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Lyapunov-Based Control for Three-Phase PWM AC/DC Voltage-Source Converters

Hasan K m rc gil, Student Member, IEEE, and Osman K krer, Member, IEEE o u u u
Abstract The three-phase pulsewidth modulation (PWM) ac/dc voltage-source converter with the control laws proposed so far is not only unstable against large-signal disturbances, but also has the problem that its stability depends on the circuit parameters such as the dc-output capacitance. This paper describes a new control law based on Lyapunovs stability theory. It is shown that the converter can be stabilized globally for handling large-signal disturbances. The resulting closed-loop system not only guarantees a sufcient stability region (independent of the circuit parameters) in the state space, but also exhibits good transient response both in the rectifying and regenerating modes. Also, a new simulation technique is introduced which increases the speed of the simulation process considerably. Computer simulations are presented to conrm the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and the validity of the simulation technique. Experimental results are also presented to verify the theoretical and simulation studies. Index TermsLyapunovs direct method, space-vector PWM, three-phase ac/dc converters.

I. INTRODUCTION HE OPTIMAL ac/dc converter is one in which the output is a pure dc voltage (or current) and the input draws a pure sinusoidal current at unity power factor from the ac line, but a converter with these requirements cannot be realized in practice. Conventional diode bridge and thyristor phasecontrolled rectiers have the inherent drawbacks that their power factor decreases as the ring angle increases and that harmonics of the line current are relatively high. In recent years, there has been a tendency to operate ac/dc converters with pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) switching patterns which improve the input and output performances of the converter. It is shown by many researchers [1][10] that the PWM ac/dc voltage-source converter, as compared with the widely used phase-controlled converter, merits attention because of its ability to deliver near-sinusoidal currents at unity power factor. Various control strategies have been proposed in recent work for this type of PWM converters. The main objectives in the control of PWM ac/dc converters are to achieve a high power factor and minimum harmonic distortion of input line currents. Proposed control strategies include the phase and amplitude control (PAC) [1][3], hysteresis current control (HCC) [4], [5], and predicted current control with a xed switching frequency (PCFF) [6]. The PAC provides a good switching
Manuscript received April 30, 1996; revised January 21, 1998. Recommended by Associate Editor, L. Xu. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Mersin 10, Turkey. Publisher Item Identier S 0885-8993(98)06491-6.

pattern to reduce steady-state current harmonics and output voltage ripple. However, it has a dc current component (current offset) that appears on the ac side of the converter which deteriorates the dc load current and voltage waveforms during transients. The hysteresis current control has a fast dynamic response, good accuracy, no dc offset, and high robustness, but the major problem of HCC control is that its average switching frequency varies with the dc load current, which makes the switching pattern uneven and random, thus resulting in additional stresses on switching devices. The predicted current control with a xed switching frequency shows a fast dynamic response and has a good switching pattern that reduces the switching device stresses. However, it is sensitive to parameter variations. On the other hand, the control strategies proposed in [1] and [5] require a dc capacitor large enough to ensure a good stability margin, making the system transient response slower. The load current control method proposed in [8] overcomes this problem by providing a very strong stability that neither depends on the input inductance nor on the size of the dc capacitor. It is shown in [9] that the pole-placement control through state feedback provides not only stability, but also fast transient response when the dc capacitance is substantially reduced. The state feedback-based transient control method proposed in [10] compensates the current offset that results from the PAC method and reduces the oscillations of dc current and voltage waveforms during transients. These control strategies yield various advantages and disadvantages related to control circuit complexity, switching frequencies, and transient responses. The common disadvantage is that they cannot guarantee system stability against large-signal disturbances. It is well known that the statespace-averaged models of PWM ac/dc converters obtained with these control strategies are nonlinear systems. Because of the difculties in controlling such nonlinear systems, most of the previous work dealing with such converters are conned to the application of linear control theory to small-signal linearized models of the ac/dc converter. However, control laws proposed so far guarantee system stability against only small perturbations from the operating points of both state and input variables of the original system. Then, it is most desirable if control strategies (which would make the control system globally stable) could be developed for the ac/dc converter without linearization of its mathematical model. In this paper, a new control law based on Lyapunov stability theory, without linearization, is proposed that strictly guarantees a sufcient stability region in the state space for

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Fig. 1. Three-phase PWM ac/dc voltage-source rectier.

the system against large-signal disturbances. In this approach, Lyapunovs direct method which is the most important tool for nonlinear system control design is used. In using the direct method, the idea is to construct a scalar energy-like function (Lyapunov function) for the system and to examine the functions time variation. Lyapunov-based control strategies for dcdc converters have been proposed in the literature [11], [12]. The simulation results of two papers showed that the Lyapunov function obtained is very useful for designing globally stabilizing control schemes for dcdc converters. In this paper, this is extended to the PWM ac/dc voltage-source converter. A mathematical model of the system is derived in the continuous-time domain and it is seen that it includes a set of nonlinear equations which cannot be discretized exactly. Therefore, the proposed control law equations are also derived in the continuous-time domain. Then, the control equations are applied to the system in discrete time, assuming that a continuous-time approximation is valid for the discrete-time system for sufciently high switching frequencies. Computer simulations are carried out to study the operation of the system in discrete time. The closed-loop system with the proposed control law not only guarantees a sufcient stability region, but also provides good transient response, unity power factor, reduced harmonic distortion of the input line currents, and good regulation in the dc-output voltage. Stability of the system is also seen to be independent of circuit parameters. Experimental results, obtained with a microcontroller-based hardware simulation circuit of the converter, are also presented to verify the theoretical considerations. II. SYSTEM MODELING A. Mathematical Model The system in Fig. 1 is a voltage-source-type PWM rectier. All circuit elements are linear time invariant (LTI). All switches and source voltages are ideal. The system uses six bidirectional switches that are capable of conducting current in both directions. The switches operate in the continuous

conduction mode (CCM) and are turned on and off, such that the output dc voltage is never shorted. It is assumed that the input ac voltage is a balanced three-phase supply as follows: (1) (2) (3) and are the amplitude of the phase voltage where and angular frequency of the power source, respectively. The voltage equation of Fig. 1 is (4) where

The pole voltages at the input of the rectier can be written as (5) (6) (7) and are the bipolar switching functions. This where means that the switching function of a switch in one leg of the rectier is dened as closed, (8) closed, By using (5)(7), the expressions for the phase-to-neutral ) are obtained as voltages ( (9) where




Therefore, the differential equation for the dc side of the rectier is written as (22) is the dc load current. Note that with the switching where and as control variables, (18), (19), and (22) functions are nonlinear. B. Steady-State Solution of the System with Unity Power Factor In order to obtain unity power factor, it is required that be zero (in steady state) since is zero. With controlled corresponds to the magnitude of the input line to zero, . The controller developed in Section III forces the current to coincide with the dc reference voltage output voltage in the steady state. Therefore, in steady state we have , , , , and . and represent the steady-state values of the switching and , respectively. Now, we substitute the functions above relationships into (18), (19), and (22) to get (23) (24) (25) From (23) and (24), we obtain the switching functions in the steady state as follows: (26) (27) Now, we substitute (26) into (25) to get the dc load current expression as (28)

Since from Fig. 1, it can be easily shown that the output current is given by (10) For modeling and control design, it is very convenient to transform three-phase variables into a rotating frame. and are dened as Transformed variables of (11) (12) (13) where is the transformation matrix given by

(14) Having obtained the transformations, we can transform (4) into rotating frame by nding out the transformation of each term individually as follows. By making use of (12), it can be shown that (15) Premultiplying (9) by on both sides and using the relation in the resulting equation gives (16) By making use of (13), we can obtain the transformation of (16) as (17)

Note that the above equation has two solutions for (29)

and . From (1)(3) and (11), it follows that Now, the transformation of (4) from three-phase to the rotating frame can be obtained as (18) (19) On the other hand, the output current in (10) must also be expressed in terms of frame variables. Since (20) then it can be easily shown that (21)

It should be pointed out that there are no real solutions for if (30) The inequality in (30) determines the upper limit of the dc load current that the converter can supply. The physical possibility depends on the existence of an operating of a solution for point, which is determined by the nonsaturation condition of the switching functions in (34) (see next section). Substituting (26) and (27) in (34) gives (31)



(a) Fig. 2. V I


r m characteristics for rectication operation: (a) smaller solution for Im physically possible and (b) both solutions physically possible.

Fig. 4. Saturation constraints for the switching functions. Fig. 3. Switching function space vectors of the rectier.

generalized form for all rectier switching states as follows: which determines the operating region of the converter shown in Fig. 2 (shaded area). ( ) For a given , the larger of the solutions for may not satisfy the inequality in (31). Hence, this solution satises this inequality, then is not physically possible. If the system can be operated at this second operating point by providing the switching functions resulting from substituting in (26) and (27). C. PWM Strategy The switching states of the rectier are determined by using the space-vector PWM method (SVPWM). Given a set of three-phase switching functions, the switching function space vector is dened as (32) and is known as Parks vector. Since the where switching functions are bipolar, then (32) can be written in the (33)

It is obvious from (33) that the rectier produces only six and two zero vectors of the nonzero space vectors switching function, as shown in Fig. 3. It can be easily shown that for steady-state sinusoidal and operation of the converter, the switching functions must satisfy (see Fig. 3) (34) Hence, the above equation implies that the switching function stays unsaturated if the magnitude of the switching function . space vector is equal or less than denote half the switching period. That is, Let , where is the rectier switching frequency. Let and denote the on times of the space vectors and for states and , respectively. If and



Fig. 5. Block diagram of the closed-loop system.

are adjacent to the switching function vector , can be synthesized as the computed by the controller, then sum of the rectier switching function space vectors. In the and axes (35) (36) and are real and imaginary components of , where respectively, and superscript denotes a stationary frame and are computed by the controller quantity. Since and can easily be developed in the next section, then computed by (37) (38) and , we can solve for Having obtained the values of and from (35) and (36) as follows: (39) (40) III. LYAPUNOV-BASED CONTROL STRATEGY . Note that poswhere and always exist if the nearest itive solutions for and adjacent to the vector are chosen vectors and is not in [13]. The sum of the conduction times , then the remainder general equal to . When ). That is, of the period is spent on the zero state ( (41) means that cannot be synthesized The case with the available switching function space vectors in period. In this case, and the vector must be limited in magnitude. Therefore, scaling the magnitude of the vector In this section, a control strategy is developed based on Lyapunovs direct method which will make the converter globally asymptotically stable. Note that even though the openloop system is asymptotically stable, its dynamic behavior is not in general satisfactory, becoming increasingly oscillatory , the system is not stable). as approaches zero (with The objectives in this control strategy are to drive the dc-output and also provide unity power voltage to a reference voltage factor with near-sinusoidal input line currents. On the basis of the Lyapunov stability theory, a positive as a candidate for the Lyapunov denite scalar function function is to be found, such that the total energy of the system is continuously dissipated. In such a case, any nonlinear system
Fig. 6. k th switching cycle showing the four subintervals, switching times, and applied space vectors.

can be done by scaling the durations


as follows:

(42) Note that as in [7] we minimize the ripple content of the line currents by distributing the time spent on the zero state at the beginning and the end of the period. equally , , and In Section IV, we will discuss how we use in the analytical expressions of the line currents and the dc-output voltage to simulate the system.



(a) Fig. 7. (a) Response of the dc-output voltage (from initial value of 50 V) for a step change in (b) line current and phase voltage in the steady state (phase voltage scale is Em =10 V).


(lower trace) from 0.5 to 1.5 A at

s = 2:5

kHz and

(a) Fig. 8. (a) Response of the dc-output voltage for a step change in the steady state (phase voltage scale is Em =10 V).


from 0.5 to 1.5 A at

s = 5 kHz and (b) line current and phase voltage in

must eventually settle down to an equilibrium point. In order must to obtain global asymptotic stability of the system, be radially unbounded, by which we mean that as , where is the state vector of the system under denotes the norm of the state vector. consideration and is found such that it Assume that a Lyapunov function is negative denite and goes to is positive denite, innity as tends to innity in any direction. Then, the equilibrium point at the origin is globally asymptotically stable. Let us dene a positive denite Lyapunov function candidate as (43) and are the state variables of the system where which are dened as (44)

In addition to this, let us consider the perturbations away from the nominal operation (steady state) of the switching functions and denote these quantities with a , so that away from the nominal solution we have (45) (46) Taking the derivative of (43) along any system trajectory gives (47) After substituting (26), (44), and (45) into (18) and simple is obtained as manipulation, the expression for








Fig. 9. (a) Response of the dc-output voltage for startup at 0 V and a step change in iL . (b) The transient response of the line current due to step change in iL from 0.5 to 3 A (phase voltage scale is Em =10 V). (c) Response of id for a step change in iL . (d) Response of iq for a step change in iL .

Similarly, substitution of (27), (44), and (46) into (19) gives

It is obvious that denite if

along any system trajectory is negative (52) (53)

(49) can be obtained by substitution of The expression for (28) and (44)(46) into (22)

and are arbitrary real constants. Now, control where laws given above should be modied such that they handle switching function saturations. Substitution of (45) and (46) into (34) gives the switching function saturation constraint as (54)


In the case of switching function saturation, modied control variables are obtained from (54) as (55) (56)

Equations (48)(50) can be combined to obtain





(a) Fig. 10. (a) Response of the dc-output voltage for a step change in iL when dc-output capacitance of 10 000 of the line current due to a step change in iL from 0.5 to 1.5 A (phase voltage scale is Em =10 V).



is used and (b) the transient response

where subscript denotes the modication. Note that the switching function vector after modication lies in the circle . It is clear from (55) and (56) that the modied of radius control variables are nonlinear. In such a case, it is quite . Hence, difcult to guarantee the negative deniteness of it is necessary to decouple the saturation conditions for the and -axis switching functions. Therefore, we suggest a simple method that keeps the switching functions unsaturated. Now, suppose that the system is controlled by . That is, . In such a case, the possible values that can take to . This means that the range of are from is given by (57) represents the possible maximum steady-state where value that can take for maximum dc load current (assuming is kept constant). Similarly, we let be the control that . This variable of the system by which we mean that can change from to which is equivalent time to (58) is the possible maximum steady-state value of where which can be obtained from (34) as (59) Hence, the resultant switching function saturation constraint is rectangle in shape as shown in Fig. 4. Therefore, the modied control law can be written as follows:

(61) . With the control laws as in (60) and (61), negative deniteness is guaranteed. Note also that the system stability is of independent of the circuit parameters. Fig. 5 shows a block diagram of the proposed control system based on the Lyapunov approach. It should be noted that this control strategy has been devised based on a model obtained by assuming ideal components of the converter system. Operation of the control system would be affected in case of nonideal components in the actual system. The steady-state operating point corresponding and would slightly differ to precalculated values of from the predicted one. Hence, this would give rise to slight steady-state errors in the state variables. However, the dynamic response of the system during operation away from the steadystate operating point would not be considerably affected. IV. SIMULATION TECHNIQUE Operation of the proposed control strategy is veried by time-domain simulations. At rst, we attempted to simulate the system by using ready-packaged computer programs that involve numerical methods. The numerical method employed in solving the system differential equations is a variation of the fth-order RungeKutta algorithm. The simulation results obtained by this method are very accurate when a sufciently small step size (as the switching frequency is high) is used. However, the small step size slows down the simulation speed considerably. On the other hand, starting with a higher step size would speed up the simulation process but the results would be inaccurate. Because of the effect of reduced step size of RungeKutta method on the simulation speed, we developed a new simulation technique based on piecewise analytical solutions of






Fig. 11. (a) Response of the dc-output voltage for a sudden change from rectifying to regenerating when a dc-output capacitance of 2000 (b) the transient response of the line current for sudden change from rectifying to regenerating (phase voltage scale is E =10 V).

F is used and

the state variables. An interactive computer program for the analytical solutions has been written in FORTRAN that is run under a Unix medium on a SUN Work Station. The results showed that the developed simulation method is highly effective from the simulation speed viewpoint. Now, we start our discussion by obtaining the differential equations for the ac side of the rectier under investigation. Substitution of (1)(3) and (9) into (4) yields (62)





(64) The differential equation for the dc side of the rectier can be obtained from the substitution of (10) into (22) as (65) Solving for the dc-output voltage (72) (73) (74) is the damped resonant frequency, In the above equations, the natural resonant frequency, the damping factor, the damping ratio of the system, and the starting time for subinterval . Because of limited space, analytical solutions obtained for the line currents are too long to include them here. The system operating in CCM features four subintervals per as shown in Fig. 6, where the th switching period has half , is measured from the been isolated. The time , beginning of the switching period, i.e., the time origin.

(66) where (67) (68)







Fig. 12. Simulated and experimental responses for a step change in iL from 0.5 to 2 A. (a) and (c) Response of the dc-output voltage (top) for startup at 0 V and a step change in iL (bottom). Ch1 (iL ): 0.1 A/div; Ch2 (vo ): 2 V/div; time: 250 ms/div. (b) and (d) The transient response of the line current and phase voltage due to step change in iL . The phase voltage scale is Em =10 V in the simulated response. Ch1 (ia ): 0.2 A/div; Ch2 (ea ): 2 V/div; time: 10 ms/div.

The subscript refers to the particular switching transition within the th cycle, so that the th switching transition occurs at the beginning of the th subinterval. Note that the analytical solutions, obtained for the input line currents and the dc-output voltage, are valid in the subintervals where the switching and are applied. On the other function space vectors hand, the analytical solutions for these variables in the other ) are two subintervals where zero space vectors ( applied are given by where (75)










Fig. 13. Simulated and experimental responses for a step change from rectifying to regenerating mode. The dc load current reversal is from 1 to 1 A. (a) and (c) Response of the dc-output voltage (top) and iL (bottom). Ch1 (iL ): 0.1 A/div, Ch2 (vo ): 2 V/div, Time: 100 ms/div. (b) and (d) The transient response of the line current and phase voltage due to dc load current reversal. The phase voltage scale is Em =30 in the simulated response. Ch1 (ia ): 0.1 A/div, Ch2 (ea ): 2 V/div, Time: 10 ms/div.


V. COMPUTER SIMULATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed control method, the closed-loop system has been tested both by simulations and experiments. A hardware simulation circuit for the voltage-source PWM converter has been constructed and tested in the laboratory using the 80C196KB embedded microcontroller. Since the experimental system is a hardware simulation circuit, analog multiplexers (digitally controlled analog switches) are used to implement the electronic switches of the converter. The system has been simulated for large disturbances to conrm the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and the validity of the simulation technique.

Hence, starting with the initial conditions of and and having computed the on time of the switching function space vectors in each subinterval of the period from Section II-C, then we can compute the dcrst output voltage and the input line currents at the end of the rst ) which are going to be the initial conditions subinterval ( ). This computation process for the second subinterval ( continues, step by step, for the other subintervals in the same way.



In all the simulation and experimental results given, unless V, V, otherwise stated, rad/s, F, mH, , , . Note that in the hardware simulation circuit, and voltages, and currents are scaled by a factor of ten. A. Computer Simulation Study All the simulations given in this section, except Fig. 8, have kHz. been carried out at Figs. 7 and 8 show the response of the dc-output voltage and line current in the steady state for switching frequencies of 2.5 and 5 kHz, respectively. The transient response of the dc-output voltage due to the step change in the dc load current from 0.5 to 1.5 A is also displayed in both simulation results. It is clear from Figs. 7 and 8 that there is a steadystate error in the dc-output voltage due to the continuoustime approximation of the system used for controller design. Comparison of the steady-state response of the dc-output voltage in both cases shows that there is a signicant reduction in the steady-state error for the case where the switching frequency is higher. It can also be seen from Figs. 7(b) and 8(b) that the space-vector method is highly effective in reducing the harmonic content of the line current at higher switching frequencies. Fig. 9 shows the response of the dc-output voltage, line current, and rotating frame currents for a step change in the dc load current from 0.5 to 3 A. The system has been started at zero initial output voltage and line currents. The response of the dc-output voltage exhibits a smooth and fast transient to a sudden change in the dc reference voltage from 0 to 100 V. This means that the closed-loop system has a very good dynamic response to the step change in the dc reference voltage. The response of voltage to a step change in the dc load current can be seen to be considerably fast, with a reasonable undershoot to about 90 V, in spite of the small output capacitance. The line current is nearly a sine wave with unity power factor. The rapid amplitude change of the line current shows that this system with the proposed control law has a very good dynamic response to step changes in the dc load current. The state variables and reach their and zero, respectively, in the steady theoretical values of state. As a result, it can be concluded from Fig. 9 that the proposed control law is highly effective when the system is subjected to operate in a large nonlinear region (region caused by the step change in ). Fig. 10 shows the response of the dc-output voltage and the line current for a step change in the dc load current from 0.5 to . The dc-output capacitor was taken 1.5 A with as 10 000 F. Comparison of the responses of the dc-output voltage in Figs. 7(a) and 10(a) shows that the undershoot considerably reduces when a larger dc-output capacitor is used, whereas large capacitance at the output causes slower startup transient response of the dc-output voltage, compared with the response shown in Fig. 7(a), as shown in Fig. 10(a). Finally, Fig. 11 shows transient responses of the dc-output voltage and line current with proposed control law for a sudden change from rectifying to regenerating operation (dc load


(b) Fig. 14. Simulated and experimental responses for the PWM voltage van at steady state. Ch1: 2 V/div. Time: 2.5 ms/div.

current reversal). The dc load current reversal is from 1 to 1 A. The dc-output capacitor was taken as 2000 F. As can be seen from Fig. 11(a), the system keeps an almost constant dc-output voltage during this sudden change. The rapid 180 phase change of the line current shown in Fig. 11(b) means that this system with proposed control law has a very good dynamic response to power reversal. B. Experimental Results Experiments were carried out on the hardware simulation circuit to study the operation of the proposed control strategy. The switching frequency was chosen as 1.1 kHz, due to the extensive computations involved in the control algorithm. Simulation results corresponding to the cases studied are also



presented for comparison purposes. The gains of the controller ( and ) were chosen as 0.0006 and 0.8, respectively. Fig. 12 shows the simulated and experimental responses of the dc-output voltage and the line current for a step change in the dc load current from 0.5 to 2 A in the rectifying mode. The startup response of the dc-output voltage is also shown in Fig. 12(a) and (c). As can be clearly seen, there is very good agreement between the simulation and experimental results, verifying the correct operation of the controller. The performance of the closed-loop system for dc load current reversal has also been tested both by simulations and experiments. The simulated and experimental responses of the dc-output voltage and the line current for a sudden has change from rectifying to regenerating operation ( been changed from 1 to 1 A) are shown in Fig. 13. Note that the experimental results agree with simulation results, demonstrating the feasibility of the controller. Finally, Fig. 14 shows simulated and experimental results for the PWM voltage ( ) of the converter in the steady state. VI. CONCLUSIONS The proposed Lyapunov-based control for three-phase PWM ac/dc voltage-source converters has been described and veried by computer simulations and experiments. It is stressed that the control laws proposed so far can guarantee system stability against only small perturbations from the operating points of state variables of the original system. The control law proposed in this paper involves constructing a Lyapunov function for the system, so that the closed-loop system strictly guarantees a sufcient stability region (independent of the circuit parameters) against large-signal disturbances. It is apparent from simulation results that the closed-loop system has no stability problem and has satisfactory transient, comparable with that of the classical linear approaches. As can be seen from the simulation and experimental results, the system with the proposed control law draws nearly sine wave current from the utility line with unity power factor in both rectifying and regenerating modes. It has very good dynamic response to step changes in the dc load current and reference voltage. Another important contribution of this paper is the simulation technique based on piecewise analytical solutions for the state variables in terms of converter switching functions. REFERENCES
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Hasan K murcugil (S94) was born in Cyprus in o 1965. He received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electrical engineering from the Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), G. Magosa, Turkey, in 1989 and 1991, respectively. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree at EMU. He is currently a Research Assistant in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, EMU. His research interests are power electronics, control systems, and analog/digital electronics.

Osman Kukrer (M95) was born in Cyprus in 1956. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, in 1979, 1982, and 1987, respectively. From 1979 to 1985, he was a Research Assistant in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Middle East Technical University. From 1985 to 1986, he was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Brunel University, London, U.K., on a British Council Scholarship, where he did research on variable-speed drives. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), G. Magosa, Turkey. His current research interests include power electronics, electrical machines, and control systems.

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