xi+1 x x

xi x x

1 . N

i1 + x. xi = x1 N

Step 2. Construct discrete state space

n h io i = E x |x xi, xi+1 . z t t

z 1, ..., z N


Step 3. Compute the transition probabilities.

i h i j , xj+1 |x xi, xi+1 . ij = Pr xt+1 x t h

The discretized Markov process is given by zt.

Matlab Code: tauch_hussey.m [s,p,probst,arho,asigma] = tauch_hussey(xbar,rho,sigma,n) Input: xbar : mean of the process (xt) rho : persistence sigma: volatility n : number of nodes

Output: s p

: n by 1 vector of discretized state space of x_t : Transition probability

probst : Invariant distribution arho : First order autoregression coecient for Markov chain asigma: Standard deviation for Markov chain x_t

Simulating a Markov Chain Step 1. Compute the cumulative distribution of the Markov chain c. That is, c is the probability that the economy is in a state lower or equal to j ij given that it was in state i in period t 1. Step 2. Set the initial state and simulate T random numbers from a uniform distribution over [0, 1]: {pt}T . t=1 Step 3. Assume the economy was in state i in t 1, nd the index j such that
c c i(j1) < pt ij ,

then zj is the state in period t.

Matlab Code: markovsimul.m [chain,state] = markovsimul(PI,s,n,s0, seed) Input: PI s n s0 : Transition matrix : State vector : Length of simulation : Initial state (index)

seed : Optional Output: chain: values for the simulated markov chain state : index of the state

Value Function Iteration. DP problem v (x, z) = max F (x, y, z) +


0, z 0 Q z, dz 0 v y

Step 1. Choose a grid for the endogenous state X = {x1, ..., xn} , and a grid for the shock Z = {z1, ..., zm} . Discretize the AR(1) shock as a Markov chain with the transition matrix = ij .

Step 2. Start with an initial guess for the value function V (x, z) for (x, z) X Z, and choose a stopping criterion > 0. Step 3. For each xi X, i = 1, ..., n and zh Z, l = 1, ..., m, compute T V (xi, zh) = max F xi, x0, zh + hj V x0X j=1

m X

0, z . x j

Step 4. If kT V (x, z) V (x, z)k < , then stop. Otherwise, use T V to update V and go back to Step 3.

Policy Function Iteration. Step 1. Set a stopping criterion > 0. Start with an initial guess of the policy function g (x, z) . Step 2. Compute the value function V (x, z) associate with g, assuming that this policy is operative forever. Step 3. Find a new policy function g (x, z) such that g (x, zh) solves

max F (x, y, zh) +


m X

hj V y, zj

Step 4. If k (x, z) g (x, z)k < , then stop. Otherwise, use g to update g g and go to step 2.

In step 2, we solve a linear system of the form V (xi, zh) = F (xi, g (xi, zh) , zh) + for V (xi, zh) . In matrix form,

m X

hj V g (xi, zh) , zj


T V (x, z) = (I Q)1 F (x, g (x, z) , z) ,


where Q = Qij


Qij =

1 if g (xi, zh) = xj for some h, 0 otherwise.

T V (x, z) is an (nm) 1 vector. We have to reshape it as an n m matrix: V (x, z) = reshape (T V (x, z) , n, m)

Using Interplotation Use less grid points for state variables, but more grid points for choice or control variables. It is faster and more accurate. Step 1. Choose a grid X for the state variable x and a grid Y for the choice variable y X = {x1, x2, ..., xn} , Y = {y1, y2, ..., yN } , N >> n. Step 2. Start with a guess V (x, z) and choose a stopping criterion .

Step 3. Compute an interpolated value function V (x, z) of V (x, z) and solve T V (xi, zh) = max F (xi, y, zh) +
yY j=1 m X

hj V y, zj

at each point (xi, zh) . Step 4. If kT V V k < , then stop. Otherwise, use T V to update V and go back to step 3.

Computing Stationary Distribution The optimal policy function x0 = g (x, z) and the shock z induce a Markov chain st = (xt, zt) . Let the jth element of s be the pair (xi, zh) where j = (h 1) n + i. Thus, s = [(x1, z1) , ..., (xn, z1) , (x1, z2) ... (xn, z2) , ..., (x1, zm) , ..., (xn, zm)]0. The transition matrix is
o 0, z 0 | (x , z ) = (x, z) = I x, x0, z Pr (xt+1, zt+1) = x t t zz 0 0 0 n

where I x, x , z = 1 if x = g (x, z) , = 0, otherwise. This denes an M M matrix P , where M = nm. Suppose P has a stationary distribution . Then the stationary distribution is (xi, zh) = (j) , where j = (h 1) n + i.

Simulating the Model Use the deterministic growth model as an example. One can use Chebyshev polynomial to approximate the policy function. Alternatively use interpolation, which is easy to program.

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