First Draft Adriana's Group

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What is the Sun? Since ancient times, it was considered that the Sun is the largest component of the solar system, and also noted that the Sun is the closest star to Earth. An important feature of this great star is that it is essential for the existence of life; therefore, the sun has the ability to emit light and becomes the main energy source on Earth. The most important aspect is the sun, because it manifests its energy as light and heat, which could be harmful to all living organisms that inhabit the planet Earth as the flow of energy we receive from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic waves is considered the phenomenon of Solar Radiation. What is Our Relationship with the Sun? As human beings, we tend to have a love-hate relationship with the sun. On the one hand, sunlight keeps us warm, creates food and shelter for us via plant life, and gives us light. On the other hand, as greenhouse gases trap more heat and the ozone layer allows more dangerous UV radiation in, the suns rays can be distinctly dangerous. UV rays cause skin cancer in humans and animals, but can contrastingly improve other skin conditions like psoriasis. We need the sun biologically, as well, as it causes our bodies to produce vital vitamins A and D. Solar radiation and sunlight make it possible for the Earth to house life. The negative aspects of our relationship with the sun are primarily the result of human irresponsibility: we develop skin cancer when we ignore our bodies signals to avoid sunlight, and we struggle with global warming because weve ignored the environmental concerns of our actions. When we dont give solar radiation the respect it deserves, we are literally playing with fire.

What is Solar Radiation? Loosely defined, solar radiation is the total frequency spectrum of electromagnetic radiation produced by the sun. This spectrum covers visible light and near-visible radiation, such as x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, infrared radiation, and radio waves. The visible light and heat of the sun makes life possible, and is called daylight or sunshine. The earths atmosphere deflects or filters the majority of the suns harmful radiation, and our near-perfect positioning in the solar system allows us to receive the benefits proximity to the Sun without being baked or broiled like Venus or Mercury. What is the environmental impact on the Earth caused by Solar Radiation? Solar radiation is partially depleted and attenuated as it traverses the atmospheric layers, preventing a substantial portion of it from reaching the earth's surface. This phenomenon is due to absorption, scattering, and reflection in the upper atmosphere (stratosphere), with its thin layer of ozone, and the lower atmosphere (troposphere), within which cloud formations occur and weather conditions manifest themselves. What are the effects of the Solar Radiation to affect directly to humanity? The extensive exposure to the sun by living organisms that inhabit theEarth, we can be the target of Solar Radiation because the Sun is causing severe damage, not only in the skin of humans beings but also in our eyes. It has been demonstrated in recent research by the World Health Organization (WHO), and they have concluded that Solar Radiation is currently exerting a profound negative effect on

health, more than in previous years, because damage by the Sun as burns and skin spots (sunspots) are accumulated, but the risk of suffering a disease of the epidermis increases over time. According to these investigations, the solar radiation is causing multiple injuries to humans, primarily in the skin, showing evidence of skin cancer and premature aging of the same. Moreover, Solar Radiation has also caused damage to the eyes of humans, causing primarily eye cataracts and other eye diseases. What happened with the solar radiation in our times? Solar radiation is becoming increasingly appreciated because of its influence on living matter and the feasibility of its application for useful purposes. It is a perpetual source of natural energy that, along with other forms of renewable energy, has a great potential for a wide variety of applications because it is abundant and accessible. Solar radiation is rapidly gaining ground as a supplement to the nonrenewable sources of energy, which have a finite supply.


REFERENCES id_noticia=558&id_seccion=228

Munsterberg, H. (1916). The photoplay: A psychological study. Retrieved from

What is the sun? Since ancient times, it was considered that the Sun is the largest component of the solar system. The Sun is the source of almost all the energy that reaches Earth. The sun's energy goes through electromagnetic radiation as light, X-rays and radio waves to 150 million miles that separate it from our planet Earth. So the sun has always been very important for life because it provides light and heat. Most of the alternative energy sources depend on more or less direct sun. The sun's energy stored in plants for millions of years gives us the fossil fuels. The Earth receives only a fraction of the energy emitted by the Sun's energy comes from fusion reactions that occur in its core. The sun emits an enormous amount of energy has mass, so its weight decreases in million tons per second. Thompson, M. J. (2004). "Solar interior: Helioseismology and the Sun's interior". Astronomy and Geophysics 45 (4): 2125.
El sol tiene una estructura en forma de capas sucesivas que difieren bastante entre s. La mayor parte de la energa se genera en el ncleo que alcanza temperaturas extremadamente elevadas (unos 15.000.000 C). La energa se genera por fusin lo que requiere una temperatura muy elevada. El dimetro del Sol es tres mil millones de veces el ancho de una enciclopedia y su propia gravedad lo mantiene todo unido hacia su centro con lo que se generan inmensas presiones que a su vez producen calor. Una vez iniciadas las reacciones de fusin, el calor producido es suficiente para auto mantenerlas. La energa del ncleo pasa de tomo en tomo hacia el exterior, primero por radiacin y despus por conveccin hasta llegar a la parte visible del sol, llamada fotosfera. Despus de la fotosfera se encuentra la cromosfera que viene a ser como una especie de atmosfera. La energa tarda miles de aos en viajar desde el ncleo hasta la fotosfera.

The sun has a structure in the form of successive layers which differ from each other. Most of the energy generated in the core reachesextremely high temperatures about fifteen million degrees Celsius (15,000,000 C). Power is generated by fusion which requires a very high temperature. The diameter of the Sun is three billion times the width of an encyclopedia and its own gravity keeps it all together toward its center with immense pressures generated which in turnproduces heat. Once initiated fusion reactions, the heat produced is sufficient to self-maintain such reactions. The core energy passes from atom to atom outwards, first by radiation and convection then up to the visible part of the Sun, called the photosphere. After the photosphere lies the chromosphere which is like a kind of atmosphere. The energy takes thousands of years to travel from the core to the photosphere.

La radiacin solar
En la actualidad, el tema de la salud es muy comn en la sociedad, esto se da hasta tal punto en que hasta los restaurantes de comida rpida han puesto en el mercado nuevas opciones dietticas y saludables, y las cremas bloqueadoras para la piel ahora son perfumadas e incoloras. De esta manera, se va creando una revolucin para cuidar cada vez ms nuestro cuerpo, y nos damos cuenta que hay muchos factores que pueden afectar nuestro bienestar y para esto debemos estar bien preparados. Nos encontramos en una hermosa poca del ao, el verano, poca de carnavales, probablemente la mayora de lectores de este artculo habr ido a la playa por lo menos un fin de semana, o en algn momento ha sentido un poco del calor del Sol en la calle, el trabajo, etc., y no nos damos cuenta, ni somos consientes de el inmenso dao que este simple calor nos causa a la salud. El causante del calor que sentimos en algunas pocas del ao es el Sol. El Sol es el elemento ms grande del Sistema Solar, y adems la estrella ms cercana a la Tierra. Como toda estrella, emite luz y es la principal fuente de energa de la Tierra. ste manifiesta su energa en forma de luz y calor, las cuales podran ser dainas para nosotros. El flujo de energa que recibimos del Sol en forma de ondas electromagnticas se llama radiacin solar. Esta tiene diferentes frecuencias; luz visible, infrarroja y ultravioleta. Solo la mitad de estas pueden ser detectadas por el ojo humano, y se les conoce como luz visible. La otra mitad de frecuencias es en su mayora compuesta por frecuencias infrarrojas y una pequea parte le pertenece a las frecuencias ultravioletas. Esta mitad compuesta por frecuencias infrarrojas y ultravioletas, no es absorbida por la atmsfera, produciendo de esta forma quemaduras en la piel. Adems la radiacin solar se divide segn como los objetos reciben la radiacin del Sol; radiacin directa (directamente del Sol), difusa (reflejada o absorbida por nubes), reflejada (reflejada por la superficie terrestre) y global (las tres radiaciones juntas). Segn el tipo de recepcin las consecuencias de la radiacin solar en contacto con la piel sers distintas, ya sean ms o menos perjudiciales. El planeta solar es indispensable para la existencia de vida, es por eso que no solo causa dao, sino tambin es un factor muy importante para los organismos vivos. Este es tan beneficioso, hasta el punto de estimular la formacin de las vitaminas A y D, las cuales contribuyen a la formacin, as como la consolidacin de los huesos y dientes. Por otra parte, como todo exceso es daino, la radiacin de nuestro querido sol puede ser causante de severos daos, no solo en la piel, sino tambin en zonas oculares. La Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS), ha realizado investigaciones y concluido finalmente con la afirmacin de que las radiaciones solares ejercen un efecto negativo en la salud. Segn investigaciones estas investigaciones, la radiacin solar puede causar mltiples daos al ser humano, principalmente en la

piel, por medio de cncer a la piel o el envejecimiento prematuro de esta misma. Tambin puede llegar a causar cataratas en los ojos, as como otras enfermedades oculares. En adicin a lo anteriormente mencionado, los daos producidos por el Sol son acumulativos desde la niez, por eso el riesgo aumenta con el tiempo. La exposicin frente a los rayos ultravioleta del Sol presentan una serie de efectos inmediatos, as como otros tardos o posteriores. Los efectos inmediatos son quemaduras solares traducidas en el enrojecimiento de la piel, o quemaduras de primer grado; bronceado (pigmentacin); alteraciones del sistema inmunitario; e insolaciones. Los efectos tardo son; la formacin de tumores; alteraciones oculares; y dilatacin vascular con arrugas y manchas (envejecimiento prematuro de la piel). Es as como a partir de una serie de efector inmediatos se puede llegar a padecer de una serie de efectos tardos, los cuales no son nada agradables, y pueden ser tan perjudiciales, hasta el punto de causar la muerte. A tantos problemas causados por la continua y desmesurada exposicin al sol se han encontrado posibles soluciones y prevenciones para reducir los efectos de este mismo. En primer lugar, la proteccin de los rayos del sol debe ser constante, es decir, debe perdurar todo el ao, a pesar de no percibir el sol con nuestros ojos. Adems se debe tener mayor cuidado y atencin a la proteccin durante los meses entre Septiembre y Abril del siguiente ao. Es muy importante usar como medida preventiva un bloqueador solar, este debe aplicarse antes de salir de casa todos los das, a pesar de que no haya presencia visible del Sol, y treinta minutos antes de exponerse a los rayos. Adems la aplicacin debe ser continua segn el tiempo e exposicin a los rayos solares, el factor de proteccin el cual debe ser siempre mayor a 30, y al tipo de piel. La utilizacin de prendas que bloqueen la entrada y llegada de rayos solares en contacto directo a la piel, y en caso de rayos solares extremos, se debera mantener bajo sombra, y salir solo en casos de emergencia. Actualmente hay una gran variedad de marcas y tipos de bloqueador, ya sean ms econmicos, antialrgicos, para pieles sensibles, etc., que se pueden adecuar al uso de cada persona, haciendo cada vez ms gustoso el cuidado personal de la salud. En conclusin, los rayos solares, son indispensables para la vida, pero a su vez pueden hasta llegar a causar la muerte por una excesiva recepcin de estos, es por eso que se presentan distintas conductas y productos para poder protegerse, de estos, pudiendo tener una vida plena y saludable.


Today, the issue of health is very common in society, this occurs to such an extent that even the fast food restaurants have been on the market new, healthy dietary choices, and blocking creams for skin now scented and colorless. Thus, creating a revolution is going to look more and more our body, and we realize that there are many factors that can affect our well being and for this we must be well prepared. We are in a beautiful time of year, the summer carnival season, probably most readers of this article have gone to the beach at least a weekend, or at some time felt a bit of heat from the Sun the street, work, etc.., and we are not aware, nor are we aware of the immense damage this simple "heat" causes us to health. The cause of the heat we feel at some times of year is the Sun. The Sun is the largest in the solar system, and also the closest star to Earth. Like any star, emits light and is the main energy source on Earth. It expresses its energy as light and heat, which could be harmful to us. The flow of energy we receive from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic waves is called solar radiation. This has different frequencies, visible light, infrared and ultraviolet.Only half of these can be detected by the human eye, and are known as visible light. The other half of frequencies is mostly composed of infrared frequencies and a small part belongs to ultraviolet frequencies. This half consisting of infrared and ultraviolet frequencies, is not absorbed by the atmosphere, thereby producing a skin burn. Besides solar radiation is divided depending on how the objects are the sun's radiation, direct radiation (direct sunlight), diffuse (reflected or absorbed by clouds), reflected (reflected by the earth's surface) and global (the three radiation together). Depending on the type of reception the consequences of solar radiation on skin contact will be different, either more or less harmful. The solar planet is essential for the existence of life, is why not only cause harm, but is also very important for living organisms. This is so beneficial, so much to stimulate the formation of vitamins A and D, which contribute to the formation and strengthening of bones and teeth. Moreover, as any excess is harmful radiation of our beloved sun may be causing severe damage not only in the skin, but also in eye areas. The World Health Organization (WHO) has conducted research and finally concluded with the statement that solar radiation have a negative effect on health. According to research these investigations, the solar radiation can cause multiple damage to humans, primarily in the skin through skin cancer

and premature aging of the same. It also can lead to cataracts and other eye diseases. In addition to the above, the damage from the sun are cumulative from childhood, so the risk increases with time. The exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays have a number of immediate effects, and other late or later. The immediate effects are translated sunburn the reddening of the skin, or first degree burns, tan (pigmentation), alterations of the immune system, and sunstroke. Late effects are: the formation of tumors, ocular, and vascular dilation with wrinkles and blemishes (premature skin aging). Thus, from a series of immediate effector may be suffering from a series of late effects, which are not all pleasant, and can be as harmful to the point of death. So many problems caused by the continuous and excessive sun exposure have been found possible solutions and preventive measures to reduce the effects of this. First, the protection of the sun's rays must be constant, ie it should last all year, despite the sun not to perceive with our eyes. It also must take extra care and attention to protection during the months between September and April the following year. It is very important to use as a preventive measure a sunscreen, it must be applied before leaving home every day, even though no "visible presence" of the Sun, and thirty minutes before exposure to UV. Also, the application must be continuous as time and exposure to sunlight, the protection factor which must always be greater than 30, and skin type. The use of clothing to block the entrance and arrival of sunlight into direct contact to the skin, and in case of extreme sunlight, should be kept under shade, and leave only in cases of emergency. Currently there are a variety of brands and types of sunscreen, and more affordable, hypoallergenic, for sensitive skin, etc.., You can tailor the use of each person, becoming more willingly the personal health care. In conclusion, the sun's rays are essential for life, but can turn up to cause death by excessive receipt of these, that is why we are different behaviors and products to protect themselves, of these, may have a full and healthy life.

El Sol, es una estrella del tipo espectral G2 que se encuentra en el centro del Sistema Solar y constituye la mayor fuente de energa electromagntica de este sistema planetario. La Tierra y otros cuerpos (incluidos otros planetas, asteroides, meteoroides, cometas y polvo) orbitan alrededor del Sol. Por s solo, representa alrededor del 98,6 por ciento de la masa del Sistema Solar. La distancia media del Sol a la Tierra es de aproximadamente 149.600.000 kilmetros, o 92.960.000 millas, y su luz recorre esta distancia en 8 minutos y 19 segundos. La energa del Sol, en forma de luz solar, sustenta a casi todas las formas de vida en la Tierra a travs de la fotosntesis, y determina el clima de la Tierra y la meteorologa. Es la estrella del sistema planetario en el que se encuentra la Tierra; por tanto, es el astro con mayor brillo aparente. Su visibilidad en el cielo local determina, respectivamente, el da y la noche en diferentes regiones de diferentes planetas. En la Tierra, la energa radiada por el Sol es aprovechada por los seres fotosintticos, que constituyen la base de la cadena trfica, siendo as la principal fuente de energa de la vida. Tambin aporta la energa que mantiene en funcionamiento los procesos climticos. El Sol es una estrella que se encuentra en la fase denominada secuencia principal, con un tipo espectral G2, que se form entre 4.567,9 y 4.570,1 millones de aos y permanecer en la secuencia principal aproximadamente 5000 millones de aos ms. El Sol, junto con todos los cuerpos celestes que orbitan a su alrededor, incluida la Tierra, forman el Sistema Solar.

The Sun is a star of spectral type G2 is in the center of the Solar System and is the largest source of electromagnetic energy of the planetary system. The Earth and other bodies (including other planets, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and dust) orbit around the sun itself, accounts for about 98.6 percent of the mass of the Solar System. The mean distance from the Sun to the Earth is about 149,600,000 kilometers or 92,960,000 miles, and its light travels this distance in 8 minutes and 19 seconds. The sun's energy in the form of sunlight, supports almost all life forms on Earth through photosynthesis, and determines the Earth's climate and weather. It is the star of the planetary system where Earth is, so the star is most apparent brightness. Their visibility in the local sky determined, respectively, day and night in different regions from different planets. On Earth, the energy radiated by the sun is used by photosynthetic beings, which form the basis of the food chain, making it the main source of life energy. It also provides the energy that keeps the climate processes. The Sun is a star that is called the main sequence phase, with a spectral type G2, which was formed between 4567.9 and 4570.1 million years and will remain on the main sequence about 5000 million years. The Sun, with all the celestial bodies orbiting around it, including Earth, formed the solar system.

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