Ashish Project Report

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Students Declaration

We hereby declare that the work being presented in this report entitled MAGLEV TRAIN is an authentic record of our own work carried out under the supervision of Mr. PRASHANT VASHISTA The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted by me / us for the award of any other degree.

Project Team:Anush

Agarwal .. Ashish Singh Chitranshu Srivastava . Gyan Prakash .

(0703240030) (0703240031) (0703240042)

Singh(0703240039) (0703240049) (2703240001)

Hari Om Verma . Indrajeet Singh .

Department: Mechanical engineering

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to best of my knowledge. . .. Prof. S.S.S. Govil
Mr. Prashant Vasistha

HOD Mechanical Engineering

We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the people who have been helpful in the successful completion of our project named MAGLEV TRAIN. We would like to show our greatest admiration to the highly esteemed and educated faculty members of ABES Engineering College. We are highly indebted to them for their tremendous support and help during the completion of our project. We are grateful to Mr. S.S.S. Govil; HOD (Mechanical Department) for his keen helps and support. We would like to pay special thank to Mr. Prashanta Vasistha, without his precious guidence we would not be able to compleate our project sucessfully. We would like to thanks to all peoples who directly or indirectly helped and guided us to complete our project in the colloege including the project heads Mr. Balkeshwer and Dr. V. K. Ojha

PROJECT TEAM:HARIOM VERMA ASHISH SINGH INDRAJEET (0703240024) (0703240016) (2703240002) ANUSH AGARWAL (0703240014)


(0703240023) (0703240020)

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6 Abstract Acknowledgement List of figure Preface Chapter-1 Introduction Principle Electromagnet suspension Electrodynamic suspension Staibility and Energy usage Science behind it Chapter 2(our work) 13-14 15 16-17 18-19 20-24 24-26 Chapter Page No. 4 5 8 9

6.1 6.2 6.3 7 7.1 7.2 8 8.1 8.2 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10

Farmulaes used for making model Track and train design Procedure for making track and train Chapter 3 Train material Trouble shooting Chapter-4 Propulsion system Battery powered fan Chapter-4 Train costing Track costing Advantages Disadvantages Comparison to conventational train Comparison to aircraft Apllication Economics Project gantt chart Conclusions Bibliography

26-31 31-35 35-40

41-42 43

44 45

46 47 48 49 50 51-52 53 54 55

List Of Figure
S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name Of Figure Orignal maglev Track material Track Track pasting Magnets Train material Battery and motor Train testing Complete train Page No. 20 31-36 31 34 35 36-37 44 36 57

MAGLEV is a system of transportation that suspends, guides and propels vechiles, predominantly trains using magnetic levitation from a very large number of magnets for lift and propulsion. This method has the potential to be faster, quieter and smoother than wheeled mass transit system. The power needed for levitation is usually not a particularly large percentage of the overall consumption: most of the power used is needed to overcome air drag as with any other high speed train. The term maglev refers not only to the vechiles but to the railway system as well, specifically designed for magnetic levitation & propulsion, All operational implementations of maglev technology have had minimal overlap with wheeled train technology and have not been compatible with conventional rail tracks because they cannot share existing infrastructure, these maglev system must be designed as complete transportation system. The Applied Levitation SPM Maglev system is inter operable with steel rail tracks & would permit maglev vechiles and conventional trains to operate at the same time on the same right of way. MAN in Germany also designed a maglev system that work with conventional rails.


The project report forms an important part of technical study and also it, helps a major contribution towards the practical. It has consist of type with own written and to a model of MAGLEV TRAIN in simple language and easy to understanding the technical words with its significance. The approach is both logical and progressive , so that one topic is selected to next topic with simple and smoother way in systematic manner a large number of careful device illustration and diagrams are placed at suitable place with greater clarity to the report.



Project means a complete information regarding working knowledge required circuit components diagram and its applications .It is necessary to have idea about the business organization financial rules and regulation and dear concepts of technique.


Before starting any work we have to know the meaning of PROJECT This word meaning given the follows:P R O J E C T : : : : : : : stands for planning stands for research stands for organization stands for justification stands for estimating stands for castings stands for testing





Science has changed the world, but only half-way. Our

communications and information technology (IT) are twenty-first century, but our transportation and energy technology (ET) are not. We use Twitter while waiting for the bus, track packages or monitor the electrical grid online, but the physical realities of surface transportation and power electronics have not changed all that much in a hundred years. This is about to change. What tiny signal transistors did for IT, big power transistors will do for ET. Thanks to high-power transistors, most mechanical prime movers will ultimately be replaced with more reliable and more efficient electrical prime movers. Just as the automobile replaced the horse in one generation and the Internet quickly replaced snail-mail letters, newspapers, faxes, and libraries in one generation, power electronics will replace mechanical transmissions in your generation. The tools are available now. The key components are the highpower Transistor the muscle and real-time controls the brains: reliable, nimble controls that respond instantly to a dynamically changing environment. This report describes several examples of benefits derived from replacing mechanics with mutation magnetic levitation, including currently used MAGLEV transportation system. However, the new power electronics has much wider application than MAGLEV alone.


Conventional rail transport through wide spread is now being considered inefficient in terms of fuel consumption and is time consuming . a genuine replacement for railways which is not only fuel efficient but also highly comfortable and can attain unimaginable velocities of around450-500 kms/hr are Maglev trains whosw idea was given by Robert Goddard , an American Rocket scientist , in 1904 who gave a theory that trains could be lifted off the tracks by the use of electro magnetic rails. Japan and Germany shows interest in it and began researching and designing.




Maglev (derived from magnetic levitation), is a system of

transportation that suspends, guides and propels vehicles , predominantly trains, using magnetic levitation from a very large number of magnets for lift and propulsion. This method has the potential to be faster, quieter and smoother than wheeled mass transit systems. The power needed for levitation is usually not a particularly large percentage of the overall consumption ; most of the power used is needed to overcome air drag, as with any other high speed train. The highest recorded speed of a Maglev train is 581 kilometres perhour (361 mph), achieved in Japan in 2003, 6 kilometres per hour (3.7mph) faster than the conventional TGV speed record. The first commercial Maglev "people-mover" was officially opened in 1984 near Birmingham, England. It operated on an elevated 600-metre (2000 ft) section of monorail track between Birmingham International Airport and Birmingham International railway station, running at speeds up to 42 km/h (26 mph); the system was eventually closed in 1995 due to reliability and design problems. Perhaps the most well known implementation of high-speed maglev technology currently operating commercially is the Shanghai Maglev Train, an IOS (initial operating segment) demonstration line of the German-built Transrapid train in Shanghai, China that transports people 30 km (18.6 miles) to the airport in just 7 minutes 20 seconds, achieving a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph), averaging 250 km/h (160 mph).


The term "maglev" refers not only to the vehicles, but to the railway system as well, specifically designed for magnetic levitation and propulsion. All operational implementations of maglev technology have had minimal overlap with wheeled train technology and have not been compatible with conventional rail tracks. Because they cannot share existing infrastructure, these maglev systems must be designed as complete transportation systems. The Applied Levitation SPM Maglev system is inter-operable with steel rail tracks and would permit maglev vehicles and conventional trains to operate at the same time on the same right of way. MAN in Germany also designed a maglev system that worked with conventional rails, but it was never fully developed. There are two particularly notable types of maglev technology: For electromagnetic suspension (EMS), electromagnets in the train attract it to a magnetically conductive (usually steel) track. Electrodynamic suspension (EDS) uses electromagnets on both track and train to push the train away from the rail. Another experimental technology, which was designed, proven mathematically, peer reviewed, and patented, but is yet to be built, is the magnetodynamic suspension (MDS), which uses the attractive magnetic force of a permanent magnet array near a steel track to lift the train and hold it in place. Other technologies such as repulsive permanent magnets and superconducting magnets have seen some research.



Electromagnetic System

In current electromagnetic suspension (EMS) systems, the train levitates above a steel rail while electromagnets, attached to the train, are oriented toward the rail from below. The system is typically arranged on a series of C-shaped arms, with the upper portion of the arm attached to the vehicle, and the lower inside edge containing the magnets. The rail is situated between the upper and lower edges. Magnetic attraction varies with the cube of distance, so minor changes in distance between the magnets and the rail produce greatly varying forces. These changes in force are dynamically unstable - if there is a slight divergence from the optimum position, the tendency will be to exacerbate this, and complex systems of feedback control are required to maintain a train at a constant distance from the track, (approximately 15 millimeters (0.6 in)). The major advantage to suspended maglev systems is that they work at all speeds, unlike electrodynamic systems which only work at a minimum speed of about 30 km/h. This eliminates the need for a separate low-speed suspension system, and can simplify the track layout as a result. On the downside, the dynamic instability of the system demands high tolerances of the track, which can offset, or eliminate this advantage. Laithwaite, highly skeptical of the concept, was concerned that in order to make a track with the required tolerances, the gap between the magnets and rail would have to be increased to the point where the magnets would be unreasonably large. In practice, this


problem was addressed through increased performance of the feedback systems, which allow the system to run with close tolerances.


Electrodynamic System

In electrodynamic suspension (EDS), both the rail and the train exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated by the repulsive force between these magnetic fields. The magnetic field in the train is produced by either electromagnets (as in JR-Maglev) or by an array of permanent magnets (as in Inductrack). The repulsive force in the track is created by an induced magnetic field in wires or other conducting strips in the track. A major advantage of the repulsive maglev systems is that they are naturally stable - minor narrowing in distance between the track and the magnets creates strong forces to repel the magnets back to their original position, while a slight increase in distance greatly reduces the force and again returns the vehicle to the right separation.No feedback control is needed. Repulsive systems have a major downside as well. At slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and the resultant magnetic flux is not large enough to support the weight of the train. For this reason the train must have wheels or some other form of landing gear to support the train until it reaches a speed that can sustain levitation. Since a train may stop at any location, due to equipment problems for instance, the entire track must be able to support both low-speed and high-speed operation. Another downside is that the repulsive system naturally creates a field in the trac k in front and to the rear of the lift magnets, which act against the magnets and create a form of drag. This is generally only a concern

at low speeds, at higher speeds the effect does not have time to build to its full potential and other forms of drag dominate. The drag force can be used to the electrodynamic system's advantage, however, as it creates a varying force in the rails that can be used as a reactionary system to drive the train, without the need for a separate reaction plate, as in most linear motor systems. Laithwaite led development of such "traverse-flux" systems at his Imperial College lab. Alternately, propulsion coils on the guideway are used to exert a force on the magnets in the train and make the train move forward. The propulsion coils that exert a force on the train are effectively a linear motor: an alternating current flowing through the coils generates a continuously varying magnetic field that moves forward along the track. The frequency of the alternating current is synchronized to match the speed of the train. The offset between the field exerted by magnets on the train and the applied field creates a force moving the train forward.





Earnshaw's theorem shows that any combination of static magnets cannot be in a stable equilibrium.However, the various levitation systems achieve stable levitation by violating the assumptions of Earnshaw's theorem. Earnshaw's theorem assumes that the magnets are static and unchanging in field strength and that the relative permeability is constant and greater than 1 everywhere. EMS systems rely on active electronic stabilization. Such systems constantly measure the bearing distance and adjust the electromagnet current accordingly. All EDS systems are moving systems (no EDS system can levitate the train unless it is in motion). Because Maglev vehicles essentially fly, stabilisation of pitch, roll and yaw is required by magnetic technology. In addition translations, surge (forward and backward motions), sway (sideways motion) or heave (up and down motions) can be problematic with some technologies. If superconducting magnets are used on a train above a track made out of a permanent magnet, then the train would be locked in to its lateral position on the track. It can move linearly along the track, but not off the track. This is due to the Meissner Effect.

Some systems use Null Flux systems, also known as Null Current systems; these use a coil which is wound so that it enters two opposing, alternating fields. When the vehicle is in the straight ahead position, no current flows, but if it moves off-line this creates a changing flux that generates a field that pushes it back into line.


Energy usage

Energy for maglev trains is used to accelerate the train, and may be regained when the train slows down ("regenerative braking"). It is also used to make the train levitate and to stabilise the movement of the train. The main part of the energy is needed to force the train through the air ("air drag"). Also some energy is used for air conditioning, heating, lighting and other miscellaneous systems. At very low speeds the percentage of power (energy per time) used for levitation can be significant. Also for very short distances the energy used for acceleration might be considerable. But the power used to overcome air drag increases with the cube of the velocity, and hence dominates at high speed (note: the energy needed per mile increases by the square of the velocity and the time decreases linearly.)


Electromagnetism and how its motor principle is applied to make a MagLev work.
Electromagnetism is magnetism produced by an electric current. The basic idea behind electromagnets are that you can create a magnetic field by running an electric current through a conductor (like a wire). When it is twisted into a coil and its ends are connected to a voltage source (like a battery), the magnetic field through the center of the coil will have north and south poles, same as a permanent magnet. The Levitation System of the Transrapid uses the attraction forces of Electromagnets. With electromagnets, the magnetic fields can be turned on or off, and the current flowing through the coiled conductor can even be reversed, switching the electomagnetic field's polarity. To see how the polarity is switched, place your cursor over the images.

The Motor Principle

When a conductor carrying a current is in an external magnetic field perpendicular to the conductor, a force perpendicular to the conductor and the external magnetic field will be exerted on the conductor. (I know this sounds confusing, hopefully the third picture can clear things up a bit.) The direction of the force on the conductor can be described by the right-hand rule. 1. With the right hand, the thumb points in the direction of the current. 2. The fingers point in the direction of the external magnetic field. . 3. The resulting force exerted on the conductor will go outwards of the palm.

The definition of the ampere is described with the motor principle. One ampere is defined as the amount of current, which produces a force of 2 X 10-7 newtons per metre of conductor when it flows through two straight parallel conductors a metre apart in a vaccum.

Examples of electric devices that operate on the motor principle are analog electric meters such as voltmeters, ammeters and galvanometers. In the case of MagLevs, important applications of the motor principle include an electric motor and the train. An electric motor consists of a permanent magnet (stator) which produces an external magnetic field and a conductor coiled to form an electromagnet as the armature (rotor) which is free to rotate within the external magnetic field. The armature is connected to a voltage source through brushes and a commutator, while the rotor in a Transrapid MagLev is directly wired to the train because the rotor doesn't move in relation to the train. The speed of a motor's rotation depends on the strength of the external magnetic field from the permanent magnet and the armature's electromagnetic field strength, which is determined by the number of coils, the amount of current flowing through it and its magnetic permeability and the load to the shaft. Note, when the conductor of a motor is not supplied with a current and when the shaft is moved by an external force, a current will flow out from the conductor. This is the effect of an electric generator. It's because a current is induced when the rotor is moved inside the magnetic field of the stator. A MagLev uses the same principle for charging up its onboard batteries. That is, the cable windings moving in a magnetic field induce a current for the onboard batteries. The Propulsion System of the Transrapid operates on the motor principle similar to that of an electric motor.Basically, a motor is divided into two halves, one half (the electromagnetic stator) in the guideway and the other half (the rotor) in the train's undercarriage. Instead of a motor using an electromagnetic rotating field, the Transrapid system uses an electromagnetic

travelling field, which propels the train forward or brakes the train to a stop when the direction of the electromagnetic field is reversed.


Our work



Formulaes used behind our




Symbols representation

1. distance of levitation = 2 = flux 3. = permeability


. .

4 = L x B x Bo
L=LENGTH B= BREADTH Bo= Magnetic Field of magnadur magnet.


Levitation height



Materials Of track:

Making the Track

A plank to mount the rail on. I used Contiboard. This doesnot have a grain so is less likely towarp compard to wood. It is a good idea to check it is not warped before you by it though. 2 smaller wooden planks. 18x44mm were used for this project as this was a convenient size atB&Q. The width is not critical (wider would have been better) but they need a decentthickness or else you will have problems guiding the train down the track. Make sure they arestraight when you buy them! 4 old metre rules to mount the magnets on. 80 x 50mm magnadur magnets. Screws. These will depend on the materials but I used 4 x 30mm to secure the 2 planks and4x19mm to secure the metre rules

Saw, cordless drill/screwdriver.


6.3 Procedure for making track and train

1. Sand the inside faces of the 2 wooden planks. Wipe the dust off. Carefully cover with a continuous piece of sellotape, making sure all of the air bubbles are ironed out. This will reduce the friction. 2 . Decide on a gap size for the guide. I used 13mm. The plank 3. Put marks every 20cm. Drill a pilot hole then countersink so you will lose the screw head. 4. Screw the plank down, making sure the edge of the wood is exactly on the line.


5. If the train is ready, it may be a convenient time to coat the sellotape with D, although this can be done later. 6. Get some spacers too maintain a constant plank separation. 13mm tokens from a childs gamewere used here! Anything will do as long as the gap is constt. 7. Push the second plank onto the spacers and screw down.


Mounting the magnets.

The magnadurs have poles on their flat faces. These could be glued onto the wood but it would then be difficult to recover then e.g. if the wood warped or if they were needed for a motor practical. It is a good idea therefore to tape them to metre rules so the complete magnetic rails could be removed easily. This saved lots of time. Carefully drill countersunk pilot holes in the metre rules, taking sure they will not coincide with the screws below. Screw down the magnet strips. The magnets should be on the outside. It is important to leave a gap of 23 mm between the edge of the rule and the gap else the tape will foul the keels of the train.


Track and train before propulsion system.


Magnadur magnets






Making the Train

MDF: 112x300x6m. To save buying a big sheet it may be worth seeing what off cuts are available in the DT departm ent.

Magnadur magnets Gaffer tape 60 cm of wooden rule 2 keels (see text) e.g. Teflon, bolt, nut washer. 1.Cut the main body. A good length is 30cm i.e. 6 magnets long The magnets Will be taped up to the edge of the board so the wid th has to be such that the Train magnets lie exactly above the trac k magnets. In the one below the Dimensions were 112x300x6m m. 2. Fix magnets to wooden rules e.g. 30cm lengths cut from an old metre rule. Tape them on as before. The neat underside will b e the same polarity as the top of the track for repulsion.

The one above comprised of Teflon sheet wrapped around a bolt. Drill a hole through the centreline of the main body and fix the top with a washer and nut. The hole needs to be exactly on the centreline or the magnets will not be aligned properly. That will probably be enough to keep it rigid if it fits the hole snugly. Then fix the Teflon. Curl a rectangle around

the bolt and pinch the ends. Mark where a bolt is needed, nearert heedge is better. Force pointed scissors etc through mark to make hole then insert a small bolt, securing with a small nut. Push onto the big bolt and tighten the small nut so theTeflon does not fall o ff.



The train should now levitate nicely above the track. If built we ll it should not lurch to one side. When it is going well it will glid e nicely with only a small push. Here are some tips.

Apply WD-40 to keels and sides of the guide rails on the track.

Make sure the grain has not come out on the guide rails. Sand down if necessary. Knots may rise up above the surface of the guide rails. Remove or sand down.

The sellotape may have buckled up over time, possibly due to the above.Reapply if necessary.

The magnets may not be aligned, possibly due to off centre drill holes in the main body. Get them right first time or re make the main body! The small bolts holding the Teflon to the bolt may be grinding out on the track. If so cut the top off the Teflon to move them up.


The gap in the guide may be variable. Careful construction will prevent this! The keel may be too wide (will get stuck) or too narrow (w ill flap about). It should have a tiny amount of play at all ti mes, ideally around 1mm. To achieve this packing out or using a smaller diameter bolt may be the solution. You will hopefully now have a train that can glide nicely when given a small push.





The Propulsion System

A really neat propulsion system would involve some kind of linear motor, like on real maglev systems. A d.c. linear motor would require some electronic expertise as Hall devices and op amps would be required along with a push pull amplifier and electromagnet. This would be time consuming, even if you know what to do. The method below is far simpler.

8.2 Materials

Battery Powered Fan

A 3V or 6V d.c. motor. Most physics departments will have these, otherwise order from a science or electronic supplier (e.g. Rapid). Wire, crocodile clips. Angle brackets, screws. Gaffer tape. large 6V cell (battery). Soldering iron. 1. Strip the ends of 25cm of insulated wire. Solder one end to the motor, fix the other end to a crocodile clip.



Strip the ends of 25cm of insulated wire. Solder one end to the motor, fix the other end to a crocodile clip. A simple and inexpensive plastic propeller can be bought from a model shop. Push onto the motor. If you have a selection of motors, now is a good time to test them to see which is best. Fix to main body. At first it can simply be taped to the 6V cell but it helps if the motor is mounted on a tower when different arrangements are being considered. This can be improvised from any old piece of wood e.g. 120x30x18mm MDF. It is best fixed with some brackets and screws. Play around with the battery and tower to get the train balanced.



Battery and motor





Train costing

6mm MDF sheet :- Rs 500 6V lantern battery :- Rs 150 3V high power motor :- Rs 50 Propeller:- Rs 50 Magnets for 30 cm train:- 360 Metal brackets:- Rs 250 Screws :-Rs 80



Track Costing

Contiboard -Rs 220 Magnets for 1m track Rs.2500. Screws Rs 270. 2 guide planks ( 2x1.60mm) Gaffer tape Rs 240. Rs 160.




Maglev train cars are less expensive to build and are relatively quiet in comparison to conventional trains. The maglev tracks take up a lot less land, because they are elevated. This also reduces the amount of collisions and accidents. No traffic! Maglev trains use far less energy than other types of transportation. Maglev trains do not pollute (since instead of using fossil fuels, magnetic fields are used to levitate and propel the trains forward). Maglev trains are much faster, because they float over the track eliminating rolling resistance and potentially improving the power efficiency. Maglev trains require Less maintenance (no wear because they float over the track). A lot of potential. The possibility of linking 2 cities, over a distance of 1500km.




Cost is major issue when considering maglev trains, especially since they cannot operate on the existing, conventional rails. Guideways would need to be built in order to make use of this new technology, costing approximately $8.5 billions. The weight of the electromagnets in the EMS and EDS systems are also an issue. A very strong magnetic field is required to levitate the heavy trains, and maintaining the field constant requires a lot of energy which is expensive.



Compared to conventional trains

Major comparative differences between the two technologies lie in backward-compatibility, rolling resistance, weight, noise, design constraints, and control systems. Backwards Compatibility: Maglev trains currently in peration are not compatible with conventional track, and therefore require all new infrastructure for their entire route. By contrast conventional high speed trains such as the TGV are able to run at reduced speeds on existing rail infrastructure, thus reducing expenditure where new infrastructure would be particularly expensive (such as the final approaches to city terminals), or on extensions where traffic does not justify new infrastructure. Efficiency: Due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle, maglev trains experience no rolling resistance, leaving only air resistance and electromagnetic drag, potentially improving power efficiency. Weight: The weight of the large electromagnets in many EMS and EDS designs is a major design issue. A very strong magnetic field is required to levitate a massive train. For this reason one research path is using superconductors to improve the efficiency of the electromagnets, and the energy cost of maintaining the field. Noise: Because the major source of noise of a maglev train comes from displaced air, maglev trains produce less noise than a conventional train at equivalent speeds. However, the psychoacoustic profile of the maglev may reduce this benefit: a study concluded that maglev noise should be rated like road traffic while conventional trains have a 5-10 dB "bonus" as they are found less annoying at the same loudness level.


Design Comparisons: Braking and overhead wire wear have caused problems for the Fastech 360 railed Shinkansen. Maglev would eliminate these issues. Magnet reliability at higher temperatures is a countervailing comparative disadvantage (see suspension types), but new alloys and manufacturing techniques have resulted in magnets that maintain their levitational force at higher temperatures. As with many technologies, advances in linear motor design have addressed the limitations noted in early maglev systems. As linear motors must fit within or straddle their track over the full length of the train, track design for some EDS and EMS maglev systems is challenging for anything other than point-to-point services. Curves must be gentle, while switches are very long and need care to avoid breaks in current. An SPM maglev system, in which the vehicle is permanently levitated over the tracks, can instantaneously switch tracks using electronic controls, with no moving parts in the track. A prototype SPM maglev train has also navigated curves with radius equal to the length of the train itself, which indciates that a full-scale train should be able to navigate curves with the same or narrower radius as a conventional train. Control Systems: EMS Maglev needs very fast-responding control systems to maintain a stable height above the track; this needs careful design in the event of a failure in order to avoid crashing into the track during a power fluctuation. Other maglev systems do not necessarily have this problem. For example, SPM maglev systems have a stable levitation gap of several centimeters.



Compared to aircraft

For many systems, it is possible to define a lift-to-drag ratio. For maglev systems these ratios can exceed that of aircraft (for example Inductrack can approach 200:1 at high speed, far higher than any aircraft). This can make maglev more efficient per kilometre. However, at high cruising speeds, aerodynamic drag is much larger than lift-induced drag. Jet transport aircraft take advantage of low air density at high altitudes to significantly reduce drag during cruise, hence despite their lift-to-drag ratio disadvantage, they can travel more efficiently at high speeds than maglev trains that operate at sea level (this has been proposed to be fixed by the vactrain concept). Aircraft are also more flexible and can service more destinations with provision of suitable airport facilities. Unlike airplanes, maglev trains are powered by electricity and thus need not carry fuel. Aircraft fuel is a significant danger during takeoff and landing accidents. Also, electric trains emit little direct carbon dioxide emissions, especially when powered by nuclear or renewable sources, but more than aircraft if powered by coal resources.


NASA current area of research on skytran based on magnetic levitation principle. Low-Cost Access to Space .

Other Application of Maglev

1.Rocket launcher. 2. Aircraft launcher pad. 3.Roller coaster.




The Shanghai maglev cost 9.93 billion yuan to build.[36] This total includes infrastructure capital costs such as manufacturing and construction facilities, and operational training. At 50 yuan per passenger[37] and the current 7,000 passengers per day, income from the system is incapable of recouping the capital costs (including interest on financing) over the expected lifetime of the system, even ignoring operating costs. This changes if capacity utilization increases from the current 20%. China aims to limit the cost of future construction extending the maglev line to approximately 200 million yuan per kilometer. Baltimore-Washington Maglev project gives an estimated 2008 capital costs of 4.361 billion US dollars for 39.1 miles, or 111.5 million US dollars per mile (69.3 million US dollars per kilometer). The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) conducted their own Environmental Impact Statement, and put the pricetag at 4.9 billion dollars for construction, and 53 million a year for operations. The proposed Ch Shinkansen maglev in Japan is estimated to cost approximately US$82 billion to build, with a route blasting long tunnels through mountains. A Tokaido maglev route replacing current Shinkansen would cost some 1/10th the cost, as no new tunnel blasting would be needed, but noise pollution issues would make it infeasible. The only lowspeed maglev (100 km/h) currently operational, the Japanese Linimo HSST, cost approximately US$100 million/km to build. [39] Besides offering improved operation and maintenance costs over other transit systems, these low-speed maglevs provide ultra-high levels of operational reliability and introduce little noise and zero air pollution into dense urban settings. As maglev systems are deployed around the world, experts expect construction costs to drop as new construction methods are innovated along with economies of scale.





We have known how the technology works, we believe that maglev systems can be researched further to be used in advanced applications and maglev technologies are high in demand due to it being environmentally friendly. Even though maglevs have drawbacks in terms of the cost to build it, the major advantages over shadow the drawbacks in a long term. Maglev trains use magnets to levitate and propel the trains forward. Since there is no friction these trains can reach high speeds.

It is a safe and efficient way to travel Governments have mixed feelings about the technology. Some countries, like China, have embraced it and others like Germany have balked at the expense. The Inductrack technology show promise but will require a long and extensive development period before it can be evaluated as a candidate for commercial use. We know how the technology works,we believe thatmaglev system can be researched further to used in advanced application. Maglev system is high in demand as it is environment friendly.



Resnick halliday physic book .

Wikipedia . 0,24195,3370193,00.html
56 %20OnLine/Phy/sub/electmag/electmag.htm


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